City Council Agenda Packet 11-09-1981AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL November 9, 1981 - 7:30 P.M. Mayor: Arve Grimsmo Council Members: Dan Blonigen, Fran Fair, Ren Maus, Philip White. Meeting to be taped. Citizens Comments. 1. Consideration of Approval of Specifications for a New Fire Department 1500 Gallon Tanker Truck and Advertisement for Bids. 2. Library Project Update and Consideration of Approval of Change Orders With Cates Construction Company and Approval of Interior P Furnishings and Parking Lot Improvements for Library. 3. Consideration of Approval of Authorization of City Adminiatrator to Attond Seminar on Accountability for EPA Funds. 4. Approval of Transfers. 5. Consideration of Setting Special Meeting for Setting 1982 Salaries for Non -Union Employees. 6. Approval of minuteo of the regular meeting hold on October 26, 1981. 7. Unfinished Business. B. New Business. 0 f N Council Agenda - 11/9/81 1. Consideration of Approval of Specifications for a New Fire Department 1500 Gallon Tanker Truck and Advertisement for Bids. PURPOSE: To consider approval of the specifications which are enclosed and an advertisement for bids for a 1500 gallon tanker truck for the Monticello Fire Department. Currently, the existing tanker truck is a 1965 Chevrolet purchased by the Township of Monticello. This unit is badly in need of repair. According to the Fire Department, it is my understanding that there is not much value in this unit as a trade in. Since it was initially pur- chased by the Township of Monticello, this piece of equipment would revert back to the Township unless the Fire Department saw some use for it. However, in light of the repairs that may be necessary and the storage space required, it would seem best to have this unit sold. Estimated cost of a new truck is $43,000.00. This amount was budgeted for in 1982. A committee, appointed by the Monticello Fire Department, has worked on the specifications that are enclosed. At a recent Council meeting, discussion was held whether the Fire Department was going to consider at all the acquisition of a used piece of equipment. When 1 mentioned this to the committee, they were not very receptive to looking at a Y used piece of equipment. However, if the Council feels that a used piece of equipment should be pursued, it might be well to have another committee appointed that might be more receptive to considering a used Pv �Q piece of equipment. It should be mentioned that members of the com- J +y. mittoo along with the Monticello Fire Chief will be at the meeting on U +` Monday night to answer questions about the specifications and also about the possibility of a used piece of equipment. Aa you can probably determine from the onclosod specifications, it would be quito unlikely that all the features included would be available on 1 a used piece of equipment. This is not to any that a used piece of �ej equipment still should not he pursued as possibly acme of the features that are specified are not absolutely necessary. if it is decided that a now piece of equipment should be pursued, con- sideration could be given to whether the ponoibility of financing the sicca of nouiamont would be available through the manufacturer. This would be aimilar to the loader that the City has approved, but it is probably unlikely that such terms would be available on specialized 1r� equipment such as the unit the Fire Department is considering. Council Agenda - 11/9/81 POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of an approval of specifications for a new 1500 gallon tanker truck for the Monticello Fire Department. One other possibility includes a request to the Fire Chief to have a com- mittee appointed to investigate thn possibility of a used piece of equipment. REFERENCES: A copy of the proposed specifications are enclosed. - 2- Council Agenda - 11/9/81 3. Consideration of Approval of Authorization of City Administrator to Attend Seminar on Accountability for EPA Funds. PURPOSE: To consider approval to authorize the City Administrator to attend a seminar on the accountability of EPA Funds. Enclosed, please find reference materials at a seminar which involves accountability of EPA Funds. Some of the specifics. -include the following: Legal responsibilities of the EPA Grant EPA final audit and what to do to prepare for it Eligible costs and how to keep them that way. This includes splitting costs that are grant eligible and not grant eligible. How to document a grant and how to file the documentation for later use. How to set up a property control system In light of the fact that the City of Monticello is under going the up- dating of its wastewater Treatment Plant and that this course is grant , eligible, I would ask that the City Council approve authorization for the City Administrator to attend this course contingent upon grant reimbursement. Total estimated cost of this course including registration fees, motel, travel expenses, etc., would be approximately $1,000 and the City of Monticello would be responsible for 10%. I would propose to go to the course held in Kansas City since it is the closest except for Chicago to Monticello. The particular course dates for Chicago conflict with our budgeting schedule and the May 20th, and 21st days in Kansas City would be better. If the Council approves of this item, I will gat prior approval from the EPA and PCA. POSS18id3 ACTIONS Consideration of authorization of City Administrator to attend the EPA Seminar in Kansan City on May 20th and 21st of 1982, contingent upon approval of reimbursement of fee and reasonable travel expenses through the EPA and PCA. REFERENCES: Enclosed material relative to the course. - 5 - C Council Agenda - 11/9/81 4. Approval of Transfers. PURPOSE: To consider the following transfers that should be made prior to December 31, 1981: ITEM AMOUNT TRANSFER FROM TRANSFER TO Wastewater Treatment Construction Allocated 9-24-79 $103,678.00 Revenue Sharing Sewer Oakwood Demolition Cost ($25,357.61) Less Proceeds ($5,621.95) from Sale of Materials 19,937.66 Liquor General Library Construction 125,000.00 Liquor Library Library Construction 125,000.00 Capital Outlay Library Sealcoating 26,072.22 Capital Outlay Street 1980 Sewer and Water Construc- tion Fund 5,341.48 Liquor 1980 Special Assessment Fund NOTE: Additional transfer may be necessary once entire Library Project is completed. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of a motion to approve the above transfers. - 6 - C! Council Agenda - 11/9/81 5. Consideration of Settinq Special Meatinq for Sattinq 1982 Salaries for Non -Union Employees. PURPOSE: To set up a special meeting to review salaries for 1982 for non-union employees. Last year the method used to accomplish this task was a special meeting prior to which the Council members received a salary history of the particular individual involved plus recommendation made by the immedi- ate supervisor or City Administrator. Each individual employee was allowed a 15 to 20 minute interview session with the City Council. In addition to each employee being present, the employees immediate super- visor was also present to review his evaluation of the particular em- ployee. It should be pointed out that the salary of the clerical staff has not involved individual interviews since the City Council set up 83 -stop salary range schedule for these employees. It is intended to review this salary schedule for 1982 at the same meeting. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of setting special meeting for salary review for non-union employees for 1982. One possible date would be December 7. 1981, which would be the first Monday in December. This would coincide with the special meeting held last year on the first Monday in December and possibly could be ear--markod tentatively, as the date for review of salaries on an annual basis. m CITY AND TOWNSHIP OF MONTICELij, MINNESOTA SPECIFICATIONS for ONE (1) NEW 1500 GALIAN TANKER TRUCK SIDS CLOCSE CITY AND TOWNSHIP OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR ONE (1) NEW 1500 GALLON TANKER TRUCK Notice is hereby given that sealed bide for furnishing a now 1500 gallon tanker Class "A" triple combination 000 GPM pumping engine will be re- ceived by the City of Monticello and Township of Monticello until 2:00 P.M. on Thursday, These bids will be publicly opened and read aloud at that time. Each bid shall be submitted on a proposal form which is attached to the specifications. Specifications are on file in the office of the City Administrator, 250 -East Broadway, Monticello, Minnesota, 55362. Speci- fications will be furnished free upon request. All bids must be sealed, marked "Proposal on One (1) New 1500 Gallon Tanker", and addressed to the City Administrator. Each bid shall be accompanied by a certified check, cashiers check, or bid bond in the amount of 5e of the total amount of the bid. Bids shall be based on cash payment for the product described in the specifications. The right is reserved to rojoct any or all bids and to waive informalities therein. Rids may be rejected for any alterations or erasures. Darlene Sawatzko, Clark Township of Monticello Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Gary wiebor, City Administrator City of Monticello Monticello, Minnesota 55362 J IRA SPECIFICATIONS FOR TANKER TRUCK Intent of Specifications. It is the intent of these specifications to describe minimum require- ments for an attack pumper and attack pumper chassis. Any exceptions to the specifications should be noted and submitted with the bid pro- posal. It is also the intent of these specifications to cover the furnishings and delivery to the purchaser of a complete apparatus equipped as hereinafter specified. with a view to obtaining the best results and the most acceptable apparatus for service in the Fire Department, these specifications cover only the general requirements as to the type of construction and tests to which the apparatus must conform, together with certain details as to finish, equipment, and appliances with which the successful bidtler must conform. Minor de- tails of construction and materials where not otherwise specified are left to the discrotion of the contractor, who shall be solely respon- sible for the design and construction of all features. The apparatus shall conform to the requirements of the current (at time of bid) National Fire Protection Association Pamphlet 1901 for Motor Fire Apparatus unless otherwise specified in these specifications. Each bidder shall furnish satisfactory evidence of his ability to construct the apparatus specified, and shall state the locations of the factory where the apparatus is to be built. Ito shall also show that he is in a position to rendar prompt service and to furnish replacement parts for said apparatus. Each bid shall be accompanied by a act of "Contractor's Specifica- tions" consisting of a detailed description of the apparatus and equipment proposed and to which the apparatus furnished under contract must conform. Computer run-off shoots aro not acceptable as des- criptive literature. These specifications shall indicate Giza, type, model and make of all component parts and equipment. Quality and Workmanship The design of the apparatus must embody tho latest approved auto- motive engineering practices. The workmanship must be of the highest quality in its respective fiold. Special consideration will be given to the following pointat Accasoibility of the various units which require periodic main- tenance operations, easo of operation (including both pumping and driving) and symmetrical proportions. Construction must be rugged and ample safety factors must be pro- vidod to carry loads as specified and to moot both on and off road requirements and apood conditions as act forth under "Performance Toots and Roquiremants." :'AC Specifications Welding shall not be employed in the assembly of the apparatus in a manner that will prevent the ready removal of any component part for service and for repair. Performance Tests and Requirements. A road test will be conducted with the apparatus fully loaded and a continuous run of ten (10) miles or more will be made under all driving conditions during which time the apparatus shall show no loss of power or overheating. The transmission drive shaft or shafts, and rear axles shall run quietly and be free from abnormal vibration or noise through- out the operating rango of the apparatus. The apparatus, when loaded, shall have not less than 20• nor more than 65% of the weight on the front axle, and not less than 55% nor more than 60% on the rear axle. The successful bidder shill furnish a weight certificate showing weight on front axle, rear axle, and total weight for the completed apparatus at time of delivery. A. The apparatus must be capable of accelerating to 30 mph from a standing start within 30 seconds on a level concrete highway without exceeding the maximum governed rpm of the engine. B. The service brakes shall be capable of stopping fully loaded vehicle in 35 fact at 20 mph on. level concrete highway. C. The apparatus, fully loaded, shall be capable of obtaining a speed of 50 miles par hour on a level concrete highway with the engine not exceeding 95% of its governed rpm (full load). D. If the apparatus is a rated pumper, it shall be tested and ap- proved by the Underwriters laboratories Incorporated in accord- ance with their standard practices for pumping engines. Failure to Moot Toots. In the event the apparatus fails to moat the toot requirements of these specifications on the first trials, second trials may be mado at the option of the bidder within thirty (30) days of tho data of the first trials. Such trials shall be final and conclusive and failure to comply with changes ao the purchasur may conoidor necessary to conform to any clause of the specifications within thirty (30) days after notice in given to the bidder of such changes shall also be cause for rejection of the apparatus. Permission to keep or store the apparatus in any building owned or occupied by the purchaser or its use by the Pira Department during the above specified period with the permission of the bidder shall not con- otituto acceptance of same. Liability. The bidder, if his bid is accepted, shall defend any and all suits and assume all liability for tho uoo of any patented process, device or articlo forming a part of the apparatus or any appliance fur- niohod under the contract. J Specifications Warranty. The following warranty to be furnished with each bidder's proposal and printed on company form. Warranty: We warrant each new piece of Fire and Rescue Apparatus to be free from defects in material and worlenanship under normal use and ser- vice. Our obligation under this warranty is limited to repairing or replacing, as the company may elect, any part or parts thereof which shall be returned to us with transportation charges prepaid and as to which examination shall be disclose to the company's satisfaction to have been defective, provided that such part, or parts shall be returned to us not later than one year after de- livery of such vehicle. Such defective part or parts will be re- turned or replaced free of charge 'and WITHOUT CHARGE FOR INSTAL- LATION to the original purchaser. This warranty will not apply: 1. To normal maintenance services or adjustments. 2. To any vehicle which shall have been repaired or altered out- side of our factory in any way so as, in our judgement, to affect its stability, nor which has been subject to misuse, negligence, or accident, nor to any vehicle made by us which shall have been operated at a speed exceeding the factory rated speed, or loaded beyond the factory rated load capacity. 7. To commercial chassia and associated equipment furnished with chassis, slynnlliiy devices, generators, battorics, or other trade accessories inasmuch as they are usually warranted separately by their respective manufaeturors. This warranty is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, all other representations to the original purchaser and all other obligations or liabilities, including liability for incidental or consequential damage on the part of the company. We neither assume any other warranty or liability on the company's behalf unions made or assumed in writing by the company. Delivery Apparatus, to insuro proper break in of all componento while still under warranty, shall he delivered under itn own Rower - rail or truck freight in not acceptable. A qualified delivery onginocr representing the contractor shall deliver the apparatus and remain in the City a sufficient length of time to instruct the Piro Depart- mont personnel in the proper operation, caro and maintenance of the equipment delivered. 4 - Specifications Information Required. The manufacturer must supply at time of delivery: / At least two copies of a complete operation and maintenance manual covering the completed apparatus as delivered. General Construction. The apparatus shall be designed and the equipment mounted with due consideration to distribution of load between the front and rear axles, so that all specified equipment, including filled water tank, a full complement of personnel and fire hose will be carried without injury to the apparatus. weight balance and distribution shall be in accord- ance with the recommendations of the International Association of Fire Chiefs and National Fire Protection Association (or American Insurance Association). Exceptions to Specifications. The following chassis, pump and body specifications shall be strictly adhered to. Exceptions will be allowed if they are equal or superior to that specified and provided they are listed and fully explained on a separate page entitled "Exceptions to Specifications". Exception list to refer to specification page number and paragraph. In addition, bidders shall check (%) each and every paragraph in the appropriate column provided on the right hand edge of paper as to compliance or non-compliance with specifications. Proposals taking total exception to specifications will not be accepted. 1 Apparatus will be inspected upon delivery for compliance with speci- fications. Deviations will not be tolerated and will be cause for rejection of apparatus unless they were originally listed in bidders proposal. Award of Contract. Award of contract will be based upon, but not necessarily limited to the factors of: (A) Price (D) Delivery Date (C) Parts and Service (D) Analysis and comparison of specification details. (E) Warranty. Award will be made by the contract executed by the Township of Monti- cello and the City of Monticello. Right is reserved to reject any or all bids if in the host interest of the City and Township. Dido may not be withdrawn after the opening of the bids and shall be nubjoct to acceptance by the owner for a puriod of 70 calendar Bayo from the open- ing theroof. . J Specifications Liquidated Damages. Time of delivery is an essential and critical provision of these specifications. If the successful bidder fails to deliver the item pursuant to the delivery schedule, the bidder indicates on the attached Proposal Form, the purchasers shall have the right to deduct from any money or monies due or coming due to the successful bidder, as liquid- ated damages, the sum of $2.00 per day for each day delivery is post- poned beyond the maximum delivery date as indicated on the attached Proposal Form, except for delays caused by Acts of God, strikest or other conditions beyond the control of the bidder. Any sums so de- ducted are not to be construed in any sense a penalty, but rather liquidated damages sustained by reasons of extra costs incurred by the purchasers. Excise Taxes. Instrumentalities of the State of Minnesota are not subject to Federal Excise Taxes. Individual exemption certificates will be furnished on request if needed by the Contractor to reclaim for himself, such charges. Minnesota State Sales Tax Exemption. Instrumentalities of the State of Minnesota are not subject to the State of Minnesota Sales Tax. Pursuant to Minnesota Laws of 1967, Extra Session, Chapter 32, Article XIII, Section 25 (which deals with exemptions), Subd. 1, Para. (J) provides specific exemptions from taxes imposed by Article XIII as follows, "Tho gross receipts from all sales of tangible personal property to, and all storage, use or consumption of such property by, the Unitud Statos and its agencies and instrumentalities or the State of Minnesota and its agencies, instrumentalities and political subdivision." Collusion of Bidders Collusion between bidders is cause for rejection of all bids of bidders thus involved. Guarantee The successful bidders further agree to guarantee all materials and parts bid and supplied against inferiority as to specifications, ouch guarantee to be unconditional. Failure or neglect of the City to require complianco with any tam or condition of the contract or opacifications shall not be doomed a waiver of such term or condition. - 6 - 1 Specifications Leqal Riqht of Material. The successful bidders hereby guarantee that they will have full legal right of material delivered under this agreement, and agree to pay all rents and royalties of every description on any and all patents or patent rights covering said material, or covering any process or machinery used in its construction and agree to indemnify and save the City and Township entirely harmless from any and all claims, demands, damages, actions, or causes of action, arising, or to arise, against said City and Township by reason of the construction or delivery of said material or the use of any process, machinery or material in the construction of the same. Service Facilities Because the maintenance of this equipment in good operating condition without protracted time out for repairs is critical, repair parts and service must be adequate and readily available. The bidder will certify that he maintains an adequate stock of parts and employs qualified servicemen available on short notice. The bidder shall state in his proposal the location of the service shop and parts depot. Payment. The City and Township of Monticello agrees to pay within 30 days after delivery the bid price `..^r the item lees a 2% retainage. This retain- age shall be paid within one year after delivery provided the tanker truck meets the specifications as contained herein. Exceptions. Bidder shall list any exceptions to those specifications. BIDDER 1, CCOMPLIES Chassis YES NO A. Chassis to be a late modal, heavy duty, conventional cab type with GVW rating of 22,000 lbs. or equivalent. B. Engin- to be an eight cylinder gasoline type with 427 cubic inch piston displacement or equal. Engine governor to be provided to prevent over speeding angina. Engine exhaust to be routed to a point ahead of right rear wheels and deflected downward. Exhaust modification to be made by body builder. _ C. Trancmiasion to be a Spicer, 5 speed C1.15052C. D. Frame to be heavy duty. Two front tow hooks to be provided attached to front frame members. E. Fuel System - Chassis to be provided with a standard fuel tank_ J. 7 _ Specifications BIDDER COMPLIES YES NO III. Pump Plumbinq. All piping to be heavy duty galvanized. A 3" TANK To PUMP line provided. Line to be gated with a 3" quarter turn ball valve with remote control handle on pump panel. valve to be drop out style 5 turn, full flow type. The 3" line from the tank is to have a vic- taulic coupling to control stresses imposed by operating over rough terrain. — A 25" DISCHARGE line from pump to left side of pump panel with valve controlled at panel. A" valve with locking handle, cap and chain. This valve to be drop out style 4 turn, full flow type. A 3" INLET furnished through drivers side pump panel with 3" valve with locking handle, female swivel, screen, plug and chain. This valve to be drop out style i turn, full flow type. one 1" LINE TO FEED HOSE REEL. Cate control located on pump panel. This valve to be inline typo S turn full flow with remote control. The handle controlled from pump panel. One 1" tank refill or re- circulating line pump panel controlled, same style valve and controls as hose reel. All 1" and larger discharge valves are to be full flow. All 2t," inlets and outlets to have locking handles. All inlets and out- lets as well as all controls coming through the control panel to have stainless steel trim collars. All piping 15" or larger to. be heavy duty galvanized. All threads are to be NST. IV. Pump Panel. Controls and gauges to be located on left aide of apparatus rind proporly marked with metal identification plates. Platea to be attached to prevent loss. Pump panel controls and gauges to be illuminated by non-glaro incandescent lights equipped with a full length polished stainleon steel shield. Both gauges and controls are to be framed in a black vinyl covered steel panel to allow easy identification of controls and gauges and to eliminate glare. Panel to be framed with aluminum trim stripe. _ Pump panels to be removable each aide and covered with black vinyl. Polished stainless steel trim collars to be provided around all auction inlets and diacharge outlets. All push-pull valve controls to have chrome plated stool rods - minimum of i" diameter. Guidon at pump panel to be chrome plated caotings with long necks for smooth operation. Push-pull controls to pull straight out of panel - controls which pull out at an angle will not be acceptable - Specifications BIDDER COMPLIES YES NO universal joints to be used where necessary. Controls and gauges, grouped for convenient operation, shall be as follows: Primer control one electric tachometer Vernier engine throttle Pump pressure gauge 30"-0-600 lb. Discharge control Suction inlet control Tank fill control Booster reel discharge control Tank to pump line control Water level gauge - 5 light type V. Hose Body. Hose body to be fabricated of 12 gauges GALVANNEAL steel. Briny sides to be welded to top of side compartment. Sides are not to form any portion of fender compartments. Hose body assembly is to include installation of the operator's removable control panel, pump inspection door on right hand side of pump compartment and rear body stanchions for support of rear crossrail and hose bed lights. Pump inspection door to'be a minimum of 10" x 10" constructed of stainless steel. Hose body width to be a minimum of 70" inside. Upper and rear edges on side panels to have a double break at top for rigidity -split tubing or extruded aluminum finish not acceptable. Side panels to have forward sloping streamlined shape at rear. Upper corners of rear beavertails are to be covered with polished otain- less steel to prevent damage to painted surface when hose in re- moved. Hose capacity to be a minimum of 1500 foot of 2S" and 400 foot, of IS" double jacket hose. Wood fabricated hose bed parti- tion (s) provided for separating iS" and 2S" holo. Removable, var- nished, slatted hardwood flooring to -be furnishod''in"each,bod -in- dividually removable in sections. Flooring slate to be a minimum of 3/4 x 2 3/4 with S" spacing between for hono ventilation. Edges of all boards to have a 5/16" radius to prevent damage 'to hose. VI. Runnina Boards, Rear Step and Fenders. Running boards to be fabricated of 1/8" aluminum treadplato and supported by structural steel angle assemblies bolted to chassis frame. Running boards to be approximately 13" deep to provldc ample apace for carrying accessory equipment. Rear step to also be constructed of aluminum treadplato and sup- ported by a channel and angle assembly bolted to chassis frame. Stop to he full width of apparatus and 20" deep. Rear tow eye (s) to bo provided. Both running board and roar stop edges to be flanged down and to provide addod strength and rigidity and to prevent cutting of hands while washing apparatus. Running boards to he flanged up 4" at pump panels to forts kickplatos. Specifications BIDDER COMPLIES YES NO A minimum of four (4) steps to be installed for access to hose reel and hose bed. One chrome plated folding step each side on front face of rear fender compartments, and one aluminum treadplate corner step each side of rear stop compartment. Fenders to be integral with side body compartments. Fender wells to be equipped with full circular innerliners to prevent rust pockets and for case of maintenance. Rear face of body, including compartment door (s) and inside of beavertails, to be covered with aluminum tread - plate. Front face of rear side compartments to be covered with alumi- num treadplate. VII. Man^irails. Handrails to be 1k" diameter polished steel tubing and located as follows; One (1) vertical 29" handrail mounted on each rear step beaver- tail with chrome plated end stanchions. One (1) horizontal handrail above hose bed between and stanchions with reinforcing rod inside. VIII. Booster Real. One Hannay electric rewind hose real to be installed over pump in recessed open compartment. Reel to be proconnected to punp with 1" acroquip hose and dischargo control located on pump panel. Real rewind switch to he finer guarded button type located on pump panel. Reel to be equipped with provision for manual rewind. Manual rewind handle .to be mounted on-inside.8ace. of Ieft hand forward side compart- ment door. Polished Gtainloas steel roller and guide assembly to he mounted each side. A third Got of rollers and guide assembly idto be provided between the roelo when two reels aro required. _ Booster Ilona - 200 feat of boostar hose to be provided on each reel supplied. Ilona to be 1" diameter with chrome plated bar -way couplings each and. Working pressure of hone to be minimum of 800 PSI. IX. Electrical Equipment. All electrical equipment ahall be installed to conform to modern automotive practices. Wiring installed by body builder to be run in loom whore exposed and protected by automatic reoct circuit breakors. All cloctricnl equipment switches shall be mounted on a separate switch panal mounted in the cab dash with master switch and individual switches to allow preaclection of lights. All light switches aro to he "rocker" type. The rocker switches to have internal indicating lights to show when switch in energized. Switchoo to be mounted in removable prolattered aluminum panel for aaeo in service and to be ploaoing in appearanco. All switches are to bo appropriately identi- fied. Specifications BIDDER COMPLIES ) YES NO ! X. The following equipment to be installed: A. Coaster - CSGB siren to be furnished. Siren actuated by horn button or treadle type floor switch mounted on right side too board. B. Two Beacon Ray light (a) to be mounted on cab roof. _ C. Two Unity 225 inside controlled chrome spotlights installed - one each side, through windshield posts. D. Two Unity AG chrome deck lights installed, one each side, at rear.— _ E. Light in each enclosed compartment with automatic switch on door framing. Indicator liqht on cab dash to warn of open com- partment door. F. Two (2) pump panel lights under polished stainless steel hood. G. Engine compartment work liqht. H. Pump compartment work liqht. I. Arrow type combination tail, stop and directional lights. J. Clearance, marker, and back-up lights, reflectors and license plate bracket and light to meet Federal Government Safety Standards. Rear cluster marker lights to be recess mounted on a channel under rear stop for protection of lights. Channel to be stainless stool and removable. _ X. Two (2) Federal RR -2 warning liqhto shall be provided at rear. ` These to be mounted on ntainloss steel brackets and wired to flash alternately. Wirinq to h+e completely oncloned. This bracket to also support the two (2) AC deck Iiqhta and the red bullet IO light. L. Four (4) atop lights - one each side of front compartment face and two at roar. Xi. Booster Tank Booster tank shall he 1500 gallon capacity, constructed of scale - loan pickled and oiled water tank steel. Tank aides and top to he constructed of 10 gaugo steel - bottom to be 3/16". Tank to bo "T" shaped to provido for deep aide compartments and to servo an a largo sump to limit the amount of undraftablo water. Tank to be of welded construction. Tank to be baffled in accordance with HFPA Bulletin 19 requirements. A 8 x 14" rectangular fill dome to be located at front of tank, just off center to right, and equipped with a hinged cover and screen. A 4" diameter combination overflow and vent to be instailod in fill done. A second vent to be provided to exhaust entrapped air at rear of tank in the ovant tank in filled when truck is on an incline. A removable cover (a) for inspection and main- tonanco purposes shall he provided in tank top. Cover (a) to have Z13 - E Specifications BIDDER COMPLIES YES NO edges which are flanged down and out. Heavy rubber gasket to be installed between cover and tank to prevent leakage. Cover to be held down by heavy clips bolted to tank top. No holes are to be made in tank cover or tank top. After the water tank is completely fabricated and all holes, openings, etc. have been made in the tank the interior shall be abrasive blasted (chemical etching not acceptable) to a white metal (Nate No. 1 or SSPC-SP 5-63) finish with a surface profile of 1.5 to 2.0 Mile. Imme- diately after blasting the interior shall be coated with Guardian II primer and then sprayed with two coats of Guardian II barrier coat - an epoxy compound specially prepared for water storage tanks in fire apparatus. Tank to be further protected from rust by the addition of an anode in each tank compartment. Anodes to be easily removable for replacement. Tank to be unconditionally (barring accident or abuse) guaranteed for TEN YEARS provided the anodes are replaced five years after acceptance of apparatus. Fire Department will purchase the annodes at this time from the tank manufacturer as proof of replace- ment. Tank is to be mounted on specially prepared wood liners placed on top of chassis frame rails to prevent metal to metal contact. Entiro tank to be readily removable from body. _ water tank to be provided withan electric water level indicator. In- dicator to register by means of lights the following positions: full, 3/4, 1/2, 1/4 and empty. Level gaugo to be manufactured by the builder of the apparatus. Indicator lights to be lnatalled in a chrome dio cast panel and mountod on pump panel. _ Tank shall be connected to intake aide of pump with 3" heavy duty galvanized pipe and provided with k turn full flow line valve with remote control on pump panel. h rubber or victaulic coupling to be provided in thio lino to prevent damage from vibration or chaeaia flexing. Tank outlet to be equipped with an anti -swirl device. A 1" combination tank refill and pump bypass line shall be provided with control on pump panel. _ Suction Il000 - Two 10 foot langtho of 3" smooth bore hard auction hose with long handle femalo couplings one and and pin lug mala coupling othor end mountod top loft. Couplings to be lightweight aluminum - chrome plated. Hose to be installed on left aide of hose body in "V" shaped trougho and held in place by chromo platod quarter turn spring loaded clamps. Aluminum treadplato ocuffplatos to be furniahod where long handle couplings hit body when loading or unloading hoae. _ - 14 - / specifications BIDDER COMPLIES YES NO Brass Goods - One (1) booster nozzle (s) Elkhart SFS chrome plated with mounting brackets. One (1) 3" barrel strainer - chrome plated, NST. _ XII. Finish All exposed metal surfaces not chrome plated or polished shall be throughly cleaned and prepared. To prevent corrosion and to insure bonding of primer, body shall be washed under pressure by a phosphati- zing system. All irregularities in painted surfaces shall be rubbed down before the application of the finishing coats. Finish coat shall be DuPont IMRON to match existing Fire Department Apparatus. Substitu- tions will only be allowed if DuPont cannot match paint color - in this case a letter from DuPont is required. Both cab and body shall be painted and all removable items, i.e., wheels, brackets, compartment doors, etc., shall be removed and painted separately to insure finish paint behind mounted items. Body assemblies that cannot be finish painted upon assembly are to be finish painted before assembly. One (1) quart of each color paint used to be furnished for use as touch up paint. All seams are to be caulked. 3M gold tape stripping and gold leaf lettering per Fire Department specifications. XIII. Compartments Compartments arc to be fabricated of "GALVANNEAL" hot dipped galvanized steel and bolted to body support angles from chassis frame. Side com- partments to be an integral assembly with rear fender. Extended aide and rear compartment floors to be integral with compartment and be of the "sweep out" type. Compartments act on running boards with lip at bottom of door opening are not acceptable. Compartment door openings aro to be framed by flanging edges in 1 3/3" and bending in again 3/4" to form an angle. Compartment doors are to be lop type with double panel construction of galvanneal steel - 16 gauge outer panel and full interior pan of 10 gauge. Doors to be minimum of 15" thick. Outer panel door edges to be framed in a channel design to contain inner pan. Interior of double panel doors to be finished painted before assembly to eliminate rust problems. Exterior panel edges of door have a vinyl foam gasket in- stalled on edge. A second heavy duty automotive extruded rubber mould- ing with hollow core ahall be installed on door framing to insure weather-proof compartment. All compartment doors to have polished stainless steel continuous hinges. Mingo pin diameter to be 3/16" minimum of stainless stool. Doors to be latched with polished stain - loss stool reconnod paddle handle locks. Locks to be fully enclosed. Free door of double door equipped compartments to have latch also. Door chain stops to be provided and encased in vinyl tubing to pre- vent marring of paint. Automatic door switches to be installed at hinge aide of door. 15 - c CARPET Lee's Classic, Summer Blue, Glue down jute. FURNITURE Buckstaff, Natural Oak. 2 loveseats 89-115 8 yds. special order material 2 arm upholstery chairs 4 yds special order material 3 - 6892-412 tables, slate lamb 2 loveseat size benches - 262, 237 Blue vinyl 1 - 266 42" Pedestal tables 4 - 223-1 Chairs, 239 Bittersweet 3 - 137 36 X 72 Tables 16 - 302 Chairs, 8-239 Pitter, 8-237 P1ue 2 - 100 24 X 72 Tables (Cut dorm 25" High) 2 - 100 48" Round tables 12 - 302 Child's chair 16" or 14", 4-239 Bitter, 8-237 Bluo C The cil en Company has (mated an innovative slnninar and workshop designed to trach you how to manage your EPA Clean Water Construction Grant, keep costs in control, and how to surOve the, final audit. The informative two-day seminar will supply you with everything you need to know in order to manage the grant efficiently and expertly. The seminar and workshop is forany person responsible for the constnlclinn, management. oradministration of the grant including mayors, council members, city manager, board members, board chairman, district managers, finance director, public !works director, CPA firms, consulting engineers, grant manager, city clerks, arrountants, attornevs, county administrator, or anyone who works %with grant administration. What Vou'II Learn at This Workshop • lour It -gal m%pulnibililies utodrr till- gram :Ind hon til maks- it 4t11 ivss tit it • 11u• right nmllegvinem stambnls (till 1111Isl nlrrl ...hull- los III•I'Ilur• lost Ihrm • The 1.11.1 ftlud audit, nhrto it mill lltlppeii, hm1 it :+ door. olio dims it, Ilan los rope pith II and him los sunhe it • 6ligiblr rases and hull In keo-l1 Iliviii Ilial oay, splil- 11 do -d pny(mnls, (•arty rnnslnlrdun, film! nrrounl, 11nu•keep+ng.adminisualilrrossl4.luly'nu•nt nqul.ls, rust nuIlliagemrnt Im Adveim and it rutogdele hosnk- kei-pang sysirm • Ilun u) dwismi-iii Your grow and hmY los fill• Ihr rhe 1.1111111106011 till' WAIT uw• • Iluw ill do 111110.1%, 1',1411 Ilmv plans, and pnlgran w•hl•ctuli•s • Ihn1'hasing and pnr•un•nu•n1, 1•h:ulgl• wdrl•s, pot l uv.ds and Isom If,,.III11nll 1111.11RIAlll ('111I'1•IIIIilariN • Iron los M•1 top is pngwrty runttrill •Ill, %%loalh m(uimd and ahy • I len 111 manage your gran) In your agni )'to gn all'41 h4. it I \uu 11 hdiig lull k im:dto:Ihlr n•ad}•o row• s�sh•nw ,Ind +lids When you attend the seminar you'll n` i-ilr torarh' :MMI Ililges tit Inalrrial in low h1111ks, tool itailahlr !11111\11vly I'ftil`. Including • ,\\II11I111•,llllfl l:l\/'•If•IIM`,a11'nI:111MM1kk1.1'lllllg ti�'hll'lll designed rsprrially for f.l',\ rosnslrurllun grants. rantaining Ihr iuurn:d, hllgrr, oilier lul'In4 you nerd. :Ind rungdrlr ills[n lel inns • Asln•rially th•signrd di a•u na•nl atitogsysl em.nil It lull Ito4tivrtinns and till Ihr (neon that go) %still it • A runslnwilnn gran[ pn,gram wh111ultug kil, :old ranlplrtr 111%I11111iolls un heti la uw• 11 • A u lilll•n pull'Iwsing syslrm Ilial oleo- •15111'Ont Flt. foul Your riles two-th • A %%rulers pmprny and rqulpmrnl cma"el systrtol. nigh n:mlplr pmpt•rly lags, r:mh, hlgv, and rosin!(. tlnns • 111sirtil-11e114 allot s:uuplry 1111. Ihr plrpara[lon of 1.11g1•rl ulsh lhn' plans • I-lilical toutllagrnu•n1 hlfarnallnn allot h•rhnlyurs on runt cal our pmpasids, change Ilntel-4, 1•Illltnll•14, 1.1111- 11411 0l' 1'1111 rusts, flood ours!! • 1'rr 111im•n hv1u11• urilrs all vnu Icor In dos is lillrn atoll a4k qursliuns v Don't hesitate! Call its first fur your reservation and then get approval. dc11.1.1 a location and limn hi -sl Inc You: 1111. Cil,4•11 ( angkul) 'I'1.:n 1.l Ile+k 'Typical Ilaily Selledule o ill gladly slake all your Imn o -I and Iw1M arrangrnu•nts m nu vll o%v. Pleas'. 8,060:05 am 1AWton' NWIISsi11n call Kama, Cnlll•1.1 at 191('.1'M•1.4802. 0:05-10:00 limak -Orlando. 7.8 •Iknlon,June 17-I8 10:0012:(10 la•I•lutr ni".1—ion • IIaILI+, frhruary •t-.: • Ih•m 1.r, Augusl 13 I:1 12:Ml.,00 p.m. laou•h Ipnnidrell •,Anaheim. Ilsmiandlbkl. xlmwlh I&I!1 •Chirago. Srplrnlhrr &0 1,062:95 Iliwussinn • Alhola, ApHI 22-.t • M.Illioglon, 11.('., 111'luller 21-22 2:55-3:00 ISmak • Kansas Cily, %Iev 2621 • ti:ul I'ranri+1.u. \Inrmhrr 1 :9 4:065:30 1-11ur Ui+ o ion Hirst D.n, Subjects Grantee Financial Jtauag;rnutnl The Ltav What Ihr hm and rrl;olalion+ miloilr,'lln. right +Iml. lard, you nmm ntl•el :ung yore legal ,4•slmn+ihilily Thr. EIIA final Audit 1\91at the alldil is and its iluportzon'l• In fou. Ilun' it .% door, ohal Iheaudilor+are likraod shall Ihrvhlok lar. I lou lu som ile Ihr :unlit uilhoul losing 1•ligildl• rust.+. 11114lcumrulalion Mial it Is and it% inlpunanrr. Audit hails, appnn.d of v%p1-odi IIII\•+, Illittl'll din•rtion, Irdkd dim lion, 111111. ranN. and rnnlrarlors I nds. lumllm I.11glble anrd Inrligiblr rusts, adnlinislradu• I min and fnn•r arrounL dud nhrn alynvnal Is Iryulnvl. Comte and rontrartur's osrrheall+. Killeen slwrlal vosl 11,4111. I. -ns and htnl to atoid losing rost rligibllity. Aceuunting; Selml•mlioll Ill I'r11.loo-+ allll I•osin, 111111 amoontillg IIs +14-1) and proirrl, long Wool 11nu•u lvnurnl, 4•oruot- 1)..uurn,and lapital :1++1•Is Involve* and liillings 1\ hell I..'Id ulil Ihr111, ohmt Illev nholdd Ionk like ,11111 hill to opp "i Ihrn1. III-It•ollnm and huldlm. k+, Ihr lill.d lnulrr, nhrn lu nubnll .11141 uhml should b1. in it Thr Atmounliog; StIslrnl A rnnplrlr hookkrrping and arruunllng -14.111 dr. signed for I Irmo udtrr rnnsuw Ilan grant♦ .11111 Ihr snl.dlrr g1.111tee ,µ(r111 % till huge+ illl lilt 111... plug edoo", Insight doll" anji ou•rls 1.411'1.11 myuur. n o•nl+ v The Set-ond My Subjects Grant Admiuistraliun Program Planning; Planning anti s1 hrduling Ihr limimi adminiHnuion. N1n it 11ul+I I.- hone and hrnv In do it A rnmltlru• kit oilh ill+lno•lions told pd11h•d forms. 111cmuluenl Filing; Milt fou mill du and Imw to du it. A ronylvie filingas stem +p1.rially (Imigned for EPA rntulnlrtion grtnls do1•unu•niation mul Ikyu•r mark. L%vt%lhing vno nerd In Mr. stun•. and lied (lilt unn•uls 14, pone your rot ellgibililr to lilt, 1:1',% ion ilot'. Cash Flow Planning( Ilan to 111144.;1.1 and plan Pour gram t ash Iluw to asoid rm+h shomig,." unl cli,I 1 onh argon+ and Lalsuits. Com- plrle lomnlrtinn+ told is uuuple pkol. Contrael Admininlralion %\urklog ollh rash rngou•rriog and ronshurlion vollum•l. Ihr pIn. d ranl rat Is and %% two ill uw• 11 u.m. %{Tiling III1•s, ru11Uvdlulg 111a11gl• u111rta. :old von- 114Illlllg lilt- I osl of 4'4 loll I piniol nuuur The Grant Paperwork W1a1 i+ millilvd during rat It Mr11, oh1.a it n 1,411011•d and hot In wbudl it holm to 1.u.lir drLl�+ Mall Earls • Space iy Limned nil', CIIAEN CJJMPANY 9.112 1 all. I Mk, Ilhd 1 all, I LIk+, I A M It., !m l 9K,a1 ,to sr" tou UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY REGION V 230 SOUTH DEARBORN ST. CHICAGO. ILLINOIS 60604 REPLY TO ATTENTION Of. IMPORTANTII WORKSHOPS ON CLEAN WATER CONSTRUCTION GRANTS ADMINISTRATION The Region v Water Division is pleased to recommend this set of workshops to be conducted by The Cilren Company and etrongly urge that grantee administrators, managers, purchasing people, public works directors, finance personnel, consulting engineers, and CPA's attend. The importance of local government managing its treatment works projects, including the correct handling of proposalo and assuring proper grant accounting and bookkeeping, cannot be stressed too atrongly. The objective of this two-day workshop is to aanist you to understand and comply with the requirements of The Clean Water Act and other appropriate laws and requirements. These requirements are becoming increasingly more stringent, and com- pliance more difficult. This workshop Is specifically designed to help you avoid the pitfallo that have besot other grantees in the past. The fee for the workshop and reasonable travel expenses are grant eligible for grantee personnel, and an allowable overhead expense for private firms. It should be noted that grantee agencies arc requested to contact their State Water Pollution Control Agency regarding specific guidance on how to include these costs in their grant. The locations and dates shown in the brochure were selected by The Cilren Company booed on a review of our files concerning existing and projected grantees in an attempt to allow the greatest number of people to attend. It is a program that will benefit your management of your treatment works project. Todd A. Cayer'✓ Assistant Division Director for Construction Grants a T IMPORTANT NOTICE J FOR GRANT ELIGIBILITY USEPA REGION V The United States Enviuonmental Protection Agency has made the enrollment lee of this seminar, and reasonable travel expenses eligible for grant reimbursement. This eligibility applies both to current grantee agencies and agencies who ere on the pdarity Int to receive a gram. The fee end travel expenses are an allowable overhead expense for private finita. To obtain your eligibility, you should follow these steps: First Cell The Cilren Company collect et(916j9614930 to reserve your phce of the seminar at your chokcffl0 THIS NOW, space is limited/. Than: CeU or write your pmjecl officer et your eppropnete state agency, or confect your USEPA Regional project officer and request advance approve/ The follow/ng words con be used in par request letter. In accordance with the provisions of the United States Environmental Protection Agency's Nendkoak of Pmcsdans, MCD -02. (Revised January 1880) Chapter VII. Cost of Grantse Training Workshops, ws are repoasting approval for the eligibility for grant reimbursement of enrollment feu and the necessary reasonable travel expenses to attend s training seminar on our USEPA Construction Grant. This seminar, produced by The Cilran Company. entitled Now to Manage an EPAConmuctioo Grant will be presented in ten on Dn.(d The following people from our agency plan to attend: (Names and Thies) Secondary authority for the eligibility of these expenses Is contained in a letter dated IB November. 1880 written by Mr. Henry longest If. Deputy Assistant Administrator for Water Program Operations. United States Environmental Agency, to Mr. Warren P. Torts of The Citron Company. A copy of this letter was sent to all USEPA Regional Water Division Directors, and Is on file In your office. THE CILREN COMPANY 0818 Farr Wo Blvd. a Parr Ooks, CaMornla, 00026 a (916) 961.6&10 SPI CIALISI'S INOfANWAIlk CRANTADMINISIRATON �7 COUNCIL UPDATE November 9, 1981 Acquisition of Lindberq Property At the City Council's last meeting, Mr. 6 Mrs. Kermit Lindberg offered the City of Monticello their residence and adjoining land east of the Treatment Plant for $100,000.00. This offer included the provision that the City of Monticello assume the remaining assessments which total $10,820.19 as of December 31, 1981. It should be pointed out that I have talked with the two people that previously did the appraisal and both indicated they did not include any amount for im- prove--ients. As a result, the previous appraisals would actually be. increased by the amount of the assessments. I contacted Mrs. Lindberg and she indicated that they are going to be contacting another individual to do a third appraisal on their home just for their own benefit as they still believe the other appraisals are relatively low. I indicated to her that as soon as she received the third appraisal to let me know as I wanted to put this item on the agenda for the Council as soon as possible. Comparable Sewer Rate Charqes - Biq lake. At our last City Council meeting, sewer and water rates were set for 1981. The question was asked as to the rates adopted by Big Lake. Since that time I have talked to Curt Snosrud, City Administrator of Big Laku, and hu indicated that Big Lake charges $1.31 per thousand gallons of useage. Although Monticello'B fee is based on cubic feat and ban three different categories, the medium category, which almost 90% of the people fall in, is based on a $1.05 per hundred cubic feet or the equivalent of $1.40 per thousand gallons. Delays in State, Aid As you probably have already read, the State of Minnesota is delaying the State aida it pays to local units of government such as the City of Monticello. Impact on the City of Monticello will be minimal since a very small portion of its entire budget (6.39%) is made up of State aids. I ndications aro that the payments duo in November and December of 1981 would be approximately one month lata. There is a possibility that these could be delayed beyond that date or there is a possibility that a portion of theeo funds would be cut lack. The monthly payments are $31,436.00. As a result of this delay in pay- ment, the City of Monticello will have to cash aomo of ito existing investments for cash flow purposes. MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL 4 October 26, 1981 - 7:30 P.M. lJ Members Present: Arve Grimsmo, Fran Fair, Dan 8lonigen, Ken Maus. Members Absent: Phil White 1. Review of Liquor Store Report for 9 -Months Endinq September 30. 1981. Mr. Mark Irmiter, Liquor Store Manager, reviewed with the City Council financial statements for the first 9 -month period ending September 30, 1981. It was noted by Mr. Inviter that overall sales were up approximately 13.6% over the same period in 1980 with the operating income also increasing approximately 13.3% or$5,774.00 over the previous 9 months. A motion was made by Blonigen, seconded by Fair and unanimously carried to accept the Liquor Store Financial Statements for the period ending September 30, 1981 as presented. 2. Consideration of Chanqe Order 019 and 020 with the Paul A. Laurence Companv on the wastewater Treatment Plant Construction Contract. A motion was made by Fair, seconded by MMus to approve the following change orders with the Paul A. Laurence Company for an additional $3,228.00 and approximately $13,000 respectively. - 019 - Review of electrical equipment final shop drawings resulted in equipment larger than shown on design drawings and this requires revisions to existing lavatory room and existing electrical equipment room. - 020 - The addition of 2- 4' 8" walls on the 42 foot diameter trickling filter tanks and 1 - 4' 8".x 16" poured concrete wall whore the tanks join along with 2 - 3 x 4 foot 6" aluminum doors to enclose and protect the trickling filters from freezing and for easy access for maintenance. It was noted by tho public works director that this Change Order 120 would cost approximately $13,000 and is still being negotiated by the ongineor with the contractor. Voting in favor was Fair, Maus and Grimamo.with Dan 8lonigen abstain- ing duo to a possible conflict of interest on the construction bidding. Council Minutes - 10/26/81 3. Consideration of Adoptinq New Schedule for Sewer and water Rates. The purpose of this item was to consider adjusting the sewer rates to match expenditures as proposed in the 1982 City Budget. Along with the increase in sewer rates recommended, a different rate schedule for water was also being proposed in order that the rates may be based on increments of 100 cubic feet instead of 1,000 cubic feet as previously used. Listed below are the current schedules for sower and water rates along with the proposed schedule: SEWER RATES Currently $5.00 Minimum - lot 1,000 cubic feet 6.50 /1,000 cubic fact or portion thereof for 1,001 - 30,000 cubic feet 3.25 /1,000 cubic feet or portion thereof over 30,000 cubic feet WATER RATES Proposed $8.00 Minimum - lot 500 cubic feet 1.05 /100 cubic feet or portion thereof for 501 - 30,000 cubic ft. .55 /100 cubic foot or portion thereof for over 30,000 cubic ft. Currently Proposed $6.00 Minimum - let 1,000 cubic feet $6.00 Minimum - 1st 500 cubic feet 3.50 /1,000 cubic fact or portion .35 /100 cubic feet or portion thereof for 1,001 - 4,000 cubic fact thereof for $01 - 4,000 cubic ft. 1.80 /1,000 cubic feet or portion .10 /100 cubic foot or portion thereof for 4,001 - 75,000 cubic ft. thereof for 4,001 - 75,000 cubic ft. 1.05 /1,000 cubic feet or portion .105 /100 cubic foot or portion thereof for over 75,000 cubic foot thereof for over 75,000 cubic ft. It was noted that the sower rate schedule as proposed would result in an approximate 60 percent incroase with no percentage incroaaa in water rates. By combining the sower and water rates, the overall increase would be approximately 32 percent. The primary reasons for the rate increase wore duo to the following factors, - Necessity of having an A Operator for the wastewater Treatment Plant. - Increased operating costo duo to inflation. Council Minutes - 10/26/81 Increased operating costs for a part of the year due to the fact that the city will be operating the new expanded plant for at least two months according to the current schedule. It was noted that although the water rates have not been proposed for an increase, the increments will now be based on 100 cubic feet instead of 1,000 cubic feet which should encourage conserva- tion and is more fair and equitable than the current schedule. A motion was made by Maus, seconded by Blonigen and unanimously carried to adopt a sewer and water rate schedule for 1982 as indicated above. 4. Approval of Bills and Minutes for the Month of October, 1981. A motion was made by Blonigen, seconded by Maus and unanimously carried to approve the bills for the month of October as presented and the council minutes for the regular meeting held on October 14, 1981. (See supplement. 10/26/81 A1) 5. Review of Ellison Park Improvement Project. Public Works Director, John Simola, informed the council that the State of Minnesota has indicated that Buffalo Bituminous is the apparent low bidder on the Ellison Park Improvement Project in the amount of $49,236.80. This improvement to Ellison Park will consist of a boat launching ramp along with bituminous parking areas and playground equipment and restroom facilities. The Minnesota Department of Transportation has indicated that the city's share of the project will be 12N% totalling $6,154.60 which must be paid to the State prior to the awarding of any contract. Although council members Questioned why the city's aharc had to be paid t:, advance, a motion was made by Fair, seconded by Maus to approve the expenditure of 66,154.60 as the city's share of the Ellison Park Improvement Project. Voting in favor was Fair, Maus, and Grimsmo with Blonigen abstaining duo to a possible conflict of interest. - 3 - — 1 Council Minutes - 10/26/81 6. Discussion on Possible Storm Sewer Construction by the Monticello- % Big Lake Hospital. John Badalich, city engineer, informed the council that the Monti- cello -Big Lake Hospital has indicated a desire to expand their parking lot located between Hart Blvd. and County Road 75. This expansion of the parking lot in an easterly direction would be done on property acquired from John Bondhus and also property acquired from the City of Monticello recently. As part of the property transfer from the city, the city had kept an easement for possible storm sewer construction to provide drainage from County Road 75 through the parking lot area proposed extending under Hart Blvd. towards the Mississippi River. Mr. Badalich explained that if the city was interested in installing the storm sewer pipes prior to the construction of the parking lot, it would cost approximately $53,000 to extend the storm sewer pipes from the north side of County Road 75 to the north side of Hart Blvd. It was noted by Mr. Badalich that the proposed atom sewer route may not be needed for five, ten, or fifteen years depending upon the development within the city and indicated that the water now flows through the Bondhus property which is presently batter than directing the flow into the Mississippi River. In addition, Mr. Bondhus has j indicated no problem with the water taking its natural route through ✓ his property into his ponding areas and as a result, Mr. Badalich recommended thnt possibly the atom sewer construction should wait until further development indicates it is necessary to install. 7. Discussion on Possible Purchase of Kermit Lindberq Pronorty. Mr. 6 Mrs. Kermit Lindberg were present at the meeting to indicate that they were willing to Bell their property to the City of Monti- cello located next to the Wastewater Treatment Plant. Previously, Mr. Lindberg had obtained an appraisal on his property valued at $100,500 and the City of Monticello had obtained an appraisal placing the value at $88,000. Mr. Lindberg indicated that he would lie agreeable to selling his home and five acres located directly east of the present Wastewater Treatment Plant for $100,000 if the city would assume all outstanding aaseasmento against the property. By concenaun of the council, Mr. Lindberg was requested to present a formal offer on selling his property for presentation at the next meeting and to work with the City Administrator in preparing the formal documents as nacecnary. Meeting adjourned. Rick Wolfatolior Assistant Adminie x BID TABULATION CITY OF MONTICELLO BO HORSE POWER LOADER BEST PRICES WITH OR WITHOUT TRADE 80 Horse Power Meets Specifications 1. International Harvester 515 $42,567.00 2. Tervex $46,052.00•• 3. Cat $47,792.00• C80 Horso Power Does Not Meet Speeificationo 1. Fiat Allis $38,155.00•• 2. Case $39,882.00• 3. John Doors $47,000.00 -NOTE: Total Coat Bid and Guarantee Maintenanco •' NOTE : Guarantee maintenance only BID TABULATION CITY OF MONTICELL0 100 HORSE POWER LOADER BEST POSSIBLE PRICES WITH OR WITHOUT TRADE 100 Horse Power Meets Specifications 1. International $46,957.00 2. Cat $47,371.00- 100 Horse Power Does Not Meet Specifications 1. Fiat Allis $38,815.00•• 2. Case $40,100.00• 3. John Deere $48,000.00• 4. Terex $52,017.00•• •NOTE: Totol Coat Did and Guarantee Maintenance '•NOTEi Gun antoo Maintenance Only C p/ 3P'7' 51e -Z' W A DID TABULATION CITY OF MONTICELLO 8 0 HORSE POWER LOADER International Case Power Ziecler,inc. Valley Equip. Minnesota Borchart Road Harvester Co. s Ecuin. Co. Cor,oany Conoany Tractor Co. Inqersoll Co. Machinery MAKE X -%D MODEL OF EQUIPMENT BZ1I= BID, OUTRIT-E. PURCHASE PRED ICE AS SPECIFIC. Y/s- C' MODEL: MAKE: ,/ r[ C.-4 f -7-o A - e, - - r P.O.S. Monticello. Minnesota 5W 76 /, %9:z. 2 749741 570-0 :'RADS -In Vjk=. �700 MODEL: 86S International S/N 346030OU00236S S camca /V, OWD 97 . Z7'M-0.!- 3- ttc= 02 Less Item 02 (Trade In Purchase Price) S w., %vy. 413 YL2 79,2 pb 56,96V"1111500 3S',15S-.,o 4. GUAPARM3 KAINTEIW;M EXPENSE for S years or 2,000 hours, wbLLc!wver occurs first, SHALL -,DT Exf!p=. S iJa art 41, no IX 1,511 5- GUAM"L= *X18=WX ;UM?URCHASZ' in 5 years S Al. CIV -5-40 = S.? y73' Al. B.d .u' RIV 6. WrAL COST DID (Iter 03, Plus Item 14, Leas Item 25) $ 1.2, 329 7. Simple interest annual rate for lease purchase at purchase (5 yer-r Program) and yearly pay --ant for S payments. (Attach schedule if payments vary)* $ -5-7L //'.6'7T'.Y34 12, (.00. ft lyli.1 a 13 AS/!a 797(.�F9 51vo - Based upon Item 03) DZZXVnW DATE: DAYS AFTER AWARD. ?,9 -1,20 rf 30- q��15 oloewlyf �,4,,, -70 d'." MOTE: ,?,. 5 Bidder must bid an items 1. 2, slid 3. Failureto bid on these items will disqualify bid. The city reserves the right ta award the bid based on any of the above and or deviations from the specifications which ever is in the best interst of the city or to reject any or all bids. DID TABULATION CITY OF MONTICELLO 8 0 HORSE POWER LOADER International Case Power Zieglcr,Inc Harvester Co. S Equip. Co. Company 1. MATE AND MODEL OF EQUIPKMTr BEX-= BID, /0 I /a% P i ✓ % /i • 1 % OUMTE PURCHASE PRICE AS SPECIFIED. /21SO0.00 / ,I1r—v /0, 253. 7L SEL: S.10 G /, 37/ _ MASE: 1 ,vT L F.O.B. Monticello, Minnesota S 5-6.9S2 `D 2. MME -IN VALUE: 1/7 37/ = cm' MODE,: H65 International S/N 346030B0002365 3. Item it less Ito 02 (Trade In Purchase Price) N S S0, 9'/7 _ 4. GUARANTEED p.AINTE05CE EXPENSE for S years or 2,000 hours, whichever occurs first, SPALL nar EXCEED. S N, 6•e/ S. Q)ARUMMED *MIND= REPURCHASE' in S years S vu 81 � 6. TOTAL COST BID (Item 13, Plus Item 14, Less Item K) 7. Simple interest annual rate for lease purchase or purchase (S year Program) and yearly payment 1,1s.3 for S payments. (Attach schedule if payments vary) $ /1. 5,; 41 F9 (Based upon Item 03) JJVERY DATE: DAYS AFTER AWARD. 3o �A/t NOTE: Bidder must bid on iters 1. 2, and 3. Failuru to bid on those !tams ..ill disqualify bid. The city reserves the right to award the bid based an any of the above and or deviations from the specifications which ever is in the best interst of the city or to reject any or all bids. r d A Valley Equip. Minnesota Company Tractor Co (�J.70 3 930 /0 I /a% P i ✓ % /i • 1 % 1Z /s 33.41 /21SO0.00 / ,I1r—v /0, 253. 7L /v' G/G. 7B /-10 �%D-/-10CZyf G /, 37/ _ 7y, loo °! 58,orb GS 8/S / Oma - 2,190 , y4/, /oo °° 1/7 37/ = cm' °- 00 60 7/00 Borchart Road Inqersoll Co. Machinery 72-218 -7TkC X a o= /07 15'2, o 7 °= G, coq /O % /0 S /0 I /a% P i ✓ % /i • 1 % 1Z /s 33.41 /21SO0.00 / ,I1r—v /0, 253. 7L /v' G/G. 7B /-10 �%D-/-10CZyf -SoA-IS 6, AVf �os.L: 3aW /: i� 7,0 BID TABULATION CITY OF MONTICELLO 100 HORSE POWER. LOADER 8