City Council Agenda Packet 09-27-1993AGENDA FOR THE MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL Monday, September 27, 1983 - 7 p.m. Mayor: Ken Maus Council Members: Shirley Anderson, Clint Herbst, Brad Fyle, Patty Clsen 1. Call to order. 2. Approval of minutes of the regular meeting held September 13, 1993. 3. Citizens comments/petitions, requests, and complaints --A DNR representative will be presenting the City Council with a plaque in recognition of our tree planting efforts as part of the Tree City U.S.A. Program. 4. Public hearing for the application of funding to the State of Minnesota for the H - Window Company, and consideration to adopt the resolution of applicant, City of Monticello. 5. Public hearing and the consideration to adopt a resolution relating to the modification of the Redevelopment Plan for Redevelopment Project No. 1, the modification of the plans for Tax Increment Financing Districts Nos. 1-1 through 1-12 and Tax Increment Financing Districts Nos. 1-14 through 1-15, and the adoption of the Tax Increment Financing Plan for TIF District No. 1-13. 6. Continuation of public hearing on Project 93-09C, Alley Improvements. 7. Consideration of storm sewer improvements for Monticello Ford. A. Consideration of accepting conveyance of tax forfeiture parcel from Wright County—former Gille Auto property. 9. Consideration of change order #4 to the vehicle storage building, Project 92-06. 10. Consideration of change order M1, the trunk storm sewer extension and appurtenant work to Hart Boulevard, City Project 93.06C. 11. Consideration of approval of plans and specifications and authorization to proceed for bids for Improvement Project 93-1 IC, chlorination and dechlorination improvements to the wastewater treatment plant. 12. Consideration of bills for the month of September. 1:1. Adjournment.. MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, September 13, 1993 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Ken Maus, Shirley Anderson, Brad Fyle, Clint Herbst, Patty Olsen Members Absent: None 2. Consideration of annroval of minutes of the reeular meetine held Aueust 23. 1993, and the saecial meetine held Aueust 31. 1993. After discussion, a motion was made by Shirley Anderson and seconded by Clint Herbst to approve the meeting minutes as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Citizens comments/vetitions, requests, and complaints. None forthcoming. 4. Consideration of a request to amend Section 3-3 [Cl of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance by chaneine the R-1 (sinde family residential) side Yard setback reauirement from ten (10) feet on both side vards to six (6) feet on one side and ten (10) feet on the other side. Assistant Administrator O'Neill reported that the home design that Emmerich commonly uses is 64 ft wide and features a 3 -car garage. Due to current 10 -ft side yard setback requirements, it is not possible to place a 64 -ft home on many of the lots in the Oak Ridge subdivision because many of the lots in the subdivision are only 80 ft wide. Amending the ordinance by allowing a 6 -ft side yard setback on the garage side of a residential structure would enable Emmerich to build a 64 -ft home on an 80 -ft lot. The additional 4 ft of buildable area would enable development of homes with 3 - car garages that are better balanced from an architectural standpoint. O'Neill went on to report that Planning Commission recommended denial of the proposed amendment based on their finding that the present ordinance requiring a 10 -ft setback on both sides of a residence is proper. It was the view of the Planning Commission that a 10 -ft setback is necessary. Reducing one side to 6 ft would tighten the separation between buildings, which could result in a negative impact on values. Furthermore, the current standards are reasonable, and reducing them would not be consistent with the comprehensive plan. Patty Olson mentioned that she is working with Tony Emmerich on other projects in Monticello; however, and she is not involved in the Oak Ridge subdivision and has no financial interest in this project. Page I C --X-) Council Minutes - 9/13/93 Brad Fyle mentioned that Emmerich should have designed his plat with lot widths that would be sufficient to enable construction of the type of homes that he wishes to build. Shirley Anderson mentioned that she saw no reason to change the present ordinance. After discussion, a motion was made by Clint Herbst and seconded by Brad Fyle to deny approval of the proposed amendment based on the finding that the present ordinance requiring a 10 -ft setback on both sides of a residence is proper. A 10 -ft setback on both sides is necessary in an R-1 zone. Reducing one side yard setback to 6 ft would reduce the necessary separation between buildings, which could result in a negative impact on land values. Furthermore, the current standards are reasonable, and reducing them would not be consistent with the comprehensive plan. Voting in favor of the motion: Ken Maus, Brad Fyle, Clint Herbst, Shirley Anderson. Opposed: Patty Olsen. Patty Olsen remarked that it was her view that the amendment could benefit the City by enabling home owners to build larger garages, thereby providing room for items that would otherwise be stored outside along side garages. 5. Consideration of a reauest to amend Chanter 10 of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance by adding a provision that would increase the maximum size allowed for private garages accessory to a residential use in a PZM (performance zone mixed) zone. Assistant Administrator ONeill informed City Council that the Planning Commission reviewed the proposed ordinance amendment and recommended denial based on the finding that an ordinance amendment which would allow development of a very large accessory building in a semi - residential zone, even with conditions as proposed, is not consistent with the purpose of the PZM district and is not consistent with the comprehensive plan. O'Neill went on to review the proposed ordinance amendment and the conditions associated with allowing development of an accessory structure in excess of 1,000 sq ft. Brad Fyle mentioned his concern over allowing such a large garage in the PZM zone. It opens up the same type of development to all PZM lots in the city, and the size of the proposed structure to be built by Ruff is not consistent with what's existing in the other PZM zones. City Attorney, Paul Weingarden, noted that in analyzing the request, City Council needs to look at what is the purpose of the PZM zone and determine if this type of structure is consistent with this purpose. Atter discussion, a motion was made by Brad Fyle and seconded by Clint Herbst to deny the zoning ordinance amendment based on the finding that development of accessory buildings in excess of 1,000 sq ft, even with Page 2 0 Council Minutes - 9/13/93 conditions as proposed, is not consistent with the purpose of the PZM district and is not consistent with the comprehensive plan. Voting in favor of the motion: Ken Maus, Patty Olsen, Brad Fyle, Clint Herbst. Opposed: Shirley Anderson. Consideration of a conditional use reauest to allow open and outdoor storaee as an accessory use in an 1-2 (heavy industrial) zone and a variance reauest to allow a forty (40) foot and thirty-two (32) foot curb cut. Assistant Administrator ONeill reported that the two conditional use permits and two curb cut variance requests are requested by H -Window Company in conjunction with the expansion of the H -Window Company structure. Under the proposed expansion, the H -Window Company will be constructing an addition of a size approximately equal to the existing building. All aspects of the site plan conform with city requirements in terms of landscaping, parking, signage, etc. Expansion of the facility calls for use of a small area for outside storage. The area will be screened from view of the public right-of-way through use of a screening fence as required by the ordinance. The Planning Commission recommended approval of this request. The site plan conforms to city requirements with regard to parking, drive areas, etc., with one exception: the H -Window Company requests that the curb not be required in parking expansion areas. Granting of the conditional use permit request would allow the H -Window Company to develop the parking area without the curb. O'Neill reported that the site plan also requires two curb cut variances. One calls for a 40 -ft curb cut on the eastern -most driveway access on Dundas, which is 16 ft wider than the maximum allowed by ordinance. H - Window also requests a 32 -ft curb cut at the entrance to County Road 117. The 40 -ft curb cut would allow for more maneuvering room for semi -trailer trucks entering and leaving the loading berth area located on the southerly side of the structure. O'Neill reported that the Planning Commission recommended approval of both the conditional use permit requests; however, they recommended denial of the variance requests based on their finding that a hardship had not been established. At the same time, the Planning Commission felt that the zoning ordinance limiting curb cuts to 24 R wide was particularly restrictive: therefore, they authorized City staff to investigate the possibility of amending the zoning ordinance to allow for wider curb cuts in industrial zones. O'Neill went on to report that in his discussions with the City Planner, he has found that most zoning ordinances include a provision that allow for much wider curb cuts in industrial and commercial zones. Some cities have regulations that allow the City Engineer and 7.oning Administrator to establish the proper curb cut width on a case-by-case basis in industrial and commercial areas. Page 3 0 Council Minutes - 9/13/93 After discussion, a motion was made by Shirley Anderson and seconded by Patty Olsen to approve the conditional use permit requests. Motion carried unanimously. A motion was also made by Shirley Anderson and seconded by Patty Olsen to grant the curb cut variance request based on the finding that the additional width will provide improved ingress and egress for semi -trailer trucks and, thereby, improve traffic flow and associated traffic safety and authorize City staff to investigate options for modifying the zoning ordinance to provide more flexibility in establishing curb cut widths as requested by the Planning Commission. Motion carried unanimously. Consideration of leasing a portion of 5th Street right of way to Sunny Fresh Foods for development of a paved parking area. Assistant Administrator O Neill reported that in conjunction with development of an upgraded parking area on the east side of the Sunny Fresh facility, Sunny Fresh Foods requests that the City grant permission to include a portion of the 5th Street right-of-way in the parking lot. The dimension of the 5th Street area to be used is approximately 18 ft x 122 It (2,196 sq ft). In recent months, Sunny Fresh Foods has undertaken a site reorganization and beautification effort. Up to this point, the efforts have included: refurbishing of the lab facility, demolition of a storage building in the area, and other site beautification efforts. Since none of the improvements appear to constitute an expansion of the facility, the City has not required that additional parking be created or that non -conforming parking areas be brought up to code. The parking area proposed for developments is being completed voluntarily by Sunny Fresh and represents an improvement to a lawful non -conforming use. Sunny Fresh Foods has been utilizing the 5th Street right-of-way for some time as a place for spillover parking. Their request now is to formalize this use. They have noted that the City has not objected to the use of this property by Sunny Fresh in the past and, therefore, feel that paving the area will not create problems. The 5th Street right-of-way is owned by the City but is also provided to Burlington Northern by casement for use as a railroad right-of-way. The lot itself will he 20 ft from the railroad tracks, and it does not appear that there will be any conflict between the track and the parking lot. O'Neill went on to note that the terms of the lease as suggested by the City Attorney are as follows: Lease duration should be no longer than one year for the first year and shorter time periods thereafter. Page 4 9 Council Minutes - 9/13/93 2. No activity at this location would be allowed other than vehicle parking. 3. Insurance would need to be provided by Sunny Fresh naming the City as the third party beneficiary. 4. Any improvements (curb and gutter) become the property of the City. 5. A lease payment amount needs to he established, this amount as determined by City Council. 6. The lease is not permanent; therefore, the 5th Street parking spaces provided cannot be identified as a portion of required parking spaces that may be needed in conjunction with potential future expansions to the Sunny Fresh operation. The City Council reviewed the matter and discussed the appropriate dollar amount for the lease agreement and directed staff to negotiate the lease amount with Sunny Fresh and report back to Council. After discussion, a motion was made by Brad Fyle and seconded by Clint Herbst to enter into a lease agreement with Sunny Fresh Foods which would allow temporary use of a portion of the 5th Street right-of-way for private parking by Sunny Fresh Foods. The City Attorney is directed to prepare the lease agreement accordingly. The cost of the preparation of the lease agreement is to be paid by Sunny Fresh Foods. Lease approval is contingent on establishment of an appropriate lease price or contingent on approval by Burlington Northern. Motion carried unanimously. 8. Review Communitv United Methodist Church or000sal for olacement of a 12' x 52' temoornry classroom on site. Bill Caldwell, representing United Methodist Church, was in attendance to discuss the church's desire to place a 12' x 52' temporary classroom on the site of the Methodist Church. Caldwell explained that the Methodist Church is in the process of establishing a lung -tern facilities plan to handle recent and future church growth. The temporary classroom is intended to address the overcrowding problems that the congregation is now facing. Caldwell noted that the existing structure does not have sufficient classroom space, and the temporary structure would be used solely for classroom purposes. Assistant Administrator O'Neill noted that this proposal is in conflict with the city ordinance and, therefore, a formal zoning ordinance amendment would need to be adopted in order for this proposal to go forward. The main problem with the proposal is that the Methodist Church is located in an Page 5 Council Minutes - 9/13/93 industrial zone; therefore, any expansion of the facility or intensification of its use is limited due to the fact that the church is a non -conforming use. In addition, parking on site does not meet code; and in the past, the City has not allowed institutions to expand without providing sufficient parking for the expansion. O Neill went on to say that this situation is somewhat unique because in this situation, the classroom facility would be temporary in nature; therefore, there may be a way to adjust the ordinance to allow a temporary expansion of a non -conforming use. After discussion, a motion was made by Clint Herbst and seconded by Shirley Anderson to authorize City staff to prepare a zoning ordinance amendment that would address the situation faced by the Methodist Church with regard to their request for a 12' x 52' temporary classroom structure and schedule a public hearing accordingly. Motion carried unanimously. 9. Consideration to authorize Business Development Services, Inc., (BDS, Incl to prepare Part Il of the State's Economic Recovery Fund Application and to call for a public hearine - H -Window Company finance plan. 011ie Koropchak requested that the Council consider authorizing Business Development Services to prepare Part 11 of the State's Economic Recovery Fund Application and call for a public hearing, which would be conducted on Monday, September 27, 1993. Koropchak went on to review the finance plans supporting the expansion of the H -Window Company and noted that the plan calls for obtaining $400,000 through the State of Minnesota Economic Recovery Grant Fund. After discussion, a motion was made by Clint Herbst and seconded by Shirley Anderson to authorize BDS, Inc., to prepare Part 11 of the Economic Recovery Fund Application and call for a public hearing relating to the funding for September 27, 1993. Motion carried unanimously. 10. Consideration of a resolupon supnortine Wrieht Countvs proclamation of Waste Reduction Week, September 27 to October 2, 1993. John Simola reported that at the request of the Wright County Solid Waste Task Force, the Wright County Board of Commissioner's proclaimed the week of September 27 through October 2, 1993, as Waste Reduction Week. Various activities are being planned county wide to give citizens a renewed awareness of the importance of waste reduction and recycling. Simola requested that Council support this activity and consider additional incentives to give our recycling program another shot in the arm. Simola explained that participation in the recycling program has been decreasing. As evidence, he noted that during the month of August, the waste going to the Wright County Compost reached a high of 150 tons. This is the highest Page 6 0 Council Minutes - 9/13/93 figure that we have had since starting our recycling program. Conversely, the tonnage of recycling items has dropped in August. Only 17.6% of our waste stream was recycled when yard waste products are excluded. Ken Maus noted that as of late, we've been falling short of our recycling goals. We need to do something to rejuvenate the program. Brad Fyle concurred that we need a boost to the program. After discussion, a motion was made by Brad Fyle and seconded by Shirley Anderson to adopt the resolution and direct the Monticello Recycling Committee to develop additional activities for city residents and associated incentives to encourage recycling during the week of September 27 to October 2. Motion carried unanimously. SEE RESOLUTION 93-33. 11. Consideration of a resolution calline for a oublic hearine for the installation of a pond outlet from Meadow Oaks to the Mississiooi River. John Simola noted that City Council has been reviewing the need for the Meadow Oaks pond outlet recently and that perhaps the next step is to adopt a resolution calling for a public hearing on the installation of the outlet. Atter discussion, it was the consensus of the City Council that further action on development of the pond outlet should be postponed until completion of an overall storm sewer policy. Brad Fyle suggested that the City consider allowing the Meadow Oaks pond to hold more water. Perhaps the outlet could he designed to handle a smaller amount of water. After discussion, a motion was made by Brad Fyle and seconded by Clint Herbst to postpone holding a public hearing for the installation of a pond outlet from Meadow Oaks to the Mississippi River pending development of a city-wide storm sewer assessment policy. Motion carried unanimously. 12. Consideration of a rosolugon calling for a nubli& hearine for assessments on the Briar Oakes annd outlet --City Proiect 93 -IOC. John Simola reported that construction of the pond outlet for Briar Oakes is complete with the exception of final restoration and seeding. This will be done in the very near future. The City was able to save $1,600 on the project for the cost of the Oak Ridge contractor by using a local contractor and by purchasing materials ourselves. Simola went on to review the proposed assessment roll. Page 7 0)_ Council Minutes - 9/13/93 After discussion, a motion was made by Brad Fyle and seconded by Shirley Anderson to adopt a resolution setting a public hearing on adoption of the assessment roll for Project 93 -IOC at 7 p.m. on October 25, 1993. Motion carried unanimously. SEE RESOLUTION 93-34. 13. Other Matters A. Clint Herbst brought up the topic of City employee use of comp time. After discussion, it was the consensus of City Council to authorize City staff to research comp time policies adopted by other communities and report to Council accordingly. There being no further discussion, meeting was adjourned. Jeff ONeill Assistant Administrator Page 8 001- Council Agenda - 9/27/93 Public hearing for the aotalication of funding to the State of Minnesota for the H -Window Comoanv. and consideration to adout the resolution of auulicant. Citv of Monticello. (O.K.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Council is requested to open the public hearing for the application of funding to the State of Minnesota to assist the H -Window Company, applicant being the Citv of Monticello. PROJECT For the past year, the Monticello Economic Development Team and Business Development Services, Inc., (BDS) have worked with the H -Window Company (Steven Lemme, President and General Manager; Knut Flakk, Chairman of the NAWCO Board; and Gunnar Bockmann, NAWCO Board of Director) to develop a financial package acceptable and attainable to all. The initial sources of funds included hank, $1,175,(K)0; State of Minnesota, $500,000; and equity, $400,000. TIF wits proposed as "write-down" of the company's debt service. The financing package total; $2,075,000: constructio»/site improvements, $9251,000; equipment, $650,000; working capital, $400,000; and capitalized inwrest/financing, $100,000. The 251,600 sq ft manufacturing expansion will have an estimated market value of $691,200, and the 4,(x)0 sq it second -flour office expansion will have an estimated market value of $40,000. The expansion will create 60 new jobs and retain 351 existing jobs. On lune 22, 1993, Part 1 of the City of Monticello s Community Development Application to assist the H -Window Company was submitted to the Department of Trade and Economic Development IDTED). The City's initial request was for the amount of $5500,000 with a State forgiveness of $51,000 per job created. On September 2, 1993, the City of Monticello received it letter and Part 11 of the application form for completion and submittal to I)TED. I)TED indicated they would consider an application in the amount of $400,000 contingent upon completion of a list of requirements; however, they were unable to consent (<) debt forgiveness in exchange for the creation of jobs. They suggested the matter be negotiated between the company and the (lily. Council Agenda - 9/27/93 Thereafter, an application request in the amount of $100,000 was submitted to the Central Minnesota Initiative Fund (CMIF) to fill the financial gap created by the reduction of dollars under consideration by the State ($500,0oo to $400,000). The approved TIF assistance is for site improvements at a Net Present Value of $115,000 over eight years at a 7r4 interest rate. The HRA will recapture the assistance through TIF District No. 1-7 surplus funds and the projected increase of increment as a result of the expansion. The Private Redevelopment Contract between the H -Window and the HRA has been executed by both parties. On September 13, 1993, Council authorized HMS to complete Part 11 of the State's application and called a public hearing for the application of State funding. As suggested by DTED, City staff discussed the option W forgive its $100,000 State grant in exchange for the creation of jobs. After negotiations with the H -Window Company, City staff recommends Council approve the $400,000 loan structure with an increasing interest rate schedule to assist the H -Window in the first critical years of the company's growth and expansion as follows: years 1-2, 0%; year 3, 2%; year 4,31h; year 5, 41h: and years 6.10, 514. The ten- year loan is for equipment. Staff recognizes that this structure will ultimately reduce the amount of recapture that we would normally enjoy with this program; however, the City will recapture the first $100,000 principal payback and it small amount of interest payback. The recommendation appears to he a win/win situation for hath the H -Window and the City of Monticello. The Community Development Application is a Small Cities Economic Recovery Grant (ERG). If the State approves the requested grant, the City will receive the $400,000 grant and in turn will loan the grant dollars to the H -Window Company at the recommended loan structure. The City is not liable ror the State dollars. The City has the right to relain the first $100,000 principal and interest payback, while the State retains the remaining $300,000 principal and interest payback. The City will administrate the State funds as required by policy. The ERG is used to create new state jobs and to increase the state's tax capacity value. It is not intended to displace jobs from one state community to another. At least 51'6 of the jobs must he available for the low to moderate income. State dollars are always the Inst source of funding in the financial Council Agenda - 9/27/93 package to be sought and are only used for "gap" funding. Documentation from lending institutions and other funding sources as to the maximum level of Financing assistance available for the project funding is required. PUBLIC HEARING The following citizen participation process is intended to provide direction and guidance in meeting the public participation requirements as set by the State. A minimum of one public hearing must he held to obtain citizen input on the proposed project. The hearing (S^ptember 27, 1993) must be held prior to the submission of the application (October 15, 1993) at a time convenient (approximately 7 p.m.) to all community residents. Extensive notice of public hearing should he made at least two weeks prior to meeting through all available resources such as the media ( Monticello Times, September 16 and 23,1993); at local organizations (Industrial Development Committee meeting, September 16, 1993, 7 a.m., and tit the Monticello Rotary International Club, September 27, 1993, 12:00 noon.), and postings (Monticello City Hall). Location of the public hearing must have handicap accessibility (Monticello City Hall Council Chambers, Monticello, Minnesota, which is a public facility constructed in compliance with the Minnesota State Iluilding Codes and Standards.) Detailed information regarding the proposed project should he communicated at the public hearing, including but not limited to: Project scope and tylw of activities involved. Implementation schedule. Overall cost and the proposed financing for the project. Project costs to Fu assessed to community residents. Other associated project. costs such as maintenance expenses, etc. At the public hearing, specific time and opportunity must he given citizens to identify other community development needs in addition to the need(s) addressed by the proposed H -Window project contained in this application. Council Agenda - 9/27/93 The County of Wright will submit an application for State funding to assist Standard Iron and Wire Works, Inc. The $250,000 request is for equipment. The maximun dollars awarded by the Stale to a government unit per the State's fiscal year is $500,000; therefore, the City of Monticello is not the applicant . C" The needs of non-English speaking residents must be planned for and accommodated at the public hearing. Written complaints or other comments solicited and received as a result of the public hearing must be, responded to in writing within 1.5 days. An affidavit and the minutes of the public hearing should he kept on tile, available for public inspection, by the applicant until implementation of the proposed project is completed. 2. Other efforts should he. made to furnish citizens with detailed information regarding the proposed projects. After communication, discussion, and public comments have been heard, the request is to close the public hearing and to then consider the resolution of applicant. RESOLUTION FOR ADOPTION 'rhe resolution states that the City of Monticello will act as the legal sponsor for the project.; that the City has the legal authority to apply for financial assistance and the financial capability to ensure development of the project; that the City has not violated any federal, state, or local laws and has not incurred tiny coats nor entered into tiny agreement to purchase property. The resolution further states that if the application is approved, the City will enter into an agreement with the State certifying it will comply with the laws and regulations of the program, and that the City will obtain rnd review fanuncial information from The H -Window Company, and that the City and the City Attorney will disclose any adverse information identified. If the resolution is adopted, kick Wolfsteller is authorized to execute all agreements necessary for implementation of the project on Ixhalf of the City, and to authorize submission of the grant application and it copy of the adopted resolution to the Department of DTED on October 15, 1993. Council Agenda - 9/27/93 The City Council is now requested to consider action to adopt or to deny adoption of the resolution. B. ALTERNATIVE. ACTIONS S� C 1. Motion to adopt the resolution of applicant authorizing Rick Wolfsteller to submit the Community Development Application on behalf of the City 4`J of Monticello to the Department of Trade and Economic Development and to approve the recommended loan terms. 2. Motion to deny adoption of the resolution of applicant, thereby denying authorization to submit the Community Development Application on behalf of the City of Monticello to the Department of Trade and Economic Development. 3. Motion to table the agenda item. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends alternative # 1. Staff views the H -Window expansion as an asset to the City of Monticello, supports the need for "gap" financing, and sees the grant payback as an economic development benefit to the community. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the resolution for adoption; Public hearing notice: Letter to the State; Proposed recapture schedule. RESOLUTION 83 Copr RESOLUTION OF A.PPLICA.N'1' FOIL DEPARTMENT OF TRADE AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FUNDING BE IT HESOI,VF,D that Lite City of Monticello act as Che legal sponsor For project(s) contained in the Community DevelopmenL ApplicaLion to he submitted on Octoler 15, 1993, and that hick Wolfsteller is hereby authorized to apply to the Department of Trude and Economic Development for funding of this project on behalf of the City of Monticello. 13E IT Fl-11011EIL ILESOLVFI) that the City of Monticello has Lite legal authority to apply fur financial assistance, and Che institutional, managerial, and financial capability to ensure adequate construction, (operation, maintenance, and replacement of the proposed project for its design life. BE IT FUHTH EIt HESOLVED that Lite City of Monticello has not incurred any costs, has not entered into tiny written agreements to purchase properly. fill 1'I' FUIL'lliWit IOISOI'VED that Che City of Monticello has nut violated any Federal, State, or local laws pertaining to fraud, bribery, graft, kickbacks, collusion, conflict of interest, or other unlawful or corrupt practice. BE IT FUH'I'1Ilet( 101,SOINEI) that upon approval of its application by Lite stats, Lite City of Monticello may enter into an agreement with Lite State of Minnesota For the above -referenced project(s), and that the City of Monticello certifies that it will comply with all applicable laws and regulations its stated on till contract. agreements and described on Cite Compliances Checklist (of Che Community Development Application. AS APPLICABLE, BE IT IeUH'I'IIEIL ILIESOI,VEI) that Ute City of Monticello has obtained credit reports and credit information from Cite H -Window Company. Upon review by Lite City of Monticello and Paul Weingarden, City Attorney. tea adverse findings or concerns regurding, but not limited ta, tax limns, .itidgeuetts, court actions, and filings with state, federal, and other regulatory agencies were identified. Failure Lu disclose tory such adverse information could result in revocation or other legal action. NOW, THEHEFOIO' BE IT ILESOLVI;D that Hick Wulfsteller is hereby authorized to execute such agreements as are necessary to implement Lite pruject(s) un behalf (of Lite applicant. v RESOLUTION 93 - Page 2 I CERTIFY THAT Clio above resolution was adopted by the City Council of the City of Monticello on this 27th day of September, 1993. City Administrator SIGNED: Mayor tttttt44tt*kftktt4tt4tkkt4tlttttkktkttktk4ik! WITNESSED: (Signature) (Signature) (Title) (Date► (Tiuo) (Dale) D LJ state or pam..oto SECRETARY OF STATE CERTIFICATE OF ASSUMES NAME Mt,s nesrNa Starufes Chapter 333 The riling of an conumed name does not ppoten a Men a eatlup right elvs 10 that name T 0 tiling Is te8t&pd as a consumer patlec• 60n}�N ordar to amble cpheunM. t0 be oda b N�erAfy tiff true owner of a busktes., ,I 'TOU' t; Stats the ex.et assumed name uhderi-.a Ilkr.p414a all'R j" �• _ el!o.slyre%_ �IiMIA��� • NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING 0 ^• CITY OF MONTICELLO-COUNTY OF WFUGHT-STATE OF MINNESOTA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Montce110 wnl Ih01d a ptbllc Muksq pn Monday, September 27, 1993, at 7 p.m„ In Na Council Chambau. 250 East Broadway, Monticello, Q Minnesota 55362, to conlder making an application for Nndng ro 113 State"m Minnesota render the Smell Cities Econwn OevalopmenI Program for an ocoromk development project The and !til r09ulremerta a .. 1; program coal off expbined. Comments and aueeUon be welcome. Under consideletion will be a praposai to p$at Ina H.yyindow Comperry. TheSlate'$ progfem Is designed t0 provide aspstante to palate bmNesaef'ln getting started ..,1:Rkk .5 2 s. 1 netainq tow and moderate income persons. For in orma ort. can 011ie '•i! AGE FORECLOSURE SALEi'-is•r? �'i{SppL'.iS+'; Y(glfslsnar; Clnryy AdmlrUfNatd'27t1np1-0'a;HlnY�ld 23.7993y, n.f b} rr.r7 di s;'tti;•-f}:ht, rFi�r'i'.:y a..i•;. ..i J, ,I; •3„L 1. .� It ha occurred In th copditlrt ollhs lolwln •'.W1i a ladkatgl!b.m1901�naF1 Qo pft1n76de +�IIUIIs tT$Igilln, Prn'110 "I na'•ni "t)'I''h' �•i •',..I 1 Oil. ITGAGE: $58,000,00 r '. EXHIBIT A i ♦, 1989. OMee of Wright County Recorder, Buffalo, ' NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARI7t0 ' Cft'Y OP MONTTCELLO-COUNTY OF WRIGHT-STATE OF MINNESOTA NOTICE IS HERESY GIVEN that the City Council (the *Council') In and for the City of hat part of Lot 6 and the Westerly 50 feat of Lot 5, pt accordnq to plat on file and of record In the oMce of Monacan, rNx4y of Wright, Stare of aan"llulla, will 11.111 a I.Anlo hearing m Sarlamhwr 77, 1993, at epproxtnplely 7p m al Clty Hall, 250 Eml &oad Monticello, Mamesote, of Wright Slate of Minnesota, excepting therefrom my, retailing to the pro=d modificatlan, by lncraased project costs. the Housfnq and Redevelopment lies Northerly of the creek which runs tihrourM the Authority's Redevelopment Project No. 1 and the approval end .dgptfon or the Modlfied .TED: Wrpm Redevrebpmam Plan noting theraW; Oro roposed modification, by Inaeaaed WoleCl costs, of the Mods ped Tax intramant FinanCing P for Tax JE ASO DATE OF NOTICE. INCLUDING TAXES, ons Increment Financing Districts No 1-1 through 1.12 and Tax Increment Financing Dlslritts No. 1.11 through 1-15, located wllhln Rede ni'll an, Project No. 1; and the proposed adoption of Tax Increment Flnanchha Ran roh ro been compiled with: that no action or proceeding :over the door secured by said mprty0pe, or any uh0 to Tax h a mem FhhMdnq Pian No. 1.13, also located wtein Redevaiopmant Protea No. 1, In part fin said mortgage, the above described property will of pursuant to end accordance with Minnesota S(gjg(ga, Section 469 001 10 489 7, Inclu- sive, as upended, end Sections 469.174 to 469 179. Inclusive, as amended. A coy of the Modffad Redevelopment Plan sur Redovebpment Prosed Not and Tax increment Financing n: plan. Id lax Inaaman, Fhoncing DI.tr1cp No. L1 IMough 1.15, es proposed to be e0opotl at M. at 2.00 p M. o'clock are office of the Clly AdmirUatiator at City Heil rwt later that August 25, 1993. Deportment, Wright County Administration Bu iding, The property comprising Tax Increment Financing District No. 143 Is es follows: ntl taxes, t amy, an falai pemiae- and the cotta and CREILON Let 7 and Loi 8, Block 2. Oakwood Induussttrial Paa rk kwod by Iaw, fable. to redemption within 6 munUah PID NWidler. 155.018 002070 their personal re esenlanvo. ar assign. None, PID Number: 155.018 0020 08 non mortgage: Further --atpn raparding the WentiOcaeon of ire DarcN to be ekkded in Tax Increment Flnondnq D'Iss No, 1.13 may be obbined from the offlte of the City Administrator. ,u intaated per.on may appear at the bearbhq and present 0*11 views orany, or b.1111,, Dated: t23 1993. -By Own OP' THE CITY COUNCIL .. t , r -Rick WoiMtebr, City Adwo dntator r (SePC 16 Z3. IM) I by the the matgegapersonal repro• aSas J7. t a XCION, . waeka ti n pddel older 11enteredd hxrdnr Muvresata '4 I+ onq other things, that Ne mongngod preml... are Pn - .- 17..1, ' Than five units, are hof properly used agrichalwd • ( :,rt w�1 •; »s 980 r.i' SI OE CEMETERY LOT OWNERS: t��ti �•___», d nl Its July. IP93 "--ones, bo 11 known to an 0 may Rlvegltla Cmnelery Is tnkhng action to roctal. for wt had nnY ecflity las OIaly (80} yearn or tong". .one di j op a Intandirq 10 slam the lol Ip uta any 7 tlek. tYal llley noUty any member of Ute cemetery cam, 4+t ,� IW 17, 25, 2e, 27, 29, 30, 34, 35, 36, 3e, 3S, 4e, 51. ta, hot, for, no, 111.116, 120, t2J, 126. 120, 120. z 2. Ise, too, 188, 170, 179, 1St, 183, 185, 107, lea, 5. 238, 241, 244, i.IlsiF4vi6.Y'�r �.1:C .•} -"��: -v • •,+ 253, 254, 255, 257, 258. 203, 264, 7, 288. 315, 347, 331, 382, 384, 380, 570, 373,374, ULT I, irT' W rj {7"7 4 �. �„ 4• �� pmnflLouemlr Ft1AfLCT ro. t ata gloves art Janucry 1, 1091 I ,�••••,,�� '" .w .....,..�.. .... LJ state or pam..oto SECRETARY OF STATE CERTIFICATE OF ASSUMES NAME Mt,s nesrNa Starufes Chapter 333 The riling of an conumed name does not ppoten a Men a eatlup right elvs 10 that name T 0 tiling Is te8t&pd as a consumer patlec• 60n}�N ordar to amble cpheunM. t0 be oda b N�erAfy tiff true owner of a busktes., ,I 'TOU' t; Stats the ex.et assumed name uhderi-.a Ilkr.p414a all'R j" �• _ el!o.slyre%_ �IiMIA��� 150 Eau Broadway P. O. Box 1147 Monticello, NN 55362.9245 Phone: (612) 295-2711 Metro: (612) 333-5739 Fax: (612) 295-4404 Mr. Bradley Simenson Senior Loan Officer 800 Metro Square 121 Seventh Place Bast St. Paul, MN 66101-2146 Re: H -Window Finance Structure Dear Mr. Simenson: September 17, 1993 Per your letter of September 2, 1993, we have had a follow-up meeting with representatives of the H -Window Company. At this meeting, we reviewed the terms of the State Funding as outlined in your letter. At the September 27, 1993 City Council meeting, City Staff will recommend Council approve the loan structure with an increasing Interest rate schedule to assist the company in the first critical years of the company's growth and expansion, as follows: years) 1 -2 2nter st Rate - OS 3 2% 4 3% 8 •S 6-10 5% The City 'of Monticello recognises that this structure will ultimately reduce the amount of recapture that we would normally enjoy with this program. However, this is an opportunity the City will forego to retain this very valuable company. J Mr. Bradley Simenson September 17, 1993 Page 2 I would appreciate your input and direction as we proceed with this project. I! you have any questions, please call me at METRO 333- 5739 or (612) 295-2711. Sincerely, CITY OF MORTICELLO 011ie Koropchak Economic Development Director cc: Steven Lemme, H -Window Company Pat Pelstring, BDS, Inc. 6) - SEP -17-'93 FR 10:35 ID:BDS IIK. TEL NO: ?%-9034 13817 P02 MONTICELLO, MINNHSOTA H•WINDOW COMPANY PROJWT RECAPTURE SCHEDULE Principal Amount: $400,000 U Interest Annual 8ai0 Tldnl P41mmn Yeah 1.2 0% 10 Years 340,000 Year 3 2% 8 Years $43,831 Year 4 3% 7 Years $44,831 Year 3 4% 6 Years $46,163 Years 6.10 3% 3 Years 547,303 Beginning @B1BGlm Ending adilla Years 1-2 $400,000 $ 80,000 $ 0 » Year 3' 5320,000 S 37,259 $ 6,060 t?B?,741 Year 4 $282,741 $ 36,853 $ 7,978 3'w,818 Year 5 $245,888 $ 37,002 $ 9,161 SEW Yuan 6.10 $208,886 132LM 129.030 S 0 TOTAL $400,000 $51,229 *City Sham of Payback U 100% Recaptured in Month 7 of Year 3. Total amount of Recapture is appmx1mately $103,000. U Council Agenda - 9/27/93 s. Public Hearin¢ and the consideration to adopt a resolution relating to the modification of the Redevelopment Plan for Redevelopment Proiect No. 1. the modification of the Plans for Tax Increment Financing Districts Nos. 1-1 through 1-12 and Tax Increment Financin¢ Districts Nos. 1-14 throusth 1-15. and the adoption of the Tax Increment Financing Plan for TIF District No. 1-13.(0. K.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND 1. PUBLIC HEARING The public hearing may be opened for comments and questions relating to the modification of the Redevelopment Plan for Redevelopment Project No. 1, modification of the plans of the existing Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Districts, and the approval of plan for TIF District No. 1-13. On August 23, 1993, the said modification and approval of the plans were mailed to Wright County, School District No. 882, and the Hospital District satisfying the Minnesota Statutory 30 -day notice requirement. At the City Council meeting, the Council called for the said public hearing. On September 8, 199:1, the HRA adopted a resolution modifying the existing plans and approving the plan for TIF District No. 1-13. The public hearing notice appeared in the Monticello Times, September 16 and 2:3, 1993, satisfying the Minnesota Statutory public hearing notice requirement. After comments by the general public and discussion by the Council relating the modification and establishment of TIF District No. 1-13, the public hearing may he closed. 2. CONSIDERATION TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION Consideration to adopt the resolution modifying the Redevelopment flan for Redevelopment Project No. 1 includes the following: Modification of the TIF Plans relating to TIF Districts Nos. 1-1 t.hroueh 1-12. and Nos. 1-14 through 1-15. Normally, when the Council has approved the modification of the plans of the existing TIF Districts, the district budgets and expenditures remain its originally adopted. However, with the adoption of the enclosed resolution, the budget for TIF District No. 1-7 (H -Window) will increase by $126,000. This correlates with the $113,000 (Net Present Value) pay-as-you-go TIF assistance for site improvements. The H -Window Council Agenda - 9/27/9:3 manufacturing facility will be expanded by 26,600 square feet and the office by 4,000 square feet resulting in the creation of 60 new jobs. Both, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) and the H -Window Company have agreed to the terms and conditions of the Private Redevelopment Contract as prepared by Holmes & Graven. The annual reimbursement to the redeveloper is for eight years at a 7% interest rate. Upon receipt of the evidence of nxartgage financing and the itemized listofsite improvements, both parties will execute thecomtract prior to issuance of a building permit. And aanroval of the TIF Plan for TIF District No. 1-13. TIF District No. 1-13 is being created for the Standard Iron and Wire Works, Inc. project. The budget for TIF District No. 1-13 totals $334,000, the Estimated Market Value of the land and building is $1,250,000, the Captured Tax Capacity is $55,715, and the average annual Adjusted Increment is $59,:317. Due to the fact that our State Legislawrs increased the maximum life duration of an Economic District from ten to eleven years, District 1-1:1 is an eleven year district. The TIF Plan is based on the construction of a 48,000 square liwt facility (:32,M) square feet of manufacturing space and 16,000 square feet of office space). However, Standard Iron's final building plans show un approximate 52,000 square foot facility. 'file project results in the creation of 65 jobs within the first. ,year and 115 within three years. The company's headquarter will he located in Monticello and the company will retain its 28,000 square foot and 14,(lt)ll square hoot manufacturing facilities in Sauk Centre and Alexandria, respectively. Both, the HRA and the Demeules Family Limited Partnership have agreed to the terms and conditions of the Private Redevelopment Contract as prepared by Holmes & Graven. The $311,000 (Net Present Value) pay-as-you-go TIF assistance for land "write-down" and site improvements correlates with Lite district's $:334,0011 budget.. The annual reimbursement to the redeveloper is for nine years at it 614 interest rate. 'rhe Reduction In Slate Tax Increment Financing Aid (RISTIF'A) will be paid annually by the redeveloper to the HNA. Following the September 27 HRA Puhlic Hearing for the acquisition and disposition of raw lands (lasts 7 and 8, Block 2, 0111), it is anticipated that the contract will he executed by booth parties. Thereafter and upon receipt of the contract terms and conditions, the HILA will convey the property to (he Demeules Family Limited Partnership. Conveyance tentatively scheduled for Septemlxr 28, 199:1. The enclosed resolution fear adoption alfi rens Lite alwve inronnation, that the proposed project would not (wcur solely through private investment, and that the TIF Plan conforms with the general plan of the municiplity. Additionally, it affirms that Council Agenda - 9/27/93 District No. 1-13 is established in the public interest because the TIF assistance discourages the company from moving to another state, increases the state employment base, and preserves and enhances the state tax base. Lastly, the resolution authorizes city officials to implement the TIF Plan. It is anticipated that Mr. L. T. 'Rusty" Demeules and Mr. Jim Moe of Standard Iron will be present at the meeting to address Council questions. With the assumption the general public does not oppose the modification of the existing plans and the creation of the plan for District No. 1-13, the Council is then requested to consider the following actions. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. A motion to adopt the resolution relating to the modification of the Redevelopment Plan for Redevelopment Project No. 1, modification of the Plans for TIF District Nos. 1-1 through 1- 12 and TI F District Nos. 1-14 through 1-15, and the approval and adoption of the TIF Plan for TIF District No. 1-13. 2. A motion to deny adoption of the said resolution. 3. A motion to table the agenda item. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative No. 1 providing the Redevelopment Contract between the HRA and the Demeules Family Limited Partnership has been executed. The project itself meets the community overall economic development objectives and the Minnesota Statutory requirements. 1). SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the modified TIF District No. 1-7 budget, TIF District No. 1.13 Plan, public hearing notice, the resolution for adoption, and summary of the financial package. The amount of capitalized interest will be equal to an amount svfident to pay interest on the bonds from the date of issue until the date of collection of sufficient tax increment revenue to meet scheduled interest payments when due, but not exceeding three years as tegaired•by MW=MMI=L Chapter 475. Predicting capitalized imetest prior to issuance is extremely difficult as it is a function of interest nates, duction schedules and tax timid therefore, the above figure is only an estimate of capitalized interest and is so4em to change. The estimate of public costs associated with the tax increments financing redevelopment districts are outlined in the following line item budget: Land Acquisition Current Assessment Futnm Assessment Plan/Agreement City Contingency Discount Fh ancial/Bond Counsel Capitalized Interest 'DOTAL Site improvements Administrative Contingency TOTAL (As adopted April r, 198 FNIM—":t (As modified September 27, 1993) BUDGET $104,000.00 6,600.00 11,600.00 5,000.00 8,200.00 2,000.00 12,100.00 20.500.00 $116,000 5,000 5.000 S12g.000 I-32 05- Tai increment Financina D stzict No. 1-12 (As adopted June 10, 1991) BUDGET Land Acquisiticn, Public I-Ij.. $ 90,000 75-000 ....r.,r. Sural $163,000 Administratkm Professional Services 15,000 1Q_000 SUBTOTAL $190,000 Capitalized Interest Diems 41,000 4.000 TOTAL increment Fumciniz District Nn_ 1-13 x-000 Tax (As adopted September 27, 1993) BUDGET Land Ac pisition $120,000 Site Development 30,000 Site L..l.,-...--4. 120,230 utilities 23.730 Subtotal $314,000 Administration 10,000 L.,.'1-...:.-.11 Services 10.000 Subtotal $344,000 Capitalized InMM 0 0 Discount TOTAL _ $34,000 Assistance will be on a pay-as-yoo-go basis which will not exceed $34,249 per year. The total assistance of 5314,000 rer the tet present value of the maximum payout at 6.00 pm=at ova 9 yaws. I-35 S L SECTION XIV TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN FOR TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 143 Subsection 14.1. Statement of Objectives. See Subsection 1.4 of the Redevelopment Plan. Subsection 14.2. The Redeve:12=em Plan. See Section 1, Subsections 1.1 through 1.20. Subsection 14.3. Dami0on of the Proiect. The project, located within Ta: Increment Financing District No. 1-13, consists of the construction of a 47,000 square foot concrete office/manufacturing facility. This fadlity is to be constructed in 1993 and be substantially completed by Jamtary 2, 1994. The company will initially employ 65 people at this location and will employ 115 people at the end of three years. Total new jobs will be 97. Subsection 14.4. Parcels to be Included in Tax Increment Financing District No. 1--U. The following property is located in the City of Monticello, County of Wright, State of Minnesota. Lot 7 and Lot 8, Block 2, Oakwood Industrial Park. PID NUMBER 155-018-0020M PID NUMBER: 155-018-002080 Subsection 14.5. Parcels in Acanisition. The Authority does not intend to acquire the property listed in Subsection 10.4, which property is located within Tart Increment Financing District No. 1-13. Subsection 14.6. Develop^tent Activity in Tarr Increment Financing District No. 1-13 for Which Contracts will be Simmed. The following mss) will be entered into by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority and the person(s) named below: XIV -1 5-- L Prior to the certification of Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-13, a Development and Assessment Agreement will be executed between the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Monticello and L. T. Demeuules. • w• 1 , X111 •.-l•1 � ���► •1 •Ill ^111 �• � . • r • r�'. 'I 1,1 1 (As specific development is expected to occur, it will be inserted into this Subsection.) Subsection 14.8. Estimated Public Impvement Costs and SuMnive Data. See Subsection 1.10 of the Redevelopment Plan for estimated costs associated with Redevelopment Project No. 1. Subsection 14.9. Sources of Revenue. Public improvement costs, and other costs outlined in Subsection 1.10 of the Redevelopment Plan win be financed through the annual collection of tax increments. Subsection 14.10. Original In Capacity. Pursuant to Section 469.177, Subd. 1, of the Tax Increment Financing Act, the original =capacity value for Tax Increment Financing DistrictNo. 1-13 is estimated to E1,65O based on the tax capacity value of all taxable real property within Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-13. Pursuant to Section 469.177, Subds. 1 and 4, of the Tax Increment Financing Act, the County Auditor of Wright County (the "County Auditor') shall certify in cut year the amount by which the original tax capacity value has increased or decreased as a result in a change in tax-exempt property within Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-13, reduction or enlargement of Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-13 or changes in connection with previously issued building permits. In any year in which the cunem tax capacity value of Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-13 declines below the original trot capacity value, no tax atpaaity value will be captured and no tax increment will be payable to the Authority. Subsection 14.11. Estimated Catttnred Tax C"cily Value. Put== to Section 469.175, Subd. 1, and Section 469.177, Subd. 2, of the Tax Incremernt Financing Act, the estimated captured tax capacity value in Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-13 at final completion will approximate 555,715. This estimated annual captured capacity value is determined in the following manner: XIV -2 0 Estimated Tax Capacity Value at Final Completion $57,365 Original Tax Capacity 1.650 Captured Tax Capacity Value' 555,715 Please refer to Exhibit XIV -8 for the year-to-year expected tai increment for Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-13. Subsection 14.12. Tune of Tax Increment FiMcing.District. Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-13, is pursuant to Section 469.174, Subd. 12, an Economic Development District as described below: "Economic Development District" means a type of tax increment financing district which consists of any project, or portions of a project not meeting the requirements found in the definition of redevelopment district or housing district, but which the authority finds to be in the public interest because: (a) It will discourage commerce, industry or manufacturing from moving their operations to another state; or (b) It will result in increased employment in the municipality; or (c) It will result in the preservation and enhancement of the tax base of the municipality. " Subsection 14.13. Duration of Tact Incremem Finandu District No. 1-13. Pursuant to Section 469.176, Subd- 1, of the Tax Increment Financing Act, the duration of Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-13 will be eleven (11) years from the approval of the Tax Increment Financing Plan, or nine (9) years from receipt of the first tax increment, whichever is less. Subsection 14.14. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.175, Subd. 1(7), specific findings and analysis relating to the proposed development in Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-13. Additional relevant dommentation relating to the findings and analysis will be on file and available for review in the City Administrator's office. XIV -3 0-5- V Subsection 24. I5. Estimated Immrct on other Taxing Jurisdictions. Test No. 1: The estimated impact on other taxing jurisdictions assrmea construction would have occurred without the creation of Tax Increment Financing District No. 1.13. If the construction is a result of Tax I=vmetu Financing. tate impact is $0 to otter entities. Test No. 2: Notwithstanding the fact that the fiscal impact on the otter taxing jurisdictions is $0 due to the falx that the ftaancmg would not have accrued without the assistance of the City, the following estimated impact of Tax Increment Financing District No. 1- I3 would be as follows if Test No. 1 (the 'hut for' test) was not met: n'• - ': Taz Base Wright County S45,591=5 City of Moaticdlo !15,489,640 LS.D. No. 882 $18,174,450 Hospital District 523,400,486 - r=f* Wright County City of Monticello I.S.D. No. 882 Hospital District TOTALS IMPACT ON TAX BASE' - °Ongisra>?Net FutwsIlet: ;;Tare,lcparity .'TarCapmdtr Payabter1993 . $1,650 557,365 $1,650 557,365 $1,650 557,365 $1,650 557,365 WACT ON TAX CAPACITY Netrar Rues:'1493 31.179 16.313 57.154 -2.6" 1.07327 P+o=tie.TU 517,371 9,089 31,841 7.496 559,797 Please refer to Eathibit XIV -B for the year-to-year expected tart increment for Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-13. XIV -4 C5-) Tax.Cap='ty- (District% . .. Of Eadtyr $55,715 .122% 555,715 f .360% 555,715 .30691 2551715 + .M8% P+o=tie.TU 517,371 9,089 31,841 7.496 559,797 Please refer to Eathibit XIV -B for the year-to-year expected tart increment for Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-13. XIV -4 C5-) Subsection 14.16. Cash Flow Assumptions and Analysis. A. Future Tax Capacity. Ile estimated future tax capacity of Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-13 at final completion as determined by the City Assessor is $54,065, payable 1993. Please refer to Exhibit XIV -B for the year-to-year expected tart increment from Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-13. B. Prgjcacd liming. The payment of the first full tax increment from Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-13 will be received by the Authority in 1995. C. Original Ta: Capacity. The County Assessor's records show the original tax capacity of Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-13 to be 51,650 for taxes in 1992 and payable in 1993. D. Gross Tax Caacill Rate. The gross tax capacity rate is 1.07327 percent. E. Tax Increment. Total tax increment at the completion of all redevelopment activity has been caialated assuming a static gross tax capacity rate and a valuation increased by zero percent (0%) compounded annually. F. Capital .nditures. Capital expenditures ate a summary of the items associated with the public improvement ousts set forth in Subsection 10.8 and are to be financed from the proceeds of the Bonds and tax increment revenue. Subsection 14.17. Estimated Amount of Bonded Indebtedness. It is not anticipated that bonded indebtedness will be insured with respect to this portion of the Redevelopment Project. Subsection 14.18. Tax Increment Finand" Account for Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-13. The tax increment received with respect to Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-13 will be submitted by the Authority to the City and segregated by the Authority in a special account or accounts (the Tax Increment Account') on its official boob and records or as otherwise established by resolution of the City to be held by a trustee or trustees for the benefit of holders of the Bonds. Subsection 14.19. Modification of Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-13. As of September 27, 1993, there have been no modifications made to Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-13. XIV -5 05- G I � t � y W Mti wFl + � l � EXMBI T X1V-B r arr.t- u r.L YEAR-TO-YEAR TAX INCREMENTS RELATING TO TAX INCRFMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 1-13 AND TAX CAPACITY ANALYSIS ADJUSTMENT FACTOR: A. September 27, 1993 B. January 2, 1992 C. January 2, 1987 D. $1,650 E. 1.04 Base Adj- Year TC Factor 1992/93 $1,650 1.04 1993/94 1994/95 19951% 1996/97 1997/98 1998/99 1999/2000 20008001 2001/2002 20028003 Establishment Date Existing Tax Capacity Dare Fifth Preceding Year Capacity Dare Existing Tax Capacity Value Annual Base Year Adjustment Factor Adj. Faaue- Net Cap Annual Base TC TC TC Rant T1 557,365 1.07327 51.716 SO 51,785 555,580 559,652 SIA56 555,509 559.576 51,930 555,435 559,497 $2.007 555,358 559,414 52,087 S55,278 559,328 $2.170 555,195 559.239 52,257 555,108 559,146 52,347 555,018 559,049 52,441 $54,924 558,948 Average mnaul adjusted increment 559,317. x3v-7 Jr) y 4, 1989, OMce of Wright County Recorder, Buffalo hat pan of Lot 6 and the Westerly 50 feet of Lot 5, all according to plat on Ole and of record In the office of of Wrlghl, State of Minnesota, excepting therefrom flea N-^ eity of Urs crash which rims through the ,TED. d IE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, INCLUDING TAXES, ,o been complied with; Uml no action or proceeding ova, the debt senhred by said mortgage, or any pan I In sold mortgage, the above described property win a: 193, at 2 00 p re. O'clock Department, Wright County AdminlstraUon Building, Ind taxes, If any, on sold promises and the costs and wed by few, subject to redemption within 6 months heir personal rep1xresentatives a assigns. n aro murlyega. f:uie. I by the malgagor, the mortgagoi a personal repro. weeks It a jueidd order Is entered under Mlmesola ,ng other things. that the mortgnged pfamL 13 era than /lye units. ere not property used In ognlcWt..I 989 ROE CEMETERY LOT OWNERS: 1 at It, J*, 1993,00 993 meeting, be It known to all It may ! Riverside Cemetery Is laking action to reclaim ton 31 had any actMty for sixty (60) yeas or longer If any ons doknlnp or Inlendlrlg to claim the night to use any asks t� they notify any member of the cemetery is:17, 19, 27, 2D, 30, 34, 35, 36, 35, 39, 49, 51, 03. 101, 107, 110, 111, 11e, 120, 123. 120. 129, 129. . 156. 190. 159, 170. 119. 181, 193, 185. 197, 189, . 239, 211, 244, 2S3, 251, 255, 257, 258, 263, 291, 299, 315 347, 351, 382, 364, 368, 370, 373, 374, pave. an January 1, 1B9i, I Bute of Mlm.note SECRETARY OF STATE CERTIFICATE OF ASSUMEO NAME Minnotere Statute. Chapter 333 Ih. 11,1110 of on swarmed name doe. not poloct o usen'e ..elusive dyfd. to oral name The filklg . required air a consumer pros.o- j am fn order to enable consumers to be able to Fendlryr are bw awns of • bu3lnsee• d,� Othe the oscl anumed name u til:: which the business b or will be conducted: lone buelnees name pot appllcallonn): J O Aaeone te9. ' 2 Slots the address of IM pprNyd1dp�d pace of. bue4ne3e. A cortlplel sbset ed6in a rut r Ae end real roAs�a fkshber M rsgldred• II Ne addres. Carnot uses P.O Be.: 816 1Vesj Rrosdway, Monticello, MN 88362. 3. Lid the name and complete .1,001 address of WI poisons conduclln0 business 1"' the Move Assumed Nem., Attach odd. shed(.) If necessary If ma business 1. a -Palo$-. preMds ate 1.ppY ter• raters nom, and neglste,ed oMce sndre.e of 11 ns Car ".,I- Jemo. Iler.dul Adurl., ale Wel M.seweyy, Monticello, MN 55362 4. thl the Blandaud Industrial Code (SIC'( that m0el sccuateM describe$ the nolue o1 ate buds 1 opernf!n0p undor this name: 69 Detect rine of the 2 dlgll SIC Codes listed I 1 certify that I am Syllatrad to sign We car• smcalo end I farther beNfy out I understand Slot by Sigel We certificate. 1 em udllem In EXHIBIT A NOTICE OF PUBUC HEARING CITY OF MONTICELLO-COU TY OF WRIGHT-STATE OF MINNESOTA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That the City Council the 'Council') In and for the City of Montfceno, County of Wright, Stele of Minnesota, will hold a pubic he'I on Septor.lbe' 27, 1993, a1 approximately 7 p en, at City Hen, 250 Essl Broady:ay. Monticefio, Mlnnesote, reletlng to the proposed modification, by Increased project costs, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority's Redevelopment Project No. 1 and the approval and adoption of the Modified Redevelop enl Plan releting thereto; the proposed modlOcation, by Increased project costs, of the Modl1led Tex Increment Financing Plans for Tax Increment Financing Districts No II through 1-12 and Tax Increment Financing Districts No. 1.14 through 1.15, located within Redevelopment Project No, 1; and the proposed adoption of Tax ftfement Financtrq Plan total - In? to Tax Increment Financing Plan No, 1-13, also located within Redeveloppmanl Pro ecl No. 1, oil pursuant to and In accordance wim jdjnnesote Stntulgl, Sections 469 001 Io 489 7, Ind.. sive, as emended, and Sections 469.174 to 469 179, Inclusive, as amended A copy of the Modified Redevelopment Plan lot Redevelopment Project No, t and Tax Increment Financing Plans fa lex Ina emeni Financing Districts No. 1.1 Un, O1gh 1 15, as proposed to be adopted at the office of ane City Admin!slrator at City 1 fan not later than Augusl 25, 1987. The property comprising Tax Increment FinancingDistrict No. 1-131s as follows: LEGAL DEaTIP MN Lot 7 and Lot S, Block 2, Oakwood Industrial Park PID Number: 155018.002070 PID Number: 155.018.002080 c:alihbr !n!ormC!On regwd!ng the :JentlRg!on, of the per -.-1 to ba Inctudod In Tax Increment Financing District Ho 1-13 may be obtlaned Ian cine orrice of the Gly AdmlNsbator. All Interested persons may appear al the hearing and present their views sally a In writing. Doled. 3123 1993.., -By ORV OF 711E CI IY COUNCIL -pick Wdhte6er, City Administrator (Sets. 16 a 23. 1993) ' U '.Neer U O •-4 N.TS I__ . I' TAR. Iaclomrr atelea aleT11,17 oro. 1-11 PUSUC NEAR910 NOTICE CfTY O/YONIIICELLO-COA1110NUNIY OFW CC IGHT-STAT OP MINNESOTA NOTICE to itcnEDY OMEN anal tho Nouskg and Redevelnpmem Authority (oar 'Ardmnityj M are City of Menacme. Cox qel Wrlyd Blue of AO,enoaole, w4tl IoW • Iadn4c IuaDq Mandoy, September 2/, Ig01, at D OD p m , !n Ij.a Cot -I Chamber., 250 Esu Droadway, Monllcollo, kannesola 55302, r$IOUng to e1e,_. - .ed ecoteelllal and dtspealllan of popery as aulnrl7ed N au Tu blcrement Flnarckrp Pian Ia leY Increment Flnanc4g Dlselci No 1.13 lha propetry p10 Used sof ecpuldtIon and subsequent disposition within Tax Increment Fin ng as No 1.13 b as follows: L / Lapel Doanblron -nick WMM1UAa CI1y&A6nWahat �41tl Part, Clly of kloro!c000, County of WngM • C (Sept, to a 93, 1603) I Councilmember introduced the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent, and moved its adoption: CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION RELATING TO THE MODIFICATION, BY THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, OF THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN RELATING TO REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO. 1, THE MODIFICATION OF THE TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLANS RELATING TO TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICTS NO. 1-1 THROUGH 1-12 AND TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICTS NO. 1.14 THROUGH 1-15 AND THE ESTABLISHMENT OF TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 1-13, ALL LOCATED WITHIN REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO. 1, AND THE APPROVAL AND ADOPTION OF THE TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLANS RELATING THERETO. BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council (the "Council") of the City of Monticello, Minnesota (the "City"), as follows: Section 1. Recital. 1.01. It has been proposed and adopted by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority (the "Authority") in and for the City that the Authority modify, by increased Project costs, Redevelopment Project No. 1, pursuant to and in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.001 to 469.047, inclusive, as amended. It has been further proposed and adopted by the Authority that the Authority modify the Tax Increment Financing Plans 0 for Tax Increment Financing Districts No. 1-1 through 1-12 and Tax Increment Financing Districts No. 1-14 through 1-15 and establish Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-13, located within Redevelopment Project No. 1, and approve the Tax Increment Financing Plan relating thereto, pursuant to and in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.174 to 469.179, inclusive, as amended. 1.02. The Authority has caused to be prepared and this Council has investigated the facts with respect thereto, a proposed Modified Redevelopment Plan (The "Modified Redevelopment Plan") for Redevelopment Project No. 1, defining more precisely the increased Project costs to be made to Redevelopment Project No. 1, the proposed Modified Tax Increment Financing Plans for Tax Increment Financing Districts No. I-1 through 1-12 and Tax Increment Financing Districts No. 1-14 through 1-15 and the proposed Tax Increment Financing Plan (the "Tax Increment Financing Plan") for Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-13 (collectively referred to as the "Plans"). 1.03. The Authority and the City have performed all actions required by law to be performed prior to the modification of Redevelopment Project No. 1, the modification of Tax Increment Financing Districts No. 1-1 through 1-12 and Tax Increment Financing Districts No. 1-14 through 1-15 and the establishment of Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-13 and the adoption of the Plans relating thereto, including, but not limited to, notification to Wright County, Independent School District No. 882 and the Monticello -Big Lake Community Hospital, having jurisdiction over the property to be included in Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-13 and the holding of a public hearing upon published and mailed notice as required by law. 1.04. The Authority hereby determines that it is necessary and in the best interest of the City at this time to modify Redevelopment Project No. I, to modify Tax Increment Financing Districts No. 1-1 through 1-12 and Tax Increment Financing Districts No. 1-14 through 1-15 and to establish Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-13 and approve the Plans relating thereto, contingent upon execution of the Redevelopment and Assessment Agreements by and between the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Monticello and L. T. Demeules. -2- S •1 1111. 1 _). ll1 _11. I_ � \1 2.01. The Council hereby finds, determines and declares that the modification of Tax Increment Financing Districts No. 1-1 through 1-12 and Tax Increment Financing Districts No. 1-14 through 1-15 and the establishment of Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-13, all located within Redevelopment Project No. 1, is intended and, in the judgement of the Council, its effect will be, to further provide an impetus for commercial and industrial development, increase employment and otherwise promote certain public purposes and accomplish certain objectives as specified in the Modified Tax Increment Financing Plans for Tax Increment Financing Districts Nos. 1-1 through 1-15. 2.02. The Council hereby finds that Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-13 does meet the requirements of an Economic Development District in that it consists of any project, or any portions of a project which does not meet the requirements found in the definition of a redevelopment district, mined underground space development district, housing district, or soil corrections district, but which the Authority and City finds to be in the public interest because: 1) It will discourage commerce, industry, or manufacturing from moving their operations to another state; or 2) It will result in increased employment in the municipality; or 3) It will result in the preservation and enhancement of the tax base of the municipality. 2.03. The Council finds, determines and declares that the proposed development, in the opinion of the Council, would not occur solely through private investment within the reasonably foreseeable future and, therefore, the use of Tax Increment Financing is deemed necessary. 2.04. The Council finds, determines, and declares that the proposed Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-13 will afford maximum opportunity and be consistent with the sound needs of the City as a whole for the development or redevelopment of Redevelopment Project No. 1 by private enterprise. 2.05. The Council further finds, determines and declares that the City made the above findings stated in Section 2 and has set forth the reasons and supporting facts for each determination in writing, attached hereto as Exhibit A. 2.06. The Council determines and declares that Redevelopment Project No. 1 is hereby modified, that Tax Increment Financing Districts No. 1-1 through 1-12 and Tax Increment Financing Districts No. 1-14 through 1- 15 are hereby modified and that Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-13 is hereby adopted, contingent upon the execution of the Redevelopment and Assessment Agreements by and between the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Monticello and L. T. Demeules. Section 3. Adoption of Respective Plans. 3.01. The respective Plans presented to the Council on this date are hereby approved, contingent upon execution of the Redevelopment and Assessment Agreements by and between the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Monticello and L. T. Demeules and shall be placed on file in the office of the City Administrator. Section 4. Implementati�?n of the Modified Redevelopment Plan and Modified Tax Increment Financing Plans. 4.01. The officers of the City, the City's financial advisor, underwriter and the City's legal counsel and bond counsel are authorized and directed to proceed with the implementation of the respective Plans and for this purpose to negotiate, draft, prepare and present to this Council for its consideration all further plans, resolutions, documents and contracts necessary to accomplish this purpose. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Councilmember , and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: And the following voted against the same: Whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted, and was signed by the Mayor and attested to by the City Administrator. Dated: September 27. 1993 Attest: City Administrator (SEAL) Mayor -5 0 - EXHIBIT A TO RESOLUTION NO. The reasons and facts supporting the findings for the establishment of the Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-13 as required, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.175, Subd. 3, are as follows: 1) Finding that Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-13 is an "Economic Development District" as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, Subd. 12. Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-13 consists of two parcels which do not meet the requirements of a redevelopment district, mined underground space development district, housing district or soils correction district. The Authority and the City find Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-13 to be in the public interest because: 1) It will discourage commerce, industry, or manufacturing from moving their operations to another state; and 2) It will result in increased employment in the municipality; and 3) It will result in the preservation and enhancement of the tax base of the municipality. 2) Finding that the proposed development, in the opinion of the Council, would not occur solely through private investment within the reasonable foreseeable future, and therefore, the use of Tax Increment Financing is deemed necessary. City staff has reviewed the available financing costs for the development. Due to the high costs of site development, the project would not be financially feasible without the City's assistance. 3) Finding that the Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-13 will afford maximum opportunity, consistent with the sound needs of the City as a whole, for the development of Redevelopment Project No. 1 by private enterprise. -6- The project to be developed, which will be located within Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-13, consists of an 47,000 square foot office/manufacturing facility. This facility is to be constructed in 1993 and be substantially completed by January 2, 1994. It is anticipated that 97 additional full-time positions will be created as a result of this project within three years. 4) Finding regarding the method of tax increment computation set forth in Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.177, Subd. 3, Clause (b), if applicable. The Council does = elect the method of tax increment computation set forth in Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.177, Subd. 3, Clause (b). 5) Finding regarding duration of Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-13. The duration of Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-13 will be nine (9) years from the date of receipt of the first tax increment or eleven (11) years from the original approval of the Tax Increment Financing Plan, whichever is less. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.177, Subd. 3, the City requests 100 percent of the available increase in assessed value for current expenditures. -7- O STANDARD IRON AND WIRE WORKS, INC. PROPOSED USES OF FUNDS Land and Building $1,870,000 Equipment $1,255,000 TOTAL $3,125,000 PERCENTAGE BREAKDOWN OF PFnPnSFn SOURCES OF FUNDS Bank 41% Small Business Administration 32% TIF - Equity 10% Equity 4% State of Minnesota 8% Central Minnesota Initiative Fund 3% Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund 2% Council Agenda - 9/27/93 6. Continuation of Public hearing on Proiect 93-09C. Allev Imurovements. US. A. REFERENCE AND 13ACKGROUND: The public hearing was continued to September 27, due to the lack of bids for the project. We have now obtained bids for the work and have put together a list of properties with proposed costs for each property. It is our intention to contact all of those properties impacted by the construction within our current alley, and to contact as many µvple as possible who aren't impacted by the alley construction, but would he. by the patching in the area adjacent to the alley. A copy of the cost per parcel will be available for your review at Monday's meeting. It should he noted that there are two options for the existing alley reconstruction in Block 52 behind Golden Valley Furniture: Option 1. The first option would replace the alley surface from the Johnson's building to the stop sign at Walnut Street, and would improve the drainage for the alley to the fullest extent possible without storm sewer. Option 2. The second option would slop short of the stop sign by about 50 or 60 ft., and should give us enough grade to carry the water away from the Golden Valley Furniture building, and make adequate drainage improvements to the alley. The second option would save approximately a $1,000 on entire project. *' Please refer to the attached project cost sheet. During the public hearing, the City Council must determine the amount of support for the basic project, to see if we should proceed with thal portion of the work. Secondly, the Council should see if there is enough support for doing the work outside the concrete alley in the blacktop areas immediately adjoining the concrete surfaces. If there is not, we should not he doing this work, but having letters drafted to these property owners instructing them to complete the work themselves as sem as possible. Much of the support for the project may depend upon the amount being assessed to the property owners. City staff has indicated at the last meeting that a 5014 assessment would he reasonable for the work needed to he done in the current alley and areas adjacent to it to improve drainage. Testimony given at the lust public hearing indicated that some of the property owners felt that the City should even pay more, as the drainage has been poor since the original construction in 1974. For those areas outside the current alley needing only bituminous surfacing improvements and patching, the assessment should lie 1006, as this is currently private property. Council Agenda - 9/27/93 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would be to go ahead with the project as planned, omitting those areas outside the current alley needing only blacktop repair. 2. The second alternative would be to do the original project as planned and include those areas outside the current alley, contingent upon those property owners providing a 5 ft. easement and paying 100' of the cost of repairs in those areas. 3. The third alternative would be to shorten the amount of repair area in the alley behind Block 52 and lower the project cost by $1,000 in that area. 4. The fourth alternative would be to do only the necessary surface repairs in Block 52, single panel repair in Block 35, and catch basin repairs in Block 34, which essentially does not include any drainage improvements and would cost an estimated $2,500, $397.80, and $613 respectively. We would then patch our own parking lot when time permits. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City staff recommends Alternatives I - 3 should there be adequate support for the project, and if not, Alternative 4 as the minimum. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of project cost sheet for alley improvement. 10 ALLEY IMPROVEMENT Proiect costs are as follows: I. Existing Alley Improvements: Block 52 - Option it $ 8,167.47 II. Existing Alley Improvements: Block 52 - Option f2 $ 7,091.52 III. Alternative "A" - Curb In Parking Lot $ 712.20 IV. Alternative "B" - Island In Parking Lot $ 900.00 V. Alternative "C" - Bituminous Paving $ 895.00 Neal Water Tower VI. Maintenance Items: A. Catch Basin Repair - Block 34 $ 613.00 B. One Panel Alley Repair - Block 35 $ 397.80 VII. Patching Outside Alley Within 5 ft. Proposed Easement Areas and Parking Lot ($414.00) $ 2,089.71 VIII. Project Totals: 1. Basic Project - 1I (Option /2) 6 VI (Malnt.) $ 8,102.32 2. Basic Project - I (Option il) 6 VI (Maint.) $ 9,178.27 3. Basic Project - Existing alleys with alternatives $ 11,685.47 4. Full Project - Existing alley alternatives and easement areas $ 14,192.67 0 Council Agenda - 9/27/93 7. Consideration of storm sewer improvements for Monticello Ford. (d.S. ) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Since there is no storm sewer system leading from the Ford property, other than that located in the Highway 25 ditch, Monticello Ford is faced with having a large drainage pond on the south end of their property near the Hart Clinic, or constructing a storm sewer from the south end of their property over to the pond in Sandberg South. If they do construct the pond on their property, they sre using valuable property that could be used for the expansion of their business in the future. If they build and pay for a storm sewer system leading to the Sandberg South Pond, they would have to pay 1007 of that cost, and would have to share in the cost of an outlet to be constructed in the future. To lessen the impact of the drainage into the Sandberg South pond, Monticello Ford could construct a small holding pond in conjunction with the storm sewer pipe to the Sandberg South pond. At a later time this small pond could easily he filled in. The estimated cost of constructing the storm sewer connection is $34,744. Including all contingencies and indirect costs, the cost could he $46,700 as a separately bid project.. If the pond construction or storm sewer construction are to he done before winter, time is of the essence, especially if we have to dig across Sandberg Road and have it repaired before cold weather sets in. Consequently, we have approached LaTour Construction for the possibility of issuing a change order to the Hart Boulevard Storm Sewer Project to have them complete the storm sewer for Monticello Ford. Since Monticello Ford is the only one benefiting from this storni sewer improvement, the cost should he 1006 Monticello Ford. For developed property improvements, the City typically does not go out and require upfront money from those property owners. Consequently, should Dave Peterson request that the improvement costs he assessed to him, the City could do so at a reasonable interest rate over it period of up to 10 years. There is nothing saying that the City could not however require some money up -front from developed property for improvement. You could require it portion of it in cash or a letter of credit. 13. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS The first alternative would he that upon receipt of the petition for improvements from Monticello Ford (which would waive the public hearing requirements as he is 10('6 of the property owners affected), the City Council could authorize the installation of the stone sewer by change order on the Hart Boulevard Project or authorize the City Engineer to develop full plans and specifications and bid the project. i� Council Agenda - 9/27/93 2. The second alternative would be to have Monticello Ford install the improvements themselves, authorizing the City Engineer to prepare plans and specifications for the project, paid for by Monticello Ford. They would also pay the necessary inspection costs. 3. The third alternative would be to do nothing as far as allowing storm sewer connection to be built, and require Monticello Ford to build a pond on their property with a small overflow into the existing street storm sewer system. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: At the time of drafting of this agenda item, we do not have actual cost of construction from LaTour for a change order to do this work, and we do not have confirmation from Monticello Ford as to which method they wish to pursue. Consequently, the City staff holds its recommendation until Monday evening's meeting when more information will be available. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of sketch plan showing proposed improvements; and a copy of engineer's estimate of cost of the project (Mini Feasibility Study). 12 Qk- Monticello Ford Date: 21 -Sep -93 Proposal Form By: DMU OSM No. 4960.09 Schedule A - Storm Sewer item Estimated Unit Total No. Description i usad" Unit Prise Amount I Rcmo.e and Replant Existing Trees 6 EA $250.00 $1,300.00 2 Remove & Replace Bituminous 100 SY $25.VU $2,500.00 3 Remove & Replace Core. Curb 50 LF $15.00 $750.00 4 Remove Manhole l EA S500.00 5500.00 5 Abandon Existing Storm Sewer in place i LS $51)0.00 $500.00 6 15" RCP CL. 5 12 LF $22.00 $264.00 7 21" RCP CL. 3 76 LF $25.00 $1,900.00 8 24" RCP CL. 3 116 LF $30.00 $3,480.00 9 27" RCP CL. 3 20 LF $35.00 $700.00 10 33" RCP CL. 2 200 LF S52.00 S10,400.00 11 Conc. Apron w/Trash Guard 1 EA 51,350.00 $1350.00 12 C.B. 48' Dia. 30 LF $100.00 $3,000.00 13 M.H. 54" Dia 20 LF $125.00 ; $2,500.00 14 Casting( R-306TV } I Fit 5275.00 $275.00 15 Casting t R.1642) 2 EA $275.00 $550.00 16 Casting ( R4353 } 4 EA $325.00 $1,300.00 17 Riprap CL. 3 13 CY $50.00 $650.00 18 Connect to Exist 12' RCP 1 FA $500.00 $500.00 19 Seeding w/ Mulch and Fertilizer 1 AC $1,500.00 51,500.00 20 Silt Fence - Heavy Duty 230 LF $2.50 $625.00 Schedule A Total $34,745.00 t+)6%Continganoy $1,737.20 Sub -Total $36,4111.20 t+)28%Indirect $10,218.90 Total Praloet Cost $46.100.00 COM Council Agenda • 9/27/93 e. Consideration of accenting conveyance of tax forfeiture narcel from Wright Countv - former Gille Auto nronerty. IR.W.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The City Council is being asked to consider accepting ownership of the Gille Auto property for the purposes of proceeding with the cleanup of the site, including building demolition, underground fuel tank removal, and soil contamination cleanup through the Minnesota Petrofund. BACKGROUND To provide a brief history, in August of 1992, the City of Monticello requested that the County Auditor's office eliminate from the tax forfeiture sale the former Gille Auto property to enable the City more time to decide if we wanted to redevelop this site. At that time, the City informed Wright County that the City or the HRA may have an interest in acquiring the property if the cleanup of the site was economically feasible. The HRA had numerous times discussed the possible acquisition of this property and decided that they did not want to get involved in ownership without knowing the extent of the potential contamination on this property. Likewise, the City Council did not address potential ownership, and, as a result, not much activity took place on this property until earlier this summer. Our Building Official, Gary Anderson, continued to work on the blight cleanup of (his property and also investigated what procedures would have to he followed to receive reimbursement from the Petrofund if it contamination leak did exist. Gary requested RFP's from Environmental C,onsultants to do it site investigation, and the Council authorized the City to utilize Agassir. Environmental Systems of Hancock, Minnesota, to do soil (wrings and a site investigation. This Ux)k place during June -July 199:i, and Agassiz informed the City staff that the potential cleanup of this site may not he as bad as first thought and suggested that bids he received from contractors for the demolition of the building, removal of 2 underground fuel tanks, and removal and disposal of approximately 400 cubic yards of contaminated soil. The bids also contain provisions for removal of additional tanks if they were found to he in existence on the property. While all of the above activities were taking place, the Stale of Minnesota or Wright County was still the owner of the property. A question then arose as to whether the bids that Agassiz Environmental had obtained on behalf of the City for the demolition and cleanup of the site were legal in that the Council Agenda - 9/27/93 City of Monticello was not an owner of this property. Agassiz Environmental prepared the specifications, advertised, and tabulated the bids/quotes, all in accordance with Petrofund guidelines. The problem was, though, that the City of Monticello would not be an eligible entity for reimbursement from the Petrofund unless we had an ownership interest in the property. The bids that were received by Agassiz for building removal, tank removal, soil removal, along with their consulting fees, were estimated to be approximately $56,000 for the entire cleanup of the property. Of this amount, assuming that we could receive the maximum 9017 reimbursement through the Petrofund, approximately $41,500 could be reimbursable to the City or entity that cleaned up the site. The City has already incurred some expenditures for removing the debris above ground, including grass mowing, of approximately $3,000. This amount added to the approximate $15,000 that would remain unreimhursed from the Petrofund could result in a net cost to the City of approximately $18,000 ttt $20,000 to have this site cleaned up. Although this is not a first guarantee, it is the bestestimate we have Lit this time with the investigation that has taken place. As noted earlier, this cleanup process did come to a halt in late August due to the fact that the City was not the owner of the property and may not be eligible for reimbursement and because the City did not directly advertise for bids for the cleanup. City Attorney, Paul Weingarden, is still investigating, if the City did own the property, whether we could use the existing bids received by Agassiz or whether we would be required to readvertise for hids again. Since we came to at roadblock, the County Ward set it meeting with the Ways and Means committee and City staff to review what options could he utilized to continue the cleanup of this site. 7'he committee met on Wednesday morning, Septem1wr 22, at the courthouse and came to the general conclusion that it may he it lot easier if the City of Monticello took ownership of the property and onitinued with the cleanup efforts so that we could be eligible for reimbursement through the Petrofund. The County Board will be considering it proposal that the property be transferred to the City's name without tiny renumeration at this time, with the following conditions being applicable to the ownership transfer. County would convey the property to the City without any compensation by obtaining it quit claim deed from the Stale Department of Revenue Its stain its possible. 14 Council Agenda - 9/27/93 2. Phe City of Monticello would he free to develop or sell the property for a fair price with the proceeds being first applied to all of the City expenditures (estimated at $15,000-20,000). 3. After the City covers its expenses, the County would them receive its out-of-poc::et costs incurred on this property. 4. If there are still any funds available from the sale of the property, funds remaining would then he given to the County for the delinquent taxes totaling approximately $11,300, plus additional penalties and interest, making the total delinquent taxes approximately $20,000. 5. Any funds remaining after the above expenditures would belong to the City. 6. If the City did not receive sufficient funds to even cover its own out-of-pocket expenses, the County would agree to split any out-of-pocket costs remaining with the City. While the above proposal is intended to allow the City to recover its costs first, the County is certainly protected in that the estimated value of the property would appear to he more than the $15,000-20,0(9) we expect to have invested in the parcel. While the Council may he asking why ore we getting involved in the cleanup process when it should probably he a County or State process, the only answer I can honestly give you is that I feel that, if the City doesn't do it, nobody else will. If the City really doesn't want t.o get involved in the cleanup and doesn't care whether the building is removed, the underground tanks are removed, or the contaminated soil is removed, it may be best to refuse ownership and inform the County that it is up to them to clean up the property. In all likelihood, (rile County may just proceed with attempting to sell the property as is, which could mean that the parcel will never he cleaned up or the building demolished. According to our discussions with the County, (.hey have many other parcels that could have contamination that they have received through tax forfeiture, and they do want to set it precedent or get involved in being the responsible party for cleanup of these sites. As a result, they are reluctant to he the responsible party for cleaning up the Cille property and would rather see the City hake the lend role. One alternative the City Council may wait to consider is an amendment to condition #4 above. When the City acquired the Outlot A parcel in the Country Club Manor Addition, we only paid the County the actual 15 Council Agenda - 9/27/93 delinquent taxes and did not pay the penalty and interest. While it may not seem unreasonable to pay the penalty and interest if there are sufficient funds from the sale of the property, none of the penalty and interest will ever he given back to the City, as it is always, by State Statute, split with the County and the School District. Since the City is taking some risk by getting involved in the ownership and spending the man-hours necessary to complete this cleanup, possibly the County should waive the penalty and interest. In other words, if the County wants to be assured of getting all of its delinquent. taxes and penalty and interest tlwt have accumulated against this parcel, possibly the County should be the one to do the cleanup and just leave the City out of it. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: In order to continue with the cleanup of the Gille property, the City would agree to accept ownership at no cost under the following conditions. a. After cleanup, the City can sell the property and keep sufficient funds to cover all of its out-of-pocket costs. b. Remaining funds will then be applied to the County expenditures. C. If there are tiny remaining funds, they would be applied to the delinquent real estate taxes of approximately $11,300 and delinquent penalty and interest of approximately $9,000. d. Any funds remaining alter the above expenditure reimbursements would b c the City of Monticello s. C. If the City did not seek sufficient funds to cover its own out-of- pocket expenditures, the County would agree to split any additional expenditures on a 50/50 basis. Alternate #2 would he the same as the first alternative with the exception that the County would only receive the delinquent real estate taxes of approximately $11,300 without additional penalty and interest. 3. Do not accept ownership of the properly and defer tiny cleanup of the property hack to the County nnd/or State. 16 Council Agenda - 9/27/93 C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION From a practical standpoint, I'm not really sure if the City should become involved in this type of cleanup venture; and I'm sure the City Attorney, Paul Weingarden, would agree that the City is assuming some risk by becoming the owner of this site. On the other hand, the reality is that unless the City gets involved and proceeds with this cleanup, I do not believe the County nor the State will do anything about it, and this property will remain a bliehted evesore for many years to come. If the City does not take the initiative, the County may just wash its hands of the problem or auction the parcel off and a new buyer may not do any cleanup activities either. If for no other reason than to remove a blighted condition, the City probably has to be the one to complete the process; and for the risk involved, I would recommend that if we do accept ownership, we do it under alternative N2, which should eventually give the County sufficient funds to cover the taxes but not necessarily the penalties and interest that have accumulated. 1 think there should be some potential reward to the City or the HRA in cleaning up this parcel; and the fact that the County will probably receive all their tax money should he sufficient reward for them. City Attorney, Paul Weingarden, has been asked to attend the meeting to provide additional information concerning this item. As it result, he may have a different opinion concerning my recommendation, which the Council may want to consider Monday night. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Petrofund letter of September 13, 1993; Summary of potential expenditures for cleaning up the site. 17 0 OFFICE OF TWE COMMI3MONER STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF COMMIWE September 13, 1993 Rick wolfsteller office of the City Administrator 250 East Broadway Monticello, MN 55362-9245 Re: Gills Auto Leak f 6549 137 PAST 7W Simi ST. PAUL MN 95I01 6U/"64= EA7L• 612/7f44n3 Dear Mr. wolfsteller: I have received your letter regarding the above-refarenced site. You have asked if the City of Monticello would be eligible to receive reimbursement for coats associated with the clean-up of the Gills Auto Site. Minn. Stat. S115C.09, Subd. 3(d) allows a politial subdivision to apply for reimbursement where the political subdivision: (1) is not a responsible person under 115C.02, and (2) incurs reimbursable costs on or after April 8, 1992. However, the statute goes on to say that the political subdivision can only apply for reimbursement if the "identified responsible person has failed to take a corrective action ordered by the Commissioner (of the Pollution Control Agency).• It doesn't appear from your letter that this last condition of reimbursement has been met. You may wish to contact Becky Lofgrsn (612) 297-8525 at the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency to determine if such an order has been issued. Also I assume that an Order could be issued now since Gills Auto continues to be a responsible party. If you have further questions, please contact me. (612) 296-2284 PLP/cjs veryy ly yours 01142 ZI_/ Patricia L. Peterson Executive Director of Petrofund AN EOUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER a OLD GILLS AUTO SITE List of Exnenses Incurred To Date 9/20193 Expenses L SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS: A. 1992 Levied Special Assessment (mowing) $ 141.08 B. 1992 To Be Levied Spec. Asmnts. (mowing) $ 436.16 C. 1993 To Be Levied Spec. Asmnts. (mowing) 265.00 SUBTOTAL $ 842.24 IL SrM CLEANUP (Above Ground): A Site Debris (non automotive) Quality Lawn Maintenance B. Site Debris (automotive) Ruff Auto SUBTOTAL III. SITE CLEANUP (Below Ground): A. Soil Investigation Agassiz Environmental SUBTOTAL ReimbursementIBx a c�en $ -- $ 141.08 $ — $ 436.16 $ — $ 265.00 $ 00.00 $ 842.24 $ 695.00 $ — $ 695.00 $ 1.500.00 $ — $ 1.500.00 $ 2,195.00 $ 00.00 $ 2,195.00 $ 6.851.80 $6,166.62 $ 686.18 $ 6,851.80 $ 6,166.62 $ 685.18 IV. PROPOSED SITE CLEANUP: A. Demolish Building, Concrete Over Tanks and Pump Islands $ 4,983.00 $ — $ 4,983.00 B. Excavation & Disposal of 2 Tanks $ 2,530.00 $ — $ 2,530.00 C. Contaminated Soil Excavation and New Soil Replacement 400 Cu. Yards $ 3,980.00 $ 3,582.00 $ 398.00 D. Contaminated Soil Hauled Away and Land Farmed 400 Cu. Yards $10,800.00 $ 9,720.00 $ 1,080.00 E. Lab Samples, Labor On -Site, Meters and Data Reporting $ 8,582.00 $ 7,723.80 $ 858.20 F. Soil Borings(Water Monitoring Wells $14.000,00 $12.600.00 S1,400.00 SUBTOTAL $44,87b.00 $33,625.80 $11,249.20 AUTOSITE.TBL-9121/93 Page 1 09 V. SUMMARY L• Expenses Incurred to Date: Mowing, Site Debris, Cleanup, and Soil Investigation $ 9,889.04 PENDING REIMBURSEMENT $ ¢.1¢6.62 TOTAL $ 3,722.42 VL SUNWARY EL Proposed Work- Demolish the building and all concrete over tanks and former gas islands; Excavate and remove two 5,000 gallon underground storage tanks; Remove up to 400 cubic yards petroleum contaminated soils and replace with cleaner compacted fill materials; Install monitoring wells and sampling. EXPENSES $44,875.00 POSSIBLE REIMBURSEMENT $33,625.80 TOTAL EXPENSES $11,249.20 VIL SUNM ARY III: Additional Expenses: Cap Well $ 400.00 Remove 2 Additional Tanks 2 ® 1,177.00 = $ 2,354.00 Lab Testing and Monitoring 2 Tanks 20944.00c 1.888.00 SUBTOTAL $ 4,642.00 POSSIBLE REMURSEMENT $ 3.817.80 TOTAL ADDITIONAL EXPENSES $ 824.20 AUTOSITE.TBL-9/21/93 Page 2 Council Agenda - 9/27/93 9. Consideration of Change Order 04 to the vehicle storage building, Proiect 92-06. W.S. ) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND All of the work for the Monticello vehicle storage building has been completed with the exception of the painting. Painting was attempted to be completed last fall. However, cold weather hampered the painting operations. A portion of the exterior paint on the building was not of the proper thickness, portions of the building were painted the wrong color as the contractor ran out of paint and had to reorder, and still other portions of the building were painted during subfreezing temperatures which was not in compliance with the manufacturer's application specifications. The City asked the contractor for a three-year extended warranty on the exterior painting system and asked the contractor to finish painting the building in the spring of 1993. This spring, another problem was noted with the exterior painting system. Some of the concrete block insulation had seeped through the exterior wall and discolored portions of the exterior paint. The block insulation (a semi-liquid foam product) was installed by Tailored Foam Insulation, a subcontractor of the general contractor Rochon Corporation. No work was performed on the exterior painting all summer, as the painting contractor refused to go ahead until the problems with the staining were resolved. The painting contractor agreed to prime the building, and repaint the entire building, and provide a three-year extended warranty for $11,304. After several months of negotiation, Tailored Foam's insurance carrier, State Farm Insurance Company, agreed to pay damages in the amount of $11,304 so that the building could be repainted. The insurance company, however, requested that they make payment to the City of Monticello, as we were the owners of the building that was damaged by the foam insulation. Consequently, in order to pay the Rochon Corporation the $11,3114, we must do so through the change order process. Change Order #4 has been developed for that purpose. A copy is enclosed for your review. 13. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative is to approve Change Order #4 in the amount of $11,304 to have the building painted to rectify the staining concerns caused by Tailored Foam Insulation. 2. The second alternative is not to approve the change order. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Public Works Director and City Engineer that City Council approve the change order as outlined in Alternative MI, so that we may complete the painting of the building as soon as possihle. It is anticipated that the painting will be completed within the next two weeks. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of Change Order q4. is ^hange Order No. 4 i :oject: Vehicle Storage Facility, Monticello, MN Owners: _ City of Monticello 250 East Broadway Monticello, MN 55362 City Project No. 199206 Date of Issuance: September 22, 1993 Contractor. Rochon Corporation Engineer Orr.Schelen•Mayeron 12866 Highway 55 & Associates, Ina I : Plymouth, MN 53441 ' i Contract Fun Vehicle Storage Facility I OSM Comm. No. 4900.00 and Appurtenant Work You are directed to make the following changes la the Contract Dacumenls: Descripilow The building exterior paint system is in need of cleaning, priming and a complete paint i job. This change order will provide for the necessary work and also provide an extended labor and materials warranty. Purpose of Change Order. Several warranty concerns including thin paint, incorrect color and insulation staining have resulted in an inadequate exterior paint system. This Change Order is intended to rectify the staining concerns. Upon payment of this change order, the contractor shall provide proof of payment to Tailored Fown and all painting contractors. TLe extended warranty ill be delivered prior to payment. I Attachments (list documents supporting change): N/A CHANCE IN CONTRACT PRICF. , CHANC6 IN CON'IIIACT TIME i Original Contract Pricer $510,874.30 Original Contract Time: November 15, 1992 Previous Change Orders No.1 to No. 3: Net Change from Previous Change Orders: 4 � $9,222.75 Contract Price Prior to this Change Order: Contract Time Prior to this Change Order: $520,097.02 November 15, 1992 •. Net Increase (decrease) or this Change Order. Net Increase (decrease) of Chnnge Order: $11,304.00 .0 Contract Price with all Approved Change Orders Contract Time with Approved Change Orders: $531.401.02 November 15, 1992 Recommended Approved By: J AJ By: Bret A. Weiss, P.E. Rochon Corporation i _ rP •movedAyr Approved _ Date of Council Action I Public Works Director Administrator Council Agenda - 9/27/93 t to. Consideration of Change Order 01. the 'hunk Storm Sewer Extension and ADDurtenant Work to Hart Boulevard. Citv Proiect 98.06C. W.S. ) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Hart Boulevard Storm Sewer Project is well underway and should he completed in the near future. The City Engineer and Contractor, LaTour Construction of Maple Lake, have requested that we modify the payment units for Rip Rap from the cubic yard to the square yard. There will be no increased cost to the project for making this change. Secondly, during the excavation through the existing parking lot, a large pile of buried demolition was uncovered consisting mainly of large pieces of concrete and steel rebar. These materials were removed from the street area and pipe zone, and were replaced with suitable fill. The cost of removal, replacement, and disposal is $26.60/cubic yard. Based upon an estimated quantity of 100 yards, the cost to the project is $2,650. This is the amount requested for Change Order pl. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would be to approve Change Order #I for Project 93-06C in the amount of $2,650. 4 2. The second alternative would be not to approve the change order. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Public Works Director and City Engineer that the City Council authorize and approve Change Order q1 in the amount of $2,660. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of Change Order t11. 19 Orr OA SAd1amydeern 37) Perk Place Cmte, 512-595-5775 �ANYMdnA 5775Wey[s, Mri 5kVafd FAX Change Order tel, int. Alinncnpolb, MN 55i15.172e FIV(595-5773 :hange Order No. 1 City Project No. 93-060 Project: Trunk Storm Sewer Extension & Appurtenant Work, Hart Boulevard, Monticello, MN Owners: City of Monticello Date of Issuance: September 24, 1993 250 East Broadway Monticello, MN 55362 i i Contractor. LaTour Construction Engineer: Orr-Schelen-Mayeron & Associates, Inc. Route 1, Box 76 Maple fake, MN 55358 Contract For: Trunk Storm Sewer Extension & Appurtenant Work I OSM Comm. No. 5073.10 You are directed to make the following changes In the Contract Documents: I I Descriptions This Change Order includes the following Items: (1) Modify Rip Rai: units from cubic yard to square yard with no unit price increase. The proposal form inadvertently listed the units as cubic yard, while the quantity was estimated as square yards. The Contractor bid a square yard price, so there is no change in the construction cost. (2) Removal and disposal of demolition materials. During the excavation through the existing parking lot, a large pile of buried demolition material was uncovered. These materials were reproved from the street area and pipe zone and were hauled to a demolition landfill at a cost of $26.50 per cubic yard. The quantity was estimated at 100 cubic yards. Purpose of Change Orders The Change Order Is necessary to correct the payment units for the Rip Rap and to create a bid price for the unexpected demolition material. Attachments (list documents supporting change)i N/A CHANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE CHANCE IN CONTRACT TIME j Original Contract Pricer $134,881.31 Original Contract Timet September 30, 1993 Previous Change Orders No. _ to No.-:.,: $-0. Net Change from Previous Change Orders: 4 Contract Price Prior to this Change Orders Contract Time Prior to this Change Orden $134,881.31 September 30, 1993 Net Increase (Decrease) of this Change Order: Net Increase (decrease) of Change Order: 40- $2,650.00 Contract Price with all Approved Change Orders: Contract Time with Approved Change Ordent J $137431.31 September 30, 1993 Recommended By: -�(�a%- Approved By: Bret A. Weiss, PX ImTour Construction Co. i tpproved Approved Date of Council Action — By. By. Public Works Director Adnunistrator Council Agenda - 9/27/93 ti. Consideration of aporoval of plans and specifications and authorization to Proceed for hide for Improvement Proiect 98.11C, chlorination and dechlorination improvements to the Wastewater Treatment Plant. (J.S. ) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND OSM has completed the plans and specifications for the chlorination and dechlorination system at the Wastewater Treatment Plant. We have included a copy of the plan sheet which your agenda for your review. Should you require the entire documents, they are available at City Hall. Our deadline for the project is to have the systeros in operation during the month of October 1994, so that we can demonstrate to the MN Pollution Control Agency that we can dechlorinate prior to the end of our permit in December of 1994. Since we do not chlorinate after November 1, the October deadline is necessary. City staff and OSM have discussed moving up the time table due to the necessity to chlorinate during the summer months of 1994. It would be very difficult to continue chlorination during the summer while the construction is going on in the existing chlorine room. We therefore feel that it would be in our best interest to move the timetable up for winter construction and a spring of 1994 start up. We therefore ask that the City Council approve the plans and specifications and authorize advertisement for bids, contingent upon approval of the plans and specifications by the MN Pollution Control Agency. This should allow us to he out for bids in November or December, and to award the project around the first of the year. The anticipated construction cost for the improvement is $51,000. In addition to the plan sheet, you will also find a copy of a project estimate and schedule from OSM. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTION 1. The first alternative would be to approve the plans and specifications and authorize advertisement for bids, contingent upon approval of the plans and specification by the MN Pollution Control Agency. 2. The second alternative would be to wait until approval from the MN Pollution Control Agency and at that time authorize advertisement for bids. 3. The third alternative would he to do nothing. If we choose this alternative, it is doubtful that we would he able to obtain a new permit for our wastewater treatment plant after October 1994. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Itis the recommendation of the Public Works Director and Professional Services Group that the City Council approve the plans and specifications as outlined in Alternative 1, and uuthorize advertisement for bids upon approval from the MN Pollution Control Agency. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of plan sheet for chlorination/dechlorination system; Project estimate and schedule from OSM. 20 Sdwkn as)&—=b1L Attached are 3 sets of the final plans and specifications for the Chlorination/Dechlorination Facilities and 15 copies of the demolition/modification plan as requested. Based upon the final design, the estimated construction cost for the Chlorination/Dechlorination Facilities is $51,000. Costs include estimates for contractor's labor, materials, equipment, taxes, bonds, overhead and profit plus a contingency of 5 percent. Legal and engineering fees are not included in this estimate. Preliminary conversations with Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MiFCA) personnel indicate plan review will take a maximum of 90 days. Review time may be less, depending on MPCA workloads. Based upon the 90 days for MPCA review, we estimate the following construction schedule: 11cm D= 1. Submit Plans and Specifications to MPCA September 26, 1993 2. Receive Approval from MPCA December 31, 1993 3. Advertise for Bids December 31, 1993 4. Award Bid January 24, 1994 5. Complete Construction March 31, 1994 In order to expedite this schedule, we could advertise for bids prior to receiving MPCA approval. This would allow bids to be taken in late December or early January, and would thus allow for an earlier completion date. If construction is not completed by March 1, 1994, an interim disinfection system would be required. 4+1 oppmvAwy cva)" // 300 Palk Place Cher September 22, 1993 5 Way= 5n MN 55416- 617-595-5775 1.800-753-5775 FAX 595-5774 Mr. John Simola Planners City of Monticello Surveyors P.O. Box 1147 250 East Broadway Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Chlorination/Dechlorination Facilities City of Monticello OSM Project No. 5133.00 Dear John: Attached are 3 sets of the final plans and specifications for the Chlorination/Dechlorination Facilities and 15 copies of the demolition/modification plan as requested. Based upon the final design, the estimated construction cost for the Chlorination/Dechlorination Facilities is $51,000. Costs include estimates for contractor's labor, materials, equipment, taxes, bonds, overhead and profit plus a contingency of 5 percent. Legal and engineering fees are not included in this estimate. Preliminary conversations with Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MiFCA) personnel indicate plan review will take a maximum of 90 days. Review time may be less, depending on MPCA workloads. Based upon the 90 days for MPCA review, we estimate the following construction schedule: 11cm D= 1. Submit Plans and Specifications to MPCA September 26, 1993 2. Receive Approval from MPCA December 31, 1993 3. Advertise for Bids December 31, 1993 4. Award Bid January 24, 1994 5. Complete Construction March 31, 1994 In order to expedite this schedule, we could advertise for bids prior to receiving MPCA approval. This would allow bids to be taken in late December or early January, and would thus allow for an earlier completion date. If construction is not completed by March 1, 1994, an interim disinfection system would be required. 4+1 oppmvAwy cva)" // Mr. John Simola City of Monticello September 22, 1993 Page 2 We have enjoyed working with the City on this project and wish to thank all those who participated. If you have any questions, please call me at 595-5607 or Don Esping at 595-5713. Sincerely, ORR-SCflE EN-MAYERON & ASSOCIATES, INC ZD. Peterson, P.E. Project Manager Enclosures Don Esping - OSM Bret Weiss - OSM /run r:\sisaav�avn.\�rn'xs\ovnvus MOTES: I. FIELD VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND O.A. I Nc IME WHAT I ON. 2. CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE REMOVAL OF EAST ' I TON CHLORINE CYLINDERS ■ITN CHI ORI NE SUPPLIER. S. CONTRACTOR TO REMOVE ALL Ea ISTINo CNLORINE EOUIPMENT IN THE CHLORINE ROOM. PLANT NATER TO REMAIN. 1. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE 7'COtE DRILL MOLE FW SHOVER WATER SERVICE AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. 5. CONTRACTOR TO RELOCATE EXISTING EAST WALL ELECTRICAL FIXTURES AND COAD TUT AS DIRECTED eT ENGI"ER FOR TAMA IT-SHC-II PLACELEN7 f. CON TRCL PAMCLS SHALL BE LOCATED AS DIRECTED By ENGINEER. 1. PROVIDE NECCESSARY STRUCTURAL SUPPORTS FOR PUL SATICN DAMPEIE RS AND OTHER APPURTENANCES. FOR PIPING CONiINUAIION� SEE D.G. c, "EE'"� \ ,— Er ISrING AIR INTAKE �j Ti REMOVE EXIST IMG PIPING AS SMOWN ON SECTION I/P] �•t// PFMOVL EXISTING - / CHLORINATORS �RELOVE , TON (AND INE CYLINDCR. i EEANOTEC2 E AND APPjt[NAwCFS. / j//////j/ "HAD c' ClG REMOVE eon OM c -o• 4 O FL;SI IMG 7.'Y e' DUCT j ABs DEMOLITION PLAN SCALED, • 1' C`:r C CHLORINE CAS SE SOR ZZORI EX I CHLORINE INJECTOR TOR RELOEL IS7IMG CMI ORII I NAIDRS EMERGENCY EYE WAS - P -ABS -2 WER BY SHOOTHERS EE NOTE .. M -ABS -2 SEE DETAIL G/P. ABS PULSAIIU+ DAMPENER FOR FLOOR PENETRATia— P -ABS -1 FOR PIPING CONTINUATION M -ABS -1 SEE DWG c-1 — 2- SHC FRT- ABS - V I' " ABS tawnlucnw SHC P-SHC-7 Ll 2' SHC M-SHC-I I.' SHC P-SHC-2 �p 2• SMC M-SHC-2I''"� +9' MA -1 2' SHC SHC P-SHC-3 M-SHC-3-- I':" SHC lz sHLI i-SHC-t WICK CONNECT IT�P,I CALi5n'AT iGN CFALuE../ !'X2' REDUCER= 1 SEE DETAIL E/P. ` SEE DETAIL F/PA FOR TANK TRANSITION PITTING FOR TANK OUTLET 'FI X PI TNG 3' SHC MODIFICATION PLAN SCALE:',: T 2" SHC O1I }� I a • v FR -v ABS -1 l'Wv�.�' T -SMC - I TR -AB$-, TSidj Tr l P=A7B5-2 M -ABS -2 SECTION VIEW SCUUM; . , PU SAt1oN DAMPCN{a IIYPI •? SHC P -$NC -J P -$NC -2 P -SNC -1 �ISFf w0T1 ti 2 7 RV_ _$HC M-SHC-J LSHC-M-SHC-I _ SHC-� o- 1 SHC ?' $Ni( � I - �M_AHS I P ABS 2 IR-SHC �IR-SFHc_.f --�-- �IR ABti Y - '---W yam' M �B$1J �7" SNC 'IR-SN�2" SHC �7_ SHC ES �iR-ABS-ABS � M.I THIS DRAWING HALF— SIZE P-3 BRC F'114ANCIAL SYSTEM n8/19/99 10:03:52 Disbursement Journal �IARRANT DATE VENOOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT CL GENERAL CHECKING 35664 08/19/93 OLSON &. SONS ELECTRI 160 CHECK VOIDED 59.39CR 35604 08/19/93 OLSON & SONS ELECTRI 160 CHECK VOIDED 218•.9.7CR 35604 08/18/93 OLSON & SONS ELECTRI 100 CHECK VOIDED 31.5.1CR 35604 08/19/93 OLSON & SONS ELECTRI 160 CHECK VOIDED 4,0.87CR 35604 08/19/93 OL SON &• SONS ELECTRI 1.60 CHECK VOIDED 0.0&1S.61CR 6.367.24CR SCF 35805 08/19/93 PLUMBERY-PURCELLIS P 251 CHECK VOIDED 2.59.95CR 35613 08/10/93 MN DEPART OF NATURAL 116 WATERCRAFT TITLE 58.00 3b9i4 06/19/93 MN DEPART OF NATURAL 118 WATER/SNOW/ATV REG 131.00 35615 08/10/93 HAVES/WI'LMA 295 INFO CENTER SALARY 03.50 35.815 08/19/93 NAYES/WILMA 285 INFO CENTER SALARY 27.50CR 66.00 +CF 35616 08/19/93 RIGDEWAY/JENNIFER 759 INFO CENTER SALARY 74.38 35616 08/19/93 RIGDEWAY/JENNIFER 750 INFO CENTER SALARY 21.88CR 52.50 *CF .5617 08/19/93 BARTON SAND & GRAVEL 305 SANO/PARKS DEPT 48.11 35918 08/18/93 BROWN & CRIS. INC. 061 CONST COSTS/C HILL 23.924.00 85819 09/19/03 COMMUNICATION AUDITO 38 PAGER/FIRE DEPT 414.22 35020 08/19/93 HENRY & ASSOCIATES $45 METER. VALVES/WATER OE 401.60 35620 06/19/93 HENRY & ASSOCIATES 54.5 WATER UTILITY SUPPLIE 643.18 1.044.76 SCF 35621 08/10/03 MINNESOTA BLUEPRINT .00311 BLUE PRINT MCH/PW INS 364.23 35622 08/19/93 OLSON & SONS ELECTRI 100 MTC OF FIRE DEPT BLO 59.39 35022 09/19/93 OLSON & SONS ELECTRI 160 LIFT STATION REPAIRS 218.87 35622 09/10/93 OLSON & SONS ELECTRI 160 BLO REP SUP/SHOP & GAR 31.51 300.76 to 35623 08/19/93 PLUMBERY-PURCELL'S P 251 WATER LINE INSTALL/F1 259.95 35623 08/19/93 PLUMBERY-PURCEI,1-'S P 251 MISC MATER SUPPLIES 40.87 35623 08/18/93 PLUMBERY-PURCELL'S P 251 PLUMBING/WARMING HO 0,010.61 6.317.43 oCI 35624 09/10/93 RIVERSIDE OIL 496 GAS/STREET DEPT 963.11 35625 09/19/03 RYAN CONTRACTING 'INC 750 COST 1.U'STS/C HILLS' 45.441.70 ( `e5624 00/10/93 WEISIRICN/DUANr & CI .90310 REFUND/RECYCLING BINS 9.12 ht NERAL CHECKTN6 TOTAL )2.516.30 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 08/24/93 13:25:45 -WARRANT DATE VENDOR GENERAL CHECKING 3562-7 08/24/93 HENRY & ASSOCIA.TES 35627 08/24/93 HENRY & ASSOCIATES 3b628 08/24/93 HOLIDAY CREDIT OFFIC 35629 08/.2h/93 MINNESOTA SAFETY COU 35620 08/24/93 MINNtSOTA SAFETY COU 35630 06/24/93 MN OEOART OF NATURAL GENERAL CHECKING Disbursement Journal OESCRIPTION AMOUNT C 545 ANGLE METER VALVE/WAT •401.60 545 WATER UTILITY MTC SUP 658.38 1.057..98 85 GAS/FIRE DEPT 66.85 488 RIGHT TO KNOW S01INR R 50.00 4..88 AWAIR SEMINAR REG 57.0.00 620.00 118 WATERCRAFT/ATV/SNOW R 215.00 TOTAL 1.959.63 Rc BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 08/31/93 15:28:06 ' WARRANT DATE VENDOR GENERAL CHECKING 35181 08/31/93 ORR-SCHELEN-MAYEkON 35101 08/31/93 ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON 35311 08/31/83 ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON 35311 08131/93 ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON 35620 08/31/83 HENRY A ASSOCIATES 35620 08/31/93 HENRY & ASSOCIATES 35631 08/31/83 UNITED STATES CELLUL 35631 08/31/93 UNITED STATES CELLUL 35632 08/31/93 CELLULAR ONE 35633 08/31/83 HAYES/WILMA 35633 09/31/03 HAVES/WILMA 3S634 08/31/93 MN DEPART OF NATURAL 35635 08/31/93 MN DEPART OF NATURAL GENERAL CHECKING Disbursement Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT CLA 162 CORRECT COOING 603.00CR 162 CORRECT CODING 603.00 0.00 *CHE 162 CORRECT CODING 1.055.25CR 162 CORRECT COOING 1.055.25 0.00 *CHF 545 CHECK VOIDED 401.60CR $45 CHECK VOIDED 643.16CR 1.044.76CR *CHE 758 CIVIL DEFENSE PHONE CH 48.37 756 FIRE DEPT PHONE CHARGES 0.64 50.01 *CHE SS5 CIVIL DEFENSE PHONE CH 20.46 29S INFO CENTER SALARY 140.25 285 INFO CENTER SALARY 41.25CR 99.00 'CHF 116 WATERCRAFT TITLE 20.00 110 WATER/SNOW/ATV REG 303.00 TOTAL 543.20CR BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 08/31/93 13:50:45 WARRANT DATE VENDOR GENERAL CHECKING 35636 09/01/93 AMERICAN NATIONAL SA 35636 09/01/03 AMERICAN NATIONAL BA 35636 09/01/93 AMERICAN NATIONAL BA 35636 09/01/93 AMERICAN NATIONAL SA 35636 09/01/93 AMERICAN raATIONAL BA 35636 09/01/93 AMERICAN NATIONAL BA 35636 09/01/93 AMERICAN NATIONAL BA 35636 09/01/03 AMERICAN NATIONAL SA 35636 09/01/93 AME P.ICAN NATIONAL SA 35636 00/01/93 AMERICAN NATIONAL SA 35636 09/01/93 AMERICAN NAT I ONAL BA 35636 09/01/93 AMERICAN NATIONAL BA 35636 09/01/93 AMERICAN NATIONAL SA 35636 09/01/93 AMERICAN NATIONAL BA 35636 09/01/93 AMERICAN NATIONAL SA 35638 09/01/93 AMERICAN NATIONAL SA 35637 09/01/93 D R. K REFUSE RECYCLI 35638 09/01/93 DAVIS WATER EOUIPMEN 35639 09/01/93 GLASS HUT/'INE 35640 09/01/93 HERMES/JERRY 35641 09/01/93 K MART STORE 35642 09/01/93 LEGEND VALLEY PRODUC 35643 09/01/93 MONTICELLO ANIMAL CO 35644 09/01/93 MONTICELLO SENIOR Cl 35645 09/01/93 PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 35666 09/01/93 OUALITY LAWN MAINTEN 35647 09/01/93 SHUMAII/CAT11V 35646 09/01/93 SOLIDIFICATION. INC. 35649 00/01/93 SOUTHAM 13USINESS CUM 35650 09/01/93 WATEP.PRO SUPPLIES CO 35651 09/01/93 WRIGHT COUNTY AUUIr0 35651 09/01/93 WRIGHT COUNTY AUOI10 35851 00/01/03 WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITO 35651 09/01/93 WR1GH1COUNTY AUDI10 Disbursement Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT C 7 AGENT FEES/1981 GO BD 176.16 7 AGENT FEES/1980 GO BO 180.45 7 AGENT FEES/19908 GO B 190.32 7 AGENT FEES/NAWCO GO B 202.79 7 AGENT FEES/CONST 5 GO 176.45 7 AGENT FEES/VEIr GO BD 176.74 7 AGENT FEES/INT SEW GO 196.77 1 AGt:Nl' 1FtE5/1986 GO 8 214.01 7 AGENT FEES/WATER GO 8 184.93 1 AGENT FEES/1988-1 GO 178.10 7 AGENT FEES/ELDERLY GO 261.45 7 AGENT FEES/1090C GO B 187.24 7 AGENT FEES/1990D GO B 2.08.95 7 AGENT FEES/1991A GO B 1 80. 24 7 AGENT FEES/1992A GO 8 175.29 7 AGENT FEES/F 11ALL GO B 78.95 2.968.93 611 RECYCLING CONTRACT/ 2.353.40 290 SUPPLIES/C HILLS 111 83.75 66 FRONT SIDELIGHT/DOOR/ 308.61 81 LIBRARY CLEANING CONT 227.50 460 GARBAGE CAN/CITY HALL 10.62 769 BOOS/SEWER COLLECTI 1.142.04 185 ANIMAL CONTROL CONT 1.100.00 139 MONTHLY CONTRACT PV 2.833.33 175 WW' -P CONTRACT PVMT 30.421.58 319 MOWING CHARGES 856.00 191 MILEAGE EXPENSE 16.52 633 SEWER IELEVISING/C HI 980.00 644 HART STORM SEWER BIDS 236.43 070 WATER DEPT SUPPLIES 41?.96 210 PROPERTY TAXES/NRA 44.87 219 PROPEkl V TAXES/COLE P 611. 77 219 PROPERTY TAXES/WWTP R 315.65 210 PROPERTY TAXES/IXI 1 48.70 'C 0 EIRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 08/31/03 13:50:45 l WARRANT DATE VENDOR GENERAL CHECKING 35651 09/01/93 WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITO 35052 08/01/93 WRIGHT COUNTY DEPT 0 35653 00/01/93 WRIGHT-HENNEPIN COOP GENERAL CHECKING 14 Disbursement Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT CLo 219 PROPERTY TAXES/KRAM 2.165.98 3.247.67 ECHE 275 W CTY MAPS FOR RESALE 37.44 512 UTILITIES 8.63 TOTAL 47.247.71 A BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM t 09/09/93 16:00:05 `VARRANT DATE VENDOR GENERAL CHECKING 35654 09/08/93 U.S. POSTMASTER 35655 09/08/03 MN DEPAkT OF NATURAL 15058 09/08/93 MN OEPAP.T OF NATURAL AENERAL CHECKING, C Oisburser.ent Journal DESCRIPTIOtI AMOUNT CLI 210 POSTAGE/CITY HALL 1.500.00 118 WATERCRAFT TITLE 106.00 118 WATER/SNOW/ATV REC 248.00 TOTAL 1.854.00 • ERC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 09/00/93 15:30:25 �-�ARRAuT DAZE V•ENOOR GiNERAL CHECKING 35657 09/09/93 AME GROUP 3565E 09/09/93 BRIDGEWATER TELEPHON 35658 09/09'/93 BRIDGEWATER TELEPHON 35650 00/09/03 BRIDGEWATER TELEPHON 39656 09/09/93 BRIDGEWATER TELEP4ON 35659 09/00/93 BRIDGEWATER TELEPHON SbtfKtl UV/,UO/9i tJRiULkWA'IEK IELEPHON 35650 09/09/93 BRIDGEWATER TELEPHON 35656 09/09/93 BRIDGEWATER. TELEPHON 3SU59 00/09/93 BRIDGEWATER rtLEPHUN 35659 09/09/93 BRTDGF.WAIER TELEPHON 15650 05/09/93 COPY OUPLCATI-NG PA00 75660 09/09/93 FEeo wE CONTROLS. I 456'1I 09/09/83 GOPHER 139 A i t ONE CAI. 16662 09/09/03 HOGLUND COACH LINES 1116:' 09/09/0 J M AIL COa-ANY 3'1664 09/09/33 KEN ANOERSON TRUCK0 35665 00/09/63 KlcAEN.EP/WANOA 356o6 00/00/03 LUKACI9/JOHN 9+16'.0 09/09/93 LUKACH/JOHN 34666 09/09/93 LUXACH/JOHN 391.46 09/09/93 IUKAGVofJO6::+ 111661 0!1/09/93 MIDWEST (PAS %,tlttPArJY .15661 041/U9/93 Mi0W1:S7 6AS COMPANY �ti6G7 09/0y/93 MIDWk$7 GAS COMPANY �SGU7 04/UO/q3 MTOWCST aA!; COMPANY ISGRO (19/00/9) O'Nl:fl.l /.1'r'Fl :,'it, VS 01:/09/63 PAt,!' L It:p .9it6G9 09/09/0� VA'•it 1. IN sY.I,J (19/00/03 l'A1iE L10 C1'i f. c.7 ni1/0 1/'1.l VA(,i: 1. 1 H ;1 9 !,:I/U9/9i PA- ,F LINri 111;iU,r!,J PAI,-,- 1.71! •,',1,1,,3 09/09,'1: PA(;I: I IPA Disbursement Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT CLA 8 STREET SUPPLIES 69.10 24 TELEPHONE CHARGES 62.75 24 TELEPHONE CHARGES 69.96 24 TELEPHONE CHARGES 123.73 24 TELEPHONE CHARGES 24.34 24 TELEPHONE CHARGES 131.62 24 TELEPHONE CHARGES 45.92 24 TELEPHONE CHARGES 20.75 24 TELEPHONE CHARGES 91.91 24 TELEPHONE CHARGES b9.76 24 TELEPHONE.CHARGES 666.12 1.275.86 +CHF 41 COPY MCH MTC/LIBRARY 50.40 56 PROF SERVICES/WATER OE 63.00 09 PROF SERVICESIWATER II 235.50 • 493 H:ARTLAN9 EXPRESS C 5.119.81 65 OIL/SIREET DEPT t99.74 607 PROF SERVICES/ANIMAL 106.50 A'5G REIMS/COLLEGE COI,:RSE 110.79 311 MILEAUE EXPENSE 72.07 3907 MILEAGE ESPCNSE ?4.29 327 MILEAGE EXPFtJ Ai 24.29 3507 MILEAGE EXPENSE ?4.29 145.74 +CHI 115 UTILITIES 9.`;6 115 UTILITIES 3.91 115 UTILITIES 70.10 119 UTILITI-25 J). 12 74.37 t1 F1- 141 T4AVi L !XPFN! 80.00 /03 GA4ER CHA1661', 4?.60 791 :)At,; -R iHA:li'3 21.111 703 PAC' EP LHANI,EL ?4.!'10 /118 !'At,h.k LNA•',r, it 1. J1. 1C1 C,At:`F CH'A�01, ^'.:JO 103 VA6FR lHA't;I:S ?1.;,, 7t'3 9Atri:l: I HAWk, F1• ?1.30 7,1.1 •i AI I CHAQwh , •!1.: U BRC FIttANCIKL SYSTEM 09/00/93 15:38:25 WARRANT DATE VENDOR GENERAL CHECKING 35670 09/09/93 SIMONSON LUMBER. COMP 35070 09/09/93 SIMONSON LUMBER COMP 35670 09/09/93 SIMONSON LUMBER COMP 35670 09/09/93 SIMONSON L-W!%EP. COMP :5610 09/09/03 SIMONSON LUMBER COMP 35670 09/0£/83 SIMMSON LUMBER COMP 35670 09/t)9/03 SIMONSON LUMBER COMP 35670 0009193 SIMONSON LUVBEP. COMP 35671 09/09/93 TAVLOP LAND SURVEYOR 35872 09/09/93 UNOCAL 35673 09/09/93 VASKO RUBBISH REMOVA 35613 00/09/93 VASKO RUBBISH REMOVA GENERAL CHECKING C Oichursement Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT C. 194.90 109 BLD REP SUP/PARXS 205.10 193 MISC SUPPLIES/STREETS 13.16 193 MISC SUPPLIES/PARKS 31.46 193 BLD MTC/SENIOR CIT BLD 8.52 193 CORRECT CODING ?8.89CR 103 SUPPLIES/7TH ST CXTENG 20.12 193 SUPDLIES/CTV RD 75 IMP 21.83 193 REPAIRS/KRAMER RENTAL 72.37 351.87 203 BLUE PRINTS PRINTED 71.50 219 GAS/FIRE DEPT 31.86 524 GARBAGE CONTRACT 8,278.22 5?4 SALES TAX/GARBAGE CON 532.?.1 6.810.43 TOTAL 11,002.13 Oct C: Oct • E:RC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 09/16/93 11:14:45 WARRANT DATE VENDOR GENERAL CHECKING 35674 09/15/93 MN DEPT OF TRADE & E 35615 09/15/93 MN DEPT OF TRADE A E 35675 09/15/93 MN DEPT OF TRAOE Fi E 35675 09/15/93 MN DEPT OF TRADE & E 35676 09/15/93 11N i TOG RFNTAL SE:V Ii - 35676 {35676 09/15/93 UNI TOG RE1.1'AL SERVIC 35676 00/15/93 UNITOG RENTAL SERVIC 35676 09/15/93 UNITOG RENTAL SERVIC 35676 09/15/93 UNI'fOG RENTAL SERVIC 35676 09/15/93 UNITOG RENTAL SERVIC 35677 09/15/93 NORTHERN STAPES POWE 35677 09/15/93 NORT14ERN STATES POWE 35677 09/15/93 NORTHERN STATES POWE 35677 09/15/93 NORTHERN STATES POWE 35677 09/15/93 NORTHERN STATES POWE 35677 00/15/93 NORTHERN STATES POWE 35677 09/15/93 NORTHERN STATES POWE 35677 09/15/93 NORTHERN STATES POWE 35677 09/15/93 NORTHERN SIAIES POWE 35671 00/15/93 NORTHERN STATES POWE 35678 09/15/93 VALUE PLUS 140ME5 35679 09/15/93 KJELLSERGS PAPK 35670 09/1S/93 KJELLBERGS PARK 35680 00/15/93 WESTSIDE PARK 35681 09/15/93 MN DEPART OF NAIURAI 35682 09/16/93 ANDERSON A ASSOCIATE 35683 09/16/93 ARA CORY REFRESHMENT 35604 00/16/93 ASSOCIATED VETERINAR 35605 09/16/93 BERGSTROM EROS. INC. 35685 09/16/93 BERGSTROM BROS. INC. 35606 09/16i93 RIFFS. INC. Disbursement Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 359 REG FEE/OLLIE K 165.00 359 WARMING HOUSE/PAINT 184.98 359 BLO REPAIR SUP/PARKS 120.98 359 STREET SUPPLIES 10.31 316.17 ? 1 t UNIFGF:M RENTAL 17. 70 211 UNIFORM RENTAL 35.40 211 UNIFORM RENTAL 17.70 211 UNIFORM RENTAL 17.70 211 UNIFORM RENTAL 68.72 211 UNIFORM RENTAL 68.71 225.93 148 UTILITIES 2.740.53 148 UTILITIES 290.94 148 UTILITIES 4.534.60 148 UTILITIES 75.90 148 UTILITIES 807.31 148 UTILITIES 14.65 148 UTILITIES 439.69 148 UTILITIES 249.24 148 U11L11']ES 613.15 148 UTILITIES 915.17 10.681.18 .90314 REIMS/SEWER A WATER 7.00 .9031? RECYCLING 8114 REIMS 9.17 .00312 PENALTY REIMS 0.64 9.70 .90313 REIMS/SEWER A WATER 3.17 118 WATERCRAFI/SNOW/ATV R 436.00 10 STREET SIGNS 141.30 408 CI1V HALL SUPPLIES 42.00 683 ANIMAL CONTROL SUPPLI 165.45 ?1 EQUIP REPAIR PARIS/STR 48.94 21 EQUIP REPAIR PARTS/PAR 68.02 116.90 395 LATRINE RENTALS/PARKS 22.64 CL *CH 9CH +CH .CH 0 CII FRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 09/16/93 11:14:45 WAP.RANT DATE VENOOP. GENERAL CHECKING 35687 09/16/93 BRAUN INTERTEC ENV1O 35688 09/16/03 BRENTESON CONSTRUCTI 35669 09/16/93 CENTRAL MCGOWAN. INC 35690 00/16/93 COAST TO COAST 35690 09/16/93 COAST TO COAST 35690 09/16/93 COAST TO COAST 35690 09/16/93 COAST 10 COAST 35690 09/16/93 COAST TO COAST 35090 09/16/93 COAST TO COAST 35690 09/16/93 COAST TO COAST 35690 09/16/93 COAST TO COAST 35600 00/16/93 COAST TO COAST 35690 09/16/93 COAST TO COAST 35690 00/16/93 COAST TO COAST 35691 00/16/03 COMPRESS ALP &. EGUIP 35692 09/10/93 CUL LIGAN 35603 09/16/93 DAVIS WATER EOUIPMEN 35694 09/16/93 ORAYN A PAINT INC, 35605 09/16/93 OYNA SYSTEMS 35695 09/10/93 DYNA SYSTEMS 35690 09/16/93 ELK RIVIR CONCRETE P 35697 09/16/93 FLEXIBLE TOOL COMPAN 35696 09/16/93 FLICKER'S T.V. & APP 35509 09/1G/n1 rENEP.AL RENTAL. CENTE 35699 09/16/93 GENERAL RENTAL CENTE 35700 09/16/93 GLASS HU1/1'HE 35101 09/16/93 HARRY'S AUTO SUPPLY 3570; 09/16/93 HARRY'S AUTO SUPPLY 35101 09/16/93 HARRY'S AUTO SUPPLY f 15701 00/10/93 CARRY'$ AU10 SUPPLY Disbursement Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT CL 638 ENG FEES/HART STORM S 108.50 435 CONST COSTS/MEAD OA 2.190.20 30 SHOP & GARAGE SUPPLIES 30.12 35 CITY HALL SUPPLIES 15.61 35 'PARK, SUPPLIES 50.59 35 BLD REPAIR SUP/PARKS 17.21 35 LIBRARY SUPPLIES 1.01 35 CLEANING SUP/LIBRARY 19.54 35 WATER. DEPT SUPPLIES 56.86 35 SHOP & GARAGE SUPPLIES 35.36 35 STREET SUPPLIES 23.16 35 SEWER COLL SUPPLIES 7.54 35 KRAMER RENTAL REPAIRS 11.66 35 PW INSPECTION SUPPLIES 23.28 7G1.84 356 COMPRESSOR MTC AGPMT/ 305.00 753 WATER SOFTNEP. CHGS/REN 22.05 290 UTILITY MTC SUP/WATER 918.33 770 CITY HALL PAINTING CH 025.00 50 SHOP & GARAGE SUPPLIES 81.36 50 GRINDING STONE KlT/SH 164.70 246.06 S61 MEAD OAK/BRIAR OAK 3.479.01 50 BALL VALVE/SEWER COLI. 133.02 60 NEW T V/FIRE DEPT500.74 b4 RENTAL CHGS/PARKS 65.90 64 PARKS SUPPLIES 159.16 225.06 GG NEW LOCK/LIBRARY 13.85 78 STREET SUPPLIES 4.28 76 WATER MTC SUPPLIES 13.56 18 WATER SUPPLIES 58.04 78 FIRE DEPT SUPPLIES 14.25 90.15 +CH •CH oCH VC1- rfli 6RC fINANCIAL SYSTEM 09/16/93 11:14:45 WARRANT DATE VENDOR GENERAL CHECKING 35702 09/16/93 HENRY & ASSOCIATES 35702 09/16/93 HENRY & ASSOCIATES 35703 09/16/93 HERMES/JERRY 35704 09/10/93 INDUSTRIAL MAINT. SU 35705 09/16/93 KOVICH/PATRICA 35706 09/16/93 KRAMSER & ASSOCIATES 35707 09/16/93 LEAGUE. OF MN CITIES 35707 09/10/93 LEAGUE OF 1414 CITIES 35701 09/16/93 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES 35707 09/16/93 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES 35708 09/16/93 M & P TRANSPORI, INC 35709 09/16/93 MARTIE'S FARM SERVIC i 35710 09/16/93 MAUS FOODS 35110 09/16/93 MAUS FOODS 35710 09/16/93 MAUS FOODS 35710 00/16/93 MAUS FOODS 35710 09/16/93 MAUS FOODS 35110 09/16/93 MAUS FOODS 35711 09/16/93 MONTICELLO ANIMAL CO 35712 09/10/93 MONIICELLO OFFICE PR 35712 00/16/93 MONTICELLO OFFICE PR 35713 09/16/93 MONTICELLO PRINTING 35713 09/16/93 MONTICELLO PRIN1ING 35714 09/16/93 MONTICELLO TIMES 35114 09/16/03 MONTICELLO TIMES 35714 09/10/93 MONIICELLO TIMES 35114 00/16/03 MONTICELLO TIMES 35714 09/16/93 MONTICELLO TIMES 35114 09/16/03 MONTICELLO TIMES Disbursement Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT Cl 545 WATER DEPT SUPPLIES 57.94 545 STREET PATCH MATERIAL 453.24 511.18 !CI 81 LIBRARY CLEANING CONT 227.50 514 SHOP & GARAGE SUPPLIE 397.81 287 MILEAGE EXPENSE 22.83 888 ASSESSING CONTRACT 1.792.10 243 WORKER'S COMP INSU 16.817.00 243 INSURANCE PREM/FIRE 7.325.00 243 INSURANCE PREM/WATE 3.724.00 243 INSURANCE PREM/SEWER 408.00 28.214.00 205 ROCKS & SANO/PARKS OE 348.98 107 STREET SUPPLIES 59.64 108 CITY HALL SUPPLIES 79.28 108 LIBRARY SUPPLIES 33.68 106 LIBRARY CLEANIN SUP 33.69 108 CHEMICALS/WATER DEPT 8.31 108 WATER DEPT SUPPLIES 25.30 108 SHOP R GARAGE SUPPLIES 25.24 705.50 185 ANIMAL CONTROL CONT 1.100.00 136 CITY HALL OFFICE SUP 399.48 136 PW I11SPF.0 OFFICE SUP 22.11 421.G5 131 BUS TICKETS PRINTED 162.84 137 FIN VERIFIED ACC1 FORM 85.2.0 248.04 140 PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE 296.72 140 BUILDING PERMIT INFORM 67.20 140 LEGAL PUBLICATIONS 552.05 140 HART BLVD STORM SEWER 83.04 140 LIBRARY/1992 TIMES 110 183.00 140 GARBAGE AD INFOR/JULY 36.00 1.Y1B.01 +CI OCI 'CI 4C1 +CI 6RC :INANCIAL SYSTEM 09/16/93 11:14:45 WARRANT DATE VENDOR GENERAL CHECKING 35715 09/16/93 MOON MOTOR SALES. IN 35115 09/16/03 MOON MOrOR SALES. IPA 35715 09/16/93 MOON MOIOR SALES. 114 35716 09/10/93 14ATIONAL BUSHING PAR 35716 09/16/93 NATIONAL BUSHING PAR 35716 09/16/93 NATIONAL BUSHING VAR 35715 09/16/93 NATIONAL ELLISHING, PAR 35716 09/16/93 NATIONAL BUSHING PAR 35716 09/16/93 NATIONAL BUSHING PAR 35716 09/16/93 NATIONAL BUSHING PAR 35716 09/16/03 NATIONAL BUSHING PAR 35716 09/16/93 NATIONAL BUSI-1114G PAR 35716 09/16/93 NATIONAL BUSHING; PAR 35717 09/16/03 ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON 35717 09/16/93 URk-SCMELE14-MAYERON 35717 09/16/03 ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON 35717 09/16/93 ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON 35718 09/16/93 PREUSSE'S CLEANING S 35718 09/16/93 PREUSSE'S CLEANING S 35719 00/16/93 SIMPLE)[ rIME RECOROE 35720 09/16/93 SPECTRUM SUPPLY CO. 35121 09/16/03 TOOD & CO.. INC./MIC 357?1 09/16/93 1000 & CO.. INC./MIC 35722 09/16/53 U t.11l{+ INILKNAIIUNAL 35723 09/16/03 VOSS ELECTRIC SUPPLY 35724 09/10/93 WRIGHT COUNTY AUOITO 3572.4 00/16/03 WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITO 357?5 00/16/03 Y.M.C.A. OF MINNEAPO GENERAL CHECKING D1sbu _�-ment Journal DESCRIP110N AMOUNT CL. 142 VEH REPAIR PAP,TS/PARKS 53.25 142 MISC SUPPLIES/PARKS 35.09 142 SHADE TREE SUPPLIES 4.99 93.33 144 STREET SUPPLIES 16.12 144 SEWER COLL SUPPLIES 10.80 144 EQUIP REPAIR PARTS/STR 88.19 144 FIRE DEPT SUPPLIES 8.16 144 SHOP & GARAGE SUPPLIES 25.53 144 VEH REPAIR PARTS/STRT 102.05 144 EQUIP REP PARTS/PARKS 84.93 144 EQUIP REPAIR PARTS/WAT 68.63 144 WATER UTILITY MTC SUP 12.94 144 WATER SUPPLIES 15.83 433.76 162 ENG FEES/OIGESTER W 4.129.75 162 ENG FEES/CARO HILLS 7.608.32 162 ENG FEES/STORM SEWE 1.146.38 162 MISC ENG FEES 3.453.33 16.397.18 173 FIRE HALL CLEANING CON 50.00 173 CIrV HALL CLEANING CO 400.00 450.00 376 MTC AGRMr/c HALL CLOC 139.75 498 PARK SUPPLIES 184.96 393 PLOW BLADE/SNOW R ICE 259.21 393 STREET SUPPLIES 768.99 528.20 /y4 PUSIA(,t/SEWER COLL e.ib 400 rRAFFIC LIGHT BULBS 107.35 219 SHERIFF'S CONTRACT 21,793.00 210 ADO'L LANDFILL CHG 13,376.70 35,169.70 224 SEPT CONTRACT PAYMENT 625.00 TOTAL 110.430.94 OCH ICH ,CH ICH +CH OCH Ir Pi;C FINANCIAL SYSTEM 11 08/31/03 IS:28:29 Disbursement Journal Al WARPAN T DAIE VENOOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT LIQUOR FUND 17097 00/30/93 PHILLIPS Z, SONS CO/E 800037 WINE PURCHASE 257.50 17092 08/30/93 PHILLIPS & SONS CO/E 800037 LIQUOR PURCHASE 1.483.05 1.740.55 1, 17093 08/30/93 LEE MEDICAL SERVICE 800054 LIQUOR STORE SUPPLIES 49.56 17094 08/30/93 EAGLE WINE COMPANY 600012 WINE PURCHASE 1,320.20 17095 08/30/93 GRIGGS. COOPER & COM 800018 LIQUOR PURCHASE 1.589.28 1/09b 08/30/93 PAuSTIS & SONS 600103 WINE PURCHASE 50.00 11097 08/30/93 PHILLIPS & SONS CO/E 800037 WINE PURHCASF. 452.10 17097 08/30/93 PHILLIPS & SONS CO/E 800037 LIQUOR PURCHASE 813.89 1.265.39 + 17098 08/30/93 QUALITY W114E & SPIRI 800040 MISC MIXES FOR RESALE 35.45 17008 08/30/03 QUALITY WINE & SPIRI 800040 LIQUOR PURCHASE 2.618.67 17098 08/30/93 QUALITY WINE € SP1RI 800040 WINE PURCHASE 91.76 2.745.88 17099 08/30/93 JOHNSON BROS WHOLESA 90002.2 WINE PURCHASE 2.300.88 17099 08/30/03 .1O1INSON BROS WHOLESA 800022 LIQUOR PURCHASE 1,475.86 3.776.74 LIQUOR FUND TOTAL 12.538.20 Ir BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 09/08/93 13:35:24 Disbursement Journal C" WARRANT DATE VENOOR DESCRIPTION AMOUI4T LIQUOR FUND 17100 U8/08/93 9ERttICK'S PEPSI LOLA 800001 CPtDIT FROM JULY 1.00CR 171110 09/08/93 SERNICK'S PEPSI COLA $00001 POP PURCHASE 193.80 192.90 + 17101 09/118/93 BRIDGEWATER TEI.FPHON 800002 PHONE CHARGES 106.58 17102 08/08/£3 COAST TO COAST 800004 E'UPPLIES 39.94 17103 09/08/93 DAHLHEIMER 03SfpI3LIT 800000 BEER PURCHASE 21.3;4.43 17103 09/09/93 OAHLHEINEP 07STRIBUT 807009 NON ALCOHOLIC BEER 660.35 21.974.73 17164 09/06/93 OAVNOR HAMC0 800085 DISC OPEPATING SUPPLI 104.44 17105 01)/08/93 DAY OISTRIBU(ING COM 800010 EE R PURCHASE 603.15 17105 09/06/93 DAY DISiR16UT1rt.: COM 900010 NON ALCOHOLIC BEEP I&.85 $22.10 17106 09/08/93 GIC): WHOLESALE CO.. 800011 6EtER PURCHASE 2.066.40 17106 00/08/93 DICK WHOLESALE CO.. 800011 L6(JOUR STORE SUPPLIES 43.60 2.IOV.00 ; 17107 00/08/93 FLESr,H'S PAPER SERVI 800116 PAPER SA%$ 6?.15 17109 09/08/93 A L• V t-ERVICE 000129 RUGS/MIC OF BLU ?.49 17109 09/09/0) GRI(iGS. COONFR 8 COM 800010 LIQUOR PURCHASE 3.275.60 11109 09/08/93 GRIGGw. C'J')PER € COM 600018 MIkES FOR RESALE 107.87 3.383.47 + 11110 09/08/03 GRASSLEIN BEVERAGF L 000010 k1E;:k PURCHASE 12.400.05 17110 09/03/01 HRUSSLF IN Ct VERA6E I 000019 NUN 41.('OHGLIC Pt;FR 201.30 12.010.35 11111 U'1/118/fi3 HUmF .n Irr 100136 J0I11= POR Gt:;AI.E ri9.71) 1: I1,.' '19/;)0/59 iii�A,. A:'iVF�'i;:;Ittr.. .901?U S►.�T (:LASSkS ffJF 6ct'.A 1137l.0Lf 1711? 1----FAL AOV;kTI�lt+f 800'4J MOR rF..IAf.F. 147.00 .00 1111) 09/08/03 JULIE CAt+OY A rCvF1ACCQ 000VI FL)I+ .1::AL 131.91 11113 091U', o93 JUDE CAN -V F• 't -v ACCO O(-0021 LJ(JUD12 STORE SUPPLTk, 1.:A.4L 11114 C..^,ff(:/93 MAli', FUU"', 0000%7 MISC S,UPPLIF', Edo C 17115 Ofi/t)0/93 MIIfWf:!;T Fo-0 F- 1'EVF.R 300154 RF;(i Fr.F/:;I'MINAN 90,00 Oka BINANCL.AL SYSTEM .i Ot1YO@119D 13:35:?A: Q'iabur'gemenE Journal `WAOINNT 9AIE VENDOR. OEgGRIPTioN AMOWY LIQUOR F-UND 17.716 09/08'/,83 MI-OWES--T SAS .COMPANY 800028 -UTILITIES 10:83 17117 09/06/93 MN BAR SUPPLV 800930 COOLERS FOR RESALE 213s88 171.18 09/08/93 'MN DEPARTMENT OF R'E^V SO.000 SALES TAX VOR AUGU '11.828,26. 17110 09/08/93 MONTZCELLO TIMES '80003'2' AOVERTIS;NG 108.70 17120 09/06/93 NORTHERN STATES POWE 80003'5 UTILITIES 1,229.41 97121 00/09'!`93 OLSON• & SONS-- ELECFRI 000036 REPAIRS• TO BLD 131.41 17121 09/08/93 OLSON & SON$ ELECTRI 800036 LAMP REPLAQE'MENT 7.92 119.33 •.. 17122 09/08'/93 PAUSTIS & SONS 800103 WINE PURCHASE. 744.72 11123 08/08/93 PURICLEAN 800153 MIX FOR RESALE 131.4.0 11124 W06/84d QUALITY WINE & SPIP.I '800040 MlNE9 FOR Wt SALE 1194.12 1'7124 00/09/93 9UALITY WINE & SPIRI 806h O LIQUOR PURCHASE 1.913.80 11124 09/09/93 QUAi.,IT9 WINE & SAIRI 600040 WINE PURCHASE 891.41 2.909.33 17125 Q9-/08/93 RC50"S ICE COMPANY 800041 ICE PURCHASE 897.76 17126.OV.001 3 SERVICE SAL-CS CORPOR 600042 MLSC SUPPLIES ??.DO 17127 08/'08/03 $T. CLOUD RESTAURANT 800040 MI6C ITEMS FOR RESALE 111.60 17'121 09/08/01 ST.•CLOUD RESTAURANT 900045 CLEANIAG SUPPLIES 112.41 224.01 • 1Ti20 09/08/O8 THORPE D19TRIBUTIN6 800048 BEER PURCHASE 22.421.15 191.,28.0.8/08193 THORPE DISTRIBUTING 800048 NON ALCOHOLIC B&ER 450.30 22.871.45 19-120 -03/00/68 V2KINO BOiA—COLA 1605 880051 -P1iP PURCHASE 458:00 17110 00/08/03 WRIGHT COUNTY TREAS/ 900134 'TAXES/SIDEWALK IMP PRO 02.38 11131 00/00/83 7.EE MEDICAL PERVIV 800054 LIQUOR 5TORE SUPPLIES 49.56 LIQUOR FUND TOTAL 03.099.13 C BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 09/15/93 15:49:02 1 Disbursement Journal WARRANT DATE VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT LIQUOR FUND 17132 09/15/93 AUDIO COMMUNICATIONS 800156 DOORBELL INSTALLATION 68.50 17132 09/15/93 AUDIO COMMUNICATIONS 800156 TELEPHONE 190.05 258.55 + 17133 09/15/93 COAST TO COAST 800004 BLD MTC SUPPLIES 31.75 17134 09/15/93 GROSSLEIN BEVERAGE I 800019 BEER PURCHASE 6.254.45 17134 09/15/93 GROSSLEIN BEVERAGE 1800019 NON ALCOHOLIC BEER 35.10 6,289.55 • 17135 09/15/93 GTE DIRECTORIES SERV 800126 ADVERTISING 32.00 17130 09/15/93 HENRY & ASSOCIATES 800155 VALVE & CONNECTORS 163.32 11137 09/15/93 IDEAL ADVERTISING 800128 FROSTED SHOT GLASSES 182.00 17138 09/15/93 JOHNSON BROS WHOLESA 800022 LIQUOR PURCHASE 633.76 17138 09/15/93 JOHNSON BROS WHOLESA 800022 WINE PURCHASE 2.218.85 2,852.41 17130 09/15/93 LIEFERT TRUCKING 800025 FREIGHT CHARGES 531.19 17140 09/15/93 PHILLIPS & SONS CO/E 800037 LIQUOR PURCHASE 703.56 17140 09/15/93 PHILLIPS & SONS CO/E 800031 WINE PURCHASE 630.08 1,333.64 • 17141 09/15/93 TRI STAR 800142 CIG LIGHTERS FOR RESA 147.00 17142 09/15/93 U S WEST COMMUNICATI 800093 ADVERTISING 24.00 17143 00/15/93 VOSS ELECTRIC SUPPLY 800070 LIGHT BULBS 41.54 LIQUOR FUND TOTAL 11,887.55 INFORMATIONAL ITEM September 27, 1893 Review of proposed capital outlay items for the 1994 budget. (R.W.) At the recent budget workshop, the Council agreed to adopt the preliminary maximum tax levy for 1994 that would be 55k higher than the 1993 amount or up to a maximum of $2,652,527. Included in the proposed tax levy amount, the Council was provided with a preliminary 1994 capital outlay item list. The list (a copy of which is attached) is based on the assumption of the 5"A, increase in the levy for next year. Except for a few additional changes that were made under Finance, Deputy Registrar, and Administration totaling approximately $1,925, the capital outlay items are essentially the same as those listed in the work sheets provided for the budget meeting. In preparation for our next budget review session prior to the actual public hearing in early December, -I would like each of the Councilmembers to again look at the capital outlay list and mark any expenditures proposed that you may feel are unnecessary or should not be hudgeted for in 1994. If you do not have any specific problems with any of the items as proposed, that is fine also and they will continue to he included in our discussions and the proposed budget for next year. If anyone has items listed that you would like to see removed, circle the item and let me know so that 1 can make the adjustments in the budget work sheets for our next meeting. Possibly if we have it short meeting on Monday night, the Council may want to spend a few minutes at the end of the session to briefly discuss the capital outlay items. CAPOUT.LIS: 9P24/93 Page 1 1894 CAPITAL OUTLAY FUNDING JEPARTMENT AMOUNT SOURCE Parks 1. Outlot A improvements in Meadow Oak: General Fund A. 2 ballfields $ 24,000 (Parks Dept.) B. 1 soccer field $ 6,000 C. 1 storage building 1 500 $ 31,500 Add 30% to 40'X, if installation by others. 2. 3 basketball courts. Add 50% if installation by others $ 7,500 3. Demolish old community building in West Bridge Park $ 3,500 and sod area 4. Par West Park improvements, playground and backstop. $ 4,500 Installation by City fi. Meadow Oak, repair ur replace pathways $ 15,(1(10 1 Refurbish and install old bridge lighting $ 3,500 7. Picnic tables $ 31000 8. Cemetery fence, 6-1t chain link $ 9,500 9. Trail system 1STEA $ 95,000 Capital Outlay 10. One 11) string trimmer N.O. $ 350 General Fund Water Dennrt.ment 1. Fence water tank site (except west side) $ 6,500 Water Fund 2. Isxpansion of alarm channels from ]6 to 32 $ 2,500 Water Fund 3. 1{epaint old water lower and install fall safe device Open de- Water Reservoir pending on Const. Fund type or paint ($15.000- $65'oo0 ) n 41 CAPOUT.LIS: 9P24/93 Page 1 City Hall 1. Mower replacement $ 3,000 General Fund 2. Air conditioner enclosure replacement (treated) $ 2,000 General Fund 3. Snowblower replacement $ 1,400 General Fund 4. Brick sealing and repair $ 10,000 General Fund 5. Chairs $ 2,500 General Fund 6. Conference table $ 1,000 General Fund Public Works 1. Phase 11, public works facility, (includes downsized $380,000 Liquor Fund? sand salt storage) Streets 1. Replace '78 Int'I plow truck, $48,000 - $7,000 trade = $ 41,000 General Fund (Street Dept.) 2. Seulc►at project $ 20,000 ` J. 1 additional pickup, 4 x 4 $ 15,000 4. Repair 7th Street, Pine -Cedar $ 20,000 5. Realign Cedar at Oakwood Drive $ 20,000 Snow & Ice 1. New plow wing and sander $ 14,000 General Fund (Snow/Ice Dept.) W WTP 1. 2nd stage digester cover replacement & piping $200,000 Water Reservoir modifications Const. Fund 2. Sludge storage tank cover replacement with fixed $165,000 Bond? cover (assume worst case) 3. Chlorination -dechlorination $ 61,700 Capital Outlay 4. r M Facilities planning study $ 25,000 Sewer Access CAPOUT.LIS: 9/24/93 Pop 2 Sanitary Sewer Collection Svstem 1. Bypass pump and hoses to run on existing emergency $ 2,800 Sewer Fund generator (3 HP/300 GPM) 2. Spare alarm transmitter and receiver $ 1,200 Sewer Fund 3. Replace VCR slo mo & freeze frame $ 400 Sewer Fund 4. Reserve for interceptor sewer extension (2nd year) $ 60,000- Capital Outlay Shun & Garaee 1. Floor lift hoist for trucks, 30,000#, 4-post, 5 1/2 ft lift $ 9,500 General Fund (Shop Dept.) 2. Arc welder upgrade to handle arc & heliarc for $ 2,400 General Fund welding aluminum (Shop Dept.) SlAirw Sewer 1. Meadow Oak pond outlet to the Mississippi $290,000 Bond? Tree Denart.ment t. Chainsaw $ fit#) Tree Fund Public Works - Admin. & Ener 1. Additional filing space, upgrade to city hall system $ 1,500 General Fund Fire Denartment 1. Reserve for future fire truck (2nd year) $ 35,000 Capital Outlay 2. Unallocated $ 10,000 General Fund Library 1. Unallocated $ 5100 Lihrary Fund Electionm 1. Optical scan election machine $ 6,000 General Fund 2. Miscellaneous equipment $ 1,000 General Fund 1 CAPOUT.LIS: 9/24/93 page 3 Plannine/Zonine 1. Comprehensive plan update Data Processing 1. Laser printer 2. System 36 terminal 3. Uninterruptible power supply units Liquor 1. Building expansion - front window area The following items were added since budeet workshop meeting Finance $ 8,000 General Fund $ 3,500 General Fund $ 1,000 General Fund $ 700 General Fund $ 12,000 Liquor Fund 1. Adding machine (calculator) $ 200 General Fund Deputy Registrar 1. Safe for storage room $ 300 General Fund Administration 1. Desk and chair - sniff addition $ 1,200 General Fund 2. Calculator - staff addition $ 226 General Fund C CAPOUT.I.IS: 9/24/'93 Page 4 COUNCIL UPDATE September 27, 1893 Reeardina lease aareement between the Citv and Sunnv Fresh Foods. W.C.1 At the previous meeting of the City Council, Council directed City Stafr/Attorney to prepare a lease agreement outlining terms associated with the temporary use of the .5th Street right-of-way by Sunny Fresh Foods for parking. Council also directed staff to negotiate/determine what the appropriate lease amount should be. After discussing the matter with Sunny Fresh, we agreed that $10/month would be appropriate. Unless Council objects to the lease amount, staff will be incorporating this amount into the lease agreement.