City Council Agenda Packet 10-26-1981c� AGENDA REGULAR METTING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL October 26, 1981 - 7:30 P. M. Mayor: Arve A. Grimsmo Council Members: Dan Blonigen, Fran Fair, Ken Maus, Phil White. Meeting to be taped. Citizens Comments. 1. Review of Liquor Store Report for 9 Months Ending September 30, 1981. .. yp 2. Consideration of Change Order N19 with the Paul A Laurence Company on the Wastewater Treatment Plant Construction Contract. 3. ConsiduraLiwi of AdopLing New Schedule for Sower and Water Raton. Approval of bills for month of October, 1981. Approval of Minutes for regular meeting on October 14, 1981. Unfinished Businoso. Now Business. Council Agenda - 10/26/81 l AGENDA SUPPLEMENT 1. Review of Liquor Stare Report for 9 -Months Endinq September 30, 1981. PURPOSE: To review with the Liquor Store Manager, Mark Irmiter, the financial statements for the 9 month period ending September 30, 1981. Enclosed, please find a financial statement for the liquor store. Of particular interest are the following items: - Gross Profit percentages - Overall gross profit percentages are down approximately 1/26 over 1980 from 20.02% to 19.49%. Although both the wine and beer percentages have increased over last year, the liquor gross profit percent has decreased approximately 28. The miscellaneous merchandise percent also has dropped consider- ably, but this is due to undeposited cigarette sales that did not get recorded in the first 9 months. - Sales - Overall sales are up approximately 13.6% or $78,148 over 1980 figures. - Operating Income - Operating income has also increased approximate- ly 13.3% or $5,774.00 over the 9 month period in 1980, but has remained fairly constant at 7.52% of total sales. - Gross Profit - i,.crcascd $12,174 aver 1980, but expenses also increased $6,400 resulting in the $5,774 operating income increase. The primary reason for the exponso increase v:az due to the assistant manager position under salaries and the addition of computer pro- cessing fees. - Not Income - Overall not incomo is up $12,421 or approximately 3/4%. This is duo to the raimburscments from CETA increasing from the assistant manager position, an increase in investment income earnings and the increaso in sales. Mark Irmiter, Liquor Store Manager, will be at Monday night's meeting to review the financial statements with the Council. POSSIBLE. ACTION; Consideration of acceptance of Liquor Store Financial Statements for the period ending September 30, 1981. REFERENCES: An enclosed copy of the financial statements. Council Agenda - 10/26/81 2. Consideration of Change Order #19 with the Paul A. Laurence Company on the Wastewater Treatment Plant Construction Contract. PURPOSE.: To consider Change Order #19 with the Paul A. Laurence Company for an additional $3,228 for the following: - Review of electrical equipment final shop drawings resulted in equipment larger than shown on design drawings and this requires revisions to existing lavatory room and existing electrical equip- ment room. Enclosed, please find related material relative to this change order. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of approval of Change order #19 for an additional $3,228.00 as indicated above. REFERENCES: A copy of the change order and details describing the particular change. - 2 - Council Agenda - 10/26/81 3. Consideration of Adoptinq New Schedule for Sewer and water Rates. PURPOSE: To consider adjusting the sewer rates to match expenditures as proposed in our 1982 Budget. Additionally, a different rate schedule for both sewer and water is being proposed in order that the rates may be based on increments of 100 cubic feet instead of 1,000 cubic feet tone cubic foot equals approximately 75 gallons). Listed below are the current schedules for sewer and water rates along with the proposed schedule: Currently 1 SEWER RATES Proposed $5.00 Minimum - 1st 1,000 cubic feet $8.00 Minimum - lst 500 cubic feet 6.50 /1,000 cubic feet - 1.05 /100 cubic feet - 1,001 - 30,000 cubic feet 501 - 30,000 cubic feet 3.25 /1,000 cubic feet - .55 /100 cubic feet - over 30,000 cubic feet over 30,000 cubic feet WATER RATES $6.00 Minimum - lot 1,000 cubic feet $6.00 Minimum - lot 500 cubic feet 3.50 /1,000 cubic feet - .35 /100 cubic feet - 1,001 - 4,000 cubic foot 501 - 4,000 cubic feet 1.80 /1,000 cubic foot - .18 /100 cubic foot - 4,001 - 75,000 cubic feet 4,001 - 75,000 cubic feet 1.05 /1,000 cubic foot - .105 /100 cubic foot - over 75,000 cubic feet over 75,000 cubic feet The proposed schedule for sower and water rates incorporates the following three changes: - Increase in sower rates averaging 60 to 61 percent. - Establishment of rate schedule based on increments of 100 cubic foot instead of 1,000 cubic foot. - Eatablialunent of a minimum foo based on 500 cubic feet instead of 1,000 cubic foot. f� ( l�P� - 3 - t .v ar, � Council Agenda - 10/26/81 Obviously, the biggest change is proposed in the sewer rate increase. This rate increase is due to the following factors: - Necessity of having an A Operator for the Wastewater Treatment Plant. - Increased operating costs due to inflation. - Increased operating costs for a part of the year due to the fact that the city will be operating the new expanded plant for at least two months according to the current schedule. For an average family of four (4) that has its rate based on 3,500 cubic feet of water quarterly and 2,500 cubic feet of sewer quarterly, the pro- posed schedule as indicated above for sewer and water would affect them as follows: Sewer Water Total Present quarterly billing 18.00 16.50 34.50 Proposed schedule 29.00 16.50 45.50 This would result in an increase in the sewer of 60 percent with no increase in water. The overall increase would be 32 percent. It should be pointed out that because of establishing increments of 100 cubic feet instead of 1,000 cubic feet, some billings may be somewhat over 60 per- cent and other billings may be somewhat less than 60 percent for sewer. The reason for adopting the schedule based on increments of 100 cubic feet instead of 1,000 cubic feet is that this type of schedule encourages conservation and is more fairer and equitable than the current schedule. A minimum of 500 cubic feet was used instead of 1,000 cubic foot to also encourage conservation and thin also facilitated an adoption of a schedule based on increments of 100 cubice foot as opposed to a 1,000 cubic fact. As previously mentioned to the council, it will be necessary to review the sewer rates schedule that would go into affect under EPA guidelines. while this can be made effective January 1, 1983, such a schedule has to be adopt- ed prior to 80 percent reimbursement by CPA and this would take place in two to three months. AD a result, we will be looking at establishing a rato schedule for 1983 in the very near future. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of adopting a Dower and water rate schedule for 1982 no indicated above. tib( J s� N'�''cy,r �u1 tib - 4 - CHANGE ORDER 420 - WASTEWATER TREATMENT 111,A:IT As I mentioned at a previous council meeting, our trickling filters at the Wastc--,Fatcr Treatment Plant will need a 4 foot, 13 inch high wall tn allow for maintance operations under the proposed aluminum covers. These walls are also needed prior to winter to protect filters from freezing. Because of the upcoming weather, it is imperaLl-vo that these walls be built as soon as possible. I would therefore ask that the city Council give tentative approval to Change Order 420 at an estimated cost. of $13#000. The following is included: 2 - 41 8" walls on 42 feet dia tankv I - V 8" x 16" poured wall where tanks join 2 - 3 root x 4 foot 6" aluminum doors (Previous t:fcdiL) Epoxy paint all walls, both sides Approximately $11,000 Profit & overhand 2,000 TUM. $13,000 John Badalich will have more information at the ince Ung. John Simola Public Worhs Impartment /-/--61 A "00' /4'r 24—ki CITY OF MONTICE1.113 "UNICIPAL I,IQUCIR STOPS CO:'.PI:RATIVE OPERlMNC; S'rATF.{E:Im FOR 9-t{O;,T71.ri I;ID£D 9'30-81 FOR 9-1IOZYMS ENDED i 9-30-80 COST OF GROSS PER CE:rr SAU-S SALES Pir1F i'F � To SALES COST OF GROSS VCR CENT (1--'F-SALE I SA LITS ,Si,LES PROFIT TO SALES ` Liquor $206,928 S166,933 $ 39,".'5 lS'.33 Hine 66,629 45,3U5 21, 4i4 3;,18 i $186,761 $14G,665 $ 40.096 21.47 Beer 352,571 289„,808 6763 .', !;•80 53,490 36,956 16,535 30.9.11 30 SUBTOTAL $626,128 $50119:'.6 $124„202 19-84 " 309,247 255,480 53 766 1.7.3') 1 Piscellaneous 'crci,andise 2G,28G 20,412_5,854 2;:.27 $549,499 $439,101 5110,397 "-' TOTAL $652,414 $522,3:8 $130,055 1179 3 24,768 17,732 - 7,03= - 28.41 Less- Freight 2, �2N,,,, _-,, , __ .45 $57.1,266 $456,833 $1_.� 17,433 .._,.._- 20.45 T'Sr?1. GROSS PROFIT $127,128 1'3.48 _._2,479 `43 $114,954 1PERATIN: ERPENS-3 Salaries $ •I0,4i5 Store Exp>ensce - Supplies 2,000 $ 35,675 Repairs 6 tainLenance - Buildings 6 Equipment 3,21`-1 2.852 P-w,o 478 2,587 Utilities 6 'rnel 5,773 469 ensarance 9,2=14 6,381 Depreciation 6,3°+0 8,684 • Audit Expense 1 , 2:13 6,111 Fringe Benefits 5,5.-3 11600 Advertising t.5 :9 4,846 NSF Checks- - - 1,650 !:isccllaneous R,l4�n ,c I,1f 'S - v - Professional Ccs - 0 - (115 Computer Costs �9i2 168 TOTAL OPEFaTING. !-YTIE::Si^Wit. t3_'�? is -96 0 - OPERATING 1:;CD:•3: $ •19,068 7.52 $ 71,638 12,47 S 43,316 7-55 M'InR EP-PENSE Bond Interest KK3'^nse S 6,577 U.C. Fund Reic:rn: rs2x:nt 1i•6 $ 7,308 TMAL OTBEF EXPE::Sr; 5 6,733 1.03 256 $ 7,564 1.32 r.MIFR IIICOICE Reimbursements - Salaries S 5.2,32 Interest Ince-e - investments 20,8,4 3 2,19} Cash over (s::crt) ,213) 17,021 Interest Ince.o - ConLtact f„r 1,ccd - U - (398) TOTAL OHI£:2 S::LC..^_'C _ -- $ 25,873 :-r,7 1,224 20,056 3.4v NET INCOME $ 69,22& 10.46 55,808 9.72 t /� MON110E1.1.0 MUNICIPAL LIPOOR 14ALANCE SHEET MUNICIPAL LIQUOR STOk-F SEPIEMUER 30, 1981 ASSETS CURRENT ASSE IS l:ASH s( 7,935.52) CASH IN BANK -RESTRICTED t 927.70) INVESTMENTS 206,1'55.04 INVESTMENTS-RESIRICIED 47r540.20 NSF CHECK-RECEIVAPI.E 69.27 INVENTORIES 99,040.58 vNEPAID INSURANCE 5v207.30 UNAMORTIZED BOND DISCOUNT 1,573.72 TOTAL CURRENT rwSsETs $ 350,722.89 PROPERTY AND COUIPMENI I AND s 6,839.95 1011 -PINGS AND IMPROVEMENTS 151,671.04 PARKING LOT 7,765.50 17LIRNITURE AND FIXTURES 44.072.17 ------------- s 210P348.66 ACCUMULATED DEPRFCIATION s( 44,406.11) TOTAL PROPER'T'Y AND F01,111"MIFNI $ 16S.942.5:; .,7)T;,L ASSETS -------------- I. e.6' — 44 LIAPILITIES AND FOU11Y (;UPRrNT LIABILITIES .'d:r.GLJNT3 PAYAPLI s 30, 103.54 ,,If:r:RUEI,l EXPENSE:: 6,743.35 TOTAL CURRENT I I (it' i I I TI ES 4 36.9^6.89 I.(jt4G-TERM LIAFTILlrlES Otll-S PAYABLE (REVENUE) 4 125,000.00 TOTAL LONG-IrRM LIAPILTIES ------------- L 125. 000. 00 TOTAL LI AD IL 1'r I ES I'OU I I Y w I rt I NED EARNING!, s 286,500.76 11 VENUES OVER E)l"EtAll TURI-S 68+229.79 TOTAL EQUITY 10 TAL LIABIL11115 ANP rOU11V 1 :,16,665.44 . - T - CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER Damon ufnum e I h..o wmteo ORR SC MAYERON 1 ASSOCIATES, INC. 0F.. PY6Wv •1DDL rgvSm t.Yry,iF� I eyl W7 W Mf YFI nY •VL Wnl 1■1 rIFF!•.dl�f, YF la.11,!••*, �C!^ f.Y. 291"n+renor Paul A. Laurence Co. Change order No. 19 �Adar.ss P.O. Box 1267, 10000 Hthry 55 W. Field Modll. No. 48 _ Minnpapnl i c MN 55440 project ho. 2748.01 hro Local ton Monticello, Minnesota EPA trent No. C270 855-03 l n accordance with the terms of your contract dated November 20 19 80 .,in city of Monticello Owner for W.W.T.P. Upgrading 6 Appurtenant work ,w are hereby requested to Comply with the following Changes free the contract plans and spoclticet Ions: Lnscrlptlon and Justification: • Refer to Field Madill d 48 (A"eched) _({s•h,; r+hr of nlnr�rj„C-.1 e4,hiz—t• finala�1y� rl—�.nvi_ng�a h39 L3^hhT r�.ri , eauioment larger than shown on desian drawings and this requires revisions to existira lavatory room (C-13) and existinq electrical equipment room (C-18).� IfraeAdorn of Opts MY Charge Order: `1 i .hpr WWIXMaterial Prot It d Overhead laTal Add Total tied -0j $1,945.00 I $862.00 I $421.00 I $3,228.00 I r ..,Hunt of original Contract: s 4r704,000.00 latnl Co"" Hct � ContrnCt Thru C.O. 018 Total Addition Total Deduct Thru Thls C.O. 119 $4,745,881.07 I $3,228.00 $4,749,1.09.07 1 Original Contingencies (39) s 141,200.00 ret Pe.eln�ng Cam, lhru C.O. /_18 Add T1hls C.O. Deduct This C.O. I Cont lng.rcl es I 599,318.93 I 53,228.00 I $96,090.93 rihme will been aden9ion of 0 days for conple+lon. fl f tree .ef Oct. ].8, 1982 sndno. will De Oct. 28, 1982 It.. date of the co■ple ono Con fcc.pted by Dei. Slgn.d — jLfr')L" l'}} Ing I near •cp,rnad by Owne► Data Stoned CJ.'// Shy _ - """777 �j Date Signal LSIORR SCHELEN MAYERON Et ASSOCIATES, INC. Division of Kidde Consultants, Inc. Consulting Engineers Land Surveyors September 3 , 1981 Paul A. Laurence Company P.O. Box 1267 10000 Highway 55 West Minneapolis, MN 55440 Attn: Jerry Grundtner Re: Monticello Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrading and Appurtenant Mork E.P.A. Project No. C270855-03 Revision to Field Modification 448 Gentlemen: The revised electrical panel location on the south wall of the electrical equipment room C-18 renders the existing window use- less. Maintenance of this window will be very difficult at best therefore it must be removed. Replace window with a concrete block masonry wall. The interior finish of this wall shall match finishes required for rooms C-12 and C-18 and finish ey.terior of wall shall be as stipulated in the specification. In Lavatory Room C-13, the radiation pipe (refer to Drawing M-2) on the south will must be relocated to allow installation of the new 'shower stall. Relocate radiation as follows: from the southwest corner of the room, extend 3'-01 to the east and V-0" to the north. The LP -A electrical panel (refer to Drawing E-3) mounted on the south wall of Zoom C-18 must also be relocated due to the size of the MDS panel. Relocate the LP -A panel on the west wall of Room C-18u13t north of the north jamb of doorC-13. Also, relocate the time switches and capacitors (refer to Drawing E-4 6 Add. #l) from the went wall of Room C-18 to storage room C-14. Sincerely, ORR-SCRELEN-MAYERON s APS04A Es„ IN Gerald S. Carrick, P.E. Project Manager cc: John Simola, City of Mr-,' "cello Dick Reeling 'M Field %.rfiCo John P. Dads0SM 2021 £•asl HC,14101Ln .,ann„i+ - Su to 23P 9 Aftnoapo',s trli :.:n• pl.i 5541 I } .�. ..� . ORR-SCHELEN •MAYERON &ASSOCIATES, INC. t, Consulting Engineers Division of Kidde Consultants, Inc. Land 5u.,veyors August 21, 1981 Paul A. Laurence Company P.O. Box 1267 10,000 Highway 55 west Minneapolis, Mn 55440 Attn: Jerry Grundtner Re: Monticello wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrading and Appurtenant work B.P.A. Project No. C270855-03 Field Modification 0 48 Gentlemen: Review of the electrical panel shop drawings (panel MDS) located on the south wall of Electrical Room C-18 in the Control Building has revealed that the panel supplier requires a panel size of 36' by 168'in lieu of 36' x 108' as originally anticipated. This increase in width in the limited space available has necessitated the replacement and relocation of the existing Lavatory Room door and shower cabinet, located on the east wall of the Lavatory Room C-13. Detailed location and configuration is shown on attached revision drawing A -2r(2) which Is part of this field modification. This field modification also requires removal and replacement of approx. 8 L.F. of 6' concrete masonry wall. Relocate water piping and waste drain piping for shower cabinet as indicated. Provide and install new door C-13 and shower cabinet as r.pecified below: Door C-13 a) 3'0" x 710" x 1 3/4" steel b) Door type A C) Pramo type A d) Hardware group 3 e) Head detail B/A-15 f) Jamb detail 9/A-15 9) Threshold detail 6/A-15 h) Door,frame, and hardware shall conform to specification sections 0 911 and 0870. I) Provide lintel as follows: ,1 1) New mark 4 L-28 (See drawing S-35) 2) 6: 8 DI k. lintel w/1 1 6 x cont. T 3) Use 6' min. masonry bearing each end. 2021 Ea,- I Nvnmmn &enue • Su+rs 238 9 bfinnoepohs. Minnesota 5541;1 August 21, 1981 Page 2 Shower Cabinet a) Provide and install new pre -fab shower cabinet with precast terrazo receptor as manufactured by Global Steel Products Inc., Fiat Products, All' American Metal Corp., or equal. b) Cabinet size 36• x 36• x 82• c) Double wail construction of 20 ga. bonder ized-galvanized steel. d) Insulated with water resistent double faced honeycomb insula- tion bonded with water impervious adhesive. e) Panels shall be joined with coved, anodizes', aluminum ex- truded molding. f) Provide with new shower cabinet a precast receptor as follows: 1) Precast 1 piece terrazzo 6' high. 2) Plange to be integrally -cast and made sof galvanized- bonderized steel. 3) A brass drain integrally cast and provide: for a caulked lead connection. 4) Removable stainless steel strainer. All concrete block masonry work shall be performed in accordance with specification sections 0337, 0410, and 0420. All hot and cold water and waste drain piping relocation work shall be per- formed in :accordance with opacification division 15. We anticipate this field modification will require a change in contract price. Please review and submit a written change order request at your convenience. Sincerely, ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON 6 ASSOCIATES, INC. Gerald S. Corrick, P.E. Project Manager cc: John P. Dadalich, OSM Dick Keeling, OSM Field Office John Simola, City of Monticello Dick Husting, OSM AZLPCNM ;;i17T. P, F, I lvw '*flA C VIAK X, X >X X X L T J'�7 Fl-Cof?- - C-Cr�T-6- SL pf, IV -LIED 64c--, C;c FIELD M k- X46 .an ev*,a" Tille co— No r -F -H ryyl� 'AILFt WIMIJIN MAYN14ow LAV,�TCfT' tiAo-�Jq & Om Sno�r No D*Vol9.21."" TFFATN4F-'JT Ft.^ -'4T 1w '270P, --- A Srffe-*--T �!P i: Licon CrA.Lo , wl MUCITOBER GENERAL FUND D1SBlIRSEME11fS - AM01)17T VOID U Orr-Schelen-Mayeron - Mi8c. eng. fees 54098.89 M17. State Treasurer - Dep. Reg. fees 29.00 MN. State Treasurer - PERA payment 481.51 Leon Lieder - Iteimbursemstt for payment of dirt removal 73 OU Corrow Sanitation- Contract payment 3672.00 State Capitol Credit Union - Credit union deductions 95.00 Arve Grimsmo - Mayor salary 125.00 Dan Blonigen - Cuuncil s,ilary 100.00 Mrs. Fran Fair - Council salary 100.00 Oen Maus - Council salary 1011.01) Ur. P. White - Cuuncil salary IOU.UU James Preusse - Cleaning City Ball 220.1)0 YMCA - Contract payncrnt 235.42 MN. State Trea:.urer - PE8A payment 1130,55 11. S. Pootmast.-r - Stamps 52.00 Wright County Stat.' Bank - Investments 9.5(juu.01) Wright County Stalc (lank - FW'r - September 3430.10 Gwen Bateman -Animal Inq,. expense 51)4.37 North Central Section AWhA - Reg. fee - bchoul - Walt I•laci 45.uo MN. State Treaburer - Urp. Reg. foes 41.00 Albert Lea Fir. Dept. - Reg. fee - W. Farnick cont. 75.OU Paul A. Laurencu Co. - Payment 08 WWTP 331124 J.1) St. Treasurer - Sucial See. Cont. Fund - FICA - Sept. 31W. 91 Commissioner of ReVt`nUe - SWT - Sept. 1409. b3 Safeco Life Ins. Co. - Pension plan payment - C. Wiebor 257.63 State Building Cudo Service - VFW plan review fee 197.44 Davie Construction - Driveway removal at library Site 20.00 LaTour Const. 1)o. - Payment 1)3 on 81-1 6 81-2 40776.45 State Capitol Credit llnion - Payroll deductions 135.ou Commissioner at Nevem.• - Excise tax - water dept. 158.46 Banker's Life Inn. - Croup Ins. 232U.IU Marco Business Pncdu.ta - Paper and repairs to copier 14u.iu St. Cloud Restaurant Supply - Iland towels 81)•51 Allied Blacktoppin.; Co. - 5% retainage fee on sealcoating pcuj. 1285.58 North Central Public Scrvica - Natural gas 74,19 Labor Relation. A,leociaten - Workshop for C. Wicber 115. tit) Moody's lnvestory Selviccb - Bund rating fee 650.1111 Audio Communications - Repairs to radios 111 .SU Gary Wiobor - Milect;r from 9/21/81 through 10/18/81 "6. jt Northwestern Hell lelephone - Fire phone ;5.14 Diane Jacobson - Mtleage to seminar 20,27 1'enetone Corpot.cti-i - Hand cream for sever dept. 41 .1)9 reed Rite Contiols - t;hlorina, feed tite 05, alum. aulfat., etc. 2157.5U U. S. POatma6h r - Stun;pa 54.1)11 Orr Schelen Mayeron - Misc. eng. fees 28452. Io Willard Farniel •• Vire Dept. cont. in Albert Lea 28J,.tit) Olson Electric - Alarm system, ch. at. files, aervice. on 1-•neralor 507.11 Moon Motors - Jahn Urere tractor repair 241.81 Fox Valley Meriting Syutenu - Parking lot atriper smterialt 47.24, Specialty Equilmtut to. - Cull jet for preaaure washer 28.1)11 Gwen gateman - .'aintiaj, nigna for Uakwoad block 1U2.UA MacQueen Equlpr, nl t.o. - bump box vibrators 691. c11 QZ d, lryV1:RAl FIND 11,101 h I t }} t i+. Nf - Carlson Wel4me, - Materials for spay plow 15.40 - Earl F. Andersen - 2 park stoves 6 signs= 1 292.03+) It 6 S Asphalt" n 21 tots of strrut pate}iicy; 31.7(1 Dick Brooks - Suaw for Barka 5U.1ju 1141.•; =i Nick Wolfstol), r - Mil. -age 6 rgpenses for conf. in Alexanicia' 117.4+1 Imif The Cilren Cu. - Rvg. tev.lor QSM ang, C. Corrick - seminar 3Mi.uu }30)59 Buffalo Lock t: K,y - Rvpai.t lock on couoeil chamber door 26. "i/ i'Whi3 Wright County tuditur - ', police fines - Sept, 95b.Uo 11.9K1 American Finan,ial Priuliug - Printing bond issue stotumt11Ld 556.1n 14942 Fyle Backhoe S, rvice - L.ttrine rental - NSP park, water k -•pr. $80,on Mobil Oil - Cu, for rirc Dept. S3.4v 1'«g64 State Treasurv) - surplud Property Fund - St. Dept. mdse. 54,8u r.Hhy Amoco Oil - Ca•. 12.1 r 1'11+1, Auto Con Indust rie. - R. -pairs to telvwetric system in wat ' ' de'l . 9/1.4t) Cnrelick Steel ,'o. - Mi -,c. start for r:Lreet dept. yl.1o+ It;p+-q Fidelity Sank :. 9rr)st - Parkinit Facility bonds interest 3112.31 t.«r v Elk River Cons-sete - CinIrcta pipe for storm sewer (reimb.) J93. "t I:.vlO sefeco Lif.. L1: , t e. 1', ., i.ou nlast for C. Wicbvr 151.6 Diamond Vogel faint$ - lraffie paint I1i.H; 14971 State of MN. - 1901 syst,lon laws :S.IIu }'197.3 Smith, Pringle 6 Hayes - Legal for August I8It..5u I.it. Monticello Tim,n - Misc. pub. 6 printing 21 J. H! 1,0114 Liquor Fund - h, i1ob. lur Workmen's Comp., share 2}2,lits 1"17b ! Coast to Coast - Hattery, traffic, paint, animal supplies, rl,p.t 86.91 !'."i; Munticallo Ofs;,e Pr,:ducts - Minute book, mise. office su.,pliall 1J9.11 t -`1,t: -41 /49 - Un) 1-u du,-. 72.111 ;11174 } St. Cloud Fir- tgnipmsnt - Recharge fire oxt, IJ.21 }1100 State Treasur,s - Bldg, perwit surcharges - 3rd qtr, t .0.60 I' I's ir's Carden t,ntxs: - Is wrap, treys for On1boul park ` trees fur water Dept. 6:2,4,+ Stephens-Pock,`tu,;, = tri -virion book for Dcp, Rcg. Lvntral MtCow.nl iyl. r}'uln} Gruys., Johnson - s'"pruLs r procnasing fees - July 6 August s 501},G1, PrtiSa Water Products - �." wat, r meter 6 2 dol. meter valves itih,i) } I Okl: 4tY- Hem. O. Bauer of ie.lp;.- fur library meeting } J'6(, l4+, -_" flidwe4t Sank Pelt., 1,'o. - Kaud printing charge t'1)rt is Indust) i1-, - hot is and honk t'Rnpin-publis:h)u., {a). - Adv. ler bids - Parking lot ldijttttablA Lit,' .lanur.itc-, -tub. withhvld 41,}'it I.r4Jl Philkps Patrolout,} - Gas A tire, repair p 25,74 3tY Northern Stato, Paw:r - Utilities 3114.11. _ = Wright County ,hvrift - Police contract payment 6411.11 1.yU'w lynnes Cillhow - Nilv.ig4- in seminar 11.I1t1 1.971 V Ktdotone Consttuttiult Vo. - Curb at Library 11t1,u0 1.,91+1• Ktiftowater Trl,pllouv - lvlophune 11.4.Y1 b19)i Our Owls Hardware - 'rrimm r for park dept. 6 misc. suppl it • 118.1-4 1.14914 Mdus Foods - Illy lucid, ielle,. ldil,•r tissue, mist. adsa. 42. "Is 1'49911 N&Pendent Lt th, t - Mir, . aupplius for all dept*. 15.:4 1 sit r)t Rdtional Bushiac Cntting tip, sir filter, ote. - at. d..,t. J2.21 11114.1 itirry's Auto bt-ppth - naltvry,buoster, waahur, etc. 214.16 1,11"., Leef Bros., 1111 . Pttt.-rr-s IUI.a, 1.1111 Wright County 11,•1,-urri P-•nalty on texas - Dowling property I 4,bi tint. QZ GF,%E'RA1. FUND, AMC)IIN I' CM4t t vn: It & S Asphalt - st. repairs to commuter lot'& Golden Valley l4b.80 15905 Trueman - Welt, -,r.4- farts for sickle miner 40.70 I�itet6 J M oil Go. - 17UO gal. gas 6 55 gal'. `anti freeze 2265.1)5 LSUO7. Loren Klein - Mileage ° 42,60 150UM Payroll for September TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS - OCTOBER 16393.07 $618,528.60 j �LIz UOg FUND LIQUUR DISBURaE1IHNTS FOR OCTOBER - 1981 I'd Phillipe 6 Suns - l.iquur MN. State Tre-isurer - PERA payment Peter Benedict - Misc. office supplies reimbursement Wright County State B.mk - I'VI" - Sept. Ed Phillipa 6 Suns - Liquor 'twin City Will,, - Liquor Criggs, Cooper 6 Co. - Liquor Lnternal Revenue Serv:ee - Balance of PWT - Sept. St. Treasurer - Social Src��-))ity Cont. Fund - FICA Commissioner Ili Revruor - iig - Sept. Commissioner of It,vcnur - Sales tax - Sept. Commissioner or llcvvnu,• - 1nt,:rBst on sales tax return Ed Phillipe 6 guns - Liquor Old Peoria Co. - Liquor Twin City Wino - Liquor Midwest Wine - Liquor Rich's lleotin,; - Furnace service call Maus Foods - Starr expend, Our Own Hardware - Bulbs, mop, batteries, tape, etc. Monticello Oftfrr Prudncts - Pens, erasers, markers, etc. Northern Stat.— Pow.•r - mi 1 i t iva Granite City iaslt Hty,ist. r - B, -pair cash register Lovegren Ice - ' pul.htur 7 Up Bottlins Co. - Miry. mdrr. Viking Coca ti•Iv , MiwC. Mdse. ,Jude Candy 6 lukh,p M c,.. IQdrr. o A. J. Ogle - i.,er Thorpe Diet. rn. - Hecr, rte, t:rosslein Sevoi.q;,• — Is,•,•t , ,ate, Oily Dist. Co. - isoor ilahlhcimer us:,[. t.,i. nick Saverage H. -or rrusheniki Tru,liu„ : lr,ighr 014 Dutch Food.. - mJse. gruys, Johnson A Atisoil. - Lunlput,•I- plJirbrlllg ej%pensu Bridgewater T.•lcpnone - 'foluphunu North Cantrai Public Service.- Utilities Yonsk Sanitation - Sanitation contract Banker's Life fur. - Utuup Liu. Monticello Tim,n - Adv. ► Av.l 'a t 3Ui,, lb 25.1 4.1U.4n 71 1.21• Joe ,.,1. 61 .10 522.74, 212,!u shl:.! 1 3u.U, 7U',5,UL 729.91 14Ud,bd 120.10 31.u0 21.00 40.17 17.37 't4i.2h 77.47 JS'1.1u Ab�,Fi6 A IB.1 I IN 14i.M, 4.1 1 H.. Payroll for Sr t.•mb,•r 14h1. 11, TOTAL DISBURSDUENTS - OCTOdCk y5tl.d5ti.,: MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL October 14, 1981 - 7:30 P. M. Members Present: Arvc Grim smo, Phil White, Kenneth Maus, Dan Blonigen. Members Absent: Fran Fair. 1. Public Hearinq - Appeal of Variance Granted to Monticello Ford, Inc. by Planninq Commission Reqardinq Monticello Ordinance Requlatinq Parkinq Areas. At the regular meeting of the Monticello City Council on November 7, 1977, a variance was granted to Monticello Ford for their parking lot not to require a continuous concrete curb barrier to the south and to the west. This was granted as a result of proposed expansion plans by Monticello Ford, Inc. This initial variance was for two years and since occupancy in the building did not take place until approximately October of 1978, this variance lapsed in October of 1980. At this time, Mr. Larry Flake, President of Monticello Ford, Inc. is requesting a permanent variance from the concrete curb perimeter re- quirement. Additionally, Mr. Flake is requesting a variance from the hard surface parking requirements for a vehicle display area to the north of the garage building. tie has indicated his request is based on the feeling that the grass area in which this display area is maintained enhances the appearance of the trucks and other vehicles which are displayed in this location. At the Planning Commission meeting on September 29, 1981, Mr. Flake also requested that he be allowed to use an area for over flow car display that would not require lard surfacing. After discussing the variance request, the Planning Commission unani- mously approved of the following: - Granting a variance eliminating the curb barrier on the south and west sides of the existing hard surfaced area until ouch time when further development takes place on the site. - Allow the vehicle display area to the north of the existing garage to be grass until ouch time when further development of the site takes place. - Allow an additional area to the south of the existing hard our - faced area to be used as an over flow vehicle display area with- out requiring hard surfacing or curb barrier provided the area is seeded or sodded and maintained. MW Council Minutes - 10/14/81 Additionally, the Planning Commission indicated that as the area west of the Monticello Ford site is developed, the drainage plan be re- viewed in accordance with the letter from Orr-Schelen-Mayeron, and Associates dated December of 1977. Phil White appealed the decision of the Planning Commission on the grounds that a time limit was not imposed on the variances granted. At the public hearing the following comments were received from the audience: - Chuck Bangasser, representative of Monticello Ford, felt that the Planning Commission was informed of the full situation and they did not want to continually review an extension of a variance as long as the circumstances stayed the same. - larry Flake, President of Monticello Ford, indicated that the drainage provided was in accordance with our engineers letter of December of 1977. Furthermore, he indicated that curbing and hard surfacing would only increase the drainage problem. Mr. Flake did indicate that all customer parking is now hard surfaced. At this point, the Council deliberated relative to the merits of requiring curb barriers. There was some feeling that there are cases when a curb barrier is not necessary. Mayor Arve Grimsmo called for a motion, but no motion was made and as a result, the decision of the Planning Commission stands since it would have taken a 4/5's vote Of the council to reverso their decision. 2. Public Hearinq on the Consideration of $200,000in Industrial Develop- ment Revenue Notes for an Office Buildinq - Melvin C. Wolters. Mel Wolters filed an application to financo construction and land acquisition coat for an office building to be located southeast of the intersection of Walnut and 6th Stroots in Monticello immediate- ly wast of the Dairy Queen. The proposed breakdown of the project coat is as follows: Item cost Land Acquisition S 37,000 Construction 137,000 Logal Fees 7,000 Interim Pinancing 10,000 Financing Foos 71000 Contingoncios 2,000 TOTAL 5 200,000 - 2 - Council Minutes - 10/14/81 A motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Ken Maus, and unanimous- ly carried to adopt a resolution approving the issuance of $200,000 in Industrial Development Revenue Notes for the office building pro- posed by Mel Wolters. (See Resolution 1981-031). 3. Public Hearinq on the Adoption of Assessment Rolls for 1981-1 and 1981-2 Improvement Projects. The purpose of the hearing was to consider the adoption of an assess- ment roll for the 1981-1 Improvement Project which consisted of sewer, water, and street improvements to a portion of West River Street in the vicinity of the NSP Training facility and sewer, water, street and drainage improvements to a portion of the Meadows Subdivision plot. The 1981-2 Improvement Project consisted of a storm sewer improvement project on Cedar Street from Lauring Lane to the Burlington Northern Railroad tracks. The total project cost is as follows: 1981-1 1981-2 TOTAL Total project cost $332,405.62 87,495.81 419,901.43 Portion Assessed 297,636.13 86,141.36 383,777.49 Percent Assessed 89.54% 98.45% 91.40% Final assessments were about 70 percent of the original estimate in the case of the Meadows Subdivision and the Cedar Street storm sewer project and approximately 94 percent of the original estimate in the case of west River Street. The primary reason for this was the bids on the project that were received were lower than the estimate. There were no comments on the public hearing although Mr. Edgar Klucas had previously filed an objection to the assessment of his property which was $37,206.32. A motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Dan Blonigen and unanimous- ly carried to adopt the assessment roll with the 1981-1 Improvement Project as presented except for the assessment against tl:e Edgar Klucas parcel which would be considered at an adjourned hearing on thin aub- ject. A motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Dan Blonigen to adopt the assessment roll for tho 1981-2 Improvement Project as present- ed, Mayor Arve Grimmmo indicated that he would not he voting on the 1981-2 Improvement Project since he owned property that was affected thereby. Voting in favor: Dan Blonigen, Ken Maus, Phil White. Opposed: None. Abstaining: Arve Grimsmo. (Seo Resolution 1981-032 and Resolution 1901-033). C Council Minutes - 10/14/81 4. Consideration of Extension of Variance for Parkinq Lot Curb Perimeter - Tonette Ruff. At the City Council's last meeting, Tonette Ruff was granted a conditional use permit and a variance from the City of Monticello's parking lot re- quirements that the parking lot proposed for her consignment sales fa- cility have a continuous concrete curb barrier. The variance was granted for 60 days to allow occupancy until such time when she was able to com- plete this aspect of the parking lot. Ms. Ruff requested that the variance be extended to July 1, 1982 due to the weather and also to the fact that she wanted to make absolutely sure that the consignment sales facility would be a success prior to incurring the expense of a concrete curb barrier. A motion was made by Dan Blonigen, seconded by Phil White to approve of an extension of the variance to July 1, 1982. 5. The Ouarterly Department Mead Mcetinq. A discussion was hold with the following department heads: Fire Department Representative George Liefert Wright County Sheriff Representative Buddy Gay Building Official/Civil Defense Director Loren Klein Public Works Director John Simola City Administrator Gary Wiebor Mr. George Liefert indicated that the Wright County Sheriff's Department would be installing a repeater for the pagor system at the Fire Hall. This system would cost the City of Monticello approximately $125 to $150 for an antenna. Civil Defense Director, Loron Klein, indicated that there would be an exercise for the Monticello Nuclear Plan on May 5, 1982. Public works Director, John Simola, indieatod that the payment for the 1981-1 and 1981-2 Improvement Projects should be made very shortly and that the project would be complete. City Administrator, Gary Wiebor, discussed the aspect of having the city news letter run in either the Monticello Times or the Monticello Shopper as opposed to a separate flyer contained within the Shopper. It was docidod to utilize the Monticello Shopper because of the distribution and there are some things occurring in the city that may be of interest to areae outside the city limits. - 4 - Council Minutes - 10/14/81 6. Consideration of Approval of Stipulation to be Submitted to Tenth Judicial District Court Reqardinq Larsen Carpet. A motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Dan Blonigen and unani- mously carried to approve of a stipulation to be submitted to the Tenth Judicial District Court regarding Larsen Carpet. This stipu- lation will allow the possibility of three (3) additional years of retail carpet sales at the Ren Larsen residence, but at the end of three (3) years, Mr. Larsen would have to discontinue the use of his residence as a retail sales outlet of any kind. (See Exhibit 01) . 7. Consideration of Chanqe Order 017 and 018 with the Paul A. Laurence Comoanv on the Wastewater Treatment Plant Construction Contract. A motion was made by Dan Blonigen, seconded by Phil White and unani- mously carried to approve the following change orders with the Paul A. Laurence Company for an additional $5,136.00: 017 - Request by the Public Works Department that a by-pass of the chlorine contact tank be installed to facilitate cleaning and maintenance of the chlorine contact tank, additional $4,429.00. 018 - "Equipment Running" light indicators be added on the main control panel graphic display for air operated diaphragm pumps, additional $708.00. 0. Considcration of Approval of Job Descrintion ant Aur.hnrity to Adver- tise for Superintendent of Wastewater Treatment Plant. with the completion Of the City of Monticollo's wastewater Treatment Plant and the upgrading of the city's plant to an A Plant, it is necessary to have an A Operator for this facility. John Simola prepared a job description which was reviewed by the council. A motion was mado by Dan Blonigen, seconded by Phil White and unanimously carried to advartico for a superintendent of the wastowator Treatment Plant and approve the job description as presented. 5 - C, Council Minutes - 10/14/81 9. Consideration of Authorization to Prepare Specifications for the New A Yard Loader. John Simola reviewed the status of the city's current Hough 3 yard loader. Because of its current condition and the repairs required to it, Mr. Simola was requesting that the City Council prepare specifi- cations for a new 2S yard loader. Mr. Simola explained that he felt the city needed a 2� yard, 100 horse power loader, at a minimum. The current loader is a 3 yard loader and 140 horse power. Council Member Blonigen indicated that he felt the city could get by with a smaller loader even than that proposed. After discussion on the merits of different sizes of loaders, a motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Ken Maus and unanimously carried to have John Simola prepare specifications to advertise for bids for both a 2 5 yard loader with 100 horse power and the next smallest size which Mr. Simola in- dicated would be approximately an 80 horse power loader. 10. Approval of Minutes of reqular meetinq of September 28, 1981. A motion was made by Phil white, seconded by Dan Blonigen and unani- mously carried to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held on September 28, 1981. 11. Discussion Rogardinq a Proposed Tanker for the Monticello Fire Depart- ment. It was the eoncensus of the City Council to have the Fire Department investigate the possibility of a used tanker and chassis versus a new tanker and chassis. It was felt that there could be quite a bit of savings on a piece of equipment of this sort that may not necessarily require the equipment to be brand new. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Cary Wi bor, City Administrator - 6 - DARRELL L. WOLFF Caunly Shar111 Honorable Mayor City Council Monticello, Minn. 55362 Dear Council: SCIUM6 T IS OFNC0 Cow lhouse— Wright County BUFFALO, MINNESOTA 55313 Trlephone 682.1162 N..En—r. ncy R— No. G82.3000 T on tree 1.800.362-3GG7 8:00 a.m.. 4:30 p.m. . F�1 James F. Provers, Chit -1 Depuly 24 flour Lmeraeney Telephone+ .trim 477 607 hlnnlicollo 29:,-7533 oclano 9722974 eokalo 28G 5454 October 14, 1981 Enclosed is the Sheriff's Law Enforcement report for the month of September, 1981. 544 hours of patrol service were contracted for during the period in which the following activities were tallied: 1 - Attempted burglary S criminal damage to property - window in residence pulled off - cleared by arrest 1 - Unruly customer at Silver Fox - cleared by arrest 1 - Theft from vehicle - gas cans token - cleared by arrest 5 - Thefts of bicycles - 4 were recovered Theft of auto - cleared by arrest 6 car recovered Theft of suitcase from vehicle 1 - Theft of cassette tape player from Coast to Coast - under investigation 2 - No pay customers at Freeway Standard - Loth cleared d bills paid 1 - Theft from vehicle while parked at Perkins - under investigation 1 - Theft of motorcycle - under investigation 1 - Forgery - cleared by arrest 1 - Property damage - vehicle struck another vehicle 1 - Theft of battery charger from garage 6 cassette tape deck from vehicle 1 - No pay customer at Holiday Station - cleared 6 bill was paid 1 - Theft of battery from vehicle 1 - Criminal damage to property - seats in school bus slashed by knife - cleared 6 restitution will be made 1 - Theft of 3 batteries from vehicles at Could's 1 - Theft of auto - rent -A -car stolen from Silver Fox - under Investigation i - Report of subject with a gun at Monticello liquor Store - cleared by arrest 1 - Arrest for felony theft which occurred at Silver Fox Inn in August, 1981 1 - Criminal damage to property - subject ripped mirror off of vehicle - cleared by arrest 6 restitution paid 8 - Citations issued for worthless checks 3 - Arrests for disorderly conduct 1 - Arrest for probation violation 1 - Arrest for issuance of worthless checks 1 - Arrest for carrying firearm without permit 1 - Harassment 14 - Suspicious circumstances, persons 6 vehicles Miscellaneous complaints 4 - Civil matters 10 - Traffic problems 3 - Recovered property Ji 1 `4. DAR`RELL L. WOLFF County Sheriff SOURIFF'S OFFICE Courlhouso — Wright County BUFFALO. MINNESOTA 55313 Telephone 692.1162 Non•Emerl;rncy Bus. No. 682.3900 Toll Free 1.800:3G2.3667 6:00 a.m. • 4:30 p.m. Sheriff's report for Monticello for September, 1981, continued: 5 - Public nuisance 2 - Prowler reports 3 - Animal complaints 2 - Domestic 1 - Runaway- located 3 - Intoxicated persons 3 - Liquor law violations 1 - Trespassing 1 - Firearm violation 2 - Missing persons - located 1 - Alarm sounded - checked out o.k. 1 - Fire reported 2 - Harassing phone calls 121 - Car 6 subject checks 43 - Citizen aids 46 - Motorists warned 15 - Accidents investigated - Open doors 30 - Traffic tickets issued: 4 - Open bottle I - No U-turn 8 - Speed I - Improper registration 1 - Driving after revocation 2 - Semaphore 1 - No insurance 3 - Erratic driving 4 - Driving while intoxicated 2 - Reckless driving 1 - Driver license violations I - Loud mufflers I - Stop sign Yours truly, Darrell Wolff, Sheriff Billing: For the months of August, 1981 -- $ 6,933.33 Sept. 1981 -- $ 6,933.33 TOTAL DUE -- $ 13,866.66 ACPs qtq a �F' Ly� James F. Powers, Chief Deputy 24 Mour Emcrprnry 7r1rpt-- Mclro 473 6673 Monlicsllu 795.7533 Delano 0722924 Co4slo 786.5454 COUNCIL UPDATE October 26, 1981 LEASE OF A PORTION OF THE SENIOR CITIZEN'S BUILDING TO DAVE KRANZ. Dave Kranz, who had a life estate agreement for the purchase of the Harry Swanberg residence has indicated to me that most likely, he will be vacating the Senior Citizen Center building in 1982. According to the present lease agreement we have with Mr. Kranz, the lease expires September of 1982, although Mr. Kranz would have had an option to lease the premises for an additional two (2) years. If the building is to be vacated prior to this time, a sixty day notice is required. For your information, the space available would be 1200 square feet and the lease called for payments of $215 per month plus utilities except for sewer and water. CHANGE. ORDER #20 - WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT As I mentioned at a previous council meeting, our trickling filters at the Wastewater Treatment Plant will need a 4 foot, 8 inch high wall to allow for maintance operations under the proposed aluminum covers. These walls are also needed prior to winter to protect filters from freezing. Because of the upcoming weather, it is imperative that these wails be built as soon as possible. I would therefore ask that the City Council give tentative approval to Change Order #20 at an estimated cost of $13,000. The following is included: 2 - 4' 8" walls on 4I feet dia tanks 1 - 4' 8" x 16" poured wall where tanks join 2 - 3 foot x 4 foot 6" aluminum doors (Previous credit) Epoxy paint all walls, both sides Approximately $11,000 Profit s overhead 2,000 TOTAL $13,000 John Oadalieh will have more information at the meeting. John Simola Public Works Dopartmant