City Council Agenda Packet 02-22-1993AGENDA FOR THE MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL Monday, February 22, 1993 - 7 p.m. Mayor: Ken Maus Council Members: Shirley Anderson, Clint Herbst, Brad Fyle, Patty Olsen 1. Call to order. 2. Approval of minutes of the regular meeting held February 8, 1993. 3. Citizens comments/petitions, requests, and complaints. 4. Consideration of adopting a resolution providing conditional authorization to conduct a general referendum of an $850,000 general obligation bond for financing multi-purpose community arena. 5. Consideration of feasibility of extending motor vehicle office hours. 6. Consideration of authorizing a self-defense class for female city employees. 7. Consideration of new phone system for the public works facility. 8. Consideration of adopting a resolution extending an agreement by the City to hold Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block 1 of the Oakwood Industrial Park 2nd Addition, for the H -Window Company. 9. Consideration of granting a seasonal 3.2 beer license to the Monticello Softball Association. 10. Consideration of supporting legislative action to amend on -sale 3.2 beer license requirements. 11. Consideration of setting date for 1993 Board of Review meeting. 12. Consideration of annual municipal maintenance agreement with Wright County. 13. Consideration of gambling license renewal --American Legion Post 260. 14. Consideration of hills for the month of February. 15. Adjournment. MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, February 8, 1993 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Shirley Anderson, Clint Herbst, Brad Fyle, Patty Olsen, Ken Maus Members Absent: None 2. Consideration of approval of minutes of the regular meetine held January 25. 199:3. Clint Herbst requested that item q7 be corrected to show that he voted in opposition to the motion. After discussion, a motion was made by Shirley Anderson and seconded by Brad Fyle to approve the meeting minutes as corrected. Motion carried unanimously. Citizens comments/petition, requests, and complaints None forthcoming 4. Consideration of a resolution accepting feasibility report and ordering plans and specifications --Cardinal Hills subdivision, phase 111. City Engineer, Bret Weiss, reviewed the design of the streets, sewer, storm sewer, and water systems associated with phase 111 of the Cardinal Hills subdivision. Weiss provided an estimated total costof the improvements in the amount of $721,300. Ken Maus noted that property lines will be extending into pond areas. He wondered who's responsible for maintaining storm water pond areas. Weiss responded by saying that property owners are responsible for maintaining areas adjacent to the pond. The pond casement provides the City with the right to enter the pond area to clean it in order to maintain the pond's function as a basin for storm water retention. The design of the proposed walkway at mid -block connecting School Boulevard to the two cast/west interior roadways was reviewed. Ken Maus noted that the proposed walkway will be extended between two pond areas. He stated that the plan may need to include installation of a railing along that portion of the path that crosses the storm water pond areas. It was the consensus of Council to delay development of the paved surface until completion of future phases; however, in the interim, the walkways should be graded in Anticipation of Page 1 �? Council Minutes - 2/8/93 future paving and he clearly marked with signs indirating the presence of the walkway with the goal of identifying the walkway area to all future home owners in the area. Staff also noted that for lots directly adjacent to the trail, the developer has agreed to locate garages on the side next to the trail. Council discussed the potential design of the proposed sidewalk/walkway along the north side of School Boulevard. It was the consensus to leave this item in the plan documentation with the possibility of deleting the sidewalk from the project if a source of financing and a plan for maintenance is not identified. After discussion, a motion was made by Brad Fyle and seconded by Clint Herbst to accept the feasibility report ordering plans and specifications for Project 93-02C, phase III of the Cardinal Hills residential subdivision, with one exception. Staff is directed to research further the potential design of the walkway areas to determine whether or not the plan should be modified to show a 5-11 concrete surface rather than the 8 -ft wide bituminous surface as proposed in the feasibility study. Motion carried unanimously. 5. Consideration of issuina a non-intoxicatine malt liquor license --Little Mountain Billiards. Rick Wolfsteller reported that at the previous meeting, the City Council tabled action to grant a 3.2 beer license in order to obtain more information concerning definitions of restaurants. Wolfsteller noted that bused on state statute license restrictions, it appears that we have only two choices, and that is to either call the facility a restaurant or call it a beer tavern. Under either scenerio, the City could possibly open up itself to other establishments requesting on -sale licenses that aren't normally contained in this definition. Wolfsteller noted that statutes are very specific as to the types of businesses that can have licenses, and the City can make its own definition of what a restaurant is but should he aware of the ramifications of a liberal interpretation. It was the consensus of Council that the nominal dining facilities provided at the billiard hall were not sufficient to qualify the business as a restaurant. After discussion, a motion was made by Clint Herbst and seconded by Shirley Anderson to deny the 3.2 license based on the finding that the billiards establishment does not qualify under the present ordinance as either a restaurant or beer tavern and is thus not eligible for a license. Motion carried unanimously. Page 2 Council Minutes - 2/8/93 C.nnsiderat.ion of apprnvinp a regnlntinn adopting the 1993 Economic Development Work Plan and IDC Budget. Economic Development Director, 011ie Koropchak, reviewed the development work plan and IDC budget with Council. After discussion, a motion was made by Shirley Anderson and seconded by Patty Olsen to adopt the resolution as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. SEE RESOLUTION 93-3. Consideration to review and accent the Economic Development Authoritv's (EDA) Year-end Statements and 1993 Budget. 011ie Koropchak reviewed the Economic Development Authority/Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund Balance Sheet. Shirley Anderson asked if the EDA's Balance Sheet is audited. Rick Wolfsteller noted that the CPA firm that does the City's audit also audit's the EDA's Balance Sheet. Ken Maus noted that the budget calls for an appropriation of $200,000 for loans in conjunction with the Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund. He stated his concern regarding utilization of these funds for projects that might otherwise be completed without loan assistance through this fund. He was concerned that available funds should be reserved for projects that truly need gap financing. He also noted that the appropriation of $200,000 is on paper only and that the past primary source ofloan funds (liquor fund) may not have assets sufficient to cover the projected appropriation. He noted that at some point we need to aggressively look at other funding alternatives. After discussion, a motion was made by Shirley Anderson and seconded by Brad Fyle to accept the EDA Balance Sheet, Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance, 1993 Cash Flow Projections, and Annual Activity Report as presented with the understanding that the $200,000 proposed appropriation for 1993 is pending subject to the availability of funds. Motion carried unanimously. 8. Consideration to review Suburban Machine & Mnnufacturine (SMM) and Arnolax nroiect costs and suhseauent Housine and Redevelopment Authority action and consider granting authorization to assume costs with the Economic Recovery Grant. vackneing. 011ie Koropchak reviewed costs associated with organizing the financing program associated with both the Suburban Machine & Manufacturing project and the Aroplax project. In her review of the loan packaging and Page 3 Council Minutes - 2/8/93 administrative expenses relating to the projects, she noted that $4,125 and $9,185 respectively was not eligible for financing via the tax increment revenue created by the projects. She indicated that the Housing and Redevelopment Authority will be using available revenue generated by other TIF districts to fund this expense. Koropchak noted that the expenses exceeded TIF revenue to a large extent because the HRA provided the businesses with expertise from Business Development Services to assist them with preparation of materials associated with obtaining loans from other sources. She went on to state that the HRA has established a new policy which requires that individual businesses benefiting from the loan packaging services provided by BDS are now responsible for paying the cost of services provided by BDS. Koropchak stated that Mr. Pelstring requested the City continue to be responsible for assuming the cost associated with applying for funds through the State Recovery Grant. Application expenses incurred under this program could be paid by the City because it provides a direct benefit to the City. Under the State Recovery Grant Program, the State provides the cash for the luau; however, the loan payback is retained by the City. After discussion, a motion was made by Brad Fyle and seconded by Clint Herbst to authorize the City of Monticello to assume the costs associated with applying for State -approved Economic Recovery Grant Funds on behalf of prospective industries locating in Monticello. Motion carried unanimously. Consideration of a chance in iob description for Water/Sewer Collection Operator and volicv regarding response to an emergency .101111 Simola reported that while reviewing the job description for the Water/Sewer Collection Operator, it was noted that the requirement of any experience in sewer collection was not included in the job description. Simola, therefore, requested that the job description be updated accordingly. Simola also noted that when the previous employee for this position was hired, it was suggested that the 10 -minute response time requirement be modified to include the requirement that the individual live within a 10 -mile radius of his reporting station, which is the public works office at 909 Golf Course Road. This formal policy has never been updated; therefore, Simola requested that Council consider doing so at this time. Page 4 Z Council Minutes - 2/8/93 After discussion, a motion was made by Clint Herbst and seconded by Shirley Anderson to add the requirement of "experience in sanitary sewer/wastewater collection" to the job description for Water/Sewer Collection Operator and to change the existing policy requiring a 10 -minute response time to the requirement that the employee live within a 10 -mile driving distance of the office at 909 Golf Course Road. Motion carried unanimously. 10. Consideration of 6th Annual Junk Amnestv Day. Mav 1. 1993. John Simola reported that last year Junk Amnesty Day was held on May 2 and proved to be one of the biggest years based upon the amount of materials brought in. He went on to state that based upon last year's program, we need to make some improvements in traffic control. Last year users backed up onto Highway 25. When they were rerouted to Sandberg Road, there appeared to be plenty of stacking room; however, some individuals lost their place in line during the move. In addition, we need to streamline the process of unloading household goods, scrap iron, and mattresses. The improvements will include the use of one-half of Sandberg Road to form two staging lines for entering the commuter parking lot. This should reduce the length of the line on the public right-of-ways. AddiLional signage will also be included to help direct traffic. Once in the lot, a second line should shorten unloading time. Simola noted that the date is set for May 1, 1993. The time will be 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Anyone entering the line by 3 p.m. will be allowed to use the service. Simola outlined other program modifications. Previously, demolition material has not been allowed to be deposited but was received in mixed loads. It is proposed to change the plan to allow deposit of demolition material; however, Lhere will be a fee fur deposit of this material in an amount equal to the disposal cost. The City will also he adding residential fluorescent light bulb disposal to Junk Amnesty Day for a fee, and commercial fluorescent disposal on April 30 for a fee at the public works facility. Finally, antifreeze will no longer be accepted. After discussion, a motion was made by Shirley Anderson and seconded by Brad Fyle to authorize City staff to hold the 6th Annual Junk Amnesty Day on May 1, 1993, based upon the plan submitted by City staff but to add a fine of $100 on individuals disposing of materials not originating in the city of Monticello. Motion carried unanimously. 11. Consideration of modifvine the milenee reimbursement for emolovees. Rick Wolfsteller reported that currently City employees who are required to use their own vehicle for transportation purposes to conduct City business are reimbursed at the rate of $.25 per mule. This rate was established in 1982 and r Page 5 �ZJ Council Minutes - 218/93 since that time has not been increased to reflect higher car operating costs. Wolfsteller noted that currently the IRS allows $.28 per mile as the standard deduction amount for income tax purposes, and it is suggested that the City increase the mileage allowance for employees to the same rate as the IRS allows annually. After discussion, a motion was made by Clint Herbst and seconded by Shirley Anderson to increase the mileage allowance for employees from $.25 per mile to $.28 per mile to correspond with the IRS allowance. Motion carried unanimously. 12. Other matters. A. Assistant Administrator O'Neill requested that the Council consider rescheduling the special meeting to review the status of computer system development. It was the consensus of Council to conduct a special meeting on March 3, 1993, at 4:45 p.m. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Jeff O'Neill Assistant Administrator Pago 6 CL Council Agenda - 2/22/93 Consideration of adopting a resolution providing conditional authorization to conduct a general referendum of an $850,000 general obligation bond for financing multi-purpose community arena. (R. W., J.O. ) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: On Wednesday, February 10, representatives from the Hockey Association, School District, and the City of Monticello met to discuss potential methods for funding and operating a multi-purpose arena. The discussion resulted in development of three possible alternatives. It also resulted in a stronger sense that if developed properly, this facility would generate revenue sufficient to pay operations expense and pay $300,000 to $500,000 in debt over 15 years. It was the conclusion of the group to present the options to the Parks Commission for recommendation to the City Council. The memo to the Parks Commission is attached for your information. It outlines other options for financing the arena that were reviewed but not selected by the commission. Subsequently, on Thursday, February 18, the Parks Commission met with representatives from the Hockey Association to discuss arena funding alternatives, which resulted in the Parks Commission recommending the following alternative for funding a $1,000,000 multi-purpose arena, which would 1w owned by the City, operated by the Hockey Association, but managed by a (ward including membership from the School, City, Hockey Association, and Township. Council is asked by the Hockey Association to promise W conduct a general referendum on n G.O. hond issue in the amount of $850,000 if the Hockey Association can accomplish the following: 1. The Hockey Association must obtain a legally binding commitment from Monticello Township to pay the City an amount equal to the Township's share of the annual debt service on $450,000 bused on relative market values of the City and Township (est. $8,993). 2. The Hockey Association must generate $100,000 in cash and commit $50,000 of sweat equity toward the project. The cash must be in hand prior to authorizing the vote. :I. The Hockey Association agrees to pay the cost (approximately $1,000) of conducting the general referendum. 4. The Hockey Association must obtain an agreement from the Sch(m)l District that the District will provide the 10 -acre site for Council Agenda - 2/22193 the Monticello Community Arena. It was the consensus of the Parks Commission that the proposed location at the northeast corner of the school campus is an acceptable site. 5. The Hockey Association must clearly demonstrate the ability of the ice arena to generate funds sufficient to retire a $400,000 debt by obtaining letters of commitment for ice time from the School District and various associations. Included in the Parks Commission motion was a contingency that the Parks Commission approves the concept of authorizing the general referendum with the conditions as noted based on the understanding with Council that Parks Commission priorities and associated funding objectives will not be affected if the general referendum is successful. If a general referendum was conducted under the program above, the City and Township would share the cost on a pro -rated basis of paying the debt service on the $450,000 of the $860,000 bond. In addition to the Township revenue, the City would obtain revenue from the ice arena to pay the debt service on the balance of the bond. A summary of the funding program and associated tax impact is attached. Items not discussed by the Parks Commission but added to the resolution by staff is the requirement that all land use issues he resolved prior to conducting the referendum. Also added is the requirement that a plan for financing miscellaneous construction expenses be approved prior to referendum authorization. 13. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt it resolution authorizing a general referendum on the issuance of $850,000 general obligation bond for financing a community ( arena. Under this alternative, Council essentially is promising the Hockey Association that they will authorize a general bond issue in the event that the Hockey Association is able to accomplish all of the items noted above. This altemntive is positive in that it attempts to overcome many C of the legitimate obstacles to funding of an ice arena that have been brought up in the past. 1. It requires that the Township provide its fair share for development of the ice arena. 2. The Hockey Association guarantees payment of the cost to conduct the bond issue; therefore, there is no cost to the City in this respect. Council Agenda - 2/22/93 In the past there has been concern regarding limited participation by the Hockey Association in funding the project. Under this alternative, the Association must demonstrate its level of commitment and generate considerable community support by raising $100,000 cash and $50,000 in pledged labor. This alternative is also positive in that it allows the issue to be resolved under a democratic process, again, without creating an expense to the City. 2. Motion to deny a resolution authorizing a general referendum on the issuance of $850,000 general obligation bond for financing multi-purpose community arena. Under this alternative, the City Council could take the position that under no circumstances should the City even consider building and operating an ice arena. This alternative should be selected if the Council is completely unconvinced that the ice arena will be capable of generating cash sufficient to cover operations expense and debt service to cover a $400,000 debt. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION City stuff recommends that Council adopt the proposed resolution. It is our view that the proposal responds to the concerns that the City has had in the past regarding City funding of an ice arena. The proposal requires that the 'township pay its fair share, requires a heavy down payment on the ice arena by the Hockey Association itself, and will result in the City obtaining 10 acres of land when only 5 is needed for the ice arena, thereby providing additional land for other future City facilities, and, finally, the Hockey Association has pledged to pay for the general referendum if it fails or succeeds. As further support. for the plan, Jerry Shannon of Springsted is very familiar with ice arena funding and operations expense, and he has indicated that it is realistic to expect that the arena will generate cash in excess of operations expense. Therefore, based un Jerry Shannon's comments and the list of possible Hockey Associations interested in using the ice arena, it would appear Ihal. the financial viability of the ice arena is favorable. 1). SUPPORTING DATA: Projected revenues and expenses of Monticello Community Arena; Resolution; Supplement to Parks Commission regarding funding alternatives; Proposed funding. MONTICELLO ARENA PROJECTED ICE USAGE FIRST YEAR OPERATION Monticello Youth Hockey Association Bantam Peewee Squirts Mites Termites 90 hrs 75 hrs 75 hrs 40 hrs 40 hrs TOTAL HOURS 320 HRS District 10 Games 70 hrs Monticello High School 85 hrs High School Games 30 hrs St Micheal High School 100 hrs St Micheal Hockey Association 150 hrs Maple Lake Hockey Association 75 hrs GRAND TOTAL e30 MRS 0 MONTICELLO ARENA PROJECTED REVENUE AND EXPENSES FIRST YEAR OPERATION REVENUE Facility Rental Hocke y (830 hours) $74,700.00 Open Skating (48 hours) $4,320.00 (Ice Rental at $90.00 per hr) Advertising Income (15 sign's at $300.00) $4,500.00 Concession 97,500.00 TOTAL REVENUE $91,020.00 EXPENSES Wages 518,000.00 Utilities $18,300.00 Insurance $12,500.00 Maintenance $4,000.00 Misc. Supplies and Expences $1.000.00 TOTAL EXPENCES $53,800.00 n MONTICELLO ARENA PROJECTED ICE USAGE SECOND YEAR OPERATION Monticello Youth Hockey Association Bantam 90 hrs Peewee 75 hrs Squirts 125 hrs Mites 40 hrs Termites 40 hrs TOTAL HOURS 370 HRS District 10 Games 100 hrs Monticello High School 85 hrs High School Games 30 hrs St Micheal High School 100 hrs St Micheal Hockey Association 200 hrs Maple Lake Hockey Association 100 hrs Tournaments 72 hro GRAND TOTAL 1057 MRS MONTICELLO ARENA PROJECTED REVENUE AND EXPENSES SECOND YEAR OPERATION REVENUE Facility Rental Hockey (1057 hours) $95,130.00 Open Skating (48 hours) $4,320.00 (Ice Rental at 690.00 per hr) Advertising Income (25 sign's at $300.00) $7,500.00 Concession 510,000.00 TOTAL REVENUE $116,950.00 EXPENSES Wages $23,000.00 Utilities $18,300.00 Insurance $12,500.00 Maintenance $4,000.00 Misc. Supplies and Expences $1,000.00 TOTAL EXPENCES $58,800.00 RESOLUTION 93 - RESOLUTION GRANTING CONDITIONAL AUTHORIZATION TO CONDUCT A GENERAL. REFERENDUM ON THE ISSUANCE OF G.O. BONDS FOR COMMUNITY ARENA WHEREAS, Monticello City Council and Parks Commission have reviewed various options for development and financing of a community arena; and WHEREAS, based on the financial performance of other similar arenas, it has been determined that facility design and construction features necessary to attract users and thereby generate revenue requires a capital investment of $1,000,000 in the primary structure and fixtures; and WHEREAS, Monticello City Council has received a recommendation from the Parks Commission to approve this resolution based on its research on the matter. LET IT, THEREFORE, BE RESOLVED THAT the Monticello City Council hereby commits to authorizing a general referendum on the sale of general obligation bonds in the amount of $850,000 at such time that the following steps are achieved. The Hockey Association must obtain a legally binding commitment from the Township to pay the City an amount equal to the township's share of debt service on $450,000 based on relative market values of the City and Township. 2. The Hockey Association shall secure $100,060 in cash and donations to supplement the $850,000 bond and shall commit a minimum of $50,000 in sweat equity labor toward construction of the facility. 3. The Hockey Association shall pay for the cost to conduct the general referendum. 4. The Hockey Association shall obtain a commitment from the School District to provide the City of Monticello with the proposed 10 -acre community arena site located at the northeast comer of the school campus area. 5. The Hockey Association shall obtain written commitments from various associations Laid organizations that desire to rent ice from the facility. y� 6. Land use issues regarding zoning, conditional use permits, and site plan design shall be resolved prior to authorization to conduct the referendum. A plan for funding yet undetermined expenses associated with construction of the facility such as utilities construction, parking lot development, site preparation, and other miscellaneous expenses must be established and approved by Council. LET IT ALSO BE RESOLVED THAT potential funding of park facilities development associated with Parks Commission planning and priorities shall be set apart from the Monticello Community Arena program and will not be affected in the event the general referendum is successful. Adopted this 22nd day of February, 1993. Mayor City Administrator PROPOSED MONTICELLO COMMUNITY ARENA FUNDING PROGRAM ' City cost is Impacted by site revenue. Actual cost may fluctuate depending on revenues collected. TAXIMPACT r Minimum' Maximum" � $70,000 home $6.45 $13.00 $100,000 home $9.22 $19.00 $150,000 home 13.83 $29.00 Minimum impact assumes revenues sufficient to pay 5400,000 of $850,000 bond. Maximum impact assumes revenues sufficient to pay oporations expense only. ANNUAL DEBT SERVICE On $450,000 - 6% 15 years - $46,333 City portion - 80.59% - $37,341 Township portion - 19.41% - $8.993 FUNDING SOURCE COMMUNITY FUND SITE SCHOOL RAISING REVENUE' CITY' TOWNSHIP DISTRICT G.O. BOND $850,000 $0 5400,000 $362,655 $87,345 50 EQUITY LABOR $50,000 $50,000 $0 $0 $0 s0 CASH DONATIONS $100,000 $100,000 s0 s0 s0 s0 LAND COST $100,000 s0 s0 s0 s0 $100,000 SITE IMP. 7 ? 1 2 7 7 (parking, utilities, etc.) TOTAL $1,100,000 $150,000 $400,000 $362,655 $87,345 $100,000 ' City cost is Impacted by site revenue. Actual cost may fluctuate depending on revenues collected. TAXIMPACT r Minimum' Maximum" � $70,000 home $6.45 $13.00 $100,000 home $9.22 $19.00 $150,000 home 13.83 $29.00 Minimum impact assumes revenues sufficient to pay 5400,000 of $850,000 bond. Maximum impact assumes revenues sufficient to pay oporations expense only. ANNUAL DEBT SERVICE On $450,000 - 6% 15 years - $46,333 City portion - 80.59% - $37,341 Township portion - 19.41% - $8.993 Council Agenda - 2!22/93 s. Consideration of feasibility of extending motor vehicle office hours. (R. W.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND One of the functions available at city hall is motor vehicle license renewal and transfer services. The motor vehicle office is open the same hours as city hall, 7:45 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Since customer service is the only real product the City can provide to its residents, the Council may want to discuss the feasibility of possibly extending the hours of this service past normal city hall office hours such as providing extended hours one evening a week or to he open on Saturdays, etc. While I have not personally heard of any complaints on our hours of operation, I'm sure there are some customers who feel the hours are not long enough or convenient enough for them. While it may seem like a simple procedure to just be open additional hours or additional days, many factors come into play such as staffing, overtime, and other issues. Byeven adding only an hour -and -a -half to the office hours one evening a week, the cost of operating this service will increase for overtime compensation unless we cut hack on the hours in the morning. If it is eventually determined that we should, at least on a trial basis, extend the hours one evening a week, 1 would suggest that the deputy registrar office he open 15 tk 20 minutes later in the morning in order to keep the payroll tit 40 hours per week for the full-time employees. With only two employees primarily working in motor vehicle duties, rotating hours is not, as feasible its it may be in some larger operations. The staff contacted 10 motor vehicle facilities around the state to find out what their hours of operation were and the number of people that were employed at these locations. Of the 10 contacted, 9 were public entities and one was a private operation. Half of Lite communities provided some type of extended hours, most. by heing open an additional hour or two one evening a week, although some of the operations also had a few hours on Saturday mornings. In almost all cases, though, Lite facilities had more full-time employees and/or additional part-time employees that could rotate and make shift assignments a lot easier for extending hours. In our case, we only have two individunls who work in this service; and for safety reasons, I do not think we would want to require the city hall he open with only one employee working. Council Agenda - 2122193 Additional concerns for after -hour operations are that state motor vehicle operators are not available for looking up information after 4:30 p.m. During the day, the state provides 16 operators to answer motor vehicle questions and for research purposes; but after 4:30, only two or three are available and will not do anything but routine computer lookup information. As far as surrounding communities that provide extended hours, the motor vehicle office in Delano is open one evening (Thursday) until 7 p.m. In questioning the personnel at Delano, they did not feel the extended hours have been that beneficial in that typically only one to six individuals will be serviced after 4:30. At this point, I do not know if the reason for the low turnout is because it's not publicized that the hours have been extended or if most customers are able to be serviced during normal daytime hours. There certainly will always be individuals who are unable to be in Monticello between 8 and 4:30, so I'm sure that the service would be appreciated by someone after 4:30. More than likely, the most complaints will come from individuals who have procrastinated until the very end and waited until the last day to buy their license renewal or, for example, their fishing boat license the day before fishing opener. Then they find out city hall is not open past 4:30, and they become critical of our hours of operation. While someone will always he disappointed in finding out the office is closed, it may be beneficial to, at least on a trial basis, extend the hours of operation for the motor vehicle one night a week until, say, 6 p.m. We could advertise this through our city newsletter and, of course, post it on the front door. While this may cause some inconvenience for the employees who have to work the extra hour -and -a -half, I do not. think the 6 p.m. would lie unreasonable at least as a starting point. If the Council is comfortable with the present hours of operation, no action would he necessary at this time. 13. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. If the Council feels the present office hours of the motor vehicle department are sufficient at 7:45 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., no action is needed to extend hours of operation. 2. If the Council feels additional hours are warranted, hours could be extended one evening per week to whatever Council determines would he appropriate. f ., Council Agenda - 2/22193 If this option was selected, I would suggest starting by extending the hours until 6 p.m. one evening a week, which should make the operation available to those who work outside of Monticello. In addition, it is suggested that the motor vehicle office open 20 minutes later in the morning to compensate for the additional hour -and -a -half extension one night a week. Modify the motor vehicle hours in some other manner. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Naturally from a staff standpoint, employees are not looking for extended hours of operation. From a customer service standpoint, there may be some merit in providing an extension of hours one night a week. At the present time, it may be inconvenient for some of our employees who have to work until 6 p.m., and I would try to select the best evening during the week to have the extended hours based on employees' considerations. As I noted previously, only some of the surveyed communities provide extended hours; and in most cases, those communities that do have evenings or Saturdays, they have many more employees to choose from in scheduling shift assignments. From our survey, no one else has only two employees working in motor vehicle that would have any hours outside normal city hall hours. The Council should be cognizant of this, as if the hours are extended too far, the City may have to be looking at additional part-time help for motor vehicle. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None. Council Agenda - 2/22/93 6. Consideration of authorizing a self-defense class for female city emolovees. (K.D.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND City Council is asked to consider authorizing female city employees to attend a local self-defense class. I feel this issue is worth considering due to the fact that many women employees either travel to the Twin Cities for meetings, work alone early or late in the day, or must work evenings such as at the municipal liquor store. 1 recently had the opportunity to attend a self-defense class arranged for female employees and spouses of male employees of Marquette Bank Monticello. me class was taught by Mr. Terry Dahmer of the Wright County Sheriffs Department. Terry teaches self-defense to the Wright County deputies, as well as classes for female employees of local businesses such as Security Financial (now Metropolitan Federal), the hospital, and many other groups in the surrounding area. I found the class to be very worthwhile and would like to propose the same opportunity for female employees of the City. The class is held for 4 hours and can be broken into two 2 -hour sessions. During the first session, Terry talks about issues relating to safety in the home and at work, while driving your car, walking alone, shopping, etc. He also discusses various crimes occurring in Wright County to help us understand why learning these safety techniques is so important. He stated that gang activity is probably here to stay and has spread as far north as Brooklyn Center and St. Cloud, with Monticello located in the middle. The second session of the class is held at one of the schools where Terry teaches self-defense moves for various physical assault situations. The cost of the class is very minimal at $150 per group of 16. If two classes would lw needed due to the number of employees interested in attending, the cost would be $3011. There are sufficient funds in the 199;1 budget to cover the cost of this class. If tile claws is authorized by Council, a decision must also he made as to who may attend. Smillie businesses olTer it to all female employees and the spouses and daughters of the male employees (daughters must he at least a senior in high school to attend). Others may offer it to only female employees of the Council Agenda - 2/22/93 company. In our situation, it could be offered to all female employees. including female commission members; all paid female employees, which would include paid female members of City commissions; or all female employees of the city, including spouses of male employees since the class is only for females. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Authorize female city employees to attend a self-defense class taught by Terry Dahmer of the Wright County Sheriffs Department.n 2. Do not authorize the self-defense class. ��11 C 1� C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Office Manager that the Council authorize female employees to attend the proposed self-defense class. I think there is a need to make sure our employees are safe when traveling alone to meetings and/or working early or late in the day, and I feel the content of the class would he very helpful; and hecanse the price of the class is so reasonable, I think it is a worthwhile investment for the Council to make. If Council authorizes this class, I will need direction as to who may attend the class so that I can notify everyone authorized to participate. D. SUPPORTING DATA None. Council Agenda - 2/22/93 7. Consideration of new shone system for the public works facility. US.) A. REFERENCE AND 13ACKGROUND The existing telephone system at the public works facility consists of a mix of two different types of two-line phones. The phones do not have an intercom system. The intercom system between buildings consisted of wireless units plugged into the electrical circuitry of the buildings. When new 3-phase power was added to the shop and vehicle storage facility, the intercom system became non-functional. We have a single telephone line coming into the public works facility on the 3170 number. We have a second intercom line that works between city hall and our building. When city hall calls on the intercom, all phones ring, as well as when someone dials from outside the 3170 number. City hall cannot tell before dialing the intercom as to whether the 3170 number is in use at the public works building. Often one person will be at the facility on the phone and city hall intercom will ring, and ring, and ring, especially if it is in the process of being a transfer call. We are in need of some updates to our phone system, especially during spring, summer, and fall when incoming calls reach their peak. As you tire aware, we did budget for it full-time secretary for the public works facility for 1993. We have discussed this with the Mayor and would like to have the Council consider a 4 -step approach, which may lead to the hiring of an additional person sometime in the future. Following is the 4 -step approach. Sten 1: The first step would he to improve the overall communication between public works buildings, employees, the general public, and city hall. This would mean the addition of a new phone system at the public works facility that would integrate well and complement the city hull phone system, including fax and intercom, menu dialing, automatic transfer, and night answer. We will also look at the addition of one or possibly two mobile phones for personnel in the field that may be activated by call forwarding from the public works phone system or directly by Clio general public, as well as to allow the field personnel to access the public directly from the field. Step 2: The second step in this process would be to investigate the possibility of the use of city hall personnel to assist the public works facility directly with filing, general office duties such as typing, receptionist duties, and specific inquiry resolution. This would require additional training so that the city hull Council Agenda - 2/22/93 individual involved in assisting public works would be more knowledgeable about the individual tasks performed and could answer public inquiries without the need to pass on the volume of messages. Step 3s The third step would be to look at the possibility of temporary seasonal or part-time assistance to supplement or replace the activities as outlined in step 2. This would allow additional special projects to move forward such as the overall public works policy manual, safety manual development, Hillside Cemetery registry, infrastructure database entry, etc. Step 4: Step #4 would be the hiring of additional staff in the form of a full- time receptionist/secretary for the public works facility after exhausting the uses of steps q2 and #3 and a demonstration of the actual year-round need for a full-time individual. In preparation for this 4 -step procedure, staff has begun work on step #l, improving our communication system. We have met with Sherburne Tel -Com Inc. of Big bake, AT&T of St. Cloud, and Bridge Water Telephone of Monticello to discuss our communication needs. Father than design a phone system and oht4dn quotes on it stweific individual system, we asked these suppliers of phone systems to tell us which systems that they handle would best suit the public works facility's current needs and allow room for expansion to the future. We asked for proposals that would include equipment and total installation, with the exception of underground conduit between the buildings, which the City staff agreed to do. Sherburne Tel -Com Inc. and AT&T responded with several site visits and proposals for it complete telephone system, including installation. Bridge Water Telephone, however, felt we had not given them enough detailed information and requested that we prepare exact design specifications so they could hase it proposal on specific equipment and capabilities. Staff chose not to develop exact specifications but to rely on the expertise of the individual phone companies and analyze the proposals we did receive. Bridge Witter then did send it proposal for it basic system. The system proposed by Sherburne Tel -Com Inc. is the Comdial Executec Business All Speaker system. An example of this syetem can he seen at Kmart.. The cost of the system, including installation, includes 9 phones, 2 paging speakers, with it basic configuration to handle H lines and 20 stations, and the expansion capability to 12 lines and 32 stations. The system has similar features to the city hall system. It does allow the use of an optional fox roll-over switch on the 3170 number. The type of switching proposed for 10 Council Agenda - 2/22193 this use is not without its drawbacks, however, according to Bridge Water Telephone. The cost of the system from Sherburne Tel -Com is $4,639.07, including installation. The system proposed by AT&T is their Partner 11 system. Partner systems are currently in use at St. Henry's and several smaller city offices such as Buffalo, Foley, Baxter, etc. The AT&T system consists of 10 phones, with the initial capabilities of 4 lines and 12 phones, and the expansion to 10 lines and 30 phones. The Partner system adds additional features over that of the Comdial system. It has a feature which is called direct extension dial. Callers hear a message recorded by the city prompting them to enter an extension number. One of the extension numbers is a protected fax line, which automatically rolls the fax over and protects it for the duration of the fax transmission. The rest of the menu allows callers direct access for the various individuals, departments, or buildings at the public works facility. It would also allow calls to be transferred to specific individuals or departments from city hall via this menu system. Automatic switching is available or back to the operator (on-site secretary or city hall receptionist). All of these features can be controlled by the user through on-site programming. One does not need to have the phone supplier make the changes at, tin additional cost. The cost of the AT&T system, including installation, is $5,857.90. (fridge Witter proposed a smaller Conidial system but similar to that of Sherburne Tel -Cum Inc. except that its expansion is to 6lines and 16 stations, and the phones Lire also limited in expandability. It may, however, meet our basic needs for the public works buildings with a receptionist. The cost of this down -sized system with 8 nonspeaker phones (excluding optional phones) is $'1,898. City staff met (including Karen and Wanda) to discuss the new phone system and analyze our needs not only now but throughout our 4 -step plan. It was the overwhelming consensus that the proposal from AT&T with the direct extension dialing (menu) not only into public works from outside but between city hall and public works was it necessary feature and would result in greater efficiency for all parties. We then discussed this with Wayne Mayor of Bridge Water Telephone, and he said their currant line of phone manufacturers do not offer the direct extension dial capahilities. Mr. Mayer did say that a new contract with Northern Telecom may give them another line of pnducts with similar features of the AT&T Partner II services. Mr. Mayer will get back to staff with additional information and possibly prices prior to Monday evening. m Council Agenda - 2/22193 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Purchase lowest cost basic Comdial system from Bridge Water Telephone for $2,898. 2. Purchase larger Comdial Executec system from Sherburne Tel -Com for $4,639.07. 3. Purchase AT&T Partner 11 system for $5,857.90. 4. Do not upgrade our communication system. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends purchase of the AT&T system as outlined in alternative N3. We believe this system fits the needs of the City. The direct access dialing will result in greater efficiencies in communications over the other systems. Also, AT&T is committed to manufacturing the hardware for this system for the next 13 years and services both the hardware for the next 25 years. This is an imlwa-cant feature in the longevity of a phone system. The supplier of the phone system at city hall has already dropped the line, and that wits only 3 or 4 years ago. We would not he opposed to looking at purchasing a system from Bridge Water Telephone if it has the same capabilities as the Partner 11 and similar reliability, functionality, expandability, and cost. 1). SUPPORTING DATA Copy of proposals; Public works phone layout 12 FEB 22 '93 17:3-1 SPS, MIr9C P: -LIS P•2 Revised Bid 2=B3 - 430pm I EQUIPMENT RECOMMENDATION AT&T PARTNER SYSTEM The system below is configured for six lines and twelve extensions. The system isequipped to add up to four additional extensions without addition changes to the control unit. 1 Partner 11 R3 Control Unit 2 Two -Line, Six -Station Expansion Modules S VT 12 Button, 8 -Line Display Telephones 2 VT 12 Button, 8 -Line Telephones 3 Single Line Telephone Sets 7 Out -Building Protectors 1 Paging System Total Equipment Price ............. $ 3.78630 Wiring & Installation .............. S 1,493.50 (ruts do" W imus Wppa mea IaFPftdMauA' WZl) INVESTMENT SCHEDULE Total ........................ ts,W.00 LEASE Includes first year warranty. Leasing requires two advance payments. 36 Month Lease, FNIV ....................... $175.82 36 Month Lease, 10% Buyout ................... $182.16 Page 6 or 6 FEB 17 '93 1e:42 5T_0.CaJD P.2 aae ps• ATT Business Product Purchase Agreement eai= 2 7 C 13 3 euimpumar�fi ATeToawm AiromiD�w.oeu CW 6hn EP ATITTWOPWONo. C�wmmaratrMatopay t Pb Cwamar 10aniCb�lbn PfYf1�r Btu Cotla GBwary tl N Yaw& amnnoa Oay�• 11A,7EfuUMCMGNO. ThkHmtyl—a%-a' OR OCT UrOwftAF-r*M ymcrft BMW iGoo" pw(I p) C Mbw wtobrmtaCUDWWS OTPOMMbftmaw OwGLImnr"me" nvy0*hawsft nombhpawn.e�sa�oa�emae,.eroaaa,.ro.mrm•a.aa,.a�a�e+tiar�nuawue. a"A0A Moe_raro+. Mormlroer�aPune ..re FhanaOP�aanwG wp Noll R�PgmMOPlant tawAua. WETEAt.OPSCIRCATIONS 0 axe oe� ' ti �m Ag - NawWlr�Ryry Cny. AT&TYIWIWIon ROMO" jr ONo ItouwYYMRuro CAy. TMH NOq PMduat Ramada) ADOMO;>kUMMAAQ=NTRACTWLPWVSO 5z ; ' 6 VACMID A000 9— A oc 2 Pw6tb a SP�+�� 201Q vTAL 5,851g0 114/a OeahtTtMal a ... I. �'S'�►� 1 CUUMM' MWIM Twv OU aw Tobarep COMMM Jor. C R PVlo w's straw) (DOW "WDO"° Or. WOOMd GVRIW +rP.e a PrhdW NOVo) (Tvvn+ m P 0 wm) ac (�M (Dobl A. • �+ $ 7 (ROOM UM" (AT&T AOOraw) '� Z %•� (CM tome) MO( (C" AT&T PARTNER® Communications System Release 2 PARTNER system Release 2 Features at a Glance • Automatic Line Selection Idle Intercom Timeout • Bridging Intercom Call - Ring • Built -In Speakerphone Intercom Call - Voice Signal • Call Restriction In Range/Out of Building • Cenual Telephone Programming (IROB) from the Attendant Lau \umim Redul • CO Forward Disconnect Line Ringing Options • Conference I.rwdspeaker Paging • Conference Drop Onh,rJk Dialing • Cordless Phone Outride Atuodial • Diminctice Ringing - Pm+cy CO/ICO,%VTranafer Refill • "911" Emergency Dialing • Ringing lane Preference • Enhanced vii (L`Tlt) Ringing at Busy Telephone • Extension Programming (al9x. or continuous) • Extension Test Raan•/Touch-Tone Dialing • Facility Pomselect Square Operation • Fiedity Prebelect Scaem ID • Facility Status Infomution System Speed Dialing • Feature Button Touch -Tone Enahle • Group Paging with Pickup Transfer • Hands -Free Answer on Intercom %'Hume 14ckup1c,tore (HEAD Volume Comm] - • Hold - Common HamL ct/RmgevSpeaker • Hold Release on Abandon r.l FEB 17 '93 15:43 ST_ILCUD P•4 PARrlft• Product Line 13ImWAt OVFAi12'J1D 1.6 PARTNER PRODUCT LINE PARTNER PARTNER PLUS PARTNER II Target Market • 2 to 4 stations • 5 to 16 stations • 10 to 30 stations Feature Sophistication: Care Abouts: • Basic • Want optional growth path • Mammal Investment • Pay for only what they use today Way be looking to buy retail • Basic to moderate • Low to medium growth needs • Need to move and manage calls quickly and cost-effectively • Moderate to full level of sophistication. • Ease of use and affordability • Higher call volumes requlrla application -based solutions • Looking for great feature value on a budget FEB li '93 16:44 ST CL:+JD PAiMERO Produa Line R3TnlnlnR DIRECT EXTENSION DIAL (DXD) • Permits outside callers to dial an extension or Extension Hunt Group directly • Callers hear a message recorded by the customer prompting them to enter an extension number • Cell Is directed to the extension or Extension Hunt Group specified by the caller P. c. OVERHUD 4.9 I • Direct Extension Dial only answers calls on lines programmed for the feature • Can be used Of the some time as ASA Do not assign both features to the same line FEB 17 '93 16:44 S7!=LCUG PAR M -Product [Leu A37nlnLu CALLER ID FEATURE BUTTONS CALLER ID NAME DISPLAY: • Topples display between calling name and calling number • Program on a button with lights • Name feature must be available from local telco CALLER ID INSPECT. F.6 OVERHEAD 4.3 • Allows a user active on a call to view Caller ID Information for a second call without disconnecting the current call or placing It on hold • Program on a button with lights • Users can Inspect ringinC, active, or held calls C ) FEB 17 '93 16:.15 ST CLCUU ►A rr=* Product Uno R3 Udaing P.7 OVERHEAD 3.3 CALL FORWARDING/FOLLOW ME Enables a customer to automatically forward all Intercom and transferred calls to a preprogrammed extension `. OUna Jacks -- T EJMWMW Jacks NOTE: This sampto sysiom has egM extensions. (axis. 10-17) 9 TOUCRipn. Ib.O+O• f.1y. Cb�•r� Proceasn mow V— o Pags Jack 11 En.n.wn,� Warn.roCa,avr 18 [YiMltbn ,l � ,a. wenn. c o I r.apwr t p rj ..yLiL -ILL fn.nnv, t! O V I.bIMW�. {7COi9M+r+. f\ �� CC.'-l��j�'"*'1�t(,�,,,. �—t't.�t7 L /�'"�''� ✓ SystcmCamoonentanntlSaeaf�cotans i,, Date: 1-15-93 Page 1 of 3 SHERBURNE TEL -COM, INC. SOLD TO SOLD BY npany: City of Monticello -Public Works Company: Sherburne Tel -Com, Inc. ....dress: Monticello, MN. 55362 Address: 440 N Eagle Lake Road Big Lake, MN. 55309 Telephone /: 295-3170 Telephone f: 263-3663 Contact Person: John Simola Contact Person: Rick Morrow QUOTATION Comdial Executech Business Telephone System with a system configuration of 8 -lines and 20 stations, and capable of being expanded to 12 -lines and 32 -stations. This system offers a wide variety of features such as, 100 Number System Speed Dial, Conference Calling, LCD Messaging, Night Mode, Automatic Call Back, Zone Paging, Privacy, Data Security, Do -Hot -Disturb, Message Waiting, Privacy Release, Station Message Detail Recording (SMDR) - which allows a printer to be interfaced for printout of calls being placed, Memory Retention without batteries, however, battery back-up will be listed as an option, Block Programming for Toll Restriction, Music on Hold, plus much morel gguioments �Executech KSU B x 20 , - 6600 EPG LCD Key Speaker Phones 1 - Direct Station Selection / Busy Lamp Field V-10308 Valcom Paging Speakers 6714 Speaker Phones Sub Total $3,327.60 6 1/2i Sales Tax 216.29 TOTAL $3,543.89 Battery back-up for protection against power loss. Thin will provide 4 hours of back-up power. This quotation/ agreement is subject to applicable tariffs and the terms and conditions attached except as modified and/or amended above. This quotation/agreement is valid for 30 days. *3roved by Buyer: Approved by STC: Date Data Date: _1-15-93 Page 3 of 3 SHERBURNE TEL -COM, INC. SOLD TO SOLD BY +mpany: City of Monticello -Public Works Company: Sherburne Tel -Con, Inc. _.Jdress: Monticello, MN. 55362 Address: 440 N Eagle Lake Road Big Lake, MN. 55309 Telephone 0: 295-3170 Telephone /: 263-1663 Contact Person: John Simola Contact Person: Rick Morrow — — Q00?A?ZOM — — Iaetallatioa: Pre -wire with 4 pair, 22 -gauge wire to 5 (five) pre -wire stations. Pre -wire charges are based on a time and material basis. Service order charge which includes 1/2 hour labor - $45.25 Labor (approximate) 18 hours - $665.00 1 - Exterior/Interior Protector $ 120.00 1000' - 4 Pair Twisted Wire 120.00 2 - Punch Blocks 47.94 150' - 25 Pair Buried Cable 61.50 4 - 630 Wall Jacks 12.00 Sub Total $ 361.44 6 1/2= Sales Tax 23.49 Service Order 45.25 Labor 665.00 TOTAL $1,095.16 OA This quotation/ agreement is subject to applicable tariffs and the terms and conditions attached except as modified and/or amended above. This quotation/agreement is valid for 30 days. ,proved by Buyer: Approves by STC: Date Date �I rar .. E�•W� a...t .� T- [�l Esecv72ch DXFt selection of 11 telepbonn Im you choon the number of buttons and fntum you need at each nation; choices include tele- phones with spealcrpbone, I.M. and up to 23 ptogtatnnublc bunt ExecuTech DXP phones match features to the user. If every employee did the same b, everyone could use the same phone. But because tasks differ, Comdial offers a complete family of ExecuThch DXP phones that per- fectly complement the needs of every user. The ExectaI ch DXP family of phones gives you a selection of eleven telephones including Liquid Crystal Display a,CDI models. Consoles with 32 and 70 buttons accurately handle system or depart- mental traffic at attendant positions. These are just a few of the fea- tures you get built-in with Execu- T@ch DXP phones: *%0lfVA n —lord• on shoed t,—T h m.&b C.nulhh t. a arpanrd o.d—,b M Candid CorF_' bee Secure Off -Hook Voice Announce (SOHVA)'—A busy sta- tion can be called, and the person on that extension can easily send back a pre-progammed message, or even talk, all without being heard by the party on their line! Display Messaging—Execu- Tech DXP phones can send a message (such as "Back At 10301 to an internal caller's display, provid- ing a fast answer to your current status and when you can be reached. Calling/Called Station and Line Names—When you page another station, the name of the person assigned to that station appears on your LCD window, Like- wise, your name will appear on their LCD. Lines can also be identified and answered by company or depart- mental name. Service Observing— Super- visors can train employees, ensure they are offering quality service, and assist them with problem calls by silently monitoring calls on selected stations. Programmable Softkeys— ExecuTech DXP phones have pro- grammable keys for fast, one -touch access to outside lines, speed dialing, frequently called numbers or fea- tures, and long-distance codes. Personal Call Forwarding— This feature allows you to direct all of your prime line and intercom calls to a preselected station when you are away from your desk. Of course, these are only a frac- tion of the features you'll get with dependable ExecuTkh DXP phones. Additional features such as built-in volume -controlled handsets and speakerphones are available on selected Execu'Ibch models. Execu- IRch DXP is a phone system youll never outgrow. COMDIAL Made = n the USA 1180 Seminole 7}nil P.O. Boa 7266 Chartottoville, VA 22906.7266 fW0978-2200 (Bp0)347-1432 24-0158 11M C 1991 ra w Crap«con. Inc '- -I BRIDGE WATER Pine Strew Ph -*Nb, 295-2914 eexex Pbaita rotxf TELEPHONE COMPANY PROPOSAL Eu.W.nttQ ta$i "WE WANT TO BE YOUR TELEPHONE COMPANY- Page No. 1 of 1 Pages PROPOSAL SUBMITTED TO I PHONE I DATE City of Monticello 295-2711 02-19-93 STREET � CITY, STATE ANO ZtP CODE LLINSTAATtON ADDRESS Maintenance Facilities Monticello, MN Golf Course Road SALESPERSON CUStOMER `� CONTACT j MAS SET PHONE � Rick Yolfsteller WE HEREBY SUBMIT SPECIFICATIONS AND ESTIMATES FOR THE SALE OR LEASE OF THE FOLLOWWO EouiPMENT OR SNSTEMS ON TERMS AND CONDITIONS AS SET FORTH BELOW One COMDIAL 0616 Electronic Key Telephone System equipped wi eight 6706, black telephones with programmable softkeys Maximum capabilities of t-elepttune system to be six trumps and sixteen telephone stations Bridge Water Telephone Co. will provide power surge protection on the AC power side of the Electronic Key System and Gas -tube protection on the telephone line side of the system in order to provide user maximum protection possible against lightning and other transient voltages. Customer shall provide a separate and dedicated 110-120VAC electrical circuit for the sole use of the telephone system in a protective location. -A Equipment Cost S 1.$49.00y.-1- lj /U- Installation[Tmining/Progmmming 749.00 G,V Total (does not include taxes) S 2,398.00 Optiortal Equipment additional 6706 style telephones $ 139.00 cnrnlT� hnn 10,00 WE PROPOSE hwe" b kanien ra eek or aaee to you Ino ebovp nut«Wa ane sdfor — comtwu n OCCMWtoe with above apoClfldaltorn, f W the p of wmvvv naW..n m e +riv W —v .v w...w�, w ae..v fw. rocs w.Wu . aDW. 13 Arty 4II— n or Qev.atton "M above Awdicatom r o4vto etfp Cayb wtb be e.eC.�ted WUY upon -W 11" arperk, end We become an 4.011 age over kits above aw oot.Tate AN $WeMtenb COntYipent Ilbort aMee, eCCMnb P oeteYe beYbnd OWf control Leaeot b Carry It e. tornedD and obW neceaauy Wtf.W a C0 ACenawleogwm j «W ecce0MV II d nee order ntAt be MWO by M Wfnentao fapreaentanva of Brtdpe Water Too"* Cwfoeny. by 69wV a4 aVMW of M3 PrWoeel aro fekMV o COPY &WON to tho Leoaee TMD Nopo" w CdWpr upon aCC4PWXl of '�r19 naWreQ herein, wnCn C4-01 be ofterad, eraefwd or moafika�+�t eM7ul ow P«neDfgn of Ek" Water Tab"* Comme�n wrrtll� Auopo Wed IN" orae C A P"C" em awedtcenom «� iAfIaCT 10 C'ryylp thoul nonce W1WAy Tip Propped rlot be-CepiW ~ T" 130! ft" of If* a" tWoof ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSAL: rho ab" orcn, ooeCdCetona end conations we sawporory and we hVIOY ac"COW You we tKf0* tb to do Ina Wrork eo necded PS"NtM we be made S.pnekee as oumted above DATE OF ACCEPTANCE Bipnallo ,7 iPON r0'.. /Jo_ a 1 � f V.�i[I• Slo•oq B�ddnry / r y M. a mf" •�, (nr.rrti Manr Seee •11. am" • orrle. W OWN •ii7f •� , 01 Mole '' �eiiil• Co Rd. 39 4err..u. r. e. N.reeee er oh Sc1' • JU' 1M1•« ANA '•"• � ^'nn• 1n•'•Nn� er br�rwo ce Colo Me0 lll� M INw I.— o.w In.eedrw.rr Me. i..M MM' lel R-. ow ofto NM•M /Nreee r(}rrenMr /YIe /N� IO..roMr Council Agenda - 2/22193 a. Consideration of adopting a resolution extendin¢ an agreement by the City to hold Lots 1. 2, and 3. Block 1 of the Oakwood Industrial Park 2nd Addition, for the H•Window Company. 1R.W.1 A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND In June of 1991, the City Council adopted a resolution agreeing to hold all six lots of the Oakwood Industrial Park 2nd Addition for the H -Window Company's future expansion potential. This agreement, expired on Decemher :11, 1992, and the H -Window Company has not yet made a decision Oil whether to purchase the property. I3eTause the agreement has expired, 1 contacted Mr. Steve Lemme, General Plant Manager for the Monticello facility, to inquire as to whether the H - Window Company was interested in renewing any agreements regarding these lots. Mr. Lemme noted that the company Board of Directors will be meeting in Monticello in May of 1993 to discuss and hopefully finalize their plans for it 30,000 sq ft expansion of the existing facility. He noted that hefore the directors would approve expanding at the present site, they would want to he certain of having enough land availahle for future expansions and felt, comfortable in being ahle to provide the City with an answer once and for all hy.lune 1, 1993, regarding the 2nd Addition property. In regard to the potential expansion of the H -Window Company facility, Mr. Lemme fell that, the westerly three lots, Lots 1, 2, and 3, were the most important parcels if the company was in expand at this site. Mr. Lemme felt that. he would like to see the City hold these first three lots until June 1 and also would he agreeahle to providing H -Window with a first right of refusal for Ims 4, 5, and 6. the easterly three lots of this plat. If the Council is agrecahle to providing an extension ta) our original agreement and hold atleast three of the lots until .lune 1, this would allow our Economic Development. Director the opportunity to still market the other three lots to interested parties who have recently expressed an interest in smaller parcels within the industrial park. Should the City receive an offer to purchase one (if the easterly three lots, H -Window Company would have the right of first. refusal but would hove to decide within 30 days whether to proceed with purchasing the property or allow the City to sell it. Since we have held the entire six -lot, suhdivision for over two years now at H -Window's request, agreeing to extend 11 hold on three of the lots for a few more months seems to he in our hurt interest.. 13 Council Agenda - 2/22/93 It should be noted that although the City has agreed to hold the lots for H - Window's benefit, both parties have never discussed nor agreed to a selling price for the property. I am assuming that this will be one of the next questions asked by H -Window, "how much is the property going to cost them." If H -Window becomes serious in purchasing the property, I assume we would want to establish an appraisal or offer the property at a similar per -acre price compared to other industrial property available. This per -acre cost may be different than would be our asking price if each 1- to 2 -acre lot was sold separately. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Adopt the resolution agreeing to hold Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block 1, Oakwood (] Industrial Park 2nd Addition, for an additional time period expiring May 31, 1993, for the H -Window Company, and also providing a first right of refusal for Lots 4, 5, and 6 for the same time period. �j r• `, U2. Do not adopt the resolution and place the property on the market for other interested parties. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: As noted earlier, since the City has already held this property for 2 years, and since there has not been a lot of interest from other parties in purchasing any of the property, it appears to he in our best interest to hold Lots 1, 2, and 3 until the Norwegian Board of Directors makes a decision by June 1, 1993. In addition, allowing H -Window the first right of refusal on the easterly lots, 4, 5, and 6, would not deter us from offering those lots for sale to other interested parties in the meantime. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of letter from H -Window requesting extension; Copy of resolution and first right of refusal agreement; Copy of map depicting lots being considered. 14 .THE_ WINDOW COMPANY nawwso OF0110 AY- P.O. Box 206. 1324 East Oakwood Drive • Monticello, MN 55362 Phone: (612) 295-5305 • Fax: (612) 295-4656 February 19, 1993 Rick Wolfsteller City Council P.O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362 Dear City Council Memberst I am writing in regard to the acreage that lies adjacent to the H Window property at the corner of County Road 117 and Dundas Road. The H Window Company has recently begun the preliminary evaluation for our first major expansion, tentatively scheduled for the Fall of this year (September 1993). Our long term concern is obviously focused on the future availability of the land which lies adjacent to our existing property line. While the long term requirements for acreage may be difficult to determine, we must insure that our future expansion capabilities do not become constrained. 1 Therefore, we would be interested if the City Council would consider the following proposals 1). Protect Lots 1, 2, 3 until further discussions with the H Window Board of Directors (May 1993). 2). Provide the H Window Company with the 'Right of First Refusal" on Lots 4, 5, 6. 3). Prepare a complete valuation/proposal for the H Window to purchase r A. Lots 1, 2, 3 Only B. Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 In total As the Board of Directors is scheduled to visit within the next few months (May 1993), we would appreciate if decisions affecting the potential sale of this property could be protected until more detailed discussions can be arranged. it Steven Lemme President/General Manager RESOLUTION 93 - RESOLUTION FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO TO HOLD 1,0'1:9 t, 2, & 3 AND TO GRANT A RIGIIT OF FIRST REFUSAL FOR LOTS 4, 5, & 6, BLOCK 1, OAKWOOD INDUSTRIAL PARK SECOND ADDITION, CITY OF MONTICELLO, FOR THE II -WINDOW COMPANY WHEREAS, Lite City of Monticello acknowledges that Lots 11 and 12, Block 2, Oakwood Industrial Park, city of Monticello, are owned by the H -Window Company, and WHEREAS, the City of Monticello owns and recognizes that Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and G, Block 1, Oakwood Industrial Park Second Addition, city of Monticello, adjoins the H - Window Company property, and WHEREAS, Lite City of Monticello endorses economic development and the business retention and expansion program. NOW, THEREI-701 ., BE IT ItESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MON,r10ELL0, MINNESO'T'A: The City of Monticello shall hold Lots I, 2, & 3, Block 1, Oakwood Industrial I'urk Second Addition, city of Monticello, for the H -Window Company located at 1324 East Oakwood Drive, Monticello, Minnesota, for a period through Lite end of May 199:1. , 2. The City of Monticello shall also grant a right of first refusal on Lots 4, 5, & G, Illock I, Oakwood Industrial I'ark SeLond Addition, for Lite H -Window Company until May :11, 1993, in accordance with the terms and conditions of the right of refusal agreement. Adopted by the Council this 22nd day of Fehruary, 1993. Mayor City Administrator (i) RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL Fnr and in cnnsideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) and ether gcod and valuable consideration, CITY OF MONTICELLO hereby grants to H -WINDOW COMPANY, a Minnesota corporation, a right of first refusal to purchase the following -described property or any part(s) thereof: See attached Exhibit "A" Upon receipt by CITY OF MONTICELLO of any bona fide written offer of purchase, CITY OF MONTICELLO shall, by written notice, notify H -WINDOW COMPANY of said offer by sending said notice first class U.S. mail, postage paid, to 1324 East Oakwood, Monticello, MN 55362. H -WINDOW COJIPANN shall then have 30 days from the date of said mailing in which to purchase said real property at a price and terms at least as favorable as those in the original Ixma fide written offer of purchase. H -WINDOW COMPANY shall execute their right of first refusal by presenting to CITY OF MONTICELLO within :30 days of the mailing of the notice of offer of purchase, a written agreement to purchase said property spedfying the same or more favorable price and term as called for in the original bona fide written offer of purchase, together with earnest money in an amount at least equal to that called for under the original bona fide written offer of purchase. Said written agreement shall conform substantially to that attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and shall he executed by authorized offers of H - WINDOW COMPANY. H-WINDOW.AGII: 2/17/93 page I �,N �f If H -WINDOW COMPANY does not timely respond to the notice of offer of purchase, this right of first refusal shall lapse and be of no force and effect. H - WINDOW COMPANY, their successors or assigns shall, if required, subsequent to the lapse of this agreement, execute a Quit -Claim Deed to CITY OF MONTICELLO for the above real property. H -WINDOW COMPANY shall not assign this agreement without the written consent of CITY OF MONTICELLO. This right of first refusal shall expire, if not otherwise exercised, at 11:59 p.m. on May 31, 1993. DATED: DATED: CITY OF MONTICELLO H -WINDOW COMPANY A Minnesota corporation STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) as. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of , 199:1, by Rick Wolfsteller on behalf of the CITY OF MONTICELLO. Notary Public H-WINDOW.AGR: 2/17/93 Page 2 l�. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of 1993, by on behalf of H - WINDOW COMPANY, a Minnesota corporation. Notary Public DRAFTED BY: City of Monticello 250 bast Broadway PO Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362 H-WINDOW.ACR: 2/17/93 Page 3 �> EXHIBIT "A" Lot a Beck 1 Oakwood Industrial Park Second Addition, city cf Eiorticcllc, Wright County, Minnesota. Lot 5, Block 1, Oakwood Industrial Park Second Addition, city of Monticello, Wright County, Minnesota. Lot 6, Block 1, Oakwood Industrial Park Second Addition, city of Monticello, Wright County, Minnesota. H•WINUOW.AGR: 2/17/93 Page 4 cl I -9a d SSI �tc 1k •Y.0 nl.l I.rincrµv, Irn o L .DLIL IIMI� frP.ACL Irt11I l � T.1 ,III wi. Il �lln .rlM[l2 aclstullc io \ cornu' tr /n,YuA \ r.M - IJ•L I IM•� I tttvin�� j � I � �� � rnott, nuw.w ulY� \ n1T[ nr rlowxm 1 , 11{I:,LI � tYUAL1L \` n1YMl NriL YIUr1A1 l TUr�L. 1:r. {I�� 1 ruY �\ �J5 airiiu VT. nn'1 tln� l• • t LA {{{s{ r ..•� �— rinwxrn 1 ._ flll In w c~mT •�C 'TO I Illrnla Al II'Igil1IAI AO ..... cow t L~L•� 1 S�, N,a� Q� L L•LiL IiLI♦ rA1 rM11,M�f 4 ML\\nn a ,a nmLo .0.1 .avl.00 rll Lu Y4 Y� MY,IL. fYM1Y1 IY r1 » IMM1.111 MLr •\\Ypy / ur w { /onsa f{Mr/M —mow 4 Council Agenda - 2/22193 9. Consideration of ¢ranting a seasonal 3.2 beer license to the Monticello Softball Association. ( It. W. ) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Monticello Softball Association has again requested a 3.2 beer license to sell at the NSP softball concession stand. With the exception of one year that we issued the license to the Jaycees, the Softball Association has been the holder of this seasonal license. The Softball Association will be presenting a letter of intent to acquire dram shop liquor liability insurance upon the approval of the City issuing the license; and as a result, the Council can approve this license contingent upon receipt of the certificate of insurance for liquor liahility and the appropriate fees, which would be $137.50. Although this is not related to the request for the seasonal beer license, the Monticello Softball Association still owes the City $2,500 for fees associated with utilizing the fields last season. The City has an agreement with the Softball Association for reimbursement of $125 per team that utilizes the field, and this would equal $2,500 in 1992. 1 am under the assumption the Association merely forgot to take care of this matter and have informed them of the delinquency. 11. AI,TF.RNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Grant the license contingent upon receipt of necessary insurance documents and fees. 2. 1)eny the license --some rationale should he stated for the denial. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The staff recvonmends that the license he granted contingent upon proper insurance coverage king provided. The City has not been aware of any problems with this license in the past and supporta renewal. 1). SUPPORTING DATA: None. is Council Agenda - 2/22/93 to. Consideration of suoaortine leeislative action to amend on -sale 3.2 beer license requirements. (R.W.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Once again the Council will have to discuss 3.2 on -sale beer license regulations and requirements. As you know, the Council recently denied the application for a 3.2 on -sale beer license for Little Mountain Billiards because it did not meet the state statute requirements of being a restaurant, hotel, bowling alley, club, etc. The Council's logic was that we were forced to adhere to state statute requirements and had no other choice but to deny the license. Mr. Bruce Langford, owner of Little Mountain Billiards, has contacted State Senator Betty Adkins for assistance in getting the statute amended to allow billiard rooms as an allowable establishment for 3.2 beer licenses. Apparently, Mr. Langford has convinced Senator Adkins to sponsor a bill that would, in effect, allow only the City of Monticello to issue an on -sale beer license to a billiard room. This came as quite a surprise when we were faxed a copy of the suggested legislation. Ms. Adkins is requesting a letter from the City in suppnrt. of this legislation before she proceeds with trying to sponsor the hill. While I certainly do not have any problem with the legislature amending the statute to allow all cities to have billiard rooms eligible for 3.2 licenses, I am not sure the City Council should be trying to have our State Senator pass a law just for the City of Monticello to issue a 3.2 license to a pool hall. It seems like such it small issue to have our name associated with, but I'm not sure if Senator Adkins would propose a legislative change unless it was for a specific incident such us Monticello. What the Council is being asked in this agenda item is whether you want to support the proposed legislation change with it only being allowed within the city of Monticello or whether you support the change if it applied to all communities. From my point of view, I believe there may be many more worthwhile causes that we may want to seek legislative action on involving the City of Monticello rather than a law change to allow a 3.2 beer license at a billiard room. ALTERNA'rIVE ACTIONS: Direct the Administrator to send it letter to Senator Adkins requesting the license amendment as proposed for the City of Monticello only. 16 Council Agenda - 2/22/93 2. Direct the Administrator to inform Senator Adkins that the City would he supportive of a law change that applied to all communities but did not want the law changed just for the City of Monticello. CDo not support any amendment at this time. < L �+ C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: As I noted, 1 was very surprised when Senator Adkins' office even suggested a possible change for just the City of Monticello. In some respects, this change maybe had a chance of passing as long as it only affected the City of Monticello and maybe would he more difficult in receiving support if it applied to all communities in Minnesota. From the Administrator's standpoint, I'm not sure that it's necessary to have the statute amended just for the City of Monticello unless the Council feels it is very important that Little Mountain Billiards be granted a 3.2 on -sale beer license. As a result, I would recommend informing Senator Adkins the City would support an amendment that applied to all communities but not just the City of Monticello. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of proposed legislative changes relating to on -sale beer license from Senator Adkins' office. 17 .1T BY 2-10-93 : 1:01RNI : W STATE SEATE- 12554404;. 2' " 02/04/93 (COUNSEL J EMS SC2196 1 A bill for an act 2 relating to alcoholic beverages; authorizing the 3 issuance of an on -sale beer license. 4 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA; 5 Section 1. (ON -SALE LICENSE; CITY OF MONTICELLO.) 6 Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the city of 7 Monticello may issuo one on -sale beer license to a billiard B hall. The provisions of Minnesota Statutes, chapter 340A, not 9 inconsistent with this section, apply to the license issued 10 under this section. 11 Sec. 2. (EFFECTIVE DATE.) 12 Section 1 Is effective the day followinq final enactment. Council Agenda - 2/22193 t t . Consideration of setting date for 1993 Board of Review meeting. ( R.W. ) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND County Assessor, Doug Gruber, has tentatively set Thursday, April 22, at 7 p.m. as the date for our 1993 Board of Review meeting. The purpose of the Board of Review is to allow property owners within the city the opportunity to receive an explanation on how their market valuations were established by the City Assessor for taxes payable in 1994. Our new Assessors, Jerry and Peggy Kramher, along with Mr. Gruber, will be at the meeting to field questions from citizens concerning their valuations. If the Council has a problem with Thursday, April 22, the County Assessor would like to know of any changes by March 15, 1993. As a related item, enclosed with the agenda you will find it brief summary report prepared by our Assessors for the work they have just recently completed. The report list's the parcels that were reviewed under the 25% requirement and also summarizes the new building permit activity that has been added to the total valuation for the year. In discussing the 1993 assessment with Mr. Kramber, he did feel that the residential sales ratio for the City is still on the low side at approximately 90.451r of market. As he noted in his letter, he would like to obUtin the 95% range for till parcels. Mr. Kramber also noted that he had found sonic inconsistencies in how properties were valuated in the pastand is attempting to correct this situation by changing the effective age of some properties to better correspond with the actual market values. When the entire cycle has been completed, Mr. Kramber hopes to at least, have it consistent method of valuation for the entire city. The only action needed by the Council is to verify the Board of Review date set for April 22 or suggest an alternate date. SUPPORTING DA'rA: Copy of letter front Doug Gruher; Summary report from City Assessor, Jerry Krantber. 18 JNTY 0,l. DOUGLAS M. GRUBER Wright County Assessor Z Wright County Government Center 10N. W. 2nd Stmt M Buffalo. Minnesota 55313.1193 i� Q Phone: (612)682-7367 / (612)682-7368 Metro: (612) 3394881 786 FAX (612) 6824178 February 3, 1093 Rick Wolfateller Monticello City Administrator 230 E. Broadway, Box 1117 Monticello, MN 55362 Deer Rick, Please be advised that your 1093 Board of Review hes been tentatively set for Thursday, April 22, at 7,00 P.M. If we do not hear from you by March 13, 1993, we wlII assume this is satisfactory. Thank you. Sincerely, Douglas M. Gruber Wright County Assessor DMGIga Equal Opportunity / A/t~,w Action Employs, C Rick wo:f,tellar Cit/ and Memd?rs of the monticello Citv Counc:: ,UBECi: SLxrary cr Ascessment fcr laxer Pavcble 1y93 FRCm . Kramber d Associates, Inc. Gerald J. Kramber, President cc: Douglas Gruber wrignt Co. Assessor ./ 1.l am&p &_ 2SS0C,(;2je. ) .Jna REAL ESTATE APPRAISERS/ASSESSORS P.O. Box 56 Mormosc MM 55363 (6 i 2) 675-3748 February 1, 1993 Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator and Members of the Monticello City Council 250 E. Broadway Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Dear Mr. Wolfsteller and Council Members, Kramber h Associates, Inc. would like to take time to thank you for the opportunity of being your City Assessors for the 1993 assessment year. The help and cooperation of Rick, Gary, everyone at City Rall and the Wright County Assessor's Office was greatly appreciated. Please find enclosed the following data for your review: 1) Residential sdlcs and sales ratios for 1992 2) Commercial sales and sales ratios for 1992. 3) List of the 25% of parcels viewed by parcel numbers. A) List of building permits issued for 1992 and the percent complete as of January 1, 1993. In summary, the residential sales ratio for 1992 was 90.4% which is on the low Side of the required 90% to 105% range. Our goal Is to be in the 95% area. The County increased the residential rate schedule for single and double garages, hard -surfaced driveways and porches. These increases are esti- mated to raise the ratio by approximately 1.4%. A scatter diagram indicated that the past effective age applications were very inconsistent. For example, a house in average condition, built in 1920, in one instance, would have an effective age of 1940 and in another Instance, a house in average condition, built in 1920 would have an Effect- ive age of 1970. Therefore, charts and tables were established by Kramber h Associates to maintain consistency. It is estimated that the effective age charts will further increase the ratio by approximately 4% to 5%. Photos of various residential classes and styles were taken to further maintain consistency in grading. t Residential land was also reviewed with special attention given to un - platted residential acreage. Again, data was developed to maintain consistency. If there are any questions on the data submitted, please don't hesitate to call. Any questions or concerns regarding market values by the residents of Monticello should be referred to Kramber h Associates at 612-675-3748, so their questions or concerns can be resolved prior to the Board of Equalization meeting. Respectf Ge ld J. ram r Kramber 8 Ass fates, Inc. cc: Doug Gruber Wright County Assessor CITY OF MONTICELLO RESIDENTIAL 1-3 UNITS Sale Sale Market Sale Parcel Number Date Price Value Ratio 155-010-009080 02/92 92,000 85.800 93.26 155-010-010011 07/92 42.000 33,700 80.24 155-010-026011 04/92 60.000 44,500 74.17 155-010-030040 05/92 67,200 51,600 76.79 155-010-033060 03/92 63.000 50,900 80.79 155-010-044040 01/92 75,500 74.700 98.94 155-010-047020 06/92 80,700 73.900 91.57 155-010-048131 07/92 53,900 45,700 84.79 155-010-055061 04/92 40.460 48.300 119.38 155-010-061010 05/92 134.000 94.800 70.75 155-010-067140 05/92 60.000 42.400 70.67 155-010-068020 11/91 57,900 49.800 86.01 155-010-071050 07/92 45,000 42.000 93.33 155-010-081011 02/9'1 80.000 63,500 79.38 155-010-084040 03/92 79.900 81,700 102.25 155-012-001030 07/92 103,500 85,600 82.71 155-012-002050 08/92 85,000 73,900 86.94 155-013-001020 04/92 89,000 74,400 83.60 155-014-001070 05/92 140,000 88.500 63.21 155-014-003120 06/92 83,700 76,600 91.52 155-015-001031 06/92 66,800 56,600 84.73 155-015-001080 02/92 66,900 62,000 92.68 155-015-007020 04/92 97,000 85.100 87.73 155-015-011010 05/92 85,000 77.100 90.71 155-015-035040 06/92 86.300 77,700 90.03 155-015-035100 10/91 105,000 82,300 78.38 155-017-002020 07/92 81.900 75,100 91.70 155-020-001060 03/92 95.500 89,600 93.82 155-020-004020 06/92 83,900 85.100 101.43 155-021-002040 08/92 82,900 68,400 82.51 155-024-001060 05/92 76,000 70,300 92.50 155-025-001050 10/91 130,000 114,000 87.69 155-026-001060 06/92 62,000 60,200 97.10 155-026-001100 10/91 76.900 69,900 90.90 155-026-002060 04/92 65,500 61.600 94.05 155-026-003050 03/92 72,900 63,800 87.52 155-026-003060 12/91 69,000 57,700 83.62 155-031-001080 02/92 59,500 51,100 85.88 155-031-004040 04/92 60,010 62.400 103.98 155-033-001010 03/92 76,000 77,300 101.71 155-033-001090 06/92 69.900 62.400 89.27 155-033-002070 08/92 74.950 66,400 88.59 155-035-001120 03/92 65.900 53,500 81.18 155-035-001121 04/92 61.900 56,300 90.95 155-035-001130 10/91 56.000 56.400 100.71 155-037-009040 11/91 70,500 70,400 99.86 155-040-003040 07/92 72.000 65.900 91.53 155-044-004140 05/92 87.500 82.500 94.29 Median Sales Ratio 90.4 Coefficient of Variation 10.3 Average Sale Price 79.151 Number of Parcels Used 61 Sale Sale Market Sale Parcel Number Date Price Value Ratio 155-045-004020 03/92 78,500 68,900 87.77 155-045-005030 03/92 75.405 69.600 92.30 155-046-001100 06/92 118.500 91,900 77.55 155-048-001120 07/92 119,000 113.000 94.96 155-048-001170 03/92 105.000 103,900 98.95 155-049-001080 10/91 59.500 60.500 101.68 155-055-001010 06/92 75,000 67,800 90.40 155-055-001070 04/92 75,000 67,400 89.87 155-057-002050 08/92 101.400 86,300 85.11 155-062-001010 06/92 89,000 84.300 94.72 155-063-001060 08/92 95,000 82,900 87.26 155-063-001080 10/91 85.000 82.900 97.53 155-500-142207 06/92 61,500 58,400 94.96 Median Sales Ratio 90.4 Coefficient of Variation 10.3 Average Sale Price 79.151 Number of Parcels Used 61 CITY OF MONTICELLO COMMERCIAL Sale Sale Market Sale Parcel Number Date Price Value Ratio 155-032-001020 06/92 302,139 324,000 107.24 Median Sales Ratio 107.2 Coefficient of Variation .0 Average Sale Price 302,139 Number of Parcels Used 1 CITY/TOWNSHIP W ; CDMTY PID G CODE INSPE.TION INT. 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VALUED REVALUED CDMMENTS 1ss-�.a-n�/Na�1/ .. � /-Fa g•��a �a 155-0/6 n 4,1/60 /Zee)/ i R 9 •� `?� /S�-n,s0- / iL< i / Rim . �✓ /_ �� 9� i"• �j /��.D/0•n�,Q/�n ���" ! x-90 g;S'�� 155-n/e-�,dP/S� ilin. ✓ - L1, _9S.- 'ja ;`s-a/o-D�l9o80 /ua. � i•ya N:�59� , 9L_ci •3::, Lis-6m-Gl '10/l /Zan,L : �5-nia-ns4lo/n _12 ,,9�o-9� ring0iQ �� ✓ /-?� y °0 9a 1T5 D/d n--40')6 L%-onn• D.��•/09/ /Lr. � ✓ _-1-yc� 9�"D-9�1 l,-,•vlo-�stvhh 11.ea. ✓ 1-90 `1--:D-9,�. •S.Ob•OSSG» f7r¢c, ,� (-�.;� �/'-'g 91 l5 i D l0 Q�iSlYa I /204, / lZ15!J `l /s. 5' O10 55/2 0 /Zea, ✓ /-ja ?.'p 9� \° CITY/TOWNSHIP Wiu COMTY INSPECTION LAST PID 0 CODE INT. EXT. VALUED REVALUED M ENTS /SS-o/o-6v5-,,) go Xpb ✓ 6> 9-dc1-5� /!77•0/0-ovS/ou 9 -.1U -9L /.5 0/0 - ov&o/0 / ✓ i -'/d 4-�4-9t_ /.S�La-oyuvao ✓ I-S� 4 �+-9z. /ss-o/o-oV&oa ,i I -YS o-av 94, /ss-o/o -0 /6050 � .f qaJ At,-) ✓ i K� 9 av�i� /SS -0/0 - ovP090 A. + ✓ I'X1 9 c)u-91- /f' -O/o - ovb IlU � ✓ �u 9-aU-91 /5S- 0/0 - ,��fjj /ss -011) -ov7o/o B-0 9-.'(I9c /ss-o/o - N/7040 Oil -"V ✓ I BY 9 av-7L /s5 -o/0 - e)v?oso iSS•O/U - nU'�p�J ✓�i4 I/ /-Yd- 4-.>4-9i M-06- UV71/0 !L -9�-• 4lja4p ,.i - a 9-d4- 91.- •S-o10-oq1/30 �Gao �/ I•�u 9-4V-,7L- ,7`L55•o/o L55-010- ovn/'/0 A ✓ / - da 2 l(/ -9L /SS-o/0'0�/80/O /sS-0/0 -nVSOvo ✓ i•&� �j-d4 9:_ IsS-o/o-ouvo? o 1-90 9-dll- I.L - /,55-5c6-O3avoo '5 -mss i-7-*71— /ss- wo /ss-wo -n.2";Lv( ✓ l-7 9-Y.-74.. 61a voz /SS-Soo-O.3,�y�� �J ✓ /•Ir8' 9 -g -9t /Ss-Soo-n�v3aS �' ✓ i -7n 9-K- 4- /SS-Sao-a///oc/ �;�, ✓ /-sr�• 9-2-5� /s5- s4a-Ot///o5 �i, ✓ /- R�_ G -1T 9t ' / St-cnn-0<//i07 ,�.,,,� ✓ l -9i 9-8-9... ' S-x]n-/A/eiG3 /SS- cpp- /o/3U/ /�a_J /�� ✓ ✓ /_„g, / • Ba 94-91_, 9- f( -7L /55-soe- /e /do) /�v ✓ l -ko 9 -V -'7j.. C I I i/T0WN9iIP COLIN I Y INSPECTION LAST PID # I CODE INT. EXT. VALUED ls5-010-OS3 0/0 !!Codi /$S -old 1:4i-) -0S?j-W) S3 It L) s v": blo - a u70o o/o P J Y., - A.) I REVALUED CMt IENTS ITY/TOWNSHIP COUNTY INSPE,TION LAST PID I CODE INT. - EXT. VALUED REVALUED COMMENTS /57-0/0-nz,7/ao ✓ / R� in -ice 0-2 n/o7/30 �CQ. ✓ r 1-G,1 /n -.r 0/0 04,7/,/0 /lam ✓ 1 Fr= lO-/� 9,a /55-0/0 - o�9oy/ ,r�� ✓ /-,� /D-/3 7�t is /s5-o/e-07uo90 Gag. ,� /-.�,� /b-/?•9�- o/o- 0716/0 L55 •O/O. 07/DaG /CaQ� .� /i�� /D /� ibZ 1ST •oio- o7/ow �c � /-Ga rn- /' n72/050 2az ✓ /'% Lo ^.a 0/0 on/oca - R4,n- 10-/3 ra /SS-V/O-OVn �� ✓ r -Ifs • /D'.�3-91_, /SS-o/o-6V/og/ aa� _ ✓ /-bz /o �?-q� /SS-0/b-b39n_/i) �� r ✓ 1 R.,:L ro-a3.9L 0/o-0690/0 ✓-ga.. _ ' -o0 a3{J /5$ - /55-Coto-W-Zayo Lr l-84 /0-03-7L 0691- /�o ✓ — /o -/y -Q ds -,069-001020 �,� v /o-/d-�I� (�,;-069-00�_ ✓ — �-/i/-9i Ass -cu9- anon ✓ — /o a-o� KS-nb9-o0mas) %rAxJ ✓ � N N 3 - 6 6 y . cx)ao ISr, L55-664, w 3o'b ✓ — CITY/TOWNSHIP CoLbTy PID C CODE INSPECTIONLAST INT. EXT. VALUED REVALUED COMMENTS /55-069 ,6s-069, 3b 5D aoJ �✓ /D-/+1-94 /0:,29- (S�- Li31. Oo/DRU _l l -,f l /n -.J• 9 2 /Zen, ✓ 9;f� /n-�7 9� /s5 6n/ ,O l ✓ J-rO /0-,o9.9,p 06 20 46 /n --99a /55-c�9-�?a�C �2e1. ✓ — 1� �9-9� !45 n�fl- DD/oleo IW -A.- ✓ — m- -791- 2 /_SS-D/o9-no/ado i2ad, ✓ — /n.-Ig•9,1 JS.S-G'•l8-00//70 12c•�. ✓ 1-90 /0;�9 9� /55 o�iF- DUV[ O_ pleo ✓ /-q/ /n J 9- 9: SS-d.�ti-Dod'oly Klv '� 1-90 �n• 19 9.J t5s-D/.5-a•1o7o �?e�. � /-�- In-aB-�a ins-n=/-a�aosd ti-ra- ✓ /-FA• /n•�.�aa /.55-A16-OWD?c ►au /90 /o-as9� -oo-loa ti _J,_ ✓ 1- ,Q9 00//qo /SS-OS�- 00 /llcU 11L:. ✓ l'8, /D-a7f,•`1.1 /SS-03�- DD�D.� lea. ✓ l-�F•9.7 r ;5-n/s-�°v _ syr ✓ I - K i ln,�;�a /SS -0/S- normo/o __✓ l - SI 10-0)7��-- /.cs-6/l - OW014- AIQ ✓ ► - YY /o -a9 -9.L 155 --Grimm �d /a �y'9d— X20 ,�l�a�i ern �oWn NEW CONSTRUCTION LIST - 1992 bate Mercent PIUa Address Issued Complete 155-031-002050 122 Balboul Circle 4/7/92 1U0% 18'x24' Attached Garage and House Resided with Vinyl Siding 155-070-001110 2530 Briar Oakes Blvd. 8/21/92 100% New House 155-010-034150 100 East Broadway 1/7/92 100% Interior remodel 155-010-053070 141 E. Broadway. Suite 3 7/16/92 100% Interior Remodel. Interior Partition Wall 155-010-053070 141 E. Broadway. Suite 2 3/16/92 100% Interior Remodel. Interior Partition Walls 155-040-003110 348 E. Broadway 11/2/92 100% Window Sash, Insert Replacement 155-015-014090 424 E. Broadway 4/27/92 100% House and Garage Shingles Removal and Replacement 155-015-003010 549 E. Broadway 4/6/92 100% Install New Pitched Roof Over Existing Flat Roof 155-015-012060 606 E. Broadway 7/15/92 100% 12'x17' Deck 155-015-011100 700 E. Broadway 10/7/92 100% Removal and Replacement House Shingles 155-010-035090 124 W. Broadway 6/4/92 100% New Rear Building Entry Facade, 3 New Doors 155-010-035090 124 W. Broadway 4/10/92 100% Demolish Existing Garage 155-010-036100 2 West Broadway 10/6/92 100% 8'x22' Garage Addition 155-010-037140 354 W. Broadway 4/10/92 100% Interior Remodel. Add Partition Walls, New Bathroom Fixtures and Heating Syotem Date Percent PLDs Address Issued Complete 155-010-048070 519 W. Broadway 9/17/92 100% Remove h Rplc House Roof Shingles A Siding New Soffits, Facia Window k Door Trim 155-010-040110 636 W. Broadway 10/30/92 100% Remove h Replace Fire Damaged Roof Shinales, Sheathing, Trusses and Sheetrock 155-010-041080 718 W. Broadway 5/18/92 100% Removal and Replacement House and Garage Roof Shingles 155-010-043050 900 W. Broadway 5/8/92 100% 22'x30' Detached Garage 155-020-004025 1111 W. Broadway 5/7/92 100% Removal and Replacement House and Garage Siding. Cover Soffit and Facia 155-024-001140 1713 W. Broadway 2/10/92 100% Install New Siding. Cover Soffit. Facia, Window and Door Trim 155-800-332300 2801 W. Cty Rd ♦75 8/17/92 (Doug will take 24'x42' Paint Shop Building (NSP) care of) 155-033-001240 5 Bunker Circle 8/10/92 100% Basement Finish 155-010-053111 107 Cedar Avenue 5/11/92 100% Finish Old Workshop Area 155-010-034040 213 Cedar Street 6/23/92 100% New Doors and Windows Installed in New Openings. Interior Removal and Room Finish 155-010-034040 213 Cedar Street 6/10/92 100% Removal Bathroom Partition Wall. New Under- ground Plumbing and New Building Floor 155-500-114201 506 Cedar Street 7/1/92 100% Interior Completion Leased Space 155-500-114201 512 Cedar Street 9/28/92 100% Interior Completion Leased Space 155-500-114201 530 Cedar Street 11/6/92 100% Interior Completion Leased Space 155-500-114201 560 Cedar Street 6/10/92 100% Interior Completion Leased Space Date Percent PID# Address Issued Complete 155-033-001160 2 Center Circle 10/1/92 100% Removal and Rplc 3 sides House Siding 155-018-002030 200 Chelsea Road 10/1/92 30% 140'x140' Manufacturing Building 155-066-001010 213 Chelsea Road 5/14/92 100% 75'x135' Building Addition 155-073-001010 307 Chelsea Road 10/14/92 20% 107'x100' and 25'x23' Manufacturing Building 155-064-003010 219 Crocus Lane 5/22/92 50% Install 30'x40' Egress Crank Out Basement Window, Finish Bedroom in Basement 155-010-042060 203 Elm Street 8/11/92 100% 12'x12' Deck 155-022-00 m u 505 Elm Street 10/14/92 100% 16'x18' House Addition 155-033-001030 5 Fairway Drive 9/1/92 0% 24'x28' Attached Garage 155-033-002080 16 Fairway Drive 5/20/92 100% 16'x20' Deck 155-033-001210 17 Fairway Drive 1/17/92 100% Removal A Replacement House and Garage Siding, Cover Window and Door Trim with Aluminum 155-033-004050 26 Fairway Drive 4/3/92 100% 10'x17' 3 -Season Porch 155-011-000092 602 Fallon Avenue 6/24/92 100% Removal and Replacement of House Roof Shingles 155-061-002140 9551 Gillard Ave. N.E. 8/13/92 100% New House and Garage 155-061-002010 9751 Gillard Ave. N.E. 11/23/92 35% New House, Garage and 3 -Season Porch 155-061-001010 9801 Gillard Ave. N.B. 2/13/92 100% New House and Garage Remove and Replace House A Garage Siding, Soffit and Facie, Window and Door Trim, Covered Vinyl Window Inserts and Replacements Date Percent PIDa Address Issued Complete 155-500-101100 901 Golf Course Road 6/26/92 100% 87'x174' Maintenance Storage Building 155-500-101100 901 Golf Course Road 6/1/92 100% Remove existing 28'x80' Pole Building 155-030-001020 1001 Golf Course Road 11/17/92 100% Demolish Existing House 155-500-101203 1009 Golf Course Road 9/8/92 0% 24'x24' Attached Garage Addition 155-015-023010 1013 Hart Boulevard 11/23/92 100% Interior Main Entrance Remodel 155-070-002150 1125 Hawthorne Place S. 12/17/92 5% less driveway New House with Garage 155-070-002110 1130 Hawthorne Place S. 7/13/92 100% New House and Garage 155-U70-002140 1155 Hawthorne Place S. 11/6/92 35% less driveway New House and Garage 155-070-001090 1045 Hawthorne Place N. 2/18/92 100% New House with Tuckunder Garage 155-026-001090 101 Hedman Lane 9/14/92 100% Remove and Replace House and Garage Siding 155-073-003100 9050 Heron Court 10/7/92 15% less driveway New Hoose and Garage 155-073-003090 9051 Heron Court 9/17/92 15% less driveway New House and Garage 155-031-001080 147 Hedman Lane 2/14/92 100% Replace Siding, Doors. Trim, Repair Drywall 155-024-001100 103 Hilloreat Circle 4/1/92 100% House and Garage Siding 155-013-002061 103 Hillcreat Road 5/20/92 100% Reshingle House and Garage 155-013-001030 104 Hillorest Road 10/21/92 100% Remove and Replace House A Garage Siding, Soffit and Facie, Window and Door Trim, Covered Vinyl Window Inserts and Replacements Date Percent PID& Address Issued Comolete 155-013-001040 106 Hillcrest Road 9/17/92 100% Remove and Replace House and Garage Siding, Soffit and Facia, Window and Door Trim, Covered Vinyl Window Inserts Replacement 155-048-004030 210 Jerry Liefert Drive 4/7/92 100% New House and Garage 155-048-001170 123 Jerry Liefert Drive 5/28/92 100% 12'x16' Movable Shed 155-021-002400 109 Kenneth Lane 5/7/92 100% 12'x16' Deck 155-048-002040 200 Kevin Longley Drive 7/15/92 100% New House and Garage 155-048-001030 215 Kevin Longley Drive 5/12/92 100% 10'x12' Deck 155-500-154403 206 K.iellberg E. TrailPk 6/8/92 N/A 14'x14' Bedroom Addition to Mobile Home. 14'x16' Screen Porch 155-500-154403 211 K.jellberg E. TrailPk 7/2/92 N/A 8'x10' x 6'x8' Deck 155=500-154403 222 K.iellberg E. TrailPk 4/13/92 N/A 10'x12' Deck 155-500-154403 502 K.iellberg E. TrailPk 5/8/92 N/A 12'x16' Storage Building 155-010-054090 2 Locust Street 3/11/92 100% Demolish Existing House 155-010-037040 215 Locust Street 9/1/92 100% Remodel Enclosed Porch into Larger Kitchen Area 155-010-038050 211 Linn Street 2/21/92 100% Removal and Replacement of House Roof Shingles 155-073-003030 5144 Mallard Lane 8/11/92 100% New House and Garage 155-073-003040 5148 Mallard Lane 9/17/92 100% leas drivewav New (louse and Garage I PIDk Address 155-073-003050 5152 Mallard Lane New House and Garage 155-073-005100 5171 Mallard Lane New House and Garage 155-073-003120 5190 Mallard Lane New House and Garage 155-072-005110 5191 Mallard Lane New House and Garage 155-073-003130 5200 Mallard Lane New House and Garage 155-073-003140 5220 Mallard Lane New House and Garage 155-072-004010 5250 Mallard Lane New House and Garage 155-069-001010 5031 Martin Drive New House and Garage 155-069-001020 5035 Martin Drive New House and Garage 155-069-001050 5051 Martin Drive New House and Garage 155-069-001060 5061 Martin Drive New House and Garage 155-069-002020 5080 Martin Drive New House and Garage 155-069-001070 5081 Martin Drive New House and Garage 155-069-001080 5101 Martin Drive New House and Garage 155-069-001090 5121 Martin Drive New House and Garage 155-073-002010 5124 Martin Drive New House and Garage 155-073-001030 5127 Martin Drive New House and Garage Date Percent lasued Complete 10/7/92 35% less driveway 9/21/92 40% less driveway 8/13/92 100% 12/11/92 15% less driveway 11/30/92 35% less driveway 8/14/92 100% 9/1/92 100% less driveway 10/21/92 35% less driveway 2/26/92 100% Missed 100% in '91 3/2/92 100% 1/3/92 100% 3/17/92 100% 4/13/92 100% 5/7/92 100% 9/1/92 100% less driveway 9/17/92 100% 155-026-001080 115 Marvin Elwood Road 10/21/92 100% 12'x14' Deck 155-026-003080 128 Marvin Elwood Road 5/19/92 100% 10'x33' Deck 155-035-002010 307 Marvin Elwood Road 4/28/92 100% 12'x16' Deck 155-059-003060 2800 Meadow Lane 3/20/92 100% New House and Garage 155-059-003070 2820 Meadow Lane 3/31/92 100% New House and Garage 155-045-005050 1100 Meadow Oak Drive 5/7/92 100% Removal and Replacement House and Garage Siding 155-044-003140 2601 Meadow Oak Lane 2/18/92 50% Basement Finish - Interior Wall Partitions and 2 Fixture Bathroom 155-010-040041 209 Minnesota Street 4/16/92 100% Basement Finish. Egress Windows, Inside Exterior Wall Framing, Insulation and Sheet - rock, Bathroom Shower 155-014-003170 104 Mississippi Drive 9/10/92 50% Move in Existing House with Entry and Attached Garage 155-014-002030 109 Mississippi Drive 9/8/92 100% Window Removal and Replacement 155-014-001040 237 Mississippi Drive 10/1/92 100% 20'x20' 4 -Season Porch 155-011-000011 253 Mississippi Drive 7/8/92 100% Remove and Replace Front House Siding 155-045-004060 2801 Oakview Lane 6/9/92 0% 12'x16' Deck 155-045-006030 2822 Oakview Lane 3/6/92 90% Basement Finish - 3 Fixture Bathroom, Family Room and 2 Bedrooms 155-045-004040 2841 Oakview Lane 3/3/92 0% Basement Finish - 3 Fixture Bathroom and Family Room 155-045-006010 2862 Oakview Lane 3/17/92 50% Basement Finish - Family Room and 2 Bedrooms 155-010-056020 419 West River St. 8/11/92 100% Removal and Replacement 14'x18' and 12'x6' Decks. Removal 2 upstairs bedroom windows and replace with bay window Date Percent PID* Address Issued Complete 155-010-035060 205 Pine Street 8/18/92 100% Demolish Existing Public Restroom Facilities Building 155-010-015010 508 Pine Street IHwy. 251 8/1/92 100% Interior Remodel 155-010-015010 508 Pine Street IHwy.251 2/28/92 100% 450 square foot Building Addition 155-037-001050 k 1200 Hwy #25 South 8/10/92 100% 1550037-001060 Interior Remodel 155-035-004210 355 Prairie Road 4/21/92 100% House Brick Front 155-015-013011 213 Ramsey Street 8/3/92 100% Removal and Replacement House Shingles 155-057-001050 2761 Red Oak Lane 5/11/92 100% 10' x18' Deck and 18" Open Porch Addition 155-057-00160 2781 Red Oak Lane 5/8/92 100% 12' x30' Deck 155-010-067130 212 East River St. 10/6/92 50% Remove Existing Entry and Replace with 10'x22' 3 -Season Porch 155-010-067130 212 East River St. 10/1/92 100% Remove and Replace House Roof Shingles 155-040-002050 242 East River St. 7/8/92 100% Removal and Replacement House and Garage Roof Shingles 155-015-003110 500 East River St. 12/21/92 100% Build a Gambrel Roof Over Existing Flat Roof Garage 155-015-001040 718 East River St. 10/13/92 100% Remove and Replace House and Garage Siding 155-010-056020 419 West River St. 8/11/92 100% Removal and Replacement 14'x18' and 12'x6' Decks. Removal 2 upstairs bedroom windows and replace with bay window Date Percent P1Dt Address Issued Complete 155-010-048131 518 West River St. 8/17/92 0% 20'x28' Detached Garage 155-010-058030 607 West River St. 4/21/92 100% 12'x15' Screened Porch 155-010-060010 825 West River St. 6/10/92 100% Removal and Replacement House and Garage Siding, Cover Window,Door, Trim, Soffits and Facia 155-010-061030 911 West River St. 5/27/92 100% 8-1/2'x13' House Addition and Interior Remodel 155-020-001051 1021 West River St. 8/26/92 100% Garage Addition, 4-Season Porch., Frame in Garage area into House Walk-In Closet. Front Wood Step, 2 Bay Windows, 10'x14' Deck 155-020-002080 1133 West River St. 3/6/92 100% Deck 155-500-034202 1210 West River St. 3/6/92 100% Removal and Replacement of House Roof Shingles 155-023-001050 1312 West River St. 6/9/92 100% 12'x20' Storage Building 155-500-034200 1323 West River St. 7/1/92 N/A 16'x66' I Story Home on Crawl Space 155-500-031300 1335 West River St. 4/28/92 N/A 8'xlZ' Deck 155-500-031300 1335 West River St. 8/31/92 N/A 12'x12' Bedroom and 8'x12' Entry Addition to Mobile Home 155-021-002230 1500 West River St. 6/30/92 100% 8'x14' Deck and Removal and Replacement House (Back Only) Siding 155-013-002020 1609 West River St. 6/26/92 100% 10'x12' Dog Kennel Addition to Garage 155-024-001010 1800 West River St. 7/24/92 100% Front Step and 4 Window Replaced Removal and Replacement House and Garage Roof Shingles 155-500-182101 422 Riverview Drive 12/8/92 0% Basement Finish - 1 Bedroom and 1 Bathroom 155-074-001010 620 Riverview Drive 8/13/92 75% Date Percent PIU• Address Issued Complete 155-500-041105 1805 West River St. 7/6/92 100% 12'x12' Deck Whirlpool 155-500-041102 1811 West River St. 7/22/92 100% Demolish Storage Building Removal and Replacement of House and 155-016-000050 317 Riverview Drive 12/22/92 100% Remove and Replace Southaide House 155-012-001050 1217 Sandy Lane 7/15/92 100% Roof Shingles Siding, Cover Soffit, Facie, Window and Door 155-017-001020 409 Riverview Drive 1/14/92 100% Enclose 12'x38' Patio 155-069-002080 5061 Starling Drive 1/17/92 100% 155-017-002040 412 Riverview Drive 1/21/92 100% Removal and Replacement House and Garage Roof Shingles 155-500-182101 422 Riverview Drive 12/8/92 0% Basement Finish - 1 Bedroom and 1 Bathroom 155-074-001010 620 Riverview Drive 8/13/92 75% 155-074-001020 630 Riverview Drive 90% 155-074-001030 640 Riverview Drive 65% 155-074-001040 650 Riverview Drive 90% New Townhouses with Garages and Decks 155-051-003050 133 Sandberg Road 7/28/92 100% Remove Old Whirlpool and Install New 8'x14' Whirlpool 155-027-001010 200 Sandberg Road 3/16/92 100% Wood Frame Single Story Office 155-020-004011 1120 Sandy Lane 5/8/92 100% Removal and Replacement of House and Garage Roof Shingles 155-042-001030 1124 Sandy Lane 11/24/92 0% Gas Fireplace 155-012-001050 1217 Sandy Lane 7/15/92 100% Removal and Replacement House and Garage Siding, Cover Soffit, Facie, Window and Door Trim 155-069-003030 5050 Starling Drive 3/11/92 100% New House and Garage 155-069-002080 5061 Starling Drive 1/17/92 100% New House with Tuekunder Garage Removal and Replacement Roofing and Roof Insulation on High School Roof Date Percent PID* Address Issued Complete 155-069-003040 5070 Starling Drive 3/18/92 100% New House and Garage 155-069-002070 5081 Starling Drive 7/6/92 100% New House and Garage 155-069-003050 5090 Starling Drive 6/18/92 100% New House and Garage 155-069-003060 5100 Starling Drive 6/1/92 100% New House and Garage 155-069-002060 5101 Starling Drive 5/21/92 100% New House and Garage 155-069-003070 5110 Starling Drive 6/4/92 100% New House and Garage 155-073-002040 5141 Starling Drive 9/1/92 100% New House and Garage 155-073-005090 5190 Starling Drive 10/21/92 35% less driveway New House and Garage 155-073-005040 5210 Starling Drive 9/21/92 100% less driveway New House and Garage 155-073-005180 9090 Tanager Circle 8/20/92 100% New House and Garage 155-073-005120 9091 Tanager Circle 10/1/92 35% less driveway New House and Garage 155-073-005130 9121 Tanager Circle 10/20/92 35% less driveway New House and Garage 155-073-005160 9140 Tanager Circle 8/21/92 100% New House and Garage 155-073-005140 9141 Tanager Circle 8/21/92 100% New House and Garage 155-073-005150 9160 Tanager Circle 10/1/92 35% leas driveway New House and Garage 155-010-001010 50 Thomas Park Drive 9/14/92 0% 9'x6' Equipment Enclosure Building 155-015-026010 302 Washington Street 8/21/92 100% Removal and Replacement Roofing and Roof Insulation on High School Roof 8'x12' Entry with New Roof Over House Addition 155-010-001011 216 West Seventh Street 10/28/92 100% Interior Remodel Commerical Lensed Space Date Percent PI Ds Address Issued Complete 155-010-031010 200 West Third Street 9/8/92 100% Interior Remodel 155-010-029070 406 West Third Street 5/4/92 100% 11'x14' Addition onto Existing Home 155-010-039010 525 West Third Street 8/18/92 50% 155-0 10-039020 Bedroom Remodel. New Roof on Porches. Residing 155-010-033090 106 East Third Street 4/6/92 100% Removal and Replacement of House and Garage Roof Shingles 155-040-004030 330 East Third Street 3/19/92 100% 14'x28' Addition to Existing Home. Reroof and reside home 155-015-036030 424 East Fourth Street 5/22/92 100% 10'x24' House Addition 155-015-032010 713 East Fourth Street 4/8/92 100% Install 2 new Pitched Roofs over 2 Existing Flat Roofs 155-010-020070 406 West Fourth Street 4/28/92 100% Reshingle over Existing House and Garage Roof Shingles 155-010-029010 425 West Fourth Street 4/13/92 100% Removal and Replacement House Roof Shingles: Reshingle Garage Roof: Basement Egress Window 155-010-021070 506 West Fourth Street 6/16/92 100% 24'x30' Detached Garage 155-010-011020 409 West Sixth Street 5/6/92 100% 24'x26' Detached Garage 155-010-011030 413 West Sixt Street 10/28/92 Check in 1993 Remove Existing Addition and Roof, New 11994 assessment) 8'x12' Entry with New Roof Over House Addition 155-010-001011 216 West Seventh Street 10/28/92 100% Interior Remodel Commerical Lensed Space Council Agenda - 2/22/93 12. Consideration of annual municipal maintenance agreement with Wright Countv. W.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND For many years, the City of Monticello has contracted with Wright County for snow and ice removal on various county roads. The 1993 maintenance agreement requested by the County includes Countv State Aid Hiehwav 75 from Willow Street near Pinewood Elementary School to the east junction of County State Aid Highway 39, and Countv State Aid Hiehwav 39 from the Monticello Public Works building to the west junction of County State Aid Highway 75. For County (toad 75, we perform all of the snow and ice removal with the exception that both the City and the County perform sanding operations on that elevated portion of County Road 75 between the hospital and the Rondhus Corporation property. For County Road 39, we perform approximately 257 of the snow and ice removal based upon whether we hit the area first or the County does. The County reimburses us on a per -mile cost based upon the previous year's cost incurred by the Comity. For 1993. hosed on the 1991 average annual cost, we would le reimbursed $3,637.H3. D. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first, alternative would he to approve the 199:1 maintenance agreement with Wright County as presented, it copy of which is enclosed for your review. 2. The second alternative is not to approve the maintenance agreement. C. STAFF RECOMMENDA'T'ION: It is the recoulnlendation of the Public Works Director that the City Council autht wire approval of the maintenance agreement as outlined in alternative 111. This agreementallows us to give our citizens a higher level of service than if the work were being totally performed by the County, as we must travel these areas to reach other portions of the city and generally start a few hours prior to the County beginning their operations. 1). SUPPORTING DATA: l'opy of the letter from Wright County and the 199;1 agreement. 19 JNT Y O,c WRIGHT COUNTY O� �s2 DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS P Z Wright County Public Works Building + m Route No. I - Boz 97-B Buffalo, Minnesota 55313 i 6 Jet. T.H. 25 and C.R. 138 �y Telephone (612) 682-7383 7856 January 14, 1993 Rick Wulfsteller, Administrator City of Monticello 250 East Broadway Monticello, MN 55362 Re: 1993 MaigIce Agreement Dear M f. WAYNE A FINGAISON, P F.. Hiih..y E.gn ' &B—MAA DAVID K. MONTEBELLO, P E. Aeaetnrn High --Y F.ngin 6U -73A7 RIUHARIIE. MARyUh'TTE Right d wey Ag- 682-7,386 rent6927,389 It is once again time to renew our annual municipal maintenance agreement for the maintenance activities (in the road(s) listed on the enclosed agreement. Your may remember that the costs used in computing th+ reimbursement for the maintenance agreements is the highest average annual cost per mile for either the rural or municipal roadway segments in the previous year. This is consistent with state -aid procedures. In most cases maintenance activities are more costly in municipal areas therefore these are the routine maintenance costs that are used in computing the cost per mile for reimbursement. To give you an idea of the cost for each maintenance activity we have shown the 1991 average cost per mile for each activity in the 1993 maintenance agreement. I have enclosed two copies of the 1993 agreement for your review and approval by City Council. Please return both copies of the executed agreement. After approval by the County Board, one of the copies will he returned to you for your tiles. A check reimbursing your city for the maintenance activities covered under our 1992 agreement, has been sent to you under separate cover. If you have any questions concerning this please don't hesitate to contact our office. Happy New Year! Sincerely, Wa ne A. Fingals Co Highway 7iner Enclosure: (2) 1993 Maintenance Agreements W A F/jas Equal Opportunity / A//vatatiw Aetwn Ernplgyer L i MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT - 1993 THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into by and between the City of Monticello hereinafter referred to as the 'City" and the County of Wright hereinafter referred to as the "County". WHEREAS, Chapter 162, Minnesota Statutes, permits the County to designate certain roads and streets within the City as County State Aid Highways, and WHEREAS, the City has concurred in the designation of the County State Aid Highway within its limits as identified in County Board's resolutions of August 28, October 8, November 5, December 3, December 27, 1957 and January 7, 1958, and WHEREAS, it is deemed to the best interest of all patties that the duties and responsibilities of both the City and the County as to maintenance on said County State Aid Highways to be clearly defined, NOW THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED with regard to said County State Aid Highway maintenance: That the City will be responsible for routine maintenance on the following highways. MAINT. PLAN ROAD SEGMENT MILES COST/M1.' TOTALCOST' 1. CSAH 75 Willow St. to E. Jct. CSAH 39 3.74 952.31 $3,561.64 (Includes four lane Portion.) 2. CSAH 39 From City Public Works Bldg. to 0.32 238.08 76.19 W. Jct. of CSAH 75 _ TOTAL = 4.06 $3.637.83 That routine maintenance shall consist of the following: (Maint. Plan) I. (CSAH 75) - Snow and ice removal. 2. (CSAH 39) - 25% of the snow and ice removal. *Based on 1991 average annual costs. That when the City deems it desirable to remove snow by hauling, it shall do so as its own expense. The City shall also be responsible for all snow and ice removal on sidewalks and other boulevard related maintenance outside the curb or street area. That the County will he responsihle for all other maintenance. That the City shall indemnify, save and hold harmless the County and all of its agents and employees of any form against any and all claims, demands, actions or causes of action of whatever nature or character arising out of or by reason of the execution or performance of the work provided for herein to be performed by the City. It is further agreed that any and all full-time employees of the City and all other employees of the City engaged in the performance of any work or services required or provided for herein to he performed by the City shall he considered employees of the City only and out of the County: and that any and all claims that may or might arise under Workmen's Compensation Act of the State of Minnesota un behalf of said employed while so engaged and any and all claims made by any third panics as a consequence of any act or omission on the pan of said City employees while so engaged on any of the work or services provided to he rendered herein shall he the sole ohligation and responsibility of the City. (Sheet I of 2) That the County shall indemnify, save and hold harmless the City and all of its agents and employees of any form .gainst any and all claims, demands, actions or causes of anions of whatever nature or character, whether at law or equity, arising out of or by reason of the execution, omission or performance of the work provided for herein to he performed by the County including, but not limited to, claims made arising out of maintenance obligations of County, engineering, design, taking or inverse condemnation proceedings. It is further agreed that any and all full-time employees of the County and all other employees of the County engaged in the performance of any work or services required or provided for herein to be performed by the County shall be considered employees of the County only and not of the City; and that any and all claims that may or might arise under the Workmen's Compensation Act of the State of Minnesota on behalf of said employees while so engaged and any and all claims made by any third parties as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of said County employees while so engaged on any of the work or services provided to be rendered herein shall be the sole obligation and responsibility of the County. That in December of 1993 . the City shall receive payment from the County for their work. This amount shall he based on the 1992 average annual cost per mile for routine maintenance on Municipal County State Aid Highways. "Ilse average annual cost per mile will reflect only those costs associated with the areas of routine maintenance for which the City is responsible. ADOPTED 19 ATTEST: ,'ity Clerk Mayor CERTIFICATION 1 hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of a resolution duly passed, adopted and approved by the City Council of said City on 19_ APPROVED AND ACCEPTED: COUNTY OF WRIGHT Chairman of the Board ATTEST: County Coordinator City Clerk Name of City (Shen 2 of 2) /-2 Council Agenda - 2122/93 13. Consideration of gambling license renewal --American Legion Post 260. (R.W.) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The American Legion Club currently operates gambling facilities at their club. The Legion has to apply for renewal of their existing license from the Minnesota Gambling Control Division; and as part of the application, the City Council must pass a resolution approving the issuance of the licenses if they are to he renewed. If the Council is opposed to the license being granted, the Legion Club will be unable to submit their application. As required by Council policy before renewal is granted, enclosed you will find a summary of the Legion Club's revenue, expenditures, and funds available for charitable donations from their operations for the past year. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Accept the summary report as presented and adopt the resolution approving the application for renewal, 2. Do not adopt the resolution approving reissuance of the license. It is my understanding that if not approved by the City, the application cannot he submitted for renewal. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It has been the Council's past policy not to oppose tiny gambling license application. The City staff does not have any reason to recommend the renewal applications be denied. D. SU1111ORTING DATA: Copy of resolution for adoption; Copy of renewal application; Summary of last year's activities. 20 RESOLUTION 93. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF G_AMi1LING LICENSE WHEREAS, the Amerism Legion Post 260 has submitted an application to the City Council of Monticello for the renewal of a charitable gambling license to conduct gambling at their facility located in Monticello, and WI IEREAS, upon review of the organization's activities, Lhe Council is not opposed to the gambling licenses being reissued by Lhe State Gambling Control Hoard, and NOW, THEHEFORI-1, Ills IT ICESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL that the American Le{,rion Post 260's application for license renewal listed above is hereby approved, and Clio Stale Gambling Control Hoard is authorized to process the applications. Adopted by the City Council this 22nd day of February, 1993 Mayor City Administrnlor STATE OF MINNESOTA COR T1210PPR PRINTED$02/09/93 BOARD V9E ONLi ANT PAID GAMBLING CONTROL BOARD PREMISES PERMIT RENEWAL APPLZCATZON CHECK NO. DATd LICENSE NUMBER: B-00672-001 EFFECTIVE DATES 08/01/91 EXPIRATION DATES 07/31/93 NAME OF ORGANIZATION: American Legion Post 260 Monticello S INFORMATION NAME OF ESTABLISHMENT WHERE GAMBLING WILL BE CONDUCTED As Legion Post 260 306 BL St ' Monticello 53362 COUNTY WRIGHT IS THE PREMISES LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS?$ Y .LESSOR INFORMATION DOES YOUR ORGANIZATION OWN THIS SITE?$ Yes IF NO, LIST THE LESSORS NAME OF PROPERTY OWNER (WHEN NOT LESSOR)$ SQUARE FEET PEP MONTHS 0 AMOUNT PAID FOR RENT PER MONTHS 0 'ARE FEET PER OCCASIONS 0 AMOUNT PAID PER OCCASIONS 0 BINGO IS CONDUCTED ON THIS PREMISESS No 306 Elm St Monticello NN 55362 lot National Bank Bos 239 Monticello MM 85362 GAMBLING BANK ACCOUNT NUMBERS �IB ON THE LINES PROVIDED BELOW, LIST THE HAKE, ADDRESS AND TITLE OF AT LEAST TWO PERSONS AUTHORIZED TO SIGN CHECKS AND MAKE DEPOSITS AND WITHDRAWALS FOR THE GAMBLING ACCOUNT. THE ORGANIZATION'S TREASURER MAY NOT HANDLE GAMBLING FUNDS. (BE SURE TO COMPLETE TES REVERSE BIDS OF THIS APPLICATION) THIS FORM WILL 63 MADE AVAILABLE IN ALTERNATIVE FORMAT (I.E. LARGE PRINT, BRAILLE) UPON Pr QUEST ACKNOWLEDGMENT GAMBLING PREMISES AUTHORIZATION I HEREBY GIVE CONSENT TO LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS, THE GAMBLING CONTROL BOARD, OR AGENTS OF THE BOARD, OR THE COMMISSIONER OF REVENUE OR PUBLIC SAFETY, OR AGENTS OF THE COMMISSIONERS, ENTER THE PREMISES TO ENFORCE THE LAW. BANK RECORDS INFORMATION THE GAMBLING CONTROL BOARD IS AUTHORIZED TO INSPECT THE BANK RECORDS OF THE GAMBLING ACCOUNT WHENEVER NECESSARY TO FULFILL REQUIREMENTS OF CURRENT GAMBLING RULES AND STATUTES. I DECLARE THATt • I HAVE READ THIS APPLICATION AND ALL INFORMATION SUBMITTED TO THE GAMBLING CONTROL BOARD; • ALL INFORMATION IS TRUE, ACCURATE AND COMPLETS;; • ALL OTHER REQUIRED INFORMATION RAS BEEN FULLY DISCLOSED; • I AM THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER OF THE ORGANISATION; • I ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE FAIR AND LAWFUL OPERATION OF ALL GAMBLING ACTIVITIES TO BE CONDUCTED; • I WILL FAMILIARIZE MYSELF WITH THE LAWS OF MINNESOTA GOVERNING LAWFUL GAMBLING AND RULES OF THE GAMBLING CONTROL BOARD AND AGREE, IF ISSUED A PREMISES PERMIT, TO ABIDE THOSE LAWS AND RULES, INCLUDING AMENDMENTS TO THEM; • ANY CHANGES IN APPLICATION INFORMATION WILL BE SUBMITTED TO THE GAMBLING CONTROL BOARD AND LOCAL UNIT OF GOVERNMENT WITHIN TEN DAYS Of THE CHANGE; • I UNDERSTAND THAT FAILURE TO PROVIDE REQUIRED INFORMATION OR PROVIDING FALSE OR MISLEADING INFORMATION MAY RESULT IN THE DENIAL OR REVOCATION OF THE PREMISES PERMIT. SIGNATURE OF CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER DATE LOCAL OOVBRBBIIT ACKNOWLEDGMENT THE CITY• MUST SIGN THIS APPLICATION IF THE GAMBLING PREMISES IS LOCATED WITHIN CITY LIMITS. Z. THE COUNTY-- AND TOWNSHIP-- MUST SIGN THIS APPLICATION IF THE GAMBLING PREMISES IS LOCATED WITHIN A TOWNSHIP. 1. FOR TOWNSHIPS THAT ARE UNORGANISED OR UNINCORPORATED, THE COUNTY— IS REQUIRED TO ATTACH A LETTER TO THIS APPLICATION INDICATING THE TOWNSHIPS STATUS. ♦. THE LOCAL UNIT OF GOVERNMENT (CITY OR COUNTY) MUST PASS A RESOLUTION SPECIFICALLY APPROVING OR DENYING THIS APPLICATION. 5. A_COPY OF THE LOCAL UNIT OF GOVERNMENT'S RESOLUTION APPROVING THIS APPLICATION MUST_ FIX ATTACHED TO THIS APPLICATION, 6. IF THIS APPLICATION IS DENIED BY THE LOCAL UNIT OF GOVERNMENT, IT SHOULD NOT BE SUBMITTED TO THE GAMBLING CONTROL BOARD. TONNSEIP; BY SIGNATURE BELOW, THE TOWNSHIP ACKNOWLEDGES THAT THE ORGANIZATION IS APPLYING FOR A PREMISES PERMIT WITHIN TOWNSHIP LIMITS. CM- OR COUMTT•• TOWNSHIP• - CITY OR COUNTY NAME I TOWNSHIP NAME SIGNATURE OF PERSON RECEIVING APPLICATION I SIGNATURE Of PERSON RECEIVING APPLICATION TITLE DATE RECEIVED I TITLE DATE RECEIVED REFER TO T'BS CRECRLIBT FOR RZQUIRED ATTACHMENTS KAIL TOo OAIBLING CONTROL BOARD 1711 W COUNTT RD S — SUITE 300 S ROSZVIIJ,S, MS 55111 American Legion Post 260 Donation Expenditures for 1992 Moniicelo School District #RR2 6,459 Fire/Medical Assistance 2,085 Holiday Programs/Flag Maintenance 2,006 Paid Scholarships 15,000 Perpetual Scholarship Fund 20,029 Youth Programs 12,945 Hospital/Nursing Home 2,128 Miscellaneous Community 1,663 Annual Audit 3,000 Real Estate Taxes 15,708 Federal Wagering Tax 4,477 Sales Tax 3,421 88,921 k /3 Monticello Legion - Gambling J 1 Statement of Revenues and Expenses - Regulatory Basis For the Year ended December 31, 1992 ............................... Current Period Cur -Pd • •Year Year -to -Date •Y T D••� Amount Ratio Amount Ratio 1 Revenues Pull Tabs Less, Pull Tab Prizes Paddle Wheel Less, Paddle Wheel Prizes S 1,531,593.00 442.83 S 1,531,593.00 442.83 (1,228,602.00) (355.23) (1,228,602.00) (355.23) 298,142.00 86.20 298,142.00 86.20 (254,153.71) (73.48) (254,153.71) (73.48) ------------- ------ --- ---- ------ ------ Net Game Receipts S 346,979.29 100.32 S 346,979.29 100.32 Cash (Short) and Long S (2,103.06) (.61)$ (2,103.06) (.61) Interest Income 985.10 .28 985.10 .28 Total Revenues ------------- S 345,861.33 ------ - 99.99 S -- ---- - -- --- 345,861.33 ------ f 99.99 20 Tax Paid to Distributors S 35,468.79 10.26 S 35,468.79 10.26 10% Tax/Combined Receipts Tax 52,906.00 ------------- 15.30 ------- 52,906.00 ---- -- -- - --- 15.30 ------ ital State Gambling Taxes S 88,374.79 25.56 S 88,374.79 25.56 1 Allowable Expenses Purchases - Pull Tabs S 39,053.36 11.29 S 39,053.36 11.29 Bank Charges & Misc. Supplies 1,771.87 .51 1,771.87 .51 Compensation - Gambling 11gr. 4,098.85 1.19 4,098.85 1.19 Compensation - Ticket Sellers 73,780.48 21.33 73,780.48 21.33 Payroll Taxes 2,167.08 .63 2,167.08 .63 Repairs & Maintenance 1,107.01 .32 1,107.01 .32 Professional Fees 5,257.00 1.52 5,257.00 1.52 License/Bonds 250.00 .07 250.00 .07 Utilities 2,456.39 .71 2,456.39 .71 Interest Expense 1,303.98 ------------- .38 ------ 1,303.98 .38 ------ Total Allowable Expense $ 131,246.02 ------------- 37.95 S 131,246.02 37.95 Net Profit Before ------------- S 126,240.52 ------ ------------- 36.48 S 126,740.52 ------ 36.48 Lawful Purpose Contribution Lawful Purpose Contributions Contributions S 80,619.78 23.31 S 80,619.78 23.31 Federal Wagering Tax 447.77 .13 447.77 .13 Real Estate Tax 7,854.25 2.27 7,854.25 2.27 Total Lawful Purpose Cont. ------------- S 88,921.80 ------------- ------ ------------- 25.71 S ------ 88,921.80 ------ 25.71 ------ •ofit (Loss) Carryover S 37,318.72 ............. ------------- 10.77 S ...... ............. 37,318.72 10.77 ...... See Accountants' Compilation Report. / Z (4.3 OPC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 01/25/93 12:29:54 /ARRANT DATE VEf+00P btNtKAL LHtl.ltlflb 34603 01/21/93 MONTICELLO CHAMBER O 34607 01/21/93 MINN PARK SUPERVISOR 34608 01/21/93 U.S. POSIMASTER 34608 01/21/93 U.S. POSTMASTER 34609 01/21/93 GOVERNMENT TRAINING 34610 01/21/93 HOLIDAY CREDIT OFFIC 34611 01/21/93 MOBIL 34612 01/21/93 SCHLUENOER CONSTRUCT 34813 01/21/93 MANKATO TECHNICAL CO GENERAL CHECKING Disbursement Journal OESCPIPT10N AMOUNT CL 133 CHECK VOIOEO 70.00CR 1?6 MEMBERSHIP ODES/PARKS 20.00 ?10 POSTAGE/SEW/WATEP BIL 107.95 210 POSTAGE/SEW/MATER BIL 107.95 215.90 72 REG FEE/BLO INSP SEMIN 23.00 85 *FY• 73.31 i 131 *FVA 18.56 187 *FY■ 420.00 1 946 REG/SEMINAR/FIRE DEPT 225.00 TOTAL 975.77 RRC FINAN;;IAL SYSTEM 01!25/93 16:02:08 Oisburaement Journal WARRANT DATE VENDOR OESCRI PTION AMOUNT GENC2AL YCCK: 34614 01/26/93 BOSE/TOM 336 MILEAGE EXPENSE/SEMIN 129.53 34615 01/26/93 COMPRESS AIR b EQUIP 356 FIRE DEPT EQUIPMENT 148.03 34616 01/76/93 0 & K REFUSE RECYCLI 611 JANUARY RECYCLING C 7.711.80 34617 01/26/93 OEMMER FIRE PROTECTI 674 EQUIPMENT/FIRE DEPT 117.28 34618 01/76/93 FRAUENSHUH COMPANIES .90284 •FY* 371.26 34619 01/26/93 li V C CHEMICAL CORPO 713 %FY* 259.21 34670 01/26/93 INTEPNATIONAL SOCIET 91 MEMBERSHIP DUES/FIRE 0 60.00 34621 01/26/93 MN PUBLIC TRANSIT AS 363 MEMBERSHIP DUES/M BUS 50.00 3461? 01/76/93 MON710ELLO POTAPY 138 •Fvo 125.50 34623 01/26/93 NORTHWEST ASSOC CONS SSO •FY• 489.41 0 46824 01/26/93 MN OEPA• : OF NATURAL 118 WATERCRAFT 0 OMOV R 1.204.00 EtRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 01/09/93 13:35:49 .ARRANT DATE VENDOR CENERAL CHECKING 34675 01/10/93 AMEPICAN NATIONAL BA 346?S 01/10/93 AMERICAN NATIONAL SA 34625 01/10/93 AMERICAN NATIONAL BA 34625 01/10/93 AMERICAN NATIONAL BA 34625 01/10/93 AMERICAN NATIONAL BA 34625 01/10/93 AMERICAN NATIONAL BA 34625 01/10/93 AMERICAN NA110N►L BA 34625 01/10/93 AMERICAN NATIONAL BA 34675 01/10/83 AMERICAN NATIONAL SA 34625 01/10/93 AMERICAN NATIONAL BA 34675 01/10/93 AMERICAN NATIONAL SA 34625 01/10/93 AMERICAN NATIONAL P..A 34625 01/10/93 AMERICAN NATIONAL BA 34625 01/10/93 AMERICAN NATIONAL BA 34625 01/10/93 AMERICAN NATIONAL BA 34625 01/10/93 AMERICAN NATIONAL SA 34625 01/10/93 AMERICAN RATIONAL BA 34625 01/10/93 AMERICAN NATIONAL BA 34675 01/10/93 AMERICAN NATIONAL BA 34625 01/10/93 AMERICAN NATIONAL BA 34675 01/10/93 AMERICAN NATIONAL FA 4625 01/10/93 AMERICAN NATIONAL BA 34675 01/10/93 AMERICAN NATIONAL BA 34625 01/10/93 AMERICAN NATIONAL BA 34675 01/10/93 AMERICAN NATIONAI BA 14625 01/10/93 AMERICAN NATIONAL SA 34675 01/10/93 AMERICAN NATIONAL BA 34675 01/10/93 AMERICAN NATIONAL SA Disbursement Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT f 7 INTEREST/1990C GO 8 8.150.00 7 PRINCIPAL/1990C GO 20.000.00 7 INTEREST/1991A GO 13.885.00 7 PRINCIPAL/1991A GO 75.000.00 7 INTEPEST/1990A GO 17.770.00 7 POINCIPAI./1990A GO 55.000.00 7 INTEREST/1999 GO 80 6.761.25 7 PRINCIPAL/1989 60 ?5.000.00 7 INTEREST/19908 00 19.810.00 7 PRINCIPAL/19908 GO S5.000.00 7 INTEREST/TIF (NAWCO 4.847.50 7 PRINCIPAL/TIF (NAW ?0.000.00 7 INTEREST/TIF (CONST 9.596.25 7 PRINCIPL/TIF (CONS )5.000.00 7 INTEREST/TIF (VEIT 1?.612.50 I PRINCIPAL/TIF (VEI 10.000.00 7 INTEREST/1980 GO 6 11.160.00 I PRINCIPAL/1086 GO ?5.000.00 7 INTEREST/INTERCEP 27.SS7.SO 7 PRINCIPL/INTERCEP 60.000.00 7 Iw EkEST/1968 WATE 32.951.25 7 PRINCIPL/19SS WATE 55.000.00 7 INTEREST/1986 GO 6 50.230.00 7 POTNCIPI/1995 GO 6 90.000.00 7 INTEREST/TIF (ELOE 11.110.00 7 PRINCIPL/TIF (ELDER 5.000.00 7 INTEREST/19900 GO 11.363.75 7 PRINCIPL/19900 60 30.000.00 900.145.00 14626 01/10/9) ARROWHEAD EMS ASSOC .90261 SEMINAR/6 FYLE/J WEIN 300.00 ♦4027 01/10/93 FIRST TRUST CENTER 14627 01/10/93 FIRST TRUST CENTER .44627 01/10/91 FIRST TRUST CENTER 34627 01/10/93 FIRST TRUST CENTER 14627 04/10/93 FIRST TRUST CENTER 14627 01/10/93 FIRST TRUST CENTER 34620 01/10/93 FOSTER-FRANZIN-CARLS 59 60000 PYMT/FSI PRIM 25.000.00 S6 $ONO PYMT/FSI INFER 2.156.?S S6 60000 PYMT/64-1 PRI 60.000.00 S9 60000 PYMT/64-1 INTE 2.6SO.00 56 SONG PYMT/FIRE NA 675.000.00 56 SONO PYMT/F HALL 124.716.00 669.661.25 61 $ONO RENEWAL/FIRE DEPT SO.00 14629 01/10/9) HERMES/JtRRY 91 LISRARY CIEANING CONT 777.50 34630 01/10/93 KRAMSER 6 ASSOCIATES 0*0 ASSESSING CONTRACT 1.675.00 / 14611 01/10/61 MINN POLLUTION CON72 127 SEMINAR FEE/M THEISEN 70.00 •0 6kC LINANI"IAL SYSTEM 01/09/93 13:35:49 .ARRANT DATE VENDOR GtNERAL CHECKING 34634 01/10/93 MONTICELLO ANIMAL CO 34633 01/10/93 NORWEST BANK MINNESO 34633 01/10/93 NORWESI BANK MI14NESO 34633 01/10/93 NORWEST BANK MINNESO 34633 01/10/93 NOPWEST BANK MINNESO 34633 0:/10/93 NORWEST BANK MINNESO 34633 01/10/93 NORWEST BANK MINNESO 34634 01/10/93 PREUSSE'S CLEANING S 34635 01/10/93 REACH EQUIPMENT 34636 01/10/93 SAMUELSON/STEVE 34637 01/10/93 SPRINGSTEO. INCORPOR 34636 01/10/93 WRIGHT COUr.TY AUOITO 34639 01/10/03 Y.M.C.A. OF MINNEAPO GENERAL CHECKING OisbUrsement Journ>. DESCRIPTION AMO:JNT 165 ANIMAL CONTROL CONT 1.100.00 154 PRINCIPAL/1977 GO 29S,000.00 154 INTEREST/1977 GOB 17.800.00 154 MISC FEES/1977 GO SON 796.10 154 PRINCIPAL/1976 SW 10 0.000.00 154 INTEREST/1976 SW GO 3.0150.00 154 MISC FEES/1976 SW GO 700.00 40 6.346.10 s, 173 JAN CLEANING CONTRACT 400.00 705 BUCKET RENTAL/XMAS L I 351.45 S70 FIRE HALL CLEANING CON 50.00 307 LEGAL FEES/FIRE HA 10.645.77 219 SHERIFFS CONTRACT ? 1.793.00 224 JAN CONTRACT PYNT 625.00 TOTAL 1.93 3.460.02 EF•C. FINAW' AL SYSTEM 1?✓21/92 09:47s4? .RRAWT DATE VENDOR GENERAL CHECKING 346x0 01/0?/93 BUSINESS RECORDS COR 34641 0102/93 HERMES/JERRY 3464? 01✓0?/93 IN INSTITUTE OF MUf4I 34643 01/02/93 LAKE COUNTRY CHAPTFP 34644 01/02/93 MINN DEPUTY REGISTRA 34545 01/02/93 MINNESOTA ANIMAL CON 34646 01/02/93 MONTICELLO AGENCY. I 34647 01/07/93 MONTICELLO ANIMAL CO 34649 01/02/93 MONTICELLO SENIOR Cl 34849 01/02/93 NORTH STAR CHAPTER '44650 01/02d9? PPOVES" OVAL eroVICr (4 (44651 01/02/93 QUINLAN PUBLISHING GENEPAL CMEC-ING C Disbursement Journal nEiCRlPTION AMOUNT 27 COMPUTED, MTC AGRMT 5.970.00 91 LISPARY CLEANING CONT 227.50 494 MEMBERSHIP DUES/RICK W 70.00 449 1993 BLO INSOECT DUES 20.00 1?i DEP REG MEMBERSHIP OU 710.00 111 1993 ANIMAL CONTROL OU 20.00 142 BONO FEE/R WOLFSTELLER 50.00 195 ANIMAL CONTROL CONT 1.100.00 139 SENIOR CITIZENS CON 7.933.33 150 1993 BLD INSP MEMBER 0 30.00 ?5 WWTP C0*11RACT PAYM 29.000.50 I?? BLD INSPECT SUSSCRIPTI 7?.00 TOTAL 40.103.33 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 01/09/93 13:09:33 Disbursement Journal .ARRANT DATE VENDOR DE5CRIP7ION AMOUNT utNtkAL CHECKING 346$2 01/08/93 MN DEPART OF NATURAL 118 TITLED WATERCRAFT 128.00 348S3 01/08/93 MN DEPART OF NATURAL 116 WATERCRAFT/SNOW/ATV R 613.00 34654 01/08/93 MINNESOTA NAMPO 581 SEMINAR/OLLIE K 200.00 34655 01/08/93 NATIONAL BUSINESSWOM .90279 SEMINAR/OLLIE K 69.00 34656 01/08/93 U.S. POSTMASTER 210 3RD CLASS BULK FEES 75.00 34656 01/08/93 U.S. POSTMASTER 210 SEWER WATER MAILINGS 82.52 34656 01/08/93 U.S. POSTMASTER 210 SEWER WATER MAILINGS 8?.52 240.04 • 34657 01/06/93 U.S. P057MASIER 210 SEWER WATER MAILINGS 27.29 34657 01/08/93 U.S. POSTMASTER 210 SEWER WATER MAILINGS 27.29 54 .'is GENERAL CHECKING TOTAL 1.304.62 C 6FF( FINANCIAL SYSTEM 01/26/93 12:30:30 ARRANT DATE VENDOR GENCFAL C1'CCXIf:a Disbursement journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 34658 01/22/93 WRIGHT COUNTY STATE 221 C.O./INVESTMENTS 83.408.28 34658 01/22/93 WRIGHT COUNTY STATE 221 BANK CHARGE/WIRE C•63.423.28 34659 01/22/93 EFFECTIVE SAFETY COM .90282 SEMINAR REG 65.00 34660 01/22/93 M14 DEPART OF NA10RAL 118 WATERCRAFT/SNOW/ATV 1.383.00 34661 01/22/93 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA 98 R£G/SEMINAR/P OLSEN 125.00 34662 01/22/93 EFFECTIVE SAFETY COM .90282 SEMINAR REG 130.00 34663 01/22/93 CHICAGO TITLE INSURA 699 BRAGER PROJECT PAY 20.375.00 34664 01/22/99 MN OEPAPT OF NATURAL 118 WATERCRAFT/SNOW/ATV 1.220.00 34665 01/22/93 MN DEPART OF NATURAL 118 WATERCRAFT TITLE 39.00 GENERAL CHECKING TOTAL 106.759.28 k ::rIAN IAL SYSTEM 01/2L193 08:33:18 WAPRANI GATE VE"+'"�•> rsataAt rmFf7A:N4 34666 01129/93 CELLULAR ONE 34887 01/29/93 MONTICELLO BAKERY A 34686 01 /29193 CENTURY LASTS 34569 01 /29/93 MN SOCIETY Or AQAORI 34670 07/29/93 MONTICELLO ANIMAL CO 34670 01/29/93 MONTICELLO ANIMAL CO 34977 01/29/93 MINNESOTA HOMEWARDS GENERAL CHECKING Diyoursement Journal DESCPIPTION A•avQ?JI i, � 555 CIV,,- r.EFFNSE PHONF CH 36.69 889 MISC CIVIL DEFENSF 9.00 276 SHOP i OARAGE SUPPLIES 72.19 129 PARKS MEMBERSHIP DUES 15.00 195 ANIMAL ADOPTIONS 292.00 48S MIC ANIMAL SUPPLIES 196.97 486.97 •Cr. 704 ANIMAL ADOPTIONS 180.00 TOTAL 7.407.85 0 ;.;- G '.A% Ai sVS;EM (72/02/93 15135: Sir i dAPPANI OAIE Vkr::4k GENEkAL CkECKING 34672 02/01/93 PE11V CASH 14672 02/01/93 PETTY CASH 34672 02/01/93 PETIV CASH 34672 02/01/93 PETTY CASH 34672 02/01/93 PETTY CASH 34672 02/01/93 OFTTY CASH 34673 02/05/93 AUDIO COMMUNICATIONS 34674 02/05/93 BIFFS. INC. 34675 02/05/93 COMPUTER PARTS 6 SER 34676 02/05/93 EMED CO INC 34876 02/05/03 EMED CO INC 34676 02/05/93 EMED CO If+l 34676 02/OS/93 EMED C0 Int 34676 02/05/93 EMED CO INC 34676 02/05/9) EMED CO IN.0 36670 02/05/93 f14£- CC I'.' 34416 02/OS/93 EM.EO CO INC 34611 02/OS/91 FEEDR'ITIt COM3MOLS. I 34676 02/05/93 HERMES/JERRY 34679 02/05/93 HO"UNO BUS COMPANY 34690 02/05/03 Hf`LMES B ORAVEN 34.591 WOWS) J 10 01L COMPANY 74607 02/05/9) K"t ES SA19D i GRAVEL 34693 02/OS/9) L 40 R SERVICES - L 14064 0?105/69 LU'KAE'N/JOH4 14694 01/05/93 LUKACH/JOHN 14664 02/06/1$ LUKACN/JOHN 14664 9t/06/0) LUKACH/jOHN picqur.dm+.nt �nurnai CIE 54F'Ir"1]ON AMOUNT 166 *FV* 40.48 186 *FY* 7.64 166 *FV* 5.00 188 ►FY► 3.17 186 IFFY* 12.75 188 •FY* 5.89 75.13 17 REPAIR CIV DEFENSE CA 178.84 195 LATRINE PENIAL/PARKS 70.26 SOO COMPUTER UPDATE CHCS 305.60 .00206 "NO SMOK1Nd SIGNS" 39.28 .90268 "NO SMOKING SIGNS" 39.76 .90?06 "NO SMOKING SIGNS" 39.28 .90286 "NO $MO%LNG SIGNS" 39.29 .00226 "NO SMOKING SIGNS" 78.54 .90266 NO SMOKING SIGNS" 39.26 SMCzItts S:ONS" 39.28 .90206 "NO SMOKING SIGNS" 36.26 361.60 SB MISC PROF SERVICES/MAT 93.00 91 LIBRARY CLEANING CONT 277.50 62 YEH REPAIR PARTS/STREE 93.30 66 *FV* 1r2..S3 9S GAS/STR(ET OEPT 783.00 692 SNOW REMOVAL CHARGES 266.00 103 REPAIR LOCK AT CITY HA 35.00 321 MILEAGE EXPENSE 11.13 327 MIL148E EXPENsE 10.56 127 MILIAGE 1XPEN6E 10.57 )27 MILEAGE EXotM6E 10.57 63.40 7461% 02/05/9) M11i14E60TA SAF(TY COu &S0 *11410SHIP outs/o110RKS 96.56 C14666 02/OS/9) MOMTICELLO ANIMAL CO 196 A01MA4. tOMtRQI CONT 1.100.09 *f" *Cr I .i i, iINAaC1 AL $VS'It M 0?/Oa/93 15:35:59 WAPPANI OATS Vi.,_-r.a (,ENE RAL ':OFC d ING 34601 02/06/63 WOO ELLO E:A�;EPV b 34699 07/05/93 TI_ _L0 SENIOR CI 34499 02/05/93 VACIJUM CE 34690 02/05/93 NATIONAL EUT1IINti PAT' )4690 O2/O5/93 NATTONA�, 14415tiING PAR 34691 020S/93 PLUMfEPY-PURCELL'S P 34691 02/05/93 PLUMSERY-PURCELL'S P 34692 02/05/93 PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 34693 02/06/93 RIVERSIDE OIL 34694 02/0S/93 ROYAL TIRE Of MONTIC 34055 02/OS/93 SAF - T LA: IFL. Ir:C. 34699 02/06/93 SENTRY SYSTEMS 34697 02/06/93 1URNOUIS1 PAPER COMP 34697 02/OSi93 TURNOVIST PAPER CC.MP of-sbursement :ourmal OESl-FIPIlON AMOQ?41 099 MISC EXPENSE/CIV OEFEuS 9.00 139 FEB MONTHLY CONTRIS 2.833.33 141 VACUUM FEPAIRS/LIERAP 129.40 144 swULP REPAIR PARTS/STRT 2.89 146 VEHICLE REPAIRS/STREET 40.77 43.45 231 REPATRS/WWTP RENTAL 56.31 251 EOVIP REPAIR PARTS/STRT 2.91 59.12 17S WWTP CONTRACT PAYM 29.600.50 496 GAS/STREET DEPT 694.94 227 VEH REPAIR PARTS/STREE 74.64 .90285 *FY* 51.15 169 FIRE: ALARM MTC/FIRE H 125.00 206 CITY MALI SUPPLIES 7G.S5 206 FIRE HALL SUPPLIES 76.55 153.10 SS.9S 6.76 37.9)4.91 34696 02/OS/93 VERTtSOFT SYSTEMS. I .90263 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 31,699 0:105/93 WRIG141-4E114EPIN COOP 512 UTILITIES GW RAL CHECKING TOTAL •,., I a.,. I •C.i E%RC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 02/O6/93 15,10:00 Difburaemo-nt "our•nal WAFFA,l OAT( VEN0OP DE SC PIPTION AMC.UNT GENERAL C14E:1(ING 34700 02/06/93 COLLEGE 01 ST CAME:' .90287 PEG FEES/K OOTY/C SHU 190.00 34701 02/05/9$ %ORTHWEST MI1`1aa--k-A 156 REG FEE/GARY A 10.00 34702 02/OS/93 MN DEPART OF NA'VFA, 118 WATEP TITtf 10.00 347(13 02/05/9) MN DEPART OF NATURAL 118 WATERCRAP7/SNOW/Ary R 958.00 36704 07/05/93 U.S. POSTMASTER 210 POST 0:6:ICE BOX PENPAL 7.15 34709 02/00/93 BRIDGEWATEk MILE HON 24 TELEPHONE C I i A R G E S 631.23 34706 07/08/93 SPIDGEWATER TELEPHON 24 7ELEPHONE CHARGES 61.09 34705 02/09/93 BRIDGEWATER TELEPHON 24 TELEPHnNf CHARGES 47.71 34705 02/08/93 BRIDGEWATER TELEPHON ?4 TELEPHONE CHAP.GES 37.18 34705 02/08/93 BRIDGEWATER TELEPHON ?4 TELEPHONE CHAQr-ES 63.43 14705 02/08/93 BRIDGEWATER TELEPHON 24 TELEPHONE CHARGES 40.86 34705 0?/00/93 BRIDGEWATER TELEPHON 24 TELEPHONE CHARGES 13.50 34705 02/08/93 EIRIUGEWAI'ER 1ELEPHGN 24 TELEPHONE CHARGES 112.90 34105 02/08/93 BRIOfEWATER TELEPHON 24 TELEPHONE CHARGES 39.02 34706 02/6+/93 BRIDGEWAIER 11LEPHON 24 TELEPHONE CHARGES 37.26 j47OS 02/09/93 BRIDGEWATER TELEPHON 24 WAREHOUSE RENTA1/PW0V ,. An, nn 1,484.24 )4706 07/00/97 BRUCE DALSEC. INC. .90289 REPAIR/SENIOR CIT B 2.116.06 34707 02/09/93 COPY 00KCATINB PROD 41 LIBRAPY COPY MCH MTC 42.29 34748 07/00/93 FIRST TRUST C** TtR S8 AOMSN FEES/TIF (fS11 646.25 )470S OI7O8/93 FIRST TRUST CENTER Se ACMlt1 FfES/94 GO BCM+O 648.25 1.296.50 14704 0:108793 FOSTEP-FRANIEN-CABLE 61 SOILER MCM INS PPEM 2.109.00 34110 02/08/07 800410 STATE ONE LAL 99 PROF SERV/WATER DEPT 15.00 34111 0?/08!93 MOGLU40 COACH LINES 687 HEARTLAND BUS CONT* 4.683.34 )4112 02/09/91 .7E99Y HEtLMAN CONS1 .90168 REPAIR/SENIO* CIT & 4.09S.S6 14713 021f06/91 k MART STORE 460 CAMERA/'CITY HAIL 177.44 x4716 02/08/93 MIDWEST GAS COMPANY 115 UTILITIES 411.42 34714 07/08/93 MJOWEST GAS COMPANY 115 UTILITIES 161.63 14114 OT/08/97 AIIOWEST GAS COMPANY 115 UTIt1TIE8 142.10 74716 0i/08/91 010101ST OAS COMPANY 114 U13tIT1E5 72.88 ri114 01/09/93 010WtfT GAS COMPANY 115 UTILITIES !19.98 16716 OT/!8/S3 MIDWEST GAS COMPANY 113 UTILITIES 1.161.77 G 4.956.34 A •c1 ♦C11 ov 1 D., 0 1,^,3 1!•:'J't0 -Ar PAN" CIA7E V ♦:_ jG GENFRA, CHECKING 34715 02/08/93 MINNESOTA PUPAL WAIE 34715 02/08/93 MINNE30TA RURAL WATE 34118 02/08/93 MN 38/400 USER GROUP 34717 02/08/93 NUTECH ENVIRONMENTAL 34718 02/09/99 O'NEILL/JEFF 14719 02/08/43 PAGE LINK 34719 02/08/93 PAGE LINK 34719 02108/9) PAGE LINK 34719 02/08/9) PAGE LINK )4714 02/08/93 PAGE LINK 34719 02/08/93 PAGE LINK 34719 07/09/93 PAGE LIN► 34719 02/08/93 PAGE LINK )4720 02/08%33 :JYA, I`78URA1o_E 34721 02/06191 UNI106 F'ENTA`. SERVIC 34721 02/08/93 WNITOG RENtAl SERVIC 14121 02f09/93 VNITOG RENTAL 6LRVIC )A& 721 02/08/23 tWZ'T06 RENTAL SERVIC 14721 O?i08/93 WM'IT00 RENTAL SERVIC 94721 02/06/8? UNIT06 RENTAL, SLAVIC 34122 02/08/93 VASKO RU"ISH REMOVA 14729 02/09/9) VASCO RUSSISH REMOVA 34721 02/0x/93 WOUSTC LLER/RICHARO GENERAL CHICKINS C/ Ois"rsem!nt journal WSUIPTION AM.:IINT 129 REG FEE/MATT T/WATEP 0 614.00 170 REG FEE/JOHN S/P WOPeS $5.00 130.00 300 MEMBERSHIP DUES 80.00 157 CNE MICALS/WWTO 1.299.50 161 MILEAGE EXPENSE 110.37 703 PAG ER CHARGE S 21.30 703 PAG E4 CHARGES 21.30 103 PAGER CHARGES 24.50 703 PAGER CHARGES 21.10 703 PAGED CHARGES 21.30 703 PAGER CHARGES 21.,10 703 PAGeF CHARGE$ 21.30 703 vAc3ER CHARGE 5 21.90 173.00 714 .•:S :RE*Alww-r 2£r1, 378.00 211 LNIFOtck RENTAL 11.58 211 UNIFORM RENTAL 17.59 211 UNIFOPM RENTAL 16.00 214 UNIFORM RENTAL 16.00 711 UNIFORM RENTAL 87.18 211 nN IFORM RENTAL 49.59 187.99 S74 GARBAGE CONTRACT 44 Ovit9.42 b?4 SALES TAX/GARBAGE COX 511.21 9.104.69 217 NI sc E x9ENSE Ab.21 70TAL 32.992.10 BRC. FINANCIAL SYSTEM 02/11/93 13:41:09 ..ARRANT DATE VENDOR GENERAL CHcrrTNA 34724 02/17/93 SHEARSON LEHMAN BROT 347?S 02/17/93 MN DEPART OF NATURAL 34776 02/17/93 MN OEPAPT OF MATUPAL 34727 02/17/93 KOROPCHAK/OLIVE 34776 02/17/93 NORTHERN STATES POWE 34728 02/17/93 NORTHERN SATES POWE 34728 07/17/93 NOPTHEPN STATES POW( 34728 02/17/93 NORTHERN STATES POWE 34776 02/17/93 NORTHERN STATES POWE 34728 02/17/93 NORTHERN STATES POWE 34728 02/17/93 NORTHERN STATES POWE 34728 02/17/93 NORTHERN STATES POWE 34778 02/17/93 NORTHERN STATES POWE 34728 02/17/93 NORTHERN STATES POWE 34129 02/17/93 LAKRY BLUM 34730 02/17/99 PRINCIPAL MUTUAL LIF 34731 02/17/9) U.S. POSTMASTER 34737 02/17/93 STATE TREASURER 34133 02/11/93 GOVERNMENT TRAINING 34733 07/17/93 GOVERNMENT TRAINING 31,133 02/17/93 GOVERNMENT TRAINING 34734 02/17/93 MN DEPART OF NATURAL 34735 07/11/93 MN D90API OF NATURAL 34736 02/11/93 ARA CORY REFRESHMENT 34737 07/17/93 BEN FRANKLIN 14136 02/17/93 6(RGSTROM EROS. INC. ;4719 07/17/9) CENTRAL MCGOVAN. INC 74740 02/17/93 CENTURY LASS ( 14141 07/17/9) COAST TO COAST 34141 02/11/93 COAST TO COAST 34741 07/17/9) COAST 10 COAST Disbursement JOurnsl DESCRIPTION AMOUNT CLAI1 $59 C 0 PURCHASE/INVES 73.570.00 118 WATERCRAFT TITLE 40.00 118 WATERCRAFT/SNOW/ATV R 676.00 97 MILEAGE EXPENSE 23.87 148 UTILITIES 3.045.95 148 UTILITIES 75%•77 148 UTILITIES 4.479.91 148 UTILITIES 106.3E 148 UTILITIES 511.84 148 UTILITIES 14.48 148 UTILITIES 434.97 148 UTILITIES 363.89 148 UTILITIES 1.075.84 148 UTILITIES 761.53 11.050.54 .90289 MISC PURCHASE/CITY HA1 80.00 174 INS PREMIUM PAYMENT 140.19 210 POSTAGE/CITY HAIL 1.500.00 .90290 800KS/PLANNING i ZONING 9.00 12 REG fEE/JOHN SIMOLA 15.00 72 PEO FEE/ROGER MACK 15.00 12 REG FEE/RICK WOLFSTELL 15.00 45.00 119 WATERCRAFT TITLE 39.00 119 WATERCRAFT/SNOW/ATV R 152.00 409 CITY HALL SUPPLIES 63.00 20 POSTAGE/MATER OEPT 21.00 21 VEH REPAIR PARTS/STREE 42.41 30 SHOP & GARAGE SUPPLIES 74.59 219 SHOP R GARAGE SUPPLIES 59.02 IS VIM REPAIR PARTS/STREE 11.39 IS SHOP S GARAGE SUPPLIES 9.78 36 ANIMAL CONTROL SUPPLI 70.49 *CHE0 •CHEC SPC F IF)ANCIAL SYSTEM 02/1 7/9) 13:4 1 :09 .ARRANT OATE VENOOR 3ENERAL CHECXING Disbursement Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 3474107/17/93 COAST TO COAST 35 MISC REPAIR SUP/C HALL 14.75 3474102/17/93 COAST TO COAST 35 PARK SUPPLIES 39.75 3474107/17/93 COAST TO COAST 35 SMALL TOOLS/STREET DEP 23.47 3474102/17/93 COAST TO COAST 35 MISC SUPPLIES/STREETS 14.52 3474102/17/93 COAST TO COAST 35 SMALL TOOLS/SHOP S GAR 4.04 3474102/17/93 COAST TO COAST 35 CLEANING SUP/LIBRARY 23.56 217.17 3474202/17/93 COMMUNICATION AUOITO 38 REPAIR FIRE DEPT PAGE 287.61 1474207/17/93 COMMUNICATION AUDITO 38 2 NEW PAGIOS/FIRE 0 1.384.50 1.672.11 34743 02/17/93 COMPUTER PARTS & SER 600 COMPUTER MTC AGREEMEN 206.23 34744 02/17/93 DYNA SYSTEMS 50 SHOP A GARAGE SUPPLIES 97.56 34745 02/17/93 FAST PHOTO IMAGE CEN .90152 NEWSLETTER PICTURES 10.94 34746 02/17/93 FEEDRITE CONTROLS. I 56 MISC PROF SERVICES/WAT 69.00 34746 02/17/93 FEEDRITE CONTROLS. I 56 CHEMICALS/WATER DEP 1.629.14 1.697.14 a 34747 07/17/97 FLICKER'S T.Y. i ADV 60 PHONE/PARKS OEPT 32.95 34748 02/17/9) FRONTLINE PLUS FIRE SID TOOS/FIRE DEPT 618.83 347~9 02/17/93 GLASS HUT/TME 66 MTC OF VEHICLES/STREE 139.97 34750 02/17/9) GOVERN FINANCE OFFIC 71 MEMBERSHIP ODES/RICK 100.00 34751 07/17/9) HARRY'S AUTO SUPPLY 76 MISC SUPPLIES/WATER DEP 6.95 34751 02/17/9) HARRY'S AUTO SUPPLY 781 MISC SUPPLIES/SHOP ! 0 12.96 3476' 02/17/93 HARRY'S AUTO SUPPLY 79 VEH•REP PARTS/MATER Of 39.62 14751 02/17/93 HARRY'S AUTO SUPPLY 78 MISC SUPPLIES/SNOW ► IC 4.37 347911 07/17/93 HARRY'S AUTO SUPPLY 79 VEH REPAIR PARTS/ETRE 264.06 34751 02/17/9) HARRY'S AUTO SUPPLY 16 EQUIP REP PARTS/STREET 31.45 361.63 34752 02/17/9) H(RMES/JERRY 61 LISRARY CLEANING CONT 227.50 3475) 0 7/17/9) K MART STORE 480 SUPPLIES/MATER DEPT 20.18 34 PSI 02/17/0) K MART STORE 460 SUPPLIES/SEWER DEPT 20.15 40.30 its 754 02/17/93 KEN ANOERSON TRUCK IN 697 MISC PROF SERV/ANIMAL 111.63 •4755 02/11/87 KRAMSER i ASSOCIATES 640 ASSESSIN9 CONTRACT 1.573.00 CLAI. 1 KCHECI SCHE." 1 ,C,;C *CHIC.' BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 02/17/93 13:41:09 (.ARRANT DATE VENDOR GENEkAL CHECKING 34756 02/17/93 LIBERTY COMPUTER SUP 34756 02/17/93 LIBERTY COMPUTER SUP 34757 02/17/93 LOCATOR A MONITOR SA 34758 02/17/93 M $ P TRANSPORT. INC 34759 02/17/93 MARGO BUSINESS PRODU 34760 02/17/93 MAUS FOODS 34760 0?/17/93 MAUS FOODS 34760 02/17/93 MAUS FOODS 34761 02/17/93 MN GOV FINANCE OFICE 34782 02/17/93 MONTICELLO ANIMAL CO 34167 07/17/93 MONTICELLO ANIMAL CO 476) 02/17/93 14ONTICELLO BAKERY 8 34784 02/17/93 MONTICELLO OFFICE PR 34764 02/17/93 MONTICELLO OFFICE PR 34784 02/11/93 MONTICELLO OFFICE PR 34165 02/11/93 MONTICELLO PRINTING 34765 02/17/93 MONTICELLO PRINTING 34765 02/17/93 MONTICELLO PRINTING 34768 02/17/93 MONTICELLO TIMES 74760 02/17/93 MONTICELLO TIMES )4760 02/17/93 MONTICELLO TIMES )4766 07/17/93 MONIICEILO TIMES 34767 02/11/93 MTI OISBTRISUTINra CO 34188 02/17/9) NORTHERN STATES POWE 34188 02/17/93 NORTHSTAR PET SUPPLY 34710 02/17/93 NORTHWEST ASSOC CONS 146171 02/11/93 0.1 .1. WINES$ fORM Disbursement Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT CLAI 99 COMPUTER OFFICE SUPPL 192.12 99 COMPUTER PAPER/C HALL 199.04 371.16 434 EQUIP REPAIR/WATER DEP 55.70 265 SAND SAIT MIX/SNOW 1.527.67 106 COPY MCH REPAIR/SHOP 189.87 108 CITY HALL SUPPLIES 74.49 108 ANIMAL CONTROL SUPPLIE 30.25 109 CLEANING SUP/ANIMAL 30.?5 134.90 172 MEMBERSHIP DUES/C HALL 30.00 185 ANIMAL CONTROL CONT 1.100.00 185 MISE SUP/ANIMAL CONTRO 87.30 1.187.30 689 CIVIL DEF/MISC SUPPLIES 9.50 138 MISC SUPPLIES/STREETS 11.51 136 OFFICE SUPPLIES/C MAL 162.04 138 OFFICE SUPPLIES/LISRAR 37.22 210.77 137 PRINTED FORMS/FIRE DEP 37.91 1)7 SEWER WATER RATE CARDS 84.41 137 SEWER WATER RATE CARDS 64.40 186.77 140 PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE 136.60 140 LEGAL NOTICE$ 852.65 140 JOS AO & SNOWPLOWING 139.00 140 SNOWMOSILING INfOR 59.90 999.75 299 VEM MTC/PARS DEPT 684.39 149 STRT LTS/SCHOOL $LVO 904.00 666 OOG F000/ANIMAL CONTR 421.07 $SO MISC PROF SERV/PLAN-2 110.40 IS$ COPY MACHINE PAPER/C 124.16 'CHEC ;CHEC *CHET •CHEC gCME( OCHE( BPL FINANCIAL SYSTEM 0?/17/93 13:41:09 WARRANT DATE VENOOP GENEKAL CNECXING 34772 02/17/93 OLSON & SONS ELECIPI 34712 02/17/93 OLSON A SONS ELECTRI 34772 02/17/93 OLSON 4 SONS ELECTRI 34772 02/17/93 OLSON 9 SONS ELECTRI 34772 02/17/93 OLSON 8 SONS ELECTRI 34773 02/17/93 ORR-SCHELEN-MAYEPON 34773 02/17/93 ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON 34774 0?/17/ 93 PREUSSE'S CLEANING S 34775 02/17/93 RELIABLE CORPORATION 34175 02/17/93 RELIABLE CORPORATION 34775 02/17/93 RELIABLE CORPORATION 34775 02/17/93 RELIABLE CORPORATION 34776 0?/17/ 93 SAMUELSON/STEVE .4777 07/17/9) SHUMAN/CATHY 34778 02/17/9) SPEC MATERIALS. INC. 34179 02/17/93 SPEC MATERIALS. INC. 34779 02/17/93 STAR TPIBUNE 34179 02/17/9) STAR TRIBUNE 34780 02/17/93 WRIGHT COUNTY AUOITO .4780 02/17/9) WRIGHT COUNTY AUO1T0 )4790 02/17/9) WRIGHT COUNTY AUOITO e6190 07/17/93 WRIGHT COUNTY AUOITO 14791 02/17/93 Y.M.C.A. OF MINNEAPO 14792 02/11/9) ZEE MEDICAL SERVICE 14793 02/17/9) 7IEGLER. INC. GENERAL CHECKING Oisbursoment Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT CLAI& 160 REPAIRS/WWTP PENTAL 41.50 160 REPAIRS AT WELL HOUSE 331.16 160 LIGHTS INSTALLED/PARK 438.07 160 MtC OF CITY HALL BLD 5.33 160 MTC OF BLO/LIFT STATIC, 44.88 860.94 162 •FY+ 405.63 162 ENG FEES/BRIAR OAKE$ 146.25 551.88 173 CITY HALL CLEANING PY 400.00 179 OFFICE SUPPLIES/COMPU 773.88 179 MISC SUPPLIES/COMPUTER 41.76 179 OFFICE SUPPLIES/C HALL 37.98 179 DATA RACKS/COMPUTER 58.85 407.47 S70 CLEANING CONTRACT/F HA 50.00 191 MILEAGE EXPENSE 77.16 196 PLOW BLADES/SNOW 9 2.129.00 194 CRACK ROUTER k MEL 24.457.94 26.585.84 197 NEWSPAPER SUS/C HALL 35.10 197 HELP WANTED/MATER DIP 409.00 443.10 219 SHERIFFS CONTRACT 21,19).00 219 A00'L LAND FILL CNA 9.764.01, 219 ASSESSMENT LISTING PRN 22.36 219 DELINQUENT TAX i PENAL 23.57 31.102.94 224 FEB CONTRACT PYMT 675.00 6S4 SHOP 9 GARAGE SUPPLIES 19.96 425 MTC Of EOU1P/STREETS 50.96 TOTAL 167.950.39 A( HEC: r:HEi.r •CHEtk *CHE. . •CNE( k SCHEC- SPC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 01/')9/93 n6:34:04 Disr+l.rsem.nt Journal C. PAN I 4A1 E DE'CPIPl Iri74 AMi,UNI VErojOP LIQUOR FUND 14095 01/20/93 mri DEPT OF POE: TC $A 900125 LICON5EIPE7AT- EFS CAUD 20.00 11696 01/20/'83 JOt•NSON E11:i.j WNOLESA 80P022 LIQL,Va PURCHASE 2.54,4.24 16698 04/20/93 lOauSO" ePip, WH%,,E;A 9(l°)0^: wItiF P11..':tASE 3.596.62 6.100.91 '< 1ii691 01/20/93 PHILLIPS 6 SON, t.7pi 800037 WINO PURCHASE 662.60 16697 01/20/93 PHILLIPS A SONS ':0/E 800031 LIQUOR PURCHASE 1.098.85 1.761.45 • ■ 16698 01/20/93 FLOOR CARE SYSTEMS 600138 �010LILSA440 32.54 16699 01/70/93 GRIGGS. COOPER 8 COM 000019 LIQUOR PURCHASE 3.718,70 16100 01/20/99 QUALITY WINE 4 SPIRI 800040 WINE PURCHASE 1.118.31 16700 01/20/93 QUALITY WINE 4 SPTRI 900040 MTSC ITEMS FOR RESALE 79.76 , 16100 01/?0/93 QUALITY WINE 4 SPIRI 800040 LIQVOR PURCHASE 442.81 1.640.38 16701 01/20/93 PERSIAN'S OUSINESS E 800061 CALCULATOR/OFFICE SUP 172.00 ( 16707 01/70/93 LIEFERT TRUCKING 000075 IFN• 816.65 18103 01/70/83 U S WEST COM14UNICATI 800093 *FY* 24.60 16104 01/20/93 JOHNSON EROS WhOLESA 800022 LIQUOR PuRC" ASI +.369.49 16104 01/20/93 .1OHNSON BROS WHOLISA 800027 WINE PURCHAAA 665.42 7.014.91 • 16105 01/20/91 PHILLIPS ` SM. *d+ U 000097 LIQUOR 4URCHA°F 1.914.27 16708 01/70/9; 6#1'0415. COOPER 4 C004 800016 LIQUOR PQ&CKASE 2.606.73 16701 01/70/92 IAQI.1 WINE C'JMPAvY 800017 WINE PURC44St 141.32 161908 01/20/91 PAUSYI3 i SONS $00103 *FV* 45.80 16700 01/20/93 CITY OF MONTICELLO 600003 •FY• 92.15 10710 01/20/93 GROSSLEIN REVERAGE I 800010 6EEP PURCHASE 11.407.05 14110 01/20/81 GROSSLE10*IVERAGE 1 000019 MISC ITEMS 1900 RESALE 41.40 11.508.26 •, 16111 01/70/93 QUALITY WINt S SPIRI 800040 LIQUOR PURCHASE 7.017.47 10711 01/70/01 QUALITY WINE 4 S►IRI 000040 WINE PURCHASE 410.61 16111 01/20/9! QUALITY WTNE A SPtai 000040 MtSC ITEMS FOR RCSA+.E 11.46 1'i29/�.3 09:34:44 Disourseme— .00rnal C..A:.:.ANi 0ATE vE u7pP CIE SC RIPT TON AMrljNI t .. l W I,vP '.1 14V 1&717 01/20/93 EAGLE WINE COMPANY 800012 WINE PURCHASE 496.73 19113 01/20/93 GRIGGS. COOPER 0 COM 600018 LIQUOR PURCHASE 3.926.59 16714 01/20/93 WRIGHT COUNTY S1ATE 800053 C 0 INVESTMENTS 30.423,47 16715 01/20/93 GRIGGS, COOPER 0 COM 800018 LIOt'OQ PURCHASE 5.704.88 16716 01/20/93 JOHNSON BROS WHOLESA 800022 WINE PURCHASE 576.56 16711 01/20/93 NATIONAL CHILD SAPET 800033 ADVERTISING 66.00 16718 01/20/93 EAGLE WIr+E COMPANY 800012 MISC ITEMS FOP RESALE 21.69 16718 01/20/93 EAGI.E WTN6 COMPANV 800012 WINE PURCHASE 154.16 176.87 �C LIOX—IR fUNG 107sL 76.727.46 b9( .INAN,:IAL SYSTEM 02/02/43 15:.44:1,] Di 9t>u1'ltQm.!nt .'OUrm81 C41APPANT WE VEN6-iP DESCRIP1I44 AMpUNT CL L I O V O'? %-* 16719 02/03/93 PHILLIPS t SONS CO/E 800437 MINE PURCHASE $31.40 16719 02/03/93 PHILLIPS A SONS CO/£ 800037 LIQUOR PURCHASE 230.30 1.161.70 *C: 16720 02/03/43 JOHNSON BROS MHOLESA $00022 LIQUOR PURCHASE 2.5419.?S 16720 02/03/93 JOHNSON BROS WHOLESA 800022 WINE PUPCHASE 1&10.07 1 •C•1 2.956.32 167?1 02/05/93 B 0 D PLUMBING 800146 REPAIR SINK 45.00 16127 0?/05/93 SERNk'K1S t'EPSI LULA 600001 POP PURCHASE 199.20 16723 02/05/93 CITY Of MONTICELLO $00003 "NO SMOKING SIGNS" 39.26 16724 0?/05/93 COAST TO COAST 800004 BULBS 16.30 16724 02/OS/93 COAST T9 COAST 900004 LIQUOR STORE SUPPLIES 11.37 27.15 K' 16725 02/05/93 OAHLHEIM2R DISIRISUI 900009 BEER PURCHASE 14,344.65 187?S 02/OS/93 OAHLHEIMER DISTRISUT $00009 JUICE FOR RESALE 12.50 ( 16726 02/05/9) DAY DISTRIBUTING COM 800010 SEER PURCHASE 627.50 1672? 0?/05/91 DICK W14OLESALE CO.. 900011 BEER PURCHASE 2.909.00 167?7 O4/OS19) DICK WHOLESALE CO.. 000011 LIQUOR STORE SUPPLIES 29.65 2.638.85 �- 16740 02/05/03 FLESCH'S PAPER SERVT $00116 PAPER BAGS 193.70 . 16729 02/05/03 G S K SERVICE 000179 RUG MATS 46.52 19730 02/09/93 GROSS LEIN BEVERAGE 1900019 BEER PURCHASE 3.890.90 16731 02/05/93 HOME JUICE $00110 JUICE FOR RESALE )5.80 19782 02/03/91 JUDE CANDY i TOBACCO 800021 CICS 9' CIGARS FOR RES 2)0.87 1673) 07/OS/93 LIEFERT TRUCKING 800075 FREIGHT CHARGES 910.041 18714 02/OS/93 MONTICELLO OFFICE PR 0000)1 OFFICE SVPPtIES 11.99 107)$ 07/06/91 NORTHERN STATES POPE 000030 UTILITIES 062.09 t07)i 02/09/83 R0419 ICE C000mv 000041 ICE PURCHASE 11.45 167)7 02/06/99 SERVICE SALE$ CORPOR 900042 SUPPLIES 70.61 Bk(. FINAN'JAL SYSTEM 02/02/93 15:34:47 OiSDUrSeMent Journal GARk Cl ANT DATE VENDOR OE$CvIP1I4N AMOUN1 TQUnR FOND 16736 02/05/93 ST. CLOUD RESTAURANT 800045 LIQUOR STORE SUPPLIES $7.25 16738 02/05/93 ST. CLOUD RESTAURANT 800045 MISC ITEMS FOR RESA-E 97.50 154.75 *C.,- C�16739 167 39 02/OS/93 THORPE DISTRIBUTING 800048 BEER PURCHASE !1.730.25 16740 02/05/93 VIKING C0%:A-COLA 607 800051 POP PURCHASE 344.45 16741 02/0$/93 w;gr-t+T WAV SHOPPER 111 ADVERTISING 86.25 16742 02/00/93 bf,1061WATER TELEOMON 600002 TELEPHONE C"kM$ 118.40 16741 01/08/93 EAGLE WInE C,:MOANY 800012 MINE PURCHASE 230.92 16744 02/00/93 GRIGGS. COOPER 6 COM 800018 LIQUOR PURCHASE 1.356.51 1674S 02/08/83 JOHNSON BWS 1IHOLESA 800022 MINE PURCHASE 95.29 16 769 02/00/93 J01+NSON BROS MnO.ESA 600022 LIQUOR PURCHASE 10.25 174.54 st X 10748 V 02/08/93 MAUS FOODS $00027 M16C SUPPLIES 4.32 16 74? 02/08/93 MIOME8T GAS COMPANY 000020 UTILITIES 280.51 - 16 749 02/00/93 MINN DEPARTMENT O7 P 900000 SALES TA= FOR JANUA 9.549.64 16 ;49 02/06/83 MONTICELLO TIMES 800032 ADVERTISING 166.00 16 7" 02/06/93 PAUSTIS 6 $ONS 600103 MINE PURCHASE 75.00 LIQUOR FUND TOTAL 16.959.99 C BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM n2/10/93 16:12:47 Disbursement Journal t VAFRANT DATE VENDOR OESCRIPTION AMOUNT LIQUOR FUNU 16751 02/10/93 FLOOR CARE SVSTEMS 800138 BROOM 25.71 16752 02/10/93 GROSSLEIN BEVERAGE 1800019 BEER PURCHASE 7.000.60 16753 02/10/93 GTE DIRECTORIES SERV 800126 ADVERTISING 32.00 16754 02/10/93 MINNESOTA CROWN DIST 800145 WINE PURCHASE 130.32 15755 02/10/93 PHILLIPS & SONS CO/E 800037 *FV* 748.75 16755 02/10/93 PHILLIPS & SONS CO/E 800037 WINE PURCHASE 287.80 16755 07/10/93 PHILLIPS & SONS CO/E 800037 LIQUOR PURCHASE 1.075.45 2.111.50 16756 02/10/93 TOTAL REGISTER SVSTE 800112 LABELS 10.65 16757 02/10/93 U S WEST COMMUNICATI 800093 ADVERTISING 24.60 LIQUOR FUND TOTAL 9.335.38 COUNCEL UPDATE February 19, 1993 Update relatine to vrouosed desien of School Boulevard sidewalk system. W.O.) At the previous meeting of the City Council, Council authorized development of plans and specifications for phase III of the Cardinal Hills development. However, there was one design issue that remained unresolved relating to the proposed design of the School Boulevard sidewalk system. Council requested that staff do further research on the design width (5' versus - 8') and pave surface type (concrete vs. bituminous). After additional research, staff conversations, and Parks Commission input, it has been concluded that the best alternative is development of a sidewalk or pathway that is 8 ft wide. It is proposed that the sidewalk be 8 fl wide to allow for two-way bike traffic. The communities that I surveyed that have trail plans in place strive to develop off-road trail systems capable of handling two-way bike traffic when the associated street traffic is moving at speeds over 40 mph. It is likely that the speeds on School Boulevard will range from 40 mph to 45 mph; therefore, it is recommended that the pathway in this area he developed with a sufficient width to handle two-way bike traffic. Unless City Council objects to the proposed 8 -ft width of the sidewalk, the City Engineer will he proceeding with preparation of plans and specifications. Both concrete and bituminous surfacing will be included as alternates in the bid specification.