EDA Agenda 10-29-1991AGENDA MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Tuesday, October 29, 1991 - 7:00 PM City Nall MEMBERS: Chairperson Ron Hoglund, Barb Schwientek, Bob Mosford, Brad Fyle, Clint Herbst, Harvey Kendall, and Al Larson. STAFF: Rick Wolfsteller, Jeff O'Neill, and 011ie Koropchak. 1. CALL TO ORDER. 2. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE JULY 23, 1991 EDA MINUTES. 3. CONSIDERATION OF TO DISCUSS THE MAY 13, 1991 COUNCIL MINUTES. a) GMEF GUIDELINES. b) UDAG REPAYMENT INCOME APPROPRIATION 4. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW LEGAL OPINION ON THE USE OF THE UDAG REPAYMENT INCOME. S. CONSIDERATION OF AN UPDATE ON THE AROPLAX CORPORATION PROJECT. 6. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW THE GMEF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE ACCOUNTS. 7. OTHER BUSINESS. B. ADJOURNMENT. 61 i MINUTES MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Tuesday, July 23, 1991 - 7:OOPM City Hall MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Ron Hoglund, Barb Schwientek, Bob Mosford, Clint Herbst, Harvey Kendall, and Al Larson. MEMBERS ABSENT: Brad Fyle. STAFF PRESENT: 011ie Koropchak. STAFF ABSENT: Rick Wolfsteller and Jeff O'Neill. 1. CALL TO ORDER. Chairperson Ron Hoglund called the EDA meeting to order at 7:02 PM. 2. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE APRIL 23, 1991 AND JUNE 26, 1991 EDA MINUTES. Harvey Kendall made a motion to approve the April 23 and June 26, 1991 EDA minutes. Seconded by Barb Schwientok and without additions or corrections, the minutes wore approved as written. 3. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW CITY COUNCIL ACTIONS ON EDA REOUESTS. a) Aroplax Corporation GMEF Loan No. 003 - Koropchak reported that at the July 8 City Council mooting, the Council members roviewod the EDA approved GMEF Loan No. 003 for Aropiax Corporation. The council took no action as they found the loan to be consistent with the GMEF guidelines. Koropchak reported that the company is still shopping for bank committmont with threo banks expressing strong interest, one of which, is a local lending institution. b) Annual Activity and Financial Reports - Koropchak reported that at the May 13 Council mooting, members reviewed the reports and approved a motion acknowledging the rocolpt and acceptance of tho annual GMEF roport. C) GMEF Guidolinos and EDA Bylaws - Koropchak reported that at the May 13 Council mooting, the Council approved a motion amending the GMEF Guidelines and the EDA Bylaws as recommended by the EDA. Ono job is oquivalont of 37.5 hours par weak, minimum foe of $200 but not to exceed 1.58 of total loan project, the City Attorney shall review and/or prepare all contracts, legal documents, and intercreditor agreements, and the EDA meeting time set at 7:OOPM. d) UDAG Repayment Income Committment - Koropchak reported that at the May 13 Council meeting, the Council approved a motion authorizing a $90,000 commitment (only) of the UDAG repayment income to the GMEF. The request by the EDA was for an immediate appropriation commitment of $90,000 with an annual appropriation commitment thereafter of $27,000 over the next eight years. e) Annual Appropriation of $200,000 GMEF Commitment - Koropchak reported that at the May 13 Council meeting, the Council approved a motion authorizing an additional appropriation commitment of $48,000 from the Liquor Fund thereby meeting the FDA's goal of a $200,000 annual GMEF appropriation. With the approval of the $30,000 GMEF for Aroplax Corporation, with Council's approval of a $90,000 UDAG appropriation commitment (only), with lending institutions greater reluctance to approve commercial loans, and with the unknown of 1992 GMEF Loan request; Barb Schwientek made a motion that the EDA ask Mr. Wolfsteller to appropriate $100,000 for the GMEF in the 1992 City Budget. The motion was seconded by Al Larson and without further discussion the motion passed unanimously. 4. CONSIDERATION TO HEAR AND REVIEW GUIDELINE COMPATIBILITY AND LEGAL ACCOUNTABILITY OF THE UDAG AND GMEF FUNDS. The EDA reviewed Mr. Weingardon's letter in reference to the GMEF Guidelines and noted the necessity of an adequate notice for holding meetings open to the public in accordance with Minnesota Statutes. Also, the EDA noted all GMEF applicants have a right to be present throughout the meeting. In reference to the GMEF Guidelines, Definition of Public Purpose, Paragraph 3, Mr. Woingardon suggests that paragraph 3 be re-writton as it currently appears to be anti-competitive in nature. Suggestion as follows: "To assist now or existing industrial or commercial businesses to improve or expand their operations. Consideration for loans shall take into account factors Including, but not limited to, the nature and extent of the business, the product or service involved, the present availability of the product or service within the City of Monticello, the compatibility of the proposed business as it relates to the comprehensive plan and I� existing zoning policies, and the potential for adverse y,. environmental effects of the business, if any." Bob Mosford made a motion for the EDA to amend the GMEF Guidelines, Definition of Public Purpose, Paragraph 3, to read as stated above and as written by Mr. Weingarden with recommendation for the City Council to review and amend accordingly. The motion was seconded by Al Larson and without further discussion the motion passed unanimously. The motion was passed because the EDA felt that Mr. Weingarden would be in a better position to defend or represent the EDA or the City if the necessity ever arose. The EDA reviewed the letter from Mr. Weingarden in reference to the use of the UDAG Funds. No action was taken. 5. CONSIDERATION OF AN UPDATE ON THE TWO GMEF LOANS.. Roropchak provided the EDA with a summary of the meeting held between the Wright County State Bank, Tapper's Inc. and herself. Lance summarized Tapper's first year of business in Monticello as slow and tough due the economy, their move, and their monthly lease payment of $3,000 for existing property in St. Michael which ended June 1, 1991. All loan payments for both Tapper's and Muller's are current. 6. OTHER BUSINESS. None. \I 7. ADJOURNMENT. The EDA meeting adjourned at 8:00 PM. 011ie Roropchak, EDA Executive Director N Council Minutes - 5/13/91 After discussion, a motion was made by Shirley Anderson and seconded by Clint Herbst to adopt a resolution calling for a public hearing date of June 10, 1991, for the modification of the Redevelopment Project Pian and existing TIF district plans and establishment of a TIF District No. 1-12 and plan. Motion carried unanimously. SEE RESOLUTION 91-11. 16. Consideration to receive and accent the Annual Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund Report. Council reviewed the status of the Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund. After discussion, a motion was made by Brad Fyle and seconded by Clint Herbst to acknowledge the receipt and accept the Annual Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund Report. Motion carried unanimously. D7Considerationto amend the Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund (GMEF) Guidelines and Economic Development Authority (EDA) Bylaws. Economic Development Director, 011ie Xoropchak, reviewed the proposed changes to the GMEF Guidelines and EDA Bylaws as proposed by the Economic Development Authority. After discussion, a motion was made by Clint Herbst and seconded by Brad Fyle to amend the fund guidelines by noting that 1) one job is equivalent to 37.9 hours per week; 2) establish a minimum fee of $200 but not to exceed 1.55 of total loan project; 3) include a requirement that prior to issuance of an approved loan, the City shall review and/or approve all contracts, legal documents, and intercreditor assignments; and 4) amend the meeting time for the Economic Development Authority to 7:00 p.m. Motion to include request that the EDA give consideration to preparing an amendment that would allow the City Council to conduct a preliminary revs of loan applications prior to final approval by the EDAJ. Motion carried unanimously. 18 Consideration of dedicatinq Urban Development Action Grant funds to the Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund. 011io Xoropchak reported that the City annually receives funds from the Urban Development Action Grant program in the amount of $27,971. The City will be receiving an annual payment in this amount through December 1999. It is proposed by the EDA that these funds be committed to future capital needs of the Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund. Xoropchak noted that the UDAG program requires that such funds be used for economic Pago 8 �'Ia 8l - Council Minutes - 5/13/91 development purposes and that committing UDAG funds to the GMEF program is a use of UDAG funds that is common in other cities. After discussion, ation was made by Clint Herbst and 6 go.aa� seconded by Brad Fyle�to authorize the commitment of UDAG repayment income to the Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund. Tei 1, Motion carried unanimously. $335, 6L� 19. Consideration to authorize a commitment to maintaining a beginninq balance of $200,000 for the Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund. 011ie Koropchak reported that the Economic Development Authority requests that Council maintain an annual beginning balance of $200,000 for the GMEF program. By establishing a commitment of $200,000 as the beginning balance annually, the Economic Development Authority would have funds available to make the program workable. Currently, there is no commitment to maintaining a minimum balance or loan commitment level, which limits the flexibility of the GMEF program. It was suggested by Koropchak that the minimum balance of $200,000 could be achieved by appropriating the remaining balance of the original $200,000 commitment, which is $62,000, plus the appropriation of UDAG funding available at $90,000, plus an additional appropriation of $48,000 from the liquor fund. Koropchak reminded Council that the proposal does not require that the funds be transferred to the EDA, it only provides a commitment that those funds would be available in the event that they are needed. After discussion, a motion was made by Dan Blonigen and seconded by Clint Herbst to approve an additional appropriation from the liquor fund of $48,000 and authorize a commitmonf to provide a beginning balance of $200,000. Motion carried unanimously. 20. Consideration of renting or demolition of the recently - acquired house adjacent to City Hall. This item was tabled for further review by Council members. it was suggested that each Council member visit the property prior to further action on this matter. 21. Consideration of approval of plans and specifications for 1991 sealcoat project and authorization to advertise for bids. A motion was made by Shirley Andorson and seconded by Dan Blonigen to approve the specifications as drafted with the now project scheduled and authorize advertisement for bids with an anticipated cost of $4,500. Motion carried unanimously. a^^?✓ Page 9 GREATER MONTICELLO ENTERPRISE FUND APPROPRIATIONS AND LOANS Appropriations 1989 Liquor Fund Appropriation 1991 Liquor Fund Appropriation Subtotal Liquor Fund Appropriation 1991 UDAG Fund Appropriation Subtotal UDAG Fund Appropriation TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS Loans 1990 Tapper's Loan 1990 Mueller Loan 1991 Aroplax Loan TOTAL LOANS $200,000 4s 8,000 $248,000 9; 0,000 $ 90,000 S 88,000 $ 50,000 $ 30,000 GMEF APPROPRIATION BALANCE, October 23, 1991 • Request for 1992 Appropriations 0 $338,000 $168,000 $170,000 $100,000 250 East Broadway P. O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362.9245 Phone. (612) 295.2711 Metro: (612) 333.5739 Fax: (612) 295.4404 H October 23, 1991 Mr. Paul Weingarden Olson, Usset, Agan 6 Weingarden Suite 590 6600 France Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55435 Dear Mr. Weingarden: In reference to your letter of July 22, 1991, Ro: Use of UDAG Funds. "If there already is a closeout agreement which does not mention the use of these funds, I will alter my opinion accordingly." On July 23, 1991, I Supplied you with a copy of the Grant Closeout Status Report and Financial Status Report, Grant Closeout Aeroemont, Certificate of Project Completion, and an Annual Post Grant Closeout Report. The EDA Ia quarterly meeting to Tuesday, October 29, 1991, and I await your altered opinion of the use of the UDAG repayment income for their agenda. The EDA originally requested the City Attorney verify the UDAG and GMEF Guidelines for compatibility and legal accountability of funds. The EDA and City Council both amended the GMEF Guidelines, Definition of Public Purpose, Paragraph 3, at their respective meetings, July 23, 1991, and August 12, 1991. Also, on August 23, 1991, 1 supplied you with information in reference to your letter of August 14, 1991, Rot Monticello 11RAlShingoboo Builders Development Agreement. Mr. Weingarden October 23, 1991 Page 2 I haven't received a copy of the corrected development agreement. Please advise. I look forward to hearing from you. Respectfully, CITY OF MONTICELLO(� 011ie Aoropchak Economic Development Director cc: Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator Filo L U 250 East Broadway P. O. Box 1147 Monticello, 1\4N 55362.9245 Phone: (612) 295.2711 b:etro: (612).333.5739 Fax: (612) 295.4404 October 24, 1991 4tavm t;e."th M- tatoc;,,c,p 0. C—0 Mr. Alan Joles Dan Otontgm Community Planning and Development Division Shrrtey Andmon Dept. of Housing and Urban Development Drad ile 220 South Second Street Clint Herbst Minneapolis, MN 55401 'Wm ""w, Ria Woffirdle, Re: UDAG Grant No. 8 -83 -AB -27-0103 A,amam .1 D—k4 , Recipient: City of Monticello Jeff O'Neill Closeout Agreement: Secretary of HUD, 9-18-85 PVicW,, Mayor of Monticello, 9-26-85 John Sita Budd.,ork,i Dear Mr. Jolos: Gary AnJem. rso—o,KImn—. In reference to the above grant, does the City of aue Korvtc5a1. Monticello have any further requirements as to the use of the miscellaneous revenue? If you have any questions, please call me at METRO 333-5739 or (612) 295-2711. Please advise, and I thank you for your response. Respectfully, CITY OF MONTICELLO 011ie Koropchak Economic Developmont Director cc: Rick Wolfstollor, City Administrator Filo ✓ 41. ,.� BPC P:NANCIAL SYSTEM 10/29/91 10:02:38 BAIAOC6 sheat CITY OF MONT:CELLO 66P 70, 1991 GLS70P-V06.00 PAGE I ----FUND---- 250 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTM PD ACCOUNT BEGINNING ACTUAL-THIS ACTUAL-THIS ENO ING ---------------------------- BALANCE MONTH YEAR BALANC! ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS: 250.10101 CASH 2,277.06 1,1]1.29 9,730.39 12,001.1] 250.13103 OUB FROM LIQUOR FUND IGMBFI 0.00 110,000.00 110,000.00 1!0.000. 00 2!0.13106 DVB /ROM VDAG PUNA (GMBFI 0.00 90.000.00 90,000.00 90.000.00 350.16101 LONG TERM REC-TAPPERS 81,260.91 262.19[0. 1,121. 68CR 15.177.79 750.11102 LONG TEAM R9C-TMEAT6R 19,019.6] 90.12[9 101. 6f CR19,21!. 11 TOTAL NRACNT ASSETS: 179,957.66 200,801.29 207,596.26 717,0!1.90 TOTAL ASSETS: 179,157.66 200,691.29 207,590.26 311,0!5.90 LIABILITIES ----------------------------- AND SUN D BALANCE FUND BALANCE: 710.21201 RBS ►OR LOANO RECIIVARLE 177,190,60CR 0.00 0.00 I17,110.60[P 7!0.2!120 UNRESBRVRD/UNDBSIONATED FB 1]1,100.60 200,000. DOCK 200,000.00CP 7!0.29101 RKVBNUB CONT RD" 111.697,79CR 901.29[9 1,676.76CP :2,119.60CP 719 ,!3!. 65CP 750.71601 BEPENOI TURK CONTROL 7,239.15 20.00 760.00 2.179.15 TOTAL ►UND RALANC81 139,157.66CR 700,661.79[9 207,596.26CP 747,055.90CP TOTAL LIADILITIEB AND PUMO BALANCE: 139,65/.66CR 200,611.29CP 207,599.2609 767,055.90CP TOTAL PUNDI 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM C-'0 OF MOAGE L0 10/29/91 9:5]:00 R9VP0ue Ootell GU 1011 GL125 R-V06 .OB PACE FOR THE PERI00181 1 1 T JAN 01. 1991 THROUGH 0EP 70, 1991 ACT MTD POSTED ACT YTD POSTED REMAINING ___________________________________ APPROVED FINAL ______________ ______________ BUDGET AND IN PROCE BE ANO BALANCE PCC SOURCE-JE-ID _•____..... VENDOR /CUSTOMER/EEPLANAT ION REF/REC/CHR__ ______ ________________________ ______ ____________ ______________ ____________ THUS ICE PROJECT ............... .............. _IN _ AMOUNT _BALANCE ___________ ______________ DESCRIPTION..WE ----------- ....... 250 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Am FD ) 76210 INTEREST EARNINGS 10, 0!0.00 10,0!0.00 0.00 !79.27 10,21!.7] ! ]-011l9l-]09 MUELLER/TAPPER PAYMENTS 900111 !81.62 TAPPED LOAN PAYMENT NCB. J-021191-]/6 /E0 TAPPER/MUELLER PAYMT 910211 f00,f9 TAPPER IRAN PAYMT/MCSH J-0]1191-972 MARCH MUELLER /TAP IEP PMT 910711 519.16 TAPPER LOAN PYMT/YC8B J-091191.917 MUCLLCP/TAPIBA ARPIL PAY 910911 578.51 TAPPER LDAN PAYMF.RTC/NCSB J-051591-501 MAY MUE LL6R/TAP18I PAYMT 910!1! 511,96 TAPPER LOAN PAY MT/NC 88 J-061191-527 SUNS TAPPLP PA YM[NT 910610 516.97 TAPPLP LOAN PYMT/N[9B J-011191•!61 GEN JULV TAPP a R/MUELLER 910711 57!.79 TAPPER LOAN PAYM BNT J-081191-583 AUG MUELLER/TAPPER PAYMT 910011 519.27 TAPPER LOAN PAYMENT J-001591-590 CHANGE TAPPER INTEREST 910815 9,099.99- CHANGE TO 250.16212 36211 IMTSREOT EARNINGS-THEATER 0.00 0.00 728.10 2,691.]1 7.66[.11- 999----•---•-1111 J-011191-109 MUELLER/TAPPER PAYMENTS 900111 112.30 MUE LLCP LOAN PAYM[NT J-021191.786 ►SB TAPPER/MUELLER PAYNT 910211 1]1.62 MUELLER LOAN PYMT/MCPS J-091191-977 MUELLER/TAPPER ARPIL PAT 910611 ]71.05 MUELLER LOAN PAYMT/UCSB J-091191-911 MUELLER/TAPISR AR►IL ►AY 910611 170.91 MUELLER LOAN PMT/NCSB J-051591-507 MAT HU 8 LL8R/TAPPER PAINT 910511 129.60 MUELLER LOAN PAYMT/YC8B 1.071191-l61 GEN JULY TAPPER/NUELLER 910711 739.29 MUELLER LOIN PAY EIC NT J-001191-!0] AUG MUELLER/TAPPER PAYMT 91DB 11 120.70 MUELLER LOAN PAVM6NIT J-091591-625 GEN SEPT TAPPER/MUBLLBR 91001! ]20.10 MEULLBP/NCSB LOAN PYMT 76212 INTEREST SARNIMGS-TAPPERS 0.00 0.00 571.19 9,672.68 9,623.60- 999---•---••-1111 J-001591-590 CIUINCI TAPPER INTRIEBT 91001! 9,099.99 CHANGE FROM ]b 310 1.091591-625 GEN Be vT TAPPER 910915 517.19 TAPPLP/NCSB LOAN PYMT TOTALI ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Am PD 10,850.00 10.050.00 901.29 1,078.26 1,011.19 /2------- BRC FINANCIAL BYSTCM CITY OF MONIICELLO 10/21/91 10:00:!1 Exp. G.101.1 -rills 13..11 GL525R-V01.08 PRGE 1 FOR THE PER 300101 JAN 01. 1991 THROUGH SEP 70, 1991 ACT MTD POSTED ACT YTD POSTED RE MA 111MG ANAL BUDGET ENCUMBERED AND IN PROCESS AND IN PROCESS BALANCE PCT ___ ..___._.....__ _-_ ---------- ----------- SOURCE -JE -ID VENDOR/CJSTOMER/EXPLANATION ------------ ------ _---------- --._---------- __- REP/REC/CNK ------------------------ --------------------- .... _---________-_ ___________ INVOICE P.O. [ 9 ------ - - .............. AMOUNT __..__.-__._.. DESCRIPTION OJC ___-_--_.-_________--___ i 250 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTH [D 16501 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 3199 RISC PEOR BBIORAL 89RVICBB 1, !00.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.!00.00 0 1197 IMM 6iRVICINO Its 0.00 0.00 30.00 310.00 210.00- 999 ---------- lift J -011191-7X1 MU[LL6R/TAPPER PA9NENTa 900111 20.00 TAPPER LOAN SERVICE [EL J-011191-781 MUELLER/TAPPEP PAYMENTS 900111 20.00 MUELLER LOAN 9ERVICB ILC J-021191-786 [EB TAPPEP/MUELLER PA TRY 910311 20.00 TAPRL9 LOAN SERVICE 1E6 J -021191-7X6 1EB TAPPEP/MUELLER PAYMT 910211 20.00 MUELLER LOAN B6 RVICE I68 "-071191-172 MAR CII MUELLER/TAPPER PMT 910711 20.00 TAPPER LOAN B9RVIC6 FEB J-011191-177 NUELLLR/TAPPER ARPIL PAY 910111 30.00 TAPPEP LOAN SERVICE IEE 1-011191-177 MUELLER/TAPPER APRIL PAY 910111 20.00 MUSLEEP LOAN SERVICE f66 J-011191-177 MU6 LLE:/TAPPtR ARPIL PAY 910111 10.00 RUE LL9: LOAN 88RV1 C6 IEE J-0!1!91-107 MAY KU e LLE R/TAPPEP PAYMT 910515 10.00 MUELLER LOAN Si:VICb ►E9 J-051591•507 MAY MUELLER/TAPPER PAYMT 910]1] 10.00 TAPP6: LOAN SEPV[[C IEE J-061191-527 JVNB TAPPER PAYMENT 910610 10.00 TAPPtR LOAN 6ERVIC6 386 "•071191.561 GEN JULY TAPPER/MUELLER 910711 10.00 TAPPER LOAN SEP VI C9 IEE "•071191-561 GEN JULY TAPPER/MUELLER910711 10.00 NUELL:1 LOAN "MCI ►E6 J-OB1291-567 AUG MUELLER/TAPPER PAT MY 910811 10.00 TAPPELOAN SERVICE /6i J-061191-581 AUO MUELLER/TA PREP PAYMT 910611 10.00 XU&LLgR LOAN BIRVICi ►9E J-091591-625 OEM 66 PT TAPPER/MUELLER 910915 10.00 TAP Pio IRAN SEP VICE IEE J-091591-625 GEN ARPT TAPPER/MU6LLEN 910915 10.00 MUELLER LOAN BE:ViCX IEi 1799 MI9C OTHER EXPENSE 750.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1!0.00 0 TOTAL: ECONOMIC OSVLLOPMENT 3.350.00 0.00 30.00 310.00 7.010.00 10 - TOTAL: ECONOMIC O9VSLOPMENT AUTM 10 .,250.00 0.00 20.00 210.00 31010.00 IO - BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 10/2:/91 10:0]:79 ECONOMSC DEVELOPMENT AOTH FD' 170.76210 INTEREST EARNINGS 270,76211 IRTER98T EARNINGS -TREATER 270.76212 INTER95T BARN NGS -TAPPERS 270.79207 TRANSFER ►ROM OTHER RINGS ECONOMIC DBVELOPMLNT AVTH FD TOTAL J CITY OP MOM ICLLLO Revenue Bu00et MC[61Dee1 GL7AIR-V0/.08 PAGE B ------------------ ;:-ACTUAL DOLLARS_•- ------------- ----- ____-____------__---B U. TS------------------- 12-]1-1908 12.71-1989 12-]1.1990 09-70-1991 FINAL BUDGET 1992 REO U EST ____•________... 1..31-1989 _____•--"--- _____••_•----- ___________.__ -------------- ----.____..---- 0.00 0.00 2,9:1.]2 771.27 10.170.00 600.00 ------------• 0.00 0.00 1f6.01 2,6:1.71 0.00 7,067.00 -------------- 0 .00 0.00 0.00 9, 622.6d 0.00 6,]70.00 •------------• 0.00 0.00 11:,000.00 0.00 0.00 •------------• •--------- 0.00 0.00 191.691.79 7,e7e.26 10,070.00 11.217.00 0.00 Fi BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF nPE L13 10/29/91 10:05:17 Expenditure Budget N0[keDset GL741P•V09.08 PACE 1l ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTN FO _____________________ACTUAL DOLLARS ------------- .------- -------------------- BU SYS ------------------- 12-31_I9 BB 12-31-1959 ____'---"- 12-31-1990 .......... _•__•- 09-30-1991 ....... FINAL BUDGET ..... _...... •• 1992 REQUEST ___.......... ............... ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 250.16!01. ]399 MISC PRQFEBBIONAL SERVICES 0.00 0.00 1,621.01 0.00 1.500.00 1,500.00 •------------- 250.96501.9391 LOAN SERVICING FEE 0.00 0.00 190.00 290.00 0.00 360.00 •------------• 250.9fi !01.9799 M ISC OTHER BIPENE. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 750.00 500.00 •------------- 250.96501.6202 INT BEP - F17ND DEFICITO 0.00 0.00 275.79 0.00 0.00 •---------••-• •------------• ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT TOTAL 0.00 0.00 2.239.75 290.00 2,250.00 2,360.00 0.00 DEBT SIR ICE ' 250.97001.6202 INT EIP- FUND DEFICITS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 •------------• •------------- DBOT SERVICE TOTAL 0.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ECONOMIC DEVILOPNI7R AU'I97 FO TOTAL 0.00 0.00 290.00 2,250.00 2.360.00 0.00 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 10/21/91 10:23:15 ----FUND---- 202 UDAG FUND ACCOUNT ............................ ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS: 203.10101 CASH 202.10101 INVESTMENTS 202. 1BI01 LONG TERM RECEIVABLES TOTAL CURRENT ASSSTB: TOTAL ABBETB: LIABILITI18 AND FUND BALANCE CURRENT LIAOILITI15i 202.20107 DUE TO EDA FUND 1GMIF1 TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIEBi TOTAL LIABILITIIB: ►UNO 6A4ANCI1 202.29201 p1. FOR LOAN. RECEIVABL9 202,35720 UNR9BIRVED/UMDIS IGNATED 202.79101 REVIM111 CONTROL TOTAL FUND ALANCE. TOTAL LIABILITIB. AND FUND DALANCI: TOTAL FUND. CITY OP MONTICELLO 11111- SB99L GL570R-V09.08 PAGE I SEP 70. 1991 BEGINNING ACTUAL -THIO ACTUAL-TH15 ENDING BALANCE MONTH YEAR BALANCE _____••____••__--"'----------............... -"........... ............... ) 1,990.76 2,)70.95 20,9]8.55 22.961.91 91,0]0.01 0.00 0.00 91. 0.0.01 199.13 so 1,511.99GR 17, 77B.2/CR 105..99.53 292,150.70 7,3{0.27 299.391.11 293,158.20 770.96 7,290.27 299,390.91 0.00 90,OOO.00CR 90,000,00CR 90. OOO,OOCP 0.00 90,000.00CR 90,000.00[p 90, 000.00CR 0.00 9O,000.00CO 10,000,OOCP 90, O00,OOCP 198,162,9.CP 0.00 0.00 191, 112.IICP 77, 577.90 CR 90,000.00 10.000.00 12,922.03 16,117.21CP 170.96210.71CP 27, 611.11CP 293.118.20GR 89,231,09 12,759.77 309, 791.11CP 293,150.20CR 776.96CR 7,290, 21CR 299, 399.17CR 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 SRC rl ANCIAL SYSTEM ,,ct" Or ONTCELLO 70/16/91 2 " R. o/ 4/91 9tsj:oo A-- CW,1.11�;q.lth 00t.11 GL VO4.06 PACE I FOR rmc PERICO(S j AN 01. I I THROUGH SEP 30, 1991 ACT MTD POSTED ACT YTD POSTED REMAINING APPROV90FINAL SUOCZT AND IN PROCESS AND IN PROCESS BALANCE PCT ------------------------------------------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- ------- - --- -------- SOURCE -JE -ID VENDOR ICUSTOME M /ZX PLANAT: ON REr/REC/CHK rNvoics PROJECT MOUNT DESCRIPTION 0.11 ------------ ------ ------------------------ ------ -------------- --------------- -------------- ................. ...... 202 UDAG FUND 36210 XWMUBT SAAM11033 13,925.00 13,925.00 778.96 1,110:.Il 6.D.1.13 51 ----- J:* 11591 BY PECStPTS I 123.49- _ .""T C AD 01 1 3 9 SIFT 13996 . 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