City Council Agenda Packet 08-24-1987AGENDA FOR THE MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL Monday, August 24, 1987 - 7:30 p.m. Mayor: Arve A. Grimamo Council Members: Fran Fair, Bill Fair, Warren Smith, Dan Blonigen 1. Call to Order. 2. Approval of Minutes of the Regular Meeting Held August 10, 1987, and the Special Meeting Held August 17, 1987. 3. Citizens Comments/Petitions, Requests and Complaints. 4. Wright County Recycling Program - Slide Presentation. 5. Public Hearing to Consider the Vacation of Property Line Easements Within Lauring Hillside Addition. 6. Public Hearing to Consider Modification of Finance Plan for Tax Increment District 42. 7. Consideration of Conditional Use Request to Allow a Beauty Shop as a Home Occupation in an R-1 Zone. Applicant, Joann Hoerchler. S. Consideration of Conditional Una Request to Allow Major Auto Repair in a 8-4 Zone. Applicant, Fred 6 Patricia Culp. 9. Consideration of Cable Franchise Ordinance Amendment. 10. Consideration of Change Order 67 for 86-1 Project. 11. Consideration of Final Payment on 86-1 Project. 12. Consideration of Setting a Public Hearing for Adoption of Assessment Rolls on 86-1 Project and Highway 25 Improvement Project. 13. Consideration of Purchase of Replacement Pickup for Public Works Department. 14. Consideration of Planning Commission Appointment. 15. Consideration of Bills for the Month of August. 16. Adjourn. MINUTES r-- REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUfiCIL Monday, August 10, 1987 - 7:30 p.m. i Members Present: Arve Grimsmo, Fran Fair, Hill Fair, Warren Smith, Dan Blonigen Members Absent: None 2. Approval of Minutes. Motion was made by Blonigen, seconded by Bill Fair, and unanimously carried to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held July 13 and July 27, 1987. 3. Citizens Comments/Petitions. Mr. Bruce Thielen, resident of Meadow Oak Subdivision, presented a petition to the City Council from 80-90 percent of the current residents within Meadow Oak requesting that the City consider deleting the recently adopted ordinance amendment regarding the placement of cluster boxes used by ADS Delivery Service for advertising supplements. Mr. Thielen felt the cluster box concept was unsightly and preferred that the dolivery of shoppers, etc., be done door to door. The Council noted that the recantly edoptad ordinance allowing cluster boxes for ADS Setrvicea was similar to the cluster Postal Service boxes and felt this would be the best solution for most subdivision areae and did not feel it was appropriate at this time to amend the ordinance. The Council did authorizo the City Administrator to contact the ADS Services to indicate the residents' opposition to the cluster boxes and request that they ratur„ to their previous method of delivery. It was noted that the previous delivery was not necessarily door to door service, but the shoppers were delivered somewhere on each Individual's property. Mr. Steve Luddars, representing the American Legion Post, informed the Council that the Legion Club would like to donate street signs. poets, etc., that could be placed at entrances to the City which indicated welcome to Monticello and a safety message such as "drive safely." The Council authorized the Public Works Department to review and recommend the type of sign design and possible locations and report to the Council at the next meeting. 6. Consideration of Setting a Public Hearing to modify Tax Increment District e2. The Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Monticello is currently in the process of purchasing the Monticello Ford, Inc., property on West Broadway which is part of Tax Increment Finance District 02. Council Minutes - 8/10/87 In order to use part of the tax increments being generated from this district for the purchase and redevelopment of the Ford property, the Tax Increment Finance Plan would have to be modified to include the additional cost of this purchase. The Housing and Redevelopment Authority has requested the City Council hold a public hearing on the modification to this tax increment pian. Motion was made by Bill Fair, seconded by warren Smith, and unanimously carried to set a public hearing for the purpose of Modification 82 for the Tax Increment Finance Plan District Y2 for August 2e, 1987. See Resolution 87-20. 5. Consideration of Appointing New Member to NRA Committee. The Housing and Redevelopment Authority had presented the name of Everette Ellison for consideration by the Council to fill the recently vacated position held by Marlys Erickson. The term would expire December 1987 and could be renewed at that time for another five year term. Motion was made by Bill Fair, seconded by Fran Fair, and unanimously carried to appoint Everette Ellison to the HRA Commission to fill the unexpired term of Marlys Erickson. 6. Consideration of Renting or Demolition of City Owned House Adjacent to East Bridge Park. The City of Monticello had previously rented a residantial dwelling adjacent to Eeat Bridge Park which Is now currently vacant. As part of the proposed East Bridge Park expansion after the now bridge is completed, the home was scheduled for demolition to make way for e parking lot for the park property. Demolition of the property had boen scheduled for no later than June 1, 1988, but the Council discussed demolition of the property at this time rather than continuing to rent the property because of the amount of repairs that would be needed to make the property suitable for rental purposee. It was noted that repairs to the upstairs ceiling, refinishing cr recarpeting of the living room floor, along with recarpeting the one bedroom and additional work could cost over 51,000. As a result, quotes and bids ware received on the demolition of the property at this time, and the low bid was recaivad from Brenteson Construction Company in the amount of $5,550, which includod filling in of the basement area and disconnecting the mower and water services. Council members were informed that two women had been tentatively informed that they could rent the property until June of 1988 at $300 per month, but after reviewing the amount of repairs that should be completed prior to renting, it was the consensus of the Council that continuing to rant the property did not appear feasible or cost effective. -2- 9 Council Minutes - 8/10/87 As a result, motion was made by Bill Fair, seconded by Dan Blonigen, and unanimously carried to accept the low bid for demolition of the property from Brenteson Construction in the amount of $5,550. Due to the recent purchase of a residential home adjacent to City Ball, the City Administrator was instructed to offer this home for rent to the two women who were previously interested in the house located adjacent to East Bridge Park, 7. Consideration of Resolutions Allowing City Administrator to be Excluded from Public Employees Retirement Association. Minnesota Statutes allow a newly appointed City Administrator to be excluded from membership in the Public Employees Retirement Association if so desired. Motion was made by Bill Fair, seconded by Dan Blonigen, and unanimously carried to adopt resolutions authorizing the City Administrator to be excluded from PERA and set up his own deferred compensation plan. See Resolutions 87-21 and 87-22. 8. Consideration of Setting a Special Meeting for Coals and Objectives - 1988 Budget. It was the consensus of the City Council members that a special meeting would bo held on August 17 at 6:30 p.m. to review goals and objectives for the upcoming year in regards to the 1988 Budget preparation. 9. Review of Quarterly Liquor Store Report. Liquor Store Manager, Joe Hartman, reviewed with the City Council the six month financial statement for the Liquor Store operations. Mr. Hartman noted that the total net income of $46,611 for the first six months appeared in line with projections, and he anticipated a not income for the entire year at over $105,000. Council members also discussed the current improvements being constructed at the Liquor Store. including the expanded parking lot and the desire to comploto a landscaping project yet this year. The Public Works Director was instructed to request proposals on landscaping designs in different cost ranges from $5,000 to $15,000. 10. Consideration of Senior Citizen Building Roof Repairs. Previously, the Council was informed that the Senior Citizens building was experiencing leaking problems; and the Building Inspector obtained quotas for repairing the existing roof and also received quotas for replacement with a now flat rubber roof and a now pitched roof with roof trusses and shingles. -3. Council Minutes - 8/10/87 The installation of a now one-piece rubber roofing system would cost ;,7,250; and the installation of a new roof using trusses, roof sheathing, and roof shingles would coat $12,124. A quote was received for repairing and recoating the existing roof from P.A. Tenny Company in the amount of 5800. After reviewing the possible options, a motion was made by Slonigen, seconded by Warren Smith, and unanimously carried to authorize Tenny Roofing Company to recoat and repair the flashing on the roof as needed for the 5800 bid amount. II. Discussion on City Hall Security System. The Building Inspector informed the Council of the difficulty the staff has in changing the locking system at City Hall when employees terminate employment with the City. In the past, parts have had to be taken from other door locks within City Hall to allow for new keys to be made; and it was recommended that new locks be installed on the exterior doors to City Hall. A quote was received from a local locksmith for an American made lock that would allow for easier conversion of keys if necessary. The estimated cost was approximately $500 to complete the installation. Motion was made by warren Smith, seconded by Fran Fair, and unanimously carried to authorize the staff to expend the $500 for the now locking system as prl RickW''o``�� op_os/ed. t % R l f atelier City Adminiatrator MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, August 17, 1987 - 6:30 p.m. Members Present: Arve Grimsmo, Fran Fair, Bill Fair, Dan Blanigen. Members Absent: Warren Smith 1. Review of Goals and Objectives for the 1988 Budget. Mayor Grimsmo opened the meeting noting that the primary purpose was to review any goals and objectives the Council was interested in seeing implemented in the upcoming year to enable staff to obtain input for the preparation of the 1988 Budget. The Council was presented with a possible list of capital outlay items the Public works Department and staff felt might be necessary to consider for the year 1988. The capital outlay items included major improvements such an the water tower and additional well previously discussed and equipment needs along with street improvements planned within the city. It was noted that many of the items may require the sale of bonds to finance and would not nocesearily be part of the tax levy for 1988 but were presented for comments from the Council. In addition, it was the consensus of the Council that the City staff continue negotiations with MN/DOT and the contractor for the new Highway 25 river crossing bridge to determine if it would be feasible for the City to pursue the idea of salvaging the existing river bridge for use as part of our park system. Councilmember Bill Fair suggested that the City should consider receiving public input an what types of services or needs the public would like the City to pursue. He felt there may be many issues or services that the public in general were interested in seeing implemented but staff may not be aware of. It was noted by the Administrator that moat cities are under stringent levy limitations, including Monticello, which would limit the City to approximately an 8 percent increase over last year's levy. Because of the levy limitation, many improvement projects may have to be financed by other methods than through tax levy, such as the sale of bonds, etc. The staff was directed to prepare the preliminary budget using the information received at the meeting where appropriate. 2. Discussion on Senior Citizen Center Human Riqhts Comolaint. The Council members discussed a letter received from the Minnesota Department of Human Rights regarding a complaint filed by Senior Citizen Center employee, Karen Hanson, regarding alleged unfair, discriminatory practice regarding compensation, The letter received indicates that the Department had made a daterminetion that probable cause existed to credit the allegation that an unfair discriminatory practice has been committed by the City. Council members discussed Special Council Minutes - 8/17/87 what options were available to the City regarding an appeal and were informed by the City Administrator that initially the City had the option of requesting the Commissioner of the Human Rights Department review the file and information presented by the City for a possible reconsideration of their findings. Another alternative available at the present time was for the City to indicate a willingness to attempt resolution of the problem by agreeing to conciliate the matter with the Department and Karen Hanson. Because the Council felt the Human Rights Department's decision that Karen Hanson was actually a full-time employee was incorrect based on the information supplied, a motion was made by Fran Fair, seconded by Bill Fair, and unanimously carried to authorize the City Administrator to request the Commissioner reconsider its findings through an appeal process. 3. Review of Joint Meeting Between Municipal Board Staff and Township Officials. Mayor Grimsmoo and Councilmember Fran Fair reviewed the outcome of the joint meeting hold between the Executive Director of the Municipal Board and Township and City officials regarding a possible solution to the annexation question Thursday, August 13. Councilmember Fair summarized that the City's position was made known to the Township and Municipal Board Officials in that the City's previous proposal regarding immediate annexation of approximately 2,200 acres out of the total 5.700 acres in the OAA area would be the least that the City could accept under a joint agreement without Municipal Board action. It was noted that Township Officials were reluctant to commit to any agreement on annexation at thin time, and the Executive Director of the Municipal Board requested that both parties review the matter for 30 days at which time another meeting will be scheduled to see if any solutions can be arrived at. The Executive Director of the Municipal Board set September 15 as the deadline for reaching any joint agreements; and thereafter if a resolution is not obtained by both parties, the Municipal Board would proceed with its deliberation on annexation question. i Rick wolf stail'er City Administrator Council Agenda - 8124/87 4. Wright County Recycling Proqram - Slide Presentation. (R.W.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: As part of Wright County Government's involvement with solid waste disposal methods for the future, Wright County has established a recycling program. Approximately a month ago, Z vas contacted by Val Donahue representing the Wright County Recycling Program requesting permission to attend one of our Council meetings to present approximately a 20 -minute slide presentation they had developed. My understanding is that the slide presentation will briefly outline possible ways the City of Monticello and other communities can implement a recycling program in an effort to help reduce the amount of items being disposed of in landfills at the present time. The presentation may give the City staff and Council additional ideas on how a program could be implemented and what efforts have been effective in other communities. No action at this time is necessary by the Council other than to review the elide presentation and ask any questions you may have. The representative has indicated a notice will be included in the Monticello newspaper noting that a slide presentation will be shown at the Council meeting so citizens could attend if they were interested. No supporting data for this item. !M Council Agenda - 8/24/87 5. Public Hearing to Consider the Vacation of Property Line Easements Within Lauring Hillside Addition. (R.W.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Over the past year or so, the U.S. Postal Service has been reviewing the possibility of expanding the Postal Service building on West Broadway or acquiring additional land within the city limits for a new poet office facility. The City recently received a request from Mr. Jack Tragiai, Real Estate Specialist for the Postal Service, inquiring about the possibility of vacation of the six-foot utility easements currently bordering the lots within Lauring Hillside Addition. Mr. Tragiai indicated that the Postal Service is considering acquiring Lots 3 and 4. Block 2, Lauring Hillside Terrace Addition, for the purpose of a now postal facility; and as part of their development, the utility easements would have to be vacated to allow placement of a building over the lot lines. Vacation of utility esemonts similar to this have occurred in the Construction 5 Addition for the placement of the 30 -unit apartment structure and also within the Meadows for multiple family buildings when a developer wishes to place a structure on more than one current lot. Vacating of the easements is identical to the process of vacating streeto in that a public hearing must be held and a finding must be made that the vacating of the easements are in the best public interest. A six-foot easement along the property line dividing Lots 3 and 4 are required for the purpose of drainage and minor utilities such as telephone or electrical extensions; and there would be no conflict that the City staff is aware of if this was eliminated, as we would still have the easements around the perimeter of the two lots. At this point in time, I dont believe the Postal Service has actually acquired the lots in question but may have an option on the lots; but in order for them to proceed with their development plane, they requested that the public hearing vacating the easements take place at this time so that their real estate department is assured if the land iu purchased that the easements would be vacated. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Upon closing of the public hearing, adopt a motion vacating the easements immediately and ordering the action recorded at the County. 2. Upon closing of the hearing, adopt a motion vacating the easements contingent upon an approved site development plan being presented by the Postal Service for a now facility. -2- Council Agenda - 8/24187 3. Do not vacate the easements - this would be somewhat inconsistent since the City has granted similar vacations when appropriate. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends that the Council adopt the vacation motion contingent upon the acceptance and approval of a final site plan from the Postai Service for a new facility on Lots 3 and 4. Block 2, La uring Hillside Addition. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Map showing easements to be vacated. 3. Proposed vacation of the drainage and utility easements across the following described property: Lots 3 6 d, Block 2, Lauring Hillside Terrace Said easements being six feet in width and adjoining the lot lines between said Lots 3 and <. The side lines of said easements are to be prolonged or shortened to terminate on the inside line of the outside perimeter drainage and utility easement of said Lots 3 and d. D LAURI NG HILLSIDE TERRACF-.1 MEYER-ROHUN,01 C. L 7 !r. / r� ' / I ' �, �•, ` .�v`I /, may/ ���; 1 w•+.r •.a.r m ,, • � �4a /.' 11 a w``"� ,,,4"v."�"' !•� �,� h 1. ( 4" �' •+x aaae+�.s a•wa. wa. !i j�• �':' i/"' � " 4 '•? '+r,/ Icer.`• ; /. / � ele % •r t'M�C Fl 1 .�!• !r'air Mn a a a.hi �ti � �wy_ � 8 it �j ` ) n� ` l �i �� i ,' / • � CJI �Y'ta"�.,J"° ,,. �1 a� � � / _. ��.r � � i . ��'h'�t5},1 tib. N� �a.".rrf •«*�! • •I ,Q/ J', \:•: w�etir �yy 7. 'IIlA" a•Ir� r •'�9 '`4 rIMI Ili'��.•�rf i �%�,w�' I N• L ti''µ s'r Tr 1~ t(b oil 13 1+. J` • • ��`Y It t,y '' •is '�`•.Yiw„"'`i�Y• ...a W.7Tee- 11 l 1i ` A� ve•h i pl'l ter All tura thrwyM_ A.A., 4" 0rnr0er entered t1Ae_4t of Wright Cash AWIOet = �' , ,•_`, /) rh. - rtltt ttAtt theme PPAhIt 1A oto tsar—, A.A., so lank berets AnArQM are Mid thle_by of 4 � office dmirft"U r city o/ Monticello C July, 29, . 1987 Mr. Jack D. Tragiai Real Estate Specialist United States Postal Service Field Real Estate and Buildings Office P.O. Box 69069 St. Paul, MN 55169-0069 Re: Possible vacation of Utility Easements Dear Mr. Tragiai: Phone: (61 21 295-2711 Metro: (612) 333-5739 As per the phone conversation this morning, approximately 9:45 a.m., July 29, 1987, I offer the following information. The City of Monticello would consider possible vacation of the 6 -foot utility easement on either side of the lot line between Lots 3 and 4. Block 2, Lauring Hillside Terrace Addition in the City of Monticello. Easement requests similar to yours have already been granted in previous years in two other businesses on either side of your proposed new location. If you should decide to request a vacation of eaeaments between these two lots, it would require a two-week public hearing notice to be published in our local newspaper, The Monticello Times, prior to the scheduled public hearing date to be held at a City Council meeting on the sacond or fourth Monday of the month. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, 0.1ck wo�elle~ City Administrator RwAd cc: File �I 250 East Broadway a Monticello. MN 55362-9245 Council Agenda - 8/26/87 6. Public Hearing to Consider Modification of Finance Plan for Tax Increment District R2. (O.K.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: In late 1985, the Tax Increment Finance Redevelopment District 02 was modified to include the four parcels known as Hollenback, Stelton, Gustafson, and the now River Park view (Modification 01). The original redevelopment district included the parcels of Hasa, Teslow, Metcalf 6 Larson, Capps, Monticello Ford, Jones, O'Connor, and the City of Monticello. The district was modified to enhance future HRA projects and to capitalize on the increment of the elderly project for assistance In other projects. Upon the execution of the purchase agreement, the HRA became a willing buyer of the Monticello Ford property located at 249 West Broadway. The site consists of 10,872.5 sq ft. The HAA has adopted modification of the finance plan and requested the City Council to set a public hearing for said purpose. Since the City Council set the public hearing date, the Planning Commission has approved Modification 12, and a notice of public hearing and a copy of the modified finance plan was mailed to the local school district and to the Wright County Board of Commissioners. This Is in pursuant of Minnesota Statute, Section 273.74, Subdivision 4, which states a Tax Increment Finance Plan must be modified by the authority if 1) increase in amount of bonded indebtedness to be incurred ($90,000); 2) increase in theportion of the captured assessed value to be retained by the authority ($193,756); 3) increase in total estimated tax increment expenditures ($17,300) or designation of additional property to be acquired by the authority shall be approved upon the notice and after the discussion, public hearing, and findings required by for approval of the original plan. ESTIMATED BUDGET FOR MODIFICATION 02 Property acquisition $75,000 Demolition Cost 13,000 Administration Coat 2,000 TOTAL PROJECT COST 590,000 Laos down payment $25,000 Less demolition 13,000 Lase administration 2,000 HRA General Fund $40,000 Contract for Dead $50,000 The HRA plane to retire the bonded indebtedness ($90,000) by the increment generated from the elderly project lostimated annual tax increment is $17,300). The Contract for Deed ($50,000) plus the 10 percent interest rate for 4.5 year• will be retired first; thereafter, the increment will replenish the HRA General Fund. The HRA has the right of prepayment privileges, without penalty, on the Contract for Deed payment schedule. The average annual debt service on the Contract for Deed is 814,000. -4- Council Agenda - 8/24/87 Having opened the public hearing, assuming no public comment, the public hearing may be Closed. After closing of the public hearing, the City Council should consider the approval or disapproval of Modification #2 of the finance plan for Tax Increment District #2. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve Modification 02 of the finance plan 'or Tax Increment District #2 and execute the resolution. 2. Deny approval of Modification 42 of the finance plan for Tax Increment District #2 and not execute the resolution. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends upon closing of an uncontested public hearing that the City Council approve Modification #2 of the finance plan for Tax Increment District #2 and execute the resolution; thereby, ensuring the original purpose for the creation of Tax Increment District 02 and Modification #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the Modification #2 of the finance plan for Tax Increment District #2; Copy of the resolution approving Modification #2. -5- MODIFICATION 02 TAX INCREMENT FINANCE PIAN REDEVELOPMENT DISTRICT i2 0 MODIFIED TAX INCREMENT FINANCE PLAN A. STATUTORY AUTHORITY The Monticello Housing and Redevelopment Authority (the 'Authority") and the City of Monticello are authorized to modify the tax increment finance plan for Redevelopment District #2 pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 273.74, Subdivision 4. B. STATEMENT OF OBJECTIVES I ) Provide opportunities for development and expansion of new business; 2) Provide opportunities for growth of the tax base; 3) Eliminate blight or deterioration within an area; 4) Create a use for currently under-utilized land. C. DEVEL40PMENT PROGRAM FOR THE PROJECT I ) Modification #1 included the addition of Hollenback, Stelton. Gustafson, and City of Monticello percale to the original Redevelopment District 12. 2) Metcalf& Larson, developers. constructed a 31 -unit elderly home an the City of Monticello parcel (155-101-051130). 3) Modification 02. the Housing and Redevelopment Authority will acquire the Monticello Ford property. parcels 155-010-051010 and 155-010-051020, and will raze the existing blighted structure. D . DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES The HRA amd Monticello Ford, Inc., Lawrence Flaka, President, have executed a purchase agreement for 575,000.00 for the acquisition of said property located at 249 West Broadway. Monticello. Minnesota. The HRA paid $500.00 earnest money and will pay 324,500.00 on the closing date. The remaining balance of $50,000-00 will be on a Contract for Dead at 10% interest rate for 4.5 years. The HRA has the right of prepayment privileges, without penalty, on the contract for dead payment schedule. PAYMENT SCHEDULE AMOUNT PRINCIPAL INTEREST PAYMENT DATE S50,000 $5,556 32,500 58,056 June 30. 1988 544,444 $5,556 32.222 37,778 December 31 , 1988 $38,888 $5,556 31.994 $7,550 Juno 30, 1989 S33.332 $5.556 $1,667 37,223 December 31. 1989 $27,776 $5,556 31.389 36,945 June 30, 1990 522,220 85,556 $1.111 $6.667 December 31, 1990 $16,664 65.556 3 833 36.389 June 30, 1991 $11,108 $5.556 3 555 $6,111 December 31. 1991 S 5,552 $5.552 3 278 35,830 Juno 30. 1992 �1) i e The RRA proposes to demolition and remove the blighted structure prior to the and of year 1967; thereby, provide opportunity for development of a nev business. E. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPERTY IN THE TAX INCREMENT FINANCE REDEVELOPMENT DISTRICT. District, Plat 6 Parcel 4 Legal Description 155-010-050010 N4 Lots 1,2, 6 3, Block 50 155-010-050011 Sy Lots 1,2, 6 3, Block 50 155-010-050081 Th prt of Lots 6 G 9 lyg Sly of fol desc lne, Beg at SEly car of Lot 10, the NEly 102.86 ft to a Ina par/v 6 diet 62 ft Sally as meas at R/ang to NEly lne of Lots S. 9 6 10, the Nally 39.21 ft to POB of ins to be desc, the cont ad lne as ext to a pt 3 ft Wly of Ely Ina of Lot 8 6 th term. Block 50. 155-010-050082 N 50 It of Lots 8,9, 6 10, Block 50 155-010-050100 Th prt of Lts 9 6 10 des: Beg SEly car of Lt 10; the NEly alg SEly In 102.84 ft to In par/v 6 62 It Sally of NEly In; the Nally alg ad par In 39.21 ft to In par/v 6 6 ft Nally of SEly In of Lot 9; the Sally 102.86 ft to Sally In of Lot 9. Block 50. 155-010-051010 Lot 1 exc Nly 30 ft Block 51 155-010-051011 Nly 30 ft of Lts 1 6 2 6 Nly 30 ft of W 24 ft of Lt 3. Also S 15 ft of Lt 15. Block 51 155-010-051020 it 2 exc Nly 30 ft G Lt 3 exc Nly 30 ft of W 24 ft 6 W 74 ft Of Lt 4. Block 51 155-010-051040 E 254 ft of Lt 4 6 W 5% ft Lt 5, Block 51 155-010-050111 S4 of Lots 11 6 12, Block 50, Original Plat 155-010-051050 Lot 5, Block 51, exc w 54 ft f50Mis-921 Original Plat 155-010-051111 Lots 11 G 12, Block 51, axe 8 65 ft and axe tr sesc in Ek 266-795 Original Plat 155-010-051130 Lots 13, 14, G Nly 150 ft of Lot 15, Block 51, Original Plat v F. ESTIMATE OF COSTS The estimate of public costs associated with the modified tax increment / finance plan are outlined in the following line item budget. BUDGET Property Acquisition $75,000.00 Demolition Cost 13,000.00 Administration Cost 2,000.00 TOTAL PROJECT COST $90,000.00 Less Payment on Purchase Agreement 25,000.00 Less Demolition Cost 13,000.00 Less Administration Cost 2,000.00 HRA General Fund 40,800.00 Contract for Deed $50,000.00 G. ESTIMATED AMOUNT OF BONDED INDEBTEDNESS An estimate of the maximum amount of bonded indebtedness is expected to be $90,000.00. The estimated annual tax increment generated from the elderly home (517,300.00) will be applied to the contract for dead payments (estimated average annual debt service is $14,000.00). upon full payment of the contract for dead, the tax increment from the elderly home will replenish the HRA General Fund for expenses incurred. Debt retirement to be completed before the duration of Redevelopment District 12. Bonded indebtedness of 590,000 is an addition to the original budget. l H. SOURCE OF REVENUE The primary source of revenue to be used to retire the bond indebtedness (contract for deed) will be tax increments generated from the River Park View Elderly Project, a development completed in 1986 within Tax Increment District 12. The other initial source of revenue will be from HRA General Funds. 1. ORIGINAL ASSESSED VALUE Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 273.74, Subdivision I, and 273.76, Subdivision 1, the Original Assessed Value as modified for the Redevelopment District 12 and certified by the County Auditor of Wright County on the 17th day of November, 1985. This value is a total of $99,917.00. Individual parcel assessed values are as follows: Parcel Assessed Value 155-010-050010 -0- 155-010-050011 3 9,860 155-010-050081 $13.574 155-010-050082 S 7.616 1 155-010-050100 3 2,920 11 Parcel Assessed Value 155-010-051010 5 3,760 155-010-051011 $12,070 155-010-051020 $17,974 155-010-051040 3 6,630 155-010-050111 3 8,960 155-010-051050 $10,276 155-010-051111 $ 6,277 155-010-051130 exempt U RESOLUTION 87- A RESOLUTION ADOPTING MOLLIFICATION #2 OF THE EXISTING TAX INCREMENT FINANCE PLAN FOR REDEVEIgPMENT DISTRICT #2 PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 273.71 TO 273.78 INCLUSZ VE OF THE MINNESOTA STATUTE WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, has determined the need to modify the finance plan of an existing tax increment finance redevelopment district pursuant to Minnesota Statute, Section 273.74, Subdivision 4. within the redevelopment project created pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 462.411 at seg; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, found in 1983 that it was necessary to create a tax increment finance redevelopment district pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 273.71 to 273.76 inclusive; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed the proposed modification of the tax Increment finance pian; and WHEREAS, the members of the School Board of Education of the Local Independent School District #882 and the Board of Commissioners of the County of Wright have been informed of the fiscal and economic implications of the proposed modification of the existing Tax Increment Finance Plan for Redevelopment District 02; and WHEREAS, a public hearing was hold on August 24, 1987, at 7:30 o'clock p.m. before the City Council in the Council Chambers in the City Hall, in Monticello, Minnesota, notice of which has been published twice in the official newspaper for the City, not lose than ten, nor more than thirty days prior to August 24, 1987; and WHEREAS, at said public hearing all. persons and parties were given full opportunity to present written or oral testimony, comments, objections, suggestions, and other matters, all of which were duly considered by the Council. NOW, THEREFORE, HE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO that the City of Monticello does hereby modify the existing tax increment finance plan and finds: 1. That the proposed acquisition of commercial property lis* as modified within the finance plan of the flax Increment Redevelopment District 42 and that the intended demolition will contribute to the elimination of blight or deterioration within the area. 2. That the Tax Increment Finance Plan as modified will increase the amount of bonded indebtedness. LZID Resolution 87 - Page 2 3. That the Tax Increment Finance Plan as modified will increase the portion of the captured assessed value to be retained by the Authority. 4. That the Tax Increment Finance Plan as modified will increase in total the estimated tax increment expenditures. 5. That the Planning Commission has reviewed the tax increment finance plan as modified herein and it conforms to the general plan for development of the municipality as a whole because its final result will increase the City's commercial or housing activity. 6. That the tax increment finance plan as modified herein will afford maximum opportunity consistent with the sound needs of the City as a whole, for the development by private enterprise as it will enable the City to assist a future developer by providing a suitable site for development. The City Council of the City of Monticello. Minnesota, does hereby approve Modification #2 to the Tax Increment Finance Plan for Redevelopment District 12. Adopted by the City Council this 24th day of August, 1987. Arve A. Grimamo, Mayor ATTEST: RiCk Wolfstellar City Administrator e Council Agenda - 8/26/87 7. Consideration of a Conditional Use Request to Allow a Beauty Shop as a Home Occupation in an R-1 Zone. Apolicant, Joann Hoerchler. (G.A.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Ms. Hoerchler would like to operate an in-home beauty shop out of their recently purchased home. Some of the conditions under the home occupation definition of our ordinance have been satisfactorily met or exceeded by the applicant. One thing that is not mentioned in here but might be considered as an additional condition put on k%y the City council may be the hours of operation of such a business. But generally, this type of home occupation would be hardly noticed by the residents in this area once it was put into use. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the conditional use request to allow a beauty shop as a home occupation in an R-1 (Single Family Residential) Zone. 2. Deny the conditional use request to allow a beauty shop as a home occupation in an R-1 (Single Family Residential) Zone. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends approval of the conditional use request to allow a beauty shop as a home occupation in an R-1 (Single Family Residential) Zone. The applicant, at her former location in another Minnesota community, did oporat o such a business out of her home; so the nature of her business is, not different than what she has done in the poet. One additional condition that in not mentioned under the home occupation definition may be a limitation as to the hours of business in which she may operate the beauty shop. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the location; Copy of tho definition section of the ordinance for home occupation; Copy of the Planning Commission Meeting Minutes. -6- Conditional use request to allow a beauty shop as a home occupation in an R -I (Single Family Residential) ----------- Zone. -Joann Hoerchler. 7 ---------- - ---------------------- LO & VOL L 0 A., TI. i`ais.�1 d :ice I"'`r 4 01.01 I r 11 '. I*_N� 0 t A 11 %P P 00 fit more than five (5) feet from the building, between the building and a 11ne five (5) feet from -the building. (GE] 'GRADING: Changing the natural or exising topography of land. [GF] GUEST ROOM: A room occupied by one () ) or more guests for compensation and in which no provision is made for ' cooking, but not including rooms in a dormitory for sleeping purposes primarily. (HA] HOLIDAY SIGNS:• Signs or displays which contain or depict a message pertaining to a national or state holiday, and no other matter. (HB] HOME OCCUPATION: Any gainful occupation engaged in by the occupants of a dwelling at cr from the dwelling. Such activity shall be clearly incidental and secondary to the residential use of the premises. Permissible home occupations shall not include the conducting of a retail business other than by mail, manufacturing business, or a repair shop of any kind on the premises, and no stock in trade shall be kept or sold. No other thanpersons residing on the premises shall be employed, and no mechanical equipment shall be employed the is not customarily found in the home and no more than one (1) room may ba devoted to home occupation use. Such home occupation shall not require internal or external alterations or involve conatructien features not custormarily found in dwellings. The entrance to the space devoted to such occupation shall be within the dwelling. "There shall be no exterior display, no exterior signs except as allowed in the sign regulations for the zoning district in which such home occupation is located. ... _. ..... .... There shall be no exterior storage of equipment or materials used in the home occupation. No home occupation shall be permitted which results.in or generates more traffic than one (t) car for offstreet perking at any given point in time. Parmissable home occupations include, but are not limited to the following: art studio, dressmaking, special officems of a clergyman, lawyer, architect, engineer, accountant, or real estate agent or appraiser, when located in a dwelling unit occupied by the same; and teaching, with musical, dancing and other Instruction limited to one (1) pupil at one time. (HC) HOTEL: Any building or portion thereof occupied as the more or less temporary abiding place of individuals and containing six (6) or more guest rooms, used, designated, intended to be used, let or hired out to be occupied, or which are occupied by six (6) or more individuals for cmmpensation, whether the compensation be paid directly or indirectly. (IA) IDENTIFICATION SIGNS: Signs in all districts which identify the business or owner, or manager, or resident and set forth the address of the promises where the sign is located and which contain no other material. (IB) ILLUMINATED SIGN: Any sign which Is lighted by an artificial •� light source either directed upon it or illuminated from an interior source. (IC] -IMPERVIOUS SUEFACE: An artificial or natural surface Ci) through which water, air, or roots cannot penetrate. Planning Commiasion Minutes - 8/11/87 8. Public Hearing - A conditional use request to allow a beauty shop as a home occupation in an R-1 (Single Family Residential) Zone. Applicant, Joann Hoerchler. Ma. Joann Hoerchler was present to propose her conditional use request to be allowed to operate a beauty shop out of her single family residence. She indicated to Planning Commission members the location of her proposed beauty shop within a certain portion of the house, also indicating the number of off-street parking spaces that she would have available to her prospective customers, and also the hours of operation predominantly from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Chairperson Richard Carlson then opened the meeting for any input from the public. Gladys Piatz indicated that they were the adjoining property owner immediately vest of the applicant and that they had no problem with the applicant's request. They felt it would be vary beneficial to the residents in this neighborhood. Chairperson Richard Carlson then closed the public hearing. Chairperson Richard Carlson felt very uneasy with not stipulating the actual hours of operation of this beauty shop. Zoning Administrator Anderson countered that under the definition section of our ordinance under home occupation pretty much determines the conditions which would apply in the applicant's request. It's pretty hard to dictate the hours of operation due to seasonal type activities of this type of business. The neighborhood pretty much dictates as to how this beauty shop operation operates within this residential area. Chairperson Richard Carlson than asked for a motion. Motion by Joyce Dowling, seconded by Richard Martie, to approve the conditional use request to allow a beauty shop as a home occupation in an R-1 (Single Family Residential) Zona with the following condition: a. The property be reviewed by the Zoning Administrator in a six-month time period, which would be on or before February 1, 19es. Motion carried unanimously. Council Agenda - 8/24/87 8. Consideration of a Conditional Use Request to Allow Major Auto Repair in a B-4 Zone. Applicant, Fred and Patricia Culp. (G.A.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Fred and Patricia Culp are currently the new owners of the existing Broadway Auto Repair, formerly K 6 H Auto Repair under the ownership of Mr. Ken Stolp. The existing business was allowed to exist under the grandfather clause in that it was there under a different business ownership before the Monticello City Ordinance was in place. The applicants would like to run the same type of business out of this location only under a new ownership and a new name. The only other change would be that there would be no auto sales from this business establishment. It would only be auto repair. The Culps, however, would like to make acme changes to the property to clean up the existing mess that constantly occurs around the property. The Culps would only like to do major auto repair at this location and have no intentions of being in the used auto sales business. Therefore, some of the existing spaces which are currently taken up by automobiles constantly parked on every available space of the property will now be reworked to definitely mark the areae for customer parking and the area for the employee parking with the entrances to these areae marked. The Culps would also like to take the current area as noted on their site plan in the front boulevard and plant some shrubs and remove the green and put in some landscaping rock where the weeds currently exist. The area to the east of the building is currently where used auto parts debris tends to accumulate with the current owner of the business. This area would now become parking for the employees of thin new business. Culps would also like some consideration on a couple of other conditions which may be attached to this property, and they are as follows. For the existing semi -trailer which is parkod to the rear or north of this building, they would like that to remain for a short period of time until they can better facilitate storage within the confines of the existing building. They would also like consideration of a possible condition that the area along the south and a portion of the cast property line screening fence not be installed for a period of up to one year. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the conditional use request to allow major auto repair in a 0-4 (Regional Business) Zone. 2. Deny the conditional use request to allow major auto repair in a 9-4 (Regional Business) Zone. 3. Approve the conditional use request to allow major auto repair in a 9-4 (Regional Business) Zone with the following conditions: -7- Council Agenda - 8/24/87 a. Off-street customer parking apace be striped on the existing bituminous off-street parking surface as shown on the enclosed site plan. b. Employee parking area be in the area immediately east of the existing building. c. The existing semi -trailer parked on the north side of the building be removed in a period of time as recommended by the City Council. d. The solid screening fence be installed along the entire north side of the property and on a portion of the east side of the property from the northeast corner up to the end of the northwest corner of the Post Office building. a. The front boulevard portion of this site be installed as per site plan. f. The conditional use permit be granted for a period of up to one year. At that time, it would be reviewed by the Zoning Administrator. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: In our conversations with the applicants, we feel the intent of the applicants is definitely to improve the blighted condition which occurred at the existing location. The use of this property would not change, but we feel the overall appearance of this property and the operation of the new business will more than compensate for the conditions that exist there now. We recommend the applicant be given consideration of up to one year from approval of their conditional use request to install a solid screening fence along the south side and part of the east aide of their property. we also feel that consideration be given to the time frame for the removal of the existing semi -trailer north of the existing buiding. we feel a one-year time limit should be attached to the conditional use request and reviewed by the and of this one year. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the location; Copy of the site plan; Copy of the Planning Commission Meeting Minutes. -e- kn 78 11- 31 9 Planning Commission Minutes - 8/11/87 . S. Public Bearing - A conditional use request to allow major auto repair in a B-4 (Regional Business) Zone. Applicant. Fred and Patricia Culp. Mr. Prod Culp was present to propose his conditional use request to allow major auto repair in the former R 8 B Auto/Broadway Auto business location. Mir. Culp explained his proposed conditional use request explaining how he would be cleaning up the entire area around the building. repainting the exterior of the building, and basically . sprucing up the place. Commission member, Richard Martie, questioned as to how long a time would be needed to remove the existing semi -trailer in the back of the building. Mr. Culp indicated he didn't have any use for the trailer and that he didn't have any idea how long it would take him to facilitate removal of this semi -trailer. Mr. William Jones, affected property owner, indicated to Planning Commission members he had no problem with Mr. Culp's request in that anything he could do to the property would only improve the property from the situation that exists there now. Chairperson Richard Carlson then closed the public hearing and asked for a motion. Motion by Joyce Dowling, seconded by Barbara Koropchak, to approve the conditional use request to allow major auto repair in a B-4 (Regional Business) Zone with the following conditions: a. Off-street customer parking space be striped on existing bituminous off-street parking surface as shown on the enclosed site plan. b. The employee parking area be in the area immediately east of the existing building. c. The existing semi -trailer parked on the north side of the building be removed by October 71, 1987. d. A solid screening fence be installed along the entire north aide of the property and on a portion of the east aide of the property from the northeast corner up to the end of the northwest corner of the Poet Office building. As part of this condition also, the screening fence must be installed by Augruet 1. 1988. e. The front boulevard portion of this site be installed as per site plan. f. The conditional use permit be granted for a period of up to one year. At that time, it would be reviewed by the Zoning Administrator. Motion carried unanimously. In 0 Council Agenda - 8/26/87 9. Consideration of Cable Franchise Ordinance Amendment. (R.W.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the March 23 Council meeting, the Council adopted a resolution approving the transfer of ownership of the cable system from Rite Cable Company to Jones Intercable, Inc. This process was approved by all ten communities within the Cable Commission, and the final step in the transfer of ownership process involves the formal amendment to our Cable Television Franchise Ordinance. The proposed ordinance amendments have been prepared by the Commission's legal counsel, Tom Creighton. A copy of the proposed amendments indicating new additions to the ordinance and/or deletions is enclosed for your review. A copy of the new ordinance amendment with Jones Intercable inserted where applicable is also enclosed for your review. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Adopt the ordinance amendment as presented. 2. Do not adopt the ordinance amendment. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The proposed ordinance amendment is strictly a formality that needs to be taken care of now that Jones Intercable has completed the ownership process. The action taken by the Council in March to approve by resolution the official transfer of ownership really takes precedent over the ordinance amendment, and it is recommended that the ordinance be adopted. It should be noted that the original cable television franchise ordinance In approximately 90 pages long; and if the Council does not have a copy. one is available at City Nall for your review. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of proposed amendments to the ordinance and the official ordinance amendment document. -9- O'CONNOR & HANNAN ATTORNEYS AT LAW so..a 3600 105 CENTER BO SOUTH EIGHTH STREET w MINNEAPOLIS, MINNCSOTA 55402.2254 _ V.s 16121341.3600 TELEX 29.0564 r TELECOPIER 16121 343.1256 INCLUDING THE TORNER fIRM MACINTOSH 4 CO—ERS .av . aai•.Pu �v� i`ao' M Yv e�'�� �r ,Nr. apafr ,oaw Yr �6t�i+�+te tY ti Pt�s.a DIRECT DIAL NUMBER MEMORANDUM TO: City Administrators, City Managers, and City Clerks of the Sherburne/Wright County Cable Communications Commission FROM: Thomas D. Creighton, Legal Counsel DATE: August 4, 1987 RE: Amendments to the Cable Television Franchise Ordinance The final step in the transfer of ownership process involving the sale of the cable system from Rite Cable Company to Jones Intercable, Inc. involves the formal amendment of your cable television franchise ordinance. Since your City has formally approved by resolution the sale and transfer of the system to Jones Intercable, Inc., the formal ordinance amendment process is more of a housekeeping matter. The Commission has directed me to prepare the enclosed ordinance amendments to finalize the transfer. I have also enclosed for your review a red -lined copy of the amendment showing the changes. I would ask that your Council undertake to formally amend your franchise ordinance in accordance with your standard ordinance making requirements. Upon passage of the ordinance amendment, I would ask that you return a certified original copy to my office. I will undertake to secure the necessary signatures from Jones Intercable, Inc. C)'C0"N(:)R & HANNAN ATTORNEYS AT {,AW Memorandum August 4, 1987 Page Two Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. if you should have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. TDC:ph cc: Barbara J. Guffey, Cable Administrator Gary R. Katz, Legal Counsel for Jones Intercable, Inc. CJ 1. 2. PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE CABLE TELEVISION FRANCHISE ORDINANCE ARTICLE 1, Section 2(J) is amended as follows: H. "Grantee" means Jones Intercable, Inc. and/or one or more of its controlled affiliates, Rite-eable-eampany ef-Minnesat&T its agents and employees. ARTICLE 1, Section 2(0) is amended as follows: O. "Offering of Grantee" or "Offering" means that certain document dated February 24, 1984, entitled "Application for Cable Communication System Franchise For Member Cities of Sherburne/Wright County Cable Communications Commission' and signed by Grantee's Predecessor, as amended from time to time by mutual written agreement between Grantee and City or its delegates, and that certain document dated July 11, 1984 entitled "Sherburne/ Wright County Cable Communications Commission", along with any other written documentation supplied by Grantee's Predecessor to City or the Commission in conjunction with any public meeting of City or Commission, and related documents and written information and documentation or response to the "Request For Information" as part of the transfer of the Franchise to Grantee., which documents are on file with the City Clerk. 09 Passed and adopted this` day of 1987. ATTEST: CITY OF By Mayor This Franchise, as amended, is accepted, and we agree to be bound by all its terms and conditions, subject to federal, state and local laws. JONES INTERCABLE, INC. By By Its its Date Date ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. 157 THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO HEREBY ORDAINS THAT THE FOLLOWING ORDINANCE ENTITLED CABLE COMMUNICATIONS FRANCHISE BE AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: 1. ARTICLE I, Section 2(J) is amended as follows: H. "Grantee" is Jones Intercable, Inc. and/or one or more of its controlled affiliates, its agents and employees. 2. ARTICLE I, Section 2(0) is amended as follows: 0. "Offering of Grantee" or "Offering" means that certain document dated February 24, 1984, entitled "Application for Cable Communication System Franchise For Member Cities of Sherburne/Wright County Cable Communications Commission" and signed by Grantee's predecessor, as amended from time to time by mutual written agreement between Grantee and City or its delegatee, and that certain document dated July 11, 1984, entitled "Sherburne/ Wright County Cable Communications Commission" along with any other written documentation supplied by Grantee's predecessor to City or the Commission in conjunction with any public meeting of City or Commission, and related documents and written information and documentation or response to the "Request For Information" as part of the transfer of the Franchise to Grantee, which documents are on file with the City Clerk. Passed and adopted this _ day of 1987. J ATTEST: CITY OF By By Mayor This Franchise, as amended, is accepted, and we agree to be bound by all its terms and conditions subject to federal, state and local laws. JONES INTERCABLE, INC By By Its Its Da to Date J K Council Agenda - 8/26/87 10. Consideration of Change Order 47 for 86-1 Project. (J.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: In preparation for finaling out the 86-1 Project, we met with the contractor to discuss the request for extra compensation that he had made during the project. One area involves the interceptor sewer from Ramsey Street to Cedar Street. In this area, as well as others, we experienced a shortage of backfill material due to compaction during backfilling. The compaction of the backfill, although minimal, yielded a greater density than the original in-place swells, thus a significant depression was found in the area from Ramsey to Cedar Street. Several attempts were made at rectifying this situation. Many of these attempts included removal and replacement of topsoil, as well as the pumping of standing water On several occasions. Another extra compensation request involved the replacement of a well pump for Nancy Maas on Ramsey Street. During the dewatering process, Nancy Maas's well went dry, and her pump burned out due to its age and running without water. The contractor, according to specifications, was required to provide water during the dewatering operation if a well should run dry. He was not, however, required to purchase a new pump should one fail during this operation. The largest of the requests for extra compensation involves excess depth of construction at the start of the project near Washington Street and the Burlington Northern Railway. Last minute changes In the plans were made just prior to the bidding process in that the intereoptor sower line was turned further south in this area than was originally intended, and thus became deeper, as there was a stoop embankment near the apartments and parking lot in this area. The engineer did not adjust the now center Sine profile or surface elevation of the manhole to reflect this change on the plans. Thus, the contractor had to dig approximately eight fast deeper in a very tight portion of the interceptor sewer. The contractor is claiming extra compensation for having to remove the additional material and for decreased production in this area. Other changes included here in this item aro for deductions for which the contractor owes the City money for miscellaneous items. Chuck Lopak is drafting Change Order #7 and will forward it to the City by Friday ■o that it may be included with this agenda supplement. H. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Alternative number one would be to approve Change order #7 as outlined above and presented by Chuck Lepak. 2. Alternative number two would be to make additional attempts to negotiate the extra compensation items. Since we have already had several meetings over the peat many months about these items, it does not appear that there would be any success in further deliberating these requests. -10- council Agenda - 8/28/87 C. STAFP RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Public Works Director that the City Council approve Change Order 07 as outlined in alternative number one. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of Change Order V. NOTE: Chuck Lepak of OSM will be mailing the change order to you directly from their office. Also, OSM has actually created four change orders, numbers 7, 8, 9, and 1O, rather than just one change order 07. am Council Agenda - 8/24/87 11. Consideration of Final Payment on 86-1 Project. O.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Now that the interceptor sever project is in and complete, the City wishes to make final payment to the contractor so that we may proceed with our assessment hearings. As you may recall, although the project is termed the interceptor sever project, it also included reconstruction of Chestnut Street, the addition of water main to Chestnut Street, the reconstruction and adding of sewer and water to Fifth Street, the repaving and reconstruction of a short section of Locust Street along with adding a new water main to that street, storm sewer and water service for the Lucius Johnson property at Linn and Sixth Streets, and the installation of utilities under Minnesota Street to the Tom Brennan, Tom Holthaus, and Marvin Kramer properties. In addition, under this project we replaced a major section of the 77-3 force main located along Third Street and Elm Street. Also, there was a significant overrun of common excavation and suitable backfill material through the Sixth Street Station tax increment property. The original contract amount for the interceptor sewer project was $935,720.75. with the addition of change orders one through six, the amount of the new contract became $997,685.71. Adding Change Order Number 7 brings the total contract to $1,017.238.17 Due to the inclusion of the above -referenced projects and with the contract (much of the work was done at standard unit prices causing overruns in the original quantities), as well as the overruns in the Sixth Street Station area and for the 77-3 force main replacement, the total cost of the 86-1 project is $1.085,399.12 The total payments made to the contractor at this time are $1,058.340.16 Thus, the final payment to the contractor will be for $27,058.96 If the City of Monticello City Council authorizes final payment, such payment will not be issued to the contractor until all lion waivers and required documentation has been submitted to the City of Monticello. Authorization of this final payment, however, will allow us to move on to an assessment hearing by which each section will be broken out from the interceptor sever project. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would be to authorize final paymant to L 6 G Rahboin in the amount of $27,058.96 as outlined above. 2. Alternative number two would be to delay or modify payment to L 6 G Rohbein. This does not appear to be applicable, as the work is complete and has been approved. -t2- Council Agenda - 8/24/87 C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Public works Director that the City Council authorize final payment as outlined in alternative number one and proceed with setting the assessment hearing. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copies of the final payment request from OSM. -13- Council Agenda - 8/26/87 12. Consideration of Setting a Public Hearing for Adoption of Assessment Rolls on 86-1 Project and Highway 25 Improvement Project. (J.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: With the completion of the 86-1 interceptor sewer project, we do have final figures which can be used to set assessments for the street improvements and water improvements on Chestnut Street, the street improvement along with water and sewer improvements to Fifth Street, the street improvement and water improvement to Locust Street, the water and storm sewer stubs for the Lucius Johnson property at Sixth and Linn, and the Minnesota Street utility improvements. In addition, within the next week we will have semi-final costs for the Highway 25 improvement project. In order for us to most a goal of filing the proposed assessments with the County in October of this year, we must hold a public hearing no later than September 28, 1987, at which time the Council can determine the assessment for individual properties. There has been considerable discussion in the past about leas than 100 percent assessment toward some of the properties on both projects. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative is to not a public hearing for assessments for the 86.1 interceptor sewer project and the Highway 25 improvement project for September 28, 1987. 2. The second alternative would be to delay the public hearing for assessments. This would not be in the best interests of the City, as we would miss our deadline with the County. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator and Public works Director that the Council not a public hearing for the purpose of making assessments on the above projects as outlined in alternative number one. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None. -1a- Council Agenda - 8/24/87 13. Consideration of Purchase of Replacement Pickup for Public works Department. 1J.S.1 A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Unit 118 was purchased from the Federal Surplus Property late in 1981 at a coat of 5350. During that winter, the vehicle was painted orange in the City shop by City employees. It was one of the better buys that we have obtained through the Federal Surplus Property program. Some six years later, the pickup has in excess of 90,000 miles on it and is due for replacement. Over the past six years, the unit has needed no major repairs other than minor work such as a starter, fuel pump, break pads, and preventative maintenance such as oil changes and grease jobs. Lately the condition of the body has been deteriorating quite rapidly. There are huge rust holes in the body in numerous places and other systems aro showing their signs of age. some lubricants and greases are leaking, and we recently had to replace the radiator. The valve seals are extremely questionable at this time. The truck is definitely slated for retirement. In preparation for this, during the preparation of the 1987 budget, I felt that we could gat by with another used vehicle if I could find one with under 40,000 miles with a rust -free body, a small and economical V-8, and automatic transmission. A quick check last summer indicated you would probably find such a pickup for $6,500 to $7,000. Calculating the trade value of the old Unit 118 at 5500 to S1,000, we placed $6,000 in the 1987 budget. In the past couple of months I have been checking with the local Chevrolet dealer and Ford dealer about vehicles meeting the general specifications listed above. It appeared that there were numerous 4 -speed vehicles but very few automatics. Could Brothers Chevrolet called when Vince Mayer traded off his pickup from the phone company. Although it was a clean, well equipped unit, the $11,000 price tag was out of the question. In addition, when Al Larson from Coast to Coast traded off his clean pickup to Monticello Ford. I was notified. But again the price tag was in excess of 59,000, so I didn't pursue either of these vehicles. In addition, both were 4-whoel drives which I felt would have been a luxury. Rocently. I was contacted by Gould Brothers Chevrolet again, as they had a super clean 1982 Chevy half -ton with a small V-8 automatic, soma luxuries. It's a two -toned vehicle, brown and tan, with 38.000 miles, very, very clean. and very wall cared for. with trade, the price would be $6,400, Gould Brothers has indicated they would paint the vehicle orange for an additional $400, or for a total of $6.800. Recently, while discussing the East County Road 39 project with Curtis Hoglund, it was learned that he had a 1987 Ford F-150 pickup for sale with only 8.000 actual miles. The pickup was a relatively plain model, being brown in color, with an electronically fueled 6 -cylinder but a 4-opeod tranamision. This unit is extremely clean, like now. and Curtis would trade for 57,500. Council Agenda - 8/24/87 For Monday evening's meeting, we will attempt to obtain prices on what a new pickup would coat and also obtain some additional quotes on some other pickups for your consideration. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would be to authorize the Public works Director to replace Unit 018 with a used pickup selected at Monday evening's meeting. 2. The second alternative would be to purchase a new vehicle in 1987 or budget for a new vehicle for 1988. 3. The third alternative would be to continue using the 1972 Chevy pickup. This does not appear to be practical, as repairs will be costly in the future, and the body will virtually dissolve around the frame in the next year or two. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the 7ecommandation of the Public works Director that we replace this vehicle as outlined in alternative number one or two, the actual decision to be made at Monday evening's meeting by the Council. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Pictures and quotes available at Monday evening's meeting. -16- Council Agenda - 8/24/87 14. Consideration of Planning Commission Appointment. (G.A.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: As you are aware, Barbara Koropchak will be leaving her position with the Monticello Planning Commission effective the end of the August 11, 1987, Planning Commission meeting. we had submitted an advertisement in the Monticello Times and most recently in the Monticello Shopper to solicit for potential Planning Commission member applicants. we received three written applications, which are enclosed, and two oral applications, which are also enclosed. Four of these applicants attended the August 11 Planning Commission meeting for an interview In front of Planning Commission members. Each of the applicants were sent a formal letter from myself asking them to attend the August 11, 1987, Planning Commission meeting to see how the Planning Commission works and how the members deal with particular requests that come before them. I did also indicate to the applicants that there was a specific agenda item which the Planning Commission members may or may not ask questions of each of the individuals in attendance. I also indicated in my letter, of which a copy is enclosed, that the Planning Commission members may or may not make e recommendation to the City Council for a Planning Commission member at the August 11, 1987, Planning Commission meeting. The Planning Commission did not make a recommendation at the August 11, 1987, meeting. Enclosed you will find a summary of the Planning Commission members' selections for a recommendation to the Monticello City Council for a new Planning Commission member. The three written applications were from Patrick Faltereack, Candy Thilquiot, and Cindy Lamm. The oral applicants were Christopher Maas and Ellen Maxwell. The Planning Commission recommendation to you is that you appoint Cindy Lamm to fill the remaining term of former Planning Commieaion member, Barbara Koropchak. Ono thing to note, Cindy Lamm is a resident of Monticello Township and does not reside in the City of Monticello, as the other four applicants do. The other four applicants, which are taxpayers in the City of Monticello, do reside in the Monticello city limits. S. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1 . Acknowledge Planning Commission members' recommendation of Cindy Lemm for appointment to fill the term of Barbara Koropchak. 2. Deny Planning Commission members' recommendation of Cindy Lamm for appointment to fill the term of Barbara Koropchak. 3. Select one of the four Monticello city residents to fill Barbara Koropchak's Planning Commission term. -17- Council Agenda - 8/28/87 C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff acknowledges Planning Commission members' recommendation of City Lemm to fill Barbara Koropchak's Planning Commission term. one thing we would like to mention is that Cindy Lemm is currently a resident of Monticello Township and not the City of Monticello like the other four applicants are. Cindy Lemm will be sent a letter inviting her to attend the Monticello City Council meeting on Monday night. If you would like the other four residents which applied for the Planning Commission member position to attend. please let me know and I will contact them. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the invitation sent to each of the prospective applicants; Copy of applicants' submitted letters; Copy of the tabulation of the Planning Commission members' recommendation. My name is Cindy Lemm, and I would like to be considered for the vacancy on the Monticello City Planning Commission. I live 4 miles east of Monticello on County Road 39, and before that lived for 5 years on west River Street in Monticello. Until August 3rd I worked full time as an Assistant Quality Circle Facilitator for the Cornelius Company in Anoka. I taught groups of employees how to identify, analyze and solve problems in their work areas until I was laid off due to position elimination. I am 3 classes away from my A.A. degree at Anoka Ramsey Community College, and then plan to continue my education by completing my R.A. in Business Administration. I would like to serve on the Planning Commission because decisions made now will determine the future of Monticello, and although I do not currently reside in the city of Monticello. I expect the area where we live to be annexed sometime in the future. I have a lot of free time now, and would like to do something worthwhile with it, as well as to becotne involved in the community. I don't have a lot of experience with city planning, but have strong communication and leadership skills, and feel that I could serve the Commission well. Cindy Lem 0,0� +'� Rt. 2 Box 145A Monticello, MN 55362 295-2642 (Unlisted) July 31, 1987 Candi Thilqulst 116 Hedman Lane Monticello, MIN 55362 Mr. Gary Anderson Monticello City Hall Monticello, MN 55362 Dear Mr. Anderson, Per our phone conversion regarding my application for the Planning and Zoning Committee position that will be available soon, here is a brief personal description. My name is Candi Thilquist. I currently reside at 116 Hedman Lane, Monticello. Minnesota. I have lived and worked in Monticello 18 years. My current position is with NSP at hte Monticello Training Center as an Administrative Aid. My duties are to maintain all personnel records for Monticello Nuclear Plant personnel, oreer all supplies, and general secretarial duties. I have had several diverse pooitions locally, one of which was with the City of Monticello as a cashier at Hi -Way Liquors while under the management of Mark Irmiter. I have three high school ago daughters currently attending Monticello Senior High. I am interacted in the Planning and Zoning Committee position for at least two reasons, ono being personal change. The second, additional knowledge of perhaps state and certainly local Iowa and ordinances. 'rhere also seems to be a series of issues In my neighborhood recently regarding everything from peLa,to domestic arguements, to the care of one's home and property. Hopefully thin experience will help all of us to solve these problems in a civil manner. Thank you for the opportunity to present thin application and your attention to this matter. Zicarely. Candl Thilquist July 6, 1989 Planning Commission City of Monticello Monticello, MN 55362 Planning Commission: I am interested in serving on the MonticelIo Planning Commission. Community development is an interest to me. Previously, i was chairman of the Planning Commission for the City of Madison Lake, MN for five years. In addition to that I served as a volunteer fireman and police reserveman for the City of Madison Lake. If there is any additional information you need to know, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, QaioC Patrick Faltersack 1014 Meadow Oak Drive Monticello, MN 55362 (612) 295-4863 T Eon 6 er miinneacte $53a2•a2ab 16) City o1 WontiAl. _ MONTICELLO, MN 55382.9245 August 7, 1987 kme16121295.2711 evq IS, 21303.5738 ' Ms. Ellen Maxwell 149 Riverview Drive, Unit 45 Monticello, MN 55362 syor, Area Grrnemo n Coma: Dear Rt. Maxwell: Dan S7onµlen Fran Foo wltlym Feu The Monticello Planning Commission will hold its regular monthly Jack Mt ea meeting on Tuesday, August 11, 1987, beginning at 7:30 p.m. As a ltmnticello Planning Commission applicant, you are invited to attend this meeting. On the enclosed agenda you will note :n48""r: Tom Us- an agenda item for Monticello Planning Commission applicants. -Mc e Ouacior: The Monticello Planning Commission members may ask questions akk wafalener of you at this time. ,nuc works: Jon, Simon arming a Zoning: The Monticello Planning Commission members, after their conversations Gary lrutaraon with Fou and other Monticello Planning Commission applicants, :onomK Oereiooment: may choose to make a recomcendation to the Monticello City Council Dme KMgOCliale members at this time or at a later date. • Their recommendation is subject to the approval of the Monticello City Council members. we encourage your attendance at the Tuesday. August 11, 1987, Planning Commission meeting. If you have any Questions, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, lQ�y r�1 Gary Anderson Zoning Administrator GAAd Enclosure cc: File T Eon 6 er miinneacte $53a2•a2ab 16) z6121 295-2711 9f 21.333-5739 Co d: Nn 9longen ran Fav vmam Fas eek M-00 nkkevemr: am Esoem &me Otrecw- tick woz4ver we works: .S. nnm a Zonoso: ury u+aereon uranle peveloommt )me KorooCAUX August 7, 1957 City o/ Monticello MONTICELLO. MN 55352.9245 Ms. Candi Thilquist - 116 Redman Lane Monticello, MN 55362 Dear Ms. Thilquist: The Monticello Planning Commission will hold its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, August 11, 1987, beginning at 7:30 p.m. As a Monticello Planning Commission applicant, you are invited to attend this meeting. an the enclosed agenda you will note an agenda item for Monticello Planning Commission applicants. The Monticello Planning Commission members may ask questions of you at this time. The Monticello Planning Commission mambers, after their conversations with you and other Monticello Planning Commission applicants, may choose to make a recommendation to the Monticello City Council members at this time or at a later date. Their recommendation is subject to the approval of the Monticello City Council members. we encourage your attendance at the Tuesday, August 11, 1987, Planning Commission meeting. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, S7��JJJ ..� �__ .Clo i Gary Anderson Zoning Administrator GAAd Enclosure cc: File felt 9rae+rav xeuo. fainneeos / :a39z•e2se i city o/ Monticello r MONTICELLO, MN 55362.9245 August 7, 1987 12 )295-2711 912)333.5739 Ms. Cindy Lemn Aouta 2, Sox 145A Monticallo, MN 55362 GAnumo Dear Me. Lemur: sxua: Fo�o0f1 FW The Monticello Planning Commission will hold its regular monthly �+F■g meeting on Tuesday, August 11, 1987, beginning at 7:30 p.m. Me%we4 As a Monticello Planning Commission applicant, you are invited to attend this meeting. On the enclosed agenda you will note ar■u>r: an agenda item for Monticello Planning Commission applicants. Eaem The Monticello Planning Commission members may ask questions wooesleerr of you at this time. worlu: �^p■ The Monticello Planning Commission members, after their conversations g ZoMng: with you and other Monticello Planning Commission applicants, ulaareon may choose to make a recommendation to the Monticello City Council nK oevetoomam: Koraocrok members at this time or at a later data. Their recommendation is subject to the approval of the Monticello �'•�• City Council members. ` We encourage your attendance at the Tuesday, August 11, 1987, Planning Commission meeting. If you have any questions, please feel free to Contact me, Sincerely, 0-1 �1019101 QWA Gary Anderson Zoning Administrator GAAd Enclosure cc: File 00. MI—esau 1jj 182-92*5 / T i s Eui 8meenav /� naso. +anna.aia i53az•a2+a o1 Mont;'Ao ,,. • MONTICELLO. MN 55382.9248 August 7, 1987 Pnone {812}28&?ttt stew {8121313.5138 Mr. Patrick Faltersack 1010 Meadow Oak Drive ' Monticello, MH 55362 - McYar An* G+aawno Dear Mr. Faltersack: city Count- Dm 8bngm 1. It wauam Fu The Monticello Planning Commission will hold its regular monthly Jack Me:+.ae meeting on Tuesday. August 11, 1987, beginning at 7:30 p.m. As a Monticello Planning Commission applicant, you are invited to attend this meeting. on the enclosed agenda you will note Aemmutrata: Tom Elden an agenda item for Monticello Planning Commiesion applicants. Finance Deecmr: The Monticello Planning Commission members may ask questions Fick waretle, of you at this time. puoec waw: .wm se au The Monticel:o Planning Commission members, after their conversations punnmo aZaano: Oary Am:wedn with you and other Monticello Planning Commission applicants, Ecandmc 04,18100"wt: may choose to make a recommendation to the Monticello City Council C0. KaoocneK members at this time or at a later date. ' Their recommendation is subject to the approval of the Monticello �•. City Council members. We encourage your attendance at the Tuesday, August 11, 1987. Planning Commission meeting. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, "O�y J" -M Gary Anderson Zoning Administrator GA1kd Enclosure cc: File i s Eui 8meenav /� naso. +anna.aia i53az•a2+a J_ MONTICELLO, MN 55362.9245 'twee 4472)295.2711 August 21, 1987 Asan 1612)333.5739 RE: Recommendation for Planning Commission Applicant uycs: ane Gdmwm sty Co u,cd: ��} Oan Blom -gen 1 1 I El NONE OF THE BEIAW Fran Far Wfalem Fes Jack Ma—ea ❑ PATRICK FALTERSACK .cmmmuator: Tom Eioem a CHRISTOPHER MMS RiCM W0031611 f JJohn SO CANDI THIL42UIST tannaiQ a Zonnp: OW Anaerettn conomc Devebament Q ELLEN MAXWELL Ome Kmoocnok C] CINDY LEMM As the above results indicate, the Monticello Planning Commission's recommendation is for the appointment of Cindy Lemm to the Monticello Planning Commission. Sincerely, C. y Andora� Zoning Administrator CA/kd 0 Ent BrwewaY aceao. Mm 411013 56382.9245 / .�/ LIQUOR FUND AMOUNT CECK LIQUOR DISBURSEMENTS FOR AUGUST NO. N0. Johnson Bros. - Liquor 671.50 132I9 Wright County State Bank - FICA 6 FWT 637.36 13220 State Capitol Credit Union - Payroll ded. 170.00 13221 Commissioner of Revenue - SWT 232.00 13222 State Treasurer - PERA W1H 190.57 13223 Eagle Wine Co. - Liquor 840.25 13224 Griggs, Cooper - Liquor 2,970.16 13225 Ed Phillips - Liquor 1,886.12 13226 Quality Wine - Liquor 504.07 13227 Johnson Bra. - Liquor 1,227.32 13228 Northern States Power - Utilities 846.38 13229 Bridgewater Telephone - Telephone 74.89 13230 North Central Public Service - Utilities 7.68 13231 MN. Bar Supply - Store supplies 98.16 13232 Dahlheimer Dist. Co. - Beer 22,417.65 13233 Viking Coca Cola - Misc. mdse. 362.45 13234 Grosslein Beverage - Beer 19,993.70 13235 The Glass Hut - Repair door 75.00 13236 Granite City Jobbing - Supplies 167.02 13237 Cloudy Town Diet. Co. - Store supplies 162.20 13238 Stromquist Dist. Co. - Misc. mdse. 19.50 13239 St. Cloud Fire Equip. - Service on fire extinguishers 22.50 13240 Koiles Sanitation - Garbage service 133.50 13241 Bernick's Pepsi Cola - Misc. mdss. 849.30 13242 Thorpe Diet. Co. - Beer 13,096.20 13243 Seven Up Bottling - Mist. mdse. 144.35 13244 Leifert Trucking - Freight 475.51 13245 Maus Foods - Store expense 18.20 13246 Monticello Office Products - Store expense 34.96 13247 City of Monticello - Sewer/water billing 207.19 13248 Griggs, Cooper - Liquor 1,895.61 13249 State Capitol Credit Union - Payroll ded. 170.00 13250 Wright County State Bank - FICA.& FWT 624.08 13251 Johnson Bros. - Liquor 75I.74 13252 Banker's Life - Group Ins. 307.88 13253 Hoover Co. - Repair vacuum 34.23 13254 Adam's Pest Control - Pest control mtce. 75.00 13255 Rubald Beverage Co. - Wine purchase 249.61 13256 Cruys. Johnson - Computer fees 110.00 13257 Monticello Times - Adv. 134.60 13258 Yellow Pages - Adv. 95.00 13259 Day Diet. - Beer 1,336.65 13260 Dick Beverage - Beer 2,725.20 13261 Coast to Coast - Store expense 4.58 13262 Keith Trippe - Sever pipe for parking lot $0.00 13263 PERA - Para W(H 196.77 13264 Ed Phillipe - Liquor 21452.18 13265 Quality Wine - Liquor 657.10 13266 Griggs. Cooper - Liquor 5,419.83 13267 Ron's Ice Co. - Ica purchase 799.49 13268 Jude Candy b Tobacco - Supplies 1,041.77 13269 OSM - Engineering fees for parking lot 2,673.44 13270 Commissioner of Revenue - Sales tax 4.613.92 13271 P 6 H Warehouse Sales - Irrigation system supplies 1.434.77 13272 Payroll for July TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS 3.885.80 S1nn.77s.4d GENERAL FUND -- AUGUST ' AMOUNT CHECK NO. Commissioner of Revenue - Water sales tax - 2nd Qtr. 450.19 24639 Thomas Meulebroeck - Fin. Off. 6 Clerks Assoc. annual dues 15.00. 24640 Corrow Sanitation - Garbage contract 16,755.20 24641 Holt Partnership Architects - Building prints 22.25 24642 ICMA Retirement - Payroll ded. 614.34 24643 State Capitol Credit Union - Payroll ded. 123.04 24644 Data Mgmt. Design - Computer equipment 41,567.20 24645 Dept. of Nat. Res. - Dep. Reg. fees 106.00 24646 Dept. of Nat. Res. - Dep. Reg. fees 36.00 24647 Jerry Hermes - Janitorial library 216.67 24648 David Stromberg - Animal control expense 287.50 24649 Mrs. Beverly Johnson - Animal control expense 275.00 24650 Commissioner of Revenue - SWT 2,042.00 24651 State Treasurer - PERA 1.492.16 24652 Wright County State Bank - FICA 6 FWT 5.006.88 24653 Federal Mtce. 6 Cleaning 591.41 24654 YMCA of Mpls. - Monthly contract payment 583.33 24655 Arve Grimsmo - Mayor salary 175.00 24656 Dan Blonigen - Council salary 125.00 24657 Mrs. Fran Fair - Council salary 125.00 24658 William Fair - Council salary 125.00 24659 Warren Smith - Council salary 123.19 24660 James Ridgeway - Planning Comm. salary 49.27 24661 Dick Martie - Planning Comm. salary 49.27 24662 Richard Carlson - Planning Comm. salary 49.27 24663 Barbara Koropchak - Planning Comm. salary 49.27 24664 Eugene and Helen Bland - Earnestmoney on residence 500.00 24665 Corrow Sanitation - Add'l. charges for land fill costs 2,557.40 24666 Janette Leerrsen - Inf. Center salary 106.87 24667 Wilma Hayes - Inf. Center salary 120.37 24668 Dept, of Nat. Ree. - Dep. Reg. fees 71.00 24669 Dept. of Nat. Res. - Dep. Reg. fees 94.00 24670 Kuhn Properties - Purchase of Bland property 34,407.31 24671 Kuhn Properties - Purchase balance 2.000.00 24672 S b L Excavating - Chelsea Road project payment 1,275.00 24673 L 6 G Rohbein - Chelsea Road extension project 19.104.80 24674 Bridgewater Telephone - Telephone ' 991.56 24675 Astech Surface Contract. Corp. - Sealcoating streets 13,501.28 24676 Eugene 6 Helen Bland - Balance due on property 4.055.34 24677 Wright County State Bank - G. 0. Bond payment - 86-A 27,520.00 24678 Wright County Treasurer - lot half R. E. taxes - Bland property 211.14 24679 Wayne Mfg. - Christmas decorations 3,993.89 24680 Banker's Life Ins. - Group ins. 4,120.64 24681 Northern States Power - Utilities 7.103.53 24682 VOID -0- 24683 Norweat Investment Services - Computer payment 2.407.61 24684 PSGI - WWTP contract payment - August 22.083.35 24685 ICMA - Payroll ded. 614.34 24686 State Treasurer - Ins. premiums - reimb. 27.00 24687 Rick Wolfsteller - Mileage allowance for August 300.00 24688 State Capitol Credit Union - Payroll ded. 123.04 24689 J M Oil Co. - Gas 172.05 24690 Dept. of Not. Rea. - Dep. Reg. fees 31.00 24691 Dept. of Not. Rae. - Dep. Reg. fees 18.00 24692 ICMA - Add. cont. for Rick Wolfatelier 145.00 24693 David Stromborg - Animal control expense 287.50 24694 Jerry Hermes - Janitorial library 216.67 24695 GENERAL FUND AMOUNT CHECK NO. Monticello Fire Dept. - Salaries 2,016.54 24696 North Central Public Service - Utilities 66.23 24,697 Wright County State Bank - FICA 6 FWr 4,506.52 24698 PERA - PERA W/H 1 .313.25 24699 ,. Wright County Highway Dept. - Maps, crack filler 594.85 24700 Big Lake Equip. - Mtce. Dept. repaire 496.73 24701 Trueman Welter - Parts for equipment 33.30 24702 Wright County Auditor - Sheriff contract payment 10,645.21 24703 Pitney Bowes - Postage machine rental 72.00 24704 Marco Business Products - Copy machine repair at Mtce. Bldg. 82.38 24705 Simonson Lumber - Supplies 46.40 24706 Unitog Rental - Uniform rental 128.00 24707 Coast to Coast - Supplies for all Depts. 285.04 24708 Safety Kleen - Equipment mtce. - Public Works 40.00 24709 St. Cloud Restaurant - Hand soap 17.20 24710 Unocal - Gas - Fire Dept. 6 Walt's van 58.19 24711 St. Cloud Fire Equip. - Service fire ext. 72.75 24712 Sentry Systems - Alarm system for Fire Dept. 54.00 24713 Seitz S e rvi Star - Supplies for mtce. 218.14 24714 L 6 S Tool - Blades sharpened 25.00 24715 Phillips 66 - Gas - Fire Dept. 6 Walt's van 69.42 24716 Monticello Times - Publ. 324.62 24717 Cruys, Johnson - Computer fees for July 290.00 24718 Maus Foods - Supplies for all Depts. 161.08 24719 Monticello Township - i payment per OAA agreement 13,750.00 24720 Biff's Inc. - Latrine rental at softball fields 109.00 24721 Service Master - Services at Library 65.00 24722 AT&T Inf. Systems - Fire phone 3.96 24723 Monticello Printing - Office supplies - stationery 6 meter cds. 86.80 24724 Monticello Office Products - Misc. office supplies 211.55 24725 AME Ready Mix - Cement for parks 192.34 24726 McDowall Co. - Repairs at Fire Hall 161.16 24727 Lindberg Decorating - Paint for parks 78.55 24728 Gordon Link - Gas 387.57 24729 First Trust Center - Fire Hall bonds - ads. fees 691.75 24730 Century Fence - Material for softball fields 66.40 24731 Buffalo Bituminous - Gravel 48.55 24732 Barton Sand A. Gravel - Sand for parks 22.29 24733 Braun Big Lake Auto Parts - Parts for Fire Dept. 26.00 24734 Ben Franklin - Paper towels and tissue for parks 67.70 24735 Moon Minor Sales - Equip. repair 63.45 24736 Martie Fars Service - Park supplies 152.00 24737 Harry'n Auto Supply - Misc. supplies 43.92 24738 Campbell Abstract - Survey - Bland property 61.00 24739 Local N49 - Union dues 115.00 24740 Colleen Kuchenmeister - Reg. fee - seminar for 0. Koropchak 75.00 24741 NDC Training - Reg. fee - seminar for 0. Koropchak 125.00 24742 ,lanatto Leerseen - Inf. Center salary 63.00 24743 Wilma Hayes - Inf. Center salary 120.39 24744 Karen tloty - Mileage 40.25 24745 Smith, Pringle, etc. - Legal hes - Annex. - 749.00 2.296.00 24.746 Braun Kngineering - Lauring Lane 4 Sth St. tasting 340.25 24747 Flicker's T -v - Dehumidifier - Water Dept. 269.00 24748 League of MN. Cities - Mosbershlp dues 1,446.00 24749 League of MN. Cities - MN. Mun. Officers Directory 32.25 24750 AJN Service - Sealcnating Library parking lot 1,125.31 24751 -2- -3- GENERAL FUND AMOUNT " CHECK NO. Wright County Treasurer -'Property taxes - 2nd half 2,799.26 -24752 Bland, Johnson, Saxon, Oakwood Ind. and Haas properties Mple. Star and Tribune - Planning '& Zoning Adm. adv. 184.80 24753 T W Hardware - Screws 4.04 24754 HumaneSociety of Wright County - Animal control services 85.00 24755 Marco Business Products - Ribbon and tape - 58.26 24756 Holmes & Graven - Prof. services - NAWCO 2,542.50 24757 Olson &'Sons - Hookup pump &•receptacle 114.27 24758 Dahlgren, Shardlow, etc. - Annexation study 823.24 24759 Feedrite Controls - Sample 10.00 24760 Gould's Chev. - Deposit to hold pick-up 50.00 24761 Anoka County Social Services - Payroll ded. 204.00 24762 Turnquist Paper Co. - Paper towels 18.92 24763 Economics Press - Sub. renewal 16.54 24764 OSM - Misc. engineering fees 14,875.76 24765 Raimer & Gries - Title reg. - Raindance Corp. 105.00 24766 Bowman Barnes - Nuts and bolts, etc. 31.35 24767 Water Products Co. - Meters, valves, etc. 5,916.66 24768 North Star Waterworks - Hydrant repairs 374.04 24769 Rick Wolfsteller - Mileage for July 109.14 24770 St. Michael Vet Clinic - Animal control expense 55.00 24771 Northern Oxygen Service - Oxygen for Fire Dept. 18.93 24772 Gary Anderson - Mileage expense 82.72 24773 Schillewaert Landscaping - Tree removal expense 300.00 24774 P & H Warehouse Sales - Irrigation equip. 54.47 24775 Granite Electronics - Batteries for pagers 24.00 24776 ( Wright County Recorder - Recording fees for 2 leins 20.00 24777 Dept. of Nat. Res. - Dep. Reg. fees 43.00 24778 Dept. of Nat. Res. - Dep. Reg. fees 22.00 24779 Dept. of Nat. Res. - Dep. Reg. fees 18.00 24780 A-1 Security Locksmiths - New locks at City Hall 6 Public Wits. 407.65 24781 Mobil Oil - Gas - Fire & Water Depts. 47.70 24782 Payroll for July 29,044.29 TOTAL GENERAL FUND DISBURSEMENTS $310,365.96 -3- MEMO TO: City Council Members FROM: Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator DATE: Friday, August 14, 1987 SUBJECT: Special Council Meeting, Monday, August 17, 1987 at 6:30 P.M. The special meeting scheduled for Monday night, August 17th, at 6:30 P.M. is primarily for the purpose of establishing goals and objectives for the 1988 Budget. My original intent for this meeting is to receive input from the Council prior to the staff's preparation of the 1988 Budget concerning goals and objectives the Council may wish to see included in the budget for next year. As I indicated previously, the city staff and department heads are currently working on the 1988 budget and I felt that if council members had specific items, projects, or goals that they would like to see implemented in 1988, it would be easier for the staff to compile the preliminary budget with this information being received a head of time rather than after the first preliminary budget is reviewed. Certainly, this is the time to be thinking about future needs of the City other than just during 1988. but major Improvements and/or ideas may not necessarily be part of the 1988 Budget but may require bonding to Implement. Included with this notice is a copy of the recent determination made by the Department of Human Rights regarding Karen Hansen's alegation of sex discrimination in regard to her salary. In summary, the Human Rights Department determined that there is probable cause to believe that an unfair, discriminatory practice by the City has been made in regard to Karen's position. The Human Rights Department has invited the City to resolve this through conciliation process and the City has 10 days to reply to their invitation. According to their letter, the City 1a not admitting any liability or agreeing to the compromise they will propose If we agree to attempt a resolution of her complaint. The initial complaint along with Tom's reply and a copy of this notice has been given to City Attorney, Cary Pringle, who Indicated that it was his recommendation that the City respond to their request for an attempted resolution as this would give the City an opportunity to see what their proposal would be. Needless to say, my first reaction was that the Department of Human Rights had made a complete error in their investigation of Karen's complaint and thought that possibly the City's only alternative might be to discuss whether the position regarding the Senior Citizen's Center should be abolished entirely. It seems unrealistlt that the Department of Human Rights can be able to dictate to the City of Monticello that It will have a full time employee working as a Senior Citizen's Director and mandate a comparable salary for a full time person. Although we have not gotten into discussions with Mr. Pringle Memo - Council Members August 14, 1987 L_ Page 92 on the subject at this point, it would seem that the City of Monticello could make a decision not to continue funding a full time position for the Senior Citizen's Center and basically abolish the position. After discussing the response with Mr. Pringle, he does have a point in his recommendation to hear what the Department's proposal would be for an acceptable resolution to Karen's complaint. After receiving their proposal, the Council at that time could accept or reject or propose an alternate resolution. In regard to the joint meeting held on Thursday morning in Buffalo with township officials and municipal board staff, it appears that the meeting may have been nonproductive. Executive Director, Terry Merrit, basically summarized to the group possible types of solutions or agreements that have been used In the past by other communities in the hopes that the City and Township would have a starting point for future negotiations. My interpretation of the meeting wa% basically, the City's position that we were not very interested in deviating from our last counter offer and it certainly appeared to me that Franklin Denn speaking for the township indicated that they would be very reluctant to any type of an agreement that allowed for annexation of parcels against the wishes of the township residents. Although Mr. Merrit felt each party should take a few weeks to consider possible solutions and to review the needs of each party in the dispute. I believe the only thing that will happen is another month goes by before the Municipal Board again resumes their discussions on our annexation hearings. Arve, Fran, and myself can provide additional information at Monday's meeting. 1988 CAPITAL OUTLAY 1. Grader $ 80,000 2. Concession Stand 6 Restrooms at Bellfield 30,000 (volunteer Labor ) 3. Bridge Park Parking Lot 6 Grading 10,000 4. Meadow Oak Park 5,000 5. Mississippi Drive Rehab. 40,000 6. Hillcrest Area Overlay 145,000 7. Sealcoat 28,400 8. Two String Trimmers 500 9. Bucket Truc)c 15,000 10. Lauring Lane Park 8,000 11. Aeator 1,200 12. Lawn Vacuum 500 13. East County Road 39 6 Frontage Road 53,000 14. Intersection Cast 39 6 Co. Rd. 75 60,000 (Not Including Signal) 15. Sever 6 water Cast 39 6 Frontage Road 50,000 16. water Improvement Project 1.1 million 17. Recycling Facility 20,000 18. Nir1fP Office 6 Meeting Room 35,0007 COUNCIL UPDATE Council Agenda Distribution Prior to Tom's leaving, he and I had discussed the current policy of preparing the Council agenda for distribution on Fridays prior to the Council meetings. For approximately the last five years, the agenda has been prepared and distributed to the Council members on Friday prior to the meeting, whereas previous to 1982, the agenda was distributed on Thursdays. I believe there has been some indication in the past that the Council members maybe would like to receive the agenda a day earlier to provide more time for review prior to the meeting. Currently with the agenda being distributed on Fridays, the cut-off date for accepting any items for the agenda has been Tuesday afternoon to allow for Wednesday and Thursday preparation of the agenda. This has worked fairly well in allowing department heads and myself two days to prepare agenda items and allow for Karen to type. Even with the Tuesday cut-off date for additional agenda items, occasionally a late item will be considered early Wednesday if the staff feels there is sufficient time to prepare the item for distribution. No matter when we establish the cut-off point, there may be someone wishing to be on the agenda as a latecomer. If the Council wishes to receive the agenda supplement by Thursday prior to the Council meeting, I would have to recommend that the cut-off date for additional agenda items would be at the end of Monday's business day to enable sufficient time for preparation and typing. The drawback to the Thursday agenda distribution date would be the Monday cut-off time, as this is a whole week before the actual Council meeting; and I may receive many requests for being on the agenda yet on Tuesday. Although in a lot of the cases an item could still be included after Monday, a lot depends on the length of the agenda and the amount of time available by the staff. I believe overall, leaving Tuesday as the cut-off data for the agenda with distribution on Friday would provide a bettor service to the public then reverting to a Monday deadline. As a result, unless the Council feels strongly about receiving the agenda by Thursday, I would recommend that we continue this present policy. In the near future, an part of the agenda package, I hope to be Including a listing of topics or tentative agenda items that will be scheduled for the next regularly scheduled Council meeting. If I know of an item or topic that will be on the next agenda item, this information will be presented just so the Council can be made aware of upcoming items and thus allow for any input a Council member may have regarding the topic. Of course, any items listed would just be tentative and would be subject to change, etc. Council Update Page 2 J At the previous meeting, the Council authorized myself to begin negotiations with Eugene and Helen Bland regarding the possible purchase of their property adjacent to City Hall. A purchase agreement was presented and accepted by the Blands to purchase their property for $42,000. City Attorney, Gary Pringle, has been preparing the necessary documents to complete the sale prior to August 10. Actually, by the time you read this update, the City, if everything goes according to plan, will be the owner of this property. Gary Anderson, John Simola, and myself inspected the property prior to the purchase agreement being presented, and there are a few items that the City should take care of before the property is available for rent. Additional expenditures of between $1,000 and $2,000 will be necessary to update the property for rental purposes, including installation of city water service, attic insulation, carpeting for one bedroom, and minor electrical work such as beth fan and installation of a smoke alarm. I believe the City was more than fair in its offer to the Blands, and the City now has the additional land necessary for any future expansion that may occur at the City Hall site. / CITY Or 11711TICFII.O .\ Ilntull7'Du11d1ng DcpprL-t Rcport •• Ila.th ar crux, IYMj 1`�UDT9 m1d USES POUIITS ISSUED ... Ma•a I1a.lh .7una I;f• `6w• It., Jub T6.:C� -L••a t••r T.D t••r 1 L -L I.- To Data :To Oata 1 RCIIDPIITIAL dumber _ ' Voluetlo0 4 S 72,200:00 B S 2']4,]00.00 12 78 S 416,060.00 S 4,612,120.00 S 57 3,626,900.00 Feoe' 945.54 2.750.67 2,297.70 .23,335.46 ]1.911.99 Surchargsa ]6.10 115.90 208.00 2,405.80 1,914.69 '• OOIPtEI1CIAL Iluad;ar 7 ] •' 9 17 , Valuatlm 127,500.00 29,300.00 1,562,000.00 •• 687.130.00 Feoe 1,266.17' ]1].70 7,092.70 .. S.0%.77 Surcharges 63.75 14.65 ., 761.00. ]47.80 INW97RIAL Number 1 1 • Value Lim 752,000.00 752,00&.00 Feoe . 4,612.57 I 4,612.57 Surcliargee 176:00 376.00 PWIlDI1r0 tlumber 4 50 46 42 • Fess 117.00 140.00 207.00 1,507.00 1,474.00 Surcharges 2.00 2.50 4.00 23.00 21.00 07111]L9 Number 4 4 B Velustlon 77,400.00 12,860.00 60.400.00 hes 1102. so 119.10 6a2.50 Surcharges I. 6.90 40.00 TOTAL 110. 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PWIm1110 1 ' All types 5 140.00 2.60 42 46 ACCCSSORP 11TRUCIUIICS' 35.00 70,000.00 1 1 11wIwIng Pool• Deets 1 ] 504.50 90.00 3.00 7,400.• 00 7 7 C tCNI'OIIMt PCIUUT 1 0 0 0 DEMOLITION H•�� • ,1�1• TOTALS Do '3.827.07 171.05 141.000" 1 125 I, 177 WIDIVIDlAL PEN117 ACTIVITY REPORT . MONTH OF 1OLt . 1987 'ERMIT DESCRIPTION Pr NAME/LOCA'T ION VALUATION vunSEa :7-1075 inground Pool 6 pool bldg. 66 Construction 5/706 Lauring La. 9 70,000.60 67.1076 scop home AC mecalcallo Comm" Club/1205 OOlt•• Course Road 1,000.00 97.1077 Detached Wage RO Pat 2a mea/216 6. 4th it. 5,000.00 67-1078 Sousa Rad garage 97 WA9olldars/2501 sed Oak La. 61.500.00 97.1075) Decca and besamant finlah As, Craig Rnutaon/1000 Maslow, Oak Or. 1,000.00 B-)060 110444 roof abin6lo rapiarasent AD Doug Pitt/235 6. tro"Way 2,000.00 97-1061 Deet Around azveWroand Corinne CAriatianaeft/222 Marvin plot AS 81seed 14e4% 2,400.00 97.1067 Docks A9 Lyte 6nekingbaa/117 91 L1Crut Rd. . 2,000.00 67-1085 meurnt wlta 6 front perch AO ihasaa "I Lim 9t. 2.000.00 67.10841 Base* and 9arago 9r 01,11eutldam/2921 Meadow, Laos 64.600.00 67.1065 saseaant fialsb AD Do" Rl4ta/1101 Clcb View, Dr. 2,000.00 47.1066 Ouplei w,ttn garages D Men tarsee/306 4 207 Moab. 9t. 104.900.00 97-1087 Detached garago add. AD William fair/10210 VISA 31 :t. $00.00 97-10:6 office addttion AC Dskibslsar Otstr./107 s. CtY'., 140. 1111 24,200.00 117-1080 Perish now root :t. laury"e Catholic Chum/ replacement AC 501 rat 4th 9t. 6 000.00 • ToTAN sul.ogoo.m MOLL flAN 09"" Si -1078 Mose and farga sr 8LM 9utldua/2:01 led oak La. a 206.06 97.1086 Mme and garage 6P KA 9ufldars/2921 leadaw, IA. 102.26 :7.1086 ample* with garages D ram 1ara4b/205 6 207 Wash. at. 626.92 • TOTAL Is As savl:e i-Mr.T ' ?MAL ar.F"s 6 2„ 908.11 FA - gr PERMIT SURCHARGE PLUMBING SURCHARrr a 504.50 9 15.00 6 16.00 6 .s0 15.00 so 30.50 1.50 464.25 30,75 21.00 .50 54.00 1.50 20.Ob 50 24.00 1.00 20.00 .50 54.00 1.30 , 414.20 27.20 11.00 .50 54.00 1.50 656.65 •52.45 11.00 .50 15.00. 50 245.70 11.16 24.00 .50 61 00 2.00 42.� 61W."n 6 -#4-6107 MW