Planning Commission Agenda Packet 10-08-1985AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION October 8, 1985 - 7:30 P.M. Members: Jim Ridgeway, Joyce Dowling, Richard Carlson, Richard Martie, and Ed Schaffer. 7:30 P.M. 1. Call to Order. 7:32 P.M. 2. Approval of Minutes of the Regular Meeting Held September 10, 1985. 7:34 P.M. 3. Public Hearing - Conditional Use Request to Allow a Day-care Center in a B-2 (Limited Business Zone) - Applicant, NRM Partnership. 7:49 P.M. 4. Public Hearing - A Conditional Use Request to Allow a Duplex Addition to be Built onto an Existing House - Applicant, Ken Larson. 8:04 P.M. 5. Public Hearing - A Variance Request to Allow a House Addition to be Built within the Side Yard Setback Requirement - Applicant, Pat Martin. Additional Information Items 8:19 P.M. 1. Sot the Next Tentative Date for the Monticello Planning Commioolon Meeting for Wednesday. November 13, 1985, 7:30 P.M. 8:21 P.M. 2. Adjournment. 3. Public Hearing - Conditional Use Request to Allow at Day-care Center in a B-2 Zone (Limited Business Zone) - Applicant, NRM Partnership. (G.A.) FAN0iN 98;1 x;I4 �RL7:2!w 41iI4�1: �1< NRM Partnership, St. Cloud based firm is proposing to construct a 46 foot by 64 foot, 2,940 square foot day-care center. The proposed location of the new day-care center is out in the new Victoria Square Addition. The building as proposed meets the minimum setback requirements in B-2 zoning, and also meets the minimum parking spaces as required on a parking Ordinance. The proposed area does allow for future expansion. A redesigning of the parking lot will accommodate future parking spaces as needed. The entire area around the proposed day-care center will be fenced in with a playground to the rear of the property. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. To approve the Conditional Use Request to allow a day-care center in a B-2 limited business zone. 2. To deny the Conditional Use Request to allow a day-care center in a B-2 limited business zone. ' C. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff recommends approval of the Conditional Use Request to allow this day-care center to be built in the B-2 limited zone. This proposed building site, like other now building oitoo, will meet the prop000d now landscaping Ordinance. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A copy of the proposed location of the Conditional Doe Roqueot, and a copy of the pito plan of tho prop000d Conditional Una Roquoa t. 6. Public Hearing - A Conditional Use Request to Allow a Duplex Addition to be Built onto an Existing House - Applicant, Ken Larson. (G.A.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Mr. Ken Larson is proposing to build a two story ahc:itlon onto his existing house. The upper and lower unite of this addition will accommodate additional. rental unite. In R-2 Zoning (single and two family dwellings), single family homes and duplexes are allowable uses. As a conditional use, three or more units is allowable. Mr. Larson's lot is of sufficient size to accommodate the proposed two story addition. The proposed two story addition also meets the minimum requirements for setbacks. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: t. To approve the Conditional Use Request to allow a duplex addition to be built onto an existing house. 2. To deny the Conditional Use Request to allow a duplex addition to be built onto an existing house. C. STAFF RECOMlENDATIONS: <- Staff recommends approval of the Conditional Use Request to allow a two story duplex addition to be built onto Mr. Larson's existing house. D. SUPPORTING DATA A copy of the location of the proposed Conditional Use Request, and a copy of the site plan depicting the proposed duplex addition onto existing house. 5. Public Hearing - A Variance Request to Allow a House Addition to be Built Within the Side Yard. Setback Requirement - Applicant, Pat Martin. (G.A.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Pat Martin is requesting a variance to allow her to construct an 8 foot by 12 foot addition onto her existing house. The proposed new addition would be built no closer than the existing part of the house to the east side of the house. The problem that exists with this existing house is that an addition was built onto the house some years ago, and it was built within one foot of the property line. She is requesting to build her addition onto this existing part of the house and coming forward no closer than the closest moat portion of the front of her house. If the proposed addition were allowed, we see no problem with the access between her existing house with the proposed addition and the existing house immediately east of her, as there is approximately 15-20 feet between the two structures. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. To approve the Variance Request to allow an addition to be built onto an existing house within the side yard setback requirement. 2. To deny the Variance Request to allow an addition to be built onto an existing house within the aide yard setback requirement. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: In talking to the immediate affected property owner to the east of this oxiating property, we foroace no problom with the proposed addition and with vary limitod objoction from him, wo foresee no problem with the Variance Request being approved as there is sufficient open area betwoon the proposed addition and the oxiating houoo to the coot of thio proporty. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A copy of the location of tho proposod Variance Roquoot, a copy of a site plan ohowing tho prop000d addition to thio houoo.