City Council Agenda Packet 07-22-1996AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, July 22, 1996 - 7 p.m. Mayor: Brad Fyle Council Members: Shirley Anderson, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf, Tom Perrault 1. Call to order. 2. Approval of minutes of the regular meeting held July 8, 1996. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Citizens commentstpetitions, requests, and complaints. b. Consent agenda. UA ofF _ &,e-& »<•tic. Consideration of adopting a resolution authorizing prepayment of debt, 1986A G.O. Bond. .;0,— 6 +Y- 9& B. Consideration of approving issuance of a traveling show license for Kelly Miller Brothers Circus - Chamber of Commerce. C. Consideration of authorizing a voluntary payment to League of Minnesota Cities for funding a work plan to address city "right-of-way" issues. 1 N`ID� Consideration of calling for a special Council meeting to discuss the ui MSV recently -adopted storm sewer policy. U qM g — fig- % E. Consideration of change order ql - River Street Sanitary Sewer, Project 96.02C. F. Consideration of final payment on Cardinal Hills 6th Addition, Project 96-W - Kadlec Excavating. G. Consideration of approving specifications for Heartland Bus contract bid renewal. H. Consideration of change order #1 to commuter parking lot prgject for fire hall parking lot expansion. 1. Consideration of appointing Parks Commissioner. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. Agenda Monticello City Council July 22, 1996 Page 2 7. Public Hearing --Adoption of assessment roll for delinquent accounts. 8. Consideration of a request to modify terms of purchase agreement - Bohanon parcel. 9. Consideration of an appeal of a blight inspection notice regarding grass and weed removal. 10. Consideration of annual sidewalk inspection report. 11. Consideration of increasing recycling contract due to market changes of products recycled. 12. Consideration of bills for the month of July. 13. Adjournment. NID47 S REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, July 8, 1898 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Brad Fyle, Shirley Anderson, Clint Herbst, Tom Perrault Members Absent: Brian Stumpf A MOTION WAS MADE BY SHIRLEY ANDERSON AND SECONDED BY TOM PERRAULT TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING HELD JUNE 24, 1996, AS WRITTEN. Motion carried unanimously, with Brian Stumpf absent. A. Councilmember Herbst noted that recycling was collected on Thursday, July 4, but garbage was collected on Friday, July b, due to the holiday. Even though the change was noted in the recycling newsletter for 1996, Herbst requested that recycling and garbage be collected on the same day throughout the year. Public Works Director John Simola noted that Council will soon be discussing the recycling contract, at which time holiday collections could be discussed. None. A. CUnnideration of a regucat for n simple su_hdiviaion. Applicant. Marvel Trunnell Location is Lots 2, 3, 4- and B,Bim, River Terrace s .hd�on. Recommendation: Approve the simple subdivision of Lots 2, 3, 4, and b, Block 2, River Terrace, based on the finding that the subdivision is consistent with code requirements and will result in setback conformance for the eastern boundary of Lot B without creating a nonconforming situation on an adjacent lot. Page 1 O Council Minutes - 7/8% Recommendation: Table items 511, 5C, and 5D pending receipt of the following information from the developer of Briar Oakes Estate 2nd Addition: A copy of the final plat. The developer's preferred method for providing the City with financial security that the grading would be completed in time to meet the requirements of the City contract. Decision by the developer on whether or not he would prefer the grading to be done privately or via City project. Congideratinn of exten inaaocessory h it ing moratorium until first Q ncil meeting in Au Ft , Recommendation: Extend die nmratorium on construction of accessory buildings on lots less than 10,000 sq ft until August 13, 1998, A MOTION WAS MADE BY SHIRLEY ANDERSON AND SECONDED BY TOM PERRAULT TO APPROVE ITEMS 5A AND 5E OF THE CONSENT AGENDA AS RECOMMENDED, AND TO TABLE ITEMS 5B, 5C, AND 5D OF THE CONSENT AGENDA AS RECOMMENDED BY STAFF. Motion carried unanimously, with Brian Stumpf absent. I . ,, , ,L„ „1 i,„ ,t t, .1 1 None. Page 2 0 Council Minutes - 7/8/96 Assistant Administrator Jeff O'Neill reported that Steve Birkeland requested an amendment to a conditional use permit which would allow expansion of the outside storage area at the Custom Canopy facility. The proposed expansion would more than double the existing storage area by extending the storage area an additional 100 ft to the north and 50 ft to the west. O'Neill noted that stall' had concerns regarding expansion of the outside storage due to past activities at the site that were not consistent with code. O'Neill explained that after reviewing the request, the Planning Commission was concerned that the ordinance doesn't have a maximum limit for outside storage. It was their view that if an outside storage area becomes too large, it would become the principal use rather than an accessory use. However, Planning Commission did recommend approval of the amendment to the conditional use for Custom Canopy with certain conditions. O'Neill noted that the Planning Commission would be reviewing the ordinance section regarding outside storage in the near future. Councilmember Herbst noted that even though the ordinance requires 90% opaque screening of outside storage, allowing the storage area gate to be open during business hours did not seem to be unreasonable. O'Neill reported, however, that Planning Commission Chair Dick Frio spoke with other owners in the industrial park about outside storage, and they felt it was important to maintain a neat, clean industrial park. In addition, Fallon Avenue would eventually be one of the entrances to the city, and it was important to make sura the area is well maintained. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY SHIRLEY ANDERSON TO APPROVE THE AMENDMENT TO THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR CUSTOM CANOPY ALLOWING EXPANSION TO OUTSIDE STORAGE AREA WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: FENCE SYSTEM DESIGN MAY CONTINUE; HOWEVER, ADDITIONAL PINE PLANTINGS ARE REQUIRED TO BREAK UP MONOTONY OF FENCE AND TO ACHIEVE 90% OPACITY REQUIREMENT. THE NUMBER AND LOCATION OF TREES TO BE DETERMINED BY CITY STAFF. PLACEMENT OF SUITABLE MATERIALS AS A BASE TO CONTROL DUST, ETC. Page 3 0 Council Minutes - 7/8/96 3. PLANT ADDITIONAL TREES IN ACCORDANCE WITH CODE AND SUPPLEMENTAL TREES TO ENHANCE SCREENING EFFECT (SEE Yl). 4. PROVIDE ADDITIONAL PARKING AREA OR ALTER USE OF EXISTING PARKING AREAS NOW BEING USED FOR STORAGE. 5. GATE MAY REMAIN OPEN; HOWEVER, A "RETURN" SECTION OF SCREENING FENCE MUST BE INSTALLED THAT IS AT LEAST 50 FT IN LENGTH AT A RIGHT ANGLE TO THE EXISTING FENCE, THUS PARTIALLY SCREENING THE OPENING TO THE STORAGE AREA WHEN VIEWED FROM THE RIGHT-OF-WAY. 6. OUTDOOR AREAS SHOULD BE USED ENTIRELY FOR STORAGE AND NOT USED FOR PRODUCTION ACTIVITIES. 7. OTHER CONDITIONS REQUIRED BY CODE. Voting in favor: Clint Herbst, Shirley Anderson, Brad Fyle. Opposed: Tom Perrault. It was his view that the gate to the storage area should remain dosed. Motion passed, with Brian Stumpf absent. Assistant Administrator O'Neill reported that the Monticello Time has developed a community -wide home page on the internet called "Monticello Times Online" news, advertising, community events, organizations, and government information. Don Smith of the Monticello 'mea requested that the City join the home page and presented a proposal for consideration. The "deluxe package" proposed by Smith would coat $1,195 for a 6 -month period plus set-up costs, which would allow the City 6 graphics, 10 "pages" of City information, and an E-mail hot link. O'Neill also noted that a "basic package" is available for $495, with a set-up cost estimated at $100, which would allow the City a graphics, 5 "pages" of City information, and an E-mail hot link. O'Neill stated that after reviewing the proposals, staff recommended that Council consider approving participation in the basic package, which could include such information as a brief description of the city, information about the Council and commissions, department information, and possibly economic development information. O'Neill would be responsible for responding to E-mail messages or submitting inquiries to the appropriate staff' person. Page 4 �/ Council Minutes - 7/8/96 AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY SHIRLEY ANDERSON TO APPROVE PARTICIPATION IN THE MONTICELLO TIMES ONLINE PROGRAM UNDER THE BASIC PACKAGE PROPOSAL OF 8495 FOR 6 MONTHS, TO BE EVALUATED BY COUNCIL AFTER THE 6 -MONTH PERIOD. Motion carried unanimously, with Brian Stumpf absent. City Administrator Rick Wolfsteller reported that the annual funding agreement for the Senior Citizen Center will expire in the fall of 1996. As part of the litigation settlement with the former Senior Citizen Center Director Karen Hanson in 1991, the City agreed to provide annual funding for the Center in the amount of $34,000 for at least five years. The Center was free to use these funds for hiring their own personnel and for operating expenses. In addition, the City would continue to provide the Center a building to utilize and would continue exterior and mechanical maintenance of the structure. Since the agreement expires in the fall, the current Senior Center Director, Pam Loidolt, inquired as to the City's intention regarding future funding. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY SHIRLEY ANDERSON AND SECONDED BY TOM PERRAULT TO CONTINUE FUNDING THE SENIOR CITIZEN CENTER AT $34,000 PER YEAR FOR THREE YEARS, WITH THE CITY PAYING FOR MAJOR REPAIRS OF THE BUILDING AND THE SENIOR CENTER BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAYING FOR MINOR REPAIRS. Motion carried unanimously, with Brian Stumpf absent. Public Works Director John Simola reported that specifications were prepared for two colors to be used on the old water tower, one using a high- grade polyurethane long-lasting paint, which would be used on the standpipe, bowl tank, and cover. A second color, using a dry fall method, using either an aluminum or acrylic latex paint, would be used on the legs, lattice work, and railings. In addition, an option was specified for using the Monticello logo in two places with its four colors. Simola noted that only one bid was received on July 6, The bid was submitted by Pittsburg Tank $ Tower Company, Inc., from Henderson. Kentucky, for a base bid of $22,076 and a corrected bid amount of $6,900 for adding two 10'x10' logos in four colors, for a total of $27,976. Simola noted that in 1994, he had obtained a quote (bom another firm to paint the tower at a cost of $24,800; therefore, it was his view that the bid Nm Pittsburg Tank & Tower Company was reasonable. Page 6 0 Council Minutes - 7/8/96 AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY SHIRLEY ANDERSON TO AWARD THE WATER TOWER PAINTING PROJECT TO PITTSBURG TANK & TOWER COMPANY, INC. OF HENDERSON, KENTUCKY, BASED UPON THEIR BID OF $27,975, WHICH INCLUDES TWO 10 FT X 10 FT LOGOS. SHIRLEY ANDERSON TO SERVE ON THE COMMITTEE TO DETERMINE THE COLORS AND SITE OF THE LOGO. Voting in favor. Clint Herbst, Shirley Anderson, Brad Fyle. Opposed: Tom Perrault. Motion passed, with Brian Stumpf absent. 11. Other mskaet5. A. Assistant Administrator Jeff O'Neill requested that Council consider items 5B, 5C, and 51), which were tabled under the consent agenda. B. Consideration of approval of devPIQRmPnt. n=m n . govp_�_i nS Briar O k s s j+ p 2nd Ad ition. and 11 1 1 :1 11 I 'yM 11 f: M 4 GrAf: �:: 11 11 : �• 1 � •I 11 1 f: I 1 1 11 11 : 1 1 1: 11%I X111 i0 7f l:lfi�!%,•14.. 1 1 Assistant Administrator O'Neill noted that Kevin Schmitz of Prestige Builders was present and had just briefly met with O'Neill and City Engineer Bret Weiss regarding the information required for Briar Oakes Estate 2nd Addition. Schmitz requested that Council consider approval of the development agreement, final plat, and award of the project contract in order to avoid a two-week delay until the next Council meeting. O'Neill went on to explain that the City had not received a copy of the final pint; however, the City Engineer had soon the plat, which was currently being reviewed by Wright County. It was also noted that easement modifications may have resulted in delaying receipt of the plat by the City. In addition, Schmitz stated that he would like the grading for the project completed as a City project, which would need to be secured with a letter of credit. O'Neill noted that with this information, City staff could now design the development agreement; however, Schmitz also requested that Council consider reducing the amount of the letter of credit, which was required to be 60% of the amount of installing utilities. Schmitz noted that he would accept the 60% Pago 6 G Council Minutes - 7/8/96 if Council did not want to reduce the amount at this time; however, he requested that the item be brought back in the future for a possible reduction in the 60^% requirement. City Engineer Bret Weiss updated Council on the bid opening for Briar Oakes Estate 2nd Addition and the River Street Trunk Sanitary Sewer improvements, noting that the bids came in higher than estimated, particularly on the River Street trunk sanitary sewer project; however, he recommended that the contract be awarded at this time. Council discussed the 60% letter of credit requirement and felt that the percentage should remain at 60%. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY SHIRLEY ANDERSON: 5B: TO APPROVE A DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT GOVERNING BRIAR OAKES ESTATE 2ND ADDITION. DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT TO REQUIRE LETTER OF CREDIT IN AN AMOUNT OF 60% OF THE PROJECT COSTS. GRADING TO BE DONE UNDER PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT PROCESS, WITH COSTS SECURED BY A LETTER OF CREDIT AND GRADING EXPENSES PAID AT COMPLETION. 5C: TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION AWARDING THE PROJECT CONTRACT FOR BRIAR OAKES ESTATE 2ND ADDITION AND RIVER STREET TRUNK SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS TO RICHARD KNUTSON, INC., OF SAVAGE, MN, AT A COST OF $572,534.36, CONTINGENT ON EXECUTION OF THE BRIAR OAKES ESTATE 2ND ADDITION DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT AND RECORDING OF FINAL PLAT. SEE RESOLUTION 96.35. 51): TO APPROVE THE FINAL PLAT OF BRIAR OAKES ESTATE 2ND ADDITION CONTINGENT ON EXECUTION OF THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT. Motion carried unanimously, with Brian Stumpf absent. Page 7 9 Council Minutes • 7,8/96 Councilmember Perrault requested that information regarding Briar Oakes Estate 2nd Addition be provided as an update with the next Council agenda packet. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Karen Doty Office Manager Page 8 0 Council Agenda - 7/22196 sA. Consideration of adopting a resolution Smviding for the prenavment and redemption of the 198M (3.0. Improvement Bonds. (R.W.) In 1986, the City sold $385,000 in G.O. improvement bonds to finance a portion of the interceptor sewer project crossing Highway 25 and the City's share of improvements to the widening of Highway 25. The bonds currently remaining amount to $205,000, and the remaining debt has an average interest rate of over 7.5%. This particular bond issue was reviewed at the time we recently refinanced a couple of our debt issues; and because the City had almost enough money in this particular debt issue in cash and investments, it would be wise for the City to simply call the bonds on August 1, 1996, and pay them off in full. The City currently had $168,000 in cash and investments; and with the 1996 tax settlement amounts, the City would have sufficient funds to pay off the $205,000 balance. This will eventually save the City money since we are unable to earn 7.5% interest on our investments. In order to proceed with the pay-off of the above bond issue, the Council should adopt the resolution authorizing the prepayment. Ehlers & Associates, the consultant we used for our last bond sale, has prepared the public notice document that is necessary to call the bonds in anticipation of Council approval. Adopt the resolution authorizing the prepayment of the $205,000 outstanding balance on the 1986A improvement bonds. Do not authorize prepayment at this time. It is my recommendation that the resolution be adopted and the bonds be paid off, as we have sufficient funds in this debt service account to simply retire the debt at this time. With the interest rates ranging from 7.2% to 7.7% on the remaining debt, it is simply more economical for the City to pay off the debt rather than paying this high interest rate when we can only earn 6.6'% to 6.5% long-term. Copy of proposed resolution for adoption. e Extract of Mlinutes of Meeting of the City Council of the City of Monticello, Wright County, Minnesota Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, was duly held in the City Hall in the City of Monticello, on Monday, June 24, 1998, commencing at 7:00 o'clock P.M. The following members were present: and the following were absent: Member Introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption RESOLUTION NO. _ RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE PREPAYMENT AND REDEMPTION OF CERTAIN OUTSTANDING GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS OF THE CITY BE 1T RESOLVED By the City Council of tho City of Monticello, Wright County, Minnesota, as follows: 1. The City has issuod end sold its General Obligation Improvomont Bonds, Sones 1988A, dated August 1, 1988 (Bonds) In the total principal amount of $385,000 . Bonds maturing on or after February 1, 1997, aro subjoct to rodemption and prepayment on February 1, 1998 and on any Interest payment data thereafter at a price of par plus accrued Interest. W210"p alto•le 6W 2. It is determined that it is in the beat interests of the sound financial management of the City that Bonds maturing on February 1 in the years 1997 to and including 2002, comprising all of the Bonds subject to redemption, be prepaid and redeemed on August 1, 1996 and those Bonds are hereby called for redemption on that date. 3. The Administrator Is authorized and directed to publish, in accordance with law, a notice of call for redemption of the Bonds in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A and to mail a copy of the notice to the registrar for the Bonds and to the original purchaser of the Bonds. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Member , and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: and the following voted against: whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. �a:awn also-" STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) SS. CITY OF MONTICELLO ) I, the undersigned, being the duly qualified and acting Administrator of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have carefully compared the attached and foregoing extract of minutes of a regular meeting of the City Council held on Monday, June 24, 1998, with the original thereof on file in my office and the same Is a full, true and complete transcript therefrom insofar as the same relates to the prepayment and redemption of $385,000 General Obligation Improvement Bortds, Series 1988A, of the City. WITNESS My hand as City Administrator and the corporato seal of the City this _ day of , 1998. City Adminlatigitor City of Monticdllo, Minnesota (SEAL) wiown aim-" 64C.... EXHIBIT A NOTICE OF CALL FOR REDEMPTION $385,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION IMPROVEMENT BONDS, SERIES 1986A CITY OF MONTICELLO, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA Notice is hereby given that by order of the City Council of the City. of Monticello, Minnesota, there have boon called for redemption and prepayment on AUGUST 1, 1996 aD outstanding Bonds of the City designated as General Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 1986A, dated August 1, 1986, and having stated maturity dates of February 1 in the years 1997 through 2002, both Inclusive, totaling $205,000 In principal amount and with CUSIP numbers as shown below: Maturity Rate CUSIP 1997 7.30% 614468 KM7 1998 7.40 614468 KN5 1999 7.50 614468 KPO 2000 7.60 614468 KQ8 2001 7.70 614468 KR6 2002 7.70 614468 KS4 The Bonds aro being called at a price of par plus accrued interest to August 1, 1996 on which date all interest on the Bonds will cease to accrue. Holders of the Bonds hereby called for redemption ere requested to present their Bonds for payment at American Bank National Association (formerly known as American National Bank and Trust Company), registrar and paying agent, in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, on or before August 1, 1996. In compUaneo with tho Interest and Dividend Compliance Act of 1983 and Broker Reporting Requirements, the redeeming Institution is required to withhold a specified percentage of the principal amount of your holdings redeemed unless they are provided with your social security number or federal employer Identification number, properly certified. This CompHoneo should be fulfilled through tho submitting of a W-9 Form which may be obtained at a Bank or other Financial Institution. mioww 0190.16 s14 D The Registrar will not be responsible for the selection or use of the CUSIP number, nor is any representation made as to its correctness indicated in the Redemption Notice. It is included solely for the convenience of the Holders. Dated: , 1888 BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL /a/ Rick Wolfsteller City Administrator Council Agenda - 7/22/96 The Monticello Chamber of Commerce is again sponsoring a circus event that will have two shows on Thursday, August 22. The location of the circus will be the same as in the past, at Pinewood Elementary. According to our ordinances, a circus or carnival is required to obtain a license prior to the event. The license fee of $100 can be waived by the City Council for nonprofit organizations, and it is assumed the Council will do so for the Chamber again. The same is true of the surety bond requirement of $5,000, which I believe has been also waived by the Council in the past. The only requirement that the Council should insist on is proof of general liability insurance by Kelly Miller Brothers Circus to cover any potential liability from the event itself and/or to city property. It is also recommended that as part of the license approval, it be clearly stated that the Chamber and/or the circus should not post bills on any city light standards, as we have experienced problems with the tape removing paint. Council could approve the issuance of a traveling show license to the Chamber of Commerce for the Kelly Miller Brothers Circus to be held on August 22,19%. Under this alternative, the Council could waive the surety bond and license permit fee but require proof of liability insurance as in the past. This alternative would also note on the license that posting of bills on city light posts would be prohibited. Approve the issuance of the license but require the $100 permit fee and/or the $5,000 surety bond. Do not approve issuance of the license. I am not aware of any speciflc problems with the circus event that has been conducted in the past other than the promotional materials being taped to our light posts in the past. The Council has previously waived the license fee Council Agenda - 7/22/98 of $100 and the surety bond requirements because of the Chamber of Commerce's nonprofit status. It is recommended the license be approved contingent upon proof of liability insurance coverage. Noae. Council Agenda - 7/22/96 .. 11 1 . 1 r /�i 1 •� 1/ � =,:,1 1 :, 1 1 1 . 1 ' 1 1=1:.: N 1 • 'll �1 / Recently, regional telephone company, U.S. West, had attempted in court and through a petition to the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission to get a ruling that would have indicated that the Public Utilities Commission has control and authority over determining what can be placed in city right-of- ways. The issue originally stemmed from U.S. West's dislike of the City of Redwood Falls ordinance that required telephone companies to encase fiber optic cables in city right-of-ways in a concrete encasement or agree to limit the amount of liability of anyone cutting the cable to $2,000. In reality, U.S. West did not like a lot of regulations that cities had placed on using right-of- ways, and this was their attempt to avoid being bound by city ordinances or regulations when they have to install telephone cable in municipalities. So far, the initial request to circumvent city ordinances was dismissed by the court system, and also recently the Public Utilities Commission has also decided at this point not to attempt to have exclusive control over public right-of-ways. Although this is not the end of the issue, there apparently are a number of concerns by the League of Minnesota Cities that the possibility does exist that the Public Utilities Commission may change their mind and attempt to exercise control over what can be placed in city right-of-ways, which could have far-reaching implications if local communities are not allowed to control what utilities can do in right-of-ways. This topic was debated at the League of Minnesota Cities annual convention, and member communities whole-heartedly recommended that the League staff begin preparations for preparing a plan that may involve legislative action to ensure that local cities do not end up losing control by the action of some state agency. Since this project will likely involve many hours and outside consultants will need to be hired, the League of Minnesota Cities is asking all member cities to consider a voluntary contribution to help defray the cost of the project. The requested amount from the City of Monticello would be $444. There is no question that this issue is very important to cities throughout Minnesota, including Monticello, as we would hato to lose our right to dictate what and how our right-of-ways can be used by various public utility companies. It seems ironic that some state agency could overrule our own Council Agenda - 7/22/96 regulations and let some telephone company simply put cable wherever they want to in our right-of-way and hold us responsible if anything is damaged. Because the amount of the voluntary payment is relatively small and we would likely pay more than this by enlisting the help of an attorney or planner to help draft new ordinances regarding right-of-way issues, I strongly suggest the contribution be made. If the League can put together a lobbying effort that possibly has new legislation enacted to protect cities in the future, the $444 will be well spent. Approve the voluntary contribution of $444 to the League of Minnesota Cities work plan regarding right -of --way issues. Approve a contribution of some other amount. Do not contribute at this time. C- STAFF F .O MF.NDATION; As I noted earlier, it is my recommendation the $444 be contributed. I do not believe the large communication companies are going to give up on this issue and will be pursuing other avenues to try and circumvent our rights to control what we allow in right-of-ways. With the League's proposed work plan and their goal to seek legislative approvals, this voluntary contribution will be well spent if this issue can be resolved satisfactorily for all cities in Minnesota. League of Minnesota Cities letter requesting voluntary payment. LV 145 11ni—sily A --c Wtsl, St. It—I, DIN 57103-2044 L-q-4,11i—a. Grin Him— (1) 12) 281.12(111 • (8011) ()25-1122 Cai-P"Wifw—.&— P.I,: (0 12) 281-1299 • TIM (612) 281-1290 July 2, 1996 Dear Mayor Fyle and Members of the Monticello City Council; By now, you are probably aware of the rights of way issue facing cities in Minnesota. US West's challenge to local management of the public rights of way is one of the most critical issues cities have faced in years. It was a topic of considerable discussion at the Annual Conference, where member cities supported the League Board of Directors decision to move forward with an aggressive work program and financiug Platt lo,counter this challenge. We need your city to make a special payment to this fund and help put the work plan into action. 'rhe work plan developed by the Rights of Way Task Force and approved by the Board could cost $325,000 or more. Phis assumes that a large portion of the work plan will be coordinated by and implemented through League staff. "rhe Board has agreed to allocate $125,000 from the current League budget for the work plan and is asking member cities to voluntarily pay $200,000. Based on your city's 1995-96 league dues, your suggested minimum payment is $444. Please consider this rLyuest in July and submit your payment by August 15, 1996 i fat all possible. Ifeach city meets their minimum payment, the $200,000 target is reachable. I lowcvcr, because it is unlikely that all cities will join this voluntary effort, we encourage members w allocate more if thi s initiative is of panicubar importance W them. Two important points should be made: First, this is a voluntary payment. As a mernhcr of the League of Minnesoto Cities, you are not required to take pan in this eflort. I lowcvcr, if total city payments fall signi ficantly short of the $200,000 goal, lite League will not be able to fully undertake the work plan. Second, your voluntary payment should not he confused with your League membcrshi pdues which will be billed at the beginning of September. The Board of Directors and I understand that this issue must b, weighed against the priorities in yourcity. Ilowever,we believe that the prospect oflosing local control ofpublic property warrants this extraordinary elliln. This is a comph iwted issue, please consider it carefully. Enclosed is a brier information sheet to help you in your deliberations. If you have any yucslions, contact rtte at (2 18) 643-1431, league Executive Director Jim Millerat (612) 280- 1205 or (K00) 925-1122, or any member of the Board of Directors. Sincerely, /,40(• 4 Maine C. Ilill President, League ofMinnewlaCities /�' •� /1 cc:CityManager,1�1(HWWT'RSIiT�MI'1'/AMFIIMIATIVEA-'I'InNEMPIXIVal �`� Common questions about LMC public rights of way If by did local management of public rights of ivgv become such an issue? In February, US Wcsl challcngcJ a edwood Falls ordinance that set standards for installing fiber oplic cable in the public right of way. The ordinance charges a small per foot fee, requires the cable to be encased in concrete conduit, or, if Thal isn't done, limits the city's liability in case the cable is damaged. US West asked the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (PUC) to take over jurisdiction of city rights of way, and set aside any local regulations. '11en, US West sued the city of Redwood Falls in District Court. US West asked the court to prevent the city from enforcing the ordinance, and allow them to lay their Ober optic cable pending resolution of the natter hetorc the PUC. Didn't rhe District Court rude in fatwr of Re(lo,o ul Nulls? AYcs. The League intervened on behalf of Redwood Falls early in the proceedings and hired outside legal counsel with expertise in utility law. 'those ell'ots paid off when a Filch District Court Judge dismissed the lawsuit brought by US West. In the order dismissing the suit, the judge staled essentially that the state lav creating the PUC authorized it to regulate telephone service providers but did not take away cities' right to impose reasonable regulations and to charge a reasonable franchise fee for the use of their strecs and services. The judge wrote "... fhc public utility commission regulates telephone companies, not cities." QDoesn't that settle things? .Not necessarily. The District Court ruling probably will have little bearing on the Pt IC ruling, which is expected later this summer. US West may also -appeal the District Court ruling. Regardless of what happens in these two arenas, the Legislature will be looking at this issue when the 1997 session begins in January. Why is this such an intixrrtmu issue? Ile implications of this case we cuorenous. s deregulation and competition among telecommunication and utility providers continues, there will he more and more demand for access to the ground under city streets. All kinds of businesses and utilities stake use of that scarce space - telephone companies, cable television companies, gas companies, power companies - and soon. I f cities are not allowed to manage the use of the right of way, streets could he tom up regularly and underground facilities could Income a tangled marc. Imagine your city completing a major repaving project, only to have the street turn up by a utility looking to install lines. Imagine the phone calls to city hall from irate residents if streets are blocked off two or three times a year. Imagine your frustration when it becomes obvious that local taxpayers are being forced to subsidize private industry and pay higher taxes to build and maintain city streets. Sc8 So what is the League of Minnesota Cities doing? As the magnitude of this issue became lear, the league hoard of Directors appointed a Rights of Way 'Task Force to look a what should be done. Through the course of several meetings, the Task Force developed a work program that involves legal, legislative, and public information strategies to protect cities' role in managing the public right of way. the Task Force estimates that full implementation of the work program could cost as much as $325,000. The Doan) has agreed to finance this work program by allocating $125,000 from the current league budget and asking member cities to voluntarily allocate $200,000. ($200.000 is a lot of money. What is the League going to do wish all of that? K The work plan includes legal presentation, work with legislative leaders, and an extensive statewide public infomralioncumpaign. While League staff will take on the bulk of this work, it's likely that outside assistance will be needed. Qllon, did you decide how much),ou waur our city to pav? AYour suggested payment is based on a I Lpercentage of your city's 1995.% Lcague dues. (L1 o sve have to pay? How will the pu)mrent affect our dues? No city if required to pay. This is strictly a voluntary payment. Also, it's entirely separate from the League dues statement your city will receive in September. What if our city decides not to pgr? AThat's your choice. As a member of the ague of Minnesota Cities, you are not required to take pan in this effort. However, if total city payments fall significantly short of the $200,000 goal, the League will not be able to fully undertake the work plan. ( m Can our city /xmore? Certainly. In fact, we encourage members to allocate more to this fund if this initiative is of particular. importance to them. [full member cities meet their minimum payment, the $200,000 target is reachable - but it's unlikely that every city will join this voluntary elfort. After we pay, Trow can we stav up to date on the issue? AWe will keep you informed of any developments through articles in Cities Bulletin, direct mailings, and broadcast faxes. Clearly, our pgvment it only /vert of'lhe solution. What else can we da? The best thing city officials can do is stay L-linformed. and pass that information along to as many others as possible. Discuss rights of way with your local editors and reporters; make local control a campaign issue for your I louse and Senate candidates; talk to your local Chamber of Commerce about the business impact of tom -up streets; let taxpayers kruiw you're working to protect their investment in streets. QI'm still confused. Who should I roll? If you have more questions, please contact X-LUague Executive Director Jim Miller at (612) 280.1205or(800)925-1122, or any member of the Board of Directors. SG C./ Council Agenda - 7/22/96 5n. Consideration of Culling for a Anedul Council meeting to dgcn_g_a thw recently-adonted storm %ewer onlicv. (J.O.) City Council is asked to schedule a special meeting for August 19, 1996, for the purpose of reviewing the trunk storm sewer policy and to consider policy modifications. As you know, a number of property owners have expressed concerns regarding certain aspects of the policy. Staff has been working with the group to educate and address concerns. In our discussions, we have learned that some of the concerns may need to be addressed through proposed modifications to the program. The group was concerned about the financial impact of the fee. The fact that the entire fee amount is required at the time of obtaining a building permit was viewed as unreasonably burdensome. Refinements to the policy will likely include a method for financing the fee. The group was also concerned about design and cost. At our meeting, we will be comparing our design standards and cost with other communities. Motion to call for it special meeting un August 19 at 7 p.m. for the purpose of reviewing the trunk storm sewer policy. Motion to deny calling for a special meeting. C STAFF RECOMMENDATION: I recommend alternative b1. n SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of letter sent to June 21 meeting participants. 250 East Broadway P. O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362-9245 Phone: (612) 295-2711 Metro: (612) 333.5739 Fax: (612) 295-4404 FIELD(Name) FIELD(Address) FIELD(City) Dear FIEIM(Salutation): July 19, 1996 Thank you for attending the meeting on June 21, 1996, between interested property owners and City staff regarding the Trunk Storm Sewer Policy. In response to the information provided to City staff at the meeting, we have prepared potential modifications to the policy, which will be presented to interested parties at a meeting scheduled for 8 a.m., August 8, 1996. The goal of the meeting is to develop refinements to the policy that soften the financial impact on new development while maintaining the City's ability to collect funds needed to complete necessary trunk storm sewer projects. Additional information promised at the previous meeting regarding the design standards and formulas used to establish wet estimates will be provided at the meeting. Also, City staff will be requesting that the City Council conduct a special meeting on this topic, which has been tentatively scheduled for 7 p.m., Monday, August 19, at city hall. Thank you for your interest in assisting with development of a trunk storm sewer funding program that meets the needs of both the developed and developing areas of the city. If you should have any questions, please call. Yours truly, CITY OF MONTICELLO Jeff O'Neill Assistant Administrator JO1kd Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator Mayor and City Council John Simola, Public Works Director Olho Koropchak, Economic Development Director �D Bret Weiss, City Engineer File Office of ftbhc Worb, NY Onlf Coum )d., Mo%81cella MN66964 • Phow.161919t1nJ/70 • Far: (612) MJ170, rsc I Council Agenda . 7/22/96 During the review of the design of the River Street trunk sewer replacement, I asked that the City Engineer look into the possibility of using heavy wall PVC (plastic) pipe near the wastewater treatment plant due to the high concentrations of sulfates, sulfides, and hydrogen sulfide gases. The PVC materials are not susceptible to degradation from hydrogen sulfide. The City Engineer was unable to use PVC on that portion of the project, as the pipe is under the groundwater, and the plastic pipe would not have enough weight and, under certain conditions, could become buoyant and float. The design for the project, therefore, included standard ductile iron water main pipe, which is lined with a thin layer of cement. Bret indicated that the cost to include a polyurethane lining in the pipe in lieu of the cement coating should be minimal, and we could include that as an alternate. This ductile iron pipe with the poly lining has been used in several areas of the interceptor sewer in critical areas such as the pipe which runs along the Maus Foods building, under all railroad crossings, and between the duplex home and the railroad tracks on the west side of Ramsey near Fourth Street Park. 1 received a bid tabulation after the last Council meeting. The low bidder, Richard Knutson, Inc., bid the alternate to go to the poly lined ductile iron pipe at an addition $9.86 per foot. The total cost to use this pipe on the 676 ft of trunk sewer being replaced would be $6,663.76. Both the City Engineer and myself are of the opinion that this would be a wise investment for the City due to the known and measured sulfides and sulfates in the wastewater near the treatment plant, and the high cost of replacing this pipe in the future. If the change order wore approved, it would change the construction cost of the project from $76,742.92 to $81,406.67. The first alternative would be to approve Change Order #1 on City Project #96-06C with Richard Knutson, Inc., in the amount of $6,663.76. Tho second alternativo would bo not to approve the change order. Council Agenda - 7/22/98 C. STAFF ECO NDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Engineer and Public Works Director YlQ4 YlC --'my %.vuuui wuOiuCl ayNlvviug iiuuagv v1ue1 iii nD vuuiltcY iu alternative #1. Copy of Change Order #Il; Copy of bid tabulation from both Briar Oakes and the River Street Trunk Sewer Project. Approved By: Approved By: Data of Council Action: 1 John Smola, Public Works Director Rick Wollsteller, City Administrator rvrmrmSAW0.83/ A CHA.NIfOF ORnFR Change Order No. 1 City Project No. 96-06C Project River Street Trunk Sanitary Sewer Reconstruction WSB Project No. 1023.20 Owner. City of Monticello Date of Issuance: July 22, 1998 Contractor. Richard Knutson, Inc. Engineer. WSB 8 Associates, Inc. 12885 Rhode Island Avenue South 350 Westwood Lake Office Savage, MN 55378 8441 Wayzata Boulevard Minneapolis, MN 55428 You are directed to make the following changes In the Contract Documente' description: Replace the twenty -Inch (20') ductile Iron pipe (DIP) (cement lined) with twenty -Inch (20') DIP (poly lined) to provide hydrogen sulfide protection. Purpose of Change Order. This Change Order addresses the Increase In unit price from $42.70 per lineal foot to $52.55 per lineal foot for the twenty4nch (20') ductile Iron pipe. Attachments: (list documents supporting change) Not applicable. CHANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE CHANGE IN CONTRACT TIME Original Contrail Price: Original Contract Completion Date: $75,742.92 September 30, 1998 Previous Change Orders No. — to No. — Net Change from Previous Change Orders: $ — 0 Days Contract Price Prior to This Change Order. Contract Time Prior to This Change Order. $75,742.92 September 30, 1998 Net Increase (Decrease) of This Change Order. Net Increase of Change Order. 55,883.75 0 Days Contract Price VNth A8 Approved Change Orders: Contract Tine With Approved Change Orders: $81,408.87 September 30, 1998 Recommended By�4'4 � Approved By: Bret A. Weise, P.E. Richard Knutson, Inc. City Engineer Contractor Approved By: Approved By: Data of Council Action: 1 John Smola, Public Works Director Rick Wollsteller, City Administrator rvrmrmSAW0.83/ A a BA. Mind,tndt. M 350 Westwood Lake Office Bm A. Wcia. P.E. irsAff 8441 Wayzata Boulevard rn. R.W W. Si fm. P.E. Minneapolis, MN 55428 DonaldP.E Ranrld ld a..BMrayy, P.E 612-541-4800 &Associates, Inc. FAX 541.1700 fitly 1, 1996 Honorable Mayorand City Council Members City of Monticello P.O. Box 1147 Monticello,MN 55362 Re: Project Bid Award Briar Oakes 2nd Addition and River Street Trunk Sewer City of Monticello Project No's. 96.02C and 96.06C WSB Project No's. 1023.00 and 1023.20 Dear Honorable Mayorand City Council Members: Bids were received for the above -referenced project on Friday, June 28, 1996, at Monticello City Hall. A total of seven responsible bids were received. The project was bid to include six separate schedules representing different construction phases, five of which are associated with the Briar Oakes 2nd Addition project, and one schedule for the River Street Trunk Sewer project. The bidding documents are structured such that the City would have a choice to award a construction contract to the low bidder for the Briar Oakes 2nd Addition project, award a contract for construction to the low bidder fur the River Street Trunk Sewer construction project, or award a contract to the low bidder for both projects combined. The City could consider any combination of these options as well. The low bidder, Richard Knutson, Inc, of Savage, MN, is the low bidder on both projects and consequently, the overall low bidder for the combined project. Their low bid, however, is approximately S32,000 higher than the engineer's estimate, and in the case of the River Street Trunk Sewer project, approximately $30,000 higher than the feasibility report. Much of the increase in construction cost is associated with the actual pipe materials and the dewatering necessary to complete the construction. The low bid on the River Street Trunk Sewer project is approximately $1 1,000 below the second bidder and it is not likely that the City would recei ve significantly better bids if this project were tabled and rebid at a later date. Therefore, I recommend that the City Council award a contract to Richard Knutson, Inc., 12585 Rhode Island Ave South, Savage, MN 55378, in the amount of 5572,534.36 for the completion of City Projects 96-02C and 96-06C. Please give me a cal I at 541-4800 if you have any questions or comments regarding this letter. Sincerely, IVSB A AssociatesInc �9J 4 '� Bret A. Weiss, P.E. City Engineer nm 10wrructure • Engirrens • Pknnrrs CWALOrroarrmtn uMMU I --A c;,o,v.a.6-G 6 BID TABVL477ON Rhvr Sbee► Trunk Sewer Reconstruction City Prgect Na 96-02C and 96-06C City ojMonAcello, MN Blds Opened: 10:00 an . June 28,1996 Contractor Richard Knutson, Inc. LaTour Construction Arcon Construction Dave Perkins Contracting Northdale Construction, Inc. R. L. Larson Excavating, Inc. S. J. Louis Construction WSB A Associates, Inc. Project No. 1023.00/1023.20 BW Security Total Bid X $572,534.36 X 5640,071.45 X 5646,030.72 X 5684,246.50 X S721,249.12 X 5733,428.15 X 5737,332.00 Engineers Estimate 5139,53J.51 1 hereby cerlJ& that this Is a true and correct tabulation of the bids as received an June 28, 1996. _ ____ Atk __ _ Bret A. Weirs, P.E. Clry£ngincer I Denote ronectedJigure rurwvr:�s�vav¢r7�/ /� Sc Iedule B - Surfacc Improvements nr ri ,wuv, mn.FrAnrAVWxr uro nm uvr _u• uu. ur urr _um II)mg. Ia1. -_)w 111 ,,Ar'Mlt\r.11T,AYpeR I,l GI IgRIII--- q}IT _--I�--- —wY YY �-wr by Mr IWm IYm p,Y ---- -Ib IAIYFIR aIY WI"f1M ___-ld1T-- —nm Iitir Ilr IIY. qw _n1,w Yr — , _ —111• —.I. i. _-)M la !1]If.ANl4w UIW A1.1 --- --- --nm Ilbr -_Yn Ib Y• Yr ISO• {fY IIIb 4a InbY -Slot V1 Inran•uw_an - -- i� -nl ry Il. Onr —1tl Ynr n0 plrr Yb sms Y• Yb• ilq Yl p]YMIL wL)Wfir Y4F R•—Iiilw /qom MOr blr LI RIr 111• Il,ml• _Ilnr ILIYr 11Y. RIYO all Yl rlfmaAn FApl4 fYa -- -- irw Nm Ilior IYb Lab• INr lalw• Ib 11 I]Lbr nY LLLIr• _ --SW fv ,rlw.l w.u,rirt.0 Ymlu nr� w I}m IrP: _lar L),lr� _lar ulAl.l. ul� mw�r uL. IN.o.m w _ _ - iw u. rrw nFAQflupr.my ___.__._ _ _- nd _ _ _wm _ulwa _bu _Ln.i• ^_Ia_. -_ulwi -_—ter %afro _u_�_ _las• -inl r] -R11 rIYMQ WTYW.11r lY\,141 - I]YYM Ilr n•r 11m Iw. 11. IP. Llr Irm q• Ilor N ail fll TRnrM.n.All - _ - ylT ibw, - I3Or IIw nw. --Iltl IIP• Rr Ybr qY YPY bll tll rrY TiavUApRnI II.YUrIM}Ir,n - II.R _ 11m Ill,rr YY Ia.IO Yb wm. n11 IIIYY INWr _ _i\fi wl .ALL trF]• _ ._ _ _ _ _-Yfe - -- __ Y)In 4M. - - - 11• 4b. If alf rf YIA.wiTYwl .v - _ - yro I.nr Ilm wenr Ilr n,lnr --an rnr Yn nlrif)Y pw ,pen• Subtotal Schedulcf3 nR,r. In1,gH 4wr1r u.mtY N..rA. Sehcdulc C • Sanilary_Seu-cr - - -_-! ._� -- _ _ --- _ -_ - - _—_ ` ^- --- - -_ -- • wfl rl man rtAunAnwWm�w{.rr� I.. it fo _ uar _ m. _ _ _ mr _u.n. _iva _u..r uu u.a. ) ir.u_rAmwAea)ar_ __ _ _LAnI_ _Iem__a_�N� _Lm. �_-_u m._qrY uW. �_wl. _4r+e _in_• _�wr. --wlr dl,gl RArfAm lYlRr)QSLIO }A,ee lY IdR _ 11Ym 11lerO Ilrq I11P. 11)Y _ILLRI. IIIIY IILq]p LI11■ LILYf. --YII fl1 �,•TW'Tww pM)FwY I.R -- —w- /N lar na I11rH P• Nf 111w Yn IILY1q IN. min. 1 Y]I41 Ywr•Tou Q.0 awn - - - _ 4d IT- IIn. INm ljlrr In• III.•w IrY lar• 1N• -mu In• Ibr. N]IIq rdY1n]1TI]Tiw14YlA.v w,l. LAiII I>•ao Irr L • LIY• --Laf• •ITI. -MAY Yar Yr• YY. - Y]Iwrr rrn•wL - _ _ wN _. __ '� nP -N=q -,wn -lwnl ^1r. _u,nw -1u nlw� �nr -1r. , b]Iw ,lA.r.R Wr Ilbm n.r LR. I1rO ImY nY• IRr � Nwr In. Wr Fn1OO' R]Alllt•)YYIYrg111 NMR I,Tw br. Yn IIYb Yr YIIY Y4 110Yr Yr .Ilw Subtotal Schedulc C . , - _ l _` 27-- _ _- _ LTlro _ _nal• --Irmq - _ _ rLmr Extension of Bids FM It, n 6v CIA. 2d,Wem, Vr S.- T -A LuwT,..w I'rt P4, .TAN /Mfp,.rla+wlr: LIpit-11, 1ww, ck.WT): MW FST P�.rn AY: IMI M 11021 W ]tY: 2.k.% r.r.r.. )� 1 I.T.. rrw]Yar A.r Cr,erRM 1 THAI, 9""As 1TNTAIl rn 6 TRTAI,. LMRI.H ITMAt, 646AWT1 1T11TAl, W]MN W !r W ,4nr) I1r�. 1.1 �tl f lA, 11Mr Isr1 !t• WY I 11)r T./ (b IAYY IrR Irl fr SrY Ar T.� M1e WY I IIY, Tm1 f1r Schcdulc A - Grading ]Ill.iq Ir.IS pAI Tm11 rw� Irm M.br �LrM Rwr Imo Naw 1 Irm Y.om I Ila. LtP4 ) Ir fm IwurAl.lpn )Ila }w 1n li[I#Yw Ir.IT WI TLID .• mm Irr aP. NP I ,ar. 11br u.or L\P• urr Imr Now Yr• I unr I 1110 nba ILrm � Ise. Lla. nb. no. SNIb f)LbWIIT•Wpin fi12 Ilrm NO Lbw LLb. I nYr YPw Itlr prm I IPY nb. imw Mr.r 1]F•AYAILM alro tlYfa fTW Yrw)MM1n fVro IL_ -w I\or Iltl 4r IaYm lIIrr Llq I] Y41.r YtIrY I qY NH MiPw n1n• I nn qtl IIL}re •ior 1 qw Yr lib. YT,d. - aT)y ,RTIlM1L Tvl.14WINr LdR Lew qt 11.11,. Yr 1t1w. qY ILfw• nN Il,nfm I Ilr nr. ane MRAt}d,LT MTAd NMIT ow IMm 4.rr Lar �ni• 111. N � IN. NWm � Ir. IRo. atltll 9lIYw -�— --Af4 i• IPm IILmm _YI). 114a). 1 Wim a.IfiY Ifgm III.Pm Il.a,. NL®. N im la N.nIPI m.AYll Tvm I4F1 \wfTM1 yro Imp 11T ILG1< nn 11w1m I {Im Ilf)r 11. 1lINm IS)m. SubtotalSchedulcA ----- - urmr ualr. I YrLnr urnlr I uu.rr Sc Iedule B - Surfacc Improvements nr ri ,wuv, mn.FrAnrAVWxr uro nm uvr _u• uu. ur urr _um II)mg. Ia1. -_)w 111 ,,Ar'Mlt\r.11T,AYpeR I,l GI IgRIII--- q}IT _--I�--- —wY YY �-wr by Mr IWm IYm p,Y ---- -Ib IAIYFIR aIY WI"f1M ___-ld1T-- —nm Iitir Ilr IIY. qw _n1,w Yr — , _ —111• —.I. i. _-)M la !1]If.ANl4w UIW A1.1 --- --- --nm Ilbr -_Yn Ib Y• Yr ISO• {fY IIIb 4a InbY -Slot V1 Inran•uw_an - -- i� -nl ry Il. Onr —1tl Ynr n0 plrr Yb sms Y• Yb• ilq Yl p]YMIL wL)Wfir Y4F R•—Iiilw /qom MOr blr LI RIr 111• Il,ml• _Ilnr ILIYr 11Y. RIYO all Yl rlfmaAn FApl4 fYa -- -- irw Nm Ilior IYb Lab• INr lalw• Ib 11 I]Lbr nY LLLIr• _ --SW fv ,rlw.l w.u,rirt.0 Ymlu nr� w I}m IrP: _lar L),lr� _lar ulAl.l. ul� mw�r uL. IN.o.m w _ _ - iw u. rrw nFAQflupr.my ___.__._ _ _- nd _ _ _wm _ulwa _bu _Ln.i• ^_Ia_. -_ulwi -_—ter %afro _u_�_ _las• -inl r] -R11 rIYMQ WTYW.11r lY\,141 - I]YYM Ilr n•r 11m Iw. 11. IP. Llr Irm q• Ilor N ail fll TRnrM.n.All - _ - ylT ibw, - I3Or IIw nw. --Iltl IIP• Rr Ybr qY YPY bll tll rrY TiavUApRnI II.YUrIM}Ir,n - II.R _ 11m Ill,rr YY Ia.IO Yb wm. n11 IIIYY INWr _ _i\fi wl .ALL trF]• _ ._ _ _ _ _-Yfe - -- __ Y)In 4M. - - - 11• 4b. If alf rf YIA.wiTYwl .v - _ - yro I.nr Ilm wenr Ilr n,lnr --an rnr Yn nlrif)Y pw ,pen• Subtotal Schedulcf3 nR,r. In1,gH 4wr1r u.mtY N..rA. Sehcdulc C • Sanilary_Seu-cr - - -_-! ._� -- _ _ --- _ -_ - - _—_ ` ^- --- - -_ -- • wfl rl man rtAunAnwWm�w{.rr� I.. it fo _ uar _ m. _ _ _ mr _u.n. _iva _u..r uu u.a. ) ir.u_rAmwAea)ar_ __ _ _LAnI_ _Iem__a_�N� _Lm. �_-_u m._qrY uW. �_wl. _4r+e _in_• _�wr. --wlr dl,gl RArfAm lYlRr)QSLIO }A,ee lY IdR _ 11Ym 11lerO Ilrq I11P. 11)Y _ILLRI. IIIIY IILq]p LI11■ LILYf. --YII fl1 �,•TW'Tww pM)FwY I.R -- —w- /N lar na I11rH P• Nf 111w Yn IILY1q IN. min. 1 Y]I41 Ywr•Tou Q.0 awn - - - _ 4d IT- IIn. INm ljlrr In• III.•w IrY lar• 1N• -mu In• Ibr. N]IIq rdY1n]1TI]Tiw14YlA.v w,l. LAiII I>•ao Irr L • LIY• --Laf• •ITI. -MAY Yar Yr• YY. - Y]Iwrr rrn•wL - _ _ wN _. __ '� nP -N=q -,wn -lwnl ^1r. _u,nw -1u nlw� �nr -1r. , b]Iw ,lA.r.R Wr Ilbm n.r LR. I1rO ImY nY• IRr � Nwr In. Wr Fn1OO' R]Alllt•)YYIYrg111 NMR I,Tw br. Yn IIYb Yr YIIY Y4 110Yr Yr .Ilw Subtotal Schedulc C . , - _ l _` 27-- _ _- _ LTlro _ _nal• --Irmq - _ _ rLmr Extension of Bids t P.gnTlam..� .YnalYt Alvrd. usP ur uu, P..r.<T As� ur_\�I I I I.lar..•.fr. I '•Wrr11w I lJr•11 I)TAII )J,JJl.ee ITYR.TrIL" 1121111 TRlrwl. I T I .•. Mw... Ir Vow. Schedule A - Grading x el bl ,lx..InTA ,- --- -- __ _ _ r .•.ITµ �!-_ _�, __— _ __ n� . - - 1'mm Iwm Mom /i•mm —1P m-- _ . __ yaw — —I�am ---T,IM n.n,hrrm l� �t4.r —_ _-- _ — (Subtotal Schedule A , nm•. Y,•.w _ —r..m _ Yna•r l Ia.n. L R \I\. Sc ledule 13 - Surface Improvements I iw rl - i U n• do . L }rl,n a:In,larJea.Merw.vnYn I , • .In A. �rro ..• �,� , lllt nl v.r ♦.rl ,.. .I. n�U nR, � nu rl ,,. cane ,a, ...R _ .. Il ,. I.. � a - -. �. �,}m — Y• 1\\Ip. • m. Yn Ino. .. , .. nl. loam n. nom Iltl. ulm \rI. nn. 11•nm Rbm ,\r. I.r - . uuI In.•nw . m... .. u Pxr Y m , ur r4Al..,t a .w wl rl n.•le,ll +J•urrnllr ,rl.l+:arid u. 1, n.,u . xltpxA 14N n nnm .Urrinn,l,�r 4HI Subtotnl Schedule 11 w. I Rn. um _ Ivm um ..m . . .. /nal. .. m... m r. nm Y. . I,r rYb + u. umm OR IJTr qn P4,r Il tl Ix x.P IYIxIJr Iln•tm rnl. Schedule C - Sanitary Scwer I r, rl rY}n R4W.UArpur Y,R 114 eYI I I I PPr I. n4°unt,mru\Yrt.twmu Ir. Ir. .b fir. n. m. ,m nam rm Iron aww Yn. 10. p.. u�m 1• . if(,I�L\Q ��` . }]I .II . rWJ O.P LM IT . }II .II � MYWJ O. I. • }ll ni n , � t Irl lAslll,llOW! IWII � IRIS Rlx HIMw•AIerYYV W! _ •4,1 °roar ,1 nr., I. Im Ya In rin Iwr Yyr .r III1.,. IRIm Ilt •• IP rat nIr In.nr Inu IPtlm m Il n.. I11•. 1•.. W. rr. Ys .m M,. IYrI. Y„ Inu. I}m II,.Pw Iwm Ilan rn. IwJ.. Iu. uR.. �p� Subtotal Schedule C 1.>I••I Ira•t Ixl°.m Extension of Bids .M 1' -,: Iti 1 Nr ]d Mu- / Rn.4r1 T-& lrary 9•w lhfll• q: AM1Ti 1•yn+/�avNr• \Iv.aW 4•Yst• CYAs/R�MW wsn ]+arr.,vaImI411tm.IT n•«: :.ld.uls l C I.4 Ir 1•.•w IV.+wn• I Ir. I InrrAl spy st ru.wn I nt. I t_r Irtrr Ir...w I m.sNJ. fer I ImrAl. I In..r e Imr =11 Imri17 w.]r.ewl Sc Icdulc D- WaI main _ _---In4rN Rrrl vwrYr wTlDUlrvl _ u,. 1_ubm N•r _ _Inm _ _m_. _u,me " - II •ai Mrr1N \nIMIVATlW1Y----I.�4M- • }IIP] Ivnrn rirrnlmr WN }Ilp] lul\VYY IIO bN -- - - - �-ir - -}IIp] - -- Il.pr Irr 11,,7p 1•aP 14mY 1/ 1 IYI II /IAp /I,IIIY /i IPP IaPp wP MDm Ilwr 143wm 111lm --- - Map 4tPr IllP IIQIr a1Mm -Ms --_ - 1wTr Mm• -\rr• --- -11Ri,m R•mp I- }n 4V ITV TIY4 YF UYaI•'t� - - - -- -- "- • npI I •rbn - - -- l -- • I'nl•mp\lT� � - - -- � IIM IT - I• }Il rl- - - IlV -- - _ -,411 �- -� - Mao Il,br -4,mr -11,Tr �-]IP IILIMr ]!r lYr II,IrIr - /ryY INIY PIII Ilt« /4allm /Ie,l RrIV \II Inn IIPIV Irlr 1.1•p ---�- INp It-- IlAp In I4m - Il rl,p n,r Y• � pn f -14 •IIp 11®• wnr , 11,lam Maur tl1]lr n•Ilr r II V rf,nY•Iu4n•1W wll 11 4 IT..nl41]4ftIT Q.aw (1V I }Ilmf __ _• _ _-- ___ ___„I _ I• bll•D Il•TM1I lIr 1]Trun - _-- � - rlMl -- III,rAr - ___um-II_/mr � I,m 11! Il,rar 1}P In 11 II11 Ilil,Ir M1YIr Ip,4 plrN _- I}w 1111. Ilip,r r,.Jrp - p,1Ym II1n,P 1}• 4\IYr INr _- Irlr IIR prlr rNr .T.r ♦IIr Rr 11i•mr 41.,pr - - • IIM`P Subtotal Schcdulc U Sc rcdule E -Storm Scecr I rH nl •IRw aAlYr r.,TlIY 4V� t IlV ] •u I .r n. u4n — - --- m m Iipwr I aw — - - - a+n --- - Ilei __ I. - — - IYp _ -- - I wm 4Y. -_-uup — -- -- � INw -II!•r mr w•. _-_ua�. - - -- Ib — -- _-I,m: _ KI u, r.Yrin Yrrl I _ lrl ul mlrw•wlr IWv r 10 r4'rA •Imr- _ ]p _11.. /mr "p Lr w! IpP �_ -rem __-w« ilnn Nnn I4u -\mn -- _ w 1ww Irlp -W� n4. Irlr -'ul. - -«rr _ •Inr rb. Nrp _ 1].•. Ibr -Prr lrl Yl Pp•rl4'wMPIMrt9vnlu IHMTI rr Irr I1tAr Mlw I1,N•I Ibr Ilr•m Rllm _ ,I 147•n I unr • I P 11br rrl •rI b11:W Inr lr rOrl y4r •V]]p] I «ril•nw'Ynr wl Ir 11••r MPr lr I,rr Il.m! \gyp �--MYr ler Ilam IT10 Iwp \Y.r 14wr •Yb r I ]Yn YI npL nl'•Y,IW4 LIY 11 by 11e t1 n• \rp IIeP -_ pib I1tYi \nr P.Ap 117w /\IPP I irl Yl IT r'rw rRYlllllwb - -- MIl •r IPP IIb.IPr I!n IIIAn alb ul,»r �aR _- 1PYIY _--/}► _ 1P•rP I] KI41 Irlr •w rRYIIWM eIiv � • �- r /ap \l.rrr lDll pen I}m pVp Illr - Inr II lc, rl I II'wI QYIYpfYM en • I r nlp - �0.0]Ip -.- IIIV ■pl• /}rot plop IIIn p•b4 ---IDn ---/nP P,RIr N tr141 I•'II'T 6MYfInYlM en111 II41T •}r 1}P Il l.wwP Inr Ill nlr -\14wn 1!m 111•Yp 11111•w _” _" III,P1r lb rl 1 l.In4r Rau TII IIS raaD r rr n1.bP •]r -' Ilam II\!•p I 111 Vlr \PIP P•nP \Inp b nl,rr ! • 1 44Yi rtYNTP11.ur plf'I 1, Ib ul ,.\Inlrl Yr4P, ] 4 nn rl worn lu In vm IInP Mor 4P Ir _ War IP• w 111,4 1a• w. I\eY - - /em Ilrm .- /frm wm I\•rw -II N•• - Y1p PMP 1\«. 4.Ar I - pP IPr YeP Subtotal Schedule I: Extension of Bids .311 v1y«T: hH CWr:nd AJJ.In, am. wmTnN wa]l..w 1wJ.nlo.,w.wholly Mwru NSJI Mgw+AbIII:.I InIIMI:fI t'.rmrllrI I RI.I�Hrw. 111JIwY1'�'-U2 I ImrAlr MAL- 111�A.12 Ir1rrA1� 1lJA]LI! In nTAlr TJTJJl OO Hear Pa♦ru. (>_w 112T�1a fpm I nlnr I I+ Trs I M� I b Sc Icdulc 0. Waterrnain «II YI ru].♦ nAAnnw♦vMlun n,lynvl ]vm bll In rtMM]I TU I.InTIrI VA --_-- Iwll YIIIm A «In.- � _-4wIM— _ _b11 Y1 �1An \'Y VI Ar, P,I — _ _ ---}Ilml fiYAlm Alm 611—_---- r•I la� Il.ar —IFm - iia Ilr Mlrr ITnr /1Tm n,InA lnm - — rrr IYIr I,.bm —I1Wm Nue Ii rl _ —11._/o Flm II.YIm Illrr n.mlr Il.,ru rmm II,>•o — - Y,Itl Il fA►,i m _ ------ - —yN,l 1 blew• o .• mlwl _ _ ---- — n b,lr, \ TYYM Ir4tAThW — �--/y n,--- — m —Illr {llYr — _ r m - �n 1p nIm —IL,Tr-_IIInm I1FIm — _ •Y Illelm /sr Inr Wr Subtotal Schcdule D Sc tcdule F - Storm Scwtt -- - 1 ronu Irlr rllw nine IMYivi_ , irnll IrIV IN.Amnw _ _ ronn IP4•M�AIrM __ IWM_ / .w1p , ,nlAYnIm IY Mm. AMIw - __ IW II . nuiM 11'MIIHm n'mH AI«w YI I. ]vY w, \ I • w IIr1♦ I] rilrl iV r'M.m«. nlltP mnV IMII n ri,w1 I oI .ol TiWonalM mliY 11,111 ,1 ri\w1 }�'wV.w1.Y W>tnrM mn. nl IMIT I, rl n 1rA1MAP ITITw11Ura^J IMn 11 awl 1♦ Y ITIV IIWr ru•, _ ♦ r111 IAcfiu wlY]O Yn] - n ]III Y1 /AWYYIIHVII AFM \yn1 — - - - - -}r mn _ _Iw Ilnm __—ice —_r ♦, - _ Iir Im - ltrm r,r _ Iln 1}Y nIm Iin _-- m Ir 11 r nn _ _ n. unn --Or 11mr Ym Wr - - wu --1». -Il�r or�n __ lar -/MF. Il,r,r 1,1CFr Iliam I,I Y\Y na. rrir Illnr -- - _ m. rlr Uqr - r nwr _— ,m _ _ IMF Ilr _ Iwr IWr _ Ia,r Y\m — - — — - - - --I,rm _-_ ♦ _-Iwm _-IIMr —_ —lam — Frr - rr —Fr Ilvr . Fw�m Iliwr I,mm rrr Iiwr IIIIm _-.rr n. .. nrin Inm III r,r In Wm Illm In lllr F1Ar �I„r n1.rr 111,1]. Ilnm Imn]r r.nr Iw. Y,n. r _Iam _ _ nHlm Inr nl]r Subtotal Schcdulc li Extension of Bids 1 1 1181,e1w,: Iti l r.5d Ad1m1, It1.11 tlnn Tn.111.Ivr s.Y /''9r�/amw1NevIlq M.na.n. GSfl I4v,r(T.VoInlllblllnl vl �� Y I I wnr✓ I r..r .nr. I i l.lrw m. 1] r..Y,..1. ITATAI� 771]11 II IT11TA1� 111,1].14 1t j, I 111J11.m LT w �r IIA.1. I i.r Sc lodule F - River Strcct Sanitary Sc%ver � i:1 ar drilwa.a ui --itmm -nf.-- 11am _ _ 11 nVm Vwn«11�nJ11 V.HVI_ -___ Y- 1111 YI 111LTtW1. LLR111111F1NY1i �_ - _� --� _— _ Y 11 ]V1ml 1r1p1 \TN11Ai111 u•IYr N,Ml1um11F-� - � - —__� — Ilnr w A Y]I «i �T 11 n11 ]11.1r14r11TNr Y11! - - �-]-- - I]mm InYY H f\n b] IMAMAVV IIT 1 11m YYY 1 nnr 1 Y\OTITAINM _- o - _-11.trY . m1 Y1 1 1110 m II Iwr - T s lruw bumYlYa�. lunar Y.wT 11ru m am IYY]Y Subtdal Schodulc F ""'•« m 111m ulwm umm uY u. -- —ua filum — —rm ab17e 11, Ya. _ u: unm I uw wpm __ _ Y1m.m 11♦I.nY 1llram - -YbY 11.>•1m 1m IlID1m I ITw - _IIYY m by IMm -�- .-_I1>•1Y IInY b11rm ]sY Itwm IIbY Y,om _ ti 11or iT. Il lbm 111aY IrYY 11• rMm 1l• 1111Y I.Y 111bm 11Y I, 11b 1•m N ]Ym (Subtotal City Proicct 96-02C (Schcduln A-13) 1 1 J I I *-'w•I I 1""""I I � r""'I lGrand Total I $721,249.12 I 5733,428,13 I 5737, 32.00 I AltematcBid ILmn � � 1111 Wi' IY'nO WIn M11W, Y.M. •Ywp1 MY I 11YY � \9 jl] Ijf .1�. II1r.m� III 11'1.m 11I 11\®ml II«. Y1�-I 1111 Extension of Bids r NlNlYgrt1 I-1Y MMl.mlN]I. yv.w 1m .n y.l , D..rl By: MW /-: W .dk, Yvel.. fl'SH RIiI.nfb: Ifl:l m/IU-1 :O C&,*a Br mw Omn :.U- I r.e.mwr l.m I el.rN ►.w.�.1. 1 I.T.Yr� I Av r.el.rlrl� w r Ir.,.... IrI Iar.1 T All a AMM wr. I 1...1 IITMI 573 Y I IY.I I T� ITnT.I� swnl.0 I RY. I lb ImT,�. wwan I Ism I rn. ITor,u. t•u�w I RY. I Ty Sc rodulc F - tiver Street Sanitam Sover --_ _—_—nm m_u�_wrlluL..) _rw IwY YS.IYI OI\U rD1.nUIITM MIT _ _ __� -__ - _^.Nlmfr Imo) wu atl+m __ nmlm n® IT --_ 11m Ibm nm ulbm umm nm.m /3Y. m+m nP Y,IY 1f. wY IfY Inm I3Y ILIY nm Item uem Y. IL Y l]m u.mm IY Ilam /PIm -- nab IIYYY.I...l•n� -- _-- -_-lwN 11J.,f1 W3A.lItI.N WI1nN.----__- -_ _lw fll ..n]YMut9LI11Tr - _--- -_ -llm nl IALVw\bf1J.1- -- � - -I1N 11 - Il iwb nA UI TaTINIYII+.\9 YImrI11T _ _ _- __tl] I llfll b] II11.1T nur_--- tWIIIN--- 1r1f11 YI.fTOJ DIwnR YWllnn --IJMrl_-- . flmTWl Y p'RR - _--IM I1 -- ---- fI U•J.u.\- _- - _ - _- _ __.1111 WI tW YI•U\V n.Af1UI -_-__ _ vm p n nIY1M1 nIN•ttTl}IIIJFIw 1Yl] --- _ -INIt -- _ _ IYPm Ymm Ibm -IITm - -I:Ym _-_- -I]YY �- --IIY n• -_ Ir,T1Y - -IpY 11Ym -_-Ibm lfmm - -Iwm Il.lpm _ tura Ira• Iym Mmm Ifmm /bm _ -11nm Illm n.I TII Mlw m-w IrY Mo1n _t II.tlIY 11Tm {tura WY YYY Ilmtl Illms �- --_ YIIm IIIIY Yif I,nm Y14m nm IIIm Ylm If1.•Hm -- --m aaeY IIY. YYY _-_ -_.v tlrm Iftlm MYm Il,mm YYY lfwm MYm MYm Il.m Inem -- - — -Ue�--- -Iia In1m -- - Yfm W,Ir1Y Wtl YYm tYm -11Ym �R1s n.mm pb� Iran IPfe fm 11YY --- .n]m Ilfm Il,imm n P— INfIT.M.Y. ..N\fF\). YN. .1-- D Pii tl] ItwY]T nIlI1TIIn I1NITM+ W,\]I r_U­ enn n wf_ • __I• _ - _ _ a]m D IA YMRIrN.)I. fumrlUl)YN• - _ IIy YY Ip Subtotal Schedule F D_ Iln. IlfYm -11:. -IW.. 12. _ _ _1. _ra.. fs 11sY IrIY. Iwm Y.NIm -Y -Ilm -/ITS Iuw _Ial /lOm IlOm Iaw,n /I.f• RrwW YPm II.Mm fora —_+uR _w�. If llfm Itfm LIm. Inlp /{lura In+m m --/II1m -__, Il bra mem _,nY I1Ts -- —1. um _ _-1��m /�. Ilmem If mlm II.Am II,PeY wY . Ila+u. ISubtotal Cay Pmiect I0I-02C (Schedules A-17) I I YR tl.YI I_ I w.wlrl l - J TOtl nl I_ -1 .f.wnl L - --� IYl.nl .l �GrwW Total 5339,33335 I $572.3334.336 SM0,071.43 S646,030.72 S"4,246.50 //ppm 1 ■" "' Alternate � Bid mc1Yf 111 Items 1{1P1./'IOJ Or.I I.OkY WIn blRlhfMr>I IMn � fn of � IP TTY 1L-Inn IYIYD I Iw•111 Wnr• Intl MI,fOP /Tram Wfwm l � p'M41m111M1YM1M1YN.Y.YI.1 IY11 1 1 1 ) /Oral_ _Ymm� I Y•m� Ilym� 11 I Il,f.m1 II IYm� Ih 1 Il,lmm �11t1 m /ibm 1\bra Council Agenda - 7/22/96 . , , ., r • ,:.. .- . , Kadlec Construction was awarded the Cardinal Hills 6th Addition Project in April of 1995. The project was completed this spring when the final lift of bituminous was added to the streets. The original contract price on the project was $300,599.86. The total construction cost is $270,637.98. To date we have paid $238,869.00, leaving a balance due the contractor of $31,768.98. The difference between the actual construction cost and estimated construction cost is $29,961.88. The primary differences in coat relate to the street and grading costs. The street construction was about $16,000 less, as the sand materials encountered in the street subgrade required that less material be imported from other portions of the site. In addition, it appears that the project used almost a thousand tons of Class V less than what was originally estimated, as the developers wanted to do the seeding themselves. In the Bite grading portion, the contractor was only paid for half the sodding, and seeding of the disturbed areas on the site, which was estimated to cost almost $12,000, was deleted from the project. The first alternative is to authorize final payment to Kadlec Excavating of Mora, Inc., for Cardinal Hills 6th Addition, City Project No. 96.060, in the amount of $31,768.98. The second alternative would be to not make final payment to the contractor. C STAFF CO MFNDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Engineer and Public Works Director that the City Council authorize final payment to Kadlec Excavating of Mora, Inc., as outlined in alternative K 1. n SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of final payment request. A9-96 20:16A MSB & ASSOC. INC. 612 641-1700 P.02 l..�.. 1W hdl4n rMt •W, i8. 1996 6.to.w.vor,w+iJ� al•!9Lltn 69a1 PAX N 1-1 p17t )1!4 Howmbis bbM and Cil dry of nrontlmn P.O. Bot 1147 ISO Fiat Broadway Mondcal o bV 33762-9243 Re. Ooottluaioa Pay V No. S \ FINAL cudinal Will Sts OrWI4 Streets, Un7i dt AppurMmt wort cJty of Moatioello Prof No. 93-06C OSM holed No. 4891 Aar Mayor aad City Cmumil l .bery Endow am four (4) copal of rzwtruetlon Pty Vaucbar No. S. FINAL payment, for the refereaced project in tae amount of 531,768.9& Pleats make ptymeot in this a to Eadiec FseavaUS of Mora, sac.. Route S, Boa 81, klora, MN 55051. at your euli eonvettieaca Sheeny, j ORR.8Ci1aL>ZN4UYRRON A ASSOCL►M INC IL r• Rick WoUa au • Cl Montlaoelb Tom Bore - qty M uo IOU Simon • Cqq of Rm Stod&b" - OSM Aatodatet, lot I ce atrlwalum�wuw �1 u.a�wewv. EOd oOMOV Melo• nvc t f nn ow •a . .. A9-96 10: 16A MSB A ASSOC. INC. 612 641-1700 P_03 CC�VMUCTION PAY VOUCHtR Estimate Voucher Hunters s DateI / July is, logo I 0911 Project Numbers 1697.60]I Period Endings July 1, 1996 Prolaott CARDIRALBILLS ADDITION \ FZIIAL APPJUTZMMT WO MOIeTICELIO, XX CITY Of ONTIC 96-060 Contractors 1:ADLZC UCAVAT* OF MORA, INC ROUTE 6, sox 31 MORA HN 99051 Contract Dates Work atarteds Completion Doter Work Completed: Original Contract Amount 300,399.46 Total Additions 0.00 Total Deductions 0.00 Total Funds Encumbered 300,609.66 Total Work Certlfled to date 370,617.90 Lass Retained Perantags! 0.00% 0.00 Use Previous Payunts 1 136,969.00 Total payments Incl Thio Voucher 170, 617.96 Balance Carried FOlward 29,961.69 APPROVED FOR PAIE194, =is VOUQAm 31,760.96 APP20VALS ORR-4C118LLM-MAMOU A A8204IAT86, INC. Pursuant to our field obseskVation, as psrrormad In accordance with our contract, and based on our, proressional opinion, materials are satiefectory and the work srly performed In accordance with the plane end specifications And that tAs total work le: &act eampleted as o1 Juiy' , last. We Darby recommand paymentlof this voucher. 9ignsds signa42 Construction 0bserv.6 Pra2act Mamgsr/Eng n r MM3C EECAVATIMO Of HOA. IINC This is to certify that to the beat of my knowledge, information, and ballet, the quantities an4 volume of work certified heroin Is a fair approximate astiaste tar tM period covered by this voucher. Contractors signed By Dotal Title CITI OF MOMTICELL:1 Checked Bys Approved for payment: Authorlsac Reprasantative atel Dates vAOE i 5F8 cod OOGGIV MOO. VIVct an an •�. ,, Council Agenda - 7/22/96 Attached you will find a proposed bid specification outlining the bus service requirements. This document, if approved, specifies the level and manner of bus service delivery. The current contract with Hoglund Coach Lines expires in December. It is a requirement of the State that we now go out for bids. The contract proposed in the bid specifications would be set for two years with an option to extend each year for two years thereafter. The bid specification does not propose any significant changes to the current contract. Motion to approve the specifications and authorize advertisement for bids for Heartland Express service contract. Under this alternative, bid award and management plan approval would be considered on August 26. Motion to deny approval of the specifications for Heartland Express service contract. C- 49' FF F .O MFNDATION; I recommend alternative 01. The service is working well within budget and funding continues. n. SUPPORTINO DATA; Copy of bid specifications. 10 SPECIFICATIONS MONTICELLO HEARTLAND EXPRESS DIAL•A•RIDE BUB SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA Date: July, 1996 W&W.C.97: WI N6 964 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BEDS MONPICELLO EMARTLAND EXPRESS 1897-1988 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed proposals will be received by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, up to 10 a.m. on the 22nd day of August, 1996. Call Monticello City Hall, 295-2711, for a complete set of specifications. The operational statistics of the City of Monticello Heartland Express dial -a -ride system for the years 1994, 1995, and 1996 are on file in the office of Jeff ONeill, Assistant Administrator, Monticello City Hall, 250 East Broadway, Monticello, Minnesota. A pre -bidding conference will be conducted at city hall at 2 p.m. on the 7th day of August, 1996. Each proposal shall be accompanied by a certified or cashiers check or bid bond in the amount of five percent (5%) of the total amount of such proposal, and such certified check, cashier's check, or bid bond is to be made payable to the order of the City of Monticello. Each proposal shall be signed, sealed, and endorsed on the outside of the envelope with the notation 'Proposal for the Operation of Monticello Heartland Express Dial -a -Ride Service," addressed to Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, and mailed or delivered to his office in the city hall, 250 East Broadway, PO Box 1147, Monticello, Minnesota 65362. No bids will be received after the specified hour and date. Any such bid received will be returned unopened. The City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any informalities and to award the contract to the best interest of the City. Jeff O'Neill Assistant Administrator City of Monticello UUMPEC.or. TnRW 6,(;& Pago 2 BID SPECIFICATION MONTICELL0 HEARTLAND EXPRESS 1997.1888 GENERAL DESCRIPTION A. ORGANIZATION The Heartland Express is organized and monitored by the City of Monticello under a contractual arrangement with a private transportation service provider. The private transportation service provider selected will be responsible for the day-to-day operation of the transit program. The transportation system provider is responsible for hiring, establishing wages, and terminating all employees working in conjunction with the Heartland Express. All such employees will be the employees of the private transportation service provider. The City of Monticello's Assistant Administrator, Jeff O'Neill, will represent the City of Monticello in establishing a contract with a service provider and with the State of Minnesota. The Assistant Administrator, with the assistance of the Computer Support Analyst and Bookkeeper, will be responsible for monitoring the ongoing operation of the system and will assist the Monticello Transportation Advisory Committee and the City Council in development of the Monticello transportation system operation policy. In addition, the Monticello Transportation Advisory Committee will provide marketing and operations support for the program in the form of in-kind contributions of time. B. PROJECT GOALS AND OBJECTIVES The transportation service provider will work cooperatively with the City toward successiLl completion of goals and objectives. Listed below are goals and objectives identified by the City of Monticello in its preliminary 1997 Transportation System Management Plan. GOALS: The primary goal for 1997 is to maintain a client base through delivery of an efficient and effective transportation service, nUlNPF 7.97: 7/IRW SG G Page 9 1. Cost Pffiripneg Establish a service level designed to encourage ridership while maintaining reasonable operating costs through efficient use of employees and a single 25 -passenger vehicle. 1997 Projected Estimated Miles: 30,344 1997 Projected Cost per Mile: $2.17 Achieve a ratio of .6 passengers per mile. 3. Cost .fi' ctiv n ss Obtain rate of 6.6 passengers per hour. C. LEVELS OF SERVICE 1. Service Area and Poet dation 11Ul:.g11W.971 7/ I W99 The Monticello Heartland Express is intended to service the population residing within the city of Monticello, the areas immediately adjacent to the city known as the Orderly Annexation Area, and a portion of Big Lake and Becker Townships, which are populated areas lying adjacent to Monticello across the Mississippi River and within the Monticello School District boundaries. The population of the city of Monticello is estimated at 6,200. The Orderly Annexation Area and township area population is estimated to be 4,600. These areas are outlined on Exhibit A. Transportation is provided to locations outside of the Monticello city limits as follows. 1. Kjollbergs West Mobile Home Park adjacent to the city on State Highway 25. 2. All churches and businesses located adjacent to the city in Monticello and Big Lake Townships. 3. Grey Hound bus transfers. Grey Hound bus stop is at the Tom Thumb store in the city of Big Lake. s�ry b Page 4 BUMP :r..st: mass Of primary importance is maintenance of a transportation service level that will attract citizen of Monticello ridership, as the City of Monticello is the primary source of local revenue for this program. Therefore, except for service outside the city noted above, extension of transportation service to areas outside the Monticello city limits will be phased in as the service demand and concurrent impact on service delivery becomes better understood. Extension of service level beyond city limits will be considered by the City Council when it can be demonstrated that service expansion will not diminish capability of the system to offer a desirable service level to Monticello citizens. In addition, it must be demonstrated that the City portion of the cost to deliver service to the outlying areas can be recovered through a combination of user fees and through added cost efficiency created by new ridership. At such time that the bus service is expanded into outlying areas, the City Council of Monticello will establish bus fares that reflect the added cost of servicing outlying areas that do not contribute to the local share revenue generated by taxation. Operator agrees to provide an estimated 2,200 hours of transportation service utilizing an operator -owned bus. City agrees to contract for a minimum of 2,000 hours annually. It is understood that the bus is the primary transportation vehicle and that transportation should be provided exclusively by this vehicle if possible. It is recognized that from time to time service demand will exceed the capacity of a single bus. During peak demand periods, the Operator agrees to operate a supplemental vehicle. It is understood that revenue necessary to operate the supplemental vehicle will be derived from a concurrent reduction in regular hours, Hours of supplemental vehicle operation shall be established under the following scenario. Operator has the latitude to provide supplemental vehicle service when service demand exceeds the capacity of the primary bus. However, Operator -directed supplemental vehicle use must be reported to the City on a weekly basis to assist the City in determining necessary reductions in bus operation hours. The Assistant Administrator is authorized to direct the service provider to provide supplemental vehicle service. SG E Page fi The service provider will operate "dial -a -ride," demand responsive curb -to -curb transportation service. The system is open to the general public and is handicapped accessible. 4. Days of OperaLion The service operates Monday through Friday except for certain holidays. 5. Contract Ho urs The City will contract for 2,200 hours of service but reserves the right to reduce total hours below 2,200. The City will not reduce hours less than 2,000. In addition, if additional revenue becomes available, such funds could be used to expand transportation hours. 6. Hours of Operation Hours of operation shall be as follows: 8:15 a.m. to 5 p.m., plus .25 hours/day prep time, which equals 8 hours/day. 7. Srpl +Ho Hours Total scheduled hours amount to 2,000 hours. Surplus hours equal the difference between total contract hours minus scheduled hours. These hours (200) may be used for special events and used to bring a second bus on line during peak demand periods. D. FARES The proposed fare structure calls for a base fare of $1.00 per one-way ride. This fare will apply to all city of Monticello riders, including elderly, children over the age of 6, and adults. Children under 6 years of age may ride free with a parent or guardian. Reduced fares will be available to all potential users of the system through the purchase of ticket books. Reduced fares can be obtained when tickets are purchased in bulk through ticket books per the following table: Base rate: $ 1.00 40 -ride ticket book $25.00 ($.62 ride) aus.SPr:c.O: vrrws Page 6 lzl� �� S Bus drivers will sell ticket books on the but; but will not make change for individuals paying the base fare. Ticket books will be sold on the bus, at city hall, and at the school district offices. The City Bookkeeper will be responsible for coordinating ticket printing, distributing ticket books, and collecting ticket book revenue. The process for depositing fare revenue requires that every morning prior to beginning of service, the bus driver shall deliver the previous day's fares and ridership report to the City Bookkeeper. The Bookkeeper will then balance the fares/tickets collected against the ridership report. The cost per ride directly to individual mobile home units within the Kiellbergs West Park costs $2 per ride. This service will require a fare of $2 per one-way trip, or 3 tickets. MARKETING The City staff working with MTRAC (Monticello Transportation Advisory Committee) shall provide program publicity, and the City shall pay for publicity costs. The Operator agrees to cooperate with transit system publicity. This may include, but is not limited to, vehicle markings, ads on the inside or outside of the vehicles, employee badges, and distributing flyers at regular stop sites and to passengers. The City of Monticello will strive toward development of a clean and efficient transportation service which contributes to positive word-of-mouth advertising. The service provider will cooperate with this effort by maintaining a clean and attractive bus. Service image will focus on providing "coach" service rather than bus service. COORDINATION WITH EXISTING TRANSIT OPERATIONS The degree in which this program is coordinated with the Annandale Heartland Express and the Sherburne County River Rider has been limited. On occasion a Monticello rider will be transferred to a Sherburne County system vehicle fbr transport to points in Sherbume County. likewise, on occasion a Sherburne County rider is transported to a drop-off point in the Monticello transit arca, with the Monticello system then transporting the individual to a specific point in the city. A study has been completed by the Minnesota Department of Transportation which has revealed the need to coordinate local systems. The provider will be expected to facilitate and integrate servioo delivery of the Monticello Heartland Express with other local bus systems. uuxs11ar..97, MAW 5� G Page 7 The Operator shall provide necessary office space for routine business and dispatching activities. Telephone line(s) for rider information and reservations shall be manned during regular service hours. The Operator shall provide a telephone answering machine for after-hours messages to riders. Rides are currently reserved as follows: Individuals with a consistent need for transportation are allowed to make "standing reservations" far in advance. Calling in advance to reserve a ride (less than 48 hours) is encouraged. The bus driver is responsible for resolving scheduling conflicts with standing reservations. The goal is to keep standing reservations without alienating or discouraging other riders. Calls for immediate service are common. The goal is to take as many as possible by working them into the schedule. The Operator shall provide or require employees to provide and wear clean, seasonably apprupriato clothing. This may include, but is not limited to, shirts of a standard color and dark -colored long pants. Any public transit badges or further uniforms required by the City shall be provided by the City. The Operator shall employ qualified drivers sufficient in number to operate the service for the hours contracted. Drivers shall be trained by the Operator to ensure proper attitude, courtesy, and safety in transporting passengers. Drivers shall be trained in defensive driving, use of lift and assisting passengers with disabilities, and emergency procedures. Drivers shall be provided training as follows: 1 hour emergency procedures, 4 hours defensive driving, 6 hours passenger assistance. The provider must comply with driver drug testing requirements as defined by the Federal Transit Administration. Drivers shall be familiar with the geographic area served. Drivers must maintain at least a class "B" license. Drivers must provide proof of a physical exam as required by state statute. All drivers must be screened by the City and Operator for accident history and driving violations. To the extent possible, drivers shall be screened for criminal history and investigations of reported abuse or neglect involving minors or vulnerable adults. aUll4PEC.97: 7/1W90 s -&#- Page B Drivers must meet all federal and state laws and rules and regulations pertaining to the operation of a public transit vehicle as specified. The Operator agrees to employ other needed support personnel including, but not limited to, administrative, clerical, and dispatch as good business judgment may deem necessary to comply with this agreement. 'Raining shall be provided by the Operator. The Operator agrees to discuss expectations and performance frequently with employees. In the event of public complaints to the City regarding Operator employees, the City shall provide the Operator a written summary of complaints received. The City shall require the Operator to discuss performance expectations and any unsatisfactory performance with employees and to sign and have employees sign to document these discussions. The Operator shall provide: One 1996 or 1997 26 -foot bus with wheelchair lift and secured seating for two passengers in a wheelchair. Bus shall have a minimum seating capacity of 21 passengers, including wheelchair passengers. The bus shall have retractable seat belts installed with every seat. All specifics of vehicles must meet all federal and state laws, rules, and regulations for operation and must meet all ADA requirements. Operator shall finance and coordinate application of paint and stylized markings identifying the bus. Paint and marking design shall be established and approved by the City. Detailed bus specifications shall be reviewed by the Monticello Transportation Advisory Committee. In order to maintain program and bus identity, the transit program bus shall not be used for private purposes without prior approval from City staff. Operator shall provide one handicapped accessible vehiclo intended to supplement bus service. Special painting of the supplemental vehicle as a public transit vehicle is not required; however, a magnetic identification strip placed on the vehicle whilo in operation as a transportation vehido is required. nUMPEC.87: LIPM SG =- Page Page 9 The Provider will provide and maintain a mobile phone for use in the bus as the primary means for dispatching. The hourly service charge under bus service includes ongoing communication cost to operate the mobile phone, including all toll calls. The Operator will also provide vehicle and office radios. Radio equipment purchases, licensing, maintenance, ongoing costs, and toll calls for Operator -owned vehicles shall be the Operator's responsibility. The primary purpose for the radio is to provide backup communications to the mobile phone. The Operator agrees to apply for and maintain required communication licenses for the Monticello Heartland Express. Both parties agree to comply with applicable laws and policies and to cooperate in submitting required licensing, documents, and reports. The Operator agrees to provide for all routine maintenance of vehicles, including lubricants, supplies, and tools. Vehicle maintenance shall be done following the manufacturer's suggested guidelines provided with each vehicle and must be verified by signed reports and given to the City monthly. Drivers shall complete daily inspection forms and vehicle defect forms. The Operator agrees to maintain a clean interior and exterior vehicle appearance as determined reasonable by City staff. The Operator shall be responsible for making or arranging for needed repairs to City and Operator owned equipment, including warranty work, parts replacement, and tires. A monthly report shall be provided which shows maintenance completed during the year. Mileage/maintenance expenses shall be incorporated into the hourly charge. Fuel and lubricant related expenses shall reflect the actual cost of said expenses to be paid on a monthly basis by the City. The City reserves the right to select the fuel point of purchase. No employees retained by the Operator shall be considered employees of the City. The driver shall sell and collect passenger tickets, collect fares under the fare schedules and contracts of the City, and account for riders and fares daily. Drivers shall make change for ticket book transactions but not fare -related transactions. Driver accounting of ridership ticket book sales and fares shall be accounted for and verified daily by a City employee. eG �7 T IIUMITC.vro vows Page 10 Drivers shall complete daily forms provided by the Operator indicating total number of passengers, number of elderly, wheelchair passengers (disabled), children/student, adult passengers, and free rides for children and adults. From time to time, the driver may be asked to record additional information regarding bus usage. Bills shall be submitted monthly to the City no later than the 5th day following the report, including documentation required by MN/DOT. Monthly bills shall be based on hours of service provided that month at the agreed upon hourly rate plus mileage plus actual fuel expense. The Operator shall complete a monthly report and submit it with their bill, including the following information: OPERATOR -OWNED BUS: CDKU: 1. Miles and hours per vehicle. 2. Fuel gallons and taxes. 3. Other costa. The Operator and the City's staff shall meet regularly with MTRAC appointed by the City Council to serve as an advisory group to the transit service. The City Council shall define the roles and authority of the committee regarding major policies, contracts, and changes. The City will retain sole authority to contract with private and public organizations to secure additional transit revenues. Whether or not the Operator owns the bus, the Operator shall provide liability insurance in the amounts of at least $1,000,000 per claim and at least $1,000,000 per occurrence. The Operator shall also provide comprehensive coverage for each vehicle and collision coverage to provide replacement finds in the event of a substantial loss. The City and MN/DOT shall be included as an additional named insured on the Operator's insurance. Operator shall not commence operation until it furnishes the City with certification of insurance. nu.c.rr. rnww sG< Page 11 The bid specification calls for a contract period extending from January 1, 1997, and may be extended annually through December 31, 1998, with the agreement of both parties. Contract agreements will be contingent on availability of federal, state, and local funds, and ongoing demands for service. Contract amendments may be made at any time with the agreement of both parties. All contracts and amendments are subject to approval by MN/DOT. In the event the Operator breaches the terms or violates the conditions of the bid specification/contract and does not, within thirty (30) days thereafter, cure such breach or violation, the City may terminate the contract immediately. In the event the City breaches the terms or violates the conditions of the contract and does not, within thirty (30) days thereafter, cure such breach or violation, the Operator may terminate the contract immediately. The City may choose to negotiate to extend the contract in one year increments in addition to the contract period for 1/1/99 through 12/31/99 and/or VV2000 through 17!31/2000 providing the annual cost to extend the contract does not exceed 4'% of the previous contract year's amount. The Operator will agree to comply with all applicable federal, state, and county laws, regulations, and policies, including fair labor laws, civil rights laws, workers' compensation, unemployment compensation, sexual harrassment, affirmative action, and special Chapter 13C warranty protecting individual employees against a worsening of their positions. The Operator will agree to cooperate with any monitoring or audit visits of the city, state, or federal government, including on-site inspections, disclosure of records, and surveys of passengers. The Operator will agree to maintain financial books and records in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards. yio n io g o£Public Contracts: The Operator must certify that they are not included on the United States Comptroller General's list of persons or firms currently debarred for violations of various public contracts incorporating labor standard provisions. Brice Collusion- ni 1osLm: The Operator will be required to certify that the prices in this contract have been arrived at independently without collusion or consultation for the purpose of restricting competition, prices have not knowingly been disclosed to any competitor, and no attempt has been made or will be made to induce others to submit or not to submit a bid in the future for the purpose of restricting competition. RUMM4197: 7/1MM S -C, L Page 12 Conflict of Interest: The Operator will agree to certify that he presently has no interest and shall not acquire any interest, direct or indirect, which would conflict in any manner with the performance of services required in this agreement and agrees that no person having such interest shall be employed. Rq alFmnln=ont Qppa . ,n; y: In connection with the operation of the Monticello Heartland Express, the Operator will agree that it shall not discrimirkate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, sex, or national origin. Operator will take affirmative actions to ensure that applicants are employed and that employees are treated during employment without regard to race, color, sex, or national origin. Such actions shall include, but not be limited to, the following: employment, upgrading, demotion or transfer, recruitment or recruitment advertising, layoff or termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation, and selections for training, including apprenticeship. Senaoes: Services performed by the Operator under this contract shall be performed in a diligent and competent manner, and their performance shall be subject to review and inspection by MN/DOT through its designated agents at all reasonable times. Inguranr_P: The operator shall be required to provide liability insurance in the amounts of at least $1,000,000 per claim for injury, death, or property damage by wrongful act or omission, and $1,000,000 for any number of claims arising out of a single occurrence. Insurance coverage shall be provided to protect the recipient and MN/DOT from any loss arising out of the furnishing of the service. The City will agree to furnish all appropriate certificates of insurance and to carry higher limits of insurance if required by MN/DOT. judemnityc: The Operator will be required to indemnify and hold harmless the City, its agencies, agents, and employees, and MN/DOT from and against all claims or demands, including reasonable attorneys fees in defense thereof, of every nature on account of injury to or death of persons, or damage to or loss of property, caused by or resulting in any manner from any acts or omissions of the Operator, its subcontractors, or its agents or employees in performing or failing to perform any of the service, duties, or operations to be performed by the contractor and its subcontractor under this contact. It will be understood and agreed that any and all employees of the Operator and all other persons employed by the Operator in the performance of amy of the services required or provided for under this contract shall not be considered employees of either the City or the State and that any and all claims that may arise under the Workers Compensation Act of the State of Minnesota on behalf of said employees while so engaged and any and all claims by and third parties as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of said Operator's employees while so engaged in any of tho services to be rendered under this contract by the recipient shall in no way be the obligation or responsibility of the City or the State. aUKRYEU.97: 711NBa S -GN Page 13 BID FORM MONTICELLO HEARTLAND EXPRESS 1997.1998 Service Provider: Phone Number: Bidder must fill in unit prices in numbers. Provide dial -a -ride service as described in service specification Please provide narrative outlining relevant experience along with three references. Relevant experience and bid amounts will be factored together in selection process. n~ea.or. visas Contact Person: Date: 2,200 hrs Cost per Cost per hour hour Page 14 CITY OF MONTICELLO HEARTLAND EXPRESS TRANSIT REVENUE. EXPENSE. AND STATISTICAL COMPARISON mar 1 roma. Em. a— /ree 20 807313 14100 61 I1.OMp 411 1 874m 102000 121120 1123711 bra 1241 IS.JI 1179 1,374 11.1 11 111! 12V 11213jim 1M t e A 7 A 14 J! A 1F .FII A- ��p1� •3t FM �y9 eta Fpq P41 374ea E4! 11A P4F 445 it + +F?a 1 b1 ai9 2V1 204 fir. d1 344 ' F1P Qtl�1 0So 281 Deg 44. 2021 21 ] 41 ]11 Oto , O40I ,009 , 04s I41tr.raa. 1910 1490 800 1009 008 140 140 JPJO nt 069 1000 6n OI I... P35111 2MV 2.9N1 21ea1 r160] N124 2.710 060 7191 24474 1444 4M"' 7.141 ICa1alr�lat 411 8414 4374 8407 _F. 212 6414 pili 1-11 N4 till Nq 6.4 $421 4w no. 411 _ to 45 807+ 124 4071 80111 104 477113 b71 1010 40tl 1010 904 807+ p I 1071 PIIr.lsralr 04 O4 071 O4 OM3 04 041 O4 . 04 04 047 001 Ira�1ar421a,t a 5 441 .ae 406 44 411 471 all 64 110 411 a" 421 a74 a40 44 CarABY 82M 410 12@ 8211 12M Vol 1221 1211 1201 1+11 1711 1214 NMI 4+01 1214 172+ IC..44f1,. won We 04 Saw we 27 smm VI . 4 s IM 14 17720 121m 17110 le....�._ 1721% 1110\ 7958 IS" 91114 141142 +.404 14.04.1"-I--"_mI 19004 1.r^ 17 14% I!m 14 W—% O COYwjm2v f+ chtm Council Agenda - 7/22/96 SH• Consideration of negotiating a rhange order for City JE!rpject R96• 08C- Pa ng at the Co .nater Parking Lot and Puhli . W s B +il ing- for the nurnnse of P—MaWng the fire hall parking lot. (J.S.) A. F.F .RFN F AND BA .KGRO TND: The fire department would like the City Council to consider enlarging the parking lot at the fire hall. There are currently 17 stalls plus 1 handicap stall on the west side of the building. There is enough area near 6th Street to add 4 more stalls. The current roster of fire fighters is 28. Using our contract prices for the paving at the public works building and estimating what the curbing will cost, the estimated project cost would be $2,411.30. These items would have to be negotiated with Buffalo Bituminous, as they are on a totally different site and do not include mobilization, so we could expect the final negotiated price to be a little higher. It is also possible that we could do the curb removal and common excavation ourselves if time permits. We will be removing and relocating the lawn sprinkler system in this area. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative is to authorize City staff to negotiate a change order with Buffalo Bituminous for adding onto the fire hall parking lot at an estimated coat of around $2,600. This alternative would also include the possibility of the public works department doing the curb removal and common excavation to keep the price lower, if time permits. 2. The second alternative would be not to negotiate a change order for expanding the fire hall parking lot. C. STAFF F .O MFNDATION: Alternative 01 as shown above allows us the flexibility to have the public works department do a portion of the work to keep the cost as low as possible. It is my opinion that the fire department is in need of additional parking spaces off-street, as they often have responses greater than the current parking capacity, especially if not everyone lines up perfectly in the marked spaces. Consequently, as Public Works Director, I recommend that City Council approve alternative 01. Copy of fire hall map showing proposed expansion area; Copy of unit prices as taken Brom the bid tabulation prior to contractor negotiation. eLeAvee I%Z'6.w I"- - - y' ►.VG. MJ:lr-1 u00e:t PPve FPAO-mw& �swren riz'�w. r IL MONTICELLO FIRE HALL PARKING LOT EXPANSION ESTIMATED COST DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE Curb Removal and Disposal (70 linear feet) 5.00 •350.00 Common Excavation (40 cubic yards) 6.00 240.00 Class V (20 cubic yards) 8.40 168.00 B612 Curb (70 linear feet) 14.00 980.00 2331 Bituminous Mix (11 tons) 35.00 385.00 2341 Bituminous Mix (11 tons) 25.30 278.30 Tack (10 gallons) 1.00 10.00 TOTAL • •$2.411.30 • NO Fstimated non bid item ••NOTE: Prior to negotiation cOFFMnMMEMEX FRU MW S#ep Council Agenda - 7/22/96 sr. Con_siderati-on ofap ntingP rlm Commbininner. (W.K.,13.D.) A. REFERENCE ANIS BA .KARO TND: At the Parks Commission meeting of July 18, 1996, existing Parks Commissioners interviewed two candidates for the Parks Commission seat vacated by the resignation of Steve Andrews after his appointment to the HRA. Following the interview and discussion, the Parks Commission approved a motion recommending that the City Council appoint Robbie Smith to the Parks Commission, which term would expire on Deoember 31,1996. B. U.TEIRNATrVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the appointment of Robbie Smith to the Parks Commission. 2. Motion to deny appointment of Robbie Smith to the Parks Commission. C. STAFF f) F.NDATION: Staff recommends alternative 01. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Resume of Robbie Smith. 1101 Club View Drive Monticello, Minnesota 55362 July9,1996 City Hall City of Monticello P.O. Box 1147 Monticello. Minnesota 55362 RE: LETTER OF APPLICATION FOR PARKS COMMISSION To Whom It May Concern: This letter is to introduce myself for consideration to serve on the Parks Commission. Also enclosed is my resume which will provide you with some background information about myself. I have lived in Monticello for four years and have a wife, Karen. and a three month old daughter, Maree. My reasons for wishing to become a member of the Parks Commission are threefold. 1. To become actively involved in the community. 2. Interested in the future of our park system because of my new daughter. 3. Believe a city's parks help to unite the community and makes a statement as to It's concern for the community. The qualities that I believe I would bring to the Parks Commission include, creativity, promotion skills, and a love for landscaping and outdoor work. Thank you for you consideration for this position. I assure you I would work hard for the committee and community. Sincerely, Robbie R. Smith rr � Robbie R. Smith 1101 Club View Drive Monticello, Minnesota 55362 612/295-4889 EXPERIENCE SALES REPRESENTATIVE - Responsible for meeting sales objectives; as well as, territory organization and management Emphasis on product merchandising and sales analysis. Created sales aids which are now utilized company wide. 1995 Midwest Region Salesperson of the Year. (Aurora Casket Company, Inc., current) SALES REPRESENTATIVE - Received awards for creative selling ideas. 1992 Recipient of District Sales Manager Award (1311. Searle Pharmaceutical; 1992-1993) FUNERAL DIRECTOR - Responsible for arranging and conducting funerals. Also, casket inventory and merchandising. (Evans-Nordby Funeral Homes, Inc. 1987-1992) RELATED EXPERIENCE THE DALE CAFWEGIE COURSE - Received awards for speaking and performance. Self funded. 1991. GRADUATE ASSISTANT - The Dale Camegie Course in Human Relations and Effective Speaking. Assisted instructor in teaching course. 1992 and 1995. EDUCATION BACHELOR OF SCIENCE -MORTUARY SCIENCE University of Minnesota Graduated with High Distinction 1987. BACHELOR OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION -MARKETING University of Wisconsin- Whitewater.1985. OTHER FACTS Born 1961 married. One daughter. Motivated, enthusiastic, highly creative person who works very well with others. Excellent sense of humor. Council Agenda - 7/22/96 7. �0'-Tic hPELrinynngeloption,,:.:, ,11 The City Council is again asked to adopt an assessment roll for utility billing accounts which are delinquent more than 60 days and to certify the assessment roll to the County Auditor for collection on next year's real estate taxes if not paid by November 30, 1996. The delinquent utility accounts that are included with the agenda are accounts that are at least 60 days past due and include all new delinquents from the last time we certified them. In addition to the delinquent amount, the Council also previously approved the establishment of an administrative fee of $25 per account that is added to each delinquent assessment. The amounts shown on the enclosed delinquent utilities list include the additional $25 administration fee for the preparation of the assessment roll. It is recommended that the delinquent accounts be put on an assessment roll for certification in 1997 at an interest rats of 8'% as allowed by state statute. As in the past, if any accounts are paid within 30 days after the adoption of the assessment roll, they can be paid without the additional interest. After 30 days, payments will be charged interest and can be accepted up to November 30, 1996. Adopt the assessment roll for the delinquent charges as presented. Based on public hearing input, adjust the assessment roll as required. It is staff recommendation that the Council adopt the assessment roll as presented. All of the accounts are at least 60 days past due and have been given proper notice of this assessment hearing and ample opportunity to pay the accounts in full. All utility accounts were notified that there would be an additional $25 administrative fee attached to each outstanding balance if the account was not paid by 4:30 p.m, on July 15, 1996. Copy of resolution adopting assessment roll; Complete listing of delinquent accounts to be certified. RESOLUTION SO. RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT ROLL WHEREAS, pursuant to proper notice duly given as required by law, the Council has met and heard and passed upon all objections to the proposed assessment for delinquent accounts receivable charges. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA: 1. Such proposed assessment, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, is hereby accepted and shall constitute the special assessrnents against the parcels named herein, and each tract of land therein included is hereby found to be benefited by the assessment levied against it. 2. Such assessment shall be payable in one (1) annual installment payable on or before the first Monday in January 1998 and shall bear interest at the rate of 8 percent per annum from the date of the adoption of this assessment resolution. To the first installment shall be added interest on the entire assessment from the date of this resolution until December 31, 1997. 3. The owner of the property so assessed may, at any time prior to certification of the assessment to the county auditor, pay the whole of the assessment on such property with interest accrued to the date of payment, to the City Treasurer, except that no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid within 30 days from the adoption of this resolution. 4. The City Administrator shall forthwith transmit a certified duplicate of this assessment roll to the county auditor to be extended on the proper tax list of the county, and such assessment shall be collected and paid over in the same mammr as other municipal taxes. Adopted by the City Council this 22nd day of July, 1996. Mayor City Administrator 74 0 1tllnaol cen Illwtlm with lint CWV etl lit, ellllp I"tm zm UK ...... cuorn 1IC111r ... ... . IDff1t FILE WR ...... UtI.CMII CLR........ .111W a. 1. 1M1 Dllo ms Cert Olett crop) IJ 011 It Ip6 0;.76.35 1 AK - A DIC 1 O C7; 1. ISS6 CFlo, U11t IT, E;(tlWo CF;'IlT:0 .! r:M LITE CH42 a1a"ISM oil us:4Dalom C1milno0 ISso too,I IU 0310inwo0 1'-415035150 wmr :r .ec+nl ) D I D W0000 I SS715 a 1170 :1: w•+1 UIOINOD00 ISS715a)M0 A 006031/0000 ISSO15COW 10 7C 571 00700110000 ISS6100S1100 D07a41DDD015M10051D70 I 007a650DW 1,5010050111 III. DI, 1w 007MUDOOD "5010MM T1 Ion D✓ rats Ds WIDE= IS$t1006)070 .7LI;e 007anoow IS1710aIto 10 00709)D000 I!5OM' 1 I, 0070111UF '!'71006041 CD7C116aC0 I:MIC01500 C77CIl IC:J1 ISi I0215:a to 1IVCt S: [ '!M'SC']CU SOI CEDA; WD C ::Ia ICC:I I!5'a0C 1110 cI 1::11;714 IlMICC1tl5) A C77CS1 ::: ".5:10}1010 1:.17 1h 1111, !; , ;A:wu !MIM 0:1171,[:0 1'::10070': O C:':'7'Cq I'S:I(C)Cp0 .C: WIC:f::q ISM10L 1010 75.06 G'.7"ICC: U::'L01 )JtO 174 SEK; 51 1 PiHALD EFGI• 171 FIVE; Sl ! 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LVe CArgs ./our Come • Clomo500m 155015001100 110 r11VP ELY= LD D041D WX 710 Nu"lN ELM, G 01.16 .00 .00 .m 25.00 111.16 00801010[4 15501541110 776 NUVP ILM ID 6211E lWWA 776 %AM% ft" OD 11.10 .00 .00 .00 75.00 101.m (� OC1011,44 Iy501Sm 1110 716 NOMI, ltwm m C10 11Q711IND 110 MOVIY ELSIXID m 101.71 .07 .00 .00 75.00 171.11 D,%Ot1,00110 18$031021010 IU IQ[sw 11 JIIQS CEII[n[ 11) IIQ111N 11 111.11 .4 .4 .4 78.4 Ill.lt am0 ?= 1550714104 1st 'ECIAN, 11 L.J. 1 JUICE vMfvEl III X.1C,MN U 51.17 .m ,m .00 n.00 71.62 t? 04017{44 155011006010 135 1¢trN 11 IImOTo 1t .. 111 1OD7p,1 U IO.L .4 .4 .4 is.m 105.L 00106ID[7m 1s5allcwoso 106 KOKO 11 DAYIDI If PQP511 101 NM*h U .1.11 .4 .m .m 25.11 16.15 OW01sl4m 1550))41}m II IF7tW7 p CIIM [OIYIt10 Il PAMPAS at II.L .00 .m .4 2% Do )I.M 1 00001t9m4 OSaI)pnm U LYGT119 C!1 1. ¢u, U LICiIIP CII 71.17 .4 .m .4 75.m 11.62 00001100000 IS•A33M 1030 5 SANWAK tow,LEEN 5 "I- of ILu .4 .OD .m Is 11.11 OOOa llp4 15501147000 11 P.P16, Gt nUYS 1QTCICX 11 P110Yu U 11.10 .4 .m .4 11.11 AS DWD')•mm M017m1D70 a llri! CIC IED DMRIs a "I" CII 11.11 .00 .0D .m }5.4 1x.11 0104110101 1554 Iq 1050 ISO {1010Y1, E L. 1 JIN'{ IPlli 1 P D4CY I ILI 6IDY II ri.l) .4 .4 .00 75.11 50.1) Ot:C---= 154 T6C3..S0 )17 CI"[MEY 4 LIC11t C/JIIE! SIT PIvEmEv 01 U Is .m .4 .m 15.4 I7. C6 0141=01) IS5011mt010 610 C 'AAE. CI PICT 1 LORI atd[Ert 110PIVEMN 0 II.N ,a .m .co 25.4 176.11 011Clm= 1S5015mn10 7151 LED 0,1 Col NICmlI Nynt 7ql LED 10 CII 113.01 .4 .q .10 25.4 131.0 01105/1714 ISt015CACC3 1161 G1tv111 U iP 1 AbIPPII 01tIt 1161 omm 11 9a.11 .m .00 .cc 75. C0 Its. 11 0 Ot,a62S4 IS5G1_140 C3 7111 101DOW ll Gera Y7LLAar 71{1 Nl,1p,Y 11 tI1.11 .4 .m .m 25.4 117.0 0110)11nm 1lIS)=0 Im Ou FINE OP t1FA 1111.! INC Cu RIM Dt 11,11 .0 .m .00 H.W 19.4 0170:' 1555p1w4 706 UIt t6Et6'S rut Pun CI114N 701 1JI1LCIG't Put 10.10 .m .m .4 75.4 15.10 A 017m01mm IS5541SUC1 701 UELLer;'S PAD CXWV SMITH 703 AALLCEGI') Py, 10.10 .4 .4 .m 75.0 15.10 017cm= 11S5mIw0l 707 ,JILLNU-1. Cur ONu DUCC1, 707 KA114r5't Pyr 70.11 .00 .4 .m n. CD 15.4 01703N= ISSSOOIw62 701 URLSf;i'S 014 Duni 11110 ml 1AllUt0'{ Pyr 70,4 .m .4 .4 75.4 15.4 C17nD3.�'m, 135w 114 c) }tt Wil l[[P:'S r1n PW DdrtC[tG 711 1ALlC[tS'S ru, 11.70 .4 .m .4 N.m U.m 0t7p14= IS55m1wm 711 rliLLUCV5 Cut AINX WIAh 111 IAUCM-S Py, 10.10 .4 .ca .4 75.4 15.10 017n77n00 RSSWtw07 In UEL1Rq'S 11h JN(S /tEPr 1 JO,U,O,IRS 11.7D .m .m .4 75. CD 11.20 01=1g33 3=31w01 771 UEILU ;'1 FAC. OY 01":1 711 tAll.cm Pyo )I.n .m .m .4 IS. C) U.70 O11pTa`DD 1511.+.71w01 71, w[I LERG'S rut [WILLI 1 DIVE ,@•JOS 771 1AIMU'6 Pyt 11,11 .p .p .W n.p 11.70 O17G 1= ISS5a1w[1 110 uRIEEY'S cyt I MILMUPRI, 110 1ALLCEr•1 Pyt 11.70 .p .4 .4 IS. C7 U.n 1 On 61CDD ISt5Wtw4 1 UIILEM'S rul viCll KIM { KAM c 'S Put IM .p .p .4 25 0 U.11 01}a`7c= ISssnlw4 1 WRLCEr:'S Cut MAP Lc[:Nr 1 IARCRVI Py, 79.10 .p X1 .0 IS. 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G3 t5.0 CI}Ot>�7 q!_diwa a3t wRtua•1 t1b CITT, :Ctmn tab IA1tCEG't Pct 1'.7P .co .a .n e,n S6.n • o1`_'7.: 1! w•:: 3Dt3 I_= "At 116 CI CICV'is / NG AYIn t: 3 nyuN; CI 71.11 ,a .n .C7 ri.t7 0,11 CUG7riCDt3 I!SDit_".1DtD S110 C7yuK1 CJ mlal II1"A 140 VA91lt0 01 C, I •n .4 .n ri.a x7.17 :1177Cf.:� IM11=11co 6210 ,1.W� 110 int K"IY, t)?a,1LCa 1K 1p,C7 .m .n .CD h C2 1ll.p • O'Icm= ISS414MIC3 5571 Cu[a U7 Nut 1i! 6271 14Ca 1Y! 62.17 .CD .n .n ri.CO 1t}.0 C'):;UCIW ISM==3 5•:1 !'iu 11-6 CI 1. Wr v, tDAVIN7U 5171 1111* DI E5.77 I,L .4 .4 16.a 61.11 C1101Nn^,A 1I•::7aTJ 10 t7a0 MLfiM C7 PIN CIn3 6010 NUTP LE 11.11 ,4 .00 .m 75.n J :1" 0 M N7IC1l10 M IMS 09.19.15 Ac w % 1 PI0 1 A -1v A00rr61 01301550000 155069031030 5011 WTIs Of 9010110101 ISM&MIC10 )11 190 S1 E 903010070 Ism, IDO 1050 901 LAtiE1 ST IOU MOM 115D,101060 S1S UASEI ST 10501110+0 11'dA )03010 $11 tW.FI SI 9050193010 15MMI010 107 IN $I E F,MAL TOTALS 7054 COAT 101 I I I b E. D 0 1 L E 1 01 r A A A A A OTA 1. 1999 LMLO UT1111I MIX LEFTIFICAMAIS 07Th L/ts DHAASI PAGE 1 APT Cust-, uc> Cw - 1 0.130 0.1 L•160 Day DIM 0.1 JIP 120 hr LAtr roll 1 Pitt Dur P611 Da PM 01. Past W CNrx ./lite Uw91 PAFALLA J OFALy0911 SOLI KW IN 09 1:.05 .0 .00 .01 1s.0D SI.N L. JWES AZWO RMI AFM 10.00 .aC .00 .96 moo 11.11 I'WI 9061N:N S0) GIIC(P57 )I.70 .00 .00 .C3 15.00 51.70 1110 KLSP SIS ova, SI 10.00 .00 .00 .0 15.0 13.10 PWA DAYIS F9 ED) SSA 10.10 .0 .00 .N 13.OD 15.10 1 Omura W".ILLSIDE 1 17 10.90 .W .00 .N 15.03 ISM JO 4K .�Y7S'0 8697 Council Agenda - 7/22/96 LMM (R.W.) As you will recall, the City entered into a purchase agreement with Ken and Carol Bohanon on March 7 to acquire their 158 -acre farm on West County Road 39. As part of the purchase agreement arrangement, we provided a $75,000 down payment at the time of closing and agreed to pay the $450,000 balance without interest by a contract for deed that would be paid primarily in two installments of $225,000 each when the City received a valid permit from the PCA for sludge application on the land and when the City received loan proceeds from the Public Facilities Authority. In any event, each of the installments would have to be paid by December 31, 1996, regardless of whether the permit or the loan proceeds were obtained by that time. During our negotiations with the Bohanons, both the Public Works Director and myself were under the impression that the application for the biosolids permit was expected to take 90 days or more and, thus, we anticipated a possible permit by June 1996. While we do not believe we stated this as a certainty to the Bohanons, they are now indicating they expected half of the money to be paid by June and are now requesting Council consideration for releasing some of the money earlier even though the City does not expect the permit to be issued for at least 30 days or more. We were recently informed by the PCA that a draft permit should be available within the next few days, and them is still a 30 -day comment period before the actual permit could be issued. If someone comes up with a valid concern that has not been addressed during our application process, there could be a contested hearing that could delay further the issuance of a permit, although none is expected. While both John and 1 feel the permit will be forthcoming in approximately 30 days, we cannot guarantee anything with 100% certainty. Since the Bohanuus were surnewhat relying on the first half of the payment being made by June, they have incurred other debt by purchasing additional homes that they had planned to pay with our payment. Since they feel the delay in the City receiving the sludge permit is beyond their control, they aro requesting consideration of amending the purchase agreement by requesting a $100,000 payment at this time, with the balance of the first half payment due when the permit is issued by the State. Since 1 was unable to contact all of the Council members individually regarding this issue, I am placing it on the agenda for formal consideration Monday night. Council Agenda - 7/22/96 From a financial standpoint, if the actual permit is issued within the next 30 days, the City would technically be out the interest earnings we could have made on the $100,000 if we had left it in the bank for another 30 days. This would be approximately $400. Other than the lost interest earnings, the only other reason for waiting to delay payment until the permit is issued is if the City would decide not to complete the purchase of the property if the PCA did not issue a biosolids permit. This scenerio seems highly unlikely at this time due to our investment in the property in addition to the down payment, which includes another $15,000 to $20,000 in monitoring wells, surveying, and other related costs. It is assuimed the land will be needed for even Class A biosolids. Council could agree to the request to release $100,000 of the expected $225,000 payment that would have been due in approximately 30 days. ( (ae.o` Noo) Ott j—" - Council could decline to change the terms of the purchase agreement. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is certainly the opinion of the Public Works Director and myself that the Bohanons have been very cooperative in the negotiation process on purchasing this land. From an economic standpoint, it appears that the request for early payment would simply result in the City losing some interest income for a month or so, as we are under the assumption the City will complete the purchase regardless of the outcome of the sludge application permit. It should also be noted that the final purchase price was approximately $75,000 more than a market analysis had shown, which is probably why we had favorable terms on the payment in the purchase agreement. While we may not be under any obligation to change tho terms, the rquest seems like a reasonable option considering their cooperativeness during the purchase process. Written request from Bohanons. cs :)nticello City Ciuncil, le were underithg'ttnW ssion that we would be PPttinr. J of th- land purchase money in June. This is now July and they are telling us about 6 more weeks, making it the end of Huaust. le are paying interest on loans we thought we would pay off by now, and still need to borrow more next week. This is mainly because we have not sold our present home as yet, and now have tno homes, plus two of every other bill. (le have heard many ar. are reluctant to buy our home as it will bP by sewaze fields.) I see by the paper you have sufficient funds, and John said to write a nate and see if you couldn't pay us at least enough to pay off "ur loans. We need j100,000.00which would cover us urrtil first half is in. Sincerely, b:en � Carol �hanon Council Agenda - 7/22/96 flora (R.W.) Notices were recently sent by the City to Ms. Jacqueline LaValle of 5461 Falcon Avenue, Cardinal Hills Addition, and to Jennifer LaVasseur of 6431 Falcon Avenue noting that grass and weeds adjacent to the stern water pond on their properties needed to be mowed. Both of these parcel abut the storm water pond that is adjacent to School Boulevard. City ordinances allow an individual the right to appeal to the City Council if they believe the blight notice is in error and that their situation does not violate our ordinance. While I believe it's obvious if you view the property that there are tall weeds and grass adjacent to both sides of the pond along School Boulevard and at the rear of their homes, Ms. LaValle feels she should not be responsible for mowing the weeds next to the pond since the grade is very steep and the developer (Value Plus Homes) did not grade and sod the yard to the waters edge. 1 informed Ms. LaValle that the sodding or seeding of the back yard was an issue she should resolve with the home builder, but it's the City's requirement that the weeds and grass be kept at a manageable level adjacent to the pond, property which she owns. The City has an easement for storm water purposes for the pond, but the actual property is owned by each home. The purpose of an appeal opportunity is to allow the Council to determine whether the blight notice was correct or not, not whether the property is too steep to mow and an exception should be granted. Adjacent property owners along the pond have been able to maintain their property, and it does not appear that these two lots have slopes that are any steeper than their other neighbors' back yards. While I believe we all agree that the back yards of these parcels are very steep in that we had originally assumed all of the homes would be walk -out basements rather than look -out basements, this added to the steepness of the final grading to the pond. Unfortunately, it's still the homeowner's responsibility to maintain control of the grass and weed height. R AI•TFRNATIVE ACTIONS; After hearing the appeal. Council could determine that the blight notice was mailed in error and that the weed and grass height did not exceed 6 inches. Council Agenda - 7/22/96 Council could determine that the notice was accurate and that the property owner is responsible for cutting the grass and weeds. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: While the staff certainly recognizes that the majority of the property owners abutting this storm water pond have steep back yards, the fact remains that the grass and weeds on both of these parcels have exceeded the allowable 6 - inch limit. The parcels in question do not appear any steeper than neighboring properties, who have been able to maintain their yards when notified. If there is an issue with these backyards needing further grading or preparation for better lawn growing, it's really an issue between the property owner and the builder and does not necessarily involve the City. It is recommended that the Council confirm that the blight notices were accurate and that the property owner needs to be responsible for cutting. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Letter from property owners appealing notice; Copy of notices sent to property owners; Copy of blight inspection reports. July 17,1996 Monticello City Council P.O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362 To whom this rmy concern: Per a letter dated June 26, 1996 from Gary Anderson, Zoning Inspector with the City of Monticello, l am sending this letter to appeal a determination of a violation of one or more of the following ordinances - Sections 7-1-4 (C), (D), and/or (E) City Ordinance No. 7-1-1. Both Jennifer L-aVasser and 1 would like to attend the next City Council meeting and discuss this issue. This letter pertains to my property as well rs her property listed below. Jacqueline LsValle Jennifer LaVasser 5451 Falcon Avenue 5431 Falcon Avenue Monticello, MN 55362 Monticello, MN 55362 155-078-002110 Block 2, Lot 1 1 Please contact me when we are scheduled to attend. Thank you, �,ultr#A"kj6."o&M-" J quelirne LaValle 6121295.8878 cc: Gary Anderson Zoning Inspector/City of Monticello CITY OF MONTICELLO BLIGHT INSPECTION REPORT �1c %I 3/6N, Property I.D. Number. 155- Q:ZR - 00.2//0 Video Tape b Property Address: SyS/ fIJLLoT/�/� ![ Legal Description: . 11.)7- // Property Owner's Name: Address: City, State, Zip: Nature of Blight: ❑ Noncurrent licensed motor vehicle/iecreational vehicle ❑ Noncurrent licensed motor vehiclelrecreational vehicle, immovable ❑ Currently licensed motor vehicle/recreational vehicle, immovable ❑ Refuse ❑ Building materials ❑ Household appliance ❑ Other Grass1weeds(V64.?,y4oe4yJ<rNra/bu�ale,ae[L rw Sulooe Bo���eu,;� Pual� Sa.r�✓ ro ,('e'li£iFPCFl r��I�v� 1st Inspection Date: /_ /-2 L/O� Blight Letter Date: AFFrS(D / / `� / Notes: ��i N�I�J/i CJ AN4 (i['OZ1 Ay5l0/l;ge O,V %�:0/q . )��Ai%!l L�r'�/• C1Pt/1'l%i!i �C�/Ll %/���1'L ••.•••..•...••......•........•....•q.....••...•••.••..p..•••..•••...••••••....••••..••••..••••. 2nd Inspection Date: Complied: ❑ Yes ❑ No Date Turned Over to Sheriff - Notes: (FOR SRFRM U89 ONLY) Officer's Commence: Date Reviewed by Officer: Ticket Issued: ❑ Yes ❑ No Date Ticket Issued: Please return a copy of this form to the city of monticello for our records when completed. Thank you. (FOR COUNTY ATTORNEY USE ONLY) Date Received by County Attorney Court Dato: Please return a copy of this form to the city of monticello for our records when completed. Thank you. aL(GHT.REP; W2VW I DATE: June 26, 1996 OWNER: Jacqueline Lavelle 5451 Falcon Avenue Monticello, MN 55362 MONTICELLO 250 Eau Broadway LEGAL P.O. Box 1147 DESCRIPTION: IM -078-002110 Monticello, MN 55362-9245 Block 2, Lot 11 Phone: (612) 295-2711 Cardinal Hills 3rd Addn Metro: (612) 333-5739 Fax: (612) 295-4404 5451 Falcon Avenue Dear Ms. Lavelle: The manner in which vegetation is being maintained on the above property is in violation of one or each of Sections 7-1.4 (C), (D), and/or (E) of the attached excerpt from City Ordinance No. 7.1-1. Pleaw take action to correct the situation within 7 days. If you so desire, you may appeal to the City Council for a determination that the complained of activity does not violate the ordinance. Please submit written notice of your appeal within 7 days of the date of notice. Appeals will be placed on the next City Council agenda for purposes of the Council henring the appeal. If no action is taken to remove tall weeds and grass or if no appeal has been received by the City, the City will be compelled to remove the public nuisance and collect the cost to do so es a special assessment against the property. Included in the cost to remove the nuisance will be an administrative charge of 125. The balance of the charge will be based on labor and equipment time required to remove the public nuisance. Please be aware that this notice serves as your single notice of violation for the remainder of this growing season. If after this notice repeated violations occur, the City, without additional notice, may correct the conditions creating such violations and assess the cost against your property. Thank you for your allenUon to this important matter. If you should have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Si namly, CITY OF MONTICELLO GiryAnde Zoning Inspector GAILd Enclosure cc: Pile COMMENTS: OJlin qI PuUk Wortu, 909 Go(f Coarn Rd., Monticello, MN SW U • Phone. f612) 295-3170 • Fac (612)29"170. tit 1 CITY OF MONTICELLO BLIGHT INSPECTION REPORT bum- 17/10/11(, Property I.D. Number. 155- d lk - 00,2146 Video Tape # Property Address: Legal Description: 4[rii1e .V, X07 //) L4ti"U1A/ilL HIGGS' '1.PU .9D017?GVIi Property Owner's Name: E-JIWA,srjW Address: S'191 F$F460 / zM4FA1.61,f City, State, Zip: %JON>. CzwXe a_W!l/ -fes .? Nature of Blight ' ❑ Noncurrent licensed motor vehicle/recreational vehicle ❑ Noncurrent licensed motor vehicle/recreational vehicle, idmmovable ❑ Currently licensed motor vehicloWcreational vehicle, immovable ❑ Refuse ❑ Building materials ❑ Household appliance ❑ Other 1p Grass/weeds R, 4,f yA,tO NoRrN 7o PovO gz1&,e SCNooc&I'C6✓440Lata Soury A.�.o/rt�i.�� ♦..q HN00.00000000.0.•.NNq•000gg0000000 ,0000 H...01 H...0 •..►0000. •.• •..• •.....N. u.•• 1st Inspection Date: G��/ Blight Letter Date: (•' J (< U Notes: 2nd Inspection Date: 7/�%%% Complied: ❑ Yes V No Date Teased Over to Sheriff. Notes: �.1.! 1ri �%Slai C�llad7/�o1h¢ y:/.2,Om. SNEU),0AW >�n�ivEGg«<eeE wTt 00000 ............................................................................. Iron slum" USE ONLY) Officer's Comments: Date Reviewed by Officer. Ticket Issued: ❑ Yes ❑ No Dutu Ticket Issued: Please return a copy of this form to the city of monticello for our records when completed. Thank you. ................................................................................................. WOR COUNTY ATTORMY U86 ONLY) Date Received by County Attorney: Court Date: Please return a copy of this form to the city of monticello for our records when completed. Thank you. OUGHT.REP- 34LM 4b 250 Eau Broadway P. 0. Boz 1147 Monticello, MN 55362.9245 Phone: (612) 295-27 11 Metro: (612) 333-5739 Fax: (612) 295-4404 Dear Ms. Levasseur. DATE: June 26,1996 OWNER Jennifer Levasseur 5431 Falcon Avenue Monticello, MN 55362 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 165.078002100 Block 2, Lot 10 Cardinal Hills 3rd Addn 5431 Felton Avenue 7% manner in which vegetation Is being maintained on the above property is in violation of one or each of Sections 7.14 (C), (D), and/or (E) of the attached excerpt from City Ordinance No. 7.1.1. Please take action to correct the situation within 7 days. If you so desire, you may appeal to the City Council for a determination that the complained of activity does not violate the ordinance. Please submit written notice of your appeal within 7 days of the date of notice. Appeals will be placed on the nest City Council agenda for purposes of the Council hearing the appeal. If no action is taken to remove tall weeds and grass or if no appeal has been received by the City, the City will be compelled to remove the public nuisance and collect the cost to do so as a special assessment against the property. Included in the cost to remove the nuisance will bean administrative charge of 126. 74te balenre of the charge will be based on labor and equipment time required to remove the public nuisance. Please be aware that this notice serves as your single notice of violation for the remainder of this growing season. If after this notice repeated violations occur, the City, without additional notice, may correct the conditions creating such violations and assess the cost against your property. Tlumk you for your attention to this important matter. If you should have any questions, please feel (Fee to contact me. Sincerely, CITY OF MONTICELLO AW G&6 , son Zoning inspector CA1kd Enclosure r QC � u: File I COMMENTS: Rear yard north to pond water edge. School Boulevard curb south to rear property l/os OJ/ia of PueUe Worb. 909 OoIl Coum Rd, NofttWI , NN bd fe9 • Phom: retic 293$170 - Fav refer 895.3170.4,x1. 1 SENDER: I etao wish to receive the C—O.. nem. t ., . 2 1. .en+be.+.nvkn. • Comel.0 bwn 3. r.a 4 a b. following services (for an extra • v.Ya vew r+.nr air..eor.s. en ted nv.... el d+. term w or+ w. C-IMI: r.rwn m. teed m veu. • •secs w. ism a w reset a dr rerbac., w ori tr» e.e. If .o.0 1. ❑ Addreasae's Address son rat Dennie • wrtu••n.tuna.c•to+n•owme• --,..Mp—b lawea.Ocl. i...m•r, 2. ❑ Restricted Delivery . Ta e.+vn..c.rpt M Neu r. wears era .nkY wn e•er!r•e ra t+r Mt. ew•m.a. _ Consult-postmeatai for IM. 3. Article Addressed to: 40. Article Number anaunn MS JENNIFER LEVASSEUR 2138824129 RECEIPT REQ. 5431 FALCON AVE / 4b. Service Type fz ,MONTICELLO MN 55362 ured ❑ Registered ❑ Ins // (N CeiUlied ❑ COD , / ❑ EXWm Med ❑ Return Rec ipt for Mercbano+ q— ) 7.9� ,Djry 9. igneture rasMl S. Addressee's Addrns (Only ifLeeLMtsd r end fed is paid) 9/ Signet.. IA./,f a�PS form 3811. December 1991 o uedno:+ee]•0a1.a30 DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT 9F Council Agenda • 7122/96 A RFFFRENCF AND BACKGROUND: Each year, Tom Bose, the City's Municipal Construction Inspector, makes a visual inspection of all the concrete sidewalks in Monticello located on public property. For sidewalks located on our grid system, the City of Monticello will replace up to two panels annually without charge to the property owner. This property abuts the sidewalk system. If the repair work involves three or more panels, then the property owner is notified and a public hearing is held to order the repair or replacement and the property owner is involved in the cost of repairs. This year we noted 19 panels that need replacement based upon our standards. The 19 panels are at eight different locations and all involve two panels or less, with the exception of Maple Street on the west side near St. Henry's Church. It is possible at this location that three panels may need to be replaced. Since this is a borderline situation here, we would recommend that the City pick up the coat here. The following is a list of the eight locations needing panel replacement. In addition, there are a few areas around the community that need a few sections of curb replacement, so we would consider doing those at the same time. Also, we have noted a few areas of exposed aggregate that surface sidewalk that we will be monitoring. R ALT . NATN . ACTIONR: The first alternative is to authorize City staff to replace 19 panels of sidewalk at eight locations on the grid system, in addition to a few settled sections of curb around the community. We will attempt to have this work done by local contractors and if not, we will work it into the public works schedule this summer to have the work completed. The second niternative would be to order the repair of the sidewalks at City cost with the exception of the throe panels in front of St. Henry's Church. For this area we would send notice and hold a public hearing with the purpose of charging St. Henry's for those three panels. Council Agenda - 7/22!96 C. STAFF F, A M)ATION: It is the recommendation of the Public Works Director that City Council authorize replacement of the sidewalks and a few curb sections around town as outlined in alternative #1. Expected cost for the removal and replacement of the sidewalk and repair of the settled curbs is in the neighborhood of $3,000 to $4,000. D_ SUPPORTING DATA Copy of 1996 Annual Sidewalk Inspection Report; Copy of sidewalk repair location map. 19 1996 ANNUAL SIDEWALK INSPECTION REPORT July 19, 1996 lok 1996 ANNUAL SIDEWALK INSPECTION REPORT TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Sidewalk Inspection Criteria Index of Repair Reports Sidewalk Report PAGE, 106 CITY OF MONTICELLO SIDEWALK INSPEMON CRITERIA DEFINITION A pedestrian walkway (either bituminous or concrete) is a smooth, continuous, horizontal plan generally 4' to 5' wide, parallel to cub or stmt driving surface in both boulevard width and vertical height with a cross -slope of 2% to 4a/a to promote water drainage. It should be firoe of hazards to pcdestriare, bicyrclists, and snow removal equipment such as, but not limited to, cracks, settlements, protrusions, both horizontal and vertical, such as heaved pamds (whole or partial), tree limbs, and overhangs. There should be pedestrian ramps where sidewalk meets curb on all new and major restoration construction. IL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR MAWTENANCE AND CRITERIA FOR REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT Draind¢E Property owners will be encouraged to maintain drainage from the sidewalk areas and will be notified when poor drainage is observed during the annual inspections. 2. Small Cracks and Holn Such defects larger than 1/4" but less than 3/4" will be recommended to be sealed or patched using approved materiels. This will increase the longevity of the sidewalk. Property owners will be asked to correct any temporary hazards such as signs, mail boxes, tree branches or rocks or debris on the sidewalk or in the path of a pedestrian which could cause a trip f all, or head injury. Any vertical sharp rise in a sidewalk panel over 1/4' in height which could cause a person to trip or mold catch maintenance equipment shall be cause for replacement of the panel, PAGI7 /D Ci 2. Any section of a sidewalk which has settled so as to collect water shall be replaced or repaired by lacking (when feasible). 3. Any holes exceeding 3/4" in diameter and any cracks exceeding 3/4" in width and more than I/4" deep shall be repaired using approved materials. 4. Any sidewalk panel having a series of wide cracks and holes so as to make repairs not practical shall be replaced. S. Any sidewalk panels with sharp crowns or heaving which could cause strip or fall when the sidewalk is wet or slippery shall be replaced. 6. Any sidewalk panel that is peeling or spauling so that loose material is consistently found on the surface shall be replaced. C. Renlacernent of Sidewalk Any sidewalk replaced shall conform to standard specifications for sidewalk construction as recommended by the City Engineer. PAcs 4 /02) INDEX 1996 REPAIR REPORTS —maim +ju UNMEB" 1 9 warrardv (93-080 2 9 no change 3 9 no change 4 9 5 9 trimming 6 10 monitor 7 10 monitor 8 10 --- 9 10 monitor 10 10 trimming. monitor 11 10 monitor. replace- trimming 12 11 monitor 13I 1 monitor. rte 14 12 Is 12 v r4➢�!]� 16 12 monitor 17 12 ° monitor. replace 18 12 igdT%sina 19 13 --- 20 13 mamtor. crack Beat 21 13 mal lY 22 13 monitor. replace 23 13 M&ge 24 14 manitpr 25 14 na Upe 26 14 no djW 27 14 no chw 28 14 t>2&W 20 14 MM&QLMalWl^ PALL3 /O c 30 IS trimming. monitor 31 15 no change 32 Is monitor 33 15 trimming 34 15 — 35 15 monitor 36 16 monitor. replace 37 16 trimming 38 16 monitor 39 16 monitor 40 16 monitor 41 17 monitor 42 17 monitor 43 17 no change 44 17 rpvlace 45 17 monitor replace 46 17 monitor 47 18 no chrume 48 18 monitor. warmnty (Gas Co.) 49 19 monitor so 18 monitor. replace 51 IB no change 52 18 mcnijpr 53 19 monitor 54 19 monitor 55 19 mnnhnr 50 19 monitor 57 19 monitor 58 20 morljtor. trimming 59 20 monitor 60 70 na chenpe 61 20 mcni for _ 6 10 rtttlir_ monitor 63 20 monitor 64 71 ammarf PACL6 /oF 65 21 no change 66 21 crack goal. monitor 67 21 no change 68 21 monitor 69 22 monitor 70 22 no chartee 71 22 moni(pr 72 22 monitor 73 22 no change 74 22 no change 75 22 no chzme 76 23 monitor 77 23 no change 78 23 monitor 79 23 monitor 80 23 rg2air. Mlace 81 24 monitorjXRI e 82 24 monitor 83 24 monitnr ntar-jr.am ctmcwAI acg 1 25 mpnitor 2 25 --- 3 25 no change 4 25 monitor. r"Im 3 25 monitor 6 26 mynitor 7 26 M2Pit0r 8 26 ng ctm0pe 9 26 --- 10 26 no doe 11 71S — casr.o.rar c»� YAG9 7 106 CITY OF MONTICELLO SIDEWALK REPORT July 18, 1996 The 1996 walk-through inspection of the ori -grid sidewalks was completed July 17th, and off -gid sidewalks was completed on July 17th as well. The general condition of the oar -gid sidewalks was very grad except for five isolated panels which should be replaced due to cracks or a vertical rise between panels by current inspection criteria. There are quite a few item where panels should continue to be monitored. Some of these may require sealing with an approved caulk. Due to the large number of good walks, only the walks with repair and maimenance items separated by on -grid and off -grid replacement and maintenance aro fisted. City Council may wish to consider reevaluating section II.B.1. Cause for repair or . Some of the it ms on the 1995 aspect= which were over 1/4" had settled back down by the time of construction in July and August. Council may wish to consider amending the 1/4" to 3/8" or W in that there could be some Bost -generated movement in April which would be gone by July. 1996 REPORTS Elm Street (south side) Railroad Tracks -3rd Street This is new sidewalk fio m the Pathway project put in last year. Then is a tree overhang just north of the railroad tracks. Back in the comer of the 13th panel south of 3rd Street, a slight settlement; this would be a warrarrty hem for Project 1193-08C. 3rd Street (south side) Elm Street — Pinewood Elementary These is a crack in the fourth panel west of Elm Street. I believe this is no change from last year. Crack at the east side of the driveway in a panel cracked about 1/8" wide, no settlemems, no change Born previous report. Crack on the 12th panel west of the driveway on the legion driveway, crack 1/8" or less, no settlement, no change from previous report. Crack in the coma of the 1 sl panel west of the catch basin, crack 1 /8" or less, no settlement, no change from lap report. Vertical rise between the 8th and 9th panels west of the catch basis, 3/8" or less vertical rise at the subside of the sidewalk, the south We of the sidewalk is okay. The sidewalk is pretty much the same as it was on previous reports. School Property Between 3rd Sled & Broadway No change Rom previous reports. Broadway (south tide) Pinewood Elementary — Chestnut Street Vertical rise on the south edge of the sidewalk panels are at the driveway area of 906 West Broadway. Vertical rise 3/8' or less. Cracked 1/8" or less. No vertical rite on the 7th panel west ofchestwt. Broadway (south aide) Chestnut Street — Elm Street Could use a little trimming at 806 West Broadway; about T of head clearance. Pure tram at 203 Elm Street need trimming. Sidewalk good. Thera is a sight blowout at the ped ramp at the intersection of Elm end Broadway, gap is abort 2" wide and about 1 'h" deep and I' long. FAcs9 /O= 6 Elm Street (west aide) Broadway Street — 3rd Street This is new construction from Project #93-080. Sidewalk is good. There is a slight popout at the curb on the ped ramp at 3rd and Ehn, a small arca about 4" z 4', popped out maybe'h" deep, a monitor item. 7 Broadway (south aide) Elm Street — Vine Street There is slight spauling on quite a few of the panels, nothing major, from the coma to just east of 726 West Broadway. Overhang on the trees at 718 and 700 West Broadway. Spauling again at the driveway to 718 West Broadway. The spauling is monitor item. 8 Broadway (south side) Vine Street — Minnesota Street Some slight spauling at the curb and gutter at the ped ramp at the Vine end. There is a slight amount of tree overhang at the Elm Tree Brush at 648 West Broadway. Cracked comers on the east side of the driveway at 636 West Broadway. Cracking 1/8" or less, very little settlement. Vertical rise between the 2nd and 3rd pends, west of Minnesota Street, rife about 1/4" across panel. 9 Broadway (south side) Minnesota Street — Maple Street Fair amount of spauling and popout at the ped ramp on Minnesota Street side, monitor item. Slight spauling and a couple panda just right in (tont of the sign for Peterson-Grimamo Funeral, monitor item, nothing serious. SpauWtg at the sub at the ped ramp at Maple Street, monitor item. 10 Broadway (south side) Maple Strut — Una Street There is a slight amount of tree overhang at the brush on the comer of Linn Street. Slight amount of tree overhang at the property line between 448 and 430 West Broadway, trim brush. Panels with slight vertical rise on the south side of the walk at 418 West Broadway, vertical rine 3/8" or less, monitor. A little bit of tree uimnwtg needed on the pine tree at 411; West Broadway. I 1 Broadway (south side) Una Stmt — Locust Strad Thee is a creek across the ped ramp panels at the Linn Street end, crack 1 /8' or less. Very slight vertical rise, monitor item. Tree overhangs at 334 West Broadway and also at 342 West Broadway. Vertical rise about 3/4' catned by tree roots right by the walkway up to 342 PACE 10 /1D West Broadway, this panel dauld be replaced. Slight spauling from the walkway from 342 to the rusts driveway. Spauting is just a monitor item. There is a slight vertical rim at the 2nd and 3rd panels, west of the driveway to 342 West Broadway, vertical rise 1/2" or less, possible monitor item. There is a crack in the 1 st paitel west of the same driveway asnd also in the driveway of 342 West Broadway. Crack 1/8' or less, vertical rise 1/8' or less. The one in the driveway has a couple areas when the crack is blown out to maybe an inclb wide but no real depth to it, monitor aero. Tree overhang at the property comer of 324 West Broadway, trim tree. Slight vertical rise on the east side of the driveway between Pump A Munch and 342 West Broadway. This looks tike it has been patched before. The vertical rise is Probably 3/8' or less. Cracking and spading in the driveway area to Pump 1k Munch, thane is a sack approximately I V east of the driveway and another 25' down there is another crack in the long panels that are probably just ground fault cracks, the cracks are 1/8" or less, no settlement, probably unchanged from last report. Broadway (south side) Lecost Street — Walnut Strut There is a small crack, 1/8' or less just west of the last decorative railing in the Streetscape Project. There is a crack approximately 1/4" wide with about a 1/4* vertical rise, about I 'h' long and sane slight spauti% at the fire smooth panels east of the first tree. S Ught spauling in the driveway area with a crack just west of the driveway and slight spaulins in the rim panel to the east of the driveway to the Amoco Station; these are monitor items. Slight arcking in the smooth pends of the Streetscape around the node and one in the decorative or exposed conci a in from of Pat Hills Income Tax; these are all monitor item; possibly unchanged from last report. There o a crack in the driveway area to Copy Insurance, also a track IB" or less wide across the caner just east of the driveway to Copy [tnwrance. All of these item should be unchanged firom last report; monitor items. Crack in the decorative concrete and the smooth. The I' wide smooth concrete at the radius on Walnut Street end; this was sealed several year ago, track has not gotten much worse than what it had been in the past. Walnut Strtet (west side) Broadway — 3rd Strut Crack 1/8' or less in the smooth concrete around the iron at the 2nd tree south of Broadway. Tho track 1 B' or less; martitor. Blowout at the south side of the driveway just north of the Smith ILAw Office, this is unchanged (torn previous reports. Vertical rise on the street tide of the sidewalk at the panel just to the south of 207 Walnut Street, alto crack in that panel. The vertical rise is from 0 on the west side to %" or lets on the east side, potable monitor or replace item. There is a crack in the corner of a pod just north of the driveway at 209 Walmrt, 1/8" or less, monitor. non aos.rar wr PAG9 I I �O ^ 14 Broadway (east aide) 3rd Street — Broadway Settlement on the exposed aggregate panels just north of the driveway approach into the alley. The balance ofthe area is unchanged from previous reports. Crack 1/8' or less on the exposed aggregate panel around the 1 st tree south of Broadway, very slight vertical rise, 1/8" or less. 15 Broadway (south side) Walnut Street — Pine Street There is some cracking in the smooth panels behind the 1st tree east of Wahwt Street. The exposed panels were taken out when the sewer repairs were done for the Masonic Temple, three panels were replaced there with exposed aggregate, they all have surface deterioration and should be replaced. The balance of the block is unchanged from previous reports. 16 Broadway (north side) Pine Street — Walnut Stred There is a vertical rise in the sub and gutter, there is a little bit of settlement of the sub and ped ramp at Pine Street. There is a little bit of settlement at the exposed aggregate panel, a little triangular pane, west of the driveway to Century 21, monitor item, settlement of 'i" or less. The balance of the block is unchanged from previous reports. 17 Walnut Street (east side) Broadway — River Street There is a slight blowout on the I st smooth panel north of Broadway, possibly S" wide and 3/4' deep. 1 don't know if this would justify replacing the panel or not, a monitor item. In the exposed aggregate section at the rear door to Golden Valley Furniture is unchanged from previous reports. Balance of the block unchanged from previous. Is Walnut Street (west side) River Street — Broadway At the steps on Riva Strut, it looks like somebody has been digging next to the steps. Steps are in good shape but a Gab bit of topdressing of the boulevard should be done. Vertical rise between the 3rd and 4th pends south of the walkway up to 109 North Walnut Street. Vortical rias about 3/8' to 'A" between replaced concrete and the old existing concrete. This, 1 believe, has not changed since years past, monitor item. The islands at the alleyway are still continuing to deteriorate. Sidewalk is in good shape from the alley to Broadway, other then items listed in the pest, nothing needed repair. Broadway (north side) Walnut Street — Locust Street Crack in the panel just ast of the doorway to 225 West Broadway, crack 1/8" or less; I believe this is unchanged from previous reports. There is a crack just west of 225 West Broadway and also in firom of 245 West Broadway. These cracks are basically unchanged from previous reports. There is a vertical rise between exposed aggregate and the smooth parcel, 3/8" or less, across the walk behind the hydrant at Locust Street. It appears es though the ped ramp is setting a role bit. There is slight settlement nt between the exposed aggregate and the smooth pend on the north side of the walk along Locust. Locust Stmt (east side) Broadway — River Street Three cracked panels, cracks are 1/9" or less, unchanged from previous reports; continue to monitor. The expansion material between the curb and sidewalk is gone right at the south side of the driveway. 711m could have the street crew fig this with crack sealer next year when they're crack sealing. Locust Strad (west aide) River Street — Broadway Mid -block between River and Broadway, the concrete walk area just north of the driveway is unchanged from previous reports. Cooking in the Sth, 6th and I Ith panels north of Broadway Sidewalk, it seems like then is a little bit of heave on the sidewalk itself at back of curb. These cracks are 1/8" or less with settlanents of 1/8" or less. Here again, expansion material seems to be gone between the sub and the sidewalk; possible crack seal. Broadway (north sldel Locust Strad — Linn Street There is a vertical rise about 'h" where the pedestrians ramp off Broadway mats the sidewalk; possible monitor item/pomble rtplooemem. Cracks in the sidewalk past David's Photography unchanged from previous reports. The balance of the block is unchanged from previous reports. Broadway (norib sldej Lino Street — Maple Street There is a popout starting just east of the driveway to the Trinity Lutheran Church. Spatrling on the sidewalk does not appear to have dwVd any 6om previous reports in from of Trvtity Lutheran. Panel replacemerst at that one that's starting to get the blowout just ant of the driveway. Panel probably 2' long and S' wide. PAGR 13 l o lq 24 Broadway (north side) Maple Street — Minnesota Street There is a lateral crack in the 2nd panel west of the walkway to Am Herbst's house; crack 1B' or less with a vertical rise between the 2nd and 3rd panel on center line of 3/8' or less; monitor item. The balance of the block is unchanged from previous reports. 25 Palm Street (gest side) Broadway — River Street Unchanged from previous reports. 26 Broadway (north side) Palm Street — Cedar Stmt Unchanged from previous reports. 27 Broadway (north side) Cedar Street — Pine Street Unchanged from previous reports. 28 Broadway (south side) Pine Street — Cedar Street The cracks in the curb and gutter are pretty much the same along Highway 25. There is spauling and a slight blowout on the smooth panel in the ped ramp at Highway 25. Slight spuding in the smooth concrete, both around the I st tree east of 25 and in the smooth panel in from of the Bakery. These are monitor items. Cracking and spauling in the Zoo parking lot driveway, pretty much unchanged from previous reports. The blacktop patch behind the driveway approach is settling a Gale bit for about 6' to 8" in back of it. Crack to the east in the smooth panels around the fight post have remained unchanged from previous reports. Cracks in the panels by the comer of the building of the Comer Cafe are pretty much unchanged from previous reports. 29 Broadway (south side) Cedar Street — Palm Street Slight vertical rise in the exposed aggregate where it goes Boer exposed to smooth concrete; W or less on the south We of the walk; monitor item. Vertical rise at the panels at the north walkway to the City HAD building vertical rise about W or less on the south side. 3/8' or less on the street side; possible pend replacement. Balance of the sidewalk unchanged from previous reports PAGE 14 /o AJ 30 Broadway (tooth side) Palm Street — New Street Tree and brush overhang at 306 Fast Broadway. Tree trimming item. Slight vertical rise on the west side of the driveway to 330 Eau Broadway; vertical rise 3/8" or less; monitor item. Tree overhangs at 330 Eau Broadway; tree trimming item. Slight vertical rise on the west side of the east driveway for 330 Broadway; crack in that driveway. Vertical rise 3/8" or less; monitor item. Crack is 1/8' or less; monitor. Slight amount of tree overhang at 348 East Broadway, maple tree. Vertical rise about 3/4" between the 7th and 8th panels cast of the driveway to 201 New Street, caused by a big Maple tree, rise about 3/4' on the south side, possible panel replacement. 31 Broadway (south tide) New Street — Wright Strut Unchanged from previous report. 32 Broadway (south tide) Wright Street — Ramsey Street Slight Tattling in the pends that were replaced a couple years ago at 512 East Broadway; monitor item. Balance of the block unchanged from last year. 33 Broadway (south side) Ramsey Street — Hennepin Strad Tree overhangs at 642 East Broadway; tree trimming item. 34 Broadway (tooth side) Hennepin Screed — Washington Stmt Slight vertical rise at the two panels u the sidewalk of 724 East Broadway. 'h' to 3/4" vertical rise on the south side of the panel just west of the walk to the house, and 'A* or less vertical rise on the north aide of the panel. I panel east of the walkway to the house. Slight vertical rim 'A' or less, on the south side of the joint between the 4th and 5th panels cast of the walkway to 724 East Broadway. Aho, slight vertical rise between the Sth and 61h panels on the north side of the walk, 3/8" or less; possible replacement. Balance of the block unchanged from previous report. 35 Maple Street (west aide) Broadway — 3rd Street Thee b s crack in the 1 st pend south of Broadway; crack 1/8" or less; monitor item. Crack just north of the driveway to 501 West 3b Street, unchanged from previous report. Balance of the block unchanged, PAGE 15 l0 D 36 Maple Street (west side) 3rd Street — 4th Street Crack in the comers of the 7th and 8th panels south of 3rd Street where the old Tennison House used to sit; crack 1/8" or less; very little settlement. These are new cracks since last report. Monitor items. Cracks in tbn I st, 2nd and 3rd panels north of the driveway to St. Henry's Church. 'h' vertical rise at the joint between the 3rd and 4th panels north of the driveway, should be some replacement here, the 1 st panel west of the driveway is pretty well cracked up, spider web cracking. Place these three and the other two that were cracked where the old Tennison House was on the repair fist, this would be 5 pends to replace. Balance of the block unchanged from previous reports. 37 4th Street (north side) Maple Street — Minnesota Street OFR -GRID Tree trimming needed. Sidewalk unchanged firm previous report. 39 Maple Street (west aide) 4th Street — Railroad Tracks There is a small crack in the wing on the ped ramp at 4th Street; crack 1/8" or less; monitor item. There is a dight vertical rise at the filler concrete between the timbers and the sidewalk on the north side of the railroad tracks. On the south side there is a slight vertical rise, timbers are a little higher than the filler concrete between the walk and the timbers. Both of these are 'A" or less. The crack in the filler piece is cracked up a little bit, there is a little blowout, nothing major; monitor items. 39 Maple Street (west sldel Railroad Tracks — 6th Street Small crack just south of the driveway to 501 Maple; unchanged Ibom previous report; continue to monitor. 40 6th Street (north side) Maple Street — Minnesota Street Spauling starting at the 3rd panel west of Maple Street, all the way to the driveway at 503 West 6th Street. There is a crack in the middle of the driveway at 503 West 6th, primarily 1/8" or k s% them are a couple gaps up to 3/8' wide. no vertical rise; monitor items, Cracked pend, kind of an X -shape crack in the I st panel east of the driveway to 513 West 6th Street. Cradu are I/B' or k s% no vertical rise; monitor item. Balance of the block unchanged ()om previous report. PAGE 16 /Op 41 Minnesota Street (east side) 6th Strees — 7th Stmt ROW Vertical rise just north of the hydrant at 614 Minnesota. Vertical rise 3/8" or less. Monitor item. Balance of the sidewalk unchanged from previous report. 42 Minnesota Street (esti side) 7th Street ROW — 7th Street (as constructed) Slight crack all the way eaoss the pard at a joint, 1 /8' or less, this is approximately 23 panels from 7th Street ROW; monitor stern. There is a sight amount of cracking and blowout at the gate valve for the hydnuu just north of the driveway to Ridge nom Apartments; this is unchanged from previous reports. Balance of the sidewalk uncharnged. 43 7th Street (south ride) Minnesota Street - Wert K -Mart Driveway Unchanged from previous reports. 44 7th Street (north side) Ridgemont Apartments The steps down to the sidewalk from 7th to the apartments, one of the lower handrails is missing, broke out on the lowest step and on-off at the higher step. This should be a replacement item. 43 7th Street (south ride) West K -Mart Driveway -- Locust Street Thera is a crack in the I st pand can of the ped ramp, 1 /8' or less; monitor item. Vertical rise 'A* or less between 20th and 21 st pads west of canner lyra of Locust; possible replacement. There is a washout on the back side of the sidewalk at the retaining wall where the water cones over from the K•Mart parking lot, almost straight across (torn center tine of Locust Street. 46 7111% Street (south aide) Center Line of Locust —walnut Street These is a crack in the wing at the pod ramp by the stop sign just east of the driveway in from of the Monticello Mall. Crack 61/8" or less. Monitor item. Cracks in the 10th panel east of the dmewW,, crack IB' or lest monitor item. Slight settlement at the wing on the ped ramp at 7th & Locust, panel not cracked or anything but it is down about'h' at the back of cub. This should be a monitor item. c.o".,oara� w.r PAGL 17 /0 Q 47 7th Street (north side) Walnut Street — Pine Street No new cracks or settlements. 48 Walnut Street (east side) 7th Street — 6th Street Slight spaulin8 in the 5th, 6th and 7th pends north of the Holiday Station Store driveway. These are monitor items. Settlement in the ped ramp at 6th Street. This was a repair item done by the gas company, should be warrantied for the gas company. 49 Walnut Street (east side) 6th Street — Sth Street Crack 1/8' or Iess in the 6th panel south of 5th Street. Cracks in the ped ramp at 5th Street, 1/8' or less. Monitor items; no settlement. 50 Walnut Street (east side) 5th Street — ab Street There is a crack in the concrete filler between the walk and the timbers at the north side of the railroad crossing; crack abort 1/4' wide, about an 1/8' vortical rise. Monitor item. Crack in the 6th panel from Walnut Street going toward the Library, 1/8' or less primarily; there is a wider spot in the crack, slight blowout; monitor item. Cracks in the 1 at fou panda north of the Library. 'Hese were old em" c acka, the cracks m the 3rd and 4th pend aro starting to open up more and starting to get a little bit of blowout; possible replacement on these two panels, as long as we're doing that, we might as well do all four. Crack in the 4th panel south of 4th Street. This is an existing crack, 1 /8' or less. Monitor item. 51 4th Street (rest side) Pine Street — Walnut Street Unchanged front preview reports. 32 Walnut Street (east side) 4th Street — 3rd Strad There is a dight vertical rise between the 2nd and 3rd panels north of the 4th Street sidewalk, 3/8' or less, pushing up from tree roots, continue to monitor. The vertical rise at the southwest corner of Ben Franklin is unchanged from previous years, the same with a couple other pan & that were sacked on comer and stuff Eke that are virtually unchanged; continue to monitor. TMse is a dight vertical rim 3/8' or less, between the 1 st and 2nd panels north of the Ben Franklin driveway. Hero again cracking the 1st and 2nd panels north of the pedestrian ramp coming off of Walnut Stred, unchanged from previous years. There is a vertical rise between the 8th and 9th panels north of the pedestrian ramp, 3/8' or teas, rowRm.e.rar s PAGR 18 /ID4 continue to monitor. 3rd panel south of the 3rd Street walk is spider -webbed, continue to monitor, no change. 53 3rd Street (south side) Walnut Street — Pine Street Slight vertical rise, 1/4" or less, between the 6th and 7th panels west of the Ben Franklin driveway. East of the Ben Franklin driveway, the 1 st sec panels have slight Vauling; monitor items. 3rd panel east of the driveway to Fust Bank is twisted a little bit, apparently fi7om tree roots, giving vertical rise of 1/4" or less between the 2nd and 3rd panel and the 3rd and 4th panel; monitor items. 54 3rd Stmt (north aide) Pine Stmt — Walnut Street Vertical rise 1/2" or less jug north of the 1st commuter lot driveway; monitor item. Slight vertical rise on the east side of the west commuter lot driveway, 3/9" or less, monitor. There is a crack in the 19 pend west of the west commuter lot driveway, crack 1 B" or less, monitor. 55 Cedar Street (west side) Broadway — 3rd Street Pretty much unchanged f a m previous repos. Slight spauling right in from of the road shelf for about three panels, monitor item. 56 3rd Street (north side) Cedar Stmt — Pine Street Crack in the panel approximately 10' east of the Deputy Registrar sign, 118' or less vertical rise; monitor item. Vertical rise 'h" or lesson the north side of the sidewalk, approximately 'A' or less, the I st joint wee of the driveway to Deputy Registrar, monitor item. Vertiul rise at the joint just east of the sidewalk to the AV Room 3/8' or less vortical rise on the north nude of the walk; unchanged from previous report. 57 3rd Stmt (south oldel Pine Street — Cedar Street Vertical rine, 3/9' or less, lid joint west of Bridgewater driveway; unchanged ftom previous report. Monitor item. Slight vertical rise, approximately 'h" or less, where the 1992 construction meets the existing, possible tree root heave, doesn't seen to be a problem; Monitor. rs.cnre ear mw PAGE 19 ro s 58 Cedar Street (west side) 3rd Street — 4th Stred Slight vertical rise at the joint between the 10th and 1 Ith panels south of 3rd Street, 3/8' or less on the west half of the walk. Monitor item. Tree trimming items on the Elm tree just south of the driveway at 124 East 3rd Street. Balance of the block unchanged from previous report. 59 4th Street (north side) Cedar Street — Pine Street Vertical rise, 3/8' or less, between the 2nd and 3rd panels east of the driveway to 119 East 4th Street. Crack in the 1st panel east of the driveway to 119, and also a crack in the middle of the driveway, both of these are 1/8' or less, no vertical rise. Crack in the 1 st panel east of the driveway to 113 East 4th Sreet; cracks are 1/8' or less, no vertical rise. Balance of the sidewalk unchanged from previous report. 60 4th Street (south side) Pine Street — Cedar Street Unchanged ftom previous report. 61 Cedar Street (east sided 4th Street — Railroad Tracks Spaufing on pends doesn't scan to have gotten any worse over the winter. Crack with slight vertical rise, primarily 1/8' crack, possibly 1/8' vertical rise; monitor item. Balance of block unchanged from previous report. 62 Cedar Street (easy shalet Railroad Tracks — 6th Street About rh' to 3/4' vertical rise at the new timber put in by the railroad on the south side of the tracks, possibly trim off with skill saw or chain saw. Repair item. Crack about mid -block over the sanitary service to the strip mail. Crack is about 1/8' or less, kind of raggedy. Monitor item. The sidewalk is darkened ftom the sprinkler syaems but does appear to be any sudkee deterioration ftom it. 63 Cedar Street (east aide) 6tb Street — 7th Street Discnleration from sprinkler system, no sudke damage. Slight vertical rises at expansion joints, 1/4' or leas; monitor items. . • .,,., PAGE 20 IOT 64 71h Street (north side) Cedar Street — Pine Street Crack in the 4th panel west of Cedar Street, 1/9" or less; monitor item. There is a slight amount of cracking along the sub and gutter in the 5th and 6th panels, should have had expansion when we put that in between the crab aid sidewalk. Monitor items. Cracking and blowout along the sub continues along the segment of sidewalk. Cracking and blowout at the jam between the 5th and 6th panels east of the driveway into the cemetery, just a monitor item, something that should have had expansion material in that spot. The patchwork that Snyder did on the footprints at Pine Street are still holding well. 65 Pima Street (east side) 7th Street — 6th Street No cracks or settlements. 66 Pine Street (east side) 6th Street — Railroad Tracks The gap at the pedestrian ramps at Pine & 6th is opening up even wider, probably I 'h' wide now. A year or two ago, they put rubberized crack seal in there and it has pulled apart and the sack sealer sunk down; re crack seal; monitor and maintenance item. The sidewalk past Maus Foods parking lot is starting to lose its pitch toward the street, possible settlement of the parking log and every king causing that gap at the curb; monitor the sidewalk to am if it's actually getting negative pitch on it. The balance of the block is unchanged ilom previous report. 67 Pine Street (east side) Railroad Tracks — 4th Street Unchanged fiom previous report. 68 Pine Strait (west side) 6th Street — Sills Street There is a crack in the pedestrian rump, l in the exposed aggregate, l/g" or less; no change from previous report. Also a crack in the smooth panel at the ped ramp; no change from previous report. Slight staining of the comate Aom the sprinkler system, no surflice damage. Slight settlement of the ped ramp at Slh Street, 'h" to 3/4" below the sub, no obvious cracking or anything in the exposed aggregate panel, just a little bit of settlement at back of curb. Monitor item. PAGY 11 10 !�. 69 Pine Street (west side) Sth Street — 4th Strew Timbers in the railroad crossing are starting to get a tittle bit weather checked but nothing major; monitor item. The Sth and 6th panels north of the railroad tracks have some stumping from a snow blower, monitor items. Balance of sidewalk unchanged from previous report. 70 Pine Street (west side) 4th Street — 3rd Street Sidewalk unchanged f om previous reports. 71 Pine Street (west side) 3rd Street — Broadway Crack in the comer of the Sth panel south of Broadway, crack from 1/8" to 3/8" thick, no settlement; monitor item. 72 Pine Street (west side) Broadway - River Street Crack at the hand hole for the signal light just off the ped ramp, the crack 1/4" to 3/8" wide, about 1/8" vertical rise; monitor items fi m previous report I don't believe has changed much. Crack in the 3rd panel south of the alleyway from the hand hole to the back of the curb, back of the sidewalk, dete ioration of hand hole cover and hand hole pretty much unchanged from previous report. Balance of the walk unchanged fiom previous report. 73 Pine Street (west aide) River Street — River Bridge There is a crack in the exposed aggregate of the ped ramp right at River Street; crack 1/8" or less, no vertical rise, them is a cracked corner with settlement in the north corner of the exposed aggregate, this is unchanged from previous years. 74 Pine Street (east side) River Bridge — River Street Unchanged from previous report. 73 River Street (south side) Pine Street to Mid -Block Unchanged fiom previous reports. OFF -GRID. 76 Pine Street (east side) River Strad — Broadway There is settlement around the hand hole at the corner of River Street and around the next hand hold back for the agrml tights. This settlement is pretty much unchanged from last year. The concrete over the light wiring is down from the main panel, 3/8' to 'h", almost all the way up to the driveway into the Marquette Bank. These are all monitor item. Crack in the panel of the driveway into the Marquette Bank; unchanged from previous reports. Balance of walk unchanged from previous reports. 77 Pine Stmt (east side) Broadway — 3rd Street Thee is a crack in the sidewalk just north of the door to the bakery; this is unchanged from previous reports. Slight speuh% on several pends; unchanged from previous reports. Cracks in the alley driveway, unchanged from previous reports. 78 Pine Street (east side) 3rd Street — 4th Street There is a slight vertical rise on both sides of the driveway that was patched in into the Bridgewater parking lot. Vertical rise 3/8" or less. Monitor items. 79 Pine Street (east side) 7th Street — Freeway Bridge Crack ftom the 2nd hand hole south of 7th street to the back of the sidewalk, 1/8' to 1/4" wide, with a couple spots maybe 'h" wide, no vertical rise; unchanged from previous years. There is a crack across the sidewalk panel from the hand hole to the detector loop, approximately 113 of the way fhom 7th Street to the freeway exit ramp. Slight blowout on the crack, m4ority of the crack is about 1 /8" wide. Monitor item; unchanged from previous years. Hairline crack in the 1 st smooth panel south of the ped ramp, south of the freeway, exit. Monitor item. Cracking on the Bce of the sub just north of the fFeewey bridge; chunk of the sub busted out, looks almost like there's an expansion problem (MnDOT problem). Hairline cracking on the bridge sidewalk unchanged f}om previous years. 90 Pine Street (east side) Freeway Bridge — Oakwood Drive There is the same breaking up of the sub just south of the freeway bridge, approximately S' to G tion the bridge huff Settlement in the exposed aggregate panel of the ped ramp up to I". no aw king of the ped ramp, looks like the whale panel is setting down at back of curb; possible repair item. Settlement at the ped ramp on the south aide of the freeway entrance rarnp, up to 3/4' in spots. No aacks in the exposed aggregate panels. Possible replacement, both the teat item and this item could be curb pumping up rather than the sidewalk settling. Balance of the walk unchanged from previous years. PAce 33 , 1 /Q W Sl Pine Street (west side) Oakwood Drive — Freeway Bridge Crack in the exposed aggregate panel of the ped ramp, crack 1/8" or less, vertical rise 1/8" or less; unchanged Barn previous years. Monitor item. Cracks in the corners of the 6th and 7th panels sash of the freeway exit ramps. Hwhne cracks, no settlement. There are cracks in the corners of the tad and 3rd panels from the ped ramp at the freeway exit ramp. The joint between the 2nd and 3rd panels here is pushed down approximately 1" at back of sub and cracks are about 1/8' to 1/4" wide. There is a crack in the exposed aggregate panel of the ped ramp and the 1 st smooth panel, here also, it's pushed down back of sub, I think these are caused by trucks outing the comer and jumping up over the sub. I don't know if we would gain anything by replacing these, as down the road they'll probably Set broken out again. Monitor items. There is a crack in the comer of the exposed aggregate pard on the ped ramp on the north side of the 6eeway exit. This is cracked 1/4* to 3/8" wide and just the corner pushed down approximately 1" below the sub. Monitor item. 82 Pine Street (west side) Freeway Bridge — 7th Street There are several cracks in the 1 at I W of the sidewalk on the freeway bridge, I believe these were reported on previous reports, monitor items. Three cracked panels between freeway entrance and the mall entrance. These were reported on previous reports; no change; continue to monitor. Some with the island on the mall emrenceJexit, unchanged Brom previous reports. Ped ramp on the north side of the mall entrance is settled about 3/8" to V2*, no cracks in the panel, monitor item. Cracks in the smooth panel at the street light on the southwest comer of the intersection of 7th and Piro. Hairline cracks, no vertical rise; monitor items. 83 Pine Street (west side) 7tb Street — 6th Street There is a stigta settlement ofexposed aggregate on the ped ramp, 3/8" or less. Crack in the smooth panel between the two exposed aggregate panels of ped ramp. alight sculernent at back of curb; crack is 1/8" to 1/4" with 1/8" or less vertical rise, possibly damaged from trucks cutting comer, monitor item. Crack at the radon at 6th Street in a smooth pend, crack is 1/8" or less, no vertical rise. cmwro..ar uM PACB 24 /Z) X OFF -GRID SIDEWALKS: 4th Street (south side) Locust Street — Linn Street Thee is a crack in the 2nd panel west of the Sunmy Fresh driveway, crack is unchanged from previous years. Slight vertical rise, 3/8" or las, between the 3rd and 4th panels west of Surmy Fresh driveway. There is a crack with about 1/8* vertical rise in the 5th panel west of the drhtway, the 6th panel west of the driveway, both of these have 1/8" or less vertical rise; monitor iters. Vertical rise 'A" or less on the north 2/3 of the sidewalk between the 4th and 5th panels east of the church. Vertical rise 3/8" or less at the joint between the 6th and 7th panels east of the ped ramp to the Methodist Church. These are monitor items and I don't know if they're much wase than they were in the past. Thee is a crack across panel 1 /8" or less wide, i st panel west of steps to the Methodist Church. Balance of the block is unchanged from previous years. 2 Washinuten Street (west aide) 4th Street — Railroad Tracks The Counseling Center has replaced the sidewalk that was heaved on previous reports. No cracks or settlements in this block. 3 3rd Street (north aide) New Strad — Wright Street Unchanged from previous reports. 4 New Street (asst ride) 3rd Street — Broadway There is a digh vertical rise at the Ist panel north of the 3rd Street walk, K' or less; monitor item. There is a little bit of cracking in this panel Born tree roots, cracks are 1/8' or less, starring to spider web; monitor item; possible replacement next year. Tree overhang on the pine tree along New Street. Tree trimming item. 3 Hari Boulevard (south side) Broudway — Mississippi Shorn Slight spmding in the 2nd and 3rd panda east of the west parking lot driveway. Speuing continuer several panels to the cut here. Monitor items; nothing serious. Thee is aonte cracking in the concrete board in the boulevard, nothing of any significance. Crack with a r+wa�no�,ur raw PAGE 13 /D y slight blowout on the ped ramp; crack IB' or less, except for about 4" x 3/4" right in the ped ramp behind the curb at vacated Oak Street. Balance of the sideway unchanged from previous reports. 6 Broadway (north aide) New Strad — Palm Street There is a vertical rise 3/8" or less at the 3rd and 4th panels west of New Street. There is a crack in the 6th panel west of New Street, 1/8" crack with about 1/8* vertical rise. Monitor items. Balance of the way is unchanged from previous years. Sideway in front of 319 is below boulevard grade, this is unchanged from previous years. The sideway in from of 301 East Broadway had been removed after the first year of the report. 7 River Street (north tide) Ramsey Street — Wright Street The sideway has been removed from in from of 525 East River Street. Vertical rise on the north side of the sidewalk at the big oak tree at sol East River. Vertical rise right at the tree, apprmcimately'h" or less. Also, vertical rise 'A' or less between the 3rd and 4th panels west of the big oak tree at that address. Monitor items since these sidewalks don't go anywhere. Balance of the sidewalk unchanged from last year. 8 River Street (tough side) Cedar Street — Palm Sired The sideway at 218 East River Street unchanged from previous report. 9 River Street @-) Walnut Street The steps in the northwest corner have been removed since last report. 10 Unn Street (west tide) Broadway — River Sired The sidewalk in the I st third block is unchanged from previous report. 11 River Street (north side) Unn Street — Maple Strad Sidewalks have been removed •NOIR: THL4 REPORT DOES NOT MODE THE SIDEWALKS ON WASHINGTON STREET OR SOUTH SM Of RROADWAY PASTIM HIGH SCHOOL. AS THESE NOW PALL UNDER THE PATHWAY PROJECT AND ARE UNDER THE WARRANTY OF THE 093411C CONSTRUCTION PROJECT. �ows,o.e......r. PAGE 26 107- 0 Council Agenda - 7/22/96 ni,1 , :1 , ; 1 , 1 1 M.� h, , 4. �MiM WI D & K Recycling had requested an increase in contract price due to the depressed market for some recyclables. As I understand it, the market for newspapers is extremely depressed right now. We have not, however, received all of the necessary documentation from D & K Recycling to support presenting this to the City Council for an increase in contract. Consequently, we request that you table this item until such time we have received the information and been able to verify the effects on our contract of the change in markets and the possible duration of such change. 20 ERC FINANCIAL SYOTEM 36/t0/98 11i�7:H4 .RANT 047E VENDOR GENERAL CHECKING 40550 06/14/96 RUFF AUTO PARTS 40019 06/14/96 EISELE/JIM 40620 06/14/96 HANSEN, DANA 4,0621 06/14/96 SRECO FLEXIBLE ttOC22 06/14/96 KOROPCHAK/OL I -VE 1,0613 06/44/96 VASKO RU6010H RCMOVA ,4C',2% 06/1 4/06 VASKO RUE6I'-,H REMOVA 4004 06/' 4/'�6 STA—iE OF MJWJ JESOTA 40815 06116/56 SVOZODA. ROMAN 4n J0 OE/ 1W)G MN DEPART OF NATURAL 4nt3?7 06/ 14/90 K MART STOR(? i ;G2u OU/ -,4/06 PREFERRED TI"LE 4(4619 O:i/ 94/96 WRIGHT COUNTY DOPY 0 40000 op/ :4/90 IN) I t' CONE OF PL DG 0 W)G91 0,;/ 90/00 ALGINSON. ItJ'.. 40r ? ,00/ :(1/00 AOAP f,OFTWARL EkPRES 1.0:,D9 0k../ "0/90 AUDIO WMMIPICATTONS 6Ofii4 00/10196 OPAi.N INNER i ( t fe tPO 41,13-) oG/90/70 4 d Oa'1WN clt'?1N1. 60GIG ,16/ ^IiG COF Y I)UPLCAT s,No i F.ui1 :u�77 ou/ ^. J/ fl GnO "Z1 :4 It. !Y: , tllrt( 01 Dinbursement Jcaurnel DESCRIPTION AMOUNT CL 268 CHECK VOIDED L4f_t,04CR 980 REIMG/STEEL TOED SHOES 9.0,00 .90443 REIMB/DAMAGED VEH 750.00 .90445 REG FEE/RICH K & JOHN 70,00 97 REIMB/TRAVEL EXPENSF. 53.20 524 GARGAGE CONTRACT P 11,719.36 524 SALES TAIf/GALEAGE CON 62J.30 12.33 9,74 +C 404 BOOKS/OLD INSPECTION'; 9b.02 .90444 kEIM6/Yu,:E PROGkAM 9 0,00 110 HATER/SNOW/ATV REG 1,179,00 460 SUP?I,If?S/'SEWER COLL 4.RS f000 PUF.CHACE OF FLUTH 50,00 3.00 275 PERMIT/WATER Uhtil 23.00 201 BWt;/Ell D OFFICIAL 127.91 4,12 PAS:JT/P HORKri 2+•0.47 667 CONFUTER 00VTWARE/C 1.009.00 17 RAFT S'0 Rf, PAIRS/P WORKG t� l.'30 090 P40 fEEi1/P.A)HWAY /').d5 fig CITY NkbSLF.'TTI:Rrt J1)G..6G 41 ;,AG'' M01 M-.t/L l')RARY 610,00 15) RI;tJ iAl. WAfl'6 ;t'I'fr4f:Q .1,54 iC JUp:'. AMnr�,YY PAV (11 1.5(.0.00 +ot G T ) wtiP4l-'d 170: 15.0"0'00 CIC t.l' :'ll',EC L ff'-,E`, 1,�:9.60 0, L<RC FINANCIAL SY£T'EM 06/18/96 11:37:34 C_:'RANT DATE VENDOR: GENrRAL CH;¢1tINC 40641 0,6/16/96 FLICKER -IS T.V.. & APP 40642 06/18/96 6 & K SEPVICES 40642 06/18/96 G A K SERVICES 40642 06/19/96 G & K SERVICES LOFa7 06/18/96 G & K SERYICES 40642 06/10/96 G & K SERVICES 40642 06,/18/96 G & K SERVICES 4.0648 08/19/96 G & K SERVICES 40042 06/10/96 G Q K £ERVICE9 40642 86/18/96 G & K SERVICES 40642 06/18/06 G & K SERVICE'S 40643 06/18/96 G E SUPPLY 40b63 06/10/90 G E SUPPLY' 40644 06/10/J6 IGLFASON PRINTING, IN t,(344`, 06/18/06 HAALANO/WWDY 1_,i640 06/10/96 I M 3 SHARPENING SER 40647 06/10/96 JIM HATCH Z;ALF.S CO 40347 05/10/00 JIM HATCk C;0 !,PS40 00/101/06 L "N" R SrRVICC3 - L b@�h0 06/10/96 L "NIIR SEQYICES - L A'Ot)i,11 OC/16/00 LITTLE, .MOLINTAYN FLOW 4011Y3D 00/10/96 MN COUNTII:'� INSURANC dOGc,I OR/10/90 MOiNTICiELLO TLMLT t. 011,:*1 ft6/ 1 ,/�8 E'nWTYPI'1 If) ?TMFf. 1. ;`>I PC../IC/!10 MCNTItELP0 TT W G a0a;1 ,10/10/`10 MQlTI+;l:I19 TIM.., 119(191 gG/IC/00 ML)NT1QfLLf+ TIK pG/113/3u MONTI1,0.LO `fXN1t t OGiI(,itJG L0 'rlr=1::; 0U.,IV00 I,H':'i 40'.1)1 'J(_01,1O6 Mf;:1TI(1111P TTP^.,'. Nnr ►+a I ') '.. n I : (r+Err O+i3bursement Journol DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 60 FIRE DEPT EQUIP REPAI -365.81 851 UNIFORM RENTAL CHCS L0. Q6 851 UNIFORM RENTAL CHGS 76.35 851 UNIFORM RENTAL CHGS 28.80 851 UNIFORM RENTAL CHGS 26.00 851 UNIFORM RENTAL CHGS 183.7? '851 UNIFORM RENTAL CHGS 91.86 851 SHOP RAGS 16.40 051 RUG:/DEP REG./MTC OF OL 3.5.34 631 RUGS/SHOP/MTC OF BLD 04-.17 851 ENVIRNOMENAL CHG 35,07 627191 47_5 EATTERIES/FIFE DEPT 3.7 .06 4J5 OATTERIE'3/P WORK'1 0).34 90.40 049 (1UILDING PERMIT FORMO 100.00 720 TREE REPLACEMENT PROGR 25.00 10117 OAW f3HARPENING/SHOP 31-.19 OC9 VESTn/HARD HATE./OEWER 96.00 003 13HOVJdF,S'/G1_OWP/5NOR 171.1,4 ?60.04 103 KEYO & MTC 01•' OI.01PAR J17.bO 108 Rt PAIR MTC UJOk/'CHOP 47.50 Jb.60 56G DALLOONC/PATHWAY GPFNI 47.09 059 71IjTING 40.110 140 1, V,AL PU:,t TCATJON$ 1.:sL1.69 .140 HFI.pp WaklMFta 1111 �'„t2f•t.,T li)_IV 1110 ()Lcj PLGPITT I1440 09.60 14n P11bl.Ir; Ill A(ZINCI NE)T7L:L' 101.0 14.0 1111,4k AF1t.1E07V 1)AY INVO 71.x(1 tq0 N00,31: Fo) Qo'NT At) 140 HFt P VAI:TLG AD/WASE? H :10.1 J 140 HRA ()6(NINR AD ?0. 11) 140 1,(:Ar.n OP, NIW,"PA' I I W 1.%:17.10 �). ; )1.:,1 140 DTII ]TI1i 1,41;.7? CL *t:, Js. 9'RC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 06/'10/90 61:31:34 C:tRANT DATE VENDOR GE -Nr --RAL CHECKING 406.52 06/10/96 NORTHERN STATES POWE 40653 06/18/96 ONE CALL CONCEPTS, I knit, os/is/,os PAUL A WALDRON & AC S 40.655 06/10/96 RELIABLE CORPORATION 40U50 00/ 18/96 ROYAL PRINTING & Orr 40656 OEC 1.8/06 ROYAL PRINTING &, OFF 4-0664 06/le/96 ROYA1_ PRINTING & O1:F 40656 00✓10/96 ROVAL PRINTING & OFF 4065C OG/10/06 ROYAL PRINTING >a OFF 40G5G 06,E 10/96 ROYAL PP INTIN6, a OFF 40096 06/18/30 ROYAL PRIfITIt4S A OFF 6OG51 00/18/96 SHARE CORPORATION 40,Si9 Ora;' 18/96 CNAP^ON TOOLS CORPOR 't'J659 OU/19/06 GUPI.RIOR FCR LANDViL 4C,GG0 06/10/OCi UNITED LAGORATORIES 40069 08/10/13b UNITeD LADORATORILS 411(1}1 00118/96 MUF PLUS HOM::S h065a ®G,, 18/96 WOLF STEL LER/RIC61ARO 4f1i7U3 OG,�10/00 WRIGHT COUNTY AUPITO 40604 Df•710/OG WRIGHT-HCNNEPltJ CORP 4CGI)r, Ol;/10/96 3ARNOIH BRII�H VOkKti, ;: �JFRAI r.Ilf CKIt1G 01'3bur^,,ament Journal OESCRIPTION AMOUNT CL 148 UTILITIES 30.87 G. 276.28 636 PROF SERVICES/WATER 1.036.00 030 OLD INSPECTION FEES 3,410..00 179 COMPUTER SUPPLIES/C HA 61.30 1044 CITY HALL OFFICC SU? 54.09 1044 COPY M61 PAPER/C HALL 111.00 1044 COMPUTER PAPER/C HALL 92.33 1044 DEP REG OFFICE GUPPLIE 53.60 1044 PATHWAY DRANO OPCNING 84.31 1044 OFFICE SLIP/ESLD INSPECT 69-.11 1044 OFFICE SUP/P WORKS 0.40 A". 6? 231 SUPPt.TrS/STREET DEPT 212.9:1 1S5 REPAIRS/CHOP & GAR 79.05 563 JIU4K ANNE 91",Y DAV CH 3, 110. U4 0D4 UREA -9E & CLEANER/900P 603,55 0,04 GALES TAX ONE 1092 10.9D 002.40 007 REIMO/HOC:ROW/YREES 1,000.00 217 T.RAVE'L EI0LNSE'4CONFER 204.03 119 APOL LAtJDFTI,I, CH613 9,131.40 1? UTI'LI1"iE.`. /BL�MANpN FARM 0,.10 499 310.03 rOTAI 11Q.550.i,? *Cf it! SCI BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 06/24/98 14:07138 w+RRANT DATE VENDOR GENERAL CHECKING 40666 06/24/96 MN DEPART OF NATURAL 40687 06/24/96 HELLMAN/MARLENE 40668 06/24/96 JONES/WILLIAM 0 40668 06/24/98 JONES/WILLIAM 0 40669 06/24/96 14ARQUETTE BANK MONTI 40669 06/24/96 MARQUETTE BANK MONTI 40670 06/25/96 ANDERSON & ASSOCIATE 40671 06/25/96 ARAMARK 40672 06/25/96 ASSOCIATED VETERINAR 40673 08/25/96 AUDIO COMMUNICATIONS 40674 06/25/96 CENTRAL MINN INITIAT �,a0675 06/25/96 CENTURY FENCE COMPAN 40076 08/25/96 CLARK BOARDMAN CALLA 40677 06/28/98 0 JI'S MUNICIPAL SUPP 40678 06/25/96 EHLERS & ASSOC.INC P 40676 06/25/96 ENNIS CABINETS/JIM 40600 06/2S/96 FEEDRITE CONTROLS, i 40660 06/25/86 FEEDRITE CONTROLS, I 40600 08/25/98 FEEDRITE CONTROLS, I 40601 08/25/96 G E SUPPLY 40682 06/23/08 HERMES/JERRY 40603 06/25/96 HOLIDAY CRE01T OFFIC 40684 08/28/98 HOMES PLUS 40685 00/26/96 K MART STORE -.0666 06/25/96 KENNEDY & GRAVEN Disbursement Journal DESCRIPTION _AMOUNT C, 118 MATER/SNOW/ATV REG 993.00 80 MILEAGE REIMB/1/1 - 6/ 99.36 826 INFO CENTER SALARY 170.00 826 INFO'CENTER SALARY S0.000R 120.00 AC 221 C.D./INVESTMENTS 238,000.00 221 WIRE CHARGES 15.00 236,0.15.00*C 10 PAINT/STREET DEPT 350.80 848 CITY HALL SUPPLIES 114.00 693 ANIMAL CONTROL SUPPLI 112.75 11 REPAIR RADIOS/FIRE OEP 54.00 622 CMIF GRANT LOAN 1,100.24 402 2 BACKSTOPS/PARKS 6,407.00 604 SUBSCRIPTION/JEFF 0 255.38 1041 TAPE,BRUSH/STREETS 105.40 933 TIF 1-20/PROF SERVI 2,205.00 54 COMPUTER FURNITURE/ 1,358.00 56 CHEMICALS/WATER'DEP 2,378.68 88 MISC PROF SERVICE/MATE 98..60 56 CHEMICALS/SUNNY FRESH 717.20 3,193.69 *C 475 BATTERIES/SCANNERS 138.05 81 LIBRARY CLEANING CONT 227.90 85 GAB/FIRE DEPT 96.97 1059 REIMB/ESCROW/TREES 750.00 460 FILM/PUBLIC WORKS 22.95 939 TIF 1-20/LEGAL FEES 6,157.55 UkC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 06/24/96 14:07:38 .ARRANT DATE VENDOR GENERAL CHECKING 40687 06/25/96 LASER SHARP. INC. 40688 06/25/96 MACQUEEN EQUIPMENT I 40689 06/25/96 MARCO BUSINESS PRODU 40689 06/25/96 MARCO BUSINESS PRODU 40689 06/25/96 MARCO BUSINESS PRODU 40690 06/25/96 MN CITY MANAGEMENT A 40691 06/25/96 MONTICELLO ANIMAL CO 40692 06/25/96 MONTICELLO SENIOR CI 40693 06/25/96 MORRELL/JAY 40694 06/25/96 NORTHWEST ASSOC CONS 40694 06/25/96 NORTHWEST ASSOC CONS 40694 06/25/96 NORTHWEST ASSOC CONS 40694 06/25/96 NORTHWEST ASSOC CONS 0694 06/25/96 NORTHWEST ASSOC CONS 40695 06/25/96 OLSON 6 SONS ELECTRI 40695 06/25/96 OLSON 8 SONS ELECTRI 40695 06/25/96 OLSON & SONS ELECTRI 40695 06/25/96 OLSON 6 SONS ELECTRI 40696 06/25/96 P 8 H WAREHOUSE SALE 40687 06/25/96 SCHLUENDER CONSTRUCT 40696 06/25/96 SIMPS ON/CYNTHIA 40699 06/25/96 S7ATE OF MINNESOTA 40700 06/25/96 TOS TELECOM 40700 06/25/06 IDS TELECOM 40700 06/25/90 TOS TELECOM 40700 06/25/96 IDS TELECOM 40700 06/25/96 IDS TELECOM 40700 06/25/06 105 TELECOM 40700 06/25/96 IDS TCLCCOM 40700 06/25/06 IDS TELECOM y 40700 06/25/90 IDS TELECOM ..0700 06/25/96 IDS IELECOM 40700 00/25/96 TOS TELECOM 40700 06/25/06 IDS TELECOM Disbur cement Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT C 936 CART RIDGE /COMPUTEk/C 208.74 104 STREET SWEEPER 94,520.33 106 MTC AGRM/COPY MC H/C 4.590.52 106 MTC AGRM/COPY MC H/OEP 310.50 106 TONER/COPY MACHINE 202.35 5,103.37 230 MEMBERSHIP DUES/RICK W 63.00 185 ANIMAL CONTROL CONT 1,129.70 139 MONTHLY CONTRACT PY 2,833.33 1058 MILEAGE REMB/FIRE DEP 278.11 550 PROF SERVICES/TC)TAL M 425.50 550 MISC PROF SERV/PLAN 1,198.49 550 PROF SERV/MANN TOOL C 119.30 550 PROF SERV/MEILKE LU 1,093.41 550 PROF SERV/RUFF AUTO 429.06 3.265.16 160 COMPUTER HOOKUP/LIBRA 151.72 160 LIFT STATION EO UIP MT 208.54 160 STREET LIGHTING REPAIR 80.00 160 BIKE PATHWAY GRO OPEN 102.60 542.86 271 SUPPI.IES/PARKS 164.41 187 CONSTRUCTION OF BERM/ 422.50 999 FIRE HALL CLEAN 3NG 50.00 404 HOOKS/EILD OFFIC7A1 49.73 953 TELEPHONE C14ARGE.S 345.01 953 TELEPHONE CHARG ES 76.75 953 TELEPHONE CHARGES 140.45 053 TELEPHONE CHARGES 100.11 953 TELF.PHONE CHARG ES 50.00 053 TELEPHONE CHARGES 50.74 953 TELCPHONE CHARGES 100.50 053 TELEPHONE CHARG ES 40.05 953 TELCPHONE CHARG GS 50.74 059 TELEPHONE CHARGES 043.90 953 TCLE'P14ONE CHARG aE S 117.43 053 1ELLPHONE CHARGES 46.47 ►C *C BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 06/24/96 14:07:38 t .ARRANT DATE VENDOR GENERAL CHECKING 40701 06/25/96 WATERPRO SUPPLIES CO 40701 06/25/96 WATERPRO SUPPLIES CO 40702 06/25/96 WRIGHT COUNTY AUOITO GENERAL CHECKING L Disbursement Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT CI 2,076.23 *CV 670 BLACK DIRT/PARKS 670.00 670 METERS/MATER DEPT 3,418.97 4,088.97 *CI 219 SCERG GRANT PAYMENT 2,760.51 TOTAL 379,434.75 I:kC. f INAtJCIAL SYSTEM 06/28/96 08:49:21 ,�.,kkANT DATE VENDOR GENERAL CHECKING 40701 06/26/96 WATERPRO SUPPLIES CO 40701 06/26/96 WATERPRO SUPPLIES CO 40703 06/26/96 WRIGHT COUNTY RECORD 40704 06/26/96 MN DEPART OF NATURAL GENERAL CHECKING Disbursement Journal DESCkIPTION AMOUNT CI 670 CHECK VOIDED 3,418.97CR 670 CHECK VOIDED 670.00CR 4.088.97CR *CH 254 KLEIN FMS RECORDING FE 39.00 118 HATER/SNOW/ATV REG 1,260.00 TOTAL 2.789.91CR BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 0�(,9/28/96 13:2 1:51 Disbursement Journal k --RANT DATE VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 1 GENERAL CHECKING 40705 07/01/96 AFFORDABLE S.ANITATIO 802 LATRINE RENTAL/PARKS 331.75 40706 07/01/96 ALGERG NATER SERVICE 1039 IMPROVEMENTS/WELL 11.605.00 40707 07/01/98 BONDED ACCOUNTS SERV .90446 GARNISHMENT 336.57 40708 07/01/96 CITY OF BUFFALO 1060 BLACK DIRT/PARKS 6)0.00 40709 07/01/96 CITY OF MONTICELLO 760 HRA/GILLS PROP PUR 25,000.00 40709 07/O1/94 CITY OF MONTICELLO 760 HRA/fiILLE PROP PUR 15,000.00 40,000.00 40710 07/01/96 CLARK FOOD SERVICE, 997 CITY HALL SUPPLIES 116.02 40711 07/01/96 CONTINENTAL SAFETY E 256 GLASSES/FIRE DEPT 309.45 40712 07/01/95 DOTY/KAREN 48 MILEAGE EXPENSE 95.40 40713 07/01/96 DYNA SYSTEMS 50 NUTS/BOLTS/SHOP E4 GAR 474.82 40714 07/01/96 ENGINEERING REPRO SY 1030 FNG FEES/KLEIN F,M3 2N 200.01 .'0715 07/01/96 EXECUTRAIN 000 COMPUTER CLASS/MATT T 100.00 40716 07/01/190 GRUYS DORUEN CARLG 74 AUDIT FEES 10,000.00 40717 07/01/06 LEON 1'16b 9UU.r.QRIPTI0N/JEFF 0 25.00 40713 07/01/98 J M OIL COMPANY fly GAO/STREET OFP'f 1,027.00 40710 07/01/00 KOROPCHAK/OLIVE OV MILEAGE EXPENSE 45.19 , 40780 07/01/96 KRAMDER A AJGOCIATLo GG8 AGOUGGING CONTRACT 1.614.80 40'171 07/01/86 LKM CLEANING D00 CLEANING OF OEP REG O 300.05 4U7?1 07/01/00 Lt(M CLLAf)IN6 098 CIEANENO/P WORK -3 f31.q 460, Q0 177.45 407?2 07/01/OU LOT l)URVCV COMPANY 1064 3URVFYIUG FL,L9/UIINUA'; IOU. 00 40'IP: 07/01/06 MN UEPARTMENT OF HCA ?95 QTf: LONNLCTION FEE/ 2,904.00 4000, 07/01/06 f1.F;.I. f3II )iNf 13 FOPM 11)0 COPY MA11/1N1: PAPEiR/C 14U.95 ,,O!?5 07/01/00 OL `'ON. UD`ET.AGAN G 202 LEGAL FEE`;/KJ1lLBERG '259.213 407?1) U7/01/OG Ot.,;O J, US'iET,AGAN 8 292 14IC,C L.GGAL {'hE'i 1",02.00 07.:; 07/01/04 lsl'_-LIN. U;�,(Y,AbAN 8 20, LEGAL FEED/EAS,TWCfPD K IOG.:b ..17 1'. 01/01/90 U1.' 1,"J, U:; .A ,AN f, 192 1 L(,A1, ; fi( D/Ii2IAi1 0U 2N 42..1)1; BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 06/28/96 13:2 1151 CkRANT DATE VENDOR GENERAL CHECKING 40726 07/01/96 PARSON/BRUCE 40727 07/01/96 PIPELINE SUPPLY, INC 40728 07/01/96 RIVERSIDE OIL 40728 07/01/96 RIVERSIDE OIL 40729 01/01196 ROYAL TIRE OF MONTIC 40730 07/01/96 SIMONSON LUMBER COMP 40730 07101/96 SIMONSON LUMBCR COMP 4U730 07/01/96 SIMONSON LUMBER COMP 40730 07/01/ 96 SIM7NSON LUMBER COMP 40730 07/01/96 SIMONSON LUMBER COMP 40'x31 07/01/96 SOUTHAM BUSINESS COM 40131 07/01/!96 SOUTHAM BUSINCSS COM 0732 07/0i/96; SPECTRUM SUPPLY CO. 0132 07101/06 .1,PECTRUM SUPPLY CO, 40733 07/01/96 SWIFT CONSTRUCTION 40794 07/01/00 TAYLOR LAND SURVEYOR 40735 07/01/96 TEL%ON CORPORATION 4073Ci 07/01/08 U ; LINit 40770 07/01/96 U G LINK 40730 07/01/06 U 0 LINK 40730 01/01/16 U 0 LINK 407OG 07/01/06 U 0 LINK 40730 01/01/90 U LINK 40731 07/01/96 WATLRPRO SUPP1,'I@0 C10 1.0%00 07/01/90 WR76HT YITLE 01ARAN.' 40770 07/01/96 WRIGHT YIYIJ GUAR'AN T 40130 07/01/96 WRI6I1T YITLE GUAI;AVJV 0730 07/01/ 06 Wf,tt 0 A5 -f,, IATEG. IN 40730 01/01/90 WJI; 0 A S!. IA'IL;, ICJ 40'/00 07/11/90 W50 (` AS,'-OiIAICG, IPJ 411;)') 01/i)IIJU Wu() P A'Jr'0CIA'1;:3, I1J Disbursement Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT .90447 MEADOW OAK 4TH/SWAIL 720.00 1061 HAMMER/WATER DEPT 26.09 496 GAS/STREETS 910.47 496 OIL/FIRE DEPT 11.72 912.19 227 TIRE REPAIRS/PARKS 16.00 193 STAKES/BIKE PATHWAY OP 16.66 103 BLD MTC SUPPLIES/SHOP 610.35 193 EQUIP REPAIR PARTS/PAR 52.06 193 SUPPLIES/STRECTS 20.61 103 KRAMER RENTAL REPAIRS 10.20 717.70 644 AD FOR BIDS/BkIG K REPA 79.65 644 AD FOR BIOS/BRAIR OK 340.20 419.85 038 SUPPLICS/PARKS 254 .96 408 GLOVES/STREETS 20.45 273.40 1063 OVGRPYMT/DLO PERMIT 240.00 203 BLD PRINTS/PW INSPECT 02.00 042 RECYCLING WAND/REFUSE 305.00 950 TELEPHONE CHARGE 34.20 9520 TCL11P140NE CHARGf_6 74.00 950 TELEPHONE CHARGES 4.11 050 TELEPHONC CHARGC.4 0.04 050 TELEPHONE CHARGL6 3.13 9`.20 1`0,FPHONC CHARG::G 21.50 187.76 070 M2TFR'3/WATC-R 01'PT 3,410.97 1023 115/RATeMAREK POR 145,000.00 1038 TIP/HANAWAI.T 0 OAN 33.500.00 1029 EA40ECT MONEY REIMR 55.000.00 103,'300.00 0103 kNG 1'ELG/N0N1E >HGH :, 450.00 093 €.N6 I (.; 5/R1V:,R MIL1 17 Of) 003 ENG FL EC/C HILL 0 IV (1 >.50 79) CNG :-M 50,0951.32 4 M 4 E1RC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 06/26/96 13.21:54 �-IARRANT DATE VENDOR GENERAL CHECKING 40739 07/01/9'6 WSB & ASSOCIATES, IN 40739 07/01/96 WSB & ASSOCIATES, IN 40739 07/01/96 NSB & ASSOCIATES, IN 40738 07/01/96 WS8 & ASSOCIATES, IN 40739 07/01/96 W$B & ASSOCIATES. IN 40739 07/01/96 WS8 & ASSOCIATES, IN 40799 07/01/96 WSB &ASSOCIATES. IN 4-013.9 07/01/96 W58 & ASSOCIATES.. IN 40739 07/01/96 WS8 & ASSOCIATES, IN 40739 0.7/07/96 WSB & ASSOCIATES „IN 40739 07/01/96 WSB & ASSOCIATES, IN 40739 07/01/96 WS8 & ASSOCIATES, IN 40739 07/01/96 WS8 & ASSOCIATES, IN 40739 07/01/96 WOB & ASSOCIATES, IN 40739 0.7/01)96 WSB & ASSOCIATES, IN' 40739 07/01/98 W58 & A$SOCIATE9. IN GENERAL CHECKING `1 Disbursement Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT t 983 ENG FEWMIELKE LUSE 297.50 999 ENG FEES/KLELCBERG E 85.00 993 ENG FEES/KANT SING 340.00 993 ENG FEES/PRAIRIE NEST 710.75 993 3RD REVIEW/HANN TOOL 446.00 993 ENG FEES/M OAK 4111 255.00 993 ENG FEES/,BRIAR OAK 1;8,488.00 993 ENG FEE$/RIVCR ST T 3,861.52 993 MISC ENG FEES/CC MT 2,5.78.2fo 993 ENG FEES,/POSUSTA PRJ 42•.50 993 ENG FEES/TAPPER PRJ 340.00 993 ENO FEES/STORM SEVER 42.50 993 ENG FEES/MORTON BLDER 307.75 903 ENG FEES/CAR STAR 127.50 093 ENG FEES/OCELLO/SCH B 297.60 993 ENG FEES/OAK RIDGE 722.80 40,114-.09 TOTAL 309023.80 C1 i E1RC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 01/03/96 14:05:52 HAnRANT DATE VENDOR GENERAL CHECKING 40740 07/03/96 ADAM'S PEST CONTROL 40741 07/03/96 AMF. GROUP 40742 07/03/96 AMERICAN PAGING OF M 40741 07/03/06 AMERICAN PAGING OF M 60742 07/03/96 AMERICAN PAGING OF M 4074? 07/03/96 AMERICAN PAGING OF M 40742 07/03/96 AMERICAN PAGING OF M 40742 07/03/96 AMERICAN PAGING OF M '1074? 07/03/90 AMERICAN PAGING OF M 40742 01/03/96 AMERICAN PAGING OF M 40143 07/03/96 CELLULAR 2000 QF ST 40743 07/03/9G CELLULAR ?000 OF ST 40743 07/03/90 CELL,JI.AR 2000 OF ST 4ni43 07/03/90 CELLULAR 2000 OF OT !,0744 07/03/96 COMMERCIAL ASPHALT C 0745 07/03/96 GOULO CIRO9. CHEV OLD 40745 071ODYOS GOULD (:ROS. CHEV-OLD 40746 07/09/90 KEN AWIERVON TRIlCt1IN 40747 07/03/06 LUNACH SdOHN 1.01'41 07/03/06 LUKACH/JOH:J 4000 07/03/00 LUKACH /JONIJ tlti6; LUKACH/Jflrat! Lgd4O 01/03/90 RARQUC-M. BANK MCNTI 40740 07/03/OG MAIIOUE 7TE DANK MoNT) 507;,0 07/07/00 MFRC,HA4/JOSEPH 4074') 07/OJ/90 MI;tiFliA:i/dU'iRP11 AW,L.9 07/00/96 MFfi HAE /JO�CPH 40(1(f 07/UJ/OL MILEY' ;5 '^; :J t! P f Y 6001 !11/1)J/OO NAYI:P aL (lU'-,HILA) OAQ ',1 n7/C3/96 NATIf,:� ,',11` HIN6 PAk 91/03190 NAT11-:.,A1 GU`,H'(PJ, t -V,' OiIO'i/O6 NATIONA! (T IStJ;, 6,AV W sbursement Journal DESCRIPTION ' AMOUNT CL 3 PEST C05V7ROL./LIERAkY 46.86 0 SUPPLIE SPARKS 99.00 951 PAGER CHARGES 18.38 951 PAGER CHARGES 9.19 951 PAGER CHARGES 25.29 951 PAGER CHARGES 9.19 951 PAGER C}IARGES 9.19 051 PAGkk C.HARGFS 9.19 951 PAGER CHARGES 9.!9 951 PAGER CHARGES 8, 10 90.01 794 CAR PHONE CHARGES 50.71 794 CAR PMC_'NE CHARGES 1.14 704 CAR PHONE CHARGE; 9.08 794 CAR PHC,NE CHARGES ?17.00 270.00 661 CLASS V /STRVE:T 6UPP4.1 103.05 70 'VEH REPAIR PART13/SEWC 24,1.36 70 VEHICLE REPA39/FIRE D 22?. 06 467.bd 697 ANIMAL CONTROL : E RVIC 100.51 977 MILr.A,== 59.10 327 MILEAGE 10.76 987 MILGAGr� 10.76 327 Ml'IF.AGE 19.75 110. 5'S 221 alar, TO 4M bUtUl 400,000.00 221 aIR( 01ARGEG 10.00 400,010.00 1062 DLO INE P MILEA4E GEIMU 23.C'G 1001 kFIM.`t',0i IN')P 134.00 106: REiMD/C:EG FEEVIMINA1t 15.00 17J.lu ')JO CITY '.411 1,11'k1tjKt f Q tJi':JO.?a 144 "U7P1 Ti` 19.30 144 VEH GL . Al I.' "AN'i C VY C,'( F 05.90 144 LUPPt I E `./`4 WE P. i lit 1 1. / . 1 111.1' 0 FIR' FINANCIAL SYSTEM 07/03/96 14:05:52 C.IRANT DATE VENDOR GENERAL CHECKING 40752 07/03/96 NORTHERN STATES PORE 40752 07/U3/96 NORTHERN STATES PORE 40752 07/03/96 NORTHERN STATES POWE (&0752 01/03/96 NORTHERN STATES POWE 40752 07/03/96 NORTHERN STATES PORE 40752 07/03/96 NORTHERN STATES PONE 40752 07/03/96 NORTHERN STATES POWE 40752 07/03/96 NORTHERN STATES POWE 40752 07/03/96 NORTHERN STATES POWE 40757 07/03/96 NURTHF.RN STATES POWE 40753 07/03/96 RELIACL E CORPORATION 407')3 07/03/96 RELIAi1LE CORPORATION 60754 07/03/96 SCHARDER 0 SCNS. INC 40i38 07/03/90 TE1.6PR001JCT;; CORPORA 40YL+b 07/03/96 WALOOR PUMP & EOUIPM CJ1i1 07/0r/9b NRIGHT HENNEPIN SECU '+07°17 07/03/06 WRIGHT HENNEPIN SECU 1;0150 07/03/06 WRIGHT-HENNEPIN C001, ITEM?RAL CHECKING W sbursement Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT CL 140 UTILITIES 1,564.19 148 UTILITIES 493.79 140 UTILITIES 1.166.12 14P UTILITI-ES 133.44 148 UTILITIES 1,951.60 148 UTILITIES 14.27 148 UTILITIES 614.70 140 UTILITIES 138.34 140 UTILITIES 531.22 148 UTILITIES 952.76 7,020.43 11Cr, 179 TAPES/COMPUTER/CITY H 201.22 119 RECYCLING TkAY SUPPLIE 27.55 229.77 *Ck ^29 VEH'REPAIR PAkTS/PARK 210.16 749 FILT:R QEPAIP/WA1FR 105.00 369 FOUIP MTC/SEWER COLL OG1.60 OFS SECURITY ALARM/00 kkt, 19.12 075 SECUF:ITV ALARMIPARKE: 10.90 38.10 *0 512, UTILITIES 9.00 TOTAL 410,40G.GG BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 0`r7 10/96 1.3:22: 59 WLANT DATE VENDOR GENERAL CHECKING 40.759'07/14/96, MN DEPART OF NATURAL 40760 07/10/96 JONES/WILLIAM O .40160 0.7/10/96 JONES/WILLTAM' 0 4078./ 07/10/96 A.E. MICHAELS 40761 0 7/10/86 A.E. MICHAELS 40761 07/10/98 A.E. MICHAELS 40762 07/tO/96 AMERICAN PUBLIC WORK 40763 07/10/96 AUDIO COMMUNICATIONS 4,0764 07/10/96 CAREFREE LAWN SERVIC 407,61, 01/10/96 CAREFREE LAWN SERVIC 4078,5 07/10/98 CONTINENTAL SAFETY E �166 07/10/96 COPY OUPLCATING PROD 40787 O T/10/98 CULLIGAN 40768'0'7/10/98 DOWNTOWN STANDARD 40769 07/10/86• FAIR'S NURGER,Y 40770 07/4'0/06 FIRE INSTRUCTORS AS$ 40771.07/10/96 FLICKER'S T.V. 8 APP 40792 07/10/90 FRONTLINE PLUS FIRE 4077) 07'/10/06 G 8 K SERVICES 46773 07/10/-06 G A K SERVICES 40773 07/10/00 G Q K SERV ICE5 40773 07/10/90 G A K CERVICES 40773 01/10/90 G A K SERVICES 4,0773 07/10/00 G 8 9 uERVICES 40773 07/10/06 G & K 31?RV.ICE3 40773 07/10/00 G 8 K :ERVIEE�, 40173 07/10/190 G 0 K iPRVICE3 40773 01/10/00 G n 1t !�ERVILEi+ L774 07/10/06 GARTNER'S OFFa(�E PRO 40174 177/10/06 GARINCQ'9 OPHE(=(t PRO 4'0774 07/1n/06 G4TNFG1`5 OFFICE PFM Disbursement Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT C IIS, MATER/ATV/SNOW REG 1,.109..00 826 INFO CENTER SALARY 224.00 826 INFO CENTER SALARY 65.000R 156.00 •C 338 PAINT/ PARKS BLDS 27.21.99 338 PAINT/DEP REG BLD 125,.88 338 SUPPLIES/ST REET DEPT 134.43 533.27 *C 843 MEMBERSHIP DUES/P WORK 90.00 17 BATTERIES/FIRE DEPT 248.55 940 MOWING/LIBRARY 95.85 940 MOWING/FIRE 'DEPT 95.85 191.1b KC 256 ELEC NIT/FIRE DEPT 309..80 41' COPY MCH MTC/LIBRARY 00.80 153 RENTAL WATER SOFTNER C 23'.88' 978 TOWING CHARGES 30.00 1067 TREES/SHADE TREE PR 1.320.00 305 FIRE TRAINING MATERIAL 30.05 80 PAGER OATTF-RIES/ST.REET 72.85 5.10 HELMET SHIELDS/FIRE 'DP 61.93 081 UNIFORM RENTAL 40.86 651, UNIFORM RENTAL 70.35 09-1 UNIFORM RENTAL 26.96 051 UNIFORM RENTAL 26.00 051 UNIFORM RENTAL 137.79 051 UNIFORM RENTAL 137.70 941 SHOP RAGS 23.50 051 0UG1,/DEP REG OFFICE 32.$7 051 RUGO/GHOP & GAR 94.10 $DI M1bt. LHIfU ib.l� 031.00 377 CALCULATOR/CLO INSPEC 170.07 377 COPY MACHINE PAPER/P WK 0.80 371 OFFICE LUPPLIES/C HALL 67.90 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 077/.1;0/98 13:22:59 WAlckANT DATE VENDOR GENERAL CHECKING 407 T5 07/10/96 GENERAL RENTAL CENTS 40775 07/10/86 GENERAL RENTAL CENTE 40776 07/10/96 GLASS HUT/THE 40717 07/10/96 HARRY'S AUTO SUPPLY 40777 07/10/96 HARRY'S AUTO SUPPLY 40777 07/10/96 HARRY'S AUTO SUPPLY 40777 07/10/96 HARRY'S AUTO SUPPLY 40777 07/10/96 HARRY'S AUTO SUPPLY 40777 07/10/96 HARRY'S AUTO SUPPLY 40778 07/10/96 HENRY & ASSOCIATES 4077'9 07/10/96 HERMES/JERRY 4n780 07/10/86 HOGLUND COACH LINES 0781 07/10/96 J M OIL COMPANY 40702 07/10/96 KOLLES SAND & GRAVEL 40703 07/1,0/86 LOCH JEWELERS 40784 07/10/90 MARTIE'S FARM SERVIC 40705 07/10/96 MAUS FOODS 40705 07/10/06 MAU£ FOODS 40705 07/10/06 MAU0 POODS 40706 07/10/00 MIDWEST VI5T40N OISTR 40706 07/10/06 MIDWEST VISION DI£TR 40700 07/10/00 14IOWL13T V15ION OISTR 40706 07/10/06 MIDWEST VISION OISTR 40700 07/10/90 MIOWFGT VIGION OI9TR 40707 07/1'0/00 MINNEGAOCO 40707 07/10/06 MINNEOASCO 40707 07/10/00 MINNEGASCO 40707 07/10/06 MINNEGA£CO 1707 07/10/90 MINNF.OA;CO J707 07/10/00 o4rNNEGA,SCO 40707 01/10/00 MINN[=6A5C0 4n7Fl7 07/10/06 MINNEGA5(0 Disbursement Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT C 254.66 tC 64 EQUIP RENTAL/PARKS 483.36 64 OXYGEN TANK/SHOP & GAR 23.51 506.87 •E 66 GLASS/PARKS WINDOWS 198.94 78 MISC SUPPLIES/STREETS 179.69 78 CORRECT CODING 48.45CR 78 SUPPLIES/SHOP & GAR 4.15 78 VEH REPAIR PARTS/PARKS 7.98 78 VEH REPAIR PARTS/SEWER 48.45 79 OIL/SEWEk COLL 34.12 225.94 M7, 545 CURB BOXES/MATER DEPT 245.70 81 LIBRARY CLEANING CONT 221.50 463 HEARTLAND EXPRESS C 5,016.69 95 GAS/FIRE OEPT 26.90 592 SAND/GRAVEL/STREET 1.002.50 565 ENGRAVING/PLAQUE/E ELL 40.55 107 SEEO/PARKS 36.05 108 SUPPLIES/LIBRARY 7.23 100 CLEANING SUP/ANIMAL 31.77 100 SUPPLIES/SHOP a GAR 13.51 42.51 270 SAFETY GLASGHS 100.00 270 SAFETY GLASCES 425.00 270 'SAFETY GLASOEL 212.50 270 SAFETY GLASSES 67.02 270 SAFETY GLA5SE0 72.42 002.30 772 UTILITIEO 17.00 772 UTILITIES 0.00 178 UIIL111h�) 11.40 772 UTILITIES 14.16 772 UTILITIES 0.00 "172 UTILITIEC 20.44 172 UTILITIL 9 223.20 112 UTILITIEC. 25.02 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM i0((((7/ 10/96 1 3:22 :59 VLOANT DATE VENDOR I GENERAL CHECKING 40788 07/10/96 MN RURAL WATER ASSOC 40789 07/10/96 14ONTICELLO ANIMAL CO 40790 07/10/96 MONTICELLO PRINTING 40780 07/10/96 MONTICELLO PRINTING 401,90 07/10/96 MONTICELLO PRINTING 40791 07/10/96 MONTICELLO ROTARY 40791 07/10/96 MONTICELLO ROTARY 40792 07/10/96 MONTICELLO TIMES 40792 07/10/96 MONTICELLO TIMES 40792 07/ 10/96 MONTICELLO TIMES 40192 07/ 10/96 MONTICELLO TIMES 40792 07/10/06 MONTICELLO TIMES 40792 07/ 10/96 MONTICELLO TIMES Q ,792 07/10/96 MONTICELLO TIMES 792 07/10/98 MONTICELLO TIMES 40792 07/ 10/96 MONTICELLO TIMES 40792 07/ 10/96 MONTICELLO TIMES 40792 07/10/96 MONTICELLO TIMES 40192 07/10/90 14ONTICELLO TIMES 40792 07/10/96 MONTICELLO TIMES 40793 07/10/06 MOON MOTOR VALES, 1N 40193 07/10/96 MOON MOTOR GALES, IN 40794 07/10/06 NOVAK FLECK, INC 40795 07/10/96 OLSON 8 SONS ELECTRI 40795 07/10/90 OLSON & SONS ELECTRI 40195 07/10/96 OLSON & CON $ ELECTRI 40796 07/10/06 PAUL A WALDRON a ASS 40107 07/10/90 PREU99U'0 CLEANING 9 40700 07/10/06 PROFESCIONAL SERVICF t'0190 07/10/00 REO00 MOBIL Disbursement Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT C 344.04 128 MEMBERSHIP DUES/WATER 210.00 185 ANIMAL CONTROL CONT 1,129.70 137' BUSINESS CARDS 178.65 137 BUSINESS CARDS/JOE M 48.03 137 INSPECTION CARDS/BLD D 72.74 299.42 138 ROTARY DOES/OLLIE K 222.00 138 ROTARY DUES/JEFF 0 222.00 444.00 140 LEGAL PUBLICATIONS 2,230.26 140 PUBLIC HEARING/HOOK 55.72 140 INFO MEETING/HWY 25 A 111.44 140 TIF/PR WEST PROJECT 520.05 140 PUB HEARING/CUSTOM CAN 69.65 140 AD FOR BIOS/MATER TOW 138.23 140 AD FOR BIDS/ESRAIR OK I 34.47 .140 AD FOR BIDS/RIVER IIT T 34.47 140 LEGAL NOTICE/}IRA 41.79 140 HELP WANTED/WATER DEPT 54.39 140 AD FOR BIDS/PARKING LO 76.62 140 AD FOR BIDS/C HALL BRI 97.51 140 PARKS COMMISSION OPENI 28.63 3,484.24 142 SUPPLIES/SHADE TREE 46.01 142 SUPPLIES/PARKS 24.23 70.24 1088 REIMO/EGCROW/TREES 250.00 160 WELL REPAIRS/WATER 40.00 100 REPAIRS/F.I.LI30N PARK 40.00 160 REPAIRS/STREET LIGHTS 51.01 107.01 090 BUILDING 1NPECTION FE 905.00 113 CITY HALL CLEANING 400.00 175 WWTP CONTRACT PAYM 33. 100.50 324 FIRE OFPT VCHICI.E RHPA 61.56 sC t� SC �G 1 t,c rc BRC FIN'ANCI'AL SYSTEM 07/10/•96 13:22,:59 RANT DATE VENDOR GENERAL CHECKING 40800 07/10/96, RHEAUME''S HOUSE OF L 40801 07/10/96 ROYAL PRINTING & OFF 40801 07/10/96 ROYAL PRINTING '& OFr- 4080-107-/1Or] 9-6 ROYAL PRINTING & OFF 40601 07/10/96 ROYAL PRINTING & OFF 40801 07/10/96 ROYAL PRINTING & OFF 40801 07/10/96 ROYAL PRINTING & OFF 40802 Q7/10/96 SAFETY-KLEEN CORP. 40802 07/10/96 SAFETY-KLEEN CORP. 40803 07/10/96 BETON NAME PLATE CO 40804 07/10/96 STAR TRIBUNE 40805 07/10/.96 SUPERIOR FCR LANDFIL 40806 07/10/96 VIKING COCA COLA ((.807 07/10/96 VIKING PIPE SERVICES 40807 07/10/96 VIKING, PIPE SERVICES 40807 07/10/96 VIKING PIPE SERVICES 40807 07/10/96 VIKING PIPE SERVICES 4.6808 07/1.0/46 WRIGHT COUNTY AUOITO 40008 07/10/96 WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITO 40809 07/10/86 WRIGHT COUNTY De -PT O 40810 07/10/96 WRIGHT COUNTY RECORD 40'011 07/10/96 Y.M,.C.A. OF MINNEAPO GENERAL CHECKING N Disbursement Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT C 451 RECYCLING LABELS 889.15 1044 OFFICE SUPPLIES/P WORK 63.74 1044 OFFICE SUPPLIES/C HAL 179.88 1044 COPY MACHINE PAPER, /C 127.80 1044 COPY MCH PAPER/P WORKS $5.34 1044 OFF SUPPLIES/DEP. REG, 31.75 1044 SUPPLIES/BLD DEPT 6.77 465.28 1,84 MTC AGRMT/SHOD & GAR 72.69 184 CLEANER/SHOP & GAR 85.20 157.89 891 RECYCLING LABELS 328.75 197 AD FOR BIDS 129.00 563 DUMPING CHARGES/STREET 90.00 779 POP/CITY HALL 122.26 21'4 TELEVISING/SEWER 2,185:00 ?14 TELEVISING/SOUTHWEST 563.,00 214 TELEVISING/SCHOOL B 1,893,.00 214. TELEVISING/DUNDAS RD 388,00 4,93'0.0.0 218 SHERIFFS CONTRACT 25,234.00 278 ADO'L LANDFILL CHCS 8,573.40 33,007.40' 278 WRIGHT CTY MAPS FOR SA 30.01 254 EASEMENT/RIVER MILL 19.50 224 CONTRACT PYMT 629.170 TOTAL 85,512.51 YC tC BFC FINANCIAL SYS -TEM /10/96' 14:'05:18 Disbursement Journal' RRAN.T' 'DATE VENDOR, DESCRIPTION AMOUNT C LIQUOR CHECKINS 18854 06/10/06 CAREFREE LAWN 'SERVIC 660,193 LAWN SERVICE CARE 95. 85 18858 08/10/,98 OAHLHEINER OISTRIBUT 800009 BEER PURCHASE 2;659.05 18855 06/10/96 DAHLHEIMER DISTRIBUT 800009 NON ALCOHOLIC BEER 94.60 2.853.65 *C 48888 06/I'D M6 DICK WHOLESALE CO.. 800011 BEER PURCHASE 1,263..70 18888 06/10/88 DICK WHOLESALE CO.. 900011 NON ALCOHOLIC BEER 16.20 1.8856 0611D/96 DICK WHOLESALE CO., 800011 LIQUOR STORE •SUPPLIES 18. 39 18858 06/10/86 DICK WHOLESALE CO.,. 800011 SAGS/SUPPLIES 28.410 1,327.29 *C 18851 06/10/96 EAGLE WINE COMPANY 600012 WINE PURCHASE 1,;208-.97 18857 06/10/86 EAGLE 1WINE COMPANY' 800012 MI% FOR RESALE 109. 18 1.0.18. 18 *C 18058 08/10/86 ECN PUEILICHERS. INC. 80,0208 HELP WANTED AO 24. 00 18859 08/1,0/86 GRIGGS. COOPER $ COM 800018 LIQUOR PURCHASE 2.584.54 18880, 06/10/96 GROSSLEIN BEVERAGE I 800019 BEER PURCHASE 51686.95 8861 06/10/96 J OHN SON BROS WHOLESA 800024 FREIGHT CHARGES 16.80 18661 06/ID/96 JOHNSON BROS WHOLESA 800022 LIQUOR PURCHASES 730.87 18861 08/10/,86 JOHNSON BROS WHOLESA 800022 WINE CREDIT 14.43CR 732. 84 *C 1'0082 08/10/98 L.IEFERT TRUCKING 800025 FREIGHT CHARGES 218.83 18663 06/ 1-D'/08 OLSON @ BONS EL£CTRI 800036 REPAIR LITE £/MTC OF BL 86.53 IG084 08/10/98 PAUDTIS 3: DON'S 800103 WINE PURCHASE 405.00 18064 06/10/86 PAUSTrS b SONS 000103_ FREIGHT CHARGES 0.60 414 .60 *C 10865 08/10/86 PHILLIPO WINE R SPIR 000100 WINE PURCHASE 532.00 1(3885 Oe/10/98 PHILLIPS WINE. 4 SP7R 800180 LIQUOR PURCHASE 88'8.05 1.0065 08/10/96 PHILLIPS WINE 8 SPIR 600100 FREIGHT CHARGES a'. 75 1.207 .00 *C 1.0006 06/1.0/00 QUALITY WINE 8 E;PIRI 800040 LIQUOR PURCHASE 2,101.27 10661 08/10/88 THE WATSON CO., INC. 000202 CIGS & CIGARB FOR AEq 212.01 1006) 06/10/00 THE 'WATSON CO.. INC. 000202 LIOUOk STORE SUPPLIES 66.77 270 .70 *C -1060 06/10/86 SWIN CITIES FLAG 6OU 000049 NEW FLAG 37.10 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM, 0/6/10/96 14:05:18 olsburserren't Journal LRANT Z ATC 'VENDOR DESCRIPT-ION AMOUNT C LIQUOR CHECKING 18869 06/-10/98 U S WEST COMMUNICATI 800093 ADVERTYSING 29.00 LIQUOR CHECKING TOTAL 19,-188..28 L, R BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM LG/26/66 15:51450 kRANT DATE VENDOR LIQUOR CHECKING t8e70 06/26/96 DEMARS SIGNS 18871 06/26/96 'EAGLE WINE COMPANY 18871 06/26/96 EAGLE 'WINE COMPANY 18871 06/28/86 'EAGLE WINE COMPANY Ofsbursement Journal OESCRIPT.7ON AMOUNT 800210 NEW SIGN 800012 WINE PURCHASE 800112 MIX FOR RESALE 80001'2 FREIGHT CHARGES 18812 06/26/96 G & K SERVICE 800b29'MTC OF BLO /RUGS t8873 06/26/96 GRIGGS, COOPER & COM 800018 WINE PURCHASE 18873 06/26/98 GRIGGS, COOPER & COM 800018 LIQUOR PURCHASE 18673 06/26/96 GRIGGS, COOPER & COM 600018 MIX FOR RESALE 18674 06/26/96 JOHNSON BROS VHOLESA 800022 FREIGHT CHARGES 18874 08/28/90 JOHNSON BROS WHOLESA 600023 LIQUOR PURCHASE 18874 08126/98'JOHNSON 'BROS WHOLESA 800022 WINE 'PURCHASE 18875 06/26/96 LEMMANN FARMS 800180 MIX FOR RESALE '8,875 08'/28/88 LEHMA14N,FARMS 000.190 FOOD FOR RESALE 18070 08'/26/96 PHILLIPS WINE A SPIR 800180 FREIGHT CHARGES 10076 06/28/86 PHILLIPS WINE & VPIk ,800180 LIQUOR PURCHASE 10876 06/26/96 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIR 800.180 NINE PURCHASE 10076 06/26/88 PHILLI PS WINE & SPIR 800100 MIX FOR RESALE 18078 09/26/96 PHILLIPS WINE' & SPIR 000160 WINE CREO_XT 1'087,6 06/26/88 PHILLFPS WINE & SPIR 800180 FREIGHT CREOTT 18877 00/28/86 QUALITY WINE 8 SPIRT 600040 WINE PURCHASE 16877 08/26/96 QUALITY MINE & SPIRI 800040 L'IOUOR;PURCHCASE 18077 06/26/96 QUALITY WINE '& SPIRI 000040 ADJ CK 18068 6/1'O t8077 06/28/88 QUALrry WINE 8 SPIRI 800040 AOJ CK 161360 6/10 LIQUOR CHECKING c TOTAL 2,781.00 1,538.4'6 24.58 9,,. so 1.572 «9.7 x 58.29 19.36 8,884.26 86.85 6,980.47 »' 57.56 3,536.14 $89.82 4,1'83.62 23.50 285.29 306.78 92:49 1.172.10 21.70 1,422.35CR 3.75CR 3,598.00 4' 634.90 604.75 795'.25CR 788..28 1,230.74 20,739.87 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 07/03/9G 11:40:'10 Disbursement Journal LRANT DATE VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT LIQUOR CHECKING 16878 06/26/96 AOCO`PUBLISMING,Co.., 800211 ADVERT.I'SING FOR 1897 96.90 10879 06%28/9$ BERN.ICK'S PEPSI COLA 600007 POP PURCHASE 206.50 10800 06/28/96 CITIZENS COMMUNICAT1.. 800183 ADVERTISINQ 100.80 16001 06/28/96 CONSOLIDATED COMM 01 800160 POP' PURCHASE 47.$0 18802 06/28/•96 QAHLHEIMEk DISTRIBUT 800009 BEER PURCHASE 12.671.45 1000P 'OG/28/96 OAHLHEIMCR 0I37RIBUT 000009 NONALCLIHOLIC BEER 38Q.40 13,031.85 13803 06/'8/86 DAY DSSTR16UTIGG COM 600010 DEER PURCHASE 1.620.40 10004 06/70/96 DICK WHOLESALE CO., 000011 BEER PURCHA$E 2,104.00 10834 06/28/06 OICX WHOLESALE CO., 004011 LIQUOR WORE SU+PPLIE'S 10.00 I(VC4 06/20/96 OIOK WHOLESALE CO., 00001t "GE/SUPPLIES 111.90 2..233.30 a 10805 06/20/06 OETTMAN COMPANY 000107 GLASSES FOR RESALE 12.00 '806 03/10/80 GRIGGS. COOPH(t 0 COM 000018 WINE PUf.CHA3F 47•.06 SBGG 00/20/06 ORYGOG, CUOPE.R 8 COM 000010 MIX FOK REGALE 110.40 167.14 �. IOGOY UG/40/80 OROSOLEIN DEVERAGL 1 000010, DEER PU{ICHALL 19.907.55 18003 06/20/90 OROY0, 00ROGN CAR1.80 000030 AUDIT FCEJ 1,875.00 10000 OG'/20/06 H'AMCO DATA PWIUCT; 00021,2 0 PPLIES/PAPER 62..00 10000 Oil/20/00 110ME J,Uf`,%P 000130 -aUICE FOR RESALE 34.70 1[)101 00/20/90 JWINC•OH EIRO5 WHOLE9A 000022 1NEIGHT CHARGE( 45.00 IB091 00/2d/8G JOHN',ON dQGSs WHOCFGA 000022 LI(a1),)R OUPPLIES 11050.11 t•dLfJ1 OC/?d/9D JIJNNLON EROS W1:OL119A 000022 WINE PURCHA, C t.2GG.46 2..001.50 4 ICGN2 00/20/00 L4-,jC{N`. A( C NAROWAR 000101, GUPPLI,,t:/M7C OF CLU 4J.4L 16309 001d019Q LICN'00' '✓1tU';K[fi' 000022 ',aEIUHi CHA;'GLO ?11).71) 10':04 1,Gi::1/0G HCUOWA1 L COMPANY 000005 0001 EO RUPAIF:G 412.50 9. I', OG/?019G MYN?IC.6A-00 coo ICIO 0711 I(41.`' 10.11 r x,10 u0/, OY�O PUd JAYt EEE. COl 100 AOVCGi1[,-NG Ud RRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 11:40: 17 Disbursement Journal 1007/03/96 L"Pt,Nl, DAVE VOCIOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT i IGYUOR CHECKING 10697 06/28/96 NEWTON MANUFACTURING 800149 SUPPLIES 11).52 16896 OG/28/96 NORTHCRN STATES POWE 800035 UTILITIES 3,042.96 100419 06/28/96 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIR 000180 FREIGHT CHARGES 37.87 10099 06/?0/9b PHILLIPS WINE & SPIR 8001130 LIQUOR PURCHASE 279.55 IOC99 06/20/98 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIR 8001 C0 WINF. PURCHASE 1,)35.00 1, 652.4? 1UNOU 06/28/66 DUALITY WINk & SPIRI 800040 WINE PUKCHASE b5.61 10300 0&/30/06 QUALITY WINE & SPIRI 800040 LIQUOR PURCHASE 064.90 E30.58 10901 00/2.0/96 RON'S ICE COMPANY 800041 ICE PURCHASE 1,008.06 10402 06/20/96 ST. CLOUD REKTAURANT 800045 MIX/GLASSES FOR kE?'SAL 118.51 18903 00/20196 T03 TELECOM 800196 TELEPHONE CHARGES 104.01 10)UE 06/18/96 TOS TELECOM 000106 ADVEkTISING b1.20 246.01 004 06/20/90 THE WATSON CO., INC. 000202 GIG$ Q CIGARS/FOE' RES ?20.20 8, 104 OF,/70/96 TH& WATGON CO., INC. 000202 PAGG FOR RESALn 32.92 260. Y2 1O',05 0 -1X/96 THORK OISTRIDUTING 800040 fiCi R PURCIIAS6 J5, 1, 74.60 1,,005 06 20/96 THORPE OI:T'CIBUTING 000040 NON ALCUXOIIt UECR Z)94.G6 36.020.20 10�1U0 00/?C)8G U 1i LINIt 000105 TELEPY,ONE CHARGEE 1A.91 10� 77 01/2.0/98 VIKIN', COCA-COLA BOY 000061 POP PURCHASE 507. )`1 LiCUCR CF:SCKING -iUiT'AL 06,-117.10 t M BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 07/10/96 GRIGGS, COOPER & COM 07/10/96 13:24:37 95.85 Disbursement Journal X GRIGGS, COOPER & COM 800018 LIQUOR PURCHASE 12.984.03 ` .RRANT DATE VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 13,079.80 LIQUOR CHECKING 07/10/96 HIGH TECH ROOFING & 800215 18908 07/10/96 BRADBURV/GREG 8002.14 ROOF REPAIR 1,155.00 18909 07/10/96 PRECOCIOUS PYROTECHN 800213 FIREWORKS/4TH OF JU 8,000.00 18910 07/10/96 CAREFREE LAWN SERVIC 800193 MOWING CHARGES 95.85 18911 07/10/96 EAGLE WINE COMPANY 800012 WINE PURCHASE 308.45 18911 07/10/96 EAGLE WINE COMPANY 800012 FREIGHT CHARGES 14.85 18911 07/10/96 EAGLE WINE COMPANY 800012 MIX FOR RESALE 112.81 436.11 18912 07/10/96 GRIGGS, COOPER & COM 800018 MIX FOR RESALE 95.85 18912 07/10/96 GRIGGS, COOPER & COM 800018 LIQUOR PURCHASE 12.984.03 13,079.80 18913 07/10/96 HIGH TECH ROOFING & 800215 ROOF REPAIR 313.40 18914 07/10/96 JOHNSON BROS WHOLESA 800022 FREIGHT CHARGES 162.75 10914 07/10/96 JOHNSON BROS WHOLESA 800022 LIQUOR PURCHASE 1,020.20 16914 07/10/98 JOHNSON BROS WHOLESA 800022 WINE PURCHASE 2,594.46 4,677..41 (( °618915 01/t0/96 MONTICELLO TIMES 600032 ADVERTISING 283.05 10916 07/10/96 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIR 800100 WINE PURCHASE 434.50 10916 07/10/96 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIR 800100 LIQUOR PURCHASE 3,671.69 10016 07/10/06 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIR 000100 FREIGHT CHARGES 59.63 4,165.82 10917 07/10/06 QUALITY WINE & SPIRI 000040 LIQUOR PURCHASE 1,374.06 10017 07/10/80 QUALITY WINE & SPIRI 000040 WINE PURCHASE 328.38 1,899.42 LIQUOR CHECKING TOTAL 331605.04 �i COUNCIL INFORMATIONAL ITEM July 19, 1998 The City currently has two personal computers that had previously been used in city hall that have been replaced and upgraded with new models. These computers still operate; but because they are models with slower microchips, they are no longer functional for many of our programs and applications we now use. As a result, rather than letting these computers sit on a shelf and collect dust, it is recommended that the computers be made available for purchase by City employees under a bid basis. Generally, computers of this type do not have a large value, as they become outdated quite quickly, and we don't want to spend a lot of money advertising them for sale, which just ads to the cost of disposal. If the Council is not comfortable with this method of disposal, please let me know, and we can simply advertise them for sale either by establishing a price or noting "available for best offer." Attached is a brief description of the computers and equipment that are recommended for disposal. 250 East Broadway P. O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362.9245 MEMO Phone: (612) 295.2711 Metro: (612) 333-5739 Fax: (612) 295-4404 July 23, 1996 TO: City employees FROM: Cathy Shuman, Computer Support Anaylst RE: computers for sale The city has 2 computers available for sale "as is.' These computers were previously used in the city but have been replaced with upgraded models. Short descriptions of the computers are listed below. PFRSON t. .O P 1TFR (SN A057274) IBM PS/2 Model 30 286; 30MB hard drive; IAMB 3.6' drive; l MB RAM; Color display model 8513; MS-DOS version 6.0; IBM 5250 workstation adaptor for model 30; IBM 6250 cable assembly; IBM 5250 emulation version 2.12 PFRSON 1. .O P iTFR (SN 7686690) IBM PS/2 Model 50Z 80286; 60MB hard drive; IAMB 3.6" drive; 1 MB RAM; color monitor model 8513; MS-DOS version 6.0 Please note that these are older models; therefore they have limited memory and hard disk storage capability, and they run quite slow. Also, it may be difficult to find software to run on the computers. The original operating manuals and disks should be available for these computers. If you are interested in bidding on either of these computers, please place your offer in an envelope and write your name on the outside. Please turn in your bid to me by 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, July 31, 1996. If you should have any questions, please let me know. Office of fthUe Worb, 909 Ool/Courn Rd, Monticelk MN 66362 • Pbone:(611) 293.3120 • Far: (612) 293.3170, err. 1