City Council Agenda Packet 05-26-1987( AGENDA FOR THE MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL l Tuesday, May 26, 1987 - 7:30 p.m. Mayor: Arve A. Grimsmo Council Members: Fran Fair, Bill Fair, Warren Smith, Dan Blonigen I. Call to Order. 2. Approval of Minutes of the Regular Meeting Held May 11, 1987, and the Board of Review Meeting Held May 18, 1987. 3. Citizens Comments/Petitions, Requests and Complaints. Old Business 6. Consideration of Granting Approval to a Final Plat for Meadow Oak Fourth Addition. 5. Consideration of Change Order No. 1 to Construction 5 Improvement Project. 6. Consideration of Authorizing OSM to Prepare Plans for the Realignment of Otter Crack Road and for the Expansion of the Municipal Liquor Store Parking Lot. New Business 7. Liquor Store Report - lot Quarter. B. Consideration of Granting a Conditional Use for Minor Auto Repair in a B-4 Zone. Applicant, Jim Eisele. 9. Consideration of Traffic Study on West County Road 39 from Elm Street to 1-94. 10. Consideration of Bills for the Month of May. 11. Adjourn. MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, May 11, 1987 - 7:30 p.m. Members Present: Fran Fair, Bill Fair, warren Smith, Dan Blonigen Members Absent: Arve Grimsmo 2. Approval of Minutes. Motion was made by Bill Fair, seconded by Blonigen, and unanimously carried to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held April 27, 1987. 4. Consideration of a Request for a Partial Subdivision of a Residential Outlot, Outlot H1 Meadow Oak Addition, to be Known as the Meadow Oak Fourth Addition. Applicant, Dickman Knutson. Mr. Dickman Knutson was present to request approval of his final plat consisting of a partial platting of Outlot H known as Meadow Oak Fourth Addition. Mr. Knutson noted that the preliminary plat for Outlot H shows a total of 29 lots but that he currently has financing for the utility construction and street improvements for only 14 of the proposed lots; and this is why he is now requesting a partial platting only. Administrator Eidem noted that the original Meadow Oak Development was approved as a Planned Unit Development primarily for manufactured housing; and as a result, many of the lots are smaller in design than currently allowed by city ordinances. Mr. Eidem recommended that since the majority of the housing now being built within the Meadow Oak Subdivision is conventional construction, the Council may want to consider reviewing the Planned Unit Development status for the balance of the development to see if it should continue being allowed smaller lots than other developers and subdivisions. Mr. Eidem also noted that it was the recommendation of the City staff that since the preliminary plat proposal for Outlet H called for the platting of 29 lots, the entire Fourth Addition should be platted at one time rather than platting only 14 lots with the remainder still being ai, outlot. Mr. Knutson felt that by only platting half of the outlot at the present time, the development would be proceeding in an orderly fashion; and the partial platting is based primarily on financial commitments for utility constructions only on 14 lots. Councilmembar Bill Fair questioned whether all utility plans, especially the storm sewer plan, have been submitted and approved by the City Engineer. Public works Director, John Simola, noted that questions have arisen regarding the storm sower and drainage plan for the development and noted that storm sewer drainage plane for a partial platting such as proposed has not been intended to be constructed by the developer since the storm sower would cover a larger ares than currently being planned. Mr. Simola felt the City should be looking at the drainage -1- Council Minutes - 5/11/87 plan and storm sewer needs over the entire remaining development to determine which portions of the storm sewer should be constructed ' now even if it results in improvements to other outlots not yet planned to provide proper drainage. In addition, it was noted that Mr. Knutson, under the present proposal, is altering the drainage flow from that originally proposed; and the result may be more drainage into Ditch 33 rather than the holding pond that currently exists at the north end of the plat. This alteration of the drainage plan should again be rovi ewed by the City Engineer to determine the effects. Developer Knutson stated it was his opinion that it is the City's responsibility to provide all drainage easements into Ditch 33 for the entire development. Administrator Eidem noted that the original plan called for approximately the north half of the development to drain into a pond which the City felt would be sufficient to hold all storm water. As far as the southern half of the development in the future, it is the staff's opinion that the developer still is responsible for obtaining any easements or permits to drain the development into Ditch 33. After further discussion on the proposed plat and drainage requirements, motion was made by Bill Fair, seconded by Warren Smith, and unanimously carr led to table a decision on the proposed plat for two weeks to enable the City Engineer to review the entire drainage plan for the balance of the development and to enable the engineer to recommend what portions, if any, of the storm sewer utilities should be constructed as part of any future platting of outlots. After receiving the engineer's recommendations, the replotting of Outlot M into only 14 iota at the present time, with the balance being phased, would be considered for approval. Relating to the storm sever issue, Public Works Director, John Simola, requested what steps should be taken to eliminate a drainage problem in the Meadow Oak Estates Subdivision, as a catch basin should be cane tructed in a portion of Outlot 0 that would drain existing home siteaa in the Estates plat. The estimated costa of the catch basin and pipe is $750 to $1,000 which Mr. Knutson, along with the Public Worksl Director and City Administrator, will discuss as to financing methods. 5. Conaldsration of a Resolution Authoririnq the Sale of Bonds for Tax Increment District M7. As pout of the Tax Increment Finance Plan relating to the WAWCO Minnesota Window Company, the City will be required to issue bonds for $155,000 to f lnanca the purchase of lots in the industrial park for resale to the Window Company at a reduced price. The bond Jesus will be ropa ld from tax increments generated by the new project over an eight year period. The City's Bonding Consultant, Jerry Shannon of Springsted, Inc.. will be seeking quotes on the placement of this bond issue and return to the Council June 8, 1987. -Z- D Council Agenda - 5/11/87 Motion was made by Bill Fair, seconded by Blonigen, and unanimously carried to adopt a resolution authorizing the solicitation of bids for the sale of General Obligation Taxable Tax Increment Bonds. See Resolution 87-16. 6. Consideration of a Resolution from MN/DOT Approving Plans and Specifications for Highway 25 Improvements from River Street to Bridge. The Minnesota Department of Transportation has requested from the City approval of plans and specifications relating to the bridge project being proposed for construction soon. Since the project includes some improvements within the city limits, City approval of the plans and specifications is required. Public works Director, John Simola, noted some areae of concerns that the City Council should address prior to approval of the plans and specifications. The first area related to the proposed landscaping along the slope areae near the bridge. Initially, MN/DOT planned to only landscape the area with low lying Sumac planted every four feet; and the City was under the understanding that more landscaping would be provided to enable the area to blend into the park. MN/DOT representatives present indicated they would be willing to work with the City and have their landscape architect come up with a more innovative design and planting scheme and sufficient funds would be placed in the project for this purpose. Mr. Simola noted that the plans made no mention of fencing the right-of-way to provide separation between the construction project and the current park area; and again State representatives indicated they will fence the entire right-of-way when the project begins but presently have no plana to fence in the entire park area along the river after the project is completed. Mr. Simola also noted that during the testing procedures recently completed by Twin City Testing Company, damage was done to the park areae not under casement to MN/DOT and requested that an assurance be gotten from either Twin City Testing, the contractor, or MN/DOT that this area would be restored. After discussion with MN/DOT representatives, it wan the consensus not to require restoration of the damage in the park at the present time, but the City would be able to negotiate with the contractor on the bridge project for restoration of the entire park area after the project is completed and to allow the City staff to negotiate with the contractor for use of the entire, park during the construction period. It was also noted by the City Engineer that the proposed storm sewer outlet to the river does not appear to be adequately supported if the City is required to maintain the device in the future. Normally, the City installs those outlets on steal sheet piling and ties the structure back into several of the adjoining pipes, and all riprap at the outlet is grouted to prevent washing away of the material. MN/DOT representatives indicated they will be grouting the riprap but did not feel that steel sheet piling is necessary and would guarantee that they would be responsible should problems &rise in the future. -3- n Council Minutes - 5/11/87 One last item noted by the Public Works Director was that substantial dewatering will be taking place during construction of the pilings for the bridge and that this area is near the city wells; and should problems arise with the city water supply, the City's need for water would take precedent over the dewatering of the river for construction. After further review, motion was made by Bill Fair, seconded by Blonigen, and unanimously carried to adopt a resolution approving the plane and specifications for the improvements to Highway 25. See Resolution 87-15. 7. Consideration of a Resolution Entering into a Cooperative Agreement with MN/DOT Regarding City Participation in Sidewalk Cost - Bridge Improvement. As part of the bridge replacement project, MN/DOT has requested a cooperative construction agreement between the City and M74/DOT which would require the City to pay for portions of the storm sever work, manhole castings, and sidewalk leading to the bridge from River Street and for the new sidewalk under the bridge. The estimated cost for the City of Monticello would be approximately $7,975 based on the percentages of as percent for the storm never improvements and 10 percent for the sidewalk. The cooperative agreement also would require the City to maintain all improvements after construction. Motion was made by Bill Fair, seconded by Dan Blonigen, and unanimously carried to approve entering into a cooperative construction agreement with MN/DOT for the above items contingent upon City Attorney review and approval. Soo Resolution 87-16. B. Consideration of Authorizing the Public Works Director and Finance Director to Visit DMDI Headquarters. As part of the acquisition of a computer system for the City. DMDI representatives have requested that the Public Works Director and Finance Director visit their facilities in Reston, Virginia, to view software that is available for the Public Works Department and finance packages. Motion was made by Blonigen, seconded by Fair, and unanimously carried to authorize the Public works Director and Finance Director to visit the computer software vandor's headquarters for the purpose of viewing software systems that are available. 9. Consideration of Sealing Leaks in Sanitary Sewer on Linn Street Between River and Front Streets. Public Works Director, John Simola, noted that a recent inspection of the sever pipe from River Street to Front Street on Linn contained several leaks and some cracked and quartered pipe. A quote was received from visu-Sower Clean 6 Seal, Inc., of Minneapolis for approximately 91,700 to repair this section of sewer pipe. -4- Council Agenda - 5/11/87 CNotion was made by Bill Fair, seconded by Blonigen, and unanimously carried to authorize the sealing of the sewer pipe at an estimated cost of $1,700. 10. Discussion on Water ing/Scrinkiinq Ban. Public Works Director, John Simola, noted that due to the recent dry conditions, the City has been pumping over a million gallons per day of water and recommended that a volunteer watering ban be established immediately. The watering ban would allow watering by residences on every other day based on house numbers. By consensus, the Public Works Director was authorized to publish a notice to this effect. 11. Update on Softball Field Construction. The Public Works Director noted that the now softball field complex near the NSP training facility is currently ready for seeding; but because of the dry weather conditions. it has been recommended that the seeding not take place until cooler weather in the fall. Motion was made by Blonigen, seconded by Fair, and unanimously carried to authorize the Public Works Director to wait until approximately August 1 before proceeding with the seeding of the ballfields. Rick wolfatejler Assistant Administrator MINUTES MONTICELLO BOARD OF REVIEW May 18, 1987 - 7:00 p.m. Board Members Present: Dan Blonigen, Bill Fair, Warren Smith, Fran Fair Board Members Absent: Arve Grimsmo Staff Present: Gary Anderson, Thomas Eidem, Rick Wolfeteller County Staff Present: Doug Gruber, Wright County Assessor The 1987 Board of Review was called to order by Acting Mayor, Fran Fair, at 7:02 p.m. 1. James Eisele 713 West Fourth Street Monticello, MN 55362 Parcel 0155-010-026030 Total EMV 1986: $51,600 Total EMV 1987: $61,900 Motion by Bill Fair, seconded by Warren Smith, to leave the total Estimated Market Value for 1987 at $61,900. Motion carried with Dan Blonigen opposed and Arvo Grimsmo absent. 2. James Eisele 706, 712, 718, and 720 West Fourth Street Monticello, MN 55362 Parcel 0155-010-023070 0155-010-023080 0155-010-023090 Total EMV 1986: $15,000 Total EMV 1987: 530,000 Total EMV 1987: 520,000 (adjusted) Motion by Bill Fair, seconded by Dan Blonigen, to reduce the total market value applied on these throe parcel numbers from $30,000 total to $20,000 total. The motion carried unanimously with Arve Grimsmo absent. 3. Roman Svoboda 325 West Fourth Street Monticello, MN 55362 Parcel 0155-010-030021 Total EMV 1986: $47,300 Total EMV 1987: 553,600 Total EMV 1987: $52,000 (adjusted) Board of Review Minutes - 5/18/87 Motion by Bill Fair, seconded by warren Smith, to reduce the total estimated market value from $53,600 to $52,000. Motion carried unanimously with Arve Grimsmo absent. 4. Larry Kanthak 209 Kevin Longley Drive Monticello, MN 55362 Parcel #155-048-001060 Total EMV 1986: 5 700 Total EMV 1987: S88,700 Motion by Bill Fair, seconded by Dan Blonigen, to approve the total estimated market value of 588,700 on this parcel. Motion carried unanimously with Arve Grimsmo absent. 5. Walnut Plaza 309 South Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 Parcel 1155-010-031060 Total EMV 1986: $128,900 Total EMV 1987: $168,600 Total EMV 1987: $153,000 (adjusted) Motion by 8111 Fair, seconded by Dan Blonigen, to approve a reduction in the estimated market value from $168,600 to 5153,000. Motion carried unanimously with Arve Grimsmo absent. 6. Harry Bebo 224 Wont Third Street Monticello, MN 55362 Parcel #155-010-031010 Total EMV 1986: 5305,900 Total EMV 1987: 5338,800 Total EMV 1987: 5310,500 (adjusted) Motion by 8111 Fair, seconded by Warren Smith, to approve the reduction in total estimated market value from S338,800 to $310,500. Motion carried unanimously with Arve Grimsmo absent. 7. Janolla Iano 412 East Fourth Street Monticello, MN 55362 Parcel 0155-015-036060 Total EMV 1986: 541,300 Total EMV 1987: 369,000 Total EMV 1987: 566,100 (adjusted) Motion by 8111 Fair, seconded by Dan Blonigen, to reduce the total estimated market value from 569,000 to 666,100. Motion carried unanimously with Arve Grimsmo absent. Board of Review Minutes - 5/18/87 / 8. Russell Lovegren ` 1205 West Broadway Monticello, MN 55362 Parcel #155-012-002080 Total ENV 1986: 583,500 Total EMV 1987: $83,500 Total EMV 1987: $81,900 (adjusted) Motion by Warren Smith, seconded by Fran Fair, to reduce the total estimated market value from $83,500 to $81,900. Motion carried with Bill Fair opposing and Arve Grimsmo absent. 9. Moon Motors 414 South Pine Street Monticello, MN 55362 Parcel #155-010-016010 Total ENV 1986: $124.500 Total EMV 1987: $172,600 Total ENV 1987: $124,500 (adjusted) There was no motion presented on this, as County Assessor Doug Gruber indicated it was a clerical error on the County's part and extended the numbers down for the 1987 assessment. The total 1987 Estimated Market Value will be $124,500. 10. Gary De Boer 220 Marvin Elwood Road Monticello, MN 55362 Parcel 1155-035-001131 Total EMV 1986: $42,500 Total EMV 1987: $42,500 Motion by Dan Blonigen, seconded by Bill Fair, to leave the total estimated market value as listed for 1987 at $42,500. Motion carried with Warren Smith opposing and Arve Grimsmo absent. 11. Gary DeBoer 1009 Golf Course Road Monticello, MN 55362 Parcel 0155-500-101203 Total EMV 1986: 557,600 Total EMV 1987: $57,600 Total EMV 1987: $49,200 (adjusted) Motion by Dan Blonigen, seconded by Warren Smith, to reduce the total estimated market value from $57,600 to $49,200. Motion carried unanimously with Arve Grimsmo absent. -3- n Board of Review Minutes - 5118187 12. Carol Pitt 225 East Fourth Street Monticello, MN 55362 Parcel 1155-010-071050 Total ENV 1986: $29,600 Total ENV 1987: $48,000 Total ENV 1987: $45,000 (adjusted) Motion by Bill Fair, seconded by Dan Blonigen, to reduce the total estimated market value from 548,000 to $45,000. Motion carried unanimously with Arve Grimsmo absent. 13. Al Larson 213 Nest Fourth Street Monticello, MN 55362 Parcel #155-010-031031 Total EMV 1986: $186,100 Total EMV 1987: $185,900 Motion by Bill Fair, seconded by warren Smith, not to change the total estimated market value for 1987 of $185,900. Motion carried unanimously with Arve Grimsmo absent. 14. Dave Peterson's Monticello Ford 100 west Oakwood Drive Monticello, MN 55362 Parcel 1155-500-113413 Total EMV 1966: $271,400 Total EMV 1987: $624,100 Total EMV 1987: $573,300 Motion by Fran Pair, seconded by Bill Pair, to reduce the 1987 total estimated market value from 5624,100 to $573,300. Motion carried unanimously with Arve Crimemo absent. 15. Dan Blonigon 405 Vine Street Monticello, MN 55362 Parcel 1155-010-023060 Total CMV 1986: $50,800 Total EMV 1987: $54,700 Motion by Bill Fair, seconded by warren Smith, to have the City Assessor, Gary Anderson, and the County Assessor, Doug Gruber, review the property with Mr. Dan Blonigon; and whatever they come up with for a total estimated market value will be agreeable with the City Council members. Motion carried unanimously with Arvs Crimsmo absent. Board of Review Minutes - 5/18/87 Motion by Dan elonigen, seconded by Bill Fair, to adjourn the meeting. The meeting adjourned at 9:49 p.m. Respectfully submitted, 4�y A4'491 Gary Anderson City Assessor Council Agenda - 5/26/87 d. Consideration of Granting Approval to a Final Plat for Meadow Oak Fourth Addition. (J.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City staff has met with Mr. Dickman Knutson on two occasions since the last Council meeting. The purpose of our meetings was to work out an equitable solution to the Fourth Addition staging question and to determine whether the Fourth Addition would continue as a PUD. Through our first meeting it was determined that Mr. Knutson had no objection to platting the entire Outlot H. In addition, he felt comfortable in returning to the original grading and drainage plan for the PUD directing again all water to the northerly pond with the exception of area A-3 to the southeast. We made verbal agreements which would take care of all of the loose ends on the previous portions of Meadow Oak and were able to take a fresh look then at the Fourth Addition. On Friday we met with John Badalich to discuss the proposed utility construction. We then followed up with a second meeting with Mr. Knutson on Tuesday afternoon. After much discussion, we reached an agreement which the City staff felt comfortable with and would allow Mr. Knutson to continue with hie project in conformance with his proposed budget and scheduling. The following is the proposed plan. 1. Mr. Knutson Is to return to the original grading plan sending much of the surface water north as was originally proposed. In addition, he is to draft a letter to the Wright County Board requesting discharge of the surface water from area A-3 into a nearby marshy area which eventually leads to Ditch 33. it is hoped that this letter will result in an allowable discharge so that the area of A-3 can be developed or that it will load to a Ditch 33 study that the County has discussed but tabled for many, many months. 2. Mr. Knutson will plat the entire Outlot H as the Fourth Addition with Blocks 1-4, and he will provide the City with all the necessary plans, drawings, specifications, and documentation as originally required in the PUD. 3. The staging of construction within the Fourth Addition will be as follows. Stage 1 A. Street Construction The entire road bed for Meadow Lane will be graded to the west boundary of the plat. The area to the east of the intersection of Red Oak Lane will be paved with curb and gutter. The intersection of Red Oak Lane and the area to Cho west will ME Council Agenda - 5/26/87 be left in subgrade condition somewhat below final grade but elevated above the surrounding low area so that no water will stand on the platted street right-of-way. Temporary blacktop spillways will be built from the end of the curb and gutter on both the north and south sides of Meadow Lane to direct the water to temporarily pond on Lot 1, Block 4, and Lot 8, Block 1. B. Storm Sever No storm sever will be completed with the first phase other than the temporary ponding as mentioned under the street construction portion. C. Sanitary Sever The sanitary sever will be completed along Meadow Oak Lane to the intersection of Red Oak Lane. Construction will include the manhole for access at the intersection of Rod Oak Lane and Meadow Lane. All services east of Red Oak Lane will be installed. D. water The water system shall be completed along Meadow Lane until it can be terminated west of the and of the paved street at a location acceptable to the City Engineer. Stage 1I Stage II will consist of the remainder of construction within the Fourth Addition. It will include all of the grading, streets, water, sower, pathways, and storm sower system draining the Fourth Addition. Much of the storm savor work is located in Outlot I but will be conatructod with the remaining portion of the Fourth Addition and will comply with the original grading and drainage plan. All the necessary documentation, plane and specifications as required in the original PUD will again be provided with the construction of the remaining lots in the Fourth Addition. Stage II construction in the Fourth Addition is expected to start when the inventory of buildable Iota reaches lase than ten. Mr. Knutson expects this to occur in late 1987 or early 1988. 4. It is understood that no other outlots currently under Mr. Knutson's control may be platted by him prior to completion of the Fourth Addition in its entirety and the storm sewer system serving it as outlined above. -2- Council Agenda - 5/26/87 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: i. The first alternative would be to approve the replat of Outlot H with the conditions and development path as outlined in points one through four. 2. The second alternative would be to require Mr. Knutson to complete all of the Fourth Addition at once along with the necessary storm sewer. It is the staff's opinion that this is not financially feasible for Mr. Knutson and may result in a stoppage, at least temporarily, of the development of Meadow Oak. This is not in the beat interest of the developer, as he stands to lose due to continuing interest payments, and the City would have to wait substantially longer to recover those assessments already in arrears on Outlot H. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the staff recommendation that the City Council approve the final plat for Outlot H into the Fourth Addition of Meadow Oak as outlined in Alternative number one and that the conditions there outlined be formally recorded in the minutes and be a permanent part of the approval. This alternative allows the developer to continue and allows the project to continue at least temporarily as a PUD. It addressee the staff -a concerns and brings the Fourth Addition into compliance with the PUD in all areas except in the area of manufactured homes versus custom built homes. It places additional burdens on the developer to work with his neighbor and the County for future planning of the PUD and provides a workable solution. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the Meadow Oak Fourth Addition replat of Outlot H; Copy of the proposed storm cowor drainage oyatcm for the Fourth Addition; Copy of the Ultra Homes, Inc., ealos summary. -3- " _ � �`, (/ ' J .M10 o•d0O .MAO 'a d •.+ 4•' l.- im mw m•.w.n ay �'• ,, •4 M1s m•v m. ,.., 0.0 3 y Pia /• :. 2 �• F %6 .s.. i. 1 ! n.•w•w•� _ �, .i , .y t?11 .ti f- l �n.i ^ 1• , I a 4 1 1 91 i 1,'W'w Op. , ' ,,,.•79'x' y:l• ,1 1 .rr�.g, ►, 111.' w.IS-! ,• :.:;; ,t ; ,I 114.: it 16. a -iu.M_-+ i �' � 1 PO.I�!•-'_ _-, �.'Y:li 1; •'a 11,• �" .RI 1,¢ +, 11{ I�.;. 4, il J ,t 1 r �Oi.M 1 ` 1 ,- , Ill ' .. tl ly 1pr1 14 0 -y, 1 , ! H 10, ,nw•_-ter. =��Is c al /k,,1ta.9':al, - ,1`�•'�lr ! • i�1 yid Q ,' O � '�` II' �I �_-. ,�..,., �' ., i a �: I 1; � .I,'. .- Q�V'P! 1 1 f li _ A �m� ..; :SA p h� ��l'•r Ii ,' '�9i 11 a1 i6 5 GO 1 n�., 6o'' 2 PTO*kOi i ..... .. ..... ....•___."._i__......_ .-a.. ULTRA HOMES, INC M.'Y'r 7 111S 1117 (1$58) ((q$I) -,hictiow Oak IZ .3 —.6 5 IQ _ *Wfti -Oak. oil ,Meade w Usk 61 -Ask- 0 lit it; 4 W, S -1 0 7) I t I I • $.I- -�..int) )SIfir I . Mr. Knutson is to return to the original grading plan sending much of the surface water north as was originally proposed. In addition, he is to draft a letter to the Wright County Board requesting discharge of the surface water from area A-3 into a nearby marshy area which eventually leads to Ditch 33. It is hoped that this letter will result in an allowable discharge so that the area of A-3 can be developed or that it will lead to a Ditch 33 study that the County has discussed but tabled for many, many months. 2. Mr. Knutson will plat the entire Outlot H as the Fourth Addition with Blocks 1-4, and he will provide the City with all the necessary plans, drawings, specifications, and documentation as originally required in the PUD. 3. The staging of conat:uction within the Fourth Addition will be as follows. Stage I A. Street Construction The entire road bed for Meadow Lane will be graded to the vest boundary of the plat. The area to the east of the intersection of Red Oak Lane will be paved with curb and gutter. The intersection of Red Oak Lane and the area to the west will be left in sub -grade condition somewhat below final grade but elevated above the surrounding low area so that no water will stand on the platted street right-of-way. Temporary blacktop spillways will be built from the and of the curb and gutter on both the north and south sides of Meadow Lane to direct the water to temporarily pond on Lot 1, Block 6, and Lot B, Block I. B. Storm Sewer No storm sewer will be completed with the first phase other than the temporary ponding as mentioned under the street construction portion. C. Sanitary Sewer The sanitary sewer will be completed along Meadow Oak Lana to the intersection of Red Oak Lane. Construction will include the manhole for access at the intersection of Red Oak Lane and Meadow Lana. All services east of Red Oak Lane will be installed. D. Water The water system shall be completed along Meadow Lane until it can be terminated vest of the and of the paved street at a location acceptable to the City Engineer. Stage II Stage II will consist of the remainder of construction within the Fourth Addition. It will include all of the grading, streets, water, sever, pathways, and storm sever system draining the Fourth Addition. Much of the storm sever work is located in Outlot I but will be constructed with the remaining portion of the Fourth Addition and will comply with the original grading and drainage plan. All the necessary documentation, plane and specifications as required in the original PUD will again be provided with the construction of the remaining lots in the Fourth Addition. Stage II construction in the Fourth Addition is expected to start when the inventory of buildable lots reaches less than ten. Mr. Knutson expects this to occur in late 1987 or early 1988. d. It is understood that no other outlets currently under Mr. Knutson's control may be platted by him prior to completion of the Fourth Addition in its entirety and the storm sever system serving it as outlined above. CITY OF MOMCELLO 9n..Iimols Public Works Director Dickman Knutson 9 Council Agenda - 5/26/87 5. Consideration of Change Order No. 1 to Construction 5 Improvement Project. (J.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: During construction of the storm sewer along Washington Street, further field investigation revealed problems with the proposed inlets to an existing storm sewer manhole at the intersection of Washington Street and Lauring Lane. The existing manhole is of a "T" type design and does not yield itself readily to the incorporation of additional ports for storm sewer use. The City Engineer has determined that an additional manhole is needed approximately eight feet in diameter located approximately 30 feet south of the existing manhole. The original proposed inlets to the existing manhole could be easily relocated to the new manhole without additional cost. There is, however, additional coat in the manhole itself. The City Engineer has negotiated a price of $3,600 for the addition of thin storm sewer manhole. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would be to approve Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $3,600 and add the proposed additional manhole. C2. The second alternative would be to continue with the project and construct the manhole inlets as originally planned. As indicated earlier, this does not appear to be practical, as that type of construction does not lend itself well to the addition of the inlets. [1 C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Public Works Director that you approve Change Order No. 1 as outlined in alternative number one for $3,600. There are ample contingency funds in the project to cover this change order at this time. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the change order and drawing. -4- ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON & ASSOCIATES, INC. 2021 E. HENNEPIN AVE. - SUITE 238 MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. 55413 CHANGE ORDER NO. ...NO.. .1 ... Construction 5/ s. 3,600.A0......... RE: WAril(19-44(10... City Project No. 86-7 .S.A.L.EAMAtiog...IPC .................... Contractor Ap. SO40. Hwy.. 10 ........................... .St.. Cloud..W. 56301 ......................... Dear Sir (a) Under your contra" dated .401—V ...................................... Is. 87. witb the.Ci.ty. of.Bonticello.. Minnesota ........................ On -net for ............. . Construction .5/..Laur.i.ng.LAne..rity.P,r.piect..No..aO-:7 ............................. we are authorized by the owner to hereby direct you .to . construct. an.8.*:-.Q ................ diameter manhole at the location shown on the attached drawing ..... I .................................... I ................................................. . and. relocated. the. prciposO ........................................ .............................................................................. I ............. .............................. I ..... I ....................................................... ........................................... ................................................ suad to add to (40ftqVft" the contract. In accordance with contract and gpecifteadosi, the am of Three, Thousand. $1.);. Hundred. 7..-..- AM/ Dolla. "sets win be an exten-lon of .. zero......, days for comisletka. Tile date of comipliation of contract was -.8/31 is . 87 and now ww be is .87 A~* of 91101881 COMIMI TealAdditions total Dooluctletts coal'act to Date $280.436.60 I $3,600.00 I zero $284,036.60 Approved .......................... 10.... Rexpwtfully Submitted. ................. ............ Deno.............. OWS 04ELEN-MAYEtON Appoved.......................... 19 .... ........................................... . .... com'sclo, - rDNC Piro EDGE Of EXISTINO-7 BITUMINOUS C K.aNC, E a►c0E✓t N40.1 'P�ew+oJe. G&' 1=L.A"0 ENO St[TI A►JTj Cc�N"ST`0.�.aC.T Qje�0u j:11K1. F'►'iv4n1 tivLE . L.�sG.NIT�:- VY1.K. G'toCStt� OF C.utt{jr � RECONSTRUCT EXISTING STM. M.H. PROM El. 936.0 TO MATCH PAVEMENT AS LUMP SUM BID ITEM IIA. LIMITS OF BITUMINOUS REMOVAL LIGHT POLE (MOVE BY OTHERSI- �G $IB C 6 0 of STA.O-IS LT SIDE V PJ -ITUMINOUS SHOULDEP.CX20' ANNEL-WATER TO CATCH BAS NG AT P.C. STA. 0 1 / EXISTING SITUM US 00 yo J e 2a QHS. a 5 b PROVIDE OPENING IN M.H. 1 POR FUTURE 30" PIPE 8 BULKHEAD AT MANHO,LE. i 11 1 Y t -' 1 1 OUTLOT A t t \ CUDOTt G •60°063 R • 367,82* L • 386.09 Drglp f1I4 Cm.Ir. 11M. •dr.r hr t �_ ORR 6CNELETi • MAYEROPV '5541.00 C��- �r�+ 4ABWOCIAT:CB.ING Mtr rur ywtr�. wr • wrrr ra t . y t L„��{M1/t� i/"�f�i/L.����^ti'r /,���..� I ghost M0. 0 rmuwr n, rmn/lu wu • YU1 m MM /^\ ,r� I S & L EXCAVATING, INC. 800 South Hwy. 10 ST. CLOUD. MPt 66301 (612) 251.9230 TO O.S./K . ATT.✓s CHARLES J.EPArI; ee�o21 r��f(146 w AVE Zaire 23p II We hereby agree to make the Change (a) specified below: 9G �r /K,4. G+M ?L, ETF- -ly—�—/,� F CHANGE ORDER Number LAw,AWC LAi✓/s /C,.,s TA&e-7* ✓-r_ �jZoA/TieE�IG .IrV`� laielw° .-CT -0 I G.rf O/ UUiwtl CW+iYCT 1 R -E C_E-I V D Ct.' n,,HLLLN•fAAI......: ASSOC. CC%k.u. no td AY -J-4-4987 f—ru NOTE: This Change Order becomes pan of and In conformance with the existing contract. WE AGREE hereby to make the Change (a) specified above at this price 0 $ 3Lea,l one PREVIOUS CONTRACT AMOUNT s I .nwi l •� •tl rte° , REVISED CONTRACT TOTAL $ ' -CEPTED — The above prices and opociflcatlons of Change Order are satisfactory and are hereby ac• Date of acceptancr� tooted. All work to be performed under same forms and conditions as specified in original Contract unless other- Signature wino stipulated. 1OWY6°' r S Council Agenda - 5/26/87 6. Consideration of Authorizing OSM to Prepare Plane for the Realignment of Otter Creek Road and for the Expansion of the Municipal Liquor Store Parking Lot. O .S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Otter Creek Road At a previous meeting, the City Council discussed the realignment of Otter Creek Road with Mr. Tom Holthaus, developer of Charlie's West property. At that time, Mr. Holthaus agreed to pay for one-half of the cost of realigning Otter Creek Road and 100 percent of the cost for the right turn lane leading to his store from County Road 75. Chuck Lepak from Orr-Schelen-Mayeron has done an estimate, including realignment of Otter Creek, Mr. Holthaus's right turn lane, and extending the right turn lane from Mr. Holthaus's driveway to Otter Creek Road. A copy is enclosed for your review. Based upon the estimate, we expect the total project cost to be in the area of $18,300. we expect the City's share to be somewhere around $8,650, and Mr. Holthaus's share around 59,650 depending upon actual bids and final quantity. To proceed with the project, we request that the City Council authorize preparation of plane and specifications and advertisement for bids to be reviewed at a later meeting. Municipal Liquor Store Parkinq Lot The City has discussed renovations in the area of the Municipal Liquor Store for soma time. The parking lot does not lend itself well to camper trailer or pick-up trailer combinations. It is proposed that we about double the size of the existing parking lot and provide camper/trailer parking, and in addition that we install new lighting for the parking lot and building and install a now sign. It seems logical to combine the liquor store parking lot with the Otter Creek project to achieve better bid prices. The actual signing and lighting could be done through a local contractor. The parking lot construction is estimated to coat in the area of 426,000, including the necessary engineering. we would request that OSM do the initial design setting the grades for the curb and surface, and the City would do much of the inspection on the project. In addition, we could have the water sprinkler service relocated and the storm sower put in through a local contractor. An estimate of the coat in enclosed for your review. The lighting system could cost in the area of 45,000 to $7,000 depending upon how much work is required. we have soma initial estimates that indicate it could be in this range. we would do the lighting, of course, through a local contractor rather than as part of the parking lot bid. It is possible that the sign construction could be rolled in with the sign for City Hall at a future date. -5- Council Agenda - 5/26/87 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would be to authorize plane and specifications to be drawn for both projects, authorize review by the City staff, and then advertisement for bide to be reviewed by the Council at a later date. 2. The second alternative would be to delete the liquor store project at this time and do additional study and/or planning. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the staff recommendation that the Council authorize the preparation of plana and specifications, review, and advertisement for bids as outlined in alternative number one. we would then continue with our lighting plana and sign plane to work concurrently with the construction. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of estimate from OSM for Otter Creek; Copy of "E221h sketch" of municipal parking lot and estimated cost. -6- MUNICIPAL PARKING LOT EXPANSION AT LIQUOR STORE Blacktop Removal 5 1,000 Grading 2,500 CB Adjust 100 Storm Sever 2,000 Relocate Water Service 300 B6-18 Curb 3,300 Blacktop 25° 11,500 Claes V 3,000 523,700 Engineering 2,370 $26,070 Lights $5,000 to 57,000 Sign 510,000 01 ORR•SCHEIEN•MAYERON BASSOCIATES, INC. Gn"a .•h r; [n(1inccrs Division of Kidde Consultants, Inc. iuvols OTTER CREEK ROAD REALIGNMENT MONTICELLO. MINNESOTA MAY 20, 1987 COST ESTIMATE ( Grading and Mobilization Remove Bituminous: Aggregate, Class 5: Pavement, Bituminous: Turf Restoration: Lump Sum - S 2,000.00 600 S.Y. x $2.00 - 1,200.00 300 Tons x $6.00 a 1,800.00 300 Tons x $30.00 9,000.00 Lump Sum • 1,000.00 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST Basic Engineering Services Construction Engineering Services TOTAL PROJECT COST $15,000.00 1,650.00 1,650.00 $18,300.00 i i '),I /a, r` 011 , , , ".•vt , ,t . S . ..: , C •nuu_ w76 ,:1.- Y , ' ' Of Pi N 'AGCR[SS•• �Ii:iR�.!''%15; 1' t• ,. :I •PERMITtAIMER ,.,�fl: .I�. It•'��:?•.li,`..,•i �.• :CRIPTION :;LOT" ••�"I CLOCK ACDITtOti :0. £T. Or 311 C AREA SO. FT. OF AFEA OCCIPiED OY GUI LCIN.G ' �/�; •'• rte NS1:t.XTION9 M APPLICANT TM10 rORN NCCD NOT OE•U3ED WHEN PLOT PLANS -DRAWN TO 3CALC ARE rILCO WITH THE PERMIT APPLIC.T1a.. ON MCV OU/La1142. PROV IDC THC ToLLOVINe INrORMATiaNl LOCATION Or PROP03CO CCNSTRUCTIOM AND Cx ISTI,H3 I NPRO VCNCNT3. SHOW OUILOINC SITE AND SMACK OIMEN31ON3. SHOW CA3MENT3, PIHISN CONTOURS OR L�AIHp;E, •'IR3T rLOON CLCVATION 3.'STACCT ELEVATION ANO 3CVCR ELEVATION. SHOW LOCATION Cr WATLR, SCVCH# CAS. ""0 ELCCTR IC AL aCRY ICE LINED. SHOW LOCATIONS Or SURVEY PINS" 3PCCIIY THE USC Or CACH OUILOINC .NO EACH MAJOR rOATlON ~TN[REO/♦ �, MOICATE NORTH IN CIRCLEY EACH GRAPH 'ZUARE MALS IOt.O" CY 101-0" l: V11. a.3l.lY Ih.t tTif Wc�IARO CL•sNI,YCL3R wa1 gRt."tIN1 tp IM eiNWRFDM • W rt {ht'wn k.'xi Aa101R.1 rA aRar�.I n.;, T+f �t,A,;t w,;R„'si tGTtaatam,q c. �rc,Y.L ,� _ �)J Z5 .J '%Aw/..a7Q7EaTpRt i.............fisi............................ (reA em use onr) ,: �...o,� A►►ICTCD 05'x,==.,.._�-�.=.�..s.=� .� _ t, Council Agenda - 5/26/87 7. Liquor Store Report - let Quarter. (R.W.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Enclosed with the agenda you will find a copy of the first quarter liquor store financial statement comparing 1987 with 1986. Nr. Joe Hartman will be in attendance at the meeting to answer any questions you may have in regards to the operations. In reviewing the statements, you will notice that the sales for the first quarter increased approximately $15,700 over the same period last year, or W. percent higher. The gross profit percentage was also up approximately 45 percent over last year, resulting in a gross profit of $42,228. Operating expenditures remained almost the same for the first quarter as last year resulting in an operating income increase of $1,728 to a total of $9,642. The operating income increased approximately 21 percent over the same period last year. Overall, the gross profit percentages appear reasonable with a 21 percent gross profit on sales, which is in the target area for our store. Typically, the first quarter does not show a great amount of operating income, whereas the majority of the income produced by the liquor store occurs in the second and third quarters. No action is necessary by the Council other than review of the report /l as presented. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the first quarter financial report. -7- � J MONTICELLO MUNICIPAL LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET - MUNICIPAL LIQUOR STORE MARCH 31. 2987 ANp 1986 ........................................ c....vv....s.cv.a...ae....c..a...c...c...................................................... ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS CASH IN DANA - CHECKING CHANGE FUND INVEST MENTB 1 ACCOUNTS R'CCES VADLE NSF CHECK - RECEIVABLE INVENT ORTE9 PREPAID INSURANCE TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS PROPERTY AND EOUIPMCNT LANG BUILDINGS AND IMPROVEMENTS C PARKING LOT • FURNI LURE AND FIXTURCS -IY ACCUM. DEPR. - PAFAINO LO7 ACCUM DEPR-FURNITURE • FIXTURE ACCUM. DEPR. - DUILDINO9 Ni TOTAL PROPERTY AND COUIPMENI TOTAL ASSETS �yC i 1� FY 8 1 51.211.28 1.000.00 443.412.91 .00 172.72 103.666.41 11.782.09 • 613.245.31 • 25.996.36 1.000.00 333.77:.22 1.237.36 51.36 99.433.03 9.124.66 ______________ • 470.616.99 6.839.95 • 6.139.95 151.671.04 151.671.0• .45015.50 5.54815.5301 (6.0. 00 78300 5 U 5.954.167 (40.564.481 (42.496.25) (30.366.751 -------------- • 130.253.39 0 140.190.57 ------------6 74 - I 4•• L MONTICELLO MUNICIPAL LIOUOR BALANCE SHEET MUNICIPAL LIQUOR STORE .................................................................................s.................................. MARCH 31. 1987 AND 1986 LIABILITIES AND EQUITY CURRENT LIABILITIES ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 6 36.233.72 • 28.567.29 LIQUOR SALES I % 19.069.00) .00 ACCRUED SICK LEAVE • VACATIONS 603.32 603.52 PAYROLL U/H - STATE .00 110.00 PAYROLL U/H - FEDERAL .00 305.00 SALARIES PAYABLE 1.027.53 1.370.33 PAYROLL Y/H - FICA 91.65 2.5,60 PAYROLL U/H - PERA 151.07 120.06 BALES 1A% PAYABLE 16.868.62 5.016.68 0 TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES -------------- • -------------- 66.690.11 • 37.616.26 pap �B LONG-TERM LIABILITIES -------------- • TOTAL LONG-IERM LIABILITIES • �R TOTAL LIABIL17JES p "U117 RETAINED EARNINGS • 603.356.00 REVENUES OVER C%PENDI7URCS -----15_656 9 I DIAL EOUIIY I TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY 1 L C� J .00 66.690.11 -------------- 00 637.616 26 6 560.157.11 --_--13_236.19 690_800_59 6 573.391.30 • 763.690.70 • 610.807.56 1 I ) C .J V J a ti - MON710ELLO MUNICIPAL LIQUOR REVENUE AND EXPENSES -;� MUNICIPAL LIQUOR STORE l ........................................... ....v.............n...........................c......s....cc............nc......................n...........................c.ecncv FOF iNE THREE MON1H5 ENDED MARCH 31. 1907 AND 1986 CURRENT-PERIOD CUR-PD YEAR-TO-DATE Y-7-D SAME-PD-LST-YR PD-LYR Y-1-D-LST-YR YTD-LY AMOUNT RATIO AMOUNT RATIO AMOUNT RATIO AMOUNT RAT ICI SALES L IOUOR • 60.676.92 30.20 • 60.676.92 30.20 • 57.101.75 30.83 • 57.101.73 30.83 BE 110.388.99 54.95 110.388.99 54.95 97.501.40 2.65 97.501.40 2.65 .1 WINE 24.729.84 12.31 24.729.84 12.31 24.455.59 1].21 24.455.59 13.21 ' OTHER MDSE 5.416.18 2.70 5.416.18 2.70 4.867.10 2.63 4.867.10 2.63 MISC. NON-IAXADLE SALES 1..37.30 .91 1.837.30 .91 .232.41 ^(778.19) 1.21 .232.e1 1.21 DEPOSITS AND REFUNDS (1.765.45) (.68) (1.765.45) 1.88) (.42) (778.19) 1.42) .) BOTTLE DEPOSII - MIS 32.27 .02 32.27 .02 41.66 .02 41.66 .02 DISCOUN76 (424.55) 1.21) (424.55) (.21) (227.03) 1.121 (227.03) (.12) )� TOTAL SALES • 200.891.50 100.00 6 200.891.50 300.00 • 185.194.69 100.01 • 105.194.69 100.01 -) COST OF GOODS BOLD • (158.663.35) (7B.98)• (158.663.35) (78.98) • (144.801.35) (78.19)6 (144.803.35) (76.19) ---_40.391.34 • GROSS PROFIT • 42.220.15 21.0. • 4_r-^0.15 _1.0_ • 40.191.34 _1.02 • 21.82 • GENERAL AND ADIM. EXPENSES 1 ')5 PERSONAL SERVICES SALARIES. REGULAR • 16.525.36 8.23 • 16.525.36 0.23 • 17.746.64 7.42 • 13.746.64 7.42 ) a PERA 499.27 .25 499._7 .25 433.9. .23 437.90 .21 INSURANCE. MEDICAL AND LIFE 065.82 .4B 965.02 .48 704.61 .4- s 794.61 SOCIAL SECURITY 996.06 _____________ .50 996.08 .50 675.63 .36 67^.63 .36 -) IOTAL PCROCINAL SERVICES • 10.906.53 --- ___ 9.46 • IB.986.t;3 ------ 9.46 • _..____--- __ 1^.6^0.06 ------ 0.44 • _____� _--___ 1^.150.86 __--43 0.44 SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLI-6 • 90.46 .05 • 00.46 .05 • 226.06 .1. • 226.06 .12 • 4 OCNCRAL OPERATIN. £UPPL.E. Ir1I1.82 ------ ------- .55 ------ 1.111.02 .55 1.245.70 .67 1.245.79 .67 TOIAL SUPPLIES • 1.210.28 .60 • _________••-- 1.210..8 ------ .60 • -------••.-_, 1.472.65 _-____ .79 • ....... --:._, 1.47^.6^ _..--- .19 _ I ) C .J V J a ti �1 01 - MONTICELLO MUNICIPAL LIQUOR REVENUE AND EXPENSES MUNICIPAL LIQUOR STORE ..marrasssr.:ua«aso.s.wo.mo.wsu.«r.oae..a.emm.s..oawssaw.«.a.«awoss.a«.«ras..ewa.esaaaa«vwa.ress...sas. FOR TME THREE NONTHB ENDED MARCH 31. 1907 AND 1986 ssssre.e.sa t..1 CURRENT -PERIOD CUR -PD YEAR -TO -LATE Y -i -D SAME -PD -LST -YR PD-LYR Y -T -D -LST -YR YTD -LY AMOUNT RATIO AMOUNT RATIO AMOUNT RATIO !MOUNT RATIO OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES GES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES (AUDIT) • 33C.00 .16 • 330.00 .16 6 379.00 0 6 379.00 .20 COMMUNICATION 215.21 .21 215.21 .11 121.54 .07 321.54 .07 r1 TRAVEL -CONFERENCE -SCHOOLS 184.20 .09 104.20 .09 170.80 .09 170.80 .09 ADVERT18IN0 523.00 .26 523.00 .26 310.00 .17 330.00 .17 INSURANCE. GENERAL 3,341.38 1.66 3.341.38 1.66 ✓.447.03 2.94 3.447.03 2.94 UTILITIES• ELECTRICAL 1.517.37 .76 1.517.37 .76 1.375.63 .74 1,375.65 .74 -1 UTILITIES, MEATI NO 440.71 .22 440.71 .22 1.404.28 .76 1.404.2.13 .76 UT ILI TIER. S S Y 59.92 .03 59.92 .03 52.0@ ,OS 52.00 .03 -T� MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 2.021.48 1.40 2.821.48 1.40 1.884.00 1.92 1.004.00 1.02 EQUIPMENT 192.70 .10 192.70 .10 1.144.00 .62 2.144.00 .62 DUES. MEMBERSHIP. SUBSCRIPTION 10.00 .00 10.00 +00 .00 .00 .00 .00 -) +" GARBAGE 400.50 .20 490,50 .20 274.50 .15 274,50 .15 . 1, ACQUIRED - ACQUIRED ASSETS 2.352.01 1.17 2.352.01 1.17 1.37 - 5.8.30 -__••__�•-_-- 1.37 ------ TOTAL OTHER SERVICES S CHARSES6 -----------•• 12,389.28 ------ 6.16 6 ------------- 12.389.28 ---••_ 6.16 ------------- 6 15.091.26 ------ 6.16 6 13.091.26 0.16 l DEBTSERVICE INTER EBT • .00 247.50 .13 f 247.50 .13 1� >) PAYING AGENT FEES .00 .00 .00 .00 S4,B5 .01 14.85 ---•�--«0:.35 .03 ---.I4 TOTAL DEBT SERVICES • ---�------.Otl ---.00 • _--•----_-.00 •.00 f l--.«--262.33 +_-.14 f l� TOTAL GENERAL S ADIM. EXPENSES! 09 16«22 • 09 f -17.53 6 -_--32_477.12 -17.53 l TOTAL OPERATING INCOME • _--`32.586 9,642.06 - 4.00 • `-32-506 ------------ 9.642.06 -16.22 4.80 ^---32^_477.12 6 7.914.22 4.29 6 7,914.22 4.29 OTHER INCOME (EXPENSCW 1 �f INTEREST INCOME 6 5,652.51 2.01 6 5.632.51 2.81 6 5.234.75 2.03 • 5.234.75 2.03 OTHER 3xCONC 98.79 .OS 98.79 .03 80.51 +OS 89,53 .05 CASH 1-0X0/SHOR7 61."3 ------ ----- .03 --- - 61.23 ------- --` - .03 ...... --- 14.291 - - ••5.319.97 ( 001 ...... (4.29) ------ -- (.00) ------ .� TOTAL OTHER INCOME tEXPENSCS) i 5.822.53 2.89 f 3.812.53 2.89 6 2.08 f 5.319.97 2.08 _...__-..-... ...... ............. ...... .-__•-------- "---- __-......._... ..__... ` NET INCOME 4 13,454.59 ............. 7.69 4 .uu. 15,654.59 ............. 7.69 ...... f ............. 13.234.29 7.17 6 ...s.. 13.234.19 .......uuo.. T.17 v .o«.. �1 01 7 pa J .J J MONTICELLO MUNICIPAL LIQUOR Pesa 1 GROSS PROFIT BY PRODUCT SOLD .,...ww...w......................................................w....w..............................w....w.......................... For the Period 01/01/67 to 03/31/87 Current - Period Year - to - Det4 Sere -Period -Last -Yr Year -to -Date -Lest -Yr Amount Y Amount Z Amount Y Amount 2 + LIQUOR SALES 6 60+676.92 100.70 6 60.676.92 100.70 6 57.101.75 100.40 6 57.101.75 100.40 DISCOUNTS t 424.55) t .70) < 424.55) < .70) t 227.03! t .40) t 227.03) < .40) COST OF SALES - LIQUOR 78.18 04 78.18 ----43.945`46 ------ 77.27 ------------------- 43.945.48 77.27 ------ GROSS PROFIT -« • -47.107.04 �__�'--- 13.145.33 ��-_'_ ---_47_107 21.82 s 13.145.33 21.02 6 12.929.24 22.73 • 12.929.24 22.73 ............. ...... ............• ...... ............. ...... ............. ...... BEER SALES 130.388.99 101.63 110.308.99 101.63 97,501.40 100.80 97.501.40 100.80 DEPOSITS AND REFUNDS f I.765.45) l 1.63) 4 1.765.45) ( 1.63) f 778.19) f .80) f 778.19) t .80) COST OF BALES - SEER««- 86_057 69 79.96 06.837.69 79.96 80.44 37 80.44 «-- -_-«77.003.37 ~20.04 --.-77,903 GROSS PROFIT • 21.765.05 20.04 • 21.765.85 ♦ 18,919.04 -9.5- ♦ Q............. ...... ............. ...... ............. ...... .^'..0.9199.04 .19. WINE SALES .. 2472984 . 10000 24,72984 . . 10000 «4.455. �59 100,00 ^.4.453.59 100.00 + COST OF SALES - WINE 71.10 71.10 --_.«-..._--«- 15.084.15 63.72 --- ...-- - 63.72 ------ GROSS PROFIT -«--17.603.50 • ...-. 7.126.26 ...--.. __--17_607--0 28.02 • 7.126.26 ..-..«_ 20.02 ♦ 8.871.44 36.28 4 0.071.44 36.20 j............. ...... ............. w..... ............. ...... ............. ...... .OTHER BALES 5.416.18 99.41 5.416.18 99.41 4.067.10 99.15 4,867,10 99.15 BOTTLE DEPOSIT - MISC 32.27 .59 32.27 .59 41.66 .85 41.66 .05 COOT OF OALE8 - OTHER 1.31 4,430-36 36 1.31 +10.69 4,996.53 - - Sol0.4: ------ GROSS PROFIT • 1.018.09 «18.69 • 1.018.09 6l 77.77! l 1158)•( 77.77 77.77) t 1.50) .w.o....0 .. .•. .. .8.... .... . .77... .....0. .r...r.. .91.59 to loc.. NON-TAXADLE SALES COS MISC. NOW TAXABLE 1.037.30 1.560.30 100.00 85.30 1.837.30 1.568.30 (00.00 85.36 1111.. ---.-...---'•- 2.«32.41 1.442.45 100.00 64.6) ------ _1111_..---•-- 2,232.41 1.412.45 100.00 64.61 -«..39 GROSS PROFIT 1111..--•---- • 260.92 -----,. ..--1111«..«-_«. 14.64 • 260.92 14.64 6 ............. 709.96 35.39 • ....w. ............. 709.96 35.39 ...... TOTAL SALES ............. 201.03.70 ...... ............. 955.41 201.«03.70 ...... M.41 185.380.06 304.03 105.380.06 304.03 TOTAL COST OF SALES 158.663.35 635.68 150.663.33 635.60 144,003.35 486.41 ---------------«--- 144,803.35 406.41 ------ TOTAL GROSS PROFIT ----- 6 -------- 42.620.43 --------------«---- 319.73 6 42.620.43 ------------------- 319.73 6 40.576.71 817.62 s 40.576.71 017.62 «� V ............. ...... ............. ...... ............. ...... ............. ...... f Y 7 pa J .J J Council Agenda - 5/26/87 8. Consideration of Granting a Conditional Use for Minor Auto Repair in a B-4 Zone. Applicant, Jim Eisele. (G.A.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Mr. James Eisele is proposing to purchase the old metal building on the next lot near the northwest corner of our new Monticello Fire Station lot. The type of use Mr. Eisele is proposing for this building, once it is completely resided and reroofed to make it look similar to the new Monticello Fire Station and is more conforming to the residential properties around it, is to park and store old vehicles which he plans to restore. With the current zoning which exists on this parcel of land, B-4 (Regional Business), the only way this type of activity could be allowed would be as a conditional use. A copy of the conditions for this type of activity is submitted with this supplement. The use of the building for Mr. Eisele's minor auto repair will be very incidental in nature in that Mr. Eisele will only be working there when he has the time, and it won't be a full-fledged business that he will be operating there at this time. Mr. Eisele might. sometime in the future, establish a small business here refurbishing/restoring vehicles. When and if it does come to thls point, Mr. Eisele would not like to run into any problems if he would go into a full-fledged small business at this location. Mr. Eisele fully intends to clean up the site and make it more similar in appearance to what is existing there, our new Monticello Fire Station and existing residences. Mr. Eisele stopped by with another proposal in which he would like to demolish the existing building and place a now structure in back of this existing building. If allowed to demolish the existing structure and place a now structure on the lot, he would than have a place for off-street parking and would also pull the new building back further on the lot away from 5% Street and asks better use of the entire lot. As part of this request, he would like to be allowed to leave the existing slab for the existing building for the time being; and sometime in the future he would like to completely remove the slab and existing severely inclined driveway and replace it with a new slab and parking lot. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the conditional use request to allow minor auto repair In a B-4 (Regional Business) Zone. 2. Deny the conditional use request to allow minor auto repair in a B-4 (Regional Business) zone. -B- C C Council Agenda - 5/26/87 C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the conditional use request to allow minor auto repair in a B-4 (Regional Business) Zone. Staff would also consider opting to go with Mr. Eisele -s second proposal to demolish the existing building and build a new one. Staff also recognizes a variance from one of the conditions in the conditional use request in that the lot does not have 100 feet of lot frontage. Mr. Eisele will be cleaning up a blighted area, and with the type of use Mr. Eisele is proposing for this property, it would be of a lesser density type use in that it would blend more with the residential use which is adjacent to this. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the location of the conditional use request; Copy of the site plan; Copy of the conditions with the conditional use request; Copy of Mr. Eisele -s new proposed demolition and new construction use of this property. -g. r ' CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY FOR JIM EISELE DENOTES0 IRON MONUMENT SET }5 I A • RON MONUMENT FOUND I NORTH HALF OF LOT 1. BLOCK 12. / MONT/CEL LO, /. WR/GM! COUNTY, MINNESOTA. — - - -- - - - +Ra PREPARED Ia our . &.. '(E•rff Ar Two SUWVEV. 0-4N OR /IES' I"----- -- Br N[ OR t/mER Yr WOfCr lUPERNSI� \ TAYLOR LAND SURVEYORS INC, AND rwr MMISTERED FO SLPVDOR uwI 230 wwr BROq my. P.O. BOX IT9 THE ILA" OT THE STATE Or 1YINNESOTn, MONTICELLO. MWAI SOM 33362 • i' / PwME • ( 612 ) 293.3388 m loo fDom •• \ OT1M19 v. rArIDRrT R('O NO If DOTE uwr r ' uu.u� .. � r.�..w 1 ru•�2_w 1 Nrf I u.I NM � •w w 9. At the boundaries of a residential district, a strip of not less than five (5) feet shall be landscaped and screened in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2 EG) of this Ordinance. 10. Each light standard landscaped. 11. Parking or car magazine storage space shall be screened from view of abutting residential districts in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2 (G) of this Ordinance. 12. Vehicular access points shall create a minimum of conflict with through traffic movement, shall comply with Chapter 3, Section 5 of this Ordinance and shall be subject to the approval of the City Engineer. 13. All signing and informational or visual communication devices shall be minimized tand shall be in compliance with Chapter 3,Saction 9 of this Ordinance. 16. Provisions are made to control and reduce noise. 15. No outside storage except as allowed in, compliance with Chapter 13, Section 6 of this ordinance. 16. Sale of products other than those specifically mentioned in Chapter 13, Section a be subject to a conditional use permit and beirn'.compliance with Chapter 13, Section a (P) of this ordinance. 17. All conditions pertaining to a specific site are subject to change when the Council, upon investigation in relation to a formal request, finds that the general welfare and public betterment can be served as well or better by modifying the conditions. 18. The provisions of Chapter 22 of this Ordinance are considered and satisfactorily met. ( ED] Motor Fuel station, auto repair -minor and tire and battery stores and service provided that: 1. Regardless of whether the dispensing, sale or offering for sale of motor fuels and/or oil is incidental to the conduct of the use or business, the standards and requirements imposed by this Ordinance for motor fuel stations shall apply: These standards and requirements are, however, in addition to other requirements which are imposed for other uses of the property. 2. The architectural appearance and functional plan of the building and site shall not be so dissimilar to the existing buildings or area as to cause impairment in property values or constitute a blighting influence within a reasonable distance of the lot. 3. The entire site other than that taken up by a building, structure or plantings shall be surfaced with a material to control dust and drainage which is subject to the approval of the City Engineer. a. A minimum lot area of twenty-two thousand five hundred (22,500) square feet and minimum lot dimensions of one hundred fifty (150) feet by one hundred thirty (130) feet. 5. A drainage system subject to the approval of the City Engineer shall be installed. 6. A curb not less than six (6) inches above grade shall separate the public sidewalk from motor vehicle service areas. 7. The lighting shall be accomplished in "9 uch a way as to have no direct source of light visible from adjacent land in residential use or from the public right-of-way and shall be in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2 (H1 of this Ordinance. S. wherever fuel pumps are to be installed. pump islands shall be installed. ~_' �____-_-----..�T='�_-rte_.-,� `_-:'-- - .... •. _--==--•� -_ — — -._.._�_ cm I �z L � M 1 r FRONT §-7LC-VAT/ON c 1 ' - c pq ;N �i vRsiDN 40 fr QNS %L� 'M-O Z-D' i•D• ?\ CkN ti I �4 t't7• nS MALT SNINI+R x114• ffyT QU-r. ROOF YEOTVnL ItE. MgMU/OCT0U0 3W109 ern MSUL ancm no+rcn z0 15'a, TY -L ••'tyP5UM MAIM "� Sid Rei" sari> Iz• wr utr�t. ,.� (n/e • Taft • r • tyawa noArta ---({ RID INSLUL, Gtl"tK Vpf • oc VY O *14MM YLi Q VOL ` J 8' O'C nLw k .......... +•mML S4PC W1 REw.L.1. •O WLLMI CRC SECTION <i.�y tJ7 '+r f!} ��\�. �7 O. � � H � �„� �i rB � Council Agenda - 5/26/87 9. Consideration of Traffic Study on West County Road 39 from Elm Street to I-94. W .S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: I have been informed that Paul Ditty intends to petition the City Council at Tuesday evenings meeting to perform another traffic study of West County Road 39 in hopes of lowering the existing 40 mph speed limit. As you may recall, at the request of Mrs. Marilyn Fria and Leo Maser, the City asked the County to perform a traffic study of this section of road in September of 1984. That traffic study was performed, and ultimately the Minnesota Department of Transportation authorized the entire stretch of road to be zoned for 40 mph. The City then petitioned the County for a major widening of this road and the addition of bicycle path type shoulders to make this a much safer road. The County concurred with our request, and the project is now under construction. The construction project was designed to state aid standards and a portion of the funding is coming through the State Aid Agency. The road, as designed, meats the requirements of a 40 mph roadway design. The City decided not to assess any of the cost of construction except for a small portion of curb and gutter to the residents. The entire City share is coming from ad valorem taxes. l� It is my opinion as Public Works Director that a traffic study in the middle of a construction project would be useless to say the least. I spoke with Mr. Dave Montebello, the County Project Engineer who initiated the last traffic study, and his opinion was the same. If a traffic study is to be again performed in this area, it should wait until the construction in complete and the traffic flow and patterns are back to normal. At that time and only that time can the traffic speeds, right and left turns, and pedestrian safety be determined. The construction is due to be completed by the and of the summer. If the Council so chooses to authorize or petition the County for a traffic study, such a petition could be sent in now. But it should be worded in such a way as to request the study at the completion of the project after normal traffic patterns have returned. There has been an increase in the number of living units along this section of highway, but it Is doubtful that this factor, when weighed against the now design of the roadway, would ultimately result in a speed reduction loss than 40 mph in this area. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would be to request now that the County perform a traffic study on West County Road 39 after the completion of the project and traffic patterns have returned to normal. -10- Council Agenda - 5/26/87 2. The second alternative would be to deny the petition for the traffic study. 3. The third alternative would be to table the consideration of a traffic study until after completion of the project, traffic patterns have returned to normal, and property owners still feel strongly about a speed reduction. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Having not seen the petition at the time of the drafting of this agenda supplement, as Public Works Director,I have the following two recommendations. If the petition has a significant portion of the residents along West County Road 39 between Elm Street and I-94 as signators, my recommendation would be to opt for alternative number one. If the petition has only a few signatures on it. I would recommend the Council opt for alternative number three and wait until the project is completed. Traffic studies of this type, as well as engineering review, spend taxpayers dollars. They should not be entered into at the whim of one or two unhappy citizens without ample justification. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the petition from Paul Ditty. Sum MI 7.1981 Yf 111, UINIURSIGNto NISIIIFNIR 16 7110 0171 LIF AUN11f.I1L11 MO. FIIIU LIVI II! Illi. ANIAS IIDRIII AIIU SUUIII UI' VLSI I.UUfliI RD-39 111"I III III UUI SI 1111. C111 III MUNI ICLLLU 111 AGGRLSSIVFL,' PURS11L III I 1111. Hllllilll CIIlINl1 IIIIiIIYf• DI.PAIIIMIUI 6 IIIL YR (Gill CUUI117 IIIGIIYA' I ll1i1 IN IR A". YAINC 1IIILALSUT. OUR Nf LO IUP UUUIII I. 11LLUY 110 1A56IIIG I IIILU AIN A IHIRII M111 PIR hill"" ',Pf I U I.IAt, UN YE SI C'ON[I "D. 39 DLIYELN IIIL 194 U:'I Itl`A'�. l41U IIM SIRlll. 11115 If1UU1'il IS IT CLSSARI DUL IU 1111: IIUIIDLFI OF ALL 111L1114 MR) NEAR MISSES CAUSID UI 1.x L1551VL SPIIU AIIU IA'.'i 1111) IIT I1IIli SIRI ILII OF RUAU.7111 AMOUNT UI' IRA" It: UN 11115 ARIA 111 YI til 1.1 A1NILf RU.39 INS JIICRIA51U )III. 111 IIIE NUMBLR 111 RI '. I UI 11111A ANU MITI III LI ()Yl.l 1"IIIGS RLIILI 111 III IASI 2 ,FARS.I111 Tufl IIt UI 11111 ORFII USINU Illlti All fl OF YL 51 LUUNIY "U." lint IRAVII IN ;.1.1111f)I..II11. 1IPIIARY AIIU ULISINL!i5L5 HA!i GRI.AI1.1 IIILRLASI0 Alit, I'll' 1111 runs PILI IIF A IRAGLUY WAS ALSO INCXIA'.,LD. 11U11 I.1 1 Y Iln', 51 111 IIIL 11155 UC LI IMI. III UUA 11111111414 11111 111 IRAII IC ALLIDF.NIS III IIIE IASI 2 IF ARS Al1U W' DI I.ILVE 1111' UIII UII II, I IVIS IMI WI If.I1; 111E COSI UI" 1111. PAIRI. 1111. 61 GNS AI'U IIII. LIR UIfLCAI NI TI CIL SSARY IU L'IVILIlC 11115 SIXCILII UI OUTWIT. O•ANP YOU IDR YOUR PROMPT AT ILNUUU. 3 d zG wh'�r r 3f- _7,7 s 37 r4: c -.I ., �� .b• 3 3 � cwoi..p r i y1 1 9 �acF'r6y °0�'' Ijl''t�.f�i1 ,L•ny �'✓ .nays � cx(rd11ta,d a'S �auLc�'cc /� ') f /Y' 11.11 I J 4 ZIAb 161 c7, a V4") o s r _ (a!/� /'i✓ ./1Gut,l •,r ��. ,.,,b.� �.1, .i1MlA..w� C.Ie.J'�hJrr�"J /P �Aryf�n�aDn F4�nrII.r1.. I�w.�Kf � h� lei' i..I....j iw . dY•x lr�rl•: '�a911� ; �,),I.LyYIt 14 cVALV1A .Dr. �i(Sl��cu�c'j �IIrF,,....� 1��„,".,.... •> '� f4�.�J.1.,, -111,,1 r�. �: / r 1 WAt ISl /1. l S. C"' Ate• tat ,ICU CN65r�� Ll C—q- pif Aw. Ce -4 /OV/ C(L q rc, 7q 12., 16, 'kLIL ra-cy, ooj eA"Ilf 14 4 'e-q- 0-7- ado- /0-,Alp6- (1j'A" " ; e Y jj ./�•:roy /i^f /. (�.%t��.G /G�i1J GP ��ic,.a.rSC. At�. �17n��-S t,,,uur'-- 4 F°P'•Pa Cu+✓ . �u& 6 8vq ed. it+ku lu��^/ uYG���%bCedw Pvl .9 7k UG see C-- Qj. � G... 9)5 G.A 1�`�•t e� X15 ���jrutle �. qr5 cdfCvvVLR .rr Gcc-& mom. if 7157 4::a 6)....— 4w �d�uPu ff „t,cia c� O-.::,pj q( soy i rx m� Wa, uzlS?n <07 w.P OA CLUu AP -1. qi-r 444 q>i-�"i.o '3vqa -LON.l C��o Opt . (3'L VJC k)1LC0.i '71160(6 Cau". kd- E!`/Of c�cl�tJr i7�f � 1yi »r9� / Z., leV. 1'7 (�� f/ rf•CL'>'/�"'ir ! / % rr r r 'r u f r r m� Wa, uzlS?n <07 w.P OA CLUu AP -1. qi-r t C��1 rt,,nfri PRo Vlji U -LON.l C��o Opt '/t�\CUI�,,.1��/...��+-..u.1 (3'L VJC k)1LC0.i '71160(6 Cau". kd- E!`/Of c�cl�tJr i7�f � 1yi Q7 Qjr %rur is (d- -t7 leV. 1'7 Z Minnesota Department of Transportation District Five 5801 Duluth Street Golden Valley, Minnesota 53422 (612) S45-3761 November 2, 1984 Wayne Fingalson, Engineer County of Wright Route 1, Box 97B Buffalo, MN 55313 Re: Speed toning - CSAH 39 Wright County Dear Mr. Fingalson: A speed zoning study has been completed on CSAH 39 as requested by the Wright County Board in Resolutions 83-28 and 84-42. The study was made by District 5 personnel at the request of District 3. As discussed with you previously, we have recommended authorization of the following speed limits for CSAH 39. 30 MPH - between the vest function with CSAH 75 and the inter- section of Elm Street with Golf Course Road 40 MPH - between the intersection of Elm Street with Golf Course Road and a point 300 feet west of Country Club Road 55 MPH - between a point 300 feet west of Country Club Road and the intersection with Cameron Road. The recommended speed limits will be reviewed by the state traffic engineer who will then issue a formal speed limit authorization for the new limits. Please note that as agreed during discussion of the inves- tigation results, the proposed 55 MPH zone extends approximately 0.6 mile vest of the segment defined by the resolutions. A map shoving the speed limit changes along with copies of data from the study is enclosed for your information. Following are suggestions that you might want to consider when making the signing changes necessary to implement the new speed limits: ✓1) Because of the increase in speed limit over the 1-94 bridge, a new survey for no passing zones could be warranted at that Iocatton. .2) Some existing signs on CSAH 39 might warrant replacement.becau" of their condition (low reflectivity, etc.). At, Equal Oppw,luxwy Employer Wayne Fingalsou November 2. 198% Page Two A) The existing "DO NOT PASS" signs are not as visible as would be desired. (An eastbound sign Just west of the 1-94 bridge Is obscured by vegetation.) Use of "No Passing Zone" pen- nants would make signing more effective. ,.4) Because of the curve Just west of the Elm Street/Golf Course Road intersection, a dual stop sign installation could be considered for eastbound CSAH 39 instead of the single sign now used. .5) ye suggest continued use of the "Begin Speed Limit" sign for the eastbound approach to the 40 MPH zone. Both the "Begin Speed Limit 40" and the first eastbound "Speed Limit 40" signs can be oversized (3611x48") if needed for emphasis. .6) The 55 MPH zone was recommended to prevent automatic increase to a 65/55 MPH speed limit if energy conservation measures were ended. Since the current statutory rural speed limit is 55 MPH, it should not be necessary to totally define the zone with speed limit signs at this time unless you wish to do so. a) A "no parking zone" should be considered for the approaches to the school crosswalk at Elm Street and 3rd Street. Parked vehicles can currently obscure driver's vision of the school patrol. If you have any Questions concerning either the enclosed data or our recoimaendations, please contact Ed Brown at extension 172 at this office. Sincerely, 1IN/ J. S. Katz, P.E. _ District Traffic Engineer Enclosure: Investigation data JSK:pn:EB S. 1 Titil telM f 1LL1•Il CW. tsummit CLt000110. ! lUM1Il CIA. f CCFtCOCil. ! 111;, "All Oil. •,II It1.OLt1 CIA. 1. OT CCOCwCtll 110. •. C:TMtV tit, • C11L1 CII, 10. "'1, of t11It110t L+t. .t ."I tett 1, C, M. 1! 011 LC 11, IM1Yt1 Cil. ""^'" UrSTIIQ 30 i. SPiTD LIMIT NI+W n, 3Pr'!;� LIMIT """•�• 1'J(IST 5 MPII, t;PFJp LIMI? _/ �1rV LO MI11. 3PEM LIMIT most '�' S9 MPII. SPlim LIMIT MAP OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY POP. 2830 State i'. 1600 GENERAL FUND -- MAY AMOUNT CHECK NO. Motor - Magazine sub. - Public Works Director 14.00 24180 Dahlgren, Shardlov - Professional services 14,613.47 24181 Wright County Assessor's Office - 1987 Homestead cards 284.92 24182 Tom Eidem - Paint sprayer rental - City house 33.60 24183 Anoka County Social Service - Payroll ded. 204.00 24184 ICMA Retirement Corp. - Payroll ded. 614.34 24185 State Capitol Credit Union - Payroll ded. 123.04 24186 Mrs. Beverly Johnson - Animal control expense 275.00 24187 Jerry Hermes - Library janitorial 216.67 24188 David Stromberg - Animal control expense 287.50 24189 Dept. of Nat. Res. - Dep. Reg. fees 255.00 24190 Dept. of Nat. Res. - Dep. Reg. fees 18.00 24191 Corrow Sanitation - April contract payment 6,653.20 24192 James Preusse - Cleaning city hall 358.33 24193 YMCA of Mpls. - Monthly contract payment 583.33 24194 Mr. Arve Grimsmo - Mayor salary 175.00 24195 Mr. Dan Blonigen - Council salary 125.00 24196 Mrs. Fran Fair - Council salary 125.00 24197 Mr. William Fair - Council salary 125.00 24198 Mr. Warren Smith - Council salary 12.3.19 24199 Mr. James Ridgeway - Planning Comm. salary 49.27 24200 Mrs. Joyce Dowling - 49.27 24201 Mr. Richard Carlson - 49.27 24202 Mrs. Barbara Koropchak - 49.27 24203 Mr. Dick Martie - 49.27 24204 State Treasurer - PERA 1,493.86 24205 Commissioner of Revenue - SWT - April 2,444.00 24206 Wright County State Bank - FICA W/H 5,080.78 24207 Melchert/Block Assoc. - Chelsea road project 3,861.04 24208 Preusse Cleaning - March 6 April cleaning at Fire Hall 100.00 24209 League of MN. Cities - Conf. req. fees - Eidem, Wolf., Fair 390.00 24210 LMC Housing - Rooms for Eidem, Wolfsteller, and Bill Fair 177.00 24211 Moores Excavating Co. - Exc. at Barthel residence 357.50 24212 Corrow Sanitation - Add'1. landfill chargee 6 leaf pickup 2,092.00 24213 Dept. of Nat. Res. - Dep. Reg. fees 369.00 24214 Dept. of Nat. Ree. - Dep. Reg. fees 36.00 24215 PSGI - k'WTP monthly contract payment 22,083.35 24216 North Central Public Service - Utilities 503.30 24217 Northern States Power - Utilities 6,042.54 24218 Bridgewater Telephone - Telephone 1,059.15 24219 City of Golden Valley - Reg. fee - Eidem - Comparable Worth 10.00 24220 Wright County State Bank - Investments 99,000.00 24221 Dahlgren, Shardlov - Professional services - Streetscape 163.75 24222 Smith- Pringle - Legal -(Annex. costs - $5,684.00,)etc. 6,734.00 24223 Springstad, Inc. - Bond fees - Const. 5 Tax Increment 10,990.87 24224 Ramier 6 Gries - Professional services 22.50 24225 Frank Madden 6 Assoc. - Personnel policy review fees 270.00 24226 Holmes 6 Graven - Const. 5 legal fees 338.00 24227 Academy for State 6 Local Govt. - Fee for service 100.00 24228 Purcell Plumbing - Supplies 3.13 24229 Feedrite Controls - Chlorine, etc. 1,570.81 24230 Vance's Service Center - Fire Dept. gas 67.77 24231 Corporate Report - Sub. for 2 years 39.00 24232 National Life Ins. - Ins. premium for Tom Eidem 100.00 24233 Commissioner of Revenue - Board of Assessors - 1988 license 15.00 24234 Karen Doty - Mileage 53.75 24235 Continental Safety Equip. - Fire Dept. repair kit 117.53 24236 Hoglund Bus - Parts 7.28 24237 Glass Hut - Repairs at city house on River Street 116.05 24238 GENERAL FUND a AMOUNT CHECK NO. Technical Manual Prod. - Supplies for Water Dept. 5.25 24239 Automatic Systems Co. - Professional services - Water Dept. 375.80 24240 McDowall Co. - Furnace repair - City Hall 159.58 24241 Olson S Sons - Repairs in all Depts. 654.06 24242 E. H. Renner 6 Sons - Well inspection - B1 6 02 140.00 24243 Wright County Treasurer - Police contract payment 10,645.21 24244 St. Cloud Restaurant - Liners for City Hall 20.78 24245 Wheeler Consolidated - 150 poste for Park Dept. 877.50 24246 Marquette Bank Mpls. - 1974 Parking Facility bond 16,368.35 24247 Marlene Hellman - Mileage to seminar 30.50 24248 Gruys, Johnson - Computer fees for March. April b May 870.00 24249 P d H Warehouse Sales - Supplies for softball fields 385.04 24250 Criefnow Sheet Metal - Repairs for Fire b Water Depts. 1,134.00 24251 Monticello Office Products - 4 swivel chairs, etc. 881.99 24252 Minnesota Conway Fire 6 Safety - Fire Dept. boots, radio, a c. 280.34 24253 Maus Foods - Supplies 22.11 24254 Maus Tire Service - Repairs 37.36 24255 Martie's Farm Service - Dog food 13.84 24256 American National Bank - Sewer Intcept. bond 131.35 24257 Sentry Systems - Leasing fee for Fire Dept. alarms 54.00 24258 Monticello Times - Adv. 426.88 24259 Pitney Bowes - Postage machine and scale rental 72.00 24260 Link Oil Co. - Gas - St. Dept. 22.98 24261 Al Nelson - Sub, renewal 13.72 24262 Monticello Printing - S/W postale, verified aceta., etc. 321.30 24263 Dept. of Nat. Res. - Dep. Reg. fees 527.00 24264 Dept. of Nat. Res. - Dep. Reg. fees 18.00 24265 Banker's Life Ins. - Group Ins. 4,375.13 24266 State Capitol Credit Union - Payroll ded. 123.04 24267 ICMA Retirement Assoc. - Payroll ded. 614,34 24268 Tom Eidem - May mileage expense 300.00 24269 State Treasurer - Ins. Premiums - reimb. 27.00 24270 Moon Motors - Transfer snitch, rotary blade, etc. 356.19 24271 Decker Athletics - Pitcher's rubber - 4th St. Park 13.95 24272 Audio Communications - Repair radio in Walt's van 199.00 24273 Wahl 6 Wahl - Office supplies 53.35 24274 Unitog Rental Service - Uniform rental fee IO2.40 24275 Unocal - Gas - Fire Dept. 5 Water Dept. 37.22 24276 Moody's Investors Service - Bond fee 1,000.00 24277 Servi-Star Hardware - Supplies 68.27 24278 Glass Hut - Replace glass on loader 97.22 24279 Ruffridge-Johnson - Tamper - Public Works Dept. 699.70 24280 Simonson Lumbar - Lumber, etc. 138.56 24281 St. Cloud Fire Equip. - Fire ext. for City Hall 325.75 24282 AMIE Ready Mix - Cement 329.28 24283 Water Products - Meters, manhole repair service 4,584.03 24284 Bowman Barnes - Misc. supplies 76.76 24265 Century Fence Co. - Posts and fence for softball fields 1,068.00 24286 Central McGowan - Oxygen 15.95 24287 Vass Electric - Bulbs 186.00 24288 Coast to Coast - Supplies for all Depts. 462.79 24289 Monticello Dep. Reg. 02 - Encoding error 190.00 24290 AT b T Information Systems - Fire phone charges 3.96 24291 Ben Franklin - Film 10.59 24292 Marco Business Products - Matte. agreement, paper, etc. 1,526.54 24293 Premier Fastener Co. - Saw blades - Mtce. Dept. 130.75 24294 Sand Plains Soil Service - Lima for softball fields 378.60 24295 L b G Rahbein, Int. - Payment 010 - Inter. sewer project 69,811.50 24296 -2- GENERAL FUND AMOUNT CHECK NO. Monticello Fire Dept. - Wages 4,396.27 24297 , Jerry Hermes - Library janitorial 216.67 24298 J David Stromberg - Animal control contract 287.50 24299 Wright County State Bank - FICA 6 FWT W/H 4,915.68 24300 State Treasurer - PERA W/H 1,450.48 24301 Tom Eidem - Mileage expense to MCMA conference 143.63 24302 State Agency Revolving Fund - Social Sec. wage reports exp 35.19 24303 Petty Cash - Reimb. petty cash fund 42.87 24304 VOID -0- 24305 Dept. of Nat. Res. - Dep. Reg. fees 456.00 24306 Melchert/ Block Assoc. - Chelsea Road project - 1,138.96 24307 Sears - Refrigerator 6 Filter - Mtce. Bldg. 317.65 24308 Biff's, Inc. - Latrine rental - Softball fields 129.00 24309 Humane Society of Wright County - Animal control fees 75.00 24310 Rick Wolfsteller - Mileage b expense 60.25 24311 Marco Business Prod. - Mtce. agreemt. on typewriter 175.00 24312 Dahlgren, Shardlow - Annexation fees through April 30 16,754.88 24313 Geyer Rental - Riding trencher rental 150.00 24314 Mobil 011 - Gas - Walt's van b Fire 43.51 24315 Phillipe 66 - Gas - Walt's van 6 Fire 35.71 24316 L 4 G Rehbein - Sod - 4th St. park 252.00 24317 Fair's Garden Center - Interceptor sewer prof. trees 2,158.98 24318 OSM - Eng. fees - Const. 5 6 Watermain on 0118 - 13,425.1,- 21,989.39 24319 Middle school - 3,246.17; Annex. - 4,417.43, Convenience store - 200.57; Hoglund Hgts. - 700.07 Automatic Garage Door - Mtce. bldg. repairs 228.38 24320 T W Hardware - Mdse. 24.01 24321 Gary Anderson - Mileage 87.35 24322 Data Mgmt. Design - Computer equipment 1,222.00 24323 Payroll for April 30,920.58 TOTAL GENERAL DISBURSEMENTS 400,764.65 J LIQUOR FUND AMDUNT CHECK DISBURSEMENTS FOR MAY - 1987 NO. Payroll for April 4,994.32 Traveler's Directory Service - Adv. 156.00 13044 Commissioner of Revenue - Sales tax for March 5,817.37 13045 Tel Cor America - Adv. 68.00 13046 Eagle Wine Co. - Liquor 1,908.44 13047 Quality Wine 4 Spirits - Liquor 782.14 130''3 Johnson Bros. - Liquor 1;:,^1.50 13049 Griggs, Cooper - Liquor 4,750.03 13050 Commissioner of Revenue - SWI - April 259.00 1_'-!151 State Capitol Credit Union - Payroll ded. 170.00 13052 Wright County State Bank -FICA d FWT taxes 619.76 13053 State Treasurer - PERA W/H 181.02 13054 Johnson Bros. - Liquor 1,315.44 13055 Griggs, Couper - Liquor 1,421.17 13056 £d Phillips L Sons - Liquor 2,967.07 13057 Quality Wine 6 Spirits - Liquor 435.10 13n58 Bridgewater Telephone Co. - Telephone 64.48 13059 Northern States Power - Utilities 559.78 13060 North Central Public Service - Utilities 44.13 13061 Gruys, Johnson - Computer fees - March 6 April 330.00 13062 Grosslein Beverages - Beer 16,169.56 13063 Day Dist. Co. - Beer 1,094.05 13064 Olson 6 Sons Electric - Light bulb 5.50 13065 MN. Bar Supply Co. - Classes, can opener, etc. 192.72 13066 Rubald Beverage Co. - Wine 172.35 13067 Dick Beverage Co. - Beer 2,928.80 13068 KMOM Radio Station - Adv. 60.00 13069 Jude Candy b Tobacco - Misc. mdse. 923.13 13070 Maus Foods - Store expense 31.64 13071 Service Sales Corp. - Operating supplies 163.93 13072 Cloudy Town Dist. - Misc. mdae. 106.75 13073 Bernick's Pepsi Cola - Misc. mdse. 459.25 130?4 Stromquist Dist. - Misc. sides. 35.30 13075 Kolles Sanitation - Garbage service 133.50 13076 Coast to Coast - Store expense 13.28 13077 Dahlheimer Dist. Co. - Beer, etc. IR,467.70 13078 Thorpe Dist. - Beer 9,059.40 13079 Monticello Office Products - Office supplies 7.50 13080 Viking Coca Cola - Misc. mdse. 308.25 13081 Seven Up Bottling - Misc. mdae. 193.20 13082 Liefert Trucking - Freight 574.80 13083 City of Monticello - 1 qtr, sewerlwater bill 59.92 13084 Griggs, Cooper - Liquor 1,996.37 13085 Foster Franzen - Premium due after audit 114.00 13086 Quality Wine 6 Spirits - Liquor 531...7 13OR7 Banker's Life - Croup ins. 321.94 13088 Wright County State Bank - FWT b FICA W/H 586.98 13089 State Capitol Credit Union - Payroll dad. 170.00 13090 Griggs, Cooper - Liquor 2.284.94 13091 Eagle Wine - Liquor 1,170.08 13092 Commissioner of Revenue - Sales tax for April 6,852.12 13093 State Treasurer - PERA 175.36 13094 Quality Wine - Liquor 507.61 13095 Ed Phillipe 6 Sons - Liquor 2.321.58 13096 MN. Sheriff Assoc. - Adv. 55.00 13097 Old Dutch Foods - Misc, mdes. 165.29 13098 TOTAL LIQUOR DISBURSEMENTS $9b.151.'i8 CITT OP WIT10E130 • ttRlt2lIy ALS kding Dcpartmcnt Report I P23UOT'S and USE3 FAmth o1 -APRIL 199 PEUOTS ISSUZ311.:'C Ha.lhT..r 11.14 Y.ai I llrlth MARCH ft.Lh anon+ haat Tear 70 lint: �To Datc ' IUZI D37ITIAL - thaeb.r . 11 10 14 13 37 Valuation 3 304,000,00 32;159.400.00 3 340,990.00 i 1,511,250.00 5 3,222,600.00 3.647.60 15,333.57 1,948.40 8,092.15 2S,3 t0.78fe.e I 52 1,079.70 170.45S 755.50 1,611.79 ODI" iCIAL ' Ilusbar 2 21 .- 4 9 Yaluatlon 3,500.00 47,000.00 5.900.110 68,400.00 297,3;0.00 Feee 68.00 407.00 5470 „ 468.70 2,002,40 Surcharges 2_.00 24,00 2,.95 34.20 149.40 INWSTIUAL ' dumber Ya7u4ti- Fese , Surcharges PWIM1110 number 6 e 5 19 26 Feee 150.00 592,00 116.00 523.00 1,090.00 3ureharges 3.00 ♦,00 2.50 9.50 14.00 On1M ' ttue0er 'f 2 V.luetioll 1,430,00 1,430.00 Fee. 14.3 . 1 Swcherg.e .10 1.20 TOTAI. 110. PPIUil" 19 I .. 20 ._ _.... _ I1... 5 70. TOTAL VAMATUN 107•,500.00 2.20b, 400.00 348,320.00 1,581,080. 1,519,930.00 TOTAI, FF.F7 ].R13. RQ 16.332,57 2,133.40 9,tOB.15 29,aO3.10 1074L 5UI211An1;1:1 157.50 1.107.70 176,60 800.44 1,775.18 f.VINFIIT II3CF11 . I•F31111T IIAIVil3 HumU.r +171'3 l'r1tHIT SVpWlA!!GG_ Valuetla' Rnndlrr Ln 11,tn rrnr Date LneL You Single Fondly 4 1 3,459.63 1 +48.75 1 297,500.01 � 20 16 ' l2lpl n, 1 t Ilul ti -family 2 11,628.94 920.95 1,841,900.0{ 3 2 co-el'eial 00 1 - -lot 0 0 Oe s: Car ague 1 29.00 1,00 2,000.0[ 2 1 Signe O O Publl, 0.1141.4• 0 0: ALT31UTIfr1 OI REPAIR , W.1l Ing. 2 216.00 9.00 t0.000.0t 11 13 Cl-I'llof 2 407.00 24,00 47,000.0c 9 4 3nduetl'l et 0 0 ' PWtmENO I 1 ' Alt typos s .592.00 4.00 20 19 ACC1990AT OTRUC7URL8 9rl.rl nq Poole ' 00 0ac3. 1• .. 0 1 ' n Tt:1tF0RART punKIT 0 O l VGIOLITitw 0 I ., Tdt'AL7 iO 10.332.57 11/07.70 2.206.f0o:i01 74 98 ' 1ERM 1T SUMBE R 87-tOfi e7 -lou 67-1043 87-1045 67-1046 87-1047 B7 -I048 87-7049 B7-1050 87-1051 67-1052 67-7053 IDESCRIPTION 30 -Unit Apartment 24 -Unit Apartment 6 -Unit TOWntwase Nouse s Gersge Atrium Addition Nouse i Carso. I ntarior Remodel Basement rtniah Nousa 6 Geroge Nouse G Garage Nouse Add pion Attached Garage PL" REyiEV 67-1041 30 Unit Apartment 6T-7042 24 -Unit Apsrteent 87-1043 6 -Unit Tevnh- 87-104! Hause 6 Garage 07-1047 Nouse i Garagm 07-1050Noumm 6 Garage .AIT 051 , Nouas A Garage I INDIVIDUAL PEF.MIT ACTIVITY REPGRT MONTH OF APRIL , 198 P NAME/LOCAT SON VALUATION MP Construction 5, Ine./700 Louring to. 5 656,400.00 Mr Construction 5, InC./714 Louring Ln. 678,200.00 My DDL Bulldors/149 Rivervlev Dr., units 25-30307,300.00 Sr Hakana0. BYtldofs C0/2781 Oakviev Ln 53,100.00 AC perkins. 700 ➢Ane St. 45,000.00 8r Dayle Veehoa Construction/202 Kevin Longley Or 72,300.00 AC Lincoln Companloo/2021, West 7th 8t. 2.000.00 AD Oman- Brottmilier/1 Toirvay Dr. 31000.00 Sr Bob Wolman/1005 West River At. 98.300.00 Sr Cyr Construction. Ltd/2606 Meadow Qa. Dr. 73,900.00 AO Ravin Stumpf/618 West 6th 8t. 15,000.00 A0 Cary Watman/340 Prairie Road 2,000.00 TOTALS 62,206,400.00 mr Construction 5, Ino./700 Lour t6o Long 6 2.020.6! 4F Canstruction 51 loo./714 Our tag Long 1.673.16 mr WL 9uilders/149 Rivarvlev Dr. 25.30 887.28 Sr Hakenson Building CO/2781 Oakviow Ln 278.49 sr Dsyla Vac hes Conat/202 Kevin Langley or. 324.65 Sr Bob Wo/men/ZOOS Viet River at. 410.70 5► Cyr Construction/3606 maadov Oak to. 339.04 TOTAL PLAN RCVIEW 6 7"U RLVENUI 617.440.27 P] 1 r r ct PERMIT ISURCHARGEIPLUMSING SUP.CHARGc 63.100.70 6 426.20 S{84.00 9 .50 2.574.10 379.10 152.00 .50 1,365.05 153.65 144.60 .50 428.45 26.55 23,00 .50 382.00 22.50 514.85 36.15 23.00 .50 , 25.00 1.50 $4.00 1.50 631.85 49.15 27-DO .50 521.60 36.90 26.00 .SO 162.00 7.50 13.00 .50 29.00 1.00 69.796.60 61.10 0 6592.00 54.00