Planning Commission Agenda Packet 07-09-1985v AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION July 9, 1 985 - 7:30 P.M. Members: Jim Ridgeway, Joyce Dowling, Richard Carlson, Richard Martie, and Ed Schaffer. 7:30 P.M. I. Call to Order. 7:32 P.M. 2. Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting Held June 11 , 1965. 7:34 P.M. 3. Public Hearing - Variance Request to Allow Lees than the Minimum Number of Parking Spaces Required and to Allow no Cubing in Certain Areas of a Parking Lot - Applicant, Jim Powers. 7:19 P.M. 4. Public Hearing - A Development Plan for a Planned Unit Development - Applicant, John Ko rnovich. 8:00 P.M. 5. Public Hearing - A Revised Development Plan for a Planned Unit Development - Applicant, Mike Rehor. Additional Information Items 8:34 P.M. 1. Sot tho next tontative data for the Monticello Planning Commiso Son meeting for Tuooday, Auguot 13, 1985, 7:30 P.M. 9:04 P.M. 2. Adjournment. Planning Commission Agenda - 7/9/85 3. Public Hearing - Variance Request to Allow Leas than the Minimum Number of Parking Sjpaces Required and to Allow no Curbing in Certain Areas of a Parking Lot - Applicant, Jim Powers. (G.A.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Mr. Jim Powers, partner in Powers Strength 6 Health, Inc., is proposing to be allowed less than the minimum number of parking spaces required for a parking lot. In calculating the total number of spaces required for the different sections of the building, Mr. Powers would need a total of 209 spaces. Mr. Powers currently has 121 spaces and needs a variance for 88 spaces. In calculating the spaces broken down, Mr. Powers needs 35 spaces for the lounge area, 38 spaces for the retail rental space, and 136 spaces for the health club itself, for a total of 209. Also, when the lot to the north is developed, Mr. Powers is proposing to have a shared parking facility with this adjoining lot. With the lot line on the north side of his existing lot, he is proposing to have no curbing placed within 5 feet of the lot line. With the large size of the proposed health club and the different amounts of people coming at different times of the day, we could possibly look at a variance in this case on the total number of parking spaces for a period not to exceed one year and see if the current total number of parking spaces he has is adequate for his business. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the variance request to allow lees than the minimum number of parking spaces. 2. Deny the variance request to allow l000 than the minimum number of parking apacoo. 3. Approve the variance roquoot to allow l000 than the minimum number of parking spaces for a period not to exceed one year, when it would be reviewed and determined at that time if additional parking spaces are needed. d. Approve the no curbing along the north portion of his parking lot. 5. Deny the variance roquoot to allow no curbing along the north oido of hio parking lot. 6. Approve the variance request to allow no curbing along the north oido of the property for a period of one year. At that time it would be reviewed; and if additional parking Io needed, the additional parking could be put in and a now curb line established. If it io not needed, the no curbing could remain intact until now propartico aro developed on the adjoining lot. Planning Commission Agenda - 7/9/85 C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the request to allow less than the minimum number of parking spaces required, with this variance being approved for a period of one year only, if not sooner. The property would be reviewed once a month after it opens; and if it necessitates the need for additional parking to be provided at that time, Mr. Powers would be informed that he would have to create additional parking spaces. Staff also recommends approval of the variance request to allow no curbing along the north side of the property; but should a building be built on the adjoining lot to the north and a shared parking for that proposed building not tie needed, a curbing would have to be installed on Mr. Powers- property. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the location of the proposed variance request; Copy of the site plan; Copy of the calculations for the total number of spaces needed. -2- Planning Commission Agenda - 7/9/85 4. Public Hearing - A Development Plan for a Planned Unit Development - Applicant, John Kornovich. (G.A.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City staff, Thomas Eidem and Gary Anderson, met with the owners of the proposed new development to be called West -Cello Apartments, Lionel Kull and Steve Upgren, on Wednesday afternoon to go over staff review of their development stage of the Planned Unit Development. In going through the development stage of the Planned Unit Development guidelines, we noted a couple of things that weren't marked on the plane yet. They are basically dimension lines, which will be put in prior to the Tuesday night Planning Commission meeting. You will, however, note a change in the overall layout of the proposed apartment buildings on the site. Building #3 has been moved to the far northeast corner of the property to allow for more parking area along the east side of the proposed park property. They have also proposed a playground to be constructed immediately to the east of building 03. The comments from our Consulting Engineer, John Badalich of OSM, have boon addressed and are so noted on the enclosed development plan. Also, numerous comments from Consulting Planner, John Uban of Dahlgren, Shardlow and Uban, Inc., are also included on the revised development plan. In soma locations, we may look at surmountable curbing instead of non-surmountablo curbing along the parking areae on the east side of the property. Also shown would be the easement surrounding the entire property. The locations of the dumpators, which are indicated "PE" on the plan,might be relocated to a different area. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the development stage of a Planned Unit Development. 2. Deny the development stage of a Planned Unit Development. 3. Approve the development stage of a Planned Unit Development with any conditions as attached by Planning Commiooion and/or otaff. 4. If the development stage is approved, than approve the final otago of a Planned Unit Development. 5. if the development stags in approved, than deny the final stage of a Planned Unit Development. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff has opont a conoidorablo amount of time with the ownero of the project, Mr. Upgran and Lionel Kull, and they have boon very cooperative in mooting all our requiromento of a Planned -3- Planning Commission Agenda — 7/9/85 .� Unit Development. They have also adhered to a new landscaping plan which we are proposing to adopt, but which hasn't been adopted at this time. Staff feels the few items which they are short now will be penciled in on the final copy to be prepared before recording. With these changes as indicated on their rough copy, we would look at approval of the development stage as presented and also final approval of the Planned Unit Development in its final form. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the revised development plan. -4- Planning Commission Agenda - 7/9/85 V 5. Public Hearing - A Revised Development Plan for a Planned Unit Development - Applicant, Mike Rcher. (G.A.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Mr. Mike Reher is proposing a revised development plan for his Victoria Square Planned Unit Development. As part of Phase I, he is proposing townhouse units rather than his originally proposed office units with condo living quarters above. In review of his development plan for his revised Phase I, we note everything to be in order. The part we are concerned with and we do not have at this time is a copy of the other phases of the Planned Unit Development and their intent for a proposed use. In talking with Mr. Reher this morning, he indicated he would bring to the Planning Commission meeting a copy of the entire proposed development of the Planned Unit Development with the proposed uses of each phase and also the proposed rededication of existing and new streate. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the revised development stage of a Planned Unit Development. 2. Deny the revised development plan for a Planned Unit Development. 3. Approve the revised plan for a Planned Unit Development with �- any additional conditions to be attached by Planning Commission or City staff. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff rocommendo approval of the reviood development otage for the Planned Unit Development. This approval in for Phase I only; and prior to approval of thio, we aro looking at the entire use of all the additional phaooe of this proposed Planned Unit Development, with some conditions to be added upon review of the propocod other pha000. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the location of the propooed Planned Unit Development; Copy of the oito plan for the proposed 27 townhou000. -5-