Planning Commission Agenda Packet 02-23-1981AGENDA SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Monday, February 23, 1981 - 5:00 P.M. Members: Jim Ridgeway, John Bondhus, Bill Burke, Dick Martie, Ed Schaffer, Loren Klein (ex -officio). 1 . Consideration of a Variance from Home Occupation Uses Allowed in an R-2 Zone - Kenneth Larsen. 2. Public Hearing - Consideration of a Conditional Use Permit for Land Reclamation - Milton Olson. 3. Public Hearing for Consideration of Changing the Requirements Necessary for a Variance - POSTPONED UNTIL MARCH 10, 1981 MTG. Planning Commission - 2/23/81 AGENDA SUPPLEMENT Consideration of a Variance from Home Occupation Uses Allowed in an R-2 Zone - Ken Larsen. To consider a variance request by Ken Larsen to open a carpet store in an R-2 Zone for parts of Lots 5, 7 6 B. Block 32, Lower Monticello. Mr. Larsen is vacating his business location in downtown Monticello, and wishes to run a retail carpet store out of his residence. According to Mr. Larsen, seven years ago he previously operated out of his home. According to Monticello City Ordinances, if a non -conforming use existed at the time of the adoption of the ordinance and was not discontinued for a period of six months, it would be grandfathered in. However, in Mr. Larsen's case, he neither was operating out of his existing home at the time of the adoption of the present ordinance in 1975, plus the fact that that use had been discontinued for a period longer than six months. At the time of the writing of this agenda supplement, detailed information about Mr. Larsen's proposal had not been received from him yet, but accord- ing to the definition of home occupation, you would need a variance from that provision since it specifically prohibits retail business. Of additional concern would be that the home occupation definition does not allow any exterior signing, any internal or external alterations not customarily found in a residential dwelling, not an occupation that generates more than one car for off-street parking at any given point in time, plus no mechanical equipment shall be employed that is not customarily found in the home, and no more than one room may be devoted to home occupation use. it appears possible that Mr. Larsen would need a variance from all the provisions or at least some of these provisions. The only other alternative rather than granting the numerous variances indicated would be to rezone the property in order to allow this type of use. it should be pointed out that if a variance is approved, there should be definite conditions attached to it relative to the number of employees, signs, etc. that would in fact be allowed. It is also recommended that fir. Larsen be required to sign an agreement with any conditions imposed by the Council, since he has previously indicated that he will open up the retail store regardless of what action is taken by the City of Monticello. POSSIBLE. ACTION: Consideration of recommending approval or denial of variance request and if approved, an indication should be made of the number of signs, number of allowable off-street parking that could take place, the number of employees that could be employed, the number of rooms that could be devoted to home occupation use, and whether any external or internal alterations ILS could take place. REFERENCES: Enclosed map depicting location of the property. 1'{ 00A Planning Commission - 2/23/81 2. Public Hearing - Consideration of a Conditional Use Permit for Land Reclama- tion - Milton Olson. To consider a request by Milton Olson to place land fill on the property he owns in the southwest corner of Oakwood Drive and Marvin Road just northwest of the Monticello Ford Site. Initially, Mr. Olson indicated a receptiveness to taking some of the debris and rubble from the Oakwood School, and while it appears now that S & L Contracting, which was the successful bidder on the Oakwood School project, may be using another site, there is still the possibility that the Olson site may be used. Regardless of whether this particular site would be used for the debris from Oakwood School, Milton Olson still indicated he would be needing conditional use permit in order to adequately bring this area up to grade. According to Monticello City Ordinance Section 10-3-7, any lot or parcel upon which 000 cubic yards or more of fill is to be deposited shall come under the controls of land reclamation and require a conditional use permit. This permit shall include, as a condition thereof, a finished grade plan which will not adversely affect adjacent land and also regulate the type of fill permitted, program for rodent control, plan for fire control and general maintenance of the site, controls of vehicular ingress and egress and for control of material dispersed from wind or hauling of materials to or from the site. A finished grade plan should be required as part of any permit, and also an indication of the time period in which this site has to be brought back to grade. in order to insure that the procedures will be handled properly, it is recommended that a surety bond be placed in favor of the City of Monticello to insure that the work proceeds in line with the conditions set forth in the permit itself. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consider recommending approval or denial of a conditional use permit, plus any specific conditions attached to it, and the time in which the property should be brought to its finished grade, plus an indication of whether a surety bond would be necessary or not. REFERENCES: Fnclosed map depicting area. ,N y 0 M C1 1iN / nv A 10 AD' -2- 1 Planning Commission - 2/23/81 Public Hearinq for Consideration of Changinq the Requirements Necessary for a Variance. Since there was not adequate time after the last regular Planning Commission meeting to advertise for a public hearing on the above item within the required time period, that item will be a Public Hearing on the regular Planning Commission agenda on March 10, 1981. -3- VARIANCE REQUEST Ken Larsen for Carpet Store at his residence N 74 .4 . -, -j -- \- - . " . rib CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUEST Hilton, Olson to Use property as Landfill for Oakwood Debris ..... ..... > PA 1, 4u, I I M i ------- -. . 4 ------- ' ZAK, - -- - - - -- --- - ----- ------ -- 0 209 Yaahington St Honticello. tin 55362 February 19, 1991 To Plannine Conminslon ;embers and City Council r.enbarst DeIzU unable to attend the meetings before the Planning Coamission at 5x00 P.R., February 23, 1981 and the City Council at 7+30 P.�i. February 23, 1931. I wish to voice my opposition to the natter of a varianco alioviM for a carpet store in a recidenlal zone. I feel we have ono -O traffic through this a+ea with the high school and administration. off 1cea. At thio tine, parkiq imo boon removed from 3rd Street luring anhool hours. With a buaaners here. it will Daly be a ratter of tine till a,, on street parAing Ipwalt io applied for. If this reeidendal. zone is changed to commercial. what is to provent no fron opening a jean chop on part of ay lot, or in wy garage. across from the school? Ion can : of grant yarmlesion for one citize. ani not another, t isio- fore I beliove this erea,ahould romoin roeldontial. Slrtoerely, . J ot ). r, Dom Co-owner Uko�no Family Store