Planning Commission Agenda Packet 01-08-1985AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION January 8, 1985 - 7:30 P.M. Members: Jim Ridgeway, Joyce Dowling, Richard Carlson, Ed Schaffer. 7:30 P.M. 1. Call to Order. 7:3 2 P.M. 2. Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Monticello Planning Commission Meeting Held on December 11, 1984. 7:34 P.M. 3. Public Hearing - Conditional Use Request to Allow an Apartment Building to be Built in Excess of 12 Unite - Applicant, Joseph G. Poehler 6 Associates. 7:49 P.M. 4. Public Hearing - variance Request to Allow No Off -Street Enclosed Parking Spaces for a Multiple Family Apartment Building - Applicant, Joseph G. Poehler 6 Associates. Additional Information Items 8:04 P.M. 1. Set the next tentative meeting date for the Monticello Planning Commiosion for February 12, 1985, 7:30 P.M. 8:06 P.M. 2. Information update on p000iblo Planning Commiooion member appointment. 8:09 P.M. 3. Information Update on the now Comprehanciva Plan. 8:20 P.M. 4. Adjournment. Planning Commission Agenda - 1/8/85 3. Public Hearing - Conditional Use Request to Allow an Apartment Building to be Built in Excess of 12 Units - Applicant, Joseph G. Poehler 6 Associates. (G.A.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Mr. Joe Poehler is proposing to put up low income subsidized housing on Outlot A, Country Club Manor Addition to the City of Monticello. Outlot A currently consists of approximately 12 acres of unplatted land. A preliminary plat was done some years ago by Marvin George Builders, Princeton, Minnesota, on this 12 -acre unplatted property. However, Mr. George would like to make some changes in the replatting of this to allow larger apartment buildings to be built un It. Therefure, he is going through a subdivision plat process. Mr. George will be in for a preliminary plat review at the February Planning Commission meeting. Mr. George indicated that he will have his stuff done before Mr. Poehler will get final approval on this proposed apartment building complex. Mr. Poehler is proposing to build a 24 -unit subsidized low income housing for low to moderate income people. Mr. Poehler has changed his site location on that 12 acres twice since I have talked to him last time. Basically, he to waiting for the plat to be subdivided, and then he will choose the lot on which he would like to build his 24 -unit apartment building. Apartment buildings in excess of 12 unite 1n R-3 Zoning are only allowed as a Conditional Use. Therefore, Mr. Poehlur-a request is before you thio evening. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the Conditional Uoo Roquaot to allow an apartment building to be built In oxc000 of 12 units. 2. Deny the Conditional Use Request to allow an apartment building to be built In oxc000 of 12 unite. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff rocommando approval of the Conditional Uco Requeot to allow an apartment building to be built in oxc000 of 12 unite. With the data pr000nted to uo, there io a need for thio typo of housing in the City of Monticello. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the location of the prop000d now 24 -unit ouboldizod low Income apartment building olio; Copy of the alta plan for the now apartment building will be pr000ntod at Tueaday night'o Planning Commission mooting. ME Planning Commission Agenda - 1/8/85 4. Public Hearing - Variance Request to Allow No Off -Street Enclosed Parking Spaces for a Multiple Family Apartment Building - Applicant, Joseph G. Poehler 6 Associates. (G.A.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: As noted in the previous agenda supplement, Mr. Poehler is proposing to build a 24 -unit apartment building on a portion of Outlet A, Country Club Manor Addition to the City of Monticello. With the type of housing Mr. Poehler is proposing to build, that being subsidized low to moderate income housing, one of the regulations in the funding for that type of housing is that they provide no funding for garages. That has to be supported strictly by the developer if he would like to build that type of housing. Mr. Poehler is requesting a Variance to allow him not to install any garage unite at all on his proposed 24 -unit apartment building site. The Monticello HRA is meeting Thursday, January 3, 1985, to consider recommending the amending of the zoning ordinance to the Planning Commission to allow no garages on any low to moderate income subsidized housing projects. The Monticello HRA will be sending their recommendation on to you, the Commission members, at your Tuesday night meeting. If there is the need for this type of housing in the City of Monticello and we no choose to grant the developer permission to build that type of housing, there should be conditions attached to the Conditional Use Request to build more than 12 units in an apartment building to address the following: 1. No outafde storage of recreational vehicles or other vehicles other than the ones used by the tenants. 2. The parking lot location be determined to put the parking lot to the roar of the property if at all poocible. 3. Some typo of screening fence or tree plantingo be installed along the back of the late adjacent to the freeway. 4. If there aro bicycloo owned by the tenants that they be oat in a ooparato dooignad area in a bicycle rack for th000 bicycloo. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the Variance Request to allow no oncl000d parking opocoo for multiple family building. 2. Deny the Variance Roqueot to allow no off-street ancl000d parking apacoo for a multiple family apartment building. 3. Attach an conditiono to the Conditional Uso Roquoot In the proviouo oupplam ant or no an ordinance amondmont, conditiono to that being the following: -2- Planning Commission Agenda - 1/8/85 1. No outside storage of recreation vehicles and the vehicles stored outside are strictly for the vehicle use of the tenants. 2. The parking lot be designed so it be to the rear of the apartment building if at all possible. 3. Tree plantings be planted along the back of the property adjacent the freeway or some type of screening fence. 4. Outside storage of bicycles be in a designated area such as a bicycle rack area. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the Variance Request to allow no off-street enclosed parking spaces for a multiple family building, with that apartment building being funded through a government agency and that be for only low to moderate income subsidised apartment buildings. If there is a Conditional Use to build more than 12 unite on a site for this type of housing that conditions be attached to this. Or if the ordinance is amended that the following conditions be attached to it: 1. The parking lot be located to the roar of the building. 2. No outoido storage except for tenants vehicloo only. 3. Tenants bicycles be allowed to be otored outoido in a bicycle rack area only. 4. Some typo of ocrooning Pence or tree planting be inotalled to the rear of the property adjacent to the freeway so that we don't end up with another Balboul Eatatoo Addition next to the freeway. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the oito for the prop000d Variance Roqueot; ..3- Planning Commission Agenda - 1/8/85 Additional Information Items 2. Information Update on Possible Planning Commission Member Appointment. (G.A.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: In a phone conversation with Mayor Arve Grimsmo, Arve indicated he had talked to Mr. Gene Walters to ask if he was interested in serving as a member of the Planning Commission. Mr. Walters said he would get back to Mayor Grimsmo and let him know his response. At this time, this is the only name forwarded to Mayor Grimsmo as a possible Planning Commission member successor to the position of the previous Planning Commission member, Don Cochran. In a phone conversation with Mayor Arve Grimsmo, he indicated Mr. Gane Walters has some family commitment conflict, so he has declined appointment to the Monticello Planning Commission. Arve had talked to Sally Martie to see if she would be interested in serving on the Monticello Planning Commission_ She said she would discuss it with her husband and call Arve back on Friday. She called Arve back Friday morning, informing him of her decision not to accept the appointment but felt that her husband, Richard, having served previously on the Monticello City Council, would accept appointment to the Monticello Planning Commission. The Mayor felt Mr. Martie would be a fine choice for the appointment. Planning Commission Agenda - 1/8/85 Additional Information Items 3. Information Update on the New Comprehensive Plan. (G.A.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: In talking with City Administrator, Tom Eidem, this morning, Tom indicated we would be starting up work again on the zoning part of the new Comprehensive Plan. Hopefully we will get started by the end of this week, which is already today's date, or possibly the first part of next week, and go through the whole zoning ordinance and make a check list of the items which we see problems with. One possible suggestion, if you have the time, is to go through the zoning part of your ordinance book and make a check mark by the parte which you see we have had problems on. -5-