City Council Agenda Packet 04-12-1994 SpecialAGENDA SPECIAL MEETING • MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Tuesday, April 12, 1894. 4 p.m. Mayor: Ken Maus Council Members: Shirley Anderson, Clint Herbst, Brad Fyle, Patty Olsen 1. Call to order. 2. Introduction - Jeff Report. Development proposal comparison worksheet Methodist Church plans Owner -occupied townhomes concept 3. Dave Hornig - Hornig Companies (20 minutes). 4. Question/Answer (10 minutes). 5. Garrett Carlson - Shelter Corporation (20 minutes). 6. Question/Answer (10 minutes). 7. General discussion - Consideration of selecting proposal and authorizing City staff to negotiate project design and financing details. 8. Adjourn - 5:30 p.m. (� City of Monticello 250 E. Broadway, PO Bo: 1147, Monticello, MN 65362 THIS INFORMATION IS SENT TO YOU WITHOUT A PERSONAL LETITR SO TI IAT IT MAY BEACH YOU AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE. "T1�is is a te��,:q_.c�' ,n v1/ j ��,vti^•1 .ti.e a. c! f/:,oG On Tu tS�es _ /v'1�% r (o ct'� / f �i ; �.• . t•^ ^ t��l) ��io r�, a .� � el Cop,„ 04 �1 4,-,c, 1�. 1' /�' / •P �� 1�� ! eG9eur� };P. /,�,.%lo� From the Deek of Jett O'Neill (012) 295.2711, metro: 333.5730 �i k06d08 1 �, Sr•. v��,n�\cr ! r � Uw,O �.Q-)f �,.v /i�,.,"� DEVIi ENT PROPOSAL DESCRIPTION/COMPARISON AND ANALYSIS OUTIu A OF COUTRY CLUB MANOR FIRST ORAFT - NOTES ONLY HORNG ete urreuruunu rruuuumnnur^raeur'-'SHELTER eaumu neat»rmrrst neennnue I Developer See RFD See RFP Background: I Developer ISeo RFD Qualifications: Not stated One level Cottages Site Plan: 21 Total Bedrooms n \` PHASE I - Family Apta 3.81 Total Structures/Fan 5 Total units /2 Two bedroom units Not stated Three bedroom unite Not stated Total Bedrooms Not stated Acres used 1.36 Density 9.63 Price offered 6126,000 Price per unit 63,000 Price/acre 629,199 Total Garages 12 Is garage an extra charge? Uncr d parking 31 Tot:. arking Stalls 76 total Stall/unit 1.11 Nay need a variance Annual taxes Undetermined PHASE It - SENIOR APi CR, k - 1,o ,c Total Structures/Sr Not stated One level Cottages Total units 21 Total Bedrooms Rot stated Acres used 3.81 Density 6.25 Price offered 172,000 Price per unit 13,000 Total Garages 21 Uncovered parking 1 Total Parking Stalls 32 Total Stall/unit 1.33 Annual Taxes To be provided at the meeting Storm Ismer acres 1 3 Park Acres i 2 Surplus land I 2.1 �� v,rt %lrrr.l lots ores I 15 See AFD PHASE I - Family Apts 5 37 19 e 17 9.25 f6/,000 12,270 121,000 37 37 7/ 2.00 Meets code Undetermined PHASE 11 - SENIOR APIS Not stated 26 Not stated 1 6.5 161,000 13,231 'dut stated Not stated ,lot stated Not stated To be provided at the meeting 1 15 Price/acre 121,116 121,000 IZ MOT PROPOSAL DESCRIPTION/COMPARISON AND ANALYSIS LUT A OFC hit CLOG MANOR FIRST DRAFT - NOTES ONLY I maaenesmammauansssnaaanaau•„ISHELTER •msssasrssasaeenassautsassae Phass iII MINA= 1 555,100 I f21,000I I $61,000 local Revenue 1 5255.100 1 $165,000 cods variances needed) Parking stall deficiency/others undetermined 1 11dstereined Wets bins � Individual bins stored inside garages' 1 Centralized ieside.easaunity garage Cluster boxes I Cluster boxes i Trot stated Sidewalk I Entire length of 7th street— by developer I Entire length of 7th street - by do I'athray I Links Sr. Project to stormeater pond area I I Links in. Project to park area I froomy mitigation IValus? City completes here IValue? Landscaped noise barrier by develop IValue? City Plants Norway pines on rest side of bra I I 0ev plants Colorado spruce on east slope of bora I Iandsceping I See plan I IlValue? See plan ,development IYalus? Private,tot lot and public park Private tot lot and public park Public park 1.5 acres or 2 acres I Public park - 2 acres Developed and operated by City I Developed by shelter - maintained b .store sewn II Value? City funded - TIF proposed 11 Value? Developer funded Park project l Vales? City funded Value? Developer funded Other sits imprvmts I Value? TIF proposed i Vales? Developer funded Nafkst area 111onti, lig Lake, Albert, Backer, Clearwater I overall vice judetsnins - still gathering info on value of on-site Imprva�undetsnins 11 - still gathering Info on value of mtilities Use existing utilities I r•Inanofng I 1 I I Rents I $155 - 1515 I leant limits I No greater than 601 of median intoes - $10,000 fel Rent limits I One person - $20.110 - ones rant 551 I cont limits i ihree 004M - 525.750 - ess rent 561 I Rent limits I Five people - $12,150 - max rant fill I !kbidtos I Nome I rna..IJiiifr,r 1 a �,• j=�ei.. rn i,. „ r.1 , l ie/r,rq., ba 1 I; w f •; UPC' lir' �z„•i :.,.E+rrr C•e,r7 01fav��+t,s swlafC. „,aIto t — , ,,�ive �,I Xw-,;i,e% I (le'I d•''I'�'i,,',.o,•� n� vf�.:,•t,a,�•� • VPd.IC ql 1MI11''-a!