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City Council Agenda Packet 03-22-1993
AGENDA FOR THE MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL Monday, March 22, 1993 • 7 p.m. Mayor: Ken Maus Council Members: Shirley Anderson, Clint Herbst, Brad Fyle, Patty Olsen 1. Call to order. 2. Approval of minutes of the regular meeting held March 8, 1993. 3. Citizens comments/petitions, requests, and complaints. 4. Consideration of an application for a one -day gambling license --Ducks Unlimited Banquet. 5. Consideration of 1993 fee schedule revisions. G. Consideration of proposal from Bridge Water Telephone for new phone system for the public works facility. 7. Consideration of future cable equipment installation for council chambers. 8. Consideration of a resolution amending Cardinal Hills phase III bid opening date from 10 a.m., April 2, 1993, to 10 a.m., April 9, 1993. 9. Consideration to adopt a resolution calling for a public hearing on the proposed modification of the Redevelopment Plan for Redevelopment Project No. 1, the modification of Tax Increment Districts Nos. 1-1 through 1.14, and the adoption of the Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Plan for TIF District No. 1-15 (Custom Canopy). 10. Consideration of a resolution approving final plans for improvement to easthound County Road 75. 11. Consideration of hills for the month of March. 12. Adjournment. MINUTES REGULAR MEETING • MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, March 8, 1993. 7 p.m. Members Present: Ken Maus, Shirley Anderson, Clint Herbst, Brad Fyle, Patty Olsen Members Absent: None 2. Consideration of annroval of minutes of the regular meeting held February 22, 1993. After discussion, a motion was made by Shirley Anderson and seconded by Patty Olsen to approve the meeting minutes as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. Citizens comments/t)etitions, requests, and complaints A. Judy Leming, representing Vaughn Veit, requested that the City grant permission to allow burning of tree limbs and dead trees proposed for removal from the property directly east of the 6th Street Annex. Leming noted that due to the density of the foliage in the area, it provides cover for vandals. She stated that a number of fires have been started in the area, and she noted her concern regarding safety of tenants and customers using back door entrances to the 6th Street Annex. Leming submitted signatures from residents and property owners residing near the proposed burn site. Leming indicated that she is working on obtaining permission from Cedar Crest Apartments. Ken Maus asked if actual trees would be removed or just underbrush. Leming responded by saying that the work will be limited to thinning of the trees and removal of dead trees. Rick Wolfsteller reminded Council that the city ordinance does not allow burning within 650 feet of residential property. There is no section within the ordinance that provides the ability of the City Council to waive this requirement. He noted that the City could be liable if something went wrong. Leming responded by saying that Vaughn Veit will sign an agreement saying he will take full responsibility for any property damage that might result from smoke or fire. After discussion, a motion was made by Shirley Anderson and seconded by Clint Herbst to grant permission to conduct a limited burn of underbrush and dead trees as proposed by Judy Leming contingent on the following: Page 1 Council Minutes - 3/8/93 Preparation of a signed statement from Vaughn Veit indicating that he will take full responsibility for paying any damages associated with the burn. 2. Approval by the fire Chief of the manner and timing of the burn. 3. No site grading allowed due to concerns regarding potential erosion. B. Terry Sievers, representing Hillside Apartments, requested that the City Council consider installing an additional street light at mid -block on Cedar Street. She noted that snowmobiles often use this boulevard; and due to poor visibility, she is concerned that a child may be struck. City staff was authorized to review the situation and report back to Council accordingly. Consideration of approval of the preliminary plat of the Oak Ridee residential subdivision. Assistant Administrator O'Neill reviewed the plat design, which called for development of 80 lots in two phases, the first phase consisting of 62 lots and the second phase 18 lots. The original planned unit development for the area called for development of approximately 160 lots in the same area. O'Neill went on to review the preliminary plat and focused specifically on discussion of the options for ownership of a 12 -acre outlot. The outlot consists of a combination of wetland, storm water detention area, and usable park space. O'Neill stated that both the Parks Commission and Planning Commission agreed that the outlot is a natural amenity that should be preserved for public use as a low -maintenance nature area. Under this alternative, public facilities would consist of a simple woodchip trail system with no mowing of native grasses in the area. He went on to state that the Parks Commission felt strongly that the area should remain accessible for the public to enjoy given the strong support for hiking and biking facilities noted in the community survey. O'Neill went on to outline the other option for ownership of Outlot A, which would require that the property stay in the hands of adjoining property owners. Under this alternative, the property owners are responsible for maintenance of the outlot. If storage of public nuisance items occurs on the outlot, the City can remove the material and assess the cost hack to the property owners. Page 2 Council Minutes - 318/93 Clint Herbst believed that the area should remain accessible to the public and maintained as a low -maintenance nature area. Brad Fyle was concerned that the local residents that ultimately live adjacent to the outlot will request a higher level of maintenance of the outlot. The City may end up having to mow the property. O'Neill responded by saying that the development agreement will require that a document be recorded against each lot that identifies the outlet as a low -maintenance nature area, thereby providing this information to area residents prior to purchase and development of individual lots adjacent to the outlot. Fyle was also concerned that the development could potentially impact ditch 33, which could be a problem for downstream property owners. City Engineer, Bret Weiss, indicated that the developer has been directed to develop a storm water plan that will maintain the existing level of run-off from the site into ditch 33. Specific plans and associated storm water run-off calculations have not been prepared by the developer at this time; however, they must be prepared and reviewed by the City and the County Engineer prior to final plat approval. After discussion, a motion was made by Patty Olsen and seconded by Clint Herbst to approve the preliminary plat of the Oak Ridge subdivision as submitted and grant preliminary approval of the wetland mitigation plan, with final plat approval contingent on the following: 1. Plat should be modified by changing the name Meadow Oak Drive to Oak Ridge Drive. 2. Approval of development plan and utility construction design by City Engineer. 3. Adoption of development agreement and developer providing associated financial guarantees. 4. Approval of wetland mitigation plan by Army Corps of Engineers. 5. Final approval of wetland mitigation plan by the City of Monticello. 6. Approval of plat and associated construction plans by the County Engineer. 7. City Council approval of request to rezone property from planned unit development to R-1. Page 3 Council Minutes - 3/8/93 Preparation of a document recorded against each lot along Outlot A stating that Outlot A will be maintained in its natural state and will not be mowed by the City. Voting in favor of the motion: Patty Olsen, Clint Herbst, Shirley Anderson, Ken Maus. Opposed: Brad Fyle. Fyle indicated that he supports development of the plat as proposed except for the inclusion of Outlot A being owned and maintained by the City. Consideration of a resolution accepting plans and specifications and authorizing advertisement for bids, phase III of Cardinal Hills, and call for a public hearing on improvement proiect. After discussion, a motion was made by Brad Fyle and seconded by Shirley Anderson to adopt a resolution approving plans and specifications and ordering advertisement for bids for Project 93-02C, Cardinal Hills, phase III. Motion carried unanimously. SEE RESOLUTION 93-7. 6. Consideration of financing alternatives for phase III improvement vroiect. Cardinal Hills. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller, noted that normally when the City is involved in constructing sewer, water, and street improvements such as those proposed for Cardinal Hills, the City will issue general obligation improvement bonds to finance the up -front costs of the project. Typically, the bonds will range in length from 7 to 15 years depending on the type of assessment roll we are considering. The developers of Cardinal Hills have requested that the Council consider funding phase III of their subdivision plat internally rather than selling a bond because of the developers' past history in being able to repay assessments within a year of the projects being completed. The advantage for the City and the developers in having the City finance the improvement project internally is that there is a savings of $10,000 to $16,000 in bond issuance cost that is passed on to the project cost. Assuming the City has the money to finance the project internally ($550,000), the City benefits by charging an interest rate that would be comparable to a bond sale rate that would also likely be higher than what the City could invest the same amount for. The disadvanuige for the City would be a potential cash-flow problem in not having funds readily available within the 2 -year time frame to pay for other potential improvement projects that could potentially arise. Wolfsteller noted that in reviewing phase 1 and phase II of Cardinal Hills development, Value Plus has been able to repay projected assessments in a very rapid manner, usually within a year of the phase being constructed. Wolfsteller went on to state that the City does have the ability to finance the $550,000 cost internally. If the trend in housing construction continues as it Page 4 Council Minutes - 3/8/93 has in the first two phases, the City would probably be repaid in 1 to 1 1/2 years: however, past history is no guarantee that demand will be there for future phases, and there is some risk in financing it internally. We have not usually financed a project of this magnitude internally, and if the economy did slow down, we may have to wait a lot longer to recapture our investment. However, even if this did happen, it would not materially affect our cash-flow. Brad Fyle was concerned that funding the project internally puts the City out on a limb, and there is no guarantee that housing development in the area will continue at the pace it has shown in the past two years. He was also concerned that funding the project internally would reduce useable reserves and reduce our ability to fund city-wide projects without issuing bonds. Clint Herbst echced Fyle's concern regarding cash flow. He indicated that he would be more comfortable if the dollar amount was closer to the $200,000 range. Ken Maus stated that it makes sense to consider this proposal because the City can get a better return on its investment by funding the project than it can by purchasing certificates of deposit. After discussion, a motion was made by Brad Fyle and seconded by Shirley Anderson to continue the past practice of financing improvement projects through the sale of general obligation improvement bonds. Voting in favor: Clint Herbst, Shirley Anderson, Brad Fyle. Opposed: Ken Maus, Patty Olsen. Consideration of reviewing veer -end liquor store financial report Council reviewed the report. No action taken. Consideration of annual computer hardware maintenance agreement. Assistant Administrator O'Neill reviewed the quotes obtained from various vendors that provide computer hardware maintenance and recommended that the City Council approve renewal of an annual maintenance agreement for computer hardware with Computer Parte and Service at a cost of $2,870, which is within the budget amount. After discussion, a motion was made by Clint Herbst and seconded by Brad Fyle to approve renewal of the annual maintenance agreement for computer hardware with Computer Parts and Service at a cost not to exceed $2,870. Motion carried unanimously. v Page 6 _ Council Minutes - 3/8/93 Consideration of erantine seasonal 3.2 beer license to the Monticello Softball Association. Rick Wolfsteller reported that at the previous Council meeting no action was taken on renewing the Softball Association's beer license for the NSP ball park facility, as they had not yet reimbursed the City for all the required fees for 1992. The City Council went on to review the Monticello Men's Slow Pitch income report, which showed a net loss of $1,827. Ken Maus stated that adjustments to the manner of operation could and should be made to the concession operation to improve the balance sheet. The Association debts should be current, or the City will need to consider other alternatives for operating concessions at the ball6eld. Clint Herbst suggested that a payment schedule be established which would require that the Association pay the beer license on an incremental basis. He also noted that revenue from team registration is due in mid-May; therefore, it might make sense to require that the 1993 license be contingent on payment of the 1992 balance by May 15, 1993. After discussion, a motion was made by Shirley Anderson and seconded by Clint Herbst to grant the 3.2 beer license to the Monticello Men's Softball Asso6atiun contingent upon receipt of necessary insurance documents and contingent on payment of 1992 balance of $1,500 by May 15, 1993. Motion carried unanimously. 10. Consideration of aauointine new emolovee for water/wastewater collection position. John Simola reported that the City received 50 applications for the position of Water/Sewer Collection System Operator. The selection committee consisted of the City Administrator, Public Works Director, and Water/Sewer Collection System Superintendent. The group had selected six candidates for interview. As a result of the selection process, City staff is recommending that John Middendorf be appointed to the position. Middendorf is a graduate of St. Cloud Technical College and is currently a supervisor for the City of Clarkfield Public Works Department. A motion was made by Clint Herbst and seconded by Shirley Anderson to appoint John Middendorf to the position of Water/Wastewater Collection System Operator. Motion carried unanimously. Page 6 1 -.) Council Minutes - 3/8/93 Consideration of re-desien of nark huildine for West Bridee Park. John Simola reported that the City of Monticello took bids on the original park building design by TKDA and reviewed bids with the City Council on May 11, 1992. The best bid was in the amount of $78,000, which was $26,000 over budget. At that time, it was the consensus of Council to work with the architect to modify the design of the building to cut costs further and look at the potential of utilizing public works employees to assist in construction of the facility. John Simola reviewed two basic alternatives for moving forward on the project. One alternative would he to re -design the building at an estimated cost of $2,560 to bring the building in line with our $52,000 budget and then re -bid the project as a whole for a summer construction project. The other alternative would be to re -design the building but have the City be the general contractor on the project with the possibility of the City crew doing a portion of the work such as concrete flat work and interior paneling installation. Council went on to review the alternatives and discussed the need for the facility. It was the consensus of the Council that the need for the facility as a warming house for ice skating is limited; however, the facility serves also as a warming house for the East Bridge sliding area, and it serves as a shelter for summertime uses. It was, therefore, concluded that the project should be completed. After discussion, a motion was made by Brad Fyle and seconded by Shirley Anderson to authorize City staff to re -design the warming house as proposed in compliance with applicable building code and direct City staff to be the general contractor on the project and authorize City staff to participate in the construction process where appropriate. Motion carried unanimously. 12. Other matters. A. Assistant Administrator O'Neill provided Council with an update on City staff efforts to obtain state and federal funds now available to finance bridge/freeway approach ramps and bikeway projects. Staff will be preparing applications for development of a partial interchange at the intersection of 1-94 and County Road 118 and will be preparing an application for funds to assist in financing construction of Fallon Avenue overpass. In addition, a preliminary application for funds to assist in financing bikeway/walkway development will also be prepared. Il. 011ie Koropchak reported that the HRA has been making progress on its goal of facilitating development of a subsidized or market rate congregate or assisted living senior housing project. She noted that she will keep Council informed of developments as they occur. Page 7 Council Minutes - 3/8/93 Ken Maus observed that the City should consider acting to reduce speed or widen Fallon Avenue at some point in the near future. He requested that City stats contact the Township to explore options for upgrading Fallon Avenue between Chelsea Road and the Cardinal Hills development area. There being no further discussion, the meeting was adjourned. Jeff O'Neill Assistant Administrator Page 8 �a. Council Agenda - 3/22/93 a. Consideration of an aonlication for a one-dav eamblinit license -•Ducks U.."M:ted Ranuuet. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Wright County Ducks Unlimited has requested approval of a one -day gambling license to conduct a raffle as part of the May 10, 1993, annual banquet. As in the past, the banquet has been held at the Monticello Roller Rink. Before the State of Minnesota will grant a license, the City Council must adopt a resolution supporting the request or denying the application. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Adopt a resolution approving issuance of the license. 2. Do not adopt the resolution supporting the license application. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Since the Ducks Unlimited Banquet has been held for a number of years at the roller rink and has always included a raffle as part of the activities, I can see no reason why the City would not want to recommend approval of the one -day license. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of application; Copy of resolution. F90—BOARD USE ONLY FEE GMK LG220 Minnesota Lawful Gambling INIT DATE (a 111r"aar Application for Exemption from Lawful Gambling License Fra in door unshaded portions of this applrcaow for e—pnw, and send if m of Maas IS drys boldo yow pambhg Name and Addtws of organization niter r assns! •• ..wwr«Ibr sa.u. ..w Type of Non pt,gJit Organisation -- Attach prool of oshown Check the box below which Ind i i Iron dror your organization a rmprohr Fraternal I I Retrgroua 0 YN.gfM ly Ol her nonptoln IRS designation \\ Cerofrcatron of good staneng hom the kimeaefo Secretary of Sm M's othw %A A"diate of parw,l I rwwsaal.rwtwwewats��. / . 1 -/ Thr rr)Y:i Financial Report Gem Not Proof mo"W _.... _ _ �- ..ter. �_-•.— __��•�..�� nikee lrpboards LJ full -labs U -..__ I a�.AllMtt .MI leRfMl a V afM;IwIN \IY faimhufM •, I declare all information submitted to the Gambling Control Division is true, accurate, and complete. C/hw escuav: ilo-I.,if ' 0.1. rmcai Geowwreet Acknotuied nt lfwwgwfa666wp.1wf�aw nr4wrlNMllo. Mal M stSle fA 4-E* Eft sly «etarffy. win h Yaat w gfsalN«I.wM r stwrrwd fry w G«„eMq Caresf DaMlsn wfM tylAf/f is f ala to dowdy Oft M OWAM ai;v- MNe '.�— ; "- Ywewewr • 6onse rwn WM ft% mama dwoolsr ear fo.d.r Vann* TO -WP Mar WWWWW Of pan Oon rera—V ft4-- n .,.. /— mom SOPIMMInfiNditcopyy ol�proof dMoro"' anu411,o ,••. m+ w.a.f.f ri�w � 1lwlfr. �11'f RESOLUTION 93 - RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF GAMBLING LICENSE WHEREAS, the Wright County Ducks Unlimited has submitted an application W the City Council of Monticello for the issuance of a gambling license to operate a raffle on May 10, 1993, and WHEREAS, upon review of the organization's activities, the Council is not opposed to the gambling licenses being reissued by the State Gambling Control Board, and NOW, THEREFORE, DE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL that the Wright County Ducks Unlimited application for a raffle license listed above is hereby approved, and the State Gambling Hoard is authorized to process the applications. Adopted by the City Council this 23rd day of March, 1993. Mayor City Administrator r 0 Council Agenda - 3/22/93 s. Consideration of 1993 fee schedule revisions. (R.W.) A. RFFFRFNCF, AND RACWGROUNT) In reviewing the fee schedule that is currently in place for all categories of services the City provides, it has come to our attention that the City Council has not formally adopted a fee schedule for 1) the issuance of a sign permit, and 2) the fees for home occupation permits. Our city ordinances typically will indicate that the fees are those as established by the City Council. This provides us with the latitude of changing the fees when necessary without actually amending our ordinances each time. For your reference, zoning ordinance section 3-9 (F) 1 (d) indicates the Council shall establish a sign permit fee. It is recommended that the fee be $10 for the first $1,000 of value and $u for each $1,000 value thereafter, with a minimum fee of $10. Section 3-11 (C)1 and 2 pertaining to home occupation permits also indicates the fees for these permits will be established by the Council. It is recommended that the administrative permit charge be $10 and the special permit fee be $125 plus expenses. The special permit for home occupation purposes is very similar to a conditional use request and requires a public hearing with notification of the home occupation proposal. After reviewing the current fee schedule for other services provided, it doesn't appear that any adjustments are necessary at this time. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Adopt the fee schedule as recommended for 1) sign permits and 2) home occupation permits. 2. Adopt a fee schedule for the home occupation and sign permits at a different level than that proposed. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on the existing fee structure for other services and permits we provide, Clio staff is comforwhle with the fees being established as recommended for hoth the home occupation and sign permit categories. Without the Council adopting some type of fee, the staff does not know what to charge for these two activities if they tare requested. 1). SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of current fee schedule; Recommended additions to the fee schedule. CITY OF MONTICELLO FEE SCHEDULE BUILDING/ZONING Building inspection (non -permit related) Building permit fees Conditional use permit Home Occupation Permits Administrative Permit Special Permit (similar to cond. use req.) Moving buildings Plat subdivisions 6 PUD's (base) ?lumbing permits Residential Commercial Rezoning request (all necessary consulting exp.) Sign Permits Simple subdivision Variances: Setback variance All other variances LIQUOR LICENSES Wine, On-salo Wine/3.2 Boor Combination, On -sale 3.2 Doer, On -sale 3.2 Beer, Off -sale Liquor, On -sale SCHEDULE. FEE: 3/18/93 Propose o Sch e d u-1 C, $ 30 - 1st hour $ 15 per hour thereafter SEE ATTACHED SCHEDULE (1985 RATES) $ 125 + expenses $ 10 $ 125 + expenses $ 100 + expenses $ 300 + 100/acre up to 10 acres; $ 25 per acre after 10 acres + expenses if it exceeds what collected --if under, City will refund the excess of the per acre deposit. $ 10.00 plus $1.00 per fixture. "Fixture" includes such things as traps, toilets, floor drains, sinks, showers, etc. $ 20.00 plus $1.00 per fixture. $ 250 + expenses S 10 for let $1,000 value, $ 5 each add'1 $1,000 value; Minimum fee - $10 $ 125 + expenses $ 50 + expenses S 125 + expenses $ 275 per year $ 500 per year $ 275 per year S 75 per year $3,750 per year 0 L' LIQUOR LICENSES (continued) Liquor, Sunday Sales Liquor, Setups Liquor, Club (Veteran's Organization) Membership 200 or less 201 - 500 501 - 1000 1001 - 2000 2001 - 4000 over 4000 MISCELLANEOUS Administrative Permits (seasonal sales/home occupation) Annexation Study Bus Tickets 1 (yellow tickets) 10 (red ticket books) 40 (white ticket books) Business List Brochures Chipping City resident list Comprehensive Guide Plan Copies on copy machine Excavation permit Fire exit sign Gambling, single occasion SCHEDULE.FEE: 3/18/93 $ 200 (statutory limit) $ 250 per year $ 300 (statutory limit) $ 500 (statutory limit) $ 650 (statutory limit) $ 800 (statutory limit) $1,000 (statutory limit) $2,000 (statutory limit) $ 10.00 (Xmas trees) $ 22.50 $ 1.00 $ 8.00 $ 25.00 $ 5.00 $ 3.00 for realtors free for business owner copies free for realtors $ 25.00 per 1/2 hr. or part thereof for the 1st 2 hrs; 50.00 per 1/2 hr. or part thereof for the next hr. No more than 3 hrs per year per property. S 25.00 $ 32.00 $ .25 per copy S 25 $ 2 $ 20 per device 6 2.50 app. fee O Handicap sign Handicap sign post (all are 7 -ft.) Maps: City and zoning maps State maps Topo maps Wright County maps Scavenger (septic tank pumping) Street vacation Transient Merchant Daily fees, independent merchant Daily fees, farm/garden fruits 6 vegetables for period of July 15 to October 15 Annual fees, private premise Daily fees, transient merchant operating under authority of annual permit Traveling Shows DRDIRANCE BOORS Entire set of ordinances Individual sections Zoning ordinance Subdivision ordinance City code Sanitary sewer Assessment Policy SEWER Sewer Rates, 1993: 0 - 500 cu ft over 501 cu ft Sewer connection permit Sewer and water combination pormit Sewer hookup charge: Rosidon tial - -single family All others per unit equivalent SCHEDULE. FEE: 3/18/93 $ 11.00 large sign $ 6.50 small violation amt. sign $ 8.00 $ 3 $ 1 $ 6.50/acre $ 1.50 $ 50 license fee $ 5 dumping charge $ 150 + expenses $ 50/day + $3.50 app. fee $ 10/day + $3.50 app. fee $ 75/yr. + $3.50 app. fee $ 10/day + $3.50 app. fee $ 100/first day; $ 50/day thereafter $ 40 $ 20 $ 8 $ 20 S 5 S 2.50 S 10 S 1.65 per 100 cu ft S 20 $ 30 S 300 $ 300 0 I WATER Water Rates, 1991: 0 - 500 cu ft $ 7.50 501 - 4000 rn ft : .55 per 100 cu LC 4001 - 75,000 cu ft $ .35 per 100 cu ft over 75,000 cu ft $ .35 per 100 cu ft Water shut off, then turned on $ 20 + delinquency Water Connection Permit $ 20 Water Hookup Charge - 1" line $ 300 + material cost 1-1/4" f 425 + material cost 1-1/2" $ 550 + material cost 2" $ 700 + material cost 3" $ 900 + material cost 4" $1,200 + material cost 6" $1,500 + material cost 8" $2,000 + material cost SCHEDULE.FEE: 3/18/93 O S TABLE NO. J-A—BUILDING PERMIT FEES TOTAL VALUATION FEE 51.00 to 5500.00 515.00 5501.00 to 52.000.00 S 15.00 for the first 5500.00 plus 52.00 for each additional 5100.00 or fraction thereof, to and includinit S2,OW.00 52.001.00 to 525,000.00 515.00 for the first 52.000.00 plus 59.00 for each uddi• tiunal S1,000.00 or fraction thereof, to and including 525.000.00 S25,001.00 to 550,000.00 5252.00 for the first 525.000.00 plus 56.50 for each ( additional 51,000.00 or fraction thereof, to and including 550.000.00 S50.COI.00 to 5100.000.00 S414.50 for the first 550.000.00 plus S4.50 for each additional 51,000.00 or fraction thereof, to and including 5100,000.00 SI00,001.00 to $500,000.00 5639.50 for the first 5100.000.00 plus 53.50 for each additional SI,000.00or fraction thereof S300.001 .00 to 52039.50 for the first $500.000.00 plus 53.00 for each S I,000,0Q0.00 additional 51,000.00 or fraction thereof, to and including SI.000.Oc0.00. 5 1,000.00 1.00 and up 53539.50 for the first 51,000.000.00 plus 52.00 for each additional 51,000.00 or fraction thereof Other Inspections and Fees: I. Inspections outside of normal business hours ..................530.00 per hour* (minimum charge—two hours) 2. Reinspection fees assessed under provisions of Section 305 (g) .........................................530.00 per hour' 3. Inspections for which no fee is specifically indicated .............................................. $30.00 per hour' (minimum charge—one-half hour) d. Additional plan revie•.v required by changes, additions or revisions to approved plans ............. ................ 530.00 per hour' (minimum charge—one-half hour) 'Or the total hourly cost to the jurisdiction, whichever is the greatest. This cost shall include supervision. overhead, equipment, hourly wages and Innge benefits of the employees ., involved. 16 du CITY OF MONTICELLO HYDRANT RATES FOR CONTRACTORS OR TEMPORARY USE Effective July 1, 1987 1. All contractors must obtain a permit at no charge from the water superintendent. This permit will define the hydrant to be used and provides a tally sheet for water usage. 2. The following rates shall apply: A. $8.00 minimum billing for up to 500 cu ft or 3,750 gallons. B. After the 3,750 gallons, the rate shall be ;1.28 per 100 cu ft or $1.71 per 1,000 gallons. 3. The following deposits shall be taken for use of City equipment: A. Hydrant wrench $ 15.00 B. 2-1/2" fill hose $ 50.00 C. 1-1/2" fill hose $ 50.00 with 2-1/2" adapter D. 2-1/2" hydrant meter $250.00 E. 3/4" and smaller meter $ 75.00 If equipment is returned on time in good condition, full deposit shall be refunded. THIS IS ALL TAXABLE (IF COMMERCIAL) SCHEDULE.FEE: 3/18/93 O 5 CITY OF MONTICELLO CURRENT HOURLY RATES (Effective September 28, 1992) 1. MOWING 6 SNOW REMOVAL*: One (1) operator b machine - S28/hour. 2. BRUSH 6 TREE PICKUP: $25 for every 1/2 hour or part thereof for the first 2 hrs; $50 per 1/2 hour or part thereof for the next hour. No more than 3 hours per year per property. 3. SWEEPING: One (1) operator b machine - $60 for first hour; Then $50 per hour pro -rated. 4. RODDING: One (1) operator b machine - S30/hour. Two (2) operators, machine, S pickup - $45/hour. (both are pro -rated) 5. STREET SWEEPER RENTAL: $50 for first hour or any part thereof; i40/hour for additional hours. Other sweepers: Clean Sweep --Minneapolis John Plaisted--Elk River *Does not include use of heavy equipment. SCHEDULE.FEE: 3/18/93 O 5 ANIMAL FEE/FINE SCHEDULE Dog License: Altered pet Unaltered pet Late fee Replacement tag Barking: First offense Repeat offense Feces Pickup: First offense Repeat offense Running at Large: First offense Second offense Third offense - If impounded, + board Commercial kennel permit: Updatod 2/25/91 $10 - 2 years $15 - 2 years $ 5 $ 1 Written/oral warning $25 Written/oral warning $10, $25 Licensed Unlicensed $25 $35 $35 $45 $50 $60 $40 per year 0 Plumbing permits Residential Commercial Rezoning request (all necessary consulting exp.) Simple subdivision Variances: Setback variance All other variances L_9UOR LICENSES Wine, On -sale Wine/3.2 Beer Combination, On -sale 3.2 Beer, On -sale 3.2 Beer, Off -sale Liquor, On-salo Liquor, Sunday Sales Liquor, Setups SCHEDULE. FEE: 12/14/92 $ 10.00 plus $1.00 per fixture. "Fixture" includes such things as traps, toilets, floor drains, sinks, showers, etc. $ 20.00 plus $1.00 per fixture. $ 250 + expenses $ 125 + expenses $ 50 + expenses $ 125 + expenses S 275 per year $ 500 per year $ 275 per year $ 75 per year $3,750 per year $ 200 (statutory limit) $ 250 per year 0 CLL,°"EAJ T Se#EDu[.E' CITY OF MONTICELLO FEE SCHEDULE BUILDING/ ZONING Building inspection (non -permit related) $ 30 - 1st hour $ 15 per hour thereafter Building permit fees SEE ATTACHED SCHEDULE (1985 RATES) Conditional use permit $ 125 + expenses Moving buildings $ 100 + expenses Plat subdivisions 6 PUD's (base) $ 300 + 100/acre up to 10 acres; $ 25 per acre after 10 acres + expenses if it exceeds what collected --if under, City will refund the excess of the per acre deposit. Plumbing permits Residential Commercial Rezoning request (all necessary consulting exp.) Simple subdivision Variances: Setback variance All other variances L_9UOR LICENSES Wine, On -sale Wine/3.2 Beer Combination, On -sale 3.2 Beer, On -sale 3.2 Beer, Off -sale Liquor, On-salo Liquor, Sunday Sales Liquor, Setups SCHEDULE. FEE: 12/14/92 $ 10.00 plus $1.00 per fixture. "Fixture" includes such things as traps, toilets, floor drains, sinks, showers, etc. $ 20.00 plus $1.00 per fixture. $ 250 + expenses $ 125 + expenses $ 50 + expenses $ 125 + expenses S 275 per year $ 500 per year $ 275 per year $ 75 per year $3,750 per year $ 200 (statutory limit) $ 250 per year 0 LIQUOR LICENSES (continued) •.iquor, Club (Veteran's Organization) Membership 200 cr llcss _ 300 (statutory liriL) 201 - 500 $ 500 (statutory limit) 501 - 1000 $ 650 (statutory limit) 1001 - 2000 $ 800 (statutory limit) 2001 - 4000 $1,000 (statutory limit) over 4000 $2,000 (statutory limit) MISCELLANEOUS Administrative Permits $ 10.00 (Xmas trees) (seasonal sales/home occupation) Annexation Study $ 22.50 Business list f 5.00 Brochures $ 3.00 for realtors free for business owner copies free for realtors Chipping $ 25.00 per 1/2 hr. or part thereof for the 1st 2 hrs; 50.00 per 1/2 hr. or part thereof for the next hr. No more than 3 hrs per year per property. City resident list $ 25.00 Comprehensive Guide Plan $ 32.00 Copies on copy machine i .25 per copy Excavation permit $ 25 Fire exit sign $ 2 Gambling, single occasion i 20 per device 6 2.50 app. fee Handicap sign $ 11.00 large sign $ 6.50 small violation amt. sign Handicap sign post (all are 7 -ft.) $ 8.00 Maps: City and zoning maps $ 3 State maps $ 1 Topo maps $ 6.50/acre Wright County maps $ 1.50 SCHEDULE.FEE: 12/14/92 O S Scavenger (septic tank pumping) $ 50 license fee 10 $ 5 dumping charge street vacation $ 150 + expenses per Transient Merchant ft Sewer connection permit Daily fees, independent merchant $ 50/day + $3.50 app. fee Daily fees, farm/garden fruits Sewer and water combination permit $ b vegetables for period of July 15 to October 15 $ 10/day + $3.50 app. fee Annual fees, private premise $ 75/yr. + $3.50 app. fee Daily fees, transient merchant $ 10/day + $3.50 app. fee operating under authority of All others per unit equivalent $ annual permit Traveling Shows $ 100/first day; S 50/day thereafter water ORDINANCE BOORS Entire set of ordinances S 40 Individual sections Zoning ordinance $ 20 Subdivision ordinance $ 8 City code $ 20 Sanitary sewer $ 5 Assessment Policy $ 2.50 ,EWER Sewer Rates, 1993; 0 - 500 cu ft $ 10 over 501 cu ft $ 1.65 per 100 cu ft Sewer connection permit $ 20 Sewer and water combination permit $ 30 Sewer hookup charge: Residential - -single family $ 300 All others per unit equivalent $ 300 WATER water Rates, 1993: 0 - 500 cu ft = 7.50 501 - 4000 cu ft $ .55 per 100 cu ft 4001 - 75,000 cu ft $ .35 per 100 cu ft over 75,000 cu ft $ .35 per 100 cu ft Water shut off, then turned on S 20 + delinquency water Connection Permit S 20 SCHEDULE.FEE: 12/14/92 O S Water Hookup Charge - 1" line $ 300 + material cost 1-1/4" $ 425 + material cost 1-1/2" $ 550 + material cost 2" $ 700 + material cost 3" $ 900 + material cost 4" $1,200 - material cost 6" $1,500 + material cost 8" $2,000 + material cost SCHEDULE.FEE: 14/14/92 O S TABLE INO. 3-A—BUILDING PERMIT FEES TOTAL VALUATION FEE si.co to 5500.00 515.00 S 50 I.C.0 to S 2.000. CO 515.00 (or the 5rs[ 5f00,00 plus 57.00 forczch additional S 100.00 or Iruc:iun thercuf. to and inciudiniz 52.CW.00 52.001.00 to 525,000.00 S-5.CO for the first 52.00.00 plus 59.00 for each udcli• 6unal 5 1 001CO or frac:icn z!%cre-if, to and inc!uding 525.000.00 525MI.00 to 550.000.00 5252.00 for the Firs: 525,000.C,0 plus 56.50 for each dditiunal 51 C00.00 or friction (hereof, to and including 550,000.00 550.001.00 to 5100.000.00 S414.50 for the first 550.000.00 plus 54.50 for each additional 51 .000.00or (racoon thereof, to and including 5 1 Co. COO. C-0 SIC0.001.00 to S500,CO0.00 5639.2 for the first SICO,000.00 plus 53.50 for each additional S I X00.00 or ;rac:ion thereof 53C.O.C.0 I CO to 52039.50 for the first 5500,000.00 plus 53.00 for each S I.CCO.000.00 acci(ionai 51.0 0.00 or, ;fac:icr, to and including S I.M.C.C.D.Co. SI X00,001.00 and up 53539.50 for trie first S LOCO,C00.00 plus S2.00 for each aLiucnl 51 .CC0.00 or fracixn tncrecf Other Inspections and Fess: I. Inspections outside of normal business hours ..................530.00 per hour* (minimum charge—( -o hours) 2. Re;nspec:ion fees assessed under provisions of Section 305 (g) .........................................S30.00 per hour* 3. Insmc:iuns for which no fee is specifically indicated ........................ ..................... S30.00 per hour' (minimum char gconc -half hour) 4. Acdwonal plan r"ie-.v required by changes, additions or revisions to approved plans ............................530.00 per hour' (runimurn charge--- one half hour) Or the tutal huurly cost to the jurisdicnun. whichever is the grevest. This cost shall include supervision, overhead, equipment. hourly wages and tnngt benefits of the empluvccs rivulved. 16 0 CITY OF MONTICELLO HYDRANT RATES FOR CONTRACTORS OR TEMPORARY USE Effective July 1, 1987 1. All contractors must obtain a permit at no charge from the water superintendent. This permit will define the hydrant to be used and provides a tally sheet for water usage. 2. The following rates shall apply: A. $8.00 minimum billing for up to 500 cu ft or 3,750 gallons. B. After the 3,750 gallons, the rate shall be $1.28 per 100 cu ft or $1.71 per 1,000 gallons. 3. The following deposits shall be taken for use of City equipment: A. Hydrant wrench $ 15.00 B. 2-1/2" fill hose $ 50.00 C. 1-1/2" fill hose $ 50.00 with 2-1/2" adapter D. 2-1/2" hydrant meter $250.00 E. 3/4" and smaller meter $ 75.00 If equipment is returned on time in good condition, full deposit shall be refunded. THIS IS ALL TAXABLE (IF COMMERCIAL) SCHEDULE.FEE: 12/14/92 S CITY OF MONTICELLO CURRENT HOURLY RATES (Effective February 25, 1991) 1. MOWING 6 SNOW REMOVAL•: One (1) operator S machine - S28/hour. 2. BRUSH & TREE PICKUP: $25 for every 1/2 hour or part thereof for the first 2 hrs; $50 per 1/2 hour or part thereof for the next hour. No more than 3 hours per year per property. 3. SWEEPING: One (1) operator & machine - $60 for first hour; Then $50 per hour pro -rated. 4. RODDING: One (1) operator s machine - S30/hour. Two (2) operators, machine, & pickup - 345/hour. (both are pro—rated) 5. STREET SWEEPER RENTAL: $50 for first hour or any part thereof; S40/hour for additional hours. Other sweepers: Clean Sweep --Minneapolis John Plaisted--Elk River 1 •Does not include use of heavy equipment. SCHEDULE. FEE: 12/14/92 O S ANIMAL FEE/FINE SCHEDULE nog License: Altered pet Unaltered pet Late fee Replacement tag Barking: First offense Repeat offense Feces Pickup: First offense Repeat offense Running at Large: First offense Second offense Third offense - If impounded, + board Commercial kennel permit: Updated 2/25/91 $10 - 2 years $15 - 2 years $ 5 $ 1 Written/oral warning $25 Written/oral warning $10, $25 Licensed Unlicensed $25 $35 $35 $45 $50 $60 $40 per year La City Council Agenda - 3/22/93 6. Consideration of urovosal from Bridge Water Telephone for new phone system for the uublic works facility. (J.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Bridge Water Telephone has now taken on the Norstar phone system. The system has been installed in Bo)b Rierson's home, and City staff was invited to a demonstration of the system on Tuesday, March 16. The Norstar system is similar to the AT&T Partner 2. The phones themselves, of course, are configured differently but have many of the same basic features. The Norstar system has an LCD window which prompts the user for ease of operation and orientation. The Norstar system can also be configured like the AT&T system with the direct extension dialing or menu dialing as requested by the public works department. The Norstar system, when configured in this manner, does include voice mail. The systems do vary somewhat when it comes to expandability. Both the AT&T and Norstar systems as specified would be delivered with the capabilities for up to 6 lines and 16 extension telephones, fax machines, or auxiliary equipment. The AT&T system can be expanded up to 30 extensions and 12 lines merely by adding modules. The Norstar system, however, as proposed is not a modular system but is a compact system and, should the City desire to expand the system beyond the 16 extensions or 6 lines or move it to another location where those capabilities are needed, it would be necessary to replace the control system. One feature that the Norstar system hits as an option that the AT&T system does not have is the capability to call forward from an extension such as Matt's to his pager, home phone, etc. This is an option at an increased cost. The lowest price for the AT&T sytenl was received from SPS Communications, Inc., of Minneapolis for it price of $5,280, including installation. The NorsUlr system from Bridge Witter Telephone is priced at. $6,878.25, including instillation, but excludes the call forwarding to it pager feature. Either one of these phone systems have the capability to work with the Bridge Water Centrex switch gear in the future to add features needed at that time. We will still need it basic phone system with intercom capabilities and paging capabilities even if we use the Centrex system in the future. Tho Centrex system itself should he avnilnhle later this year on a cost basis per phone per feature needed. City Council Agenda - 3/22193 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would he to authorize purchase of the Norstar system from Bridge Water Telephone for the public works facility for $6,878.25. 2. The second alternative would be to purchase the AT&T Partner 2 system from SPS Communications, Inc., for the public works facility for $5,280. 3. The third alternative would be to wait until the Centrex system is allowed to be used and is priced, and consider the cost of a new phone system and the Centrex system at that time. 4. The fourth alternative would be to do nothing but continue operations as we are. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff believes that it is not in our best interest to wait for the Centrex system, as we would still need a basic phone system and would pay for Centrex equipment use on a monthly basis per phone per feature. Both of the phone systems, the AT&T Partner 2 system and the Norstar system, will fulfill the needs of the public works department for now and the immediate future. The Norstar system has some advantages over the AT&T system, and the AT&T system has some advantages over the Norstar system. AT&T has indicated that they have made this system for 3 years and will continue to make it for the next 12 to 13 years. Bridge Water Telephone has just taken on the Norstar system and expects it to be their primary system for small business in the future. Alternatives 1 or 2 can be supported by City staff. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the AT&'f proposal from SYS Communications; Copy of the Norstar proposal from Bridge Water Telephone. City of Monticello Bridge Water Telephone Company proposes the following: One NORSTAR Digital (cieplione system configured as a 6line 16 Statim sysicm (22 ports). Future expansion beyond these 22 ports, up to 100+ ports would not require any change in telephone insttvments but would require an upgrade in the Key Service Unit. The following equipment shall apply; Seven full feature speaker phones. Busy Lamp Fields which can be attached to each phone are proposed as an option. The speaker phones come equipped with a Liquid Crystal Displav which would not only indicate a call to a busy telephone but would also display a short menu of alternative choices to contact the busy station. For example, upon calling a busy telephone you tray initiate an automatic procedure which will ring the user upon his telephone becoming idle. This is but one choice the Liquid Crystal Display gives you one -button -access to. An optional A.T.A. interface for hooking up a customer -owned facsimile machine. This device will allow in-house transfers of telephone conversations directly to the facsimile machine if necessary. Another A.T.A. interface is shown as an option for addressing the future requirement of adding an analog cordless telephone to the telephone system. Each telephone in the system will have a separate intercom number. Furthermore, each telephone shall display the number (or name of the telephone, if so programmed) of the in-house user The city hall off -premise extension shall appear as a trunk on the NORSTAR telephone system. All features of this extension shall remain passive to the NORSTAR. The off-site facility shall continue to have access to lines at city hall through this extension. All stations at city hall shall be accessible through this trunk. If a call is transferred from city hall to the off-site facility and no answer is received from the off-site facility, then the transferred call shall return to the ITT system at city hall in the same manner as which it currently transfers. Each telephone in the system will have access to system speed dial numbers as well as speed dial capabilities ori an individual instrument basis as programmed onto soft -key programmable buttons. Conference capabilities shall be accessible from all telephones on the NORSTAR system. Internal zone paging and Extemal paging shall be programmed onto the system. External paging equipment shall concis: of three amplified speakers placed with the two external facilities. An optional ambient noise level moititoring device used City of Monticello for automatic volume control may be added to the external paging system. It is highly recommended due to the fluctuations in background noise from the vehicles which would make it impossible to balance the system to provide adequate coverage for the various operating conditions. Toll Restriction for individual telephones is a programmable system feature. Furthermore, a password may be input onto the dial pad of a restricted telephone to allow management the flexibility to initiate a toll call while away from their assigned telephone. Automatic line selection can be programmed on an individual user basis at their respective telephone. This enables the user to access one of the CO originating trunks without lifting the handset. The NORSTAR system has various levels of programming security. One such level can be utilized for administrative purposes which allows access to authorized city employees so as to perform moves and changes of instruments on a local level thus saving the initiating of service orders and billing from the system provider. The system also contains an input for on -hold music, announcements, etc. provided by the customer. An emergency telephone is provided and wired to the system power failure input. This telephone will become active upon a power failure so that emergency telephone calls may be originated and/or received. Individual extension call forwarding to an outside pager or mobile telephone can be accomplished in two ways. The first involves upgrading the auto attendant/voice mail from a miniature configuration to the enhanced 2 port 110 minute storage auto attendantivoice mail/automated call control. This upgrade is listed as an option. The second method would be a feature of Bridge Water's new CENTREX capabilities which should become effective during the third quarter. As stated previously, Bridge Water would upgrade the NORSTAR software at no charge to City Hall when CENTREX capabilities are decided upon. Bridge Water looks forward to working closely with City Hall as this new telecommunications environment of CENTREX draws near. �4, BRIDGE WATER TELEPHONE COMPANY ` Enutrinhed 1981 "WE WANT TO BE YOUR TELEPHONE COMPANY" PROPOSAL SUBMITTED TO City of Monticello Fiwllad CITY. STATE AND ZIP CODE Monticello, U 55362 O11STALLAT10N ADDRESS 716 Pine Street • Alonpcd4 UN SM2 Pine (Gin tY6ti7 4 PROPOSAL Page No. 1 of 2 Pages DATE 03 19 93 SALESPERSON CUSTOMER CONTACT IJOB PHONE vWM John Simola WE HEREBY SUBMIT SPECIFICATIONS AND ESTIMATES FOR THE SALE OR LEASE OF THE FOLLOWING EOUIPMENT OR SYSTEMS ON TERMS AND CONDITIONS AS SET FORTH BELOW: Bridge Water Telephone Company proposes the NORSTAR 6X 16 with level DRS software. See attached documentation. Bridge Water Telephone Company would like to emphasize the VOICE MAILBOX abilities which the NORSTAR system brings to the maintenance facilities which are integrated into the automated attendant and call routing capabilities. Bridge Water Telephone Company will provide power surge protection on the AC power side of the Electronic System and Gas{ube protection on the telephone line side of the system in order to provide the user the maximum protection possible against lightning and other transient voltages. Customer shall provide a separate and dedicated 110-120VAC electrical circuit for the sole use of the telephone system in a protective location. Equipment Cost .................................................... $ 5593.25 Installation/Training ............................................. 400.00 Total installed price (plus applicable taxes) .......... $ 5993.25 WE PROPOSE norapy to harrlwl to, ear or lea" to you the soon. mAteneb w mot — comp." in accaeonde wdh @bow wileftanmA, to a" sun o1 dollars I$ ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSAL' The aoove pncos oWdIclnOns and coMdgna re UW"Ctory w NO hwWV accepted You we Wtnoraad to do or won u mecoad Paya"m W be Mede SWpWua as "Maned aDo'* DATE OF ACCEPTANCE Sometime AaaMYr�eltMnl w acceptrtce ol ole order Mwl be made W aW h . of "preturMaMe ol Brtlps Waw Telapllotr eYto.flr. W atprlp the argeW Ol ten Plop" end teaarwq a eocy drreol to 0" Pv hnvlleeaee The Proposal to corlOmerul won ace.phnee a M temp con herein, whish urns be saers0, ametl0ad or pen"ralon a Btape vya"t tMaplarr Comoanr Any altealbn a dovmWn ham aDow speCdCoh0le nnClNnp 0 -trill la we be "..curd only Won will" adwe, w w10 DeCOM en eetrd chary. own w Ando WON Taeplarr � �— oDove Me oatarut" M oprMlVWID contlllpent Upon stirs". Wcoll "a delays AuolaltW 8pnaaAe ..., �� ?j L' np n0 V. Pf1ver beyond ow contra Looses "cant' two. tolnam w Clow neceuary ro1r• enCO dA CahOars t tdetlpe wout notice Swim the Fina and IpaeMM PrepoMe not be seceplW cram'Vhm 1001 male of the date hereof ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSAL' The aoove pncos oWdIclnOns and coMdgna re UW"Ctory w NO hwWV accepted You we Wtnoraad to do or won u mecoad Paya"m W be Mede SWpWua as "Maned aDo'* DATE OF ACCEPTANCE Sometime VS Ph* S~ . Momclikk Mm 5sM2 Phow (612) 29 5.2914 - TELEPHONE COMPANY SPROPOSAL Es,mi.ow 1961 "I'll WIIII () "WE WANT TO BE YOUR TELEPHONE COMPANY" Page No. 2 of 2 Pages PROPOSAL susurrrED To I PHONE City Of Monticello DATE 19 93 SPECIFICATIONS AND ESTIMATES CONTINUED: 1 03 1 Optional Equipment: Upgrade 3 7208 proposed telephones to 3 7310 telephones to provide telephone set uniformity throughout the maintenance facility ........................................... $ 90.00 Busy Lamp Fields for 7310 telephone sets ............................ 115.00 A.T.A. interface for facsimile ................................................. 195.00 A.T.A. interface for cordless phone ........................................ 195.00 External Paging consisting of: Background level noise detectors three paging ham 2 in new building I in present break/garage .............................. 575.00 .CCEPTANCE OF PROPOSAL: The Room cycec zoecto"bons V10 C"bw* are WWWWV am &* "Weby accoptod Yowaro auoxxuodt000thoearl naw.1wo P 0 wl000mowe swwtwe n W&A" zows DATE OF ACCEPTANCE j,oe Norstar • D?fjerence /11�tic�/?l.?ogle i f gut ,5'L�urr.` } i�rr flurry /u Uso It ........................................................................................................... Ifc,.tu.i• l,u,int•,>l.xl;n nsrnnl,lr�. SeepUp'IbAalcanurl'1'a•IcphuncScnicc unnnnn�it,ni, a, ,h,ndel Ik• ,ingdo 1„r,i.0 Invtl;,tI,u.+h•Irl,h,nu•.,trm«1ti.It 1'�,mroIlic Ir•nt.tnd,.,I pminChu>int•„c,. t,'It,.ut tt+t•nkmIv,l6wit;In,lr•11,"1it"It' \'n.t.n t.Jt•,ia;n,�dlut ticttbrint.nul.•\It.ut.nn ttidnnn rt6au.tiu•u.tinint; \,n,i.n',uni,pu• Vhclli t t,ntlraddintd lu,n,• IO I,h,sIv, uul Itnr,. I.t:,IA itn6nt I'I'm (, t,n, ;cp I,t .n•I, ❑ Inln};ing in nett at Irrn b-gtr,• thmugh Iv.nutr-u,at;t• )nut,q+lp'11, ....... `l.i.l:......i......... .q .'ION . . . . .... . . . . .. . . . . I ........ D D Pholic'Is lVilh S/all(lards, NON 014iuils ........................... • %, q 't 1 I , . I I I I. - 1. (. 11 U /wdon•. ,Luxlaul nn c�en .rl Im rtnla, �, n1 ,Icp h� .li I. lhu nil;h k.uun• u,.I);r Std keys 111.1A,• it o,rn •Check pour LCD 9iNdow• .110 „r 'Ah ".Ig'. by 1. "1 \III,hImi•,11.1%, II' • &dU-lu spenkerplof)we• In, n 1dC, 'Itnxl,ll, a ' .gKI,unrn Bmkg1 auul nu1,u and lmgIFll; .n, ahn ..,I finnll;h 11n• •IwaAo1 k•Icl,h, na ,' .uHl ,•np,� WbPay y More.P .......................................................................................................... SPS COMMUNICATIONS, INC. AT&T TELECOMMUNICATIONS PROPOSAL Tim Ryan Account Executive SPS Communications, Inc 2950 Metro Drive, Suite /108 Minneapolis, MN 55115 P: It, 12) 851.9801 F: (h 12) 851.9905 FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO February 22, 1993 Expires March 22,1993 Proprietary And Confidential 0 TABLE OF CONTENTS Corporate Overview .............................. 3 AT&T Partner System Highlights ..................... 45 Equipment Recommendation ......................... 6 Investment Schedule .............................. 6 Leasing Information .............................. 6 Implementation and Training ......................... 7 Warranty and Maintenance .......................... g Page 2 of B G CORPORATE OVERVIEW SPS Communications, Inc. was founded in 1986 as a whol owned subsidiary of InaCom, Inc. one of the world's largest distributors of information systems equipment. SPS was formed to provide AT&T business telephone solutions emphasizing service and value. SPS has been named AT&T's "Dealer of the Year" numerous times. In fact SPS is the only dealer to receive the award more than once. SPS is AT&T's largest nationwide dealer, accounting for one third of AT&T's dealer volume. We are proud of this honor and live up to it as a responsive and resourceful "Business Partner" for our customers. SPS provides full service system planning, installation and tailored implementation programs that allow for minimum of disruption of business communications. In summary, SPS is the major provider of business telecommunication equipment from one of the most vested quality manufacturer in the world. As such, hot SPS Communications, Inc. and AT&T guarantee your satisfaction. I ` I I Pulte 3 of 8 O AT&T PARTNER SYSTEM HIGHLIGHTS CALL PICKUP Allows users to pick up calls at other extensions. CONFERENCE Allows an extension to join two outside lines and two inside extensions together on a call. CUSTOMIZED UNE ASSIGNMENT Allows you to assign lines any way you want - assign a line to any phone, and to any button on the phone. DO NOT DISTURB Blocks any audio alert on incoming calls, allowing calls, allowing calls, allowing a user to work uninterrupted. DOOR PHONE An optional small, flush -mounted unit with a button and i a speaker located outside the front door that allows communication with up to five extensions inside. HOLD REMINDER TONE Alerts the user when a call has been on hold for one minute. HOT LINE jAllows a telephone to he programmed to ring automatically to a predetermined extension when its handset is lifted. INTERCOM CALL Lets a user make intercom calls to another extension with or without using the handset. LAST NUMBER REDIAL Allows the last number dialed to be dialed again at the touch of a button. Page 4 of 8 O AT&T PARTNER SYSTEM HIGHLIGHTS MESSAGE LIGHT Indicates that a message is waiting MUSIC ON HOLD Allows an external music source to be connected to the PARTNER processor to provide music for callers on hold. NIGHT SERVICE Allows you to change the way the system handles calls after normal business hours. PERSONAL SPEED DIAL Allows up to 20 personal numbers to be programmed on an extension, either via code or on a button on a phone. PRIVACY Prevents other users from joining in on active calls - exclusive hold prevents anyone but the user who put the call on hold to retrieve it. SPEAKERPHONE � Allows dialingwithout lifting the handset, paging and easy intra-offce communication. SYSTEM SPEED DIAL Allows up to 60 numbers to be nro$rammed so that a user at any extension can quickly dial a frequently used number. VOLUME CONTROL__ Allows users to set volume level of the handset, the ringer, and the speakerphone. Page S of 8 O FEB 22 '93 17:34 SPS, MII EPPIXLIS P•2 Revised Bid 2r22/93.4.30pm EQUIPMENT RECOMMENDATION AT&T PARTNER SYSTEM The system below is configured for six lines and twelve extensions. The system is equipped to add up to four additional extensions without addition changes to the control unit. 1 Partner II R3 Control Unit 2 Two -Line, Six -Station Expansion Modules 3 VT 12 Button, 8 -Line Display Telephones 2 VT 12 Button, 8 -Line Telephones 3 Single Line Telephone Sets 7 Out -Building Protectors 1 Paging System Total Equipment Price ............. $3,786.50 Wiring & Installation .............. $1.493.50 (M do" ma tedWs ,hippie{ ram PPPadwub SftM INVESTMENT SCHEDULE Total ........................ $3,=M LEASE Includes first year warranty. Leasing requires two advance payments. 36 Month Lease, FMV ....................... $175.82 36 Month Lease, 1015 Buyout ................... $182.16 Pte 6 0(8 IMPLEMENTATION & TRAINING A well coordinated telephone system installation starts with complete understanding between SPS and you on exactly what procedures will to used prior to, during, and after system installation. We would like to present the following plan designed to assure a highly satisfactory implementation. Agreement on the correct configuration will be reached and authorized in writing by both parties. Tire system components will be given a scheduled ship date. M SPS will manage the installation and implementation with agreed upon completion dates. A technical meeting with SPS's implementation staff will be made after approval and acceptance of the agreement for the system. After the technical meeting, a station review will be conducted to plan the system implementation. Prior to system installation, a review will be conducted by SPS. The purpose of this review is regarding the training procedures. System training will he conducted for all users based on needs. Follow-up training will be conducted after installation. At this time employees absent during initial training will be updated on new procedures. Page 7 of 8 O WARRANTY AND MAINTENANCE All AT&T systems sold by SPS will include a one year, on-site warranty (Monday - Friday, 8:00 - 5:00). All warranty service work will be Provided by AT&T service personnel. AT&T will respond within four E for major system failures and within 24 hours for a minor problem. To obtain warranty service in an emergency, you may simply call the AT&T Services Hotline (800-628-2888) where AT&T will have complete records on your system. Otherwise, call your SPS Communications Office, who in turn will make the arrangements with the Services Hotline. You may also elect to purchase a maintenance contract from AT&T to cover the equipment after the warranty period expires. You can purchase this directly from AT&T of your SPS Account Executive can coordinate this for you. Other warranty plans are available for customers who elect to install the system themselves of have the system installed by an independent subcontractor. These programs can be explained by your SPS Account Executive, and usually depend on the individual situation. Page 8 of 8 9 Major Built -In These two pages briefly describe the major built-in standard features of PART\ER Plus and PARTNER ll, listed alphabetically. Features new to Release 3 Features are highlighted with a © icon. Features which mtur be programmed on a button are indicated by an rg_�__l icon, and those that can beprograrnmed on a button, but do not have to be, are indicated by an 3 icon. Use the flash cards in your -Building the Perfect Partner' Sales Kit for feature benefits, details, and sample applications. For a complete list of features, see Appendix G of this guide. Account Code Entry. Direct Extension Dialing. Q OlsallowedlAllowed MEnhancsd TIp,Ring Allows for the entry of Greets callers with a pre- Lists. Two features that Connectivity. This account numbers (codes) recorded message, inviting offer the customer patented f eature provides when placing or answering them to dial an extension or additional flexibility to universal extension lacks, calls. Entry can be forced group directly. If a caller does customize the dialing allowing the customer to or optional. Forced entry not dial an extension—or d no restrictions at selected connect a PARTNER requires user to enter a one answers—the call is phones. phone, Incdustry-standard code before getting transferred to a pre- - Dtsyto».ed Lists yap the Ip/ring device, or both to clarions. programmed extension. diakr-g or certain yea code.. any extension lack. ©Auto System Answer. Y Direct Line Pickup. Allows P• exchange■, or oeur nurat em tom a or specific M Extension Hunt Groups. When turned "on', the for picking up any active or e,mnsii— te.g., e+perwhre Allows the customer to system automatically Idle outside line from any cane to a sa code 900). assign extensions that answers all incoming calls, phone, even it the phone Allowed lists pemrd®aling normally share call plays a short personalized doesn't have the line specific n—trere that ere answering responsibiLlles greeting, and then can put appearance normally blocked (e.g., 900, to -Hunt Groups', so cells up to 3 calls on hold 555-12+2). go to them equally, In a simultaneously until they circular painem. On can be answered (by anyone with the line). © Backup Programming Position. Provides an additional extension (ext. I t) that can be used forI PARTNER Plua PARTNER II Nogrn^mmg, whJ_ . MAJOR BUILT-IN FEATURE i R7 R7 other positron continues to handle taus. I t Account Code Entry (foreadrregutar) Bim: i ✓ ✓ �✓ 0 Call Forward/Call Follow- I 2 Auto System Answer (ASA) ✓ Me. Redirects calls from a I Backup Programming Position ✓ ✓ user's phone to another mtornal phone. I A Cop Forward/Call Folbw•Mis ,�fa, ✓ ✓ © Caller ID Support. I S Collor ID Support ✓ l© AutomeliCaly displays the caller's telephone number I B Customized Line Assgnmoni ✓ ✓ on o system display phone. (Customer must I 7 Direct Eaenslon Dialing (DXD) j��] ✓ have Callor ID sarvico from I a Direct Line Pickup (DLP) ✓ ✓ the local phone company, Soo Append.- D ) I 9 Disallowad/Allowerd Lists -M V•,-•-- a ✓ ✓ 0 Customized Line Assignment. Allows for - c• -r r 110 Enhanced TlpiRing (ETR) Connectivity ----- ✓ ✓ the assignment of fines to Extension Hunt Groups ��- ✓ ✓ nny phone, and to nny It e�o„o.a,-O.erw.�.. m-(/ue-nrw.e,i r.eiMla led �(�WN,i-r fY CYa-'nptc. Dutton on the phone, 10 Marketing and Gle, Gwd `../ P • RTNER Plus, outs.oe W Music•orrHold. Special taus must be transferred to audio jack on Processor Hunt Groups. On Module allows connection PARTNER 11, outside calls of an audio source or can ring directly to Hunt Magic-on-Hol?to provide Groups. music or pre-recorded ®Fax Management. A messages for callers on convenient feature for tax hold. The audio source machine users. A lighted requires an RCA phono 'Fax Management' button plug, not included. on a system phone serves MNIght Service. Allows the two purposes: customer to change the • Gives af-a-glance information way the system handles abnul the .farm of me lax calls atter normal business mamma (buoy, dl., .nor hOUra. auwomg) • Th. tu.r earl banner a cam • An.rtonewntot dWtn'Iring during Vw day can ring ro th. lax mach" wrth one iMmedia" at night. touch. • Outgoing cab can be MHotflno Support. Allows a ritsinclied. single -line phone to ring a The Night Service feature specific extension auto• is turned on and oft at ext. matically. Can have more 10, via a button on a than one hotline phone. system phone. MManual Signaling. A ✓ simple -beeping' signal between two system telephones. MAJOR BUILT-IN FEATURE 12 Foe Management 19 Hotline Support 14 Manual Signaling 15 Music -on -Hold 10 Night Service 17 Ono -Touch Transfer 18 Privacy • Privacy. Auto Privacy. E.chalve Hold 19 SMDR 20 Spood Dialing: • Auto Dial (outaWo and Intercom) Lost Number Radial Savo Number Rodial • System Speed Dial Numbers (00 par system) • Personal Spoed Dial Numlcors (20 par orionsfon) Marketing and Sales Guide Mone -Touch Transfer Users an system phones can transfer calls auto- matically by touching a button programmed with an extension on it. m Privacy. The systems have several features to help ensure convenient private conversations: Privacy -canon programmed on a .y.tom ph— Dutton with lights and turned on. .V.1 es teroions — me Imo camas Pick uP on m. can. AUfbm. bC P--y- Cuafomer can as.gn this nature to.,tonsioru that should not be dratueod (e.g., nodomo, fax machines, answ.nrg macrunee, and crorhl rend scanners). Can be overridden by usog Pmacy programmed on a Dorton. • Enclumve Hold-Provanb anyono but the user who Put ee call on hdd nem retrieving It. S;A0;;. P uviues a Pnmec record of all incoming and outgoing calls, including date, time, duration, account code, line used, and the originating extension. Requires a serial printer or Call Accounting system be conneCed to the buih-in SMDR lack. E3Spood Dialing. • Auto DwNAlfows triers d program Wirpnprw numbs on .V.10m on-. 0unons. men anal them wim one touch. Last Number R"aN Aufomabcaay .dial. the, I= number dialed. with ane Save Number RodiaF Save. the c.-nl Itlephorle number doled into memory for ed.allng 1.10, with ono touch-regoM4.e of wNs made in between. Sy.l.m Speed Dial -Allows up to ad telephone %mberfr to be programmed in the .ystom'. memory, so any user con cam those nl>nbem by dmWg (Feature) ped o 2- d9a Godo. • Personal Speed Deaf- Albwo each user 1. program up to 20 feephore numben to his or her extension, for dlafing by pros.irg (F.atw.) ph. . 2 -digs cod.. La, PARTNER Plus PARTNER II R9 R7 ✓ ✓ ✓ be ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Eetl wee �� euea- LW a ansae �+_ ✓ ✓ sew a neer ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ be S;A0;;. P uviues a Pnmec record of all incoming and outgoing calls, including date, time, duration, account code, line used, and the originating extension. Requires a serial printer or Call Accounting system be conneCed to the buih-in SMDR lack. E3Spood Dialing. • Auto DwNAlfows triers d program Wirpnprw numbs on .V.10m on-. 0unons. men anal them wim one touch. Last Number R"aN Aufomabcaay .dial. the, I= number dialed. with ane Save Number RodiaF Save. the c.-nl Itlephorle number doled into memory for ed.allng 1.10, with ono touch-regoM4.e of wNs made in between. Sy.l.m Speed Dial -Allows up to ad telephone %mberfr to be programmed in the .ystom'. memory, so any user con cam those nl>nbem by dmWg (Feature) ped o 2- d9a Godo. • Personal Speed Deaf- Albwo each user 1. program up to 20 feephore numben to his or her extension, for dlafing by pros.irg (F.atw.) ph. . 2 -digs cod.. La, Ootional Peripherals 0 GII Accounting © Indust ry•Standard TIP/ (Maximum distance from Terminals. (CAT BASIC V3 Ring Devices. Can the CU is 1,oDo feet for and CAT PLUS V3). A connect virtually any to/ system phones, and choice of two standalone ring device to the system 3,000 feet for lip/ring terminals—each bundled (e.g., answering machines, devices. Each system wars a printer—to collect tax machines, credit card phone requires two cost and other call data for readers, modems, single- IROBs: each tip/ring analysis. Both print detail line phones) without device requires one reports by extension and requiring expensive IROBJ account code, and adapters. 0 Loudspeaker Paging summary reports by Innflanager. An integrated System. Provides access extension, account code, line and time of day. See property management, to the phone system for Appendix A. reservation, and call paging employees or accounting system. See playing background musk. © Cell Assistant (MLS•CA24) Appendix B. Supports the entire AT&T A 24-bunon unn with lights IR0139 (In -Range Out-of- PagePac line. Ihu attaches to reception- 'al Building protectors). Allows 0 Maglc•on-Hold"'. Digital ists phone. Gives -a- the customer to place system that works with the glance' extension alatUe ph°nes and other Music -on -Hold feature to intymahon, and one -touch telecommunications allow customers to access to all enenslons. devices outside W the main advertise products and • 14 --um. u to per building. Hebs to prevent services to callers on hold. PARTNER II Syat.m, 2 unm electrical surge damage. System provides licensed p.r PARTNER Plw. musk and customized • Onry for.,m. 10 and 11. messages. © Doorphones. An alternative to a telephone, typically, installed at an I FEATURE unstaffed entrance. A unit wah a doorbell like button, a speaker, and a microphono. 1 Call Accounting Terminals V40ora press Iha button, -CAT Basic V3 which rings one or more -CAT Plus V3 telephones or alerts Inside. I 2 Calf Assistant (MLS-CA24) Maximum two per system. Two doorphones available: I 3 Doorphonoe • PARTNER Do°rph". e I 4 Headsets ban is ural providing 2• ay corn ncaoon beh•«n ow S Industry•Stanoald Tip/Ring Devices doorphyw speaks unit and (Answering Machines. credit card readers, modems, Up to 5 uupho singlo•linos, touch•lone, rotary, and cordl0ss phones) • AT&T UNverod oor9tsorw l D wo provld.d door Plan. 16 InnMonagor property management system outcalfng, Aid'Wttalp• Iw dos. open. I ? IROBs 0 Haedaets. 2 types I B Loudspeaker Paging System available: g Moglc•on•Hdld sysUm • nptRky Headosm tw+m swnchhoo. conaap 110 PARTNER Attendant • Unrvenal Headaeb (w~ 111 PARTNER Mai swh;hhook co hi 12 Signal Alerts (home, bolls, chimes, strobes) 12 M PARTNER Attendant. Answers calls with a customized greeting, then routes them to specific departments or extensions. M PARTNER Mall. A call routing and message system, offering three services: • Auto Attendant Call Ans..ar Vok. Mail (See pp. 21.39 for dstaAa). ®Signet Alerts. Attention• getting devices for signaling Incoming phone calls in special environments: loud horns or bob for namy PL— chews or strobn for euwt places rrrporrarx: Rertwrsher M eorurd•r Td cATon. Rac.Ver (TTR) reNiromem for Wiring devices. See roomou on A 6. PARTNER Plus PARTNER II R3 R3 ✓ ® ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Marketing and Sales Guide City Council Agenda - 3/22/93 Consideration of future cable eauioment installation for council chambers. (R.W.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND In April of 1992, the City Council discussed the idea of installing video equipment in the council chambers for the purpose of broadcasting Council meetings over cable TV. No action was taken last year; but since we do have a new member on the Council, I thought it may be appropriate to again discuss the idea. The City of Monticello is one of ten cities who formed the Sherburne -Wright Cable Commission and entered into a franchise agreement with Jones Intercable for servicing our community with cable television. As part of the franchise agreement, ten cities receive franchise fees totaling 5% of revenues. In Monticello's case, this would amount to approximately $10,000 to $11,000 per year in revenue that has been retained by the cable commission to fund organizational activities of the group. As franchise fees have now been accumulating, the cable commission has adopted a policy of promoting the installation of cable equipment in all city halls rather than distributing franchise fees to each community. This subject has been discussed by the City Council a number of times over the past few years, and there has not been an immediate interest in installing the cameras, monitors, and other equipment necessary to televise Council meetings. Previously, it would have been the responsibility of each city to purchase their own equipment, which could have cost between $10,000 and $20,000 for each installation. As more and more surrounding communities are getting involved in broadcasting their council and other commission meetings on government access channels, it may be appropriate for the City Council to again review whether the City of Monticello should be considering this option. As noted above, the franchise fees generated by the commission have been used the past few years to support the installation of equipment in various city halls. There will be sufficient revenues to complete installation in one or more communities each year with the City of Buffalo recently completing their installation as the pilot program for the commission. The cost of the cameras and related equipment totaled approximately $19,000, which was paid for entirely by the commission with the City of Buffalo incurring very little cost. The policy established by the commission group is that the larger communities have first choice in receiving this funding and, since Monticello is the third largest community, we are next in line to receive funding if we so desire. The City of Elk River is currently completing construction of their new city hall and City Council Agenda - 3/22/93 has received over $45,000 for the installation and purchase of equipment related to making their facility cable -ready. There is also currently interest by the City of Watertown and the City of Delano in having their facilities wired for cable, but Monticello can always jump in line whenever we desire since we are the third largest member of the commission. It is estimated that our council chambers could cost between $20,000 and $35,000 to properly install and purchase the necessary state of the art equipment. Our council chambers may need additional lighting along with the normal equipment purchases, which would probably make our cost higher than the $19,000 spent in Buffalo. At this time I have told the commission members that City Council was not interested in installing the equipment during 1993; but if there is an interest for 1994, 1 can so advise the commission at our next meeting. Generally speaking, we are next in line to receive funding and we can go to the top of the list whenever we do desire. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Ccuncil could request that the SWC4 Cable Commission consider funding the installation of cameras and related equipment for the City of Monticello in 1994. Under this alternative, I would request at the next cable commission meeting that the commission authorize a feasibility study to he commenced for either 1994 or later. 2. Council could express an interest in preparing city hall for government access equipment but request a delay in the actual installation until a future time to be determined. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: From my point of view as commission member, 1 think it's inevitable that the City of Monticello will he televising our council meetings. With cable subscribers becoming familiar with government access meetings such as the Wright County Board of Commissioners, we may eventually see the public questioning why we are not televising our meetings. This is not to indicate that every surrounding community provides this service, as currently only Buffalo does so on a regular basis. The City of Elk River will be having their City Council Agenda - 3/27/93 facility available for this purpose this summer; and the City of Maple Lake does televise their council meetings, but it is not done on government access, as it is televised by a private individual. Currently the City of Monticello has cable service available to over 1,900 residential units, with approximately 790 customers signing up for cable service. There are also certain areas of the city such as Meadow Oaks subdivision, Cardinal Hills, and Briar Oakes areas that do not have cable available at this time. As a result, approximately 30% or less of the homes in Monticello are currently subscribing to cable TV. It really becomes a Council decision as to whether you wish to pursue this option immediately or consider it in the future. Funding will always be available from the commission to purchase and install the equipment necessary whenever you choose to provide this service. It should be noted that even with the equipment being paid for, there will be some cost in televising our meetings in that we will have to seek a volunteer or hire someone to operate the equipment for each meeting. Some communities have volunteers willing to donate their time, while others find it more reliable to hire an individual to perform this service. The primary purpose of discussing this tonight is to let you know that funds are available through our cable commission if and when the Council is ready to consider this program. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None. Council Agenda - 3/22/93 a. Consideration of a resolution amending Cardinal Hills phase III bid opening date from 10 a.m.. Anrif 2. 1898. to 10 a.m.. April 9.1993. (J.OJ A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: This is a housekeeping matter. Council is asked to amend a previous resolution by moving the Cardinal Hills phase III bid opening back one week from April 2 to April 9. This is necessary because there was a delay in getting the advertisement for bids published. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Motion to adopt a resolution changing the bid opening date from 10 a.m., April 2, to 10 a.m., April 9. 2. Motion to deny adoption of a resolution changing the bid opening date from 10 a.m., April 2, to 10 a.m., April 9. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends alternative 111. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of resolution with date change. a RESOLUTION 93 - RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, ORDERING ADVERILSEMENT k'UR BIDS, AND CALLING FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 93.02C WHEREAS, pursuant to a resolution passed by the Council on February 8, 1993, the City Council accepted the feasibility report and ordered preparation of plans and specifications for Cardinal Hills phase III. WHEREAS, the developer, Value Plus Homes, has petitioned for the public improvements and deposited with the City a letter of credit in the amount of $20,000, which is equal to the cost to prepare plans and specifications and sufficient to also fund the cost to conduct the bidding process. WHEREAS, the City Engineer has prepared plans and specifications associated with installation of sanitary sewer extensions, water main extensions, bituminous paving, curb and gutter, storm sewer, and bike/pedestrian path improvements and appurtenant work and has presented such plans and specifications to the Council for approval. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA: 1. Such plans and specifications, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, are hereby approved. The City Administrator shall prepare and cause to be inserted in the official paper and in the Construction Bulletin an advertisement for bids upon the making of such improvement under such approved plans and specifications. The advertisement shall be published for 21 days, shall specify the work to be done, shall state that bids will he received by the City Administrator until 10 a.m. on(A ril 9, 993, at which time they will be publicly opened in the Council Cham ers of the City Hall by the City Administrator and City Enlrineer, will then be tabulated, and will be considered by the Council at 1 p.m. on April 12, 1993, in the Monticello City Hall Council Chambers. Any bidder whose responsibility is questioned during consideration of the bid will be given an opportunity to address the Council on the issue of responsibility. No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the clerk and accompanied by a cash deposit, cashier's check, bid bond, or certified check payable to the City for 5% of the amount of such bid. N Resolution 93 - Page 2 The Council will consider the improvement of such street in accordance with the report and the assessment of abutting property for all or a portion of the cost of the improvement pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429, at an estimated total cost of the improvement of $721,300. 4. A public hearing shall be held on such proposed improvement on the 12th day of April, 1993, in the Council Chambers of City Hall at 7 p.m., and the clerk shall give mailed and published notice of such hearing and improvement as required by law. Adopted by the Council this 8th day of March, 1993. Mayor City Administrator Council Agenda - 3/22193 9. Con9irlprAtion to ndnpt P resolution glia= for a taublic hearinc on the Proposed modification of the Redevelopment Plan for Redevelooment Prosect No. 1. the modification of Tax Increment Districts Nos. 1-1 through 1-14: and the adoption of the Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Plan for TIF District No. 1.15 (Custom Canoov). (O.K.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND TIF District No. 1-15 and the TIF Plan are being created for the Custom Canopy, Stephen P. and Joan M. Birkeland, Jr., husband and wife, project developers. On March 3, 1993, the Monticello Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) adopted a resolution authorizing preparation of a TIF Plan for Economic District No. 1.15 and requesting the City Council call for a public hearing. Said public hearing date to he Monday, April 12, 1993. On March 10, 1993, the Redevelopment Plan modification and the TI F District No. 1-15 Plan were delivered to Wright County, to School District #882, and to the Hospital District to meet the 30 -day notice requirement to make comment or questions prior to or at the public hearing. On April 7, the HRA will adopt a resolution approving the modification and the 11F Plan. Prior to the HRA's authorization to prepare the modification and TIF Plan for District No. 1.15, a TIF Preliminary Agreement for Lot 6, Block 2, Oakwood Industrial Park, wits executed between the HRA and the developer, and a $5.000 check was received from the developer. Additionally, the IDC Prospect Team has visited the company's existing manufacturing facility in Albertville, and the Bank of Elk River has granted preliminary project financing approval. The company would receive an annual $5,000 TIF pay-as-you-go assistance over 8 years if approved. The company's preliminary Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund (GNIEF)application was for $100,000; however, on March 30, 199:1, the EDA will consider loan approval for $42,500. Project construction is anticipated to begin May 1. The company manufactures and assembles custom canopies and storefront fascia for total -marts and service stations. Current employment is 1:3 with a projection to employ another 3 people within the next year. The proposed metal facility is 9,320 square feet and will he located at Dundas Road and Fallon Avenue. At this time, the Council need only consider adoption of the enclosed resolution calling for it public hearing on April 12, 1993. Also, enclosed is m project summary shee(. Council Agenda - 3/2293 R A1.TFRNATTVF. ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt the resolution calling for a public hearing on the proposed modification of the Redevelopment Plan for Redevelopment Project No. 1, the modification of the TIF Plans for TIF District Nos. 1-1 through 1-14, and the adoption of the TIF Plan for TIF District No. 1-15, all located within Redevelopment Project No. 1. Said public hearing date of April 12, 1993. 2. Motion to deny adoption of the resolution calling for a public hearing. 3. Motion to table the agenda item. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff views the Custom Canopy development project as an asset to the City of Monticello and, therefore, recommends alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the resolution for adoption; Project summary sheet; Project location map. 10 Councilmember introduced the following resolution, the readine of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent, and moved its adoption: CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. _ RESOLUTION CALLING FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE PROPOSED MODIFICATION, BY THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, OF THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO. I, THE MODIFICATION OF THE TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLANS FOR TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICTS NOS. 1-1 THROUGH 1-14 AND THE ADOPTION OF THE TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN FOR TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 1-15, ALL LOCATED WITHIN REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO. 1. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council (the "Council") of the City of Monticello, Minnesota (the "City"), as follows: Section I. Public Hearine. This Council shall meet on April 12, 1993, at approximately 7:00 p.m., to hold a public hearing on the following matters: (a) the proposed modification, by increased project costs, of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority's ((he "Authority") Redevelopment Project No. 1; (b) the proposed modification, by increased project costs, of Tax Increment Financing Districts Nos. 1-1 through 1-14, located within Redevelopment Project No. 1; (c) the establishment of Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-15, located within Redevelopment Project No. 1; (d) the proposed adoption of the Modified Redevelopment Plan for Redevelopment Project No. 1; (e) the proposed adoption of the Modified Tax Increment Financing Plans for Tax Increment Financing Districts Nos. 1-1 through 1-14 and (f) the proposed adoption of the Modified Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-15, all pursuant to and in accordance with Minnesota Stjo, Sections 469.001 to 469.047, inclusive, as amended, and Sections 469.174 to 469.179, inclusive, as amended. Section 2. Notice of Hearing: Filing of Program. The City Administrator is authorized and directed to cause notice of hearing, substantially in the form att:�:hed hereto as Exhibit A to he aivnn ac rP uired by law, to nlace a ropy of o.. ... _a_ _I _ r.___ _-r� the proposed Modified Redevelopment Plan, Modified Tax Increment Financing Plans and Tax Increment Financing Plan on file in the Adminstrator's office at City Hall and to make such copy available for inspection by the public no later than March 12, 1993. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Councilmember , and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: And the following voted against the same: Whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted by the Council in and for the City of Monticello, Minnesota, on March 22, 1993. Mayor ATTEST: Administrator UP STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ss. CITY OF MONTICELLO 1 I, the undersigned, being the duly qualified and acting Administrator of the City Council (the "Council") in and for the City of Monticello, Minnesota, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that I have carefully compared the attached and foregoing extract of minutes of a meeting of the Council held on the date indicated with the original minutes thereof on file in my office and that the same is a full, true and correct transcript thereof insofar as said minutes relate to Resolution No. WITNESS my hand officially and the official seal of the Council this day of , 1993. City Administrator (SEAL) G EXHIBIT A NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF MONTICELLO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council (the "Council") in and for the City of Monticello, County of Wright, State of Minnesota, will hold a public hearing on April 12, 1993, at approximately 7:00 p.m., at City Hall, 250 East Broadway, Monticello, Minnesota, relating to the proposed modification, by increased project costs, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority's Redevelopment Project No. I and the approval and adoption of the Modified Redevelopment Plan relating thereto; the proposed modification, by increased project costs, of the Modified Tax Increment Financing Plans for "fax Increment Financing Districts Nos. 1-1 through 1-14, located within Redevelopment Project No. 1; and the proposed adoption of Tax Increment Financing Plan relating to Tax Increment Financing Plan No. 1.15, also located within Redevelopment Project No. I , all pursuant to and in accordance with Minnesota Statutes. Sections 469.001 to 469.047, inclusive, as amended, and Sections 469.174 to 469.179, inclusive, as amended. A copy of the Modified Redevelopment Plan for Redevelopment Project No. I and Tax Increment Financing Plans for Tax Increment Financing Districts No. 1-1 through 1-15, as proposed to be adopted at the office of the City Administrator at City Hall not later than March 12, 1993. The property comprising Tax Increment Financing District No. I - IS is as follows: Lot 6, Block 2, Oakwood Industrial Park PID Number: 155-018-002060 Foa Further information regarding the identification of the parcel to be included in Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-15 may be obtained from the office of the City Administrator. All interested persons may appear at the hearing and present their views o rally or in writing. Dated BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL City Administrator M-X� VVI dd:4,td 3•%-q3 CUSTOM CANOPY 12903 MAIN STREET, SUITE 203 P 0 BOX 275 ROGERS, MN 55374 (612) 428-8478 OWNER: STEPHEN P. AND JOAN M. BIRKELAND, JR., HUSBAND AND WIFE. CONTACT PERSON: JIM BEYL EXISTING BUSINESS: EIGHT YEARS OLD BUILDING: OFFICE 1,320 SQ FT (60 X 22) MFG 8,000 SQ FT (80 X 100) METAL EXTERIOR 25 FT SIDE WALLS 4 (12 X 14 FT) OVERHEAD DOORS LAND: 5.3 ACRES: Lot 6, Block 2, Oakwood Industrial Park, PID* 155-018-002060. BUSINESS: PRODUCTION AND ASSEMBLY OF CANOPIES FOR SERVICE STATIONS JOBS: EMPLOY 11 FT PEOPLE (PROJECTED GROWTH 2-3 JOBS) WAGES: STARTING $8.00 PH (RANGE $9.76 - $18.00) OFF JAN -MAR CURRENTLY: LEASE OFFICE IN ROGERS AND LEASE MFG SPACE IN ALBERTVILLE. TIME FRAME: Begin construction May 1, 1993 and complete October 31, 1993. COMMERCIAL LENDER: Bank of Elk River, Pat Dwyer, 441-1000. Proposed Uses Proposed Sources $ 67,000 Land $286,000 Bank (70% appraised value) $313,000 Construction S 42,500 GMEF $ 71,500 Eouity, $360,000 $380,000 TIF - PAY-AS-YOU-GO OF $3,000 ANNUALLY, NOT USED AS EQUITY BUT FOR CASHFLOW IN PROJECTIONS. ESTIMATED TAXES: BUILDING: OFFICE 1,320 SQ FT ® $30.00 0 $ 39,600 MFG 8,000 SQ FT ® $17.00 0 $136,000 LAND: 2 ACRES OR 87,120 SQ FT ® $.40 e $ 34,848 3 ACRE OR 130,680 SQ FT ® $.25 c 9 32.670 $273,118 ESTIMATED MARKET VALUE $270,000 $100,000 $170,000 .0300 .0470 $ 3,000 $ 7,990 NEW CAPACITY VALUE $10,990 '93 TAX RATE (ESTIMATED) 1.07327 ESTIMATED ANNUAL TAXES 811,795 9 Council Agenda - 3/19/93 io. Consideration of a resolution auoroving final plans for imurovement to eastbound Countv Road 75. U.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The City Council reviewed and approved the preliminary plans for improvement to eastbound County State Aid Highway 75 from Highway 25 to the high school at the January 11 Council meeting. There have been no changes to the final plan. You may refer to your agenda supplement and minutes for the meeting of January 11 for further information. The project is still to be done during a 3 -week period of time started sometime after the 4th of July and completed by Labor Day. Also at the January 11 meeting, the City Council authorized free TV inspection of sanitary sewer services for the 60 residents or property owners along East Broadway. Only 8 residents responded to the free offer. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. The first alternative is to pass the enclosed resolution approving plans for the improvement to East County Road 75. 2. The second alternative would be not to approve the plans but to ask for changes. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City staff that Council pass the resolution as outlined in alternative 81. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the resolution; Please refer to minutes and agenda supplement for the January 11, 1993, meeting; Copy of the final plans are available at city hall for your review. RESOLUTION 93 - WHEREAS, plans for Project No. 86-675-10 showing proposed alignment, profiles. grades and cross-sections for the construction, reconstruction, or improvement of County State Aid Highway No. 75 (East Broadway) within the limits of the city as a state aid project have been prepared and presented to the City. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That said plans be in all things approved. Adopted this 22nd day of March, 1993. City Administrator CERTIFICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) CITY OF MON,riou.1.0 ) Mayor I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is a true and correct copy of a resolution presented to and adopted by Lite City Council of Monticello at a meeting thereof held in Lhe City of Monticello, Minnesota, on the 22nd day of March, 1993, as disclosed by the records of said City in iuy possession. City Administrator (SEAL) E;F.G F INA+�.IAi SYST c.e 3/Ot/73 08:35:,9 �IOA F., P. ANT DATE V N70P. GENERAL CHECKING, 34786 02/22/93 GOVERNMENT 1PAINING 34784 02/22/93 GOVERNMENT TRAININR 34784 02/22/93 GOVERNMENT TPAINING 34785 02/22/93 ANDERSON/GARY 34788 02/22/93 CUSTOMIZED TRAINING +a787 02/22/93 INDUSTRIAL DEVELOP C 34788 02/22/93 ST. CLOUD RESTAURANT 34789 02/22/93 USI INC 34790 0?/?2/93 GOVERNMENT TRAINING 34791 0?/?1/91 D 8 K FFFi14E PECVCLI 34792 0?/22/93 MN DEPART OF NATURAL 04793 02/22/93 MINNESOTA HOMEWARD 8 34794 02/22/93 MONTICELLO ANIMAL CO 34795 07/22/93 ARMA INTEPNATIONAL 34796 02/72/93 FOSTER-FRANZEN -CARL S 36797 07/27/93 KOROPCHAK/OLIVE 34796 02/22/93 U.S. POSTMASTER GENERAL CHECKING Disbursement Journ0 DESCP.IPlION AM41041 r 72 REG FEES/PATTY i SHIR 300.00 72 REG FEES/JEFF ONEILL 85.00 72 REG FEES/CINDY 0 RICH 215.00 600.00 •C14 11 REG FEES/GARV ANOERSON 10.00 .90291 REG FEES/B STUMOF/FIRE 45.00 89 1993 CI1V CONTkIts T 6.450.00 289 PAPER TOWEL S/LIBkAR+ 27.18 698 SUPPLIES/REFUSE 24.70 72 REG FEE/8 $TLIMOF/P 8 2 75.00 611 PECVCLTNn CONTPACT/ 2.217.60 118 WATERCRAFT/ATV/SNOW R 279.00 706 PET ADOPTIONS $10.00 '8S PET ADOPTIONS 324.00 5^G suesc RIP7IUN 37.00 61 ADO'L INSUR PREM/FTF.. 33.91 97 1PAVEL EXPENSE 55.46 710 POSTAGE/NEWSLETTERS 214.40 TOTAL 11.261.23 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 03/08/93 08:27:43 Oisbursemant Journal WARRANT DATE VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT CL btNtWAL L.Htl,K1Nb 34799 03/05/93 CELLULAR ONE 555 CIVIL DEFENSE PHONE CH 39.47 34800 03/05/93 FIRE TRAINING 90294 REG FEE/FIRE DEPT 45.00 34801 03/05/93 MN DEPART OF NATURAL 118 WATERCRAFT TITLE 38.00 34802 03/05/93 MN DEPART OF NATURAL 118 WATERCRAFT/SNOW/ATV Q 170.00 34803 03/05/93 MONTICELLO COMMUNITY 320 MISC EXPENSE/CITY HALL 15.00 34804 03/08/93 ASSOCIATED VETERINAR 683 ANIMAL SUPPLIES 185.32 34805 03/08/93 SIFF$. INC. 395 LATRINE RENTAL/PAP.KS 70.76 34806 03/08/93 8RI06EWATER TELEPHON 24 TELEPHONE CHARGES 584.71 348)6 03/08/93 SRI06EWA7ER TELEPHON 24 TELEPHONE CHARGES 70.56 34806 03/08/9) BRI06EWATER TELEPHON 24 TELEPHONE CHARGES 46.57 34806 03/08/93 BRIDGEWATER TELEPHON 24 TELEPHONE CHARGES 25.74 34806 03/08/9) BRIDGEWATER )ELEPHON 24 TELEPHONE CHARGES 72.22 34806 03/08/93 BRIDGEWATER TELEPHON 24 TELEPHONE CHARGES 39.27 34806 134906 03/09/93 03/09/93 BRIDGEWATER TELEPHON BRIDGEWATER TELEPHON 24 24 TELEPHONE CHARGES TELEPHONE CHARGES 13.50 122.99 34606 03/09/93 BRIDGEWATER TELEPHON 24 TELEPHONE CHARGES 31.34 34806 03/09/93 BRIDGEWATER TELEPHON 24 TELEPHONE CHARGES 37.96 1.044.68 Oct. 34807 03/09/93 C J BROWN BUSINtSS S $97 CITY NEWSLETTER PRINT 309.49 34808 03/08/9) CHASKA CHEMICAL CO.. 717 ANIMAL SUPPLIES 93.66 34809 0)/09/93 COMPRESS AIR 6 EQUIP 358 FIRE DEPT EQUIP R(PAI 171.40 34610 03/09/93 COST. SHEETMETAL OF 627 SHOP 9 GARAGE SUPPLIES 15.00 14811 0)/09/93 EPL MOL .90748 WATER TESTING/WATER OE 25.00 +4912 03/09/93 FEEORITE CONTROLS. I 56 MISC PPOF SERVICES/WAT 49.00 34612 03/06/9) FEEORITE CONTROLS. I 68 NISC SUPPLIES/WATER 92.05 140.05 *CHS -4913 03/09/91 FLICKER'S T.V. 6 APP 60 WEATHER RADIO/SNOW 6 1 42.55 +4613 03/06/93 FLICKER'S T.V. + APP 60 ANSWERING MCH/C HALL 139.40 190.95 �<� 4814 :6016 03/09/4) FOREST CITY ROAD LAN S63 MISC SERVICES/STREETS17.00 03/09/91 FYLE. $RAD 07 TRAVEL tRPENSI/FIRE 0 799.49 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 03/08/93 08:27:43 Disbursement Journal `r �7ARkANT DATE VENDOR 0£SCPIPTION AMOUNT CL GENEkAL L.NEL.KINIf 34816 03/08/93 GOULD BROS. CHEV-OLO 70 VEH PEP PARTS/STPEETS 129.81 34816 03/08/93 GOULD BROS. CHEV-OLD 70 VEHICLE MTC/FIRE DEPT 126.27 256.08 SCH 34817 03/08/93 HERMES/JERRV 81 LIBRARY CLEANING CONT ?27.50 s4818 03/08/93 HOGLUND BUS COMPANY 82 VEH PEP PARTS/STPEETS 50.04 34819 03/08/93 HOGLUND COACH LINES 483 HEARTLAND BUS CONTR 4.591.48 34319 03/08/93 HOGLUND COACH LINES 483 RADIO REPAIRS/BUS 113.19 4.704.67 ;Cr 34820 03/09/93 HOLIDAY CREDIT OFFIC 85 GAS/FIRE DEPT 92.77 34821 03/08/93 HOLMES & GRAVEN 86 LEGAL FEES/ISSUE OF 2.093.51 34827 03/08/93 J M OIL COMPANY 95 OIL/STREET DEPT 188.03 34923 03/08/93 KEITH KJELLBERG PLUM .90292 WELDING TABLE HO00/SHO 25.00 t 34924 03/08/93 KEN ANDERSON T&UCKIIJ 697 PROF ANIMAL SERVICES 53.25 34 ?j 03/08/93 LAR$ON/LVNOON $07 TRAVEL EXPENSE/FIRE D 214.36 34928 03/08/93 LIEFERT/TOM 384 TRAVEL EXPENSE/FIRE Of 94.00 34627 03/08/93 LUKACH/JOHN 327 MILEAGE EXPENSE 18.?1 34827 03/08/93 1.UKACH/JO11N 327 MILEAGE EXPENSE 6.07 34627 03/00/93 LUKACH/JOHN +327 MILEAGE EXPENSE 6.07 34827 03/06/93 LUKACH/JOHN 327 MILEAGE EXPENSE 6.07 36.42 +CH 34878 03/06/93 MARTIE'S FARM SERVIC 10? MISC SUPPLIES/PARKS Of 27.00 34629 03/08/93 MCDOWALL COMPANY 111 LIBRARY EOUIPMENT REP 788.45 34929 03/00/93 MCDOWALL COMPANY 111 CITY HALL FURNACF REP 572.13 34929 03/00/93 MCDOV^L1. COMPANY 111 FIRE DEPT FURNACE REP 329.00 34829 03/00/93 MCDOWALL COMPANY 111 FURNACE FILTERS/FIRE 103.50 1.790.08 �Cro 34830 03/08/93 MCNEILUS STEEL. INC. 492 MISC STEEL/PARKS DEPT 179.27 34930 03/00/93 MCNEILUS STEEL. INC. 492 MISC STEEL/SHOP & G 1.692.46 2.071.73 CCN 34831 03/00/93 MINNESOTA ANIMAL CON 117 REG FEE/SEMINAR/ANIMAL 45.00 34932 C, 03/09/93 MINNESOTA MAYOR$ ASS 125 MEMBERSHIP DUES/MAYOR 10.00 E1RC FINANCIAL SVSIEM 03/08/93 08:21043 ..ARRANT DATE VENOOR GENERAL CHICKING Ofsoursement journal DESCPIPIION AMOUNT C 34833 03/08/93 MOEIIL 131 GAS/STREET REPAIR 22.60 34834 03/08/93 MOivTICELLO ANIMAL CO 185 ANIMAL CONTROL CONT 1.100.00 34834 03/08/93 MONTICELLO ANIMAL CO 185 REIMS:/MISC SUPPLIES 22.88 1,122.88 34835 03/08/93 MONTICELLO SENIOR Cr 139 MARCH MONTHLY CONIR 7.833.33 34836 03/08/93 NORTHSTAR PET SUPPLY 686 ANIMAL SUPPLIES 298.74 34837 03/08/93 PAGE LINK 703 PAGER CHARGES 21.30 34837 03/08/93 PAGE LINK 703 PAGER CHARGES 21.30 34837 03/08/93 PAGE LINK 703 PAGER CHARGES 24.50 34837 03/08/93 PAGE LINK 703 PAGER CHARGES 21.30 34837 03/08/93 PAGE LINK 703 PAGER CHARGES 21,30 34837 03/08/93 PAGE LINK 703 PAGER CHARGES 21.30 34637 03/06/93 PAGE LINK 703 PAGER CHARGES 21.30 34837 03/08/93 PAGE LINK 703 PAGER CHARGES 21.30 173.80 34838 03/08/93 PROFESSIONAL EQUIPME .90293 MISC SUPPLIES/MATER DE 41.00 34839 03/09/93 PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 175 MARCH WWTP CONTRAC 29.600.50 34839 03/08/93 PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 115 SUNNY FRESH MONITOR 1,739.72 31 .340.22 34840 03/08/91 ROYAL TIRE OF MONTIC 227 REPAIRS/STREET DEPT 25.00 34841 03/08/93 SAFETV-KLEEN COPP. 184 EQUIP MTC/SHOP i GAPAG 59.11 34842 03/08/93 SCRANTON GILLETTE CO 71S WATER ENG SUBCRIPT/P W 29.00 34843 03/08/91 THIRD STREET VIDEO 116 1 1 EXPANSION 14.23 34544 03/08/93 VASXO RUBBISH REMOVA 524 GARBAGE CONTRACT/FE 8.167.92 34544 03/08/93 VASKO RUBBISH REMOVA 824 SALES TAX/GARBAGE CON 430.92 9.699.94 34645 03/06/93 WRIONT-NENNEPIN COOP S12 UTILITIES 8.69 34846 01/08/93 ZARNOTH BRUSH WORKS. 494 BROOMS/STREET DEPT 937,62 GENERAL CHECKING TOTAL 60.519.93 r rC 0C *C sc. BRC F NANCIAL S1'SI EM Journal 03/10/93 08:33:41 Disoursement ( �+vARPANT GATE VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT [ GENERAL CHECKING 34778 03/09/93 SPEC MATERIALS. INC. 196 CHECK VOIOEO 2.128.000P 34778 03/09/93 SPEC MATERIALS. INC. 196 CHECK VOIDED 24.457.8V:R 76.585.94CR aC 34847 03/09/93 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA 98 2 93 mN OFFICIAL BOOKS 45.60 34848 03/09/93 MN DEPART OF NATURAL 118 WATERCRAFT/ATV/SNOW R 169.00 34849 03/09/93 MN DEPART OF NATURAL 118 WATERCRAFT TITLES 116.00 348')0 03/09/93 SPEC MATERIALS. INC. 196 CRACKFILLER/STREET 12.355.78 34850 03/09/93 SPEC MATERIA4 5. INC. 196 CRACK ROUTER 8 MEL 24.452.51 36.807.79 rr 34851 03/10/93 AMERICAN NATIONAL SA 7 G 0 BONO ISSUANCE FEE 519.50 34857 03/10/93 BUSINESS EDUCATION S .90116 REG FEE/JEFF ONEILL 155.00 34852 03/10/93 BUSINESS EDUCATION S .90116 REG FEE/GARV ANDERSON 155.00 310.00 34853 03/10/93 OAHLMEIMER/GREG 719 TRAVEL EXPEPISE/FIRE 0 274.36 34854 03/10/93 FIREFIGHTER TRAINING 244 REG FEE/M JOHNSON 45.00 34855 03/10/93 GOPHER STATE ONE CAL 99 PROF SERVICES/WATER Of 40.00 34855 03/10/93 �, T TRAINING 72 REG FEE/GARY A/BLD INS 75.00 34957 03/10/93 INTERNATIONAL $OCIET 91 MEMBERSHIP DUES/TED F 60.00 34858 03/10/93 MIDWEST GAS COMPANY 115 UTILITIES 326.93 34859 03/10/93 MIDWEST GAS COMPANY 115 UTILITIES 50.54 34858 03/10/93 MIDWEST GAS COMPANY 115 UTILITIES 35.45 34858 03/10/93 MtOWEST GAS COMPANY 11S UTILITIES 34.40 34656 03/10/93 MIDWEST GAS COMPANY 115 UTILITIES 466.74 34659 03/10/93 MIDWEST GAS COMPANY 115 UTILITIES 1.161.92 2.715.99 34959 03/10/9) NORTHERN STATES POWE 149 UTILITIES 3.116.91 14959 0!/10/93 NORTHERN STATES POWE 149 UTILITIES 255.40 34959 03/10/93 NORTHERN STATES POWE 148 UTILITIES 4.541.09 34959 03/10/93 NORTHERN STATES POWE 144 UTILITIES 455.61 34959 03/10/93 NORTHERN STATES POWE 149 UTILITIES 92.57 36959 03/10/93 NORTHERN STAIES POW& 149 UTILITIEI 14.05 34959 03/10/91 NORTHERN STATES POW( 148 UTILITIES 4)3.07 14.669 03/10/91 NORTMERN STAIES POW( 148 UTILITIES 257.39 34059 0)/10/93 NORTMERN STATES POWE 149 UTILITIES 951.35 4859 03/10/93 NORTHERN STATES POW( 149 UTILITIES 899.39 10.909.41 �i BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 03/10/93 08:33:41 ♦ARRANT DATE VENDOR UtNERAL CHECKING 34860 03/10/93 O'NEILL/JEFF 34861 03/10/03 STUMOF/8RIAPj GENERAL CHECklNG Disbursement journal W SCRIPTION AMOUNT C 161 TRAVEL EXPENSE 112.60 718 rQAVEL EXPENSE/FIRE 0 245.46 TOT►L 25.729.68 ESRC FINAUCIA, SYSTEM 03/16/93 08:12:31 QARRAP47 DATE VEt+00R GENERAL CMECKING 34857 03/15/93 INTERNATIONAL SOCIET 34862 03/15/93 MONTICELLO AGENCY. I 34863 03/15/93 MIN'J RECREATION I PA 34884 03/15/93 AMERICAN NATIONAL BA 34864 03/15/93 AMERICAN NATIONAL SA 34864 03/15/93 AMERICAN NATIONAL BA 31,864 03/15/93 AMERICAN NATIONAL FA 34864 03/15/93 AMERICAN NATIONAL SA 34864 03/15/93 AMERICAN NATIONAL BA 34864 03/15/93 AMERICAN NATIONAL 8A 34964 03/15/93 AMERICAN NATIONAL BA 34884 03/15/93 AMERICAN NATIONAL 6A 34864 03/15/93 AMERICAN NATIONAL 6A 34864 03/15/93 AMERICAN NATIONAL BA 34964 03/15/93 AMERICAN NATIONAL BA 34864 03/15/93 AMERICAN NATIONAL BA 34864 03/15/93 AMERICAN NATIONAL 8A 34864 03/15/93 AMERICAN NATIONAL 6A 34965 03/15/93 HOGLUND TRANSPORTATI 34866 03/ 15/93 AMERICAN Et IS 34867 03/tS/93 PRINCIPAL MUTUAL RIF 34867 03/15/93 PRINCIPAL MUTUAL LTi 34867 03/15/93 PRINCIPAL MUTUAL LIF 34860 03/15/9) SCHLUENDER CONSTRUCT 34869 03/16/93 ARA CORV REFRESHMENT 34870 03/ 16/9) AUTOMATIC GARAGE 000 34071 01/16/91 SEN FRANKLIN 4 71 01/16/93 SEN FRANKLIN 4872 0)/16/9) BERGSTROM'$ LAWN 6 0 34971 03/16/93 SRAUN I14TER11C ENVIO 34674 0)/16/93 SURLINOTON NORTHERN 1434476 OW S/9/ SURLIN®TON NORTHERN Disoursement journal OESCRIPTION AMOUNT 91 CHECK VOIDED 60.00CR 132 REFUND/VARTANCE REGUE 325.00 618 MEMBERSHIP ODES/PARKS 100.00 7 AGENT FEES/K MART GO 288.66 7 AGENT FEES/1996-1 GO 239.46 7 AGENT FEES/1989-1 GO 226.45 7 AGENT FEES/1990 B GO 201.69 7 AGENT FEES/TIF CONSTR 227.03 7 AGENT FEES/TIF VEIT 245.82 7 AGENT FEES/INTERCEP S 324.43 7 AGENT FEES/1988 WATR 237.51 7 AGENT FEES/1088-1 GO 234.77 7 AGENT FEES/TIF ELDERL 227.03 7 AGENT FEES/TIF (REM/T 232.66 7 AGENT FEES/1990C E.SA 233.53 7 AGENT FEES/1001A GO B 231.45 7 AGENT FEES/TIF N*VC0 225.59 7 AGENT FEES/1992 C MLS 100.00 3.516.07 64 VEH MTC/STREET DEPT SS8.72 379 +F Y• 589.00 1)4 KET*H TRIPP( INS PREM 140.18 174 KEITH TRIPPE INS PREM 93.62 174 K TRIPPE INS PREM/FAM 674.38 909.38 187 OFV• 2.498.00 408 CITY WALL SUPPLIES 07.00 260 FIRE HALL 6LD REPAIRS 125.07 20 FILM/WATER DEPT 10.17 20 FILM/CITU HALL 23.64 )4.41 441 MTC OF VEHICLES/►ARKS 100.97 616 •F" 1.Sa0.71 317 LEASE A69'MT PAYMENT 109.00 III LEASE ASRMT PAYMENT 200.00 )00.00 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 03/16/93 08:12:31 CWARRANT DATE VENDOR tit NLkAI CHCL.KINU 34875 03/16/93 COAST TO COAST 34875 03/16/93 COAST TO COAST 34875 03/16/93 COAST TO COAST 34875 03/16/93 COAST TO COAST 34875 03/16/93 COAST TO COAST 34875 03/16/93 COAST TO COAST 34875 03/16/93 COAST TO COAST 34875 03/16/93 COAST TO COAST 34875 03/18/93 COAST TO COAST 34875 03/16/93 COAST TO COAST 34876 03/16/93 COMM,,NICATION AUOITO 34677 03/16/93 COPV O'UC!:AIING PROD 34878 03/18/93 CRAGUN'S CONFERENCE 34879 03/16/93 EGGHEAD DISCOUNT SOF 34880 03/16/93 FLICXER'$ T.V. & APP 34881 03/16/93 FRONTLINE PLUS FIRE 34982 03/16/93 GARBAGE 34983 03/16/93 GOLDEN VALLEY FURNIT 34884 03/10/93 GOVERNMENT TRAINING 3486b 03/18/93 HAPRV'S AUTO SUPPLY 34985 03/16/93 HARRV'S AUTO SUPPLY 4996 03/16/93 HfRME5/JERRY 46137 03/16/93 KRAMBER $ ASSOCIATES 34906 03/16/93 MADS FOODS 14600 03/16/93 MAUS FOODS 4668 03/16/93 MAUS FOODS ,*See 03/16/93 MAUS FOODS 4690 03/16/99 MAUS FOODS +4009 03/10/93 MIOw4$T VISION OISTR 34$90 03/16/93 MONTICILCO MINK CO Disbursement Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 35 STREET SUPPLIES 0.16 36 SNOW 6 ICE SUPPLIES 51.08 35 ANIMAL CONTROL SUPPLIE 38.61 35 SHOP S GARAGE SUPPLIES $2.06 35 EQUIP REPAIR PARTS/SNOW 7.20 35 WATER DEPT SJPPLIES 4.67 35 BLD REPAIR SUP/SHOP 37.96 3S PARK SUPPLIES 1.77 35 VEH REPAIR PARTS/STREET 2.85 3S FIRE DEPT $_PPLIES 46.17 242.53 36 RADIO 6 PAGER REP/FIR 293.19 41 LIBRARY COPV MCH MTC 50.45 163 REG FEES/JEFF i RICK 200.00 51 DEP REGISTRAR SOFTWAP 305.70 60 TAPES/C HALL ANSWER MCH 3.20 510 kfPAIR PARTS/FIRE DEPT 47.12 476 SUBSCRIPTION RENEWAL 34.00 720 VEHICLE REP PARTS/STREE 6.39 72 RE4 FEES✓JEFF $ RICK 310.00 78 VEH REPAIR PARTS/STREE 42.11 79 MISC SUPPLIES/SEWER OE 42.55 $4.66 01 LIBRARY CLEANING CONT 221.50 698 MAPCH ASSESSING CON 1.474.00 108 f.164ARY SUPPLIES 44.20 109 WATER Of PT SUPPLIES 5.69 106 AN114AL CONT! CLEAN SU 40.69 106 ANIMAL CONTROL SUPPLIE 29.02 106 CITY HALL SUPPLIES 84.90 203.41 279 CLASSES/FIRE OEPT $1.00 I S$ ANIMAL CONIPOL CCM11 1 . 100.00 8PC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 03/16/93 08:12:31 WARRANT CATE VENDOR btNt %AL I.HtL K LP46 31.891 03/16/93 MOa7ICELLO OFFICE PF 34891 03/16/93 MC.`.TICELLO OFFICE Cp 34892 03/16/93 MONTICELLO PRINTINa 34892 03/16/93 MONTICELLO PRINTIN, 34893 03/16/93 MONTICELLO TIMES 34893 03/16/93 MONTICELLO TIMES 34893 03/16/93 MONTICELLO TIMES 34993 03/18/93 MONTICELLO TIMES 34893 03/16/93 MONTICELLO TIMES 34894 03/18/103 MTI OISBTRIBUTIt4a CO 34995 03/16/93 NATIONAL BUSHING PAR 36996 03/19/93 NATIONAL GUSHING PAR 34895 03/16/03 NATIONAL 9U$HING PAR 36995 03/19/93 NATIONAL BUSUrNG PAR Cl 34995 03/19/0) NATIONAL SUSAING PAR 36,996 03/10/93 14ATIONAL SUSHI" PAR 34995 03/16/93 NATIONAL BUSU V46 PAR 14095 01/18/93 NATIONAL SUSMING PAR 36990 03/16/93 NORTH STAR TURF. INC 36997 03/19/93 NORTHERN 1!4898 03/19/9) NORTHERN STATES POVI 34899 0)/16/9) NORTHWEST ASSOC CONS 34900 03/16/9) OLSON S SON$ ELECTRI 34900 03/19/9) OL SON E SONS ELECTRI 36900 03/16/93 OI SON S SON$ ItECTPI 36900 0)/1$/9) OLSON & SONS ELECTRI 34900 03/16/9) OLSON ! SONS ELECTRI 34900 03/19/93 OLSON i SON$ ELE(TRI 34901 03/10/93 OR*-SCHELEN-MAVV%0N )6901 03/19/0) OAP-SCMfIEN-MAVERON G34902 03/16/91 PLUMOERV.0VOCELL'E P )4002 0)/10/93 PLVM fPV-PUQCELL'$ P Disoursement Journal O€SCRIPTION AMOUNT 136 PAPER SMREOR ; OFF SU 912.53 13$ PW INSPECTIOu OFF SUP 42.63 955.16 137 FIRE DEPT FORMS 20.56 137 FINANCE VERIFIEO FOPMS 65.20 105.66 140 LEGAL PUBLICATIONS SS2.05 140 MOTOR VEHICLE HOURS AD 50.40 140 FOR SALE AO/P WORKS 74.05 140 SNOWMOBILE 6 8LO PER 126.00 140 2 MONTICELLO TIMES SUB 48.00 850.50 299 MTC OF VEHILCES/PARKS 12.16 144 VEH REP PART'S/STREETS 924.52 144 OIL/SHOP A GARAGE 4.03 144 EQUIP REP PARTS/WATER 2.26 144 STAA;L TOO,S/SHOP ; GAP 78.22 144 VEri REPAIR PARTS/WATfR 3.22 144 EQUIP REPAIR PARTS/SSW 56.56 144 MISC SUPPLIES/SHOP & G 29.74 144 EQUIP PEPAIR PARTS/GTR 41.52 1.137.0? 151 FERTILIZER/PARKS OE 1.753.93 333 TOOLS/SHOP ! GARAGE 2$4.11 164 UTILITIES/XMAS LITE$ 205.25 550 PROF SERVICES/PLAN &1 108.49 160 MTC SUPPLIES/WATER OEP 23.89 160 MISC SUPPLIES/WATER OE 11.34 160 SENIOR CITIIENS LITE P 40.00 1S0 WARMING HOUSE PARK REP 80.00 100 CONwuTER LOT LITE REP 818.63 160 WELL REPAIR/WATER DEPT $0.00 1,060.96 182 ENii FEES/CARDINAL MLS 339.10 162 MISC ENS fIfS/P WORKS 059.67 1.208.76 ?$1 `LO REPAIR 511/SHO► 1.50 251 MISC SVPPIIES/MATER )0.04 $I.56 ri a 69'C FiNAN: IA,, SYSIE1R l! 0,3/16/93 08:12:31 '4APRANT DATE VENDOP GENCnAi. CHECKI;:G 34903 03/16/93 PREUSSE'S CIEANING S 34903 03/16/93 PREUSSE'S CLEANING 5 34904 03/16/93 SNAP-ON TOOLS CORPOR 34905 03/16/93 UNITOG :'ENTAL SERVIC 34905 03/16/93 UNITOG RENTAL SERVIC 34905 03/16/93 UftITOG PENTAL SERVIC 34905 03/16/93 UNITOG RENTAL SERVIC 34905 03/1G/93 VNITOG RENTAL SEPVIC 34905 03/16/93 UNI TOG RENrA, SEQV:i 34906 03/16/93 WQIGMT COU`+TV AUDITO 34906 03/16/93 WRIGHT COUNTY AUOITO 34906 03/16/93 WRIGHT COUNTY AUOITO 34901 03/16/93 Y.M.C.A. OF MINNEAPO `134909 03/16/93 ZIEGLER. INC. GENERAL CHECKING r 0isbursement lournal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 173 CITY HALL CLEANING CO 400.00 173 FIRE HALL CLEANING $0.00 450.00 195 TOOLS/SHOP 8 GARAGE 9.95 711 UNIFORM RENTAL 17.70 211 UNIFORM RENTAL 17.70 itt UNIFOPM PEUTAL 17.70 211 UI.I;C-PM .ENTAL 17.10 211 UNIFOFM RENTAL 93.39 211 UNIFORM RENTAL 41.69 195.99 ♦, 215 MARC" S-ERIFFS CON 21.793.00 219 A00'L LANDFILL CHAR 8.333.96 219 VALUATION LISTI*+r,/FIRE 2902 30.156.08 *� 224 MARCH CONTRACT PAYMEN 625.00 425 CUTTING EOGE$/SNOW 3.214.95 TOTAL 58.139.63 RRC FINANCIAI. SYSTEM /O1/91 08:35:47 Disbursement Journal Pk ?JT PATE VENDOP Oi`51.F'1VYy{)N AMOUNT C LLWUVR FUND 16758 02/19/93 MONiICE �LO VACUUM CE 800050 VACUUM CLEANER BELTS 15.07 16759 02/19/93 QUALITY WINE P 3uiPi 800040 MISC ITEMS FOR RESALE 113.91 16759 01/19/93 QUALI1Y WINE 5 SPIRI 800040 WINE PURCHASE 113.59 1675CJ 0?/19/93 QUALITY WINE d SPIPI 800040 LIQUOR PURCHASE 083.73 1.211.13 �C 16160 02/19/93 EAGLE WINE COMPANY 800012 WINE PURCHASE ?81.16 1678 1 01/19/63 00065. COOPER 6 COM 800018 LIQUOR PURCHASE ?.440.13 16762 02/19/93 JOHNSON BROS WHOLESA 100022 LIQUOR PURCHASE 914.52 16762 02/19/93 JOHNSON EROS WHOLESA 800022 WINE PURCHASE 77.37 991.89 �C 10763 02/19/93 MCOOWALL COMPANY 100085 REPAIR FURNACE 165.00 16783 02/19/93 MCOOWALL COMPANY 800065 FURNACE FILTERS 15.16 180.16 •C 18784 02/19/93 BECKER FURNITURE WOR 800144 CLEAN CARPET 111.83 C,6765 02/19/93 PHILLIPS A SONS CO/E 800037 LIQUOR PURCHASE 1.398.41 16713S 02/19/93 PHILLIPS # SONS CO/E 100031 WINE PURCHASE 917.75 2.218.16 ►( 16766 02/19/93 BELLBOY CORPORATION 100096 LIQUOR PURCHASE 591.90 16766 02/19/97 BELLBOY CORPORATION 600099 BEER P'URCMA'BE 50.10 66?.45 �C 16767 02/19/93 JOHNSON EROS WHOLESA 900042 LIQUOR PURCMASE 74.93 16767 02/19/93 JOHeSON EROS WHOLESA 100027 WINE PURCHASE 1.216.03 1.196.98 �( 16769 02/19/93 QUALITY WINE 6 SPIRI 100040 WINE PURCHASE 11?.90 161b S 02/19/93 4VALIIV WINE 1 SPIRI 100040 LIQUOR PURCHASE 1.975.89 19768 02/19/93 QUALITY WINE 1 SPIRI 900040 MISC ITEMS FOR RESALE 11.59 1.IOG.A6 ar 16709 02/19/93 EAGLE WINE COMPANY 900012 WINE PURCHASE 739.91 16770 02/19/93 QRIGOS. COOPER 6 COM 100016 LT04JOR PURCHASE 1.499.80 16771 02/19/93 OROSSLEIN BEVERAGE 1 100019 BEER PURCHASE 5.073.45 16777 07/19/93 QUALITY WINE i SPIRI 400060 LIQUOR PURCHASE +.012.11 11712 02/19/93 QUALITY WINE B SPIR1 100060 MINE PURCHASE 360.77 ('8777 02/19/93 QUALITY WINE B SPIRI 100060 MISC ITEMS FOR RESALE 17.71 I v 1.391.16 • ESRC F1NAt+CIAL SYSTEM 03/01/93 08:35:47 Oisbursement Journal QARRANT DATE VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT LlwuU1t rUNv 16773 02/19/93 PHILLIPS i SONS CO/E 800037 LIQUOR PURCHASE 1.365.84 16773 02/19/93 PHILLIPS R SONS CO/E 800037 MINE PURCHASE 147.30 1,513.14 LIQUOR FUND TOTAL 21.299.23 9 BPc cINAr.CIAL SYSTEM 03/08/93 08:26:59 Oi9burs47ment Journal r IAPPANT DATE VENOOk DESCRIPTION AMOUNT :_ IQUOR 9UNO 16774 03/06/93 EAGLE WINE COMVANV 800 012 LIQUOR PURCHASE 1,A 56.66 16775 03/06/93 GRIGGS. COOPER & COM 800018 LIQUOR PURCHASE 1,018.59 16176 03/06/93 JOHNSON BROS WHOLEcA 800022 LIQUOP PURCHASE 2.980.33 16776 03/06/93 JOHNSON BROS WHOLESA 8000?2 WINE PURCHASE 533.42 3.513.75 + 16177 03/06/93 PHILLIPS & SONS CO/E 800037 LIQUOR PURCHASE 5.990.94 16778 03/08/83 BERNICK'S PEPSI COLA 800001 POP PURCHASE 1469.64 16779 03/08/93 BRIDGEWATER TELEPHON 800002 TELEPHONE CHARGES 122.01 16780 03/08/93 COAST TO COAST 100004 MISC SUPPLIES 32.46 16781 03/08/03 OAHLHEIMER OISTRISUT 100009 SEER PURCHASE 12.349.97 16782 03/01/93 DAY OISTPI6UTING COM 100 010 SEER PURCHASE 4629.90 16783 03/08/93 OICK WHOLESALE CO.. 80OC11 SEER PVRCtiASE 2.302.60 1x,713 01/08/93 DICK WHOLESALE CO.. 800011 LIQUOR $TORE SUPPLIES 30.65 2.333.25 0 16784 03/01/93 FLESCH'S PAPER SERVI 800116 SAGS. ETC 117.93 16784 03/01/93 FLESCH'S PAPER SERVI 800116 LIQUOR STORE SUPPLIES $1.00 169.02 • 11785 03/06/93 FOSTER -FRANZEN -CARL S 800015 LIQUOR LIASIIITY I 13.932.00 16796 03/08/93 G & K SERVICE 800179 RUO MATS/MTC OF 6LO 45.5; 18787 03/08/93 HOME JUICE 80008 JUICE FOR RESALE 59.34 16791 03/08/93 JOHNSON $408 WHOLESA 100022 LIQUOR PURCHASE 1.461.17 16788 03/08/93 JOHNSON EROS W64OLESA 100022 WINE PURCHASE 1.011.70 2.545.17 I 16189 01/08/93 JUDE CANDY & TOSACCO 100021 CIGARS & CIGS FOR RES 198.10, 16799 03/01/93 JUDE CANDY & TOBACCO 100071 LIQUOP STORE SUPPLIES 64.90 262.94 • 16790 01/01/93 LIfFERT TRUCKING 100025 FREIGHT CMARaES 42/.S1 16791 03/08/93 HAUS FOOOS 100027 MISC SUPPLIES 1.11 C'4,79? 03/06/93 MIDWEST GAS COMaANY 100014 UTILITIES ?106!1 ESFC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 03/08/93 08:26:59 Oieoursement Journal (.ARRANT DATE VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT C LIQUOR FUND 16793 03/08/93 MINN DEPARTMENT OF R 800006 SALES 1AX/FEBRUARY 8.100.76 16794 03/08/93 MINNESOTA CROWN DIST 800145 WINE PURCHA?•E 35.66 16795 03/08/93 MONTICELLO OFFICE PF 800031 OFFICE SUPPLIES 11.59 16796 03/08/93 MONTICELLO TIMES 800032 ADVERTISING 83.50 16797 03/08/93 NORTHERN STATES POWE 800035 UTILITIES 743.24 16798 03/08/93 OLSON 8 SONS ELECTRI 800036 BLD MTC REPAIRS 68.20 16799 03/08/93 RON'S ICE COMPANY 800041 ICE PURCHASE FOR RESAL 61.20 16800 03/08/93 ST. CLOUD RESTAURANT 800045 MISC ITEMS FOR RESALE 50.29 16800 03/08/93 ST. CLOUD RESTAURANT 800045 LIQUOR STORE SUPPLIES 55.10 104.39 •C 16801 03/08/93 THORPE DISTRIBUTING 800048 BEER PURCHASE 12.440.45 16802 03/08/93 VIKING COCA-COLA BOT 800051 POP PURCHASE 302.20 16903 03/08/93 WRI6M1 WAY SHOPPER 800106 ADVERTISING 66.25 16804 03/08/93 ZEE MEDICAL SERVICE 800054 LIQUOR STORE SUPPLIES 39.19 LIQUOR FUND TOTAL 67.045.47 C; wilik I 8RC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 15:47:35 Disbursement Journal (,3/11/93 ARRANT DATE V£NOOP OESCF'IPTION AMOUNT C LIQUOR FDNC 16808 03/11/93 FLAHERTY'S HAPPY TVM 800091 OVERPAYMENT/JAN INVOIC 92.00 18808 03/11/93 GROSSLEIN BEVERAGE I 800019 BEER PURCHASE 5.476.05 16807 03/11/93 GTE OIRECTOP.IES SERV 800126 ADVERTISING 32.00 18806 03/11/93 JOHNSON BROS WHOLESA 800022 VINE PURCHASE 245.97 16808 03/11/93 JOHNSON EROS WHOLESA 800072 CREDIT ON LIQUOR RETURN 6.80CR 239.37 Al 16809 03/11/93 PAUSTIS i SONS 800103 VINE PURCHASE 99.50 18810 03/11/93 PHILLIPS 8 SONS CO/E 800037 LIQUOR PURCHASE 1.463.14 16610 03/11/93 PHILLIPS SONS CO/E 800037 VINE PURCHASE 756.90 1.720.04 •C 16811 03/11/93 QUALITY WINE 8 SPIRT 800040 LIQUOR PURCHASE 588.01 /4812 03/11/93 U S WEST COMMUNICATI 800093 ADVERTISING 24.80 LIQUOR FUND TOIAL 8.270.47 C COUNCIL UPDATE March 18, 1893 New emolovee for water/sewer collection system. (J.S.) Mr. John Middendorf from Clarkfield, Minnesota, has accepted the position of Water/Sewer Collection System Operator. He has completed and passed the physical and is scheduled to start on April 5. He will start at the step 1 salary of $11.22 an hour. The current top rate for this position is $14.03 per hour. One item that we failed to include in our informational package which we sent out to all applicants was our insurance company's policy not to cover new employees or their families for the first 30 days. Since Mr. Middendorf was not aware of this policy and the City of Monticello's starting salary is significantly less than his current salary with the City of Clarkfield, we felt it appropriate to pay for the first 30 days of medical insurance based upon the union contract amount of $351.37 per month, or the actual cost of Mr. Middendorf continuing his insurance with the City of Clarkfield for 30 days, whichever is less. The City will also contribute up to $29.20 for the first month of dental insurance as included in the union agreement. If any of the Council members have a problem with this as proposed, we can discuss it at the conclusion of the Council meeting. COUNCIL UPDATE March 17, 1993 Citv ownership of Outlot A. Country Club Manor. (R.WJ After nearly two years, the tax forfeiture process started by the county concerning Outlot A, Country Club Manor, has come to an end. The City of Monticello HRA recently received a state deed from the Department of Revenue for this property. The deed was dated January 22 and recorded January 27, 1993. As per the City's agreement with the Wright County Board concerning this property, the City will be paying $4,327.26 to cover the outstanding real estate taxes for Outlot A_ In addition to this cost, it is assumed the City will incur additional fees by having our City Attorney, Paul Weingarden, complete the process of obtaining a quiet title action on this parcel. The purpose of this action is to obtain a clear title so that the City and/or HRA has a marketable piece of property in the future. It is very possible that previous owners such as Marvin George Builders or West Prairie Partners could still contest our ownership and cause us additional expenditures to obtain clear title. West Prairie Partnership, consisting of Jim Metcalf and Brad Larson, has previously indicated their dissatisfaction with the tax forfeiture process and indicated they may contest any title action by the City. Since the City is now considered the owner of this property, I did contact the Whiteco Sign Company regarding the four billboards that are located on this parcel. I informed the sign company that the City is now the owner and that there currently is not a valid lease for the signs to remain on this property. Through the tax forfeiture process, it is our opinion that any lease previously existing is considered void, and Whiteco Sign Company would have to enter into a new agreement with the City if we wish to allow the signs to remain. For the present time, the City will be proposing a one-year sign lease with Whiteco Sign Company for the billboards on this property. The one-year leases would allow the City to obtain some revenue from the signs until we can obtain clear title to the property and also market or sell the property for its future use. 13y keeping the leases to a one-year term, this should allow the City to provide adequate notice for the removal of the signs if we should desire. COUNCEL UPDATE March 18, 1898 Shonner advertisement --Edina Realtv. (R.W.) As you may have noticed, a recent Monticello Shopper advertisement for Edina Realty included a recommendation by the City's Building Official, Gary Anderson, for two agents, Judy Leming and Patty Olsen. Needless to say, the City staff has received some complaints from area realtors regarding the apparent endorsement of one firm over another. Enclosed you will find a copy of a memo that I had prepared and mailed to all local realtors in an effort to explain that the City was not aware that any recommendation was going to be included in an ad. If the Council feels any additional damage control is necessary, the City could consider publishing a clarification in the Shopper similar to the memo attached.