City Council Agenda Packet 02-27-1995 Speciala AGENDA SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, February 87, 1898 - 6 p.m. Mayor. Brad Fyle Council Members: Shirley Anderson, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf, Tom Perrault Call to order. Discussion of alternatives for expansion of the Monticello Wastewater Treatment Plant. Adjournment. Monticello WWTP Hydraulic Capacity Phase 2 Upgrade 2-- 1.8- 1.6- -- 1.8-1.6- Phase 1 Upgrade 1.4- 1.2 .4-1.2 - Imerirn Imarovemems 1 J 0.8 - it 0.6- .8- 0.4- 0.4- 0.2- 0.2- 0 0 g I g I g I �gtg g I g I g I g I I 1 1 1 . vow WTP Capacity —Average Wet Weather Flow � i.'o :.rc J••T •, -- 1 too. ,. {Tad SLUM lOlattQr {Tana MONTICELLO. M. WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT PACLITV PLAN TRICKLMa FLTER/ACTIVATED SLUDGE ALTERNATME PNAISM PIAN LEGEND unnuo ruun¢t uruiuo .wua , a t cotnT.ano. -r[. tro rw.w rmuim ouio rtT rraa umtrim maimi- WIN. nnm -ruurTut oTmriuuo.co III wuw _ amnia 1sT wuv dmNISSIO[o -FAflllint no nuw .1. All r111LL 6attIRL , 11 `caw lana ra.a i � t11c11m1 i t 1 C:D\ 1 1� 1 t 1D. ' ` l traaSLUM i 1 010[1x01 00"m / 1 1 MONTICELLO. MM. WASTEWATER TRlArKMT PLANT FACILITY VLA" ACTIVATED eLUOOE ALTERRATIVE IPMASM PLAN LEOEMO Q(11111"0 .raClL11111 unarm solsrwsrla _Ir. t"o owu ratan.. _Ulall"0 molrlm 0001110 Ifr was[ 1"x1101 .1t11D RI Cabr vla1 Sray, IIR] ---DItr w1a51 - 01agI11a1 Isl n1.0 DEMNIUKWO _PKIWI11 too rwu I (20%) Total 620,000 17,090,000 I 4,240,000 )-=&MaM%WNC%vW"TW a' Monticello, MN Wastewater Treatment Plan, . Summary of Phasing Plan Trickling Fitter/Activated Sludge Alternative Interim Phase I Phase II 1. Preliminary Treatment 350,000 2. Raw Pumping____ _ 80,000 70,000 3. Primary Clarifiers 350,000 50,000 300,000 4. #. Yard Piping- - N - - A- - 190;000 S. Trickling Filter 420,000 420,000 S. Intermediate Clarifler/Pumping 601000 7. Activated Sludge 90,0.00_ 390,000 8. Final Clarifier 1,000,000 9. Sludge Pumping Facility 700,000__ 10. Disinfection 100,000 11. DAF Thickener 390,000 12. Sludge Storage 720,000 13. Existing Digester Renovation 880,000 14. Replace Pumps/Blowers 90,000 15. Demolition 30,000 18. Electrical/Mechanical 400,000 260,000 17. Interim Improvements 110,900 18. Odor Control 1,400,000 Subtotal, Construction Cost 460,900 5,250,000 3,140,000 Contingencies (15%) 69,100 790,000 470,000 Engineering, Legal, Administrative 90,000 1,050,000 630,000 (20%) Total 620,000 17,090,000 I 4,240,000 )-=&MaM%WNC%vW"TW Monticello, MN Wastewater Treatment Plant Summary of Phasing Ptan . Activated Sludge Alternative'` Interim Phase I Phase II 1. Preliminary Treatment 350,000 2. Raw Pumping_ 80,000 70,000 3. Primary Clarifiers 350,000 50,000 300,000 4. Yard Piping 210,000 5. Activated Sludge 480,000 290,000 6. Final Clarifiers 1,000,000 7. Sludge Pumping Facility 700,000 S. Disinfection 100,000 9. DAF Thickener 390,000 10. Sludge Storage 720,000 720,000 11. Existing Digester Renovation 880,000 v 12. Replace Pumps/Blowers 90,000 13. Demolition 30,000 14. Electrical/Mechanical 630,000 30,000 15. Interim Improvements 110,900 16. Odor Control 1,300,000 Subtotal, Construction Cost 460,900 6,910,000 1,410,000 Contingencies (15%) 69,100 1,000,000 210,000 Engineering, Legal, Administrative 90,000 1,380,000 280,000 (20%) _ Total 620,000 9,290,000 1,900,000 1. 2. 3. Monticello, MN Wastewater Treatment Plant Evaluation of Treatment Alternatives Trickling Filter/Activated Activated Sludge Sludge Treatment Capability a) Process able to meet Yes effluent limitations b) Odor control High requirements Operational Flexibility ^Ability a) to handle "shock" Good loadings b) Level of operator skill High required. c)_ Number of unit processes 8 Financial Considerations a) Annual equivalent cost $1,510,620 b) Total Capital Cost $11,950,000 Required c) Estimated Operational $503,000 Cost JVn&w%CML%M=L wn.ln Yes Medium Fair - High 6 - $1,591,982- $11,810,000 $536,000 � Monticello, Mn. Wastewater Treatment Plant Facility Plan -Recommended Interim Improvements Recommended Short-term Action Budgetary Estimate $1AW Primary Clarifier Construct I new 45 R. diameter primary clarifier without cover, with splitter box and necessary $350.000 yard piping. Raw sewage pumps 400 Provide a cable restraint system into the raw pump pit. Intermediate transfer plumps 8,000 Switch Intermediate transfer pumps with flow equiliration pumps. Activated sludge blowers 30,000 Install 1 new, larger au blower in activated sludge blower building. Primary and secondary scum pumps Replace the non -operational scum pump with an air -operated diaphragm pump, electric operated 10.000 diaphragm pump, or rotary lobe type pump. Anaerobic digesters Inspect first stage digester cover as soon as possible. Determine repairs/replacement needs.(Note: 2S 000 cost of replacement cover is included In Phase 1 cost estimate). Provide a cable restraint system , for each digester access ladder. Sludge storage Provide a cable restraint system for each digester access ladder. Repair draw -off and fill piping 35A00 supports. Repair digester in piping connection. Gas management system Install a condensate sediment accumulator to the digester gas piping. Replace the non. 20.000 operational gas drip traps and add drip traps at all valved locations on the digester gas piping. Install a flame arrester on the digester covers gas piping. Heat reservoir system Z,500 Replace the boiler controller. Budgetary Estimate rot Interim Improvements $160900