City Council Agenda Packet 03-10-1986AGENDA FOR THE MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL Monday, March 10, 1986 - 7:10 p.m. Mayor: Arve A. Crinsmo Council Hemhers: Tran Fair. Bill Fair, Jack Maxwell, Dan Blonigen. 1. Call, to Order. 2. Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting Held February 24, 1986. 3. Citizens Comments/Petitions, Requests, and Complaints. Old Business 4. Public Hearing - Consideration of Application for Saw ll Cities Grant. S. Review and Discussion on Bids Received for Interceptor Sewer Project 86-1. 6. Consideration of a Resolution Setting Terms and Conditlons for the Sale of Bonds for the Construction of. Sanitary Sower Interceptor. ., 7. Consideration of Orderly Annexation Area Study. 8. Consideration of Keeley lits. Final Plat. Applicant - John Sandberg. 9. Consideration of Entering into Purchase Agreement for land Acquiui_tion of Site for Uater Tower. New Rusiness. 10, Consideratlon of Granting a Conditional Use Permit and Variance Requeat to Allow Construction of. a 24 Unit Apartment Building. Applicant - Lionell Kull. 11. Coiisiderarion of Request by Fire Hall Architect for Additional Campinaation on Construction PhaKe Services - TKDA. 12. Consideration of Adopting Resolution Supporting local Outdoor Recreation Funding. 19. Consideration of Authorixinj Purchase or New Fillpg System for city llal.l. 14. Consideration of Sareing Dara for 1986 Board of Review. 15. Considerstloti or Authorixing Public Norks Director to Attend Conference. Agenda for the Cit. y Council March 10, 1986 - 7 ':30 n.o. Page 2 16. Considerations to Prohibit Anglo Parking on County Road 39 Between Elm S:trect and I-94. 17. Considerations of T?artlal Upgrading of Well #1 Due to Motor Burn Out. 18, Discussion ona Proposed Middle School Site Sclectrd - District t882. 19, Cons] darn tionrnof ]Request for a Cambllug License. Aoplicatit - Minnescta St to CL,uncil Knights of Columbus. 20. Adjourn. J MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, February 24, 1986 - 7:30 p.m. Members Present: Arve Grimsmo, Bill Fair, Jack Maxwell, Dan Blonigon. Mecbers Absent: Fran Fair. 2. Approval of Minutes. Motion was made by Bill Fair, seconded by Maxwell, and unanimously carried to approve the regular meeting minutes of February 10, 1986. 4. Consideration of Setting the Teras and Conditions for the Sale of Bonds for the Construction of a Sanitary Sewer Interceptor. Mr. Jerry Shannon of Springsted, Inc., the City's Bond Consultant, discussed with the Council the proposed sale of bonds for the construction of the interceptor sower and the appurtenant street work. The project cost associated with the construction of the interceptor sewer would be financed pursuant to Chapter 115 of Minnesota Statutes in the amount of $1,190,000.00. The general improvements consisting of street curb and gutter, along with storm sower and water mains, would be financed pursuant to Chapter 429, which allows for assessments `- to benefiting property owners. Thin bond solo would total $240,000.00. Because of the proposed federal legislation that may affect the tax exempt status of municipal bonding for 1986, Mr. Shannon recommended that the City consider issuing two aeparato bonds, one for the interceptor sower for $1,190,000.00 and wait until lator on in the year to iocuo the General Improvement Bond of 5240,000.00. stow federal legislation requires that at least 56 of the bond procacde be spent within 30 days after receipt of money; and to avoid any problems in this regard, Mr. Shannon recommended that the City wait until the next Council meeting on March 10 to not the bond solo and to award the bond colo on April 10 for the interceptor sower portion. In addition, by March 10, the City will have received bids on the actual construction cost of the interceptor newer which would allow the bond sale to be made using exact coot figures. Motion was made by Maxwoll, coconded by Blonigon, and unanimously carried to delay until March 10 the setting of the bond solo terms and conditions for the conitary interceptor sower project. S. Consideration of Crantinq Approval to a Finnl Plot for a Pronoaad Subdivision, Kooly Hoights. Applicant, John Sandberg. Mr. John Sandberg, who wan proposing to racutdivido a portion of the Moodowo Subdivision into larger, multiple family R-3 zoning Iota to be known an Kooly Heights, requested approval of a final Council Minutes - 2/24/86 plat. tar. Sandberg was present at the Council meeting but noted that he did not have his final plat completed and available for staff or Council review. The Council discussed with Mr. Sandberg the proposed final plat arrangement and clarified that the City Council expects the plat to show two additional street alignments consisting of an extension of Kealy Circle through former Lot 8 to extend to Highway 75, and also the extension of Marvin Elwood Road to connect to Vilest River Street. It was noted that Mr. Sandberg would be required to put in one of the streets as part of the approval, depending on whether Burlington Northern Railroad would grant a railroad crossing to County Road 75. In addition, it was noted by City Administrator that the City staff and Planning Commission still had concerns over screening that would be required on two of the lots that abut already developed residential homes. The Planning Commission had recommended that before final approval be granted, there would be a covenant noted that no building permits could be issued on Lots 4 & 10 of the proposed subdivision until an approved screening plan was presented by the developer for these lots. It also was noted that area residents had indicated concerns over the number of potential apartment dwelling units and the lack of playground facilities and open space caused by this development. It was the staff and Planning Commission's recommendation that each apartmant cumplex proposed be required to provide open spaco and/or playground facilities. After further discussion on the Keoly Sleights plot, it was the Council diroctivo to have the developer prepare his final plat considering the Council's recommendations for street alignments and screening and playground requirements and to present the final plat at the next Council meeting for review and consideration. 6. Consideration of Granting Approval to a Preliminary Plat, Pitt Addition. Applicant, Doug Pitt. Mr. Doug Pitt previously presented a preliminary plat for subdividing two motoo and bounds description proportion along west River street into four residential lots. Mr. Pitt woo now presenting a preliminary plat that would create the four Iota with two of the lots on the river having 12 -foot driveway extensions that front on River street. Since the subdivision would create three additional residential Iota, throe additional sewer and water assessments were proposed for the plat based on the original improvement done in 1975 and adjusted to cover the interest cost that has accumulated over the pant 10 years. The resulting additional oanosomonto would total 54,344.70 per lot, totaling $13,034.34. In addition, all subdivisions creating more than two Iota aro required to pay a park dedication foe of 10% of the value of the raw, unimproved land, which the City otaff determined at $2,207.33. tar. Pitt woo not in agreement with 1i 0 Council Minutes - 2/24/86 the additional three assessments, nor the park dedication fee, and felt that the property was once assessed for one lot and should not again be re -assessed. it was noted that originally had the City known there was going to be four lots, four assessments would have been placed against the property in 1975 and other properties that have been subdivided since 1975 have incurred additional assessments if more lots were made than originally planned. In regards to the park dedication fees, Mr. Pitt was informed that if he felt the estimated value of his raw land was not correct, he did have the apticn to supply an independent appraisal figure that the City could review and accept. After further discussion on the assessments, Mr. Pitt asked that the preliminary plat be approved at this meeting with continued negotiations to be done on the additional assessments and park dedication fees at a later date before final plat approval. As a result, motion was made by Bill Fair, seconded by Maxwell, and unanimously carried to approve the preliminary plat for Pitt Addition creating four residential lots with the details of additional assessments and park dedication fees to be negotiated prior to the final plat approval. 7. Consideration of a proposal to Develop a Residential Subdivision in the Orderly Annexation Area. Previously, Mayor rciTnmo, the City'm reprczcntativs on the OAA Board, informed the Council members that Kjellberg's, Inc., had presented a proposed residential subdivision plat to the OAA Board for their consideration. Mayor Crime= had requested Council member input as to whether the OAA Board should approve a residential subdivision an presented in the orderly Annexation Area which would be developed under County standards consisting of one acre lots. It was noted that the City is currently finishing an Orderly Annexation Area study to determine whether all or parts of the Orderly Annexation Area should be annexed into the City: and since this property lies in the OAA area, concerns ware raised over whether a subdivision should be ailoved to happen at this time under County standards when the possibility exists that the City could annex this property. If annexation were to occur in the near future, the lots could become difficult to serve with City sewer and water due to their large size under County regulations. and it may be more appropriate to have the subdivision be designed to City standards consisting of smaller lots, etc. Mr. Jim Metcalf, representing Kjeliberg+s, Inc., noted that the developers would like to proceed with some type of residential development and appeared agreeable to designing the plat under either the County regulations or the City's regulations. It was the Council consensus to recommend that the OAA Hoard continue to hold off on any approval of this residential subdivision until a complete review of the annexation study has been completed and Council Minutes - 2/24/86 to determine whether or not residential zoning along Highway 25 is the proper use of the land. S. Consideration of a Request to Install, Curb and Gutter Along a Specified Portion of Blest County Road 39. As part of the proposed west County Road 39 improvement from Elm Street to the West City limits, a petition has been received from two property owners near the intersection of Elm Street and County Road 39 requesting curb and gutter in front of their homes as part of the improvement. Wright County will be doing the construction during 1986, and the City Engineer, along with the County Engineer, hosA ndicated that curb and gutter on the south side of County Road 39 would be feasible under this project. The estimated cost of curb and gutter was approximately $3,000.00; and it was proposed that half of the cost would be assessed to the two abutting property owners, Mr. Ed Lane and Mr. Bruce Wachter, with y of the cost being picked up by the City, and k of the cost paid for by the County. I t war, noted that the City's cost would be approximately the some under a rural design versus the curb and gutter design, as two culverts could be eliminated from the project if the curb and gutter was installed. As a result, motion was made by Blonigan, seconded by Maxwell, and unanimously carried to accept the petition for curb and gutter and to authorize the curb and gutter to be installed as part of the went County Road 39 improvement proposed by Wright County during 1986. 9. Consideration of Setting a Special Meeting for the Exoresa Purpose to Discuss Water System Improvements. Previously, the City Council authorized the City Engineer to start proporing plans and apocificn tiono for water system improvements estimated at a coat of $1,113,000.00. Prior to the actual bid lotting on this project, it was recommended by the staff and City Council that a apacial meeting be hold for the express purpose of studying the proposed improvmento with tho Engineer and to discuss possible methods of financing the improvements. A special meeting woo scheduled for Thuraday, March 13, 1986, at 7.30 a.m. for this purpose. 10. Consideration of Authorizinq a Joint Fire Agreement with Montieello Township. on December 31, 1985, the Joint Fire Agreement with Monticello Township and the City expired. The provious Joint Piro Agreement provided Pira protection sorvican to Monticello Township with thoir char* of the coat being based on th oir percont of valuation compared to the City Ia valuation. It was previously recommondod by the Fire ` -4- Council Minutes - 2/24/86 Department personnel and City staff that upon renewal of a fire agreement with Monticello Township, a more realistic cost sharing proposal be established. Two methods of providing fire protection were proposed previously that consisted of renewing the Joint Fire Board Agreement with the insertion of a new cost sharing formula more based on usage, or terminating the Joint Fire Agreement and entering into protection based on a contract only. Monticello Township Board officials have indicated they would like to see the Joint Fire Board and an agreement continue similar to the past 10 years but would be agreeable to a now cost sharing formula that would be based on usage and valuations of the communities. This Fair Share Proposal for 1986 would amount to approximately $16,700.00 being the Township's share for fire protection services. The City staff prepared a new Joint Fire Agreement which was basically the same as the previous agreement except that clarifications were made in the cost sharing formula and in regards to capital equipment purchased jointly. Motion was made by Bill Fair, seconded by Maxwell, and unanimously carried to adopt the revised Joint Fire Board Agreement with Monticello Township for fire protection services that would include the new Fair Share cost allocation proposal with 1986's contribution from the Township in the amount of $16,700.00. The agreement will now be submitted to the Township Board for their approval. 11. Consideration of a Proposal for a Private Developer to Install public Utilities in Ritzo Manor. Applicant, Jim Anhwill. Mr. Jim Achwill has exacuted a purchase agreement for the acquisition of Lots 36-47 in Ritca Manor that abut on the platted Kenneth Lane. Mr. Ashwill requosted approval to design and install the public utilities and street construction for Kenneth Lane as platted. Several months ago, the City Council indicated to Mr. Charles Ritco that the City would conaidor financing and constructing the Kennoth Lane improvemante and assessing the coat back to the lots if in exchange Mr. Ritco would dedicate Kenneth Lane no a through street to connect to County Road 79. At that time, it was the Council'a opinion that a through street connecting River Stroot and County Road 75 would be desirable in that currently there was approximately 4,000 foot between intarsoctiona. It was felt thin through traffic would eliminate soma traffic from teoot River Street onto Ottor Crack Road. Mr. Aahwill felt that the roplat and axtannion of Konnoth Lano to County Road 75 may not be most desirable for the development of Ritco Manor and requested that he be allowed to install the improvemento as originally platted. In reviewing tho matter, the Council dineusnad whether the Kenneth Lane oxtanoion to County Road 79 would bo dooirablo, no it may not divert on much traffic no originally thought from River ritract. -5- 0--)- Council Minutes - 2/24/86 It was noted that before an actual need could be established, a f traffic study would probably have to be done in the area. Because of concerns over the actual need for the road, a motion was made by Blonigen, seconded by Grimsmo, to consider the Kenneth Lane extension to County Road 75 as a non-essential through street and to not require the replotting for this purpose. Voting in favor was Grimsmo, Fair, and Blonigen. Opposed was Maxwell, who thought the through street still had merit. AS a result of the previous motion, a motion was made by Maxwell, seconded by Bill Fair, and unanimously carried to allow Mr. Ashwill to develop plans and specifications for utilities and street improvements for Kenneth Lane as originally platted provided the improvements meet City specifications. 12. Consideration of Setting a Public floating for the Purpose of Flaking Application for the Small Cities Community Development Block Grant. Pyro Industries, Inc., Seattle, Washington, io in the process of purchasing the vacated Best -in -Webb building in the Oakwood Industrial Park to establish a business which would produce a pellet burning stove. A program is available through the State of Minnesota that can help small industries locate in Minnoso to by providing financial help. In order for the City to be considered for this grant, a public hearing must be hold allowing for an application to be submitted for the Small Cities Community Development Block Grant. Motion was made by 8111 Fair, seconded by Maxwell, and unanimously carried to sot a public hearing for March 10, 1986, for the purpose of making an application for the Small Cities Community Development Block Grant for Pyro Industries, Inc. 13. Conaidoration of Authorizing the Preonration of plana and Specifications for the Construction of an Urban Street an Locust Street. Am part of the interceptor cower project and appurtenant work scheduled for 198G, 5S Street from Highway 25 to Maple will be constructed with a curb and gutter, and the only remaining street near the now Piro Holl would be Locust Street between 51: and Sixth Street. It was recommended by the Public works Director that the City consider adding to the interceptor sower and appurtenant work project the construction of Locust Street with curb and guttor in the amount of approximately $16,000.00 that could be f inoneed from excess proceodo of the Fire flail construction project. Motion was made by Dill Fair, seconded by Dan Blonigen, and unanimously carried to authorize the City engineer to prepare piano and opocificationo for the improvement of Locust Street between 5S and Sixth Street consisting of an urban design that could be added to the pruposed interceptor sower project. 14. Consideration of a Request for a Cambltnq Licanon. Aoplicnnt. Montieollo Lag ion. Tho American Legion Post 260 has requostod approval to apply to tho State Gambling Board for the issuance of a Gambling Liconco 6- O Council Minutes - 2/24/86 to be conducted at Monticello Liquor, 130 East Broadway. Motion was made by Maxwell, seconded by Bill Fair, to notify the State Gambling Board that the City did not oppose the application submitted by the American Legion Post No. 260. Voting in favor was Maxwell, Fair, and Grimsmo. Opposed was Blonigen. 15. Department Head Reports. The Council reviewed and discussed Department Head Reports submitted by the City Administrator, Building Inspector, Public works Director, and Economic Development Director. In addition, the Council held discussions with other department representatives including the Liquor Store, Fire Department, Senior Citizen Center Director, and YMCA representative. 16. Discussion on Fire Hall Construction Completion Date. City Administrator Eidem informed the Council that the Fire Hall Construction Committea, along with the architect, had completed an inspection of the Fire Hall building to determine whether the building was completed enough for the City to take over occupancy. It was noted that the architect felt the building was substantially completed and should be taken over by the City, but it was noted that numerous items on a punch list had to be completed by the general contractor; andas a result, it was recommended that the item be �. turned over to the City Attorney for an opinion as to whether the City should accept the building prior to all of the items being completed on the punch list. Motion was made by Blonigan, seconded by Bill Fair, and unanimously carried to turn the matter over to the City Attorney for an opinion an to whether the City should abide by the architect's recommendation of City acceptance of the building prior to completion of all items. 17. Consideration of Hills for the Month of Fabruarv. Motion was mode by Dlonigen, seconded by Maxwell, and unanimously carried to approve the bills for the month of February an presented with the notation that Check h21989 will be voided. nick wol Csto;Zo Assistant Adminiatrator -7- O:;�— Council Agenda – 3110/86 G. Public Hearing – Conaideration of Application -for Snail Cities Grant. (O.K.) A. REFSNCIGF. A79U W—KGROUt7O: The public hearing for consideration of application f'or a SmaLl Cities Community Development Block Grant has been cancelled.. Pyro Industries, Inc. bps not supplied the total inforaetion requested. (See Supporting 0ata). One, the total cost of the propo.ed project is nor available. Second, no comnittment letter has been received. Finally, to,r-kl number of jobrs to be created' in Hont gnlJo within the first two years is not: available. My decision is haled on the fact that in ay letter to Pyro Industr.i", inc., I sr. -,ted If information war not received the pubLic hearing would be ca-ncelled. Per a telephone conversation today, :Harsh 7, 1986, Mr.T.rtn Carlson v,,s so advised of my decdsiuo. However, if Mr. Carlson profluceS Lite requested informeCion, consideration will be gLvwn to reschedule the public hencing. Prwno (812) 205.2711 IAQ= (612)444.5730 1: pw: Arvo Gem_ City C"=11; Dan ftnigr Fran Fmr th:= Fu Jack G'm .e!l ! mcnla:m:w: Tom Etcom rmneo aroetar. ft% Vl011*teor Pince V.•cncs: . ." S! nam P_ ..eg a torr v: C_ly Ancarton gel Cz:;1 C=Cnmy city 4 fV/ontiAK, MONTICELLO, WN 55362.9245 February 27, 1986 Mr. Tim Carlson R Pvro Industries, Inc. 15515 Dawn Drive Minnetonka, NU: 55343 Dear Mr. Carlson: The purpose of this letter is to confirm our telephone conversation of F bruary 25, 1986. On Monday, February 24, 1986, the Munticallo City Council established Monday, March 10, 1986, as the public hearing date for the purpose of making applicacion for the Small Cities Community Development Grnnt. This being published in the Monticello Times. Inorder, to write the supplement for the City Council agenda I need the following inform- ation from Pyro L:ductries by March 6: Total cost of the proposed project, Pyro Industries' financial statements. committment letter, and total number of jobs created within first two years. After further discussions with Dave Peterson, one of Minnenota'a Finaneinl Consultants, he advised me to inform you of the present status on tho State Financial Programn. Ui.•ht now, manias are uncat'tnin, however, still ovail.ablu. fie advised continuation of application with the knowledge of uncertaintiou. It in poosible Lhat Legislature mny act on thio natter in the next couple of weeks, whereby every- one will have a clearer picture of Lha State Financial Programs. Again, I would like to have the needed information by March 6, inordor to proceed with the public hearing, if no Snformtion is available. the public hearing will be cancelled. Thanh you, Tim. Sincerely, `nom .11 ....c_. " 1. \161.�a�� Oliva M. Koropchnk Economic Dovolopmont Director Council Agenda - 3/10/84 5. Review of Bids for Monticello Interceptor Sewer Project - 86-1. O .S.). A. RCFF.RF.itCC A14D BACKGROUND: At 11:00 A.M. on March 4, 1986, we opened bids for the Monticello Interceptor Sewer project. We received a total of 10 bids. The bids ranged in price from a low of $935,720.75 from rhe L 6 C Rehbein Company from Centerville, P01. to n high of $1,200.493.50 from the Landwehr Heavy Company from St. Cloud, 101. Our engineet'u estimate for time project was $1,063,590.00. Chuck Lepack from OSM has completed the review of the bids and will have then avallabLe for the Council on Monday evening. We have the original tabulation enclosed for your review. Mr. Lepack indicated he found its corrections with the low bid from the L 6 C Rchbein Company. OSM liar, worked with this contractor before and finds then to be reputable. John Bodilich will provide additional information about the eont.ractur's performance at Monday evening's meeting. Because of delays in getting the PAW published, the date of earliest nogativa disclosure hos been chat,ged from March 5th to larch 26th. The Ninnesota Pollution Control A;cr.c, cannot take nctior. en tit - CAW until after March 26th. The t1al.- lance Corporntion ex ccto to be completed with their coils correction by March 2001. They would like construction of the intorceptor sewer between fine Street and Cedar Street to begin ns Bunn ns possible nftor that data. It is my understanding Chet no pipe can be lair) until the CAN has been returned and we have a Minnesota Pollution Control Agency permit in our hands. It is posoihlo that some work cot,ld be started, however, the contractor could place the downruring wells at the pito and begin the boring or jacking operations under Cedar Street. Tlwro in hnwever, uo mobilization included in thin job and the contractor receives no pay for dnwarering no it in in- eidental to the project. Therefore, lite contractor may be re- luctant ttt start any operations until he ran continue full force with Lite pipe laying operntions. Chuck Lepack and mysulf will be meeting with the rontrnrror on Friday nfternoon to determine his proposed construction nehedules. At chin Lima it does not appear to he in the City's hent interevt to award the project an March 10th to accor:adate the ltaindanee. Corporation. The City may he at rich should eho &Al! not COMO through. Ila my be in a bettor pnnicion to judge the eonplotion of the CAH nt the March 24th cooring. At Lhar taco it is oupocrod Lh3c. the Raindoneo Corporation wfl.l havo comploted their amyls corroCLIon. If we have any additional inforootina co sing forth 10 Council Agenda — 3/14186 from the Friday reeting w.iclr the. contractor, we will present that nL Monday night's meeting. 6. ALTN-NATIVE ACTTONS: 1. The first altern itivu would be to ,revie:r all bids and the City engineer's recommeridatibn an<i to postpone consideration of nwardi.ng the conrOict'until the Harch 24th meeting. 2. The second alternative would be to a .,rd the contract at the Harch 1001 meeting and to ask the contractor to proceed VUh items such as the dewatering .and the jacking operation in the' area, of ehc Raindance Corporation but not to proceed with any pipe laying operatinnS. C. STAFF R''COMMEMI),MONS: The ataft's r,acommendatipn at this time is Leaning towarda Al tarnative 11. 1f any other ad.ii:tionnl, inf,irmatio,n is provii)ed or comet: forth;befure Monday's meetin8,'we will prefent it at that time. A. SUN' ]IM-O DATA: Supplemental data copy of the bid tnb. � —11— BID TABULATION FOR Y KONIICELLO INTERCEPTOR SERER PROJECT 06-1 MONTICEL_LO, MINNESOTA BIOS OPENED: 11:00 AM ORR-SCNELEN-I'AYEROH 3-4-86 d ASSOCIATES, INC. BID CONTRACTOR SECURITY TOTAL BID L & G Rrhbein, Inc. 5% $935,.720.75 Bartsarossa 8 Sans, Inc. !! i 5. $975.723.00 Austin P. Keller Construction Co: 5b. }Ij s986,561.60 Northdale Construction Co., Inc. 51. SSM 151.35 � Richard Knutson. Inc I 5� �i1.001.5t14.9n Latour Construction 51. s1.on?.ni7 An Proorrssivc Contr.ctors, Inc. SS 41,047,378.75 1 Yenko, Inc. 5% � 5 ,_} t rn lti,it;4 �. Lawtt.i b Sons, Inc. 53 inn nn Landwehr Neivy Movinq, Inc. 5% j 1ct.7nn rni 4n I f jin"oby cartity that this is a true and Correct t#bOation of the bid as r*ceiv*d on, �Af?41`slx -- / r (• *notes Corrected Fioure OSH COM. NO. 3604.01 rouncil ARehda - 7/10/68 S. Cantrlderatlnn of Resolution Setting Torp" and Cciaadi'tiong fpr the S41e of Bonds for the Construciipn ok. 51ni'tart• Server Interceptor. (R. W.) . A. R'wGi44ICE AND BACJiC10=: Mr-. Jerry Shannon of Springatcd;',Tnc. w'ill'ba aciend.Lnp the 4ondiy avrniavS iL-ctlug to nF-aiu di sugn thL prop ocnd nslc of hpndtf" for .cantitritctivn of thr1,utprcgto.r newer. An lie in;liccreii at the lrxt Council %CO:tLvj, It iv I iWair reC6t-�end3t$nn that clip Ci-ty in1u,� bond:i'At this rine duly to cravor the interceptor cower construction coSt 311.3 ,elatCd exyrpnaary atfd..later on this awrrar tenon anoLhr.r bond W�-W- t,a cover thy' atviet, curb and autcur, korm ucwcr, imt"tr talo ari.ril ceTJarenun sanitary, t,avvr ltncr, chat nro part nj thiii prileer. i;ig rh,^r th,a bids Mace been re,ceivcd .for the, inttee�,pt.oa EttYm prnji;nr nod apputt.:rnraat work, :ik: Sliatuapn: is uaic„ t110 colt SAI,atlaar1 to the intrrcelitor ec:a.cr project ang aj6o tho vvly neeriw resti 'itoeJ z;cs in arr4.vo at a banis suit FIgar^e which hA wi:ll rrraeat nt flnnd,^,.y ninhtta c: eriti.,1, rt i.ta cal-ldpated that the hemi ie -up will he epproxStt:lttelY $L.09d.000.00 with the term beif� years in loafi@li. Tills LO approarlcately $1C0,000.00 Amit -inlay lsrnj.,nred 41tin to clip tevcr conaatr—tine epet bide rnceivcd. Ae M:. S1-onza cnntiened at the pravims^ tccncfn6, the City tuidt beeocs 'fnir?y ar-urato in lie bnrd mala to ncalS r;c.-a a.0 the riew re€ula.tl:uan beta; proptiac+d by thcs Federal govcrnm�:n t . The propmad tichodule of idcnrst ce in an follows: VC,rch 10th - 86L thr. bond Fwlo. April Writ - Awa -rd the bond sole. M iy 101:11 - Weeivice tLe princoculn. June 10th - Dondli.ru for which ar lcui+t Sia of thu uc"t procceda mist be 7,p1jcnt. It appearo at the prcvcnt time tluit the Cita wilt liav(l no prot,lo:: officndifW� at lend `SF, of. the 'bond vroceeita within thio allfr-,!hlt) 110 day p6Siud oo we h;ava al=es[ nn:t thl,) ropuircant +Ito obt-An1n0 rant mut ft:r the projout. flue! tcs th.a titro .eota t#pinus, Mr. i:.aarni:;a w711 hn preparinn, the wenn silty t, ce,. �_eslaatirati n3Ct It with thr nreugczcey tnwalotion. by fugal et1ttnst:t and iafil. btl bttn•^,imq [tree tv the Vc-umci-1 rcr.f;taa"; on mo -Inlay., It any 6f thee[! Item rrre receivcl jn scdvtona.tt, they U111 be Inriffo.;d with Lhe ac*enil'i prrnv in tho vlmtfing. T112ve .xr'i Wi, alu,-rrativa du`L'd:'+A>• TPvfG or E,ijprorting 4aW .fr,r, 'LMA perp. -4. Council Agenda - 3110/3C, 7: .ConnMeration of Orderly Anmcnation Aren Study. (R.1-0.) A. RH!iEfil 'M &B BA_CKCROZ,A: At the preciouo t;ctu:cd_L uaati:ng, a COPY of 'thin 'rcc(jutly en:pktcd iLmnLice3la ,Ordetiy i%.n=�arc-tion Aren Study wti diatr.lhured to yQu for your rcviv:,r. The final trXt is now .in tliv procc:r,'aC proof red and miner c.wrecrians .ara bcaiWg,' =do throufhout ttia e lar-nn.t rad thn .City Sta[{ is in the proee�3c of. having 25 eopiau :aide for d1nrributinn; to tpwnahip bcmrd r-::ibcra and other UterecoJ p urtica. 17,11-abcltlr:Yo{rtun'rnp/or ilavrrcd 11.Zh7pr.n nt ]Iihltron, ShrYdlnG pad lrlti^nr, In , viii be prerent at the Cduniti rriatiis'f; to t rieiiy etvle:r tha riridlni!�7 .u;@ 0-1-2 Order7,7 A r)jmd;1ca SrWay ar;l dicc;u7a' Qj th the Counil. chC ,p: iopu tb,, r m, -o qr y awrUnble upin r_r,`.eptarir a of the ropoit uH priz&emted._ T'� r:::in pu: Pnrp of tL C.vundi: Ic[Vb 1-, .0 -de ci.,e on 04clt dir"vt��-1 tale Cauncell --an Id 11hr tq ptrrzLo, AGy"'rs'aware,rNh Gerdy has tide a rLco=-ue d br,tlbn thCt the City of tIorticdllc] fG La. -it equipped to luT.11c Lutura in, no cZETeiecr and cant ef'Pcc[tvc mrncr ir: the OAA area nail a roco a ndatinn in included in tho rupnr,t that annn=rion'ht cc=enced fur the entice DAA Oren to prepare for the antieipated Ermrth within the coming 10 yonra. A5hdalnF the r - .port 10 oteeptod a:; proucutod, the Council t=ill heap to donide whother to puenun orderly annesarion as rccvrvxndcd IncledinG rho entire OAA area or rhe° hc,r a t;ouller acope WfLuld bo concldored• TC It ice r;j:Yeod that orderly annexation eho;!14 r;ccu^., It ie tocu>v^.aided th;lt the City Cauncll uppruuch v!: i Nourietfl'lu iorrwhip f1vord with Che remelt: nr the OHcr'ly" Anner:atiti Study ned adviae thorn of our interna to purt3ou annev ttdii of the entire OAA ami or c;�utcvor p.,rtion iu doci.ded upstu. Pivarrlhly, a J'01rt ueoting voidd be t!;3ruhlivLud lri,i'-t3,:ca rjtu City Comicil t:nd hry Touiu-Idp hoard to dlGcunu the report 1n detail c,nd to recelvu thoir impar on tho uttrdy. It Lr:- hoped 'thot if tho Q)tine,Cl decrier to parsto annexation, ermor,it:Lon eau'bo in an ovderl_y fc.-hlon Cs orl;}lo.slly 1.aroaded cnirin the 01 ,* +.?^ ut)tuhlinhad io 19?6 �W not c.c c!1verca.ric-j• ll^A6'1'Ci]r3:1'i"ly,Vl�_i.G"t'i(3:FIs 1. rR ieirr.t toulra hi v recept the rr pF rt at:! tico anec�pc;ny+nr, sCn =_ e rda'cto en p aceta is an orderly Pat!ri'e:r oV the catixp D.M1 ami . 1f thin nlrort­�Qvv.. If 11rAcecc'i1 p,'i ':4h1,y n j'®inn rtering ccleld he, c3tatrZi-r,•cd in t__o Cutin:_® %±]Zn ,the [�Iwn8h4 k Viz: ro rp.vi-at tl:,) Of, L�n etulg cru] ti pprr,�..M at2eF_ntie^ ir3 ria W J�_ rly j Council Agenda - 3/10/8.6 2. This alt^ornative would also be, to accept the repart and to consider annexation of d portionof the orderly annexation nren Tether than the entire OAA. Under thin oltarnntivn, .,3 j'oi'nt met. -ting with' thv, Toi,ar*ip Board would stfu be a giod i'ded but fira,t, the City ghould' determine went 1fjAted lien they would. liue,to due :mnaxe'd. 3: The third alternative woes d he 'to accept the repoit but nor to proceed iiith th,, rpen_reendarions made by the cenyulting p'launrt and consul ring engineer at this preterit thee. C. STAFF RS GMNfM)AT1Ail: The o'riulnal innt_ teof sutbotieing the toes tltiitc, city plan.cr &lid conmic-L,n}t engineer to prepare h study on orderly minrrarivU wax to date-rmine whether or not cho area in rh. ONA drama was doveloping at a rete that devalids.for Ctty servireR to eegniry Annexation in -the near furore. Now that the rgraYt h;!s bean cnmpieced and ihe�reconwEndat9nn hna.been mndz that the entire OAA area 16 inneed of annuxSGlon begaus6 chi City can betr-rr handJ,t thn .future. deyclorld at in an etflgient and coat eCseccive' manner, it is recommended t:h,,t the City-comroenco annexnr�nn procedur.�..tor the eaLIVo, OAA area by setting up a meeeti'ng with Tltn Mutxt;ol:la To6rW*ip Bta1rd to rev�tm . the reuultt an8 iaf"" I -them of t)flr ante-flUon to prar;;tte anne:;ation. Tho City Council now .hes the Lad's Avadacibl.e Through this study. to pursue ntnexitlon and the .uta if Yeo16. that the recommendatlous of the consultapts 'should be considered. P: Sl1pPOATINO TATA: None, council A}5c11da 3/10/86 8. Considarncion of Kealy Htu. Final Plat.. -Applicant — John Sandherr. A. Rftl?1UENdN-AR DAUTROUND: ,fit the ),ast Cpuacil earring, the City CoLtucil direc'tcd til dcvLI.Dfli tp prepare hit; fi;ml p7,ai: for Kealy. Ht -9. inunrporaein3 tni, Couricil's recls>;—_pndaLion fpr beth platted ytlo eta exijtinp•:•of an outensi'aiz. of Marvini1wood itnad to Uver 'Street and 'eha platting or•.an.eztdnJ3on x,f'Lijj.y Bt 'CirrIe'to ,exteud ;to Cuunty Roped 73. In ad; .tlaa, the Council',s d-irac4d:vu included rceord�ibTu c?vvcheuts (lint grlamn clta r$quiariten. of on, Site, V"%Cterci6alplay'prbund 'Encill.ty felt each of till' 'replat6ed tiultiple sites sill a tiweur. Tit to Covift' 0:116 Tequ Ere t3 bcre�ttlr4 qt lots 4. nttd 9 freim' nhutti:tig -i i1iid--li£id1 proj,rstieC prl;or-:tu buil.dirg 'peruat Xsstiance.: In ti#t.IIU 9i.i ps:.wir] kt. 8 ddbi:zA Erlday lrorhn vft, Mr-. 'Snnai;Sr, Oidicatcd than he will:l. IIAVL, MA 'final ft;Wt gValls0'ej Fild1y ,nLaitnoplt'which includes both screoG excer' t@it 7,. Isr,receiviad, a finial eppy',of the plat tFtil) Into in thA >P9i,, it will _=t have 'tlttul rcviewt(1 Eby Olp City �F:r$incor, John Eaol.4ch, LWatt_s he is able to provide co. Wasrts by e2nday nUht's reotinq. Tba fi(al PL -1c. ie bei ,S prcaantei for Ccurc l cc, ideraticn It rh'a requUot a$ 'I1'. Sali4berg who Im dnd9.eatod that 'lie plms to icmdiately'construct the Garvin Elwaod Road o;ztenalon nt the narthwcst corner of the plat to, Rives Street icarcll.ntejy after approval but has rept indicated a ulllingnan) en rorecruct Kedly Circle or'tansion nt this tlrac... As far nn the recordable do vicerat to be ,fi.lod ulch the final plant addresoin0 the tnoues of: 1. On nity rcern.ntinn roquireaaarn. 3. limited drivci:�a.y accoso to Abrvin Uvaod road 'From tha rtu.ltiplo n1foo. 3. The phasing 'in of sercun [PC requircuLotu ou linty 9•and 101 Mr. Sondtco, ill had not nhp-on a ,villingaubo t* proviidc for' rhenc rcgt.Jsk.::unttq, act pJut of the plaltjtW, procce0.. It io lit. stCat1t6r}j'O ilitent to JO^t t,abt-31t rhu pllt qD prtjesed t;itb both acct ct, ettcivilutll, platted onzl the C43ueail Vil]. havo tQ C_. he a (1r.:iDfun all t'hii3thog to cegopt lliO igtcntioa to CO-:' letC r-)ri7L7 C,iVJs; :Ro:3 rzt�a.2 iA.i) w3,tbnot. azo) eP (ha oG!it"r rC(inizc e_--jtp t;ollig rut nC, by 6tatf, F.Loc;;ixga r70;dhlwmrn., I, `5.3 1 -frit Q).,Ci3n2xlvtC arrl0p.}.3.104 'F41 .01 ovrrovA iter ,firoll fti", os (?citify(?Snt'-ViVt b;,th'Atre.at r.t.-:rp.i+m. rintte•lteml t:1: :!:``P.,.=q,'ot arpcvnrnt, to orni+eruvt the 't�lrvlri Powe'^d R-tu.l l.) River Strret 0111, 1Ill% AlcktnAL-t'Yv eOQU dn�L;t M CountiI Agenda - 3/'10/E6 the plat as propaneil Ily Mr. Sandberg vithnut any eddtttpnal requlremento reBardina the construction of Kealy Circle extension to County Ltond 15, on site recreational fac.ilitles fqr the utrlciple s1too or any aererninp, requirements ahuttiug resideiltiai properties on Lots 9 and 10. 2'. The second alternative would •be to dcrly the final plat as presented. �. Approve the plat an pru.rented contingent aspon rr. S,rndburg providing recordable douumor that addresses the ha sitc, remcational; facilicuu and phasing in, of terocultag requiru- anracs .nna the conceructida of ltcallk Circle di:ter nion. C. STAFF Bra MFXT TTQN: 39iie pli t has b�cfi bcS rE the •llsntiin Csirni�oiotr arta City Council a nuThdr u�tivc3 tirts dud tit UIP luit Council luatinfj Kr. Sunditer;'c raprcSetScaof Lhp rscting vagu info -.T, d clunt v xe final plat. FAiclad conforc to tjlF! .Cunntil.'0 recar=endati.ons of clan .construction of lWal.y Cl.rnle as the, P..lrut road to be const:uute4 unless vve;:ua tauld not lata gronrud i<y the railrandor the •County. tit ndditlon, uddresoin;{ the conderao of the reolden.tial nolghb,,orn at the pvbllc K,vrinp. on nits r,+crentionnl reouiremuato and covocialla the phra,ing ia'nf scrtasi•ur, to buffer adjacont rooWntint areu;o uzro ao OF prftos:Cern. It npnrnro fro -i 1'r.. Sandbnr6'n va=vnta that I:a -hao ra derire to cvafcrra tq the cnuneil. and M:nia3 Nan:^!a�iInl'n rccoc-_-crdatinnrr. Alrhou3h nhe dovolopur 1 --la a;;rond to construct lLzwln Elwood lima o-ccnrion an part of the plattlar, procc.3u, Sr the (.1ty, In tte future, han to ,conntruct Kpoly Circle u*ttuunLriri En County Rood 75 nt r lacer dace, it rine❑ nrnt a.rpcut Chat any. or OL, prnparty vorrld he n••aaaanble .and would hnvo to bu burnt, ent truly by 'tho City. Thin war one of chs prirnacy reacom (or 7agvP%tln;j the .dovelapOr, au tnrtnf the plattinf{ preCecu: to cap::&Juke Evilly Circle extenolon fi:rnr laud co;%utruct Itarvin IilanMd woad ent<ea,,i.on nb a larrr date if eik:&d, Ao- you .my r-evol.l, i3lt S'oll,y; A,,r: Snndt,crpj lHdicailud t'.at if the IU,dnvs property t;nn requood to L'=W to a.l.loej Sar nultiplu dQALlo,c, hR von in ttib prouco:+ of I:uyLnn. the Edpar I;lur'ati w,i4rh he pl6nned to eluou-, "uo and rornvc 011 Lhr ao.ldegu mrvrinl (1u.) rbc property. At thin point in lig 1 nn not ctsgr-, dust the nnlc ltaL. hu(;n erp:latvd avid for yonr itifornit'lorr ela4 prn+,urry t,f L'd;yir Kluccc Cav rc_sin no Ir.. It lel the st:off'n taco,;:.: cAan thne to ordar tr claire ,c tl:r cr-Acernir err Mt, reAdt axial ttrlL' i;t' c?r ; frog the patl'lde I:nai°,ing nom. onte end to atiogr'_?toly provide fcr traffic floe, the 121nIL<o reryrrirr, stn fat pts ttia^l rhr:jrlt° irclufto a reemrP-bla 4oeu--xiat altar otddr.ec'a, A the ca p to reeraaeLarr_1 resioirec?ntn ejil Vcrtcnlr atlaslg; h�fr,.h aha artertsion r2d c saetlnt of KM?y (1,TVA.0 hA C(--teat;y lhad A Ce? requlrrircntn .bAom praalf)ij Gival Al,(1rc-_'O. 're. Sandl,cwg _k Conjreil Agenda - 3/l0/8A tma i AicLted if 'tba Council deni,ns his flnn:C plat as he proponeo, he vi -11 devalop the property as originally plotted and nn,t extend jlrvin Elwood Road. D. supuPur, bxTii. A appy, e S ,tlre •f4oal plat as proposed. Ycu ray also refar .to the previariv aVTida Nnitpleir, nz for concern; 'Halt ween lddressetk and lintel by the etatf. 11dd1(:inrnl._ $ri€_ b�c_P_en,. If Cala final jAnt is approved by Elie Coo=led, .clic motlrii for _approval ebai`ld i.nel.udet Ehat, the Atuutti iinU a,::e` .ut-:' vlthitt Ote 6LT'l ttted subdlvigigO will he vatrwd ds the rias plat vil'l "dais cev .trr@Y rill(;Iment9 dF,4 at:3cwU (atb,)f t]rr iULt:. _103- City Pr.cpasid R-2 Rozenifti; Prepaid R-3 gel r.i:kp Lot I I cho:2 k,'t I 6.es, I al Lis'.jj N,Lou 12 7b. 14 &.Let 24,11I*ek 4 Leta I.. 13; Moth I Ln I Tkrm 0, S:ttk 3 Let, I Tom 11. 0!,6 4 tz, I, ILA N4 N. IV NZ, A, 24 '*V4 Few A, MEYER-ROHLIN, INC. Q 0 ENGINEERS -LAND SURVEYORS 1111 Hwy. 25 N., Buffalo. Minn.55313 Phone 612- 682-1781 February 17, 1986 Mr. Thomas A. Eidem City Administrator City of Monticello 250 East Broadway Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Dear Mr. Eidem: Enclosed are the legal descriptions and sketch for the vacation of the streets and the utility and drainage easements on the portion of The Meadows that John Sandberg is replatting as Kealy Heights. If you have any questions, please call me. (_ Sincerely yours, ME R-ROHLIN INC. Robert Rohlin Licensed Land Surveyor RR:kp cc:Mary Anderson - Zoning Administrator cc:John Badalich - City Engineer cc:Gary Pringle - City Attorney cc:John Sandberg cc:S-85 262 RL r ';V7D cslt•:cita:.. '.:Soc. COMM.:,-A'�r74y FES 1 8 11-0c5 l%CiGi/; Thore P, Moyer, Professional Enginoor Roberf Rohlin, Registered Land Surveyor mnrv[n etntcr •� TO PE Or `►.vitt ,� • `e`�p•, a �4 \ � \\ •` . i ,r. \ X4,1. \ g ay^ .�� l t e/\ ►. to\\ \ \ twtu er e A!..•1 oe trrr Nl• < i •�. �` \ •*4• \\ \ ralr ta• �r .A r... �[�� y/• � tn�'lf /�•��. .I / \`p �., tl pj�\ar�� \\` �ti1• \\ 1�� ;�^l •^war ,-� `-� �ss �itl( �\ ,, �t% n ''i 'y\ \` \ \\ �. 'T�*` I Nk fix\, q \ to \ ri:l' •.*1 ft! y.;Li� p \ 0 Vf^r •�q\\ O \\I \ 133:+;t�`...trf % t 1 wV;iF=' Id�✓:jry f „ ` •4, -1N,I \ �\ t �( (■ 'ii {��, , � 1 �+i i`" '`�L" L:%�t 'w� �� -'G u:� k, •"'°' �� r s ■ s \ \♦ j . -mi l t f + ' + 4• in t 5 • 1 p I".TT11 j. N l�M• `tt \��«r 1�.rnr-_t \\ I _r _. �� �_-.� '�f,', tNIN, \\ 'u • n 1� n n '� to �`" n'j p Pj n f ■ , • , t ,' V e '[ ��� L terra• • ra L 1 �tN! _ � I 1 1 1 � I t ■ e � a L �� r 3 «. r� 0118 ._.��. .�. .. • ■--eerwirot 0133-- ROAD_ ,.• ■___ _ •[masny��l ��N 1��� —�IM �MrM�• = r ' 1••Pb 'rr �• rM •ara t 1 I t t a• t tua t 1 t +� ItvrraaA 1 RIA t Ie 0 u w [ o i■ e+ ���eD[ne I � t• � � .I �' 1 eoliA tee t i�. Council A,endn - 3110/86 n, for.5idort1nn of Pvrchnna A{:,acement for rho flet: Vater Anc.er ole S1_te QarYant6 Hi11. (J.,S.) _ _ ' istlE?3�13.16'Ii.B,SGIt['R,ni;::D: at: pce v'A eve tho Council. d.i.rpiaed J'ark Z'mvoll and .RyP,c1f to L'prLG rPrzeq'r.rn glruin a :�jFc_�artr 1'rr n pl;uco of .pxnporty on-".vnte hill th'it midd he, usrd for, 0--i o renow!VAT ,ni,ru. Jatls nad L vi -free t -he mfxtu Jane 'x.::.lc cnd laukud over, tllz-ropW-,4 J. is chin ;1J. c'o:it of the ie.6 v&v h 1A all (d the mogc.'iaaionv} virh thr: prep'\iiy owner a..d Urcw np a punch:+;ia earv,;;::L tt In rho on -met -of M, Odb.00'. A cap i' or this ptopeettJ purrliav .v s♦ et at 12} enclorad for your- "HYicw: 1. The t Trr olternnrlve tiavuld he" tt1 ;'gpMr for jueFhnk' ngrera^evt dtatty tip In theta -,q -t mf $5,81)0.00 „ad autl'v:^Ln eaht^at rnnej tai l:.v plated for the pzmchaee of the ptr-porty. 5._ The Ceco2d Atotuative v.a Id bo to nor approve tate purehane agNec-x-nt. L boULve dict tiv:Co would nor ba 1n t.�u beet 16tie-rii3t of the City ao the price Jack ozgot-iatud In e:ctrcmely netrocLivo and does cecurc rh'1 propmmy for our future uee. / t.�S3f,•Ll��fiEitL�PATTa�:, It to Ov v:toff react_:cndpC-¢on thUt ycu opprqvc Altcm.,inive N pn out 13W4 AbgVe. In adilltinn. I %:mull lila, Lb oay' that dadk'ls wart toairdq rhAn piirchnsc n ;rb:iu mt t�2a a 1lttla bit mate LMn tha vcqujmr _anto for the job. It P0Y ho, e1n:ildored o CWMA,at of Sift ot<, t to pay hin fur 1110 ti^v . but 1 ftn't thi u a v'0A 'dofinod tbazili y„vi, could be cdnglder,3d mouth n. cm1gliet Q€ i"Lure(it.: p. I'li �°Ri4'i (ifs DATA,: - Copy oC tv,) pnaett-we c;}rpercur. STkN'PAFID PURCHASE AGREEMENT 2 RECEIVED'OF 4 0 be -m- r tt 7 7.- in vz-,S. 5 i1w I, -,c zgrf- 'yGbapiz - 1-7w'pww�% -11 4 a' 7F. AfrN, 1*�'n of-! R-LG'tcr 0. 1; ANY, 14: m I" PliM:w WN0 sm I'llt PMPMV Of �"O ¢M CIO the l"Cow"D Pu -W ll -dr` 116, 17, jW Wvt'xl FopoltyECEW h*i this Cay, 631d w U;xM' 1. Ow UIM of. S 49" 20. b'w kw"3 t: Fay - 0-'C—v mwaw'-E-aw a 1 nd ' I 21 tho.dto It doa-,Z wd th. Wa- ZA. zu 20 27 za, 23 2,v. ACAL WATSTAXES :.iL 10'Zo luza. 1'-tyc'-e aj,- "two CO daliv8r. zpv&11 kvmd OwForvAg. e4 uww e"l lay iz.:a ' u atrj ym w-.,gw 'A I ph;k-- uwalllm ,j -I ,..ce BkA- '. — 42 A;= -a I,-" vily. -Nm w woura P.0 43 v7A11nf15Tr0 w .mu i,, -j d wq 11 f- C, Gta pl-wiv slwr --p 40 Wr�Obr.L fnp JL iw -%I 94 cu 47 4vn - CI me, •4 IT.. W WbV4.VJo-V dA -AW -14 No Ir orq WW 2 �. in. -4'= U::j L-za.'-Q 4n rw 1; at'V�-k sw U. -c" awn pe Mun�wavwd M 6 PMCS WON W- hr -qA:2rA-r -n�'a- :gM -!914ALV�. ImWPMG I- OVCm-1v�-, LI� d —�- aliw— "- oa:aVd ol'W"uf P'.Atv ra I— U; EXAMIXATION W!v 001 "'=;th I'F4 ofte 741 d 1100 atiwlu?a ora. Q-"IKIMCI tCo, 1"A Gw-. A�Oftl" -sail ik Cm va 0 W-TWx" tFVj4Uw hwX.1-Apm Isom W" .Nwdmm (.1 Tva Ma .w- wt�! . 6". . Ci w fto -f tv Or -'7392. SZMA TI 0 W4 sbw* 041-ta"folt III WIPG Noon ft w"Oft lyj 'D.40"o an mom-" ff"-;" WaV Wriaih at," 01W 'A kv6" 'C* --jr-T. wrF Von jnci l Agenda - 3/10/06 10. Gonwideracion of Grantim,, 5-ronditf:onol Uac Femit, and Vnrinnt:e Roqu�ct to A1lou iton::trtictioa of n 24 'Unit Apnroxent 5tti.Ldl.ng - Linnell $u,11. (G. A.) A. f1I{ IWIV,,.CE A:10 11ACriMOli D: Mr. L'VaFell Kull a.1d StephL-n Uaxi= and John Itgrnavich, parrnaru. ,:_e propos lnV, to build n 2.4 unit npurvm=it in the rear of the River Road' Plum ata y6y will nute-tin tha uaeloaeJ rjite p3nm, thn lot ngttara Fcota3a i-ar shlu pri purty is ap-Rall hely 1 .010 taittare fees short of t1m, 4-nlaun amoart of t.quaru StsomF'a ttttlW red to aYlpu cesdtrect.ion of a. 24 mit cpart;_'f'nt beading. T,i�'y are., ptolteainf; to build a uai:t with 12 - ane bed mom 3p3razt)ntrt :and' 1$ - 2 Dedrew_- aig-r mntt;: Tltcue ore sevgru-L Ciao to be nddrotisrd "th tt.i pz,gpni+,Vd'nev pint that hu -3 b01',i ruh;x1 ted. iuu enveh tf iDitrs, for imi m wacar drain;pa dh(m.1d be eoai:entat!t(I on rboik'prgge'rty and u nhact .pipe mztemrion to the min hrac.. A vptjpacp ralunrt Lq mqulretl to .ccnntruPt hard hurFnciag up to thvi3 properry limo un ti)n e;tuth. Alrc,j,, a recurdntic ractrictlott m*tr,t be dratmn up t;tacip;, that• Ito ,;wlv etm oe alla:;`1 to lta PYUwj ttp' in tint 30 foot are, -t nouth of tho prn"tt ,j l Surntio. The b11)uest proSIrm we poo :Li with the 4rivemiy nlnce this d�, a ahnred dr1•vctay with Rivor Rand Pla:cn and it in a loading and uulcadlmg aron. Wien 'n antai-troetor rrailur ber_t:u into the loodina ducat of the River Road Plitan, it c,iuld bluzk t'hu cntlro drivay.,y or' the rr'ammed -ahurod drivuwi)y,. Su_ath!nf' twill WIVC to bu worked out oo Lium, trueb rruetott: will 4L able to b2cL Into River Road Plaza without obotructinp rho ehart?J 41mctn,y. l.0 nru anitin�, Lor'tltu projoct ravlov frnn the cmiulting pluttner and cuntulth ; c¢n,incnr nod vill hvvu It randy for�your rov.1ow un Monday ni'L31tt . n. lALTEP•IATdPB AL'TX,,ut;: 1. Thu ELrnr O tont_tivu octioa urtuid be to opprova the c.m- ditLnnat uuu rnyu,rat 'm u.11ow Ow conctrnr-tiou ui a 24 unit apartoem buil,ditip with .12 - L hudroma rpLUrtr_v itu and 12 .. L"7tlZOOh 7. apgrtr",aru. Al: to .IplmovL� the vot9attcu'¢aquL%t W OIILZr tha atanztcnnt: with a tamrt,,[�o of 1,03n nquuro Cunt roc;uiee-4 to allow cort,tructLtrn of a 21, uait ap,36-tr_,.nt Lu'141vig. P. 7Lta rccend 5i.at atfloc would be to doxy tho c:'vi. A. ii:o t;l:ird tn;ulJ bu to itll w ei: trt(?tlon of tho 24 vritt opartr^at trtth Iii - 1 beCrcr>_ uMv) cmd 12- 2 an�r c tlrP,tc rclriit.h Y�1'I,go4P^,t]tflL;ulaFpr.sv: i. {m w "bt­ f,s^piety vW")4-,r'r, P,byi! :tn ;rites vin'" tnlil. m Council AZonda - 3/10/0 2. Tq allo;lt hard surfaciny; to OVCqr Ot ar Ir4c drmIna e Ad. uv--UA-q�' cancInLxt tip, to cito ri o'jutft �pvr;�; I - q� '. DIIcu-;'f 19fth tha-River Rqtjd #Jbmi cric.purs nnd. work out; sp-,' drtveuhy -'r"ripudb cknlw -.Ath. cop Pciao;W& dock rvea sift lh:ivI piJibg =d un.j;,-rjdjnj; erns �o d jj;s Q-Lfin Ijr -Imk-rrwtt= crufAcra , 'Ow GLwrf. I 4. A VN4ITe-IbI-Q dticurpn-t; -rues N^ 4r;; -,i tip 44.trlr�� that iso kkwkv can 't,e nj:T'4vpt1 to he PLIt"A up is. Vie 40 Fnoi: arx' ultol0i of illLe p;:qjq"ed p.' r:s" o toile. T11 "r. tLA�! 1It'nM1901 Wtnero,',Ls rift tht GIty by vccl�`v&d JLA n LoPY tttrmsd 0110: tti CNO CIL,# . G'. FT'VV Thct;XT "w -UI wel & , IC,'n dcc�- Iqoi t Ln r4-tefpit of, tjLb rWIFIlitiva P'lanner's, and cativaltdil-, -Iwq an 'Utcra ate, 'vo-'Q -AlUb '3vo 41rff)vi;;j aad You I:nn aq pjr^'t.trill 4:boo" ;O any PC -itlinvit rIA citio-vo !oil u:sav tbovt mm C4W Of 10CLICICA Of the, 11170a0CXqd 4Mad3tIAPrII u-ri, a and varlaQcu xcqdoot and -0car,, P2 cliu pry; o2jyd cite V1,kaL) ffsr the, proponc.,d 244 'UnIc OPOI:mcilt bujidi--A8. 4 I RIVERVIEW APARTMENT. •',�, ` ..1 �R1,~: moi, �_. � J �,� - ii •, \L- �'�' rr -��W `moi••✓ t }' �/ � :cSt - ..a�-..�•r. .a :syr ��>-' 1`i,e / i .:_r�.lv�: �•,y f ' : �}�!�e ' 1 � !. Yom'! °•r - � ti i m.•'_i" r:.>,, �1 t ,Y�asr't'�� • -I - l .'1 1'i �,a r :..•.�•' ,1 t ✓ ,'e 1 tit � l l'"s • ••, : r }'�` ' i of '_'-..'. Y t�+ 'rt. •F.. _, .� !/�,q�>� 1' '14, ' e � • .l.- ki- t1l¢st'a�N �'�. -• i }Y��n�. ,�'�.�•t',..�,. --�.,,-t Irl k,.���. '-•-•_r--.._.�rl ✓;. ta. -- •ey��,..... w!'u^n . :la UNI ApwI �. u �`..., .. rt,� i�� ���li•�.Ltn P. Nay C• t- !.V�M'IiJ 4 ' /,�D1:LLtl�lfi�iuA_r.. ,., ,'x•1'.,Y � ccutv!01 - 111014x. 1.. ConfeWfution rjr A R0qf1,r,-t h -V '1)WA fr.r1,ddJtt1onq1 it) Conittrui3r-icii Pjs--,70 0..V.) A. RE14RUM9 AIM rAC11GR0%!ZM-. rh krIN TIOU eCt'purruct'Wn Projpctj TOA hrt;l caret— jotp 'I, conrmet for the cmarrucc--;n phaco' m-mtreu (1110ov.pjovk3 fav o Teti nryt to cacoed V'11=.M. T -Kim, in a lotter co 'tttp haft indicat,xi .thut throu,I7,j Iuvu Lmccedbd t�2 em1gaitud fua rr-ouar r,f by Lin -,1xIsiiLJGD3'1 ;-a,63f.56, In c-,xviceii, which Y.tpr.r.--r,L6 is L=m%v cz 205 Lautea of t3 lv a u.. Ike to 010 catmvvc rtu an ELC arvTdtLC-vj part, chkty hot -z veq;me,-,kx-,( 'Mit vb.� &I ty --eturXII can j= et--Zlrti�, in past, b, a i1tv Mit W,,r run And lizve zc-kei lfort1a Ury vn Jte-q-:.bufw UtdzL -,gbi W*JX of the ZnC;±-j vast. Ma,j V"OtAt r 1 h,� � czmprzi.),t to MAC to 14'm-- nEoi?q ppiptuft r1iat I:J2 J cqz3c owr r#a v-,3 c�.pccred tunce Sovtmtuer.. Tzsv. "rikL,,d tbc-, 'City tki-rl rtizy . rq rt%r- �aiu3 Raax over ruim pilior to Febmary. 1:4rh, 1:99b. Ati y9i, u 11 mme, In Lbaf7 Ivrt,,r tNcb SG omitAind to the mWnda, bno at th, ra:u�ona they -lull caro thtir LAoy h. -me an ovar nin' in cur,r fu hammac, tho7 worm vithr cautractora, w,'iv caro not u-rtr'Lanrcd oftli a projt.cL of thio rVpc z.A cenraquvntly rhar on- 'rGluled rN. T*ri:v6,(#P v-imQeruvm1ov. Ao ymA two rec"13 . the Glxy q61VDCS,QT1Ud t1hQ Or-, IrVrt In 4;QMV at the LIM! the h, -U3 were rucu wed rw to vhudwr nxlkertvn Lmiliar %ird "s�. v rcj�.tstoblo ruopcmalhlc conuzctnr m3d TO& rocc-=t-vided c'k:sr .0 contr"t he imardvil to Vullextro; burcuLL they %,�— a rc.14pqn:;.blv bidJ,3r. Thto kz,�uW ,ut-m co contc;,dict their rvrwQq far the cont UvvT TIM ac, kb,y pruript":? lad!caed rollvi'mn, wu;) av kozept'ahlo cca- trogLtov ai;d in 0-fr Ldp,. of unit. In c,AGt.lan. 0"': pvr" of a rviyla 41 lJ 04i, t-1 111101 h3110veg 0 he c:,741ur,4-0 DW tit,,, ittE61I1.1 Wft'dlil irdleli"o N'to tjillkh. tiauld tz:,mo C13vt tj-,Mr, Nic; !,Cr Twg �-,Fc vilatcA to .tiro eritim4cd p)vpa4 of as vos-,7 ntvle Iat;wctlun Ew-v4con WCO vol; Wvy 140 3. do Yeal 0111 recall. at clka InGe 1jpj::pv V v" , Pet rip�7=,,114A cut: dlo,for(-Jrvi rrsunci 1. Aft'rnda - 31,117 Sh eaapLeLQ%I Which the FlultdiyrJS Corualtre±e fpir war,, LnIppl�,?printq dpi do the 1tgms ,kh.r had nuz pat boon ck,r.P:Lp'tad. SL t)ttou_],d Uc nntxd that -�kc City h,4s ❑nrapted Lhe hu'.1dIMB nn snl,c•Csdtial,y els ,Med ,A of Nnbru ry 24t:N, 19,86. h.= eA on a rceo :.rdaticrt by tht C16q Atroi':zay, Bary Pt1nl;Le, anal any atd3Li¢an1. arc4irmc ri ,t data• 2urli rd till be b113et1 to th_ Gt6y. tt d, L'9.ty".'J 1'ntozlt tP rubella rac.yy of, tlu; eou�tY.:ciion ;1p::yaTtian f 4o nl[cz 'l? hM'ry Ymllurton per to cmKizatc dgrer rnt: A.:.lzS,,Ai6f„FfJ 9: :Aterimt. ij; okra©a .uOvae 3^ t,!. L41cL tis nrcii�uetL yyr, .ldil'.,53v_^-} t3 y: ti�r�-a rh,lrfl L b_ t1'cvu t.aulul 'lr C, vc':ilo- rn'ti.t (trehU:t:.^-cp t :t'to 8:: h'3j�fi Cl” tilt, Geo* s:, eraA1 Ile tri i� �> ntl cdrsr ��. q+, YCJn cYaa ha&uC .rrr Lko fries thr.!: Z)+ urea t9 e=ccail 53.G��.00. 3. Ttlo ttixd 112turnr_tivc would be to o�;r4P, rn ptny a1;ddtinonl tis ,be r,o„orLIA at an n awir dl foroan thou Prl: -3'-r •:^ L::<gt C. SAG h (.< `etGp-� FIISe Yti'i i it 10 the (:t-_"fb cipinlf•n th«e JE tT:u :,rP..hltaac dncurrcd c:-trn euc;r hacaono a,f tar1t1P0'ulPh piaru,gblp cla r arrhlt, tat bt...uld bo h€1L1ai_ thcoi• r no co. -Ca to Ful l-nYWn I.atr,bor Cum p -y a^ tiny nrltthally aria ^s.ndLd to Thu Guuncll that Fallarctfih w -n. a F,ppm.hic nr,d v;cC>rlenrcd cemcroctor in the rrirs,c plarir. Irl a,Tdirlei),. Lho gCaLr frPl.0 riJat Ir ehc arcULLor hna lnrondod' to rr-qa'• [ u1d1t1oRr,1 furpt:., on_v the M(100.0 74u hr,dGenn enhsamtw•rt. v roq`t;,nt or at lvilpr a nattflrntl.,•;t 06t,r,9- lru.crit ohnuld huc., boc•n'bnrm Peslt,�r ruthor On ea1rIv7 unril t1he projual. moan cnrpll7tod. '!n C,ddlClOP the Rult.dlar CtnzaiL,teo we- lint in aRvec:vont e`fth Iho Clify cere,ptLru; Cha prrt,,)arf atsWA:vOttal13 r,tcrl.n?nd ,:^ of (:phrucrp c4Lh, pc•r ti:n C`x•,Y•lle.Irs rtca:arrd.;ti,an be.:nuc3a or LHr nu-ytouU 66Rc; t9s_^l etAll data to be Ce-' rlutad. It vr_s € II L thnt pnrts ly tiaj rccry . yttklr€'nn I;n; n -:Ac to act -opt tlao for t;IW, n <Fy36uCE erg b&J.1 f®v eneutruetlenpar thF ccn- CrUes accor tart:; L,M11-jq;v' :n ne€tr;.g'c'�', 4)y r',�, c2tz c'hl h Est? tt_a-aJ <~',�.Ite❑ a2.e to C'cics�:r, 2&Gil. b� ;�": c••iY%•, 1't ffh; ttx; n,,yb';,i: PI) lulditlt; l tL-) i c,,,�� :'s i Wit[. � L`Ea,.i �:. ��;,, -� � 11 ti-�,, r }aY•7': •';'» ; r� C tt;n� KDA ENGINEERS ARCHITECTS PLANNERS February 14, 1985 Mr. Tan Eidem City Administrator City of Monticello 250 E. Broadway Box 83A Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Re: Fire Station Monticello, Minnesota Commission No. 8281-03 Dear Mr. Eldem: TOL T2 KING. (WALL ANDERSON AND ASSOCIATES INCORPORATED 2501 AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK BUILDING GAINT PAUL M:NNEGOTA 55101 612 n2..Jm I was pleased to have the opportunity to visit with you on February 6, 1986 and review the status of the Fire Station Project. It appears that the project, while somewhat beh Ind schedule, wil 1 turn out to be a handsome, functional and unique building of which I bel leve the Fire Department and Community can be proud. As requested, we reviewed our fee situation and have Included for your Information bl I lable costs (shown by month) which we have incurred over the Not to Exceed fee amount of 59000 designated for construction phase sarvices. Through January 1965 we have exceeded the designated fee amount by 58,638.96, which represents In excess of 200 hours of services. I also mentioned there were additional hours spent on the project by myself and others which were assigned to our overhead operating costs. Reasons for the overrun Include deal Ing with contractors (the general as wel I as many of the subcontractors) who were not experienced with a project of this type and consequently the extended period of construction. Despite these problems, we bel love the result will be satisfactory reflecting a good standard of workmanshI p. The pro -f Inal Inspection 1 ast Thursday Involving 4 WDA representatives Is one example of how the fee Is Impacted by Inexperienced contractors who had Indicated a greater degree of completion than actually existed. Under the circumstances, we would appreciate consideration by the City of Montlool to relative to sharing a part of the cost of the overrun wlth us. EZ Understandingly we should have come forward much earl ler on a formal basis with our fee concerns, although on November 20, 1985 at a Committee meeting attended by Bob Lonsky and Arne Hedberg, Arnie Indicated that fees for Construction Phase Services were exhausted. It Is emphasized that we did not under any circumstance or any time negatively impact the project by not performing necessary construction phase services. As contracted It was our Intent to perform the requi red level of construction phase services dictated by the Contractor's performance and we bel leve we performed the necessary sary Ices. Mr. Tem Eldem Page Two February id, 1986 2J-t, We understand that the substantial completion date is now scheduled form February 18, 1986 based on a City Council Resolution. Therefore as/, discussed, following our next "final" Inspection on February 18 hen the, project, should be is substantially complete (less the site work and the exterior of the building which will need to be completed next spring), -we. will charge for all subsequent site observation visits/inspections and other construction phases services on a cost basis as provided for by Article 5 of the Basic Agreement. As this project draws to a close, we wish to acknowledge our appreciation for your support and cooperation as well as the very beneficlal participation by all of the Building Committee members; i don't recall a past project when we have had the level of enthusiastic committee activity that we experienced with this project. I believe It contributed directly to the success of the project. Please cal I if you have any questions. Since 01 Y, Westly J. dr son WJW I I Enclosure cc: D. Lonsky A. Hedberg Accounting INVOICE rLRDA • ENGINEERS ARCHITECTS PLANNERS TOLTZ, ANG. DUVALL. ANDERSON AND ASSOCIATES, INCORPORATED 2500 AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK BUILDING SAINT PAUL. MINNESOTA 55101 912/292•.100 City of Monticello Date: February 14, 1986 250 East Broadway, Box 83A Commission Monticello, KN 55362 Number: 8281.03 Atrn: Mr. Thomas Eidem For Professional Services in connection with the Construction Administration for a Proposed New Fire Station for September, 1985 thru January , 1986. Authorization dated November 28, 1984. Personnel: Clnsvificarion: Bi ling Rate: September, 1985:* Cray, R. Registered Landscape Architect 6.00 lira. @ 28.51 - 171.06 lledberg, A. Senior Technician 41. 50 lira. @ 43.39 - 1,800.69 Lonsky, D. Technician 22.75 lira. @ 20.25 - 460.69 Sahnow, D. Senior Technician 9.00 firs. @ 40.59 - 365.31 October, 1985: Gray, R. Registered Landscape Architect 1.00 lirs. @ 28.51 - 28.51 Crenko, D. Senior Non-Reg.Des. 3.50 lira. @ 47.05 - 164.68 Hedberg, A. Senior Technician 19.50 lira. @ 43.39 - 846.11 Lonsky, D. Technician 5.00 firs. @ 20.25 - 101.25 Sahnow, D. Senior Technician 3,00 firs. @ 40.59 - 121.77 November, 1985: lledborg, A. Senior Technician 14.50 lira. @ 43.39 - 629.16 Lonsky, D. Technician 3.75 lira. @ 20.25 - 75.94 December, 1985: Hedberg, A. Senior Techni.clon 16.50 lira. @ 43.39 - 715.94 Lonsky, D. Technician 6.00 firs. @ 20.25 - 121.50 Sahnow, D. Senior Technicinn 1.00 lira, @ 40.59 - 40.59 * NOTE: The not to exceed fee of $9,000.00 was reached during August as reflected in the September 24, 1.985 Invoice. The following P is the unbilled portion only for September, Page 2 INVOICE Commission No. 8281.03 January, 1986: Hedberg, A. Senior Technician 15.00 Hrs. @ 45.57 - 683.55 Lonsky, D. Technician 0.50 Hrs. @ 24.15 - 12.08 Reimbursable Expenses: A. Hedberg (Sept) - Travel 76.20 A. Hedberg (Nov) Travel 39.00 A. Hedberg (Dec) - Travel 26.00 A. Hedberg (Jan) - Travel 26.00 Unbilled Portion of TKDA Invoice dated September 24, 1985 2.132.89 AMOUNT DUE ......................... $ 8,638.9 /z State of Minnesota ) as County of Ramsey ) Ray A. Andrews, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that the foregoing account is just and crus; and the aarvicoa tharoin chargod worn actually rendered and of tho value chorein charged, that the expenses incurred were paid by the affiant and no part of the same has been pnid. Subscribed and sworn to before me, TOLT7., KING, DUVALL, ANDERSON n not public, tills 145day of AND ASSOCIATES, INCORPORATED Febru r 108 f'F9► U1:DA E. SOiOafl Z!�,L1j1� MDIhNFUSfY COUln Salh • ABY cchuA. Il"llu W0. 10, 1790 . w111/�A J• Council Agenda - 31.10/66 12. AtanaWcmian of Adnprtnr,-Cenolnticn &tppartine LoGrI Ourdpor 1t4croation F'indl:Ttp,. (PLA),) Ite¢nu:1c• 6C h:^ Cf[ !rZ&st Gn$ EQP14,'lt:YYn for iL0'11t fuV6 few iLa upgrn"N'ty} of t<hk rxi eiut i [ia1 uc?F e9 iI,7St araioibU, C^_ncsr and ur1;.�Cs41c graph ii�;afs� � �o N5c' r'-h-�An* The CUy r;unEi1 h 4s_ be n ,G CcL' CG p*f1^,=n113 .+dopr 'a cc::oluEio i s?i-1pjts1jnt,i•Ol�&l` a3r:e i 'rad atirs4 "s nye. Tht: reou`iutico ia._t;p:—SL;Cf fb� a t3wm' ; ufd 3n.tf:C: cr. rftc [ i"r}�_ to R�rrr of susrtlrrilnn t7i',' lA.GG''z-fid 1nfa;pr4.ae. .a nources-of; n�d4r' ._at9 CutstiYiiF i h�7p-1r a .It 1,trcnl rr.-owiftec 'ln pTcivdci l xt rht 7, c7talan,f.t •ci it lr^ :m -d project,". Citt Ea (_hn•Cj,r}'e rr.L�ae {raiz nNiTiv-,iriun u, -W a,,Piwn1 of it i.% ehai-n n4dpCe4 " rj�4x .rtt t w enncinunEicn aC.rr:Yit pr y-,r6t fQ C�CS.etiCl Tial prng�nn•,. p Capyi of rca@luciaa iu be aupLCsi: RESOLUTION 86 - RESOLUTION SUPPORTING LOCAL OUTDOOR RECREATION FUNDING A resolution supporting the Presidents Commission on Americans Outdoors (PCAO), the Commission on Minnesotans Outdoors (CO[:O), and the revitalization of Minnesota's local and regional recreation grant programs. WHEREAS, PCAO and COMO will study public and Private outdoor recreation patterns; and WHEREAS, PCAO and COMO will prepare findings and recommendations to the President and Congress and the Governor and Legislature; and WHEREAS, PCAO and CO::O are requesting input from traditional recreation providers; and WHEREAS, the City of Monticello has a history dedicated to acquiring and developing parks and open apace facilities in the public interest, and W11EREAS, without the assistance of the federal Land and Water Conservation Fund (LAWCON), the State Legislative Commission on Minnesota Resources Fund (LCMR) and tho Regional Recreation Open Space Capital Grants Program, many of the existing recreation amenities would not have been ,nossihte; and WHEREAS, there is a continuing need to expand and impiuvc outdoor recreation opportunities in the City of Monticello and to plan for the recreation opportunities of generations to como; and WHEREAS, tho LAWCON. LCMR, and the Regional Recreation Open Space Capital grants programs provide additional benefits to local communities by strengthening the statewide tourism market, by creating local jobs, by promoting voluntoerism, and by conserving our natural heritage. NOW, THEREFORE, DE IT RESOLVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO horaby rocommenda that tho recently created Presidents Commiacion on Americans Outdoors and the state's Commission on Minnesotans Outdoors strongly consider, in their findings, the present and future need to expand local and regional outdoor recreation opportunities in Minnesota and throughout the Nation. DE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the City of Monticello recommonda a strengthening and rovitalized eommitmont by the United States and State of Minnesota to financially assist local governments in their offorto to continue developing the recreation estate by creating a dedicated trust fund for that purpose. Adopted thio 10th day of March, 1906. Arve A. Grimamo, Mayor Thomas A. Eidom City Admini-strator -courkell Agfndn 3/.4.c�feG '1'�.: �pn3irlyrdtifln :nQ_iLtitibAKl;rin� Furchaac+,�r tsar '1=1LioP"S.yact5,_t;or I�nr 111S:ir} 2}56th�G�, eas .budsai'ed; for Lho zmt&Ivafcd ;uschnree, o€ a nca: 471ng'x7azen 'far 6Lty 11371rceDt8ss, ilito Rra f 3s prnpo faII to t1Br tht_.ex3It TnU iiiing,:aclliim-*n ic1 azaiorsx'Pltkcce t�_rota-hrcE Sha r3ty nd xr+ uee'tLo�7 an: tnt�ge cuDlcies Yu 'Che k'vt;uxati6 iai nity.INI1''. mm YIUga'ra?iinuts vau.0 lie iii&:fi 'vd ¢2 tr c�c.:l;yAtec util .ffmlr:iut ewxc cciS cLo .111 dur_ I1g1iel5 "tsco >c, hevi,t; somr-o[ ttu_r tc -.t' rH1. +:ltdi, thi!_ 'cj4tt �illiiirCt t73.�i+5?'?.de: to .iliru ncna:t,n-,Lv-Yil4.-I= Im'. Q'g.r.«,Ia.W Hsta wikofiAld:rrt3w -4'1',t:r•jftQr,kI�7, C�.r.4"ArH ig e,uppUk-d _�iW} 1 G11_ti> „,, r�U(IiCY'yn 71=r.stlY'te� ay n7�'_ k_ �; N�.11, 91Fc74ila Civ; RI o, OM 1C :' :A t40tp ?sia' 47J or^, �9bf�'. 0[i4 Si7 199ru°E I&I p,'b;��.Ei •t1iG�.hp 40 ,nae Gini tirlr 'ha :01F34 h'. ,�eapozkric,r5r� C rred x_c•.4R.rarxescity r: ntsrp n, 61rm r,,nfnooatntaaa,. Joara:i Tuley o411AI d 6K, Ioc-, han .bon 67(rTv%)G t c'h'tha lilt; i;mFf use a nylwrt_j! Aw.rmr�mrti._c lihno iiilan CUct r-ra Lapp La our vyntr-- awl Is =s Lug reeo.—,.,nut!ht iooa ca prmpar Cil Cap nyLtcccz techniquev. Thu prnpwrd oysEea io ctr°r©ntl.y uu d by, n anmbrr taC clt'Lk-3 AkichtdrQ.'Nanepin County and:ehnuld pr4v5,dh eaaleir vcvaco, tky our fd.lr.U. Dacloscol. you v111 'f Ind AL. 'rut-V'a clveisa (4nn 'L'11 xhHe1; Ghc hOOKo•d har ,Au5 c't gsu.oaaW-t of ¢9.AII. dtu %6 ell 010 M'- .Ipl•.lars- be -lar., cAzu atsd °ahmil:df he corc,1Jprvd a-% a rog141-nr oMca nuprly. 7W. filc EQU..,ra wo ld: be cta add7'r:f177aL :88 4.:8,0 brii+kWtl O)Q r•c'rs coat to 03.Vll.n. 1F t6 ttC 'ntcff 1.0 tfiaal'1.`UO 'n.' r.irn irv'74 rn$il F1P3t1� :,-xuastj kU p��t?'�aS.d 1ilalp tai 'Lha n'der,orcy. OR) Eoadc�n t0: C'u4ecb't City E1snx: 4. 1`16+, Cabin: :.tAj t'a O'l546 it i;il. �C,') O'j61;c713 J-0.. 4f?: -`t! ha C`-T�ftt Ldc iii cho i7gt vo OR'11ri,'3.nd 8tvcnrcl. IIIWO"& WahlInc. 9333 PENN AVENUE SOUTH, MINNEAPOUS.MN55431 -TELEPHONE (612)884-3366 Established 1934 March 10, 1986 Mr. Tom Eidem city of Monticello 250 East Broadway Monticello, PIN 55362 Good Day Tom: Thank you for your interest in TAB Products. Attached is our pricing for the Spacefinder Cabinets and our SIDE-TRAC. Pricing is also enclosed for converting your files to a color coded system. t appreciate the assistance your staff, especially Karen Doty, has given me over the peat week. Their understanding and help (� made the job much easier. Cy Sincerely, ..nn e Reilly Aeeount Reprcaentative TAB Division JR:cmr Enclosure: P roposal 1. i to. r at tire Sample Folder Man 1.LU IIIlWahl & Wahl Inc. C Page 1 City of Mont ice Llo March 10, 1986 Filing Equipment TAR Spacefinder Cabinets are designed to combine security and attractiveness in half the floorspace of a typical Four Drawer Cabinet. Some of the advantages are: 1. Faster Access With TA8 Cabinets, there are no SO pound file drawers to open. All of the files are visible and reachable. 2. No Waiting The Cabinets are more productive since two, or more, people can use the same cabinet. 3. Saves Floorepace TAB Cabinets use only half of the floorepact: required by a four drawer cabinet. 4. Use as Partitions These unite may be used in your department as partitions. S. Easily Relocated Cabinets are designed to he moved or regrouped without unloading. 6. Security Cabinets can be ordered with ganglocks so that only people that should be in the files, are. C_3 IIilWahl& Wahl Inc. Page 2 City of Monticelo March 10, 1986 Filing Equipment Cabinets with Canglocking Doors 3 Cabinets 6 -hi with gnnglocking doors $ 1,758.00 78H x 36W x 16-3/4D $586.00 each 90 Supports 30 per cabinet: 5 per shelf. @ $2.25 each 202.50 TOTAL $ 1,960.50 SIDE-TRAC Mobile Filing System Spacefinder Cabinets may be mounted on a SIDE-TRAC Mobile Filing System. A deck is laid over existing flooring and two rows of cabinets, placed aide -by -side, are formed. The front row of cabinets glide on wheels permitting access to the back row. 73"W x 28-3/4"D x 1 1/2"11 2 Fixed Cabinets - Back Row I Mobile Cabinet - Front Row I Initial Deck Assembly (right and left) $ 247.50 5926 lognl size 1 Wheel and Anti -Tip Assembly 5922 - $104.50 each 104.50 1 Cap Closure Kit foF Back Cabinet 5923-05 6.50 Equipment Sub -total $ 358.50 Installation 100.00 SIDE-TRAC Total $ 458.50 SIDE-TRAC may be added at a later date, but all cabinets would need to be emptied prior to Installation. Delivery would be with -in three weeks in Ivory Beige. All mentioned merchandise would be shipped FOB Mayville, W1. TOTAL $2,419.00 I"IWahl & Wahl Inc. Page 3 City of Monticello March 10, 1986 SUPPLIES FOR FILE CONVERSION: Folders 1,300 Legal size, full cut, double tab $ 179.40 11 pt. manila 1,300 Tabstik labels (1,512 -labels) 15.30 1 set Alpha Code Labels 214.50 (500 of each A-2:) 1 set Alpha Code Classification Labels 51.00 (500 of each A-2:) 6 rolls Year labels (1,000 each of years 84, 85, 86) 30.60 $ 490.80 Papergoods •hipped FOB Mayville, WI and Bloomington. HN. DjjWahl & Wahl Inc. C" Page 4 City of Monticello March 10, 1986 This is an estimate for the time required to convert your files to a Color Coded Lateral Filing System. To type 1,300 labels will require 6.5 hours Apply labels to folders 6.5 To apply Alpha code Labels: 6,500 32.5 3 Alpha Code labels 2 Alpha Code Classification labels Transfer papers (and review) 26 Re -file in new system 13 84.5 hours Please keep in mind that this is an estimate only. Variables such as interruptions of work may increase the hours needed. Also, if the file purge is completed prior to conversion the hours necded may be reduced. IN G' STANDARD SPACEFINDEW FINISHES Bright Basics White( -AM Harvest Gold (-AC) Citrus Oranpa 1 -AD) Sky Blue (-AE) Design Pastels �° � � moi■ °oo Ruby Grey (-EA) Bamboo l -EC) Slate Blue (•ED) Oulal Row 1 -EE) Warm and Cool Neutrals Cool Grey (-KA) Balanced Grey (-KC) I� �I l _ Ivory Belga (-NA) Solt Ton (•NCI Smooth Draep Charcoal) -KO) Black (-KE) Bark Brown (-ND) See Reverse Side For Other Paint Options Laminate Top Selections t., 1 i Banal Oak l -U) Teak(-tn Walnut Grain 1-71) NOTE: 700 and DOD saris* Computer Guppmt Fumitun are available In Barrel Oak (•741, Teak (•1n and Walnut 1.711, TM &bow colo# samples are as close as posalble to actual colors and tavture wlthln Ilmiletioes of modern graphic arta reproduction. T� T7°"R INFORMATION ON s ENAMEL PAINT FINISHES 3 ENAMEL PAiNT SPECIFICATIONS Premium -quality enamels are used on all painted surfaces. Surfaces are carefully cleaned and phosphatized prior to painting, an important step that ensures superior paint adhesion to metal, After an electrostatic application, the paint is hardened through an oven baking process. This method creates an attractive, durable finish that resists fading, chipping, and marring to provide years of use without showing wear or age. When needed, surfaces can be easily cleaned with a damp cloth. SPECIAL PAINT PROGRAM TAB DISCONTINUED COLORS Colors listed as "discontinued" in TAB catalogs are available by special request. Piease contact the local TAB Representative In your area for information on delivery time and prices. CUSTOMIZED PAINT -MATCHING PROGRAM TAB offers a complete, custom -match paint service to provide the ultimate in decorating flexibility and convenience. This Is especially helpful In integrating equipment into existing color schemes or coordi• nating with other manufactuters' colors. Every effort will be made to provide an exact match to your sample, however, due to variations in enamels, Surface textures and pigments, a reasonable tolerance must be allowed. NEW CUSTOM COLOR MATCHES To custom match the paint color of your choice, simply submit a metal paint Chip In the dosirod color, Using state-of-the-art lost equipment, your sample will be analyzed and a color match formulated. if requested, a test sampla can be painted and returned to you for approval. After your authoriza• tion Is received, the production cycle can begin and the equipment will be painted In your specified color. Keep In mind, this process will require time for analysis and malling of samplos. When customer approval of the paint match is not required, the equipment paint process can begin without delay following the matching, Consult your local TAB Representative for prices and time required for paint matching, PREVIOUSLY MATCHED COLORS Once the custom match process has boon corn• plated and the paint is "on file;' the overall delivery time is reduced on future order$ for that color, The "on file" colors can be referenced by name and number, eliminating the time-consuming matching procedure. Your local TAB Representative will be able to verify that a particular color is in the custom match file and will provide information on prices and delivery times. of $PAWN Wt� Pir-1986 EODrd Of- -*V4 4& notify wL hwp to;: a ilh- -Asn m7imf- fij3— Atw;w.ts amk�r, our tp-,- purpac- of t eA -j i� `r,1, 'gmrt q X* P-, 1,-wlI K6-. tocoazole gig' 'till ul-)� 00f -XiO OFFICE OF COUNTY ASSESSOR WRIGHT COUNTY COURTHOUSE ( BUFFALO, MINNESOTA 55313 Telephone: 6823900 (Ext. 100) Metro: 339-6881 DATE: February 24, 1986 T0: Thomas Eidem, Monticello City Administrator 250 East Broadway, City ball Monticello, MN 55362 DOUGLAS M. GRUBER, COUNTY ASSESSOR Orland Kreitlow, Appraiser Duane Swenson, Appraiser Randal DesAlarais, Appraiser Please be advised that your 1986 Board of Review has been tentatively set for Monday, May 19, 1986 at 7:00 P.M. at Monticello City Hall If we do not hear from you by March 10, 1986, we will assume this Is satisfactory. Thnnk you. Douglas H. Gruber Wright County Assessor Cour,ci-L 4*ntb - 111-6tal5 O!, "no_11TC-1 ,l—M "a"e, Zkh 4ft.i!a 4.g.ion-,A 'LofJ -,nd Stradt NPADtm-lkq olo t�7kNtmqe zirVIOWt rin HaUCA lia JAS Vueadi t4woa on till Yjlpv mr*(voI 2-3d!Otiq -c- oncereime in, opaumccid, tv tio, coyt(Tr, rqr toxi- t��1r:.iii tint Zf 'ChT1DInry .4f t*40 Tiuyd2e, jitj'.*.;rt itG at. , n Bmtit tors7asui Cite Yc--&nn k WJJL3Y ' t4nUipu-cr1cr -�-10-t nad Ce'rh CS qvurnt 1:t; kfl;>wz wMc ti --Tr- -OeL v--Adlfie: en czt3 :peripi cqqt:t¢r. duz -je. the CMZ3 of iha tv)jar5l. bE rk"w cvtq of'Itho art i-4�cb--Agucaraud, "11, be AcmznA. 0 :rbj2 4 i6 aascn it.us. nd cbi�:. C@ Jul! tasr;at to 11 :ffia G,aseocisc. fwDj mala F-Z)I. ,tiDtwl w—,}ii A Cenc- tMcw4L;T1L-,tr.t. - �iv, ,for 6=vc1i mAfArcydct? Ertl Jn 04M,,M she for the yentrs awj MY) nm V? r"Mn- N!210-6.00, $4r+! wu Cur, ttuvul, g',irivropa? ri,4 5 —. ATTV�,-;EEIU I. bw !"M 4"v MUM OMW to M Oak- ze MW Mud TOOT XIPPU.r U httenj rK, ennep-rawe pa plu;;k tlm4, B:}69;0+1. "M11 In, lut-tw. tu. L),v ;,ublx� V;,Trlsf, 111feewr to z,,tu nil Et,! ampTamn wM pw Out pwr NOWN J Vwqilkrrr of W'() - Oil, Wt 01, chv I,Ubl, r lf"kb WVIAOI.nil POV: Hhj„ rha rrna lnsleg of I t a co-tr out .of nc Aim :to 1)#,r r,krt-prjl� �c;hv FU.'.Ifr Pi','vVWT p,Mfdrunc-,�,. , The 7th Annual National Road and Street Maintenance Conference and Product/Equipment Display at The Riviera Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada Mon., Tues., Wed., April 21, 22, 23, Features and Benefits of Conference 1986 Low Cost Several years ago, the Center for Local Government Tech- nology began to give consideration to very serious trends we saw developing in the area of road and street main- tenance. These trends were an accelerating rate of deteri- oration of America's roadways and tightening budgets produced by inflated costs. At the same time, technologi- cal advances in materials and techniques for road main- tenance were Occurring very rapidly. It was fell that if people with a working knowledge of these now technolo- gies could sit down and visit with people actually respon- sible for road and street repair, better use could be made of a tight budget. With this as our goal in 1980, we con- ducted our first National Road and Street Maintenance Conference. The success of that conlerence was indica- tive that an annual road and street conference was needed and wanted by rood and street professionals. This year we are pleased to announce the 7TH ANNUAL "NATIONAL ROAD AND STREET MAINTENANCE CON. FERENCE AND PRODUCT/EOUIPMENT DISPLAY." Product/Equipment Display A largo display area (17,000 sq. It.) tins boon secured which has the capability of accommodating over 100 dis. plays and/or largo equipment. Adequate display viewing time has been included in the program schedule, provid. ing all participants Elio Opportunity to review these exhibits and become more aware of now equipment, techniques. products and services which are available find useful to their operations. Who Should Attend? This program is designed for those pooplo responsible for the various phases of road and street maintenance. It should be of particular benefit to Iheso involved in Ilio ninnigement, design, or supervision of mninlennnco pro. grams: �iE?DVbT1tA^„rJU15Clo�s� Municipal/County Engineers, State Ifiphway A157nionnnco Personnel and Municipal/County Officials responsible for road and street maintonanco. Gain professional knowledge without spending what similar conferences charge for registration. Cost effec- liveness allows more than one representative from organizations to attend. High Duality Speakers Opportunity to share the knowledge of national experts who "know.” High Interest Topics Opportunity to learn "state of the art" techniques and procedures Wt piublmns lacing wad and Strout prulus. sionals today. Product/Equipment Display Opportunity to view now equipment, learn nboul now ;cchniquas. products and services. Visit one-on-one with company representatives. Wide Variety of Participants Opportunity to share problems, considerations and solutions to problems with road and street professionals ncross ilio country. Conloranco Proceedings Provided Use documentation of conference as reference in your work In Ilio future or to share with colleagues who did not attend. Hold in Lao Vegas' niviora Hotel R Convention Center Opportunity to onjoy the many cultural attractions a1 Las Vegas. Located in the heart of Las Vegas' roereational district, the niviera Is altering tho vory special room tato of Sao for singl0•doubfo-Irlplo or quad occupancy. Speakers and Session Topics Sessions have been selected based upon their relevance to road and street maintenance TODAY. The importance of these topics will have universal appeal to road and street professionals. Speakers have been selected based upon their professional experience and recognized accomplishments in this field. 'Overview of FHWA's Rural Technical Assistance Program' George Shrieves, Dir., National Highway Institute Learn how to take advantage of tho extensve nehrork that has been created to prowde tree technical assistance to local governments. ,. II StZil1.90q.,Vlth.Enzyr e*. Harvoy osis P.E., Bechtel Power Newly developed chemical enhances desirable sal propenes (high density, loworpermeabihry, etc) "Testing for Proper Compaction of Material; Representative from Troaler Electronics Lab Be apprised of the state-of-the-art in determining this most critical variable in toad maintenance. "Oklahoma's Shop Built Bridge" John Hopkins, Okl„home State University You have read about flits In Roads and bridges magazine; now visit first hand m1h the people who actually built it `1. Creek and Sesi Taehrillf on PCC Pavimenti Refinements to this old process are starring to produce a desea• bloproduct Share from lust hand experience the da's and don'ts. -Arkansas Unbranded PCC Concrete Overlay' Clayton Powell, Superintendent of Streets, Fayetiewlle, Arkansas One of only a handful OI such preiecrs In the country. Get straight answers on the pro's and con's of using this technique. "Ouaflty Aaiurance Spellicatlons” Roger Yarbrough, University Asphalt company, Urbana, Ilmols Wim the need for maximum life expectancy, from our roads becom. ing critical, this session bye past President of the National Asphalt Pavers Assn, should spur considerable discussion. Xsantlrkls of Quality Asphalt Paving" Tom Skinner; Of.iw Knox Forget about generahtics. If you really want to get down to the nuts and bolls of asphalt paving, this session w 11 be very enlightening. ••t Y •Equipment Maintenance Management' Jack Mears, President, Jack Mears and Associates Do you nm your equipment shop or does it run you? This voice of experience has many helpful tips on how to r4ay to control and cur costs. "AntWee and Snow Road Surfacing Material r Harry Disco. Director of Public Works, Allentown, Pennsylvania Virl a proprielaryesphall mix, propons roprevent rheaccumu• lation of ice and snow. Allentown has several test sections down and will share their evaluation of the project. 'State -of -the -Art In Asphalt Additives' Dr. Dallas Little, Texas A A M University This prominent national a kperl wrU summanzo, in Idyman's terms. his t crest research in this area, "Management of Snow and Ice Removal' Don Nygaard, Director of Public Werke, SI. haul, Minna :ot 1 Possibly the premier progrl. m to the United States. Hearing Sl Paul's procedures should give you ideas on how to enhanbo your program 'Sixtus Report on Liability Insurance for Local Government' David R::ch, Novada Ltzm Manager, PuhLc Ent ;i , Nal anal incur, once Company As law suits Increase and premiums soar, this session will allow you to feel the pulse of the insurance prolssan as to what the future holds. CLIP ALONG THIS UNG The 7th Annual National Road & Street Maintenance Conference and Product/Equipment Display Riviera Hotel Las Vegas, NV (Reservation cards will be sent upon registration) April 21, 22, 29, 1986 PLEASE REGISTER THE FOLLOWING PERSON AT $125 PER PERSON (duplicate form for additional registrants) Name - Tille Company - - - - Phonn Address _ City Slate 7'p Name to appear on risme tag ( ) Check enclosed for enrollments ( ) 0,11 my Company In that amount of 5 Please make your chock payable to: "The Center tin Local Oevernmom Trrhnolorly" and relurn with your reOialratlon term to $0e erpinesnne North, Oklahoma Cliff Unwar►uly, Stillwater, Oklahoma 740/1. 44011 624.1040 Counzil Ascn4a - 3119186 Oi.iu4.dcrVl*a.n Co'ProMblt Auglp, PprUnr; on �Co=ty -1hr-4 3 , 9 Flaiwc­n and (J.S.)_ A. Mr5v;Z.V:. ;iO*p Pvi Part CFi vcgardis�r,. of Unuk Cu��Ly taid :VY; i6 Is a rtcIL c-jd r�,Jzllrli _-at fU'r. peqhoit F&,UlPgas l� ' j - 1,,;rLilq,- LY •thQ i'j­" d.7 Sh 1� ItE-1 itL U!. U,,z praj,k"af, is is. chc, of the publ'ic Direezor chat you r,,�iao cion CnQ,Lr--,;cd U. supk3lint'a DAW': A copV of thu rozrivlutiovi. RESOLUTION 086 - WHEREAS, The County of Wright, Minnesota submitted to the Commissioner of Transportntion, the plans and specifications for the improvement of CSAR 39 from Elm Street to I-94 in the City of Monticello. WHEREAS, state -aid fund will be expended on the improvement of said road, and 611EREAS, the approved state_ -aid standards, for the reasons of traffic safety and economy, limit and restrict all parking to that which is parallel with the curb. NOW. TREY, BE IT RESOLVED That said City of Monticello shall require that the parking of all vehicles within the corporate limits of said County State -Aid highway No. 39 be pnrallel with the curb in accordance with the State -Aid Stnndnrds. Dated March 10, 1.986 Mayor City Administrator ATTEST: ' State of Minnesota County of Wright City of Monticello L do Imreby certify that the foregoing Resolution is n true and correct copy of n resolution presented to and adopted by the Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota at n duly authorized meeting thereof held on the 10th day of March 1986, no shoun by the Yninutes of said meeting in my possession. City Administrator (SEAL) council .,ggchda - .3./ln/U6 17.Gbnril.rldx. lien"0� P.nrttial 1lprraciinr of Kc1,1. 01 duo to IlPk:a - Burn, th,.t. cjt i - ,ti. iii?) u� �::�_kL^1 11.1C•'d1`,el1JH(1: ,clue ca,•.ha.-pulled• Esr 1 year c�li7t mace.. 1x,;19$& I:a (1,1 pulxin!; of thic .roll tip tl+a"; .. a ca0U ci;ea rYmhWy ,wrth tb- e.p,,r: JrZ of tho w.xl? In 15.6,; 'On- A I'Wy cMCaninj, hcci} •1rkdi n GDhorsu p"aa r_akor rwweri. ir;a "tl'4G4V 1.:111air':b :(tiL,p 4t t:rgl Al t:ur od .out.: tibia.= srr Buil Wt tV-MsnJ 1341'1;±?a rLUPaecte pra.lOi1!" ore:✓•%aafi resl �:� jmt; rsuktkr•.'•i1u ('iar ka_s���3}i;;.• GS.q :2Lcf. ptr. to 1ocaec ;.u.2n1,.tE sii. S' de= #b, cttor �f t1jC. e.'tcct xy0r, -} r1`.t1ti•.; {o�_ di'. Ytcatao a nets'Gli, ho,Lra t1w, -n:v ltib ttylc'.., tiasl Lt wc1Y t .c till vnvit•.irn t+iat vu! 1, al;,:cl1 g "tD it0 :eft �Irrl Pr^1,a 'tE -I z. c:wint Jnr ": , �•r ;L 'o1 'tu,.,10 t0;C� a4. 1)uia� tip c':trTt C L't"csri �frl bu b:, [ticcn y!317 to at).±c of r:+ .P { s � 1,'g titJoe oi.^'4't 43ul4 bo app—i-tely "_1,J u1, l i7srIPR (ted '1 .,ltf G .L 6 auld ccaL Ca rd lit annb S5C231X . l'a s;anlrT hsvi::�i 1Po71Ut 17 „Ktp9..t11 in a :�&rc>r that Lw1x1 be untA Zs8 a C:,ZL1 c rus12 p2 c3 ;. 3ftt-11' As iia ror upaa,tod, i:4,1:0 motor CG9lr1 t's, ubeu c±1 a r3gjra E=rr ets'+t 421.1,. liaeee, r, :a h ,a not coJc a doelcCon- yce :VJ to LNV i'i;nnl nucc re for Vzll 63. 4uC �GdQntl D'�t�rnutive r12ae ma lOD4od 'i.RID voa ec ps,r_. 2itu proper Lill "tar on 1St: mall that waulr, rbc ut11° •••7 fu .0 w ldrurt) by, plcctr4 n 7. hor=L Haver -et 10' hnreu pc+Q", tsnrvr on thn wAl .Lr nor; vclUrr would enwic ao prvbiviz� ns:Nok Qwn rtnn4ng P-11ghtly lase efficetlr. Thv pu1P wo1;141 coo.ofi-a to Tivap tic nav, l'nu rAln;ert "r r},tnut•a 00L ie dary ooK' t.ltbont c.rJkilrr, undue pronaurec vrithln rl r L-arer cnl;ply uvotvr-. )-f t+u evnId uo to Lilo 7!i horc^c+ pt>t•,:r r,n9901 dbdcb tp bg f"a•+rIbI,_, At Lnt-9: tim . thu rant •1,:::41.1 be i cio arc. of 55-,6W.(1i1, IrakC.2r•r,, Vita ngltltln{.. CtrCUtt and ata;rawa Cuu 1,1142 hotpTr rru h 01_7�d proi:.lr1+. Ca, [av %S ht:rav povoi E;rht,tr of 7+d1 Wito, Tit_ tts-i.mt'ln�j ttanj- f"Mern n,•r;ld'r WhIvIl psxP i-th v,-tl pu• rrn nlro twt r.tcod pzcpnrl;. Rr�exr. of cal 11u• prablen+l cN hwa h:aor. hovin3 vith r..At.�: barn cyto, 1 h ¢a oRtidd tfSP tb ch :a c the eniatlag trap - ebcy h,v� bean raluctnnt to Ca nn. 1 hnvo ne;v a fsao ie>icd MT, tAti lnuu4b21!ty Dl ss0t'tion Trancv•or;_,rn agd ED t® n lart,,,r n1no 00Cc i vill alle6:i tic t..i run of Ian'.it 275 barx j-,c;ar c_;2ovu.:. w:e fc+. nqe!; tv-nPl iC ltgcar±uns'y. 81, don, c,v_-,Q bum . +ov¢ e.12o 1:1o72'F118ry 6� o b4r�!,.-,v vo rrlfit f� "- S Prc,j 2A tib NN Vobtn. iJ? gpk$ , t; ka'u'v.k; t � able e� roIt-Ltd r,"2 o� t7W Qtl% 3, Zn ar� vla3 !A _TC ic:a ch t:��('i th:__± c!�"'.1.. r,, 6_;;.1,y a•',.� r...,Jt4D tn',q^ r_-,Yl.�e u•.:.�-:ar..'l'a�:rG e.��i �.'! r,,_�� �.� Gfl1rr I;�rva';s. � t;x-� l.�s�1�. 1- va v_ J, M -1 111,1 i vttiilc Lm, tM Ccunci l .hge niir. 311,9185 I i31v3 not had .vnaaO .time eo rreparecarr coLierca an e,11 of ehn npt3ann .v.: hrrn avni]_^hJ.e to on, ttm F.avc E bad Urp, to pseprarc n, prtp_e rcoo==nQaticn_ T vi11 crrntinuc ,to 1;p5hgr i..nfoa -aticu nr.-i h',aorunY by M,3ndty n9.i'.Lt 1 vi7;]: he sbJ,o tRr proc,i:t r:rrLA i. t^, to 3Zoo wIth:r,r th(l Ca,,b a4 ri._ :.Jtornu clx� c.nd l,-�C'„ace 'Olu izi tt lnv y.�t4Ff t -5c'36 i 4ult "—i fir V, brie -L, ltc- 1^S4tL- C. "PAmum"'; 1. 75 75 lip 5i.02IN n.o md rDlix"E'.ja S-17 N i"173 - kro, A� I'liz-di. Or AkUll'A" l."Itl fl r�Lll Inc -put -out 1410 OWI LIZ4 vUL in oap:x:47 -17 rtl-- vul umtof Ulvu;1,0 to yo -Arm in ilia Futuro. Owindl A,.cmdn* - VIO/A6 ,(S. i19.43ciiassion cm Propmc. d FLddlri $vhulil Sire Scicrtad by Dlistrict I cm ours you ar- of, the Sclwal, LZmrd' 1pca :,a --Wray ne'lac t.vd a IL"eq Car: tho pr0-jlvjUA r-i-dillo Zpaho,01 laczaa'd .ouch ay I'M kpaladj�-'s pn.xt oz anawJad Troluatfifil 11ciTk oiW' rn,k aveci "ci'dv -of ELP Mev �:Jjjlmlj: The- 4 I -pro i -d 1,Vc !I,,) 1�? ltl'J Qb KATIS. ijjj•3COF3' tin. I:Iic: ft-winay, -for c - lLlomqrsfan vottv,-r-9rZd by, Vlik oL- 4'r 't�:�g 'w"? Zjj- ir 'v_dvn sc9rctian Z' riv I_T�lliiy rhe fch�s 6""I=ft r." r a Wdalc a�r%l)") Va, t;-.aQehev -dit ni - te �'Acgt;A qt�ll bn_ _Ja ril") 47Anr Tnti'fmf'x ni* Oz'a ULY Mut school L,%UOtjlC-r. 'Jilej ft6p�'GCIJ WILL lrCatLd in aa 1*%dm=rILl pall, v%lcll 6. rfirrontly nm-cil hcovy my nat be the best pinnatsl�j O.J LtI3, celmol hnnz-d'a part rrid also w.7 Hadk�r Outurv, ,f ilm,6. Anctr ltcr rp— "'p J- 1; ." anly 26 veyar of t!K-- 1,;rcel 'tqp rurmntly in the City and I v tIv-,r clso City vimld prW,?r La sec Ow, eiit ire ravivol bC UTtJltV MY JOV113111MIOn. Alcbw.-h Cky tvpv 4s71 vz;Y.;­ wre. Rvallahle op 1wil'I'l7 P.Q.1il tq. 11tv lqls ED (,lLm'AJ IndmitOrl rain pn;l Chit vikul,l b,, vwM khbi-, f ­r n' Fahnol. 'ilw villon.1 mi4vt _01, I '1.q'T'var< 1411 1'1raf rh - I r, I rc P.lrc,(A_er Lm'l 1'.' y 1,vi'll 11"I V'?d by Lf t.yr I r. -yd "J., t t.f . 0 Lc � [110 tl.mla r7l, kce-Ovo nvy a -WIT lv-wl' In 't:lz-- fhtott'.- atm sll-"v thuf Nlj+ll� L"4L'i rl.jjt.Lt"!Y, j"Ilt, ail -Y clry R?dIllivil, qvi;v ro,�_vZa rkt'rjj'­r cb, evir "',Jjjt, � alwhvivi nn"I p I—, V1, I, h � of ujjl, 410 1 th., &"N -A dj��Vrl't 01my t'rrOfl ho Z -'410 - lit, vwj our ?"Ity nirs Uvfk wt-dincneor", v clqov"K ly oGwmnlifmnl 9=11qPt-46- L?b dlm?oel nn n" vr-r 6,r FacAdc.-igric.1 -a el%�tc.j"-Ln but I wi ipat L'lvc' twOror:. nvA, lvl:i_itrlol z?, no,-, 4r'd,111z , 10a nn tt-,' !:. i7i'le emly V"A 0 Jsl C `: ' !.n3T.'0lX '7A r i to LAX -v nmiatc "to- -"AT it) th-t v'Ov_-ii=i: ca", vmllm�r Uu&_"� ism fr. racl(knQ,31 4j�'j . n'n' I q1•A•alcl!­" t," .I 1'i Coun'l I tefli&3� - 11 L(IMI) ItWkAi- in rMy r.OrLinit dit-;,tlVj&t. I -m st&v LUP I. , fty, Couw.11 wuld b, CO, If: rhe site lscuf,-d aMs-apXlz.)cq, buV it cppL.;ary rbst plating P, schw! of an htid' itm",*,ed ia6uc;aulvll' ltTt4n,t aQCL b� Oiv. Ow'Ol 1tt Fpccl=z:mJad Oiber tI,:,n a- a:+ (3.,I(1 rrl'- L:ililk C.1.14=11 der :mt OT the rc—a nvn qqilm Vil ,Llv tkl�b t -i Ci, tiro MCV ftz:j. c -.n: frp;� VZO 'n ;MtL,)" Ar C;ia r:f,itl-.Iue 7o b lctccv -rnt• re ilip- 0".1 U,A"tRA tri -4 `&-11; IST;� 1. J Kavch b. 1:986 ari.4� ;ttlF:L?;v"rdS.!t fit^ tY`x e t o QCs tscet r>Rba-+1 •Ote.t• pqt `"u—', Vksce_-� Saitrol«iL,ert,ttit&fS'ur t ^ ' 111.2 M;nle-t;tcrn Btz .v Knsitbm:3 ;o. SrZ %i " i1;i::t :��.:t:r�:,:��t• $p:!arii ta�t•:> rtr.; t�'atc tr.zirur �� !1.}� ;-f ;•?'•=RsU:'r;?.;: 'S' a T�.StiXrt?"CI ti'.! t.7fl'..,..i C.:a' i..:t11:JLts t'ci?(q;isCR•. tti.a}=-:", gsi? vvu .'t 7i tele t:.'.1mol ntt.o tut t?trt�0.7h:aUC ILr!?:ri`au;:.1i i7;�:x'lo�a..t: Alzrstat y'a+e rlw qty af-t:���•ttm�.i.¢: "„ •;..: ,`.. Y tai••;{ 1.0 u::!1Rac uy C,iAa+rxv,:.9` 'Or.tad�'aZn •, •'•' �"- Atittl•:tQ C(A+l 'tai Yzaytw:3cilD 7 jtrC:3-'Sttt'Q �t$titt:31 a-1 aro. tnl_u'ltr t%tu recd Co bo .mda. a agreo HQ6it that MS'.d yGi 8 n'v:: IEiLds3lII RrhttAl for G3RilaG halt, 7+ L.G'ci R.. 1tlrn, I o2roft that fine-nerul (-CMt2 a -c a cencerr.. hrc:vst. L bet Lrv-7 tiara: I•+icty rand h6all.b. :slon13 vitas oroecsrato d"vior—a t neo .or aheuld bu pet :3 ;mcor.sn for in beat tot tate Cortton`ty of LUSnttt;ulla" Y Thv r. anon i oppose tha Orth<dadil PYoppety to o bigh cvntaemtr ILI.ns c+i young �vvopla U not caap.Srtbl„ ttirh at�ctuQy-yrsductrimt. 7.0nsd zm-a. itd:. is ovt fmld City pt.ann9ng., L cltovo chin i.0 Q. g7rctol hirdrartaa to the Lum-het devclapPcnt of tho 021ttyand tt:atn_r+ri l Park bur.tore of tho hil,il .ltablllty plare4 an pt evotityl and aalptial: induatria... 7odtictriun trill bR ron.'OVI•.net a►yut t'+elr notaa tt'val. odors. hAntirewou r jWrK:r•+jt nr ncc�atcpta. and tratilp to t:ia t:aboul.. raro Itar:are—tIy, Uar ludwtrtea vill Le conerrited oboe, tl+c pattenri.ni bn< n -fa erupted by r, h_t,vy concoar.- salon 'rot Htu+: dr .,a r+.Tj..tatat sadegc)lapa4 pwl dovclopod lolly4tr:04 la'u! w51t•b r_:.y htet::., a Play arson ne c:+a cap.loratory arca f..a- tha• at artrJeUT. s. n;, cell ns titr dxstt c c of ini.Y007CO tr. %(tic alto mk: p:,;+okbillty of !ar'reoc A vvv41) ..t's: Nava 4+t,�a ;tr ng '.ua3nar earn vS33 lista rl_s� i �T i T c.`.cEnS t::ttac crttti t:ttt 4 hg(? eScz,. fa^ eat t,!r yty�.[ Cyt 3 bol$uv;2 CL., gl-:z ;;4R' Qt. r'. �taa:+lt, fin 3?=^ -t OV) t:e:s`rti,�Z C:- ti•,:• L':t, "b.r' f �i :;+.aii.FY' 011 Cal!" -'..S t". y .a+_�. .'iu3' vxy.:,•�:r,Yl, lilt t,. t;�.'f�'_ ., _ t;littici:%'i, C' M,1011.PCELLO, fX1.557-52,e245 A w== 4.he Insittomial Vark. or hanvy-aniluutrial soca l�wvctalcc WE tt- middle achoul tud, =--tflz in the Tsrap�sdd hItc�; Urona, Lbe Uck prapansc!c to zone rhes t� ipolar 6claV. i tid t%-btklAjWp Uhc ,P6J'14- to co=ari-iv v;mdd cur,"rc - OR VE Z-ar-IlEp V�Iltvlt v,-Quia e',r pnopcic- I ran 2.� &QtCc�d , ju , tttlyf--- -u- n -La T',4 I- - . :,- _. -f -of d' -yXv LJ .or, UT-C'i MLi A amll y *�• a Charitable Gambling Control Board 7� �1 Griggs -Midway Bldg. Rm. 11-475 3 1 / 1821 University Ave. St. Paul, MN 55104-3383 foR BOARD USE ONLY GAMBLING LICENSE APPLICATION (Class A. B, ur 0 INSTRUCTIONS: 1. PRINT OR I YPI. 2. Bring completed application to lucal governing budy, obtain signature and date air all copiers, and leave ®copy. Applicant teeps CM copy mid sends remaining cup:es to above address. 1. Chnnnen :n apnlrcntion infarmotion must be submitted within 10 dzvn after the ehnnn-. Type of Application: ❑ Class A - fee f100.00 (Bingo, Raffles, Poddlewheels, Tipboards, Pull -labs) 0 Close B - fee S 5n.00 (Raffled, Paddlewheels, lipboards. Pull -labs) ❑ Class C - Fre 3 50.00 (Bingo only) Mulch cher6n nnvnble. In: Minnesotn Chnrilnble Cnmblino Control Bonrd. Applicant (Official, legal name of organization) . ntat pun ilKnjchrc of rolemhnn Husineas Address 3800 Lnrabee Avenue. N.E. City, State, lip St. Pilchnel. Mn. 55376 I Cuunly Wright Business Telephone Number federal I.D. Number )497-2571 41-0656992 of Organization © fraternal ❑ Veterans ❑ Religious ❑ Other Nonprofit Orgnnirotion Typu of Organization Charter ❑ InLernitionnl ® National ❑ State N:mier of Ycnrn in INumbor of Articles of I'.i alrncrt (if) Munesntn) Incorporation (if incorporated) 104 (Locution Where Articles ore filed New Haven, CT. Yu:n Nu 1. Does organ iraLion hove o dura e1ructure7 Xme. bar of nr,tive memhnre 46.615 2. Hosorganization been previously licensed x by the Mnrd? If yen, live doth1-5-86- 1. Man license ever been denied, sunpended x or rnuoLed? If yea chccw all that apply: ❑O,+aled ❑ymnpended ❑Revnved 4. In orgnniration e.wempt from payment of x U.5. income ta0 If yen, attach Copy of letter declaring a—shine. 5. Is organization t.ow e.ampt from payment xor Minnenoln ls,7 If yen, attach copy of letter dcclmrla, e,empt inn. Site Address S.E. Corner Hiway 0 25 and I 94 City, State, Zip Monticello, Mn. 55362 (County Wright . Yea No 1. Are pll gambling acliv itien conducted at the above aIle? If no, complete a amps. x rata application form for eelh oile os a separate. II rie :s zasuea tar each st le. x 2. In site located withineity limits? S. Does organization own the site where gambling activity will be conducted? If x no. attach copy of the Icasn far the nmle. (Lasso Name 9 r I lease. nr rent 1 Joyners Lanes - Al Joyner ocner (Address S.E. Corner lliway 0 25 6 I 94 City, Slate., Zip Monticello, )ln. 55362 Lamblrnq Manugar Noma Willie Heine adreno 3800 Larabee Avenue N.E. ICItyy Stole lip Sc. Mictlael, Mn. 55776 The f1o,000 fidelity bond required by Minnesota Statuten 749.20 hoc been obtained. Company Namn Bond Numbnr State Surety Compony 0277945 (� Name of Orgsntznlinn'n I101-ra and lillen r�Honald Vnliant, State D aputy C. Frank B. Perry, State Secretary Ih• Archlo Rnuzi. Stntn Tri naurer �d. Paul Codlevaki. State Advocate cc-nnnnl.nl (1NB4) Continued on Page 2 - 2 - Minnesota Charitable Gambling Control Board GAMBLING LICENSE APPLICATION (Class A, B, or C) GAMBLING SITE AUTHORIZATION By my signature below, local law enforcement officers or agents of the Board are hereby authorized to enter upon the site, at any time gambling is being conducted, to observe the gambling and to enforce the Low for any unauthorized game or practice. BANK RCCOROS AUTHORIZATION By my signature below, the Board is hereby authorized to inspect the bank records of the General Gambling Bonk Account whenever necessary to fulfill requirements of current gomblinS rules and low. OATH I hereby declare that 1. 1 have read this application and all information submitted to the Board, 2. All information submitted is true, accurate, and complete; 1. all other required information hoe been fully disclosed; a. I am the shier executive officer of the organization; 5. 1 assume full responsibility for the fair and la.rul operation of all activities to be conducted; 6. 1 mill familiarize myself with the laws of the State of Minnesota respecting gambling and rule@ of the Board and agree, if licensed, to abide by those Iowa and rules, including amendments thereto. official. Legal Name of Organization State Council KniRhta of Columbus Jig at re (Mucin y hjef .eeut iuo officer) T`ltle Yr State Deputy (Data I Februnry 28, 1986 11 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT or NOTICE BY LOCAL GOVERNING BODY I hereby acknowledge receipt of a copy of this application. By acknowledging receipt, I admit having been served with notice that this application will be reviewed by the Charitable Gambling Control Board and if approved by the Board, will become affective 10 days from the data of receipt (noted below), unless a resolution of the local governing body is passed which specifically disallows such activity and a copy of that resolution 1s received by the Charitable Gambling Control Board within 30 days of the below noted date. LOCAL GOVERNING BODY Nana or Local Governing Body Mont'7^cello City Council Slgnatu 't of Person Iving Application Oafs Received (,'thin fs data frac rhICh the 30 day approval begins) 3011-z CG.00001-01 (12/84) White - Board ORGANIZATION NOW of Representative for Gambling License Applicant (serving notice) Willis lleino