City Council Agenda Packet 06-14-1982AGENDA FOR THE MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL June 14, 1982 - 7:30 P.M. Mayor: Arve Grimsmo. Council Members: Phil White, Ken Maus, Fran Fair, Dan Blonigen. Meeting to be taped. I. Call To order. A) Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting Held on May 24, 1982. B) Petitions, Requests, Complaints/Citizens Comments. II. Public Hearinq. A) Burlington Northern Railroad: Notice of Intent to Abandon the Rogers to Monticello line (Informational Hearing). III. Unfinished Business. A) Reaolutions Relatinq to the Improvement of 7th Street. B) Consideration of Comments from a Representative of the Property owners Affected by the Lift Station Failure. IV. New Business. A) Consideration of 1981 Audit Report. B) Consideration of Approval of Intoxicating Liquor, Non -In- toxicating Malt Liquor, Club Liquor and Set -Up Licenses. C) Consideration of Granting a Temporary 3.2 Bear License to Monticello Lion's Club for the 4th of July Celebration. D) Consideration of Lifting Restrictive Covenant Related to Parking for "Pizza Factory". E) Resolution: Moratorium on Manufactured Housing. F) Rosolution: Moratorium on Planned Unit Development. G) Consideration of Change orders 037, 038 and 039. H) Consideration of Einployeo Asoictanco Program and Overall 1 Personnel Policy Revisions. CI) Adjourn. Council Agenda - 6/14/82 SUPPLEMENT I. Call To Order. A) Approval of the Minutes of the meeting held on May 24, 1982. B) Petitions, Requests, Complaints/Citizens Comments. II. Public Hearing. A) Burlington Northern Railroad: Notice of Intent to Abandon the Rogers to Monticello line (Informational Ilearing). As you are aware, sometime ago the Minnesota Department of Transportation and Interstate Commerce Commission filed with the City and others, a Notice of Intent to Abandon the Rogers to Monticello line as filed by Burlington Northern Railroad. Up to this point, the City government of Monticello has not taken an official position either opposing or supporting the petition request. In a discussion with Mayor Grimsmo approxi- mately two weeks ago, we agreed that perhaps the City should conduct an informational hearing with as many representatives from the concerned hr.Yiies as possible in attendance. 1 have contacted several persons and have tentative agreements from them that they will be in attendance at the June 14th meeting. The persons that I have contacted are as follows: Mr. Isaac McCrary Jr. from Minnesota Department of Transportation, State Representative Bob McPachern and Mr. Tom Ehlinger of the Law Department at Burlington Northern Railroad. Mr. Mc- Crary and Mr. Ehlinger both stated that if they themselves did not attend, one of their associates would in fact, be present. On Monday, June 7th, I received a call from Mr. Leon Eliaoon of NSP, who informed me that NSP would be intervening in opposition to this petition to abandon. I informed him over the phone of the informational meeting to be hold next Monday and extended him an invitation. Again, if lie cannot attend, more than likely an associate from the firm will attend. Rnlativo to the actual mooting, I have indicated to all of the persons that this is strictly an informational hearing and not a formal public hearing where their comments and opinions would be recorded for either the ICC or the Do- partment of Transportation. The mooting is strictly to pro- vido information and comment so that the City Council can make their judgement in accordance with the information ro- coived. C Council Agenda - 6/14/82 In a matter closely related to the possible abandonment, when the notice was first filed, Mr. Bondhus of the City Planning Commission pointed out that the comprehensive plan for Monticello indicated interest in acquiring railroad right-of-way in the event that the right-of-way was abandon- ed by the railroad. In light of that, I did send a non - position letter to the Interstate Commerce Commission stating simply that at the time of that writing no official position has been taken by the City, but in the event that abandonment is granted, the City is interested in the acquisition of the property for trail development. I suggest that the Council be prepared to adopt a resolution either supporting or opposing the abandonment and that it be adopted on Monday evening after all of the information has been given. Such a resolution could be adopted either immedi- ately after the hearing or it could be tabled for further dis- cussion at the and of the meeting which would give you a little time to collate the information. REFERENCES: Copies of letters to the various parties invited to the hearing, a copy of the letter to the ICC, copies of rc=ol,it'ons (One supportinq, one opposinq) related to the abandonment. III. Unfinished Business. A) Resolutions Relating to the Improvement of 7th Street. John Badalich informs me that he fully expects to have detail- ed plans and specifications for the improvement of 7th Street ready to present at the Monday Council meeting. 1 have not received copies of the plans and do not know if he will have them to us far enough in advance that you may receive a copy prior to the meeting. Loren Klein has confirmed that we will have a petition with 1001A of the affected property owners re- quescing the improvement, and thus, we may dieponso with the public hearing. If the plane as proaented aro complete enough by Monday night that a determination can he made by the Council, then I recommend that all resolutions be adopted and that a call for bids be issued. REFERENCESi A copy of all resolutions concerned and a copy of petition for the public improvement. - 2 - i Council Agenda - 6/14/82 B) Consideration of Comments from a Representative of the Property Owners Affected by the Lift Station Failure. On Monday, May 24, 1982, Walt Mack of the city crew discovered that one of the check valves in pump N2 at the West Bridge Park lift station was out of order. City crews immediately went to work and pulled the valve, and made arrangements to order the new part, which at that time they thought had to be ordered from Mississippi or Alabama and would take 3 to 4 weeks for delivery. On Thursday evening, May 27th, approximately 6:00 P.M., there was a power failure at that lift station causing a back up of wastewater into several property owners basements along Front Street. John Simola, who was working in Ellison Park, was paged and assembled enough man power to get the power back on and the pumps working again. On Friday, Saturday and Sunday, I had available city staff drive by the affected property owners homes and pick up garbage and debris that they had set out since we did not have garbage pickup and it would be considerable time till there was pickup again. Also on Friday, I talked with Jon Franzen, our insurance agent, and explained the situation to him. It was his opinion that our insurance company, perhaps, would not cover the damage since it was not a matter of personnel %L negligence nor was it a result of a lightning strike or some other such natural dioaster. He did say, however, that I should compile as much information about the lift station failure and that if a property case could be established, we would submit to our insurance company in order to give some financial assistance to the property owners. On Wednesday, Juno 2nd, I visited each of the houses that were affected fin come cases, finding no one home) to ex- plain exactly what the City was doing about the problem. I explained that if all persons concerned would submit their claim to me, I would in turn file a composite claim with our insurance company, but at this timo I could not guarantee that the insurance company would honor the claim. I noted further that should tho insurance company not honor the claim, they would have the right to come before the City Council to oxpr000 their dissatisfaction, if that is what they desired. 3 C Council Agenda - 6/14/82 Later that same Wednesday, I received a letter from Metcalf and Larson who wrote representing the residents that they would like to be on the June 14th agenda to express their feelings on the matter. Mrs. Thimmesh, one of the affected residents, indicated that a great deal of their dissatis- faction is a result of the fact that no one in the area was notified about pump 02 being out of operation and there was potential for sewer backup. She contends that were they notified, each homeowner could have taken steps to minimize the damage in the event of a lift station failure. I point- ed out to her that the failure of the pump did not necessarily mean that there would be an overall lift station failure and we did not see that it warranted a notification in this par- ticular case. I also informed each of them that we very likely would not have a determination from the insurance company by the June 14th meeting; however, Mrs. Thimmesh said they would still wish to appear before the Council on the 14th. My recommendation is that we grant them a limited amount of time to express their feelings on the matter, but refrain from making any offers of assistance. We should insist that we must wait until we receive determination from our insur- ance company. you probably should nota that in the avant that the insurance company does not honor the claim, you will gladly reopen discussion on the matter. REFERENCES: My letter to the property owners, letter from Metcalf and Larson, report by Simola, and report by Mack. IV. Now Business. A) Consideration of 1981 Audit Report. The city auditors will be present to discuss the 1981 Audit Report, and answer any questions you may have. While this is a relatively short time for you to review the audit to be prepared to go over it, I think you will find it basically self explanatory. If, at a later date, you have additional questions concerning the audit report and the financial operations of the City for 1981, we can certainly invite the auditors to return for a more prolonged discussion. REFERENCES: A copy of the 1981 Audit Report. l _ 4 _ Council Agenda - 6/14/82 S) Consideration of Approval of Intoxicating Li-quor, Non -Intoxi- cating Malt Liquor, Club Liquor and Sot -Up Licenses. The following licenses must be renewed effect July 1, 1982. 1. Intoxicating Liquor License, on -sale (Fee $3,000.00). a. Monticello Liquors, Inc. b. Silver Fox Motel. e. Wayside Inn. d. Joyner's Lanes. 2. Intoxicating Liquor, on -sale, Sunday (Pee $100.00). _ a. Monticello Liquors, Inc. b. Silver Fox Motel. c. Wayside Inn. d. Joyner's Lanes. 3. non -Intoxicating Malt Liquor, on -sole (Fuo $220.00). a. Friend's Cafe. b. Monticello Rod 6 Gain Club. C. PtaZaFactory. d. manticollo Country Club (New license). 4. Non -Intoxicating Malt Liquor, off -Dole (Fee $33.00). a. Monticello Liquors, Inc. b. Yxnio'a Mit Shop. c. Wayne's Rod Owl. d. Maus Foods. o. River Terrace Trailer Park Store. P.. Tam Thumb Suporatte. g. Wayside Inn. h. Holiday Station. 5. Sot -Up Liconoo (Fes 8220.00). a. tlonticallo Country Club. b. Monticello Rod 6 Gun Club. 6. Club Liquor Licanoo (Poo 8220.00). ( n. marican Legion Club. b. V.P.W. Club. - 5 - Council Agenda - 6/14/82 The fees reflected in the above list are those that became effec- tive on November 24, 1981. The new license for not -intoxicating malt liquor, on -sale for the Monticello Country Club is a result of finding out that they have never had a license although they have sold beer. Apparently, they have been operating under the misunderstanding that possession of a set-up license also allow- ed the sale of 3.2 beer. This matter should be rectified this year. I recommend that in order to expedite matters, a single motion be drafted granting all licenses. The motion could take the form of "I move that the following applicants be granted the license/licenses for which they applied, effective July 1, 1982". I will usually formally contact the local law enforcement agency to determine if any of the operations create a substantial num- ber of problems. While I have not contacted Wright County Sheriff's Department formally, I have talked with Officer Gay and been told that there has been no substantial increase in problems related to liquor establishments. C) Consideration of Granting a Temporary 3.2 Beer License to the Monticello Lion's Club for the 4th of July Celebration. Mark Irmiter will be representing the Lion's Club at this meeting to make their request for this temporary license. He _s well aware cl the publicity and questions being raised about the granting of a temporary license. The Lion's do, however, wish to continue their past practice of being able to sell beer during the 4th of July celebration. D) Consideration of Lifting Restrictive Covenant Related to Parking for the Pizza Factory. Laren Klein informed me that at the time the Pizza Factory was built, a restrictive covenant was placed on the building per- mit prohibiting their operations during the normal business day because of a limited amount of, parking space. Mr. Gkogren has now requested that the covenant be lifted so that he may open and operate during the lunch hour at least during the summer months. It is Mr. Gkogron's contention that with the development of the commuter parking lot, many parking spaces have boon opened up in the downtown area and that his lunch business would not create any significant congestion. Rick in reviewing, at this time, information relating to the original parking assessment that would be levied in 1983 against this entire building area. if,in fact, substantial parking assessment has to be paid, than I coo it to be unreasonable that they not be allowed to be open. As I noted, Mr. Ekagron is primarily concerned with tooting this out through the sum - mor months, and I coo no real difficulty in doing this. If, during the trial period, we discover there is severe parking problems, then the entire plan would have to be reviewed. Fnclosod for your reference is the parking agreement dated December 26, 1900. -g - Council Agenda - 6/14/82 If we do allow him to open during the noon hour, we must emphasize that this is strictly on a trial basis and that the covenant may be replaced if a problem is discovered. E) Resolution: Moratorium on Manufactured Housing. The Minnesota Legislature has pointed out that manufactured housing can no longer be kept out of residential dwelling zones for the simple reason that they are manufactured housing. As a result of this decision, Loren and Mr. Dahlgren are preparing new requirements for manufactured housing that will in effect, still place certain requirements on their placement. Related very closely to this is the preliminary proposal by Mr. B3ylefor his development in the southeast area of the City, a large part of which would be manufactured housing. In order for the City to maintain a certain amount of control on housing quality standards, our zoning ordinance requires amendments to address these manufactured housing issues. Thus, Loren has requested a resolution setting a moratorium on all manufactured housing until such time as the ordinance is amended and the new code is in effect. The fol- lowing resolution, lettered F on planned unit development is closely related and the moratorium is for the very same reason ns the one on mnnnfnrtnrerl housing. Amain, it relates closely to the proposed development by Mr. Boyle and the fact that the zoning ordinance does need amendments to bring us in compliance with current Statuteslut still allow us to have certain quality control. REFERENCES: Copies of each resolution. F) Resolution: Moratorium on Planned Unit Development. Sao above. G ) Consideration of Change orders 037, 038 and 039. Chango Orders 037 and 038 arc primarily electrical in content. They aro relatively minor changes having to do with same ad- ditional wiring, receptacles and fixtures. he is noted in the lettere to the Laurence Company from OSM, change order 037 reflects an addition of a 4 way switch and the necessary con- duit and wire that will be in Stair A in the intermediate landing. It also includes in the operators roan, 3 additional receptacles on the north, south and oast wells including again, the conduit wiring and circuiting. There is a rewiring proposed for the existing water heater in the lavatory and finally, both a removal and a replacement of lighting fixtures within the existing lavatories. - 7 - C Council Agenda - 6/14/82 Change Order 038 provides for the installation of exterior lighting at the doors of the control building and at the aeration/blower room building. There are also revisions to bring sufficient power to the standby emergency generator auxilary equipment. The first two parts of Change Order 038 are simple installation of exterior lighting and the approp- riate switches on the inside of the affected buildings. The third part of Change order 038 deals with the control wiring for motors M1, M2 and M3, and motor N91. The fourth part of Change Order 038 is the creation of circuits for the standby generator engine heaters and battery charger. The directions read that they are to use the remaining spare 20 amp circuits available and to install new 20 amp circuit breakers for each new spare circuit as required. Change Order 039, I think, is best explained in the letter from OSM to the Laurence Company. It gives a fairly detailed account of what happened and what should be done to accommo- date it, a description of which I would only repeat in this portion of the supplement. III Consideration of rnnlovee Assintancr_ Program and Overall Personnel Policy Revisions. A9 a result of the ongoing union negotiations, I have care- fully gone over the existing city personnel policy as wall as the employee assistance policy which is a part of the overall policy. It is my opinion that certain portions of the policy aro vary inadequate. Relative to the employee assistance program, it is little more than a policy statement that states the City's concern over personnel well being and that the City will hall) when it can. In the past years, the City to implement this program, has had a working relationship with the Minnesota Growth Exchange. In pursuing this existing agreement, I find that the Minnesota Growth Exchange ties boon dissolved and no longer exists. As a result, I have approached people from the Abbott Northwestern hospital system to help in the preparation of a comprehensive poreonnol policy and employee assistance policy which would provide also the implementation of the EAP. I have mat with Mr. Dan Roo of the Abbott North- western Hospital systems to discuss this and lie indicated that he would be very happy to work on such a program, and in fact, carry through to the implementation stages. By implementation stages, what I moan is that the Abbott Northwestern staff would also be available for all forms of consultation that would not be charged to the employee or any other city personnel who choose to use it. We have not, at this time, prepared any do - tells except in preliminary discussion form. Basically, Mr. Roo sulmittod to me a proposal that the City of Monticello and Abbott Northwestern Hospital systema enter into an agree- ment for a $1,000.00 annual fee which would provide initially for the creation of the overall poreonnol policy including the - 8 - Council Agenda - 6/14/82 It EAP; would provide a series of training sessions for super- visory personnel on how to identify the problems connected with a troubled employee; would provide training sessions for all personnel on how to effectively use the City's EAP in their personal lives; would provide free of charge to the employee first session consultation with an EAP specialist; would provide free of charge to the employee the first session with the specialist recommended by the EAP consultant; would provide occasional informational sessions for employees on a varying range of topics; would provide for an annual update of the EAP and the overall personnel policy; would provide the necessary legal background to in- sure that the policies comply with all state and federal employee regulations. I strongly recommend that we enter the agreement. I am familiar with the quality of work performed by the Abbott Northwestern Hospital's sytem, and rate them as excellent. I also feel very strongly that the existence of both a quality personnel policy and a quality EAP is of direct benefit to the City as well as the employee. The agreement with the Minnesota Growth Exchange that the City has had in tho past, has an arrrox--atc coat cf :200 tc :100; however, the agreement accommodated nothing more than a referral service by EAP personnel at the growth exchange. It is my estimation that for the dollar amount, we would be receiving for greater service from the Abbott Northwestern system. If we proceed with a rewrite of all personnel policy matters, I anticipate the entire program to be ready for council adoption by the first meeting in August. I am requesting that you take affirmative action on this at the Juno 14th meeting. I) Adjourn. A - 9 - MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - M014TICELLO CITY COUNCIL .� May 24, 1982 - 7:30 P.M. Members Present: Arve Grimsmo, Fran Fair, Phil White, Ken Maus, Dan Blonigen. Members Absent: None. I. Call To Order. A. Approval of the Minutes. A motion was made by Fair, second- ed by Blonigen and unanimously carried to approve the minutes of the regular council meeting held May 10th, 1982. II. Unfininhed Business. A. Consideration of Alternate Proposals on City Maintenance Building. Previously, bids were received by the City for the construc- tion of a new pole building at the maintenance property site with the low bid being $19,324 from Menard's Inc. and the next lowest bidder being Lester's Inc. in the amount of $19,368. Council member Blonigen had concerns that the building was over specified and similar type haildings could be built for much loss and submitted to the Council a comparative bid sheet indicating that a similar building could be built for approximately $1,547 less, than the low bid received if the building was built not to be insulated in the future. Mr. Blonigen also noted that although the dollar difference is not that largo, he felt that the City may still eventually spend $10,000 more when the building is completed and fully insulated to the Public works Department's requirements and as a result, maybe the City should be looking at adding an additional stall to the present concrete maintenance build- ing instead. Although the Public Works Director agreed that an additional atoll to the concrete building would to prefer- able, the estimated coat would probably be two or three times as much as a separate polo building. Mayor Crimsmo noted that comments have been mado to him from other builders and other building inspectors that possibly the City would be getting a bettor value for its money by building a Looter's building versus a Monard's building as better materials would be used by motor's Inc. Mayor Crimomo noted problems that the City of Becker has tied with Menard's buildingo in regard to warping of the lumber, otc. Councilmen Blonigon also noted that in his experience as a building contractor. Monard's materials Council Minutes - 5/24/82 appeared to be less than desirable in regard to moistuze "{ content etc. resulting in shrinkage etc. of the lumber. Loren Klein, City Building Inspector, also agreed that in his opinion, it would be in the City's best interest to award the contract to Lester's based on quality of ma- terials provided and better anchoring of poles to footings. It was Mr. Grimsmo's recommendation that the bid be award- ed to Lester's Inc. for the additional cost of $44.00 over the low bid of Menard's. A motion was made by White, seconded by Maus to award the contract for the construction of a pole building at the maintenance garage to Lester's Inc. of Lester Prairie in the base bid amount of $19,368.00. Voting in favor was White, Maus, Fair and Grimsmo with Blonigen opposing the motion because it was still his opinion that a different type of building should be built and the opposition to the motion was not meant to be supporting Menard's low bid over Lester's Inc. B. Consideration of Appraisal of 15 feet of Chestnut Street as per vacation Request. At the previous Council meeting, Mr. Paul Lutzko of 824 West Broadway petitioned the City of Monticello requesting that a portion of Chestnut Street lying adjacent to his property be vacated to allow him to build a double garage on a portion of the vacated street. No action was taken by the Council at the previous meeting regarding vacation to allow an appraisal to be obtained on the value of the cast 15 foot portion. An appraisal of the estimated value of the street to be vacated was obtained from Mr. John Sandberg of Sandberg Roalty who estimated the value between $500 and $1,000 for the 15 foot by 165 foot parcel depending on the cost to the city for the transforring of those parcels to the adjoining property owners. The Council eoneensus was that unless the value of the property was sufficient to justify vacating, it may be in the boat interest of the City not to vacate the pro- porty. As a result, a motion was made White, seconded by Fair and unanimously carried to approve vacating the oast 15 foot of Chestnut Street between Broadway and 3rd Strout - 2 - N Council Minutes - 5/24/82 and to offer each 15 by 165 foot parcel to the abutting y'i property owners at a cost of $750 each with the offer being good until December 1, 1982 for purchase. C. Report on Cost Related to Replacement of Man Hole at intersection of Hwys 75 and 25. Public Works Director, John Simola, reviewed with the Council quotes he has received for the repair of the man hole located at the intersection of Hwy 25 and 75. Mr. Simola noted that two major contractors he has contacted have indicated that they would only quote the job based on time and materials and have estimated the cost at about $10,000 due to its difficult location. The only quote received so far was from Utilities Services Company which estimated the cost at $4,950. Mr. Simola noted that this company has previously repaired a man hole along Hwy 25 and did do an adequate job. As a result, a notion was made by Blonigon seconded by Maus and unanimously carried to authorize the Public Works _ Director to enter into an agreement with Utilities Service Company in the amount of $4,950 for the repair and replace- ment of the existing manhole at the intersection of Hwy 75 and State Hwy 25. New Buaineae. A. Consideration of Change Orders 034, 035 and 03G for the Wastowator Treatment Plant. Threo additional change orders on the construction at the Wastewater Troatment Plant with the Paul A. Laurence Company hava been recommended by the city engineer and city staff as follows: 034 - Replacement of material only on the sludge collect- ing mochanismo in the oxisting final clarifier for an additional amount of $12,543.00. 035 - Adjustment of unit pricon on quantities for curb and guttor and bituminous street ourfacing to accomaodato a rovielon of bituminous curb to con- crete curb and guttor. No exact dollar change at present time. 036 - The relocation of gas scrubber and purification C cyotem into a now ooparato housing structuro to comply with safety roquiremonts of tho state building codo, an additional 912,588. Council Minutes - 5/24/02 On J A motion was made by Blonigen, seconded by White and unanimously carried to approve change orders 034 through 036 in the amount of $25,131.00 on the Wastewater Treat- ment Plant construction project with the Paul A. Laurence Company, the general contractor. B. Continuation of Public Nearing - Vacation of the Westerly 15 feet of City Easement Lying Over Vacated Cedar Street. Mr. Willard Murphy, owner of Americ-Inn, appeared previous- ly before the Planning Commission to request a vacation of the westerly 15 feet of the city easement which lies over Coda Street which was previously vacated on February 25th, 1980 and sold to Mr. Murphy and the V.F.W. Club in March of of 1981. Mr. Murphy would like to be able to use a portion of the vacated street for his proposed motel to be situated on. The proposal calls for the building to be situated approximately 7 feet over into the vacated portion of the street which currently has casement rights by the City, NSP and Bridgewater Telephone Company. In order to allow this, the City would have to release the easement rights pvnr Llw portion of the str,:cL :hat the 1:,.ilding :.Gus situated on and Northern States Power Company has indicated that they would have no problem with releasing the casement rights up to 25 feat of the cast portion of the street. Bridgewater Telephone Company has indicated that they do presently have a telephone pad located in the cast 15 foot of the vacated street and would be willing to only release the casement over the portion of the street that the building would actually be situated on plus an allow- ance for the building drip line at the present time and in the future would not object to releasing their easement rights over the entire easterly 15 foot of the street onto they have moved their telephone pad. It was noted by the Building Inspector, Loren Klein, that letters from NSP and Bridgewater Telephone Company indicat- ing their agreement with the releasing of the casements will be forth coming and as a result, a motion was made by White, seconded by Blonigen and unanimously carried to approve vacating the easements over the approximate 7 foot area that the building proposed by the motel will be located on, legal description as follows c. Review of Liquor Store Quarterly Report. Liquor Store Manager, Mark Irmiter, reviewed with the Council the results of the first quarter operation and financial report. Total sales for the first quarter of 1982 increased approximately $6,000 over the same period last year and the resulting gross profit in- candaeu npp:csi:.atcly 45.700 resulti^0 in e gro_c profit percentage of almost 21%. Operating income rose to $9,900 versus $5,900 the previous year. it was noted by Mr. Irmiter that traditionally the first quartor is the slower quarter of the year and he expects the balance of the year to chow continued good results. A motion was mado by Fair, seconded by Maua and unani- mously carried to accept the first quarter liquor store report as proosnted. D. Approval of the Bills for the Month of May. A motion woo made by Blonigen, seconded by Fair and unanimously carried to approve the bills for the month of May, 1982 as presented. (Soo Exhibit 01). E. Review of Preliminary Visibility Report on Wideninj 7th Stroot Between Hwy 25 said Cedar Street. John Badalich, City Engineer, presented to the Council Dome proliminary cost ostimatoo for improving 7th Street 5 - Council Minutes - 5/24/82 Beginning at the northeasterly corner of Lot 6 - 9 9 Block 3: thence southwesterly along the easterly line of Lot 6 - Block 3 for a distance of 130.0 feet: thence easterly 90 degrees from the easterly line of said Lot 6 - Block 3, a distance of 18.0 feet: thence southwesterly parallel to the easter- ly line of said Lot 6 - Block 3, a distance of 165.0 feet: thence westerly 90 degrees to the easterly line of said Lot 6 - Block 3, a distance of 18.0 feet to the easterly line of said Loc 6 - Block 3: thence northwesterly along the easterly line of said Lot 6 - Block 3, a distance of 315.0 feet to the point of beginning. c. Review of Liquor Store Quarterly Report. Liquor Store Manager, Mark Irmiter, reviewed with the Council the results of the first quarter operation and financial report. Total sales for the first quarter of 1982 increased approximately $6,000 over the same period last year and the resulting gross profit in- candaeu npp:csi:.atcly 45.700 resulti^0 in e gro_c profit percentage of almost 21%. Operating income rose to $9,900 versus $5,900 the previous year. it was noted by Mr. Irmiter that traditionally the first quartor is the slower quarter of the year and he expects the balance of the year to chow continued good results. A motion was mado by Fair, seconded by Maua and unani- mously carried to accept the first quarter liquor store report as proosnted. D. Approval of the Bills for the Month of May. A motion woo made by Blonigen, seconded by Fair and unanimously carried to approve the bills for the month of May, 1982 as presented. (Soo Exhibit 01). E. Review of Preliminary Visibility Report on Wideninj 7th Stroot Between Hwy 25 said Cedar Street. John Badalich, City Engineer, presented to the Council Dome proliminary cost ostimatoo for improving 7th Street 5 - Council Minutes - 5/24/82 between Hwy 25 and Cedar Street with bituminous surfacing and curb and gutter. A number of alternatives were dis- cussed as follows: - A 44 foot street with curb and gutter on center line was estimated at $48,285.00 with a concrete retaining wall and $38,385.00 with a timberwood retaining wall. - A 44 foot street with curb and gutter 10 feet south of center line with a concrete retaining wall at $36,585.00 and $33,285.00 with a timber - wood retaining wall. - A 44 foot wide street with a 5 foot shoulder on center line was estimated at $43,610.00 with a concrete retaining wall and $33,710.00 with a timberwood retaining wall. - A 40 foot wide street with 5 foot shoulders located 10 foot south of center lino was estimated at $31,910.00 will o Vunel utu relaiuiuy -11 ,,J $28,610.00 with a timberwood retaining wall. In reviewing the alternates available, it was recommended by the City Engineer and also the concenaus of the Council that the improvement of 7th Street should be moved at least 10 foot to the south in order to reduce the cost associated with the retaining wall near the cemetery. In addition, the two property owners located on tho south side of 7th Street, namely Perkins Restaurant and W.J. Murphy, have indicated they would like to see the street improved with curb and gutter and a petition will be forth- coming from the property owners requesting the improvement. As a result, a motion was made by Maus, seconded by White and unanimously carried to authorito the City Engineer to draw up plans and specifications with the alternates pro- sentod and prepare a report on the estimated aseoasment coot to the affected property owners. Moc g Adjourned. Rick Wolfatol or Y Assistant Administrator 6 RESOLUTION REIATING TO DOCKET #AB -61 SUB. NO. 119F Resolution Opposing the Proposed Abandonment of Railroad Line from Rogers to Monticello wHEREAS, Burlington Northern Railraod has initiated action to abandon a section of their railroad line running from Rogers, Minnesota, to Monticello, Minnesota; and 1:111EREAS, the City Council of Monticello, wishing to act in the beet interest of the people of Monticello, held a hearing for the purpose of receiving public co--acnt; and WHEREAS, it is the expressed opinion of the City Council that the abandonment of said railroad line would be a detriment to community well being. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COU14CIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO THAT: 1) The proposed abandonment of the Burlington Northern Railroad line from Rogers to Monti- cello is hereby opposed. 2) The City Administrator io directed to submit to all relevant agencies a letter expressing the City's opposition. 3) The City of Monticello shall lend its support to other public and private agencies which are in opposition to the abandonment in an effort to present o united position. Adopted by the Council this 14th day of Juno, 1902. Arvo A. Grimamo ATTEST s C Thomas A. Eiden City Administrator M RESOLUTION RELATING TO DOCKET NAB -61 SUB. NO. 119F Resolution Endorsing the Proposed Abandonment by Burlington Northern Railroad of the Rogers to Monticello Line. WHEREAS, Burlington Northern Railroad has initiated action to abandon a section of their railroad line running from Rogers, Minnesota, to Monticello, Minnesota; and WHEREAS, the City Council of Monticello, wishing to act in the best interest of the people of Monticello, hold a hearing for public co=ent; and WHEREAS, it is the expressed opinion of the City Council that the abar;donment of said railroad would not be a detriment to the community's well being. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL O: -.112 CITY OF MONTICELLO THAT Burlington Northern Railroad be supported in its efforts to abandon the Rogers to Monticello line, and that no objections be filed on behalf of the City. Adopted this 14th day of Juno, 1982. Arvo A. Grimsmo Mayor of Monticello ATTESTS Thomas A. Eidem City Administrator JE, W Minnesota Bob McEachemDistrict 18B House of Wright -Sherburne _ Representatives \'(1 commCommltteea: Education School Aide Division, Mary A. sIaWn. Jr., spe" Chairman. Health and Welfare Local and Urban Affairs Joint Committee on Libraries May 20, 1982 Deputy Director Section of Finance Roar 5417 Interstate Commerce Commission Washington, D.C. 20423 RE: AB -6 (Sub -No. 119F) Dear Sir: I am writing to let you know ttuat I strongly oppose the abrudomlent of the Burlington Northern Railroad line. I have been working in the Minnesota Legis- lature to approp:iatc n= --y to candu:t a sti-dy of light real transit bct,:.•ccn Minneapolis and St. Cloud, Minnesota and this is the line that we are using for that study. We hope that in the rear future we will be able to have a light rail system set up using that line. Ilse abandonnent would be detrimental to our stud and to the people who live in the area who are patiently waiting to get lilt rail transit from St. Cloud to Minneapolis, the fastest growing area in the State of Minnesota. I appreciate your consideration. Sincerely, BMc/nuc teaeutaotnc� ^ _ a01 fM.111 WHarL e• Bob McEaehem State Representative O��NNESpT. �4inncsota Department of Transportation Transportation 13LIdding F St. Paul, NlinneSota 55155 4r OF 7P0 May 19, 1982 , i,,,,,,• (612) 296-1611 Rail Users and Other Interested Parties Re: Notice of Intent to Abandon Burlington Northern's Rogers to Monticello line, in Hennepin 6 Wright Counties, Minnesota The Minnesota Department of Transportation has received notification from BN that on or about May 28, 1982, it intends to file with the ICC an application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and necessity permitting, the abandonment of its Rogers to Monticello line. The lire extends from Milepost 21.15, near Rogers, to Milepost 38.29 at the end of the line near Monticello, a distance of 17.14 miles. Thin distance includes the stations at Albertville and Monticello. The ICC will determine if rail service should continue on the line. The Minnesota Department of Transportation will be participating, in this proceeding. If you have special comments regarding, your trans- portation needs or community's concerns relating to this rail aban- donment, I would appreciate hearing from you within the next two weeks. Please direct your comments to me as follows: Isaac McCrary, Jr. Mn/DOT Room 820, Transportation Building St. Paul, Minnesota 55155 612-296-1611 In the event the abandonment occurs, the right-of-way may be acquired for public use. If you are a local or state unit of government, in- dicate your interest in writing to the Interstate Commerce Commission, 12th and Constitution Avenue, Northwest, Washington. D.C. 204-23. Public use statements and other written comments must indicate the proceedine Docket No. AB -61 (Sub. No. 119F) and must be filed with the ICC no later than .June 28, 1982. Adjacent landowners along the railroad right-of-way wanting to buy a portion of the railroad property may indicate their interest to the railroad at the following name and address, Douglass J. Babb Law Department Burlington Northern Railroad Company 176 East Pifth Street St. Paul, Minnesota. 55101 �, A ,4. r9_1 Ilppn.(..iq n..wpiny. .JM)b$' Rail Users & Other Interested Parties May 19. 1982 Page Two. If you have any further questions regarding this abandonment pro- ceeding, feel free to call or write me. Sincerely. .!! Isaac McCrary. Jr. Rail Abandonment Coordinator Rail Planning Unit C �A 0111te al 9w Cay Admmuvator C. -ty of Monficelk Plow: 16121295.2711 Moue', 16121333.5739 June 2, 1982 Interstatacommerce CtSIMIission 12th i Constitution Ava. B.N. Nashington, D. C. 20023 Res Docket No. A8-fil(Sub. No. 119P). In rospcnee to the May 19th, 1902 Minnesota Department of Trans- portation Notice of Intent to Abandon, I am contacting you to express the City of Monticallo's interest in acquiring the right-of-way petitioned for abandonment in the above referenced docket. While the City,at thin point, has taken no official pooition on the request to abandon, it does wish to go on record that in this event that abandonment is granted, the City in in- eorescad in the acquisition of the right-of-way. The City of Monticallo's Comprehensive Plan indicates that in the long run, if the railroad were to abandon said right-of-way, the property under lying could be developed as a bicycle trail and perhaps, croas country ski -snowmobile type trail. Planes contact me at the address below it additional infornmtion is required. Very truly yours, 6kWj_ Thomas A. Zidam City Administrator TAL/mh cc 1 CA John Dondhus 250 ED!" --IV a f1t. a, 001 83A is Monticotto. MN 55362 Orly 7 oI /I'/on�icA Office of w Pho-: 168:21 295.27:: Cay Ado n L'efo: Metro le:2f 333.5139 C. June 3, 1982 Mr. Tom Ehlinger Burlington Northern Railroad IAw Department 176 East Fifth Street St. Paul, MN. 55101 Dear Mr. Ehlinger: This latter is a follow up to our phone conversation of June 3rd, 1962 when I requested your attendance at the June 14th, 1987 Monticello City Council meeting to discuss the Notice of Intent to Abandon Burlington Northern's Rogers to Monticello line (Docket IAB -61 Sub. go. 119P). While it is my understanding that the main purpose of your visit will be to provide informa- tion to the City Council and staff, there may be members of the public present who wish to address Questions to you. Also, as I mentioned on the phone, we will be inviting HWDOT rapresenta- tivo Isaac McCrary, Jr. to attend the meeting. I have enclosed a map of the City showing directions to the Monticello City offices. my intention is to place you very early on the meeting agenda, a copy of which I will be sending you as the mooting time neare. Very truly yours, Therms A. Bid em City Administrator TAE/mh / cc: CA 250 E: idw9y a At. 4. Box 83A 9 Monttoetlo. MN 55302 1 T.10phom 23S471 1 M.vo 4�. 73]•5777 6-1,u 4 KnficA 2 Esit Broadway J Route 4, Box 83A MONTICELLO, MN 55362 June 3, 1982 The Honorable Bob MOEacharn State Representative 601 North Walnut St. Michael, MN. 55776 Doer Representative MOEachern7 This letter is to confirm my phone request that you attend the June 14th, 1982 Monticello City Council meeting to discuss the proposed abandonment of the Burlington Northern Railroad lino. As I mentioned in our conversation, Mr. Isaac McCrary, Jr. of MN/DOT is planning to be present at the meeting to answer questions and provide additional information on the proposed abandonment. While our intent to have this meeting is primari- ly one for gaining information, I suspect there may be membere of the public who will be presont to express their opinions. I will be sending you a copy of our meeting agenda as the meet- ing date nears. Please feel free to contact me it you have any questions prior to that time. Very truly yours. o Thomas A. Eidom City Administrator TAE/mh cc i CA'� McCrary, M11/D0T Wo1com• InIic*110 . . . Cill[i mountain -' l t•4pho.x 395•]7 t i ��?7 C,ifc� onfice�� 2Y�'/lEar�/)/)t Broadway Route 4, Box 83A MONTICELLO, MN 56362 June 2, 1982 Mr. Isaac McCrary, Jr. Minnesota Department of Transportation Room 820 Transportation Building St. Paul, MN. 55155 Doer Mr. McCrary, Jri This letter is a follow up to our phone conversation of June 2, 1982 when I requested your attendance at the June 10th, 1982 Monticello City Council meeting -to discuss the Notice of Intent to Abandon Burlington Northern'• Rogers to Monticello line {Docket IFAB-61 Sub. No. 119F}. While it is my understanding that the main purpose of your visit will be to provide informa- tion to the City Council and staff, there maybe members of the public present who wish to address questions to you. Also, as I mentioned on the phone, we will be inviting Kinnesota Repre- sentative Bob Mcfeachern to attend the meeting. I have enclosed a map of the City shoving directions to the Monticello City offices. My attention is to place you very early on the meeting agenda, a copy of which I will be sanding -you as the meeting time nears. va4.g truly your#, Thomas A. 814am City Administrator TWmh cc i CA'r Bob McEachorn It COI1t0 !to .. A_ rn�p0 . • • RU�I u►toanialso Mena Lt.. 333.5739 RESOLUTION DECLARING ADEQUACY OF PETITION AND ORDERING PREPARATION OF REPORT BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA: 1. A petition requesting the improvement of 7th Street between trunk Hwy 25 and Lauring Lane filed with the Council on June 14th. 1982, is hereby declared to be signed by the re- quired percentage of owners of property affected thereby. :his declaration is Lade in conformity to Minnesota Statutes Section, 429.035. 2. The petition is hereby referred to OSM and they are in- structed to report to the Council with all convenience speed, advising the Council in a preliminary way as to whether the proposed improvement is feasible, and as to whether it should be made as proposed or in connection with some other improvement, and the estimated cost of the improvement as recommended. Adopted by the Council this 14th day of June, 1982. ATTEST, Thomas A. Cidsm City Administrator Arve A. Grimamo Mayor of Monticello r RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT AND PREPARATION OF PLANS WHEREAS, a certain petition requesting the improvement of 7th Street between trunk Hwy 25 and Inuring Lane was duly presented to the Council on the 14th day of June, 1982; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the resolution of the Council adopted June 14th, 1982, a report has been prepared by OSM with reference to the improvement, and this report was received by the Council on June Atli, 1982# NOW THEREFORE, 9E IT RESOLVED 8Y THE CITY COUNCIL OF MON^aICELLO, MINNESOTA: 1. The Council defines and determines that said petition was signed by all owners of real estate property abutting upon the streets named as the location of the improvement. 2. Such improvement is hereby ordered as proposed in the ( Ctl.^. i l rcz*o1utjv-% ca.,,.tee Juno 14th, 1982. 3. OSM is hereby designated as the engineer for this improve- mont. They shall prepare plans and specifications for the making of such improvement. Adopted by the Council this 14th day of June, 1982. ATTEST: Thomas A. Eidcm City Administrator Arvo A. Grimamo Mayor of Monticello a RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS WHEREAS, pursuant to a resolution passed by the Council on June 14th, 1982, OSM has prepared plans and specifications for the improvement of 7th Street between trunk Hwy 25 and Lauring Lane by constructing a permanent street with concrete curb and gutter and has presented such plans and specifications to the Council for approval; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA, 1. Such plans and specifications, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, are hereby approved. 2. The City Administrator shall propare and cause to be inserted in the official newspaper and in an appropriate construction magazine, an advertisament for bids upon the making of such improvement under such approved plans and specifications. Tho advcrtisncnt shall be published for (a) days, shell specify the work to be done, shall state that bids will be opened (Time) on July , 1982, in the Council Chambers of the City Hall by the City Administrator and City Engineer, will then be tabu- lated, and will be considered by the Council at (Time) on July , 1982, in the Council Chambers, and that no bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the adminis- trator and the company by a cash deposit, cashier's check, bid bond or certified check payable to the administrator for 5% of the amount of ouch bid. ATTEST, Thomas A. Sidem City Administrator Arve A. Grimsmo Mayor of Monticello M", ATTORNEYS AT LAW P.O. Btu 416 713 Wn1 8-1-" Monticatio• Mlnm is 55762 JAMES G. METCALF BRADLEY V. LARSON June 1, 1982 City of Monticello Monticello City Hall 250 E. Broadway Monticello, MN 55362 ATTN: City Administrator RE: Front Street Neighbors Dear Tom: TELEPHONE 16121 2953232 METRO 19121 Q1 3393 I have been contacted by several neighbors who live on Front Street in regard to the recent malfunction of the sanitary sewer lift pump station which caused excessive flooding in basements of quite a number of homes in the neighbor- hood. The most recent incident that occurred last week would appear to be the third or fourth time this has occurred within the recent memory of the residents. Obviously this is a sanitary sCwei Lacnup aid it Is messy and it smells. In the past the City S_ has had insuranco coverage, but the Public works Director has contacted a number of the neighbors and indicated that there was a ppseibility of no insurance coverage. The normal homeowner's insurance does not cover sewer backup as has been confirmed by several of the homeowners checking with their home insurance carriers. It is my understanding that the problem started on Monday with a malfunction and that parts were ordered for the lift, but did not come until later in the week, when the flooding occurred. The residents are extremely upset that they had no forewarning, as a result of which they could have taken preventive measures to mitigate the damage done to their homes. Many of these homes have finished basements with carpeting and furniture, and a little preventive warning would have gone a long way. I It is of concern to me that at least one of the residents listed below is elderly, cannot negotiate stairs, and has no means to clean up the mess created. I haveinstructed the residents to keep track of the time involved in the cleanup and any expenses that they do incur so that they can present an accounting to the City or its insuranco carrier. Lastly, I would hereby request on the part of the Front street neighbors that they be placed on the agendafor the City Council Meeting on the 14th so that they may express their further concerns to you at that time. TT - City of Monticello Attn: City Administrator -2- June 1, 1482 Thank you for your consideration. Respectfully, METCALF 6 LA ON BVL:dms I cc: Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Thimmesh 312 W. Front Street Monticello, Minnesota $5362 Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Schviettering 324 W. Front Street Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Mr. Ken LaBau 1 Locust Monticello. Minnesota 55362 Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Kelly; Jr. 301 W. Front Street Monticello, Minnesota55362 Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Carlson 225 W. Front Street "= Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Jendro' 2 Locust Street Monticello, Minnesota•=•55362 Mr. and Mrs. Allan•Schleif 3 Walnut Street - Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Ms. Olive Christianson Mr. Dave Soa®erfeld 17421 130th Ave. North Dayton, Minnesota 55327 0'1" of the Cdy Admit slratp C-fcy of //'/onfice& June 3, 1982 Dear Front Street Resident: Wr000 I612) 295.2711 W UO: 16 12) 3335739 I am contacting you at this time to inform you on what stops the City is taking to resolve the problems that resulted from our lift station failure. On Wednesday morning, Juno 2nd, 1982, 1 triad to contact each of you personally at your homes to ex- plain our plan. For those of you Gnat I managed to catch at home, this lector may be repetitious. For those of you that I missed, I hope this will give you the information you need. What I am requesting from each of you is that you submit to me a claim for damages done to your property. Please include your labor, out ,of pocket expense related to clean up, and approxi - mato replacement cost'foi,damaged goods and personal property. When I have received all individual claims, I will be submit- ting a single composite claim, on your bohalf, to our insurance company. I cannot, at this time,,quarantee that our insurance coverage will honor the claim. ,1 have discussed this matter with our agent, and he thinks that the circumstances might be ouch that the claim will be paid. He. however, is also unable to predict how the company will view the claim after they have investigated. Part of the difficulty with this particular claim is that the failure was not a result of negligence or natural disaster, ouch as a lightning strike. Our agent's initial response was that the claim would be disallowed. Aftor explaining the situation with pump 02 being out of commission, and what that moans to the overall oporation, he said that that might make a difference. Thus, we are happy to submit a claim on your behalf. _07�_6 25r -nst Broadway 9 Rt •. Box 83A s Monticello, MN 55362 Front Street Resident June 3, lge2 Page 42 R The City genuinely regrets the serious inconvenience each of you have bean caused, and I vent you'to know that we will be as co- operative as we can. While it is too late to prevent this mis- hap. I do wish to reiterate Mr. Simola's earlier recommendation that back water valves be installed. The installation of such a valve will prevent problems in the future if the lift station should again fail. Finally, as soon as you determine the extent of damage, and file a claim with me, I will in turn file a claim with our insurance carrier. Then, as soon as I hoar what the company's determination is, I will notify each of you. If they do not allow the claim, you may than choose to come before the Council. Please feel free to contact me if I can give you additional in- formation. Very truly yours: Thomas A. Eidem City Administrator P.S. I have just received a letter from Metcalf 6 Larson, Attorneys at Law, relaying your roquest to appear before the Council on Juno 14th. I will be glad to designate space on that agenda so that representatives of your neighborhood may tomo before the Council. A copy of the final agenda will be sent to each of you as the date of the meeting nears. cci J. Franzen Metcalf a Larson John Simola Ltfc� 01 monfice[[o 1 010c• 01 tM �•^• 16t 71 283.77 t 1 Cny A•mU"Ifetol Ye•ef 16121 ]3.57]8 June 3, 1982 Mr. Brad Lorean Attorney at lar P.O. Box 446 Monticello, MN. 55362 Dear Bradt The attached letter was sent to the following residents) Mr. t Mrs. Ronald Thimmesh Mr. c Mrs. Jeff Schwiottaring 312 West Front Street 324 West Front Street P.O. Box 112 P.O. Box 273 Monticello, MN. 55362 Monticello, MN. 55362 Mr. c Kra. Norbert Kelly, Jr. Kr. Ken Labau 301 West Front Street 1 Locust Rt 4, P.O. Box 219A Rt 4. P.O. Box 252 Monticello, MN. 55362 Monticello, MN. 55362 Mr. c Kra. Richard Z. Carlson Mr. i Mrs. Kevin Jendro 225 West Front Street 2 Locust Street P.O. Box 251 Rt 4. P.O. box 220 Monticello, MN. 55362 Monticello, MN. 55362 Ms. Olive Christiansen Mr. Dave sommorleld Rt. 4. P.O. Box 216 17421 130th Ave. North Monticello, KN. $5362 Dayton, MN. 55327 It you have any Questions in regard to this matter, ploase call me at your convenience. very truly yours, C__ Therms A. 6idem ' City Administrator TAE/mh cc CA �!• St. 4. Box 83A • Monllcallo, MN 55362 May 27, 1982 -- Lift Station E2 6:00 P. M. Received a call on pager from unknown woman at Front Street that the sewer was backing up in her basement. The Mayor and I were in Ellison Park at the time and immediately proceeded to the Bridge Park lift station. Pump it was turned off and pump 02 had a tripped breaker. The red light was on at the lift station and was backing up. I sent Arvie to get Walt Mack while I attempted to restart pumps. Pump Y1 would run but had no effect on levels. Pump 02 would only kick off the breakers. 6c15 P. M. Walt arrived and said $1 pump was down for valve repair since Monday, May 24th. Me tried to restart 621 it kicked the breaker. We pulled panel cover and saw burnt control switch. I left to call an electrician. 6:25 P. M. I celled Milt and Mike Olson. I called Wright Cc and asked them to cut off water usage. I called Sri state for temporary pump station and emergency service. 6:40 P. M. I arrived back at Oita and electrician had pump 12 running again. 6:50 - 7:10 Ellison Park 7:10 P. M. Arrived back at station. Tarry E. from Tristate had arrived and we discussad prcblc:. Dacicall;; c:•rith failure could not have been detected prior to its burning up. Cycle rates effect longevity of awith gear. Will pull pump Y1 and resize tmpollor while waiting for valva parts. 7:20 - 9 Surveyed damago to homes and apartments, 1. 4 apartments in building across from park - all floors wet - 1 to 2" water (high level). 2. Jondro'e - 3" water (high level), carpet and shoot rock. 3. R. Carlson - wet floor, many mise. boxes, name throw rugs. 4. LaBau - water paneling only damage. 5. N. Kelly - wet floor, mise. boxes, high water was 2". 6. Thimmeah - 2" water or more high point, toys, mise. boxes, some rugs wet. 7. Schwiortaring - much carpet wet, high water 2-3". 8. Moller - no damage - has back water valve. I advised all persons of oleetricial switch failure. Informed them that it is my opinion that the city was not negligent. Told them again about the merits of back water valves, and basically told them I would filo a report and tried to calm everyone down. John E. Simola Public Works Director JES/lnq r��11 May 28, 1992 Cs Monday the 24th of May, we were checking the lift stations and found that the check valve on 12 pump was broken. Malt and Matt took it apart and had Warder Parts. The part& have to come from Alabama and will take 2 to 6 weeks to acme. Malt Keck PARKING AGREEMENT This Agreement, dated December 26, 1980 between Samuel Properties 6 Construction Company, Inc., Monticello, Minnesota, owner of Lots 14 6 15, Block 34, Townsite of Monticello, Monticello, Minnesota, party of the first part, and the City of Monticello, a municipal corporation, party of the second part, is intended to regulate the parking needs of the above stated property in compliance with approval of the proposed uses of said property by the Monticello City Council on October 27, 1980, at their regular meeting, as represented by party of the first part. Party of the first part hereby proposes a building of 7,958 square feet on the hereto referenced property, with the following uses: Restaurant 1,862 Square Feet Office Area 4,226 Square Peet Bathrooms 6 Mechanical 940 Square Feet Uncommitted (Retail or Office Area) 930 Square Feet TOTAL 7,958 Square Feet Party of the first part agrees that the restaurant portion shall not open for business prior to 4:00 P.M. of each day without approval of the Monticello City Council. Party of the first part agrees that any change in the useage allocations shall be approved by the Monticello City Council. Party of the first part agrees to provide eight (8) off-street parking spaces that are hardaurfaccA and striped in accordance with Monticello City Ordinances. Party of the first part agrees to be &encased for the remaining portion of parking required in accordance with the formula established for Downtown Parking which in based on the following: A. One space required for each 300 square feet of floor area. B. One space required for each full time employee and one-half space required for each part time employee. C. Credit granted for each parking space a property owner provides on his own property that is properly striped and hardsurfaced. J 'Z - C Ji PAGE 2 D. A distance factor multiplier is determined as follows: A factor of 1 vac used if the property owner was in the same block of improvement - that is, Block 34 or Block 52. A distance factor of was used if a property owner was in a Block that was adjacent to the Block of improvement - that is. Blocks 35, 51 and 53. A distance factor multiplier of was used for the remaining Block - that is, Block 36 Formula is then as follows: (A • B - C) x D Party of the second part agrees to issue a certificate of occupancy after this Agreement has been executed and complied with, and all other appli- cable City and State codes adhered to. Any violation of this Agreement by the party of the first part will result in the revocation of a certificate of occupancy by party of the second part. This Agreement shall be binding upon the party of the first part and all subsequent property owners of heretofore referenced property. Party of the first part shall cause the following covenant to be recorded on said property: Building shall not exceed 7,958 square feet and shall contain useages not to exceed the following: *Restaurant 1,862 Square Feet Offices 4,226 Square Feet Bathrooms 6 Mechanical Area 940 Square Peet Uncomitted Area (retail or office) 930 Square Feet TOTAL 7,958 Square Peet *Note: Restaurant may not open for business until after 4:00 P.M. each day. 4"!X)'-�- W fe b 9f, AdmiKistrator Arva A. Grimemo, Mayor (SEAL) ,l' fix,, rmetdent, Be al Properties 6 Construction Company, Inc. RESOLUTION DECLARING A MORATORIUM ON MANUFACTURED HOUSING WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota has enacted legislation regu- lating discrimination against manufactured homes in areae where they can meet the existing zoning requirements of a community; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the City Council of Monticello, Minnesota to exercise their right to control the growth of the City through zoning; and WHEREAS, it is the intent of the City's zoning ordinance to ensure a quality dwelling environment; and WHEREAS, the existing zoning ordinance requires amending in order to comply with both State Legislatures, rulings and the City's stated goals. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED By THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA, that a moratorium in hereby placed upon the granting of all building permits for the placiny ui manufactured housing within the corporate limits of Monticello, and that said moratorium shall be effective for a period commenc- ing with the adoption of this resolution and ending 45 days hence. Adopted by the Council this 14th day of Juno, 1982. ATTEST: Thomas A. Eidam City Administrator Arve A. Grimsmo Mayor of Monticello t RESOLUTION DECLARING MORATORIUM ON PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENTS WHEREAS, the City of Monticello currently has a zoning ordinance addressing a planned unit development (PUD) and the procedures for the establishment of the same] and WHEREAS, the City of Monticello maintains a constant effort to improve all the ordinances in the best interest of the community and good government; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined the present PUD ordinance to be inadequate to eoct their requirements which would cr.suro good government in the best interest of the community, and WHEREAS, the City Council wishes to adopt a PUD ordinance which will advance good government and enhance the environment of the committee. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA, that a moratorium in hereby declared on the development of any new PUDs until the first day of Soptem- bor 1, 1982 by which time a new PUD ordinance shall be adopted which will better serve the goal of good government for the City of Monticello. Adopted by the Council this 14th day of June, 1982. ATTESTe CThomas A. Eidam City Administrator Arvo A. GrimamO Mayor of Monticol).o CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER"as Issalle e gerlre4 ORR•SCK=N•MAYERON S ASSOCIATES, INC. eva+o• o. Naar cowshAHMrs..wc Mart sett Mwwl►w Avg sVnl qe rw.lemAt►, r'+eshtlAta share Im . neer . .tractor Pn„t A ' t O.inpa Order No. 37 dress P.O. Box 1267. 10000 Mwv. 55 West data Nodif. No. 72 Minneapolis. Minnesota 55440 project No: 068-2748.01 b location ' Mionticello, MN' EPA grant Ib. C270855-03 accordance with the terse of your contract- dated - November 20 19 80 with City of Monticello Oster for WWTP Upgrading 6 Alnrurtenant Work „ era hereby requested to comply with the following cinef s from the contract plans and speclfications: ,mcriptlon and Justification: • Refer to vele Rodif 172 <MtaOidl Upon review of the shop drawings, minor wiring revisione'vete required in the Main Control building. This change order provides additional wiring, receptacles, finturee. etc. to provide paver compatibility for the equipment and room occupancyri intended. -eemdown of fy.ete Wie Change Orderm .,Dor d material I Equipment � 1lrofit A Overhead � Total Add � Total Deduct {subcontractor) $660.00 gay Aaot nn mount of Orlgleal contract. 1 4.704,000.00 Total Contract .tract 'Mrs C.O. ri 36 Tout Addition Total Deduct Thra This C.O. d 37 54.806.724.07 $693.00 $4,807;417.07 rlglnal Conting9nc1os Q%1 1 141.200'00 - Mt Remaining ont. Thru C.O. I_„36 Add Ibis C.O. tourer This C.O. Cowfirvncies $35.848.93 8693.00 $35.135.93 .here 1111 be an emferyloe of 0 dsys for completion. the dare of the templet lea of Contract she October 28 . 19 82 sad eor rill M Oetoher 2R f9�`. tccepted Dir Data kneed Can orJ:N� leut•maeead bT 1plaea . Approved by ell . to owd Paul A. Laurence Company RECEIVED GENERAL CONTRACTORS 099-SCHELEN-G;.TECON i AS=. P.O. 80. 1267 COMM.! 7 %V " -O) 10.000 High.sy 55 West Minneapolis. MN 55"0 MAY 12 1982 Telephone 612/546.6911 P ✓ TL% 2907301 May 10, 1982 Orr-Schelen-Mayeron b Assoc., Inc. 2021 East Hennepin Avenue Minneapolis, Minnesota 55413 Attn: Mr. Gerald Corrick Re: Wastewater Treatment Upgrading and Appurtenant Work Monticello, Minnesota EPA Project No. 0270855-03 Field Modification No. 72 Change Order Request No. 38 Gentlemen: After reviewing Field Modification No. 72, dated January 12, 1982, for minor electrical revisions in the main control building; we submit the following price: Subcontractor Material 8 Labor..............$660.00 General Contractor O.H. 8 P. - 55........... 33.00 Total, ....................................... $693.00 If the above figure meets with your favorable approval, please issue a change order at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, PAUL A. LACE COMPANY . erry Grundtner Project Estimator JG:jc cc: Palco, Monticello, Minnesota / Job File General File su06104ry of a. J. Groves a eons company Paul A. Lawence CelllpenY I. - ...d o00MWM1' en,pbrar l�. 0 R•S NELEN•MAYERpN bAfiSOCUATES, INC. Consulting Engineers Division of Kidde Consultants, Inc. 1 Land Surveyors January 12, 1982 Paul A. Laurence Co. P.O. Box 1267 10000 Highway 55 West Minneapolis, Minnesota 55440 Attn: Mr.' Jerry Grundtner - Re: Monticello Wastewater Treatment Plant .Upgrading a Appurtenant Work EPA Project No. C270855-03 Field Modification 172 Gentlemen: Coordination with your electrical subcontractor during his installation of electrical conduit in the Main Controi suilaing has revealed some minor wiring inadequacies which were required but inadvertently omitted on the drawings. Please find below an itemised listing of the work which shall be incorporated in to the project (Reference Drawing E-3). 1. Stair A, Intermediate Landinq, Near Door C11A Provide all necessary conduit, vire, etc. for installation of a.4 -way switch mounted on the east wall near the door. Switch shall be connected•to overhead wall mounted conduit detailed on Drawing E-3. •Conduit and wire shall be compatible with existing circuit. 2. Operators Room C20 Provide 3 additional receptacles in this room to the following epecificationa: A. 3 Duplex receptacles, I each located on North, South, and East walls. Surface mount 120 off the floor. B. Use spare circuit 127 in LP -A. C. Conduit shall be 1/21 diameter EMT. D. wiring shall be 2 112, no ground necessary. 2021 Ess► Hennrnin Avenue • Suito 238'# ,polis, Minnesota 55413 _ 6121331.8660 TELEX: P9-0948 Page Two Paul A. Laurence Co. January 12, 1982 3. Existinq Lavatory Room C13 Rewire the existing water heater to the following specifications: A. Use spare circuit 126 in LP -A. B. Conduit shall be -1/2' diameter EMT. C. Wiring shall be 2-i12, 1-112G. 4. Existing Lavatory Room C13 Remove, replace, and rewire the wall mounted lighting fixture over the existing lavatory sink per the following specifications: A. Connect to existing conduit feeding the overhead lighting fixture. Conduit and wire shall be compatible with the exisiting circuit. B. New lighting fixture and existing overhead fixture shall be operated from same wall mounted switch. C. New fixture shall be as follows: 1. Approximate size 5• x 5• x 51°. 2. 120 volt operation 3. Plourescent - Single unit, one 40 watt/T12 lamp. Prismatic refractor shall be completely weathersealed and gasketed In cast aluminum end plates. Shall be suitable for use in damp locations. Back plate shall be extruded aluminum. Rapid start H.P.P., class P ballast rated at 50 degrees. Rey slots to be provided in back plate for additional support screws. Provide 1/2• conduit entry in one end plate. 4. Provide low gloss black paint finish. Page Three Paul A. Laurence Co. January 12, 1982 Please submit a change order request for this additional work et your earliest convenience. Sincerely, ORR-SCBELEN-MAYERON 6 J`AASSSOC�IATE-S,, INC. - Gerald S. Corrick, P:E. Project Manager cc: John P. Badalich, OSM Dick Reeling, OSM Field Office, Monticello John Simola, City of Monticello Paul Blomberg, OSM 1r`3 71 CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER Ilse tssmuf . s aantw ORR.SC'NELlN-NAYERON i ASSOCIATES. INC. 0 1 1 l6 w7r101 aiODl COwlYtlAwla. wc. �1 6"1 Ia Mwlwwl AM Will ID YIMwILAral3. MM ea.lipla 3314= Tom lease infractor-- Paul A. Laurence Co. Pogo Order lb. 38 P.O. Box 1267. 10000 Hwy. 55 West field Nedlt. lb. 85 Minneapolis. Minnesota 55440 project Ifo. 068-2748.01 b Local log ' Monticello, MN ESA Want No. C270855-03 . accordence-.Ifh the teres of your contract dated November 20 19 80 with City of. Monticello owner for WWTP Upgrading 6 -Appurtenant Work w are horedy requested to co.ply with the following Clangs fron the Coil set plans and specifications: lscrlpilon and Justlflcstlon: - Refer to Field,lsodlf it 85- IAMadled) Provision of exterior lighting at doore'of th.. i'nnrrnl nyftAJppw..a ti.w•+.:.fnt Room Building. Also revisiona to control wiringrnnd 11rnvfa+--n" rn bring suffielent Rower to the standby emergency generator auxilary equipmept. reoildo.n of .sig ihl: L16:yo r da. y 6 material EquIps nt Ffoflf • Owerhaa0 Total Add Total Deduct (Subcontractor) I 1 $786.00 I $40.00 'I $826.00 an1.In of Origlnsl Contrectl 54,704.000.00 antraef Tlvw C.O. / 37. Total .AddltICA I Tatel Doduat $4,807.,417.07 I .$826.00 rIgInal ContlftfirC as 13f) s 141.200.00 :ont. Thru C.O. 137 Add ihle C.O. _ I Deduct TAIs C.O. $35,155.9: $626.00 . Total c, '. I Thro TIAs C.O. /38 $4.808.243.07 set RONIw Ino Cwlt I f eponcles $34.329.93 *.re alII be an ewteglaw of 0 days for camplefIon.• . .T. date of fM caplet lm of Contract was October 28 , Il e2 and wa will be October 28 IOJZ • Date Shoed V:capted by 1/ Contractor II IecoswrMed by ( Pee slowed loglosser spprowed bw oaf6 sinned owsor Paul A. Laurence Company GENERAL CONTRACTORS P.O. So. 1267 10.000 Highway 55 Welt Minneapolis. MN 55440 Telephone 612/546.6911 TLx 290730 May 10. 1982 Orr-Schelen-Mayeron 8 Assoc.. Inc. 2021 East Hennepin Avenue Minneapolis, Minnesota. 55413 Attn: Gerald Corrick Re: Wastewater Treatment Upgrading L Appurtenant Work .Monticello, Minnesota EPA Project No. 0270855-03 Field Modification No. 85 Change Order Request No. 41 RECEIVED ORRiCNWR-MAYERON 8 ASSOC. Comm L� •U/ MAY 1 2 1982 J I GenI,.amen: After reviewing Field Modification No. 85, dated March 29. 1982, for minor ) revisions to the exterior lighting and control wiring; we submit the following price: Subcontractor Material 8 Labor.................$786.00 General Contractor O.H. 8 P. - 5% .............. 40.00 Total .......................................... kgLm If the above figure meets with your favorable approval, please issue a change order•at yodr earliest convenience. Sincerely, UL A. LAUR N COMP Y rrGrundtner . roject Estimator JG:jc cc: Falco, Monticello, Minnesota Job File General File subsidiary of a. J. Waves • aon......�,r•ny Paul !.leuffIRM �^ ..., 1.... .......,. .. ,l. ORR SCHEIEN • IYIAYERON R ASSOCIATES. INC - uulfing Engineers Division of Kidde Consultants, Inc. _ and Surveyors March 29, 1982 Paul A. Laurence Co. P. O. Box 1267 10000 Highway 55 West Minneapolis, MN 55440 Attn: Mr. Jerry Grundtner Re: Monticello Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrading And Appurtenant Work EPA Project No. C270855-03 Field Modification {85 Exterior Lighting 6 Control Wiring Revisions Gentlemen: Review of shop drawings for the Controi building and Aeration Pump and Blower Room lighting layouts has revealed that exterior lights have not been provided for entrances to these buildings. Also, field installation of electrical conduit and wiring in the Control Building has revealed some minor deficiencies in power and control wiring provisions for various equipment. The following additions and revisions to wiring shall be made: 1. Sheet E-3 Furnish and install exterior lighting fixture, type 'E' as listed in Specification Section 1640, Item .04, Fixture Schedule, above entrance from walkway on west side of Control Building. Provide light switch for fixture inside building ajacent to intermediate landing interior light switch. Route conduit to LP -9 in Operator's Room an second floor. wire fixtures to sparo circuit 17 in LP -E. 2. Sheet E -B Furnish and install exterior lighting fixture, type •E' as listed in Specification Section 1640, Item .04, Fixture Schedule, above entrance an west side of Blower Room. Provide light switch for fixture inside building next to light switch for interior lights. Connect to conduit for the receptacle in entryway and wire to same circuit feeding receptacle (Circuit B, LP -B). 2021 East Hennepin Avenue • Suite 238 a Minneapolis, Minnesota 55413 6121331-8660 TELEX: 29-0948 Page Two Paul A. Laurence Co. March 29, 1982 3. Sheet E-4 Control wiring coded 'CD', for motors Ml, M2 6 M3 shall be changed from 6 i14 to 9 #14 from push button control to MCC -A. Control Wiring, coded 'CA', for motor MSI, shall be changed from 2 t14 to 5 t14 from push button control to MCC -A. Control wiring for motors M3 and M61 shall be similar to motor control diagram type 15 as shown on Drawing E-21. Sheet E-17 4. Circuits for standby generator engine heaters and battery charger from LP -A are not scheduled. -Use remaining spare 20A circuits available in LP -A for engine heaters and battery charger. Install a new 20A circuit breaker for each -new spare circuit required. Please submit a change order request for this additional work at your earliest convenience. Sincerely. OAR-SCBELEN-MAYERON iAPSOCIATES, I�NC�. Gerald S. Carrick, P.E. Project Manager GSC:nlb cc: John P. Badalich, OSM Dick keeling, OSM Monticello Office'. John Simola, City of Monticello. Paul Blomberg, OSM Dean Sharpe, OSM J 1 7 C T — '1 JUM CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER asci -me 1411.e1110 We swetlta4 ppp $CMr11h MAVEp ON a ASSOCIATES, I111C.IA p• w• +ahl�+ •.1 w^IIs/ . s•wo.s .. ts.•t em tt•ase rw. Isoe.l r�ntractor Paul A. Laurence Co. Cho -go Order fig. 39 Address P.O. Box 1267, 10000 Hcy. 55 West Field eocif, ft. 81 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55440 Project flo. 068-2748.01 Job Location Monticello, Minnesota CPA Orent fm. 0270855-03 in accordance with the terms of Four contract dated November 20 1980 with City of Monticello Ownar for WWTP Upgrading 6 Appurtenant Work tow are here!/ recces -ed to car;tf with the 60110w'r.g changes Iran the contract Otani and spectticati0ns: Description and Jtls•Iftcatton: - Rater to field aodif d 9I (attached) The existine hv4rwnt 1 r tine use Jimplzort4coll and Wa■ therw[nre relerwted eeneei t. the Sludee Vehicle Carate In addition a mora cost offeeeive vav to provide Vatwr service to the Sludge Vehicle Garage has been Included by using a 1" Conner service tapped into the existing water main. breakdown of Coats this Change Order: Kor 14ulpsent(material) Profit L O+arteed Total addI Tota' Oed..ct $224.00 I $634.00 I 5128.00 I $986.00 also.,nt of Originot Contract: 1 4004,000.00 i lContract Thrw c.0. / 38 Total addttlon $4,810.870.07 9986.00 Ortginel Coe.rt.tgemelo (Nf ! 141.200.00 C_nt, Thrw C.O. 138 Nd This C.O. $34.329.93 9986.00 Tote' Contract Total Deduct Thr w This C.O. I39 94.811,856.07 y 1ems•w11q I Dsdwet This C.O. conft„ganc'es 933.343.93 't•ra .111 be on er enllen of 0 days for comal•tlen. *,P.O date of fes caw;l•f lam of Conroe, was October 28 , 11 82 •md new will be October 28 , 1982 . acca;'ad by Ca t t �Kt •r . ,,, �I J. C.& Ak 1 ms' nit..► apw•rw 6 Oe'•r 0410 1•a -ed Date itsmee 51r7414 D4t0 91ep" Paul A. Laurence Company GENERAL CONtRACIORS R,0 So. 1767 10.000 H"; h.v7 55 weal Minneapohs, MN 55440 7eiephone 6121546.6911 7LK 790730 May 25, 1982 Orr-Schelen-Mayeron s Assoc., Inc. 2021 East Hennepin Ave., Suite 0238 Minneapolis, MN 55413 Attn: Mr. Gerald S. Corrick Re: wastewater Treatment Upgrading and Appurtenant work, Monticello,MN EPA Project No. C270855-03 Change Order Request No. 43 Gentlemen: RECEIVE( W SCHELEN•MAYERDN 8 ASSk MAY 2 02 , I I Per Field Modification No. 81 dated March 3, 1982, in which we relocate the existing hydrant, adding a new valve, and reroute the water service to the sludge vehicle garage, we submit the following price: Material.............$634.00 Labor........ .$224.00 Overhead b Profit 1585128.00 Total $986.00 Please issue a Change Order for this work at your earliest convenience. Yours truly, PAUL A. LAURENCE COMPANY �.� ";Oc Pete Backlin PB:lf cc: Palco-Monticello,MN Job File General File I SoOeOnry a1 S J Grp.•1 '• •�. Cnm;.e ny / peat a Leolenee r0"P"' n e, • ..� wnn.w„+nv onlnv i. ORR SCHEIEN MAYERON B ASSOCIATES, INC. Consu.'tiho Engineers 1o•u/Su- "e�•ors March 3, 1982 PaulA. Laurence Co. Box 1 10000 Highway 55 West Minneapolis, Minnesota 55443 Attn: Mr. Pete Backlin Re: Monticello waste water Treatment Plant Upgrading a Appurteant work EPA Project No. C270855-03 Field Modification #81 Gentlemen: This field modification includes relocation of a hydrant and changing the water service to the sludge vehicle garage. (• During construction of the interceptor sewer near the location of the equalization tank, a hydrant was removed by your subcontractor, Hayes Contractors to facilitate construction of that sever. Placement of the hydrant was to have been near its original loation but it was later decided to move it north and east to thelocation shown on attached revision drawing, Ml -r (2). The gate valve on the hydrant lead must be moved from its original location and the tee on the water main is to be plugged. Additionally, the 1-1/4 inch cold water service to the sludge vehicle garage was to have been extended approximately 180 feet from the control building. For simpler installation, this rater service has been changed to approximately 60 feet of 1 inch cop- per with a tap to the existing 8 inch watermain. The service shall be brought into the garage in such manner to accomodate installation of a water meter by City personnel. water service materials to be as follows: a. Corporation stop shall be Ford F600, Mueller H-15000, A.Y. McDonald 4701 or equal with threaded inlet and copper serv- ice outlet. b. Curb stop to be Ford B22 -444M, Mueller H15154,A.Y. McDonald C6104 or equal with copper inlet and outlet. C. Curb box to be Mueller 10300, Ford EM2-75-56 or equal, complete with lid. 021 fast Hent. wt• • Suite ?SE ISi.;n,cfpo li�y -}•;iiincs[fs 5541 C 121331. E55J Page Two Paul A. Laurence Co. March 2, 1982 We anticipate the work specified in this field modification will /not require an adjustment in contract price. Sincerely, ORR-SCHELEN-Y.AYERON 6 ASSOCIATES, INC. Charles A. Lepa v P.E. CAL:min cc: Mr. Gerald S. Corrick, OSM Mr. John Badalich, OSM Mr. John Simola, City of Monticello Mr. Dick Reeling, OSM Field Office Monticello WWI I NCJTE: ra0v0ScD %1,4 cc t, N„Eiti Fa.” { -ra 3G ,M, ...&*ED evD 4B97tac CL L i �Ofa �. yoG ANS Vq� 1i X dF { �`,� +4vD STcv -� MrTC w G ITy a� � I t I �+WDPPfl S i x I � I V O ' I V I M4•.:�r!�eKE AC.I- I »oa X I c 3:uDaE I f / TTI 1 Is L� M1 I �w dLR,aa6 Q\44� +? V' D10 �ysa,►w� �C�p, CnNulc�arl � TD l���nlwf� w�`OILM�N TD SL WET Q ,AP.aD OIL cur,la wT COPJI'LACTO" Opl, w. �9 SIAL L: I'� bo' MID U."6A%ncs eLacL,W+q J, I w IA. 4-4awev- / off" Illy, Drswip ETitle%-I Comm No. ORA •CMBIBN MAYBRONIELD MOClGF1�T11Y�1 y 81 ��• •Ae80CIA711AINC. ML XAM +1ptANT4 WATLQ%;NKe 27dg,o1 Not M, awm wo . qlu on CAVI No. Dal. �m �-.� wwnr CsrNu SMII. ,g1j, got rr AWLft., VMR[OA'fl M1 TyalrlLyt R�� COa pamCcT N0. C7.1O604 " 0% ® ABBOTTI A N NORTHWE—Bary STERN PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT SERVICES HOSPITAL EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS 1800 let Avenue South. Minneapolis. Minnesota 55407 • Telephone (612) 674.5025 PROPOSED EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM For the City of Monticello Program Components 1. Development of formal policy and procedure 2. Supervisory training (2 hour session) A. What is the Employee Assistance Program B. Work related symptoms of a troubled employee C. flow the supervisor can use the E. A. P. J. Employee and family education (1 hour session) A. What is the Employee Assistance Program B. flow to use the E. A. P. 4. Assessment, counseling and referral A. No charge for interview with E. A. P. Counselor B. No charge for initial sossion with the referral agency 5. On-going consultation available to supervisors 6. Quarterly utilization reports (written or verbal) Program Costs --$1,000 for twelve month period beginning on date to be determined. J