City Council Agenda Packet 03-14-1994AGENDA FOR THE MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL Monday, March 14, 1984 • 7 p,m. Mayor: Ken Maus Council Members: Shirley Anderson, Clint Herbst, Brad Fyle, Patty Olsen 1. Call to order. 2. Approval of minutes of the regular meeting held February 28, 1994. 3. Citizens comments, petitions, requests, and complaints. 4. Public Hearing --Consideration of adopting a resolution relating to the modification, by the Houscing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA), of the Redevelopment Plan for Redevelopment Project No. 1, the modification of the plans for Tax Increment Finance (TIF) Districts Nos. 1-1 through 1.151, and the establishment of Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-16 and adoption of its Plan. 5, Public Hearing --Consideration of proposed increases in retail license fees for non -intoxicating and intoxicating liquor licenses. 6. Public Hearing--Considerution of the issuance of an on -sale liquor license for a restaurant in the Sixth Street Annex mall. 7. Consideration of confirming 1994 Board of Review date and acceptance of Assessor's summary report. R. Consideration of it conditional use permit allowing open and outdoor storage, and consideration of a parking lot and drive aisle conditional use permit in mi 1.21heavy industrial) zone. 9. Consideration of a conditional use permit allowing open and outdoor storage and consideration of it parking lot and drive aisle conditional use permit, in an 1-1 (light industrial) zone. to. Consideration of amendment. to Section 3.9: (F) of the zoning ordinance regulating definition, size, number, and bwation of premise and product signs allowed within the I1ZM, B-1, I1-2, 13.3, B-4, 1-1, and 1.2 districts. 11. Consideration of amendment to Section 3.2: (F) of the zoning ordinance: regulating placement of fences. The amendment would allow placement of fences on it property line only with written approval from property owners arreeted. 12. Consideration of authorizing the specifications for the purchase of a new pumper and rescue fire truck. 13. Consideration of an application for a one -day gambling license --Ducks Unlimited Banquet. 14. Adjournment. MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, February 28, 1994 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Ken Maus, Shirley Anderson. Brad Fyle, Clint Herbst, Patty Olsen Members Absent: None 2. Consideration of approval of minutes of the reeular meetine held Fehruary 14. 1994. After discussion, a motion was made by Brad Fyle and seconded by Shirley Anderson to approve the meeting minutes as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Citizens comments/uetiLions. reouests. and complaints. Dave Anderson, representing Century 21 Realty, described difficulties with removing snow from the sidewalk in front of this business along Highway 25. He noted I.hot the snow on the sidewalk consists of an icy windrow created by plows clearing State Hwy 25. The icy consistency of the snow makes it difficult to remove. In addition, there is little room to place the snow after it has been piled onto the sidewalk. Anderson asked if the City would be willing to waive the requirement that the snow he removed within 48 hours as required by ordinance. He noted that the State Highway Department clears the sidewalk within 3-4 days after a snowfall and he wondered if the removal of snow by state crews would be sufficient. John Simula, Public Works Director, informed Council that. the State is not required to clear the sidewalks. They can come as Irate as 5 days after it snowfall. Must of the business owners along Highway 25 havu been able to comply with the snow removal requirement. Simola noted that removing snow from the sidewalk to the extent of one shovel width would he sufficient prior to the State coining in to remove the rest of the snow. Mayor Maus informed Anderson that the stuff and Council would look into t,be matter further and respond accordingly. Consideration of an amendment to the zonine map which would chanee 1.110 zonine district degienation of a portion of Lot. 4. Block 1. I.aurine Hillside Terrace Addition. from H-3 Onult.i-family residential) to PPM (performance zone mixed). Anolicant. VauOhn Veit. Assistant. Administrator O'Neill reported that in conjunction with the proposed re-estahlighment ()fit restaurant tit the Sixth Street Annex, I'age 1 Council Minutes - 2/28/94 Vaughn Veit requests that the City allow rezoning of a portion of Lot 4, Block 1, from its present zoning designation 1R-31 to PZM. The rezoning is needed to accommodate additional parking for a proposed restaurant at the Sixth Street Annex. According to the city ordinance, an additional 56 parking stalls will be needed to accommodate the new restaurant facility. There is not enough room on the Sixth Street Annex parcel for the 56 spaces; therefore, the spaces must be developed off site on an adjoining parcel. O'Neill reported that at a special meeting on February 22, the Planning Commission reviewed the case and recommended that the rezoning allowing parking area expansion be allowed to occur. The Planning Commission recommended that the area rezoned be limited to the perimeter of the parking lot expansion area. in addition, it was recommended that the lot lines lie adjusted so that the parking area would be combined with the Sixth Street Annex property and taken away from Lot 4, Block 1. Council discussion focused on site plan issues relating to parking. There was it concern that restaurant customers would not park in the rear of the facility as proposed under the site plan and, as a result, parking problems would then be created in the front of the building and along Cedar Street. Brad Fvle noted that we should he very careful not to approve it site plan or rezoning that would result in on -street parking on Cedar Street Ken Maus noted that he has it problem forcing people to the rear of the facility. In response, it was noted by .Judy Leming that the rear of the facility would he modified to include glass windows and double doors w encourage people to use the rear entrance of the facility to enter the restaurant. John Purmort., owner of the Depot in Elk River and owner of the proposed restaurant., indicated that the restaturant includes on -Rale liquor sales. He noted that no minors tire allowed in the restaurant after 9 p.m. without a parent or guardian. The restaurant features it Ground Round type menu. it will employ 30 part-time residents. It is hoped that the restaurant will become it gathering spot after sporting events. Purmort, also noted, as he has done in Elk River, that he plans on becoming involved in the community and will he sponsoring various youth athletic programs. Alter discussion, it motion was made by Brad Fyle and seconded by Ken Maus to approve the rezoning request contingent on realignment of lot lines which result in additional parking area being added W the Sixth Street Annex. Motion based on information contained within the City Planner's report and on the finding thatthe rezoning is consistent. with the character and geography of the area and is consistent with the comprehensive plan. Voting in fervor: Brad Fyle, Ken Maus, Shirley Anderson. Opposed: Clint tferbst. Abstaining: 1'atl.y Olsen, Page 2 Council Minutes - 2/28/94 In citing his reasons for voting against the rezoning, Councilmember Herbst noted the potential negative impact on the mall tenants that could be created by parking conflicts between restaurant parking and retail shop parking. Herbst also noted that the proposed parking area located toward the rear of the facility will encroach on the residential zone to the rear and could have a negative etlect on the residential uses. The boundary of the district as proposed will not he well defined and will result in intrusion into the residential area, which is inconsistent with the comprehensive plan. 5. Consideration of amendment to a conditional use hermit which would allow expansion of an existing restaurant in a PZM (performance zone mixed) zone. Applicant, Hillside Partnership. This item was not addressed at this time due to denial of the previous item. 6. Consideration of granting preliminary approval for issuing an on -sale liquor license for restaurant in the Sixth Street Annex mall. This item was not addressed due to denial of item p4. At this point, in time, Brad Nyle left the meeting. Continuation of consideration of amendment to contract with 1) & K for curh-side reeveling services. John Sintola reported that Lit the last meeting, Council discussed the possibility of increasing life contract to 1) & K Recycling by $17 per ton to recycle newspaper. According to Simoln, tbkndy (.inn from 1) & K has indicated that it is difficult for the D & K firm to absorb such if significant cost increase even on a short-term basis. Council chose to table action pending gathering of additional information. At the previous meeting, Council questioned whether the increase in cost for recycling newspaper was offset by increases in revenue for other materials such as aluminum. According to information provided to Council, revenue from sale of other recyclied material has not offset the large increase in the cost to recycle newspaper. In his recommendation, Sintoln noted that as the Public Works Director, he dues not like to see any cost increases; however, it is in our hest, interest to work with D & K, as they provide a high level of service to our community at an economical rate. He recommended that the City Council amend the contract to compensate 1) & K for the increase in the cost to dispose of newspapers stating that the increase will hopefully he if temporary situation with the market for newspaper improving in the next few months. ]'age :1 Council Minutes - 2/28/94 After discussion, a motion wits made by Shirley Anderson and seconded by Clint Herbst to amend the current contract with D & K Refuse and Recycling and pay an additional $17 it Lou for recycling newspaper on a temporary basis effective February 1, 1994. Motion carried unanimously with Brad Fyle absent. N. Consideration of reviewing vear-end liquor store financial statements. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller, summarized the financial performance of the liquor store as follows. For the year ending December 31, 1993, total sales at the liquor store were down approximately $10,300 from the previous year, however, cost of merchandise also dropped approximately $20,000, resulting in an increase in gross profit over the previous year by $10,000. With regard to general operating expenses, expenditures for 1993 showed an increase of $5,300 over 1992. The operating income for 1993 was approximately $4,700 higher than the operating income for 1992. Operating income over expenses amounted to 10%. Total operating income for 1993 was $147,700. After discussion, a motion was made by Shirley Anderson and seconded by Clint Herbst to accept the financial report as presented. Motion carried unanimously with Brad Fyle absent. 9. Consideration of reviewing sketch plans and authnrizing preparation of nreliminary plat., Out.luts C and D, Meadow Oak Estates. (tick Wolfsteller reported that based un Council action at the previous meeting, he net. with the City Engineer and John Bergh of Loucks & Associates to review Outlot C and 1) for the purpose of determining the best development design for creating spacious residential building sites. Wolfsteller noted that the proposal would be to create 30 residential lots that, are above-average in size. The layout minimizes Clic amount of grading and tree removal and hits flexibility built within it to enlarge some of the lilts. Wolfsteller noted that by continuing with this project mid controlling how the development progresses, the City will experience a number of advunlages. The first one is Chat it will give us a better chance of recapturing not only our initial investment in the land but give us the hest opportunity to pay ourselves for some of Che lost penalties and interest that hits accumulated over time on this forfeited property. Wolfsteller noted that the city would not hey able to recover penalties and interest if the property wits sold in it present undeveloped condition. In analyzing the estimated cost of improving and marketing the property, it appears very feasible to not, only recapture our initial cost but receive additional funds to pay for some of the Inst penalty and interest we've experienced. Rased on estimates Page 4 Council Minutes - 2/28/94 by our City Engineer for completing street and utility improvements and allowing for additional funds for grading and platting costs, along with funds for landscaping, development of entry signs, and also assuming interest holding costs, the City needs to average $22,000 to $23,000 per lot to cover all anticipated costs. Due to the fact that the lots will he larger than most lots that are available today and by setting restrictive covenants, the city can be assured that the homes developed will possess above average market values. There shouldn't be a problem with the City commanding the type of prices that will exceed the $22,000 to $23,000 cost to break even. Wolfsteller noted that according to the existing market, it appears reasonable to expect that we would he able to get as much as $28,000 per lot. Clint Herbst agreed that $28,000 appears to he a reasonable amount to expect per lot. Patty Olsen was concerned that all of the City's expenses relating to development of the site are not included in the cost estimates. Olsen mentioned that she preferred that the City place the property for sale on the open market. After discussion, a motion was made by Shirley Anderson and seconded by Clint Herbst to accept the proposed layout as presented and authorize preparation of a preliminary plat based on the concept design. Voting in favor of the motion: Clint Herbst, Shirley Anderson, Ken Maus. Opposed: Patty Olsen. Absent: Brad Fyle. Shirley Anderson also noted that the property is for sale at any time and that the City should consider an outright sale if the buyer guarantees development of higher value homes and if a price is offered that equals the initial debt against. the property along with penalties and interest. 10. Consideration of auuoint.ine Council member to ulanninc committee for allev construction uroiect. ,John Simola reported that on September 27, 1993, at the conclusion of the public hearing liar the alley improvement project in the downtown area, the City Council voted to establish it committee for the purpose of prelxuing it plan for reconstruction of the downtown nlleys. At that time Council voted to establish it committee but did not appoint it Council representative to the committee. Apparently no one volunteered for the duty. Council discussed the matter. After discussion, Shirley Anderson volunteered to serve on the committee. Page 5 Council Minutes - 2/28/94 It. Consideration of a resolution authorizing feasibility studv and oreaaration of plans for Cardinal Hills. Phase IV. Assistant Administrator O'Neill reported that Value Plus developers are requesting that the City complete public improvements associated with development of phase IV of the Cardinal Hills subdivision. Development financing and associated agreements will be nearly identical to the agreements governing the previous three phases. After discussion, a motion was made by Shirley Anderson and seconded by Patty Olsen to adopt a resolution authorizing preparation of feasibility study and plans and specifications for phase IV of Cardinal Hills residential subdivision. Motion is contingent on developer providing $25,000 deposit covering the cost of plans and specifications. Motion carried unanimously with Brad Fyle absent. SEE RESOLUTION 94-7. 12. Consideration of treating wastewater trucked in from the Creek Hike develoument in St. Michael. John Simola reported that Tony Emmerich is developing it residential area in the city of St. Michael known as Creek Ridge. The MPCA will not allow any additional sewage from Creek Ridge to enter the City of St. Michael's wastewater treatment facility, as it is currently at capacity. The City of St. Michael is in the process of rebuilding their wastewater treatment plant to increase capacity and should go on line with the expanded facility in early 1195. Emmerich has requested that the City of Monticello consider treating the domestic sewage from Creek Ridge. Under Emmerich's proposal, sewage would be trucked in to our wastewater treatment plant Monday through Friday during regular business hours. Simola reported that the current policy for serving residences outside the city limits requires payment of it sanitary sewer fee three times the normal fee . Simola noted that he could see no reason why Ute City couldn't assist Mr. Emmerich in this case, since we do have the capacity available at the wastewater treatment plait. We are currently talking to PSC to see if there would be any additional unexpected costs on their part to handle the waste. After discussion, it inotion was made by Clint Herbst and seconded by Shirley Anderson to assist Emmerich in his St. Michael development. and onphry the existing policy for charging nun -residents to utilize the City's wastewater treatment plant. 'treatment of waste from Creek Ridge would be allowed to (occur until such time that tit. Michael completes its wastewater treatment plant, expansion or such time that waste treatment proves to create it problem at the City of Monticellti s treatment plant. Motion carried unanimously with Brad Fyle absent. Page 6 Council Minutes - 2/28/94 At, this point in the meeting, John Gries, representing the Hillside Partnership, requested that the City Council consider approval of the conditional use permit allowing expansion of the Hillside mall (item 51: 5. Consideration of amendment to a conditional use permit which would allow exuansion of an existing restaurant in a I'ZM (performance zone mixed) zone. Applicant, Hillside Partnership. In his proposal, Cries suggested that the Hillside Partnership would be willing to allow a portion of the Sixth Street Annex to remain vacant in order to keep the parking stall requirement at a level that the site, as it now exists, could accommodate. Cries suggested that by leaving 9,100 sq ft of retsil space vacant, the site as it now exists could accommodate the restaurant use along with the existing uses on site. It was noted that this alternative would allow the restaurant facility to be established, which would result in a better understanding of parking demand and patterns. This practical information regarding parking demand would he useful when addressing full utilization of the structure at some point in the future. Clint Herbst indicated that the alternative proposed is a good solution as long as the developer is willing to leave a portion of the building vacant. Rick Wolfsteller was concerned that the short-term solution as proposed will not solve the problem and that it was unrealistic to expect that the developer would he supportive of leaving 9,100 sq ft of building vacant for any length of time. It is likely that as soon as a tenant is interested in filling the space, another amendment request to the zoning ordinance will he forthcoming. After discussion, n motion wits made by Shirley Anderson and seconded by Clint Herbst to approve it conditional use permit allowing expansion at a restaurant in a commercial mall in a PZM zone. Approval of the conditional use permit. subject to the following conditions: 1. 9,100 sq ft of space available for occupancy within the mall shall be left vacant, which results in it parking demand?? that matches the capacity of the parking lot. 2. To improve security and to create an appealing entrance point, windows and double doors shall he installed in the rear of the structure facing the parking area. 3. Additional lighting shall he provided in the rear of the facility to improve security. 4. Parking along the front of the building shall he limited to 15 -minute parking only and signed arordingly. Page 7 Council Minutes - 7128/94 Vii. All other conditions noted by ordinance and noted in previous conditional use permits. Motion to approve the conditional use permit based on the finding that the expansion of the restaurant is incidenuil to the commercial use of the stricture and is acceptable in a I1ZM zone when operated in a commercial mall setting. The operation of the restaurant, under conditions as noted, will result in a use that is compatible with the area and will not result in a depreciation of adjoining values. Voting in favor: Clint Herbst, Shirley Anderson, Ken Maus. Abstaining: Patty Olsen. Absent: Brad Fyle. Shirley Anderson was concerned that the absence of Brad Fyle would have an impact on the validity of the vote and requested that staff research the matter. 6. Consideration of granting preliminary approval for issuing, an on -sale liquor, license for restaurant in the Sixth Street Annex mall,. Kick Wolfsteller reported that John Purmort of Elk River will be the owner of the restaurant proposed within the Sixth Street Annex. As part of the operation, he is requesting an on -sale liquor license. Wolfsteller noted that the sit-down restaurant proposed will have a sandwich menu and home - baked pizza with a local sports motif. Purmort currently operates the Sunshine Depot restaurant in Elk River that also has an on -sale license. The operation has been in existence for 15 years; and according to the background check completed, there appears to be no problem that would prohibit Mr. Purmort from having an on -sale license in Monticello. Wolfsteller noted that the purpose of Council action is to provide Purmort with it preliminary idea us to potential of an approval of the liquor license. Prior to formal approval, it public hearing will need to he conducted, which is scheduled fur the next meeting of the City Council. After discussion, it motion wits made by Shirley Anderson and seconded by Clint. Herbst to grunt preliminary approval to issue all un -sale license to Mr. Purmort contingent on successful cumpletiun of the public hearing requirement.. Furthermore, the investment of the building and lease improvements meet minimum investment requirements 1$200,0001. Voting in favor of the motion: Clint. Herbst, Shirley Anderson, Ken Maus. Abstllining: fatty Olsen. Absent: Ili -Lid Fyle. 1:1. Considernt.ion of updat.im, the utility hilline system. City sta0' requested that Council consider making an upgrade to the utility hilling system in the amount of $4,362 for the purpose of improving response tittle laid information accuracy. Page 8 Council Minutes - 2/28/94 After discussion, a motion was made by Clint Herbst and seconded by Shirley Anderson to authorize improvements to the utility billing system at a sum not to exceed $4,352. Motion carried unanimously with Brad Fyle absent. 14. Consideration of vurchasimg Planfile system for mai) storage. Karen Doty requested that Council authorize purchase of a new storage system to upgrade the existing hanging file system. She noted the current system has served its purpose of the last five years in helping organize and store maps in an orderly fashion; however, because it's an open storage system, the maps are not protected. In addition, the system requires that many maps be clipped together so that if one map is needed, the entire group of maps in that section must be taken apart in order to take the one map needed, or the entire section of maps must be transported to the office or meeting where the map is needed. The result is many maps being moved around unnecessarily which results in damage to the maps. The system itself is showing wear, as the knobs that tighten groups of maps into place are breaking off, making it very difficult to remove and file maps. Doty went on to propose it Planfile system that places maps in large "file folders." Maps are stored vertically in an enclosed cabinet which contains flexible canvass pocket bottoms that grip the folders to prevent the bottom edge of drawings from curling. After discussion, it motion was made by Shirley Anderson and seconded by Clint Herbst to authorize staff to purchase a Planfile system from CRI of Minneapolis at it cost of $3,029.92. Motion carried unanimously with Brad Fyle absent. 15. Consideration of suecial meetine or workshou for wastewater treatment plant exi)nnsion planning. After discussion, it stwcial meeting was scheduled for 2:30 p.m. on March 11, 1994. Ili. Consideration of annual Junk Amnestv Dav on Muv 7, 1994. After discussion, it motion wits made by Clint Herbst and seconded by Shirley Anderson to authorize City staff to hold the 7th Annual Junk Amnesty Day on May 7, 1994. The 1994 amnesty day to no include acceptance of fluorescent. light bulbs and to include acceptance of demolition materials with an accompanying charge. Motion carried unanimously with Brad Pyle absent. Pago 9 Council Minutes - 2/28/94 17. Consideration of demolishine the Cole house near city hall. .John Simola informed Council that it is clear that the cost to refurbish the Cole house for rental is high, relative to the potential revenue that could be obtained through railing the facility. In addition, more damage has been done to the building and interior, and it is becoming a liability for the City. After discussion, a notion was made by Shirley Anderson and seconded by Clint Herbst to authorize staff to advertise for demolition removal of the Cole house. Motion carried unanimously with Brad Fyle absent. 18. Consideration of reulacement of 1978 International heavy dutv snowolow truck. John Simoltn reported that the public works department is proposing to replace the 1978 International snowplow truck. The truck is equipped with a 6 -yd dump box, a sander, a side -mounted wing, and 11 -ft front plow. Over the past several years, it has broken down on numerous occasions and is no longer reliable. Simola noted that the cost to replace the truck was budgeted at $62,000 and approved for the 1994 budget. After discussion, it motion was made by Clint Herbst and seconded by fatty Olsen to authorize advertisement for bids for a new heavy duty dump truck with snowplow equipment, with the truck being bid separately from the dump hody and snow equipment. Motion carried unanimously with Ilrad Fyne absent. 19. Consideration to adout, a resolution calline for it public hearine for modification of Itedevelounrent, flan for Redeveloumari Prniect, No. 1. modificuct.ion of TIF uhms for TIF Districts No. 1.1 to 1-15. and the adootiou of the TIF clan for TIF District No. 1.16 (Pulvcast Manufacturine). 011ie Koropchak reported that the TIF plan for Polyeast Includes construction of it 16,640 sq f, metal office production facility on 4.4 acres of indnst.rial land in the Oakwood Industrial Park. The up -front TIF assistance of $r)5,000 will write-down the land cost for the property. Projected employment is 20. The minimum estimated market value for the land and building is $400,000. Kuropchak noted that, copies of the TIF plan were distributed to the schiml, county, and hospital district. The HRA will hold it public hearing on the acquisition and disposition of the raw lands and adopt a resolution relating thereto and adopt it resolution on the TIF plan on March 2, 1994, Page 10 Council Minutes - 2/28194 After discussion, a motion was made by Clint Herbst, and seconded by Shirley Anderson to adopt a resolution calling for a public hearing on March 14, 1994, for TIF District No. 1-16. Motion carried unanimously with Brad Fyle absent. SEE RESOLUTION 94-3. 20. Consideration of approving application for aamblina license renewal - Monticello Javeces. After discussion, a motion was made by Shirley Anderson and seconded by Clint Herbst to accept the summary report presented by the Monticello Jaycees and adopt the resolutions approving application for renewal of each of the three gambling licenses for the Monticello Jaycees. Motion carried unanimously with Brad Fyle absent. SEE RESOLUTIONS 94-4, 94-5, AND 94-6. 21. Consideration of bills for the month of Februarv. After discussion, a motion was made by Clint Herbst and seconded by Patty Olsen to approve payment of bills as submitted. Motion carried unanimously with Brad Fyle absent. 22. Other matters. A. 011ie Koropchak reported that a slight inconsistency exists between the slate funding program and the Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund associated with the funding program supporting financing of a piece of equipment that will he used at the Standard Iron site. She noted that the state and GMEF funds will he used jointly to fund purchase of it major piece of equipment used by Standard Iron. Under the state program, it is required that the term of the loan must be Ill years, while the Greater Monticello Fund Guidelines state Clint generally the tern should be 7 years or for it period not exceeding the life of the equipment. According to State rules, the term of the loans inust he the same. Koropchak asked Council if it wits comfortable with using /;M EF funds for purchase of equipment with it term of 10 years. After discussion, n motion was made by Clint Herbst and seconded by Shirley Anderson ter allow it Creater Monticello Enterprise Fund loan for equipment to he issued with it term period of 10 years. Motion carried unanimously with Brad Fyle absent. Page 11 Council Minutes - 2/28/94 B. City Council discussed the issue brought forward at the public comments section of the meeting. It was the general consensus of the City Council to maintain the existing policy that requires individual property owners along Highway 25 to clear sidewalks. However, in the case of Century 21 Realty, due to the limited snow storage area and due to the fact that the State Highway Department clears the area of snow within 5 days of a snowfall, it is not necessary that the entire sidewalk be cleared within 24 hours. Removal of snow to the extent of one shovel width is sufficient. This modified snow removal requirement applies to Century 21 Realty only. C. City Engineer, Bret Weiss, reviewed the status of the transportation study. Council reviewed various roadway segments and intersections and identified three critical problem areas that the study should focus on. The three areas are as follows: 1. Development of an interchange at County Road 118 and 94. 2. Improvement of traffic circulation in the area of Highway 25 and at the intersection of Highway 25 and Oakwood Drive and Dundas Road and Highway 25.. 3. Improvement of CSAH 75 and Hart Boulevard between the high school and County Road 118. There being no further discussion, the meeting was adjourned. Jeff O'Neill Assistant Administrator Page 12 Council Agenda - 3/14/94 4. Public Hearing. -Consideration of adopting a resolution relating to the modification. by the Housing and Redeveloument Authority (HRA). of the Redevelopment Plan for Redevelooment Proiect No. 1. the modification of the plans for Tax Increment Finance (TIF) Districts Nos. 1-1 through 1-15, and the establishment of Tax Increment Financing District No. 1.16 and adoption of its Plan. (O.K.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: On February 28, 1994, upon the request of the HRA the City Council set a public hearing date of March 14, 1994 for modification of plans and for the establishment of TIF District No. 1-16. Said public hearing notice appeared in the Monticello Times on March 2 and 9. School District 11882, Wright County, and the Hospital District received a copy of the TIF District No. 1-16 Plan on February 11, 1994 thereby satisfying the 30 -day notice requirement for comment or questions. Punic HM:A tm Therefore, the HRA requests the City Mayor open the public hearing for comments, questions, or opposition relating to modification of the plans and the establishment of TIF District No. 1-16 and its plan. TIF District No. 1-16 is being established for Todd R. and LeRoy E. Schub., dha, Polycast Mfg, Inc. The HRA adopted a resolution modifying the plans and approving the plan for TIF District No. 1-16 on March 2, 1994. Highlights of the plan follow: 1. Description of Proiect. 16,800 sq R office/manuracturing facility. Construction beginning summer of 1994 and completed by January 2. 1995. 20 local jobs created: county retains 12 jobs and creates 8 new john. 2. Leenl Descrint.ion of Parcel. Lot 3. Block 3, Oakwood Industrial Park. 3. Parcel in Acuuisition. The upfront TIF assistance of $55,000 (land writedown) is an expenditure of the HRA -TIF Surplus Fund. 4. Siened Contract.. The HRA and the Schulz Properties officers will execute the Private Development Contract prior to or on March 14, 1994. Council Agenda - 3/14/94 5. Tax Capacity. The estimated tax capacity at project completion is $16,661, the original tax capacity is $693, and the estimated annual captured tax capacity is $15,968. 6. Type of District. An Economic Development District is established because the project does not meet the requirements for a Redevelopment or Housing District. In the public interest, the project results are an increase to the local and county employment base, an enhancement to the local and county tax base, and discourages an industry from moving their operation to another county. 7. District Duration. Eleven years from approval of the plan or 9 years from receipt of first tax increment, whichever is less. 8. Estimated Impact on Tax Jurisdictions. The impact represents the captured net tax capacity and potential taxes not received by the jurisidictions as it relates to the "but for" test. The 'but for" test means if the project would not have occurred. 9. Cash Flow Assumptions. Tax capacity payable 1995 is $16,661. Receipt of first full tax increment is 1996. Original tax capacity is $693. Tax capacity rate is 112.873%. Estimated annual tax increment is $18,023. Calculations based on a zero percent (OSS.) valuation increase. 10. District, No. 1-16 Budeet. Land acquisition, $55,000; administration and professional services, $15,000; capitalized interest, $8,365; discount, $1,6;115. Total budget of $80,000. Note: the budget was structured to allow the City to issue bonds if necessary. 11. Inclusion of District. District No. 1-16 is within Monticello Central Redevelopment Project No. 1. The Private Development Contract, which supports the TIF Plan, defines the dtvelopment ohligations of the Schulz. Properties and the obligations of the HRA. 'fire contract is between the Schulz Properties and the HRA: therefore, it requires no approval by City Council. However, for informational purposes, highpoints of the contract follow: 1. The developers shall construct a 16,640 sq It ollice/monufacturing facility on Lot 3, Block 3, Oakwood Industrial Park. 2. The project shall be completed in 1994 and fully assessable on January 2, 1995. Council Agenda - 3/14/94 3. Subject to satisfaction of the Private Redevelopment Contract terms and conditions and upon 30% building construction completion, the Redeveloper will receive $55,000. 4. Minimum Estimated Market Value (ENV) of $400,000 agreed upon between the Redevelopers, the HRA, and the County Assessor. With the assumption of no public comment, questions, or opposition, the public hearing may be closed. AlwvriON OF THE RESOLUTION Secondly, the HRA requests the City Council consider adoption of a resolution which finds, determines, and declares: 1. That the modification of TIF Districts Nos. 1-1 through 1-15 and establishment of TIF District No. 1.16 will provide an incentive for commercial and industrial development, increase employment, and promote the public purposes and objectives of the Monticello Central Redevelopment Plan. 2. That District No. 1-16 meets the requirements of an Economic Development District as defined in the State Statutes. 3. That the proposed development would not occur solely through private investment within a reasonable foreseeable future. USE OF FUNDS I I SOURCE OF FUNDS Lund $57,000 Bank $218,000 Construction $370,000 SBA 504 $188,000 Solt Costs $9-81000 F gkiity $u"(Inn Debentures $6,000 TOTAL I $461,000 TOTAL I $461,000 4. 'I'hnt the plan for TIF District No. 1.16 complies with Redevelopment Project No. 1 objectives and'I'IF guidelines. 3 Council Agenda - 3/14/94 5. That the method of the tax increment computation set forth in the State Statutes is applicable. 6. That the duration of TIF District No. 1-16 is pursuant to the State Statutes. B. ALTERNATNE ACTIONS,: 1. A motion to adopt the resolution relating to the modification, by the HRA, of the Redevelopment Plan relating to Redevelopment Project No. 1, the modification of the TIF Plans relating to TIF Districts Nos. 1-1 through 1-15 and the establishment of TIF District No. 1-16, all located within Redevelopment Project No. 1, and the approval and adoption of the TIF Plans relating thereto. 2. A motion denying adoption of said resolution. 3. A motion to table the item. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION,: Staff recommends alternative #1, as the project meets the TIF guidelines, Redevelopment Plan objectives, and the Minnesota Statutes requirements. The motion should he subject to execution of the Private Development Contract between the HRA and the Schulzs, if necessary. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the public hearing notice; Copy of the resolution for adoption; Copy of the TIF District No. 1-16 Plan. 4 " 'q--, Its-, '4--I hs ."y I. 1=1119 and tNuW9 of mairnal to meoi MnDOT sp"e"cs Bid is to to on wine ry teherhaad end ifdude a 5% bid bond. Selected Contractor Will also furnish a performance and payment bond. Dates Ise work will be negotiated at the time the bid is awarded, Aa sealed aids must be submitted to Clerk Lois Fox, 2585 Both SI, NW, Maple Lake, MN 55458 a be pretended lode Boetl at IM TowrasNp Heb before B p.m. On the 15th day of March, 1994. al Which ft. the Mals coil be opened and reed. The Basedof Supervltor$ rmerves de dgm to W -pt a retia any a Of We to the best Merest of tins TOWmsl,p. -las Fac. Ctak (Manch 3 6 10, 1994) CITY OF MONTICELLO-COUNTY OF WRIO IT -STATE OF MINNESOTA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the C4ty Council (the 'Councll') In and far the Cfty of Monticello. Canty of Mot. State of Minnesota, well told a public teadnp on March 14, t984, a approximately 7,00 p in. et City Hat, 250 East On odway, MOWCeib, Minnesota. rala8rky te alta Pr ed maHkatcdn, by I—eased ora)oa costs and erhtrvgerl aprdc was. the F7ouslna atkvetopnnem Audrafy's Redenve nI Pegea No. t fie approvat and adoption, of the Moddled Rads�Mopmarm Wan relating me ate; dca proposed moallcation, try increased pro• �ea costs. of de Modeled Tax lno,=ent Fmmxap Plea for Tax increment Fnenebq Districts . 1.1 though 1-15, located within Redavetotxneni Project No. 1; and the proposed adoption of Tax Increment Financirg Plan reladcg to Tax Increment Financing Plan No, 1-16, also located whNn Redevelopment o)&O No 1, all pursuant to and in aaordamor with Mebroida(daStalues, Sections 453 001 t0 489047, knUUushm, as smanded, mind Sections 489.174 to 489178, a ckno'e, m amended. A copy of Ve Modified Redeveio{wnma Wan for Redevelopment Pro)W No. I and To irxremem Fhancirg Pt" to Toa Maament Fkmxbq Dlstrkb No, t -t a.ough 1.16. as proposed to be adopted at Via of4Ce of the City AdmkWtrator at Cdy Hell not tater then Fe0ruary 18, 1994, The property cornprieag Tax trhnement Fnar+tlrp Polatrta No, 1-191s m fo/ovn: tpraec nG B1 Sly Lot 3. Book 3, Oakwood tndustrlal Park PID Number: 15&018,003030 Further Information, regarding the Idendlcallm of the parcel to be Irxiuded W Two Invemerd Fhmrhp Drama No 1.18 may be obtained from ore a" of the City Admkdsbafor. Ad kderested persons may appose at the hearing and prasera thea veevrs aafy a F wrMrhp, Dated: Mach 1. 1994 BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL -RickWollstager, City Adrtawftrelor (Meth � A 10, 19914) i1`I-A -' re r�nr_ wt, :o - i-�µ �) ��'• j � ,T{77 � 1 CRY OF WommELtd AWAA MEMENT FOR 6101 ONE (1) NEW 194 SINOLE AXLE TRUCK CAB, CHASM AND ACCESSORMS Boated bids will be received by the CRY Of Montkepo, 250 East Broadway, MontiCabb, Minnesota, until 2 p on. Friday. Mooch 25, 1994, fix K#nW*q and dOWWV of One (1) new 194 sl n ado truce, Cab. clWsis. and actetealee en IIPedlbd, },Ibide that ho addressed 10 the ON Aekrdnsbota, City of Mdmtee8o; 250 Fest Bmwhway, L Councilmember introduced the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent, and moved its adoption: CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION RELATING TO THE MODIFICATION, BY THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, OF THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN RELATING TO REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO. 1, THE MODIFICATION OF THE TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLANS RELATING TO TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICTS NO. l-1 THROUGH 1-15 AND THE ESTABLISHMENT OF TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 1-16, ALL LOCATED WITHIN REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO. 1, AND THE APPROVAL AND ADOPTION OF THE TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLANS RELATING THERETO. BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council (the "Council") of the City of Monticello, Minnesota (the "City"), as follows: Section 1. Recitals. 1.01. It has been proposed and adopted by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority (the "Authority") in and for the City that the Authority modify, by increased Project costs and enlarged geographic area, Redevelopment Project No. 1, pursuant to and in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.001 to 469.047, inclusive, as amended. It has been further proposed and adopted by the Authority that the Authority modify the Tax Increment Financing Plans D for Tax Increment Financing Districts No. 1-1 through 1-15 and establish Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-16, located within Redevelopment Project No. 1, and approve the Tax Increment Financing Plan relating thereto, pursuant to and in accordance with Minnggota Statutes, Sections 469.174 to 469.179, inclusive, as amended. 1.02. The Authority has caused to be prepared and this Council has investigated the facts with respect thereto, a proposed Modified Redevelopment Plan (The "Modified Redevelopment Plan") for Redevelopment Project No. 1, defining more precisely the increased Project costs and enlarged geographic area to be made to Redevelopment Project No. 1, the proposed Modified Tax Increment Financing Plans for Tax Increment Financing Districts No. 1-1 through 1-15 and the proposed Tax Increment Financing Plan (the "Tax Increment Financing Plan") for Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-16 (collectively referred to as the "Plans"). 1.03. The Authority and the City have performed all actions required by law to be performed prior to the modification of Redevelopment Project No. 1, the modification of Tax Increment Financing Districts No. 1-1 through 1-15 and the establishment of Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-16 and the adoption of the Plans relating thereto, including, but not limited to, notification to Wright County, Independent School District No. 882 and the Monticello -Big Lake Community Hospital, having jurisdiction over the property to be included in Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-16 and the holding of a public hearing upon published and mailed notice as required by law. 1.04. The Authority hereby determines that it is necessary and in the best interest of the City at this time to modify Redevelopment Project No I, to modifv Tax Increment Financing Districts No. 1-1 thrnueh 1-15 and to establish Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-16 and approve the Plans relating thereto, contingent upon execution of the Redevelopment and Assessment Agreements by and between the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Monticello and Todd R. Schulz and LeRoy E. Schulz. D Section 2. L -LS_ and the E 2.01. The Council hereby finds, determines and declares that the modification of Tax Increment Financing Districts No. 1-1 through 1-15 and the establishment of Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-16, all located within Redevelopment Project No. 1, is intended and, in the judgement of the Council, its effect will be, to further provide an impetus for commercial and industrial development, increase employment and otherwise promote certain public purposes and accomplish certain objectives as specified in the Modified Tax Increment Financing Plans fur Tax Increment Financing Districts Nos. 1-1 through 1-16. 2.02. The Council hereby finds that Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-16 does meet the requirements of an Economic Development District in that it consists of any project, or any portions of a project which does not meet the requirements found in the definition of a redevelopment district, mined underground space development district, housing district, or soil corrections district, but which the Authority and City finds to be in the public interest because: 1) It will discourage commerce, industry, or manufacturing from moving their operations to another state; or 2) It will result in increased employment in the municipality; or 3) It will result in the preservation and enhancement of the tax base of the municipality. 2.03. The Council finds, determines and declares that the proposed development, in the opinion of the Council, would not occur solely through private investment within the reasonably foreseeable future and, therefore, the use of Tax Increment Financing is deemed necessary. "0 -3- 2.04. The Council finds, determines, and declares that the proposed Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-16 will afford maximum opportunity and be consistent with the sound needs of the City as a whole for the development or redevelopment of Redevelopment Project No. 1 by private enterprise. 2.05. The Council further finds, determines and declares that the City made the above findings stated in Section 2 and has set forth the reasons and supporting facts for each determination in writing, attached hereto as Exhibit A. 2.06. The Council determines and declares that Redevelopment Project No. 1 is hereby modified, that Tax Increment Financing Districts No. 1-1 through 1-15 are hereby modified and that Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-16 is hereby adopted, contingent upon the execution of the Redevelopment and Assessment Agreements by and between the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Monticello and Todd R. Schulz and LeRoy E. Schultz. Section 3. Adoption of Respective Plans. 3.01. The respective Plans presented to the Council on this date are hereby approved, contingent upon execution of the Redevelopment and Assessment Agreements by and between the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Monticello and Todd R. Schulz and LeRoy E. Schulz and shall be placed on file in the office of the City Administrator. Section 4. Implementation of the Modified Redevelopment Plan and Modified Tax Increment Financing Plans. 4.01. The officers of the City, the City's financial advisor, underwriter and the City's legal counsel and bond counsel are authorized and directed to proceed with the implementation of the respective Plans and for this purpose to negotiate, draft, prepare and present to this Council for its consideration all further plans, resolutions, documents and contracts necessary to accomplish this purpose. 0 The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Councilmember , and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: And the following voted against the same: Whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted, and was signed by the Mayor and attested to by the City Administrator. Dated: March 14. 1994 Attest: City Administrator (SEAL) Mayor EXffi31T A TO RESOLUTION NO. The reasons and facts supporting the findings for the establishment of the Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-16 as required, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.175, Subd. 3, are as follows: 1) Finding that Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-16 is an "Economic Development District" as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, Subd. 12. Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-16 consists of one parcel which do not meet the requirements of a redevelopment district, mined underground space development district, housing district or soils correction district. The Authority and the City find Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-16 to be in the public interest because: 1) It will discourage commerce, industry, or manufacturing from moving their operations to another state; and 2) It will result in increased employment in the municipality; and 3) It will result in the preservation and enhancement of the tax base of the municipality. 2) Finding that the proposed development, in the opinion of the Council, would not occur solely through private investment within the reasonable foreseeable future, and therefore, the use of Tax Increment Financing is deemed necessary. City staff has reviewed the available financing costs for the development. Due to the cost of site acquisition, the project would not be financially feasible without the City's assistance. 3) Finding that the Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-16 will afford maximum opportunity, consistent with the sound needs of the City as a whole, for the development of Redevelopment Project No. 1 by private enterprise. -6- The project to be developed, which will be located within Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-16, consists of an 16,800 square foot office/ manufacturing facility. This facility is to be constructed in 1994 and be substantially completed by January 2, 1995. It is anticipated that eight additional hill -time positions will be created as a result of this project within two years. 4) Finding regarding the method of tax increment computation set forth in Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.177, Subd. 3, Clause (b), if applicable. The Council does = elect the method of tax increment computation set forth in Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.177, Subd. 3, Clause (b). 5) Finding regarding duration of Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-16. The duration of Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-16 will be nine (9) years from the date of receipt of the first tax increment or eleven (11) years from the original approval of the Tax Increment Financing Plan, whichever is less. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.177, Subd. 3, the City requests 100 percent of the available increase in assessed value for current expenditures. -7- D MODIFIED CENTRAL MONTICELLO REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO. 1 INCLUDING MODIFIED TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLANS FOR TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICTS NO. 1-1 THROUGH 1-15 AND TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN FOR TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 1-16 March 14, 1994 This document was drafted by: Public Resource Group, Inc. 4205 Lancaster Lane, Suite 1100 Minneapolis, MN 55441 (612) 550-7979 0 (As adopted August 10, 1992) 3 acres of land located in Lot 10 of AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION NO. 1, according to the recorded map thereof, being in the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 13, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota lying easterly of REMMELE ADDITION according to the recorded plat thereof, lying southwest of Interstate No. 94 and lying northeasterly of the northerly right of way of Chelsea Road. Part of PID Number: 155-01I-OW101 (As adopted April 12, 1993) Lot 6, Block 2, Oakwood Industrial Park. PID Number: 155-018-002060 (As adopted March 14, 1994) Lot 3, Block 3, Oakwood Industrial Park. PID Number: 155-018-003030 Subsection 1.9. Public Improvements And Facilities Within Redevelopment Inject No. 1. Publicly financed improvements within Redevelopment Project No. I to be financed include: (As adopted November 29, 1982) 1. Land acquisition; and 2. Special assessments. (As adopted September 27, 1993) 1. Land acquisition; 2. Site development; 3. Site improvements; and 4. Utilities. (As adopted August 10, 1992) 1. Land acquisition; and 2. Site development. (As adopted April 12, 1993) Land acquisition; and Public Improvements. (As adopted March 14, 1994) Land acquisition. Subsection 1.10. Estimated Public Costs and Supportive Data. The estimated costs of the public improvements to be made within Redevelopment Project No. 1 and financed by tax increments derived primarily from Tax Increment Financing districts within Redevelopment Project No. 1 are as fullows: I-26 (9 Tax Increment Financing District No 1-16 (As adopted March 14, 1994) Land Acquisition S55 5 4 Subtotal S55,000 Administration 7,500 Professional Services 7500 Subtotal $70,000 Capitalized Interest 8,365 Discount 1635 TOTAL $80,000 (As adopted November, 1982) Subsection 1.11. Lang. All new and/or existing development on land identified on Exhibits I -C through I -F as "property to be acquired" or "possible acquisition" will be subject to the following uses and requirements: 1. Uses Permitted in Designated Areas. a. Industrial --All permitted, accessory and conditional uses as specified in Chapters 15 and 16, Monticello Zoning Ordinance, relating to 1-1 (Light Industry) and I-2 (Heavy Industry) zones. Planned Unit Developments, where applicable, will be considered. b. Housjng/Residential--All permitted, accessory and conditional uses as specified in Chapters 8 and 10, Monticello Zoning Ordinance, relating to R-3 (Medium Density Residential) and R -B (Residential -Business) zones. Planned Unit Developments, where feasible, will be encouraged. C. Downtown/ o r int --All permitted, accessory, and conditional uses in accordance with the provisions governing all "B" zones and including R -B, providing however that any commercial development in an R -B zone shall be coordinated with the goals and objectives of the Housing Plan. Planned Unit Developments, especially in the B-3 zone (Highway Business), will be encouraged. 2. Additional Provisions. I-37 Oq SECTION XVII TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN FOR TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 1-16 Subsection 17.1. Statement of Objectives. See Subsection 1.4 of the Redevelopment Plan. Subsection 17.2. The Redevelopment Plan. See Section I, Subsections 1.1 through 1.20. Subsection 17.3. Description of the Proiect. The project, located within Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-16, consists of the construction of an 16,800 square foot office/manufacturing facility. This facility is to be constructed in the summer of 1994 and completed by January 2, 1995. The company currently employs 12 people. It is anticipated that 8 additional full-time positions will be created as a result of this project. Subsection 17.4. Parcels to be Included in Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-16. The following property is located in the City of Monticello, County of Wright, State of Minnesota. Lot 3, Block 3, Oakwood Industrial Park PID Number: 155-018-003030 Subsection 17.5. Parcels in Acquisition. The Authority intends to acquire the property listed in Subsection 10.4, which property is located within Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-16. Properties identified for acquisition will be acquired either by the City or the Authority in order to accomplish public improvements listed in Subsection 1. 11 of the Redevelopment Plan hereof. XVII -1 0 Subsection 17.6. Development Activity in Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-16 for Which Contracts will be Sited• The following contract(s) will be entered into by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority and the person(s) named below: Prior to the certification of Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-16, a Development and Assessment Agreement will be executed between the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Monticello and Todd R. Schulz and LeRoy E. Schulz. Subsection 17.7. Other Spccific Development Expected to Occur within Redevelopment Proiect No. 1. (As specific development is expected to occur, it will be inserted into this Subsection.) Subsection 17.8. Estimated Public Improvement Costs and_Supportive Data. See Subsection 1.10 of the Redevelopment Plan for estimated costs associated with Redevelopment Project No. 1. Subsection 17.9. Sources of Revenue. Land acquisition costs, and other costs outlined in Subsection 1.10 of the Redevelopment Plan will be financed through the annual collection of tax increments. Subsection 17.10. Original Tax Capacity. Pursuant to Section 469.177, Subd. 1, of the Tax Increment Financing Act, the original tax capacity value for Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-16 is estimated to be $693, based on the tax capacity value of all taxable real property within Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-16. Pursuant to Section 469.177, Subds. I and 4, of the Tax Increment Financing Act, the County Auditor of Wright County (the 'County Auditor') shall certify in each year the amount by which the original tax capacity value has increased or decreased as a result in a change in tax-exempt property within Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-16, reduction or enlargement of Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-16 or changes in connection with previously issued building permits. In any year in which the current tax capacity value of Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-16 declines below the original tax capacity value, no tax capacity value will be captured and no tax increment will be payable to the Authority. XVII -2 /,/' Subsection 17. l 1. Estimated Captured Tax Cgpacip� Value. Pursuant to Section 469.175, Subd. 1, and Section 469.177, Subd. 2, of the Tax Increment Financing Act, the estimated captured tax capacity value in Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-16 at final completion will approximate $15,968. This estimated annual captured capacity value is determined in the following manner: Estimated Tax Capacity Value at Final Completion $16,661 Original Tax Capacity 693 Captured Tax Capacity Value' $15,968 Please refer to Exhibit XVI -B for the year-to-year expected tax increment for Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-16. Subsection 17.12. Ty= of Tax Increment Financing District. Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-16, is pursuant to Section 469.174, Subd. 12, an Economic Development District as described below: "'Economic Development District' means a type of tax increment financing district which consists of any project, or portions of a project not meeting the requirements found in the definition of redevelopment district or housing district, but which the authority finds to be in the public interest because: (a) It will discourage commerce, industry or manufacturing from moving their operati ,as to another state; or (b) It will result in increased employment in the municipality; or (c) It will result in the preservation and enhancement of the tax base of the municipality." Subsection 17.13. Duration of Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-16. Pursuant to Section 469.176, Subd. 1, of the Tax Increment Financing Act, the duration of Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-16 will be eleven (11) years from the approval of the Tax Increment Financing Plan, or nine (9) years from receipt of the first tax increment, whichever is less. XVII -3 Subsection 17.14. Proposed Development Analysis. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.175, Subd. 1(7), specific findings and analysis have been completed relating to the proposed development in Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-16. Additional relevant documentation relating to the findings and analysis will be on file and available for review in the City Administrator's office. Subsection 17.15. Estimated Impact on Other Taxing jurisdictions. Test No. I: The estimated impact on other taxing jurisdictions assumes construction would have occurred without the creation of Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-16. If the construction is a result of Tax Increment Financing, the impact is 50 to other entities. Test No. 2: Notwithstanding the fact that the fiscal impact on the other taxing jurisdictions is $0 due to the fact that the financing would not have occurred without the assistance of the City, the following estimated impact of Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-16 would be as follows if Test No. 1 (the "but for" test) was not met: IMPACT ON TAX BASE XVII -4 Future Net Captured Net Original Net Tax Capacity Tax Base Tax Capacity Entity Payable 1994 Payable 1994 Wright County $48,638,744 $693 City of Monticello $15,583,604 5693 I.S.D. No. 882 $18,344,524 $693 Hospital District $23,874,025 $693 XVII -4 Future Net Captured Net Tax Capacity Tax Capacity District % Payable 1994 Payable 1994 of Entity $16,661 $15,968 .033% $16,661 $15,968 .102% $16,661 $15,968 .087% $16,661 $15,968 .067% 01 IMPACT ON TAX CAPACITY MILL RATES Entity Gross Tax Rate 1994 Potential Taxes Wright County 31.965 S 5,104 City of Monticello 17.530 2,799 I.S.D. No. 882 60.634 9,682 Hospital District 2.744 483 TOTALS 112.873 $18,023' Please refer to Exhibit XVI -B for the year-to-year expected tax increment for Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-16. Subsection 17.16. Cash Flow Assumotions and Analysis. A. Future Tax Capacity. The estimated future tax capacity of Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-16 at final completion as determined by the City Assessor is $16,661, payable 1996. Please refer to Exhibit XVI -B for the year-to-year expected tax increment from Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-16. B. Projected Timing. The payment of the first full tax increment from Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-16 will be received by the Authority in 1996. C. Odginal Tax Capacity. The County Assessor's records show the original tax capacity of Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-16 to be $693 for taxes in 1993 and payable in 1994. D. Gross Tax Capacity Rate. The gress ax capacity rate is 112.873 percent. E. Tax Increment. Total tax increment at the completion of all redevelopment activity has been calculated assuming a static gross tax capacity rate and a valuation increased by zero percent (0%) compounded annually. F. Capotal Expenditures. Capital expenditures are a summary of the items associated with the public improvement costs set forth in Subsection 10.8 and are to be financed from the proceeds of the Bonds and tax increment revenue. Subsection 17. l7. Estimated Amount of Bonded Indebtedness. It is anticipated that $80,000 of bonded indebtedness will be incurred with respect to this portion of the Redevelopment Project. Subsection 17.18. Tax Increment Financing Account for Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-16. The tax increment received with respect to Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-16 will be submitted by the Authority to the City and segregated by the Authority in a special account or accounts (the "Tax Increment Account") on its official books and records or as otherwise established by resolution of the City to be held by a trustee or trustees for the benefit of holders of the Bonds. Subsection 17.19. Modification of Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-16. As of March 14, 1994, there have been no modifications made to Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-16. XVII -6 0 I EXHIBIT XVII -A BOtjNDARY MAP OF TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 1-16 •4 7/ -- 11� X%Al-'7 -' EXHIBIT XVII -B EXPECTED YEAR-TO-YEAR TAX INCREMENTS RELATING TO TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 1-16 AND TAX CAPACITY ANALYSIS ADJUSTMENT FACTOR: A. March, 1994 Establishment Date B. January 2, 1994 Base Year Capacity Date C. $693 Base Year Capacity Value D. January 2, 1989 Fifth Preceding Year Capacity Date E. $972 Fifth Preceding Year Capacity Value F. $279 Five Year Capacity Value Increase G. (.28703) Five Year Total Increase Ratio H. (.05741) Five Year Average Increase Ratio I. 0 Annual Base Year Adjustment Factor Base Adj. Adj. Future Net Cap Annual Year TC Factor Base TC TC TC Rate n 1993/94 5693 0 $16,661 1.12873 4 1994/95 S693 $15,968 $ 0 1995/96 $693 $15,968 $18,024 1996/97 $693 $15,968 518,024 1997/98 $693 $15,968 518,024 1998/99 $693 S15,968 $18,024 1999/2000 S693 $15,968 $18,024 2000/2001 $693 $15,968 $18,024 2001/2002 $693 $15,968 $18,024 2002/2003 S693 $15,968 $18,024 2003/2004 $693 $13,968 _—J $18,024 Average Annual Tax Increment: $18,024. XVII -8 0 EXHIBIT XVII -C DISTRICT CERTIFICATION FORM Date Prepared: February 11 1994 Name of District or Modification: Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-16 Date of City Council Approval: Mach 14. 1994 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT CERTIFICATION At the time of district creation or modjfrcadon. the following conditions annly: The project does not meet the requirements found in the definition of a redevelopment district, housing district, or a mined underground space development district. ` X The project was created after August 1, 1979, and was designated an economic development tax increment district, as defined in Mipnesot;s Statutes, Section 469.174, Subd. 12, because: a) It will discourage commerce, industry or manufacturing from moving their operations to another state. X b) It will result in increased employment in the municipality. X c) It will result in preservation and enhancement of the tax base of the municipality. SgpportinQ documentation on file: _ Land Use Pian Map X City Council Resolution Project Objectives Other: This Form Prepared by: Public Resource Group Ing. Original Building Condition Data Collected by: N/A Documentation in support of District Certification is on file at the City offices. XVII -9 APPENDIX B Chronology of Resolutions Establishing the Development Program, the Development District, the Tax Increment Financing Plans, and the Tax Increment Financing Districts DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NO. 1 TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 1-16 DWe A&sisn February 11. 1994 Letters sent to Wright County, Independent School District No. 882, and Hospital District. February 28. 1994 Resolution of the City Council calling for a Public Hearing. February 28 1994 Submit Notice of Public Hearing to local newspaper. March 2, 1994/ March 9. 1994 Notice of Public Hearing is published in the local newspaper, calling for a Public Hearing on March 14, 1994. March 2. 1994 HRA approval of the Modified Redevelopment Plan. March 14. 1994 Resolution of the City Council modifying the Redevelopment Plan for Redevelopment Project No. 1 and modifying the Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-16. Appendix B -I Council Agenda - 3/14/94 5. Public hearing on proposed increases in retail license fees for non- intoxicatina and intoxicating liquor licenses. (R.W.) A. RFIF'RHRNCF; AND BACKGROUND It has been nearly four years since any of the City's licenses pertaining to beer, wine, on -sale, or off -sale liquor license fees have been adjusted. The last time the fees were increased was in 1990, and it was recommended at that time that the Council consider more frequent adjustments of a smaller scale rather than waiting too long and requesting larger increases. Although this is past the two-year recommendation, it still appears appropriate for the Council to consider increases at this time. The stuff conducted a brief survey of some of the surrounding communities pertaining to license fees charged for all types of intoxicating and non - intoxicating liquor licenses. As you can see by the survey, there is not a consistent pattern of fees that is charged by any one community. In the case of on -sale liquor licenses, which are the largest revenue category, license fees vary from a low of $2,400 in St. Michael to $5,900 annually in Annandale. Monticello's current fee is $3,750, and it is recommended that this fee be increased to $4,000. This would amount to slightly less than a 7% increase over the four-year time period since the last increase. In addition, it is also proposed that the on -sale :3.2 beer license he increased $25 to $300 annually and that $25 increases also occur for the on -sale wine and set-up license categories. According to state statutes, a public hearing must be held by the City Council before any license fees can be increased; and as a result, a notice has been mailed to all current license holders 30 days ago informing them of the date of this public hearing. In addition, a notice of the public hearing was also published in the Monticello Times to meet statute requirements. In mostcategories that are recommended for increases, the increase amounts to approximately 21;. per year or less, which should not be deemed excessive. If the Council feels that I,he license fees are already at an appropriate level, the fees can he left as is. ALTHIMATIVF: ACTIONS Aller closing the public hearing and receiving public comment., the Council call adopt the proposed recommended fee schedule for all intoxicating and non -intoxicating liquor licenses. S Council Agenda - 3/14/94 2. The Council could adjust the fees to some other fee schedule than those proposed. 3. Council could determine to leave the fee schedule as is for all categories. ;r— -�p -"—' g" 0— r C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: cb� 5f1c It is the recommendation of the Administrator that the fees be increased and adopted as proposed. The resulting increases in all categories recommended for an increase amounts to approximately 2% per year, which should not be deemed excessive. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of license fees currently charged by surrounding communities and recommended fee schedule for Monticello. to MUNICIPAL COMPARISON- LICENSE FEES Annandale Elk River St. M chael Buffalo Big Lake Rockford Monticello Recommend On -Sale liquor $5.900 $4,000 $2,400 $3,800 $3,750 $3,360 $3.750 $4,000 Sunday liquor $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 On -sale 3.2 beer $300 $150 --- $200 --- $180 $275 $300 OII-sale beer $25 $75 $50 $60 $75 $30 $75 $75 On-salewine $300 $500 -•- $100 --- $180 5275 $300 Set-up license $300 ••• $300 ••• --- $250 $275 Off -sale liquor $too --- $100 $100 Comb wine/3.2 on -sale -•• --- --- --- ••• $500 $550 Temp. non -Intoxicating -•- $20/day •-- --• $40/time n / 0 Club license $200 $300 $300 $200 --- ••. ••. $300-$2,000' depending on membership One-time liquor event $250 -•- --- ' VFW and Legion Club currently charged $300 LICFEES: 03/09/94 Council Agenda - 3/14/94 6. Public hearins< for the issuance of an on -sale liauor license for a restaurant in the Sixth Street Annex mall. (R.W.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND At the previous Council meeting, a modification to the conditional use permit for the Sixth Street Annex mall was approved that would allow the expansion of a restaurant within the complex that was intended to include the sale of liquor. The restaurant was to he owned by Mr. John Purmort, who is presently the owner of the Sunshine Depot restaurant in Elk River, Minnesota. Prior to issuing any on -sale liquor licenses, the City Council is required to hold a public hearing to receive input from the public concerning any license application. Since we were not able to meet publication deadlines for the previous meeting, the public hearing is now being held at this meeting. Notification has been published, and the Council should note any comments that are received concerning this license request. 1 did have the Wright County Sheriffs Department conduct a background investigation on Mr. Purmort and his operation he currently has in Elk River. The Elk River establishment also has an on -sale liquor license, and the Sheriffs Department indicates that all reports have been favorable in regard to his operation, and there is nothing in the background check that indicates we should consider denial of the request at this time. Although the restaurant is being operated in u commercial zone, the strip mall is adjacent to residential areas. Our current ordinances do not, prohibit the Council from issuing a license to it qualified establishment simply because it is adjacent to a residential area. The only limitation that our ordinances indicate is that it must he at least 1,000 ft from the nearest school or church. In that regard, this location does meet our criteria. If the on -sale license is approved for this establishment., Mr. Purmorlwill he required to supply the City and the Liquor Control Division with copies of adequate liquor liability insurance in the amount of $300,000 before the license can he issued. All on -sale license fees would he pro -rated on a monthly hasis until July 1, 1994, at which time the renewals normally take place. i Council Agenda - 3/14/94 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. After the close of the public hearing, the Council could grant approval to the issuance of an on -sale license to Mr. Purmort for the restaurant in the Sixth Street Annex mall. d�SD( ;ut- 2. Council would have the discretion to deny the license based on background investigation reports or concenis expressed at the public hearing. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION During our background investigation, the staff has not become aware of any problems Mr. Purmort has had with his existing on -sale license in Elk River, nor are we aware of any reasons why the Council may want to consider denial of this license application. It should also be noted that if this license is issued, the City would still have one additional license that would be available for future use by other applicants. Therefore, unless information is presented at the public hearing that may alter the facts available, the staff` can see no reason to deny the request at this time. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of application. H CITY OF MONTICELLO LICENSE APPLICATION This application is being submitted for the following license(s): Set-up license Off -sale, non -intoxicating liquor VO On -sale, intoxicating liquor On -sale, vine a— On-sale, non -intoxicating liquor On -sale, rine/3.2 beer f- Dom Ham: /-1s y8 Applicant Ha:SNd AR 2,.,e/tr Age: Y'� Date: '/2,G1q4f Applicant Address:M3 9- /91- AVS, Aix/ Phone: (&/2)YVI-/3171 [w1 oZy/-9/33 0) z x L, ✓ra. ma st 33o Name of Business: •5/ xiN S-e-pFi % Aj•vt K Address of Business: -510 - L �i C. AJ U a u n0 C.c .77,e A7o,,7;ti/q iAla/ SS3(e2, Business Phone: N1•• Describe nature of business operation: S%! 5....�/.,,�N /1.'f;,,N 1 ,�ii,„.e 'r�a(rtl Pizaa — Ga•�.� 3esr . wwL LOCpI SAj..rt /Ao:�'P -A/�> E✓reTr +. wT - If Corporation: Officers: Directors : Q. J, , . Do you or does your corporation, partnership, etc., currently hold any license allowing the sale wine, intoxicating liquor, non -intoxicating liquor, or not-upa7 yes no If yea: Name of Business: SUw)31ANS vF�� Addreas of Suninsos: 76/ A"'A'-A) Phone :(&/1) /- / Z -7 Type of Licanoai O.) S'ali 4Viiva 'ria-•/ Years held,• References: Name Address Telephone Number S'TIJE OS --b fl,f KrUi2 /?) _J 'lam//— -n'S C luf ry r .ter f!k �', �s, m.� �Fyr- z z s z.. 177(i 1411v b/z & a. / t' Lo Credit References (list at least one bank you do business with): Name Address Telephone Number r % '/./�zK 4"t . /J'.✓ `��f- a2aa BSz2- Amount of investment, excluding land: %7'ff 5 r G�tv t u (Only applicants for on -sale, intoxicating liquor must provide this information) Have you ever been convicted of a felony, or of violating the National Prohibition Act or any State law or ordinance relating to manufacture or transportation of intoxicating liquors: I declare that the above information is true and correct, to the beat of my knowledge. Appti, ignature For City Una Only Surety Bond Liquor Liability certificate of Insurance Application Foo License Foe Sheriff, Wright County / J Data Mayor, City of Monticello City Administrator (6) Council Agenda - 1/14/94 7. Consideration of confirming 1994 Board of Review date and acceptance of Assessors sunimary report. (R.W.) REFERENCE AND 13ACKGROUND: County Assessor, Doug Gruber, has tentatively set Thursday, May 5, at. 7 p.m. as the date for our 1994 Board of Review meeting. The purpose of the Board of Review is to allow property owners within the city the opportunity to receive an explanation on how their market valuations were established by the City Assessor for taxes payable in 1995. Our City Assessors, Jerry and Peg Kramber, along with Mr. Gruber will he at the meeting to field questions from citizens on their valuations. If the Council has a problem with Thursday, May 5, the County Assessor would like to know by Tuesday, March 15, so that a new date can he arranged. Since the Council will he confirming the Board of Review date, I thought it would be it good time to provide the Council with a brief summary report that was prepared by Mr. Kriunb r summarizing the work they have just recently completed concerning next ,year's assessment. As you will note, the report lists the parcels that were reviewed under the 251X requirement and also summarizes the new building permit activity that has been added to the total valuation For the year. In discussing the 1994 assessment with Mr. Kraniher, he did note that in analyzing our residential sales ratio for 1991, it still appears that our residential values are not excessively high compared Ur what the market is actually dictating when sales occur. The sales ratio summary indicates that the Assessor's market valuation is averaging 911.2/ of actual sales prices for 1993. Ideally, we should be in the 90-1051,'1 range as an average. I have asked Mr. Kramher to Ix in attendance at the Council meeting to answer tiny questions the Council may have on the summary report provided. The intention of this report is to give the Council it general idea of die changes that may have incurred during this assessment year so that you are also aware of some of the concerns that may he raised by citizens during the upcoming Board of Review meeting. The only action needed by the Council is to verify the Board of Review date set, lin' May 5 or suggest an alternate date if there tyre conflicts. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of letter from Doug Gruber; Summary report from City Assessor, Jerry Krtunher. JNTY O,c DOUGLAS M. GRUBER �Sinceraly, Wright County Assessor Dough M. Gruber /. Z Wright County Government Center 10 N. W. 2nd Street M Buffalo, Minnevwta 55313-1193 tea. Q Phu": (612) 682-7367 / (612) 682.7368688 Metro: (612) 339-W] 7866 FAX: (612) 682-6178 February 4, 1994 Rick Wolfstelier Monticello City Administrator 250 E. Broadway, Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362 Dear Rick. Please be advised that your 1994 Board of Review has been tentatively set for Thursday, May 5, 1994 at 7.00 P.M. If we do not hear from you by March 15, 1994, we will assume this Is satisfactory. Thank you. 6Q -I Opp- unity / A//umatiur Arh n F:mPlny�r 5 �Sinceraly, ' Dough M. Gruber l7right County Assessor DMG/ga 6Q -I Opp- unity / A//umatiur Arh n F:mPlny�r 5 IT 51 am&r aE 5 s.:ociafes, .Inc. REAL ESTATE MRULERf ASSESSGRS P.O. so. 56 F md4 AN 55:43 (612)6713748 TO Rick Woltsteller, Gary Anderson am] Members of the Monticello City Council SUBJECT Summary of Assessment for Taxes Payable 1994 FROM Kramber d Associates, Inc. Gerald J. Kramber, President cc: Uraglas Graber Wright County Assesoor ✓ 4L amn -er Cl: -'Wssocf ales, gnc. REAL ESTATE MCRAGERS,ASSESSORS March 3, 1994 P.O. BU 56 Nbnvo Mn 55363 (612) 6753746 Rick Wolfsteller, Gary Anderson and Members of the Monticello City Council 250 East Broadway Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Dear Mr. 11olfsteller, Mr. Anderson, Council Members, Kramber d Associates, Inc. would like to thank you for the opportunity of being your City Assessors for the 1994 Assessment Year. The help and cooperation of everyone at City Hall was greatly appreciated. Please find enclosed the following data for your review: 1) Residential sales and sales ratios for 1993. 2) Commerical sales and sales ratios for 1993. 3) List of the 251 of parcels viewed by parcel number. 4) List of building permits issued for 1993 and the percent complete as of January 1, 1994. In summary, the residential sales ratio for 1993 was 90.2 and the 1992 sales ratio was 90.4 which indicates that even with the changes we made last year, we've lost a little ground. It is apparent that the market is increasing at a much faster rate than our estimated market values. We are still on the low side of the required 909 to 1051 range. Our goal should be in the 951 area. The County increased the residential rates as follows 1) Residential rates approximately 51. 2) Single and double garages (Classes Average, Good 8 Excellent) were increased by $1.00 per square foot. 3) Basement Finishing : Average :1.00 per square foot Good $1.10 per square foot Very Good $5.00 per square foot 4) Basement values increased from $3.50 per square foot to $6.50 per square foot. The abovo changes are expected to have an overall increase of approximately 2-31. The charts and tables that were established to equalize effective age will have an additional effect of approximately 4-51. Residential land was reviewed and sales indicated that special attention should be given in the following areas: 1) River Lots: Land values were established on a front foot basis rather than on a per lot basis. These values were arrived at by sales and the values are: A) $250 per front foot for the first 100 feet. B) $125 per front foot for any additional footage. C) Minimum river lot value is $25,000. 2) Lots abbutting the golf course on Club View Drive: A) Sales indicated lot values to be in the $30,000-$45,000 range rather than the $13,000 values that were previously on them. 3) Sales also indicated that lot values in Hillcrest Addition and Ritze Manor should be equalized. Lots in these additions were increased from $11,500 to $14,000 which brings them more in line with competing areas. All commerical and industrial properties in our 25% are reviewed each year. County rates were used as well as the Marshall b Swift Valuation Service. The rates used were also verified with surrounding cities and counties. If there are any questions on the data submitted, please don't hesitate to call. Any questions or concerns regarding market value by the residents of Monticello should be referred to Kramber 6 Associates, Inc. at 612-675-3748, so their questions and concerns can be resolved prior to the Board of Equalization meeting. Respectfully, Gerald J. Kram r / Kramber d Associates, Inc. cc: Doug Gruber Wright County Assessor 11/09/91 9.11 ate, SALES 11A11'1 ST A11S 71 CAL IAFCRPAI ICY „a SPI10-D10`.91 -GL 11 111u Ifo !1, ..... •....••... TOPN 1111 API, E.oN.11 Er I%% PER IOD FRDM 10/97 i0 9/91 SFl LC 11 vL A,IJNf. IVPLS .. t P ANLf Uf I INNS1. I P S.... .. 101 luPll 110 AL1. Ll aS1 I'Pt S...,..,.. 1111-.151 C17T OF MONT ICEIIO, 44C,-CU1 CL ASS -06 RCS 1-1 UNI t :V PRICE LI -PLA 7-PA9CIL SALE UA1•_ CHC SAE uP ILE PMT VIEW SALES PA 110 ACRES PER ACPI MAL IO PI ASCI I5S-JIU-U 04011 01/'!1 a44SI 91.000 IIx IOC 90.15 GGOU SALE Ih1-UIU-"1 IUIU JY/Y1 44941 SY•000 50.100 9h.atl GCUU SALE I5) -a IU -0111110 10/42 41 915 lar IOa 17.500 111.Atl GCOO SAIF 151-010.0:4091 JI/91 4.511 71.9UU .5. 1 a C HS.Ee Carlo S:L1 I1S-UIU-02.1101 IU/'11 42 110 64.YCo bh.000 ICO.Itl GCOD SALC ISS -U IU -U 1nt1a0 11/'ll 411 1) I'1. 000 SI.911 14.21 GCUU SAI[ ISS-OIu-U Io1)H0 01/41 4f 111 iV. 9C0 aI.100 Ha.Y/ (;Coo I A L L ISS-OIU-011110 US/vl 44641 O1r 000 57.900 "S. II GCOU SALE l5) -a l0 -Ura IOU '17/91 Is 111 97x400 01.500 IOe.19 0000 SALE IYS-aIa-"41uzu Jo/'f1 44 tlr. I4. aC0 61.900 .11 .HV GCOD S,LL 111-U 10-01. 1110 1)1/41 441159 /0.000 bo.OUO HS. tI Go )U SAIL IS1-01 f•Iltl l O rU 0H/'11 is 1110 71.000 o6.40C IU.1! GCnG SALE ISS -U I4 -1)o IJ fU ur/•I1 4•. BBI IOLf1U0 BY. IUO hr. I1 GUOU S:LC ISS-UIi-UU 1040 U6/91 44414 HS.JUU 110.100 91.114 00011 S,1 f ISS-UIS-U0AJ 10 U1/v1 4f Ii5 120. aU0 111. 100 11.41 GCCU S,Lf I%S-UI I-UI2)ho .1, 1)4 116 n1, 1CD h6. 100 91.11 0001! SALT III -JI S - III II IU 08111 •. tIII -.a no A/.IOC IH. IS I.I:Un SAI I. ISS -UIS -"1'1011 Or/'11 44111 144.000 Ito. 100 Ib. tlH Lf•1111 SAIF ISS -UIS -U: S0SO 04/•!1 44115 41. too 11.1110 1)C. 11 Cl Ii OII SAL I' 1)Y -J 1-1 u rU 10 UH/91 "all /7. C01M1I.MOC 114.16 00011 SAIL IIS-JIS-.111Uo9 I1/vl 41 HO1 /I.9130 )'1.100 9l. lY 601111 S:IL ISS -U 11.-11000Yl1 lIN/'!1 449!1 1414[0 b1. 0110 111).11 LUII(1 SAI I. I11-011-01110S11u1) M11. hUC Y4. 11 GCfll) SAII I5S-UI!-0USa II 01/11 4 11/1 A1.OUJ SI.aaa Ma.Yl OWill 1:II Ih4-UIU-004111 11/41 1)16!11 /V.9Cn I'.,to 91.11 Geon 5,11 11-10Ia"I 111/v1 411)99 8111100 6e.40C tlC.Ve 601:11 SAIL ISS -III I-0111 U/ll 01/vl 418111 '311. 100 111).400 Va.M1h 1.11'111 S:II I) 11 VUH ,I7 '1 ii111 .1Va .1: - IYI-0II-IIUI110 UI/'11 4w HU9 I111.0a0 91.100 111. IM1 I. U!1U 5111 IY'.-U1.-JJ IUIU JI/'11 44001r1.lOf, IY,tlf I,CUn SAIL I NS•Ula-UutU1a J1/ll iw 101 H7.40U A9, Af•0 ILII GUOU SAII ISS-UTA-IlU IIT Jh/4f 45101 .4.000 10.100 9f.S7 G,o"u )ALE ISS-U/n-11111010 111/YI 1)17411 61.1)5 61.000 91.11 GUUII S:IF ISS-u1n-0')111 fU IA/41 ♦)111 /h. UOJ Ah.10a 9/,II 1.1100 S:lf 155-HIIr-aII I(I/U I1/VI 44114 loo. no 111. 10C P1.11 GCOU SAIF 111-1l Ill-JU ItJ40 61/91 4w 714 H'1. 1Cf• Ib1r,0O 7n,h1 GUOU S:1L IY)-011-0010IU UI/'11 4 \4.41.IUGUOII 115-0 11-UU111J llr/vr 44104 no. ODU 1U. 101) 84.11 GCUU 1:11 11h-011-UU 111a Uf./'.f 4. 99) 111.'!011 61.4110 4-1 GI.OII S:LI ISS-UII-OUI I, 01/41 4\S,1 !7!700[ 14.00/' R1,!6 loot) SAI! 1 Y1-011-0uIlbo II/'!I 4: 901 91. 11)0 1117911E "lC.11 1.1!1!0 SAL! I SS -U 11-U) 1 11)" I U/'ll 1119 91.1101) 9I .4'la 9r, r l 0[1111 111.1 1 Y•.-1111-001 fro Or,I 10.100 "Y.Vn 1.61111 1:11 IYS-U11-Ull lu lJ JI/'ll 41015 /I. YUJ 11. I1f, 47.11 1.111'0 1:l l ISh-011-11)70 l" JH/91 awM40 IIII. YOU An. II.1 I7.nn I.Loll SAI I ISS-,IIx-UUaJW 01/41 4101 I,, III Ib.'4C m,ll LLdll ULI 1s ,ter ,lw.s in isle i"Im inimina lm m a iif, Z a 11/04/41 A.1? ... SAI ES QAt lt) ST AT IST ICAC IAFC'FYAf 101: eee Sol )0-01,1547 pact )4 S L'PIiU 4r ............... IOF•I'H Io .4f. PFIIPCFTV U.5% pEFICU "('a IQ/41 Tl; 4/41 SEIfL iIVt nd (TINE t.MFS.. 1 L ANG L 0' fUFn Sr.ipS...... 1.11 t.-IoIto ALL LLASS It.', S......... INV -155 (-1ly .)f MUNI ILLLL4]. AFI A -CC. CLASS -06 of 1-1 UNITS LI-wl <I-V.+wCLL SAI( Ull`_ fflC Salt: pN ICF Mlti VA4uE AV vFiLf SALES 9AI IU ACYLS v!F aLFE InV AL IU Pk ASCN tys-Usy-J,)4U 10 U} 4a 161 11 .t;C0 6N, 900 91.04 GCIIU SALE I5Y•U IS-JU4110 06/')! 119 U5 111,400 11, TUU U1.S9 GUUI1 SALE ISI-015-UU41.10 11/4l ♦1755 64,4SO lo.1p0 {0 ).1t Go )o SAtE I5Y-Jii-UJS07J UA/91 4St44 14.000 11.4UC 9t .65 GODU SALE IS5-111f-UUIJLJ 11411, 117 U6 6I. CU1 6Y,QGo VI.CI GC00 SALE 7S5-f�)t-rr,)vUnU IU/+l 11i14 ty.Goa 71.}00 94,0! G00!) 4atE 15S -u 1!•/11 pUS0 IU/Vt 4I011 I1, 50Q nfl.nun 44,61 GCIIU 14LE 1}y -011 -UI OUYO O)/4t 444)5 Is'soo 6..600 Nt. 19 Get7U SALE IY5-Ua4-UUI 11J JO/41 4h651 u1. 5011 41, Ino 46.11 f+Gtlfl SAI 154-0a4-(1U4,1vU 10/YI 4111n IIl, QUn IIa.1QU v).nl GC,7U $AIL 755-Ua5-UU701J 01/91 41 hal "1 lot) 14.100 9).7A t.CU(] SAL IYY-Ua S_OJJU IU Iltl/'+1 44414 N4, 100 tl1.1Go ICO. JO GL'[117 Salf /5S-UyS-U)fJ40 .))/91 1;116 t4:p0U T4. 900 101.11 Gu,10 SALL ISs-uad-001710 11/41 1l AUG 114.500 116.CGo 46.15 GCCU SAIF ISS-U4N•J0141,U O5/94 449.16 IOH, Oco IU5.6no 9t, IB GCOU SAIL 154-F}4•+-nJlUJp 01144 41097 nS.Unn 60. Too 9}.;N GU(I)) SALE. 155-04 r•p 11!110 U1/41 451 U1 n4. 400 n(1. 100 N6.tla 'CTAT SAL F. i54-tF1 I. pU{U tQ 04Jo1 41.4 r.•f.000 r,U. 'no 1,V,Jt 40013 511E IYy•Uy/-U:11n IJ JY/41 11061 I, 1UU 1. SCS. IOC.Cp GC011 S.11. 1h5-u1,l-UJInl1O J I/4I 411;16 I. 400 4. 5f)p IOO.CC Y,CCU SAf t 154-U5 f•0+1'}N+) 01141 41 COL IGs.0o0 Y5. iC0 90.76 GCUU SAII 155-115J+pf1114n (14/41 441 tl4 tl:l./Sp HU,hGo 90. N7 GQryU Sa1.I 155-U5.f-U,)l+it0 {)0195 a5ryU9 81"1011 N{,1OC 9i.5) GL'00 SALE 115 -U5+ -J)/ Itl0 11/41 414en 95, n011 rn. TUC IC.1 .1') Gl:lltl S. 155.041-U 110IJ '11/v/ 15445 'F ll. nCn n4, IWO 44.11 GCf 111 SAIF t Y.•UNI-01101U 114!It 1144tl M1.GoI 0.4uo ICa,ly Gil+)o SALI IaS""'-'�''I'+'•" 1i1V1 0 N4.9017 .4,NJG qt. 11 GII'lll SaIC {y5•iin `-U )iJoO +)9/•+t 4NN1N i4!, .)UU IJn. too V0.91 GC(}u SAI t .V t. 041. 04j. .410 041. .94. tUl ASST SS+I.•. V.i VAi h, 141, i+)'1 504.600 C +1EQtAR COLFi il. tihi Oi f.I Spt 15104 1.. N.6 .0 M; aN SOUS w.I IU 4Q.4 IOQ.4 .p SIANCArC Q(Vf a/ILN 9,4 14.1 +MAN SAIiS Fat it) -+FU.1 -Vi.S .0 (Cl"i(Ft NS i.f YAF 11110N IO.4 14.5 .0 AGGM11.11I SAlls F4f IQ 49,1 9n.1 .0 Total SAIf pw 1(t 5.911.41) .L PF it, wtF di+U UI)1 101.1 IOa.. .0 AVtu AG4 SALE pw tL/ 40,C4n SALTS uA 1111 FANG( nr,.1 41.1 .0 NU. -N ,,i Pau Ci1S tm It i4 T4 t C a a as= a a s a a a Ina A a a a a a IL 11/09/9) tl.l! 484 SALES PLT 10 STAT ISIICAL thFOPPAIION 444 Slit 30-010581 PAGE 19 SQN1E0 b,...... IOYNSH IP AP FA PMf)PEPTY CLASS PERIOD FRCP 10192 TO 9/91 SEL ECII VC '1•IUME TYDES.. l N AhGE OF IJMhSHIvS.. .... IUI THPU !1U ALL LIASS TTY,%......... TMP -ISS CITY '.IF MONTICELLO, AREA -CO. CLASS -11 COPMIPCIAL IMP AV PRICE CT-PUT-PAMLEL SALE OATF COC D SAIF PPILE ►ki VALUF SALES PAT10 ACRES vEP ACME INVAL IO AF.ASCN IS 5•UIS-u[fu 5.1 utl/Y1 ♦S )I1 I.LSOr 000 1.025.900 17./S CCOU SALE 15 $-ULB-OulOtl 10/9! ♦271♦ IIsr000 165.100 1a 1.51 6000 SALE ISS-JNO-UC2100 OB/91 5468! 164. 000 1/).000 101.97 GOOU SALE •91• 491• •910 0914 4920 •914 T91 ASSFSSON'S MAI VAL 1.168.00. 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VALUED js'�-olo-nv/00 /s,�-el o'75/d0 !ter-nlo- of-�lD I /s5•ao-r�Nan I /st•n!n-n��nr•n � �S'S-NI •i'�'M� i55 -ni I -NY�SU L.•,.: nl! • ry�v�70 I /_-,-n/!•�/min � •nl!-.YY1r�Qrl � %-5-h//-n001M I ' 155.1)1,1-ivY)lnl /SS-NI-iYYIlI/1 � /.�S•o!l-rxb/fin � L5S•0!l-DQ2IS/ t115-011- or" /56 - nll • gym/ �! /s�•olI_c�ro/an � 1 /F �-oll�roac�n i .ls3-al •(rx�a� i J-," a - Mlbd 0 REVALUED CDOWS NEW CONSTRUCTION LIST - 1993 Date Percent PID# Address Issued Complete 155-031-002090 106 Balboul Circle 3/23/93 100% Remove A Replace House Siding 155-031-002060 118 Balboul Circle 8/20/93 100% Remove k Replace House Siding. Soffit, Facia, Window and Door 155-070-002080 2523 Briar Oakes Blvd. 10/20/93 100% New House and Garage 155-070-002170 2531 Briar Oakes Blvd. 9/27/93 50% New House and Garage 155-070-001100 2532 Briar Oakes Blvd. 2/24/93 100% New House and Garage 155-010-034102 130 East Broadway 5/11/93 100% Building Roof Removal and Replacement 155-015-005050 319 East Broadway 5/7/93 100% 8'x16' Garage Addition 155-015-004070 419 East Broadway 8/6/93 100% Remove A Replace House Siding k Garage Roof Shingles, Remove Existing 6'x7' House Addition and Replace with 6-1/2'x7' Addition 155-015-004040 431 East Broadway 10/8/93 100% Remove and replace house siding 155-015-012060 606 East Broadway 8/6/93 100% 101x24' Garage Addition 155-015-001090 707 East Broadway 9/28/93 100% Remove & Replace House Roof Shingles 155-015-016090 825 East Broadway 2/8/93 100% Remove A Replace House Roof Shingles 155-010-035070 106-1/2 West Broadway 4/7/93 100% Interior Remodel 155-010-038150 154 West Broadway 5/17/93 100% Build Pitched Roof over Flat Roof 155-010-036080 212 West Broadway 4/15/93 100% Remove k Replace Bldg. Roof Shingles a r r 155-010-036140 254 West Broadway Remove k Replace 2 pump islands, Install Canopy, Install new facia over existing facia 155-010-037060 306 West Broadway Remove Fuel Tank 155-010-037090 318 West Broadway 10'x16' Bldg Addition Interior Remodel 155-010-049010 449 West Broadway Interior Partition Walls and Interior Remodel 155-023-001110 1311 West Broadway 10'x15' Deck 155-033-001250 7 Bunker Circle Basement Finish 155-500-032200 2101 West Cty Rd 075 20'x26'Park Shelter Bldg. 155-073-006040 9331 Canvasback Court J New House and Garage 155-073-006080 9350 Canvasback Court New House and Garage 155-073-006050 9351 Canvasback Court New House and Garage 155-073-006070 9370 Canvasback Court New House and Garage 155-073-006060 9371 Canvasback Court New House and Garage 155-500-114201500 Cedar Street Interior Completion Leased Space 155-500-114202 518 Cedar Street Interior Completion Leased Space 155-033-001170 4 Center Circle Remove A Replace House s Garage Siding 155-033-001180 6 Center Circle 18'x20' Deck 7/9/93 100% 6/14/93 100% 7/27/93 100% 7/1/93 5/4/93 100% 8/13/93 0% 2/22/93 100% 4/7/93 100% 10/25/93 65% 2/26/93 100% 11/1/93 75% 8/3/93 100% 4/1/93 100% 2/16/93 100% 6/16/93 100% 2/2/93 100% 8/12/93 100% 155-018-002012 100 Chelsea Road 12/13/93 0% 56'x112' Cold Storage Bldg with 6'x112' Open Roof Overhang Interior Remodel 12/28/93 0% 155-018-002030 200 Chelsea Road 10/1/92 100% 140'xl40' Manufacturing Building 155-075-001010 301 Chelsea Road 10/14/92 100% 107'x100' and 25'x23' Manufacturing Building 155-046-001090 1103 Club View Drive 7/8/93 100% New House, Garage R Deck 155-035-003080 104 Crocus Lane 4/20/93 100% 12'x14' Deck, New Entrance Door A Interior Remodel 155-035-004020 121 Crocus Lane 7/14/93 100% 10'x12' Deck 155-064-003010 219 Crocus Lane 5/22/92 100% Install 30'x40' Egress Crank Out Basement Window, Finish Bedroom in Basement 155-500-142302 36 Dundas Road, 11/2/93 100% 155-500-142305 Bldg. 11401 301x241' Mini Storage Bldg. 155-018-002070 207 Dundas Road 20% 155-018-002080 Off/Mfg Bldg Foundation Mail 10/21/93 Off/Mfg Bldg Footings Only 10/14/93 New Off/Mfg Bldg. 12/16/93 155-018-002060 219 Dundas Road 5/10/93 100% New Industrial 80'x100' 1 Story Mfg and 22'x60' Off. Area 155-078-001010 9421 Eider Lane 11/24/93 25% New House, Garage & Porch 155-078-002010 9480 Eider Lane 8/18/93 100% New House A Garage 155-054-001010 611 Elm Street 3/4/93 100% Reshingle Over Existing House d Garage 155-070-002060 1115 Endicott Trail 9/23/93 10% New House k Garage 156-033-001030 5 Fairway Drive 9/1/92 0% 24'x28' Attached Garage 155-033-002050 10 Fairway Drive 5/3/93 100% 6'x15' d 15'x16' Decks 155-033-001310 29 Fairway Drive 3/3/93 100% 121x12' 3 -Season Porch 155-078-003080 5330 Falcon Avenue 9/8/93 100% New House R Garage 155-073-003090 5350 Falcon Avenue 11/16/93 40% New House A Garage 155-078-002050 5351 Falcon Avenue 12/7/93 30% New House R Garage 155-078-003110 5390 Falcon Avenue 10/12/93 15% New House & Garage 155-078-002070 5391 Falcon Avenue 10/13/93 30% New House R Garage 155-078-003120 5400 Falcon Avenue 9/13/93 100% New House R Garage ' 155-078-002080 5401 Falcon Avenue 9/1/93 100% New House 3 Garage 155-078-003130 5420 Falcon Avenue 11/16/93 10% New House h Garage 155-078-002090 5421 Falcon Avenue 9/21/93 100% less driveway New House A Garage 165-078-003140 5430 Falcon Avenue 10/6/93 15% New House, Garage A Deck 155-078-003150 5450 Falcon Avenue 11/16/93 30% New House d Garage 155-078-003170 5480 Falcon Avenue 11/30/93 25% New House % Garage 155-078-003180 5490 Falcon Avenue 9/23/93 100% less driveway New House 3 Garage 155-078-003190 5500 Falcon Avenue 10/28/93 100% less driveway New House d Garage 155-078-002170 5541 Falcon Avenue 9/8/93 100% New House & Garage 155-081-001010 9530 Fallon Avenue N.H. 12/1/93 35% 80'x160' Mfg Bldg. 401x32' Office Bldg. 155-061-003010 9521 Gillard Ave. N.E. 11/30/93 30% New House d Garage 155-061-002120 9591 Gillard Ave. N.E. 9/21/93 100% New House, Caragc h Deck 155-061-002100 9621 Gillard Ave. N.E. 4/8/93 100% New House A Garage 155-061-002080 9651 Gillard Ave. N.E. 2/24/93 100% New House k Garage 155-061-002010 9751 Gillard Ave. N.H. 11/23/92 100% New House, Garage and 3 -Season Porch 155-061-001020 9851 Gillard Ave. N.E. 4/16/93 100% New House, Garage d Deck 155-500-101200 1005 Golf Course Road 10/14/93 100% 10'x16' Storage Bldg. 155-500-101203 1009 Golf Course Road 9/8/92 100% 24'x24' Attached Garage Addition 155-015-023050 1107 Hart Blvd. 67'x74' 2 -Story Addition to Clinic 8/13/93 50% Int. Tenant Finish at Bamt Floor 4140af 12/20/93 50% 155-070-001090 1045 Hawthorne Place N. 7/26/93 100% 12'x16' Deck R 10' 8 -Sided Deck 155-070-002150 1125 Hawthorne Place S. 12/17/92 100% New House with Garage 155-070-002140 1155 Hawthorne Place S. 11/6/92 100% New House and Garage 155-070-002130 1170 Hawthorne Place S. 10/7/93 30% New House, Garage A Open Porch 155-031-001090 151 Hedman Lane 6/1/93 100% Basement Finish 155-073-003100 9050 Heron Court 10/7/92 100% New House and Garage 155-073-003090 9051 Heron Court 9/17/92 100% New House and Garage 155-073-003110 9060 Heron Court 4/16/93 100% New House A Garage 155-073-003080 9071 Heron Court 3/5/93 100% New House R Garage 155-500-142209 1219 Highway $25 5/27/93 100% Remove k Replace 1 Window R Door, Install New Window Unit 155-024-001130 100 Hillcrest Circle 9/8/93 100% Remove k Replace Existing 20'x12' Deck 155-013-001050 108 Hillcrest Road 3/24/93 100% Remove A Replace House A Garage Siding. Cover Soffit, Facia d Door Trim 155-013-001090 116 Hillcrest Road 6/14/93 100% Remove Existing Porch R Replace With 16'x16' 3 -Season Porch, Remove A Replace House and Garage Shingles 155-500-032404 1509 Hilltop Drive 7/6/93 100% 6'x24' Addition to Garage, Reshingle Over House h Garage 155-077-001010 108 Jerry Liefert Drive 7/1/93 100% 155-077-001020 110 Jerry Liefert Drive 100% 155-077-001030 112 Jerry Liefert Drive 100% New 3 -Unit Townhouses 155-048-001170 123 Jerry Liefert Drive 7/12/93 100% 8'x14' Deck 155-048-004040 206 Jerry Liefert Drive 1/21/93 100% 16'x22' A 2'x6' House Addition 155-030-001020 102 Kampa Circle 3/22/93 100% New Detached Accessory Bldg. New House A Garage 3/3/93 100% 115-048-002070 112 Kevin Longley Drive 9/21/93 100% Remove A Replace House d Garage Siding 155-048-002010 208 Kevin Longley Drive 7/7/93 100% Remove Deck and Replace with 12'x20' and 4'x10' Decks 155-010-056042 13 Linn Street 5/20/93 100% Remove & Replace House a Garage Shingles 155-073-005060 8141 Mallard Lane 6/11/93 100% New House 3 Garage 155-073-003040 5148 Mallard Lane 9/17/92 100% New House and Garage 155-073-005070 5149 Mallard Lane 5/13/93 100% New House A Garage 155-073-003050 5152 Mallard Lane 10/7/92 100% New House and Garage 155-073-005080 5153 Mallard Lane 7/8/93 100% New House k Garage 155-073-003060 5156 Mallard Lane 4/15/93 100% New House k Garage 155-073-005090 5157 Mallard Lane 5/17/93 100% New House k Garage 155-073-003070 5160 Mallard Lane 3/5/93 100% New House. Garage R Deck 155-073-005100 5171 Mallard Lane 9/21/92 100% New House and Garage 155-073-005110 5191 Mallard Lane 12/11/92 100% New House and Garage 155-073-003130 5200 Mallard Lane 11/30/92 100% New House and Garage 155-073-004010 5250 Mallard Lane 9/1/92 100% New House and Garage 155-010-081031 613 Maple Street 6/24/93 100% Remove A Replace House Siding 155-057-002070 2760 Maplewood Circle 10/13/93 100% New House A Garage 155-069-001010 5031 Martin Drive 10/21/92 100% New House and Garage 155-073-001010 5123 Martin Drive New House & Garage 3/19/93 100% 14'x12' Deck 6/7/93 100% 155-073-002010 5124 Martin Drive 9/1/92 100% New House and Garage 155-073-001020 5125 Martin Drive 6/24/93 100% New House 3 Garage 155-073-002020 5128 Martin Drive 1/7/93 100% New House & Garage 155-073-006010 5131 Martin Drive 9/16/93 100% New House 3 Garage 155-073-006020 5133 Martin Drive 7/27/93 100% New House 3 Garage 155-073-002030 5134 Martin Drive 6/14/93 100% New House h Garage 155-026-001050 109 Marvin Elwood Rd 8/23/93 100% Remove k Replace Existing Deck 155-026-003020 116 Marvin Elwood Rd 7/28/93 100% 231x24' Garage 155-021-002040 101 Matthew Circle 5/18/93 100% 16'x28' Addition to Garage 155-045-003020 905 Meadow Oak Drive 10/25/93 100% Install Fireplace 155-044-003140 2601 Meadow Oak Lane 2/18/92 100% Basement Finish - Interior Wall Partitions and 2 Fixture Bathroom 155-044-003120 2605 Meadow Oak Lane 2/12/93 100% Bamt Finish - BR, FR and Office 155-010-081020 614 Minnesota Street 4/26/93 100% 6'x12' Roof -Covered Open Porch 155-014-003170 104 Mississippi Drive 9/10/92 100% Move in Existing House with Entry and Attached Garage 155-014-002040 105 Mississippi Drive 11/5/93 14'x22' 3 -Season Porch and 75% 10'x14' Deck 50% 155-014-003030 236 Mississippi Drive 6/11/93 100% Bsmt Finish. Gas Fireplace and Wood Stove Fireplace Inserts 155-014-001030 241 Mississippi Drive 9/9/93 100% Remove A Replace House R Garage Shingles 155-014-001020 245 Mississippi Drive 3/29/93 100% Finish Int. 3-S Porch, Install Patio Door, 10'x12' Deck 155-080-005120 2631 Oak Ridge Drive 11/23/93 25% New House, Garage d Open Porch 155-080-005080 2671 Oak Ridge Drive 12/6/93 38% New House, Garage R Open Porch 155-020-001030 1025 Oak Lane 6/24/93 100% Remove 8 Replace House R Garage Roof Shingles 155-021-002141 107 Oakview Circle 9/16/93 100% Remove k Replace Existing 12'x20' Deck 155-080-005020 2691 Oakview Lane 12/13/93 25% New House R Garage 155-080-005010 2701 Oakview Lane 11/24/93 75% New House, Garage R Open Porch 155-045-004090 2741 Oakview Lane 5/25/93 100% 14'x14' Deck 155-045-004060 2801 Oakview Lane 6/9/92 0% 12'x16' Deck 155-045-006030 2822 Oakview Lane 3/6/92 100% Basement Finish - 3 Fixture Bathroom, Family Room and 2 Bedrooms 155-045-004040 2841 Oakview Lane 3/3/92 0% Basement Finish - 3 Fixture Bathroom and Family Room 155-045-006010 2862 Oakview Lane 3/17/92 100% Basement Finish - Family Room and 2 Bedrooms Remove R Replace House R Garage Siding 2/12/93 100% 155-034-001030 109 East Oakwood Drive 10/25/93 100% Tank Removal 155-500-113415 116 East Oakwood Drive 7/28/93 100% Install Above -Ground Fuel Tank 155-500-142401 1305 East Oakwood Drive 3/3/93 100% Remove R Replace House h Garage Siding 155-018-002120 1324 East Oakwood Drive 501x60' Int. 2nd Floor Storage Area 1/21/93 90% Bldg Addn, Footings and Foundation Walls 9/28/93 90% to Grade Only 84x299 and 30x60 Bldg Addn, Floor, Ext. Walls & Roof Only 10/20/93 90% 155-500-113413 100 West Oakwood Drive 5/13/93 100% Remove 5 tanks and Replace with 2 - 1000 gal. Above Ground Tanks and 1 - 658 gal. tank 155-012-001090 113 Ottercreek Road 3/30/93 100% Remove R Replace House A Garage Siding 155-010-052110 103 Pine Street 3/9/93 100% Reshingle Over Existing on Pitched Roof Portion of Bldg. 155-010-053130 106 Pine Street 8/18/93 100% Interior k Exterior Remodel 155-010-035060 207 Pine Street 10/1/93 100% Remove R Replace Bldg Roof Shingles 155-010-033011 316 Pine Street (925) Demolition, Offices R Restoration of 8/9/93 100% Former Switch Room Interior Garage Remodel 1/21/93 100% 155-010-003010 700 Pine Street (*25) 7/20/93 100% Apply New Insulation over Existing Roof 155-057-002080 2800 Red Oak Lane 7/30/93 100% New House, Garage A Deck 155-010-067130 212 East River St. 10/6/92 100% Remove Existing Entry and Replace with 10'x22' 3 -Season Porch 155-040-001020 225 East River St. 5/20/93 100% 16'x25' Detached Accessory Bldg. 155-015-006050 303 East River St. New House, Garage a Deck 7/16/93 100% Demolish Existing Garage Apt. 6/21/93 100% 155-015-008020 519 East River St. 7/27/93 100% 12'x15' Screened Porch A 3'x4' Deck 155-015-009050 601 East River St. 7/30/93 100% 12'x24' Addition to Existing Garage 155-015-010060 707 East River St. 10/4/93 100% Remove 3 Replace House and Garage Flat Roof Materials 155-010-065020 101 West River St. Demolish Existing Bldg. Restroom 6/22/93 100% Park Warming House 3 Restroom Bldg. 4/13/93 100% 155-010-051130 218 West River Street 9/28/93 100% 8'x8' Roof Cov. Open Porch Addn to Existing 155-010-048110 500 West River Street 7/30/93 100% Remove R Replace Garage Shingles 155-010-048131 518 West River St. 8/17/92 0% 20'x28' Detached Garage 155-010-047120 606 Went River St. 7/23/93 100% Remove A Replace House 3 Garage Shingles 155-010-045060 806 West River St. 8/30/93 100% Remove Old Deck & Replace with 10'x12' Deck 155-010-061030 911 West River St. 8/10/93 100% Remove and Replace Existing 14'x20' Deck 155-010-044020 912 West River St. 4/28/93 100% 28'x30' Det. Accessory Bldg. 155-020-002010 1101 West River St. 5/20/93 100% 14'x20' & 4'x6' House Addition with 4'x6' Roof Covered Open Porch 155-021-001050 1505 West River St. 4/23/93 100% Remodel existing 10'xl0' Deck into 3 -Season Porch 155-021-002110 1509 West River St. 9/15/93 100% Remove & Replace House Shingles 155-013-002030 1607 West River St. 6/8/93 100% Remove & Replace House & Garage Siding and House Windows 155-024-001060 1810 West River St. 5/17/93 100% Remove & Replace House Shingles 155-500-041102 1813 West River St. 6/17/93 100% New House & Garage 155-500-041300 2150 West River St. 4/16/93 100% 7'x16-1/2' Roof Cov. Open Entry, Front Entry Ext. Brick Facade 155-028-001070 13 Riverside Circle Remove & Replace B'X10' & 10'x2'2 Decks 5/25/93 100% Stairs to New Deck Remove & Replace 1 Patio Door & Window 5/25/93 100% 155-016-000100 337 Riverview Drive 9/8/93 100% Remove & Replace House & Garage Shingles 155-017-002020 406 Riverview Drive 5/24/93 100% 12'x12' Deck 155-500-182101 422 Riverview Drive 12/8/92 100% Basement Finish - 1 Bedroom and 1 Bathroom 155-500-18220 500 Riverview Drive 4/20/93 100% Remove & Replace House & Garage Shingles 155-074-001010 650 Riverview Drive 8/13/92 100% 155-074-001020 640 Riverview Drive 155-012-002070 1204 100% 155-074-001030 630 Riverview Drive 100% 155-074-001040 620 Riverview Drive 100% New Townhouses with Garages and Decks New House a Garage 155-074-002010 660 Riverview Drive, $610 7/13/93 50% 155-074-002020 660 Riverview Drive, #600 100% 155-074-002030 660 Riverview Drive, #590 50% 155-074-002040 660 Riverview Drive, #580 100% New Townhouses with Garages and Decks Starling Drive 4/27/93 155-071-001040 670 Riverview Drive 4/7/93 100% less deck Remove R Replace Windows, Doors R Siding Interior Remodel, I Story Addition Remodel 3 -Season Porch, 12'x12' Deck 155-071-001030 680 Riverview Drive 9/1/93 100% leas driveway New House A Garage 155-051-003050 139 Sandberg Road 4/22/93 100% Int. Remodel Leased Space 155-027-002040 217 Sandberg Road 8/20/93 65% New Auto Body Repair Shop Bldg 155-020-004030 1108 Sandy Lane 4/21/93 100% 13'x16' 4 -Season Porch Addn with finished bsmt 155-042-001030 1124 Sandy Lane 11/24/92 100% Gas Fireplace 155-042-001010 1128 Sandy Lane 7/1/93 100% Int. Fire Damage Repair 155-012-002070 1204 Sandy Lane 5/11/93 100% Reside Over Existing House A Garage Siding 155-069-002050 5121 Starling Drive 8/11/93 100% New House a Garage 155-073-003010 5130 Starling Drive New House A Garage 6/23/93 100% Basement Finish 10/15/93 0% 155-073-003020 5150 Starling Drive 7/19/93 100% New House & Garage 155-073-006030 5181 Starling Drive 4/27/93 100% New House R Garage 155-073-005050 5190 Starling Drive 10/21/92 100% New House and Garage 155-073-005040 5210 Starling Drive 9/21/92 100% New House and Garage 155-073-005030 5220 Starling Drive 12/31/92 100% New House and Garage 155-073-005020 5240 Starling Drive 6/7/93 100% New House A Garage 155-073-005010 5260 Starling Drive 4/6/93 100% New House d Garage 155-073-006090 5261 Starling Drive 8/3/93 100% New House, Garage & Deck 155-078-004010 5270 Starling Drive 8/24/93 100% New House A Garage 155-078-003050 5331 Starling Drive 9/17/93 100% New House h Garage 155-078-003040 5351 Starling Drive 10/19/93 15% New House h Garage 155-078-004080 5380 Starling Drive 10/22/93 100% less driveway New House A Garage 155-078-003020 5381 Starling Drive 11/3/93 60% New House, Garage h Open Porch 155-078-003010 5391 Starling Drive 9/23/93 100% less driveway New House k Garage 155-073-005120 9091 Tanager Circle 10/1/92 100% New House and Garage 155-073-005170 9120 Tanager Circle 5/26/93 100% New House A Garage 155-073-005130 9121 Tanager Circle 10/20/92 100% New House and Garage 155-073-005150 9160 Tanager Circle 10/1/92 100% New House and Garage 155-011-000093 506 Territorial Rd 7/6/89 100% 604 N. 8th St. 24'x36' Dot. Garage 155-500-141200 50 Thomas Park Drive 9/14/92 100% 9'x6' Equipment Enclosure Building 155-010-026061 305 Vine Street 3/29/93 100% Remove & Replace House & Garage Shingles 155-015-001030 105 Washington Street 9/27/93 100% Remove & Replace House & Garage Shingles 155-015-016030 106 Washington Street Remove & Replace House Siding 4/6/93 100% Remove & Replace House Windows 7/7/93 100% 155-015-011010 209 Washington Street 7/12/93 100% Reshingle over Existing House & Garage Shingles 155-015-026010 302 Washington Street 8/23/93 100% Remove & Replace Roofing, Roof Insulation, High School Roof 155-015-013060 204 Wright Street 4/13/93 100% Remove & Replace House & Garage Siding, Cover Soffit & Facia 155-015-035070 406 East Third Street 9/27/93 100% Deck 155-015-014030 413 East Third Street 8/24/93 100% Remove & Replace Church Roof Shingles 155-015-033070 606 East Third Street 6/2/93 100% 14'x20' Det. Accessory Bldg. 155-010-031060 206 West Third Street 6/1/93 100% Interior Remodel 155-010-036040 207 West Third Street 4/30/93 100% Remodel Dwelling to Office Space & Add Parking Lot 155-010-036010 225 West Third Street Remove & Replace Front Entry Roof Shingles 8/3/93 100% Remove & Replace House Roof Shingles 10/6/93 100% 155-010-039010 525 West Third Street 8/18/92 65% 155-010-039020 Bedroom Remodel, New Roof on Porches, Residing 155-010-033041 125 East Fourth Street 8/2/93 100% Remove & Replace House & Garage Shingles 155-019-008060 330 East Fourth Street 3/29/93 100% Remove & Replace House Shingles 1 155-010-006060 200 West Sixth Street Interior and Exterior Remodel 8/18/93 100% Interior Remodel 6/3/93 100% 155-010-011030 413 West Sixth Street 10/28/92 75% Remove Existing Addiliun and Roof, New 8'x12' Entry with New Roof Over House Addition Reside Existing House, Cover Soffits 3/4/93 100% & Facia 155-010-081060 502 West Sixth Street 5/3/93 100% Reshingle over Existing House & Garage, Remove & Replace Existing 8'x12' Deck 155-010-010030 503 West Sixth Street 9/1/93 100% Remove & Replace House & Garage Shingles 155-010-081070 506 West Sixth Street 5/10/93 100% Reside over Existing House Siding 155-010-010010 513 West Sixth Street 6/17/93 100% New House & Garage 155-010-009050 601 West Sixth Street 6/22/93 100% Remove & Replace House Roof Shingles 155-010-003060 124 East Seventh St. 5/17/93 100% New Fast Food Restaurant 155-010-005010 123 West Seventh St. New Convenience Store 9/28/93 20% Install 4 underground fuel tanks 12/2/93 20% 155-010-001011 216 west Seventh St. 1/21/93 100% Int. Leased Space Remodel SUITE /1 1/21/93 100% Int. Leased Space Remodel SUITE •21 12/14/93 100% 155-500-113210 313 West Seventh St. 5 Unit Townhouse Units 610,612,614,616,618 11/8/93 5% 5 Unit Townhouse Units 621.625,629,633 11/8/93 5% 6 Unit Townhouse 619,623,627,631.635,639 11/8/93 5% Council Agenda - 3/14/94 Consideration of a conditional use permit allowing open and outdoor storaee, and consideration of a parkine lot and drive aisle conditional use permit in an I-2 (heavv industrial) zone--Sunnv Fresh. (J.0.) For the sake of efficiency, the Planning Commission agenda supplement regarding this conditional use permit is provided. Please note that the Planning Commission recommended approval of the conditional use permits. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of Planning Commission agenda supplement dated 3/3/94. [L Planning Commission Agenda - 3/3/94 Public Hearing --Consideration of a conditional use permit allowing oxen and outdoor storage, and consideration of a narking lot and drive aisle conditional use aermit in an I-2 (heavv industrial) zone. Aoulicant. Sunnv Fresh Foods. Inc. W.O.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Sunny Fresh Foods is proposing to expand the company's meeting and production facilities. In conjunction with the proposed expansion, the Sunny Fresh Foods site must be upgraded to current standards. In order to meet existing standards, Sunny Fresh needs to acquire a conditional use permit which would allow a reduction in the standard driveway requirements, and a conditional use permit allowing outside storage. Following is a brief site plan review followed by alternatives. The new employee facility will be a two-story structure on the northwest side of the facility. The additional square footage added to the two-story facility for meeting/office space and employee break room amounts to 8.200 sq ft. The second major construction component includes construction of a 4.200 sq R addition to the production area in the northwest corner of the structure. PARKING The total parking demand created by the proposed expansion in addition to the existing facility amounts to 21 parking stalls. Under the site plan as proposed, the site will generate 119 parking stalls; therefore, it complies with city ordinance. In addition to providing sufficient parking stalls, the parking lot design meets the minimum requirement of the city ordinance except for those areas where it is proposed that curbing and asphalt be omitted. The areas noted where no curbing or asphalt is proposed are outlined on the attached site plan. One of the unique aspects of this site is a shared parking and drive aisle arrangement between Sunny Fresh and the Methodist Church. According to Sunny Fresh officials, there is an agreement between the two that allows joint use. Under this agreement, Sunny Fresh employees have free access to the parking adjacent to the Methodist Church property. In exchange, church members are free to use portions of the Sunny Fresh property for parking during Sunday services. I have asked for a summary of the joint parking agreement between the two organizations. Apparently this is a friendly, informal agreement with nothing in writing; however, they may put the agreement in writing prior to the Planning Commission meeting. There are two locations where curb widths exceed 24 R. As you recall, we n amended the ordinance to allow for wider curb cuts where justified as �U( deemed by the 'Zoning Administrator and City Engineer. The two curb cut Planning Commission Agenda - 3/3/94 locations are at Walnut Street on the southeast side of the site and the large opening on 4th Street near the truck scale. It is possible that the 36 -ft wide curb cut on Walnut Street could be narrowed. Thirty-six feet may be excessive at this location. The wider curb cut on 4th Street is also quite excessive; however, the presence of the truck scale and the turning movements needed to enter the truck scale make it very difficult for any other type of arrangement to exist. This may be an aspect of the site plan that we may simply have to live with. From time to time, there is parking of semi -trailer trucks in the southwest corner of the site in an undeveloped portion of the property. The parking area is currently surfaced with gravel. There is little use of this area by Sunny Fresh and no public use at all. Due to the infrequency of use, it is proposed that this area be allowed to continue as is with a gravel surface rather than paving and curbing the entire area. LANDSCAPING The existing site, though well landscaped in the area of the Allen Research Center, is deficient in terms of the number of trees and shrubs that should be installed to meet the minimum defined in the ordinance. As you can see in the site plan, Sunny Fresh is taking an aggressive approach to approve the appearance of the facility through installation of a row of trees along the railroad track side of the property. In addition, they are using shrubs to screen areas that are considered to be outside storage, which include an existing CO., tank and two other tanks on the south side of the structure. Shrubs will also be planted at various locations throughout the perimeter of the building. City staff will be working with Sunny Fresh to see if we can convince them to install additional landscaping on the 4th Street side of the facility in an effort to create a better separation between the industrial use and the residential uses. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve a conditional use permit allowing outside storage and a conditional use permit allowing a reduction in the drive aisle and parking requirements. Motion is based on the finding that the conditional use permits, with the conditions as attached, are consistent with the character and geography of the area. The 1.2 zoning district designation and will not result in a depreciation in the adjoining land values. Furthermore, the conditional use permit is consistent with the comprehensive plan for the city. Q V Planning Commission Agenda - 3/3/94 Under this alternative, the Planning Commission may wish to require that a written agreement between Sunny Fresh Foods and the Methodist Church be established which allows joint use of the site. It would seem to make sense that an easement be prepared allowing Sunny Fresh vehicles to pass over the Methodist Church property to reach a portion of the Sunny Fresh parking. In addition, as noted earlier, the City Engineer will need to look at the curb cut openings and make a finding with regard to the proper width. If the width of the curb cuts as defined by the City Engineer are excessive, then they will need to be reduced in conjunction with the construction of the facility. 2. Motion to deny conditional use permit allowing outside storage and a conditional use permit allowing a reduction in the drive aisle and parking requirements. Under this alternative, the Planning Commission would make a finding that the open and outdoor storage and the proposed reduction in the parking design requirements will result in a negative impact in the area and, therefore, should be denied. Under this alternative. Sunny Fresh would need to retrofit their entire site to meet the precise letter of city code and would not necessarily mean that the plant expansion would not occur. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the conditional use permits as requested. The areas where curbing is asked to be omitted are areas where there is little traffic or areas where joint use of drive aisles do not allow a curb line to be established. With regard to outside storage, actual outside storage is limited to tanks on the south side of the structure. The site plan calls for proper screening of these tanks; therefore, staff recommends that the conditional use permit he awarded. Finally, the plant expansion will also include the complete repainting of the exterior walls of the structure, which results in a more unified appearance for the building. As mentioned earlier, a strong landscaping component is included. All in all, the development will improve functionality for Sunny Fresh and will improve the appearance of the site as viewed from the public right-of-way. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of site plan; Copy of joint parking, agreement from Methodist Church to be provided at the meeting. Council Agenda - 3/14/94 9. Consideration of a conditional use Permit allowing open and outdoor storage and consideration of a Parking lot and drive aisle conditional use Permit in an 1.1 (light industrial) zone --SMA Elevator. (.1.0.) For the sake of efficiency, the Planning Commission agenda supplement regarding this case is provided. Please note that the Planning Commission recommended approval of the conditional use permit with the provision that outside storage he screened along the western edge of the outside storage area as well as the Chelsea Road side of the property. Requiring screening on two sides is consistent with the screening required at Custom Canopy and Simonson Lumber. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Planning Commission agenda supplement dated 3/3/94. Planning Commission Agenda - 3/3/94 Public Hearing --Consideration of a conditional use permit allowing oven and outdoor storage and consideration of a oarhing lot and drive aisle conditional use permit in an 1.1 (light industrial) zone. Applicant. SMA Elevator. (G.A.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND SMA Elevator Construction is proposing to construct a 54' x 80' addition onto their existing building. In looking at the enclosed site plan, the site plan shows the proposed addition to the west with seven off-street parking spaces created in front of the proposed building addition and three additional parking spaces to the west of the existing office. The existing site, even where the proposed building addition would go, currently has hard -surfaced concrete around its perimeter for curbing and a hard -surfaced parking lot. To upgrade their parking lot to our current design standards, we'd ask them to stripe the parking to accommodate nine spaces in front of the proposed building addition, and also to stripe and sign for two handicap spots in front of the existing office. The existing site also shows 14 existing trees on site. The minimum number of required overstory trees would be 26 total trees under the building square foot requirement, or 12 trees utilizing the lot perimeter requirement. They do have some existing, probably overgrown, shrubbery which surrounds the building on the west and the south side of the existing office building, with some additional oversized shrub plantings on the east side of the existing warehouse/office portions of the building. The applicant is proposing to ask for a 50% reduction in the overstory tree requirement. With the existing site plan would show 14 trees, would meet the minimum overstory tree requirement. City staff is recommending that these overstory trees he spaded out and transplanted into a proposed area as located on the staff recommendation site plan. The applicant is also requesting to be allowed outside storage which currently exists at the site. Most of the outside storage would go into the new building addition, but there still would be some outside storage which would occur outside or north of the existing and the proposed building addition. The applicant is proposing only to put a screening fence from the northeast corner of the existing warehouse building to the property line parallel at a 90 degree angle to the north property line. City staff is recommending on the enclosed staff recommendation site plan that the screening fence also be installed from the northwest corner of the proposed Wilding addition parallel to the west property line. Within this screening Fence would be a gate for access out to the area where the outside storage Planning Commission Agenda - 3/3/94 would occur. The applicant is also requesting to be allowed to install a gate in the screening fence on the east side of the property, which material would consist of chain link fence with plastic slats in between it similar to what was installed at Custom Canopy. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1A. Approve the conditional use request to allow open and outdoor storage in an I-1 (light industrial) zone. 113. Deny the conditional use permit allowing open and outdoor storage in an 1-1 zone. 2A. Approve the parking lot and drive aisle conditional use permit. 2B. Deny the parking lot and drive aisle conditional use permit in an 1-1 zone. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Taking into consideration the applicant is proposing to upgrade their property by building an addition to store most of the outside storage but yet still utilizing some area for outside storage, staff recommends approval of the conditional use permit allowing open and outdoor storage and parking lot and drive aisle conditional use permit in an 1-1 (light industrial) zone. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the location of the proposed request; Copy of the SMA Elevator Construction, Inc., site plan; Copy of the staff recommendation for changes to the SMA site plan; Copy of the conditions for allowing open and outdoor storage in an 1.1 zone; Copy of the conditional use for parking lot and drive aisle conditional use permit. (10 Sit V% , nJ C L � o SYrloa v 1 7/tfrwa 143'w Do - , VY iso yl app ' CNeI Srq �oad , rn- �- S fA F(AIW41ded Si 4 � C�► ®®C� �y�: sti'S Awe 15 Y V r T 'L yLY o ► �a �•, 5 @riu•rJ I rvv* rsd R ya 4 -4 (P] Blacksmith, welding, or other metal shop. (Q] Laundries, carpet, and rug cleaning. (R] Bottling establishments. [S] Building material sales and storage. [T] Broadcasting antennae, television, and radio. (U] Camera and photographic supplies manufacturing. (V] Cartage and express facilities. (W] Stationery, bookbinding, and other types of manufacturing of paper and related products but not processing of raw materials for paper production. (X] Dry cleaning establishments and laundries. [Y] Electric light or power generating stations, electrical and electronic products manufacture, electrical service shops. [Z] Engraving, printing and publishing. (AA] Jewelry manufacturing. (BB] Medical, dental, and optical laboratories. [CC] Storage or warehousing. (OD] Wholesale business and office establishments. 15B-3: PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES: The following are permitted accessory uses in an "I-1" district: (A] All permitted accessory uses as allowed in the "B-4" district. 15B-4: (CONDITIONAL USES The following are conditional uses in an l "1-1 alaLiLL. Requires a conditional use permit based upon procedures set forth in and regulated by Chapter 22 of this ordinance). (A) Open and outdoor storage as an accessory use provided that: 1. The area is fenced and screened from view of neighboring residential uses or, if abutting a residential district, in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2 (G], of this ordinance. 2. Storage is screened from view from the publid� right-of-way in compliance with Chapter J Section 2 (G), of this ordinance. MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 15B/2 . 3. Storage area is grassed or surfaced to control dust. 4. All lighting shall be hooded and so directed that the light source shall not be visible from the public right-of-way or from neighboring residences and shall be in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2 [H], of this ordinance. 5. The provisions of Chapter 22 of this ordinance are considered and satisfactorily met. [B] Open or outdoor service, sale, and rental as a principal or an accessory use and including sales in or from motorized vehicles, trailers, or wagons provided that: 1. Accessory outside service, sales, and equipment rental connected with a principal use is limited to thirty (30) percent of the gross floor area of the principal use. 2. Outside sales areas are fenced or screened from view of neighboring residential uses or an abutting residential district in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2 [G], of this ordinance. 3. All lighting shall be hooded and so directed that the light source shall not be visible from the public right-of-way or from neighboring residences and shall be in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2 (H), of this ordinance. 4. Sales area is grassed or surfaced to control dust. 5. The provisions of Chapter 22 of this ordinance are considered and satisfactorily met. (C) Industrial planned unit development as regulated by Chapter 20 of this ordinance. (D) Amusement places (such as roller rinks and dance halls) and bowling alleys. [E] Consignment sales provided that: 1. Sales and storage are not to exceed 1,000 square feet in area. 2. At least 801 of the sales shall be of consigned merchandise. 3. No auctions shall take place on the premises. 4. There shall be no outside storage. 0 MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 15B/3� (s) STALL AZS E AND DRIVEWAY DESIGN CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT: Stall aisle and driveway design requirements as noted in (k) Surfacing, (o) Curbing and Landscaping, and (r) Curbing, may be lessened subject to the following conditions: I. Any reduction in requirements requires completion of the conditional use permit process outlined in Chapter 22 of this ordinance. ii. Final approval of parking and driveway drainage plans associated with conditional use permit request shall be provided in writing by the City Engineer. Engineering expenses greater than portion of building permit fee allocated for engineer plan review shall be paid by applicant prior to occupancy of structure. iii. A surmountable "transition" curb or cement delineator must be installed as a boundary between an outside storage area and a parking or drive area. iv. Development of a curb along the boundary between a parking area and an area designated on site plan for future parking is not required if said curb line is not needed for drainage purposes as determined by the City Engineer. Exceptions to the standard curb requirements do not apply to any parking or driveway perimeter that runs roughly parallel to and within 20 feet of an adjoining parcel. Vi. This conditional use permit is allowed only in I-1 and I-2 zones. vii. Drive areas that are secondary and not used by the general public and not used for routine delivery of goods or services do not require hard surfacing or curb unless hard surface and curb is needed for drainage purposes as determined by the City Engineer. Access MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE q 3/28 7 to such drive areas may be restrictD a gate which must be closed afteruse. At such time that routine unoted, the drive area shall be pav (4192, 7/9/90) [E] MAINTENANCE: It shall be the joint and several responsibility of the lessee and owner of the principal use, uses, or building to maintain in a neat and adequate manner, the parking space, accessways striping, landscaping, and required fences. [F] LOCATION: All accessory off-street parking facilities required by this ordinance shall be located and restricted as follows: 1. Required accessory off-street parking shall be on the same lot under the same ownership as the principal use being served except under the provisions of Chapter 3, Section 5 (I]. 2. Except for single, two-family, and townhouse dwellings, head -in parking directly off of and adjacent to a public street with each stall having its own direct access to the public street shall be prohibited. 3. There shall be no off-street parking within fifteen (15) feet of any street surface. 4. The boulevard portion of the street right-of-way shall not be used for parking. S. SETBACK AREA: Required accessory off-street parking shall not be provided in front yards or in side yards in the case of a corner lot in R-1, R-2, R-3, PZ, and 8-1 districts. 6. In the case of single family, two-family, and townhouse dwellings, parking shall be prohibited in any portion of the front yard except designated driveways leading directly into a garage or one (1) open, surfaced space located on the side of a driveway away from the principal use. Said extra space shall be surfaced with concrete or bituminous material. (G) USE OF REQUIRED AREA: Required accessory off-street parking spaces in any district shall not be utilized for open storage, sale, or rental of goods, storage of inoperable vehicles as regulated by Chapter 3, Section 2 (M], of this ordinance, and/or storage of snow. MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 3 9 Council Agenda - 3/14/94 10. Consideration of amendment to Section 3-9: (E) of the zoninK ordinance reaulatina definition. size, number, and location of premise and aroduct signs allowed within the PZM. B-1. S-2. B-3, B- 4. I-1. and 1.2 districts. (.1,0.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND,: Holiday Stationstores requests a pylon sign and 3 premise identification signs. Current ordinance allows 1 pylon sign and 1 premise identification sign. Following you will find information relating to the original request for a variance which was denied, followed by an associated request for a zoning ordinance amendment. The !Tanning Commission rejected the original variance request because no hardship existed justifying the request. However, the Planning Commission also felt that the sign system proposed by Holiday Stationstores, though not in compliance, was acceptable and, therefore, the Planning Commission called for a public hearing on an ordinance amendment accordingly. Under Lite proposed zoning ordinance amendment, no additional sign area is allowed. However, more premise signs would be allowed depending oil the number of street Frontages that it business has access to. Please see Lite Planner's report for detail. It. Al.VERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt or modify the proposed zoning ordinance hased on findings outlined in the Planner's report. Under this alternative, Holiday could have 2 premise signs placed on the walls or canopy and 1 pylon sign, or Holiday could have 3 wall/canopy signs and no pylon sign. 2, Motion to deny approval of the proposed zoning ordinance amendment. Under this alternative, Council should make a finding supporting denial. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION - Staff ff recomn.ends alternative p 1. Council Agenda - 3/14/94 SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of proposed ordinance amendment; Planning Commission agenda supplement dated 211/94; Planning Cnmmission agenda supplement dated 3/3/94. 13 ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN: THAT TITLE 10, CHAPTER 3, SECTION 9 [C], PERTAINING TO SIGN REGULATIONS BY INCLUDING REGULATIONS FOR FUEL STATION CANOPIES AND ALLOWABLE SIGNS PER STREET FRONTAGE, BE AMENDED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 10. Signs may be located on conforming fuel station pump island canopies. Such signs shall be considered as wall signs, and shall be regulated in the same manner as any other wall signs on the property. THAT TITLE 10, CHAPTER 3, SECTION 9 [E] 2. (b) ii, PERTAINING TO DISTRICT REGULATIONS FOR SIGNS, BE AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: ii. Option B. Under Option B, either wall signs or pylon signs may be utilized, or a combination of both. The total number of business identification signs allowed (whether wall or pylon) shall be at least two (2), or equal to the number of streets upon which the property has legal frontage, whichever is greater. In no case, however, shall more than one pylon sign be allowed. Only two product identification signs are allowed, and these wall signs may be only on one wall. The total maximum allowable sign area for any wall shall be determined by taking ten percent (10%) of the gross silhouette area of the front building up to one hundred (100) square feet, whichever is less. The method for determining the gross silhouette area for wall signs is as indicated in Option A. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage and publication according to the city charter. Adopted this 14th day of March, 1994. Mayor City Administrator 3 Planning Commission Agenda - 2/1/94 Public Hearine••Consideration of a variance to Section 3-9 E: 2 (b) ii of the Monticello Zonine Ordinance which would allow disolav of two additional premise identification siens. AuolicanL Holidav Stationstores. (J.OJ A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Holiday Stationstores requests that the City allow display of three premise identification signs in addition to a pylon sign. Only one premise sign is allowed by ordinance when a pylon sign is present. As you will note on the proposed sign plan, one sign will face Highway 25, one will face 7th Street, and one will face Walnut Street. The sign plan presented did not show the location of any product identification signs. According to the ordinance, Holiday may have two product identification signs in addition to the premise and pylon sign. Their ability to put additional product identification signs is limited because the total square footage of sign area allowed under the ordinance is taken up by the three premise identification signs. The total square footage of all signs does not exceed the maximum allowed. Essentially, Holiday is asking for a variance which would allow them to take the total sign area allowed by ordinance and utilize it through display of premise identification signs only. It should be noted that somehow Taco Bell was allowed to have three premise signs in addition to the pylon sign. I will be checking with Gary to see how this occurred. It is embarassing that Taco Bell was allowed to install a non -conforming sign system. However, the mistake does not serve to create a bona fide precedent. 13. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to deny variance based on the finding that there are no unique circumstances or hardship that justify granting of the variance; therefore, granting of the variance would he contrary to the intent of the ordinance. Under this alternative, the Planning Commission takes the view that a pylon sign combined with one premise sign is sufficient to identify the name of the business as noted by ordinance, and there are simply no grounds for granting the variance due to hardship or any other circumstance. EV; Planning Commission Agenda - 2/1/94 2. Motion to deny granting the variance based on the same finding as noted under alternative Nl, but call for a public hearing to review a potential sign ordinance amendment which would allow additional premise signs to be displayed when a business has frontage on three streets. Under this alternative, the Planning Commission would make a finding that a hardship or unique circumstance does not exist to justify granting of the variance requested; however, there appears to be merit in looking at liberalizing our sign ordinance to allow more premise signs (2 or 3) to be displayed where a business has frontage on more than two streets. Under this alternative, City staff would prepare an amendment to the zoning ordinance accordingly for review at the next meeting of the Planning Commission. Motion to grant the variance to allow (1) or (2) additional premise signs based on the finding that a variance in this case is acceptable because the total sign area proposed under the sign plan does not exceed maximum limits and, therefore, complies with the intent of the ordinance. Motion to include the requirement that no additional product signs are to he allowed because all of the allowable sign area is taken up in premise signs. Under this alternative, Planning Commission could make a finding that the sign system as proposed basically meets the intent of the zoning ordinance because the total sign area is in compliance. Under this alternative, Holiday Stationstores would not be able to display any product identification signs because if it did, the total sign area would be in excess of the sign area allowed by ordinance. It would seem unlikely that Holiday would agree to such a limitation. Even if Holiday did agree to not display any product signs, it is likely that such an agreement over time would be forgotten and ultimately result in product signs being displayed in addition to the identification signs, thereby resulting in a sign system with a total square footage in excess of maximums allowed under the ordinance. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends alternative a2. It is our view that there is no justification for a variance based on a hardship. We disagree with the concept of allowing three signs based on the reasoning that the total sign area is in �O Planning Commission Agenda - 2/1/94 compliance with the ordinance because ultimately additional product signs could be placed on site, thereby creating a sign system that exceeds the total square footage of sign area allowed. It is our view that this situation is relatively unique and not addressed well by the zoning ordinance; therefore, perhaps it makes sense to look at making some minor modifications to the zoning ordinance to allow for the additional premise sign to be displayed for businesses that have fronting on three rights-of-way. In addition to liberalizing the number of signs allowed, perhaps it makes sense to increase the sign area allowed as well. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Excerpts from the zoning ordinance; Copy of the Holiday Stationstores site plan. 0 identification signs and two business identification signs. The total maximum size of wall signs shall be determined by taking twenty percent (20%) of the gross silhouette area of the front of the building, up to three hundred (300) square feet, whichever is less. If a principal building is on a corner lot, the largest side of the building may be used to determine the gross silhouette area. For purposes of determining the gross area of the silhouette of the principal building, the silhouette shall be defined as that area within an outline drawing of the principal building as viewed from the front lot line or from the related public street(s). ii. Option B. Under Option B, either wall signs or pylon signs may be utilized or a combination of both. In no case, however, shall more than one pylon sign 11olido-�y be allowed. Onlv two per; identification signs and (L,_prmmtsa identification sign is allowed, and these wall signs must be only on one separate wall. The total maximum P y allowable sign area for any wall shall 1 r s�- .be determined by taking ten percent (10%) of the gross silhouette area of the front building up to one hundred (100) square feet, whichever is less. The method for determining the gross silhouette area for wall signs is as indicated in Option A. 3. Conditional Uses in Commercial and Industrial Districts: The purpose of this section is to provide aesthetic control to signage and to prevent a proliferation of individual signs on buildings with three (3) or more business uses. The City shall encourage the use of single sign boards, placards, or building directory signs. (a) In the case of a building where there aro three (3) or more business uses, but which, by generally understood and accepted definitions, is not considered a shopping center or shopping mall, a conditional use shall be granted to the entire building in accordance with an overall site plan under the provisions Of Option A or Option B (described in 2 (b) i and ii above) provided that: MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE IO 3/46 Eli W `L a ,,q l� Id C.'f. �'�• n� abw„s:ness is --__ 't:Reg1 . peep r _ � F--3 \ L__3 1e a� mw m Z--+ ..................... 7 TH STREET 5CMACC KEY 6? ',m Haat. "down fa Man own" on a rt WE. . n am f»n � acv n m,t. moon+ s rtt vi ar +nur of o rtl . Pr4ww'. pt (1 a . auf+ mm n • IaW. le �n M Ito ti Q -S 1/Y Y C cc H@00@ 7 O \ _ El � q raj I'sbotant cash 4k.I GRAND OPSDO Pv 1t 10A W/r-LL p i mamy 0(9-1 ,/r 6-S) b/ !G rt. MS 9W(E-, 1/r . 6-A') U3 M n � eoum (e-, 1/r . r -r) zev n n. TOTAL Ima 76 A I=. 1� PROPOSED PYLON SIGN NO SGAIF Planning Commission Agenda - 3/3/94 7. Public Hearing --Consideration of amendment to Section 3-9: (E) of the zoning ordinance regulating definition. size, number, and location of premise and product signs allowed within the PZM. B-1. B-2, B-3. B-4. I.1, and 1-2 districts. Applicant. Monticello Planning Commission. W.O. ) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: This item stems from the recent variance request submitted by Holiday Station. As you recall, at the previous meeting of the Planning Commission, the Commission tabled the variance request pending development of a potential zoning ordinance amendment that would allow placement of a wall sign along each wall that faces a public right-of-way. In addition, Planning Commission reviewed the ordinance with regard to signs on gas station canopies and learned that we currently do not allow signs on gas station canopies. Under the proposed zoning ordinance amendment, a canopy sign would be considered to be an eligible place to display allowable wall sign area. Please review the Planner's report and associated proposed ordinance amendment for more detail. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt or modify the proposed zoning ordinance based on findings outlined in the Planner's report. Motion to deny approval of the proposed zoning ordinance amendment. Under this alternative, the Planning Commission will need to bring the previous variance request off the table and make a decision with regard to the variance request If the Planning Commission denies the variance request, then, upon petition by the property owner, the variance request would be submitted to the City Council for final consideration. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of Planner's report; Copy of proposed ordinance amendment. 0 �- -" ° w .. . L- •• •• 1 n 11 - u t S 1 tl II . M A N R E I R 8 4 11 A R C M N EMORjUNDUN11 TO: Monticello Planning Cc=ission FROM: Stephen Grittman DATE: 28 February 1994 Rs: Monticello - Sign Ordinance Amendments FILE NO: 191.06 - 94.04 The attached Ordinance amends the City's Sign Ordinance in two ways. First, it permits signs placed upon fuel station canopies to be treated as wall signs. In this way, a fuel station owner may choose to utilized the canopy for sign locations, but would sacrifice a wall sign location elsewhere on the building. The second amendment alters the calculation for the total number of signs on a parcel which utilizes wall and pylon Signe. In such a situation, the property is allowed one sign per street frontage, with a minimum of two signs. Under this allowance, a property may identify its business on each of the streets on which it has legal frontage. This latter language would require full width frontage on a street to qualify for sign identification. A property owner could not acquire a narrow strip of land merely for the purpose of constructing an additional sign. 5775 Wayzata Blvd.' Suite 555 - St. Louis Park, MN 55416 - (612) 595.9636 -Fax. 595-9837 to Council Agenda - 3/14/94 11. Consideration of amendment to Section 3-2: (F) of the zoning ordinance reitulating placement of fences. The amendment would allow placement of fences on a property line only with written approval from nropert.v owners affected. (d 0.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: For some time, Citv staff has been meaning to bring a possible zoning ordinance amendment regulating placement offences before the Planning Commission. The purpose of the ordinance is to utilize the City's regulatory authority to ensure proper placement of fences along property lines. The need for the ordinance has been identified by Building Inspector, Gary Anderson. Anderson says that improper placement offences and associated neighbor conflicts occur about 3 times per year. The proposed ordinance would be employed to resolve such conflicts. The City Planner has reviewed our ordinance as well as fence ordinances in effect in other cities and has come up with a proposed amendment. Please see the Planner's report for more detail. The Planning Commission recommended denial of the ordinance. It was their view that the problem between neighbors relating tan fences should remain as civil matter to be worked out by the property owners. City involvement in regulating fence placement is an unneeded drain on City staff resources needed elsewhere. R. ALTVRNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve proposed zoning ordinance amendment as submitted based on the findings that there is a demonstrated need for the ordinance. 2. Motion to deny approval of the proposed zoning ordinance amendment.. C. S'I'AFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on information from the Planner, it appears that the proposed ordinance amendment would help to solve the problem identified by the Building Inspector. Like the Planning Commission, City staff is concerned that overzealous enforcement of the ordinance could become a drain on stx►f1' time. However, slafT'supports (.he ordinance amendment if enfiarcement action is limited to "complaint hasis" only. Under this scenario, the City li Council Agenda - 3/14/94 would advertise the presence of the ordinance via the Monticello Times and the City newsletter, and we would distribute the regulations to individuals that come to the City seeking information on fence rules and regulations. It is not envisioned that a permit process he set. tip whereby each fence in the City would be inspected for proper placement. Rather, the ordinance would he employed by the City under circumstances where a complaint has been raised. Under this scenario, the City would be involved in correcting violations. Conflicts would no longer be resolved as a civil matter between two neighbors. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of proposed ordinance amendment; Copy of Planning Commission agenda supplement dated 313/94. tS ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, NUNNESOTA, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN THAT TITLE 10, CHAPTER S, SECTION 2 [F] 2, OF THE MONTICELLO ORDINANCE PERTAINING TO GENERAL FENCING, SCREENING, AND LANDSCAPING BE AMENDED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: (e) Except as provided in Chapter 3, Section 2 [F] 2, fences may be erected on the side or rear lot lines of a property with a recordable, written agreement between adjacent property owners. At the discretion of the Building Inspector, a survey may be required to locate the property line for proper placement of the fence. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect on and after its passage and publication. Adopted by the City Council this day of 1994. Mayor City Administrator 0 Planning Commission Agenda - 3/3/94 9. Public Hearine--Consideration of amendment to Section 3-2: (F) of the zoning ordinance regulating placement of fences. The amendment would allow Dlacement of fences on a Drooerty line only with written anaroval from property owners affected. ADDlicant. Monticello Planning Commission. (J.0.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: For some time, City staff has been meaning to bring a possible zoning ordinance amendment regulating placement of fences before the Planning Commission. The City Planner has reviewed our ordinance as well as ordinances in effect in other cities and has recommended an alternative if the Planning Commission is interested in taking a stronger stand with regard to regulating placement of fences. Please see the Planner's report for more detail. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve proposed zoning ordinance amendment as submitted based on the findings outlined in the Planner's report. 2. Motion to deny approval of the proposed zoning ordinance amendment. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on information received from the Planner, it appears that adoption of an ordinance regulating placement of fences as proposed is workable; however, it should be noted that incorporation of this ordinance into our books will result in additional administrative duties relating to regulation of fences. On the one hand, it makes sense to regulate fence placement as proposed. On the other hand, we are having a difficult time keeping up with the work that we have already. It might be more realistic to table this matter until we have the staff to adequately enforce this new ordinance. We would suggest that the ordinance be modified to include language requiring that a permit be obtained. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Planner's report; Copy of proposed ordinance amendment. .. .. ..v� V A R A N P L A N N I N Gy D,fi S}Ira N M AtA K E T`•A E S t A R C N NEEM0RANDMI TO: Morticello Planning Commission FROM: Stephen Grittman DATE: 28 February 1994 RE: Monticello - zoning Ordinance Amendment - Fences FILE NO: 191.06 - 94.03 The City has been discussing the issue of fence placement with respect to boundary line fences. The attached Ordinance would permit the construction of fences on property boundary lines with the written approval of the property owner sharing the fence. The primary concerns over the written approval are ongoing notification and maintenance issues. This Ordinance provides for an agreement which is recordable against both properties. The agreement should address responsibilities for maintenance and costs. It is not necessary that the parties agree to split the responsibilities, only that they make a determination as to who is responsible. The recordable nature of the agreement is important since future owners should have an understanding of the maintenance responsibilities. If no agreement is reached, the Ordinance provides for a setback of three feet to permit maintenance of the land and fence by the party which constructs the fence. This option is less desirable, since contiguous property owners who cannot agree on a boundary line fence, but who both want fences, wind up creating an alley of unusable area between them. This approach has been used in numerous other communities with success. No problems have been encountered with mortgage companies or title search issues. We recommend it over a flat requirement of fence setbacks or unrecorded boundary line fence agreements. 5775 Wayzata Blvtl. - Suite 555 - St. Louis Park. MN 55416 • (612) 595-9636•Fax. 595-9837 P . O FEB -20-94 MOH I 1 :24 O Please insert the following text in place of that in the attached Ordinance: (e) Except " providod in chapter 3, Section 2 M 2, fences may erected on the side of rear lot lines of a property subject to a recordable agreement between adjacent property owners. Said agreement shall assign maintenance and cost responsibilities between the adjoining properties, shall become null and void upon removal of the fence, and shall be recorded against the titles of each property. Where no agreement is reached, fences shall be set back a minimum of three feet from any lot line. 2 At the discretion of the Building official, a boundary survey may be required to ascertain the exact location of the boundary line. Council Agenda - 3/14/94 12. Consideration of authorizing the specifications for the purchase of a new Dumper and rescue fire truck. (H.W.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND For the past few years, the Joint Fire Board has been discussing the need for acquiring a new pumper truck. Anticipating that the purchase would not occur until 1994 or 1995, the City has included in the 1993 and 1994 budgets $35,000 annually toward the eventual purchase of this new fire truck. Likewise, Monticello Township has been anticipating the need for purchasing this truck and has also been setting aside funds to cover their anticipated share of the new truck purchase. The fire department truck committee will he in attendance at the Council meeting to go over the type of vehicle they are investigating, but preliminary indications are that the new vehicle would he a pumper and a rescue vehicle combined, with seating capacity for six firefighters when responding to it fire. The estimated cost will be in the neighborhood of $220,11110, of which it is anticipated that the city's share would be approximately 2/3 of the cost and the township one-third. This is similar to our present contract, arrangement in that the township is participating in the fire department budget at approximately 35% of our cost, and it is assunwd this same formula would apply to it new fire truck purchase. The Fire departmentis also recommending that the current 1976 Chevrolet rescue van be sold and the new pumper/rescue vehicle would replace it. The new pumper/rescue truck would actually fill two needs, as an additional 1,000 gallon pumper and it replacement vehicle for the rescue van. By combining both purposes inUi one vehicle, the department can upgrade its pumper capacity without adding as additional vehicle tit this time. The recently refurbished 1973 township pumper will he retained as it backup vehicle and could continue to he used in off-road situations where it may not be feasible or wise to use our new fire truck. The 1975 rescue van was purchased from another fire department a few years ago for approximately $6,000 and has been updated with various amenities since then. It is assumed that this vehicle would be sold to another fire department and should obtain approximately $5,000 to $6,000 in resale value. When we initially budgeted $36,000 per year to set aside for a new fire truck, we had anticipated a replacement pumper in the $150,000 category. Now that the cost has escalated to an estimated $220,000, the city's share would he approximately $160,0011 instead of the original $100,000. Since we have budgeted Only $70,000 through 1994, approval of this truck purchase would require its to budget nn additional $80,000 in 1996 to cover our share. /% Council Agenda - 3/14/94 It is anticipated that approval to purchase a new fire truck could take 9 to 12 months before the truck arrives, thus allowing us time to accumulate the balance of the funds needed. At the Monticello Township annual meeting held recently, the township voted to approve their participation in the purchase of this new fire truck under the one-third/two-third arrangement. With the township's approval, the Joint Board is now requesting City Council authorization to proceed with this purchase. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Council could authorize the Joint Fire Board to continue preparing specifications for a new pumper/rescue fire truck and authorize advertisement for bids. It is estimated that the fire truck would be in the neighborhood of $220,000 and will require city funding of approximately $150,000. C 4 —A Qp 2. Council could decide not to authorize the purchase at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: While the staff does not have a formal recommendation for the Council, the Joint Fire Board has been discussing this replacement truck for a number of years and is recommending both jurisdictions proceed with the purchase. From the sta ff standpoint, the Council should he aware that we were not initially anticipating the cost (A) be this high and if the purchase is authorized, the city will have to budget the balance of approximately $80,000 in 1995 to pay for our share. Fire department members will be in attendance to answer any questions you have retarding the truck and its features, etc. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Sketch of proposed truck. /7 owls ao�(yt .1. hl Wtv C014 3 t r 1 (1 Ck Ej, f=17.i n o n66 wre MIS .11-11 11 A. It,rr.1s.90 Irl—mi Council Agenda - 3/14/94 13. Consideration of an aaolication for a one-dav oambling license -- Ducks Unlimited Banauet. (R.W.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Wright County Ducks Unlimited has requested approval of a one -day gambling license to conduct a raffle as part of their May 9, 1994, annual banquet. As in the past, the banquet has been held at the Monticello Roller Rink. Before the State of Minnesota will grant a license, the City Council must adopt a resolution supporting the request or denying the application. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Adopt a resolution approving issuance of the license. 2. Do not adopt the resolution supporting the license application. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Since the Ducks Unlimited Banquet, has been held for a number of years at the Roller Rink and has always included a rattle as part of the activities, I can see no reason why the City would not want to recommend approval of the one -day license. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of application; Copy of resolution. RESOLUTION 94 - RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF GAMBLING LICENSE WHEREAS, the Wright County Ducks Unlimited has submitted an application to the City Council of Monticello for the renewal of a charitable gambling license to operate a raffle on May 9, 1994, at the Monticello Roller Rink located in Monticello, Minnesota, and WHEREAS, upon review of the organization's activities, the Council is not opposed to the gambling license being reissued by the State Gambling Control Board, and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL that the Wright County Ducks Unlimited application for a raffle license listed above is hereby approved, and the State Gambling Control Board is authorized to process the application. Adopted by the City Council this 14th day of March, 1994 Mayor City Administrator etinnerota LmKftd Gambling Application for Authorization for Exemption from Lawful Gambling License FW in fir. Inaneded portonv of ew.ppwam ler arernpW &W send d w at Ammf fib drys boar. your gvnbaV ac" brpn uaarla Name and Address gf Organisation OwftKbn fare CureaTrerrur dceraa lunar oke, d„I-,MrrEn CNr„ka. o39 c-,ij11 &.19(-012 -13-00 1 ane a.m tb ma l02 Ttf6mks P•.� (� cL. N1oh%,�l/o JL4 Al <5 �� - 7fiRo. n.. aur. Dayu- Pryor. Niro« Tran« « G(teL— ((,12) Zlo3-$3ls3 ��- Pc11 76 Al Type of Non-prgfit Organisation Chu* the box below whkh iltdkatea your type of ortwiatbn ❑ Fraternal ❑ veteran ❑ Rallgcue oafs nonyrofit GambUny Site NrM a w .nm. eaNay .e lace tra /( �OntiCtLGO ALLE,e— Xi.✓t aneCoy........ ••-•••-•Toaw 1,02f —,c P.A D-. Afiim fit�/�o oerU a emwr tfar rens. elarye ar m a fir awagl MAk'99 FOR BOARD USE ONLY FEE CHK INIT DATE Curmeprewas =am reefer I "Oft Ph" N WbW (b/AZ%S -2796 CMok On box that bwdledee your pool of lrw4 t .tshsaid .-- .. copy of am proof to Ilr.ppYwtlon ❑ IRs d egra im ❑ Certlfin0on of good atr I g from dw fAlmeeota seawry of st.trs office (� AldfW of peau mmollt oWnmam (dWWO MN .S5310 z I / 4 h�T Types gf Gan ft Mnanciat Report oawmet ora. RIMMOD Bingo ❑ Raffles Deb Paddlewheels ❑ Tipboards ❑ Pull -tabs ❑ 1 declare all information submitted to the Gambling Control Board is true, accurate, and complete. CRY of many arM Uvane. frren - Coe ce Prete am Peel up" Yekm of Prlae (tip Dmublw ww cow kerer.or oow elYoili parreu 0 6worrrn ea purtwen oemerreer. xcwr rumr I dame fie maxim w.-tion.onb0 b are Demme ew" Ilomd a elm. emaarf, ma acno.rw r r-� f ,O 1,f Ouef lummne oebKe &enure We Chief 11"WIM Olaofe &Oran Deb Local Unit gfOovaTfmentAcknowtedgmeM 1 new w.W d a mgr of On MWaL a, Thr MW=Mn me to Mead W dm O«1ee9 coma Baer aro me WCOrm a.edhe dD erre Vere are MM a w W W am nY ar away. Wee am bce re a tPw — Peen a rmmaem M Wealra0r Pwraat aWar. A COPY a are rMoUlm, Mr be waled W Pm DamY1p Cama Board ween JD ore of ale cue &are M bebw, Cbae or tti fee dm Pore e0 UR a Maes to &NA m ere MWAY. Car w Cow ay tewrhtP TownW* is CRY of many arM T01me1e nen' ❑ organized M Wyoyganlzed* Lwova a Proem Moenmv GPPWAM agah" a Proem wawa eroabmn ❑ unincorporated* Mach letter Tb Due waWea T6 gum Ra mm This form w@ be made available Moil tenth $25 permh fee and copy of White • Grighol in afiernative fomtat (i.e. large proof of nonprofh emus to: Yellow • Board returns to print braille) upon request. Gentling Control Board organization ro corypU13 1711 W. County Rd. B. blear 300 S. shaded area Roseville. MN 65113 CITY OF MONTICELLO MONTHLY BUILDING DEPARTMENT REPORT Month of February, 1994 PERMITS 8 USES Last This Same Month Last Year Thq Yea4 PERMITS ISSUED Momh JAN_ Mmes FEB _Uml_yea, _ To Data _ To Data RESIDENTIAL Number 5 3 7 9 a Valuation 519,000.00 $2610.60000 $178,70000 5253,90000 5279.60000 Fees 520930 $1,715.58 $1,30935 SI.920.32 $1,924 as Surcharges $9.25 $13030 36860 $12620 $139.55 COMMERCIAL Number 2 1 3 2 Valuation 531,500.00 30,Dw.00 $9.500.00 :31.50000 Fees 5306,60 $81.00 $119,00 5306.60 Surcharges $15.50 S3 DO 54.50 $1550 INDUSTRIAL Number 1 1 Valuation $3.500.00 $9.000.00 $3.500.00 Fees $35.00 $108.00 $35.00 Surcharges $1.75 54.50 $1.75 PLUMBING Number 1 4 3 4 5 Fees $1300 $105.00 $75.00 $9800 $119,00 Surcharges $0.50 32.00 $1.50 $2.00 $2.50 OTHERS Number Valuation Fees SUIChil'(103 TOTAL# PERMITS 7 9 11 17 16 TOTAL VALUATION 322500.00 2292100,00 X184,700,00 _$272,400.00 _ $314,_800_00 TOTAL FEES $267.30 _£2. 127.18 _$1.465.35 _$2.242.32 $2,384.48 TOTAL SURCHARGES $11,50 $147.90 $93,10 $13720 $147,80 CURRENT MONTH_ _ - FEF$ I NUMBER iO DATE PERMIT NATURE_ NUmb§I PgrmllSwdm VeWatlo_n 11X8 Yoat' L01 VB¢. S1ngIn Family 3 $1,71558 i�130.30 3260.60000 3 3 Write. 0 0 MUItI-Famay 0 0 Commpcial 0 0 IMushkal 0 0 This. Garages 0 0 Signs 0 0 Pudic Btogs 0 0 ALIERAI IONREPAIR Uwolllrlgs 5 6 Commaclal 2 $300,60 51550 331,50000 2 3 Irlouatrlal 1 1 PLUMBING AB Typos 4 SIDS 00 52.00 $000 5 4 ACCESSORY SIRUCTURLS SvAmming Poole 0 0 Dacha 0 0 TEMPORARY PERMIT 0 0 10 ALS _ 9._$2.127.10__$147.8 __$282.100 D0 16 _ 17 J CITY OF MONTICELLO INDIVIDUAL PERMIT ACTIVITY REPORT Month of February, 1994 PERMIT FEES NUMBER OESCflIPTION (TYPE NAMEILOCADOH v4LUATION PERMILSURCtiARGE_ P UMBIHG_SURCHARGE_ 9!-2210 Imanor a emanor ramcael AC Monticello Country Cludt 209 Golf Course Roes $30.000.00 $291 60 $15.00 $26.00 $0.50 94.2211 (manor wall oamearls iAC Carroll BloomaahVDavia Kmnaro 11.50000 $1500 $0.50 94-2212 House A oarace SF Jonn Gum"9691 Gdlara Avenue NE W5,80() OD $558.54 $47.90' $29.00 P50 94.2213 House a oareae SF .Value Plus Home315371 Falcon Avenue NE $53,500 Op $387.22 $26.75 $23.00 $050 94.2214 House A oaraoe SF James Neumarv9681 Gmam Avenue NE 1111.30090 4871 14 $5565 $2700 $050 I TOTALS I $212,100.00 � $1,887.50 8143.80 11105.00 $2.00 PLAN REVIEW I I I 94-2212 House 6 oeraoa�SF Jonn OymQv9691 GAiara Avenue NE $§Q 85, 943213 House 6 oamoo 'SF IValue Plus Homes/5371 Falcon Avenue NE 138,72- 94-2214 House A aareoo ISF (James NeumanrWl Glllara Avnnuo NE $62 11 , TOTAL PLAN REVIEW $138.66 � TOTAL REVENUE i I $2,274.98 �