City Council Agenda Packet 01-28-1980AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL January 28, 1980 - 7:30 P. M. Mayor: Arve Grimsmo Council Members: Dan Blonigen, Fran Fair, Ken Maus, Philip White Meeting to be taped. Citizens Comments. 1' Consideration of Reimbursement for Dewatering Costs for Sewer Service o Connections for Certain Lots in Ritze Manor Addition. o� n 6� Consideration of Approval of Revised Preliminary Plat for "The M` Meadows" Subdivision. 12 t0ct• D9iue. r .v 4� Consideration of Wetlands Area West of State Highway 25 and South of Sandberg South Addition in Monticello. ® 4. Consideration of Holding a Hearing on the Issuance of Industrial Revenue Bonds for a ScotWood Motel. ® %9 is m r 41 5. Approval of Bills for January, 1980. `A 6. Approval of Minutes - Regular Meeting Held January 14, 1980. Unfinished Business - Report on Committee Appointments New Business - Reminder of Special Meeting on January 30, 1980 at 7:00 P.M. a-�.yo My -UVAj AGENDA SUPPLEMENT 1. Consideration of Reimbursement for Dewatering Costs for Sewer Service Connections for Certain Lots in Ritze Manor Addition. Purpose of this item is to consider reimbursement to those property owners in Ritze Manor Addition who have incurred additional charges to dewater in order to connect their sewer service to the City's sanitary sewer system. As you recall, this item was discussed at our last meeting. January 14, 1980, and there were three property owners who had indicated they had occurred additional costs for dewatering for their sewer service connec- tion, and they are as follows with the amounts in parenthesis: `\ Bud Kline ($1,940) Loren Pemberton ($570) \, Hugo Sonbuchner ($675) Although there was some discussion on the possibility of reimbursing these property owners for one-half of their cost incurred, action was tabled until the next regular meeting of the Council to allow for input from the owner and the developer of the property, Charles Ritze. '\p Since the last meeting, I have talked to Casey Kjellberg, realtor for Charles Ritze, and a meeting prior to the Council Meeting is trying to be set up to review the matter with Mr. Ritze. On a previous occasion, a meeting was held with the Public Works Director, Charles Ritze, Casey Kjellberg and myself, discussing what could be done with the remaining �., lots that need dewatering. It was estimated at the time that there would be approximately four or five lots that would possibly have to be dewatered in the future. At that time, it was suggested that Mr. Ritze dewater all ` + i of these lots at the same time to allow for the insertion at the end of rQ ~ each present sewer service connection of a stand pipe which would bring �3 the sanitary sewer service above the water table. In this fashion, the cost \ of dewatering could be spread against four or five parcels, rather than just one parcel. As previously indicated in the last Council Agenda, the City, > for example, dewatered a stretch of approximately 1/4 mile for $1,300. In my last conversation with Casey Kjellberg, there was no indication whether Mr. Ritze would request that the City pick up any share of this cost. Additionally, i asked Casey Kjellberg to let me know if there were any other property owners that she was aware of that had to pay for dewatering costs. As indicated in the preceeding paragraph, a meeting will be attempted to be set up prior to the Council meeting, and i will either send out a written memorandum regarding the results of that meeting, or if this is too late to send out. I will have a written memorandum before the Council at Monday night's meeting. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of reimbursement to property owners for extra cost incurred for dewatering, plus consideration on future dewatering cost to be incurred by Charles Ritze. REFERENCES: January 14, 1980 Council Agenda Supplement (not enclosed with this agenda supplement). - 1 - COUNCIL AGENDA - 1/28/80 2. Consideration of Approval of Revised Preliminary Plat for "The Meadows Subdivision". Purpose of this item is to consider approval for a revised subdivision plat previously approved for Jim Maus by the Council on June 25, 1979. Reason for the revision is that on the plat that was approved by the City Council on June 25, 1979, there was a provision for a permanent storm sewer system which would eventually outlet into the creek behind Hillcrest First Addition. Our engineer, John Badalich, has met and has had various dis- cussions with the Department of Natural Resources on whether such an outlet would be allowed to flow into the creek behind the Hillcrest First Addition. It was ultimately determined that the DNR was very much concerned about the creek behind Hillcrest First Addition, since it was not a very fast flowing creek, and the DNR indicated that quite likely approval could not be granted for this type of storm sewer outlet. As a result of this, the developer has gone to a plan that was initially the subject of a public hearing before the Planning Commission in April of 1979. This plan calls for approximately 64 residential lots, as opposed to the 70 residential lots previously approved. Reason for the deletion of the six lots is to provide for a ponding area north of Prairie Road. This ponding area would then take the place of the storm sewer that pre- viously was proposed to outlet into the creek behind Hillcrest Addition. The proposed ponding area would have an overflow outlet that would allow / it to flow south across Prairie Road into the ponding area in Balboul !. Estates, and eventually in a southwest direction up along the Interstate 94 right-of-way and then from thdt point southeast into Otter Creek. Our engineer, John Badalich, is now reviewing the revised preliminary plat, and his report should either accompany this agenda or will be available for the Council at Monday night's meeting. it should be pointed out that the developer is proposing that the ponding area be accepted as the requirement for 10% park dedication. This area constitutes more than 10% of the land area of the subdivision itself, and is consistent with previous park dedications approved in other subdivisions. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of approval of a revised Meadows Subdivi- sion Plat. REFERENCES: Copy of preliminary plat is available at City Hall, and also report from John Badalich is either enclosed or will be available at Monday night's meeting. 3 3 c ' 2 1 �� COUNCIL AGENDA - 1/28/80 3. Consideration of Wetlands Area West of State Hiqhway 25 and South of Sandberq South Addition in Monticello. Purpose of this item is to consider the possible acquisition of land owned by Mel Wolters west of State Highway 25 and south of Sandberg South, to serve as a ponding area. At a previous meeting, June 11, 1979, the City Council considered the possi- ble acquisition of this land, and Mr. Wolters had offered to sell the parcel to the City for $32,000. An appraisal was received on the property at that time for $20,000; however, the City Council decided to table the item to further study the alternatives available. Mr. Wolters will now sell for $20,000. According to an April 24, 1979 letter from John Badalich, copy of which is enclosed, it is indicated that it would be cost effective to utilize this wetlands area for ponding in lieu of reconstruction of a new separate storm water system underneath the Freeway and ultimately outletting into the Mississippi River. Mr. Badalich also studied the possible area for acquisition and it was determined to be approximately 40 acres, and a copy of the parcels and their description with the owners is also enclosed. Although it would possibly be cost effective to drain the area south and southwest of the Sandberg South Addition by means of this ponding area. It should be pointed out that the wetlands area would serve future develop- ment and it would seem that the necessary acreage for ponding of future development could be acquired through park dedication rather than the City spending monies for a ponding area. This would be similar to ponding areas acquired in Balboul Estates and proposed for The Meadows subdivision plat. Additionally, there are certain restrictions which preserve natural wetlands areas so there is some question of what, if any, could be built in a wetland district. POSSIBLE ACTION: No specific action is necessary unless the City Council would like to convey an nffer to Mel Wolters for the land in question. REFERENCES: April 24, 1979 letter from OSM, and description of parcels to be obtained, along with the names of the owners. VOy � 5 -3- COUNCIL AGENDA - 1/28/80 Consideration of Holding a Hearinq on the Issuance of Industrial Revenue Bonds for a ScotWood Motel. Purpose of this item is to consider setting a public hearing for February 25, 1980, to consider the issuance of industrial revenue bonds for a ScotWood Motel. ScotWood Motels are developed and constructed by Brutger Companies, inc. out of St. Cloud, Minnesota, and sold to an interested party. Brutger Companies, inc. is in the process of completing an agreement with an interested party who will own the Motel and Brutger's will have this informa- tion at Monday's meeting. Proposed motel will be just east of the Perkins Cake 8 Steak Restaurant in Monticello. Legal Description is Lots 4, 5, 6 8 7 in Block 3 in Monticello. This site is one acre in size. Additionally, Brutger Companies, Inc. is requesting that Cedar Street, which is just east of the site and west of the VFW site be vacated and consideration be given to deeding one- half of the street to Brutger Companies, inc. Additionally, they indicated they would be interested in the other half of the vacated street if the other adjoining property owner, that is - the VFW, would not be interested. It should be pointed out that in the City of Monticello, when there is a vacation of streets, the City still has the right to sell the property. Although the one acre site is sufficient to meet Monticello ordinances for a 36 unit motel, Mr. Jon Petters, with Brutger Companies, inc., indicated his firm would need one-half of the vacated street because the parcel is quite narrow, 132 feet. Total amount of industrial revenue bonds requested is 5800,000 for a 36 -unit motel. It should be pointed out that the current site of one acre is ade- quate to accommodate a 36 -unit motel, and still meet the parking requirements. As you might recall, with the industrial revenue bond issue for Clow Stamping Company, the procedure is for the Council to call for the public hearing before it considers the issuance of industrial revenue bonds and the hearing shall be published in the paper with the notification that a draft copy of the proposed application to the Commissioner of Securities, together with all attachments and exhibits thereto, shall be available for public inspection following the publication of such notice and shall specify the time and place where and when it would be so available. This information includes the following: Name of firm. Nature 6 description of firm's business. Scope of the project to be financed. Proposed term of the revenue agreement. Estimated dollar cost of the project and allocation of bond proceeds. Estimated number of new jobs to be created. A resolution of the municipality giving preliminary approval to the project. Letter of intent to purchase the bond issue from an underwriter or analysis of a fiscal consultant as to the feasibility of the project from a financial standpoint. A comprehensive statement indicating how the project satisfies public purpose and policies of the Minnesota Industrial Development Act. Preliminary opinion of bond counsel as to legality of the issue. - 4 - COUNCIL AGENDA - 1/28/80 For your information, the Silver Fox Motel was granted its request by the City Council of Monticello to have industrial revenue bonds issued on its behalf. Mr. Jon Petters, with Brutger Companies, Inc., and Mr. Jerry Hertel, with Juran 8 Moody Fiscal Consultants, will be at Monday night's meeting to answer any questions the Council may have. Additionally, if the hearing is approved, our City Attorney will be contacted and a meeting be set up to review the specific details so that our Attorney may give his legal opinion for the hearing scheduled tentatively for February 25, 1980. In addition to consideration of holding the hearing, the Council may want to give some kind of idea to Brutger Companies, Inc. of what price they may be asking for the vacated street. In 1976, the City did approve selling the same vacated street to adjoining property owners at the appraised value of $12,000. However, neither the VFW nor J's Restaurant, which was proposing to go on the same site as now being proposed by ScotWood Motel, decided to go ahead and offer the City the appraised price, and as a result, the street was never vacated. Mr. Petters indicated that his firm would be willing to pay the $12,000 appraised value, or the appraised value equivalent for one-half of the street should the VFW be interested in the other half. However, he did indicate concern if the figure were going to be increased. (Enclosed, please find a request for the street vacation from Mr. Ned Bunday, who currently owns the property.) POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of setting February 25, 1980 as a date for a public hearing for the consideration of industrial revenue bonds for ScotWood Motel. REFERENCES: ScotWood Motel brochure, vacation of street request by present owner, Ned Bunday, enclosed map depicting area of site and proposed vacated street. Also, council may want to review the agenda supplement for the December 10, 1979 meeting relative to the public hearing set up for Clow Stamping Company. Ljde-0.4♦ 9 0 �i 1,V o W 1 - 5 - I r!; phor, ?952711 4 "Monficelfo 250 East Broadway MONTICELLO, MN 55362 MEMORANDUM TO: MayoA 6 Counci.t FROM: Gary WZebeA iz tJ .,,, Li111 333.5739 DATE: Jatuuany 18, 1980 SUBJECT: Agenda Item 01 on Reimbtuwement PiL DetuttmitiCoat 6oA SetveA seAV.cce connectcon to CeAtacn LOU .en Ii9.tze manoit Addition On the a6teAnoon 06 JanuoAy 28, 1980, John Simota and 1 met with ChaA Ue Ritze, Phit Ritze and Caeey KjettbeAg, Aetat•ive to deviateAing coats 604 fewer eenvice connection -6 60A ceAtain tote in Ritze ManoA Addition. It tvould appeom that there ane app Loximatety six tote that may twAAant deivatcn.ing, and these ane noted on the attached plat map. According to ChoAtie Ritze, he would be witting to pay 6oA the extra coat incuAAed on Kenneth Lane and the 6iut tot innediatety to the noAth o6 R,iveA Sheet, aince Kenneth Lane wilt probably have to be deiwAeAed at the Lime aciveA and ttatel is nun doom thi.a atAec,t. As a Aeautt then, the coat o6 dewatuting twutd be aeaeaaed against the entire ptoject, but the actual inataltation 06 A.ieere on LOU 36, 47 b tot immediatety to the north 06 RiveA Street Lwutd be propoaed to be picked up by ChaAti.e Ritze entirety. Charlie R.i.tzc is Acqueatitig that the City consider picking up one -hath 06 the deauteting coat 6oA Lots 23, 35 and his own individual Aesidence up to $340 pen tot (thie ie appnox.ima.tety 509 06 the avenge eatimated deunte,ting coat). In ,Legatd to the existing proper.ttJ otmaene and AclmbwLaing them thei t ponUon, Mt. RUze indicated that lie has had no p ticulaA Acqueat 6Aom the propeA.tt otolw 60.1 .teimbiluernent, and wlta.tevct the City did on these tota would be up to them. It ahoutd be pourted out that ChaA.tie Ritze has been teAved by the 1975 aanita.ry 6oweA to Isis Aeaidence, and ae a Aeautt 06 the probtema Lncut.red bon deuntcAing, lie ivoutd atso like to Acqueet a variance on hooking up to the aaaidaty saver wati.t OctobeA 06 1980- In t.hia 6ae1tion, a contractor coutd be hired to lxt.t in hue aeimt aeayice, which tvoutd inc.tude the deautcting. It aliould also be 6uttheA pointed out that any coat that the City picks up on deauateA.ing additiDnat tots teouttd have to be approved by the City and documented by an invoice. Gull na P.S. Fon your i.n6o.,ui a.tion, Ak. Dan Reed, also in Ritze ManoA, had a dcamwing coat o6 $275 boa aeweA hookup, and ahoutd also be given coiwideration 6oA AeimbiLuement with the other propeaty ottnaeta pleviotwty diactwaed. 'l�tl,.G�t„air rt, 'I'�'lt„ark-�/�, ... l,'•lrG� ,aitttt,irt,,,a _.._ �.,...�'... 'J`.iy;' iii=,; > 't't' :: ••1....�.. ,,.i t:i•..... {\• i l•�>_i. /.. ° J �`'�!` ' �~'• .—....•..,..�-,,, '•4.?Y�'�..•";: •tr« t :J• ... aye av".•-....J.��J �' r.'/f a ® 3 tot c �'!. _, •..,_�� w .• . o r :... _� +:•" -•.:.: ^- ORR•SCHELEN • MAYERON 6 ASSOCIATES, INC. April 24, 1979 Gtr. Gary Wicber City Administrator City of Monticello 250 C. Broadway Monticello, MN 55362 Dear Gary: Pursuant to our several. discussions regarding the availability and feasibility of purchasing property for.f uture storm water ponding in the general area of TN 25 south of the Sandberg south plat, I wish to recormiend the following for your consideration. According to the City's Comprehensive Stormwater Drainage Plan, Drainage area V, the arca south of I-94 in the vicinity of TH 25 and part of Drainage area VI, soutl, of Dundas Road, are designated to drain into the wet lands area in question, south and west of the Sandberg South plat. It is cost effective to utilize this wet lands area for ponding in lieu of reconstruction of a new and seyaraLe storm water system northward under the freeway and to the Mississippi River. As you know Lhere is limited capacity in the storm sewer on Walnut Street, which was constructed under a cooperaLive agreement with the Minnesota !Highway Department. As development increases in Lite arca south of 1-94 in the TH 25 area, the culverts under the freeway will become over- loaded and create nuisance flooding in this area. Coupled with limited capacity in the so called Walnut Street outlet to the Mississippi River, tho only feasible method of providiny future drainage for this rapidly doveluping area is Lu Lite south to the wet lands arca in question. Ultimately this wet land area will outlet souLhwesterly and thence into Lite Long Lake, Mud Lake chain of lakes. According to the Comprehensive Drainage plan, we arc estimating approximately 90 acre feet of storage will be necausary in this wet land area to accommodate a 100 year, 24 hour rain- Mr. Gary Wieber April 24, 1979 Page 2 fall and provide the necessary drainage for District V and a portion of District VI. To facilitate this required storaye and provide some additional capacity for the commercial type development, I would recommend that a minimum of 40 acres be purchased of this wet lands area. This will provide the City with the necessary long range storm water storaye capacity to serve the potential development in this area. Yours very truly, ORR-SCHELEN-14AYEROII ASSOCIATES, INC. SO, 'John BadaliCh, P.E. City Engineer JPB/vkj SWAMP ACQUISITION PARCELS A. OWNER: Stuart and Arleen Hoglund DESCRIPTION: The south 600.00 feet of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121 North, Range 25 West, Wright County, Minnesota, lying westerly of the centerline of Marvin Road. Subject to easement for Marvin Road. Containing 11.3 acres more or less. D. OWNER: Stuart and Arleen Hoglund DESCRIPTION: The north 850.00 feet of the east 550 feet of the South- east Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 15, Township 121 North, Range 25 West, Wright County, Minnesota. Containing 10.7 acres more or less. C: OWNER: Olga J. Swanson (Mel Wolters) 2055 Grandview Boulevard Mound, MN 55364 DESCRIPTION: The North 660.00 feet of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121 North, Range 25 West, Wright County, Minneoota, lying westerly of Minnesota trunk highway 125. Containing 14.4 acres more or less. I horeby certify thnt ";n 4u;•v•�• : •. gnu proparod by :e :r e!rn.:t euporvfeton end t:a: ; „•, E-r1...v^d Land Surv,yor ut.—I ..., tt,v 5:.t:0 of Yfnneeota. /^ bio. 3 W_J IS PE AL 100' ) 8200 NORMANDALE BOULEVARD BLOOMINGTON, MINNESOTA 65437 612831.3201 Mr. Gary Wieber City Administrator City of Monticello Minnesota Dear Sir, I am the owner of Lots 4.5,687 Monticello. January 4,1980 , Block 3 Townsite of I request that that certain parcel of land owned by the City of Monticello that borders said above desc- ribed land on the East and South and is known as Vac- ated Cedar Street and Vacated 8th Street , be sold to me (or my agents/assigns) at the determined price of $12,000.00. The purpose of this acquisition would be to expand the present size of Lots 4,5,6&7 for suitable development. Yours truly,, ) E.C. Bunday Naa Buffy BJ09 NmDli, Roes FAn poil,, MN 55417 y ���,�' ,y. �� 7r `�:'. � P �l, x� t i-aMs7 �.T.. ld .. a S s`k~ t' tet• t �a '\, y ��� r �♦ ��Tv7 (T i a� y .. _ �, J. "i t, .�. {^- ',fir\. ''� tt .s +� 11� �•�� �,.jr�'� 7i�1. �.t11 tx -'w•.. w, A,.vn,. - .. 1r,� ��' f1� � � , � �! t . yi.LfrT. ,�y��. ,'-.:-/•^�:�Y[`.�"'�'..�, y3ai_ /t ityalls you rn Our open .t lnllif ,llNbf)t Tis is aood town. A friendly y town. It's a place that people are proud to call home. and everybody works together to keep it that way. It's a ScotWood town. The kind of town where you just might find a ScotWood Motel. We're the ©rutger Companies. and we build SCOtW00d Motels. Especially for towns like tills B- Cause lhero OUght to be a n1LP nlocer n place town whore Inends and r(latwAS can come to ,Ia•. Where peopl, can •pend a P�easanl night or t:+:O when thoy come ui on business And bocause thp-e ought to be a way to bring a little outsrae buslnesb Indite The way we see it. a motel should look at home in its town. It should fit the Coven's personality. Blend with the scenery. And it should be built to last. so the ,own can be proud of it not just years. but generations rom now. That's why we build our ScotWood Motels the old-fashioned way. With good craftsmanship. And quality materials. Like block walls and concrete floors. that keep it nice and quiet for our guests. Now, quality materials cost more. But they're worth it. Because they last longer, and they're a lot nicer. '•ld II - j d , Sturdy. block wall construction locks noise out. Sc alWood spacious rooms have the comforts of homo. inclurlurg big. sleepablo beds and color TV C onnnunial breakfast is on rho house r /Is served ft(,(, each morning in our sunny brcaktast fuungo. Beyond that, a ScotWood just feels like home. l� From the open. airy lobby, to the colorful bedspreads and drapes, to the tasteful, handsome furniture. 4 I ScotWoods are designed to make our guests as comfortable as they'd be at home. 1 In fact. that's how we like to look at our ScotWoocs As homes. Temporary homes for travelers. And _ - permanent homes for the people who operate them. Sc alWood spacious rooms have the comforts of homo. inclurlurg big. sleepablo beds and color TV C onnnunial breakfast is on rho house r /Is served ft(,(, each morning in our sunny brcaktast fuungo. ScotWood owners believe In their town. Enough to them all the help we can. From flexible financing to invest in it. The people who operate ScotWoods— operations training to ongoing programs of advice and whether they're owners or managers—like their town support. well enough to live in it. Become a part of it. And they For the people who want the challenge and care enough to do the job a little better than most. opportunity, It's a good life. A good investment. If We think our ScotWood owners are pretty special you'd like to become a ScotWood owner, why not people. So we don't just sell them a motel. We give write us? Make a ScotWood town, your home town. ScotWood Motels Developed and constructed by Brutger Companies, Inc. t 1 Sunwood Drive, P.O. Box 399, St. Cloud, MN 58301 A property of Bnutger Companies, Inc. Phone: 61212528282 Orf I .. �.� /•' �:J '�; o•. : �: / / ~� l• •r \� Nig .•: �• � t• P ��� / ., I;wi sip 1.00 I+la.l S�Ie' { .•s•`— O -- �; 'd �o i I�p all ' '1 i i DARRELL L: WOLFF County Sherltl – ` - SHEITIFF'S OFFICE Court House — Wright County BUFFALO, MINNESOTA $5313 Telephone 687.1162 Non•Em 9—y Bus. No. 682.3800 8:00 a.m: • 4:30 pm. Go(? James F. Powers, Chief Deputy 24 Hour c—g—v Talephonea Metro 4736673 86o.W Hiulle 2952533 Delano 9722024 Co6nto 285-5454 January 22, 1980 Honorable Mayor City Counc i 1 Monticello, Minn. 55362 Gentlemen: Enclosed is the Sheriff's Law Enforcement report for the month of December, 1980. 568 hours of patrol service were contracted for during the period in which the following activities were tallied: i - Theft of items from vehicle - stereo cassette deck, speakers, power booster b tapes missing - under investigation 1 - Theft of outside thermometer 6 speakers from Fix It Shop 1 - Vandalism at Hockey Rink I - Vandalism - vehicle hit drive up microphone at McDonald's 1 - Mailbox vandolism i - Theft of money from the till at %lance's Standard - cleared by arrest 6 restitution is to be made 1 - Theft of tools 6 Items frolr. workroom - under investigation 1 - Theft of cash from vehicle 3 - Thefts at Tom Thumb - no pay customers 1 - Theft of 2 way radio 6 other items from NSP truck 1 - Theft of cosh 6 drugs from Snyder Drug - under Investigation I - Theft of 2 radios from o camper parked at Hoglunds i - Vandalism to vehicle - hood dented up 6 scratched 1 - Theft of coat from Monticello Liquor Store 1 - Theft of gas from truck I - Theft of Christmas decorations - later found at Perkin's lot - returned to owner I - Vandalism - fire started in garbage can - put out by owner - cleared by mediation I - Criminal damage to property at Little Mountain Flowers - ehristmas wreath damaged 2. - Thefts of tope players 6 speakers from vehicles 4 - Shapllfting at Snyder Drug - 2 juveniles arrested 6 2 juveniles warned 6 released 1 - Theft of tools from truck 2 - Arrests for possession of strong beer by minors 2 - Arrests for issuance of worthless checks I - Arrest for possession of a small amount of mnrijunnn DARRELL L WOLFF Counly Sharlff SNERIFF'S OFFICE Cmri Nmta — Wright Cm My BUFFALO. MINNESOTA $5313 Talaphone 682.1162 Non•Emarganey But. No. 607.3200 8:00 em. -4:30 p.m. Sheriff's report for Monticello for December, 1979, continued: 1 - Arrest for disorderly conduct I - Fire reported 5 - Suspicious persons 6 vehicles 5 - Traffic complaints 1 - Prowler report 1 - Recovered property 7 - Public nuisance d disturbances 1 - Domestic 1 - Shooting in vilinge limits 1 - Animal complaint 1 - Civil problem 4 - Miscellaneous complaints 127 - Car b subject checks 52 - Citizen aids 37 - Motorists warned 20 - Accidents investigated 2 - Repair tags issued 3 - Open doors 61 - Traffic tickets Issued: 4 - Driving while intuxle.aLed 2 - Erratic driving 1 - Reckless driving 10 - Speed 2 - Leaving the scene of an accident 4 - Open bottle 3 - Driver license violation 3 - Improper registration 32 - Illegal parking Your rely, arrcli Wolff, xSh�.rlff RIIlinit: For the month of December, 1479, -- $ 5,838.00 .t� Jamas F. Powers, Chief Deputy 28 Mow Emergency Taiaph— Mom 473.6673 14nti.110 2452533 Delano 672.2424 Cokato 2865654 TM-.... 295.2711 Citi o� / /oniice[lo 250 East Broadwav MONTICELLO, MN 55362 MEMORANDUM TO: City Council FROM: Gary Wieber DATE: January 14, 1980 SUBJECT: Wetlands Area West of Highway 25 and South of Sandberg South Addition i n ilonticello At a previous meeting - June 11, 1919 - the City Council considered the possible acquisition of land owned by Mel Wolters, West of State Highway 25 and South of Sandberg South, to serve as a ponding area. At that time, lir. Mel Wolters had offered to sell the parcel to the City of Monticello for $32,000. An appraisal was received on the property of $20,000; however, the City Council at that time decided to table the item to further study the alternatives available. Purpose of this memo to the Council is to now make them aware that Mel Wolters has offered the 8 -acre parcel to the City for the appraised value - or $20,000. It should be pointed out that, according to John Badalich's letter of April 24, 1979 (copy of which is attached), it would appear that approximately 40 acres of wetland area has to be acquired to ade- quately serve the future needs of development. Mn„, L.— 313 571q Orr-Schelen-Mayeron 6 Associates also reviewed the possible parcels for acquisition to come up with the approximately 40 acres. Copy of the parcels and their description with the owners is enclosed. It would seem that since the drainage of this area will serve future development, it would be best, in my opinion, to acquire the necessary acreage through park dedication as these specific areas are subdivided. In this way, the City does not expend money today for possible land they may receive for nothing in the future for park dedication purposes. At one time, 1 reviewed this matter with John Badalich, and he concurreed. POSSIBLE ACTION: No action is necessary unless the City Council would like to convey an offer to Mel Wolters for the land in question. REFERENCES: April 24, 1979 letter from OSM and description of parcels to be obtained, along with the owners. a :r Welcomo In Alonticello .. 111110 mounlain • Homes SANDBERG REALTY --spm.'v. s,or.. LS • Farms Phone (612) 295-2317 Monticello, Minnesota 55362 • Lakeshore Metro 427.6880 • Business 113.4IAITON City of Nont.iccllo ?lont.icollo, >1>' I'rTrpose: Appraisal for City of 11onti-cello 1'ropertp: Ccdar St., 701 to Sth Dimensions: 330 x SOX 233 x 30 Zoned: Iia Appraisr_rl VaLie: 572,000. Appraised hy; 'tom ��C• "� r�� .Johns Sandherr: go X 238 = 19oyc. ti 'h C41�1� F�J N 17W / 9 c5 22e.*/0 .$199v 1cR� Tolaohona 1.952711 (,ifs o� �/!'�onficello 250 East Broadway MONTICELLO. MN 55362 MEMORANDUM TO: City Counci.t Membene FROM: Gary Alicbea /7v DATE: JaluaLy 17,1980 SUBJECT: Spec.iaf Meeting and Review o6 State Audit Repo,%t Thi.e notice is being sent out to veAi.6y that a meeting has been aet up bon Wedneaday, January 30, 1980 .in the MonticeUo City HaU at 7:00 P.M. puneuant to the request n6 Anne,, Can Penn, to uv.iav the State Audit Report on an .item -by --item bae.i.e. GWI na Mega L— 333 5739 ry- , W00 ��// CCDD �� a r a[coino fo M�onlicof[o [i«[o ►noaniain �; 71 t ••i�•nna�m 79511 t t C. :.tui.., U 3335720 Cil o� �/f'�nn/icn�(o 250 East Broadway MONTICELLO. MN 55362 January 17, 1980 Mr. Arne H. Carlson Office of the State Auditor St. Paul, Minnesota 55155 Dear Mr. Carlson: Pursuant to your letter of January 10, 1980, addressed to myself, tho City Council has set up a meeting for the pt:rpose of reviewing the audit report on an item -by -item basis as you suggested, on January 30, 1980 at 7:00 P.M. in the Monticello City !fall. Sincerely, Gary Ad Cit Administrator GW/ns .4 COUNCIL UPDATE January 28, 1980 1 . Tax Increment Financinq. As a result of the January 16, 1980 meeting with Walt Hartman, discussions are continuing with Larry Flake and Sam Peraro relative to the former Monticello Ford site building. A possible scenario would be that the City could purchase Mr. Flake's building, clear the land and resell the property to Sam Peraro for office space or commercial development, and with the increase in taxes (tax increment) that the new development would produce, it is possible that not only the City's cost with clearing the land and reselling the property could be captured, but also the acquisition of additional land currently owned by the Monticello Development Corporation for parking lot along with an alleyway improvement. Al Jones, owner of Jones Manufacturing, has also indicated an interest in possibly selling his building to the City in order that the City could make the alleyway straight through the former Monticello Ford block. Mr. Jones indicated he might possibly be interested in Larry Flake's parcel and putting up a new commercial -industrial building for himself. I did indicate to him that the area was zoned for commercial and does not allow industrial as a permitted use, but that if he was interested, the City would certainly pursue this. Additionally. I have talked to Sam Peraro and I have asked him to come back and let me know if he is interested at ail in any development on the former Monticello Ford site and also determine the magnitude of the development. Without a commitment at the other end for somebody to purchase the property and put up a building sufficient to pay for the cost incurred by the City, the City cannot legally proceed with the project. Mr. Peraro was also going to contact Mr. O'Connor about the possibility of acquiring his building also, since Mr. Peraro is not too interested in the site unless he can acquire Mr. O'Connor's building. it should be pointed out that whatever feasible project is considered, it does not, at least at this time, have any effect on Mr. Flake's order to bring his building into compliance with the Building Code, If Mr. Flake wants to pursue tax increment financing further, he would have to come to the City and ask for an extension of time, since his deadline was January 15, 1980, and our Building Inspector has turned the matter over to our City Attorney to set up a date for a public hearing for the condemnation order. Z. Chamber of Commerce Committee on industrial 6 Commercial Development. This Committee is part of the Chamber of Commerce and is composed of the following members: Marn Flicker, Bud Schrupp, John Bondhus. Shelly Johnson, Leon Eliason, Gary Wieber. Con Johnson, Don Smith. Arve Grimsmo, Hale Lungwitz, George Johnson. Bruce Gagnelius. 11 COUNCIL UPDATE -1/28/80 This Committee's mission, as pointed out in their mission statement, is to seek and support industrial, commercial, business, financial and profes- sional growth in the Monticello community. Since this committee was formed, approximately one year ago, there have been about two dozen meetings of the entire committee, and additionally, there are various subcommittees which have met over the same period of time. In February, this Committee will be approaching the Chamber of Commerce for funding 50% of their budget for 1980, and additionally, if the Chamber of Commerce approves, they will also be coming to the City Council to request the remaining 50% of their budget. Budget for 1980 is $10,000. Tentatively, this Committee is scheduled to come to the Council on March 10, 1980 and will bring to the Council their complete overall plan, budget details, and a presentation will be made at that time. 3. Sewer Backup - Iry Kallin. I have had various discussions with Mr. Kallin relative to the sewer backup which occurred at his home in November of 1979. It appears at this time that Barbarossa's insurance company will be handling the claim, and is in fact in the process of negotiating a settlement with Mr. Kallin. As a result, it would appear that the City will have no liability in this par- ticular matter. 4. Lighting on Highway 25 Bridge in Monticello. This lighting is not working, and a request has been sent to the State Department of Transportation to have these lights fixed, and this is expected to be done within the next month or two. 5. Traffic Counts City Council may be interested on the average daily traffic counts in some of the major highways in Monticello, and they are as follows: 1-94 from 15,900 to 19,200 cars daily MN. State Hwy. 25 from 7,800 to 8,000 cars daily County Hwy. 75 from 6,600 to 8,725 cars daily This information is based on 1978 data obtained in a phone call from Minnesota State Department of Transportation. 6. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Meetings on February 4 and 5, 1980 The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) will be meeting on February 4th with local and state officials to review emergency plans. The meeting on February 4th will commence at 1:30 P.M. at the Monticello City Hall. On February 5, 1980, the NRC will be holding a meeting to review the same plans, but this meeting is open to the general public, and the meeting will commence at 9:00 A.M. Additionally, there is a meeting scheduled at 7:00 P.M. in the evening to allow further citizen input. Both of the meetings on February 5th are also scheduled for the Monticello City Hall. - 2 - COUNCIL UPDATE - 1/28/80 Our Civil Defense Director will be participating in both of these meetings, and additionally, the Mayor and the Council are expected to be receiving notice on these meetings from Northern States Power Company. - 3 - Pf MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - 11011TICELLO CITY COUNCIL January 14, 1980 - 7:30 P.N. MEMBERS PRESENT: Arve Grimsmo, Dan Blonigen, Fran Fair, Ken Maus, Phil White. ME14BERS ABSENT: None Citizens Comments: fir. Dave Heskins asked the City Council whether there were any reasons why the streets were not sanded more often during the past snow storm. it was explained by the Public Works Director that sanding had been done throughout the City, but that with the cold weather, the sanding and salt mixture did not do a very good job and would be carried away by the traffic. Discussion on Billboard Advertising Siqns - Mr. Del Blocher, of Blocher Advertising Company, explained that he presently owns quite a number of billboard advertising signs along the Interstate in the City limits of Monticello. He indicated that he is aware of the City Ordinances requiring them to be removed in August 1980, but requested that the Council seriously consider grandfathering in all the present signs. Mr. Jim Franklin, who owns Franklin Advertising Company, indicated to the Council that he would like to see the Freeway billboard signs remain and also is seeking additional permits to erect more signs in the future. Although he did not have a specific application for a sign, he would like to see the Ordinance amended to allow for possible additional signs. A public hearing to discuss the sign ordinances relative to billboard advertising will be held on February 25, 1980 with all sign companies having the opportunity to voice their opinions in regards to the City's current ordinance. 1. Consideration of Rezoning Request from R-1 to R-2 by Brad Larson on the First Baptist Church Property. fir. Brad Larson requested that the property presently owned by the First Baptist Church on nest County Road 75 be rezoned from R-1 to R-2 to allow for the construction of five 4 -unit townhouses. If the property was zoned to R-2, townhouses could be allowed as a conditional use, which fir. Larson plans to apply for at a later date. Mr. Larson indicated that the townhouses would be owner -occupied and is a needed development for Monticello. He noted that the present Church building would be converted into a duplex and the balance of the property would be used for the 20 -unit townhouse development. Mr. Larson indicated that he felt the property was well-suited for a higher density 6 COUNCIL MINUTES - 1/14/80 due to its isolation from other residential property, that being School property on the east, some commercial development on the west and the J Golf Course and Railroad tracks to the south. Objections to the proposed rezoning were heard from the following people: Mr. Steve Johnson, a property owner in the area, felt that the area should remain R-1 because people built homes in the area with the understanding that it would remain residential. In addition, he pointed out there are other areas within the City zoned properly for townhouses that could be developed and asked why a residential zoned area had to be used for townhouses. His primary reason for opposing the development was that he felt additional traffic congestion would result because of the large number of units to be placed on this property. Mr. Denton Erickson also felt that congestion would result from the townhouse development. It was noted that although a site plan has not been presented for review, a proposed new road in the development would not enter County Road 75 at the location where Sandy Lane enters County Road 75. This should help in eliminating traffic routing through the residential areas, and should keep traffic on County Road 75. Mr. John Uban, of Howard Uahlgren Associates, City Planners, indica Led that he felt the area is well situated for R-2 zoning and townhouses because of its well -buffered area. In addition, at the last planning commission meeting, the Committee recommended that this property be rezoned to R-2 for townhouses based primarily on the fact that the area was well J situated for higher density use and felt that the additional traffic created would not be a hazard to the residential areas. After more discussion, motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Fran Fair and unanimously carried to table the rezoning issue on this property until the Planning Commission can review the conditional use permit for the Townhouse Development by Mr. Larson. It was felt that the Planning Commission and the Council should have available the site plan indicating where the buildings will be located, and also any roads that would be constructed should this property be rezoned. It was felt this may help please some of the citizens in the area if they could see how the develop- ment is proposed. This item will be on the Council agenda February 25, 1980, after the Planning Commission has a chance to review the conditional use permit request on February 19th. 2. Public Hearing on the Consideration of issuance of $1,000,000 in Industrial Revenue Bonds for Clow Stampinq Company, Inc. Mr. Robert Hanson, fiscal consultants for the Clow Stamping Company, explained to the Council the procedures needed from the City for the issuance of $1 ,000,000 in industrial revenue bonds to Clow Stamping Co. -2- J COUNCIL iINUTES - 1/14/80 Clow Stamping Company is a metal fabricating and manufacturing firm which would like to move its operations from St. Louis Park to Monticello. The firm would like to build a new plant in the Oakwood industrial Park and would employ approximately 70 to 75 people. The basic reason for the request by Clow Stamping Company for industrial revenue bonds is that the current interest rate for real estate and machinery makes it almost impossible to finance such a project without the help of industrial revenue bonds. These revenue bonds are approximately 9% interest rate to the company. whereas open market rates could vary from 13 to 18%. City Attorney, Gary Pringle, has reviewed all the necessary papers rela- tive to the issue itself, and felt that the documents and papers are in order. It was also noted that the City would be under no obligation once these bonds are issued and would not be held responsible for repay- ment should the Company default. Hearing no other comments, motion was made by Fran Fair, seconded by Dan Blonigen and unanimously carried to approve a resolution giving preliminary approval to•the proposed $1,000.000 industrial revenue bond issue for Clow Stamping Company (See Resolution 1980 ifl). 3. Consideration of Resolution Orderinq Preparation of a Feasibility Report on Improvements Alonq East County Road 75 and East County Road 37. A petition has been received from fir. Curt Hoglund and Floyd Kruse requesting that'additional sewer and water lines be constructed from the Wastewater Treatment Plant east along County Road 75 and then along County Road 39 up to flississippi nrive. The first two parcels east of the Wastewater Treatment Plant already have sanitary sewer available, but the balance of the property would be receiving both sewer and water. A proposed townhouse development on the Curt Hoglund property was the basic reason for the sewer and water petition. Since more than 35% of the property owners have requested that a feasi- bility study be completed, motion was made by Phil White. seconded by Ken fiaus and unanimously carried to order a feasibility study on the sewer and water extensions as stated in the petition. fir. John Badalich, City Engineer, indicated that a feasibility study should be completed within 60 days and will report back to the Council at that time. (See Resolution 1980 q2). - 3 - 2 .. t COUNCIL MINUTES - 1/14/80 4. Discussion of Dewaterinq for Sewer Service Connections for Certain Lots J in Ritze Manor Addition. Three property owners in the Ritze Addition at the west end of Monticello requested to be on the Council agenda to discuss some dewatering problems they had had while hooking up to the sewer system. fir. Bud Kline indicated to the Council that he spent over $1,900 in dewatering costs when he tried to hook up to a sewer stub in Ritze ?Manor. He felt than the sewer stubs for these lots out there should have had risers put on them bringing them out of the water table so that problems would not occur when hooking up to the sewer. He indicated that he spent over $1,900 in dewatering costs to enable his contractor to hook up to the stub. John Badalich, City Engineer, informed the Council that at the time the sewer was put in in 1975, all sewer services were put at a 9' depth to facilitate all types of future homes that could be built in the area. By this, he meant he allowed sufficient depth for a full basement should one be constructed. He indicated at the time the project was being constructed, Ritze Manor did not yet have a grading plan submitted to the City, and the water table borings that were done as part of the project indicated a water depth of anywhere from 515' to as much as 11' deep. Although 1975 and 1976 were dry years, apparently, the water table is now much higher than it was at the time the services were installed. He felt that the project was installed according to standard procedures and to take water borings at every lot to determine the water level would be extremely costly. Mr. Charles Ritze has also met with the City staff in regards to possible future problems that will result when the balance of his lots are hooked up to the sewer system. A possible solution to future problems that may result would be to have the entire area dewatered at one time with all the services on the remaining vacant lots being brought up to what should be above the water table. Mr. Ritze has indicated he may be willing to do this in an effort to make the lots more salable in the future. It was noted by both the City Engineer and the Public Works Director that the cost for each lot would be quite small if all of them were done at one time rather than individually as was the case of Mr. Y.line's. The Council discussed the possibility of reimbursing sonic of the cost for the extra dewatering to the property owners, although they noted that it is not entirely felt that it is the City's problem due to natural fluctuations in the water table. Therefore, a motion was made by Dan Blonigen, seconded by fen Maus to table any action on reimbursement for dewatering costs to these property owners until further study of the area and additional input can be gotten from fir. Charles gitze in regards to future plans for sewer hookups in the area. This item will be brought up at a later date after Mr. Ritze is contacted on his plans. J - 4 - COUNCIL 11INUTES - 1/14/80 Consideration of Extension of Conditional Use Permit and Variance Request for Holiday Station Stores, Inc. Holiday Station Stores, Inc, requested an extension of their conditional use permit along with the variances received at the City Council's January 23, 1979 meeting. it was noted by the Station's representative that it was necessary to request an extension as a result of the fact that the firm was prevented from building last year for lack of a Federal gasoline allocation. The representative has indicated that the Station plans to begin construc- tion as soon as weather permits, therefore, a motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Fran Fair and unanimously carried to grant a one-year extension to Holiday Station Stores on their conditional use permit and variances. 6. Consideration of Credit on Prairie Road on the 1978-1 Improvement Project. Mr. Marvin George of !larvin George Builders requested that he be granted a credit for part of the construction costs associated with improving Prairie Road near Balboul Estates. A feasibility report was prepared by the City because of a petition from Marvin George for improvements to Balboui Estates. The feasibility report initially indicated that only 50% of the replacement cost for Prairie Road would be assessed to abutting property owners. It was noted at the time that the project was proposed to be assessed to the Property owners, but since !:arvin George wanted to start the project as soon as possible, he agreed to assume all costs of the project and pay for it himself rather than have it put on assessments. The final agreement signed by !'.arvin George and the City of Monticello indicated that lir. George would pay for the entire Costs associated with improve- ments to Balboul Estates. As a result, this item was not included in the contract referring to the feasibility report on the City picking up half of the cost of restoring Prairie Road. It was noted by the City Engineer that it was normally the City's policy to assess only half of the cost of restoring a road because of an improve- ment project. Normaliy the road was previously bituminous surfaced, and this was the reason for only assessing half of the costs. He noted that Prairie Road was only a gravel road and was actually first improved with bituminous as part of this project, and felt that the entire cost should be borne by !Ir. George. The amount of credit 9r. Marvin George requested totalled $2,167.32, or one half of the gravel• restoration cost, not bituminous surfacing. Based on the agreement, motion was made by Dan Bionigen, seconded by Phil llhito to deny the request for any reimbursement to !larvin George as part of the 1978-2 Improvement Project. Voting in Favor: Arve Grimsmo, Phil White, Dan Blonigen, Fran Fair. Opposed: Yen Maus. COUNCIL MINUTES - 1/14/80 Relative to the 1978-2 Improvement Project to Balboul Estates, motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Ken Maus and unanimously carried to establish June 1, 1980 as a deadline for completion of the 1978-2 Improvement Project by Marvin George. If the items are not completed by that date, the $1,000 retainage amount will be utilized by the City to complete the project. 7. Consideration of Extension on Variance to Allow the Use of a Mobile Home as a Sales Office in a 8-3 Zone by Scott Potato Company. Mr. Robert Pedersen, of Scott's Inc., a potato brokerage firm, requested that their variance allowing them to use the mobile home as a sales office in a B-3 zone be extended until late spring to allow them ample time to move the home to a new site. Presently, the mobile home sales office is located next to Monticello Ford on Highway 25, and Scotts Potato Company was allowed only until January 1st to use this office. It was noted that Scott's Potato Company is not requesting an extension to use the office for their business, but rather, are asking only to be allowed to leave the mobile home on the present site until they can find a suitable place to move it to. :lotion was made by Fran Fair, seconded by Ken Naus and unanimously carried to extend the deadline for the removal of the mobile sales office to June 1, 1980, with the understanding that it will not be used in their brokerage business in the meantime. J 8. Consideration of Appointment of Committee Members and Various City Functions and Duties. The list of present Committee Members and functions were reviewed by the Council for re -appointment for the year 1980. (See Supplement 1-14-80 #1). fir. Fred Topel, member of the Planning Commission, has resigned and the Council recommended that fir. John Bondhus be asked to fill this vacancy for 1980. In addition, the following changes were recommended: H.R.A. Committee - Extend George C0ars term to 1-1-85. Historical Society - Recommended Marlon Jamison to replace the position of Hazel Kotilinek. Senior Citizens Center Board - Noted that Jay Morrell was no longer on the Board, and recommended that Karen Hanson be appointed an ex -officio member. Joint Recreation Board - Recommended that Kay Gauthier be appointed to replace Ken Haus, and appoint Rick 1•lolfsteller as an ex -officio member. . J - 6 - COUNCIL MINUTES - 1/14/80 Community Education Board Rep. - Appointed Loren Klein to replace Rick Wolfsteller. Official Depositories - Added the First National Bank of Minneapolis. A motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Dan Blonigen and unanimously carried to appoint the individual committee members as listed in the Supplement with the changes as amended, along with the official functions and duties listed. The individuals recommended for replacements on various committees will be contacted to see if they are interested in serving. (See Supplement 1-14-80 N1). 9. Consideration of Acquisition of 2,000 Gallon Underqround Fuel System. The Public Works Director, John Simola, requested approval of installing a 2,000 gallon underground fuel system at the 'laintenance Building at an estimated cost of $2,800. The purpose of having an underground fuel system would be that: A. An adequate supply would always be on hand. B. Savings would result by buying the fuel in bulk. C. Savings in labor costs waiting 1n fuel lines to fill up individual trucks. According to a summary prepared by the Public Works nirector, an estimated $1,500 per year could be saved in labor and fuel costs to help offset the cost of an underground tank. it was noted that the fuel pump would have individual keys given to the employees which automatically metered the amount of gasoline pumped by each employee for record keeping purposes. Motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Fran Fair and unanimously carried to approve the expenditure of approximately $2,800 for the installation of an underground fuel storage tank at the Maintenance Building property. 10. Consideration of the Appointment of a Responsible Authority for the Purpose of meetinq the Requirements of the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. Purpose of this new Act is to insure that public documents are available for review by any individual at the City Hall. A responsible authority is required after appointment to prepare a public document containing procedures which the responsible authority will use to administer the 'linnesota Government Data Practices Act. It was noted that unless the City can find a Federal Law or State Statute classifying a particular piece of information, it is a public document and must he released to the public if requested. r COUNCIL MINUTES - 1/14/80 Motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Ken 'taus and unanimously J carried to appoint Mr. Gary Wieber, City Administrator, as the responsible authority for the administration of the Government Data Practices Act. (See Resolution 1980 H3). 11. Actions necessary As A Result of the State Auditor's Report for the Five -Years Ended December 31, 1978. As a result of the recently completed State .Auditor's report for the years 1974 through 1978, certain items should require Council action as indicated in the report. After some discussion about the Auditor's report, a special meeting was recommended to be set up whereby the State Auditor's Office can be in attendance to go over the report item by item before any action is taken by the City Council. By Council consensus, Wednesday. January 23, 1980 was set as the date for Mr. Arne Carlson of the State Auditor's Office to be in attendance to go over the audit report item by item. An alternate date of January 30, 1980 was set. In addition, tor. Arne Carlson will be requested to provide information relative to questions the City Administrator has asked in regards to items listed in the report, which he felt were not clarified or are in disagreement with. No other action was taken at this time in regards to the audit. 12. Quarterly Department Head Meetinq. I The following department heads were in attendance at the Quarterly Meeting: J Sheriff's Dept. Rep. - Jim Powers and Don ilozempa Fire Dept. Chief - Paul Klein Civil Defense Dir. - Loren Klein Senior Citizens Cntr. Dir. - Karen Hanson Public Works Director - John Simola Gary Wieber - City Administrator (like lielstad - Y14CA Detached Worker Program Public Works Director, John Simola, reviewed with the Council the revised snowplowing policy, which is on file at the City Hall. The snowplowing procedures as listed in the policy were reviewed and discussed by the Council. fir. Mike tielstad, of the YMCA, indicated that a new project will be started this summer at the YMCA camp for motor cycle riding. He felt this is a project that has worked extremely well in other areas, and he is very excited over the program. - 8 - COUNCIL MINUTES • 1/14/80 No other action was taken by the Council other than review with each Department Head. 13. Approval of Ninutes. Minutes of the Council sleeting held December 10, 1979 were approved on a motion by Phil White, seconded by Fran Fair and unanimously carried. 14. Statement of Approval of a New Hospital Clinic. The Monticello -Big Lake Community Hospital Board of Directors has been recently approached by six doctors interested in constructing a multi - specialty clinic to be attached to the local hospital. The Hospital Board strongly supported the concept and asked that the City Council of Monticello also give their support in a letter form. 'lotion was made by Phil White, seconded by Fran Fair and unanimously carried to have the City Administrator prepare a letter indicating that the City Council of Monticello wholeheartedly supports the construction of a multi -specialty clinic to be attached to the lionticello-Big Lake Community Hospital. it was noted that this would be a private clinic with no public funds expended and would be a worthwhile addition to the City of Monticello. Hearing no other business, the meeting was adjourned. Ritk Wol fste Assistant Administrator Rldl ns 6