City Council Agenda Packet 09-23-1996AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, September 23,1996 - 7 p.m. Mayor•. Brad Fyle Council Members: Shirley Anderson, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf, Tom Perrault 1. Call to order. 2. Approval of minutes of the special meeting held September 9 and the regular meeting held September 9, 1996. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. A. Update on wastewater treatment plant cost estimate study. 4. Citizens oomments/petitions, requests, and complaints. b. Consent agenda. A. Consideration of final payment on public works building expansion, ° phase II--Shingobee Builders. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. 7. Public Hearing --Consideration of liquor license transfer --Comfort Inn Motel. 8. Consideration of a variance request to parking lot and building setback requirements. Applicant, Bondhus Corporation. 9. Consideration of a zoning ordinance amendment which would define "auto maintenance facilities" and allow auto maintenance facilities as a conditional use in a PZM zone; Consideration of a conditional use permit allowing an auto maintenance facility in a PZM zone; Consideration of a variance to the buffer yard standards. Applicant, Investors lugether. df 719 -p /L ww'.4 �M�rw, DIt� 4fri o.J 10. Consideration of approving an option agreement for the sale of Lot 3, Block 1, Oakwood Industrial Park 2nd Addition - Lake Tool. 11. Consideration of hills for the month of September. �� 12. Adjournment. MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, September 9,1996.6 p.m - Members Present: Brad Fyle, Shirley Anderson, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf, Tom Perrault Members Absent: None A special meeting of the City Council was held for the purpose of reviewing the proposed budget and setting the preliminary tax levy for 1997. City Administrator Rick Wolfsteller reported that three options were prepared for the 1997 tax levy for Council consideration. Option A proposed a tax levy of $2,922,800, which would amount to the same dollars collected as was collected in 1996; however, it would actually result in the taxpayer seeing a reduction in taxes due to additional valuation over which the taxes would be spread. Under Option B, the actual dollars collected would be 3% higher than 1996 at $3,010,484 but would only result in a 1.33% increase in actual tax capacity rate that a homeowner or business would see. Option C proposed a tax levy increase of $137,080 over 1996 to a new total of $3,059,880. This would be a 3% increase in the tax capacity rate but would result in a 4.69% ;ncrease in actual dollars collected. Wolfateller summarized the following expenditures in each department. At the request of the Parks Commission, an additional $25,000 was included in the parks department budget under part-time salaries to help adequately maintain the expanding park system. For the planning and zoning department, an additional $35,000 plus benefit cost was included to cover the cost of adding an additional employee or consultant to keep up with enforcement and development issues. In the HRA budget, the HRA proposed to reimburse the general fund $75,000 in 1997 to cover HACA losses the City incurred due to tax increment financing. Wolfsteller noted that the HRA suggested that half, or $37,500, be used for public improvements such as the upcoming Chelsea Road realignment cost, and the second $37,500 amount be used for acquisition of a futum city industrial park. The HRA noted that if the City set aside $37,500 toward the future industrial park, the HRA would match this amount from their reserve funds. WolfatAler added that the budget needs to also include a reimbursement for the funds used to purchase land in 1996 for the wastewater treatment plant. Also included in the proposed 1997 budget was a request by the Monticello Community Partners (MCP) that the City Council include $35,000 in the annual budget to help fund their program. Bob Bowen, Chair of the MCP, stated that the MCP has been focused on establishment of the organization and has been working with City staff and City commissions. They hopo to him a project manager that Page 1 0 Special Council Minutes - 9/9/96 would be responsible for coordinating the MCP groups. Bowen reported that a community workshop was scheduled for September 17, 1996, and the Council was invited to attend. After discussion, it was the consensus of Council that $35,000 would remain in the 1997 budget for the MCP, and the Council would finalize a contribution amount between $25,000 and $35,000 at a future workshop. It was also the consensus of the Council that rather than establish a 3 -year pledge to the MCP at this time, the MCP representatives should return to the Council annually to request future funds. After reviewing the proposed capital outlay items for 1997, Mayor Fyle requested that the $6,000 amount allotted in the sewer department for biosolids farm improvements be increased to $10,000. In addition, the City Administrator reported that the anticipated OSHA reimbursement for the boom anti -fall device may not be received, which would increase that portion of the sewer capital outlay to $3,700. It was noted by Councilmember Perrault that the two cellular phones proposed for the building inspection department wouid most likely be closer to $1,000 rather than $600. Council also discussed parks and pathway maintenance, and Councilmember Herbst suggested that the City discuss ways to lessen the amount of park maintenance currently required. In addition, Council discussed whether to install "no snowmobile" signs along the pathway or whether the pathway should be cleared of snow during the winter months to help deter snowmobiles from using and damaging the pathway. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY TOM PERRAULT TO ADOPT A MAXIMUM TAX LEVY OF $3,059,550, A 3% INCREASE OVER 1996. Motion carried unanimously. SEE RESOLUTION 96-39. It was the consensus of Council to schedule a special meeting for the purpose of conducting a public hearing on 1997 budget adoption for Wednesday, December 4, 1996, at 5 p.m., and also Wednesday, December 11, 1996, at 5 p.m., for the public hearing continuation date and/or final adoption of the 1997 budget. Thero being no further discussion, the special meeting was adjourned. Karen Doty Office Manager Page 2 O MINUYPES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, September 9, 1998.7 p.m. Members Present: Brad Fyle, Shirley Anderson, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf, Tom Perrault Members Absent: None A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY TOM PERRAULT TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING FIELD AUGUST 26 AND THE REGULAR MEETING HELD AUGUST 26, 1996, AS WRITTEN. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Consideration of aciing it_mpi iv die agenL. ■ ..: ..• ■ =- City Engineer Bret Weiss reported that on September 4, Ron Bray and Chuck Rickert of WSB and Assistant Administrator Jeff O'Neill met with several MN/DOT representatives at the District Office in Baxter to discuss the upcoming Highway 26/Chelsea Road project. The purpose of the meeting was to update MN/DOT on the public involvement process, as well as to discuss the potential interchange reconfiguration alternatives (Option 4). Weiss explained that Options 4A, 4B, 4C, and 41) were developed after discussions were held with local business owners. After reviewing these four alternatives, MN/DOT felt that Option 4C had some potential for approval and Option 4D was acceptable. Both options included loop ramps lending to 1.94 and would eliminate the current signals on the overpass. Weiss noted that MN/DOT preferred Option 41), which was also the option that would most likely be approved by the Federal Highway Administration. The looping proposed in Options 41) and 4C is not currently in the holding package for the project; however, Weiss noted that if the City would upfront the cost of the looping, MN/DOT would enter an agreement with the City for reimbursement. Weiss stated that in the meantime, the City should continue with selecting an alternative for the Chelsea Road extension project. Page 1 O Council Minutes - 9/9/96 B. Consideration of C angp PDQ ash_ 1 Request #4 for the primarydieester cover replacement at the wastewater treatment pt n .i y_Eniec 93-14C. - Public Works Director John Simola reported that during the demolition of the old primary digester cover, it was determined that it was not practical to use an old drip trap which removes moisture from the methane gas lines and that an additional se, -nent trap was necessary. In addition, it was necessary to install an additional gas valve in the gas line coming from the primary digester. Gridor Construction Inc. proposed to perform the additional work for $7,740; however, Simola noted they were still negotiating, and he requested that Council approve the additional work at a cost not to exceed $7,740. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERBST AND 9RCONDFII BY BRIAN STI IMPF TO APPROVE CHANGE ORDER N4 TO GRIDOR CONSTRUCTION INC FOR AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $7,740 FOR THE INSTALLATION OF A SEDIMENT TRAP, DRIP TRAP, AND VALVING. Motion carried unanimously. C. Consideration of transfer of rornaininzy seven months_ of cmrb Be pick- up igup contract from Vasko Rubbish Removal to SuMrior Services and authorization to advertise for bids for next year contract be 'nnina April 1. 1997. Public Works Director John Simola stated that he recently learned that Vasko Rubbish Removal sold their St. Cloud operation to Superior Services on August 1, 1996, as Vasko has limited their main operations to the twin ©ties area. Superior Services owns the landfill previously known as the Yonak Landfill and the Forest City Road Landfill located on County Road 37. Although Superior Services has taken over the hauling of the garbage, the City only has a bond, insurance, and contract with Vasko. Since the contract may not be assigned without the written consent of the City, it appeared to be in the best interest of the City to transfer the remaining months of the contract to Superior Services and then advertise for bids. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY SHIRLEY ANDERSON TO AUTHORIZE TRANSFER OF THE REMAINING SEVE MONTHS OF THE CITY'S CONTRACT WITH VASKO TO SUPERIOR SERVICES, AND AUTHORIZE CITY STAFF TO PREPARE SPECIFICATIONS FOR GARBAGE SERVICES AND ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR A NEW 3 -YEAR CONTRACT EFFECTIVE APRIL 1, 1997, WITH A.N OPTION FOR FULLY AUTOMATED SERVICE. Motion carried unanimously. Page 2 Council Minutes - 9/9/96 It was the consensus of Council to add this item to the consent agenda. Citizens cornmpntatpefifinnq requpa .s.and Complaints. None. Consent agenda. A. Consideration ofapyrovine is .gym of an n9en burning permit - Homecomine Wepkactivities. Recommendation: Authorize an open burning permit to be issued to the Monticello High School for Homecoming Week activities on Wednesday, October 2. B. Co aiders ion of approving a 2 -day tes=r= beer li s - C ._ H rv'a Sh .rrh Foil F ativnl. Recommendation: Approve issuance of a 2 - day temporary beer license to St. Henry's Church. A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY TOM PERRAULT TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS RECOMMENDED. Motion carried unanimously. Consideration of items removed from the congent aepn a for discussion. None. Consideration of aut_horizingropnirs to parking lot and storm sewer at the Seninr Citizen building, City Administrator Rick Wolfsteller reported that the Senior Citizen Board has requested that the City consider constructing improvements to the south side of the senior citizen parking area where a problem with water ponding has been experienced. After reviewing the situation, City staff felt the only solution would be to install a small segment of storm sewer and then re -pave the parking area. The cost for the improvements was estimated to be between $3,000 and $5,000, and it was anticipated that funds would be budgeted in 1997. Gladys Bitzer, Chair of the Senior Citizen Board of Directors, requested that the City perform the improvements this fall. She noted that the formation of ice creates a very dangerous situation for seniors, particularly at the bus drop-off and pickup nrea near the south door Page 3 a Council Minutes - 9/9/96 Mayor Fyle suggested that the City consider installing concrete to level out the sagging areas of the parking area rather than installing storm sewer. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY SHIRLEY ANDERSON AND SECONDED BY CLINT HERBST TO AUTHORIZE REPAIRS TO THE PARKING LOT AT THE SENIOR CITIZEN BUILDING THIS FALL AND OBTAIN QUOTES FOR EITHER CONCRETE OR ASPHALT AT A COST NOT TO EXCEED $5,000. Motion carried unanimously. City Administrator Rick Wolfsteller reported that the Central Minnesota Initiative Fund (CMIF) is a nonprofit, regional organization established 10 years ago and serves 14 counties of central Minnesota. The primary funding source for the organization has been the McKnight Foundation, and its mission was to make grants and loans to various types of organizations in central Minnesota. Wolfsteller noted that two manufacturing businesses received business loans for gap financing as part of their expansion projects in Monticello. CMIF requested that the City commit to a 3 -year contribution totaling $7,939.60, which is equivalent to $1.60 per capita. Although $1.60 per capital was their initial request, it appeared that the organization would be open to other contribution levels as well. Wolfsteller explained that the CMIF representative wasn't able to attend the Council meeting but could attend the next regular Council meeting. A MOTION WAS MADE BY TOM PERRAULT TO TABLE CONSIDERATION OF CONTRIBUTING FUNDS TO THE CMIF UNTIL THE SEPTEMBER 23 COUNCIL MEETING. Motion died for lack of a second. Council discussed the contribution amounts of other communities and counties, and it was noted that perhaps the counties should contribute larger amounts than individual municipalities. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRAD FYLE AND SECONDED BY CLINT HERBST TO CONTRIBUTE $1,000 TO THE CENTRAL MINNESOTA INITIATIVE FUND. Motion carried unanimously. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Karen Doty Office Manager Page 4 0 Council Agenda - 9/23/96 3A- VDdate on wastewater treatment plant expansion cost savings study. (1.5.) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the August 26, 1996 Council Meeting, HDR reviewed the estimated cost of the proposed expansion of the wastewater treatment plant with Staff and Council. The project was approximately $2,000,000 over previous estimates, going from approximately $10,000,000 to S 12,000,000. The City Council voted to request that City Staff and PSG go back and work with HDR to lower the cost of the project to bring it mre in line with the original estimate. After reviewing the plans for a few days, City Staff, representatives from PSG and Council Member, Tom Perrault, met with HDR to go over items that would reduce the cost of the project. Our goal was to reduce the cost of the project but maintain the scope of the project, its integrity, its operability, its maintainability and the enhancements regarding odor control and tree planting that we promised the neighbors we would do. We made several small changes and deleted small pieces of equipment that were not absolutely necessary. We reached a cost savings of 5459,870. Some finishes in buildings were changed, we deleted the steel roof in favor of asphalt roofing, deleted a portion of the parking lot and retaining walls that could be built after a demonstrated need was evident, deleted some storm sewer as recommended by Bret Weiss, and deleted the large enclosure around the generator. By deleting the 3% contingencies on the savings and the 15% engineering fee on the savings, we come to a total savings of $555,293, or about 28% of the over -budget. A list of the specific items and their values are enclosed for your review. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: The first alternative is to approve the new estimated cost of $11,455,000 and authorize the plans to be revised to show those cost savings, and authorize HDR to bid the project out at an estimated cost of bidding of $85,000 as indicated in the agenda item at the August 26, 1996 meeting. The second alternative would be to go back to the drawing board for another two weeks and try to increase the cost savings by another run through the plans and specifications. The third alternative would be offer HDR engineering fees based upon their original estimate of 510,000,000, rather than engineering fees on the $11,455,000. This would save us approximately 5218,000 in engineering fees, or possibly negotiate engineering fees someplace in between. Council Agenda - 9/23/96 City Staff consisting of City Administrator and myself are concerned about the overruns in the estimate as it is quite possible that the bid prices may even be higher. Rick and myself favor alternatives #2 or #3 to try to get closer to HDR's nriginal estimated cost for the Project. Design cost revisions from HDR C No. Ceryr• 1 F•Mlw •rtlm.. aw Iti rMmr erMrer I • a.r• ee M •+a•MN w rwb. rar.r• I 2 r!orr•...a•.a.awrre•nMr I 0 ff o wY •a.nm A eMMrr h ea.w i ee.Mr I ti•wr — r.swwe. wa to n) rwrM,.w. •n I —CA •" ee.rr . a raku..rrxn.rre•w Q tae. Merbnr.arMrtaw.w•w.•a+w« I ¢ e••+M. ta.e at,.n nw+.owa esw. I 7 vMr.as.e�gk•a•aMkw.r•e tart. I ra..••aM I 0 •ir�Mr ..rMar auM•e) w C—•re• I p C— M .e.•n •rr W "to— 0~ I 1Q LOC. 1 -Tr. M w I -"-•r wr.w. ••� a Mr•r 1ww neo Yr•r 1.M M N R•+. p 1 Cea. nrt a.w.r+m w enrrM w.rM 1] •e.ta•e • tr.r..rn nee. a.w.nae I • C.w•w rnr• w r.ar. I e eww.vrmwr,nn. I a arww .Mr w •.rn ari I • er.e.+ rn. w rrwr iq I I, a•1.110MM M.aw1. aw I•bN>) I a w..ee. MA w.rkr. f. eM.w aaN11 I n. a.r•r. r.r..M, r. r•wr.aa rw, I � o.or. rrrM •.r. ns .w n•or arrM. I � wu+•. rr arr•wr rw nrer..Mna I L Oww• s.w r•r4• rrn w ••w rh I 1I1wM rkh I w •reer•w•C a•w1•.+r rw I .. �rw. wrk ar,w•Me•w+yMa.•nrr. an•a •.dr.ir•Mm Mrk.er�rareq r; 1 0. stews Mreeo cua on.eu• w r.rw r REVISE2.XO Design Cost Revisions Wastewater Treatment Facilities Monticello, MN Eatinwod Sevinpa Nanhoun coammu ($75 0001 I� �1 1920.720) 1 $0 addw-varnom cog for •ddadne) bond V- (14990) -({;440) 1 1$1.5001 3 110001 $b00 i0 1 ($2.2501 1 Ilia Oro) 2 pMMLrban-m dacusaan M,Ih Bldg Code oMal )9511,091 1 PUralkn 1$1 9501 7 1.00 I 1 $,.aro 2 Ij)7.5Q0) 40 tx to*s Ar& 0wna 13a Frdan 13h 11122NI (tipDo) 3 III NM 1{.950) R s 1$11$000) 2 )700 q 01 r•taaarq was w0 2 k¢Uaaa M 13n Papa 1 Br2am flo Design Cost Revisions Wastewater Treatment Facilities Monticello, MN No. t.••e•• EsIbmtod Savinn. Manhoun C-1. 1t lrm•r•n • n.•w r mw. •.c.r •.r, 5 .w V" 1 f 7.0001 2 •P4Mhw. wt•aar•vler�a Ow•rr $o 1 To Dq, pwggd by O1 •. o•.•a•ar•.omro+nwat�a.r twe so 1 W-Xded In 14o 15 I...>.en. 1'r•••r•mn.wwc.wrwl.l (S30000) 2 el•rw•rrs•rr rl•a... (l2,o0o1 2 Orr• ao..r w.nw r rr Imirin (6.5001 2 grr.lvrtlbtlllr.n nalwl (520.000) 1 1 0 ton uoea v I I1r•[.• 1••urrn SO 3 Inw n•.•w rrww b r wr• T U1ewn P.009 2 I P•wM .Nr pN n •�•.M rw•. tO W rvN• 131111 i'S-I 1 Orr. r.•r,e .r. rs. u.• root amw. I$ 10 000) , u•trrlwn {5950) 2 nrww w w wr n.r. Uwl awr rw ($2.bo01 �t B_ o.w. •r. •elwl, rww -V n wE"— EN _ _($70 700j_ _2_ 17 0. n 1' b CM a•<u+— ($49,000) 1 CV3101, CV3201 wd CV 3302 I 10 Ds.»ms�rnnwr Trw Ma.uw 1$19001 I iB yea Ir•.nr r 1�.Irin a nwrr rrri•ra I 1«r IYtn•.• In•rwM•\ $Q 1 21] u•• Lw•• tw writ Gnn w.. lt 20- lT Pres" r+ a 111 w coli for hb 11m 21 orw [IwvbflOeM1r MMt•r•In Wrl IS3000o) 7 (f 17 000) 733011?• RCP lard 2 WMh 23 nw•.•tsnrrr 7r to rw 1$3,0001 4 TM ($4580701 BB RMa2 XL0 Ppe 2 Council Agenda - 9/23/96 5A. Consideration of final navment on Proiect 093.04C. Public Works Expansion. Phase . Q.S.) g.REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Public Works Phase 11 Expansion has been substantially complete for some time. There has been a great deal of difficulty in getting Shingobee's subcontractors back to finish up small portions of the project and receive the proper warranties on the building and equipment. We now have but a few small items to settle to make final payment. Consequently, we would like the Council to approve the final payment based upon those conditions. The original contract with Shingobee Builders, Inc. For the Public Works Facility was $383,750. Change Order #1 previously approved, amounted to $2,265; Change Order 1l2, parts of which were previously approved, amounted to an additional cost of $1,296. With both change orders together, the total addition was $3,561; making the total contract $387,31 !. Shingobee Builders has been paid 5363,045.02 to date, leaving a balance of $24,265.98. The following is a list of items yet to be completed: I. Labeling of the electrical switch gear and breakers. 2. Inspaxion of the existing rubber roof system to verify that foot traffic from the Phase 11 project did not damage the old roof. 3. Credit for deleting a lawn sprinkling water line. 4. Credit for relocation of a sewer cleanout. 5. Installing wall plaques for operating instructions for the heating and ventilation systems. 6. Delivery of four spare 6" thick filters for the wash/paint bay. The first altanative is to authorize final payment to Shingobee Builders for the Public Works Phase II Expansion in the amount of $24,265.98 pending completion of the above items. 2. The second alternative is not to make final payment to Shingobee builders at this time. f).Z Ial g ava 0 Lm It is the reocim eridation of the Public Works Director and architect, Doug Wild from OSM, that the City authorize final payment to Shingobee Builders as outlined in alternative MI. J). SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of Mal payment request including Change Order 02, APPLICATION Alm CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT PAGE 1 To. OSM PROM. tN10GD0EE GUILDERS INC SM Vaysmta Slyd 0100 PRWECT: APPLICATION NO: 6 Mets, MNL SSA16-1221 PERIOD FNOh 11/01/95 TOl 12122M ,l ARGITILT-I R1Errl0N. OW4 Vita CWMACT FOR: NornipLto Public Wks Aml1 PttWECT ND: 9506 CONTRACT DATE: 02/27/9! .............................................. ............................................................................ CCIXTRACTOR'1 APPLICATION FDR PAYMENT 0104101 ORDER SLMUT CURRENT STATUS ......................................... ........................................ r2D1T1=2 OE=T:CUS ORIOIMAL CONTRACT SUM 507!0.00 NET OF CNWE ORDERS 3%1.00 TOTAL PREVIOUS 2265.00 0.00 COIT*T SUIT TO DAYS 1117111.00 ......................................... TOTAL WMKUTCD AND STORED 1117171.00 IETAT;NAGE: ComLETM WMX STORM MATERIAL THIS PERIOD TOTAL RETAINAGE O.00 ........... TOM (ARNED Llt1 RSTAINAM 707111.00 LWiPRIVIOUS CER1?I1'ICATES 761045.02 C0 / DATE CURRENT PAYMENT DUE 2426S.t1D ............... BALANCE • RETAIUMOI 0.00 C.�!' 3D/DS :293.00 ......................................... . TOTALS • 3$61.OD 0.00 IRT CKAN6! 5561.00 STATI 01: COUNTY CIF. THE UNDERSIGNED CONTRACTOR CERTIFICS THAT to T4 UST OF NIS KNDVLEDGS SL' UMMED AND SWORN TO SEFORS NO TNIS YMftOf AND IELICF TKE WORK COVIRM IT THIS APPLICATION FOR DAT of , 19 ._.NT NAS BEEN fOUGPU.ETED IN ACCOMAHCE WITH TWE CONTRACT DM- NOTMY FIRLIC: MINTS, TKAT ALL AMOUNTS HAVE 11111 PAID IT NIH FOR WORK TO WNICK MT CONlltal 1 Sm PREVIOUS CERTIFICATES IN PAYMENT IAIE ISSM AND PAYNINTS RECEIVED ntba TNS OWNER, AND THAT CURRENT PAYMENT SWAN KIRIIN 11 NOW UIS. CONT 1Yt ........... D.......71. �_ jq r•/l AACKIT -1 CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT AMOUNT CERTIFIED...............1 In etto a With the Contract DOCUMMtR, bused M on-site !Attach OtplaMtlnll It ampt corilflill differs observations and the data comprising the above Application, from #1�'p=AyOlo l .) the Architect certifies to the Rimmer that to the beat of the MCNI 4chltect's knOwledpe, Information and betlef the Vork has proSre/oed u indluted, the quallty of the York 16 in ryIData acterdance with Me Contract Donowts, and the Contractor Thb not nspot Obla. ih AIRUJNt Is entitled to POVWT of the AMOUNT [ENTIFIED. CERTIonly to the Contractor nosed hereln. Imams. povwmt and acceptance of payment are MlMgit prejudice to Ary rights of the Chom or Contractor uder this Contract. SrfT SEP -20-1990 1027 P.04 CONTINUAT16M MET APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE FOR PATIOIMT PAGE 2 MOST: ENIMOOEEE BUILDERS Inc APPLICATION RPM: 6 IOr OSM PROJECT: APPLICATION DATE: 06/!0/96 5775 1Jeytate Blvd IM MAT991AL MICO Ft01: 11/01/91 opts. Ion SSA16-1220 CONTRACT FOR: Monticello "Ito Wks Ackit TO. 12/22/97 .� TN1s AMMITECTrt PRORCT Not 9506 A B C 0 E F 0 M 1 ............................................................................................................................ HORN COi4ITED ........................ . r TOTAL MAT991AL Cow IT90 CAT M9DIAED PREVIOO TN1s PRESENTLY AIM RTOIED % Nuuq a N0. DESCRIPTION OF WORK VALUE APPLICATION[$ PERIOD grow TO DATE COW. TO FIRISM RETAINAGE .................................................................................................................................. 1000 Gen Ceditton-Mobilization %775.00 36371.00 0.00 0.00 36775.OD •100 0.00 0. JV 1100 Closeout 13354.00 12606.30 637.70 0.00 13354.00 100 0.00 0.00 2050 select Oeso 2360.00 2]60.00 0.00 0.00 2360.00 100 0.00 0.00 2200 Earthwork 3M.00 3600.00 0.00 0.00 3800.00 100 0.00 0.00 3200 Concrete/Masonry $2158.00 62158.00 0.00 0.00 . 82t58.00 100 0.00 0.00 $500 Meal Fabrication 31066.00 31066.00 0.00 0.00 31066.00 100 0.00 0.00 MOO tough Carpentry 9759.00 9750.00 0.00 0.00 9750.00 100 0.00 0.00 6410 Casework 1591.00 1591.00 0.00 0.00 1591.00 too 0.00 0.00 7532 hest. R004 31400.00 11400.00 0.00 0.00 31400.00 too 0.00 0.00 79110 it tellers 1650.00 1650.00 0.00 0.00 1650.00 100 0.00 0.00 0110 HIMAR/Fa/Marda" 8073. 00 $075.00 0.00 0.00 $073.00 100 0.00 0.00 MCI ON uoors 4934.00 4954.00 0.00 0.00 4954.00 too 0.00 0.00 0400 All Entrances E Ylydws 1SM.OD 13900.00 0.00 0.00 13900.00 100 0.00 0.00 SM Skyl Ighte 16108.00 16100.00 0.00 0.00 16108.00 100 0.00 0.00 9250 Oypsus Wallboard MGM 6550.00 0.00 0.00 65SO.OD log 0.00 CAD 9300 Tile S321.011 5325.00 0.00 0.00 1323.00 too 0.00 0.00 9310 CeII Ime 1790.00 1790.00 0.00 0.00 1790.00 100 0.00 0.00 '0 Resilient Flooring I Carpet 2256.00 2236.00 0.00 0.00 2256.00 100 0.00 0.00 JO Painting 10707.00 10187.00 0.00 0.00 10107.00 100 0.00 0.00 10000 $peel4ltte, 1915.00 1911.00 0.00 0.00 1915.00 100 0.00 0.00 15000 Maehanlcal 61893.00 60698.35 3194.65 0.00 63$91.00 100 0.00 0.00 15300 Fire protection 7500.00 1300.00 0.00 0.00 7500.00 100 0.00 0.00 16000 Electrical 23795.00 25795.00 0.00 0.00 23794.00 100 0.00 0.00 .................................................................................................................................. SUDTOTAL - ODIOINAI CONTRACT 383750.00 379887.65 58".15 .... ............................................................... 0.00 3$3730.00 100 0.00 0.00 ............................................................... ORANGE ORDERS. 1••Change Order 01 2265.00 2263.00 0.00 0.00 2261.00 100 0.00 0.00 2 Change Order 02 1296.00 0.00 1296.00 0.00 1296.00 IOD 0.00 0.00 .................................................................................................................................. . SUBTOTAL - CNAMOE ORDERS .................................................................................................................................. 3561,00 2263.00 1296.00 0.00 3561.00 100 0.00 0.00 .................................................................................................................................. . • -4 TOTALS - - .................................................................................................................................. 387311.00 132112.65 /158.15 0.00 187311.00 100 0.00 0.00 . r I SEP -20-19% 10:27 CHANGE om-aR ORDER CT CONTR CTOR a AIA DOCUMENT G701 OOTR TH ER C) PROJECT: Public Works Department (n2=-addrcss)City of Monticello, MN To CONTRACTOR: Shingobee Builders (mme,addrew) 279 North Medina Street P.O. Box 6 Loretto, MN 55357 The Cow= a chuWd as foaows P.05 CHAYGE ORDER NUMBER: Two DATE: June 7, 1996 ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: 5088.10 CoNTRAcr DATE: February 27, 1995 CONTRACT FOR: General, Mechanical, and Electrical Construction 1: Crddit Tor water service extension by Owner (283.00) 2. Credit for skylight liners (200.00) 3. RBvise sink at kitchen 191.00 4. Add reinforcing to bond beam 325.00 5. Fire insulation at north wall of maintenance 250.00 F. Revise exit light locations 190.00 7. Provide three phase starter for washbay exhaust 718.00 g. Relocate switch in salt / send shed 105.00 TOTAL ADDITIONAL COST 81,296.90 Refer to the attached for additional information. Nim VW Until dWod by do owner. Afwdd M fd Contractor. The odgtital(Cance=Sum) (G..aiwsdNod MOOM)we........................� 3A3,750.00 Net ChzlgC by pwevou* VAhotlmd Cbasge Orden ... ........................... r 2, 263.00 The (Canaan SUM)( o�teeeeMea�=>pAw m ft Chu a Order wo .......... E 386, 015.00 The (Cantron Sum) (Gwaawerd Mmwsftlrtw) WM be N+s'nnem (dtinmrd) (wmdungeM by ase Ch=W Orde m dw ammmr of ............................ r 1.296.00 The new (ComwSum) (CwrtmreNftxMMao4wsa)kd000gthhchx eorWwlbo,..6 387,311.00 The Cana=T(mewwbe("=Xd)(dWV=eM(.tdt.t d)br zero ( 0 )dsir The due of sueamda! Completion u of the due a fft Clmage orft dsewefine Is unchanged :NTH: Thr BOUMY dM row reeeo dwwp N wM Cmvan Am Qwuw Tbr or Gummfeee Nt wn Prim wWrh hm barn asMormcd M QnmucWn Chore DWOM. ssoclates. [n4. Shlnnobbee Rullders ;JI of Montieello MAO00MIAC10R OVM A 300 Perk Place East, 279 North Mediga Street 25A Egst Broadwa y AmmV-�l o Boulevard A�P.O. Box 4 *Ala=P ()( BOX 115Ri62 1ATs/___lSG— .11 - ZVQb DAn a& am ami mw • ou Gs onom . tar wmcm • NM • Dime • fl0 ANIMCAn ntrrrMll ea► AMoreefl. ms :QV WVZ An. ha, VANDIGT 1, ore Wmr 01/0�1'�1M1 VAM800 kbawmr Mewwroft W@Wn ul embed r awe Y rngwn 10 ftW wnwnrnw S� V TOTrL P.05 Council Agenda - 9/23/96 ,.: T - T-1 (T-- •1 1 I V 1 1 1I 1 Mr. Sandip Bhakte, dba GAGA Corporation, is in the process of purchasing the Comfort Inn Motel and Treehouse Lounge from Robert Eidsvold. As part of the transfer of ownership, Mr. Bhakte has applied for the on -sale liquor license to be transfered to his new corporation. City ordinances require that a public hearing be held on the issuance of an on -sale liquor license; and although this is just a transfer from one name to another, our ordinance does not distinguish between whether a public hearing is only necessary for licenses issued to new locations or whether it's required for a transfer. In order to be consistent with past practice, a notice has been published in the Monticello Time indicating the Council would hold a public hearing Monday night to consider the transfer. A background check has been completed on Mr. Bhakte by the Wright County Sheriff's Office, and there was no information available from this background investigation that would prohibit Mr. Bhakte from obtaining the license. As a final note, the license transfer should be contingent upon Mr. Bhakte providing proper proof of liability insurance coverage. I After the close of the public hearing, the Council could approve the e�transfer of the current on -sale liquor license for the Comfort Inn/ gs Treehouse Lounge to Mr. Sandip Bhakte, dba GAGA Corporation. Under this alternative, the license application will be submitted to the Liquor Control Division for approval along with the required vmtificate of liability insurance. Do not authorize the liquor license transfer. Since this is simply a transfer of ownership for the motel and its associated lounge, and the background check did not turn up any information that would prohibit Mr. Bhakto from obtaining the license, the staff can find no reason to deny the transfer. Since this is a public hearing, the Council may receive additional public input on which to base its action. Copy of license application. CITY OF MONTICELLO LICENSE APPLICATION This application is being submitted for the following license(s): Set-up license _ Off -sale, non -intoxicating liquor On -sale, intoxicating liquor _ On -sale, wine On -sale, non-intnxicnting liquor _ On -sale, wine/3.2 beer ` Applicant Name: SQ -n i Q - C- d ha K Phone: '7,!9j-973_'7 C.P.foRAma.o nf�F/�,E; 6A&Fi Co pw.,t'iak Applicant Address: 3 E *71 Pe- f -f 6 I A-41- N& MUGS ^fir S wv- Social Security #: 1-+g-14- SI ' 3917 Date of Birth: �4 _611 Driver's License #: ri - 230 - 7S S - IIS - 4 2,5'- Business .SBusiness Name: rnyn'o7t Tzjc Hol;5E. UQCRi. Business Address: 200 Business Phone: t" Ix - 29 b ^ 111 Lusiaess M #: ��T•.�• a s.L_ ` mof2 Describe nature of business operation If Corporation: Officers: Oar di P C • R i,� Kit, • iY� SAIIF>,VTI S - 131w'L1ta. Sa Director's: Do you or does your corporation, partnership, etc., currently hold any license allowing the We of wine, intoxicating liquor, non -intoxicating liquor, or set-ups? _ Yea _,Y, No If yes. Name of Business: Business Address: Business Phone: Typo of Liconse: Years Held: LIQLICAPP:I0/SR8 w References: X= Addresn Phony Number Pt :S Ccs 51 i, --- Credit ,---Credit References (list at least one bank you do business with): Addresn `I e Phone Number Sit[ lia.nr (1'� ynty r P. r+'n+�"•`n 7n �a+afi OK ftj• E�2. 4E7-�313 Amount of investment, excluding land � oov — (only applicants for on -sale, intoxicating liquor must provide this information) Have you ever been convicted of a felony or of violating the National Prohibition Act or any state law or ordinance relating to manufacture or transportation of intoxicating liquors? MO I declare that the above information is ;Acaplialt e d correct to the beat of my knowledge. Date of Application Signature rrarrrrrrrrrrrsrrsrrrrrrrrrr►rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr►rrrrrrrrrr►rpararrrrr Mor City Use Only) Surety Bond Liquor Liability Insurance Certificate / Application Fee / 1 [ License Fee �,� q c -o r � n.f�. �p . r.,i /( ,�„ ,a�....•r T7 ar c� /l!s(� . Sheri, Wright County Mayor Date City Administrator Date LIquCAM. 10/9188 Council Agenda - 9/23/96 Consideration of a variance request to the rear yard setback Mi .ireempnt. ApLp meant, Bondhing CoMaration- (J.O.) A. RFFFRFNCE AND BACKGROUND: John Bondhus requests a variance to the 40 -ft rear yard setback requirement for parcels located in the I-1 zone. This variance request is similar to the request approved in 1989. The current request calls for an extension of the existing building line at the current 3 -ft setback for a length of 179 ft. As you'll note on the attached meeting minutes from the Planning Commission meeting in June 1989, the original variance request was granted based on the finding that the variance will not result in a depreciation of adjoining land values and due to the infrequency of use of the Burlington Norther railway. B_ ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the variance request based on the same finding determined in 1989. Also, due to the unique shape of the parcel, it is not possible to obtain reasonable use of the property for I-1 purposes without a variance. 2. Motion to deny the variance request based on the finding that the original variance was granted for a relatively short stretch. The additional wall length will triple the length of the wall covered by the vanance granted in 19119. it could be argued that the railroad may not be getting much use today, but in the future there may be intense use along this corridor. r ST FF F .O MF.NDATION: Staff recommends that the variance be granted as requested due to the fact that a precedent exists with the variance granted in 1989; and due to the narrowness of the lot, it is very difficult to obtain functional use of the available property without a variance. It is our view that the unique situation relating to the narrowness of the lot creates a hardship that can be used to blunt precedent. Copy of site plan; Copy of Planning Commission minutes of 8/6/89. Planning Commission Minutes — 6/6/89 Public hearing - A variance request to allow a buildinn addition to be built within the aloe yarn setbact requirement. Appil ant, Bonahus Corporation. Bandhus Corporation was represented by Mr. John Bondhus, owner of the Bondhus Corporation, and Mr. Dick Van Allen. Zoning Administrator, Gary Anderson, indicated to the Planning Commission members the location of the proposed variance request as shown on the easel in front of the Planning Ccmmission membere. Mr. van Allen indicated that in talking with the gentleman from Burlington Northern Railroad, they do not have a problem with a building being extended out to within three feet of their property line and would also have no objection to constructing a roadway to go around the building also. Mr. Van Allen, along with Mr. Bondhus, then explained the use of the proposed new facility, that being a heat treat facility: and instead of the 10 -foot aide wall height that is in their existing building, the new building would need an 18 -foot side wall height to accommodate the new heat treat equipment to be installed within this addition. Problems with locating this addition on another part of their building would be that they would encounter moving of the main transformer which provides the electricity to this building and also capping an existing well and drilling another well. With no further input from the public, Chairrerson Richard Carlcon then closed the public hearing and opened the meeting for input from the Planning Commission members. Nearing no further input from the Planning Commission members, motion was made by Richard Martie, seconded by Mori Malone, to approve the variance request to allow a building addition to be built within the aide yard setback requirement. The motion carried unanimously, with Dan McCbnnon absent. Reason for granting the variance request: The Burlington Northern Railroad has no intense use of the existing railroad an the tracks which go by this proposed variance request, not would there be any impairment on the neighborhood, that being the Burlington Northern railroad or the neighboring properties wnien are adjacent to this variance request. This is also not contrary to the intent of the ordinance. 0 `t WRIGHT co. HWY. NO. 1S `1 <j ,,coo wy Naw ar R. -Am. 7 M �svaa.l►+'Km rwe Twee G �-� Y.cwaro " � isocc _� ±OR ��� wN �. fgr•wwy N.w f " M w ° ^�gITE PLAN w OX TING OaLLO/twc. g 9 t ed f N � ty —nEttt tOA k ►.�— ' AOMITION iy mX gw ASL. ftr �10a'4. 143%ID"SII�Y"ehow wa a•Ta>tito p1�TtAlf ��T y pµA rjIMI1N0 Y��� d%*t! C MTAMO �1PY TMS A tMCT ANY ac E AMCICB. g1pT E•GV. '00& WSW c#w pA4CRL elu� A e'r 6t.6V. RCC"AR » -AfidCAov P $ pJ(JICAT66 Cxwfc. YAN AC4'a49I�La I i osw 6W, TO TOTAL n 06 tYM6 A:W AU. SL&On*44 tlw) TYVtGL RAu, Ota - 1'9 19' QNO" ME So OF "MAVr.OaLb�* NOTep• Council Agenda - 9/23/96 11 1'•:•111 11\1 :1 h' 111'1 1'./1 ,1 1 M' • :1: hl 7 • 1 �A\I 1 'L' 11• • A. 1ZFE12RNCE AND BACKGROUND: This agenda item is addressed both to the City Council and the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission is meeting immediately prior to the City Council meeting to discuss this matter. At a recent meeting of the City Council, a request to establish a new zoning district (B -3A) was denied. This request would have enabled the development of the mini -lube facility as requested by Investors Together. At the came meeting, on a 3-2 vote, the City Council called for a public hearing on a request to amend the zoning ordinance to allow auto maintenance facilities as a conditional use in the P7.M zone. This is the same request made by Investors Together back in May 1996. Two weeks ago, Investors Together made a request for a conditional use permit and associated variance to the buffer yard ordinance. Please note that the ordinance amendment called for on a 3-2 vote by the City Council cannot be adopted without a 4-1 vote; therefore, one of the two Council members generally opposed to the development of a mini -lube facility at this location must change their vote in order for this item to be approved, Attached is a report from Northwest Associated Consultants regarding the definition of auto maintenance facilities and the implications of establishing auto maintenance activities as a conditional use in the PZM zone. This report was written in May of 1996 specifically for the initial request by Investors Together. You will note that certain portions of the report are deleted. The sections deleted pertain to a request by Investors Together to allow minor auto repair at this site. Investors Together has withdrawn this request; therefore, the sections of Northwest Associated Consultant's report that pertain to this subject have been deleted. In their conditional use request, Investors Together is requesting that the auto lube facility include an area for auto detailing and cleaning, which could be construed as an expansion of the car wash activity. However, auto maintenance facilities can be defined relatively broadly; therefore, this additional activity is being requested under the current conditional use permit request for the permission to operate the auto maintenance facility. Council Agenda - 9/23/96 DECISION 1- CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST TO AMEND THE ZONING ORDINANCE BY ALLOWING AUTO MAINTENANCE ACTIVITY AS A CONDITIONAL USE IN THE PZM ZONE Motion to approve allowing auto maintenance facilities as a conditional use in the PZM zone. Motion is based on the finding that auto maintenance facilities with conditions identified in the planner's report are sufficient to ensure maintenance of the character and quality of PZM neighborhoods; therefore, the zoning ordinance amendment is consistent with the comprehensive plan for the city. Under this alternative, the City Council is comfortable that allowing this type of facility in the PZM district will not result in a proliferation of auto lube facilities in other more sensitive PZM areas. The City has recently received a request from an individual interested in developing an auto lube facility on PZM property directly across from the public works building on West County Road 39. It would appear that it would be quite difficult to block development of an oilAube facility at this site based on the precedent of allowing the Investors Together mini -lube site as proposed. As noted earlier by City staff and Steve Grittman, allowing this type of use in all PZM areas does not necessarily mean that the City must grant conditional use permit approval to every application. The City does have some authority to deny approval of conditional use permits in a PZM zone where it is clear that the facility proposed is not consistent with the neighborhood. An example of this would be the downtown location adjacent to single family residential homes in an area without direct access to the main road. It is likely that the City would prevail in denial of a conditional use permit at such a location. On the other hand, at a location such as directly across from the public works building, it is likely that an applicant desiring a conditional use permit for this type of facility would prevail. Motion to deny allowing auto ma-tenance facilities as a conditional use in the PZM zone. This motion could be based on the same finding used in May of 1998 which denied the zoning ordinance amendment duo to the finding that auto maintenance activity is not consistent with the purpose of the Council Agenda - 9/23/96 PZM zone and could result in a degradation of the character and nature of PZM areas; therefore, the use is inconsistent with the comprehensive plan. C. STAFF REVOMMFNDATtON - O DIN N .F. MEND F.NT: The zoning ordinance should have some flexibility to allow reasonable change to occur over time to the ordinance and its associated requirements. At the same time, there is a good reason why 4/5 vote of the Council is required before a zoning ordinance is allowed to change. It could be argued that unless there's an overriding or compelling reason to change the code, it probably makes sense to leave things as they are. In reviewing this case, Council needs to determine to what extent the code really needs to be changed and what are the risks associated with the change. If there is a risk of such a facility harming other properties in other PZM zones, then perhaps the zoning ordinance should stay as is. nRC� - CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST TO GRANT A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT ALLOWING AUTO MAINTENANCE FACILMES IN A PZM ZONE Attached is the site plan review that was prepared previously by Northwest Associated Consultants. The site plan has not changed appreciably to warrant preparation of a now report; however, it should be noted that sufficient parking space has been provided on a revised report, and Investors Together has indicated that they will provide any level of landscaping needed by the City to offset the setback deficiency to the buffer yard ordinance. Motion to approve conditional use permit allowing an auto maintenance facility in a PZM zone based on the finding that the use as proposed at this location and the proposed site design is consistent with the character and geography of the neighborhood. This alternative assumes that City Council has amended the ordinance to allow this type of use in this area in the first place. A motion to approve the conditional use permit would be based on a finding that the site plan and conditions as proposed are consistent with the neighborhood in which it's located. Motion to approve the conditional use permit is subject to the following conditions: Conditions identified in planners report. Removal of lot line separating Lots 3 and 4, Block 1, Macarlund Plaza. Approval of the variance to the buffer yard requirements. Council Agenda - 9/23198 This alternative also requires that the Council make the finding that the merging of the two lots does not sufficiently change the car wash site to justify amendments to the conditional use permit governing the car wash site. Motion to deny the conditional use permit allowing an auto maintenance facility in a PZM zone. C_ STAFF RE COMMENDATION - CONDITIONAL URF RPQIJEST: Staff recommends approval if the ordinance is changed to allow the facility DECISION R - CONSIDERATION of A VARIANCE TO THE BUFFER YARD REQUIREMENTS According to the buffer yard requirements code, there is a 40 -ft buffer yard requirement between the single family residential area and the auto maintenance structure. The site plan shows an 18 -ft separation; therefore, a variance of 22 ft is required. The applicant proposes to provide a combination of berming, fence, or landscaping necessary to create adequate buffer between the two uses. It is their view that the unique shape of the lot and the tight distance between front and rear lot lines established a unique situation that justifies a variance to the buffer yard requirements. Motion to approve the variance to the buffer yard requirement based on the finding that sufficient landscaping, fencing, and berming will be installed to accomplish the intent of the buffer yard ordinance, and the variance is justified based on the finding that a unique hardship exists associated with the shape of the property and that reasonable use of the property cannot be gained without a variance to this section of the code. Motion to deny the variance to the buffer yard ordinance. City Council could argue that the buffer yard ordinance is necessary to maintain a proper separation between residential and commercial sites and that a sufficient hardship has not been demonstrated. The applicant could reduce the size of the building in order to maintain the proper separation required by the buffer yard ordinance. Council Agenda - 9123196 yW1 y a 14 D11017,t„ I DINu: •, ti It is our view that a unique situation does exist with this situation in that the property is relatively narrow and that functional use of the property would be greatly diminished if the buffer yard ordinance was followed to the letter. As long as sufficient berming, landscaping, etc. can be installed to meet the intent of the buffer yard ordinance, it is our view that the variance should be granted. Investors Together Auto Maintenance Facility Chronology; Northwest Associated Consultant's report from May 1996, which includes the definition of auto maintenance activities and the ordinance amendment establishing auto maintenance facilities as a conditional use in a PZM zone; Copy of site plan; Conditions pertaining to establishment of the adjacent car wash facility. INVESTORS TOGETHER - AUTO MAINTENANCE FACILITY CHRONOLOGY Application Suo�gq� D= April 1996 Request: Investors Together request a zoning ordinance amendment which would allow Auto Maintenance facility as a Conditional use in a PZM zone. Action: Planning Commission recommended approval on a 4 to I vote. City Council denied based on finding that such a facility is not consistent with purpose of PZM zone. Council was concerned that it would be difficult to enforce the 'While you wait" requirement and it would open the door to similar facilities in other PZM areas. Also, this use was not considered to be consistent with the character of the PZM district. July 1996 Request: At the request of Investors Together, Planning Commission calls for a public hearing on creation of text amendments establishing a new zoning district (113A) which would allow Auto Maintenance Facility as a conditional use. The Planning Commission also cal' 4 for a zoning map amendment which would identify the 113A zoning district location. Investors together applied for the associated conditional use permit. Action: Planning Commission recommended denial of establishment of a 133A the new district based on the finding that current code provides sufficient number of cormnercial zoning districts - creating another district to satisfy this particular interest is therefore not appropriate. City Council voted 3-2 in favor of the zoning ordinance amendment but request fails due to the need for a 4 - 1 vote. Council then voted 3-2 to call for a public hearing bring the item back as a request to allow the facility as a conditional use in a PZM zone. Sept. 1996 Request: Investors Together applies for a conditional use permit and requests that the public hearing requested by Council be held at a special meeting on September 23. 1996. Action: 'rrrrrr 011 FA MRY 0734 NAC 612 595 96V P.62i12 Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc. COMMUNITY PLANNING - 08sIGN - MARKET RESEARCH PLANNING REPORT TO: Monticello Mayor and City Council Monticello Planning Commission FROM: Bob Kirmis/Stephen Griftman DATE: 8 May 1996 RE: Monticello - Egress Lube - Zoning Ordinance Aalendment/CUP FILE NO: 191.07 - 96.03 BACKGROUND Investors Together Inc, has submitted plans to construct a 1,352 square foot 'Express Lube' facility upon a 15,800 square foot parcel of land located north of County Road 75 and west of County Road 118. In the long tens, the applicant plans to construct e ± 1,170 square foot building addition winich would accommodate minor automobile repair activities. The subject property is zoned PZM, Performance Zone Mixed. To accommodate the applicant's immediate and long range development plan, the following approvals have been requested: 1. Zoning Ordinance amendment to estebllsh'automobile maintenance facilldes' as conditional uses In the PZM Zoning District 3. Conditional use permit to allow an automobile maintenance within a PZM Zoning District. 5775 Wayzata Blvd. - Suite 555 - St. Louis Park, MN 55416 - (612) 595.9636•Fax. 595.9837 Attached for reference: Exhibit A - Site Location Exhibit B - Detailed Site location Exhibit C - Draft Zoning Ordinance Amendment Exhibit 0 - Site Plan ISSUES ANALYSIS PZA1 Distdct Amendment's Automobile Maintenance Facilities. To accommodate the proposed 'Express Lube' facility an amendment to the PZM District provisions is necessary. Specifically, the establishment of 'automobile maintenance facilities' as a conditional use In the district has been proposed. In consideration of such ameuftnent, the City should make a determination as to the acceptability of such use within the PZM District Acceding to the Ordinance, the purpose of the PZM District is to provide a land use transltlon between high density residential land uses, as well as the Intermixing of each such land use. in some respects, an automobile maintenance facility is considered comparable in intensity to several existing conditional uses in the PZM District, including car washes, dry cleaning and retail commercial activities (a car wash facility currently exists to the east of the subject property). Alternatively, it is debatable whether a Gear distinction exists between an *automobile maintenance facility' and "minor automobile repair facility' While justification for approval of the requested amendment may exist, a decision regarding the appropriateness of such amendment is considered a policy matter to be determined by City officials. Attached as Exhibit C Is a draft Zoning Ordinance amendment which would establish automobile maintenance facilities as conditional uses in the PZM, Performanco Zoning Mlxod District Such amendment tttdudes various conditions intended to mitigate potential adverse impacts. In roview of the draft amendment, it should be noted that 'automobile maintenance facilities' are referenced as Section 10.9.K1. While less than Ideal, such formatting responds to an existing fomtattbtg error in the PZM section and Is Intended to expedite the amendmont process. Under the currant Ordinance format, the following are listed as conditional uses in the PZM District: MqY-08-1996 07:34 N. Apartment Density Bonus O. Findings of Fact P. Standards Q. Project Review Process Rather than reformat extensive volumes of Ordinance material at this time, a simple reference to automobile maintenance facilities as item K 1 under PZM conditional uses is considered appropriate. H„ .. . . . I II 11111111' ;... ,....,..m.•To 1111 I)L 11 I AfF11 Ilion . -I_ ..1 �., r l 111 ' . .11 I�1r'•I:] �]: �.. i �J� f.. . u .. i ...... tl 1 i J 1 I I 1 1�-�. ���•11 II 1 1 ... .i.... .. ,, ... ... tl•., . .. i. 1111110111 /ow 1n,ilew L I I. . '. ., .. r 1 .... .. f .' W'.. H' vy Industrial 111 LI, .11e repair it is M opirum of our i does npi�till�r. ....... [ :. '. ..: . /'4 4 .: higher . .. I TH C 11n, A PIDI �a ,•. .�....,. 18 pJW I I ct C r I, III I I . .!.'• �. . �J1uG, Lc��.O.. .. 1.... Y ..i. �.. .... I11J=er SOitl� in Conditional Use Permit CUP Review Crlterla. As mentioned previously, an amendment to PZM District requirements is necessary to accommodate the immediate development plans of the applicant. In this regard, a draft Zoning Ordinance amendment has been prepared which would establish 'automobile maintenance facilities' as conditional uses In the PZM Distrix Per the attached ordinance amendment (Exhibit C), a'automobile maintenance facility is defined as: Automobile Maintenance Facility- A business which provides short term, while you wait, automobile maintenance service to automobiles and light trucks of nine thousand (9,000) GVW or Was. Service activities include oil changing, lubrication, fire rotation and the like, but in no case may include repair activities. Automobile maintenance facilities shall be distinguished from minor automobile repair facilities in that only while you wait service may be provided and vehicular storage shall be prohibited. The purpose of the required conditional use permit process Is to enable the City Council to assign dimensions to a proposed use or conditions surtohmding 4 after consideration of adjacent uses and their functions and the special problems which the proposed use presents to provide the City of Monticello with a reasonable degree of discretion In determining the suitability of certain designated uses upon the general welfare, public health and safety. Procedurally, the Planning Commission and City Council must consider the possible adverse affects of the proposed conditional use. Its judgement shall be based upon but not limited to the following factors: Relationship to municipal Comprehensive Plan. The geographical area Involved. Whether such use will tend to or actually, depreciate the area in which it is proposed. The character of tho surrounding area. The demonstrated need for such use. Nolghbortmod Chametor. As noted previously, the Zoning Ordinance directs the Planning Cornmisslon and City Council to consider the character of the area In which Ute use has been proposod. The following is a listing of uses which Ile adjacent to the property In quostlon: 1_ MAY -0B-1996 07:35 6AC Direction North South I East West bld :"VO VWt Use Nlurdple Fahy RewWritlal (Townhomes) County Road 751W Una Commercial (Car Wash) Single Family Residential Of key Importance in determining the compatibility of the proposed use with the neighborhood will be compliance with applicable buffer yard requirements of Section 3• 3.G. Details relating to such buffer yard requirements are highlighted In the following section of this report Provided applicable buffer yard requirements are satisfied it is believed the proposed uge can compatibly exist upon the subject site. glButtor Yard RcgWmmonts. As a condition of CUP approval, a landscape plan should be submitted which Idenllfles the type, location and size of all proposed site plantings, as well as compliance with the aforementioned buffer yer: requirements. According to the Ordinance, the following buffer yard requirements are appllcabie to the subject property. Direction Wr imum Su0ding Buffer Yard Width Number of Plants Per Setback 100 Feet of Property Une• NOM 30 feet 20 feet W South NA NA NA East None None Noire I{ West 40 feet 30 feet 120 • Location of an opfence or earth berm at is" five feet in height within buffer yard shall be considered credit toward plant unit f tacluf emefll. The number of required plant units may be reduced by 50 percent. Lot Area RuMrerneft There are no specific lot area or width requirwrients imposed in the PZM District 5 MRY-08-1996 07:35 NAC Setbacks. As shown below, the proposed 'Express Lube' facility does not most all applicable PZM District (BS District setbacks applicable). Required Proposed Front Yard 30 feet 89 feet Side Yard - East 10 feet 45 feet Side Yazd - west 40 feet* 18 feet Rear Yard 30 f"* 32 feet tree t� Butter Yard Setback Requirement As a condition of CUP approval, the site plan should be revised to meet applicable structure setback requirements. BuUding Helgtoffl cUrig tiaterlals. To determine compliance with City building height and building material requirements, building elevations (drawn to scale) should be submitted which identify structure height and finish materials. OffStiest Parking. Parking Supply. The Zoning Ordinance does not provide a specific off street parking standard for automobile maintenence facilities. As part of the attached emendment, however, an off-street parking requirement applicable to the proposed use has been included Such standard is referenced in an American Planning Association (APA) document entitled 'Off -Street Parking Requirements for Oil Change Fadlitios'. As calculated below, and assuming two service bays, the proposed automobile maintenance facility is requirpd to provide six off-street parking stalls. Spaces UN Ratio Racujred Automobile Maintenance Two spaces plus 6 Facility (two servlco bays) two spaces par t service bay O p/ According to the submitted site plan, a total of four off-street parking ehlls have been proposed. As a condition of CUP approval, the site plan should be revised to provide six oRatreet spaces. Dimensional Requirenontb. All proposed parking stalls and drive alales have been found to meet or exceed minimum Ordinance requirements. 6 9(7- Handicap Stalls In accordance with State American Disability Act requirements, one off-street handicap parking stall must be provided upon the site. Curbing. In accordance with Zoning Ordinance requmnents, all off-street parking areas must be provided a six Inch non -surmountable concrete curb. Surfacing. In accordance with Ordinance requirements, the proposed off-street parking area is to be surfaced in a bituminous material. Curb Cut. in what is considered a positive site design feature, a shared 35 foot wide sub from County Road 75 has been proposed. As a condition of CUP approval, such curb cut access must be subjed to approval by the Wright County Highway Department and City Engineer. Loading. The Zoning Ordinance does not provide a specific off-street loading requirement for uses such as that being proposed. As a condition of CUP approval, however, a speafic off-street loading space should be designated upon the submitted site Plan. Ughfing. it has not been indicated whether any exterior lighting is to be provided on one. Any lighting used to illuminate off-street parking or outdoor storage areas must be hooded and directed to deflect light away from adjacent properties and public rights-of-way. Signage. As a condition of CUP approval, all applicable City sign requirements must be satisfied. Grading and Drainage. As a condition of CUP approval, a grading and drainage plan must be submitted. Such plan will be subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. Naito. PZM District provisions (proposed) state that intermittent sounds produced by automobile maintenance facilities must not be audible to users of adjoining PZM or residential properties. The applicant will be required to provide information regarding proposed nolso mitigation efforts. Trash. The site plan does not Indicate whether trash is to be stored outdoors. H a trash roceptado is to be stored outside the principal structure, it must be screened from view of neighboring properties. .. .�..,� .,r I?# MAY -W-19% 07:35 NRC oi[ =0 >oil I.ur.c addition in DECISION ONE - PZM ZONING DISTRICT AMENDMENT - AUTOMOBILE MAINiENMGE FACILITIES Alternative A - Amendment Approval Approval of the requested amendment would establish automobile maintenance facilitles as conditional uses in the PZM District Provided various conditions are implemented, It is the opinion of our office that such use can compatibly exist in the PZM District It should be noted, however, that some question does exist In regard to a dear distinction between 'automobile maintenwrtce fadlitiee and'mina wWnrobile repair. Shetld the City choose to approve the requested amendment, such action should be based on the following findings: I . The proposed amendmont and resulting use is consistent with the spirit and intent of the Monticello Comprehensive Plan and goals and policies. 2. The proposed amendment and resulting use Is consistent with the general Intent of the zoning district purpose of the PZM District AltenWvo 8 - Awaukd rn Darlal A second alternative available to the City would be to deny the requested amendment to conditionally allow automobile maintenance facilities within PZM Districts. Such denial would also have the aRec t of denying the simultaneous CUP request as the .nod artlam to receive such CUP would not exist 8 9� MAY -W-19% 07:36 W 0" zri 7w ( r. in" ie. — Should the City deny the requested amendment, it should be based upon the following findings: The proposed amendment and resulting use is not consistent with the spirit and intent of the Monticello Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance. 2. The proposed amendment and resulting use is likely to have an adverse impact upon surrounding properties. 3. The proposed use is not consistent with the purpose of the PZ MI fttricL DECISION TWO - CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR AUTOPAOBILE MAINTENANCE FACILITY Altemative A - Coni ttlonal Use Penridt Approval (With Condl$ons) This alternative would allow the establishment td an automobile mainterim, facility upon the sut:ject property, provided several conditions are imposed to insure use compatibility and proper site functioning. Should the City approve the requested amendment to allow such uses in the PZM District we would recd rurend approval of the requested conditional use permit be approved be upon the follaMng findings and conditions: Findings: 1. The proposed project is consistent with the spirit and Intern of the Monticello Comprehensive Plan goals and polioies and in keeping with the Intent of the Zoning Ordinance. 2. The proposed pr*d Is consistent with the purpose of the performance standards of the Zoning Ordinance. 3. The proposed project will not have any adverse Impacts, as outlined In tho conditional use permit section of the Zoning Ordinanco. 4. The proposed p *id shall meet minimum sowing and landscaping requirements as outlined herein. S. The proposed project shall provide adequate parking and loading as outlined herein. 6. The proposed project shell not impose any uncus burden upon public facilities and sorvicos. 9 gr MRY-08-1996 0736 NRC 01c Z,�;o xar r.Iill, 7. The proposed projact is designed in such a manner to form a desirable and unified environment within its boundaries which will not be detrimental to future land uses in surrounding areas. Architecture and site treatments shall be compatible with adjacent struct ices and site plans and shall respect the privacy of neighboring businesses. Conditions: 1. The City approve the requested PZM amendment to accommodate automobile maintenance facilities. 2. The site plan is revised to meet applicable setback requirements (buffer yard). 3. Use of the facility Is limited to automobiieAight truck oil changes. 4. The applicant demonstrate compliance with City building height and building materiel requirements through the submission of building elevations. S. The site plan is revised to Illustrate a total of six off-street parking stalls. 6. One handicap parking stall is provided in accordance with the State American Disability Act requirements. 7. All off-street parking areas are provided a six inch non4urmountable concrete curb. 8. The proposed 35 foot curb cut is subjed to approval by the Wright County Highway Department and City Engineer. 9. The site plan is modified to illustrate an off-street loading space. 10. A landscape plan Is submitted and approved whidl identifies the type, location, end size of all site plantings. Such plan shall also domonstrate compliance with applicable buffer yard requirements. 11. All lighting used to illuminate off-street parklru0 be hooded and directed to deflect light away from adjacent properties and public riphts-0f-way. 12. All City sign requirements are satlafadurily mat. 13. A grading and drainage plan Is submitted sub)act to review and approval by the City Engineer. MY-eB-19% 07:36 NAC 612 595 9837 Y.11i11 14. Intermittent sounds produced by the oil change operations are not audible to adjacent properties. 15. Al exterior trash handling facilities are screened from view of adjacent properties and public rights-of-way. 16. Developer agrees that it will be responsible for any reconstruction or restoration in the event that the City needs to do drainage and utility work in the City's easement. Altennative B - Conditional Use Permit Denial A second alternative available to the City would be to deny the requested conditional use permit If the City chooses to deny the conditional use permit, it should be based upon the following findings: 1. The proposed use is not consistent with the spirit and Intent of the Monticello Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinanco. 2. The proposed use is likely to have an adverse impact upon surrounding properties. i",_r"f r .�. 1.i1.1_ril,I"711��II"ir l.li.l,.lrl ..I '• �I� r r.r� _ ,.;;liS1J %.1 • I.�w�wyT�en: AppL--- +a, 7nw. II i .. .. ... .. r�pnfNnf u.ilh Ihw n,,mpgg p{ the P M niclr;w: wt IhAt thA rlh,■11.11 , ... _ice LL N ...wl•. ...AIM !n t lag go IDA RaMeAf P1 utOmoblle re 7M WERE= TOTAL P.12 DRAFT - DRAFT - DRAFT CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 10 OF THE MONTICELLO CITY CODE (THE ZONING ORDINANCE) TO ACCOMMODATE AUTOMOBILE MAINTENANCE FACILITIES AS A CONDITIONAL USE IN THE PZM DISTRICT. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO DOES HEREBY ORDAIN: Section 1. Title 10, Section 202 of the Monticello City Code (Definitions) is hereby amended to add the following: AM(1) AUTOMOBILE MAINTENANCE FACILITY: A business which provides short term, while you wait, automobile maintenance service to automobiles and light trucks of nine thousand (9,000) GVW or less. Service activities include oil changing, lubrication, tire rotation and the like but in no case may include repair activities. Automobile maintenance facilities shall be distinguished from minor automobile repair facilities in that only while you wait service may be provided and vehicular storage shall be prohibited. Section 2. Title 10, Section 3.5.H of the Monticello City Code (Off -Street Parking Requirements) is amended to add the following: 28. Automobile Maintenance Facilities: Two (2) spaces plus two (2) spaces per _ service bay. Service bays or pumping areas shall not be consideree off- street parking space. Section J. Title 10, Section 10-8of the Monticello City Code (PZM Conditional Uses) is hereby amended to add the following: K 1 Automobile Maintenance Facilities provided that: The architectural appearance and functional plan of the building and site shall not be so dissimilar to the existing buildings or araa as to cause impairment in property values or constitute a blighting influence within a reasonable distance of the lot. 114f EXHIBIT C • DRAFT ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT. 2. The use of the facility is limited to short term, while you wait automobile maintenance activities and not repair. 3. Buffer yard requirements of Chapter 3, Section 3.G of this Ordinance are satisfied. 4. Each light standard island and all islands in the parking lot shall be landscaped or covered. 5. Parking spaces shall be screened from view of abutting residbntial districts 13. Automobile maintenance facility shall have direct access to major thoroughfare via driveway or frontage road. 14. Intermittent sounds produced by automobile maintenance facility shall not be audible to users of adjoining PZM or residential properties. z 9�1 in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2[G] of this Ordinance. 6. The entire area other than occupied by the buildings or plantings shall be surfaced with material which will control dust and drainage which is subject to the approval of the City Engineer. 7. The entire area shall have a drainage system which is subject to the approval of the City Engineer. 8. All lighting shall be hooded and so directed that the light source is not visible from the public right-of-way or from an abutting residence and shall be in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2 [H] of this Ordinance. 9. Vehicular access points shall be limited, shall create a minimum of conflict with through traffic movement, and shall be subject to the approval of the City Engineer. 10. All signing and informational or visual communication devices shall be in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 9 of this Ordinance. 11. Provisions are made to control and reduce noise. 12. The provisions of Chapter 22 of this Ordinance are considered and satisfactorily met. 13. Automobile maintenance facility shall have direct access to major thoroughfare via driveway or frontage road. 14. Intermittent sounds produced by automobile maintenance facility shall not be audible to users of adjoining PZM or residential properties. z 9�1 Section 4, This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and publication. ADOPTED by the Monticello City Council this day of 1996. ATTEST: By: Rick Wolisteller, Administrator CITY OF MONTICELLO By. Brad Fyle, Mayor AYES: NAYS: Council Minutes - 9/11/89 1, ordi—Me nmendmnt. to all- as a corulllhmal use a leuuJromnt/JrY cleaners In a PEI E . Applicant, Mot and NUN tae HoglulKI. Alai B. Ordinance. nvmdme.W. to allow as a conditional use a car wash In Lim I'M Ipefformance zeros mixed) zone. AM) 9. Condltlannl use request to nllw a laundtwort/dry cleaners In a P711 (eeflortmuce zone mixed) zone. Nilplicant, Curt and NUN nae IA,glud. Location: Lots ] and r, HacArtwiu Plaza. O'Nelil reported that the appal lcanl proposes devolapwot of a tow -story structure matching the existing Riverroad Plaza. Each level will cont Ain 3,200 square feet of usable space. One quarter of the lower levet will be used for dry cleaning processing and it"iti a chlor which fmLit-a drive Onwgh service. The remalnder of the lower level will bene a laurdramnt facility. The upper floor will be usel exclusively as an apartomnt for the owner/operator with a tong term goal of developing the upper floor as office space or for one as a threetinnit apartwnt., the applicant laterite on developing a car rad, facility at some Lim in Lim future. The request for an amendment to tiro ordinance today and the conditional use permit application pertaining to the car rash will not. be forthcoming until some- paint In the future. n'leill outlined the Planning ComAlnation's recommit olatim and noted that Planning Ctxsmlasluo recommended approval of the proposed zoning ardinance aventamcat asrnoelated with Issuance of the conditional use permit. Rp oleo levirve,l the suggested conditions associated with Uro toning ordinance amnmlment and the conditional use permit. After discussion, motion was made by Shirley Andarsn, ao. Id by Mn Blonigon, to nand the Monticello imlmg Ordinanoce by allowing dry cleaning processing as a conditional one In the POI zone subject in Lim following condltlonan a. Dry cleaning operation moat meet all OSHA safely atwulardho. b. Dry cle-ninq operation shell be self-c.Knl almwd In tern or nrinn and Innen with no venting to outside of Wilding. c. Dry cleaning facility shell have direct atc. oa to major thuroughfare via driveway or frontage road. Screening of ahutthg reoldenLlal uses asl landscapltg mat De In eaapllance with chapter 1, sectio, 21D1, of LIM zoning uldirNure. o, vat. -o amtdlftora ulnad In —junctldn with drive through ptucenn ahal. ant be audible to adjoining noaidenl.lnl -loan. and to amend UKP zoning ordlMnr.o by allrsting car rah activity no a conditional Ucs In the POI zona ahjeet to the following conditional a. All conditions noted In the 0-0 district iogulattonn fartalnlmg to car washes. I). Car wach facility shall hews direct access; to mojor Own wgldane via driveway or frontage road. c. IntenlLLent sods produced by car wash gwtialAn no,11 an Lite count of a vaceum or warning signal shall out two audible In umin of adjulnitg POI or residential pn4mitlso. and motion to Include granting of crmdltlrxel use polall Niki meld allow develgment or a launtromnt/dry clones on Into 7 ant 4, KicAt limit Plaza, abject to the follwina cudltlonnn o. All conditions noted try ordinance. b. Residential uce of structure chall be limited to caner of eanagnr under Indtfw,sod parting and drlvmitay awnflwratltn. c. IntenalflcaLlon of use of structure via davelapmnt Of upalalrn apartments of Office shall megohm Apprg,l late exim"ltn not parking. Use of upctaifo An will -family dwelling will ralulre reorientation of circular df two thorough traffic fetter". d. Conditions associated with the uce of this ot.mucturo Call bo recorded on the property daod. Motion INcad on the finding that zoning amrodranlo and conllLlfinel one psfalt ata cunalnlonl with the municipal comptehsnalvs plan, tleognapddc area linulwed, ach uce will not deprmciatm Ilia at" In which It la proposed, and the reed for ach uca hes Isea arftclently doawsLtatod. Motion carried unnnimnusly. DLR ORDIRAIII'a AKUUafU1T. "0. hal. M ' 'ALL & BYERS, VA. —ATTORNEYS AT IAV— Ia W. FLi Paul W $ail Fd.md 1. L.6.dL h.. R,*t J. r 16h'+ Frani. J. Kwdrm. Src B. KuwtoM 1" —M. Ridg..y Thune. P. Mdk y. R,*h J. Wah., • Dusan A. La — S..n T. L— %41,11­ wsonWi11 a R. Sy,— C-01. Kinhde a-1, s-1.rnty S" G. Pas nuNsu. Sunlcy 1. Weudlapa. h. U.—V M. "a (I`11N•14731 C_n, B)U (I V24.I993) September 16, 1996 CITY OF MONTICELLO 250 EAST BROADWAY MONTICELLO MN 55362 First Bank Ploy 1010 We Si. Gemum. Sam tl11 •SI Ck-1 WN $6301 4320, n2y14 •F.(3201:32 -4C ATTN: JEFF O'NIELL, ASSISTANT CITY ADMINISTRATOR Re: Dan Mielke - Opposition to amendment of City Zoning Ordinance Dear Jeff: As we discussed recently, our law firm represents Dan Mielke in his opposition to the proposed amendment of the City Zoning Ordinance. The proposed amendment would allow a quick oil change establishment to be operated in a PZM District by Conditional Use Permit. It is my understanding that Dan had originally looked at a site in a PZM District for such a business and was told that it was not allowed. The site is near a residential area and the City Comprehensive Plan requires very limited commercial uses on the site. Dan, acting on the City's recommendation, then obtained a site in a district which the City indicated allowed such commercial uses as a permitted use. Subsequently, another party applied to the City for an amendment to the City Zoning Ordinance to allow this type of commercial use at the same site by Conditional Use. This requested amendment was denied. This party then requested a spot rezone of the site to a commercial district but this request was also denied. I understand that the City Council then made a motion to again consider an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance which would allow this use in a PZM District by Conditional Use Permit. This is now being considered by the City together with a request for a variance to place the facility on the lot once the zoning ordinance is amended. Dan opposes any amendment to the City Zoning ordinance which would allow such commercial uses in a PZM District. On a personal level, this would, by City action, allow a competitor to place its business on the very site he was denied by the City. The is a blatant abuse of Dan's constitutional rights to equal treatment under the law. r=1 nl knv0821&6.1 tr Y "�� J Trwl Rprruhit ••R�ul PrttnrrY Spn Ialut t'inJkd br 1Ar PJ& r SWI S., A-Wkft.A • QwhJlyd ADR Nrw#W // City of Monticello September 16, 1996 Page 2 On a less personal level, it is also in the best interests of the City, the business owners and the residents of the City to have the various land uses separated into areas that encourage the specific uses and protect each from the encroachment by others. Individuals purchase homes in a residential area with the expectation that commercial uses will not follow them into their neighborhoods, destroying the residential character which attracted them to the area in the first place. The City should also consider that it's ability to continue to enforce its Zoning Ordinances and its Comprehensive Plan, which enforcement is tied to the consistency of its enforcement of the Plan and Ordinances. If different uses are allowed to encroach on each other by official action, providing preferential treatment for special interests, enforcement becomes impossible. Finally, Minnesota Statutes Section 462.357 empowers a City, acting through its board of appeals and adjustments to ". . . hear requests for variances from the literal provisions of the ordinance in instances where their strict enforcement would cause undue hardship because of circumstances unique to the individual property under consideration, and to grant such variances only when it is demonstrated that such action will be in keeping with the spirit and intent of the ordinance." That section goes on to state " 'Undue Hardship' as used in connection with the granting of a variance means the property in question cannot be put to a reasonable use if used under conditions allowed by the official controls, the plight of the landowner is due to circumstances unique to the property not created by the landowner, and the variance, if granted, will not alter the essential character of the locality." This section than adds by way of clarification "Economic considerations alone shall not constitute an undue hardship if reasonable use for the property exists under the terms of the ordinance." It is my understanding that the property for which the variance is being requested is a very desirable building site, rectangular in shape and suitable for any number of uoea under the terms of the City Zoning ordinance. The roason the variance i© being requested in that the applicant wants to construct a bigger building so that it can be used for a more intense commercial use. The applicant 1s creating the aituation by seeking the r=1.1kftwD5 k.1tr 95 City of Monticello September 16, 1996 Page 3 amendment to the zoning ordinance which will allow a previously prohibited use to be allowed on the site and the sole purpose for the variance is the economic considerations which are tied to the size of the commercial facility. This appears to be a variance request which the State laws have not empowered the City to grant, is not within the spirit and intent of the law, and should not be granted by the City. Accept this letter as a formal objection to the City's motion to make an amendment to its Zoning Ordinance which furthers the private interest of one party rather than a public interest of the City and the application for a variance, in the event the amendment is granted. Request is hereby made that Dan Hielke and I be mailed copies of all further notices of public hearings sent with regard to this matter. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact me at your convenience. Sincerely, R HALL & BYERS, P.A. Stamey J. Weinberger, Jr. SJW JR cc: Dan Hiolke Stephan Grittman (vin facsimile) "Mitlkeswoe a6.1tr Please accept this petition from the following citizens to Mtw the upcoming vote to allow an Auto Lube Company into a PZM zone. We feel because of the following reasons you should not allow this exception A. At a previous meeting you voted 5-0 not to change the zoning from PZM to BA -3. We believe this sends aloud and a correct message that we should not have a BA -3 business in a PZM zone. With your consideration to amend the zoning to allow a BA -3 business into a PZM zone you are contradicting your S to 0 vote. B. An Auto Lube Company does not belong in a PZM zone. If you allow this change, we feel that you are opening the door to amendments to all of the zoning areas. What is the use of spending the money and putting forth the effort to organize the zoning in our city if we don't follow the zoning laws? We, therefore urge you to vote no, no, no, no, no (5 - 0) to this aunt. NAME w irun�ea 1 iI-bIAP�au•. I ADDRESS PHONE # 1113V7 --M 3y c --0!231 9 I �o�/s �(>4>r•�4r���tJ� , /I /e rH•+t 54 A110 i 2 711- s1-7030 7030 Cid a aLd Z6 '. a6 �- -7 yi a— sue... h.e- 1 liM, As. z 711• SYz bcr /4 Gc- 1� r♦ N E 4; r29S Sl.;IO 1 1Xa. e6f" P irk 't4-'O/')V.-2A6 QA !4AS. 1.14-A 6lu,46 -V � 9 Please accept this petition from the following citizen to Mject the upcoming vote to allow an Auto Lube Company into a PZM zone. We feel because of the following reasons you should not allow this exception: A. At a previous meeting you voted 5-0 not to change the zoning from PZM to BA -3. We believe this sends a loud and a correct message that we should not have a BA -3 business in a PZM zone. With your consideration to amend the zoning to allow a BA -3 business into a PZM zone you are contradicting your 5 to 0 vote. B. An Auto Lube Company does riot belong in a PZM zone. If you allow this change, we feel that you are opening the door to amendments to all of the zoning areas. What is the use of spending the money and putting forth the effort to organize the zoning in our city if we don4 follow the zoning laws? We, therefore urge you to vote no, no, no, no, no (5 - 0) to this amendment. NAME ADDRESS PHONE # F(M tri /Mr�rrefG r n Mtt1 e• _ h - ri7N•ssnirf'�zX �`J'S ' 3d (b' ,,, �wl.�lz—n r,'jcnhf�llo, CA,.1 �fl � •C=�?�' �✓ / loo ntIs9ssc/Xr Ui / eYL^n.u, h�tYsnm��c ev Ili nI*+_• n_� Z`'i5-5,I1rc e l nz� Z - Z') --3 9V Please accept this petition from the following citizens to Mi= the upcoming vote to allow an Auto Lube Company into a PZM zone. We feel because of the following reasons you should not allow this exception: A. At a previous meeting you voted 5-0 not to change the zoning from PZM to BA -3. We believe this sends a loud and a corrcct message that we should not have a BA -3 business in a PZM zone. With your consideration to amend the zoning to allow a BA -3 business into a PZM zone you aro contradicting your 5 to 0 vote. B. An Auto Lube Company does not belong in a PZM zone. If you allow this change, we feel that you are opening the door to aims to a0 cf the zoning areas. What is tha use of spending the money and putting forth the effort to organize the zoning in our city if we dont follow the zoning laws? We, therefore urge you to vote no, no, no, no, no (5 - 0) to this amendment NAME �,c7a r tp�'r 1Q41'1'iil� ADDRESS 7lyrufS j}y (rnr-4rp L)L-U,Irnv.� PHONE # 4 is le Sy/ wwz .•r,y.nn.n1 �Ilr.m�.�_M n7Q5.43j1 l�r , dl to M' -1A' PA -LN IA•"rs,.:...r_...•c_._ 0795 .*a57 ,_7:-a)'.1/ 90 ,Z -f 5.2 2 z z.. F+7 :/U�-rw.,.�— • i� ,i a 1, ,, r, 90 Please accept this petition from the following citizens to reject the upcoming vote to allow an Auto Lube Company into a PZM zoite. We feel because of the following reasons you should not allow this exception: A- At a previous meeting you voted 5-0 not to change the zoning from PZM to BA -3. We believe this sends a loud and a correct message that we should not have a BA -3 business in a PZM zone. With your consideration to amend the zoning to allow a BA -3 budnm into a PZM zone you are contradicting your 5 to 0 vote. B. An Auto Lube Company does not belong in a PZM nine. If you allow this change, we feel that you are opening the door to amendments to all of the zoning areas. What is the use of spending the money and putting forth the effort to organize the zoning in our city if we don't follow the zoning laws? We, therefore urge you to vote no. no, no, no, no (5 - 0) to this amendment NAME ADDRESS PHONE N rrMAIiiT. IC: Qpp>, .,.►, P.0 V1. 'e /s2s ey 9 - '4 o,"eI L. M'k 4"lgn " O•P n GjAfi-f ch.rrh _AL3- 6O'? kfV_ AAA A,-.., 460 1R1ve1'V;r;k1 Diu. ' 191q 4 _ �— ' 9X Please accept this petition from the following citizens to Miert the upcoming vote to allow an Auto Lube Company into a PZM zone. We feel because of the following reasons you should not allow this exception: A. At a previous meeting you voted 5-0 not to change the zoning from PZM to BA -3. We believe this sends a loud and a correct message that we should not have a BA -3 business in a PZM zone. With your consideration to amend the zoning to allow a BA -3 business into a PZM zone you are contradicting your 5 to 0 vote. B. An Auto Lube Company does not belong in a PZM zone. If you allow this change, we feel that you are opening the door to amendments to all of the zoning areas. What is the use of spending the money and putting forth the effort to organize the zoning in our city if we don't follow the zoning laws? We, therefore urge you to vote no, no, no, no, no (5 - 0) to this amendment. NAME I ADDRESS /hal fl (, PHONE 0 ftjIKAq PedtKcn I',213 w SkIdo Pa -k a-►s-asuq v tt q �t � it tl a 1 y 5—N9. -70 y s Son, if Apt n1c+. '.2 9 4w 77-�aH� O l � I ..,.11 GkV - v13 C- s � (r�►la SGS-�a�� 9y Please accept this petition from the following citizens to MjW the upcoming vote to allow an Auto Lube Company into a PZM zone. We feel because of the following reasons you should not allow this exception A. At a previous meeting you voted 5-0 not to change the zoning from PZM to BA -3. We believe this sends a loud and a correct message that we should not have a BA -3 business ba a PZM zone. With your consideration to amend the zoning to allow a BA -3 business into a PZM zone you are contradicting your 5 to 0 vote. B. An Auto Lube Company does not belong in a PZM zone. if you allow this change, we feel that you are opening the door to amendments to all of the zoning areas What is the use of spending the money and putting forth the effort to organize the zoning in our city if we dont Mow the zoning laws? We, therefore urge you to vote no, no, no, no, no (5 - 0) to this amend rte= NAME ADDRESS PHONE 0 245-L4g4 . 5 29b 3901 9Z Council Agenda - 9/23/96 Consideration of approving an option ng=ment for the sale of Lot 3, Block 1, kvrood nd atri 1 Park nd d ition - wke Too (R.W.) I have been recently working with Eric Bondhus of Lake Tool finalizing a purchase agreement offer from Lake Tool for the acquisition of Lots 1 and 2 in the Oakwood Industrial Park 2nd Addition. As you may recall, the Council recently approved the sale of these two lots to Lake Tool for $23,995 per acre for the 2.6 -acre parcels if tax increment assistance is requested as part of the package, or $22,000 an acre if TIF assistance is not used. Lake Tool is currently in the process of finalizing their financing options through the SBA and are very interested in trying to complete the purchase of these two lots by the end of 1996. In addition to the outright purchase, Lake Tool is also interested in obtaining an option on the adjacent Lot 3 for a term of 3 years. This would allow them sufficient time to get their initial project started and would allow them hopefully the opportunity to purchase the lot for future expansion. This is the last remaining lot in the 2nd Addition that the City owns. The option proposal offered at this time for Council approval would be a 3 - year agreement to purchase the property at the City's asking price of $27,232. Lake Tool is proposing to pay an option fee of 3% of the asking price annually, or approximately $810 per year. This fee is based on an estimated inflation factor we are currently experiencing. B. ALTERNATNE ACTIONC; 1. Approve entering into an option agreement with Lake Tool for 3 years 7 at a 3% fee based on the 1996 asking price of $27,232. Approve entering into an option agreement but at some other annual charge to be determined by the Council. Do not enter into an option agreement at this time. With their financing nearing completion, Lake Tool representatives are very interested in completing the purchase of Lots 1 and 2 for the City's asking price totaling $61,904 yet this year. If this sale materialises, it seems very reasonable that the City should be willing to provide an option to Lake Tool for acquisition of the adjacent Lot 3 at our asking price of $27,232. As some Council Agenda - 9/23196 of you may remember, Lot 3 is intersected by a Northern Natural Gas line easement, making the lot a little more difficult to develop in the future. In regard to the option fee, the proposal to pay a fee annually equaling 3% of the purchase price seems to be a reasonable offer and would help cover our holding costs. The fact that Lake Tool is in the process of acquiring the first two Iota, in my opinion, makes the option agreement acceptable. I would recommend that if the Council agrees in establishing an option agreement, the 3 -year commitment be contingent upon Lake Tool completing the purchase of Lots 1 and 2 yet this year. Map of lots being sold and optioned; Copy of option agreement. i UM TOOL OPTION PROP6Z�kL -EAST 622.76-- .. . ............ -7 .-Soo.. J19776 ..j '03V 3. OV -0 2 Z !H �I ?. V �h `_. � M1 qa wrsr wrsr OC 6 oil 33334 jo -'WEST 690.00- OPTION CONTRACT LAKE TOOL (T. MARTIN INC.) This agreement is dated September .1996. For and in consideration of the sum of Eight Hundred Ten and 00/100 Dollars ($810.00), in hand paid to the CITY OF MONTICELLO, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, said CITY OF MONTICELLO does hereby grant unto T. MARTIN INC., a Minnesota Corporation, an exclusive option for a period of one (1) year from and after the date hereof, to purchase for the sum of Twenty-seven Thousand Two Hundred Thirty-two and 00/100 Dollars ($27,232.00) the following - described lands situated in the city of Monticello, county of Wright, state of Minnesota, to wit: Lot 3, Block 1, Oakwood Industrial Park 2nd Addition, City of Monticello Upon the following terms and conditions: That if this option is exercised, the said City shall convey said premises flee and clear of any liens and encumbrances and shall furnish an Abstract of Title continued to date, showing the some. T. MARTIN INC. may exercise its option at any time during the time specified above by providing written notice to said CITY OF MONTICELLO, provided all terms and conditions of this option agreement have been complied with. In case such notice shall be provided within said time, then thirty (30) days shall bo given in which to examine the abstract, make deeds, and dose the We. If this option is exercised before the end of option time period specified, the price paid for this option shall not be applied to the purchase price except that $68.00 per month for each full month remaining on the option term shall be applied against the purchase price. W(ETOOLAON. p'IM /0'9 Page 1 T. MARTIN INC. shall have the option of continuing this agreement for an additional two (2) years by remitting annually the option fee of $810.00 prior to the expiration of the first option year. T. MARTIN INC. CITY OF MONTICELLO By: Its: STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) as COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) By: Brad Fyle, Mayor By: Rick Wolfateller City Administrator The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 1996, by Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator, and Brad Fyle, Mayor, on behalf of the CITY OF MONTICELLO. Notary Public STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) as COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of ,1996, by on behalf of T. MARTIN INC., a Minnesota Corporation. Notary Public LMKrooL.Aea' WING /o C Page 2 BkC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 08/26/96 08:30:53 WARRANT DATE VENDOR GENERAL CHECKING 41004 08/26/96 BARTON SAND & GRAVEL 41004 08/26/96 BARTON SAND & GRAVEL 41029 08/26/96 MN COLLECTION ENTERP 41030 08/26/96 ENGINEERING REPRO SY 41031 08/26/96 MN DEPART OF NATURAL 41032 08/26/96 BARBAROSSA & SONS, I 41033 08/26/96 CENTRAL MINN INITIAT 41034 08/26/96 COMMUNICATION AUOITO 41034 08/26/96 COMMUNICATION AUDITO 41035 00/26/96 D J'S MUNICIPAL SUPP 41036 08/26/96 EHLERS & ASSOC,INC P 41037 00/26/96 HAKANSON ANDERSON AS 41038 08/26/96 VERMES/JERRY 41039 08/26/96 H OISINGTON KOEGLER G 41040 08/26/86 HOLIDAY CREDIT OFFIC 41041 08/16/96 HOMES PLUS 4104? 06/26/96 KENNEDY & GRAVEN 41042 08/28/96 KENNEDY & GRAVEN 41047 08/?6/96 KENNEDY & GRAVEN 41042 08/20/96 KENNEDY & GRAVEN 41043 00/26/96 KRAF.MER/WANDA 41044 08/26/96 MOBIL 41044 08/26/96 MOBIL 41045 00/26/96 MONTICELLO ANIMAL CO 1046 08/26/96 MONTICELLO SENIOR CI Disbursement Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 305 CORRECT CODING 250.13CR 305 CORRECT CODING 250.13 0.00 1077 PAYROLL WITHHOLDING 72.00 1038 CABINETS/P WORKS INSP 718.88 118 MATER/SNOW/ATV REG 339.00 942 PYMT 05/SCHOOL BLV 75,897.44 822 CMIF GRANT PYMT 1,100.21 38 MTC OF PAGERS/FIRE DEP 33.34 38 FIRE DEPT/BATTERIES 216.21 249.55 1047 SUPPLIES/STREET DEPT 172.09 933 PROF SERVICES/FAY MAR 157.50 97S PROF SERV/WWTP 973.50 81 LIBRARY CLEANING CONT 227.50 1083 PROF SERV/DOWNTOWN 6,198.99 85 GAS/FIRE DEPT 174.27 1059 REIMS/TREES/ESCROW 500.00 938 LEGAL FLES/PRAIRIE 1,105.85 939 LEGAL FEES/FLUTH PROP 299.70 939 LEGAL FEES/STANDARD IR 98.75 939 MISC LEGAL FEES/NRS 510.65 2,013.05 350 MISC MILEAGE REIMB 50.80 131 GAS/MATER DEPT 19.92 131 GAS/PARKS DEPT 102.27 110.19 185 ANIMAL CONTROL CONT 1.120.70 139 MONTHLY CONTRACT PY ?,893.33 0 C III I❑ RRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 08/26/96 08:30:53 `eARRANT DATE VENDOR GENERAL CHECKING 41047 08/26/96 MONTICELLO TOWNSHIP 41048 08/26/96 ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON 41048 08/26/96 ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON 41048 08/26/96 ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON 41048 08/26/96 ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON 41048 08/26/96 ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON 41048 08/26/96 ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON 41048 08/26/96 ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON 41048 08/26/96 ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON 41048 08/26/96 ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON 41049 08/26/96 P & H WAREHOUSE SALE 41050 08/26/96 PLUMBERY- PURCELL'S P 41050 08/26/96 PLUMBERY-PURCELL'S P 41051 08/26/96 SAFETY-KLEEN CORP. 1052 09/26/96 SIMPSON/CYNTHIA 41053 08/26/96 SURPLUS SERVICES 41053 06/26/96 SURPLUS SERVICES 41053 08/26/96 SURPLUS SERVICES 41054 08/26/96 T J HOPKINS 41054 08/26/96 T J HOPKINS 41055 08/26/96 TDS TELECOM 41056 00/20/98 WRIGHT COUNTY AUOITO GENERAL CHECKING Disbursement Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT C 399 REIMS/PAVING/FENNIN 1,180.80 162 ENG FEES/C HILLS IV 47.50 162 MISC PROF ENG FEES 156.00 162 ENG FEES/RIVER MILL P 467.50 162 ENG FEES/KLEIN FARMS 483.96 162 ENG FEES/P W EXPAN 3,389.50 162 ENG FEES/MISS SHORES 47.50 162 ENG FEES/SCHOOL BLVD 909.95 162 ENG FEES/C HILLS V 1,350.22 162 ENG FEES/S WEST AREA 501.36 7,353.49 271 SPRINKLER SUP/PARKS 1,553.11 251 PLUMB SUPPLIES/PARKS 14.88 251 PLUMB SUPPLIES/SHOP 98.77 113.66 184 MTC AGRMT/SHOP 77.21 999 CLEANING/FIRE HALL 50.00 987 CABINETS/MATER DEPT 70.00 987 SMALL TOOLS/WATER DEPT 3.00 987 VEH REPAIR PARTS/MATER 4.25 77.25 735 WIRE/PARKS 205.33 735 ESCROW/TREES REIMB 250.00 455.33 953 TELEPHONE CHGS/LIBRARY 08.37 219 SCERG GRANT PAYMENT 2,760.51 TOTAL 107,222.73 r1 r1 rI 8RC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 08/30/96 15:07:06 Disbursement Journal '.,BRANT DATE VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT C GENERAL CHECKING 39986 08/30/96 PAUL A WALDRON & ASS 830 ADJUST CODINGL2330. .SOCR 39988 08/30/96 PAUL A WALDRON & ASS 830 ADJUST CODING 50 . 00 40947 08/30/96 BRAUN INTERTEC CORPO 838 CORRECT CODING 416.75CR 40947 08/30/96 BRAUN INTERTEC CORPO 638 CORRECT CODING 416.75 0.00 *( 41054 08/30/96 T J HOPKINS 41054 08/30/96 T J HOPKINS 41057 08/30/96 MN DEPART OF NATURAL 41058 08/30/96 MARQUETTE BANK MONTI 41058 08/30/96 MARQUETTE BANK MONTI 41059 08/30/96 NORTHWEST COMPUTER S 41059 08/30/96 NORTHWEST COMPUTER S GENERAL CHECKING 735 CHECK VOIDED 205.33CR 735 CHECK VOIDED 250.O0CR 455.33CR +t 118 WATER/SNOW/ATV REG 532.00 221 C D/MIRE TO SMITH 355,000.00 221 WIRE CHARGES 15.00 355,015.00 �( 1086 COMPUTER PRINTER/P 2,010.98 1086 4 YR PRINTER WARRANTY 169.00 2,179.98 •( TOTAL 357,271.65 BkC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 08/30/96 15:08:00 *-rARRANT DATE VENDOR GENERAL CHECKING 41060 09/03/96 AGASSIZ ENVIRONMENTA 41061 09/03/96 ANE GROUP 41062 09/03/96 ANDERSON & ASSOCIATE 41063 09/03/96 CELLULAR 2000 OF ST 41063 09/03/96 CELLULAR 2000 OF ST 41063 09/03/96 CELLULAR 2000 OF ST 41063 09/03/96 CELLULAR 2000 OF Sl 41064 09/03/96 COMPRESS AIR & EQUIP 41065 09/03/96 EMERGITEK CORPORATIO 41066 09/03/96 FIRSTAR BANK C' MINN 41066 09/03/96 FIRSTAR BANK OF MINN 41066 09/03/96 FIRSTAR BANK OF MINN 41066 09/03/96 FIRSTAR BANK OF MINN 41066 09/03/96 FIkSTAR BANK OF MINN 1066 09/03/96 FIRSTAR BANK OF MINN 41066 09/03/96 FIkSTAR BANK OF MINN 41066 09/03/96 FIRSTAR BANK OF MINN 41066 09/03/96 FIRSTAR BANK OF MINN 41068 09/03/96 FIRSTAR BANK OF MINN 41066 09/03/96 FIRSTAR BANK OF MINN 41066 09/03/96 FIRSTAR BANK OF MINN 41066 08/03/96 FIRSTAR BANK OF MINN 41066 09/03/96 FIRSTAR BANK OF MINN 41066 09/03/96 FIRSTAR BANK OF MINN 41067 09/03/96 GOULD BROS. CHEV-OLD 41068 09/03/96 JONES/WILLIAM 0 41060 09/03/96 JONFS/WILLIAM 0 41069 09/03/06 MN COPY SYSTEMS INC 41070 09/03/96 MONTICELLO SENIOR Cl 41071 On/03/96 NORTHERN STATES POWE 41071 09/03/96 NORTHERN STATES POWE 41071 00/03/96 NORTHERN STATES POWE 7 11011 09/03/96 NORTHERN s1AT175 POWE l 41071 00/03/66 NORTHERN 6TAIE5 POWE 41011 09/03/96 NURTHF.RN STAT( -.S POWE 41071 OD/03/96 NORT11104 5TATE5 POWE Disbursement Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT E 761 FIRE HALL TESTING 26.25 6 VEHICLE NTC/FIRE DEPT 609.26 10 STREET SIGNS/STREET D 655.73 794 CAR PHONE CHARGES 118.42 794 CAR PHONE CHARGES 1.61 794 CAR PHONE CHARGES 14.69 794 CAR PHONE CHARGES 65.65 200.37 +f 356 MTC AGMT/COMPRESSOR/F 353.50 1085 EQUIP PARTS/FIRE DEPT 239.95 1084 PAYING AGENT FEES/BON 693.10 1084 PAYING AGENT FEES/BON 135.00 1004 PAVING AGENT FEES/BON 216.05 1084 PAYING AGENT FEES/BON 261.65 1084 PAYING AGENT FEES/BON 637.50 1084 PAVING AGENT FEES/BON 611.65 1084 PAYING AGENT FEES/BON 736.75 1084 PAYING AGENT FEES/BON 840.75 1084 PAYING AGENT FEES/BON 260.55 1084 PAYING AGENT FEES/BON 261.65 1084 PAVING AGENT FEES/BON 210.55 1084 PAYING AGENT FEES/BON 135.00 1084 PAYING AGENT FEES/BON 211.10 1084 PAYING AGENT FEES/BON 261.65 1004 PAVING AGENT FEES/BON 260.55 5,133.50 +f 70 VEHICLE MTC/FIRE DEPT 134.4G 826 INFO CENTER SALARY 238.00 826 INFO CENTER SALARY 70.0008 160.00 +f 150 COPY MCN MTC/FIRE DEPT 31.05 139 OALANCE/INFO CENTER 3 305.00 140 UTILITIES 6,625.30 140 UTILITIES 331.17 140 UTILITIES 635.61 140 UTILITIES 100.57 140 UTILITIES 663.67 140 UTILITIES 14.27 140 U1ILITIES 551.?0 ERC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 08/30/96 15:08:00 ARRANT DATE VENDOR GENERAL CHECKING 41071 09/03/96 NORTHERN STATES POWE 41071 09/03/96 NORTHERN STATES POWE 41071 09/03/96 NORTHERN STATES POWE 41072 09/03/96 PETERSEN'S MONT FORD 41073 09/03/96 RED'S MOBIL 41074 09/03/96 RIVERSIDE OIL 41075 09/03/96 SIMONSON LUMBER COMP 41075 09/03/96 SIMONSON LUMBER COMP 41076 09/03/96 T J HOPKINS 41077 09/03/96 TELXON CORPORATION 41070 09/03/96 TIMBER CREEK HOMES f1 1079 09/03/98 U S LINK 41079 09/03/96 V S LINK 41079 09/03/96 U S LINK 41079 09/03/96 U S LINK 41019 09/03/96 U S LINK 41019 09/03/96 U S LINK 41000 09/03/96 UNIVERSITY OF MINNES 41081 08/03/96 WRIGHT -HENNEPIN COOP GENERAL CHECKING Disbursement Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT C 148 UTILITIES 232.29 148 UTILITIES 597.90 146 UTILITIES 1,070.69 TELEPHONE CHARGES 10,823.50 165 VEH REP PARTS/STREETS 6.61 324 GAS/FIRE DEPT 11.25 496 GAS/STREET DEPT 1,940.10 193 SUPPLIES/PARKS 137.47 193 REPAIRS/BOHANON RENTA 184.20 98.44 321.67 735 MIRE/PARKS 205.33 842 RECYCLING SCANNER TIPS 97.24 1082 REIMS/TREES 250.00 950 TELEPHONE CHARGES 30.91 950 TELEPHONE CHARGES 41.05 950 TELEPHONE CHARGES 6.46 950 TELEPHONE CHARGES 1.01 950 TELEPHONE CHARGES 4.49 950 TELEPHONE CHARGES 14.52 98.44 212 COMPUTER CLASS/ALLEN 115.00 512 UTILITIES 9.00 IOTAL 22,336.11 aC sC sC BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 09/06/96 12:46:03 "RRANT DATE VENDOR GENERAL CHECKING 41061 09/06/96 AME GROUP 41061 09/08/96 AME GROUP 41082 09/06/98 KENNEDY Q GRAVEN 41083 09/06/96 BOHANON/KEN AND CARO 41084 09/06/96 MN DEPART OF NATURAL 41085 09/06/96 AMERICAN PAGING OF M 41085 09/06/96 AMERICAN PAGING OF M 41085 09/06/96 AMERICAN PAGING OF M 41085 09/06/96 AMERICAN PAGING OF M 41085 09/06/96 AMERICAN PAGING OF M 41085 09/06/96 AMERICAN PAGING OF M 41085 09/06/96 AMERICAN PAGING OF M 41085 09/06/96 AMERICAN PAGING OF M 41096 09/06/96 ARAMARK !41087 09/06/96 AUTOMATION SUPPLY 41088 09/06/88 BARBAROSSA & SONS, I 41088 08/06/86 BREITBACH CONSTRUCTI 41090 09/06/96 BUFFALO BITUMINOUS, 41091 08/06/96 C J BROWN BUSINESS S 41092 09/06/96 CAREFREE LAWN SERVIC 41097 09/06/96 CAREFREE LAWN SERVIC 41093 09/06/96 CLARK FOOD SERVICE, 41094 09/09/96 DOWNTOWN STANDARD 41094 08/06/96 DOWNTOWN STANDARD 41095 00/06/06 FEEDRITE CONTROLS, I 41095 09/06/96 FEEDRITE CONTROLS, I 41095 00/06/96 FEEDRITE CONTROLS, I 4 '-.1086 09/06/88 GENERAL RENTAL CENTE 41088 09/08/98 GENERAL RENTAL CENTS 41096 00/00/06 GENERAL RENTAL CENTE Disbursement Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT C 8 CORRECT CODING 609.26CR 8 CORRECT CODING 609.26 0.00 *C 939 REIMBURS TO EDA/STA 1,069.50 1011 LAND PAYMENT 125,000.00 118 MATER/SNOW/ATV REG 259.00 951 PAGER CHARGES 18.38 951 PAGER CHARGES 9.19 951 PAGER CHARGES 25.29 951 PAGER CHARGES 9.19 951 PAGER CHARGES 9.18 951 PAGER CHARGES 9.19 651 PAGER CHARGES 9.19 951 PAGER CHARGES 9.19 98.81 848 CITY HALL SUPPLIES 20.50 18 COMPUTER PAPER/CITY H 193.71 942 PYMT 04/MEADOW OAK 10,726.99 926 PYMT 15/EASTWOOD K 18,207.20 25 SEALCOATING 30,564.55 597 CITY NEWSLETTERS PRIN 319.07 940 LAWN MOWING 127.80 940 LAWN MOWING 127.80 255.60 887 CITY HALL SUPPLIES 158.03 370 TOWING CHARGES 80.00 378 GAS/FIRE DEPT 88.32 146.32 56 MISC PROF SERVICES/WAT 48.00 56 CHEMICALS/MATER OEP 2,898.14 56 CHEMICALS/SUNNY FRESH 734.42 3,480.56 64 TILLER RENTAL/DARKS 51.12 64 CONCRETE BLADES/.STREET 69.97 64 LIGHTED SIGN RENTAL/ST 35.04 sc O BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 09/06/96 12:46:03 9MRRANT DATE VENDOR GENERAL CHECKING 41097 09/06/96 GLASS HUT/THE 41098 09/06/96 GOVERNMENT TRAINING 41098 09/06/98 GOVERNMENT TRAINING 41099 09/06/96 HARRY'S AUTO SUPPLY 41099 09/06/96 HARRY'S AUTO SUPPLY 41099 09/06/96 HARRY'S AUTO SUPPLY 41099 09/06/96 HARRY'S AUTO SUPPLY 41100 09/06/96 HOGLUND COACH LINES 41101 09/06/96 J M OIL COMPANY 41102 09/06/96 JME OF MONTICELLO 41103 09/06/96 KEN ANDERSON TRUCKIN 1104 09/06/96 KGM CLEANING 41104 09/06/96 KGM CLEANING 41105 09/06/96 LUKACH/JOHN 41105 09/06/96 LUKACH/JOHN 41105 09/06/96 LUKACH/JOHN 41105 09/06/96 LUKACH/JOHN 41106 09/06/96 MARTIE'S FARM SERVIC 41106 09/08/96 MARTIE'S FARM SERVIC 41107 09/06/96 MAUS FOODS 41107 09/06/90 MAUS FOODS 41107 09/06/96 MAUS FOODS 41107 09/06/06 MAUS FOODS 41107 09/06/96 MAUS FOODS 41107 09/06/96 MAUS FOODS 41108 09/06/96 MENARO'S r 1100 09/06/96 MERCHAK/JOSEPH '4-u1109 09/06/90 MERCHAK/JOSEPH Disbursement Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT C 156.13 88 BUHANAN RENTAL REPAIRS 81.12 72 REG FEE/JOE MERCHAK 30.00 72 REG FEE/GARY ANDERSON 30.00 60.00 78 SUPPLIES/STREET DEPT 29.24 78 CORRECT CODING 67.57CR 78 VEH REPAIR PARTS/PARKS 10.11 78 VEH REPAIR P<ARTS/SEWE 79.88 51.64 483 HEARTLAND EXPRESS C 5,281.13 95 GAS/FIRE DEPT 86.89 368 VEHICLE MTC/FIRE DEPT 609.26 697 ANIMAL CONTROL SERVICE 79.88 1076 CLEANING/DEP REG BLD 386.06 1076 CLEANING/P WORKS BLD 332.62 718.88 327 MILEAGE REIMS 56.98 327 MILEAGE REIMB 19.60 327 MILEAGE REIMB 18.65 327 MILEAGE REIMB 19.65 117.90 107 LAWN SUPPLIES/PARKS 91.21 107 LAWN SUPPLIES/PW INSPE 52.12 143.93 108 CITY HALL SUPPLIES 84.13 108 SHOP 8 GAR/SUPPLIES 13.36 108 LIBRARY/SUPPLIES 20.68 108 SUPPLIES/ANIMAL CONTRO 24.64 100 SUPPLIE9/0EP REO OFFIC 12.88 109 CLEANING SUP/LIBRARY 13.72 169.09 882 BOHANON FARM RENTAL 1,073.68 1062 MILEAGE REIMS 42.84 1062 REIMB/MEMBERSHIP DUES 46.00 67.04 eC tC *C ac tI •1 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 09/06/96 12:46:03 "'.ARRANT DATE VENDOR GENERAL CHECKING 41110 09/06/96 NATIONAL BUSHING PAR 41110 09/08/96 NATIONAL BUSHING PAR 41110 09/06/96 NATIONAL BUSHING PAR 41110 09/06/96 NATIONAL BUSHING PAR 41111 09/06/96 PHOTO I 41111 09/06/96 PHOTO I 41111 09/06/96 PHOTO I 41111 09/06/96 PHOTO I 41112 09/06/86 SUPERIOR SERVICES -CE 41112 09/06/96 SUPERIOR SERVICES -CE 41113 09/06/96 UNOCAL 41114 09/06/96 WRIGHT HENNEPIN SECU 41114 09/06/96 WRIGHT HENNEPIN SECU i GENERAL CHECKING Ii Disbursement Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT CI 144 SUPPLIES/STREET DEPT 13.89 144 TOOLS/SHOP 8 GARAGE 151.85 144 SUPPLIES/PARKS DEPT 171.81 144 VEHICLE MTC/BLD INSP V 57.89 395.44 *C 743 SUPPLIES/PLAN 8 2ON 18.63 743 SUPPLIES/BRIAR OAKS 2ND 7.03 743 SUPPLIES/WWTP 7.03 743 SUPPLIES/P WORKS INSPE 19.38 52.07 sC 1087 GARBAGE CONTRACT 11,164.13 1087 SALES TAX/GARBAGE CON 723.20 11,697.33 •C 213 GAS/FIRE DEPT 74.15 875 SECURITY ALARM MTC/DEP 19.12 975 SEC ALARM MTC/PARKS 15.98 35.10 sC TOTAL 211,688.30 FRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM X9/12/96 12:22:33 GARkANT DATE VENDOR GENERAL CHECKING 41115 09/12/90 ANDERSON & ASSOCIATE 41116 09/12/96 ANDERSON/GARY 41117 09/12/96 ASSOCIATED VETERINAR 41118 09/12/96 AUDIO COMMUNICATIONS 41118 09/12/96 AUDIO COMMUNICATIONS •41119 09/12/96 BML BUILDERS 41120 09/12/96 COMMERCIAL ASPHALT C 41121 09/12/96 COPY DUPLCATING PROD 41122 09/12/96 CULLIGAN 41123 09/12/96 D & K REFUSE RECVCLI 01124 09/12/96 DINO'S DELI `d 41125 09/12/96 DOUBLE 0 ELECTRIC 41126 09/12/96 DYNA SYSTEMS 41127 09/12/96 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 41128 09/12/96 G & K SERVICES 41126 09/12/96 G & K SERVICES 41129 09/12/96 G & K SERVICES 41120 09/12/96 G & K SERVICES 4112e 09/12/96 G & K SERVICES 41126 09/12/96 G & K SERVICES 41128 09/12/96 G & K SERVICES 41120 09/12/06 G a K SERVICES 41128 09/12/06 G 8 K SERVICES 41179 09/17/06 G & K SCRVICES 41170 00/12/06 GARTNER'S OFFICE PRO 1,1130 09/12/96 GLASS IIUT/THE 41131 00/17/96 GOPHER SPORT 41132 09/12/90 14FRMEG/JERRY Disbursement Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 10 PAINT & SUPPLIES/STRE 736.49 11 TRAVEL EXPENSE/SEMINAR 35.00 683 ANIMAL SUPPLIES 81.80 17 CIVIL DEFENSE RADIO RE 71.00 17 2 TELEPHONES/BLD INSP 929.59 1.000.59 1089 REIMS/TREES 500.00 661 CLASS V/STREET DEPT 213.77 41 LIBRARY COPY MCH MTC A 68.80 753 RENTAL MATER SOFTNER C 23.86 611 RECYCLING CONTRACT 3.529.46 .90219 ELECTION JUDGES LUNCH 138.45 805 REPAIRS/ELLISON PARKS 78.08 50 NUTS & BOLTS/SHOV & G 171.40 961 MEMBERSHIP DUES/ECO 1,004.50 051 UNIFORM RENTALS 50.45 851 UNIFORM RENTALS 94.82 851 UNIFORM RENTALS 33.50 051 UNIFORM RENTALS 33.50 851 UNIFORM RENTALS 198.05 051 UNIFORM RENTALS 190.05 951 SHOP RAGS 19.92 051 RUGS/DEP REG BLD 37.57 851 MISC/ENVIRONMENTAL CMG 41.03 051 RUGS/SHOP & GAR 117.00 018.69 377 POSTAGE/PACKAGE/MATER 6.80 66 8O14ANEN RENTAL REPAIRS 18.50 1090 SOCCER NET/PARKS 177.46 O1 LIBRARY CLEANING CONT 227.50 RFC FINANCIAL SYSTEM ^4/12/98 12:22:33 WARRANT DATE VENDOR GENERAL CHECKING 41133 09/12/96 JIFFY -JR 41134 09/12/96 K MART STORE 41135 09/12/96 KRAMBER & ASSOCIATES 41136 09/12/96 LIGHTING PLUS 41137 09/12/96 MENARD'S 41138 09/12/96 MIDWEST VISION DISTR 41139 09/12/96 MINNEGASCO 41139 09/12/96 MINNEGASCO 41139 09/12/96 MINNEGASCO 41139 09/12/96 MINNEGASCO 41139 09/12/96 MINNEGASCO 41139 09/12/96 MINNEGASCO 41139 09/12/96 MINNEGASCO 41139 09/12/96 MINNF.GASCO 41140 09/12/96 MN DEPART OF NATURAL 41141 08/12/96 MN PUBLIC TRANSIT AS 41142 09/12/96 MONTICELLO ANIMAL CO 41143 09/12/96 MONTICE l.L0 TIMES 41143 09/12/96 MONTICELLO TIMES 41143 09/12/96 MONTICELLO TIMES 41143 09/12/96 MONTICELLO TIMES 41143 09/12/06 MONTICELL0 TIMES 41144 09/12/86 MOON MOTOR SALES, IN 41144 09/12/96 MOON MOTOR SALES, IN 41144 09/12/96 MOON MOTOR SALES, IN 41145 09/12/96 NOVAK FLECK, INC 41146 00/12/96 OLSON 8 SONS ELECTRI +.1146 09/12/96 OLSON & SONS ELECTRI Disbursement Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 1088 SUPPLIES/SHOP & GAR 91.26 460 SOCCER STAKES/PARKS 16.99 688 ASSESSING CONTRACT 1,614.59 1078 BOHANON RENTAL REPAIRS 7.60 582 BOHANON RENTAL REPAIRS 30.80 279 GLASSESS/J SCHMIDT 32.32 772 UTILITIES 16.48 772 UTILITIES 9.88 772 UTILITIES 15.15 772 UTILITIES 9.88 772 UTILITIES 9.39 772 UTILITIES 25.57 772 UTILITIES 126.56 772 UTILITIES 16.48 229.39 ' 116 MATER/SNOW/ATV REG 198.00 363 REG FEE/JEFF 0 70.00 185 ANIMAL CONTROL CONT 1,129.70 140 LEGAL PUBLICATIONS 640.80 140 BOUND TIMES VOL/IIBRA 213.50 140 COMMUNITY PROFILE 1,695.00 140 VOTING INFORMATION 12.17 140 HEARTLAND BUS INFOR 279.00 2,839.47 142 SUPPLIES/PARKS 18.57 142 EQUIP REPAIR PARTS/PAR 24.85 142 SUPPLIES/TREE DEPT 5.31 40.13 1066 REIMS/TREES/FARMSTEAD 250.00 100 OLD REPAIR SUP/SHOP 11.50 100 OLD MTC/LIORARY 71.09 03.90 ' 4� 41147 09/12/90 ONE CALL CONCEPTS, I 030 PROF SERVICES/WATER 0 900.00 RRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 0/12/96 12:22:33 WARRANT DATE VENDOR GENERAL CHECKING 41148 09/12/96 PREUSSE'S CLEANING S 41149 09/12/96 PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 41150 09/12/96 RELIABLE CORPORATION 41150 09/12/96 RELIABLE CORPORATION 41150 09/12/96 RELIABLE CORPORATION 41151 09/12/96 ROYAL PRINTING & OFF 41151 09/12/96 ROYAL PRINTING & OFF 41151 09/12/96 ROYAL PRINTING & OFF 41151 09/12/96 ROYAL PRINTING & OFF 41152 09/12/96 SCHARBER & SONS, INC 41153 09/12/96 SCHLUENDER CONSTRUCT 41153 09/12/96 SCHLUENDER CONSTRUCT �u1154 09/12/96 USI INC 41155 09/17/96 VIKING COCA COLA 41156 09/12/96 WATERPRO SUPPLIES CO 41157 09/12/96 WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITO 41157 09/12/96 WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITO 41150 09/12/96 Y.M.C.A. OF MINNEAPO GENERAL CHECKING N Disbursement Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 173 CITY HALL CLEANING CO 400.00 175 WWTP MONTHLY CONTR 34,394.10 179 CITY HALL SUPPLIES 25.11 179 COMPUTER SUPPLIES/C HA 48.92 179 COMPUTER CARTRIDGE/P W 76.87 150.90 1044 OFFICE SUPPLIES/P WOR 105.86 1044 OFFICE SUPPLIES/C HAL 204.34 1044 COPY PAPER/CITY HALL 213.52 1044 OFFICE SUP/OEP REG OF 100.30 624.02 229 VEH REP PARTS/PARKS 15.17 187 TANK REMOVAL/DING'S 5,195.00 187 DUMPING CHARGES/STREE 112.50 5,307.50 698 OFFICE SUPPLIES/C HALL 81.69 779 POP PURCHASE 87.73 670 WATCR METERS 2,348.48 719 SHERIFF'S CONTRACT 25,734.00 219 AOD'L LANDFILL CHGS 9,430.55 34 ,67 2.55 224 MONTHLY CONTRACT PYMT 625.00 TOTAL 95,3GO.67 Y s G n RRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 08/30/96 08:26:23 Disbursement .Journal r WARRANT DATE VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT LIQUOR CHECKING 18979 08/30/96 CITY OF MONTICELLO 600003 LOAN/STANDAR IRON 70,000.00 18980 08/30/96 JOHNSON BROS WHOLESA 800022 FREIGHT CHARGES 101.08 18980 08/30/96 JOHNSON BROS WHOLESA 800022 LIQUOR PURCHASE 2,539.64 18980 08/30/96 JOHNSON BROS WHOLESA 800022 WINE PURCHASE 2.069.60 4,710.32 18981 08/30/96 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIR 800180 FREIGHT CHARGES 28.19 18981 08/30/86 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIR 800180 LIQUOR PURCHASE 881.37 18981 08/30/96 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIR 800180 WINE PURCHASE 1,082.15 1,991.71 18982 08/30/96 GRIGGS, COOPER & COM 600018 LIQUOR PURCHASE 576.14 18982 08/30/96 GRIGGS, COOPER & COM 800018 MIX FOR RESALE 91.35 18982 08/30/96 GRIGGS, COOPER & COM 800018 FREIGHT CHARGES 12.87 682.36 18983 08/30/96 EAGLE WINE COMPANY 800012 WINE PURCHASE 979.35 18984 08/30/96 QUALITY WINE & SPIR1 800040 FREIGHT CHARGES 1,215.62 18984 08/30/90 QUALITY WINE & SPIRI 800040 WINE PURCHASE 719.30 1,934.92 18985 00/30/96 TDS TELECOM 800196 TELEPHONE CHARGES 178.72 18965 08/30/96 TDS TELECOM 600196 ADVERTISING 61.20 239.92 LIQUOR CHECKING TOTAL 80,538.58 64 CI •CI *Cf CRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 7'9/08/96 08.12;48 Oisbursement Journal {ARRANT DATE VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT C LIQUOR CHECKING 18906 09/05/06 BELLBOY CORPORATION 800098 MISC ITEMS FOR RESALE 123.58 18987 09/05/96 BERNICK'S PEPSI COLA 800001 POP PURCHASE 609'.76 18988 09/05/96 CAREFREE LAWN SERVIC 0001,93 LAWN MOWING 127.90 18989 09/05/96 CITIZENS NEWSPAPER 000183 ADVERTISING ll?.00 100990 09/05/96 CONSOLIDATED COMM D.1 000163 ADVERTISING 47,50 18991 09/05/96 OAHLHEIMER OISTRIBUT 000009 BEER PURCHASE 16,078.66 1'8991 09/05/96 DAHLHEIMER DISTRIBUT $00009 NON ALCOHOLIC BEER 105.50 16,184.10 *C 18992 09/05/96 DAY DISTRIBUTING COM 800010 BEER PURCHASE 2,966.60 18933 09/05/016 DICK WHOLESALE CO., 000011 BEER PURCHASE 10903 09/05/96 DICK WHOLESALE CO.,, 000011 NON ALCOHOLIC LEER 40.00 10993 09/05/96, DICK WHOLESALE CO.. 600011 LIQUOR STORE SUPPLIES 14.50 18903 09/05/96 DICK WHOLESALE CO.,, 000011 BAGS/Ml$C SUPPLIES 201.17 2,563.07 *r 10094 09/05/96 EAGLE WINE COMPANY 800012 'FREIGHT CHARGES 35.64 10994 09/05/96 EAGLE WINE COMPANY e000,i 2 wine PURCHASE l.oliles 10094 09/05/96 EAGLE WINE COMPANY 000012 MIXES FOR RLUALE 103.73 1.151.22 *c 1090€> 00/05/96 6 A 9 SERVICE 600129 RUG!,/MTC OF CID 59.29 i v9,96 09/05/96 GRIGGS, COOPER A COM 000010 WINE PURCHASE 96.30 I OD()o 00/05/06 GRIGGS. COOPER & COM 000010 LIQUOR PURCHACE 3,1 0.77 1159e0 09/05/96 GRIGGS, COOPER 8 COM 000010 FREIGHT CHARGES 54.45 ,),9-00.02 ff 18997 09/05/50 GROOSLCIN CEVFRAGE 1 000019 CUCR PURCHAGE 16,027.00 10900 09/05/96 fJAMC'O DATA PRODUCTO 000717 SUPPLIES 97.64 10199 013/05/96 JUHN4N OROS WHOLEGA 000032 PRE 1614T rHAQGFr, ?,3.2!1 IC099 00/05/00 JOHNE.ON 8ko3 WHOLE",A CDO027 WINE PURCHAGE 912.40 1U990 49/05/90 40HN,GN BROS WHOLLSA 000022 I.IQAJOR PURCHASE 5 0. 91 1,4U3.11 1130015 09/US/96 MN JAVCCLO 000100 AOVLRTI` ING 3b.00 1,SO()1 09/05/OC MONYICCLIO TIMEr 000037 AOVIRTI_ING 4:59.00 1--30v 013/05/136 NvQl"F"W 'JAYES VQWC U00095 OYLLITIf,; 1,314.',)0 URC FINANCIAL SYSTEM p9/08/96 08:'12.48 Disbursement Journal ARRANT DATE VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT C LIQUOR CHECKING 19003 09/05/98 OLSON'$, SONS ELECTRI 800036 RECYCLE FLUOR BULBS CHG 9.00 19003 09/05/96,OLSON & SONS ELECTRI "0036 REPLACE BALLAST LAMPS 88..29 98.29 •C 19004 09/05/96 PAUST'IS & SONS 800103 WINE PURCHASE 538.00 19004 09/05/96 PAUSTIS & SONS 800103 FREIGHT CHARGES 11.80 549.80 *C 19005 09/05/96 PHILLIPS WINE & 'SPIR 800180 FREIGHT CHARGES 26,.95 19005 09/05/96 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIR 800180 LIQUOR PURCHASE 788.10 19005 09/05/96 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIR 800180 WINE PURCHASE 1„135.90 1,950.95 mC 19006 09/05/96 QUALITY WINE & SPIRI 800040 LIQUOR PURCHASE 1,647.45 19006 09/05/96 QUALITY WINE & SPTRI 800040 WINE PURCHASE 960.46 ` 2,607.91 WC 19007 09/05/96 RON'S ICE COMPANY 800041 ICF. PURCHASE 1,470,.00 19000 09/05/96 SERVICE SALES COkPOR 000042 MI'SC SUPPLIES 38.04 .9009 09/08/96 ST. CLOUD RESTAURANT 800045 MIX FOR RESALE 314.52 19000 09/05/96 ST. CLOUD RESTAURANT 000045 LIQUOR STORE SUPPLIES ,161.00 19009 69/05/96 ST. CLOUD RESTAURANT 000045 CLEANING SUPPLIES 17.03 493.35 4C” 19010 09/05/96 THE WATSON CO., INC. 000202 CLEANING SUPPLIES 51.68 19010 00/05/96 THE WATSON CO.., ILJC,. 000202 CIGS/CIGARS/FOR RESAL 230.97 202.23 xC 10011 00/05/96 THORPE 01GTRICUTING 000040 FiEEk PURCHASE 20,503.90 19011 0!!/95/96 THORPE AISTRIOUTING 000048 NON ALCOHOLIC BEER 4bO.35 27,034..26 4C 18012 09/06/90 TOTAL. RIiGIOTER QYSTE 800112 SHELF LABELS/9UPPLIFS 29.82 10013 09/05/00 TWIN CITICt FLAG 5UU 000049 INOTAIL NEN FLAG 150.06 19014 09/05/90 U 0 LINK 000195 TEI,EPHONI? C11ARGk:J 0.15 19015 09/Ob/96 VIKING COCA fOLA BOT 000051 POP PURCHASE 700.05 LIQW)R c"1:6,KING TOTAL 03, 141 .64 DRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 99/12/96 12:23:40 WARRANT DATE VENDOR LIQUOR CHECKING 19016 09/12/96 EAGLE MINE COMPANY 19016 09/12/98 EAGLE WINE COMPANY 19016 09/12/96 EAGLE WINE COMPANY Disbursement Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT CL '800012 FREIGHT CHARGE'S 800012 WINE PURCHASE 800012 MIX FOR RESALE 19017 09/12/96 FISH & GAME FINDER M 800209 ADVERTISING 19018 09/12/96 GRIGGS, COOPER & COM 800018 LIQUOR PURCHASE 19018 09/12/96 GRIGGS, COOPER & COM 8000,18 WINE PURCHASE 19018 09/12/96 GRIGGS, COOPER & COM 800018 FREIGHT CHARGES 19019 09/12/96 HAMCO DATA PRODUCTS 500212 OFFICE SUPPLIES 19020 09/12/96 JOHNSON EROS WHOLESA 500022 FREIGHT CHARGES 19020 09/12/98 JOHNSON BROS WHOLESA 800022 LIQUOR PURCHASE 19020 08/12/96 JOHNSON 840S WHOLESA 800022 WINE PURCHASE 19021 09/12/88 LIEFERT TRUCKING 800025 FREIGHT CHARGES 19022 09/12/96 MINNEGASCO 800160 UTILITIES 19023 08/12/96 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIR 800160 FREIGHT CHARGES 10023 09/12/96 PHILI.IPS WINE & SPIR 800180 LIQUOR PURCHASE 19023 08/12/96 PHILLIPS 'MINE & SPIR 800180 WINE PURCHASE 19024 09/12/96 QUALITY WINE & SPIRI 800040 LIQUOR PURCHASE 19024 09/12/96 QUALITY WINE & SPIRI 800040 WINE PURCHASE 19025 09/12/98 U S WEST COMMUNICATI 800093 AOVERTISINO LIQUOR CHECKING TOTAL H 11.88 458.91 40.50 511.29 42.50 1,690.81 77.44 107.81 1.876.16 105.38 15.75 105.67 299.'30 420.72 99.80 16.48 24.50 1 .652.2 1 319.69 1,898.40 1,384.23 71.85 1.450.08 29.00 8,553.81 t Council Agenda - 9/23/96 ?? Update on River Mill Park. (].S.) The final grading of River Mill Park is under way. A good share of the area does not have affmient topsoil. Due to the massive gravel pit in the area, not enough topsoil was generated on she with the overall project regrading to provide enough topsoil for the park and all of the lots. We do not have a standard policy of park acceptance that includes 4" to 6" of topsoil on the entire park on disturbed areas. The spec fications for the general contractor on the project included spreading 4" to 6" of topsoil on all disturbed areas from materials available on site. Since materials were not available on site, they went as far as they could to spread existing materials. We have a source of black dirt from the City of Buffalo on a major stripping project they did near the airport. Black din is for sale to the City of Monticello for a dollar a cubic yard loaded. We have hauled some of this material for use on various park projects and I would recommend that we go ahead and have some of it hauled for use on the River MU Park. It would cost just under 52.00 a cubic yard to haul the material using some contractor trucks and operators. Consequently, we can have the material on site for less than $3.00 a yard. To cover four acres with 4" of dirt would take about 2,000 yards. Whatever is not used at this rt site could be used on other projects in the community. Adequate funds have been placed in the budget for this project. C s CITY COUNCIL INFORMATIONAL ITEM September 18, 1998 As requested, I have compiled a time line of the key events in the plan review process that occurred prior to the issuance of the building permit for the expansion of Tapper's Inc. manufacturing and corporate headquarters. The City received copies of the civil, architectural, and structural plans at an undetermined date before I was first employed by the City. It should be noted that staff had approved the deferral of several required submittals in order to help expedite the project. The building permit was issued on August 2, 1996. Respectfully, ' 'L vC I, W -k Jo'Merchak Chief Building Official TAPPER,UPD; 0190 page I s TIME LINE - 1896 BUELDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TAPPEB!S INC. Date Prior to May 14 Civil, architectural, and structural plans submitted to the City. May 17 Staff sends letter advising Mr. Bill Tapper of trunk storm sewer fee requirements. May 21 City Engineer completes site plan review. Approx. After initial preliminary review, Building Department May 17-22 staff contacts architect of record: 2nd story expansion as proposed will not meet state and federal accessibility rules. Code requires major design revisions, thus further review is suspended pending resolution. May 30 City receives architect's response to accessibility issue. May 30 -June b Several discussions between staff, architect, owner, Minnesota Building Codes and Standards Division, and Minnesota Disability Council. (Owner says project cannot proceed due to limits of financing for the project if it must comply with accessibility rules.) June 6 Written request by staff to State of Minnesota for a formal interpretation of 2nd floor accessibility issue. June 7 -June 14 Staff discussions continue with State of Minnesota, architect, and owner regarding alternative ways to achieve compliance with accessibility rules. Juno 14 Written interpretation on accessibility issue is received from the State of Minnesota. June 17 Copy of State interpretation is faxed to owner. Juno 17 Received facsimile of architect's schematic on proposed floor plan revisions. Juno 17 or 18 Building OMcial discussed with architect the proposed revisions. Changes aro required. TAPPER UPo. WIGM Page 2 June 18 Received facsimile of architect's corrected detail of previously -proposed schematic floor revisions. June 18 Building Official contacted architect and approved proposed schematics. June 28 Received new architectural and structural plans incorporating accessibility. July 11 Discussed new plans with architect. July 16 Architect writes letter clarifying roof classification. July lb The new architectural and structural plans review completed, and building code review report is sent to architect and owner. July 16 Building permit application received from Stighlich Construction, Inc. July 17 Architect completes plan revisions in response to code review comments. July 17 Architect completes Minnesota Energy Code compliance worksheet. July 19 Faxed copies of excerpts from Minnesota Rules, Chapter 1800, and State Statute 326 regarding design and liconsuro requirements of design professionals. Faxed to Bill Tapper. (Also faxed copy of engineer's site plan report to Bill Tapper. Exact date of fax unknown.) July 19 Received letter of transmittal from Stighlich Construction with completed special structural testing and inspection schedule. July 19 Staff discussions with Bill Tapper regarding storm water fees continue through July 19. July 22 Trunk storm water fee negotiations are referred to City Attorney. July 23 City receives revised construction value from Stighlich Construction. July 23 Building Official approves revised architectural and structural plans. rAMEauao• WIGN Pap August 1 Received fax of letter of July 31 by Kevin G. Norby & Associates, Inc., responding to City Engineer's site review comments. This was a cover letter accompanying a submittal of the most -current site plan. August 1 Trunk storm sewer fee payment agreement signed by Bill Tapper. August 1 Building permit prepared for issuance. August 2 Building permit fees received and building permit issued. TAPPERUPD: WIM Page