City Council Agenda 12-18-1996 SpecialAGENDA L SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO C1TY COUNCIL Wednesday, December 18, 1996 - 6:80 p.m. Mayor. Brad Fyle Council Members: Shirley Anderson, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf, Tom Perrault 1. Call to order. 2. Public Hearing—Adoption of the 1997 budget and consideration of a resolution setting the 1997 tax levy. 3. Review of bids and consideration of award of contract for Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion, City Project No. 93-14C. 4. Review of engineering fees for wastewater treatment plant expansion and consideration of authorization for HDR to proceed with construction engineering, Tasks 400 and 600. 6. Adjournment. C 11 Special Council Agenda - 12/18/98 141, 2. Plublie. Hearing.-Adopflon of the 1997 budget smd consideration of A resolution setting the 1997 tax levy. (R.W.) A. F.FF.RF.NCF. AND SA .K =RO TTiI): As part of the Truth in Taxation requirements, the City Council is required to hold this second public hearing on the adoption of the 1997 budget and the resulting tax levy. While this second meeting will technically be another public hearing, the purpose of the new requirement delaying the actual adoption of the budget and tax levy until this meeting is to provide the Council and the public with sufficient time to digest the budget requirements proposed at our last Wednesday night meeting in case additional changes were warranted. At the initial public hearing Wednesday, the Council's decision at that time was to keep the proposed tax levy at the $3,059,880 amount, which should result in an estimated 2.86% increase over the 1996 tax levy. At the public hearing last week, the Council did not make any changes in the proposed tax levy or budget that would reduce the levy amount but did indicate that any savings we will receive from lower bids from our garbage hauling and landfill cost should be transferred from the refuse account to the capital outlay fund in the final budget document. It appears at this time that we should realize a savings of around $45,000 over what we initially budgeted, and this amount will be reduced in our general fund and added to the capital outlay fund for future costs associated with the Highway 25/ Chelsea Road improvement project. At Wednesday night's meeting, the Council would have one final time to consider any changes that you may want to make to this budget and tax levy before adoption. You would not be allowed to increase the budget more than the amount proposed, but you still have the latitude to lower it if you so choose, The resolution enclosed for adoption is prepared under the assumption that the 2.86% estimated increase would be acceptable, and the final tau levy would be the $3,059,880 amount. 11 At FFNATIVE ACTIONS; 1. After the close of the public hearing, the Council should adopt the resolution setting the tax levy requirements for next year at $3,059,880, a 2.96% increase over the 1996 tax levy. Special Council Agenda - 12/18/96 The Council could adopt a final levy amount that is less than the amount proposed. C. STAFF PrO F.NDATION: It is recommended that the resolution be adopted as proposed and discussed during our workshops and initial public hearing. ti u� sR'1P' 12, SUPPORTING DATA: Tax levy summary sheet; Resolution for adoption. Please refer to the agenda package summary provided for last Wednesday night's public hearing for additional details on the proposed budget. r TAX LEVY SUMMARY 1997 BUDGET ALL FUNDS (2.8650 increase in tax rate) Net Certified Levy Increase - $137,080 (+4.6958 is dollars) Payable 1989 Tax Capacity Rate ..... 14283 Payable 1990 Tax Capacity Rate ..... Net Payable— 'Adjusted Levy Before 1997 Adjusted 16.492 Levy HACA Adj. 16.313 Levy After E=d Pgyahle 1998 Payable 1997 HACA Deductinw HArA General $1,966,209 $2,137,625 $170,099 $1,967,526 Library 31,095 31,095 0 31,095 Transportation 15,590 15,854 1,250- 14,604 Shade Tree 12,038 0 0 0 OAA 1,196 1,055 78 977 HRA 17,497 14,060 1,094 12,966 Debt Service 597,270 605,022 47,447 557,575 Capital Imp. Revolving 28140-1 515.579 40.441 475.137 TOTAL $2,92'x,800 $3,320,289 $260,409 $3,059,880' Net Certified Levy Increase - $137,080 (+4.6958 is dollars) Payable 1989 Tax Capacity Rate ..... 14283 Payable 1990 Tax Capacity Rate ..... 16.187 Payable 1991 Tax Capacity Rate ..... 15.511 Payable 1992 Tax Capacity Rate ..... 16.492 Payable 1993 Tax Capacity Rate ..... 16.313 Payable 1994 Tax Capacity Rate ..... 17527 Payable 1995 Tax Capacity Rate ..... 18.228 Payable 1996 Tax Capacity Rate ..... 18.509 Est. Payable 1997 Tax Capacity Rate. 19.039 (2.86%) it1"Pnoe in tax rate Tax Cansity Va1LP. Tax Cngnrieily Rate Tax j�yy '88(Payable 1989 $ 15,405,139 14.283 $2.198,008 '89/Payable 1990 15,873,242 16.187 2,568,106 '90/Payable 1991 16,161,043 15.511 2,808,132 '91/Payable 1992 15,513,574 16.492 2,558,554 '92(Payable 1993 15,490,500 16.308 —2=;216 '93/Payable 1994 15,154,786 17.527 2,652,527 '94/Pnyable 1995 15,586,930 18.228 2.841,185 '95/Payable 1996 15,792,922 18.509 2,922,800 '96/Payable 1997 (est.) 16,071,789 19.039 3,059,880 • Actual levy collected from taxpayers--balanco received from state In HACA aid payments ($260,409 is est Stato Aid for 1997). •' Did not deduct HACA from library levy, but deducted library portion of HACA from general fund levy. TAXLEMSM4; I VN36 -21 RESOLUTION 9880 RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE 1997 BUDGET AND SETTING THE TAX LEVY WHEREAS, the City Administrator has prepared and submitted to the City Council a budget setting forth therein his estimated needs of the City of Monticello for all operations and the debt service for the fiscal year commencing January 1, 1997; and WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed the same and has made such changes therein as appear to be in the best interest of the City of Monticello; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO that the budget so submitted by the City Administrator, together with the changes made therein by the City Council, be and same hereby is adopted as a budget for the fiscal year commencing January 1, 1997; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Monticello that there be and hereby is levied for the fiscal year commencing January 1, 1997, and the following sums for the respective purposes indicated therein upon the taxable property of the City of Monticello, to wit: Capital Improvement Revolving S 615.578 S 40.441 S 478.137 TOTAL TAX LEVY $3,320,289 $260,409 $3,089,880 The above maolution was introduced by Councilmember was duly seconded by Councilmember , with the following voting in favor thereof: The following voting in the opposition: The City Administrator is hereby instructed to transmit a certified copy of this resolution to the County Auditor of Wright County, Minnesota. Adopted this 18th day of December, 1996. Mayor City Administrator s NET CER77FIED REyEN[TIF LEM HACA LEVY General $2,137,628 $170,099 $1,967,526 Library 31,095 0 31,095 OAA 1,055 78 977 HRA 14,060 1,094 12,966 Transportation 15,854 1,250 14,604 D .RT gFnRRMENT Debt Service Fund $ 605,022 $ 47,447 $ 557,675 Capital Improvement Revolving S 615.578 S 40.441 S 478.137 TOTAL TAX LEVY $3,320,289 $260,409 $3,089,880 The above maolution was introduced by Councilmember was duly seconded by Councilmember , with the following voting in favor thereof: The following voting in the opposition: The City Administrator is hereby instructed to transmit a certified copy of this resolution to the County Auditor of Wright County, Minnesota. Adopted this 18th day of December, 1996. Mayor City Administrator s Special Council Agenda - 12/18/96 H>ti RH91 Q.S.) It all started back in 1993, when it became apparent that the wastewater treatment plant was approaching its capacity. An evaluation report by PSG in the fall of 1993, showed us that the wastewater treatment plant may not be able to achieve its design capacity, and we began taking steps to increase its capacity. On December 13, 1993, the City Council authorized the team of OSM and RCM to prepare the Facilities Plan for the Monticello Wastewater Treatment Plant expansion or replacement. Now almost three years and a few days later, we have the bids in hand. Based upon our previous estimates and recent cost cutting changes in the design of the facility, we expected a project cost of $11.3 million, less a budgeted 16% for design and construction engineering and 3% in construction contingencies, $310,800 in first stage digester cover costs, and $66,000 in SBR shop drawings puts the estimates for the construction bids today at just over $9.2 million. With over 126 plan sets taken out, 9 contractors were identified as general or prime contractors. Nine (9) bids were received at 2 p.m. on Thursday, December 12, 1996, and the bids ranged from a low total base bid of $11,283,200 from Adolfson & Peterson, FNC, to a high of $12,980,000 from John T. Jones Construction Co. A copy of the bid tabulation is included for your review. During the next few days, HDR and the City staff will be reviewing the bids to make a recommendation to the City Council as to which contractor has the lowest responsible bid. These recommendations will follow at the December 18, 1996, meeting. However, based upon the bid response, the grouping of the bids, and timing of the bid letting, it is my opinion that these bids represent the best prices this set of plans and specifications will draw. I don't think rebidding would result in lower numbers without taking an entirely now direction for the plant expansion. Today's low bid plus the first stage digester cover, SBR shop drawings, and 16% engineering and 3% contingency adds up to $13,746,820 project costs. This does not include facility planning, redesign, soil and materials testing, surveying, or land costs. If' I Special Council Agenda - 12/18/98 H. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would be to award a contract to the lowest responsible bidder as verified by HDR. 2. The second alternative would be to not award the project at this time but to redesign or rebid. This may require a moratorium on new development in or near the city, as our expansion completion dates would be well into 1998 or 1999. C. STAFF IZCO11 MENDATION: Staff withholds its recommendation until the evening of December 18, 1998, until HDR has had a chance to verify the bids and the additional information supplied by the contractors. Copy of bid tabulation from bids received on December 12, 1996. BID Tw.JULATION J CITY OF MONTICELLO PROJECT #9344C WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT EXPANSION Bid Date: December 12, 1888 Bid Tim: 2:00 pm. Bid Location: Monticello city Nall Bloww Ho. Ero- Wtwata Addeneun1 5% Did Docuetml Decwnne D.cuwaW Docunrnl Desjmsoti B.ctien Ho.4.ctlm Biddn's Nsm. Siorwd Bid form thud tecuA. 00170 00110 00110 00450 00450 11041/11043 11542 Tar B... Bid MA.m. n.a.a1 .r. 0-0137W st.a M1.1.c.tt w 55..0 Vol Vol y.. y.t y.. y.s yet yet yst 1t. $11,283,200 Os -5c+1 Ca..lrttm tc Mrbw. .7001 r-0 D. W. unw... w 55..0 yes yn yes M ne m no no y.t n.$11,395,000 • Oc. Lw Ca&wkV . Cwdv /teal 12.P0 c—,0a 5,1 O. w 6e y„ y„ yes Yes y„ n6 yet yet yes Vs $11,60,000 (J.w.l,Idtid A.— ft70050oe q1 yM-,w u — w }517, Vol Vol yes ye. 4si5,4 y.t Vol ye. M m $11,700,000 Cadht stawoft Cb, 5 rte.1 w $512, 55171 tow S Volyl yes _yrs yst yrs yrs _"I yes m $11,793,338 ,7 tt. Ca Klw cm,Po Bb y n•no e,s10 �, na w 5516, ye► y.. — Vs. _ Vol btsq ps _ Vol - 5w! _yes y.e $11,850,000 - - twd�.1,...Ital CM -.n m1.,ecew sora lk ew %Aws _ yes yes yes _ --yesyrs Vol yes yes --yrs yes $11,948,800 - ud>. Cav,rtm, k 1ce o.r,ee.l.e . P1„1c1P, w :v., -- - --' ys — rte• —, —_y., yss-- y.t res — w• —y.. - _ - r• yn $12,098,700 — 7 bet Cm %i C.. M T M P 0 60. 7u. P.e, .n nos - — -- Vol_ — Vol -• _ys� — _ _ye. _ _ - y.. _— — ~� _ _ w• - _rei . --yes $12,980,000 -- - - Bid Tabuhrdim Bid Package No. 2 Mcnhce0o. MN 1Q1 rYralr 161, w10•� IM Irl 17117M 1 'CI„w •rrar•nl oa far bc•La1• UYI•aaY dlalwl Irm. Oars P.I...,... IcMYKi- cd SI IG an.c MI, rw..c, c•neala.. c— c. c. ca c•n.a,nly, JrnllPal Total Baso, Md flt,ius5o 111•Imom /115,4000 Ill.M m {11]0.339 611.am Om UI,WIw {12—TIM {,7aoaoo I trr aa. W rtLarl er laanaq i i i •r, - tar.�tlw]:vo,w -}} Ooa —Iso ' Ue woealae U•0w IT :m { UI laO so {nom teom ,4500 fKfP, 111)7.a 9•[a•n t1ltl•Ole•W W.7 _Iso 000 i mo an U. Om { m0,em I U]m0 00000 i In Om {Temp YeI7.50 M75 { s+I »am am Y,Om 115000 .,1000 tlmo 0, WO In om onua1110p. r P•e 1 0501,000 M/0000 Imoom MT"me W,,em i mW= � W/,000 M,tAm 6.7.000 cntlrrl leWo c 1 Wo01 Y1.Om mom i UGM {11a0m pe10o Y0000 MOOm 1 " wCm p•[Yan 101w:El,tl re G[bn100M.00wFw5.n I tm as 1 ftpmp UOO 1,m 1 In0�fO0 11wam 1!•1,,0,4 In am also ON Ur.o00 Um Om fDl mo a1mlm Ulf OW {„ow sm me ammo Vti Pncn 1. OltIM 1l(a1�11 }175 }lm 1110 }In ie�'1•.91 }tj0 {7l0 t�i5 {��f 111) ta, I-tm Yf_ i. osnw l.rr,. ol�iyp ►_1•e u6. u6. uu nso (ne um flw /lu_ is a.g.ryr.-t� 015 a.5ootpao fem_/51o_.—_Mn 6.o waw rae_ I�MaeeQ W 4 m10 flaw fa511 mm A•10 W1 iM0 Mr0 b0e 7b.p,. urrn KnP, i aim I'M 4m y Iam Uro mm 070 am t mm 1a.p. 1urllwlrrrrM ue an ( an I Vso I up 1,1 Nn $'I , in e..r.Imr i . r• amee • ra,lla Oar .a j=oy I al •0 also{ pm slow /11m 1 atm , 161,4 I tm I mm a PM. vpow r) M� mw mw mm 1170 Uw I M7e M7e m 5 l ewl.Yn,M(2000V) j u6. Mw 1 Mw {700 N70 I4 t,1 I too 1 Um Um s jrwrb DW L 1 U7 }100 �7 }700 }70 Ilam 1,1 am am �. fl••�la. Mt17000 V1 sola aom _a DLia }p l0 y}q_j{_I son *oil 1Q1 rYralr 161, w10•� IM Irl 17117M BIC Tabulation ���� a•a Bid Package No. 2 Monticello, MN ralw.row.mt7wo>w 7 t/\ J Im1,0/ l 1 1 i�Mn.t` I P- R CIiMt[1rn 1 '; i �..lr. CPti1t1n1 tirtarttWr I "m 1tc i � n.Mn PwtnC1 Catrru[eM 'ICMvutMO co G onm Cstrnsttm I Jrn 1 J1/1t /CMM I I 1,Fw/t.lg{j0\!tC� 9901 1014 101\ 10a }7.3,1000 tc/r on mm bol SCM ✓JV0.�00 (0/1 tCj _ __-_W' m01 _ SO SO A00 00 1TPC_M(071� ✓t1M 1010 1 10Je m11 + tJ tmm j 1017 1010 mm 1-1 M. rttwl,� m/0 1t Je mm brJ mL mm -01 10.10 m7r SO 1117 TMMJ�,r -- 0111 .j- _ {1 .0 { t/ m i 10 H 1011 t 4 J 'mm 104/ 10 m 11 - 10» _ -- _1010 tt0 /Jm 1 sop 1 11, 7I ma m•t _SO 1n/IMMIX 1 ltA I um 0111 i ,m 1t i 100 1 1010 1 1071 1011 / Cwtlr • Y1',I pm/t\m 1 VON { gra { _{t is {t\m 1 IN 000 n11 11'M 1 {1001 /1101 \JOm \1177 { pN \1101 pm \/.0 1 0.) 10, 4wtY.OM \Inllttr, ty bm 17001 MOm I wp t70m ►1001 03 SO t11m ttOm tt m— T 11101 11 M1m a]Om mm \t1m I alOm i \t7m A000 t17m e1e M\mras I I I I I, t rrr trJ.rt Yur1w.L0•Pr1 10010 1 /100 t /t\Om I u00D I 10100 7 Prt N CrFyWrr JraJ ao..p.,le•.m _ w.1m ON 131,00 wn7 f f a7o,mo f ue mo wpae 1 P1Y1 M r1Mn � ..,rrwlal,t0..m w m 00,ma WOm i u1177 .t.00 }j R/m0 us Om � p7\m wm/ I � rra�,OMi\ M • MO a10?0\ 101.010 I 101,0// Nim 01 t100 I 100.000 te100\ i 01 eq I p/Om ralw.row.mt7wo>w 7 t/\ J Im1,0/ BW Talwtatbn Bid Package No. 3 Monticello, MN �/ Iq Ay11 W OI]•W11M 30. 111A11111 1111r•.n 11 R,,` rte• �r• I C--4— I I c,wy 1r111•n xnur' otiw (Iw.•st.w ,cwaw<m�•1�� c—mv Mil: K wwrnc. cw11.1.jcwmnn11wl ce, c• 1 tw1r1s1rr1 i lw,l lr.1 t R"DOIer ab11 ,qW **"r•u, III - tl100 b,000 1ZD_eW YAm M..aO M000 tlA10 roNO 1•.600 1 CnabCp fa0 I11W,111-.00 _ _ _ tI1,o00 1 {10.000 vapa y 1111,/10 , 1t.�.K 111,000 111=1 ; {ltlao 111.000 1 C11wl lbs•.. 1,11 •m pow nit VAN 13 6" I N.OeO 112.100 Wm rom 111 100 �' I • .a•mr111a1nur.11. Flp 0011 p.a aea t2w0ea tzH om I Qtuye � {220 000 E"oao mom tx.o oro MMS 1 M. � —i 001— e 0•aa. I,p1T+V1 wq1 bo�roo—I�yi(—�iW H10��coo _ pt�9l�in .,! .ew--• I ow" Doo M� 11 bff.11—, 10 rf a e.e.t tl aoo , is" 1 (12 Vtl (p .m) (tllf) { (p ON) (w m a.rmrllun-aa . .yrr l.a •r. rat I pta,00e) } q,,.11eq its �) 512 -IN j j112.100)) lIs,11oy 1 (roam) i puma) (111 om) „ 112110 • a r I . .a1 t11.mr....1 w.1r � tloma I tla m l 11.Op 000 r rom � rot , ro11b , rom + rota 4 tloa oa 12 1w110n I'm. Iwl•. !1_TR }O tau w.el HaG oa ee0,am intr_ I 11111111 1u%aM—_tiA ooe 1aoo00__ 11 tl1Y IIMf-owsw Y•d r•pYr1.MM.01 {1100 �tO C00 110.10 ��]a 00� 11151m 11,1000 11154103-- _,r _ 1. Aid—I M0-rr,s1 —aw+P�rle_--- h+w* char ALIVq ' • alw.a,u.mw11lwe Twooa11'�'�..m I 111ONo0o ro m W rom 1 rot # rom` 1�1..m 111 a•arr.lww-or � • 11•b 1yr1. I ilia 0011 1 111.0 m0 1,111100 I tri am 1100 R0 I 1112 000 � Ii MO m0 1 1112000 + t,! Om o — . C•atw11 YM la •11• a O•w1d 1 po W0 , n• m i 11, am Cao rM leM rb W (w ocn) rb W ro W ro m �/ Iq Ay11 W OI]•W11M 30. 111A11111 � � r BIA Tabulatlon BW Pbckapa No. 2 MoMkelb. MN _ TI i - 7I T ,M.a.. rn.n . o.•D.i IOe.lr. O�I.nrp.rcl." siw. aw rrv.en. c.,a,l..�.,• . Drlrsf,. a.a w p ca trl,l,r,°a C� C. c. crellala„ Is an,,uol.1•aY. .srbilaw _ __ {11,700. ` {IOe1e 612m _ y Mem slen0-- _ f {1 1160 1 s,,= {112m Wam It o.aprl l{Im•Itr.r • 0M M .e11,ra I FM I !Y EY [Y CY CY na MO r EY 1 l0 ar v a.ta NA00) ; (11000) {1.000.000 { (101001 (16.000) 1 (16.0001 J "a W l (uD_)em I (Itmo) j Is O 16116 -Wo • D-- ".LOM 87200 RI.000 YD�000 Q7.000 QI,000 81,000 I 81000 Q)•00 } QI000 1 i Ww.lr,w.varl I „esl,.uer } w•..u7sa• w.•v7.1 I ap•nw c.,n.a/r Fw.M,r 8ce•61 d.•{117W �Stra•1, •Issl,�arOr {I 11161 aar•61w lsrl.,e. ■1n,r•R1.LOD SWAN ♦ •$m= s p 0 s1s•'7 ' Oa�M'rarI I C,ra:r1 • {101000 Yrbr • w1.en j C" r—, a I 1 J4 CMr1 • a711 OW ♦ J J —ftwo 1 Osla.•003.116 •r• RESOLUTION 911-51 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BID AND AWARDING CONTRACT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT EXPANSION PROJECT IMPROVEMENT WHEREAS, pursuant to an advertisement for bids for the improvement of the wastewater treatment plant expansion project, bids were received, opened, and tabulated according to law, and the following bids were received complying with the advertisement: Adolfson & Peterson, Inc. $11,283,200 BorSon Construction Inc. $11,395,000 Rice Lake Contracting $11,540,000 Shaw -Lundquist Assoc. Inc. $11,700,000 Penn -Co Construction $11,783,338 Sheehy Construction Company $11,850,000 Madsen Johnson Corporation $11,946,600 Gridor Construction, Inc. $12,098,700 John T. Jones Construction Co. $12,980,000 and, WHEREAS, it appears that Adolfson & Peterson, Inc., of Minneapolis is the lowest responsible bidder, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCI L OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA: The Mayor and City Administrator are hereby authorized and directed to enter into the attached contract with Adolfson & Peterson, Inc., of Minneapolis in the name of the City of Monticello for the improvement of expansion of the wastewater treatment plant according to the plans and specifications therefore approved by the City Council and on file in the office of the City Administrator. The City Administrator Is hereby authorized and directed to return forthwith to all bidders the deposits made with their bids, except for the deposits of the successful bidder and the next lowest bidder shall be retained until a contract has been signed. Adopted by the City Council this 18th day of December, 1996. Mayor City Administrator 3F Special Council Agenda - 12!18/96 ,.:: ,. HDR's engineering fees to date can be broken down as follows: 1. Facilities Plan Update ................................. $18,000 2. Design Engineering (8r% of est. const. costs $8,549,000) ..... $683,920 3. Redesign to Move from Lindberg Site to Kruse Property for the SBR Tanks ............................... $50,000 4. Fast Track First Stage Digester Cover ..................... $5,000 5. Bidding Procedures and Recommendations for Award $85,656 less $26,800 in Printing Costs = ............. $59.85!3 TOTAL................................................ SAIAM HDR indicates the remaining engineering costa for Tasks 400 and 500, which is the construction engineering including start up and 0 & M Manual, would add another $755,922 in engineering fees (please sec enclosed proposal). This would bring the total engineering fees to $1,571,698. Of this amount, the $18,000 for the Facilities Plan Update and the $56,000 for the redesign and feat tracking the digester cover would not be part of mir engineering fees, which are based on a percentage of the construction costs. Subtracting these amounts out of the current total brings us to $1,498,698. HDR has requested additional engineering fees for the design phase due to the complexity and broadness of scope of the project. If we use 15'% of the construction costs assumed to be $11,649,000, which includes the bid for the expansion, the digester cover, and the SBR shop drawings, this brings the engineering fees to $1,747,350. This, of course, excludes the Facilities Plan Update, the redesign for relocating to the Kruse property, and the fast tracking of the digester cover. Should the Council decide to go ahead with the previous item, the construction of the wastewater treatment plant, it seems logical to move ahead with the construction ongineering part of the project. Consequently, we would need to sot some parameters for the costs of this portion of the project and the overall costs of engineering. Special Council Agenda - 17/18/96 The first alternative is to authorize HDR to proceed with Task 400 and 500 for the construction engineering for the project based upon their estimate of $755,922, but to put a ceiling figure of 15% of the bid price of $11,649,000 as the total engineering cost of $1,747,350, excluding, of course, the items previously mentioned such as the Facilities Plan Update, the fast tracking of the digester cover, and the redesign to go to the Kruse property. The second alternative would be to negotiate an engineering fee ceiling less than 15% of the bids. The third alternative would be not to proceed with the project or with HDR. (;. STAFF F..O NDATION: Stag' withholds its recommendation until after HDR makes a presentation to the City Council regarding the total engineering fee package. D_ SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of proposal from HDR for Task 400 and 500. DEC 12 1% 0739 FR N -R ENGINEERING INC 612 391 5417 M 92953170-7 P.01i07 Fax Sheet Fal Cote 12/12/96 Number of Pape) pndudet cover 7 oaoo) Mossepo To Mane J amola Telecopy number called IFirm Oty I Saxe It you do not recelve all the Pdpe► please call (612) 591.5412 as won as pougft. . From Name R Pepin, I Departmer0 Mlw I Talao ww 691-5420 1 Job Number MonticeDo WWM Attached Is the projected hour/foe for Task 400 and 5W With the table I have provided the , support documentotlon on how I propose to track the project In our monthly Invoicing. As you may see. several too* aro basad on assumptksrn such as the numbor of lnfomotlon requeft change prapa , requests. number of shop drowtrtps O&M mahuab and length of contractor operation. I we these numbers as a base level with the Ctly provicling a c ontBhgency In their Msa lot package to PFA. We can dhcuss this further today. 1OQ Ootaftto Ino. 3D0 Parkdole I Bu9dnp 6401 Garr&@ Orale Tek+phone WMvwapa9► Mnnowta (612) 6914WM 55416.1516 Pam (612) 691-0413 4 k Task 400/500 A/E Fee Determinaflon Monticello Wastewater Treai.ftent Plant Expansion T— VpIASK&_IJtt$ 1a01000u 12112/96 I TOM IA9( I P�ctrtV I AMt�Ap IAn-Meed A�cNciwl rm.l.w I ero.rn I [�ar+.r Ivlov..lrro+l..l.u..cal a � I mro I n.ra IA IA91¢Y[I d7 CaelNClunMVlbn IrMCM 471 R. La'm 417 P-C� cmaar. Nm e e e e 7. 4).1 Peoa. Pnl.Cl P—,.- A 1 . 7 7 I 41� chwQ. O.J. II[ As1oK. 710 a1 m T O 00 [0 40 tl RD 4b P)vl.r Rm D- U IPI .YI 170 17U IA IM 1e0 70 1 ab P—p.N 00 17 . i) n 71 N M 774 I .ur a mAfo.0 P I Pa.r 17. e. .e vv e. a w ea .o al a>t u.vu. P.~ !L-� .0 .0 4N Awa Coll r7 fa�+�v.+Ptr.mrol a eo .10Ons+. Carnc�m ct..^wrrnle.Arn I 16 7M 62 J7 14 06 46 ve 4 740 200 f.66 IIn,..nla.+MTn le 979 lee I}e 779 66o .06 410 t/e l'4 J67Q toe 7" � east I I— 4M A7 Cop17.117 1107.eq 176 s17 li ma 162 /77.760 f7e.70 16em //1 Am {70100 (161 700 weep SIAM ta"I.7v4 T— VpIASK&_IJtt$ 1a01000u 12112/96 Task 400/500 A/E Fee Detemtlnaffm Monticello Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion I Y TASKS. -1 AS 2N(Riposl 12112m pMrwM Itl. , RKUdI M. -D. Mtr�aKl110mCq� 1 �v. I �no�v IF rnw OO.Yv I LMI�a I CY/[U I I I OQ41 la Itivcs�atseaoconmcro�+wimanres..ror.. 1501 ;.tun up �eetaKa 74 a to e 1 70 e. Nsoarltnn/Ca.c m .a le a IA 7. 7, 7. 700 1d i..000 f ftp P.." 71 la la 1m .0 7. 7. 11 Imo 17x0 1a. v1p11..n,10 OawlM 87 a a 0 1" so m m 0 0 am 47. 14M I 11a. xn 1010 Na/. 0 110 /7 m 1oa i!7 1u Ib I70 0 0 1500 .w 1W. I itra :YUY Cm I 3;1 slr,a.'U $6.01 /73e0 {a.7. /103m 1100e0 117o7u W.u1. p So 6e7.afU Ila O.a 3170!5. I I � 1 1 1 1 i)t rl 11170300 � 111 Ii1at � l =I& Caw 14112 137,0.7 lee 1 { tae l LWAN1 am NU ISI1970 U?1517 1 670 700 2w {)tlm {7ad.a 1ro7 977 1 M-4a,f "Ac. ' IOIµ1Y11.11001117. M13 111 Ma-.1>r.an 13007 1a711owtl l4— Herm Imm 6031 tio.IW I C7t w—I q— $3000 1mm Yo 31 a7,3N 1 03 M[a.(PM.(a." ¢4UD I VIRMMeIotoPYlobC Will" 11e r.wrpMrr M 00) vrcwg.wl�cno� 1e3o 111 e7.;ra7 vfco�.o,i:11[1y.�w5 1ua 110 au loo 1 Now ow.c I W� NoL� w) zu wo i .o1u &A .1" 6XV1M 1,11..17 1 I Y TASKS. -1 AS 2N(Riposl 12112m J Task 400d00 SUPP-t Yank:db WaM.W Traster/q PWIt Eqmasbn 1•.n. r..a.d w•wlsr ra.ner r..e. hne�. aO maw . Iw9 rl.m. maw .+v o Iwra.•n�� �m ..Ss 1 M TA/ Ip IIM I••.� Mwnrd Oar R/M � I •.•.Irr rwllsr •rew t�yw Iwo e� � .nrp P Ilwo. e.r� I�1 ��• • l 1 • � �I I • / �i1 Ictal 4a AI �m INIM Task 400WO Support Doouum MAN mon"CLio IN Trombr4m Ptwd EapmLbo Owiwur11~ a d pwbtlm (Tw Wn Iry b. M1fnm. - Me n41 L IIOAti HD}a Taw L7CP O a�tO. ata t wary (tlrM'gy Y Y Y M Lt Y Y ?1 1@ O IhP�b Lbnaam O" IW -0 l• n LO 40 07 -0 FLn a'�rO q i0! Tata I IN M Y M Y Y Y M 0 0 q 0 b1 Ch pa prL00LL1 nowAsuffwd Ormn • cm (ILLI am MIS raCRl IYu iuuta O IYp�c! Ovs C � 4w W I cwt 10e� i �1'� Iwr b�M taw ti� lei Orw a�>r. 0.f. b m0 Har�r�� 0 q W� � I la is I a s �ia o p I GTmLd A p 19 I yCra'1 I r0 tl q 1 uc a a I n ril 119 L) 10 a1 q N b a L 0 q I foo Olrlr COUMKD n OkLYYLO gTLLI 410) sFav wa�.o as wtM wr.. .: o.w c -w � Hat• Ln I al w b oyu v « ClAas � M NC 1� t M M Illaat/ rd @ @ IY La Lt Y Y 0 0 0 I LV OIWIL awitstbl 1 Il Ijl _ KM 40 !�� WiLO Y J v Task 40015W Support DocurnwiLllon Yorrtkdlo Wulaw Jter Trek6ront phut Eqw orlon BWA-u9 AnuUMA(Ttlt SM) 1r: .Vfeo ,s_p Fa+ rv� Ya. 4v+� Y/•� r•p,�s OP.. •sv va `q —OV 1 i i • li YM■•a I Eepo1 I i . ac I i . I t1L/LI I Y 0 0 M 1 / 0 • r / / / 0 0 � I . Q 1 10 Y I Ihd Awc/ l91 w I Ig .e a wu I i 11 y I elel I p � r r I •Ilnlr I R • 1 I YrM1tl I p 0. EI I lIM•Ifr p LLC I • . /MCrI •0 I r 10 M F 0 1• :\ I M H 0 0 U M 1 Y 1 AL I NWwaRmat OPWWAwmdrft 0 Y■w•t (Tw •a) - - I`I—moor --�—�R'� r•�.n Vwa�• ear Y4+ [awn 1��1M,•.ivalat i � i � I, • le Y "L. ■ `lao.o fOi.*— t • P Y Iy ern aP11.�L S / t e. 00 � Awl i • _ __._.—_ _ _. _._—~__ / N ■ Cts• I v 1 1 a _ _ 1Y _L - �° _ o . _ --� - - •. _ _.a.•L' 1 •Clp 41 id. Tw �oaeoo sow ka.Mfttion YonUoew --f Tlewnaq Fwd Eqww{oe H " ` C ulcc�ae ��• ,§Mbu .1 �..�.. �...� Ia to aro bo r.......... T sn •o to m h'w�W�s T �D a10 11m �d IsM sm life 1�6 ry110 �n w...pW 10 •OM MO II.mO j`p`�o..rc.+..� M i1 IME. i0.i0 lIC to m nla o0 lu �...e...a tr'aa� • aon nm 11 wo Ir �: I • lim a.n woo Badps�� MLm b.000 tar P000 I�. tMi�/r �M •trIn /uI LI=W 00 04.000 H " ` C ulcc�ae ��• ,§Mbu .1