City Council Agenda Packet 03-25-1991C AGENDA FOR THE MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL Monday, March 25, 1991 - 7:00 p.m. Mayor: Ken Maus Council Members: Shirley Anderson, Dan Blonigen, Clint Herbst, Brad Fyle 1. Call to order. 2. Approval of minutes of the regular meeting held March 11, 1991. SR 1_ ti,X 3. Citizens comments/petitions, requests, and complaints. 4. Consideration of ordinance amendment requiring warning signs be placed on all fire doors within multiple family dwellings. 5. Review of year-end liquor store financial. report. 6. Consideration of resolution approving preliminary plans for county improvements to County State -Aid Highway 75 west of Otter Creek. 7. Consideration of granting a seasonal 3.2 beer license to the L Monticello Softball Association. B. Consideration of setting meeting date to review 1991 assessment procedures with City Assessor. 9. Consideration of bills for the month of March. 1X. Adjournment. /0 • C•rl,�. ,r ,,,t..lnlo. o; RIG MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, March 11, 1991 - 7:00 p.m. Members Present: Ken Maus, Shirly Anderson, Dan Blonigen, Clint Herbst, Brad Fyle Members Absent: None 2. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting held February 25, 1991. After discussion, a motion was made by Shirley Anderson, seconded by Brad Fyle, to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held February 25, 1991. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Citizens comments loetitIons, requests, and comolaints. None forthcoming. 4. Consideration of a simple subdivision request to subdivide an existing residential lot and part of another existinq residential lot into two residential lots. Applicant. Donald r and ,loan Doran. Staff reported that the proposal to subdivide the residential lot as proposed is consistent with the City Ordinance. After discussion a motion was made by Dan Blonigen, seconded by Shirley Anderson, to approve a simple subdivision request to resubdivido an existing residential lot and part of another existing residential lot into two residential lots for the purpose of development of a zero lot line duplex subject to stipulations noted by the Planning Commission. Motion carried unanimously. 5. Consideration of amondmont to the Monticello Zoninq Ordinance, Section 5-3, permittinq accessory uses in an R-1. R-2, R-3, and PZM zone by adding "sale of items including automobiles, recreational vehicles, boats, and other eauloment. Items sold limited to six items vor nronorty annually and limited to items owned by property owner.,, Applicant. Citv of Monticello. Assistant Administrator, O'Neill, reported that the City Attorney has recommended that modifications be made to the proposed ordinance amendment and he requests that the item be tabled until the modifications can be made. Mayor Maus noted that he will not be able to attend the next Council meeting, therefore, he roquostod that the item be brought up at the first meeting in April. Brad Fylo suggested that the Pago 1 Ij ordinance limit private sale of autos to three annually. The proposed ordinance limit of six per year is too many. There being no further discussion, a motion was made by Shirley Anderson, seconded by Dan Blonigen, to table this matter until the regular meeting of the Monticello City Council scheduled for April 8, 1991. Motion carried unanimously. 6. Consideration of ordinance amendment pertaining to Council and Planninq Commission meetinq times. Administrator Wolfsteller reported that the existing City Ordinance needs to be updated as it indicates that Council and Planning Commission meeting times are at 7:30 p.m. Since both groups are meeting at 7:00 p.m. it would make sense to update the ordinance accordingly. It was also noted by Wolfsteller that the ordinance needs to be amended to indicate that the Planning Commission receives a monthly stipend of $50. Shirley Anderson noted that the ordinance requires that meetings are required to end no later than 11:30 p.m. Anderson suggested that it is good to end the meetings by 11:30 p.m., however, the meetings should be allowed to continue beyond that time if need be. She noted that on many occasions meetings in the recent past have extended beyond the 11:30 p.m. deadline. Ken Maus concurred that meetings should be allowed to continue beyond 11:30, but the goal should be to try and finish by 11:30. Clint Herbst stated that it is important to hear people out even if it means that meetings last longer. After discussion, it was the consensus of Council that the ordinance should be amended also by removing the strict requirement that meetings end by 11:30 p.m. and replace it :with a general policy that meetings should end by 11:3n p.m. A motion was made by Shirley Anderson, seconded by Dan elonigen, to adopt an ordinance amendment indicating that Council and Planning Commission meetings start at 7:00 p.m., and Planning Commission members receive compensation at $50 per month, and remove the requirement that City Council meetings end at 11:30 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. SEE ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NOS. 205 AND 206. Consideration of amendinq personnel policy. Administrator wolfsteller reported that presently our personnel policy Indicates that employees who take time off to attend to family members who are dick are required to take vacation or leave without pay, if the illnoss does not involve the employee personally. This section should be amended to correspond with the recently passed State Law that requires employers with 20 or more employees to allow an employee to take sick leave bonefite for the purpose of attending to a sick child. The now law was effective August 1, 1990, and it is recommended that the attached revision to Section 13-7 (B) be adopted. Pago 2 Council Minutes - 3/11/91 After discussion, a motion was made by Shirley Anderson, seconded by Brad Fyle, to adopt the amendment at proposed. Motion carried unanimously. Consideration of qamblinq license - Ducks Unlimited Banquet. Administrator Wolfsteller reported that the Wright County Ducks Unlimited organization has applied to the State for a gambling license to conduct a raffle as part of their annual Ducks Unlimited Banquet for April 29, 1991. As with all gambling licenses, the license will be issued by the State unless the City passes a resolution to specifically prohibit the activity. After discussion, a motion was made by Brad Fyle, seconded by Clint Herbst, to approve granting of a gambling license for the Wright County Ducks Unlimited Banquet scheduled for April 29, 1991. Motion carried unanimously. Consideration of purchasing fire door placards for apartment buildings in the city of Monticello. r.ary Anderson requested that Council consider purchasing placards for the purpose of providing fire hazard related warnings to individuals residing in rental dwellings. The placards being proposed would be made of plastic and would indicate which fire doors in the dwellings should not be blocked open by order of the Monticello Fire Department. Anderson proposed that the Council spend $525 for purchase of 250 fire door f,lncards that would be supplied free of charge as a Fire Department promotional item to the apartment owners. Dan Blonigen noted that apartment housing is a commercial enterprise and that the City should probably not got involved in paying for tho placards. In addition, oven if the City gave the placards to the apartment owners there is no guarantee that they would be installed. Ken Maus stated that there 1s no denying that this would be a nice addition, but should the City pick up the tab? He went on to suggest that the City should adopt an ordinance requiring placement of placards were necessary for fire safety reasons. In addition, the City could purchase the placards and sell them to the apartments at cost. After discussion, a motion was made by Shirley Anderson, seconded by Dan Blonigen, to approve expenditure by the City not to exceed $525 Lor the purchase of 250 fire door placards and authorize City staff to develop an ordinance amendment which would require that placards be placed in locations L Pago 3 Council Minutes - 3/11/91 identified by the Fire Marshall. The placards are to be sold to apartment owners at a price equal to the City's cost. Voting in favor of the motion: Dan Blonigen, Ken Maus, Shirley Anderson, Clint Herbst. opposed: Brad Fyle. 10. Council update on present car allowance policy and City vehicle use. Ken Maus invited City Administrator Wolfsteller to provide further review of the data outlined in his agenda supplement. Wolfsteller noted that he has no additional information and that he would be more than happy to answer any questions regarding the information provided. Dan Blonigen reviewed his concerns regarding the existing car allowance policy and City vehicle use. Blonigen noted that the car allowance of $300 per month provided to the City Administrator exceeds the actual expense associated with travel, therefore, the car allowance is too great. He noted that the policy allowing the Public Works Superintendent to utilize the City vehicle for transportation to and from home may need to be updated because it is his view that this policy is not justified in that the superintendent only on rare occasions needs to use the City vehicle and the tools inside in immediate response to problems with the operation of the City utility systems. Blonigen also noted that the policy for use of the City van by all City employees needs to be established. The policy should be designed to generate the greatest amount of use of the van as possible, thereby limiting the individual employee travel expense. Ken Maus stated that the car allowance provided to Administrator Wolfsteller is well within the norm as the average car allowance granted to administrators in the area is about $290 per month. Maus also noted that he is convinced that the granting of the car allowance was part of an employee compensation package established years ago in lieu of salary. It would not be fair to adjust the car allowance without considering an increase in salary. Maus also noted that the car allowance is always subject to reconsideration during future annual employee salary reviews. However, at this Limo it 18 his view that there is no need to change City policy with regard to car allowance granted to the City Administrator. Clint Herbst and Brad Fylo agreed that the existing car allowance for the Administrator should be maintained. Council reviewed the policy allowing the Public Works Superintendent to drive a City vehicle to and from work. Since John Slmola was not able to attend the meeting, it was Pago 4 Council Minutes - 3/11/91 the consensus of Council to table the matter until direct input could be provided from the Public Works Superintendent. Employee use of the City van was discussed. It was determined that the City Administrator should develop a policy for employee use of the van which would identify priorities for employee use of the van with the goal of maximizing van use. It was also restated that the Building Inspector, on occasion, will not have access to the van because the van may be used for a longer trip by another City employee; therefore, the Bu ilding Inspector will need to have his own separate transportation on site for those occasions. 11. Review concepts on sewer and water assessment for trunk sewer. The methods and financing programs associated with extending sewer and water utilities to the new elementary school site and to the Value Plus development site were reviewed. Assistant Administrator O'Neill informed Council that development of 80 acres of school district property and potential development of a neighboring 109 acres into single family residential use has created a need to examine jest how water and sewer lines will be extended and how utilities will be financed. O'Neill reviewed two basic options for extending sewer utilities to the site. Option "A" involves extension of the trunk sewer line in a manner that is consistent with the Comprehensive Utility Plan for the City which could completely utilize gravity service. Under this plan, there would be no need to install lift stations at the Evergreens development site or at the Value Plus ritc. This option would cost $34.1,000 and opens up a development area of over 440 acres. Option "B" includes extension of a lateral sewer line with a gravity connection to the now elementary school. The Value Plus site would be served by a force main connected to the lateral gravity connection serving the school. Under this option the elementary school would simply connect to the existing City system via lateral connection at Dundas Road. The development of a lift station and force main at the Value Plus development site would be necessary. The total cost of this option is $139,000. This option opens up a development area of 180 acres. O'Noill went on to review potential methods that could be used to finance both options. Under Option "A" an area assosement collected as property using the trunk lino is developed and could be used to help pay for some of the large costs associated with the trunk lino. The problem with Option "A" is that only a omall portion of the actual cost can be recovered in the short term. Also, a largo section of the Pago 9 G Council Minutes - 3/11/91 trunk line must pass through the Klein property which is not in the City at this time. It could be many years before this property is developed which means that it could be many years before the City will receive a return on the investment in the trunk line. Under Option "B" it is quite likely that the entire cost of this project would be financed by the school district and the Value Plus Homes developers. The problem with Option "B" is that it does not eliminate the future need for the trunk line, therefore, the total cost of Option "B" Including the future need to extend the trunk line is $139,000 greater than Option "A". Council reviewed both options in considerable detail. Ken Maus was concerned that the City already has a significant debt associated with existing projects which makes Option "A" particularly risky. At the same time, he noted the benefits of extending the trunk line in the proper fashion, thereby creating opportunity for future development. Dan Blonigen noted that the City should learn from past experiences and that we should carefully examine any major extension of trunk sewer. It was his concern that extending the trunk sewer line, sooner than necessary, results in the City taxpayer financing the trunk line and in a sense buying growth. It was his view that if the development can't sustain the cost of the project, then the project should not be pursued. After discussion, is was the consensus of Council to direct staff to review the matter further with the school district and the developers of the Value Plus Home site, and return to Council with options for future action. 12. Other matters. At the end of the formal agenda, Shirley Anderson noted that she had received input from residents requesting that the City look Into development of a bike path system. She requested that City staff look Into this further. Anderson noted that Lutheran Brotherhood had recently submitted to the City a chock for $600 which is being used to pay for the bus service provided on Sunday mornings. Anderson noted that the service hours have been reduced from 8:00-12:30 to 8:00-10:30. It has boon found that very few people use the bus on Sunday after 10:30, whereas 30-40 rides are provided prior to 10:30. Rick wolfstellor reported that the City provided the City of Big Lake with assistance in treating sludge. The City of Big Lake sludge was trucked to the wastewater treatment plant and Page 6 C C Council minutes - 3/11/91 processed. The cost to do so was paid by the City of Big Lake. This was a one time emergency situation. Brad Fyle complained that the City vehicle should not have been used to transport the material. The City should not be competing in this area with private enterprise. Rick Wolfsteller responded by saying the City of Big Lake came to us for help. We did not know they were seeking quotes from private haulers. If we had realized this, we would have declined the request to haul sludge. There being no further discussion, the meeting was adjourned. Jeff O'Neill Assistant Administrator Pago 7 k Council Agenda - 3/25/91 Consideration of ordinance amendment reyuirinq warning signs be elated on all fire doors within multiple family dwellings. (R.W.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the previous Council meeting, the Council approved the purchase of 250 fire door placards that would be made available to all multiple family dwelling owners at the City's cost for installation on both sides of fire doors within the apartment structure. In order to ensure that apartment owners post *hese warning signs, the Council recommended that an ordinance be established that would make this a requirement of each building. While the State Building Code does require a fire door to remain closed, the current building code does not require a notice to be posted, but the City of Monticello does have the authority to be more restrictive than the State Building Code. With the City of Monticello purchasing the placards in bulk, the cost should be very economical for each apartment dwelling and should help promote the safety of the rental occupants. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Adopt the ordinance amendment as proposed which would make it an additional requirement that all multiple family dwellings required to have fire doors be also required to post the warning on both sides of the door. 2. Do not adopt the ordinance, but request voluntary cooperation from apartment owners to install the notices. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the staff's recommendation that the ordinance be adopted which would roqulre all multiple family dwellings to post the fire door warning. The cost to each property owner should be minimal and will give the Building Inspector the authority to require the notices be posted rather than relying on voluntary cooperation. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of proposod ordinance amondmont. ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. The City Council of Monticello hereby ordains that Title 4, Section 2, of the City Code pertaining to Multiple Dwelling Building Regulations be amended to read the following: 4-2-6: CONSTRUCTION OF MULTIPLE FAMILY DWELLINGS: (A) Structural, Electrical, and Mechanical Requirements: In addition to code provisions relating to construction of all buildings, the following provisions shall apply to multiple family dwellings: 1. Unless architecturally treated and designed to appear as an ;integral part of a wall, no air conditioner shall protrude from an exterior wall. 2. All multiple family dwellings containing four or more units required by the building cepde to iRR1All firs Ari --- shall permanently affix a sign % -h or near both sides of the firs door warning occupants that the fire door must not be blocked open by order of the Monticello Fire Departmont. 1 CAdopted this 25th day of March, 1991. Rick Wolfsteller City Administrator C Acting Mayor 0 Council Agenda - 3/25/91 5. Review of year-end liquor store financial report. (R.W.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Enclosed with the agenda you will find a copy of the 1990 year-end financial report for the off sale liquor store operation with comparisons to 1989. Liquor Store Manager, Joe Hartman, will be in attendance at the meeting to review the year-end results. The following is a summary of some of the highlights of the financial report. The total sales for 1990 were up approximately 5.38 or $63,496 over 1989 sales. Gross profit was also up 14.28 or $36,828. The gross profit percentage increased more than the sales increase due to a slight adjustment in our pricing. Total general and operational expenses remained about equal to last year's percentage at 12.78 of sales. The actual dollar expenses increased approximately $7,000 primarily due to Increases in salary and benefits. The total operating income for 1990 amounted to $135,087 up over $29,700 over 1989. This operating income figure is what should be used when evaluating the effectiveness of the store's operation. Total net income for the Liquor Fund was over $190,000 compared to $155,000 in 1989. The net income includes $55,000 in interest income earned on investments and while it is part of the Liquor Fund profit, interest income has no bearing on how the store is being operated. overall, the operating income at 10.78 of total sales is a respectable figure as is the $135,000 in operating income. The City staff has boon recently investigating upgrading the cash registers at the liquor store to a computerized system utilizing a PC computer software. Eventual upgrading to a personal computer system will provide more timely information for financial reports and simplify the inventory process. Approximately $15,000 was included in the 1991 budget for this purchase and it is expected that a recommendation will be made on a purchase in the near future. R. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Accept the financial report as presented. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of year-end comparison financial report. 2 !4: t9:32. "'--_Cr.:i..--- J:': M1F•I C.='..• -7:10: __, •.j ACCOUyT ---------------------------- CURRENT ASSETS: 609.10101 CASH 609.10301 CHANGE FUND - LIOUO? 609. 10401 L1,VESTMei1T S 609. 11503 A/R - NS: 609.14 101 !NVENTORY 609.15501 PREPAID ITEMS 609.15502 PR3PAI0 It:SURA.:CS TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS: FIXED ASSETS: 609.16101 F:x?D ASSETS - LAN:• 609.16151 FIXED ASSETS - PARKING LOT 609.16161 ACCUM OSPR - PA%/ING LOT 609.16'251 FIXED ASSETS - 8LOGS 8 IN�� 6014.161*1 ArrU." 0°PP - SLOGS & NOR 609.16421 FISeO ASSETS - tupu A. e0ui") 609.16431 ACCUM OEPR - ;UPN & EOUIP 1� TOTA'L'FI%ED ASSETS: TOTAL "ASSETS: LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE ------------- CURRENT LIABILITIES: 609.20201 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 609.20810 SALES TAR PAYABLE 809.21601 ACCR WAGES & SALARIES PAYASL 809.21611 ACCRUED VACATION/SICK LEAVE - 609.21703 FICA/MEDICARE PAVASLE 609.21704 PERA PAYABLE 609.21706 f.EALTM INSU44NCE PAYA81.E 609.21706 COSOIT UNION PA4A8LE 609.22001 Of0f)'ITS - LI000Q FUNO TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES: TOTAL LIAZ:lITIES: FIND e-.1LAvCE: 609.25324 u+tC OS:aI'F )/;;NO F.gir•.v fT ;,) FB 809.27201 LwGESEpvSD RE'.%INE7 EAFNIr•GS 009.2910+ 2gV j%Ue Cry�rnq.- 809.29801 `rsEvOITU.ls CONTRO. TOTA'. ALih, 8&L.4r,,:?: TO'AL LIABILITIES A•J." c..} ti,_AvC?: EN61NG BALANCE --------------- 18.119.26 1.500.00 580,107.02 106.51 157.754.93 0.00 4.150.07 761.737.79 • 3fl.75t.08 '18.667.50CR 1 185.445:38 73.407.05CR 64.292.31 60.458.56CR 143.795.61 905.533.40 i 285.0008 13.80 7.966.53CR 5.470.92CR 115.92CR 99.I3CR 0.00 0.00 1.01+.92 7.902.3804 7.902.39CR 392.643.000R 452.047.0?CR 1.3+0.502.070 1.264.481.02 997.031.02CR 005.533.40CR uENERAL AND AD1M. EXPENSES PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries $79,478 $73,001 PERA 2,785 2,586 Medicare Withholdings 212 194 Insurance, Medical 6 Lite 9,167 8,206 Social Security 4,970 4,408 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES $96,612 7.76 $88,395 SUPPLIES Office Supplies $1,128 $177 General Operating Supplies 6,659 6,386 TOTAL'SUPPLIES $7,787 .66 $6,563 21.68 7.46 56 MONTICELLO MUNICIPAL LIQUOR B ` REVENUE AND EXPENSES MUNICIPAL LIQUOR STORE COMPARISON FOR THE TWELVE MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1990 AND 1989 1990 1989 YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR-TO-DATE AMOUNT AMOUNT SALES Liquor $360,989 $336,770 Beer 704,553 681,338 Wine 150,832 140,072 Other Merchandise 42,947 37,176 Misc. Non -Taxable Sales 2,082 2,507 Discounts (353) (309) TOTAL SALES $1,261,050 $1,197,554 COST OF GOODS SOLD $(965,339) $(938,671) GROSS PROFIT $295,711 23.48 $258,883 uENERAL AND AD1M. EXPENSES PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries $79,478 $73,001 PERA 2,785 2,586 Medicare Withholdings 212 194 Insurance, Medical 6 Lite 9,167 8,206 Social Security 4,970 4,408 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES $96,612 7.76 $88,395 SUPPLIES Office Supplies $1,128 $177 General Operating Supplies 6,659 6,386 TOTAL'SUPPLIES $7,787 .66 $6,563 21.68 7.46 56 MONTICELLO MUNICIPAL LIQUOR REVENUE AND EXPENSES MUNICIPAL LIQUOR STORE COMPARISON FOR THE TWELVE MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1990 AND 1989 1990 1989 YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR-TO-DATE AMOUNT AMOUNT OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES Professional services (audit) 1,610 $3,420 Communication 770 818 Travel -Conference -Schools 79 40 Advertising 4,286 4,608 Insurance, General 15,475 17,264 Utilities, Electrical 9,146 8,267 Utilities, Heating 932 1,165 Utilities, S 6 W 235 140 Maintenance of Equipment 2,828 2,820 Maintenance of Building 2,344 1,108 Taxes and Licenses 262 262 Garbage 2,382 1,892 Dept. --Acquired Assets 14,111 16,056 Miscellaneous 1,765 727 TOTAL OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES $56,225 4.4% $58,587 TOTAL GENERAL 6 ADIM. EXPENSES $160,624 12.7% $153,545 TOTAL OPERATING INCOME $135,087 10.7% $105,338 OTHER INCOME (EXPENSES) Interest Income $55,034 $49,177 Other Income 84 99 Cash Long/Short (163) 790 TOTAL OTHER INCOME (EXPENSES) $54,955 4.3% $50,066 NET INCOME $190,042 15.0% $155,404 C 4.9% 4.2% 13.0% O MONTICELLO MUNICIPAL LIQUOR GROSS PROFIT BY PRODUCT FOR YEARS 1990 AND 1989 DECEMBER 31, 1990 DECEMBER 31, 1989 Amount % Amount % (Liquor Sales $360,989.00 $336,770.00 (Discounts $(353.00) ($309.00) (Cost of Sales -Liquor $274,190.00 $259,479.00 IGROSS PROFIT `I $86,446.00 23.9 $76,982.00 22.8 I (Beer Sales $704,553.00 I $681,338.00 (Cost of Sales -Beer $569,948.00$554,258.00 I ]GROSS PROFIT $134,605.00 19.1 $127,080.00 18.9 IWlne Sales $150,832.00 I $140,072.00 (Cost of Sales -Wine $69,424.00 $90,584.00 IGROSS PROFIT $61,408.00 40.7 $49,488.00 35.3 IMisc. Sales $42,947.00 $37,176.00 ICost of Salos-Misc. $24,819.00 $27,007.00 IGROSS PROFIT $18,128.00 42.2 $10,169.00 27.3 IMisc.-Non-Taxable Sales $2,082.00 $2,507.00 (Cost of Sales-Misc. NT $1,206.00 $1,777.00 PROFIT $876.00 42.1 !$1,197,554.00 $730.00 29.1 �GROSS OTAL SALES $1,261,050.00 ITOTAL COST OF SALES $959.587.00 $933,105.00 ITOTAL FREIGHT COST $5.752.00 $5,566.00 ITOTAL GROSS PROFIT $295,711.00 23.4 $258,883.00 21.6 Council Agenda - 3/25/91 Consideration of resolution approvinq preliminary plans for county improvements to Countv State -Aid Highway 75 vest of Otter Creek. (J.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Wright County Highway Department has prepared preliminary plans for improvements to west County Road 75, west of Otter Creek. Those improvements consist of an overlay, paved shoulders, and right turn lanes for most of the streets, as well as a by-pass lane in the area of Orchard Road. City approval of these preliminary plans is required prior to the county receiving state -aid approval and funding. This project does not require funding from the City. The work is proposed for this summer. The overlays will consist of a two-inch mat. The paved shoulders will be eight (8) feet in width, and the turn lanes will be twelve (12) feet in width. I am assuming that the white stripes will be placed along the inner edges of the paved shoulder upon the completion of the project. At this time, it may be appropriate to update the Council on two other county projects. The first is the replacement of the bituminous surface on east bound County Road 75 from Highway 25 to the high school. In the early 80's, this area served as a test section. Approximately two -inches was milled off of the surface and replaced in hopes of reducing the amount of cracking. One year after the project was complete, over 908 of the cracks had found their way back through the thin surface treatment. It was then decided by the county and city that repairs to the remaining sections of County Road 75 should be accomplished by complete removal and reworking of the subgrado. The work on the other sections of County Road 75 was completed In 1984 which included full replacement. We had approached the county with the idea of replacement of the east bound section which was used as a test area. We r �� urged the County Board to place it in the (!i% Year Plan. Last fall when the county learned that we may be over a population of 5,000 for 1991 and receive state funding, the county highway engineer indicated that they wished to complete the west bound County Road 75 Project, the east bound County Road 75 Project, and the now signal at County Road 75 and East County Road 39 prior to us going over a population 5,000. They suggested we not force the issue with state -aid for 1991. We placed an amount in the 1991 budget of $40,000 for our C share of the cost of the improvement to east bound County Road 75, and $35,000 for our cost of the signal, at east County Road 39 and County Road 75. The county onginoer has now Indicated Council Agenda - 3/25/91 that his intention was merely to do some crack filling on County Road 75 east bound and not a replacement. The county road foreman has indicated that a patch job, consisting of crack sealer and sand, would allow an additional three years of use of this section of highway. The only problem is that the surplus funds in the County's Municipal State -Aid Funds a,re only available to cities under 5,000. The county has the projected shortfall of 2.5 million dollars over the next three years in their fund account for cities over 5,000. Therefore, funding in the future for either one of these projects, if not done this year, is in doubt. The signal system at County Road 75 and east County Road 39 is being held up for two reasons. The first was meeting warrants for the county to receive funding from state -aid. For a few hours during the day the volume of traffic and frequency of accidents does not meet the requirement for state funding. Secondly, the county does not maintain any signal controllers and would have to contract this work out. It appears that the maintenance may be able to be worked out, but the warrants are still questionable. It is very possible that both of these projects will not get completed this year and possibly not in the immediate future, unless the City wants to pay 1008 of the cost of both projects. I have informed the county highway engineer that this would be unlikely. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative is to pass the resolution approving tho preliminary plans for county improvement to County State -Aid Highway 75 wast of Otter Creek. 2. The second alternative would he not to approve the resolution. This does not soom to be applicable in this case, as the highway needs those improvements which include safety issues. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: It is the recommendation of the Public Works Director that the City Council pass the resolution as outlined in Altornativo 1. SUPPORTING DATA: Resolution; Copy of the information as provided from Wright County. C RESOLUTION 91 - WHEREAS, preliminary plans for Project No. 86-675-07 showing proposed alignment and cross-sections for the improvement of County State -Aid Highway No. 75 within the limits of the City as a State Aid Project have been prepared by Wright County and presented to the City. AND WHEREAS, State -Aid Funding requires City approval of preliminary plans; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That said plans be in all things approved. Adopted this 25th day of March, 1991. Acting Mayor Rick Wolfsteller CrCity Administrator C 0 i IRD.11 CSAR 76 STA STA LOC I 162450 76350 MAINLINEi iIf�' V 64930 ILT SHLD I r,L. 7 168640 IRT SHLD 1 66555 67117 ILT SHLD 67117 169345 ILT SHLD 1 169345 169925 ILT SHLD 169880 170337 jRT SHLD 170337 171227 RT SHLD 170370 71486 ILT SHLD 172645 1 73523 IRT SHLD 1 172950 1 73785 ILT SHLD 1 174245 ! 74966 RT SHLD I 174473 ! 75178 LT SHLD 74966 175350 IRT SHLD 75178 175350 ILT SHLD I I I I I I IMAINLINE SUBTOTAL 1 1 9 ENTS LIP @ 2 T. 9 ST. APPR @ 40 T. MISC TONS A, ROACH SUB I"OTAL I I TOTAL MIX 1 I ! IRD.0 CSAH 75 t STA I STA I LOC j62450 62700 I LT ;70300 71250 RT 172625 1 73525 1 RT 172900 1 73350 1 LT 174225 1 74925 1 RT 11NSLOPE TOTAL I C BITUMINOUS I TABULATION COMMON;TOPSOIL (COMP 13Y BL CHK BY LEVEL C.Y. C.Y. IOOMMENTS: WIDTH DEPTH I TON DEPTH( 24 0 I 0 2 61 0 0 2 8I OI OI 21 t2 0 1 0 2 81 01 0 2 12 1 0 1 0 2 81 01 0 2 12 0 1 0 2 12 0 1 0 2 121 01 O) 2 121 0 0 2 12 I O I 0 1 2 121 0 01 2 81 01 OI 2 I 81 0 01 2` I I 01 I 1 01 I 01 08 -Feb -91 1COMP BY BL CHK BY TON (COMMENTS: 3784 TEND OF OVERLAY 1 681 I 281 1 1 82 BY-PASS LANE Orchard Rd. I 218 85 TURN LANE NSP 45 I 131 TURN LANE W. River St. South I 164 ITURN LANE W. River St. North I 129 TURN LANE Prn 1 r1 r Rd _ I 1 122ITURN LANE W. River St. I 1 106 ITURN LANE Jerry I iefPrt Dr. 1 103 ITURN LANE Oakviev Circle I I 38 (MATCH EXISTING SHLD I r 17 iMATCH EXISTING SHLD I Io I I 0 1 63721 1 18 I 1 360 1 250 !TAPERS ETC. I 628 1 DIFF DUE TO GOOD JROUNDIING INSLOPE CONSTRUCTION COMMON;TOPSOIL (COMP 13Y BL CHK BY I LENGTH C.Y. C.Y. IOOMMENTS: 1 260 140 ! 70 1 1 950 I 800 1 250 1 900 260 160 450 195 100 I I 700 300 1 150 I 1485 1 720 S.P. 86.875-07 SHEET OF SHEETS U °GOVERNING SPECIFICATIONS" THE 1988 EDITION OF THE MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION •STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS / FOR CONSTRUCTION" SMALL GOVERN. l� C. BEG S.A.P. 86-675-07 STA 624+50 WRIGHT COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS coMa7fucT/oN naval roa PM. BITUMINOUS SURFACING AGGREGATE SMOULDERING 8 SAFETY IMPROVEMENT OUNTY STATE AID HIGHWAY NO. 75 rp. WEST CITY LIMITS OF MONTICE, 1.0 ft OTTER CREEK Paco to STATE -Aa PRojEcT No. 86-876-07 GROSS LENGTH 13.27 5 fffT 2514 MILES BRIDGES LENGTH FEET MILES EXCEPTIONS LENGTH FEET MILES NET LENGTH 13.275 FEET 2.514 MILES E<< — END N ~el S AAfP 86-615—a7 N STA, 757+25 21 w N t 0 A D.T. (CURP.ENT YEAR} IN ml co -s tuClLOW`brt'n a maoeocTT'a tAal wND awMAMcn wlu u coarutD rn, 1 Ml Rt/a ctaT1TT INA? MII NAM --I ml -AMID aT NI d UNDII av tNRTcl MIt11vIRIaw i.OS. FUTURE YEAR) AMD NAT I Au A CULT IMGIt1tlID /ROMMONAt tl1GIMMl UNDER Mt IAM$ DT TNI t1All SOIL FACTOR a 11OIA. TON DESIGN DATI a cow."tM01M111 WEJ.GNT cowm no. IID, 10750 wco"IMDID me &vmovt Its_ NtTaitT iTATt tto RiR+NR [• I alcoammma fm A/Rmovit It�� RTaTR •Io aLA.R A Rttta a"'aaaR- A"oovty It_ u•Tt AIo RwlMtu COUNTY PROJECT (� STATE AID PROJECT-6.6=.fLU=0L SHEET 01 SHEETS STATEMENT OF ESTIMATED QUANTITIES i { ITEM NO. ` REM UNIT I MUNI 0663.601 TRAFFIC CONTROL L.S. 0. 2021.507MOBILIZATION L.S. I 0. { 2104.501 IREMOVE PIPE CULVERT LIN. FT. 1 26 2104.509 IREMOVE PIPE APRON EACH ' 3 1 2104-623 (SALVAGE METAL APRONS EACH 6 • �1 2104.523 1SALVAC'E CONCRETE APRONS I r EACH 2 (1) i 2104 525 {ABANDON PIPE CULVERT I EACH 1 12105.523 ICOMMOM BORROW (LV) I CU. YD. 1 2035 1 2105.525 TOPSOIL BORROW (LV) CU. VD. i 7100 12221.502 iAGGRREGATE SHOULDERING CLASS 1 CU. YD. 1 1145 2340.501 ;CONTRACTORTESTING 1 TON { 6000 1(2) 1 2340.508 (TYPE 41 WEARING COURSE MIX. 1/2' MINUS (MOD) I TON i 6000 r 2357.502 MATERIAL FOR TACK COAT I GAL I 220 I .BITUMINOUS 2501.511 '15'• C.M PIPE CULVERT LIN. FT. ' 142 1 2501 511 124' R.C. PIPE CULVERT I LIN. FT. 8 I 12501.515 :15- G.S. PIPE APRONS EACH { 18 1 2501.515 24" R.C. PIPE APRONS EACH I 2 1 2501.515 '36' R.C. PIPE APRONS ! EACH 2 j 12501 573 ,INSTLLL METAL APRONS I EACH j 6 2501.573 INSTALL CONCRETE APRONS EACH 2 2506.622 'ADJUST FRAMES CASTING EACH 1 ,(3) 2'_54 50' ,TRAFFIC BARRIER, DESIGN 88307 LIN FT. I 1980 (41 12SS4 621 -ANC-•iOPAGE ASSEMBLY { EACH i 4 ' 2654 523 rTWISTED END TREATMENT EACH ; 8 t ; 2571602 iSEED- MIXTURE 6COMODIFiED LB. 1 65 1 2575 EC' ;£EEDII.G + ACRE ' 1 2575 SIl IlULCH i-ATFFIAL.TYFE t TON 2 + 267E5113 .DISK ANJCHDR;N . ACRE + 1 269050 TEMPORARS LANEMARKING RD.6TA 129 NOTED' (1) SEAL STRUCTURE BY BLOWING IT FULL OF SAND (2) AErH;LT CONTENT V NIMUM ■ 5 973 ; SHALE CONTENT MAXIMUM +4a2.0J. (F) INETA-LATIDv OF E JAFDRA4. OVER STRUCTURE CP STA 75725 REQUIRES SPECIAL ANCHORAC;L DETAIL AS SHOWN IN STANDARD PLATE li 8316C. (4- CONTRACTOR TO 6UFFLY SHOP DRAWINGS TO COUNT? FOR APPROVAL r ATTACHMCaJT Te Et (STING CONCRETE BRIDGE ENDS SHA.,L BE CONSISTENT %P. ITh MU'DOT STANDAFf�S i i QUANTITIES PART I TOTAL I 0s 0. I I 26 { 3i 6 I 2; 1I I 2035 + i 1100 1 1145 ' 1 1 6000 . j I 6000 ; ! 220 142 ie 18 2 I + 2 i E 2 t I 1 I 1983 t 4, I B j 65 1 I tt __ STALE AIU PACU( Cl 86 67L-07 OLIM Of 614LTTE ENTRANCE TABULATION :.,A� T � �1 I I I S.AP.66476-07 SHEET OF SHEETS (p d BORROWTOPSOILI 25 -Feb -91 I STA ILOC INP.CULV.JTYPEJEXTIENDCUL COOMP BY BL CHK BV ILONC; WMI RIW N �S W NIFJS 184128 ILT 1 15X40 W/A (CMP 6 ; I 6 0 I 20 1 20 1 10 10 W&E S&1 APRS. FIX CULV ENDS 64910 LT 15X30 CMP 6 6 21 20 20 10 110 WEST & EAST REMOVE. HEADWALLS I I 65562 LT 115X30 CMP I 4 4 2 1 15 15 10 10 1 65810 CL I24X?? IRCP 0 0 I 0 1 0 0 5 0 ABANDON, FILL WITH SAND 66230 LT IND CULV 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 I O 0 I 0I REMOVEENT. j ! 66258 CL 124X85 W/A IRCP 1 O 0 0 1 0 I 0 O 1 0 (LEAVE AS IS. j 66813 IRT INOCULV NO CULV I 0 0 I O I 0 1 O 0 I 0 O.K. (120 TH ST. N. E.) 66930 IRT 1 00 01 OI 0 10I OI 1 66930 ILT NO CULV 1 1 0 I 0 I 0 OI 0 0 I 0 O.K. 1 67375 ICL (BRIDGE 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 R.R OVERPASS 1 67760 IRT 1C.B. 0 I 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 IRAISE & CLEAN 68464 ICL 136X76 RCP 00 1 2 10 i 10 j 10 i 10 171E APRS 1 68737 IRT 1 15X26 CMP 8 I 8 1 2 ' 261 25 161 15 IREMOVE HEADWALLS j 69420 ILT 115X58 WIA CMP I 6 1 8 ( 1 125 125 36 1 15 IW-S&I APR.E-REM APR.F&I APR f 706331T jNOCULV I 1 01 0. 01 151 01 10 1 0 IMONTISSIPPI PARK ENT. j 70683 ILT 115X26 REMICMP 1 0 1 0 I 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 IREMOVE ENT & CULV WIHEADWALLS 70867 RT W/A ICMP 1 6 1 4 1 0 I 20 1 151 10 1 10 jSALV & INST APRS (RIVER ST.) I 70960 LT 116X88 ISX?? ;CMP 1 6 1 6 1 2 I 10 I 10 110 I t0 iW&E REM H'DWALL-E UNCOVER & EXT 71510 ILT 15X28 ICMP I 0 1 0 1 2! 0 1 01 10 110 I 71764 ILT 11 5X 50 jCMP. I 4 1 6 2 I 15 20 1 10 110 ,HILLCREST DR. 71913 ICL ;2064 ;RCP O I 0 1 2 1 151 t6 110 ! t0 171964 ILT ! 15X32 W/A !CMP 10 I 8 I 2 ' 30 . 25. 15 ! 15 !W&E REM APRS.F&I APRS,W-FIX END 73178 IRT 116X66 WIA jCMP 8 I 8 1 1 25 125 1 15 1 15 IW-S&I APR.E-REM H'WALL.F&I APR C ( 73270 ILT 115X72 CMP 8 1 4 1 2 1 251 151 151 10 ,WEST -BIT FLUME INP. I 73348 ,CL 12057 W/A I RCP 1 4 1 4 1 0 1 20 1 201 10 1 10 ITIE ALL JOINTS 74658 ILT INOCULV I 0; 0; 0 O j 0 1 10 I O IOAY.VIEWCIR, 74704 RT INOCULV 1 01 01 0 01 01 0I 0IJERRVLIEFERTDR—OK 1 75725 ICL IBOX CULV IRCP I 0 1 0' 0 1 0 l 01 0 1 0 IL&R F&1 GUARDRAIL (OTTER CR) ENTRANCE BORROW TOTAL I I i 1 I 1 650 380 :.,A� T � �1 I I I S.AP.66476-07 SHEET OF SHEETS (p C TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN 1500 C _.� A 8 500 -- A o ROAD a4.s CONSTRUCTION ; e NEXT t i a MILES — A o.s 137 CLEARWATER G20—I 8W20—X15 sHou�o[� G r C onor-a r' t •--8 A A ROAD D f2.8 1'S CONSTFUCTION 8 AHEAD END I (z) ( CONSTRUCTION t , sQ i W20-1 620-2 / 8 m' li C C t 9 r r�yj B C A y 5.7 �C G 8 A 8.6 SHEET t SUMMARY C 8 W.2g—z15 17 G ai tN 1 6 �b S.P. 86-675-06 S.A.P 86-675-07 SHEET OF Sk>:ETS C 5.6 6 9 C 3 C E I Z TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN MONTICELLO S P. AG-Fi7R-06 NOTES: ALL TRAFFIC CONTROL J,0ICES SHA.1 8E IN ACCORDANCE WIT++ THE MINNESu7A aMANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES° INCLUDING APPENDIX B DATED MARCH I, 1990 FOLLOW PROCEDURE SHORN ON PAGE 3-2, LAYOUT 14 OF APPENDIX 5 DURING LANE CLOSURES. FLAGGERS SHALL USE APPROVED RADIO COMMUNICATION. FRESH OIL SIGNS SMALL 6E USED DURING TAU: APPLICATIONS. SIGNS A -D SHALL HAVE (1) FLASHER. SHEET 2 SUMMARY I _SIGN NO �OTAIJ 3 } {1) 20-215 12 1?,9 i2i L S 1 { 1) NEXT TO LOCATION OF LiETTER ILES 5 SPECIFIED (2) AS$STITUTE SPECF SPECIFIED TO LOCATION LETTER. 500 FT OR 500 FT FOR 'hHEAd 10 C , Soo S A P 86-675-07 SHEET OF SHEETS TYPICAL SECTION t SLOPE 0.02 FT /FT. Fa 75' R%W SLOPE 0.04 FT./FT. _ 32' RECOVERY 12' f 12 \t 8 IIS � 1 VPa 4� 54 2" TYPE 41 P.M. BIT. WEAR (CONSTRUCT) PLACE TACK COAT PRIOR TO LIFT CLASS AGGREGATE SMOULDER (CONSTRUCT) TYPICAL SECTION APPROACH FLATTENING PROPOSED INPLACE COMMON BORROW 411 MIN. TOPSOIL 6,1 R ALVAGE d INSTALL INP ACE CULVERT INPLACE APRON EXTEND INPLACE CULVERT AS NECESSARY S.A.P. 86-675-07 SHEET OF SHEETS ill C APPROACH DETAIL FILL SECTION Smoothly Contoured 4:1 to 6:1 Transition ENTRANCE x 10' or 32' Lets 4rnv,,v A,1��_� TranSiti,n R/M5 DITCH SECTION 32' Recovery Area 6:1 Required 0 o ' U N 4 25' aNi o R%H O N C ENTRANCEc 10 a / CU Smoothly ; a I = Contoured 4:1 to 0 0I 6:1 TransitionCx a Clo STATE PROJECT 86- SHEET OF SHcE15 Council Agenda - 3/25/91 7. Consideration of grantina a seasonal 3.2 beer license to the Monticello Softball Association. (R.W.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Monticello Softball Association has again requested a 3.2 beer license to sell at the NSP softball fields. with the exception of one year that we issued the license to the JC's, the Softball Association has been the holder of this seasonal license. The Softball Association will be presenting a letter of intent to acquire Dram Shop Liquor Liability Insurance upon the approval of the City issuing the license. As a result, the Council can approve this license contingent upon receipt of the Certificate of Insurance for liquor liability and the appropriate fees, which would be $137.50. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Grant the license contingent upon receipt of necessary insurance documents and fees. 2. Deny the license - some rationale should be stated for denial. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends that the license be granted contingent upon proper insurance coverage being provided. The City has not been aware of any problems with this license in the past. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of 1990 Monticello Softballs Association Budget. 5 Feb.19,1991 Monticello Softball Assoc. Dear Members, Our Budget For 1990 Was As Follows: Concessions..................................$.7,001.15 Maus Foods,viking Coke,]ude Candy,Lindenfelser Meats,Dahlheimer Dist..Schwenn's Ice Cream Field Mai nti nence/Concession Workers.... ....$.1.990.36 Monticello Softball Ass n Umpiring..................................... Monticello Softball Ass n Phone Bills/ Schedules/ Misc. ...............1.265.70 Bridgewater Telephone Co.,Elk River Printing Sanctioning Fees/ Insurance .................1.2.710.00 Minnesota Sports Fed..MRPA. Softballs/Trophies...........................$1,675.95 Team Choice City Of Monticello...........................$2,725.00 Total Ezpences for 1990 .....................$19,524.17 Total Income 1990 ...........................119.567.10 Income For 1990: Entry Fees/Tournament Fees..................$7050.00 Concessions.................................$12.517.10 Council Agenda - 3/25/91 8. Consideration of setting meetinq date to review 1991 assessment procedures with Citv Assessor. (R.W.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The 1991 Board of Review has been scheduled for May 8, 1991, at 7:00 p.m. The purpose of the Board of Review is to allow property owners within the City the opportunity to receive an explanation on how their market valuations were established by the County Assessor for taxes payable in 1992. Prior to the May 8th meeting, Peggy Stencel, the City of Monticello's contract assessor would like to meet with the Council to explain the assessment procedures she has used this year and to answer any questions on property valuation increases that may have been directed by the County Assessor. Previously, Mayor Ken Maus had indicated such a meeting may be beneficial to the Council as a whole and suggested that a special meeting be held for this purpose. While a specific time has not been recommended, it is anticipated that the meeting could last one or two hours and as such, may want to be scheduled at a time other than our 1 regular meeting date. The only dates that would not be l acceptable at this time for the City Assessor is April 8th or 15th. This special meeting could be hold late afternoon or any evening the Council desired. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None. �a V" C, 6 Council Agenda - 3/25/91 1991 Annual Leaque Conference. (R.W.) The League of Minnesota Cities' annual conference will be held in Rochester, Minnesota, June 11-14. Since this is a popular event for elected officials, early registration, including accommodations needed are advisable. If any Council member is interested .in attending the conference this year, please let me know so that the registration and accommodations can be completed. Please refer to the March 1991 Minnesota Cities' publication for additional information on the conference schedule. t, 14 L, Council Agenda - 3/25/91 Shade Tree Short Course By Roger Mack Date: March 19 & 20, 1991 This is a course that is held every spring, and it is a requirement in order to maintain my Certified Tree Inspector classification. This year we had the usual updates on disease progress and insect infestations including: Oak Wilt, Ash Yellows, and Gypsy Moth. A lot of this year's program was information on the continuing affects of the 1988 drought and what to expect in the near future because of it. Also, a lot of time was spent on tree planting and care after planting. As usual, it was a very good session and the speakers were excellent. I 8RC FINAtICIAL SYSTEM 02/25/91 13:25:27 WAP.RANT DATE VENv`OP GENERAL CHECKING 30877 02/21/91 FI0Z CO."A N0 31??E 02/21/31 4RIvHT CCrp•JT•, SKEPIF 31229 02/21/91 MN DEPART Of NATURAL 31230 02/?1/91 MN OFPART OF NATURAL 31?31 02/21/91 POLKA OGT RECYCLING 31232 02/21/91,LUKACH/JOHN 31232 02/21/91 LUKACH/JOHN 31?32 02/21/91 LUKACII/JOHN 31732 02/21/91 LUKACH/JOHN 31233 02/21/91 HYTTSTEN/GAVE 31234 02/21/91 BOYUM EQUIPMENT INC. fi 31235 02/?1/911HO1!LE/STAN 31236 02/21/91 SORENSON/WAYNE 31217 0?/21/91 MARTIE/04ROTHV 31?38 0?121/91 "WS/LOU 31239 02/21/91 MN OEF•ART OF NATUPAL 31210 0?1?1/91 MN DEPART OF NATUPAL 31^1,I ()2/21/91 MINK POLLUTION CONTP, 31242 02/21/91 SHELTON COMPANY 31243 0?/?5/91 ADOPT -A -PET 31244 02/?5191 BU:•INESS OEVF•LOPMENT 31745 02/25/91 BUSINESS P.ECOROS COP 312/5 02/25/91 SUSINESS RECORDS COR 31245 02/25/91 6USINESS RECORDS COR 31;40 02/25/91 CAPL60N/PICH 31247 02/25/91 COMMLINICATION AUDITO Dia,1?Ursom?nt JOUrn31 r^IPT1O!I AMr•lJNT 444 CHEClo V0I0e0 +9.00.:• 487 PAYROLL GEC-VCT'IC•N 573.09 I try W4TEPCRAFT/SNOW/ATV RE 29,00 118 WATERCRAFT/SNOW/ATV R 446.00 170 RECYCLING/PLASTICS CO 5?2.00 327 TRAVEL EXPENSE 19.35 327 TRAVEL EXPENSE 11.60 327 TRAVEL EXPENSE 11.60 327 TRAVEL EXPENSE 5h.15 + .90122 RECYCLING PRIZE 50.00 482 71 FORD TRUCK/VAC 12.600.00 .90121 RECVCLIIJG PRIZE 50.00 .90+20 RECYCLING PRIZE 25.00 .90119 RECYCLING PP.IZE 100.00 .90,123 PECYCLING PPIIE 79.00 119 BOAT TITLE REPORT 59.00 118 4ATE4CPACT/SNO4/ATV R st?.00 127 PE+3 FEE/SEMINAR/4 SIP0 75.00 269 NEW SCANNER/REC'+CLI 1.260.00 4 AOOPTTONS/ANIMAL CONT 374.00 26 PROF SERVICES/Hf'A 27 OFFICE SUE•/COl•10IJTFR 107.25 27 PRINTED CAROS/SEW 9 W 921.08 27 PRINTED CARDS/SEW & W 924.09 1,515,41 491 REIMS/DAMAGE TO TPEe 100.00 30 PAGER REPAIRS/ETRE DE 361.19 A aPf: FIN'4NCIAL SY`71EM. 02/?5/01 13:25:'?7' WAP.RAr1T DAIc- vsr:Dt?R GENERAI. CHEMING 31248 02/25/91 COMPPES$ AIR @ EOUIP 31249 0?/?5/91 0AIILGREN SHARD1.OW AN 31249 0?/25•/91 OAHLGREN SHAROLOW AN 31?50 07/75/91 EMERGENCY APPARATUS 31251 02/25/91 FEECIRITE CC•NTaOLS. I 31 25 1 0?/?$/91 FEEORITE. CQ•1TPOLS. I 3125, 0?/25/91j FEEC!RITE C00R0LS. I 31252 0?/?5/91 FL_kMe TCOL CijMOAN 31253 4:/25/91 FOSTE?'-FRArlZEro-CARL& 31?54 02/?5/91 GENERAL RENTAL CENTE 3t?55 0?'/?5/9C,G^.vE'cN FINAnf.E gFciC 31256 02,/2$19.1 GOVERNM;tiT TRAINING 31256 02/25/91 'GOVERNMENT TRAINING 31257 02/..25/,91 HOGLUND TRANSPORTATI 31258 021,25/,01 HORIZONS. INC. 31259 02/25/91IN INSTITUTE, QF MUNI 31260 02/25/91 INTERSTATE OF'rROI7, D 3 1201 02/75/91 MANPOWER. INC. 31262 02/25/91 MCDOWALL COMPANY 31262 0?/25/91 MCCIOWALL COMPANY 3126? 02/24/91 MCOOWALL COHPANY 37'263 0?/75/01 STEEL. INC. 3t?ri4 4:/25141 MIhN STATE FIFE CHIE 31.65 02/25/91 •IINNESOrA MAYOPS ASS 31290 0?/25/91 ►1INNESrlTA RURAL WATE 3126$ 02/25/01 MINNESOTA RURAL WATE 01si,)ursem?-lt Journal DESCRIPTION Ah:7UNT 356 COMPRESSOP.%FIRE HAL 3.334.00 45 PROF SERWRLAN &, TON 17+.00 45 PROF SERV/PLAN & 20N 81.60 252.60 460 VEHICLE REPAIkS/FIFE 750.40 56 PROF SF,P`/IC-sS/WATEK 24.00 x,56 CHEMICALS/WATEP, DEP 3. t44.22 56 MISC SUPPLIES/WATER 0 108.73 3.776.95 59 cgi,1IPMENT/S;t:P,'v. COL -.E 56$.6? 61 r".i S1: 1N$iJPAr.�EIFIQE 0 1?5.00 64 SUPPLIES/SHOP F GAR 98.51 It MEmSEOSHIP OVEB/ADMIN 15.06 72 REG FEE/S ANOERS�.N 62.00 72 REG FEE/.J 80GAR0 67.00 i 24r06 84 INSTALL PAOIO IN NEW 240.00 400 AERIAL PHOTOS/PLAN & 150.00 494 MEMBERSHIP ODES/AOM1N 65.00 321 MTC OF VEHICLESISTP.EE .107-.0P 440 TEMP SERVICES/CIT,' HA 366.00 111 FURNACE REPAIR/CITY H 266.36 ttt FUPr1ACE REPAIR/FlkE M 124.71 t1t FURNACE RE0AIR/I.IBP7R tIC-.AI 501.9? 492 MTC OF VEHICLES/TREE 250.97 493 MEmAS*THIO ODES/.1 WETN 65.00 1?5 liiM6EPSNIa r,Li S/4A7c,€• 10. D0 120 SEMINAR/401+x1 :TMI)LA 05.00 129 S(mlNAR/MATT THEISEN 65.0- i30.00 w t BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 02/25/91 13:2507 WARRANT OATS VENN+?P GENEQAL 'CHECKING 31767 0?/?S/91 M1f1NESQTA SAFFTY COU 31?68 02/?5/91 :+N S.C.-??TV O= A?E}ORI 31?69 0?/?5/91 M1)3IL 31269 02/?5/91 MOBIL 3069 0/25/91 MOgTL 31269 0?/?$/91 M06T1. 3069 0?/?5/91 M -OSI 31?69 02/25/91 MOBIL 31?69 02/25/917 MOBIL 31270 02/?5/91 MONTICELLO ANIMAL CO 31271 02/25/91 MONTICELLO CHAMBER 0 31272 02/25/91 MONTICELLO ROTARY 31273 02/25/91 NATIONAL BU$1NESS FU 31274 07/75/91 SAFETY-KLEEN CORP. 31275 02/25/91 SCHARBER F SONS. INC 31:.76 0?/?5/91 SHELTOtJ COr'PANY 31277 02/25/91 SMITH 1 HAVES frEI1EPAI. CHECs'I11ri 0{soursere?nt Journal OESCPIPTIO'1 AN•: UNT L86 MEMBERSHIP OUSSN SIM0 95.00 1?9 14,:MbSR$HIP 0!,E$/TP.EE 0 15.00 131 GA13/81.0 INScECTIO:+S 1?.L6 131 GAS/STR:ET MPT 150.99 131 GAS/SEVER COLLECTIONS 29.52 131 AAS/WATER nFPT 29.51, 131 GAS/ST?FET 14. 1/j j21 CAS/SEWEk COLL 17.40 131 GAS/SEWER COLL 17.40 271.115 105 ANIMAL CONTPOL CONTRA 633.75 133 BANNERS FOR STREETS 4.443.75 139 MEMBERSHIP 01JES/JEFF 181.00 489 TABLE/H00Y RECI$TRA 168.00 194 MTC OP EOUIP/STREETS 66.00 229 SNOWBLOWER PAYMENT 1.03?.00 209 SCANNEP/PV'V(:tTff: 1.375.09 104 LEGAL FEES' 195.75 TOTc. 43.904.60 I 02'%274/ n,, i0:O8: t5 Oish'ursemznt •16L`rnaI VAR RANT DATE V.-N[_i)'re OESCP IPT,I0:1 A.MOU1--T Cl, GENERAL 11 CHECKING 31250 02/21/91 EMERGENCY'APPARA-TUS 490 SHOULD BE 1990 BILI 750,:4YiCR 3'1'250 02/27/91 EMERGENCY ABPARATUS 480, VEHICLE REPAIRS/FIRE 950.46 0.00 31272 02/27/91 MONTICELLO ROTARY 138 SHOULD BE 1990 EIL_L 181.00CR 31272 02/27/91 MONTICELLO ROTARV 136 MEMBERSHIP DUES/J OhE 181.00 0.00 fCi• 31278 02/?7/91 U.S. POSTMASTER 210 ly POSTAGE FOR CITY HA +.000.00 312.,79 02/?7/91 14NIVEPSITY OF MINNES 212 SEMI NAa/POGER MACK/TRE 45.00 31200 02/27/91 SNAP-ON TOOLS CORPOk 195 WRENCHES/WATER DEPT 62.E15 ,- 31231 0?/?7/91 MN OEPAP,T OF NAT1IPAL 118 WATEPC?PFT TITLE/RE-; 4?.00 31292 02/?7/91 MN DEPART OF NATURAL 118 EOATS/SNOWR,0B7LE/ATV 234. 00 GE.IEPAI CHECKING TOTAL 1.353.85 ,! It BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 03/08/91 08:42:52 WARRANT DATE VENDOR GENERAL. CHECKING 31283 02/09/91 LIQUOR STORE FUND 31284 02/09/91 CORROW SANITATION 31?84 02/09/91 LIQUOR STORE FUND 31265 02/09/91 MN DEPART OF NATURAL.. 31286 02/09/91 ARVIDSON/BERNADETTE 31287 03/11/91SA.E. MIC10gLS 31288 03/11/91 AMERICAN NATIONAL BA 31?38 03/11/91 AMEPICAN NATIONAL 8A 31288 03/11/91 AMERICAN NATIONAL SA 31288 03/11/91 AMERICAN NATIONAL SA 3128803/11/91 AMERICAN NATIONAL BA 31288 03/11/91 AMERICAN NATIONAL BA 31288 03/11/91 AMERICAN NATIONAL SA 31288 03/11/91.,AMERICAN NATIONAL 8A 31288 03/11/91 AMERICAN NATIONAL SA 31288 03/11/91 AMERICAN NATIONAL SA 31288 03/11/91 AMERICAN NATIONAL SA 31289 03/11/91 ANNANDALE VETERINARY '31280 03/11/91 BRIDGEWATER TELEPHON 31200 03/11/01 BRIDGEWATER TELEPHON 31290 03/11/91 BRIDGEWATER TELEOHON 31290 03/11/01 BRIDGEWATER TELEPHON 31290 03/11/91 BRIDGEWATER TELEPHON 31290 03/11/01 BRIDGEWATER TELEPHON 31290 03/11/91 BRIDGEWATEP TELEPHON 31200 03/11/91 BRIDGEWATER TELEPHON 31290 03/11/91 SPIDGEWATEP TELEPHON 31200 03/11/01 BRIDGEWATER TELEPHON 31290 03!11/91 BFIOGEWATER TELEPHON 31290 03/11/91 E:RIDGEWATER TELEPHON 3125') 03/11/91 SPIOGEWATER TELEPHON 31200 03/11/91 BRIDGEWATER TELEPHON 31290 03/11/91 6RIOGEWATER TELEPHON 31291 03/11/91 CRAGUN'S CONFERENCE 31291 03/11/91 CRAGUN'S CONFERENCE Disbursement Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 100 REIMS LIQUOR./INTERE 4.816.77 42 GARBAGE CONTRACT P 12.302.67 100 SALES TAX OUE/GARBAGE 738.10 13.040.83 118 WATEPCP.AFT/SHO':/ATV R 291.00 90124 REIMS/DAMAGE TO MAILBO 30.98 339 PAINT/WATER DEPART 219.45 7 PAVING AGENT FEES/BON 397.25 7 PAYING AGENT FEES/BON 296.75 7 PAYING AGENT FEES/BON 170.25 7 PAVING, AGENT FEES/BON 220.50 7 PAYING AGEt)T FEES/80N 236.25 7 PAYING AGENT FEES/BON 229.00 7 PAYING AGENT FEES/BON 226.00 7 PAVING AGENT FEES/BON 227.25 7 PAYING AGENT FEES/6011 231.75 7 PAYItJG AGENT FEES/BON 233.75 7 PAYING AGENT FEES/BON 235.00 2.719.75 362 VEY FEES/ANIMAL CONTRO 48.00 24 TELEPHONE CHARGES 630.62 24 TELEPHONE CHARGES 161.45 24 TELEPHONE CHARGES 65.58 24 TELEPHONE CHARGES 37.32 24 TELEPHONE CHARGES 59.59 24 TELEPHONE CHARGES 83.04 24 TELEPHONE CHARGES 20.00 24 TELEPHONE CHARGES 13.50 24 TELEPHONE CHARGES , 124.35 24 TELEOMONE CHARGES 20.00 24 TELEPHONE CHAPGES 36.57 24 TELEPHONE CHARGES 108.77 24 TELEPHONE CHARGES 19.00 24 TELEPHONE CHARGES 18.74 24 TELEPHONE CHAPGES 20.60 1.412.15 43 ROOM RESERVAT/CONF/RIC 75.00 43 ROOM RESERVAT/CONE/JEF 75.00 150.00 A. 0 c a 1 ESRC FINAtXIAL SYSTEM s 03/08/91 08:4Z:52 Disbursement -Journal " DESCRIPTION AMOUNT WARRANT DATE VF.r:00R - GENERAL CHECKING 1 31292 03/11/91 DECISION DATA SERVIC 47 MAINT AGP.EEMT/COM'PUTE 153.00 31293 03/11/91 DUERR'S WATER CARE S 49 WATER CARE/REttTAL HODS 14.25 31294 03/11/91 GOVERNMENT TRAINING 72 CONFERENCE REG/RICK W 145.00 31284 03/11/91 GOVERNMENT TRAINING 72 CONFERENCE REG/JEFF 145.00 290.00 r 31295 03/11/91 HATCH -PETERSON SALES 94 VESTS/BATT/CONES STRE 346.51 31296 03/11/91 HERMES/JERRY `_81 CLEANING CONTRACT/LI8 227.50 31297 03/11/91 HOGLUND COACH LINES 493 TRANSPORTATION CONT 5,356.84 31298.03/11/91 KASPER/MIKE AND DORI .90125 RECYCLING PRIZE 50.00 31209 03/11/91 MIDWEST GAS COMPANY 115 UTILITIES 628.20 31299 03/11/91 MIDWEST GAS COMPANY 115 UTILITIES 283.03 31200 03/11/91 MIDWEST GAS COMPANY 115 UTILITIES 56.79 31299 03/11/91M70WEST GAS COMPANY 115 UTILITIES 544-,74 - 31299 03/11/91, MIDWEST CAS COMPANY 115 UTIL.tTIES 88.4.1 f 31299 03/11/91 MIDWEST GAS COMPANY 115 UTILITIES 101.55 31290 03%11/9t MIDWEST GAS COMPANY- 115 UTILITIES 40.78 31299 03/11/91 MIDWEST. GAS COMPANY 1+`5 UTILITIES 333.13 :2.076.63 31300 03/11/91 MONTICELLO ANIMAL CO 185 ANIMAL CONTROL ,CONTRA 463.25- 3.1.301 03/11/91 .NORTHERN STATES POWE 148 UTILITIES 2.741.46 '31301 03/11/91 NORTHERI/ 'STATES POWE 146 UTILITIES 1,02.88 31301 03/11/0,1'NORTHERN STATES'.PO'WE 148 UTILITIES 3.730.07 31301 03/.11/91 ,NORTHERN rTAT$G 'POWE 140 UTILITIQG 00.09. 31301 03%11/91 NORTHERN STATES POWE 148 UTILITIES 5.52.34 31301 03/it/91 NORTHERN STATES POWE 148 UTILITIES 11.70 31301 03/11/91 NORTHERN STATES POWE 146 UTILITIES 240.28 31301 03/11/91 NORTHERN STATES POWE 148 UTILITIES 12.15 31301 03/11/91 NORTHERN STATES POWE 148 UTILIT-IES 308.07 31301 03/11/91 hORTHERN STATES POWE 148 UTILITIES 235.51 31301 03/11/91 NORTHERN STATES PONE 148 UTILITIES 413.11. 31301 03,/11/91 14ORTHERN STATES POWE 140 UTILITIES 594.35 0.114.63 31302 03/11/91 NORWEST INVESTMENT S 105 COMPUTER PAYMENT 2.407.01 31303 03/11/91 O.E.I. BUSINESS FORM ISO COPY PAPER 78.10 6 31304 03/11/9+ POL4A OOT RECYCLING 170 RECYLING CONTPACT P 1.730.57 {� I I q�w� E1RC�;FIIJANCIAL,'S.VSTEM ` '' rJ 03/08_/,91 A8,:42:L52, Disbursement Journal. z (� WARRANT DATE, VEt�OOR •OESCRI,PT-ION AMOUNT GENERAL CHECKING n 31305 03/11/9'1 RIVERSIDE OIL, 496'GAS/STREET ,DEPT 930.42 31-306 03111/91 SENTRY SYSTEMS 188 ALARM SYSTEM MTC AGREE 90.00 31307 03/11/91 SPECTRUM SANITAP•V SU 498 CARPET RUNNERS%SHOP/G 109..00 3.1308 03/11/91 UOLFSTELLER/RICHAkO 21,7 CONFERENCE EXPENSE 29.66 3180@ 03/•11/91 WOLFSTELLER/P,ICHAPO 217 CONFERENCE E_%PENSE 17.58 31308 03/11/91 WOLFSTELLER/RICHARD 217 CONFERENCE EXPENSE 10.00 '57.44 31309 03/11,/911 YONAK LANDFILL. INC. 223 LANDFILL'CHARGES/GA 5.544.00 GENERAL C.4ECKING TOTAL 51.775.68 1 0 J� I Q �lb it BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 03/14/91 12:44:09 WARRANT DATE VENDOR GENERAL CHECKING 31310 03/15/91 OLSON/JERRY 31311 03/15/91 WRIGHT COUNTY RECORD 31311 03/15/91 WRIGHT COUNTY RECORD 31312 03/15/91 U.S. POSTMASTER 31312 03/15/91 U.S. POSTMASTER 31313 03/15/91',MN DEPART OF NATURAL 31314 03/15/91 MN DEPART OF NATURAL 31315 03/15/91 PRINCIPAL MUTUAL LIF 31310 03/25/91 A T & T INFO SYSTEMS 31317 03/25/01 ARA CORY REFRESHMENT 31317 03/25/91;lARA COPY REFRESHMENT i 31318 03/25/91 AUTOMATIC GARAGE 000 31319 03/25/01, BEN FRANKLIN 31320 03/25/91 RIFFS. INC. 31321 03/25/01 BIG LAKE MACHINE 31322 03/25/9i BOSE/TOM 31323 03/25/91 BROADWAY SQUARE APAR 31323 03/25/01 BROADWAY SQUARE APAR 31324 03/25/91 CENTRAL MCGOWAN. INC 31329 03/25/91 CENTURY LABS 31325 03/25/91 CENTURY LASS 31320 03/25/91 COAST TO COAST 31320 03/25/01 COAST TO COAST 31320 03/25/91 COAST TO COAST 31320 03/2S/91 COAST TO COAST 31320 03/25/91 COAST TO COAST 31320 03/25/91 COAST TO COAST 31326 03/25/91 COAST TO COAST 31328 03/25/91' COAST TO COAST Disbursement Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 158 TEMP SLO INSPEC FEES 60.00 254 RECORDING FEES/TAPPER 10.00 254 RECORDING FEES/REMMELE 10.00 20.00 210 SEWER & WATER POSTAGE 158.50 210 SEWER & WATER POSTAGE 158.50 3 17. 00 +• 110 WATERCRAFT TITLE & REG 29.00 118 WATERCRAFT & SNOW REG 94.00 174 INSURANCE PREMIUM 40.08 15 PHONE CHARGES/FIRE DEPT 4.40 408 SUPPLIES/CITY HALL 94.00 , 408 CORRECT COOING 54.000R 40.00 " 260 REPAIRS ON SHOP DOOR 09.00 20 FILM/PUBLIC WORKS 27.58 395 LATRINE RENTAL/DARKS 49.02 495 EQUIP REPAIR PARTS 4.50 330 REIMS/FILM DEVELOPING 14.50 472 GARBAGE REIMS 08.00 472 GARBAGE REIMS 50.00 154.00 30 MISC OPERATING SUP/SHO 71.00 210 MISC SUP/PARKS 47.30 270 MISC SUP/SHOP & GARAGE 00.97 114.33 35 SLO REPAIR SUP/CITY HAL 5.10 35 SLO REPAIR SUP/DARKS 0.12 3S OUIL07NG REDAIRS/MUSED 90.82 3 5 SLD REPAIR SUP/ HOP 30.30 35 MISC SUPP/STREETS 7.19 35 MISC SUPP/SHOP & GARAGE 1.25 35 MISC SUPPLIES/WATER 33.32 35 EQUIP REPAIRS/WATER 31.21 !q BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 03/14/91 t2:44:09 WARRANT DATE VENDOR GENERAL CHECKING 31326 03/25/91 COAST TO COAST 31326 03/25/91 COAST TO COAST 31326 03/25/91 COAST TO COAST 31326 03/25/91 COAST TO COAST 31326 03/25/9! COAST TO COAST 31327 03/25/91 COMPUTER PARTS 6 SER 31328 03/25/91 CONTINENTAL SIGN A A 31329 03/25/91 COPY OUPLCATING PROD 31330 03/25/91 0 Q 0 SALES CO. 31331 03/25/91 EMERGENCY APPARATUS 31332 03/25/91 FEEDRITE CONTROLS, I 31333 03/25/91,GARELICK STEEL COMPA i 31334 03/25/91 GOPHER STATE ONE CAL 31335 03/25/91 GREG SMITH & ASSOC 31336 03/25/91 HARRY'S AUTO SUPPLY 31336 03/25/91 HARRY'S AUTO SUPPLY 31338 03/25/91 HARRY'S AUTO SUPPLY 31330 03/25/91 HARRY'S AUTO SUPPLY 31336 03/25/01 HARRY'S AUTO SUPPLY 31338 03/25/91 HARRY'S AUTO SUPPLY 31336 03/25/91 HARRY'S AUTO SUPPLY 31330 03/25/91 HARPY'S AUTO SUPPLY 31336 03/25/01 HARRY'S AUTO SUPPLY 31330 03/25/91 HARRY'S AUTO SUPPLY 31337 03/25/91 HERMES/JERRY 31330 03/25/91 NESS SURVEYING INSTR 31339 03 /25/9 1 INTER CITY MANAGEMEN 31340 03/25/91 J M OIL COMPANY 31340 03/25/91 J M OIL COMPANY 31341 03/20/91 JME SERVICE CO Disbursement Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 35 BLD REPAIR SUP/MATER 1.55 35 61.95 35 CLEANING SUP/LIBRARY 5.58 35 SMALL TOOLS/PARKS 75.96 35 MISC REPAIR SUP/PARKS 4.67 315.19 500 MTC CONTRACT/COMPUT 2.139.00 �Aa 3 HANDICAPPED SIGNS 455.53 41 COPY MCH MTC/LIBRARY 45.90 447 MARKER NIT/SHOP 11 GAR 14.73 480 VEH REPAIRS/FIRE DE 2.788.97 56 MISC PROF SERVICE/MATE 54.00 63 STEEL/SHOP 4 GARAGE 987.00 69 PROF SERV/MATER DEPT 7.50 194 LEGAL FEES 112.58 78 EQUIP REPAIR PARTS/SEW 23.89 79 MISC SUP/WATER DEPT 10.13 78 BLD REPAIR SUP/MATER 10.30 78 VEH REPAIR PARTS/STREE 76.61 78 MISC SUPPLIES/STREETS 34.34 78 MISC. SUPPLIES/SHOP 43.40 76 SMALL TOOLS/SHOP A GAR 10.09 76 SMALL TOOLS/STREETS 9.69 70 EQUIP REPAIR PARTS/STR 72.34 78 MISC REPAIRS/BLD INSPEC 2.67 206.55 81 CLEANING CONTRACT/LIB 227.50 501 AUTOMATIC LEVEL/P.WOR 935.00 410 SUSSCRIP/JEFF ONEILL 36.30 95 LUBRICANTS/FIRE DEPT 25.35 95 LUBRICANTS/STREET DEP 192.05 207.40 309 CAN CRUSHER/SHOP & GAR 20.00 BRC FINAriCIAL SYSTEM 03/14/91 12:44:09 WARRANT DATE VEr100R GENERAL CHECKING 31342 03/25/91 K MART STORE 31343 03/25/91 KIPLINGER WASHINGTON 31344 03/25/91 LARKIN.HOFFMAN.OALY 31345 03/25/91 MACOUEEN EQUIPMENT I 31346 03/25/91 MAUS FOODS 31346 03/25/81 MAUS FOODS 31346 03/25/91, MAUS FOODS 31346 03/25/91 MAUS FOODS 31346 03/25/91 MAUS FOODS 31347 03/25/91 MONTI-HAVEN APARTMEN 31347 03/25/91 MONTI-HAVEN APARTMEN 31348 03/25/91 MONTICELLO OFFICE PR 31341 03/291/8+, MONTICELLO OFFICE PR 31348 03/25/01 MONTICELLO OFFICE PR 31348 03/25/91 MONTICELLO OFFICE PR 31349 03/25/91 MONTICELLO PRINTING 31349 03/25/91 MONTICELLO PRINTING 31349 03/25/91 MONTICELLO PRINTING 91350 03/25/91 MONTICELLO TIMES 31350 03/25/91 MONTICELLO TIMES 31350 03/25/01 MONTICELLO TIMES 31350 03/25/91 MONTICELLO TIMES 31350 03/25/91 MONTICELLO TIMES 31351 03/25/91 MONTICELLO VACUUM CE 31352 03/25/91 MOON MOTOR SALES. IN 31353 03/25/91 NATIONAL BUSHING PAR 31353 03/25/01 NATIONAL BUSHING PAR 31353 03/25/91 NATIONAL BUSHING PAR .31354 03/25/91 NORTH STAR TURF. INC a Disbursement Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 460 FILM/PUBLIC WORKS 16.39 96 NEWS SUSCRIPTION 142.00 497 LEGAL FEES 952.81 104 SWEEPER PARTS/STREE 1.501.01 108 CITY HALL SUPPLIES 1.80 1108 SHOP MATERIALS 37.33 108 CLEANING SUP/LIBP.ARY 28.56 108 SHOP MATERIALS/WATER 21.30 108 CLEANING SUP/ANIMAL CO 49.36 138.35 473 GARBAGE CONTRACT 91.00 473 GARBAGE CONTRACT 52.00 143.00 136 OFFICE SUPPLIES/PARKS 1.50 130 OFFICE SUP/P.W.Ir1SPECT 26.47 136 OFFICE TABLE/PLAN & 2 244.14 130 OFFICE SUPPLIES/CITY 280.99 553.10 137 RECYCLING BROCHURES 220.85 137 SEWER A WATER BROCHURE 19.25 137 SEWER & WATER BROCHURE 19.25 250.35 140 LEGAL PUBLICATIONS 402.40 140 SNOWMOBILE/SLO PERMIT 202.85 140 SNOWPLOWING AOS 72.45 140 2 TIMES SUBSCRIPTION 44.00 140 PLAN & 20N PUBLC HEARI 25.95 747.55 141 BELTS/SAGS/LIBRARY 28.03 142 VEHICLE REPAIRS/DARKS 78.78 144 EQUIP REPAIR PARTS/PAR 10.90 144 MISC SUP/SHOD 6 GAR 22.51 144 MISC SUP/WATER DEPT 10.10 51.51 151 FERTILIZER/PARKS 1.504.94 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM s ^ 03/14/91 12:44:09 WARRANT DATE VENDOR GENERAL CHECKING Disbursement Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 31355 03/25/91 OLSON & SONS ELECTRI 160 EQUIP REPAIR PAP.TS/WATE 8.18 31355 03/25/91 OLSON & SONS ELECTRI 160 BLO REPAIR SUP/WATER 14.77 '. 31355 03/25/91 OLSON & SONS ELECTRI 160 BLD REPAIP.S/LIBRARY 956.21 31355 03/25/91 OLSON & SONS ELECTRI 160 CITY HALL REPAIRS 22.13 1.001.29 ' 31356 03/25/91 OLSON. USSET.AGAN & 292 LEGAL FEES 206.25 31357 03/25/91 PLUMSERY-PURCELL'S P 251 MISC SUPPLIES/STREETS 17.75 31357 03/25/91 PLUMBERY-PLIRCELL'S P 251 BLD REPAIR SUP/LIBRARY 2.59 31357 03/25/9 0jPLU?A5EP.Y-PUP.CELL'S P 251 HEAT OEFLECTOR/CITY HA 32.00 52.34 31358 03/25/91 PREVSSE'S CLEANING S 173 FIRE MALL CLEANING 50.00 1 31358 03/25/91 PREUSSE'S CLEANING S 173 CITY HALL CLEANING 400.00 450.00 31359 03/25/91 OUINLAN PUBLISHING C 177 SUBSCIPTION/BLD INSPEC 74.81 31360 03/25/91;, RELIABLE CORPORATION 179 COMPUTER OFFICE SUPPLIE 5.99 31360 03/25/91iRELIABLE CORPORATION 179 COMPUTER PAPER 73.79 31380 03/25/91 RELIABLE CORPORATION 179 COMPUTER PRINTER STAND 00.9G 31300 03/25/91 RELIABLE CORPORATION 179 OEP REG OFFICE SUPPLIE 70.70 31360 03/25/91 RELIABLE CORPORATION 179 MISC OFFICE SUP/C MAL 202.11 428.55 31361 03/25/91 RIVER PARK VIEW.APAR 450 GARBAGE CONTRACT 108.50 31361 03/25/91 RIVER PARK VIEW APAR 450 GARBAGE CONTRACT 02.00 170.50 31302 03/25/01 ROYAL TIRE OF MONTIC 227 VEHICLE REPAIRS/PARKS 20.06 31302 03/,25/91 ROYAL TIRE OF MONTIC 227 NEW TIRES/SLUOGE TRUC 003.56 712.02 31303 03/25/91 SHUMAN/CATHY 191 TRAVEL EXPENSE/SEMINAR 20.55 31364 03/25/91 SIM[+N50N LUMBER COMP 103 EOUIP REPAIRS/SHADE TR 59.50 3130L 03/25/•91 SIMONSON LUMBER COMP 103 MISC SUPPLIES/WATER 25.50 85.00 31365 03/25/91 SNAP-ON TOOLS CORPOR 195 SMALL TOOLS/SHOD &. GA 120.03 31360 03/25/91 SPEC MATERIALS. 1 100 EQUIPMENT RENTAL/ST CEE3 31367 03/25/91 ST. CLOUD RESTAURANT 289 TOWELS/LIBRARY 37.20 31360 03/25/91 STENCEL/PEGGV 199 ASSESSING CONTRACT 9b9.50 r. s �1 J .I •BRC FINANCIAL. SYSTEM,� so 0,3/14/91 .1'2:'44:09 Uis6unsement, journal, 11ARRANT OAT',E VENDOR ,OESCRIDTION AMOUNT' r GENERAL CHECKING 31369 03/25/91 ULTIMATE'OiTA SYSTEM '502 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 1.382.00 1. 3:13:70 A3/25/91 UNITOGRENTAL SERVIC 1?11 UNIFORM RENTAL 16.00 3,1370 03/25/91 UNITOG RENTAL SERVIC 211 UNIFORM RENTAL 16.00 31370 03/25/91 UNITOG RENTAL SERVIC 211 UNIFORM RENTAL 10.65 r. 31370 03/25/91 UNITOG RENTAL SERVIC 211 UNIFORM RENTAL 10.`05 31370 03/25/91 UNITOG RENTAL SERVIC 2.11 UNIFORM RENTAL 104.08 31370 03/25/91 UNITOG RENTAL SERVIC 211 UNIFORM RENTAL ?6.25 184.53 e 31371 03/25/94, UNOCAL 213 GAS/FIRE DEPT '66.57 d 31372 03/25/91 WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITO 219 SHERIFF'S CONTRACT 14,336.95 � - 3'1373 03/25/91 Y.M.C.A. OF MINNEAPO 224 MONTHLY CONTRACT 625.00 3 13 74 03/25/0,1 2ARNOTH BRUSH WORKS,. 499 401.25 GENERAL CHECKING TOTAL 4A.954.63 �r + �1 J RF•C FINAr.�IAL SYSTEM ' '/27/91 1co:09:t0 D1sL+ur.4?ment Journal '.'AP?ANT rp t TE OiSCRIP-IOr. cN•l1JNT CLAIM L I0UOP 5:9ND 15557 02/27/91 ZEE M.:UICAL SERVICE 80ri054 CHECK VOIOEO 15.39CR 15558 02/27/91 1+.ou'r1rEU.0 vartoki4 CE 800050 SUPPLIES/E:ELTS AND SAG 32.93 15559 02/27/91 GPIGGS. COOPER i, COM 800018 LIOUOR PURCHASE 3.067.10 15560 02/27/91 EAGLE '.ZINE COMPANY 800012 MISC PURCHASES ?5.8? 15560 02/27/91 EAGLE WINE COMPAHV 800017 LIOUOP. PQcCH,ASE 228.45 ?S4.?7 6CHECk 15561 02/27/91 LIEO.ERT TRUCKING 8000?5 a FREIGHT CHARGES 381.30 15562 02/27/91 OUALITV WINE !? SPIRI 900040 LIQUOR PURCHASE 5?7.52 15562 02/27/91 QUALITY WINE F. SPIRT 800040 WINE PUPCHASE 681.96 1.?13.48 +CHEC1` 15563 02/27/91 U S WEST COMMVNICATI 800093 ADVERTISING 21.80 15564 02/27/91 DRIVERS LICENSE GUID 800013 SUBSCRTPTIC•N 19.45 , 5565 0?/27/91 GRTGGc). C,OOPEO $ row 800016 LIOUJP PUC -1:!,4A -3E 1.890.77 15566 02/27/91 EAGLE WINE COMPANY 800012 WINE PURCHASE 380.14 15561! 02,/27/91 EAGLE WINE re)PPANV 80001? BEER PURCHASE 19.90 399.04 "CHECF 15567 U?/??191 ?1JALIIV WINE /r SPIRT 800040 LI01J0P PURCHASE 89.45 15568 02/27/91 PHILLIPS & SONS CO/E 800037 LIQUOR PURCHASE 23?..32 15568 02/27/91 PHILLIPS 8 SONS CO/E 800037 WINE PURCHASE 1.409.30 1.641.62 'CHECF' 159119 02/27/91 JOHNSON SPOS WHOLESA 800022 WINE PURCHAS 68.34 15539 02/27/91 JOHNSON BROS WHOLESA 800022 LIOUOR PURCHASE 1.922.65 1.900.139 *CNEC� 15$70 02/27/91 PHILLIPS 14 SONS CO/E 800037 LIOUOR PURCHASE 1.040.11 15577 02/27/91 PHILLIPS Xi SONS CO/E 800037 WINE PURCHASE 394.39 1.434.50 "CHEC 15571 02/27/91 OUALITV W114E & SPIRT 800040 LIQUOR PURCHASE 1.615.20 15571 02/27/91 OUALITV WINE b SPIRI 800040 WINE PURCHASE 511.33 7.324.54 "CHEr1 •557? { 02/27/91 MN MUNICIPAL BEVERAG 000029 CONFERENCE REGISTRATIO 45.00 &573 0?/27/91 COSTS 0-FC'AN2E11-CARL3 900015 LIQUOP LIABILITY I 12.994.00 -1f_' rERC, FINANCIAL SYSTEM _ p. a 1 r ,% f 1 'i 27 /9 f' �0:�9,:10 r� WRRANT- DATE VEr00ROESCRIPTION AmrJUNT CLAIM„ LIOVOR FUND 15574 02/27/91 JOHNSON BROS ttiHOLESA 800022 MINE PURCHASE ?70.35 LIOUOR FUND TOTAL 28,.OF2.?3 t BRC FINAtiCIAL 'SYSTEM ",/15191 15:39: 00 Disbursement Journal ARRANT DATE- VENDOR OESCR•IPTION AMOUNT CLAIM LIOUOR FUND 15575 0,2/08/91 JOHNSON BROS WHOLESA 800022 NINE PURCHASE 177.76 15576 02/08/91 GRIGGS. COOPER & COM 800019 MIX PURCHASE 25.59 15576 02/08/91 GRIGGS. COOPER E COM 800018 LIQUOR PURCHASE 2.341..88 2.367.47 %CHECK 15577 0?/08/91 PHILLIPS & SONS CO/E 800037 WINE PURCHASE 464.08 15517 02/08/91 PHILLIPS & SONS CO/E 800037 LIQUOR PURCHASE 2.493.55 2.857.03 +CHECK 15578 02/06/91 EAGL`,f WINE COMPANY 800012 MYX PURCHASE 38.24 15573 0?/08/91 EAGLE WINE COMPANY 800012 WINE PURCHASE 947.03 085.27 *CHECK 15579 03/11/91 SERNICK'S PEPSI COLA 800001 POP PURCHASE 34.50 15580 03/11/91 BRIDGEWATER TELEPHON 800002 TELEPHONE CHARGES 87.44 15591 03/ti/91 COAST TO COAST 800004 LIQUOR STORE SUPPLIES 16.73 +5582 03/11/91 COMMISSIONER OF REVE 800008 SALES TAX FOR'FEBRO 6.873. 15 r 15583 03/11/01 D'AHLHEIMER OISTRIBUT 800009 JUICE PURCHASE 12.'50, 15503 03/11/91 OAHLHEIMER OISTRIBUT 800009 BEER PURCHASE, 17.560.07 ' 17.591.57, =CHECK 15584 03/11/91 DAY DISTRIBUTING: COM "800010 LEMONS 5:80 1 15584 03/11/91 DAY DISTRIBUTING COM 800010 BEER PUR. HASE 431.43, 437.05 CHECM, 15585 03/1!/81 DICv. WkOLESA'LE'to. . 8.00011 LIQUOR STORE SUPPLIES ?0...00 15505 03/11 %0i 'DICK' °WHOLESALE, CO.-. 800,011 SEER PURCHASE. 1.-267:05. 1.296.65 -OCHECV i,5596 03/1'1/01 EAGLE WINE COMPANY 800012 BEER PURCHASE 58.20 1S58h 03/1;1%0+ EAGLE WINE COMPANY 000012 WINE PURCHASE 191.03 240.83 •CHECW� 15587 03/11/91 GRIGGS. COOPER. L COM 800018 LIQUOR PURCHASE 2.798.50 J 15588 03/11/01 GROSSLEIN BEVERAGE I 800019 BEER PURCHASE 0.638.45 15508 03/11/91 GROSSLEIN BEVERAGE I 800019 CRANBERRY JUICE 22.00 0.600.45 OCHECK 15590 03/11/91 JOHNSON EROS WHOLESA 000022 LIQUOR PURCHASE 203.08 +580 03/11/91 JOHNSON EROS WHOLESA 800022 WINE PURCHASE 2.314.01 2.597.09 •CHECK BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 415/91 15:39:00 Disbursement Journal WARRANT DATE VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT CLAIM LIQUOR FU1+D 15590 03/11/91 JUDE CANDY & T034CC0 800021 BOTTLE BAGS 143.30 15590 03/11/91 JUDE CANDY i+ TOBACCO 800021 LIQUOR STORE SUPPLIES 64.80 15590 03/11/91 JUDE CANDY & TOBACCO 800021 CIGARS AND GIGS 168.25 376.35 *CHECK 15591 03/11/91 KOLLES SANITATION 800029 GARBAGE SERVICE 201.40 15592 03/11/91 LIEFERT TRUCKING 800025 FREIGHT CHARGES 309.88 15593 03/11/91 MIDWEST GAS COMPANY 800028 UjjLITIES 212.00 15594 03/11/91 a MONTICELLO SHOPPING 800075 ADVERTISING 65.00 15595 03/11/91 MONTICELLO TIMES 800032 ADVERTISING 131.30 15595 03/11/91 MONTICELLO TIMES 800032 TIMES SUBSCRIPTION 22.00 153.30 $CHECK 15596 03/11/91 NORTHERN STATES POWE 800035 UTILITIES 547.43 15597 03/11/91 PHIL,LIPS & SONS CO/E 800037 WINE PURCHASE 188.24 5597 03/11/81 PHILLIPS & SONS CO/E 800037 MIK PURCHASE 14.16 597 03/11/91 PHILLIPS b SONS CO/E 800037 LIOVOR PURCHASE 1.830.85 2.033.05 *CHECK 15598 03/11/91 RON'S ICE COMPANY 600041 ICE PURCHASE 45.12 15599 03/11/01 SENTRY SYSTEMS. INC. 800065 MTC,OF ALARM SYSTEM 45.00 15600 03/11/01 SEVEN-UP BOTTLING CO 600043 POP PURCHASE 85.40 1,5601 03/11/91 THORPE DISTRIBUTING 800048 BEER PURCHASE 9.088.65 15602 03/11/91 VIKING COCA-COLA BOT 800051 POP PURCHASE 51?.70 LIQUOR FUND TOTAL 61.767.17 c Ce A 'C1 TY OF 11OR710ELi.O 'Monthly Building Department Report Month of FEBRUARY 1 191L PERMITS AICD USES taet This Sue Month Last Year This Year PERMITS 189USD Month January Month Fobruaq Last Year To Data To Data RESIDENTIAL Ruabor 2 3 2 5 5 Valuation 9 3,000.00 8 4,500.00 S 4,800.00 1 74,800.00 S 7,500.00 Vacs 30.60 45.00 48.00 713.89 75.00 Surcharges 1.00 1.50 1.95 36.95 2.50 COMMERCIAL Rueter 2 1 2 valuation 20,000.00 51500.00 20.000.00 Fees 212.00 76.50 212.00 Surcharges 10.00 2.75 10.00 INDUSTRIAL M=bar 1 2 Valuation 881100.00 91,100.00 Pees 966.81 996.81 Surcharges 44.05 45.55 PIADMIN0 Number 1 1 2 1 Fees 22.00 26.00 46.00 22.00 Surcharges .50 .50 1.00 .50 OTHERS Number valuation Fees Surcharges TOTAL NO. PERMITS 5 3 4 10 8 TOTAL VALUATION S 23.000.00 1 4,506.00 1 92.900.00 1171,400.00 1 27.500.00 TOTAL FEES f 264.00 1 45.00 1 1.040.81 1 1.033.20 f 309.00 TOTAL SURCHARGES 8 120.45 / 1.50 1 46.50 1 86.25 13-.00 CURRENT M0"1 - • Number to Data -PEWIT NATURR Number PERMIT SURCHARGE valuation This Year last Year. Single Family 6 8 1 -0 1 UuPlea 0 0 Multi -family' - 0 0 Commercial 0 0 Industrial 0 1 Rem. Garage■ 0 0 Signe 0 0 "Ito Buildings 0 0 ALTERATION OR REPAIR Osellings 3 45.00 1.50 4,500.00 5 4 Commercial 2 1 Mdustri al 0 1 PUSIOINg All Types 1 2 ACC952MY STRUCTURE/ trlutng Foole 0 0 Docks 0 0 TSMPWARV PERMIT 0 0 DEMOLITION 0 0 TOTAAB 3 1 45.00 0 1.50 1 4.500.00 8 10 TOTAL REVENUE 1 46.30 o Ll 0 INDIVIDUAL PERMIT ACTIVITY REPORT Month at PPRRfnARY j' PERMIT NMER DESCRIPTION TYPE IWIE/LOCATIOS VALUATION PERMIT SURCHARGE PUPIBI= SURCHUpGE� 91-1627 Basement PlRiah AD Carle Batkes/606 Ramsey Street 1 1.500.00 1 15.00 / .50 � 91=1628, Baaamanrc PSnteh�.�, -_ - _ SAD; ;Ty, end_Ltea Pangemuehta/IS_SaMtrap-Ctrcta �LS00.00 —_15.00 c—.SO, 91-1629 Basement finish AD Reinhardt and Barbara CDerke/IO.Patrvay Dr. 1':500.00 15.00 -.50 L p IorALH 1 Aaoo.00 / eSt00 f i:So 0 f� PLAN REVIEV J 11 - TOTAL PIAN REVIEW / 00.00 q TOTAL REVENUE 1 46.30 Council Agenda 3/25/91 ADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEM Consideration of purchasing a slide -in tank for grass riq - Fire Department. (R.W.) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: As part of the 1991 Fire Department capital outlay budget, $2,500 was budgeted for the purpose of a slide -in tank and pump unit for fighting grass fires. This unit was intended to be installed on the recently acquired Gamma Goat unit which was obtained from the DNR. The intended use of the Gamma Goat unit and this portable slide -in tank is for fighting grass fires in remote areas. With spring rapidly approaching, the Fire Department is seeking authorization to purchase this unit as soon as possible to prepare the unit for the upcoming grass fire season. The total capital outlay budget submitted by the Fire Department for 1991 totaled $29,700. Concerns were previously raised by the Council and also by the Monticello Township Board over the amount purposed. As a result, the Joint Fire Board will be meeting shortly in an effort to reduce the capital outlay budget by approximately $10,000. Proposed budget cuts totaling $10,550 have been reviewed by the Fire Department, and it is anticipated that the total capital outlay budget will be reduced to approximately $19,150. Since this item being proposed tonight exceeds $2,000, the City Council should review and approve this purchase before the item is ordered. The unit would consist of a fiberglass 200 -gallon tank along with the related pump and hosing items for a total of $2,734.12. Fire Department representatives had chocked on a number of slide -in grass fire rigs, and this quoto is the cheapost available. Larger units that are made of stainless Steel are available from fire equipment manufacturers but are in the neighborhood of $5,000 plus. The fiberglass unit wmi1A be lighter weight and would be suitable for the Gamma Goat and in the future can be removed and installed in a pickup truck if necessary. Since thn iter: takes two to three weeks to order, and with an early spring, April could be a critical month for grass fires, the Fire Department roquostod Council consideration tonight of this purchase. Council Agenda 3/25/91 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Authorize the purchase of the slide -in tank grass fire unit from Pleasure Products Manufacturing Company in the amount of $2,734.12. 2. Do not authorize the purchase. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Although the item is a couple hundred dollars more than originally budgeted for, the Joint Fire Board has reveiwed the capital outlay items and will be reducing the total budget by over $10,550 in 1991. With this substantial reduction in the capital outlay budget, it does not appear that the $234 overage for this item would cause any problem. If the Fire Department is going to purchase this Item, it is recommended that authorization be granted at this meeting to allow the unit to be available for the upcoming grass fire season. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of quotation, photograph of unit proposed. r t GENERAL FUND 1991 BUDGET FIRE CONT... CAPITAL OUTLAY FURNITURE 6 FIXTURES 29,700 101.42201.5601 OTHER EQUIPMENT 26,150 101.42201.5801 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 55,850 TOTAL FIRE 149,975 COMMENTS: Salaries: Temporary, John Lukach 0 10% Severence Pay: State aid, Relief Association Pension Capital Outlay: Slide in tank for grass rig, 52,500 SCBA air compressor, S7,500; PPV Fan, $1,200 (10) coats, 63,000; (10) boots, 51,700 (10) pass alerts, s1, 100;• 1st Responder Equip., S60U (3) portable radios, 61,600; (2) air racks (SCBA), 32,( Hose, 61,200; Nozzles, $1,200 Equip. van Refurbishment, $5,500 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY: 529,700 Othor Equipment: 3rd (final) installment on aerial laddor Truck --lease payment contract < q 3j i 11 � T Fire Slide in lank for grass rig S 2�50OGojjeral Fund SCBA air compressor ral Fund PPV fail g--(>'oo General Fund (10) coats 3,GW-IS"0o Genoral Fund (10) boots 700 1r:g9 -1000 Genoral Fund ( 10) pass alorts S5V L-IZO -YsM Genoral Fund C First responder equipment 600 General Fund (3) portable radios /cro i,6w -Wt' General Fund (2) air racks (SCUA) 2,600 Gonaral Fund 11080 _L aw'Gonaral Fund Nozzles 1,200 General Fund Equipment van refurbishment lOCY��beo -ySOOGonoral Fund S 29,700 -101550 QN• MATERIAL PRICE AMOUNT s%� v cp'' �viJO�et %J � � 6�1•or� I ! Iht/L/ i /s3Z) /7 /!' _17[e / j3ti h f r_'/JM Nb,. - PLEASURE PRODUCTS MFC. CO, INC. 2421 16th Ave. South P.O. Box 218 Moorhead. Minnesota 56560 o - (218) 236.1818 %r$y DATE;?_ /z 1D J/ Hum 375 ADDREssl o Ro.c .1/77 cmnrAre1a/1iJ.VirCe/%, /1rd ;_^.tom Sv •^j a 44741 VV y "m W.1, .?9 S- J2 // .0 R3 0 7.V lk TOTAL MATERIAL TOTAL Uklm /�. _Fi S' i� ;,, TAX TOTAL C �.;jH4 -II;ia1]41jm',II:istil :rkil - NEW OR REPLACEMENT - TANK Et SADDLES FOR YOUR CHASSIS (2400 gal. shown) 10" SQ. QUICK DUMP (Shown on 3000) 3000 GAL MOUNTED ON TRUCK BED TANK & CAB MATCHING COLORS (2000 Shown) REPLACEMENT TANKS FOR RUSTED MODELS GRASS FIRE UNITS FOR PICKUPS