City Council Agenda Packet 06-28-1982a AGENDA FOR THE MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL June 28, 1982 - 7:30 P.M. Mayor: Arve Gr imsmo. Council Members: Phil White, Fran Fair, Ken Maus, Dan Blonigen. Meeting to be taped. I. Call To Order. A) Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting Held on June 14, 1982. B) Petitions, Requests, Complaints/Citizens Comments. II. Ordinances/Resolutions. A) Consideration of an Amendment to City Code - Article 3, Chap- ter 4, Subdivision 3D. (One day set up license). B) Consideration of a Resolution Establishing Minimum Require- ments indicating when a Building Permit should be issued. C) Consideration of a Resolution Establishing a Scale of Building Valuations. III. Unfinished Business. A) Consideration of Request by Pizza Factory to lift Parking Restrictions. B) Consideration of Change Orders 140 and 141 for tho Waste- water Treatment Plant. IV. Now Business. A) Consideration of a Proposal by Mr. James Holmes to serve as Legal Consultant on Tax Increment Financing Plan. B) Consideration of Request to Increase Fire Department Relief Anon. Bonofit to $14,000/20 your Payment Plan. C) Mr. Roy Lauring - Request to Abate Assessments against an outlot in Lauring nillsido Addition. D) Mr. John Simola - Presentation of Information on Lift Station Auxiliary Romping Equipment and Determination of whether or not to proceed. E) Consideration of Juno Bills. P) Adjourn. Council Agenda - 6/28/82 AGENDA SUPPLEMENT I. Call To Order. A) Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting Held on June 14, 1982. B) Petitions, Requests, Complaints/Citizens Comments. II. Ordinances/Resolutions. A) Consideration of an Amendment to City Code - Article 3, Chap- ter 4, Subdivision 3D. (One day set up license). The 1982 legislature made provisions in Chapter 340 that allows a City to issue a one day set up license for an organization that is having a public function. It stipulates within the Statute that no more than 10 of these may be issued by a City in a single year, nor may more than two be issued to a single organization. I have written a proposed amendment to Articlo 3 of the City Code which applies to act up licenses. AS you will note, I have limited the total number that we may issue in a Year 1. 1. _hc lic_..= fcc _.._ a one day license may not exceed $25.00. I have used the maxi- mum amount in the aecompaning resolution for our fee. Rather than establish the fee by ordinanco, I have used the phrase "fee may be set by the Council from time to time". This then allows you to change the fee without an ordinance amendment, but rather by the simple adoption of a resolution. This entire item came up for consideration because the Monticello Rod 6 Gun Club is interested in having a sot up license for only one day. The existing ordinance and past practice has been to issue a full year license at a full year fee. This amendment provides additional latitude in the issuance for a ono day celebration or ono day event. ALTERNATIVE ACTION: 1. Simply take no action, allowing the ordinance to stand an is. This would mean that any organization wishing to have eat up privileges for a one day event would be required to got a full years liconoo at the full years fee. 2. Amend the City Codo to allow for the ono day sot up license with the ono day foo. RECOMMENDATION: I rocommond that wo amend the City Codo to allow the one day liconoo and to adopt tho amendment as written. It is my opinion that more than five a year would become cumber- some to the City and that the foo maximum should be charged for handling procoeoing. REPERENCESi A copy of the amendment to the Code, copy of the resolution setting the fee. - 1 - A Council Agenda - 6/28/82 II. B) Consideration of a Resolution Establishing Minimum Require- ments indicating when a Building Permit should be issued. C) Consideration of a Resolution Establishing a scale of Build- ing Valuations. Included in the supplement are two resolutions dealing with the Building Permit process. One deals with the method for determining the valuation of a building and the other is a policy determining when permits shall not be required. For the most part, these two resolutions would ratify the policies on these two subjects that the Building Official has been using in the past. However, because these were only administrative decisions, rather than Council decisions, it is recommended that the Council pass the resolutions to make an official policy that the courts would recognize. Without Council approval, if challenged, these policies would most likely be hold invalid by a court. This item comes at a recommendation from the State Building code Office as a result of recent court cases where similar ^^licicc :•:crc hold in—Alid where Council adopted polices were upheld. REFERENCES: Enclosed resolutions establishing minimum requirements indicating when a building permit should be issued and establishing a scale of building valuations. III. Unfinished Business. A) Conaideration of. Request by Pizza Factory to lift Parking Restrictions. The Downtown Parking Committoo met Thursday morning, June 28th to diacuss this issue, but no final decision was made until further contact was mado with Security Federal. Another meeting has boon set for July Bth, and a final decision will be made at that time. 2 Council Agenda - 6/28/82 III. B) Consideration of Change Orders 040 and 041 for the wastewater Treatment Plant. Currently, there are two change orders for the Council's con- sideration, Change Order 040 and 041. Change Order 040 is in regard to the diesel fueling station for the sludge trucks located near the new masonry vehicle garage. Original plans showed a 220 ft. long, 1Y" line coming from the 1,000 gallon diesel generator tank to the fueling station. Due to the heavy fuel consumption of the gnerator (40 gal. per hr.), the tank would only last one day if full. It was therefore decided to delete the long, troublesome fuel line and install a 750 gallon tank near the fueling station for an additional cost of $443.00. The construction of the WWTP does not in- clude the pump or wiring. Current costs are $1,145 for a pump and $200 or less for wiring. This $1,345 will have to be paid 1000 by the City. Change order 041 is somewhat self explanatory. Basically, the methane engine and blower would not fit as planned and allow for ease of operation and maintenance. (This unit runs 24 hours a day, 7 days a week). The cost for relocation is $629.00. Remaining contingencies would be $32,271.93 it you approve these change orders. REFERENCES: Enclosed are copies of Change Orders 040 and 41. -3 Counail Agenda - 6%28/82 IV. New Business. A) Consideration of a Proposal by Mr. James Holmes to serve as Legal Consultant on Tax Increment Financing Plan. Mr. Holmes is a principal in the legal firm, Holmes 6 Graven, of Minneapolis. Mr. Holmes is the author of the tax increment financing legislation that 'has been adopted as Minnesota Statute. He is considered to be, perhaps, the foremost expert in tax increment financing. I have met with Mr. Holmes on a number of occasions and he has expressed a geniune interest in working for the City of Monti- cello through our development btages. I have asked him to attend the Council meeting to present his firm's position on the cost and extent of the work that they would be doing for the City. It is my position that, especially since this would be our first tax increment project, we bring them on board as early in the planning stages as is possible. I have mentioned to Mr. Holmes that his proposal should reflect the fact that we locally would put in as much time as is possible in order to lesson the cost of their services. I wish to emphasize that their service would be primarily in the field of legal consultation and eligible mroperty determination. They woulA not be serving as land use planners or as the actual fiscal consultant in the event that we proceed with the tax increment plan and got to a position of issuing tax increment bonds. Tax increment financing, by its very nature, is a very delicate subject, and when misunderstood can be mot with a great deal of opposition. I feel very strongly that the Mmes 6 Graven firm could contribute to the viability and credibility and thus the overall general acceptance of the tax increment fi- nancing plan. Mr. Holmes has also indicated to me that if possible, he will bring along Mr. halt Hartman who is one of his technical Staff people to appear before the Council. Mr. Holmes and I will be meeting once more prior to the meet- ing in an effort to, as clearly as possible, define the scope of work we expect them to perform so that he may make as ac- curate a proposal as possible. Ho will be discussing the coots of this service. ALTERNATIVE ACTION: 1. Make no decision at this time and request a proposal from another tax increment financing consultant. 2. Make the appointment of Holmes 6 Graven as the con- oulting firm on our tax increment financing proposal. RHCOMMENDATIONt Appoint Mr. Holmes as our tax increment fi- nancing consultant. - 4 - Council Agenda - 6/28/82 IV. B) Consideration of Request to Increase Fire Department Relief Assn. Benefit to $14,000/20 year Payment Plan. Members of the volunteer fire department will be attending the meeting to request that the Council increase the retire- ment benefit from $10,000 to $14,000. This benefit is payable in a lump sum after 20 years service. The plans are also referred to on a per year basis, e.g., $500 per year, $700 per year. I point this out to help avoid confusion; during the discussion the terms may be used interchangably. I have met with three members of the department to discuss this matter. They contend that the Council, when they last granted an increase (about a year ago) asked the fire depart- ment to come back again this year to reinvestigate yet another increase. By Statute, as long as there is a deficit in the Relief Assn. Fund, they must come to the Council for an increase. Should the fund ever have a surplus of 10 percent over the accrued liability, they may increase their own benefit without Council ratification. The accrued liability of the fund is determined by using an actuarial chart shown in the Statutes, and in based upon years of service. Some of the terms to be aware of are as follows: l- Accrued liability - The value of the fund for every fire fighter to receive full pension benefits, based on number of years of service. - Fully Funded - kion the fund has, on hand, actual assets equal to the accrued liability. - Deficit - The difference between the actual aesete and the accrued liability. - Now Deficit - This occurs when there is an existing deficit in the fund, and benefits are increased. The new deficit is the extra amount of deficit created by the increased benefit, thus increas- ing the accrued liability. - Normal Contribution - The amount that is required annually to meet the increase in accrued liability. - State Aid - An amount issued by the State to the City for the sole purpose of being placed into the Retire- ment Association Fund. It must be given to the association. we estimate our aid to be approxi- matoly $16,000 for 1982. This does count as city contribution to the Relief Association Fund. - 5 - Council Agenda - 6/28/82 - Deficit Contribution - By Statute, when a deficit occurs, the contribution to the fund must include 10 per- cent of the deficit for a 10 year period. Thus, in a year when there is a deficit, the contribution to the fund would be the a. (normal contribution) b.(10 percent of the deficit amount). In this case, if benefits were increased, the contribution would be a and b above, plus 10 percent of the new deficit also. Now comps the sticky part. The city contribution is always de- termined for the succeeding year; that is, in 1982, I will be determining the amount of contribution for 1983. Further, Statute requires that the City pay the full amount required to meet normal contribution, plus 10 percent of all deficits. Revenue into the association can be the State Aid, projected interest on existing assets, and other revenue sources, viz., taxes. The State does favor the fire fighters. In projecting interest income on existing assets, we may not use over 5 per- cent, when in fact, it may be earning 12 percent or more. The steps I have shown on the work shcota are basically this: 1. 1 have aaterminted the total ccn tribution re%uired Mt three different benefit levels. 2. I projected anticipated 1983 rovenue (Both State Aid and interest). 3. I determined the difference between the required con- tribution and the estimated revenue. The amount of required contribution in excess of anticipated revenue is the amount the City must pay into the fund from some other source, usually taxes. As you can see, each increase ($600 and $700) require additional city revenue. The department has made the comment that the City has never paid into the fund before, so it should be happy to now. Another common comment is that "Is $10,000 all that much for 20 years of service". They apparently forgot that they do in fact got paid for all fire calla during the 20 years service. ALTERNATIVE ACTION: 1. Grant increase to $600 par yoar - this will require an additional city contribution. It will probably cause departmental membors to return next year for yet anothor increase request. 2. Grant tho requested increase to $700 - This will roquiro a substantial additional city contribution. It may Cforootall the next increase request for a couple of years. - 6 - Council Agenda - 6/28/82 3. Deny Request - Will insure another request next year: It will create resentment. RECOMMENDATION: Though highly unpopular with the department, I recommend denial of all requests, but invite them back in two years for review. Reason - Actual interest income may reduce the deficit enough to make increased benefits possible without additional city contribution. Current financial trends make it essential that the City watch all of its spending in- cluding Relief Association Contributions. REFERENCES: Work sheets for the existing ($500), $600 and $700 benefits: comparison list of other community's benefits. C) Mr. Roy Lauring - Request to Abate Assessments against an out - lot in Lauring Hillside Addition. Mr. Roy Lauring stopped in to request that the Council consider the possibility of abating the assessments against an outlet in the During Hillside Addition. The lot, as is, is quite small and any building would a) require a variance, and b) would by design be limited in size. The assessment against the property is for the 1978 street improvement. It totals $1,851.08. He nae not paid un 0W dssuasmunL, auk ham accrued penalty and interest of approximately $84.00. By rights, the assessments should have been waived or deferred at the time of the assess- ment roll hearing. Rick, Loren and I have discussed this issue. We think that an abatement ohould be granted, but that the assessment should be attached so that when and if the lot is placed under ownership with the adjacent property, thus making it buildable, the asseenment then becomes due and payable. The adjacent property is Lot 7 of Holker's Subdivision and is a likely candidate for development by the same persons current- ly building on Lots 5 and 6 of Holker'e Subdivision. We can ask Pringle to prepare the appropriate document. ALTERNATIVE ACTION: Deny the request - I am not euro that Mr. louring would have any legal rocourao here. Any objections should have been made at the time the as000amant roll was re- viewed and adopted. Abate asseaament without conditions - this, of course, would allow him to mall the property so that it may be attached to adjacent property. The parcel would be oignificantly improved by the atroat improvement, yet Mr. Lauring would have paid nothing for those improvemonta. Abate assessments with conditions attached - this frees Lauring from the oxiating obligation, but it aaauros payment in the event it is combined with adjacent property and can be developed. RPCOMMENDATIONt Abate aa000nmento with conditions attached. C This frons Lauring from the existing obligation, but it assuroo payment in the event it is combined with adjacent property and can be devolopod. RF.PERENCESa Site map. - 7 - Council Agenda - 6/28/82 D) Kr. John Simola - Presentation of Information on Lift Station Auxiliary Pumping Equipment and Determination of whether or not to proceed. As directed by the Council, 1 have contacted equipment suppliers and contractors in regard to acquiring a standby, gasoline driven, trailer mounted pump and hook up equipment. In order to pump 600 gallons per minute against a 45 foot head would require a 6 inch pump. At this time, I have a quote on a pump and hoses for $6,000-00. The hook up for the pressure and of the pump would require placing a manhole over the force main and installing a tee and valve and miscellaneous fittings. The cost of the manhole and casting is $500.00. The necessary fittings would cost $900.00. Tnatalla- tion costs would run approximately $1,000.00 making the hook up cost $2,480.00. The total cost for this system would be $8,480.00. At present we have installed a very loud horn at the lift station and notified all affected property owners of our emergency call numbers. WO arc a.-c-anbling a list of resident emergency numbers to Call when difficulties arise at the lift station'. Residents will be notified if one pump malfunctions. E) Consideration of June Bills. P) Adjourn. - 8 - MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL June 14, 1982 - 7:30 P.M. Members Present: Arve Grimsmo, Fran Fair, Phil White, Ken Maus, Dan Blonigen. Members Absent: None. I. Call To Order. A. Approval of the Minutes. A motion was made by Blonigen, seconded by White and unanimously carried to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held on May 24, 1982 as presented. II. Public Hearing A. Informational Hearing on Burlington Northern Railroad's Intent to Abandon the Rogers to Monticello Line. Previously, the Burlington Northern Railroad filed a Notice, of Intent to abandon the Rogers to Monticello Railroad lino with the Minnesota Department of Trans- portation and Interstate Commerce Commission. Mr. Dennis McLeod, the branch line manager for BNRR, and Mr. Isaac McCrary, Jr. with the Minnesota Department of Transpor- tation and State Representative, Bob McEachern, were in attendance at the meeting to hear opposing and supporting positions regarding the abandonment. Mr. McLeod of the BNRR reviewed with the public the pro- coduroa already taken by the railroad to abandon the line. lie had indicated that a notice was sent to all shippers of the intent to abandon, and that a formal application to abandon has boon outwitted to the ICC and the Mn DOT. The commiosion has 45 days to review any complaints from affect- ed shippers, etc. and to determine if the abandonment can proeocd which is usually based on financial considerations documentated by the railroad as to whether they are losing money, etc. Currently, the BNRR considers this segment of tho railroad lino unprofitable, even without considering potential rehabilitation costa for upgrading the lino. mx . McLood noted that only 80 to 90 cera a year are using tho lino resulting in losses ezcoeding $14,000 in 1981. - 1 - r Council Minutes - 6/14/82 z Mr. Isaac McCrary, Jr. of Mn DOT also noted that their depart- ment's analysis shows that the car useage would have to quad- ruple to make the line profitable for BNRR. State Representative Bob MCEachern indicated that in his opinion, the potential on this line in the future has not been considered by BNRR and that in the future when the economy picks up, a community such as Monticello, Albertville, St. Michael and Rogers will have additional industry expansion which could make this line profitable for BNRR. In addition, Mc Eachern noted that the potential use of this railroad lino could be for a commuter type line between St. Cloud and Minn- eapolis and felt that Burlington Northern Railroad should not be allowed to abandon the line or tear up the tracks. meal area shippers and users of the railroad line were present to speak in opposition to the proposed abandonment. Comments were heard from Mr. Don Anundsen of the Albertville Trust Company who noted that his firm now gets approximately 25 cars a year but expects to double its useage in the next few years. Mr. Leon Eliason of NSP noted that the nuclear plant in Monticello sometimes requires shipments by rail that are too .arge .o 1:0 sL•ipro.! by other means. in addition, he noteA that r ao far as he could tell, no survey was done with NSP regarding � potential future uses of the line in regard to shipping and felt this should have boon done before abandonment proceeded. Mr. Greg Dahlhoimor of Dahlhoimor Distributing, Monticello, indicated that the railroad was one of the prima reasons they moved to Monticello and that they presently in 1981 used 22 care for shipping empty boor cases directly to the breweries and expect almost 70 cars to be used in 1982. Also speaking in opposition wore Mr. Ted Barthel of Albertville and Mr. Gary Buyer, the Albortvillo City Attorney. Mr. Buyer noted that just recently the City of Albertville spent over $47,000 for crossing improvements during 1979 and 1980 and DNRR never indicated any intent to abandon the lino at that time. Mr. Dick Osowski, local fertilizer dealer, indicated that rail- road shipping of his oupplioo is a necessity which might entail moving his company to a different location if the rail service is abandoned. Bruce Gagnoliva, representing the Monticello Business and Industrial Development Committoo, indicated that many buoineasoa looking at Monticello for future expansion have indicated a need for rail service. - 2 - Council Minutes - 6/14/82 Mr. McLeod of the Burlington Northern Railroad indicated that it was his opinion the railroad would continue the abandon- ment process now that it started, but the possibility does exist for continued service if the line does prove to be profitable in the very near future. After the informational meeting was closed, a motion was made by White, seconded by Blonigen and unanimously carried to go on record adopting a resolution opposing the proposed abandonment of the railroad from Rogers to Monticello by Burlington Northern Railroad Company. (See Resolution 1982 #41). III. Unfinished Business. A. Consideration of Feasibility Report Relating to the Improve- ment of 7th Street. John Badalich, City Engineer, reviewed with the Council the the feasibility report regarding the improvement of 7th St. between Hwy 25 and Cedar Streot with curb, gutter and black top. Mr. Badalich recommended that the road width be 40 feet wide, off set approximntely 4 feat to the south of center lino which would result in a 6 foot shoulder on the north side of the street and a 1 foot high retaining wall. A retaining wall would be nocossary duo to the close proximity to the cemetery property and it has been estimated that do - pending on the typo of retaining wall, the cost could range from $7500.00 to over $19,000.00. The alternates for the retaining wall consist of timber at a low price of $7500.00 up to a poured concrete wall at approximately $19,000.00. The estimated cost of the project using a timber wall valued at $7500.00 was estimated to be $47,490.00 plus 22% indirect cost for a total of $53,060.00. A petition by both abutting property owners, Porkin's Rest- aurant and W.J. Murphy, owner of the proposed motol,recently signed a petition for the improvemonts. A motion was made by White, aocondod by Maus and unanimously carried to adopt a resolution declaring adoquacy of petition and ordering preparation of feasibility report. A motion wan also mado by White, socondod by Maus and unanimously carried to adopt a resolution ordoring improvement of 7th St. between ilwy 25 and Cedar Street to bo known as Project 82-1 and prop - oration of plans and specifications. 3 - Council Minutes - 5/14/82 d A motion was also made by White, seconded by Maus and unani- mously carried to approve the plans and specifications as presented and ordering advertisement for bids on the 82-1 Project with a rotaining wall to be bid as alternates for a Lannon stone (limestone wall) and timber construction. The bids would be returnable on Thursday, July 8th, 1982 at 10;00 A.M. (See Resolutions 1982-042, 043 and 044). B. Consideration of Comments from Property Owners Affected by the Recent Lift Station Failure. On Thursday, May 27th, 1982, a power failure occurred at the lift station in Bridge Park causing a back of wastewater into several property owner's basements along Front Street. The property owners affected by the back up were at the Council meeting to express their concerns over the recent failure and inquired as to what the City of Monticello could do to prevent future occurrences and also whether the City's insurance company would be liable for the claims. John Simola, Public works Director, gave a brief summary of the pump failure and noted that our insurance company has boon notified but is not certain whether the claims will be rapid unless the City can be shown to be negligent. As noted r� ^ during previous cower back ups over the years, it was rec- I ommondod that all residents inotall a back water valve in !� their savor linos which would prevent most flooding of base- ments should a lift station fail in the future. It was also the recommendation of the public works director to purchase a portable gas powered pump which could be used in cases of emergency at all city lift stations. The cost estimate for converting the present lift stations to accomodato a portable pump and the purchase of a portable pump could be as high as $5,000 to $10,000. Property owners in attendance asked if the City would be installing these valves in the individual homes duo to the possible large coat involved, but were informed that it is the reoponoibility of the property owners to individually install the back water valves. It was the conconsuo of the Council to have the City help the people locate proper spots for installing the valves and to help process insur- ance claims. In addition, the public works diroctor was informed to pursue the purchase of a portable pump that could be used at all city lift stations should a failure of any kind occur at a lift station. - 4 Council Minutes - 6/14/82 S. _s 1 V. New Business. A. Consideration and Review of 1981 Audit Report. Mr. Rick Borden of Gruys, Johnson and Associates, reviewed and presented to the Council a summary of the audit report recently completed by their firm for the year 1981. Mr. Borden noted that due to a change in the recommended pro- cedures and report detail recommended by the State Auditor's office, the City's report is approximately 20 pages longer than previous years. Mr. Borden noted that the City is in basically, a sound financial position and felt that the present accounting system is vary adequate. A motion was made by Fair, seconded by White and unanimous- ly carried to accept the 1981 audit report as presented. B. Consideration of Approval of Intoxicating Liquor, Non -In- toxicating Malt Liquor, Club Liquor and Set-up Licenses. A motion was made by Blonigen, seconded by White and unani- mously carried to approve the issuance and renewal affect- ive July 1, 1982 of all of the following classes of lic- enses: 1. Intoxicating Liquor license, on -sale (Poo $3,000.00). a. Monticello Liquors, Inc. b. Si.lvcr Pox Motel. c. Wayside Inn. d. Joynor'a Lanes. 2. Intoxicating Liquor, on-oalo, Sunday (Foo $100.00). a. Monticello Liquors, Inc. b. Silver Pox Metol. c. Wayside Inn. d. Joyner's Lanes. 3. Non -intoxicating Malt Liquor, on -solo (Poo $220.00). a. Priand'o Cafo. b. Monticello Rod 6 Gun Club. c. Pizza Factory. d. Monticello Country Club (Now License). Council Minutes - 6/14/82 ifflCCi�j���jd�1 4. Non -Intoxicating Malt Liquor, off -sale (Fee $33.00). a. Monticello Liquors, Inc. b. Ernie's Bait Shop. c. Wayne's Red Owl. d. Maus Foods. a. River Terrace Trailer Park Store. f. Tom Thumb Superette. g. Wayside Im. h. Holiday Station. 5. Set -Up License (Fee $220.00). A. Monticello Country Club. b. Monticello Rod & Gun Club. 6. Club Liquor License (Fee $220.00). a. American Legion Club. b. V.F.W. Club. C. Consideration of Grantiny a Temporary 3.2 iwar License to the Monticello Lion's Club for the 4th of July Celebration. The Lion's Club recently requested a renewal of their annual 4th of July one day 3.2 beer license to be used in Ellison Park as part of the celebration. Mr. Mark Irmiter and Jim Krueger, representing the Lion's Club, were present at the meeting to answer any questions regarding the license. Rev. Stove Hammer of the Christian & Missionary Alliance Church was present at the meeting to express opposition to the issuance of a boor license to the Lion's Club as he felt that this typo of family event should not have bear available. Although Rev. Hammer's concerns wore noted, it was the con- consuo of the Council that a single organization such as the Lion's Club should not be singled out to deny a license but rather the entire ordinance regarding issuance of tam- porary licenses to possible family orientated events be considered in the future. Therefore, a motion was made by Blonigon, seconded by White and unanimously carried to approve the issuance of a temporary 3.2 boar license to the Monticollo Lion's Club for the 4th of July celebration. - 6 - Council Minutes - 6/14/82 D. Consideration of Lifting Restrictive Covenant Related to Parking for "Pizza Factory". Previously, when the Pizza Factory was located in the new building owned by Sam Peraro at the corner of Broadway and Hwy 25, a restrictive covenant was placed on the build- ing prohibiting their operations during a normal business day until 4:00 in the afternoon because of a limited amount of parking space available. Mr. Ekegren of the Pizza Factory requested that the covenant be lifted so that they may open and operate during the lunch hour on a temporary basis during the summer months. It was Mr. Ekegren's con- tention that with the development of a commuter parking lot, many parking spaces have been opened up in the downtown parking lots, especially adjacent to the Security Federal building and that his lunch business would not create any significant congestion. In addition, it was his opinion that many of their potential customers would be downtown business people that would possibly walk to their restaurant and would not require parking accommodations. It was the conconsus of the Council that this item be tabled . —Li, the —L auyular --::nal meeLing -.. ........10 L!Ic .cW..- town retail parking committee to have an opportunity to roviow and report back to the Council on their recommendations regarding the request. It was noted that the building in which tho Pizza Factory is located will be assessed for the downtown parking lots starting in 1983 and this information will be provided to the downtown retailer parking committee. It was also noted that the Security Federal Savings 6 Loan will also be contacted regarding whether problems have arisen in the past regarding parking on their property for the rest- aurant and as to what opinion they have regarding the opening for lunch business. E. 5 F. Consideration of Resolutions Placing a Moratorium on Manu- factured Housing and a Moratorium on Additional Planned Unit Developments. Recently, the Minnosota Legislature lion pointed out that manufactured housing can no longer bo kapt out of rosidantial dwelling•zonee for the aimpla reason that they are manufactured houeon. An a result of thin recent legislation, thu City of Monticello is working with its consulting planner, Howard Dahlgron 6 Ansociatos in preparing now requirements for manu- facturod housing that will in affect, still place certain roquiremontu on thoir placement. 7 _ Council Minutes - 6/14/82 Oki It is the city staff's recommendation that a resolution be adopted setting a moratorium on all manufactured housing projects until such time as the ordinance is amended and a now code is in effect. In addition, the consulting planner is also reviewing the city's planned unit development ordi- nance and is recommending that changes be made regarding planned unit development regulations. As a result, a motion was made by 8lonigen, seconded by White and unanimously carried to adopt a resolution de- claring a moratorium on manufactured housing and also to adopt a resolution declaring a moratorium on planned unit developments until such time as the City can review and adopt new regulations in regard to the above. (See Reso- lutions 1982 #45 and #46). G. Consideration of Change Orders #37, #38 and #39 with the Paul A. Laurence Company on the Wastewater Treatment Plant Construction Project. A motion was made by Fair, seconded by Maus and unanimously carried to adopt change orders #37. q38 and #39 with the Paul A. Laurence Company on the wastewater Treatment Plant Construction Project for a total amount of an additional $2,505.00 which provides for the installation of exterior lighting at the doors of the control building, additional wiring and receptacles, and the relocation of a hydrant and changing a water service to the sludge vehicle garage. H. Consideration of Employee Assistance Program and Overall Personnel Policy Revisions. The City Administrator, Tom Eldem, reviewed with the Council the possibility of an overall review of the present city personnel policy including changing the present employee assistance program that has boon available to all city employees. in the past years, the City has had a working relationship with the Minnesota Growth Mchango which pro - video a referral system to all employees who may have pro- blema that might be affecting their work potential. Mr. Eidem noted that he has had conversations with Mr. Dan Roo of the Abbott Northwestern Hospital who would provide a comprehensive personnel policy and an employee assistance program for an initial fee of $1,000.00 annually. Mr. Eidem noted that the employee assistance program available through Abbott Northwestern provides more counseling services than what was available through Minnesota Growth Exchange and recommended that the Council consider adopting an agreement with them. A - H - Council Minutes - 6/14/82 It was the Council concensus that this item be tabled until a future Council meeting to enable more study to be obtained on the adoption of a new policy and a new employee assistance program. I. Consideration of Ratification of Union Contract. The City Council was informed by the City Administrator that the union personnel have accepted the City's propsal for a new union contract which expired April 1, 1982. The new proposal as presented to the union offered a $.60 an hour raise effective April 1. 1982 and a $.55 an hour raise effect- ive April 1, 1983. In addition, the City will provide full insurance coverage to all employees, 100% paid by the City effective April 1, 1982 and agreed to increase the monthly insurance benefit by $5.00 in 1983 plus 500 of any addition- al increase over $5.00 effective April 1, 1983. A motion was made by White, seconded by Maus and unanimously carried to approve ratification of the new union contract as presented for the years April 1, 1982 through April 1, 1984. Meeting Adjourned. 1, U w Rick Wolfatollor Assistant Administrator C_ ,-r—, 94 l C AN AMENDMENT TO THE MONTICELLO CITY CODE OF 0RDINA14CES The City Council of the City of Monticello do hereby ordain: The following provisions shall be added to Article 3, Chapter 4, Sec- tion 3, and shall be known as Subdivision D, to wit: Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Council may, upon prop- er application as stipulated in 3-4-2, issue a permit for the display and consumption of intoxicating liquor, and the serving of any liquid for the purpose of mixing with intoxicating liquor for a period of one day. No more than five such permits may be issued in a single year. No more than two such permits shall be issued to the same organization or an affiliate in a single year. The fee for such permit shall be set from time to time by the Council, but shall not exceed $25.00. All permits issued under this provision shall be approved by the Minn- esota Department of Public Safety. The permit issued pursuant to this section shall be valid only for the day indicated on it. Enacted this 28th day of Juno, 1982. Arve A. Grim=O, Mayor Thomas Eidem City Administrator This ordinance shall take affect upon passage and publication. RESOLUTION SETTING THE FEE FOR A ONE DAY SET-UP LICENSE WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota permits the issuance of a one day "set-up" license, and; WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota prohibits any municipality from charging a permit fee in excess of $25.00 for said one day "set-up" license, and; WHEREAS, the City of Monticello has amended the City Code of Ordin- ances to allow the issuance of a one day "set-up" license. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO THAT there is hereby established a fee of $25.00 for the application and issuance of a one day "act -up license". BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT in the event an application for a ane day "set-up" license is denied, $10.00 shall be retained by the City as a handling charge. Adopted this 28th day of June, 1982. Thomas A. Eidem City Administrator Arvo A. Grimcmo, Mayor l In RESOLUTION TO ESTABLISH WHEN BUILDING PERMITS ARE NOT REQUIRED WHEREAS, the City of Monticello requires that all building and relevant work be done only after securing a building permit, and; WHEREAS, the City Council realize that there might be occasions when obtaining a building permit might become an unnecessary requirement due to the nature of work being done; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that a building permit shall NOT be required under the following conditions, although inspections of the same may be required by the Building Official at his descretion. BUILDING PERMIT POLICY A BUILDING PERMIT IS NOT REQUIRED WHEN: 1. The e_^a:nt of w^r% to be d^mt- is less than $800.00 and requires no structural change. 2. When reroofing or residing is to be done and no structural repair will be done. 3. A portable building of less than 100 square feet is to be placed on a lot, provided that it will be the only accessory building in addition to the garage. 4. When driveways, sidewalks, and other similar hardaurface accessories aro placed on a property. 5. For the installation of wood burning fireplaces or stoves. Adopted this 28th day of Juno, 1982. ATTESTi Thomas A. Eidem CCity Adminiatrator Arvo A. Grimsm0, Mayor RESOLUTION TO ESTABLISH THE VALUATIO;; OF A BUILDING WHEREAS, THE CITY OF MONTICELLO wishes to establish a uniform meth- od of determining valuations of buildings to be used for determin- ing the cost of a building permit, and; WHEREAS, the Minnesota Department of Administration, Building Code Division makes available a chart for determining the valuation per square foot for various types of buildings for which building per- mits might be taken, and; . WHEREAS, this per square foot valuation can be equally applied to buildings of similar nature to determine an equal and fair valua- tion of a building; THEREFORE, DE IT RESOLVED that the following attached schedule of valuation oar square foot be used in determining the value of a Building and that total valuation figure be uLed to determine the value of a building parmit by using the Build;ng Permit fee schedule adopted by this City Council of Monticello, Minnesota, effective September 1, 1981. Adopted this 28th day of Juno, 1982. ATTEST: Thomas A. Eidom City Administrator Arvo A. Grimamo, Mayor VALUATION DATA (Cost per square foot for determining building valuation) May 1982 1982 Cost per Occupancy and Type Square Foot 1. APARTMENT HOUSES: Type I or II F.R. 5 45.14 Typo V --Masonry (or Type III) 33.84 Type V --Wood Frame 29.83 Typu I--Basemont Garago 19.62 2. BANKS: Type I or II F.R. 75.33 Type III --1 Hour 61.42 Typo III --N 59.75 Type V--1 Hour 54.47 Type V --N 52.45 3. CHURCHES: Typo I or II F.R. 50.34 Type III -1 (lour 39.86 Typo III -N 37.84 Type V--1 Hour 35.38 Typo V-13 33.79 4. CONVALESCENT HOSPITALS: Type I or II F.R. 68.73 Typo III -1 Hour 56.32 Typo V--1 Hour 48.66 5. DWELLINGS: Typo V --Masonry 34.41 Typo V --Wood Frame 31.24 Baeomonto-- Finfehed 7.92 Unfiniohod 6.25 6. HOSPITALS. Typo I or II F.R. 84.74 Typo II1--1 Hour 75.50 Type V--1 Hour 69.26 Valuation Data Page N2 7. HOTELS AND MOTELS: Type I or 11 F.R. Type III -1 Hour Type V-- 1 Har Type III --N Type V --N 8. INDUSTRIAL PLANTS: Type I or II F.R. Type II --1 Hour Type II --(Stock) Typo III --1 Hour Type II1--N Tilt -up Type V--1 Hour Type V --II 9. MEDICAL OFFICES: Type I or II P.R. Typo III -1 Hour Typo III --N Typo V--1 (tour Typo V -N 10. OFFICES: Typo I or II P.R. Typo I1--1 Hour Typo I11 --N Typo V--1 hour Typo V -•II 11, PRIVATE GARAGES: wood Frama Ma oonry Open Carporto WMA 50.86 46.65 39.34 41.89 37.66 3C.98 19.71 18.04 24.99 20.42 14.96 19.71 18.04 63.89 51.22 48.84 46.99 45.41 56.85 41.10 39.34 34.94 32.47 10.30 13.55 5.46 l Valuation Data Page #3 12. PUBLIC GARAGES: Type I or II F.R. 25.52 Type II --N 16.72 Type III --1 Hour 20.24 Type III --N 16.72 Type V--1 Hour 16.54 13. RESTAURANTS: Type III --1 Hour 51.83 Type III --N 47.78 Type V--1 Hour 44.88 Type V --N 41.89 14. STORES: Type 1 or II F.R. 41.10 „ !!l--1 f!^cr 31.94 Type III --N 30.27 Type V--1 (lour 27.90 Typo V--1; 25.96 15. SCHOOLS: Type I or II F.R. 63.89 'typo III --1 Hour 44.88 Typo III --N 42.86 Typo V--1 (lour 40.22 16. SERVICE STATIONS: Typo II --11 38.72 Type III --1 Hour 42.15 Typo V--1 Hour 26.66 Canopioo 13.30 17. THEATERS: Typo 1 or II P.R. 58.26 Typo I11--1 Hour 43.91 Typo III --11 41.10 Typo V--1 11our 38.01 Typo V --N 36.07 Valuation Data Page 04 1 18. WAREHOUSES: Type I or II F.R. 26.58 Type II or V--1 Hour 17.42 Typo II or V--17 14.96 Type III --1 Hour 19.36 Type III --N 16.98 EQUIPMEM AIR CONDITIONING: Canmercia 1 2.46 Residential 2.11 SPRINKLER SYSTEMSi 1.14 CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER :ulna@ I.eufltl aco srnttoas ORR•SCHELEN MAYER ON i ASSOCIATES. INC. D nS'07 or 'Cot CC' $Ut 1•wr}.rC =1 WT wf rri.,r ♦vi Wltf Its r,r..f..p.�}, rr }}+.)it.h A'elaC •... 294W j tractor Paul A. Laurence Co. Change order No. 40 '.ddress P.O. Box 1267, 10000 Hiahwav 55 west rietd ftoelf. No, 92 ' 'nneap lis. Minnesota 55440 Project No. 068-2748.01 Job LocaticA Monticello. Minnesota EPA araht No. C270855-03 .n acCardanCo .11h the ISMS 01 your Contract dated November 20, 19 80 .ith City of Monticello o.her for WWTP Upgrading 6 Appurtenant Work fou are nareby re9ue}fed to cmolt .11h the fDllo•Ing Crc.i;e: from the contra^! plans aid spoclficatfons: bscripftoa and Justititation: - Rater to field stodif i 9 2 (Attached) The existing fuel storage tank has inadequate capacity to provide fuel to the emergency generator and the sludge vehicles. Therefore a new fuel storage tank was included at the garage and the fuel oil line from the Control Building was deleted. ):96.00.. a, Costa This Oa nye W der: Dor i9ul Tont ridr-ek ldi Profit l O.srhead Total A60 total Deduct Credit $320.001Creciit $640.00 $58.00 5443.00 Add $255.00 Add $1,090.00 "Oval of Orlgihai Contract: S 4.704,000-00 :ontraci Thru C.O. 1 39 Total Adolf Ion $4,811,856.07 1 $443.00 �r tp tnai Contfrisacisa till f 141,200.00 :0n1, Thru C.O. d 39 I Ada This C.D. $33,343.93 $443.00 Total Conti eat TOtdlOeduet Thr d_e� $4,812,299.07 fat "a ",,y Ooduct This C.O. Conflhgencle. $32,900.93 tt ore .111 be an 0.10.610. of 0 days for tonpist to.. in0 ants et �Ac` pie Ian 0t Contract 00 October 28 19 82 and no, will be October 28 1982. r jptP !X'e;KtC +ccscled b1,. �JAGrL]Wf>_.s. ,Ad�A�....V 4•�GLI' Dt-0 $!area Cpntrator 11', � }It ,(� � C see D.nanded by i? t"..4 —� . ec�"�1�`Cih• Date blGnad Engineer Aspro.ad by 0040, j� Date Stone! - T Paul A. Laurence Company GENERAL CONTRACTORS P O Bo. 1267 10.000 H,9hoay 55 west Minneapolis. MN $5440 Telephone 6121546-6911 T l % 290710 June 15, 1982 Orr-Schelen-Mayeron 6 Assoc.,Inc. 2021 East Hennepin Avenue Minneapolis, Minnesota 55413 Attn: Mr. Gerald Corrick Re: wastewater Treatment Upgrading Monticello, Minnesota EPA Project No. C270855-03 Change Order Request No. 48 Gentlemen: Per Field Modification No. 92 dated June 7, 1982, for deleting the fuel oil line from the Control Building and adding the storage tank at the garage, we submit the following price: , Material Credit (640) Labor Credit (320) Material Add 1,090 Labor Add 255 TOTAL 385 OVERHEAD 6 PROFIT 58 TOTAL ADD $443. Please note that this price is based on your verbal instructions to delete the Holiday Detector Test and furnish an asphaltic coating instead of coal tar epoxy. Yours truly, PAUL A. L.AURENCE COMPANY Pete Backlin PB:lf cc: Palco-Monticello,MN General Filo 0/ JUN , 6 :..� Subsidiary 01 S J Glows 6 Son$ Compan. —2 ' 1 �'7Q __Paul A Ismonce Company is en e4m1 0000wnbc emwo,m ORR• SCHELEN - MAYERON & ASSOCIATES, INC. ^sul:en;^ E�rr:ne; s Division of Kidde Consultants, Inc. June 7, 1982 Paul A. Laurence Co. P.Q. Box 1267 10000 Highway 55 West Minneapolis, Minnesota 55440 Attn: Mr. Jerry Grundtner Re: Monticello Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrading and Appurtenant Work EPA Project No. C270855-03 Field Modification 192 - Underground Fuel Storage Tank Gentlemen: It has become apparent that the existing fuel storage tank has inadequate capacity to provide fuel to both the emergency standby generator and the sludge vehicles. We therefore request the Con- tractor to incorporate the following modifications to the nroiect: 1. Eliminate approximately 220' of 1-1/2• type •K' hard copper pipe from the existing fuel tank to the fill station at the Sludge Vehicle Garage (refer to M-1). 2. Furnish and install where shown on attached revision drawings M-l(r)3, M-I(r)4 and M-l(r)5, one (1) underground fuel stor- age tank and appurtenances as specified below and detailed on the drawings. Specification for Underground Fuel Storage Tank A. Size and capacity - 750 gallon, 42• diameter x 10'0" length. B. Constructed from min. 7 gauge steel. C. Tank to carry Underwriter's laboratory label and neces- sary openings for fill, vent, and auction, etc., as in- dicated on the attached drawings, D. Tank to be buried with a minimum of 28' cover, earth to be properly tamped and backfilled in accordance with Section 0220 of the Specifications. f E. The tank shall be furnished with I coat of coal tar epoxy to a thickness of 16 mils and any scratches which are made during delivery or installation muse be re- paired before fuel tank is backfilled. ?Ur) ra!t h'&nn!•;i,n Aven;ra • Suit& ?3E • 1.4nneapoll.,, 111nnnescia 51r4 73 �LQ 6* 3'.8666 1tCry ?5•t)gaB Page Two Paul A. Laurence Co June 7, 1982 l F. Tank shall be provided with Holiday detector test after visual inspection and before tank is covered. Test will be accomplished with an electric wire brush silicon rub- ber or coal probe testing set with an operating bell, or other audible signal, which will sound when a Holiday is detected at 10,000 crest voltage plus or minus 5 per- cent. If the Holiday test shows that the coating on the tank is not adequate the tanks shall be recoated. G. Furnish and install one (1) 4' fill line capped, and fitted to suit a pad lock. Extend 6' above grade. H. Furnish and install one (1) 3' vent line as shown on drawings to terminate 12'-0' above grade with a flush - type vent cap. I. Furnish and install one (1) 1-1/2' type 'R' copper suc- tion line from the fuel tank up through the concrete slab as outlined in F.M. 150. Provide check valve in the line near the pipe termination at the pump island. J. Furnish one (1) dip stick calibrated to the size of the tank. R. Fuel fill and vent lines underground shall be properly painted with two coats of coal tar epoxy. Please prepare a cost review for this field modification consi- dering the credit for the elimination of the fuel line from the existing tank. Please submit a change order request at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON 6 ASSOCIATES, INC. '\J ` . Gerald S. Corrick, P. E. Project Manager GSC:min Enclosure cc: Mr. John P. Badalich, OSM Mr. Dick Reeling, OSM Field office - Monticello, MN Mr. John Simola, City of Monticello COMPACTED BAL.KVILL SMPIL%-. %f— r4okTUj:tpIL Glk"4VLAR SITE f- I'AYERUNL, (NO OPGANIC. MAT EPOAL'I OR NEV CLEAN I.D/ C.RKVIEL F ILL.• .c 0 COMPAX-711!1.0 FILL 3, 0 CAv t LOCK GPAOIE q 08 q NEW uNt)c%GQoVNq' f-UEL -4 jr m 3r A rr 4r NkTV%kIkL 501L ZO on 4 G" MIN. SAND cubolom O NOTF-I SGC M-itOl FOR NATURAL MAITCRkAL PIPING PROM "TANY, rRom SITE OW rIIIAAQLAPFILL ELEVATION 07 FUEL STORAGE TANK NO SCALE MELD moairicAI—iom "AL —N—r-- S T l PLAN OF FUE L 5-TORAGE TANK SCALE' 3/32" - I' -O" RELOCA7ED FIE% -Z MODIFICNTiOn •92 MAINTENANCE 4alsEc CONC.RCTE UNDEaIeRoAr I5LAND, GuAIaZ ARAG �—� FUEI STORAGE POST5 4 PUMP TAhIN ,r m ti .o' -o' ,TATION BV STORAGE OWNEF &ANBOCIATIESANC: PPED FILL VIEW i L �c nr..... ...... ..aura MONTIce IIO -TANK .r ww.r n....qu...-a .n. ..nr.••'r'•"•••• '12 PLANT DZ D2 c;•4•Bt 1.'6 FUEL TANK EPA PPqiELT VENT. E.TENO 12'•O" ABOVE GRAZE. MOUNT TO BLDG uRLL. CONC. SLAB i SLUDGE VEHICLE GARAGE PLAN OF FUE L 5-TORAGE TANK SCALE' 3/32" - I' -O" FIE% -Z MODIFICNTiOn •92 Dredq Tills Como No. MMS l i "ONR•BCIIhL{N MAIIiRON NEW FUEL STORAGE 27,A.01 &ANBOCIATIESANC: TANK- PLAA VIEW nr..... ...... ..aura MONTIce IIO WAGTTWATLR .r ww.r n....qu...-a .n. ..nr.••'r'•"•••• TPCATMENT PLANT MIIF13 c;•4•Bt c / .• r ••»• •, %� EPA PPqiELT NO C210955•02l RE.LOC.ATED ice; SLUDGE VEHICLE MAINTENANCE GARNGE BUILDING 5'-O" 3'-O" f / EL rGRADE LGaADE -r SOB' -9" 'v' ''. .. Ali - ^ A. I"ii•_ 11111= �i'il-- 11^� -/ " '1 1__'r_- 113 POLE: EMOEDDE.D,.j ls— I CL. 904'-4' CY � Z'YpIChL PE RIME TCiy WALL F001'iNG (BEYOND) FULL STOIkAC.[ -TANK t\ EL. y00' -O _ GROSS -SECTION OF FUEL STORAGE 7AN1K SCALE'. 3/8"=I' -O" FIr-LCI rvMOCIrI(.►TION Mq2 i CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER wheal uuntn ..es eunneiu ORR, SCM ELEWMAYERON L ASSOCIATES. INC. b.v11-0w or 11001 COISVItA.Te, 11C eat, LMI .l..t'.w.wt sail Sy ri.wL.roU3, rw SYhla 4, 3114ar I... Ieee.e �ontractorPaul A. Laurence Co. Change Order leo. 41 Addr.4e P.O. Box 12 67 , 10000 Highway 55 West rl•ldltodlf. NO. 97 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55440 project No. 068-2748.01 Job Location Monticello, Minnesota EPA crent No. 0270855-03 in accordance with the terms of your contract dialed November 20, 1980 with :ity of Monticello owner for WWTP Upgrading d Appurtenant Work fou are hereby requested to canply with the tot lows ng changes frau the contract plans and SpeCI l icat Ions: :oscr Ipt Ion and Just 11 lea? Ion: - Refer to Fteld mod II If 87 (Attached) rhe piping layout in the Slower Room required modification in order to make the nethane engine and blower as supplied compatible with the structure and other equipment. o.r.. w��.. �. �.,..y tole fTnw�. M1M•; , eborL aafit Sowerhoad Tote, Add Total Oeduct $100.00 I(Materlal) $150 $54.00 I $629.00 (Subcontract)$325.00 mount of Original Contract: S 4.704,000.00 ;ontract Thru C.O. I (y0 hotel Addition $4,812,299.07 $629.00 7r I InaI Cont Irig •n C lee 1311 %_"_l 2nn_nn :onl. Toru C.O.I1J Q Add This C.O. $32,900.93 $629.00 Total Contreet Total Deduct Thru This C.O. 141 $4,812,928.07 Nat Rowelning Deduct This C.O. Coe!Ingo' Cl ea $32,271.93 There will be on •r1e1l11on of 0 days for cowpletlon. The dale of the Cotplet Ion of Contract was OCt Ob,Pr 2a. 10�Z ane no. will DaOCt Ober 28 , t9 82 i Accepted by /lJl/ _ ✓1 `_ Date Slpned C /2 2./YZ. cont. a for 0ec0,mew400 by •( �• l.C/"rI� Date signed EngI nw AFwo.•d by Date SIonad Paul A. Laurence Company RECEIV:!- D GENERAL CON'tRACIORS 0RR-SC,)iLEf:-V- lollix. CotAK P 0. 80. '267 JUN 1 7 1982 10.000 H'gnway 55 West M,nneapol's. MN $5,40 TeiephOne 612/546.6911 T LX 290730 June 16, 1982 Orr-Schelen-Mayeron & Assoc.,Inc. 2021 East Henneping Ave., Suite 0238 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55413 Attn: Mr. Gerald Corrick Re: Wastewater Treatment Upgrading Monticello, Minnesota EPA Project No. C270855-03 Change Order Request No. 44 Gentlemen: Per Field Modification No. 87 dated April 12, 1982, for modifying the inlet duct and blower discharge we submit the following price: Subcontract $325.00 Overhead & Profit 16,00 Material 150.00 Labor 100.00 Overhead & Profit 38.00 TOTAL $629.00 Yours truly, PAUL A. LAURENCE COMPANY Pete Backlin Ps:lf cc: Palco, Monticello, KN Job File General File �W-" — 77 // 46 oe -/— Sups -coq of S J GIV sons con'tas"y V8.1 A LIW#nC* C' G000nutt-tv Ik'noloyt, Paul A. Laurence Company GENERAL C014TRACIORS P 0, ao. 1267 10.000 N�ph..ar 55 wase Wnnee POI -S. MN 55.10 Telephone 6127516.6911 1 L A 290730 June 2, 1982 Orr-Schelen-Mayeron & Assoc., Inc. 2021 East Hennepin Avenue Minneapolis, Minnesota 55413 Attn: Mr. Gerald Corrick Fe: Wastewater Treatment Upgrading Monticello, Minnesota EPA Project No. C270855-03 ChanEe Order Request No. 44 RECEIVED OFFSCHEIEr.'•:':i::C•;: , ASSOC. JUN i 1 1982 � i t I ~'FT I ul� Gentlemen: Per Field Modification No. 87 dated April 12, 1962, for modifying the inlet duct and Mover discharge we submit the following price: Material.................$312.00 Labor .................... 340.0 Overhead 6 Profit........ 8.0 I Total........ 7 Yours truly, PAUL A. LAURENCE COF'3ANY Pete 9acklin PB: .c cc: Palco, Monticello, M -t Job File General File Suos-mary a, S J Gro -ea 6 Soni Paul A Laurence CDn,Uane 16 an 00-1 .. jnunily 0"WOW ORR-SCHEIEN•MAYERON BASSOCIATES, INC. Division of Kidde Consultants, Inc. consulting Engineers Engineers Land Surveyors April 12, 1982 Paul A. Laurence Co. P.O. Box 1267 10000 Highway 55 West Minneapolis, Minnesota 55440 Attention: Mr. Bruce Hanson Re: Monticello Waste Water Treatment Plant Upgrading 6 Appurtent Rork EPA Project No. C270855-03 Methane Gas Engine and Blower Field Modification $87 I Gentlemen: The methane engine and blower as supplied require modification of the layout to make them compatible with the structure and other equipment. This relocation as shown on the attached drawing M4 -r2 is necessary to provide safer and easier access to the engine for both operation and maintenance purposes. Please note that after relocation the belt guard and belt tensioning device can be fabricated. The anticipated additional work required for this change includes modification to the inlet of the 30/20 duct and the entrance into and exit from the filter room for the blower discharge. Please process a change order request for the labor and materials necessary to complete the above work. Additionally, it has been noted that the gas pressure gauge for the V�// 2021 Eas: hlef loin Avenue • Suite 238 • Minneapolis. Minnesoia 554 73 6121337.8660 TELEX: 29.0948 Page Two Paul A. Laurence Co. April 12, 1982 engine is not mounted in the panel as indicated in the shop draw- ings. we request that this be changed when other work for Field Modification #59 is undertaken. Please notify the vendor of this requirement. Sincerely, ORR-SCHELEN-Y.AYERON 6 ASSOCIATE, INC. 0614 ez- Charles A. Lepak, t1p. E. Project Engineer CAL: ml n Enclosure cc: Mr. Gerald S. Corrick, OSM Mr. John Simola, City of Monticello Mr. Jim Miller, City of Monticello Mr. Dick Reeling, OSM Monticello Field Office Mr. John P. Badalich, OSM n)LA6bE5TED Li=kGAT10f1j ISR SO (e AL. COIL RE5ER11JIR FLAME -r;Z^P AND (pYERNG.O!]� THERMAL VALVE METwiN E I� NATI.IRAL_ y 6^S % METERI 1 r s i t I. I I i IJPf/DO�.w.l �lSCiL.Ofc{.0 , ' :0 o P c ccr n a ELEV. � 1-8 \ \ ` ENC -INE TD CLEAR 60:02- LINTEL MELT (buARM) I I PPE 726-Z" N pTES : I. DtST.ANGE PyE.TWEEN CENT'EJtL1NG5 DF pLptiER ANp ENroINE �'-D"j25 /�pPfiOX1MATE A/:D SMALL E.E �ItLG VEQIFIFZ::) FOR- rVa1cE-UP OF MELT r-UARL7 e.ELT TENSION IN(o pCVILE 2- DISGHAZC- FROM GLOWER TO BE fiCUTE o SNTp FILTER Rfa'_1M. LDC -,*,TE SILENGejZliN FIL.THR R=onn. SILENcP� DISl1+AR6E TO C-LEAT! OOCIR LINTEL_ . �. r�OLINC- AIR FROM EN61NE ft/'.b 6&0 -opt TD ME RDL!Tdp 43Y ELM V,/ Tp SIDE C, SO is pULT ANO MUTT' G LEAIL ZL/ 1 Z OL1G.T. A. DUAL FUE' TD BE ?Nt)TALL.LIL'� A+ -'a PER FIELA. MpL:). - 89 `.JITn FLAME TRAP ANC VALVE dNN MET►moi N E. (1,.A S L. I fv E . S. MOUNT Sp 0.ALLC" MIL 0.ESFJ2VIMIR ON WALL ON/t Ik 6L0%VeA ABGUT 6 PE6.7- OP+F FLGCa, pR F -A -ft FRaM GGIL1Pur-. KEY:© Alaeom. REaREs6ruTS RGv1,tD PIGINC- 6L>IlU1PMFaA1T LJ►�NL1T, D.o.e or, Dreely TillsCommMo. OIiR • BCIIRLXN • NAVRIION R.TL�RDG& ASSOCIATRH. INC PIE, n W1ppIFIUTL'vv a87 2"az OI A08M w�..n..nm.w..wnm RELpLATE METMANr. GAS Mhjl~ Dole' MOWTIGBLLQ WAk%'rC ..e►T[f. •Heel No. .�I�w.� •..unn,m.np..wu.wu u�ew TREATMENT PLA/JT z/25�92- \ A A J_.,'ww's. ea .sM u�. w.. y....1 ED^ PROJBLT No27 G0B650SI l M — FIREMEN'S RELIEF $500 PER YR. BENEFIT A. Accumulated Liability for 12/31/82 8. Accumulated Liability for 12/31/83 C. Normal Contribution (B -A) -- D. Estimated Assets of Fund 12/31/82 (12/31/81 Fu. Bal.+ 12% Int.4- State Aid t City Levy) (94,980.11 t 11,397.61+ 16,000.00-,,1,683-00) E. Fund Deficit at 12/31/82 (A -D) F. 12/31/01 Deficit G. Total 1903 Contribution to Fund ( C r 10% of F t expense) (12,640 6.568.40 t 250.00 ) -- 19,458.40 H. E>Lium Le,l SLa Lo Ai,; Ivi 1903 -- 1. Estimated Interest Income (D K 5%) J. Assn. Income (H + I) -- K. Surplus Rwenue to Assn. (J - G) $172,930.00 185,570.00 12,640.00 122,810.72 50,119.28 65,684.00 19,458.40 17,600.00 6,140.54 23,740.54 4,202.14 FIREMEN'S RELIEF i j $600 PER YR. BENEFIT A. Accumulated Liability for 12/31/82 $208,056.00 B. Accumulated Liability for 12/31/83 222,684.00 C. Normal Contribution ( B - A ) 14,628.00 0. Estimated Assets of Fund 12/31/82 122,810.72 E. Total Fund Deficit 12/31/82 ( A - D ) oa 85,245.28 F. Old Deficit (Based on $500) 50,119.28 G. New Deficit ( E - F ) 0 35,126.00 N. Total Contribution (1983) to Fund ( C 4. 10% of 1981 Deficit+ 10% of G t expense) (14,628 f 6,568.40 +- 3,512.60 t 250.00) 24,959.00 1. Estimate Stntu ;dd roc 1903 =_ 17,GGG.�,G J. Estimate Interest income ( D K 5% 6,140.54 1� K. Assn. Income ( I+ J ) -- 23,740.54 L. Amount needed from other revenue ( N - K ) sa 1,218.46 J FIREMEN'S RELIEF $700 PER YR. BENEFIT A. Accumulated Liability for 12/31/82 $242,732.00 B. Accumulated Liability for 12/31/83 259,798.00 C. Normal Contribution ( B - A ) ® 17,066.00 D. Estimated Asset of Fund 12/31/82 — 122,810.72 E. Total Fund Deficit 12/31/82 ( A - D ) e= 119,921.28 F. Old Deficit (Based on $500, as of 12/31/821 50.119.28 G. New Deficit ( E - F 1 — 69,802.00 H. Total 1983 Contribution to Fund ( C + 10% of 1981 Deficit + 10% of G f expense) (17,066 4- 6,568.40 4- 6,980.20 + 250.00) 30,864.60 I. Estimated State Aid for 1983 17,600.00 J. Estimated Interest Income ( D X 5% 6,140.54 K. Aeon. Income ( 1+ J ) -- 23,740.54 L. Amount needed from other Revenue Sourcos( H - K ) 7,124.06 COMPARATIVE FIREFIGHTER'S RELIEF BENEFIT 20 year lump sum Per year Big Lake $6,000.00 $300.00 :Buffalo 10,000.00 500.00 Cokato 10,000.00 500.00 Elk River 8,000.00 400.00 Monticello 10,000.00 500.00 Mora* 12,000.00 600.00 Rockford 4,000.00 200.00 Sartell 81600.00 430.00 Waterville 6,500.00 325.00 J •Increased in 1981 because local fund had surplus. Increased benefit did not create deficit. J I LAURING HILLSIDE TERRACE KoN--,c- V- �- X. -o ® — Or+'7L.0T f J QtkEsrld-1 — % L WYER-MWUP WC j' � r� .rnau.o r.rwi I�`.� .t�MMwY �. � .. •` 1) V J� ^'-,,.fir • I. �' C�. / E•r �:. � %�.;:' y,• i •Iw O, .%•fit S1' • . 1 n n �!'• '.'.. t � �....'."r .,r�,;��r� :� j=•,', � > Z4r��.'.. 1NYC� '1 `` - j• eI `` 1,, �. �w� 11 1� _ �•LI .a ® — Or+'7L.0T f J QtkEsrld-1 — % L LIQUOR FUND JUNE DISBURSEMENTS - 1982 Old Peoria Co. - Liquor Ed Phillips 6 Sons - Liquor Twin City Wine Co. - Liquor Griggs, Cooper 6 Co. - Liquor State Capitol Credit Union - Payroll ded. MN. State Treasurer - Pera W/H Wright County State Bank - FWT - May Commissioner of Revenue - SWT - May Wright County State Bank - 6 month C. D. North Central Public Service - Cas-(Mis-sent to Mari lyra Liquor) Griggs, Cooper 6 Co. - Liquor Twin City Wine - Liquor Midwest Wine Co. - Liquor State of MN. - Retail food handler license Internal Revenue Service Center - Liquor retail dealer tax Wright County State Bank - 6 month C. D. State Treasurer - Social Sec. Cont. Fund - FICA - May State Capitol Credit Union - Payroll ded. Twin City Wine - Liquor Griggs, Cooper 6 Co. - Liquor Ed Phillips 6 Sons - Liquor Monticello Times - Adv. North Central Public Service - Cas for May Cruys, Johnson - March 6 April computer fees and audit costs Bridgewater Telephone - Telephone Mark Irmiter - Mileage - 1181 thru 5/82 7 Up Bottling Co. - Misc. mdse. Jude Candy 6 Tobacco - Misc. mdse. Old Dutch Foods, Inc. - Misc, mdse. Dick Beverage - Beer Lovegren Ice - Ice purchase Thorpe Dist. Co. - Beer Croeslein Beverage - Beer Day Dist. Co. - Beer Viking Coca Coln - Misc. mdee. Dahlheimer Dist. Co. - Beer A. J. Ogle - Beer Leifert Trucking - Freight Liquor Store Supply Co. - Silicone spray for Store Granite City Caeh Register - Cash register paper Maus Foods - Store expense Yonsk Sanitation - Sanitation contract Northern States Power - Utilities Mr. George Marx - Misc, mdse. Commissioner of Revenue - Sales tax - May Strike and Spare - Adv, at Joyner's Lance (score sheets) Payroll for May TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS - JUNE AMOUNT 2,280.04 9,196.03 1,101.35 1,066.11 20.00 353.77 522.90 210.00 75,000.00 347.20 1.480.13 902.52 525.64 18.18 54.00 40,000.00 498.98 20.00 1,633.50 4,106.71 16,028.22 011.91 19.37 1,740.00 53.46 156.5U 251.OU 52U.99 156.98 2,120.35 267.75 4,905.45 15,416.87 275.00 668.75 15,468.29 1,480.50 477.9U 18.00 57.01 21.38 69.00 528.23 12.00 6,516.26 100.00 3,509.67 ;210,617.90 CKECv NC % 10252 10253 10254 10255 10256 10257 10258 10259 10260 10261 10262 10263 10264 10265 10266 10:.6 7 10268 10269 10270 IU271 10272 1 U2 Y. 102; 10275 10276 10277 10278 IU279 10280 10281 10282 10283 10284 10285 10286 10287 10288 10289 10290 10291 10292 10293 10294 10295 10296 10297 t GENERAL FUND - JUNE DISBURSEMENTS AMOUNT CHECK NO. VOID 0 15800 MN. State Treasurer - Dep. Reg. fees 445.OU 15601 Comm. of Transportation - Reimb. Ellison Park project 477.40 15802 Inc. City Mgmt. Assoc. - 1 Compensation book - '82 45.00 15803 Monticello Fire Dept. - Reimb. for Fire Dept. expense 973.50 15804 Gerald Hermes - Janitorial services at Library 204.00 15805 Marge Bauer - Petty cash for Library 300.00 15806 Golden Valley Furniture - Furniture for Library 2,669.75 15807 Monticello 0. K. Hardware - Supplies for Library 17.00 15808 Walters Cabinet Shop - Additional shelving in Library 1,212.17 15609 U. S. Postmaster - Postage 140.00 15810 Mark Wallen - Fire school reimb. 125.75 15811 Willard Farr,ick - Fire school reimb. 160.35 15812 MN. State Treasurer - Dep. Reg. fees 156.00 1G13 St. Cloud CETA - Workshop reg. fee for Al Meyer 10.00 15814 Rick Wolfsteller - EPA seminar reimb. in Kansas City 401.38 15815 Corrow Sanitation - Contract payment 3,672.00 15816 Wright County Sheriff - Police contract 7,349,33 15817 State Capitol Credit Union - Payroll ded. 110.04 15818 MN. State Treasurer - PERA W/H 1,874.39 15819 Mayor's contingency Fund - League Conf. fees 17.50 15820 League of MN. Cities - 3 reg. for League Conf.- Tom, Rick,Arve 271.50 15821 Wright County State Bank - FWT - May 3,744,60 15822 Commissioner of Revenue - SWT - May 1,695.20 15823 Arve Grimsmo - Mayor salary 125.00 15824 Dan Blonis;en - Council salnry 100,90 laAoc Ken Maus - Council salary 100.00 15626 Mrs. Fran Fair - Council salary 100.00 15827 Dr. Phil White - Council salary 1110.00 15828 James Preusse - Cleaning city hall 220.UO 15829 YMCA of Mpls. - Monthly contract payment 258.33 1 583 0. K. Hardware - Coffee pot for Library 89.90 15831 Coast to Coast - Library supplies 92.60 15832 State Capitol Credit Union - Payroll ded. 25.UO 15833 MN. State Treasurer - Dep. Reg. fees 230.00 15834 Gwen Bateman - Animal control for May 688.00 15835 MN. State Treasurer - PERA W/II 403.63 15836 Kenrin Lawn 6 Carden Service - Sprinkles system at Library 3.327.84 15837 Paul A. Laurence Co. - Payment 016 - WWTP 89,675.25 15838 MI1. State Bldg. Code Service - flan review for Americ-Inn mute 888.03 15839 Gerald Hermes - Juuitorinl Services at library 198.00 15840 Mrs. Lucy Andrews - Inf. Center salary 33.75 15841 Mrs. Ed Schaffer - Inf. Center salary 29.25 15842 State Treasurer - Social Cont. Fund - Monthly FICA 3,502.76 15843 Stnte. Capitol Credit Union - Payroll ded. 135.04 15844 Kahler Hotel - Leallue Conf, expense 442.09 15845 MN. State Treasurer - Uep. Ilea. fees 432.00 15846 Munticello Fire Dept. - Payroll 612.OU 15847 Gwcn Batemnn - Animal control expense 98.50 15848 Wright County State. Bank - Investments 60,000.00 15849 Wright County State Bank - Investments 91,789.67 15850 Munticello Ford, Inc. - Fire truck 16,227.81 15885 Monticello Dep. Ilea. 02 - Reg, and title for fire truck 5.75 15886 (fill Lake Machine - Bolen's tractor mower repair 28.00 15887 Maus Foods -All Depts. supplies including library 147.15 15851 Omann Construction - 7 tone blacktop 123.10 15852 GENERAL FUND AMOUNT Cruys, Johnson 6 Assoc. - Audit fee 6 computer processing 8,780.00 ISL National Bank of Mpls. - Safekeeping monthly chge. 12.U0 MN. Maintenance - Shampoo for carpets 42.70 F. A. Tenney - Hoof repair at Mtce. Bldg. 40.00 Ben Franklin - 5 films for Historical Society 11.95 Monticello Ford - Parts for Ford Pickup 19.44 Mr. Michael O'Connor - Union negotiation fees 483.00 Mrs. Marjorie Caetzke - OAA meetings expense 111.00 Mr. Daniel Herrboldt - 1 meeting of OAA 25.00 Mr. Thomas Salkowski - 5 meetings of OAA @ 25.00 125.00 Dr. Philip White - 1 meeting of OAA 15.00 Mr. Arve Crimsmo - 5 meetings of OAA 75.00 Mr. Franklin Denn - 6 meetings of OAA 90.00 Mr. LeRoy Engstrom - 6 meetings of OAA 6 mileage 165.60 Equitable Life insurance - Ins. W/H 40.00 State Treasurer - Surplus PropertyFund - Misc. st. supplies 23.25 Olson Electric - Underground conduit at Ell. Park 6 switch 244.24 OSM - Eng. fees - $21,126.87 at WWTP 25,293.14 Northwestern Bell - Fire phone 25.24 Northstar Waterworks - Manhole parts for 25 6 Pine, plug ball 674.27 North Central Public Service - Utilities 107.03 Diamond Vogel Paint- 20 gals. paint for street 767.00 Tri State Drilling - Repairs to lift station b2 830.39 Independent Lumber - Library supplies 172.00 Draperies, Minnesota - Draperies for Library 2,073.75 Mrs. rduic Schniter - Inf, center salary' ,3o Mrs. Lucy Andrews - Inf. Center salary 90.• Lindberg Decorating- Etching concrete floor at Ellison Park .u8.00 Treasurer, MCFOA - Membership dues - Mon. Clerks 6 Finance 15.00 Wesl Publishing Co. - MN. Session Laws - 1982 50.00 Tom Eidem - Misc, mileage - June 111.67 Rick Wolfsteller - Misc. mileage. 159.05 Moon Motors - Box of soap for pressure washer - Mtee. Bldg. 17.95 Central McCowan - Rental charge 2.40 McCarthy Wcll Co. - Insp. fees of pumps 6 boosters in wells 89.U0 MN. Wastewater Operators Assoc. - Reg. fee fur Senn 6 Jim M. 120.U0 Jim (latch Sales Co. - 2 first aid kits - St. Dept. 50.00 St. Cloud Restaurant Supply - Library supplies 45.89 Leof [Iron. - Uniforms I15.2U Campbell Abstract Co. - Abstract search for Ilwy. 25 85.50 National Bushing - St. and Park Dept, supplies 25.60 Ilarry'a Auto Supply - St., sever and fire dept. supplies 355.22 IliWay Liquors - Dividend for 1980 Work. Comp. 6 Inst. policy 555.1U Coast to Coast - Misc. supplies for all depts. 238.63 Our Own Hardware - Misc. supplie for 411 depts. 129.87 Could Bros. - Windshield for '63 fire truck 182.51 Curtis Industries - buts and bolts 106.17 Dechene Farms Nursery - Rock for Ellison Park project 75.OU Centro Soto Coop - Weed killer, fertilizer 6 grass seed 280.74 Wayne's Red Owl - - Misc. supplies 73.20 Eull Concrete - Rings for sewor dept. 76.OU Monticello Times - Publishing, etc. 643.64 SMAlilevalor - Misc. expense - prints, etc. 11.54 Cerald Schmidt - 1 post hole digger 10.00 Colden Valley Furniture - Base cove for Inf. Ctr. 6 Fire Hall 99.80 Poirier Drug - Alcohol for concrete tasting 4.04 Fyle'o Ilackhoe - Wale1 a repair at 4th 6 Pine 365.00 Inl. City Management „uoc. - Misc. Covt. books -71,)- 56.25 CHECK Payroll for May TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS - JUNE 15,647.25 $374,997.98 GENERAL FUND AMOUNT CHECK N0. National Life ofVermont - Ins. - employer share of Eidem's MacQueen Equipment - Sweeper parts 258.61 105.68 15914 15915 Marco Business Products - Paper and repair 121.69 15916 Maus Tire Service - Repair truck tire 4.00 15917 Automatic Garage Door Co. - Parts 1.88 15918 Earl F. Andersen b Co. - Signs, paint, etc. for St. Dept. 684.34 15919 Wright County Auditor - li police fines - May 1,516.75 15920 Monticello Office Products - MiAc.supplies 413.04 15921 Dr. Joel Erickson - Vet fees - Nov. 81 thru May 82 380.00 15922 Independent Lumber - Animal, fire and park depts. supplies 71.22 15923 Voss Electric - Light bulbs for City Hall 69.47 15924 Healy Spring Co. - Springs for 78 GMC pickup 357.00 15925 Buffalo Lock b Key - Change locks at Library 112.00 15926 MN. Valley Testing - Testing for sewer dept. 339.55 15927 Monticello Printing - Misc. printing 214.65 15928 Local 049 - Union dues 84.00 15929 Ryan Chev. Olds. - U bolts for St. Dept. 24.96 15930 Conway Fire b Safety - 3 pr. boots for Fire Dept. 180.00 15931 Howard Dahlgren Assoc. - Boyle dev, expense 100.0D 15932 Fair's Garden Center - Shrubs, bark, etc. 337.94 15933 N. S. Power - Utilities - (Library - $2,116.00) 5,975.59 15934 League of MN. Cities - City share of building program 138.00 15935 Inc. City Mgmt. Assoc. - Membership dues 190.00 15936 Municipal Finance officer's Assoc. - Membership dues (Tom) 60.00 15937 Mobil Oil Corp. - Gas and oil 100.06 14919 Water rroducts - 1�' meter 386.28 15939 Feed Rite Controls - Chemicals and testing - SJW Depts. 2,712.21 15940 MN. Lathing b Plastering Bureau - Stucco manual 5.00 15941 Loren Klein - Misc. mileage 132.00 15942 Arve Crimsmo - League Conf. expense 90.01 15943 Bridgewater Telephone Co. - Utilities 534.58 15944 Banker's Life Ins. - Croup Ins. 2,465.44 15945 Payroll for May TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS - JUNE 15,647.25 $374,997.98 t ME110 TO: Council Members FROM: Rick Wolfsteller, Assistant Administrator DATE: June 28, 1982 SUBJECT: Utilities Service Company, Inc. bill. Attached is a copy of the amounts owing to Utilities Service Company for work performed repairing the manhole at inter- section of Iiwy 25 and Broadway per bid. Al—, the billing inrliideq extra work at Hwy 25 and Broadway and ropairs to a manhole at River Street. Thio bill should be added as an addendum to the list of bills for June when approved. UTILITIES SERVICE COMPANY, INC. 1300 Now Brighton Blvd North East Minneapolis, Minnesota 55413 (612) 379-4340 IjD.,, June 21:. 1982 JOB NO. 1051 F-- City of Monticello, Minnesota' N 250 E. Broadway J00 Monticello, Minn. 5$", 62 INVOIct W, I and Final Att: John Slmol& Our lftvoico No' 01518 Additional work done on sewer manhole located on Hiwny 1125 and CtY lid # 75 In Monticello, Minn. Unlocated storm sewer in way of now manhole;. and place drop too, cuts Ida of new manhole. Total Contract. 8900.00 100% completed 900.00 Total this Invoice 900.00 nomove frame and cover, place now collar and replace frame and a over on mahKole on River St. and # 12 In Monticello, Minn. par your orders. 4 c Work completed on sewer manhole risplacement oil Hiway # 75 end Cty lid # 75 in Monticello Minrip.nota ne per your orders end our Bid letter dated May 19, i982. Total Contract: t 4950-00 1000.' completed 4,150-00 Total this Invoice LCI"0.00 INVOICI � i� i ��s � � - tiM!plMn j GsiR1t ' f i � ; •� _- �f. �. i _ i �-- � � � � ` 4 ElifJllQi �"�"'T • rl SQr7 , i i lCiP, Miff - - � _' ' .� -'-•71ga•Eaerssee �M7Ro.Fa,7F00 DARRELL L W01" CauMr fMP ff _ Janes F. Powe. GYs! OaPu+r 24 Haar EwA P Av T-Wpk - aa.ao 4794673 eamaatlb M25W ada> 972•2e24 Cofem 28664&4 June 11, 1982 Honorable Mayor City"ouncII Monticello, Minn. 55362 Dear Council: Fnclosed is the Shertff's Lav Enforcement report for the month of May, 082. 568 hours of petrol service were contracted for during the period in which the following activities were tallied: I - No pay customer at Holiday - cleared 6 bill was paid 2 - Thefts of bikes - one was recovered 1 - Theft of vetch from Phy Fd locker at high school - Assaults - cleared by Arrest I - Theft of two fish poles from boat - Criminal damage to property - vehicle drove over lawn at Monticello Times Office - cleared by mediation A restitution to be made ( - Shoplifter at Snyder Drug - cleared by arrest 1 - Attempted theft of purse from VFW - cleared A purse recovered I - rriminal damage to property - subject writing on walls at Roller Rink - cleared by mediation A restitution to be made 1 - Criminal damage to property - vehicle drove over lawn - cleard by mediation A restitution made 1 - No pay customer at Freeway Standard I - Criminal damage to property - door on vehicle kicked in I - Report of two truants from Pinewood School - picked up and returned to school 1 - Izexual abuse - cleared by mediation I - Arrest for possession of controlled substance 1 - ATreit for receiving d concealing - bike recovered which had been stolen to April I - Arrest for possession of firearm to motor vehicle 5 - Arrests for possession by m(nor 2 - Arrests for disorderly conduct I - Arrest for trespassing 1 - Arrest for giving intoxicating liquor to minor 2 - Arrests for consumption by minor 2 - Missing persons - both located I - Threatening phone calls 10 - .Suspicious circumstances, persons 6 vehicles 1 - 1 wheeler complaint Amos s: io�.n and msvis r -�z=r- —`-. --.:,-x�r 2M1IM�r EaMr w4v T� Z .>> i Y�oaTaa871 �MsMr- y.'r i - 4 i11 `. t "�i ,` '- Oatanoayt•L>Ds Criaro 22156454 Sheriff's report for Monticello for May, 1982. continued: 7 - Dome;tica I - Civil matter S - Miscellaneous complaints 9 - Traffic complaints i - Motorcycle complaint b - Public nuisances I - Harassment 2 - Detox I - Prowler report 1 -Intoxicated person I ,Medical aid 1 'Recovered property - Animal complaint I - Alarm sounded - checked out o.k• 146 - Car d subject checks 45 - Citizen aids 44 - Motorists warned 2 - Accidents investigated Open doors 32 - Traffic tickets issued: 11 - Speed i - Disobeyed semaphore 4 - Illegal parking 2 - Driving after suspension 7 - Careless/Reckless driving 1 - Open bottle Yours truly, (Darrell Wolff, Sheriff 1 - No motorcycle endorsement 1 - Erratic driving 1 - Unsafe equipment 1 - Driving while intoxicated 1 - No eye protection 1 - Disobeyed stop sign Billings For the month of May. 1982 -- $ 7,349•33