City Council Agenda Packet 01-10-1994AGENDA FOR THE MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL Monday, January 10, 1994 - 7 p.m. Mayor: Ken Maus Council Members: Shirley Anderson, Brad Fylc, Clint Herbst, Patty Olsen 1. Call to order. 2. Approval of minutes of the regular meeting held December 13, 1993. 3. Citizens comments/petitions, requests, and complaints. 4. Public hearing on proposed assessment for Project 93-13C, Monticello Ford Storm Sewer Project. 5. Consideration of a preliminary plat request of Phase W, Cardinal Hills residential subdivision. Applicant, Value Plus Homes. 6. Consideration of an ordinance amendment adopting the new building codes. 7. Consideration of an ordinance amendment relating to collection of delinquent utility accounts. 8. Consideration of annual appointments for 1994. 9. Consideration of final payment on City Projects 92-02, School Boulevard, and 92.07, Cardinal Hills Second Addition. 10. Consideration of hills for the last half of December. 11. Adjournment. MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, December 13, 1993 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Ken Maus, Shirley Anderson, Brad Fyle, Clint Herbst, Patty Olsen Members Absent: None 2. Consideration of auaroval of minutes of the regular meetine held November 22. 1993, and the special meetine held December 6. 1993. After discussion, a motion was made by Brad Fyle and seconded by Shirley Anderson to approve both sets of minutes as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. 4. Public Hearing--Adnaion of 1994 budget, and consideration of a resolution setting the 1994 tax levv. Mayor Maus opened the public hearing. Rick Wolfsteller summarized the budget document. In his review, he informed Council that due to the increase in the number of building permits, it may be necessary to hire a building inspection official on a part- time basis to supplement services provided by existing staff. Wolfsteller explained that the cost of additional staff will be offset by additional building permit revenues; therefore, there will be no impact on the 1994 budget. There being no comments from the public, Mayor Maus closed the public hearing. Clint Herbst made a motion to limit the increase to 3.5% instead of 5Si. as proposed in the budget. Administrator Wolfsteller asked Herbst what items should he cut. Herbst indicated that all of the remaining dollars for capital improvements in the park budget could be cut ($20,000), and there are various items in the budget that could he cut in order to get to the 3.5% level. Ken Maus noted that this is the third time that the budget levy has been discussed; and at this point, proposals to lower the budget and the levy to 3.5rf should be accompanied by a list of specific items that should be removed. Page 1 t I Council Minutes - 12/13/93 Brad Fyle indicated that he can understand Herbst's desire to keep the budget at 3.57; but at the same time, he notes that the Council has always kept a fine pencil on the budget and that the additional 1 1/27 is necessary to accommodate the growth that Monticello has been seeing. Motion died for lack of a second. After discussion, a motion was made by Brad Fyle and seconded by Patty Olsen to adopt a resolution setting the 1994 tax levy at $2,652,527. Voting in favor: Ken Maus, Shirley Anderson, Brad Fyle, Patty Olsen. Opposed: Clint Herbst. SEE RESOLUTION 93-45. 5. Consideration of a request for an oxen burning hermit - Monticello Country Club. After discussion, a motion was made by Clint Herbst and seconded by Shirley Anderson to grant the open burning permit based on the finding that it is not feasible to have the debris removed by other methods. Motion carried unaninwusly. t,-: . 6. Consideration of salary schedule adiustnments for 1994. Rick Wolfsteller noted various factors that the City Council should take into account as they consider this matter. In his discussion, he noted that in 1993 the salary schedule increase was less than inflation. He also noted that when the comparable worth study was originally amended and adopted in 1991, it was recommended by the consultant that the step and grade system be adopted to include 7 steps in each grade. At that time, Council eliminated the top step for each position, thereby reducing Monticello's schedule by 4Si as compared to salary schedules of comparable cities. He noted that cunununities such as Big Lake, Buffalo, Elk River, Maple Grove, and Plymouth were granted pay increases of 3% to 4% in 1993, while Monticello was at 2.5'/. Finally, in order to remain in compliance with the comparable worth law, the City Council needs to be concerned with keeping union personnel on the same level as non-union personnel within our pay system. Wolfsteller noted that in 1993, the union pay scale went up 35: while non-union went up 2.5r,. This had the effect of removing the pay schedule from compliance with the comparable worth law. In his report, Wolfsteller noted that Council would have W agree that City employees are doing a good job and deserve to be treated fairly in terms of cost -of -living adjustments. The City has good experienced staff and is being continually asked to increase their productivity to keep up with the growth Page 2 1�_. Council Minutes - 12/13/93 demand we are experiencing. He noted that overall he hears very few complaints about City services and City staff performance, and he believes that Council needs to be aware of this and recognize the efforts put in by staff when considering cost -of -living adjustments. Clint Herbst indicated that we shouldn't let the difference between the union scale and the non-union scale have a big impact on our decision making. Ken Maus reminded Council that the item for consideration is a cost -of -living adjustment. If Council has any problems or questions regarding the individual pay scale for certain classes of employees, then this should be handled as a separate item. Reducing the cost -of -living increase at a point less than inflation is a back -door approach to reducing salaries. Using this approach would not be proper. After discussion, a motion was made by Clint Herbst and seconded by Shirley Anderson to grant a 3.5% cost -of -living increase. Patty Olsen indicated that in her profession she deals with other cities all the time, and she's always impressed with the professionalism that she finds at Monticello City Hall as compared to other cities. She indicated that it is important for the City's pay schedule to be competitive with other communities. Ken Maus indicated that the difference between a 3.57, and 3.8ri is not that significant. It was his view that 3.8% would be more appropriate, as it is reflective of the actual cost -of -living increase. Voting in favor of the motion: Clint Herbst, Shirley Anderson, Brad Fyle. Opposed: Patty Olsen, Ken Maus. Consideration of immosal for facilities Ulan for the Monticello Wastewater Treatment Plant. John Simola reported that the City is now at the 14th year of a 20 -year design life expectancy for the wastewater treatment plant. PSC. has recommended that an engineering firm be engaged to conduct a detailed facilities study and to evaluate the options, including cost estimates. Some items that may also be studied are extensive evaluation of the need for additional odor control facilities and the possibility of building an additional or alternative plant at a new site. City staff has discussed the proposed facilities plan as recommended by PSG with OSM. OSM has expanded its wastewater treatment staff since the design and building of the City of Monticello's facility, and given the opportunity would propose to do our facilities plan through an integrated team approach with the firm Rieke, Carroll, and Muller Associates (NCM). Page 3 .i Council Minutes - 12/13/93 This team approach could be of benefit to Monticello, as OSM has extensive knowledge of the city of Monticello, its infrastructure system, history, and growth patterns, while RCM brings extensive knowledge in the area of wastewater treatment and design. Simola reported that OSM has given us a not -to -exceed price of $44,900 for the facilities plan. In addition, they've provided an option of studying alternative sites for a new or additional plant at a cost of $2,500, and additional extensive study for foul air and odor control at a cost of $2,500. At this point in the meeting, Ed DeLaforest described the teaming arrangement between OSM and RCM. John Peterson of OSM reviewed the goals and objectives of the study. Larry Anderson of RCM discussed some of the technical issues that the plan will address. Assistant Administrator O'Neill mentioned that the timing of the facilities planning effort coincides with the need to update the comprehensive plan. Information obtained with the comprehensive plan update will be very valuable to the facilities plan. Council discussion focused on whether or not to study the potential of moving the wastewater treatment site to another location and whether or not to evaluate the need for additional odor control facilities. After discussion, a motion was made by Brad Fyle and seconded by Shirley Anderson to authorize preparation of a facilities plan utilizing the team approach from OSM and RCM, including the base plan, the alternative site study, and the odor control study, for a total cost of $49,900. Motion carried unanimously. 8. Consideration of Citv membership and endorsement of the Economic Develoomenl Partnershin of Wright Count v. Inc. Economic Development Director, 011ie Koropchak, outlined some of the pro's and con's associated with membership in the Economic Development Partnership. Clint Herbst indicated that Monticello is lucky to have an Economic Development Director. It was his view that we will not benefit from participating in the partnership and could potentially lose an industry to another community because of our participation. Ken Maus disagreed. He noted that we could potentially lose legitimate contacts by not participating in the partnership. If we believe in ourselves, if we believe that Monticello has a lot to offer industry, then we should be confident in participating in this program. Page 4 �� Council Minutes - 12/13/93 011ie Koropchak noted that participation in this partnership is another way of marketing Monticello and becoming part of a larger network. The more businesses that find out about Monticello, the better chance we have to increase the number of industries in town. Brad Fyle stated that the small towns in Wright County will gain the most benefit from this program. He noted that he would be more willing to participate in the program if each city paid the same amount to participate rather than the current fee schedule, which is based on population. Rick Wolfsteller noted that the City could participate on a trial basis. If it appears that there is no benefit to the City in participating, then we could always back out at some point in the future. Ken Maus indicated that he thought the fee structure was fair, as the cities that have the most resources are likely to benefit the most from the program. After discussion, a motion was made by Brad Fyle and seconded by Patty Olsen W become a member of the Economic Develupuneut Partnership of Wright County under the condition that the Industrial Development Committee contribute $500 toward the membership fee. Voting in favor: Brad Fyle, Patty Olsen, Ken Maus. Opposed: Shirley Anderson, Clint Herbst. Council was informed that 011ie Koropchak may have an opportunity to serve on the Board of the Economic Development Partnership. After discussion, it was the consensus to allow Koropchak to serve on the Board as proposed. 9. Consideration of acceut,ine resnonsihility for administration of the rules developed pursuant to the Wetland Conservation Act of 1991. Assistant Administrator O'Neill requested that Council consider accepting responsibility for administering the rules and regulations associated with administering the 1991 Wetland Conservation Act. On January 1, 1994, the rules developed pursuant to the Wetland Act of 1991 will take effect. Under these rules, the local government unit responsible for administering the rules is either the county or the city in which the wetlands in question are located. O'Neill noted that Council has two alternatives for administering the rules. The first alternative would be to accept responsibility for administering the rules. The second alternative would he to delegate the responsibility to the Wright County Soil and Water Conservation District. Page 5 Council Minutes - 12/13/9:3 O'Neill went on to review the pro's and con's of each alternative. Delegating the responsibility to the Soil and Water Conservation District will generally be more efficient, whereas accepting direct responsibility and not delegating the responsibilities provides the City with local control. After discussion, a motion was made by Shirley Anderson and seconded by Patty Olsen to accept responsibility for administration of the rules developed under the Wetland Conservation Act. Motion carried unanimously. 10. Consideration of change order til and ordering of an assessment hearing for Citv of Monticello Proiect 93-13C, Monticello Ford storm sewer. John Simola provided an update to Council on the status of the project. After discussion, a motion was made by Shirley Anderson and seconded by Clint Herbst to approve change order #1 for the pipe type configuration change in the amount of $1,008 and to call for an assessment hearing on project 93-13C for January 10, 1994, based upon the amount to he assessed of $39,481.35. Motion carried unanimously. SEE RESOLUTION 93-46. 11. Review of preliminary concepts fir establishing a storm sewer funding uroeram and consideration of authorizing Citv stalT to implement the program. Assistant Administrator O'Neill reviewed various trunk storm sewer projects that need to be undertaken in the next few years, along with the description of some of the problems that we're facing with regard to funding. He outlined a proposed funding plan for financing trunk storm sewers, which includes establishment of an access charge. Council went on to review the proposed funding program. As a result of the discussion, City Council requested that staff provide additional information regarding specific impact to various properties as a result of the program, and Clint Herbst and Patty Olsen volunteered to participate in a staff/ Council committee for the purpose of reviewing this item and defining issues further. 12. Consideration of fund transfers for 1993. After discussion, a motion was made by Shirley Anderson and seconded by Clint Herbst to approve fund transfers as proposed. Motion carried unanimously. Page 6 (r� Council Minutes - 12/13/93 13. Consideration of bills for the month of December. After discussion, a motion was made by Shirley Anderson and seconded by Clint Herbst to approve payment of bills as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. Jeff ONeill Assistant Administrator �f Page 7 Council Agenda - 1/10/94 Public hearing on proposed assessment for Project 93-18C. Monticello Ford Storm Sewer Proiect. W.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: As discussed at the December meeting, the project cost for the Monticello Ford storm sewer improvement was $43,481.3-5. This includes all construction costs to date, anticipated construction costs, engineering, and inspection. Monticello Ford has paid $4,000 as up -front money for the project, leaving a balance of $39,481.36. It is proposed that the assessment be payable over 10 years at an interest rate of 7r/t, interest to begin the day atter approval by the City Council, with the first payment being due on the 1995 taxes. Monticello Ford has the right to prepay within :30 days of Council action without interest. I spoke with Dave Peterson of Monticello Ford on Thursday afternoon. He indicated he had no problem with the assessment as proposed and may not attend Monday evening's meeting. 13. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative at the close of the public hearing, assuming there are no written or oral objections to the assessment, would be lig make the assessment payable over a period of 10 years at an interest rate of 71h. r 2. If during the public hearing there are oral objections to the proposed assessment, the City could modify the length of time or the interest. rale if they desire. C. S'T'AFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Public Works Director and City Administrator that the assessment be made as proposed over a period of 10 vea rs at an interest rate of 7% 1). SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of resolution adopting assessment roll; Copy of the notice of public Inuring. Please refer to the agenda item in December for cost breakdown of the project.. RESOLUTION 94 - RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT ROLL PROJECT 93-13C (Monticello Ford Storm Sewer Extension) WHEREAS, pursuant to proper notice fully given as required by law, the Council has met and heard and passed upon all objections to the proposed assessment of the improvements for a storm sewer extension from Monticello Ford property to a storm water pond in the Sandberg South Addition. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA: Such proposed assessments, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, is hereby accepted and shall constitute the special assessment against the lands named therein, and each tract of land therein included is hereby found to he benefited by the proposed improvement in the amount of the assessment levied against it. 2. Such assessments against improved property shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period of 10 years, the first of the installments to be payable on or before the first Monday in January 1996, and shall bear the interest rate of 7% per annum from the date of the adoption of this assessment resolution. To each suhsequent installment when due shall be added interest for one year on all unpaid assessments. The owner of any property so assessed may, at any time prior to certification of the assessment to the county auditor, pay the whole of the assessment on such property, with interest accrued to the date of payment, to the city treasurer, except that no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid within 30 days from the adoption of this resolution; and he may, at any time thereafter, pay to the city treasurer the entire amount of the assessment remaining wipaid, with interest accrued to December 31 of the year in which such payment is made. Such payment must he made before November 15 or interest will be charged through December 31 of the next succeeding year. 4. The clerk shall forthwith transmit a certified duplicate of this assessment to the county auditor to be extended on the property tax lists of the county. Such assessments shall be collected and paid over in the same manner as other municipal taxes. Adopted by the Council this 10th day of January, 1994. Mayor City Administrator !� �ttolord Inc. (Dave Peterson) NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON 0, A` PROPOSED ASSESSMENT Project 93-13C (Monticello Ford Storm Sewer Project) TO WHOM 1T MAY CONCERN NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council will meet in the Council Chambers of the Monticello City Hall, 250 East Broadway, at 7 p.m., January 10, 1994, to pass upon the proposed assessment against benefiting property owners for the improvement of a storm sewer extension from Monticello Ford property to a storm sewer pond in the Sandberg South Addition. The amount to be specially assessed against your particular lot, piece, or parcel of land as an assessment is $39,481.35. You may at any time prior to certification of the assessment to the County Auditor pay the entire assessment on such property, with interest accrued to the date of payment, to the City Administrator. No interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid within 30 days from the adoption of this assessment. You may at any time thereafter pay to the City Administrator the entire amount of the assessment remaining unpaid, with interest accrued to December 31 of the year in which such payment is made. Such payment must be made before November 15 or interest will be chnrged through December 31 of the succeeding year. If you decide not to prepay the assessment before the date given above, the rale of interest that will apply is 7% per year. The right to partially prepay the assessment is not available. The proposed assessment shall be payable over 10 years at an interest rate of 7%. The proposed assessment roll is on file for public inspection at the City Administrator's office. The total amount of the proposed assessment is $39,481.35. Written or oral objections will be considered at the meeting. No appeal may he taken as to the amount of an assessment unless a signed, written objection is filed with the Administrator prior to the hearing or presented to the presiding officer at the hearing. The Council may, upon such notice, consider any objection to the amount of a proposed individual assessment at an adjourned meeting upon such further notice to the affected property owners as it deems advisable. If an assessment is contested or there is an adjourned hearing, the following procedure will be followed: 1. The City will present its case first by calling witnesses who may testify by narrative or by examination and by the introduction of exhibits. After each witness has testified, the contesting party will be allowed to ask questions. This procedure will be repealed with each witness until neither side has further questions. Council Agenda - 1/10/94 Consideration of a preliminary plat request of Phase iV, Cardinal Hills residential subdivision. Applicant. Value Plus Homes. Id.O./J.S.I A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Value Plus Humes, Inc. of Monticello requests that the City Council consider approval of the 4th phase of the Cardinal Hills residential subdivision, which consists of 59 residential lots and approximately 25 acres. Following is a review of the preliminary plat, along with discussion of topics that require special attention. PARCEL STANDARDS/EASEMENT REQUIREMENTS City staff has reviewed the plat for compliance with lot. design, roadway width, and casement standards and found that the plat meets minimums. However, additional easement width will he needed for Lots 15 and 16, Block 2, and Lots 'l and 3, 131ock 2, to accommodate storm sewer pipes al, these locations. Also, the final location of the storm water easement line has not been defined by the City Engineer for lots adjacent to the south pond. The final platwill need to he adjusted at such time that the proper easement, location is identified. An easement or agreement allowing storm water to flow from the platted area across future phase V to the northeast pond will also be needed. SANITARY SEWER AND WATER SYSTEMS It has already been determined that it is feasible to serve this area with sewer and water facilities. ROAD SYSTEM The fourth phase calls for further development of Starling Leine, Mallard Lone, and a portion of Pelican Avenue. Due to Clio fact that Pelican Lane is not being constructed to meet Mallard Lune, all of the homes located oil Mallard will only he able to access their homes from the west. Therefore, in the short-term, there will he pour distribution of traffic originating from Mallard Lane. This will only become it significant problem if phase V is not developed. To offset the potential problem, it should he required that the developer agree to provide roadway ensvinent rights across the portion of 1'elican that is proposed to the developed with phase V. Council Agenda - 1/10/94 SIDEWALK/PATHWAY It is proposed that it pathway easement be provided between Lots 10 and 11. Block 2, to allow limited pedestrian access to the south pond area. This pathway will be extended through the south pond area across a sand filler which will act as a bridge. The bridge will be connected to the future residential or park area to the south. Although the path will be constructed with the fourth addition, it will he closed until the south develops. GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN The grading and drainage plan for the site has already been prepared by the City Engineer. This plan was done in conjunction with an application for an Army Corps of Engineers permit obtained by the applicant in conjunction with the second phase of the development. This aspect of the plan is, therefore, non -controversial. Although there is little room to change the pond configuration due to property line constraints, the Parks Commission requests a chance to review the specifics of how the south pond will he graded. They wanted it to he graded in a manner that would enhance or establish a natural pond appearance. STORM WATER SYSTEM The project as proposed shows development of it storm water ponding area along the southern boundary of the property (south pond). This facility will serve to maintain storm water from the fourth phase and the water which currently comes to this area from the south. The Routh pond will be connected to the existing palnds that were developed with the second and third phases --see the attached naps for detail. The south pond bottom is at elevation 954 with normal wailer level at 958, normal high water at 962, and easement limits to elevation 96:1. All approvals are in place allowing intrusion into the wetland areas. These approvals were obtained when the original grading plan was approved prior to consl.ruet.ion of Phase I in 19911. PARK DEVEIMPMEMI' City Council needs to define the park dedication requirement with the fourth phase. Should it lie provided in the farm of land or cash? Both the I'arks Commission and the Planning Commission recommend that the City accept Gash equal to the present. value of 104 of the land. hollowing is some background information on this issue. Council Agenda - 1/10/44 When the first phase was developed (24 lots), the City accepted cash. The overall development plan was not complete at this stage of the process, and the location of potential park areas had not been identified at this Lime. When the second phase was developed (44 lots), a plan for park development for the entire area (phases H -VI was included in the review process. The parks plan called fur a park in the northwest quadrant of the development (2.7 acres) and a proposed lot lot (.5 acres) in the southeast section of the development. The land area of the two park areas amounts to approximately 1/3 of the sh+ndard park dedication area required when land is platted. During the process of platting phase ll, the developers requested to pay cash in lieu of land for the unsatisfied portion (7 acres) of the park dedication requirement. The Parks Commission recommended approval of the developer's plan for the entire site. In turn, the City Council accepted cash for phase 11 but made no commitments regarding park dedication requiremen4s for the entire site. When the third phase (JO hots) of Cardinal Hills wits approved fly Council last year, Council accepted cash in lieu of the park land its satisfying the park requirement. for phase III. However, again, Council made no commitments regarding the park requirement associated with development of phases IV and V. Council is again faced with the question: Is cash in lieu of land acceptable wich phase IV: and if cash, whac is the raw land currently valued at? This question was placed again before the I'arks Commission and the Planning Commission at recent. meetings. Both commissions recommended adoption of the plan outlined in the attached map. In the Parks Commission recommendation, itwas noted that the need fur additional park land is not. necessary due to the presence of recreation facilities at the Middle School. In addition,any further city park development would he better suited farther south and away from the Middle School recreation areas. Ilwas their view that. future park development in this area should occur suut.h of the south pond. This south pond park land would he acquired through development of the adjoining properly to the south. 1levelopment. of the land south of Cardinal Hills within the next Iew years is likely due to the fact, that the site has direct access to the saniutry sewer system. SOUTH POND • EASEMENT OR OUTLO'fY Another important issue is to determine whether or not to accept the south pond arca as it storm water easement or as an outlot. Huth the Parks Commission and the Nanning Cunimission recommend that the City acquire the south pond as an oullot to be connected to the future park area south of the south pond. '['his option provides (ill' City with conlrol over the use of Council Agenda - 1/10/94 the property but would result in additional liabilities for the City, more nuisance requests from adjoining property owners, and ultimately greater demands on the public works department in terms of maintenance. The public works department is opposed to taking the land as an outlot. It is their view that the area should be encumbered by a storm drainage casement, thereby making the adjoining property owners responsible for managing the area. Following are reasons why the commissions support taking the property as an outlot. The Planning Commission was concerned that development of the pond next to a future park could create an "attractive nuisance" and that the City is best equipped to manage problems associated with public use of the area. The City should not he placing management of the property in the hands of adjoining property owners that are not organized (a) effectively manage it. If the City is willing to allow the developer to build the pond at this location, with public access through it to the south, then it should take responsibility for controlling activity in the area. This means that the City, and not adjoining property owner, would make rules and accept responsibility in terms of the following: Regulation of unauthorized access or use of the property for skating and other activities. b. Receiving and acting upon complaint»~ by providing coordinated cleanup of litter and other debris. C. Providing maintenance along the entire pond perimeter. As the grading plan is currently designed, the entire pond, including the opposite shore away from the homes, is yard area. ThereGire, in order to gain direct access to the far extreme of the rear yard, the property owner must cross the pond. The other way to get to the rear yard is to go around the pond: however, in order to do so, the property owner must. trespass on other property. The Parks Commission felt that the pond will serve as an excellent huffer between a future park to the south and the residential area to the north. In addition, perhaps it could be used as a skating surface in conjunction with the park development W the north. This possibility could only occur if the City has control of the property as an outlot. Council Agenda - 1/10/94 It should he noted that presently we allow skating at the Meadow Oak Park pond and even have installed a light there. Also, there are numerous examples of other cities that use drainage pond facilities to their advantage in providing winter recreation opportunities. e. Taking the area as an outlot will result in additional maintenance demands on the public works department but could also result in less of an impact on code enforcement administration. For instance, when the outlot becomes littered or fills with debris, City crews or summer student help will need to cone in to clean it up on a regular basis. If the site is not properly seeded, perhaps there will he a need to control weeds. Under this scenerio, the City's costs are associated with the actual work of maintaining the site, which includes the area between the lots and waters edge. If the City takes the land as an easement, then property owners are responsible for maintaining the site. What happens when one or two property owners do not maintain their sliver of the pond? When this happens, the City must act to enforce the public nuisance ordinance. The cost of the enforcement action cuts into savings the City has created by eliminating maintenance responsibilities. The Public works department opposes taking the land as an outlot for the following reasons: a. Taking of the pond for city property to elevation would create several substandard lots, sonic of which would be below 10,000 sq ft. h. The City will increase its liability by ownership of the lHmd. Having the general public occupy property within 140 or 40 ft of lwople's hack door may create more public nuisances. C. As noled above, taking the land as city property will increase demands on the public works department. The Cardinal Hills development through phase IV results in an addition of 172 lots and the associated additional street, sewer, water, park maintenance. etc. Taking the south pond as an outlot will increase the demands on the public works department further. Council Agenda - 1/10/94 The public works department dues not object to eventually developing it park south of the south pond. However, there is an objection to using the pond as a skating area. Pond skating increases City liahlilities and the pond itself may he too close to residences. The only aspect lost by taking the land as easement is the loss of the ability to use the pond for City - approved skating. e. Skating functions would be better served by developing an area in the new park to the south on flat land. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Motion to recommend approval of the Cardinal Hills 4th Addition under the following conditions: (Under conditions A and 13, select 1, 2, or , A. 1. Park dedication shall be in the foam of cash equal to 10'! of the raw value of the land in phase IV, or 2. Additional park land should be provided with phase IV. I3. I . The plat should he amended to show the south pend as an out.lot to elevation 963, or 2. The plat should show the pond as a drainage and utility easement to elevation 86:1, or 3. The plat should lie amended to show the south one-half of (rile pond its an outlot and the north one-half to elevation 9113 as a drainage Basement. This is u workable compromise for the Parks Commission, Planning Commission, and staff. The developers have indicated that. they prefer to provide cash rather (.hall land, which is also the recommendation by booth commissions. It. should he noted that the phase IV cash requirement on a per -acre basis will likely increase due to increases in residential land valuer;. The final dollar amount will need to he worked out in conjunction with preparation of the development agreement. With regard to the south lwrnd issue, the developers do not have n preference with regard to ownership. Council Agenda - 1/10/94 Motion to deny approval of the preliminary plat of the proposed Cardinal Hills 4th Addition. This alternative could be selected if the developer is not willing to make adjustments to the preliminary plat or abide by conditions as requested by the City Council. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The most workable solution would be to approve the 4th Addition with cash park dedication and only the south half of the pond as an outlot as per alternatives N1 -A1 and B3. This would accomplish the basic goals of all parties involved. D. SUPPORTING DATA Cardinal Hills area park and trail plan; Copy of the preliminary plat of proposed Cardinal Hills 4th Addition. 00, CARDINAL HILLS AREA PARK AND TRAIL PLAN AS RECOMMENDED I t,1A BY THE MONTICELLO PARKS AND PLANNING COMMISSIONS 1/94 BALL FIELDS / LITTLE MOUNTAIN SCHOOL ?UTURE HIGH SCHOOL MIDDLE SCHOOL 1 PLAY AREA BALL FIELDP q1.3C �..� rnnSSI`:G --j.SG CvrcclFG t S�RIIMG y { 10 �t SEDER AND H,+TER,•�••'yi ,•t, �" -�- AVAILABLE A' THIS POINTt Take •pond RE •— Ii as outlot � RA '. 1 ARK I ' I FUTURE RESIDENTIAL AREA J' •1 J. t � I R t _-� r t •r y I ! I I t Council Agenda - 1/10/94 Consideration of an ordinance amendment adopting the new building codes. (G.A.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Every three years the Uniform Building Code is reviewed and updated by the International Conference of Building Oflicials. Once the Uniform Building Code has gone through the legal process and is printed, it is open for publication to all states who enforce the Uniform Building Code. When the State reviews and amends the Uniform Building Code, it is ready to be incorporated by reference and made part of the Minnesota State Building Code. The State of Minnesota adopted the 1988 Building Code July 17, 1990. Once the State has adopted the code, it can become part of the ordinance for all municipalities. Therefore, at this time, City staff is proposing that the City adopt the 1988 Minnesota State Building Code under Section 4 of the Monticello City Ordinance. City staff feels the code should be adopted to stay in compliance with the new building codes and building technology. This new building code will he an asset to public safety for the citizens of Monticello. It. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Adopt the ordinance amendment adopting the new building code. 2. Du not adopt the ordinance amendment adopting the new building code. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City stuff recommends adoption of the ordinance amendment approving the new building code as presented in the attached supplement. 1), SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the three pages of the existing building code section of our ordinance; Copy of proposed ordinance amendment. 9 CHAPTER 1 BUILDING CODE SECTION: 4-1-1: Intent and Purpose 4-1-2: Building Code 4-1-3: Organization and Enforcement 4-1-4: Permits, Inspections and Fees 4-1-5: Fire Zone Districts 4-1-6: Violations and Penalties 4-1-7: Effective Date of Ordinance 4-1-1: INTENT AND PURPOSE: An ordinance adopting the Minnesota Building Code; providing for its administration and enforcement: regulating the erection, construction, enlargement, alteration, repair, moving, removal, demolition, conversion, occupancy, equipment, use, height, area, and maintenance of all buildings and/or structures in the city of Monticello; providing for the issuance of permits and collection of fees. BUILDING CODE: The Minnesota State Building Code, one cgycf which is on file in the office of the City Administrator, has been adopted by Minnesota Statutes 16.851 (1977) as a uniform building code applicable throughout the state. Such code, its supplements, amendments, additions, addenda, alterations, subtractions, and revisions as currently adopted and which may in the future be adopted and incorporated as part of the code, is hereby confirmed as the building code of the City of Monticello and incorporated in this ordinance as completely as if set out in full. The administrative authority for the City of Monticello as specified in 4-1-3 of this code shall maintain on file in his/her office a record of all adopted supplements, amendments, etc., and shall utilize in the enforcement of the building code as if set out in full in this section. (A) The 1980 Edition of the State Building Code adopts by reference the following codes: 1. 1982 Edition of the Uniform Building Code identified as "UBC"; 2. 1984 Edition of the National Electric Code identified as "NEC"; 3. 1978 American National Standard Safety Code for Elevators, Dumbwaiters, Escalators, and Moving Walks identified as ANSI A17.1 - 1978 and Supplement, ANSI A17.la - 1979. 4. 1979 Minnesota Plumbing Code identified as MHD 120 through MHD 135. 5. "Flood Proofing Regulations", June 1972, Office of the Chief of Engineers, U.S. Army. MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE IV/Chpt i/Pago 1 6. Minnesota Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Code identified as SBC 7101 through SBC 8505. 7. "Design and Evaluation Criteria for Energy Conservation in new Buildings, Additions, and Remodeled Elements of Buildings and Standards for Certain Existing Public Buildings" identified as 2MCAR Section 1.16001 through 2MCAR Section 1.16006. 8. State of Minnesota Mobile Home Installation Standards 1977 identified as 2MCAR 1.90450 installations and related definitions in 2MCAR 1.90103. 9. Standards of Performance for Solar Energy Systems and Subsystems Applied to Energy Need of Buildings, 1977 Edition, identified as 2MCAR 1.16101 through 2MCAR 1.16108. (B) In addition to those items listed above, certain appendices, standards, and supplemental materials referenced in the code or which may in the future be adopted and/or referenced in the code are hereby adopted by reference as part of the Building Code of the City of Monticello and incorporated into this ordinance as completely as if set out in full, including but are not limited to the following: 1. Technical Requirements for Fallout Shelters identified as SBC 1 Appendix "A." 2. Variations in Snow Loads identified as Minnesota State Building Code, Appendix "B." 3. 1979 Uniform Building Code Appendix Chapter 35. 4. Minnesota Plumbing Code Appendix "B." 5. 1983 One and Two Family Dwelling Code. 6. 1983 Model Energy Code. 7. 1982 Uniform Fire Code. 8. 1983 Uniform Building Code Standards. 9. 1979 Uniform Mechanical Code. 10. 1982 Uniform Housing Code. 11. 1984 Accumulative Supplement to the A. Uniform Building Code B. Uniform Building Code Standards C. Uniform Mechanical Code D. Uniform Building Security Code E. Uniform Fire Code F. Uniform Housing Code MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE IV/Chpt 1/Page 12. Minnesota State Building Code, Chapter 55. (C) The following appendices, standards, and supplemental materials are not a mandatory part of the code but are adopted by reference for the City of Monticello and are incorporated into this ordinance as completely as if set out in full. 1. Minnesota State Building Code Appendix "C." Abbreviations and addresses of Technical Organizations. 2. 1979 UBX Appendix, Chapters 38, 49, 55, and 70. 3. Minnesota Plumbing Code Appendices C and D. 4. Flood Proofing Regulations, Section 201.2 through 208.2. 5. 1980 UBC Plan Review Manual. 6. 1981 Life Safety Code handbook. (6/22/81, #103) ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA, HEREBY ORDAINS THAT SECTION 4-1-2 OF THE THE MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE RELATING TO BUILDING CODE BE AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: (A) The 1988 Edition of the State Building Code, with appendixes, adopts by reference Ute fullowing codes: 1. Minnesota Rules, Part 1300 - Code Administration. 2. Minnesota Rules, Part 1301 - Certification and Continuing Education of Building Officials. 3. Minnesota Rules, Part 1302 - Building Construction and State Agency Construction Rules. 4. Minnesota Rules, Part 1305 - Adoption of the 1988 Uniform Building Code by reference. 1 The 1987 ANSI -A-17.1 Code for elevators and related devices is an amendment to Chapter 51 of the UBC and no longer found in SBC Rule 1320. a) Required Provisions --UBC Appendix, Chapter 35, Sound Transmission Control. 5. Minnesota Rules, Part 1315 - Electrical Code. 6. Minnesota Rules, Part 1325 - Solar Energy Systems. 7. Minnesota Rules, Part 1330 - Technical Requirements for Fallout Shelters. 8. Minnesota Rules, Part 1335 - Flood -Proofing Regulations (when required). 9. Minnesota Rules, Part 1340 - Facilities for the Handicapped. 10. Minnesota Rules, Part 1346 - Minnesota Uniform Mechanical Code, 1990 Edition. 11. Minnesota Rules, Part 1350 - Manufactured Home Rules. Ordinance Amendment No. Page 2 12. Minnesota Rules, Part 1355 - Plumbing Code - Administrative Rule 4715. 13. Minnesota Rules, Part 1360 - Prefabricated Structures. 14. Minnesota Pules, Part 1365 - Variation of Snow Loads. 15, Minnesota Rules, Part 1370 - Model Energy Code - Administrative Rule 7670. 16. Minnesota Rules, Part 7510.3100-7510.3280 - Adoption of the 1988 Uniform Fire Code by reference. (B) Delete. (C) Delete. Adopted this 10th day of January, 1994. Mayor City Administrator Council Agenda - 1/10/94 7. Consideration of an ordinance amendment relating to collection of delinquent utility accounts. IR.W.I A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROI 1N11: The purpose of this recommended ordinance amendment is to clarify that: I Delinquent accounts can he certified as special assessments against property taxes more than once a year; and 21 Establishment of an administrative fee for preparing an assessment roll on delinquent accounts. As you are aware, the Council is presented annually with a list of all delinquent accounts, including sewer and water accounts, that the Council is asked to adopt. as a special assessment that is certified to the County for collection with individual property taxes the following year. In the past, the City has only adopted a delinquent assessment roll once a year, typically in October or November; and in doing so, some accounts can become quite 0 large by waiting it whole year to do this. It has also been mentioned previously during these assessment hearings that the City may want to consider adding it service charge or administration fee to each delinquent account to discourage accounts from hecuming delinquent and twf cover the additional handling cost the Pity incurs by having to prepare assessnnenl, rolls to collect. the past. due accounts. The current ordinance indicates that an assessment roll will he prepared each year for delinquent accounts. The amendment proposed simply clarifies that the City can prepare assessment rolls as soon as accounts are all days or more pus( due, which may mean that we will be preparing up to 4 assessment rolls annually to correspond with each quarterly billing. The annendmenl, would also indicate that it fee that is estlihlished by the City Council will he added (o each delinquent, account to cover the cost of this additional processing. The fee that is recommended for adoption along with (.his ordinance annendmenl would he $25 per account, and this fire would he reviewed along with all other City fees on all annual hasis thereafter. It, is hoped that by processing all assessment roll 4 limes it year, and with the nddition of it $'lb administration fee., we will see it reduction in the number of delinquent accounts that ultimately become certified as special assessment;+. In the past, itmay have heen Ix'neficial for people to simply let their accounts t>Lconne delinquent and pity them annually with their property taxes since we were only allowed by law to charge an 814 interest, 10 Council Agenda - 1/10/94 on the delinquent account. The establishment of an additional $25 fee may now discourage people from allowing a smaller sewer and water billing to become delinquent. As always, individual accounts receive numerous notices and would also receive, a public hearing notice of the City's intent to adopt an assessment roll for their delinquent account, giving them adequate time to pay the account before being certified as a delinquent assessment. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Adopt the ordinance amendment as proposed, which clarifies that an assessment roll can be prepared for all accounts 60 days or more past due, and establishes an administration fee for processing each delinquent account. Along with this motion, the Council could establish the fee as recommended at $25 per assessment. 2. Do not approve any changes at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Under the present procedure of preparing an annual assessment roll for delinquent accounts, sonic accounts can become quite large in dollar amounts because of the accounts only being certified once a year. In addition, I think it's important that the City he able to cover the additional time and expenditures that are necessary for preparation of the assessment roll and collection of delinquent accounts, and the establishment of the $25 fee is warranted. In addition, the fee may discourage people from letting their accounts become delinquent in the future. As a result, I recommend that the ordinance be amended allowing for assessment rolls to he prepared on at quarterly basis and that the additional fee he established to cover our handling cost. 1). SUPPORTING DATA; Copy of proposed ordinance amendment. 1] ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO HEREBY ORDAINS THAT ORDINANCE SECTION 7.2-21 RELATING TO PROVISIONS FOR COLLECTION OF DELINQUENT UTILITY ACCOUNTS BE AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: 7-2-21: PROVISION FOR rOLLECTION WITH TAXES: All delinquent accounts that are 60 days or more past due shall be certified to the City Administrator, who shall prepare an assessment roll providing for assessment of the delinquent amounts against the respective properties served. To each delinquent account shall be added an administrative fee as set by the City Council to defray the cost of preparation and certification of the assessment roll. Upon adoption by the City Council, the Administrator shall certify the assessment roll to the County Auditor for collection along with property takes. Adopted by the City Council this 10th day of January, 1994. Mayor City Administrator Council Agenda - 1/10/94 6. Consideration of annual appointments for 1994. IR.W.1 A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Minnesota Statutes require that at the first meeting of each year, certain appointments he made. Attached you will find a list of the required appointments that may he approved in one single motion unless the Council chooses to consider some appointments separately. Citv Depositories. During the past year, three official depositories were named, including Marquette Bank Monticello, Metropolitan Federal, and First National Bank of Monticello. In addition, under Minnesota Statutes 239. the Chief Financial Officer has also been designated the authority to name other official depositories for the purprise of investments. Since financial institutions not within the city are depositories for investment purposes only, the official depositories are usually just the three mentioned above, and the motion includes the authorization for the Chief Financial Officer tai designate other depositories when necessary for investment purposes only. h. Oflicial Newsnamr. Monticello 'Times C. Health Officer. Historically, Dr. Maus has served as the City Health Officer. and it is suggested that this appointment simply he renewed annually. d. Actin! Mayor. Councilmemher Shirley Anderson is currently the Acting Mayor. C. Reuresent.at.ives to Other Multi -Jurisdictional Bodies. 'Three appointments are necessary for selecting the City representative lo serve on each of the following bodies: Community Education Advisory Board, Joint Fire Board, and the OAA Huard. In the past., the Administrator has served as the Fire Board representative. and the Mayor has been the representative on the OAA Board. Cuuncilmemher Shirley Anderson has also previously served as the Conununil.y Education Advisory Board representative. f. Housine and Redevelounuvnl. Aut.horicv. Annually, one appointment is required for the Housing and Redevelopment Authority. The current five-year term that is expiring has been filled by Chairman Al Larson, who has agreed to continue in this capacity if reappointed. In addition to this appointment, a vacancy has occurred in the term that will he expiring December 1994 that, wits held by Mr. Bud Schrupp, who rerent.ly resipnned. Council Agenda - 1/10/94 The HRA membership has recommended that Mr. Brad Barger, owner of Suburban Manufacturing, he appointed to fill the vacancy created by Mr. Sc:hrupp's resignation. As a local resident. Mr. Barger has expressed an interest in serving on a committee: and being involved in his recent relocation of his business to Monticello and working with the HRA, he felt his background would he appropriate for this committee. The HRA appointments are made by the Mayor with formal ratification by the City Council. Plannine Commission. The Planning Commission is made up of five members serving one-year appointments. For the year 1994, all current members have indicated a willingness to accept reappointment, for another year. Since these positions are appointed annually by the Council, the Council does have the latitude to open the positions up for applications if it desires. Since all of the existing members are willing to he reappointed, there may not be a need for seeking other applicants at this time unless the Council desires. Library Board. The Library Board by ordinance require_ a Mayoral appointment with Council ratification. Currently, board member Ed Solberg and Mary Jane Puncochar have terms that expired December:11, 1991. At this point, I have not received confirmation from Librarian Marge Bauer as to whether these individuals are willing to serve another term or whether new individuals will he recomanended fior these lwsitions. In the past, the Library Board has placed advertisements for applicants and may do so in the near future if the existing (ward members are notwilling to serve additional terms. It is possible that the appointment to the Library Board may have to be delayed until it future Council meeting. btecvchne Committee. In tlhe past, a Council member has been appointed to serve on the City Recycling Committee Task Force. For the past year, Councilmember Shirley Anderson hits served in this Capacity. Economic Develoument Authority. The Economic Development Authority is composed ofseven members appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council. According to our ordinance that established the EDA, two members of the committee shall he members of the City Council and are currently filled by Councilmenhhers Patty Olsen and Clint Herbst, with Patty's term expiring December 1996 and Clint's on Decent er 1994. The terms of the Council members coincide with his/her remaining term of office its it member of the City Council. Currently, the tern of Barb Schwientek expired on December 31, 1991, and Ms. Schwienlek hits agreed to tvmtinue in this capacity for all additional five-year term if approved by the City Council. 13 Council Agenda - 1/10/94 Police Advisory Commission. The Police Advisory Commission is composed of five members appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council, one of which is a Council member. Cuuncilmemher Brad Fyfe has served on this commission since its inception. At this time, the term held by Mr. Curtis Schmidt expired on December 31, 1993. Since the Police Commission's next scheduled meeting will be in a couple ofweeks, it is recommended that the appointment to this expired term he delayed until a future Council meeting to allow the Police Advisory Commission to make it recommendation on a reappointment or new appointment.. I have not had the opportunity to discuss reappointment with Mr. Schmidt as of yet. Parks Commission. Currently, two members of the Parks Commission expired December 31, 1993, and are held by Mr. Dick Erie and Mr. Larry Nolan. At this point in time, both individuals are willing to continue on the commission and can he reappointed for additional three-year terms. The following appuintanents are not required to he made annually by statute, but each of them perform services on an as -needed basis for the City. In the past, the Ci( ;v Council has made a practice of making these appointments along with the required appointments at the annual meeting. Cit.v Attorney. For the past three years, Mr. Paul Weingarden has served as our City Attorney. While the City staff has had some recent concerns over the Attorney's promptness in handling some matters, at this point, it is still recommended that Mr. Weingarden be appointed as Citv Attorney for 1994. It, is the intention of the stafTto again meet with Mr. Weingarden to discuss our past and future work relationship to see if some of the City staff's concerns on timeliness can be overcome. It. may he that, in the future, the City Council will be asked to consider appointing an additional representative to ael. as City Attorney clung with Mr. Weingarden. This would provide additional flexibility fur the stall' to obtain prompt. service on various legal natters if one attorney was not able to respond in it l.iniely fashion. 'l. Cit,v Auditor. This is also, not required W Ile an annual appointment hut, can he dune on an as -needed hasis or by specifications and through the hidding process. Historically, Cruys, Burden, Carlson & Associates has been the t:ity's auditor, and they have become very familiar witlit lie City's accounting practices. As City Administrator, do not have tiny problem with reappointing them to this position and feel the City and this firn have worked well together in the past. 14 Council Agenda - 1/10/94 3. Consulting Engineer. Since 1975, the City has retained the firm of Orr-Schelen-Mayeron & Associates as its main consulting City Engineer. Also, this appointment is not required by statutes but reaffirms our relationship with this firm. Currently, our primary contact with OSM is through Bret Weiss. 4. City Planner. For the past few years, the City has formally utilized the services of Northwest Associated Consultant; as the City Planner. Our main contact with Northwest has been with Mr. Steve Grittman. The City staff has been very comfortable with the performance of Mr. Grittman and Northwest Associated Consultants and again recommends that this firm he recognized as the City Planner for 1994. As in the case with all consultants, the City staff continually :analyzes and evaluates the contract services provided by our consultants, and all consultants are utilized on an as -needed basis. If for some reason because of a specialized nature or special needs of the City, the City staff may, from time to time, recommend to the Council that additional consultants he hired for particular projects, etc. The reco{,mition of various consultants dies not commit the City to utilize these individuals for 100'.4 of our service needs but still allows the City staff to recommend hiring other individuals and firms if it is deemed appropriate. The attached sheet as supporting data lists all of the members of the various commissions and the appropriate appointments, both required and discretionary, for this year's meeting. The underlined names ore the ones needing appointment for 1994. In some cases, it may have been previously noted that it reconunendat,ion has not yet been made for filling it vacancy in which case the Council may he asked to consider this appointment at, a later date. At this time, it is suggested that the vacancy on the Police Commission and the two terms expiring on the Library Board he delayed until it recommendation can be made to the Council. If the (;ouncil is in agreement with all of the recommendations for annual a1lxanllnent9, it single motion is till that is needed or individual appointments can he mode separately. 1). SUPPORTING DATA: List of appointment's needed and current office holders 15 1994 ANNUAL APPOINTMENTS Official Depositories: Newspaper: Housing and Redevelopment Authority: (5 -year staggered terms) Planning Commission: Health Officer: (1 year) Acting Mayor: (1 year) Joint Commissions: Community Education Fire Board OAA Library Board: (3 -year staggered) Attorney: Planner.: Auditor: Recycling Committee: Economic Development Authority: (5 -year staggored terms) APPOINT.LIS: 1/6/94 Marquette Bank Monticello Ed Solberq Metropolitan Federal 2. First National Bank of Monticello 12/94 Chief Financial Officer - Mary Jane Puncochar authorized to designate other depositories for Investment purposes only. 5. Monticello Times 12/95 1. Tom St. Hilaire 12/96 2. Ben Smith 12/95 3. Brad Barqer 12/94 4. Al Larson 12/98 5. Everette Ellison 12/97 1. Richard Carlson 12/96 2. Jon Bogart Clint Herbst, Council 3. Cindy Lemm 3. 4. Richard Martle 12/96 5. Brian Stumpf Al Larson Dr. Donald Maus Shirley Anderson Shirley Anderson Rick Wolfsteller Ken Maus 1. Ed Solberq 12/93/�W 2. Duff Davidson 12/94 3. Mary Jane Puncochar 12/93 4. Ruby Bensen 12/94 5. Rebecca Jesinskl 12/95 Paul Wolnuardun Northwest Assoc. Consultants Gruys, Borden, Carlson 6 Assoc. Shirley Ander3on 1. Patty Olsen, Council 12/96 2. Clint Herbst, Council 12/94 3. Harvey Kendall 12/96 4. Al Larson 12/97 5. Barb Schwlentok 12/98 6. Bob Mosford 12/94 7. Ron Hoglund 12/95 Pago 1 Engineer: Police Advisory Commission: (3 -yr staggered terms) Parks Commission: (3 -yr staggered terms) APPOINT.LIB: 1/6/94 Orr-Schelen-Mayeron 6 Associates Brad Fyle, Council Warren Smith David Gerads Jim Fleming Curtis Schmidt Dick Frie Larry Nolan Fran Fair Bruce Thielen Roger Carlson 12/94 12/94 12/94 12/95 12/93 12/96 12/96 12/94 12/95 12/95 Pago Z /v Council Agenda - 1/10/94 9. Consideration of final payment on City Projects 92-02. School Boulevard, and 92-07, Cardinal Hills Second Addition. (.I.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The School Njulevard project and Cardinal Hills Second Addition are now complete. froth projects were delayed f-orn 1992 construction due to inclement weather. The paving was completed late this rummer along with portions of the paving in Cardinal Hills Third Addition. The original contract. with Brown & Cris of Lakeville, Minnesota, was for $666,3951. Through the addition of change order #11, the total contract was for $676,989. The final contract amount or project cost was $645,895.50. Much of the savings on the project was due to the deletion of the large diameter storm sewer pipe crossing County Road 118 in front of the Middle School. The existing pipe was determined to have sufficient capacity. In addition, some of the other quantities of miscellaneous materials under -ran the original estimates. The contractor has been paid to date $611,697.69, leaving it balance due of $:.14,197.81. li. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative is to make final payment to Brown & Cris, Inc of Lakeville, Minnesota, in the amount of $34,197.81 pending, of course, receipt of all required documentation and lien waivers. 2. The second alternative would be not to make final payment, at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It, is the recommendation of the l'uhlic Works Director and City Engineer that. the City Council make final payment to Brown & Cris, Inc., of Lakeville, Minnesota, iu the amount of $34,197.81 as outlined in alternative #1. 11. SUI'I'()Ii'I'ING DATA Copy aaf letter from City Fngineer and final payment voucher 16 �~ CAMS torn 300 PUk PIMa Centa 6716 Wayum 6adevud . telnneapdt; A4166f 161228 612395.6776 " 1-600.10-5775 December 30, 1993 PAX 69M7741 Piannen Swueyoal City of Monticello P.O. Box 1147 250 East Broadway Monticello, MN 55362-9245 Re: Streets, Utilities, and Appurtenant Work School Boulevard, City Project No. 92-07 Cardinal Hills 2nd Addition, City Project No. 92-07 Monticello, Minnesota OSM Project No's. 4870.00 & 4892.00 Dear Mayor and City Council: Enclosed are four (4) copies of Construction Pay Voucher No. 6 % Final Payment on the ► referenced project in the amount of $34,197.81. Please make payment in the amount of $34,197.81 to Brown & Cris, Inc, 19740 Kenrick Avenue, Lakeville, Minnesota 55044 upon receipt of all necessary documentation. Sincerely, ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON & ASSOCIAM, INC. Bret A Weiss, P.B. Project Engineer Enclosures c: Brown & Cris, Inc. OSM Construction Observer . nm Post-lt^ boaml lax trimmitial mamo 7871 1001po" • J I� ta i apcxae'aaW.ttcsrusiWfirit S�Woaooew�A�+ C l � CONSTRUCTION PAY VOUCHER Estimate Voucher Number: 6 Date: November 29, 1993 OSM Project Number: 4870.00 Period Ending: November 24, 1993 Project: STREETS, UTILITIES & APPURTENANT WORK / FINAL PAYMENT SCHOOL BLVD. 092-02 & CARDINAL HILLS 2ND ADDITION 692-07 CITY OF MONTICELLO Contractor: BROWN & CRIS, INC. 19740 KENRICK AVE. LAKEVILLE MN 55044 Contract Date: June 5, 1992 Work Started: June 23, 1992 Completion Date: September 30, 1992 Work Completed: Original Contract Amount 666,395.00 Total Additions 10,594.00 Total Deductions 0.00 Total Funds Encumbered 676,989.00 Total Work Certified to Date 645,895.50 Less Retained Percentage 0.00% 0.00 Less Previous Payments 611,697.69 Total Payments Incl This Voucher 645,895.50 Balance Carried Forward 31,093.50 APPROVED FOR PAYMENT, THIS VOUCHER 34,197.81 APPROVALS ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON & ASSOCIATES, INC. Pursuant to our field observation, as performed in accordance with our contract, and based on our professional opinion, materials are satisfactory and the work properly performed in accordance with the plans and specifications and that the total work is: 100% completed as of November 24, 1993. We herby recommend payment of this voucher. Signed: Signed:P 0'�-- Construction Observer er%Engineer BROWN & CRIS, INC. This is to certify that to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief, the quantities and values of work certified herein is a fair approximate estimate for tho period covered by this voucher. Contractor: Signed By Date: Title CITY OF MONTICELLO Chocked By: Approved for payment: Authorized Representative Date: Date: PACE 1 TOTAL CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 L 10,594.00 $ 0.00 1 10,594.00 SCHIDULE A - STREIT CONSIRUCIION/CP #W-02 Lim Spec No Description O-ritlty Units 1 2104,501 REMOVE CURB AND GUTTER V 0 U C H E R D E I A I L L I S I 120 N.f. 3 2104,505 REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT 2400 S.T. 4 2105,501 COMA" EXCAVATION (PLAN OUAM111T) Eatimte Voucher Nunber: 6 Project: STREETS, UTILITIES t APPURTENANT LURK / FINAL PAYMENT 6 2112.501 SUBGRADE PREPARATION Date: NOVEMBER 29, 1993 OSM Project W-ber: 4870,00 CITY OF MONTICELLO PROD. NO.: 2155 10N 9 2341.514 TYPE 41 WIAR COURSE MIXTURE 2155 IGN 10 7131.521 IRREGULAR WIDTH PAVING (INCL, CLASS 1100 SD YD For SCHOOL BLVD. 992-02 t CARDINAL MILLS 2ND ADDITION VZ -07 12 7521.501 4" CONCRETE WANK 50 S.F. 13 2531,501 CONCRETE CURB 6 GUTTL# BESTGN 0618 CITY OF MONTICELLO 14 2531.501 CONCRETE (URB 4 GUTTER DESIGN 8412 100 L.F. 15 2531,507 8N CONCREIL DR)VCWAY PAVLMEMT 80 1,1, 16 2575.505 {ADDING (INCL. 4- TOPSOIL) 5000 1.1, CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 I PAIR 18 2575,501 4CEDIMG (INCLUDING MULCH, ILIT. 3- 9 ACRE TOPSOIL) 958,SO 75. DO 2,925.00 Contract Cont ract CoWleted Thit Month Total TO Data It® Spec No Doscriptlon .... ........................ .'-'--........ .-.... 0-ritity Units Unit Price ..__.... Total Price Quantity Total Quantity Total Prica 1 LOWER MANHOLE CASTINGS .... I ..... .... --- ... ...... 1 LS 694,00 I .... .. 694.00 ......... .... 0 ----- 0.00 ..... --.. 1 ......... .-- 694.00 2 IMPORT GRANULAR MATERIAL 3200 CY 1.25 4,000.00 0 0.00 3200 4,000.00 2 EXPORT SUBGRADE MATERIAL 1200 CY 1.25 4,000,00 0 0.00 3200 4,000.00 3 PUMP SIOOWAIER POND 1 LS 1, 900. DO 1,900.00 0 0.00 1 1,900.00 TOTAL CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 L 10,594.00 $ 0.00 1 10,594.00 SCHIDULE A - STREIT CONSIRUCIION/CP #W-02 Lim Spec No Description O-ritlty Units 1 2104,501 REMOVE CURB AND GUTTER 420 L.Y. 2 2104.503 RLMOVE CCYCRETE SIDEWALK 120 N.f. 3 2104,505 REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT 2400 S.T. 4 2105,501 COMA" EXCAVATION (PLAN OUAM111T) 54000 C.1. 5 DIV. 11 SUB-CUI EXCAVATION Soo C. Y. 6 2112.501 SUBGRADE PREPARATION 39 R.S. 7 2211.501 AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 5 9470 Tow 8 2531.514 TYPE 31 BASE COURSE MIXTURE 2155 10N 9 2341.514 TYPE 41 WIAR COURSE MIXTURE 2155 IGN 10 7131.521 IRREGULAR WIDTH PAVING (INCL, CLASS 1100 SD YD I IVU 60. DO 11 2157.502 11TUaMTNCUS MATERIAL 101 tACK COAT 985 GALLON 12 7521.501 4" CONCRETE WANK 50 S.F. 13 2531,501 CONCRETE CURB 6 GUTTL# BESTGN 0618 7700 t.f. 14 2531.501 CONCRETE (URB 4 GUTTER DESIGN 8412 100 L.F. 15 2531,507 8N CONCREIL DR)VCWAY PAVLMEMT 80 1,1, 16 2575.505 {ADDING (INCL. 4- TOPSOIL) 5000 1.1, 17 DIV. 11 PERMANENT BARRICADES I PAIR 18 2575,501 4CEDIMG (INCLUDING MULCH, ILIT. 3- 9 ACRE TOPSOIL) 958,SO TOTAL SCHEDULE A - SYALLI CONSIRLKIIDN/CP 092.02 Contract Contract CcaylamC This Month Total To Data Unit Price lotoL Price Ouantity Total Quantity Total Price .......... 1.50 ............. 630.90 ......... ............. 0 0.00 .......„ 420 ,,.... ..... . 630.00 0.50 60.00 0 0.00 120 60. DO 0,50 , 1,200.00 0 0.00 2400 1300.00 1.10 37,400.00 0 0.00 34000 37,400.00 1.50 450.00 0 0.00 639 958,SO 75. DO 2,925.00 0 0.00 39 2,923.00 4.65 44,035.50 0 0.00 9750 45,317.50 17,85 38,466.75 0 0.00 2044 36,485.40 19,25 41,483.75 0 0.00 2030 39,077.50 8.50 9,150.00 0 0.00 783 6,672.50 1.00 985.00 0 0.00 700 700.00 3.00 150.00 0 0.00 45 135.00 4.40 33,880.00 0 0.00 7795 34,298,00 10.00 1,000.00 0 0.00 100 1,000,00 22.00 1,760.00 0 0.00 62 1,364.00 1,40 7, 000, DO 0 0.00 5209 7,792.60 400.00 400.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 950.00 8, 550, DO 0 0.00 7,6 7,410.D0 .................... .................... / 229,726.00 S 0.00 S 222,946.00 7 Of 7 V O U C H E R D E T A I L L I S T Estiatate Voucher WL ber: 6 Project: STREETS, UTILITIES t APPUR)ENANT WORK / FINAL PAYMENT OSM Project N-ber: 4870.00 CITY OF MONTICELLO PROD. NO.: for SCHOOL BLVD. 092.02 S CARDINAL MILLS 2ND ADDITION 092-07 CITY OF MONTICELLO JSCHEDULE B - STORM SFWER/CP 092.02 Itma Spec Mo Description Quantity Units 19 2104.501 REMOVE METAL CULVERT 50 L.F. 20 2503.541 12" RC PIPE SEWER DCSIGM 3006 CL V 459 L.F. 21 2503.541 15" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CL V 164 L.F. 22 2503.541 18" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CL IV 632 L.F. 23 2503.541 21' RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CL IV 78 L.F. 24 2503.541 27" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CL IV 100 L.F. 25 2503.541 16' RC JACKING PIPE SEWER DESIGN 60 L.F. 9,180.00 3006 CL V 1,444.00 26 2506.508 CONSTRUCT MANHOLE DESIGN 48" DIA. 6 EACH 27 2506.508 CONSIRUCT MANHOLE DESIGN 54" DIA. 1 EACH 28 2506.509 CONSTRUCT CATCH BASIN 13 EACH 29 2501.515 11' RC PIPE APRON W/TRA50 GUARD 1 EACH 30 2501.515 15• RC PIPE APRON W/IRASH WARD I EACH 11 2501.515 21• RC PIPE APRON W/TRASH WARD 1 EACH 32 2501.515 27" RC PIPE APRON W/TRASH GUARD 1 EACH 33 2501.567 36' RC PIPE APRON W/TRASH GUARO 2 EACN 34 2501.501 GROUTED RIP RAP CLASS III 23 W TO 35 2575.505 SODDING (IWCL. 4• TOPSOIL) 800 S.T. 36 DIV. 11 LWP SUN BID ITEM 9.1 1 L.S. 17 DIV. It LUMP SUN BID LIEN 10.1 1 L.S. 38 DIV. 11 16° STEEL CASING PIPC (0.282' THICK) 192 L.F. 39 2621.505 4" INSULATION 100 S.F. TOTAL SCHLDULC R - STORM SEWER/CP 092.02 Date: NOVEMBER 29, 1993 Contract Contract Coepteted this Month Total to Date Unit Price ............. Total Price ............. ---..---- Quantity ------------- Total Quantity Total Price S.DO 250.00 0 O.Do --------- 50 ............ 250.00 20.00 9,180.00 0 O.DO 459 9,180.00 21.00 1,444.00 0 0.00 162 3,402.00 23.00 14,536.00 0 0.00 686 i5,778.00 26.00 2,028.00 0 0.00 104 2,704.00 42.00 4,2DO.00 0 0.00 100 4,200.00 310.00 18,600.00 0 0.00 3 930.00 850.00 5,100.00 0 0.00 6 5,100.00 1,100.00 1,100.00 0 0.00 1 1,100.00 550.00 7,150.00 0 0.00 13 7,150.00 500.00 500.00 0 0.00 1 500.00 600.00 600.00 0 0.00 1 600.00 900.00 900.00 0 0.00 1 9DO.D0 i, 300.00 1,300.00 0 0.00 1 1,300.00 1,800.00 3,600.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 30.00 690.00 0 0.00 16.5 495.00 1.40 i,t20.00 0 0.00 800 1,120.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 0 0.00 1 3,500.00 4, DOO.00 4,000.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 30.00 5,760.00 0 0.00 191 5,730.00 2.00 .................... 200.00 0 .................... 0.00 0 0.00 S 87,758.00 S 0.00 .................... S 63,939.00 3 0) 7 4 Of 7 V 0 U C R C R D E T A I L L I S T Estiaste Voucher WuTAxr: 6 Project: STREETS, UTILITIES i APPURTENANT WORK t FINAL PATMEXT Date: NOVEMBER Z9, 1993 OSN Project amber: 4870.00 CITY OF I"TICELLO PROJ. NO.: for SCHOOL BLVD. 092.02 t CA901MAL HILLS ZND ADDITION 092.07 CITY OF MONIICELLO SCHEDULE C • NATERMAIN7W 092.07 Contract Contract Cowleted Thio Month Totat To Dote Tim Spec No Description ................................................ Quantity Units ......... .......... unit Price total Price TJuentlty Total ouentIty Total Price 40 2611.503 8- WATER MAIN -DUCT IRON CL 52 ............. 2490 L.F. ............. 13.00 ......... 32,370.00 ............• 0 0. DO • " '... 2475 ............ 32,175.00 41 2611,503 6• WATER MAIN -DUCT IRON CL 52 515 L.F. 11.00 5,665.00 0 0.00 520 5,720.00 42 2611,503 6" DIP CL.52 HYDRANT LEAD 115 L.f. 15.00 1,725.00 0 0.00 111 1,665.00 43 2611,502 5` GATE VALVE AND BOX 10 EACH 400.00 4,000.00 0 0.00 10 4,000.00 44 2611.$03 5" VALVE BOX EXTENSION 4 L.F. 50.00 ZOO.00 0 0.00 2 100.00 45 2611.502 6' GATE VALVE AND SOA 7 EACH 3DD.00 2,IDO.DD 0 0.00 7 2,100.00 46 2611.503 6' VALVE BOX EXTENSION 4 L.F. 50.00 206.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 47 2611.502 HYDRANT 6 EACH 1,10O.00 6,600.00 0 0.00 6 6,600.00 45 2611.503 HYDRANT EXTENSION 4 L.F. 200.00 400.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 49 2611.520 DUCTILE IRON FIITINGS 3000 LB. 0.60 1,800.00 0 0.00 2680 1,605.00 50 2611,502 1- CORPORATION STOP 50 EACH 25.00 1,250.00 0 0.00 50 1,250.00 51 2611.$02 1- CURB STOP L RDD( 50 EACH 50.00 2,500.00 0 0.00 50 2,500.00 52 2611.503 1- IYPE K COPPER PIPE 2350 L.F. 5.DO 11,750.00 0 0.00 2365 11,625.00 51 2611.502 CONNECT TO EXISTING WATER MAIN 2 EACH 300.00 600.00 0 0.00 2 600.00 TOTAL SCHEDULE C - WATFRAAIMICP 09207 .................... 1 71,560.00 .................... S 0.00 .................... S 70,141.00 4 Of 7 5 Of 7 V 0 U C R E R D E T A I L L 1 5 T Estimete Voucher Number: 6 Project: STREETS, UTILITIES L APPURTENANT WORK / FINAL PAYMENT Pete: NOVEMBER 29, 1993 OSM Project Number: 4870.00 CITY OF 1906TICELLO PROD. NC.: for SCHOOL BLVD. 19202 4 CARDINAL MILLS 2ND ADOITION 092.07 CITY Of MONTICELLO SCHEDULE D - SANITARY SEWER/CP 092-07 Contrsct Cent rect Coeptate6 This Momth Tout To pets IteAl Spec No Description .... ............................................ Quantity Units ......... .......... ............. Unit Price Tots( Price Quantity Total Quantity Tow Price 54 2621.511 8• PVC PIPE SEWER SOR 26 1800 L.F. ................................... 38.00 68,400.00 0 0.00 ......... 1715 ............ 67,450.00 55 2621.511 8" PVC PIPE SEVER SOFT 35 1100 L.F. 14.00 15,400.00 0 0.D0 1068 14,952.00 56 2621.508 STANDARD 4' SANITARY SEWER MM (0- 13 EACH 1,000.00 13,000.00 0 0.00 13 13,000.00 10' ) 57 2621.506 EXTRA MANHOLE DEPTH OVER 10' 144 L.F. 60.00 8,640.00 9 540.00 142 8,520.00 58 2621.502 CONST. 6° TYPE •A• OUTSIDE DROP (0� 5 EACH 900.00 4,500.00 0 0.00 5 4,500.00 4') 59 2621.506 EXTRA CROP SECTION DEPTH OVER 4' 48.5 L.F. 40.00 1,940.00 0 0.00 48 1,920.00 60 2621.502 O"X4- PVC WYE 50 EACH 25.00 1,250.00 0 0.00 So 1,250.00 61 2621.511 4• PVC PIPE "WEB SOR 26 SERVICE 2510 L.F. 5.00 12,550.00 0 0_00 2528 12,640.00 PIPE 62 2621.502 CONNECT TO EXISTING SANITARY SEWER 2 EACH 350.00 700.00 0 0.00 2 700.00 63 2621.500 GAANI.ILAR FOUNDATION MATERIAL 50 TON 1.00 50.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 TOTAL SCHEDULE D - SANITARY SEWER/CP 092.07 .................... S 126,430.00 .................... S 540.00 ...-................ S 124,932.00 5 Of 7 t A I l L I S Etlieato Voucher Ntubor: 6 Project: STREETS, UTILITIES t APPURTENANT WORK / FINAL PAYMENT pate: NOVEMBER 29, 1993 OSM Project %tabor: 4870.00 CITY OF WWII CELLO PROD. m0.: for SCHOOL BLVD. 1192.02 l CARDINAL MILLS 24 ADDITION 09207 CITY OF MONTICELLO SCHEDULE E - STREET CONSTRUCTION/992-07 ..... ............... .................... ...._.............. TOTAL SCHEDULE E - STREET CONSTRUCTION/092.07 i 108,906.00 S 17,973.25 S 110,057,50 6 OF 7 Cmtroct Contract CaVlated We North Total T6 Date Item Spec No Deacriptim .... ............................................ quant l ty Lmlto ...... ....... ...... Unit Price ............. Total Price Ou Jlty Total quantity Total Price 64 2112.501 SUBGRADE PREPARAIION 30 ROAD SIA 75.00 .... ......... ......... 2,250.00 ............ 0 0.00 _.._._. . 30 ............ 2,250.00 65 2211.501 AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 5 6700 ION 4.65 31,155.00 0 0.00 6083 28,285.95 66 2211.501 GRANULAR BORROW PLACEMENT (PLAN 10200 tow 0.50 5,100.00 0 0.00 10200 5,100.00 QUANT ITTI 67 2311.514 TYPE 31 BASE COURSE MIXTURE 1100 TON 17.85 19,635.00 63 11124.55 1594 28,452.90 68 2331.514 TYPE 41 WEAR COURSE MIXTURE 1100 low 19.25 21,175.00 798 15,361.50 997 19,192.25 69 2357.502 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COAT 760 GALLON 1.00 760.00 735 735.00 $T0 810.00 70 2506.522 ADJUST FRAME S RING CASTING 1 EACH 150.00 150.00 1 150.D0 1 130.00 71 2531.501 CONCRETE CURB d GUTTER DESIGN D412 5770 Lim (T 4.30 24,811.00 -46 •197.80 5748 24,716.40 72 2575.505 SODDING (IMCLUDING 4• TOPSOIL) 1300 $O TO 1.40 1,820.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 73 2554.505 PERMANENT SARRICAOCS 2 PAIR 400.00 000,00 2 800.0) 2 800.00 74 DIV. It GRADE PALM i L.R. 300.00 300.00 0 0.00 1 300.00 75 2575.501 SEEDING (INCLUDING MULCH, tERT. AND 1 ACRO 950.00 950.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3" TOPSOIL) ..... ............... .................... ...._.............. TOTAL SCHEDULE E - STREET CONSTRUCTION/092.07 i 108,906.00 S 17,973.25 S 110,057,50 6 OF 7 7 of 7 V O U C H E R 0 E T A I I. L I S T EstiR>ete V6ucher N Mer: 6 Project: STREETS, UTIL171ES t APPURTENANT WORK / FINAL PAYMENT Date: NOVEMBER 29, 1993 OSA Project %,.bar. 4870.00 CITY OF MONTICELLO PROD. NO.: for SCHOOL BLVD. 992.02 S CARDINAL HILLS 2ND ADDITION 092-07 CITY OF MONTICELLO UMEDULE F - STORM SEVER/992-07 Contract Contract Coepletcd This Month total To Dote Item Spec Mo Description .... ............................................ Quantity Units ......... .......... Unit Price Total Price Quantity Total Quantity Total Price 76 2503.541 12" RC PIPE SEVER DESIGN 3006 Ct V ............. 410 L.F. ...................... 20.00 8,200.00 ............. 0 0.00 ......... 392 ............ 7,840.00 77 2503.541 15• RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CL V 255 L.F. 21.00 5,355.00 0 0,00 246 5,166.00 78 2503.541 21• RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 Ct IV 140 L.F. 26.00 3,640.00 0 0.00 181 4,706.00 79 2503.541 24- RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CL IV 270 L.F. 32.00 8,640.00 0 0.00 256 8,192.00 80 2506.508 M. 48' OIA. STM. MANHOLE (ALL 5 EACH 850.00 4,250.00 0 0.00 5 4,250.00 DEPTHS) 61 2506.508 60` DIA. MANHOLE (ALL DEPTHS) 1 EACH 1,500.00 1,500.00 0 0.00 1 1,500.00 82 2506.500 72" DIA. MANHOLE (ALL DEPTHS) 1 EACH 2,100.00 2,100.00 0 0.00 1 2, 100. DO 03 2506.509 CATCH BASIN 0 EACH $50.00 4,400.00 0 0.00 8 4,400.00 84 2501.567 12• RC APRON W/TRASM GURAD 1 EACH 500.00 500.00 0 0.00 1 500.00 85 2501.567 1S• AC APRON W/TRASH GUARD 1 EACH 600.00 600.00 0 0.00 1 600.00 66 2501.567 W AC APRON V/TRASH GUARD 1 EACH 1,100.00 1000.00 0 0.00 1 1,100.00 87 2501.501 GROUTED RIP RAP 11 C.Y. 30.00 330.00 0 0.00 11 330.00 88 DIV. it PVC US-011AIN 140 L.f. 10.00 . ................... 1,400.00 0 .................... 0.00 260 .................... 2,600.00 TOTAL SCHEDULE F - STORM SEWER/092-07 .................... S 42,015.00 .................... S 0.00 It 41,284.00 CAAND TOTAL S 676,989.00 S 18,513.25 ......... o......... i 645,095.50 7 of 7 6RC FINANCIAL SYSTEM )VOt/93 15t46320 Disbwroe"At J4wfno1 ()RRMT DATE VEMOQR DeURIPTION AMOUMT C. 3S"IA 1.21,00163 OM DEPART Of MAIURAL 1111 WAURtRAFT/3MOY Rib' 1.0ts.4C 3*M5 18/tWkS A.F. OUCNAUS 9" 60 itEPAI4t So//PALMS 1184?!' S 1! f 2111-iE./'63 s1t iDOtilATf It TEL 1$%ft 31 tE t M1FopmN� �otiA4Mgt-".9V ' -3x. �s1 S�0 t�700tlSRAWfiAlsTEElRtt aTTIlEit:ertP�M6q - $4T�EU.#V W+ Me 6"Esi. Jt ,$i 1*1049VAItt TUMOR URMM-C1MS 13 $$# f4ft4IM EVA£'iitIft0N: 14 T41110HONS CNARttS 06.+,1,1 i�lTt$ TtiiPt�er . ilt. T4l4 Ttti#NQ1i TU $ $- A /dRii$"E4EF>MM ,<4�" ftA� +icaolrA�1. INc ' 18 'N(!O►F f" 9fF. ,*ovtg2fq f" com41tiGATIOM "Div* 36 NE4t #A0T2 tA6E/SIRE Ot 62.66 > e11/410/83 to" 000"ATIN6 poop 41 COPY MAc"sof NYC/6294sk 1kff0E- - t•$r •:lmirIa/61 D 0 1< R{►$6E RECYtt7 611 mmtotR AgatetiM6 2.170.rla 4A� 36061 42/10/61 OOTMARIM 40 OIL1Abi1 RIP914St 0s.I* •, 3100$2 42110,161 iAI046 GARDEN CEMIR SE CITY %ALL XMAS TREE 21.10-1 16653 12/10/08 HILLMANIMARtINE 00 MILEAGE 1101NSt/t"T tO.Iw IS$" 12/10/03 HOOLUMD MACH LINES 563 WiARTLAM CXVftfSS C 4.014.-19 w II,"S 12/40/63 JACOGSON/DIANE 01 MIL#Ast wwowtittl/toss 60.do 11"St t?/ 10/> 1 194AEMWMANDA 166 KILIAN 94V##"/*t*2N'A I i Aw • 16"8 12/10/01 LOCM 44114MIS $61 itlwow "11-040/144A 36061 it/19460 a i 0 TRSNN►ORT1 Irc miss -lANs/$Alt litw 4 IC !,.44.144 W6lti 1!/19,161 ns'>MritisLL.O �tliiT:ka iii l�EilaiO:,i;$ �• . ke OT TY OV '10,00 1' .5730 $4 soft, go 2 a. alay.. 0-0 0.10 a. op 0.00 0,tl 0.Or6 0.00 0. an. 0.00 C.00 0.60 0.00 On 0,W an 0. Ufi Q.09 0,06 0.00 D.11 0:ii0 0»@U O.QO 040 ob aro no or. -So D.'OO 0,40 a -ff. Qu Vi OV n..do GAO- 0,00 0.00 6. UO MO 19+3. n.e ou. o0 n. 00 C. 14.11 c Ott A. ao fic, 11. Oi, 6.'.; J. IM 11.1,o 'Jrhf''i 111/10/03 PME I-IPh"' 4 1'2/10/4'3 1107T,ni RF.NVAL ;.1;1V1•l' f,Rhs. , i t•; A GEYIOf; REn - A k 4 F. -V1.(• ".'A Vs • �s 10/•1? WN ".0,; 4?I: WarA i. t,;Y?V It. ,h!;� [INTIOfi Pbi.1A- °"VIr -.�•1+u t?i1t/43 110110i�i ';.JWAL WV U. , I41., ';'•/'. [,L:111 wtick- rat1s.F1 tY Aol�, +; C r-',. A',irsuhmn-O: tottr -ii 6r�.C!r aPTt )fJ 1^rn UNT cA : 1;ti=A •/VIPT- q::-1 2C s ?1,3 ;�Al=:'F '.f+A'iC 2t,tlr 9D3 'At='t-1 t. lid sC'•' +4 . ir.j }, AsFF f :•tAi'L,"—S :+>" �tiM A.4 ;V CNA,;rZS, ]IIT FM1-iF, CaAFi,,•:, ?1.,5 ]0?I :yAVhR {.'?ASC• -E5 'i L:§ PAf, L•1. TNA 1Ar:. X11 IMc'-.6ym Rt AiAj. Ill.' Il p r t sttj- t Afetil F:: NTAL <1 LiuI ks?9' `.:t+'i Al. iI W)tuwa 1184 14( 14. 193.j? .•'r. : 1;ti=A •/VIPT- q::-1 2C CTTY' W' leWITICULO, 4 's*ji4w( Edit, (ilkt4,rtq, ,PAG'r -24. 5to .OQ 0.00 0.00 Cf. 40.01 0.00 O.co 060,00 A, 6 0 Oicro 0 00 0.00 9.00 8.4ov 0.00 rl - OD, 0.,OG C-00 &95b oo 500 -,o 0 0.00 0:9tD 50'ri do wv.,:Uo - n -to GAD D,00 O'bo a, o tq-Jxq .,a 0-6,,,Ob fj 400,100 040 �, jo q 6 all 010 ad. M 100.00 O.on Uer I f) .."la O)u 13.4a CAO ().go 1.500.00 0.00 0.0P 0.00 0 -..or, 1 . (1110. CIO U.00 O.fo 1A 6 , 0 u Oro 0.00 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTE14 12'/10/93 13':45:12 CIRRANT; jDATE VENOOR GENERAL CHECKING 30067 12/40/93 AME GROUP 36068 12/10/93 ANDERSON & ASSOCIATE 36069 12/10/93 BU,FFALO,8ITUMINOUS. 36070 12/10/98 CULLIGAN 30071 12/10/93 DOUBLE 0 ELECTRIC 3607-2 12/10/93 DYNA $YSTEMS 36073 12/10/93 G £ SUPPLY 3G074 12/10/93 MN CONWAY FIRE & SAF .36079 12/10/93 NORTHERN STATES POWE 36070 12/10/93 NORTHERN STATES PONE 30075 12/10/93 NORTHERN STATES POWE 36075 12/10/93 NORTHERN STATES POWE 36.075 12/10/93 NORTHERN STATES POWE -6075 12/10/93 NORTHERN STATES POWE 6075 12/1'0/93 NORTHERN STATES POWE 36075 i2/10/93 NORTHERN STATES POWE 36075 12/1,0/93 NORTHERN STATES POWE 36075 1`2/10/03 NORTHERN STATES POWE 36076 18/10/03 PETE•RSEN'$ MONT FORD 34077 12/10/93 6CHILLEWAERT LANDSCA 340,70 12/-10/73 WRIGHT COUNTY SURVEY 30079 12/10/93 % ERGON GENERAL CHECKING C Disbursement Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 8'SAND/PARKS DEPT 33.50 10 SIGNS/STREETS' DEPT 642.09 25 SUPPLIE-SYSTREET DEPT 1".169 753 WATER SOFTNER RENTAL C 23.15 .90186 WARMING HOUSE REPAIRS 194.21 50 SHOP & GARAGE SUPPLIES 57.26 475 e RECYCLING BATTERIES 09.52 255 CYLINDER/FIRE DEPT 241.66 148 UTILITIES 2.527.26 1'48 UTILITIES 235.28 148 UTILITIES 4.039.62 148 UTILITIES 95.12 148 UTILITIES 690.31 149 UTILITIES 14.65 148 UTILITIES 387.07 148 UTILITIES 196.02 148 UTILITIES 602.02 448 UTILITIES $93.65 8,982.80 185 VEHICLES REPAIRS/STREE 40.98 382 DUTCH ELM TREE RE" 9..500.00 632 AERIAL MAP/'P WORKS 6.00 775 SHOP & GARAGE SUPPLIE 409.30 TOTAL 21.417.06 *CF GkC FMANCIAL SY$TEM /05/93 11 :3�2'i 1'd LE04FR 9 E%B:ENOITUR'E LEOGuR GENERAL FUND fUfJO & ACCOUNT 1691 APPROVED ---------------------------- t;EFUEA QOLIEMON 101.h9330.5d01 uTNER EDUIPMENT 0.00' ,gEFU5E COLI_ X-rI'ON TO`'AL ?2'3.550.00 Work Suciget Edit L i Siti ng ISO'? APPkOVE-0 1983 AK-POVEO 0.0'0 251.400.00 NI•:EI m +01.6,311 1U1U 4130 0.00 i:.00 101,4al73.10?0 4,TLA.; i:. iULL TINE - 4' 4.00 0.d9 +,11.4'v173.1�0 ,nrAr7' �.. rARI-iI•!- k G 0.0.0 0.0.0 +n+.4•ii)?.!037 PART-YIr4% - OY 0.00 19.80' 11) .bbt 72. t!1h11 TEMPUP,ARY - AGO t , X50. Q0 1.050.00 L1.4'i173.lnyo 1'0APORARY - 0 0.00 0.00 lOt.h'�172.1000 ,n' &RIPS, OTHER 0.00 b•.00 141 .tM 172. 1210 iFF:A rotmLreUTIOMS 0.00 0.00 o- xCA t.Gp ! F Irl'U'i I+tgfl 9.00 725.00 1G1.45+83.1150 t.-ENt.AVC 0.00 ?5,.90 101.43+1 t.t3+0 /1..",Fk V314AANC 0..011 0.00 1U1.01+JR.3110 t' EA°.2".+' :UPPWiF 0.00 0.00 171.6 13 17 '.; 100.40 x.;0.00 .4'17 �'•, 'I, •'it ":.l. 00 .p., , r'i - iv'r77•. . �. . (1.011 C. BRG FINANCIAL SYSTEM 12/18/03 1' 1 : 1 S.4.0 �» 3RRANT OATS VENDOR. GENERAL CMECKING 36076 12/15193 PETEPSEN'S W.001 FORD 36080 12/15/93 MN DEPART OF NATURAL 38081 12/15193 MN DEPART OF 1.IAT6RAL 36092 12/15/93 PERA (LIFE INS) 36093 12/15/93 PF1144CIPAL MUTUAL LIF 38084 12/115/93 BITUMINOUS CONSULPIN 36485 12/16/93 ANDERSON & ASSOCIATE 36088 12/16/03 ANOKA HENNEPIN TECH $0087 12/18,/.93 AUDIO COMMUNICATIONS 36088 13/16/93 BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT 30098 12/16/9'3 BUSYNESS DEVELOPMENT 36088 12/16/93 BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT l 36089 12/13/93 COAST TO COAST 3U0a9 12/16/93 COAST TO COAST 3SD09 12/16/03 COAST TO COAST 360811 17/16/93 COAST TO COAST 38009 12/16/03 COAST TO COAST 36+1;3 11/1;;/93 COAST TO COKST 3b000 12/18/93 COAST TO COAST 3303£- 1?/16/133 COAST 10 COAST :10090 17/16/03COAST 10 COAST 36000 12j16.103 COAST TO COAST 36000 12/16/93 COAST TO COAST 360CS 11/tb/03 G'OAfT TO CQAST 40009 12,/16/53 COAST TO GGAST 36009 12/16/03 (;OW TO COAST ,16089 11%16/)3 COAST TO COAST 16090 12/10/'13 OOUEI.E. 0 F.LEtTRIG 36001 12/16/03 FIRE INSTRUCIOR) ASL 3609 92/10/03 PROOTLINE PL05 rLRF. 36003 12/16Py) C.LALL HU1 /TILE Diaburse'ment journal OESCR.IPTION AMOUNT OL 105 CHECK V07DE0 40.88CR 113 WATERCRAFT TITLE 35.00 118 SNOWMOBILE RE -G 2.078.00• 274 IDIS PREMIUM/PAT KOVICH 12.00 174 IN::URANCE PREMIUM 6.948.65 176 CONST COSTS/SPM SE 10 SIGNS/STREET DEPT 393.00 .80321 FIRE DEPT TRAINING 210.00 17 RADIO PARTS/STREET OEP 22.50 26 PROF SERVICES/N'A.WCO C 615.00 26 MISC PROF SERVICES/HRA 83.75 28 PROF SERVICES/SHINGOB 112.50 881.25 35 SUPPLIES' /STREET DEPT 88.06 3.5 SLO REPAIR S,UP/'PAk1W 79.09 35 SUPPLIES/PARKS DEPT 23.30 85 VEN REPAIR PAhT.B'/STRE,E 10.19 35 MISC SUPPLIES/•SEVER COL 5.52 3:5 UTILITY MTC SUP•/WATER 15.70 3S MI.00 SUP•PLIE•810V INSPEC 3.18 30. OIL/STREET DEPT 15.60 35 CLEANING, SUMMARY, 16.91 35 CLU REPAIR SUP/STREETS 5.10 36 M1,9C SUPPLIESIVATER DE iS.87 36 MIOC SUPPLIES/SIR LITE 10.03 35 SMALL TOOLS/OARIES DEPT 65195 35 SMALL TOOLG/WATFk DEPT 44.09 39 VF14 REPAIR PARTS/WATER 09.71 51b.06 .90106 INSTALL RFCEPYICLE/DAR 47.04 369 TRAINING SUP/FIRE DEPT 06.04 510 CLOPIIE5/flkE DEPT 419.94 OC VEHI6,1E MTC/STREET OF. 159.66 RC1 *- SRC FltJANCIAL SVSTEM 1`2/16/03 11:15:40 l ARRANT DATE VENDOR GENERAL CHECKING 36096 12/10/93 GOPHER STATE ONE CAL 36095 12/16/03 HENRY & ASSOCIAT'E.S 36095 12/10/93 HENRY & ASSOCIATES 38096 12/16193 HOGLUND 895 COMPANY 36097 12/16/93 K MART STORE 36088 12/16/93 N.ACOUEEN EQUIPMENT 1 36000 12/18/03 MARTIE'S FARM SERVIC 36100 12/16/93 MONTICELLO OFFICE PR 36100 12/16/93 MUNTICFLLO OFFICE PR 36101 12/16/93 MOODY'$ INVESTORS SE db102 12/18/93 OLfEN CHAIN & CASLE c 36103 12/'16/03 OLSON & SONS ELECTRI 361-33 12/10/03 OLSON & SONS ELECTRI 36104. 12/10/93 PETERSEN'S MONT FORD 38105 12/18/93 PITNEY BOWES 36100 12/18/93 PLUMSERY-PURCELL'S P 36107 12/16/93 PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 3.6100 12/10191 97.CL000 FIRE EOUIPM 36109 12/19/U3 WRtf+HT COUNTY OFPT 0 09NERALL, C14ECKING c Di3oursem=nt Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 09 PROF SERV/WATER DEPT 283:50 S4-5 HYDRANT PUMPT/FIRE ME 137.80 $45 UTILITY MTC SUP/WATER 951.97 1.089.77 92 EQUIP REPAIR PARTS/PIR 90.06 460 PHONE ✓b PACUET/PARKS D 62.76 104 BLADE/SNOW & ICE 280.246 107 SEED/PARKS DEPT 2.39 136 MISC SUPPLIES/PARKS OE 10.99 136 OFFICE SUPPLIES/C HAL 202.?2 213.21 313 PROF SERV/G O BONDS 3.7'00.00 619 CHAINS/SNOW & ICE 1..059.66 160 MTC OF EQUIP/FIRE DEPT 85.00 160 MISC SUP/VWTP OECHOLR 69.11 174.11 165 VEH REPAIR PARTS/STREE 20.44 160 POSTAGE MCN RENTAL/C 110.00 251 MISC SUPPLIES/WATER DE 20.64 115 WWTP CONTRACT PYMT 30.421.50 242 AWAIR SAFETY DEMO/F E 154.75 275 SAND/r-ALT SNOW & tl; 4.31l.t0 101AL PS.160.31 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 12/29/93 15:47S5 Disbursement Journal ARRANT DATE VENDOR. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT C GENERAL CHECKING 30110 12/23/93 U.S. POSTMASTER 210 POSTAGE/CITY HALL 1,500.00 36111 1'2/23/93 MN DEPART OF NATURAL 118 SNOWMOBILE & ATV RE 1,278.00 38112 12/29/93 BRAUN INTERTEC ENWIO 638 PROF SERV/TONY EMMERI 146.75 36112 12/29/03 BRAUN INTERTEC ENVIO 638 ENG FEESZMONTI FORD ST 99.75 246.50 36113 12/20/93' DON & KATHLEEN'NICOL .90323 OVERPAYMENT ON ASSESSM 08.26 36113 12/29/93 DON & KATHLEEN NICOL .90323 OVERPAYMENT ON ASSESSM 76.98 175.24 36114 12/29/93 GAB BUSINESS SERVICE 682 INS DEDUCTIBLE FEE 2,500.00 36115 12/29/93 HOLIDAY CREDIT OFFIC 85 GAS/FIRE DEPT 86.T4 36110 12/29/83 MN COPY SYSTEMS INC 756 MTC AGRMT/COPY MCH/FIR 73.27 36117 12/29/03 MONTICELLO FIRE DEPA 135 MISC.SUPPLIES/FIRE DEP 31.95 36117 12/28/93 MONTICELLO FIRE DEPA 135 FILING CABINET/FIRE OE 13:93 36117 12/29/63 MONTICELLO FIRE DEPA 135 OFFICE SUPPLIES/FIRE 0 53.40 36117 12/29/83 MONTICELLO FIRE DEPA 13.5 MISC EXPENSES/FIRE OE 434.44 36111 12/29/93 MONTICELLO FIRE DEPA 13S MEMBERSHIPS/FIRE DEPT 118.00 a;C +C 649.72 ►C 36118 12/28/03 NATIONAL BUSINESS 'FU 489 TABLE FOR NEW PARK, 468.00 30119 12/29/93 NORWEST MECHANICAL I 777 OECHLORN/CHLORN PRO 4.892.50 36120 12/20/03 NUTECH ENVIRONMENTAL 157 CHEMICALS/WWTP 1.240.00 36121 12/29/93 O.E.I. BUSINESS FORM 158 COPY MACHINE PAPER/C H 83.18 36122 12/20/03 OLSON, USSET.AGAN & 202 LEGAL GEES/CITY HAL 2.522.53 30123 12/28/93 PITNEY BOWES 108 POSTAGE TAPE STRIPES 104.80 36124 12/20/93 R A R COUNTERTOPS .90322 COUNTER TOPS/NEW PARK 60.00 30125 12/28/93 UNITED STATES CELLUL 758 PHONE CHARGES 27.35 38125 12/29/93 UNITED STATES CELLUL 138 PHONE CHARGES 4.41 30125 12/28/93 UNITED STATES CELLUL 758 PHONE CHARGES 47.66 10.44 �L 36126 12/20/03 WATER PRODUCTS COMPA 219 WATER METER 447.30 CGENERAL CHECKING TOTAL 16.401.32 kP F IhANCIAL SVSTE14 ,3/0'3/93 1 1:'22' IS l LEVIER 9 EJ(PENOTTriRE LEDL;ER !4WV 25 BRIDGE CAP PROJ FUND FUKJ 1r. ACCOUNT !•rJA4LC'fcT@D N,ISC raC-RATING SUPOLIZ5 .t0.4:r201.3?b9 10ISi. OE;AIR & MTC SUPPLLEB' 4t0.4���t.3Q35 Ct °.: :�V �OtJ57tUOTI�irJ •=0� 410.494tJ1.3030 R.Y '+V - ENOINGfkIttt_ PF £ 410.49?01.3100 MAIt47craAVCE AGREEMENTS 410.1:!1201 .3199 tAISC 4F.'OFGS519NA1 SERVICES 4 10.4701 . )510 LkI.AL 1L)TIC'E PUBLICATION 410.43?91.3500 tPlfii PFJ..t,T ItJG 410.4URU1 .3i t0 40PCklY TAXfJ 410.BJ?.J1.4044 kL•PL1F. 14 uYC MACK, & 54UIP 410.+, )?01 .a3114 flit'. Wi%' /A.PM V E IfJC-P FtiCS ',10.4,1201,5101 L440 4 1.0;4^..'H i •8301 ;Clti ila!at;& 11.7201 Y�114. +WY ?� ;�.idlthE tvAV Pt�}:j bl+hU i iiT A E, Work Sudset Edit Li„'a7tffV9 1'991 APRPOVEO 1+394 APPk8VE0 1£93 AP�IP.OVI 6.90 O.II7 0.00 0. �iD 0.00 0.00 0.60 C.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0. N 0.60 0.90 0.00 0.50 V,.C19 O.EO 0.00 4"1 . X16, J . 0 Q u.G4 G.00 P.&C rMAlavift 'OVIVII71AN NATI %i f.rk 1.101i0R FUND cwors i 61ji r 9a -n 113 IE Atflir, ly rnr.,(lf4-j4w- W-D I'm wut,, v r t.*,#* ap- all (I L.7 Loo own -I t. 446-J-1 4 C,11:3 J14MAWN f, -: nt I t e , lk v t. e, c In kli-j'Fel letl:kjla. �,Iicon 75,; fP4, . . ? cmAv..Es Q-11, ii4 ki.p -Rr-y anaaaki +.AjEi vj,33j.!i6 alm, E, A,Qlq C(WR tin o(rs 9 w.kJF valattm6w i Aft, TWAL '(K-437STW& Al 14D S1+L-1,6 ORD *I UPOPL.; L:G TOTAL ia. rA. 8(j(1get et1it L4uK4+v9 CITY OF MONT'ICELLO 8L7AA.W1104:1-0 PACE 10 �fj-- OED 1!,93 AAPRQVEO 1914 ittouE5Tt0 t,J;O.iC +.700.00 1.0145.00 0.00 0.00 �:5•u0 440.00 610.140 0.00 0.00 �.' 71 -SO) t.5f•ti.00 1.720.00 0.00 0.04 Q. 104.00 0 Vq� 300.00 C.00 0.00 1. 9 ^_,0.0 t ..t 00.00 0.C,O 0.00 C'. GL• 0.00 O - 800.00 0.00 0,.00 0.. U 300:00 0)k'303.00 0.00 0.011 0. So t.7 �, 250.00 0.00 0.00 11.1? 0.00 ' Y50.00 0..00 0..00: , rss:h.OU 200:•00 voo.00 0,0;0 O..AO 0.00 0.60 0'.00 0.•00 00-6,00 01.4.0 0.00 0.00 560.00 0.00 0.00 "'o 0f) GbR.00 ^O.O.pj} O. RD 0AU fd.f #'00.00 1(af3n.U0 b,00 O.UO 0#00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ^•'93.00 R.e31t 0.00 o.f70 0 0.OU 0.1T0 !?. 00 ,�,5•.�if, tn.�,R..a ?*a.`.;!1f;.(10 e. R4 R,e11 . ' . XV 01.ra 7`;.00 G6.4,GD.OG ^.00 , (.f;(? i BPC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 12/29/33 15:47:12 Disbursement Journal .RRANT DATE VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT LIQUOR FUND 17192 12/20/93 JOHNSON BROS WHOLESA 800022 CORRECT C60ING/10/28/9 52.96 1/192 1?/2u/u3 MONTICELLO TIMES 800032 CORRECT COOING/10/28/9 52.96CR 0.00 *( 11290 12/20/93 GRIGGS. COOPER & COM 800018 LIQUOR PURCHAS 725.91 17291 12/20/93 EAGLE WINE COMPANY 800012 MISC MIXES FOR RESALE 138.21 17291 12/20/93 EAGLE WINE COMPANY 800012 WINE PURCHASE 83.34 17293 12/20/93 QUALITY WINE & SPIRI 800040 221.55 ■c )1292 12/20/93 JOHNSON BROS WHOLESA 800022 WINE PURCHASE 287.83 17292 1?/20/93 JOHNSON BROS WHOLESA 800022 LIQUOR PURCHASE 2.016.91 17202 12/20/93 JOHNSON BROS WHOLESA 800022 BEER PURCHASE 75.79 PHILLIPS & SONS CO/E 800037 LIQUOR PURCHASE 1.125.78 2.380.53 +c 17293 12/20/03 QUALITY WINE & SPIRI 800040 LIQUOR PURCHASE 3.349.68 17293 12/20/93 QUALITY WINE & SPIRI 800040 WINE PURCHASE 399.73 3.748.41 �1 17294 12/20/93 PHILLIPS & SONS CO/E 800037 WINE PURCHASE 608.38 17294 12/20/93 PHILLIPS & SONS CO/E 800037 LIQUOR PURCHASE 1.125.78 1.732.16 +< 17295 12/20/93 U S WEST COMMUNICATI 800003 ADVERTISING 26.85 17296 12/20/93 GTE DIRECTORIES SERV 800126 ADVERTISING 32.00 17287 12/20/03 COAST TO COAST 800004 MISC SUPPLIES 13.41 17298 12/70/93 GROSSLEIN BEVERAGE 1 800019 BEER PURCHASE 5.996.05 11208 12/20/03 GROSSLEIN BEVERAGE 1800019 MUGS FOR RESALE 150.15 6.155.20 +t 11290 12/20/03 JOHNSON BROS WHOLESA 800022 WINE PURCHASE 1.141.68 17299 12/20/93 JOHNSON BROS WHOLESA 80002? LIQUOR PUPCHASE 358.89 1.507.61 y 17300 12/20/93 PHILLIPS & SONS CO/E 800037 LIQUOR PURCHASE 851.57 11300 12/20/93 PHILLIPS 8 SONS CO/E 800037 WINE PURCHASE 851.63 1.503.70 +� 173U1 12/20/93 GRIGGS. COOPER & COM 800010 LIQUOR PURCHASE 1.386.72 17307 12/20/93 EAGLE WINE COMPANY 800012 WINE PURCHASE 1.702.27 17303 12/20/93 JOHNSON BROS WHOLESA 800022 WINE PURCHASE 890.10 17309 12/20/03 JOHNSON GROG WHOLESA 800022 LIQUOR PURCHASE 79.80 010.00 (.RC t;,UNCIAL 'SYSTEM (-'705/03 11:22:10 Work SUdget E'ctit Listing L1.j-,ZP 3 EXPE(AOITU4.E LEu'3ER 90-4 !+ANLIEF.,G EAST CG PUNO O. -P k A++.01.11•+1' 199' APPPOVED 1992 AFOROVEO 1993 APoItoV UN'A�..J•:A' •i .l Mza:; GPiPATING SUPPLUS 0.00 0.00 415.40?01.3290 1.!I$C FE'AIR & MTC SUPPLIES 0.00 0.00 4 T5.49?f11 .3025 OF -C; ,FV _ CrirfOTRUCTIOG CC: 0.00 0.00 415.49?01.3030 PPOiv 51ZV - ENGINEEPING FEES 0.00 r.00 415.410301.3130 H.AxN',1:NAf.10E AGREEMENTS 0.00 C.00 415.4' 10A.3199 Nl;l flPOFESSIONAL 3EhVIGES 0.00 0.00 415.4%914.01 .3510 ('.:GAL NOTICE PLIaLICAT101) 0.00 0.00 4 15.10) "1 ..3599 N) "I ll •INT ING G : 00 0.013 .37 10 +'�•-1 "•ERlY �e.XE:: 0.00 0.00 :bCr•A!P 1) W.: MACK 2 i%:1?)s 0.130 0.00 411,40?01.4390 V1:,1 w..�rAi•,A1N p T615F P-C:S n.no3 +1..00 t.a•i.4`I .(11 96' ^1. ,i r11!ElUP9c'i?st.i5 IIJI U.90 0.90 :.ri..�r ,,1 •.I: r.• ; XPEN�4 0.00 A.00 416.44301.5101 ;.0•4 1 O.00 0.00 C••nY- la: Cj03C O.AO 0.11r) 41•i.h')'L71.7301 10 ('ENF.CtAL FW J 0.40 0.00 '-IJ fl(G': !.t k:y':('I >lr 0." (3.931 !Iii At L f'.ATrO T+)*.A'. (;.Cfi (1.00 `%0 4 ph1;1,1'E(, rp {l 111 t•4q;1 r).Of, 11.1:0 RPC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 12/?11/93 15:41:12 Disbursement Journal .GRAfJl I!AIE VEuDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNI L l';!JOR FUND 11304 12/20/93 OUALIIV WINE & S P I R 1 800040 L10J0R PURCHASE 1.001.53 1/!U4 1L/'lU/`J3 ',!UAL I!r W1NE, h b✓IRI 800040 WINE PLikCHASE 636.20 17304 12/70/93 QUALITY WINE R SPTR1 800040 MIA FOR RESALE 19.18 2.564.91 •i LIQUOR FUND TOTAL 30.670.87 14 6kC CI%AtJCI'AL SYSTEM 3/05/@3 11:2311'6 LW-E'P. 3 EXPENDIT(ttE LEDGEk 00-9 MEADOWS ?tib' PH II CP GO FUND € ACCOUNT ---------------------------- tJ1JAL LOCA. EO 414.40-:.1.2th0 MISC. OPERATIttC SUPPLIES 414.49301.'M9 M''Si: ISPAIR € tATC SUPPLIES 414.49?01.3025 414.40'01.3030 'P -d: _-V - ¢tivINcER.r�t e.?5 44.40::?i)1.?190 trA:���_':�r+Gk AG REEfd"tW15 L 1J4 . 4 +J' '+'1 1 .3199 MI :4 11710Fe5S1fN1At SE ?VI.k.S•, 414.49201.x510 [:'._A. WTI'CC PU3LIGATIOtJ 4 i.4 .48?01 . 3509 Mme.`.'= P�:.IN1ING t4 .A Jap 1 .3110 :d}gCfaYY TAXES 414.%.3'01.60-64 EEDAI? P, MTC: - MACW & EOJYP 4 114 .4")'191..4300 PWWNSIAUMIN £ IN£P fECG 414.49201.4391 M?Sr. OThJjfc EXff-119E 4 f4.t,J�0�1..5101 LAND F.0 OTN09 4;h.A��t!9.(3303 414 . n n�r3 :. 72U 1 1 F fiti'. Ei2 't+� J(itJ�k4; FV -1 :111 A' WSrk' Budget Ed,i t L i s -ti ng' 19L1 APPROVED 199? APPROVED 1093 A.PPROW -------------- 0.00, 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 C.00 9.00 0 .')0 0."0 0.00 0.09 0.00 0.00 0:00 0.00 0.00 0-. 09 0.00 01.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 O.OA 0.01 0-00 8.00 0.{10 nt4 0. (>n BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 01/03/94 13:29:33 Disbursement ,journal cARRANT DATE VENDOR. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT LIQUOR FUND 17305 12/29/93 BERNICK-S PEPSI COLA 800001 POP PURCHASE 2.79.70 17306, 12/29193 COAST TO COAST 800004 ICE PURCHASE 143.86 17307 12/2.9/93 DAVMOR HAMCO 800085 RECEIPT PAPER. ETC 119.57 17908 12/29/93 DAY DISTRIBUTING CON 800010 BEER PURCHASE 505.05 17308 12/29/93 DAV OSSTRIBUT-ING COM 800010 NON ALCOHOLIC BEER 33.60 538.65 17309 12/29/93 DICK WHOLESALE CO.. 800011 NON ALCOHOLIC BEER 12.20 17300 12/29/93 DICK WHOLESALE CO.. 800011 BEER PURCHASE 1.916.40 17309 12/29/93 DICK WHOLESALE CO.. 800011 LIQUOR STORE SUPPLIES 41.54 1.070.14 17310 12/29/93 FLESCH'S PAPER SERVI 800110 LIQUOR STORE SUPPLIES 13.50 17310 12/20/93 FLESCH'S PAPER SERVI 800116 BAGS 280.74 274.24 17311 12/2n/93 G A K SERVICE 800129 MTC OF BLD/RUGS 35.28' 17312 12/?9/93 GROSSLETN BEVERAGE 1 800019 BEER PURCHASE 7.095.25 17313 12/?9103 JUDE CANDY A TOBACCO 800021 CIES A CIGARS 101.64 17313 12/29/93 JUDE CANDY & TOBACCO 800021 LIQUOR STORE SUPPLIES 101.80 203.44 17314 12/28/93 MONTICELLO OFFICE PR 136 OFFICE SUPPLIES 13.46 17315 12/20/03 MONTICELLO TIMES 800032 ADVERTISING 347.69 1T'J16 12/29/93 NORTHERN STATES POWE 000035 UTILITIES 007.08 17317 12/20/03 PAUSTIS A SONS 800103 WINE PURCHASE 83.06 17318 12/29/93 PHILLIPS A $ONS CO/E 800037 LIQUOR PURCHASE ?.1?3.09 173/8 12/20/03 PHILLIPS & DONS CO/E 800037 WINE PURCHASE 862.70 1/310 12/28/93 PHILLIPS & SONS CO/E 000037 MTSC MIX FOR RESALE 40.00 3.025. 79 17319 1?/29/03 QUALITY WINE 6 6PIRI 000040 LIQUOR PURCHASE 3.047.09 17319 12/20/93 QUALITY WINE A SPIRI 000040 WINE PURCHASE 1.089.61 17316 0/29/93 QUALITY WINE & SPIKI 800040 MIXES FOR RESALE 19. E? 4. 155. �30 17320 1?/99/03 ST. CLOUD RESTAURANT 000045 MISL IYEM6 FOR RESALE 249.54 17301 12/10/93 THORPE DISTRIBUTING 800040 MISC ITE+15 FOR RESALE 259.45 17)?1 1?/29/03 THORPE DISTRIBUTING, 000048 BEER PURCHASE 20.983. 0 21.251.75 �RO f Z4ANCIAL $YS04M % •/ 0 4 / A3 1=1 :,22-: 16 LLOS f;R 3 E-XV6NOITUPE LEDGER ,A84 - 1 fi,.O. 9OWD •FUND FONb R ACCOUNT OUT SFi�VIC1: 32%11 700 1 1(3010 MNO PINCIPAL 32m.c.7ao, .U, to ?ONO .'."E KESS 330.470nt.9201 A, A, i<UTt,' FfcTo 330.�700t.7'L9t 5 i ANS: Cf' )0 GENERAL 'reut ''•ff (•VICE TO"A. 1 OU4 - 1 X3.0, BOND FUND TOTAL l4ork Oudget Edtf 0afinn ISTV APPROVf4 1.092 APPROVED J9E9 A90-IROV U5. 000, 0p M. 000. 00 20.090 7,019.00 6.1x13.00 a.4,30 53t.00 GR4.Go 3%G 0.00 0.00 33.150.00 26. 800, On TR.300 23,1Do. 00 20„8170.00 93, tat BR,C FINANCIAL SYSTEM 01/03/94 1312703, Disbursement Journal ARRANT DATE VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT LIQUOR FUND 17322 12/29/93 VIKING COCA-COLA BOT 800054 POP PURCHASE 421.38 19323 12/29/93 WRIGHT WAV SHOPPER 800108 ADVERTISING 2.49.00 17324 12/29/9.3 ZEE t4EOICAL SERVICE 800054 MEDICAL SUPPLIES 13.47 LIQUOR FUND TOTAL 44.259.48 C\ aRc Fa�el�clas sysTera 1105P83 1 1 :22'.: 16 t D 3 EXPENOIYURE LE0GCR 1,993/112-1 G.O. BOND FUND � L+aO L• ALCOUNT ---------------------------- LnV1 SERVICE 319.47001.6010 BOND FP,TNCLPAI 3LO.47001.6110 ElOW0 I.4" E P E S T 319 . toon 1 .5201 f i5CA.. AGNTS' FEES 319 .42001.7205 �EANSFEf; YO PEEY 'SERVICE cp 9kzY LERVICE 01 AL 19E3/L'3•? F.U. BOND FUND IOTAi. uorx _Gwoart Edit U sting 1991 APPROVED 1'982 APPROVED 1'893 AP'PPOV 0..00 0. OU 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 U.00 0.00 0.�0 0.00 0.00 0.100 INFORMATIONAL ITEM January 5, 1994 Monticello Men's Softball Association financial report --1993. (R.W.) Emclosed for your review is a copy of the 1993 financial report that was recently supplied by the Men's Softball Association. The Softball Association has paid all of their required fees and charges, including their commitment toward annual installments for the lights at $500 per year and the commitment to pay the electric bill for the lights, which in 1993 amounted to $1,288.40. While it is hard to determine the exact figures from this financial report, it does appear that the Association was able to make some money off the concessions over and above their expenses in operating the concession stand. Some of the concession stand revenue is included in the Men's Class C and 1) District Tournament revenue, while a portion of the revenue noted from these district tournaments relates to entry fees and not concession income. Based on this report, it doesn't appear that the Softball Association is ending the year with much more revenue than they have expended. At this point, there isn't any action needed by the Council other than reviewing the report unless the City was considering increasing its annual charges on a per - team basis. It appears that any increase in the fees the City charges to the Softball Association would result in the league having to increase their team fees accordingly. 1993 MONTICELLO MEN'S SLOWPITCH INCOME REPORT Revenue 22 teams 0 $375 $8,250.00 League Early Bird Tournament 1,924.00 Men's Class C US.SSA Districts (includes concession stand revenue) 2.370.80 Men's Class D ASA Districts (includes concession stand revenue) 5,627.75 Concessions 15,635.44 TOTAL INCOME $33,807.99 Expenses Tractor maintenance $130.23 Phone bill - 12 months 229.56 Dram shop insurance 700.00 City of Monticello Liquor license 137.50 Yearly installment for lights 500.00 Field fee (22 teams 0 $125) 2,750.00 Tournament field fee 500.00 Electric hill for lights 1,288.40 Balls 1,395.48 Trophies for league and league tournament 535.70 Lime for chalking fields 199.91) Person to drat; and chalk fields and empty garbage 725.00 MSF and MRPA sanction fees 629.00 MSF District fees (2 teams 0 $90) 1811.00 U.' -'.SSA District. fees (3 teams 0 $100) 300.00 Lindenfelser Meals 1,876.28 Viking Coke 1,995.00 Budweiser for USSSA Tourament 430.00 Dahlheimer Distributing 2,926.80 Maus Foods 1,050.07 D &[ S Sales - Gandy 2,682.40 U mpi res 4,195.00 People to run concessions 6,136.25 Miscellaneous - Propane for grill, gas for tractor, new {{rill, material for standings Mmrd service, charge on checking, ice, schedules, prstage, Monticello Times, &e other numerous items purchased Lit various retailers 1,035,24 TOTAI, EXPENSES $31,527.81 TOTAL INCOME $33,807.99 TOTAL EXPENSES 831,527.81 NETINCOME* $2,280.18 • Note: $1,600 was used from income to cover previous year's losses. Adjusted income is $790.18. CITY OF MONTICELLO MONTHLY BUILDING DEPARTMENT REPORT Month of December, 1993 PERMITS 6 USES 'Las] This Same Montr Lasl Yeaf This Year PERMITS ISSUED Month NOV Month DEC Last Veer To Dale To Date RESIDENTIAL Number 14 4 6 147 176 Valuation $1.511.60000 5240.80000 $217,400 00 53,917,400,00 $6.728,100.00 Fees $11,212,92 $1,82316 $1.55739 $30.416,67 $50,038.13 Surcharges $75580 $120.40 $107.95 $1,944.70 $3.348,70 CUMMEHUAL Number 1 3 1 24 38 Valuation 380.00000 $169.50000 $10,50000 $1,099,400.00 51,949.70000 Fees $96892 $147555 $121.50 $8,327.69 $15,313,40 Surcharges $40,00 $84.50 5525 5547.95 596760 INDUSTRIAL Number 5 4 12 Valualwn $1.509.1 DO 00 $1,281.900.00 $2.620.86300 Fees 510.3113.02 $9,098.99 $19.294.84 Smchargoa $754.55 3640.95 $1,31043 PLUMBING Number 13 9 4 66 90 Fees $55500 $307.00 $96.00 $1,746.00 $2,70500 Surcharges $6.50 $4,50 $2.00 $33.00 $45.00 OTHERS Number 6 4 Valuation $0.00 556,90000 F0B9 58000 $75902 Surcharges 53.00 $29.20 TOTAL PERMITS 28 21 11 247 320 TOTAL VALUATION $1591.600.00 $1.919.40000 5227,90000 $6298,700,00 $11,355,563,00 TOTAL FEES $12.756,84 $13,988.73 $1,77489 $49,649.35 568,11039 IOTAL SURGIAHGE9 $802.30 1$08395 _$11520 $3.169,60 $5093 CURRENT MONTH ' FEES I TO DALE PERMIT NAIURF Numbm, Pomu1 Surchalg,4 Vatuatwn _MIMOER Thu VeaA Lash Yoar S11910 Fom,ry 4 $1,823.16 $120.40 $240,800,00 73 50 DL#ox 0 0 Muni Family 5 1 Commercial 4 3 Indust, at 3 5745257 $544,45 $1,088,900.00 6 3 nos, Gmapos 4 7 Slyq 0 0 Public ej6p 2 0 ALTERAIIDW111 PAIR nwmlinga 72 7t Co—coccal 3 $147555 $8450 5169,50000 34 21 IrKkMtFml 2 $2,92545 $210.10 $420.200.00 6 1 I`LUMDINO Al Iypm 9 $30700 $4.50 $0,00 90 66 ACCESSORY STRUCTURES Sasmm.Q Pools 0 0 Docks 22 18 1i:mPORARY PERMIT 0 0 DEMOLITION 2 6 IOIALS __2t __; 38118_73 _1$09395 }191 4 00_ 320 2Q CITY OF MONTICELLO INDIVIDUAL PERMIT ACTIVITY REPORT Month of December, 1993 �PERYR r �.IUIli._ DESC;,_,TRIPTION-'P .VAMMIXAMN,._ FEES YALVATION PERMR_SURCHARGE-PLUMBING-5URCHARGE, 93.2192 14uncer4rpurn tanks installed AVC HWoav Statim Storer723 W. 707 S{. #i _517000 Si5.Q0 50.50 93--2193 lManufaCturmn ounarn I Pambeimd Pets79530 Fallon Avg, NE $280.80000 St 300 30 S144.4g 541 00 50.50 X93.2194 'House and cargos SF Samar ConstrvclimV2671 Oak Adds, Or 571 _140 00 5!58,50 535.55 524 90 $0.-0 - _93.2195 'House and aareoe SF Value Plus Homes_5,151 Falcon Ave 553,300 00 5386,41 526 65 $23,00 5q 50 93.2196 House ono aarana SF Homes Plus Inc127p1 Ookview Lana S63.10000 $426 10 537.55 $2400 P 50 93.2197 'House and aarana SF VBiva Pius Homes+543I Falcon Ave. £53.300.00 5386.47 526 fry $24 W $0.50 93.2198 Stmade bu4dlgi I Simonson Lumber of Monofaaoll 00 Chelsea Rd. 560 j 00.00 S45915 Sao 05 133.2199 4rnflff remodel AC Barn RuM/216 W. 71h St.-Sw1021 S wo-00 534.00 57.50 {2200 50.50 932200Imgna '93.2201 bultoinn flnisn I $ldr7tlafd Iron 6 Wuo Wako InC!?,07 Dundas Rd f740,0Qt) 00 }2.759.50 5370 00 S73 40 $050 Unlgnm puadmo limul IAI 'AC AAWCO Mlnnosota Inc17324 E. Oakwood Dr, I 5415 2DQ 00 c_ 1, 7i7 M {�n7 Fn c.a rip 1,0 5q 93. 202 Iinigna ounomn fini4l Mantit9ao-&e Lake Hamlet Distfgy1107 Hari 81W. 3163 404 00 5447 40 382.50 $30,00 S0 50 93.2203 1lnfanor romodol At Simonson Lumber dl Monocelly100 Chelsea Rd 35,Op0.00 },50.00 52.50 1 l TOTAL $1.919,106.00 58,881.87 5959.45 3307.00 $4.50 PLAN REVIEW g3-2193 Manulectunna ourtOrla I Pammrea POMSS30_Fallon Ave NE $¢45 19 ,93.2194 '•House and n4,Ad,a SF Samrar CohsIrucogn/2571 Oak Rrtfae Dr. 515 85 - 93.2195 Mouse and nawrt SF PIUS Homa51 Falcon 14Ya Vpluo a53 536 64 ' 93.796 'House and dareao SF Home} Pius Inc12701 Oakwmv Lana .93.197 Reuss and patens SF Value Plus, Hwrgr%15A3.1 Falconf1Vp` Sly 93.2198 S10r804 tauadmn 1Sunonson Lumber of Monixalia 7.90 Chnmoa Rc. ;298.96 93.2200 Intoner bultdma •nmsh -I Standard Iron A Kro Works inc.7807 Dundas Rd. I S1 79367 93.2201 Amgfl uor b{ulmnanisfl At NAWCO Mlnnemta InC/1324 E Oakwood Dr, $1,132 75, 1 ' 91.2202 Interim bmrdmn finish AC Manticado-Bon Lako Meadow DrsloCV1107 Hatt BMP. 5593,5.5 ' TOTAL PLAN REVIEW 54;706,86. TOTAL REVENUE 114."2.69