City Council Agenda Packet 08-28-1995AGENDA REGULAR MEETING • MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, August 28,1998.7 p.m. Mayor. Brad F yle Council Members: Shirley Anderson, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf, Tom Perrault 1. Call to order. 2. Approval of minutes of the regular meeting held August 14, 1996. 9. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Citizens commentalpetitions, requests, and complaints. 6. Consent agenda: A Consideration of authorizing a gambling license for Lions Club at Joyner Lanes. B. Consideration of approving a change to garbage and recycling collection days. 6. Consideration of reviewing comprehensive sanitary sewer study. 7. Consideration of bills for the month of August. 8. Adjourn. NUNUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, August 14, 1995 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Brad Fyle, Shirley Anderson, Brian Stumpf, Tom Perrault Members Absent: Clint Herbst CeT"T' A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY TOM P'ERRAULT TO APPROVE THE M MUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING HELD JULY 24, 1995, AS WRITTEN. Motion carried unanimously with Clint Herbst absent. Consideration of adding items to the agenda A.Constiderati on of paying at Public Wm None. Public Works Director John Simola reported that at the completion of phatie I1 of the public works building expansion, Ilse wudiliuunl use permit requires paving and curbing of the parking area to the south of the main entrance, the areas immediately in front of the shop and storage facility, and the rear areas around the oalt shed and the existing pole building. Staff is obtaining separate prices on the class b, blacktopping, and curbing, with the cost of all three items estimated at $30,000. Council discussed including the gravel truck entrance from County Road 39 in the proposed blacktopping. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY SHIRLEY ANDERSON AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO AUTHORIZE BLACKTOPPING AT THE LOWEST PRICE POSSIBLE IN THE AREAS DESIGNATED BY THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT. IN ADDITION TO CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUIREMENTS, PAVING SHOULD INCLUDE THE GRAVEL TRUCK ENTRANCE FROM COUNTY ROAD 39, AT A COST NOT TO EXCEED $24,999 FOR ANY PORTION OF THE WORK Motion carried unanimously with Clint Herbst absent. Page 1 0 Council Minutes - 8/14/95 Public Works Director Simola reported that staff has re -surveyed the proposed location for ditching and storm sewer improvements to the Maplewood Circle area. It is proposed that the entire ditch bottom and easterly and southerly back -slopes remain within the easement by installing a snow fence along the entire easement line to prevent encroachment into the neighboring properties. He noted that the owner's of lots 6, 7, and 8 on the west side of the proposed ditch have agreed to provide the City additional temporary easement at no cost to perform the grading and sloping. The phone company and cable company have agreed to pay the additional cost of working around their cables located in the easement. It was also noted that staff reviewed the area of lot 4 and concluded that this lot does drain into the project area and will benefit from the project. Simola went on to note that one bid has been obtained, which indicates that the project should be well within the $10,000 budget, and another bid will also be received prior to commencing with the project. Tim Churchill, owner of Lot 2, Block 3, noted his concern regarding tree removal and replacement and decreased property value should this project damage trees located on his lot. Rick Jarvis, owner of Lot 3, Block 3, stated that he felt the project cost should be borne by the City rather than the homeowners. Administrator Rick Wolfsteller responded that the charges maybe protested at the assessment hearing and at the District Court level. Mayor Fyle then closed the public hearing. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY SHIRLEY ANDERSON AND SECONDED BY TOM PERRAULT TO AUTHORIZE CITY STAFF TO PROCEED WITH THE MAPLEWOOD CIRCLE STORM SEWER PROJECT. Motion is based on the finding that the project is needed, will benefit the neighborhood, will be paid for by the benefitting property owners, and is below the original published cost of $10,000. BRIAN STUMPF THEN MOVED TO AMEND THE MOTION BY ADDING THAT THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR HAS AUTHORITY TO PROCEED WITH THE PROJECT WITHOUT COUNCIL REVIEW OF THE BIDS, THE CITY WILL WAIVE THE ENGINEERING AND ADMINISTRATION COSTS, AND THE CITY WILL PAY THE COST OF TREE REMOVAL IF DAMAGE APPEARS WITHIN ONE YEAR OF THE PROJECT. The amendment was seconded by Shirley Anderson. Motion carried unanimously with Clint Herbst absent. Page 2 O Council Minutes - 8/14195 Cona_ideration of a rem,eet for n condifinnal use permit nllowng develo m n of a church faeili y in an R-1 zone_ Appli nt_ A Ginrimin .h ,rah Assistant Administrator ONeill reported that A Glorious Church requests renewal of their expired conditional use allowing development of a church in an R-1 zone. ONeill went on to note that there are no major changes to the plan since the previous approval; however, Dan Gassler has indicated that the Church now has funds available to complete the entire project and will not need to delay construction of the paved surface as previously requested. The Planning Commission recommended approval of the conditional use permit. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY SHIRLEY ANDERSON AND SECONDED BY TOM PERRAULT TO APPROVE THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: A. City approval of a parking lot, landscaping, and screening plan. Adequate screening of the parking lot area from abutting residential uses and landscaping must be provided. The screen must be at least 8 ft high and achieve 90% opacity. The screen must consist of either a berm, solid fence, or landscape plantings. Installation of the parking lot screen shall occur at such time that the adjoining residential property is platted. B. City approval of drainage plan must be obtained prior to issuance of a building permit. C. City approval of landscaping plan must be obtained prior to issuance of a building permit. The landscaping plan should include 30 overstory trees to be planted along the perimeter of the developed portion of the property and spaced approximately 35 ft apart. Additional development will precipitate additional plantings. D. City approval of exterior treatment of structure must be obtained to ensure compatibility with the neighborhood. Steel exterior materials shall be limited to 44 of the available wall surface. Motion carried unanimously with Clint Herbst absent. Motion is based on the finding that the church facility as proposed with conditions attached is consistent with the comprehensive plan and is compatible with the existing and future characteristics of the adjoining Rr 1 vane. Page 3 9 Council Minutes - 8/14/95 rnnAideration of n mWipet for preliminaly1p At. sip=all of thw Monticello B +a�neea ..nfnr onmmarrlal a +hdiviaion Am+lir�n . (? llo i,i,f:, Assistant Administrator ONeill reported that Tony Emmerich, representing Ooello, LLC, requests preliminary plat approval of the Monticello Business Center plat. The plat consists of six lots, Oudots A -F, with a combination of B-3, B-4, PZM, and BC zoning. Development of Cedar Street and subsequent development of internal utility systems serving each outlot will be designed and installed separately with the development of each outlot. The City will determine the precise storm sewer trunk fee amount, review the design of the grading plan, and collect the trunk storm sewer funds at the time of the development of the individual outlots. Until the long-term storm water plan is completed, the property must be developed with on-site ponding sufficient to maintain the current rate of storm water discharge from the site. O'Neill noted that the preliminary plat needs to be corrected to show the necessary easements along the perimeter of each outlot, and it is also suggested that the Cedar Street right-of-way width be increased from 60 R to 80 R along the area south of School Boulevard, and that the School Boulevard right-of-way width be increased to 100 ft between Cedar Street turd Nishway 2L. Tiw Plamiiug Cuuuu6t,;uu ruwwwouded upyruval of iue preliminary plat. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY WIRLEY ANDERSON AND SECONDED BY TOM PERRAULT TO APPROVE THE PRELIMINARY PLAT OF THE MONTICELLO BUSINESS CENTER SUBJECT TO COMPLETION OF THE FOLLOWING MODIFICATIONS: 1. Provide all necessary easements along lot perimeters as required by ordinance. 2. Widen Cedar Street from 60 R to 80 ft and widen School Boulevard to 100 ft between Highway 25 and Cedar Street. 3. Adjust Cedar Street allgnment to enable connection to the F4ellberg Trailer Park Frontage road. 4. Subsequent development must adhere to the trunk storm water policy of the City. 5. On-site ponding shall be developed sufficient to manage storm water produced on site. Motion carried unanimously with Clint Herbst absent. Page 4 0 Council Minutes - 8/14/95 City Administrator Wolhteller reviewed the second quarter liquor store financial statements for 1995, noting that gross profits have increased approximately $6,000 and operating expenses have increased by almost $9,000. He noted that the large increase in operating expense is due to a large expenditure for repair of a walk-in cooler compressor. AFTER REVIEW OF THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS, A MOTION WAS MADE BY SHIRLEY ANDERSON AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TD ACCEPT THE 6• MONTH FINANCIAL REPORT AS PRESENTED. Motion carried unanimously with Clint Herbst absent. Economic Development Director 011ie Koropchak reported that the EDA has requested that City Council review GMEF Loan No. 009 for the H -Window Company, which was approved by the EDA on July 25, 1995. The money approved in 1994 through Loan No. 008 was not disbursed within the 180 - day ( MFV smidpllnp hw arise the -9-01 C tie2 Ect-ne'1' is Rt-,_..rvcr ;r^..at (SCERG) diyd not close; therefore, Loan No. 008 became null and void, and another loan application was submitted. Koropchak went on to note that the GMEF Loan No. 009 application remains the same as the previous application. The equipment loan was approved for $50,000 at a 5.0% feed interest rate amortized over seven years. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY SHIRLEY ANDERSON TO APPROVE THE 650,000 GMEF LOAN NO. 009 FOR THE H -WINDOW COMPANY AS APPROVED BY THE EDA AT A 5.0% FEKED DMREST RATE AMORTIZED OVER SEVEN YEARS. Motion carred unanimously with Clint Herbst absent. � a7TT�n74f:RTTd�'tItT.T7t�'>f'TSSiiRaTTT`rTPlTTtTZ':lfT?3'�fT1:Tli►.:: J: J: Public Works Director John Simola reported that HDR is in the process of preparing cost estimates for the sequencing batch reactor and oxidation ditch, the two alternatives selected for amendments to the Facilitice Plan. Council was asked to schedule a workshop for review of the amendments to the Plan. Page 5 9 Council Minutes - 8/14/95 AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY SHIRLEY ANDERSON TO CALL FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITIES PLAN AND AMENDMENTS ON SEPTEM1BER 11, 1995, AT 7 P.M., AND TO CALL FOR A SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING ON SEPTEMBER 8, 1995, AT 7 P.M., TO REVIEW THE AMENDMENTS TO THE FACILITIES PIAN. Motion carried unanimously with Clint Herbst absent. 11. (`nnaideration of emending the nariLry sew r i ha ��o 'nonm rep 'n8 10 parmltiea for violations. Public Works Director Simola presented a proposed ordinance amendment increasing the maximum civil penalties for sanitary sewer discharge violations. The current ordinance allows a minimum fine of $100 and a maximum of $1,000 for each offense. Since the penalties haven't been increased in over a decade, it was proposed that the maximum fine be increased to $5,000 for each offense. Simola also reported that Sunny Fresh Foods was fined $1,000 for a discharge violation on July 8, 1995. After discussing the permit violation with the PCA, it was suggested that the City rebate the $1.000 back to Sunny Fresh if they hire an outside consultant to assist with the spill control program. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY SHIRLEY ANDERSON AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TD ADOPT AN ORDINANCE AMENDMENT INCREASING THE MAXIMUM PENALTY TD $5,000, INCLUDING CLARIFICATION OF LANGUAGE PERTAINING TD COSTS OF DAMAGE. Motion carried unanimously with Clint Herbst absent. SEE ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. 274. A MOTION WAS MADE BY SHIRLEY ANDERSON AND SECONDED BY TOM PERRAULT TO REBATE THE JULY 8,1995, $1,000 FINE BACK TO SUNNY FRESH FOODS IF THEY HIRE AN OUTSIDE CONSULTANT TO ASSIST WITH THE SPILL CONTROL PROGRAM. Motion carried unanimously. 12. (onairieration efeettina a data for werkahnn(s) to review the 1998 preliminary h +riga After discussion, it was the consensus of Council to set a special meeting for August 28, 1995, at 6:30 p.m., to review the 1998 preliminary budget. Council Minutes - 8/14/95 13. (ona+derstion of n orrlinwnm mo m nt ��Iw 'ng $ m hoLra of aMrstinn for 1i�uM lirpna+ holders, Montio"s current ordinance states that liquor cannot be sold past 12:00 midnight on Sundays; however, due to the fad that New YeaA Eve falls on a Sunday this year, Council was asked to consider amending the ordinance to allow liquor sales until 1 a.m. Monday morning. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN SrUMPF AND SECONDED BY SHIRLEY ANDERSON TO ADOPT AN ORDINANCE AMENDMENT ALLOWING LIQUOR BALES TO OCCUR UNTIL 1 A.M., MONDAY - SUNDAY. Motion carried unanimously with Clint Herbst absent. SEE ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. 275. There being no fluther business, the meeting was adjourned. Karen Doty Oboe Manager Pegs 7 0 Council Agenda - 8/28/95 SA. license for the Tjong CInh ski Jny=r Lanes, (RW.) A- RF.FFRF.NC AND BA .K .RO TND: Until this summer, the Monticello Jaycees had been operating a gambling hcenae at Joyner Lanes. As you may recall, Pam Dane, co-owner of Joyner Lanes, had requested the City to approve the issuance of a gambling license to the Minnesota Licensed Beverage Association Children's Fund to operate at Joyner Lanes. The City Council indicated it was their opinion there were enough local organizations available to operate gambling licenses in Monticello and denied the request to the MLBA Children's Fund, which was located out of the Twin Cities area. Mr. Al Cleveland, representing the Monticello Lions Club, has requested City Council approval of allowing the Lions Club to now conduct gambling at Joyner Lanes starting this fall. I believe the Lions Club currently operates a license at J.P.'s Anne:, and I am not aware if they operate pull -tabs at any other location in Monticello. Typimiiiy, wimp a hoease appiication is requested, the Counc ii asks for a history of revenue and expenditures, including donations to charitable organizations. Since this is a new operation at this location, there really isn't any additional information to provide other than to note that the State will not issue the license without the City of Monticello's approval. B_ A►_.T .RNAT ACTIONR: 1. Adopt a resolution approving the application for a pull -tab license by the Monticello Lions Club for Joyner Lanes. This resolution is then submitted along with the application to the Minnesota Gambling Control Board for their consideration. 2. Do not adopt a resolution supporting the application. If this option is selected, a license will not be granted by the State. It is the staff recommendation that the gambling license resolution be adopted supporting the request. The Lions Club is certainly a local organization and the type that we had directed Joyner Lanes to seek. Resolution for adoption. RESOLUTION 95- RESOLUMON AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF A GAMBLING LICENSE WHEREAS, the Monticello Lions Club has submitted an application to the City Council of Monticello for the issuance of a charitable gambling license to conduct gambling at Joyner Lanes located in Monticello, Minnesota, and WHEREAS, upon review of the organization's activities, the Council is not opposed to the gambling license being issued by the State Gambling Control Board, and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL that the Monticello Lions Club application for license issuance listed above is hereby approved, and the State Gambling Control Board is authorized to process the application. Adopted by the City Council this 28th day of August, 1995. Mayor City Administrator '40Afi Council Agenda - 8/28/95 g$, C.+ atderatinn ofan oe f days of service for z=rjing and gadn= Dick -AD. (J.S.) A_ F.FF:RF.NCF. AND BA .KGRO iND: The basic outline of this information was provided to the City Council as an informational item at the August 14 meeting. Vasko Rubbish Removal has requested a change in the days of service due to the current and expected growth in the community. Matt Pflugi of Vasko Rubbish has worked out the proposed change with Randy Linn of D & K Refuse and Recycling. The following are the changes in dates proposed: manday Pick -Un: Monday pick-up would revert back to west of the center of Minnesota Street as it has been in the past. Wednesday PI k -IJ : Wednesday pick-up would be the rapidly expanding area south of I-94 and - -- east o l:ouaty cued 111. na:yuuig narYiccn VU itaniaacniao-Y wYWY ca-'-w- include the apartments using 90 -gallon roll -around containers as it has been in the past in other areas of the community. Thursdaypick-LTo: Thursday pick-up would be that portion of Monticello which was previously Thursday pick-up; that would be from the center of Minnesota Street to the eastern edge of the community on Gillard, north of I-94. On the south of I-94, it would include that portion west of County Road 117, which would be Kiellberg's East. This proposed change in schedules should make the pick-up of recycling and garbage in Monticello more manageable for the two contractors. R- ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would be to approve the change as requested by Vasko Rubbish Removal and D & K Retiree and Recycling as outlined abovo, to take effect with the first efrwdve pick-ups on or atter October 1, 1995. 2. Tho second alternative would be not to make the changes as requested. This would more than likely result in delays in service to the community. Council Agenda - W28/95 C_ STAFF RECO NDATION: It is the recommendation of the Public works Director that the City Council authorize the changes in days of service as outlined in alternative Ml. We Would publish notice of the change in the Montimlle Timep and the Mnnh�r�+llninwoer and also in the upcoming newsletter for this fall. D_ SUPPORTING DATA None. Large colored map of areas of service and pick-up days will be provided at the meeting. Council Agenda - 8/28/95 8. ConaMeration of reviecvLQ comm+ehenaive annitazy sewer atndLV. (J.O.) A- As As you may recall, some months ago Council authorized preparation of a comprehensive sanitary sewer study at the request of On -in Thompson Homes and developer Tony Emmerich. The need for the study stemmed from the desire of the developers to have a better understanding of whether or not the properties that they wish to develop could be served by sanitary sewer service. Both Emmerich and Orrin Thompson Homes provided a majority of the funds necessary to complete the study, which not only examined issues relating to the Emmerich and Orrin Thompson properties but also includes an analysis of sanitary sewer capacity issues on a larger city-wide basis. The information contained in the study is crucial to obtaining an understanding of where the City can most efficiently extend its boundaries to accommodate land use development pressure and the need to preserve the land for industrial development. It is also necessary to determine the feasibility of land use planning done in conjunction with completion of the comprehensive plan. Bret Weiss will be making a presentation outlining the results of the study. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS; No action requested, presentation only. C RT RF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that Council review the study as presented by Weiss and direct the City Engineer to complete additional analysis as determined by Council and City staff. Final amptance of the study will be placed on the agenda at an upcoming meeting. D SIIPPORTINd DATAi A copy of the comprehensive sanitary sewer study was previously delivered with the July 24, 1995, agenda. ERC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 08/01/95 09:42:26 ARRANT DATE VENDOR, GENERAL CHECKING 38833 07/26/9,5 AMERICAN NATIONAL BA 38833 07/26/95 AMERICAN NATIONAL BA 36833 07/26/95 AMERICAN NATIONAL ESA 38833 07/26/95 AMERICAN NATIONAL EFA 38833 07/26/95 AMERICAN NATIONAL BA 38833 07/26/95 AMERICAN NATIONAL SA 98833 07/26/9S AMERICAN NATIONAL BA 38833 07/26/95 AMERICAN NATIONAL BA 98833 07/26/95 AMERICAN NATIONAL SA 38893 07/26/95 AMERICAN NATIONAL BA 388.33 07/76/95 AMERICAN NATIONAL BA 38833 07/26/95 AMERICAN NATIONAL SA 38033 07/26/95 AMERICAN NATIONAL BA 38833 07/26/95 AMERICAN NATIONAL BA 3,003 07/26/95 AMERICAN NATIONAL SA 3883a 07/26/95 AMERICAN NATIONAL BA 38911 07/26/85 JONES/WILLIAM 0 38911 07/26/95 JONES/WI,LLIAM 0 ( ID912 07/26/96 RUFF AUTO PARTS 38913 0:7/26/93 O'N,EILL/JEFF 30914 0°7/26/95 MN DEPART OF 'NATURAL 38915 07/28/95 XOROPCHAK/OLIVE 30916 07/20/95 NORTH STAR CHAPTER, 30917 07/20/95 MARQUHTTE DANK MONTI 38917 07/2G/95 MARAU,ETTE BANK MON TI 90010 0%/70/95 U.0. POSTMASTER 30910 O1/16/03 O.G. POSTMASTER 3091f3 0,110/95 FYI,E, nRA0 :,0970 07/20/()0 U.0-, POSTMASTER 313971 0?/26/911 MNDEPART OF NATUNAI. 30922 07/20/135 LOVACH/JOHN 0 709?2 D>/' 1,/95 LIIKACH/JQHN ;0922 0%/?E./0'. LIJKACH/JONN 30082 01/F0/08 LUKACH/d UPN Disbursement Journal DESCRTPTION AMOUNT CL 7 CHECK VOIDED 1'2,232.50CR 7 CHECK VOIDED 4,398.'15CR 7 CHECK VOIDED 14.427.50CR 7 CHECK VOIDED 2.237.50CR 7 CHECK VOIDED 6,192.50CR 7 CHECK VOIDED Ii,127.50CR 7 CHECK VOIDED 8.,635.0008 7 CHECK VOIDED 21,867,.,SOCR 7 CHECK VOIDED 27,276.25CR 7 CHECK VOIDED 40.611.25CR 7 CHECK VOIDED 10,,272.50CR 7 CHECK VOIDED 6,295.0008 7 CHECK VOIDED 9,310.,OOCR 7 CHECK VOIDED 81222.50CR CHECK VOIDED 14,627.SOCR 7 CHECK VOIOFO 4,700.000R 202,433.75CR =CH 626 INFO CENTER SALARY 170.00 026 50.000R 120.00 *CH 268 RADIATOR/BLD INSPEC V 110.00 1,01 MILEAGE & TELEPH REIMB 82.74 118 MATER/SNOW/ATV REG 632.;00 87 MILEAGE REIMB 108,00 150 SEMINAR REG/GARY A 20.00 221 INVCGTMEN% /C 0 203,0,77.33 271 WIRE CHARGE/C D 151,00 203,692.33 aclf, , 210 POSTAGE/:;EM & WAT BIL 1$6.1,0 310 POSTAGE/OEW & WAT CIL 186.10 )12.)G *C} 32 TRAVEL R0M0/COUNCIL 134.4) 210 POCTAGE/F'UOL IC WORK", )2.00 110 WATER/;NOM/ATV RCG 450.00 327 MILEAGE EXPLNISE 510.00 321 MIL17A(iE F.KPCNOC 19.00 027 MIIEAGF EkFIN6P 10.08 327 MILEAGE EkPLNOE 19.91 1 38020 07/2G/00 UEMEULEU FAMILY LIMI 952 TIF PRJ/STANDAR) S 10.544.72 6C-'IFQA1 CHFPKING 70)AL 1)1034141 EtkC,'FINANCIAL SYSTEM ( 08/09/95 12:30:.57 \- _'+ARkAN,T OAT VENDOR, GENERAL CHECKIN0, 38924 08/03795 ALCOTT/J'VOY 30925 08/0:3/95 AMERICAN PAGING OF 'M 3`8025 08/03'795 AMERICAN RAGING OF M 36025 08/03/95 'AMERICAN PAGING OF M 38925 08/0.3/95 AMEhICAN GAGING OF M 39926 '08/03/95 AMERICAN RAGING OF M 3.882'5 08/0,3/95 AMERICAN P,AG;ING OF M 38925 08/OV46 AMERICAN PAGING Of M 389.29 0,8/03/95'+ AMERICAN PAGING OF M' .10826 ^08/031'0'6 ANDERSON & ASSOCIA-TE 30927 08/03195 BARNES/KIM 389?O 00/09%05 CELLULAR 2000 OF $T 30920 06'03/95 CELLULAR 2000 OF ST 30E�0 00/03/95 CELLULAR 2000 OF ST 309P0 00/09/98 Ctl4ULAR 2000 OF ET C 30920 00/03/0$ CENTRAL MINN INIT'IAT 30930 00/03/05 CITY OF LAKEVILLE 30991 00/03/05 CORPORATE REPORT 30998 00/00/95;OOWNTOMN STANDARD 30033 00/03/93 ELK RIVVR CONCRETE P •309-,4 00703/95 ELu kIVgk PRINTING A 3011 Ob 00/91/95 FfEORITE CP44TROLG. I 3igrD5, AO/03/5V FE6®PITF CONTROLb', I 10006 00/613/135 FERDRIYC CONTROLO, .I 100•u'.G 00/(30/9!) ft'Ow ItJE P6U3 F'I1?G ,113.7 CQI00/11BJ 61 VA90 PNSNTING, IN, 10`a,Q 00/03/'lq GRCLti/t.t?A(16'a'11 3X)9h,0 90/03/J5 NEtLIOAY it;:O�T 0 [ Y{ Disbursement, Journal' DESCRIPTION AMOUNT C 084 D'EP REG MILEAGE REIMB :4.48 951 PAGER CHARGES 26.86 961 PAGER CHARGES 19.43 951 PAGER CHARGES 39.1':9 951 PAGER CHARGES 13.4,3 951 PAGER CHARGES 13.43 W PAGER CHARGEE 13.43 961 PAGER CHARGES. 1;3.4x] 091 PAGER CHARGEE, 13.43' 146..63 1'0 STREET SIGNS 20.2.56 "4 DEP' REG MILEAGE REIMS 19.46 -794 CAR PHONE CHARGES 3'7..91 7:94 CAR PHONE CHARGES 1.33 784 CAR PHONE CHARGES 1.3.42 794 CAP. PHONE CHARGES 133:.47 206.. i 3, 022 :CMIF GRANT PYMT 1,.100.2t 041 COMP PLAN/PARKO.DEPT 21,D0 09.7 SU£SCRIPTION/OLLIE '6 ?0.00 370 GASIFIRE'DEPT 32-.10 301' ORIVEWAY 14ATERXAL/6I1_ 2313.70 067, 9TAMP0/&UlLDIN6 O'FPT OOV.'62 '56 MIS@ PROF S(,RV/WA'TER 34.00 66 .CHEMICALS/SFideR COLL 003.00, 50 CHLt4ICALS/WATEP 01:0' 3.100.h4 3.027.44 310 moi; FIRG ilE6Y N :H 1 ,iO4 .00 04Q (1'I.0 INS•PLCTE 0 FORMS 72.00 JO?) TRAVEL ':NPCN'0'C if)I I 01 i.I(1R4FV f.L,"ANINQ M.lt OF, CA' /FI.:V OLPT 4' 1.10 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM { 08/01/9b 12:70:57 WARRANT DATE VENDOR GENERAL CHECKING 30541 08/03/95 IN INSTITUTE OF MUNI 3894: 08/03/05 J M OIL COMPANY 30943 08/03/05 !ACO8SON/DIANE 38943 38/03/95 JAC005ON/OIANC 38944 08/03/9-1 L',EFERT/TQM 38845 08/03/35 MAMMENGA/MARGE 90946 00/03/95 MN RU`2At. WATER ASSCC 98947 00/03/95 MN II.C. FUND 30943 08/03/95 MON) 1(:1A.LO ANIMAL CU 30949 00/03/95 MONTICELLO SENIOR CI db7nU OtIj Udjyb NVklnaeSl Mif+Nk5UtA 16051 00/03/95 OLSON, V4,CET.A6AN ft ,01)52 00/03/05 P 8 H WAREHOUSE SALE{ 9O^51) 00/09/05 ROYAL TIRE Of MONTIC 3f ):SA 113/03/35 ROYAL TIRE OF MONTIC 390.4 r10/U3/OS EADrTV-KL£(dN CORP. 03/95 UC!u VENDER CON(MUCT 307: U U)/03/95 5CHMIDT/(,C-RAL0 00/O9/95 �.IMOiI:UN J.UMOLR COMP ;U9v'J 00/03/05 ,IMPOON/MA;,a )OfI','.I UU/0)/05 ,rptLTr!IM SUFVI.V GU, )G")a I �1/OJ/013',TA;. 141IIAI�J., ^h({ 1 00/0 1/f1 f. AFt( RI( A uF+i+)JP Disbursement Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT i 494 MEMBERSHIP DUES./K DOTY 85.00 85 GAS/FIRE DEPT 55.02 O7 DEP REG MILEAGE REIMS, 17.10 92 REIMS/DCP REG OU PPLItS 34.OG 106.16 304 FIRE OEPT MILEAGE FMP 126,00 085 DEP REG MILEAGE WEIMO 13.90 120 MEMBERSHIP DUES/WATER 170,00 190 LIC BENEFITS/TROY COX 113.0 105 ANIMAL CONTROL CONT 1,100.00 130 CONTRACT PYMT 2.033.39 100 knU rccii6AkT A eJ.66 79? LEGAL FLED 096.2b 271 !('1RINKLER REP/CITY HA 107.69 2?7 VCH REPAIEE/C-YRELTG 57.60 297 PROF SERV/PARtt, Ofpf 10.70 74.J'0 fUb MTC AGRMVGTR. CT 00.x:') 181 DRIV(-WAV ON rig/PROF 0 300.00' . 9040^ PI1V J VAl- FXAr=1/0 :,GHMIO ')4.00 1f); LUM:',E'k PARKS DEPT D�.05 u114 F3WF I*Pf f4'0,', -AGC E%P 34.0% 490 ,HC+P 0 IJAF: I)UPP! 1;< `_11.00 4911 lil, iVr i/gTRtd1:7 M1 dT 9.41 1011.2° 1''7 NI:H't'APc k 11Vi)i.N�t'II(IN `4.�!') Cor, 01 kiFONO? 19f)", i6 131.fN'.' 14,',0 aC 0 t E E$RC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 08/01/95 12:30:57 IJAF;RANT DATE VENDOR GENERAL CHECKING 30962 O8/03/95 TELXON CORPORATION 38963 .00/03/95 U S LINK 38963 08/03/95 U S LINK 36963 08/03/95 U S LINK 38963 00/03/95 U S LINK 38963 08/03/95 U S LINK 9CS63 09/03/95 U S LINK 30963 08/03/95 U S LINK 38964 08/03/95 VOSS ELECTRtt; SUPPLY 389Ga OC/03/95 WEIN/JERRY 38966 08/03/95 WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITO 38967 OC7i,5/95 WRIGHT-HENNEPIN COOP 30900 08/03/95 ZIEGLER', INC. JOSCG 08/03/85 7IEGLER, INC. OF..NEKAL CHECKING N OS,sbur3ement Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT G 842 SCANNER/RECYCLING 457.90 950 'PHONE CHARGES 3.04 950 PHONE CHARGES 24.07 950 PHONE CHARGES 7.87 950 PHONE CHARGES 0.61 950 PHONE CHARGES 4.81' PSO PHONE CHARGES 0.16 950 PHONE. CHARGES GO.07 101.43 409 LIGHT BULBS/STR-,ET OE 115.66 38$ FIRE DEPT MILEAGE EXP X29.44 219 SCRERG GRANT PAYMT 2.7760.51 512 OTILITIES 9.tJ0 425 CREDIT FOR REPAIR. 90.65CR atb UttreRA,uhiai,7en ^uC 30.20:.2C 30. 192.1,0 WTA6 49,130.66 sf� *L Em BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 06/08/95 15:05:28 C1JARRANT DATE VENDOR GENERAL CHECKING D8969 08/08/95 WRIGHT COUNTY RECORD 38970 08/08/95 JONE'S/WILLIAM'0 :897008/08/95 JONES/WILLIAM 0 3897°1 08/0'8/95 KOROPCHAK/OLIVE 38972 08/06/95 PETTY CASH 38912 08f 08/95 PETTY CASH 38Q72 08/08/95 PETTY CASH 38972 00/08/95 PETTY CASH 3,89 T2 08/ 08/95 PETTY CASH X08°72 08/00/95 PETTY CASH 39971 08/OB/91; PFTTYCASH 36973 08/08/95 MN DEPART OF 'NATURAL 38974 08/00/05 0 &.K REFUSE.RECYCLI 19975 08/0,8/94 A.E. MICHAEL$ 30979 06/00/05 A.E. MICHAELS ?099F4 00/00/9G CARF'FREE LAWN B,ERVIC 38076 00/00193, CAREFREE LAWN GERM '30917 00/00/05 COMPUTER PAR.TO & SER. 30077 00/00/95 COMPUTER P.Af:TO & GER 309.70 00/00/95 COPY PLUPLCATING PROD 38977 00/00/95 D'INO"S UCLI .,UO:%U 00/00/05 FCRRELLGA6 901104 00/00/25 HOGLUNO C0ArH LINED 709 2 00/00/0l� gctJ A1+0CRsrm T6UCKIN .409;,J UD/00/0� LIUUOR iT[a(:!i CU1NO 04 00/00/05 MAUO FO[ODG 7JOJ, 00/00/J'i MAU'J L'00U0 J0`_'34 DO/UO/OG MAU F0�01 J000;U 03/110/99 MAUI i 00'_'6 0(7/005 MAUO PC( US Disbursement Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT [ 254 KLEIN FMS RECORDING FE L9..50 8-26' INFO CENTER SALARY 170.00 826 INFO CENTER SALARY 50.000& 120.00 #(' 91 MILEAGE REIMS 31.36 1,66 SUPPLIES/COMPUTE,R/C HAL. 3:16 166 POSTAGE REIMS 20.:98' P66 BLD INSPECTION SUPPLIE 12.47 166 MTSC SUPPLIES/PARK 5.'27 166 MISC SUPPLIES)PLAN &ZO 28.80 1:66 MTC SUPPLIES/CITY HALL 2.78 166 MTSC WWTP ER'PENSE 2.00 75.44 �t 118 MATER/'SNOW/ATV REG 722.00 811 RECYCLING CONTRACT 3c.286.44 330 90PPLIES/STREETS 77.?1 339 SLD MTC SUPPLIES/PARKS' 37 .76 114.97 �C 940 LAWN MOWING CHARGES 12,7.00 940 LAWN MOWING CHARGED 127.40 295.150. ►C' i 600 MTC OR COMPOTCR HgUIP 215.00 500_ COMPUTER ECVIPMENT/C 17'5. CO 390.00 DC 41 L10 COPY MCN MTC AGRMT 54.40 90219 PLATO A ZON MCHTINO 31.95 011 OTREETJ/t,UP;PLIto 190 00 403 HEARTLAND D1)�; CONTR 607 ANIMAL CONTROL c'ENVIC 117.16 100 IN, PRkM/eINOIE 4:QI 1C0 DEP REG CLEANINu CUP 0.56 111) GFiYCLINIn )UPPLIr. i 1.04 :0') CITY HALL LUFFIIE9 119.1P0 1U0 '_HOP & UAk GUPP1.IF1'- I).,�0 10C FIRE HALI L'UPPLIE"_, 3.1U BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM r 08'/08/95 15:05':,28 WARRANT DATE VENDOR' QFNERAL CHECKING, Disbursement Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 38984 08/08,95 MAUS FOODS 108 LIBRARY SUPPLIES 9.95 38184, 08/.'08/95 MAUS 'FOODS 108 AN,6AL CONTR CLEAN'I'NG 30.32 182.,06 38905 08/08/95 MOON MOTOR SALES, IN 142 EQUIP REPAIRPARTS/;FI'R 21,41 38985 08/08'/95 MOON MOTOR SALES. IN' 142 EQUIP REPAIR PARTS/PAR 32.0'0 53.41 38906 08/08/'95 NORTHERN STATES POWE 148"UTILI'TIES 3.950.,0'4 38986^08/08/95 NORTHERN STATES POWE 148 UTILITIES 329.94 30986 08'/06/95 NORTHERN ,STATES POWE 148 UTILITIES 66 1147 38986 08/08/96 NORTHERN STATES POWE '148 UTILITIES 1.147.72 38968 0810OV95 NORTHERN STATES POWE 148 'UTILLTIES '14.14 ,3098, 00108/85 NORTHERN STATES, POWC 148 UTILITIES 494.77 30986 08/08'/95 NORTHERN STATES POWE 140 UTILITIES 21:'5..60 38986 06/08/95 NORTHERN STATES, POWC 1118 UTILITIES 633,70 D0906 08/08'/95 NORTHERN PTATES PORE 148 'UT3LLTIES 1,'077.97 12,525.'02 30907 08,/08/95 P'LUMBE'RY'-PURCEL'L'S P 251 NEW PW SHOP CONST 'COS 269,.94 �,. 38980 08/00/95 SF.NT,RY SYSTEMS 199 FIRE ALARM MTC AGMT 134.1!1 30999 08/00/95 SPECTRUM SUPPLY CO. 490 SUPPLIES/STREET DEPT 47.53 33990 091-08/08 07ANOARO IRON R WIRE ..90403 REFUND/SEWER CHARGES 247.80 .10991 00/00/95 YDS TELECOM 953 TELEPHONE CHARGES 14D.34 30001 08/00/95 TOS TELECOM 953 TELEPHONE CHARGES, .70.68 3OOA1 00/00/05 T63 TELECOM 953 TELCPHONE CHARGES 147.31 33991 00/00/98 *DS TELECOM 953 TELEPHONE CHARGES 130.43 30901 00/00/05 TOS 1CLECOM 053 TELEPHONE CHAROEG 159.. 67 30091 00/08/05 TD$ TELECOM 053 TELEPHONE CHARGE,) 50.00 "0','3'1 90/06/85 TOL TELECOM 9b3 TELEPHONE CHARGES ro9,O6 30901 00'/08/96 TO TELF,'CUM 083 TF.LEPHONF, CHARGE, 9D..97 991 08/00'/95" TpS TELECOM 95D TELEPHONE C0'A6GE0 101,00 30991 00/00/05 POS T'CLEGOM 993 TCLEPINSNC CHAROE'O 57•.44 30901 00/08/951 1115 T.ELECi0M 1308 TELEPkONE CHARGES '590.09 30991 00/00/96 TO, TCLLCOf4 9'94 TELEPHONE CHAf,43C 83.60 11, 600.09 0911 U8/O0/05 11NOCA1 1,10 GAO/FIR[ 02.01 J0003 00/00/95 VA.,KO RULWIGH REI40VA, 11 ,t. GAkOAGE CONTP.ACT k 10,03.00 30903 03%UO/0`, VAi1(00001'M W!MOVA 524 OAL;.G TAX/41AR11AGI: COU 051.01 t0,U07.41 30,384 00/00/95 WRTUHT H1r.NNi1PXN 01'01) 075 A.CURITY AIAUM A'IkMj' 10.12 70094 00/00/9b tYkWll HkNNEPIN �EP'U 0715 t:ECURITY ALARM AGkMT IIs. GO :'r. 10 r, Irl .i C�- n. a. FIN BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 08/11/95 '15:21:23 l .ARRANT DATE VENDOR GENERAL CHECKING 38995 08/11/95 MN DEPART OF NATURAL 38996 08/14/95 ARAMARK, 38997 08/14/95 AUTOMATION SUPPLY 38998 08/14/95 BRAUN INTERTEC CORPO 38999 08114/95 BUFFALO BITUMINOUS, 39000 00/14/95 CEDAR ST. GARDEN CEN 39001 08/14/95 COMMUNICATION AUDITO 39002 08/14/95 CULLIGAN 39003 08/14/95 OVNA SYSTEMS 39004 08/14/95 EULL'S MANUFACTURING 39085 OC/i4/O5 'G L g .^.CRVICEf. 39005 08/14/95 G 8 K SERVICES 9,9008' 08/14/95 G 9 K SERVICES 39008 08/14/98 G 8 N SERVICES 39005 06/14/95 G R'K SERVICES 39005 08/14/05 G 3 k SCRVICES 39005 08/16/95 G 9 K SERVICES 39006 08/14/95 GRIEFNOW SHEET METAL 39007 08/14/95 HARRY'S AUTO SUPPLY 30007 08/14/85 HARRY'S AUTO SUPPLY 39007 06/14/95 HARRY'S AUTO SUPPLY 89007 08/14/95 HARRY'S AUTO SUPPLY 39007 00/14/95 HARRY'S AUTO SUPPLY 39007 00/14/85 HARRY'S AUTO SUPPLY 39007 09/14/95 HARRY'S AUTO SUPPLY' 39007 00/14/95 HARRY'S AUTO SUPPLY 39000 08/14/95 HERMES/JERRY 39009 09/14/9S K,ENNEOV 8 GRAVEN 30009 00/14/95 KENNEDY 8 GRAVEN 30010 00/14/05 KRAMBCR b AUGOCIATES Disbursement Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT CL 118 MATER/SNOW/ATV REG 356.00 840• CITY HALL 'SUPPLIES 85.•50. 18 RECEIPT BOOKS/CITY HA 246.96 638 ENG FEES/BIKE PATHWAY 412.00 25 STREET SUPPLIES 274.65 948 SHRUBS/PARKS 23.99 38 NEW PAGER/FIRE DEPT 408..96 753 WATER SOFTNER CHG/RENT 23.11 50 STREETS/SUPPLIES 422.17 954 MANHOLE RINGS/NATER OE 47.39 Q 951 UNIFORM RENTAL 37.n8 851 UNIFORM RENTAL 69.44 851 UNIFORM RENTAL 24.29 851 UNIFORM RENTAL 24.28 651 UNIFORM RENTAL 104.80 851 UNIFORM RENTAL 104•.80 051 UNIFORM RENTAL 38.02 402.88 *Cf 73 GAS LINE CONN/PW BLD E 72.70 70 EOU'IP PARTS/STREETS 44.00 10 EQUIP PARTS/FIkE DEPT 11.15 78 EQUIP PARTS/SEWER COLL 66.02 70 OI'L/SHOP 8 GAR 17.76 70 MISC SUPPLIES/SHOP 8 0 21.50 70 VEH REPAIR PARTS/STREE 11.09 78 MISC SUPPLIES/STREETS 0.38 70 CORRECT CODING 17.02CR 188.60 sC1 81 LIBRARY CLEANING CONT 227.50 038 LEGAL FEES/MISS SHORE 801.01 030 LEGAL FEES/HRA DEVELO 704.60 1,778.01 •CI 600 ASSESSING CONTRACT 1,321.22 EIRC. FINANCIAL 6VS1EM 08/11/95 15:21:23 AARRANT DATE VENDOk GENERAL CHECKING 39011 08/14/95 LARSON'S ACE HARDWAR 39011 09;14/95 LARSON's ACE HARDWAR 39011 08/14/95 LARSON'S ACE HARDWAR 39011 n8/14/95 LARSON'S ACE HARDWAR 39011 08/14/95 LARSON'$ ACE HARDWAR 39011 08/14/95 LARSON'S ACE HARDWAR 39011 08/14/95 LARSON'S ACE HARDWAR 39011 08/14/95 LARSON'S ACE HARDWAR 39011 08/14/95 LARSON'S ACE HARDWAR 39011 08/14/95 LARSON'S ACE HARDWAR 39011 08/14/95 LARSON'$ ACE HARDWAR Disbursement Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT CI 874 MISC SUPPLIES/SEWER CO 33.06 874 MISC SUPPLIES/STREETS 43.71 874 MISC SUPPLIES/PARKS DE 47.36 874 TOOLS/CITY HALL 14.36 874 CLEAN?NG SUPPLIES/LIBRY 5.30 874 TOOLS/FIRE DEPT 145.32 874 OIL/FIRE DEPT 25.52 874 TOOLS/SHOP & GAR 17.54 874 MISC $UP/SHOP & GAR 4.54 874 MISC SUPPLIES/CITY HAL 20.50 874 MISC SUPPLIES/PARKS 24.15 381.36 *Cl 39012 08/14/95 MIDWAY INDUSTkIAL SU 114 MTC OF EOUIP SUP/STkE 309.71 39013 08/14/95 MN GOV FINANCE OFICE 39014 08/14/95 MONTIC:ELLO ANIMAL CO 39015 09/14/95 MONTICELLO OFFICE PR )aO15 06/14/65 MO44TIC1, iii vF; 10E 39015 08/14/95 MONTICELLO OFFICE PR 39015 08/14/95 MONTICELLO OFFICE PR 39015 00/14/95 MONTICELLO OFFICE PR 39015 08/14/95 MONTICELLO OFFICE PR 39016 00/14/95 MONTICELLO PRINTING 39016 08/14/95 MONTICELLO PRINTING 39016 08/14/95 MONTICELLO PRINTING 39017 06/14/95 MONTICELLO TIMES 39017 00/14/95 MONIICELLO TIMES 39017 00/14/95 MONTICELLO TIMES 39017 08/14/95 MONTICELLO TIMCS 39017 09/14/95 MONTICELLO TIMES 39017 00/14/95 MONTICLLLO TIMES 30017 00/14/95 MONTICELLO TIMES 39017 00/14/95 MONTICFLLO T(M1-9 39011 08/14/95 MONTI(ILLO TIMES 30010 00/14/05 MTI EI I S(1TRI BUT ING CO 3')019 00/14/95 NATIONAL BUSHING PAR 49019 00/14/05 NATIONAL (1ULH)NG PAR 30019 00/14/95 NATIONAL BUSHING PAN 39019 00/14/05 NATIONAL BULHIOG PAR 39019 00/14/95 NATIONAI 1111t;HTNG PA17 122 REG FEE/C SHUMAN 160.00 185 ANIMAL CONTROL CONT 1,100.00 136 SUPPLIES/PARKS DEPT 2.86 136 OFFICE SUP/CITY HALL 316.51 136 OFFICE SUPPLIES/DFP RE 72.31 136 OFF SUPPLIF-S/P WORKS 89.53 136 COPY MCN PAPER/P WORKS 40.47 757.84 137 CITY HALL MAILING LABE 51.12 137 FINANCE VERIFIED FORMS 93.83 137 HEARTLAND BUS TICKETS 171.68 316.63 140 LEGAL PUBLICATIONS 3,233.55 140 BLD PERMIT INFO 84,00 140 PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE, 44.35 140 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPO 952.02 140 AD FOR SEALCOATING &3.35 140 HELP WANTED AD/CITY H 152.25 140 LEGAL NOTICE/MISS ;7HOk 50.6U 140 LEGAL NOTICE/OCELLO/SC 63.35 140 LEGAL NOTICE/MAPLWO Cl 30.01 4,bO1.b6 299 VEH REPAlk PARTS/PARK 640.64 144 SUPPLIE:3/STREET DEPT 39.67 144 VEH REPAIR PARTS/,11'kEE 40.53 144 FOUIP REPAIR PART';/PAR 09.67 144 EOUIP REP PARTS/GTKEET 13.bG 144 OIL/'iTRLF.'T DEPT 12.77 ACI *CI +CI n L. ERC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 08/11/95 15:21:23 .AF:RANT DATE VENDOR GENERAL CHECKING 39020 08/14/95 NORTHERN STATES POWE 39021 08/14/95 OLSON & SONS ELECTRI 39021 08/14/95 OLSON & SONS ELECTRI 39021 08/14/95 OLSON & SONS ELECTRI 39021 08/14/95 OLSON & SONS ELECTRI 39022 08/14/95 ONE CALL CONCEPTS. I 39073 08/14/95 ORR-SCHELEN-MAYEkON 39023 08/14/95 ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON 39023 08/14/95 ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON 39023 08/14/95 ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON 39023 08/14/95 Okk-SCHELEN-MAYERON 39023 08/14/95 ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON 39023 08/14/95 ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON 39023 08/14/95 ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON .,auea utsi 14ina VRA JLRCLC -M1 AICHVIV 39023 08/14/95 ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON 39023 08/14/05 ORk-SCHELEN-MAYERON 39023 08/14/95 ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON 39024 08/14/95 PHOTO I 39024 08/14/95 PHOTO I 39024 08/14/95 PHOTO T 39074 08/14/95 PHOTO 1 39025 00/14/05 PkEUSfE'S CLEANING S 39025 08/14/95 PREUSSE'S CILANING S 390?6 08/14/95 PROFEGSIONAL SERVICE 39027 00/14/95 RADISLON ARK'OWW00D 3902.8 08/14/95 SCHAROF.R 8 ',ONS, INC, 39070 08/14/95 5CH4kBER 8 SONS, INC 39029 00/14/95 ST.CLOVO FIRE EOUIPM 390?9 09/14/95 13T.CL000 rlkl: EQUTPM 39079 00/14/95 ST.CL000 FIRE EOUIPM 39029 00/14/95 ST.CLOUD FIRE. FOUTPM Disbursement Journal OESCkIPTION AMOUNT CI 205.20 148 UTILITIES 34.66 160 VEH REP PARTS/STREETS 134.78 160 STREET LIGHT REPAIRS 290.22 160 SUNNY FRESH REPAIRS 10.92 160 FUSES, ETC/WATER DEPT 150.59 586.51 836 PROF SERVICES/WATER DC 60.00 162 ENG FEES/OCELLO/SC 57,047.99 162 ENG FEES/P WORKS EXPA 103.50 162 ENG FEES/C HILLS V 18,712.53 162 ENG FEES/M O TRK SE 2,243.86 162 ENG FEES/BIKE PATHW 4.665.56 162 ENG FEES/EA�;TW000 K 5,466.68 162 MISC ENG FEES 645.63 162 ENG FEES/KLEIN FAR 34,302.93 IOL Li'G fCC :./AL 1F�l)VN..N4 ,VVO.[V 162 ENG FEES/FAV MAR PRJ' 92.25 162 ENG FEES/MISS SHORE 1,514.62 162 ENG FEES/SOUTHWEST 9,024.47 135.329.48 743 PICTURES/PW INSPECTION 25.00 743 PIC TUkES/M FORD STM SE 18.56 743 PICTURES/CITY NEWSLETTF. 8.47 743 PICTURES/WWTP ?5.40 77.43 173 FIRE HALL CLEANING CON 50.00 173 CITY HALL CLEANING CO 400.00 450.00 175 WWTP MONFHLY CONFR 34,326.56 80?60 9/20-9/21 kEG/C SHUMA 157,62 229 EQUIP REP PARTS/PARKS 14.00 229 VEH REPAIR PARTS/PARK 173,55 107.63 242 FIRE EXTINGUISHER MTC 10.00 242 FIRE I XTINGUISHE.R MTC ?.2.50 242 F10.E EXTINGUISHER MTC 9.00 242 FIRE EXTINGUICHCR MTC 15.50 75.00 *C1 MCF Llem SCI $0 mill •CI U P,RC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 08/11/95 15:21:23 ARRANT DATE VENDOR GENERAL CHECKING 39030 08/14/95 STATE CHEMICAL MANUF 39031 08/14/95 TAYLOR LAND SURVEYOR 39031 08/14/95 TAYLOR LAND SURVEYOR 39031 08/14/95 TAYLOR LAND SURVEYOR 39032 08/14/95 TRI-STATE PUMP & CON 39033 08/14/95 WATERPRO SUPPLIES: CO 39U33 08/14/95 WA'fERPNO SUPPLIES CO 39034 08/14/95 WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITO 38034 08/14/95 WRIGHT COUNTY AUDI10 39035 08/14/95 WRIGHT COUNTY DEPT 0 39036 08/14/95 Y.M.C.A. OF MINNEAPO GENERAL CHECKING Disbursement •Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT CL 955 SHOP & GAR MTC SUPPLI 120.55 203 MYLARS/C HILLS V 26.00 203 MAPS/EASTWOOD KNOLL 26.00 203 MISC MAPS/PLAN & ZON 311.25 363.25 632 RENTAL/FLO TOTE 2,662.50 670 SUPPLIES/M 0 TRK $EWE 208.42 670 MEADOW OAK PARKS IM 1,821.56 2,030.00 219 SHERIFF'S CONTRACI 24,489.33 219 ADD'L LANDFILL CHGS 7,958.80 32.428.13 275 4 UTILITY PERMITS 100.00 224 CONTRACT PYMT 625.00 TOTAL 224.433.60 *CH *CH *CH BkC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 08/21/95 08:24:02 4ARRANT DATE VENDOR GENERAL CHECKINGG 38997 08/18/95 AUTOMATION SUPPLY 38997 08/18/95 AUTOMATION SUPPLY 39037 08/18/95 GAPINSKSI/RICHARD 39036 08/18/95 KICKHAFEk/THOMAS 39039 08/18/95 JONES/WILLIAM 0 39039 06/18/95 JONES/WILLIAM 0 39040 08/18/95 MN DEPART OF NATURAL 39041 08/18/95 MONTICELLO ANIMAL CO 39042 08/21/95 ALBINSON, INC. 39042 08/21/95 ALBINSON, INC. 39042 06/21/95 ALBINSON. INC. 39043 00/21/95 AMERICAN PLANNING AS 39044 08/21/95 AMERICAN PUBLIC WORK 39045 08/21/95 BARBAROSSA & SONC). I 39046 00/21/95 BRAUN INTERTEC CORPO 39046 06/21/95 BRAUN INTERTEC CORPO 3904G 00/71/95 BRAUN IUTFRTEC CORDO 34046 00/21/95 BRAUN INTFRTFC CORPO 39047 00/21/95 OREI'TBACH CONsTRUrTI J9040 00/21/95 EIBCHEN ENVIRONMENTAL 39049 08/21/95 DUOINE513 RECORDS COR 39050 08/21/95 GLASS HU1/1HE 39051 00/?1/95 INTER CONF OF BLDG 0 10052 00/21/95 MOBIL 390')3 09/21/99 R. P. UTILII'IF,S 9E10',4 00/21/95 RELIABLE CORPORATION 390!,4 09/21/9') RII IAI)IA: CORPORATION 826 Disbursement Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT CL 18 CORRECT CODING 246.96 18 CORRECT CODING 246.96CR 118 MATER/SNOW/ATV REG 0.00 *CI 428 BLADES/PARKS DEPT 140.00 90404 DISC/PARKS 100.00 826 INFO CENTER SALARY 170.00 826 INFO CENTER SALARY 50.0008 120.00 =CI 118 MATER/SNOW/ATV REG 525.00 185 RE1MB/DOG FOOD/ANIMAL 304.09 412 TOOLS/P WORKS INSPECT 116.84 412 TOOLS/BLD INSPECTIONS 194.25 412 TOOLS/STREETS 63.70 374.79 ►C7 0 666 MEMBERSHIP DUES/JEFF 196.00 843 SUBSCRIPTION/P WORKS 90.00 942 CONST COSTS/M 0 ',T 95, 152.00 638 1ESTING/EIkE HALL 217.25 838 ENG FEES/F.ASTWOOD KNO 478.00 630 ENG FEES/KLEIN FARM 1.691.50 638 ENG FEES/M 0 TRK SE 1.219.00 3.665.75 ►C1 926 CONST COSTS/EASTWO 47.363,16 937 SUM PUMP INSPECT F 13.495.00 27 RECEIPT BOOKS/CITY HA 499.49 GG WINDOW kEP/RENTAL/MN 35.65 291 1994 (ILI) CODE 800K9 179.45 131 GAF -/PARKS 1L.61 021 PYMT 06/C IIILL9 4T 20.160.70 179 COMPUIER 01( SUP/C HA 19?.16 179 PRINTER STAND/C HALL 29.90 210.14 •rl ERC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 08/21/95 08:24:02 1• WARRANT DATE VENDOR GENERAL CHECKING 39055 08/21/95 RIVERSIDE OIL 39056 08/21/95 RYAN CONTRACTING INC 39057 08/21/95 SCHLUENDER CONSTRUCT 39058 08/21/95 SHINGOBEE BUILDERS 39059 08/21/95 SPECIALTY TECHNICAL 39060 08/21/95 SPECTRUM SUPPLY CO. 39060 08/21/95 SPECTRUM SUPPLY CO. 39060 08/21/95 SPECTRUM SUPPLY CO. 39061 08/21/95 STATE CHEMICAL MANUF 39062 08/21/95 THEISEN/MATT 39063 08/21/95 UNITED LABORATORIES 39064 08/71/85 VIKING COCA COLA GENERAL CHECKING Disbursement Journal DF SCR IPTION AMOUNT CL 496 GAS/STREET DEPT 1,662.50 750 CONST COSTS/KLEIN 173,420.63 107 SANITARY SEW/MISS 14,885.00 612 PYMT #4/CONST/P W 47.276.37 956 SUBSCRIPTION/AWAIR PR 294.00 498 MISC SUPPLIES/PARKS DE 73.46 498 CLOTHING SUP/STREETS 17.89 498 MISC SUP/SHOP & GAR 360.70 452.05 *CF 955 SHOP & GAR MTC SUP 133.13 457 SAFETY SHOES REIMB 50.00 634 STREET SUPPLIES 350.89 779 POP/PARKS DEPT 113.15 TOTAL 421.300.59 rmr BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 08/01/95 09743•:52 Disbursement Journal WARRANT DATE VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT LIQUOR CHECKING 18229 07-/30/95 JERRY. HELLMAN CONSTR 800140 WALL REMOVAL FOR COOL 575.00 18230 07/30/95 GRUYS. BORDEN CARLSO 800020 PROF SERV/AUDIT 2,200.00 1:8231 07/30/95' U S WEST COMMUNIC4TI 800093 ADVERTISING 27.60 18232 07/30/95 CAREFREE LAWN SERVIC e00193 M.CWING CHARGES 121.80 18233 07/30195 BRIDGEWATER TELEPHON 600002 ADVERTISING 61.20 1,3233 0'7/30/95 BkIOGEWATER TELEPHON 800002 TELEPHONE CHARGES 182.0 243,-83 *C 18294 01/,3'0/95 LIEFERT TRUCKING 800025 FREIGHT CHARGES 906.01 le??S 07/30195 MARQUETTE BANK MONTI 000063 INVESTMENTS/C 0 125,iDOO,.00 19236 07h0/05 DISCOUNT PAPER PRODU 80017:7 SUPPLIES/RIBBONS & PA 1,97.17 10237 07/10/95 NORTHWEST CARPET -& U 800179 CARPET CLEANING 266.28 :0750 07t30i,9G Jcjt1f46vt4 nmws WMVLh:SA 900022 LIQUOR PURCHASE 083.03 182':;9 07/30/96 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIR 800180 LIQUOR PURCHASE 1,+104.55 10240 07/30/96 JOHNSON BROS WHOLESA 9000,22 LIQUOR PURCHASE 60.50 1,0240 07/3,0/65 JOHNSON 61206 WHOLESA 8000?2 WINE PURCHASE 749°.09 199.52 *C 1-0241 07/30/95- QUALITY WINE A SPIRT 9100040 WINE PURCHASE .548.75 VG 241 0/30/95 QUALITY WINE & SPIRI 800040 MIXES FOR RESALE 27.216 10741 07/,30/96 QUALITY WINE 0 SPIRI 000060 LIQUOR PURCHASE 3,424.91 4,000.01 *C 07/30/95 GROSSLEIN BEVERAGE 1 800019 PEER PURCHASE 4,046.95 10943 07130/113 JOHNSON BROS WHOLESA 000021 LIQUOR PURCHA^F. 356.00 07/90/95 JOHNSON DROS WHOLESA 800022 WINE PURCHASE 1..515.15 1 .9,71 .?3 sj� 1024ts 0/10/95 PHILLIP'WINE P- ,PIR 00010,0 WINE PURCHASE 744.42 1C:11.4 07/30/95 PHtULIPS WINL• & OPIR 600100 MlXtl'; 6,JR Rf SALE 90.00 0411 . p") *C I Cj?4 1i 07/30/05 GROOSLPIN n1'Vf,,kAGG I OUDOiO 01,L-k P'JQCHA1'f-.* 7,047.40 io";416 01/20/91) CAGLL WINE COMPANY O0n01? WINE PUkfHA5f 11570.10 01/30/9x} I-,AGIA WINi 6OMPANY 000012 MIXIi,l 1-OR kC5AlA 131.01 1.700.10 # (7, BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM COBIO,i /,95 09'43:42 Oisbuesement Journal OARRANT DATE VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT Cl LIQUOR CHECKING 1e247 07/30/95 GRIGGS. COOPER 6 COM 900011 LIQUOR PURCHASE 4.651 39 18247 07/30/95 GRIGGS. COOPER & COM 800018 MIXES FOR RESALE 951.:85 4,767.24 *Cj 18240 07/30/95 CITY OF MONTICELLO 000003 SEWER WATER BILL 3 1- 11 18249 07/30/95 JOHNSON BROS WHOLESA, 900022 LIQUOR PURCHASE. 1,$22.35 1824'9 07/30/95 JOHN -SON BROS WHOLESA 800022 WINE PURCHASE 50.99, 1,573.33 scf 13250 07/30/95 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIR 800180 WINE PURCHASE 70,75 18750 07/30/95 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIR 800160 LIQUOR PURCHASE 1.171.15 1,241.90 *C1 1'8251 07/30195 JOHNSON BROS WHOLESA 800022 LIQUOR PURCHASE 3,443 .68 102.51 07/30/§5 JOHNSON BROS WHOLESA 800022 WINE PURCHASE S96.=80 4,040.56 *Cb 10252 07/30/95 QUALITY WINE & SPIRI 000040 WINE PURCHASE 572.,I6 10257 07/30/95 QUALITY WINE & 9PTRI 800040 LIQUOR PURCHASE 4,821.03 5,193.19 1025)-07/30/()5 EAGLE WINE COMPANY 000012 WINE PURCHASE 422.6.7 18253 07/30/95 EAGLE WINE COMPANY 000013 MIX FOR RF�',ALE 119.76 $42.42 *C's 18254 07130/95 GRIGGS. COOPER & COM 800019 LIQUOR PURCHASE 1.5110190 10?54 07/30/95 GRIGGS, COOPER & COM 000010 WINE PURCHASE 0,03.69 2,21 ?.,Sq *Ct LIWUOR CHErKINO ToTAL 173 , 300'. Of) BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM OB/03/95 08:02:00 WARRANT DATE VENDOR Disbursement Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT LIQUOR CHECKING 18255 08/03/95 BELLBOY CORPORATION 800098 COOLERS, ETC FOR RESAL 83.89 18256 08/03/95 BERNICK'S PEPSI COLA 800001 POP PURCHASE 361.65 18257 08/03/95 CEDAR ST. GARDEN CEN 800194 SHRUBS 50.97 18258 08/03/95 CONSOLIDATED COMM DI 800163 ADVERTISING 40.25 18259 08/03/95 DAY DISTRIBUTING COM 800010 NON ALCOHOLIC BEER 51.60 18259 08/03/95 DAV DISTRIBUTING COM 800010 BEER PURCHASE 1,974.40 18259 08/03/95 DAY DISTRIBUTING COM 800010 FOOD FOR RESALE 7.00 18259 08/03/95 DAV DISTRIBUTING COM 800010 DUE FROM MAY INVOICE 0.40 2,033.40 18260 08/03/95 DICK WHOLESALE CO., 800011 BEER PURCHASE 3,193.10 18260 08/03/95 DICK WHOLESALE CO., 800011 LIQUOR STORE SUPPLIES 33.01 18260 08/03/95 DICK WHOLESALE CO., 800011 MISC SUPPLIES/BAGS 19.17 3,245.23 18261 08/03/95 EAGLE WINE COMPANY 900012 WINE PURCHASE 250.02 18261 00/01/95 EAGLE. WINE COMPANY 000012 MIXES FOR REGALE 207.O0 457.10 18262 08/03/95 FLESCH'S PAPER SERVI 800116 PAPER BAGS 318.83 18263 08/03/95 G & K SERVICE 800129 RUGS/MTC OF BLD 66.17 18264 08/03/95 GETTMAN COMPANY 800197 MISC ITEMS FOR RESALE 102.00 18265 08/03/95 GRIGGS, COOPER & COM 800018 LIQUOR PURCHASE 7,091.32 18265 06/03/95 GRIGGS, COOPER & COM 800018 WINE PURCHASE 133.40 7,224.72 18266 08/03/95 GROSSLEIN BEVERAGE 1800019 BEER PURCHASE 10,008.30 10267 08/03/05 JUDE CANDY & TOBACCO 800021 LIQUOR STORE SUPPLIES 67.68 18267 08/03/95 JUDE CANDY & TOBACCO 800021 JUICE FOR RESALE 11.56 10267 00/03/05 JUDE CANDY & TOBACCO 800021 CIGS & CIGARS FOR RES 155.25 234.48 18268 08/03/95 LARSON'S ACE HAROWAR 800104 MISC SUPPLIES 9.33 10260 00/03/95 LARSON'$ ACE HARDWAR 000184 BLD MTC SUPPLIES 40.21 49.54 18260 00/03/95 LEHMANN FARMS 800100 FOOD FOR RESALE 150.70 10270 08/03/95 MN MUNICIPAL DEVF.RAG 000029 MEMBERSHIP DUES 307.00 r r1 •I BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 08/03/95 08:02:00 Disbursement •Journal WARRANT DATE VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT LIQUOR CHECKING 18271 08/03/95 MONTICELLO OFFICE PR 800031 OFFICE SUPPLIES 18.28 16272 08/03/95 NEWTLN MANUFACTURING 800149 MISC SUPPLIES 311.10 18273 08/03/95 NORTHERN STATES POWE 800035 UTILITIES 1,441.78 18274 08/03/95 PHILLIPS WINE h SPIR 800160 WINE PURCHASE 1,597.48 18275 08/03/95 RON'S ICE COMPANY 800041 ICE FOR RESALE 1,181.66 18276 08/03/95 ST. CLOUD FIRE EQUIP 800072 SERVICE FIRE EXTINGUSHE 9.00 18277 08/09/95 ST. CLOUD RESTAURANT 800045 MIX FOR RESALE 140.85 18277 08/03/95 ST. CLOUD RESTAURANT 800045 LIQUOR STORE SUPPLIES 71.29 212.14 18278 08/03/95 TDS TELECOM 800196 .PHONE CHARGES 175.15 18278 06/03/95 TOS TELECOM 800196 ADVERTISING 61.20 236.35 1621U U8/Ui/Nb IHUKPt u1b:k1t1UT1NU uUVu46 BEEx PUn�nAac 36,452.65 16279 08/03/95 THORPE DISTRIBUTING 800048 NON ALCOHOLIC BEER 417.90 30,870.85 18280 08/03/95 U S LINK 800195 TELEPHONE CHARGES 12.01 18281 08/03/95 VIKING COCA-COLA BOT 800051 POP PURCHASE 553.83 LIQUOR CHECKING TOTAL 61,265.95 DWORMATIONAL ITEM August 28, 1898 . (KW.) Last fall, the City was notified by Mr. Dave Stromberg, next door neighbor of Chantelle Mitchell at 208 East River Street, that Ms. Mitchell had a tree in her back yard that was dangerously close to falling over onto his house and garage. Mr. Stromberg had requested City assistance in having the tree removed, and the City promptly notified Ms. Mitchell that it appeared the tree was in an unsafe condition and should be removed to avoid a hazard. As some of you may recall, Ms. Mitchell appeared before the City Council after she was notified of the unsafe tree; however, she did not discuss with the Council her concerns about removing the tree, but was asking for assistance in resolving a dispute with her neighbor concerning a shared driveway. The staff had assumed Ms. Mitchell was in attendance at the meeting in December 1994 to seek assistance on removing the tree, but the entire discussion before the Council concerned the shared driveway dispute. Although the City had notified Ms. Mitchell that the tree was considered dangerous and should be removed, she had not yet had the work done, as she indicated she did not have the funds available to pay for the estimated $1,100 removal cost. After last week's high winds, which knocked down a number of trees in Monticello, Mr. Stromberg again inquired as to what the City could do to have the tree removed, as he had more concerns about the tree eventually falling on his house. While this isn't necessarily a City responsibility, we were also aware that Me. Mitchell did not have the ability to contract for the work on her own unless the City became involved. In discussing the matter with the City Attorney, he was in agreement with the staffs suggestion that the City get involved in removing this tree by contracting with a private firm, provided Me. Mitchell would agree to be assessed for the cost of removal as a special assessment on her property taxes. It was the opinion of the Public Works Director, the City Attorney, and myself that although the City doesn't normally get involved in private property matters, this may be a simple solution that would satisfy everyone. As a result, we have obtained the petition and approval of the property owner agreeing to a special Asaesament for the tree removal; and we, therefore, contracted with Schillewaert Tree Removal to have it cut down. The assessment will be spread over five years at an interest rate of 7% and will be collected starting in 1996 on Me. Mitchell's property taxes. CITY OF MONTICELLD PETITION REQUEST FOR TREE REMOVAL FROM PRIVATE PROPERTY I (We), the undersigned owner(s) of the property at 206 East River Street, part of Lot 14, Block B, Original Plat, Parcel #166-010-067140, hereby request that the City of Monticello contract for the removal of an unade storm -damaged tree from our property and assess the cost of the tree removal estimated at $1,100.00 against our property over a period of 6 years at an interest rate of 7% on the unpaid balance. I (We) agree to pay 100% of the removal cost and agree to waive our right to notice and public hearing regarding the chargee for this tree removal and agree to the terms of the special assessment as outlined above. BIONA OWNERS Dated: 8/21/96 ' Chantelle Mitch:l! / BWORMATIONAL ITEM AND REQUEST August 88,1996 (011ie Koropchak) For the past few years, some individuals have made reference to the idea of a possible consolidation of the Monticello Economic Development Authority (EDA) and the Montioello Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA). Some of these individuals are members of the EDA, HRA, Industrial Development Committee (IDC), and City Administrative staff. The IDC Exeeutive Board requests the City Council consider setting a date for members of the City Council, City Administration, and IDC Executive Board, and the Chair of the EDA and HRA to meet. The subject matter for the meeting might be to pose the question, "Why shouldn't the City consolidate the EDA and the HRAs It is suggested the meeting dato be sot in September, if possible. IDC Executive Board: Kevin Doty, Chairperson; Ken Maus, Vice -Chairperson; and Ron Hoglund, Treasurer.