Planning Commission Agenda Packet 07-17-1979Glav AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, July 17, 1979 - 713o P.M. A b1"j Members, Jim Ridgeway, Fred Topel, Dick Martie, Dave Bauer, Ed Schaffer, Loren Klein (e: -officio). 1. Consideration of Ap rgval of Minutes - June 19, 1979 Meeting. , t S'V 0M = YLCC. 2. Consideration of a4rinnce Request' • Glen Nelson. 3. Consideration of a Variance Request'' John Praught. 4. Consideration of Vari! ce Request - Vance's Service Center. E s -' r11- - fL c -C-" 5. Consideration of Request to Alter Lot Lines - Roy Laurinq River Terraceki Fr� �K ` MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION June 19, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. Members Present: Jim Ridgeway, Ed Schaffer, Dick Martie, Dave Bauer Members Absent: Fred Topel 1. Approval of Minutes. Motion was made by Dick Martie, seconded by Ed Schaffer, and unanimously carried to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held May 15, 1979. Motion was made by Dave Bauer, seconded by Ed Schaffer, and unanimously carried to approve the special meeting of Juno 16, 1979. 2. Consideration of Variance Request - James Refriqeration. James Refrigeration Co., developer of the Tom Thumb Superette., requested a variance to install a special typo of pre-formad curbing around the parking area of the store at the Intersection of Oakwood Drive and Highway 25. A representative from the Concrete Curbing Company, along with a reprosentativo of James Refrigeration Company oxpldined that the reason for the request wan based upon price and also for speed of installation. The Curbstone representative also asked that the planning commission consider a blanket type variance for his products since he has had additional requests from other firms to install the same type of curb in Monticello. Motion was made by Rd Schaffer, seconded by Dave Bauer, and unanimously carried to recommond that approval be given to this preformed curbing for the Tom Thumb Store provided it is continuous around the perimeter of the parking lot. Additionally the James Refrigeration Co, representative informed the planning commission that an estimate from Fran Fair for the landscaping for the Tom Thumb Store was estimated at $096.00. Although the ordinances require a $1,500.00 landscaping minimum, a motion was made by Bauer, seconded by Schaffer, and unanimously carried to rcccv=nd that the $900.00 additional landscaping along with the existing codas —ccs on the lest would meet the $1,500.00 requirement per the ordinance. It was noted that the landscaping plat should be revised to chow tf,at the oxioting eodar trees aro part of the plan. 3. Consideration of a Variance Request - Best -In -Web. 7be Best -In -Web Company located in the Oakwood Industrial Park, also requested a variance to install the same type of special pre -formed curbing around their parking lot that was referred to in item 2. Motion was made by Schaffer, seconded by Bauer , and unanimously carried to approve of the pre -formed curbing for best -In -Web. 4. Consideration of a Variance Request - Mike Slaqter. Mr. Mike Slagter requested a variance to build an attached garage to his home at 115 Marvin Elwood Road to within 6' of his sideyard property line. ordinances require a 10' setback but the garage as proposed would in one corner, be within 6' of the neighbor's property line. A letter was presented by Mr. Slagter indicating the abutting property owner had no objection to the garage being within 6' of his property line. Motion was nude by Bauer, seconded by Martic, and unanimously carried to approve the variance of 4' for Mr. Slagter's garage. 5. Consideration of Variance Request - Vance Plorell. vances's Service Center in the I-94 Tri -Plaza requested a variance to extend their pylon sign 10'0" higher than it is. Current ordinances allow the pylon sign to be 32' high plus the difference between the business property elevation and the height of the road abutting it. In this case, the Standard Station sign is approximately 42' high since the elevation of. highway 25 in 10' higher than the present location of the sign. fie reason for the additional 10' request was that caro traveling to the went on Interstate 94 are unable to ace the sign because of the treoa blocking it's view and also cars traveling cant from St. Cloud are unable to ace the sign because of obstructions by other pylon oigno from neighboring buoincon. Motion woo made by Schaffer, seconded by Martin, and unanimously carried to table thin request until the next meeting to allow the planning commission members the opportunity to view the sign from the freeway. Consideration of Variancr Reunent from (lard Surface Parking Paquiremonto - Mel Woltern. Mr. Mel Wolters, owner of t,m nairy Queen Store requested a variance from the hard surface parking requirements for the neighboring lots next to his Dairy Queen Operation. Mr. woltcro indicated that he would iAo to build a now business on on Lots 9 6 10 in Block 5 in the near future, but until that time would like to use the lots for additional overflow parking for hie Dairy Queen Store operation. It wan indicated by Mr. Wolters that -2- the reason for not wanting to black top the parking would be that once a new building was built he would have to tear up the expensive hard surface to build the new building. Abutting property owner Holiday Stationstore sent a letter to the planning commission voicing the opposition to the parking lot being hard surfaced. Motion was made by Bauer, seconded by Schaffer, and unanimously carried to recommend approval of a variance from the hard surface requirements for Lots 9 a 10, Block 5, for up to one year at which time it would have to be renewed. The consensus of the planning commission members was that this area had just been recently developed and has been unpaved for years and felt that a one year variance would appear not to be a hardship on any other business. 7. Continuation of Public Hearing on the James Maus Meadows Subdivision. Mr. Jim Maus re -submitted his preliminary plat plan for his "The Meadows" subdivision, which was proposed for development in two stages over the next several years. Phase I of this subdivision development would propose to develop only the lots abutting Prairie Road. As part of the Phase I development, the city engineer recommended that a cul-de-sac named Clover Circle he developed au a rural type street and that the ditches be continued from around Clover Circle in a ditch formed between Lots 5 6 6, Block 1, and continue to the culvert between Lots 15 6 16, Block 1, where the water would then drain under the railroad tracks and drain away. It wan felt by the city engineer that if thin drainage plan was implemented that the Phase I development of the lots along Prairie Road would not require additional storm sower facilities to handle the run-off. It wan noted that if the balance of the plat is ever developed, the storm sewer issue will have to be resolved at that time. Attorney Jim Metcalf representing Jim Maus requested that the planning commission approve the entire plat no presented with only the lots fronting on Prairie Road being allowed to build on in the firot 11hnse. Motion wan made by Bauer, seconded by Schaffer, and unanimounly carried to approve the revised the preliminary plat indicating a two Phano development of the plat contingent upon the drainago plan beinq implemented by the city engineer. 8. Diacunsion on Outdoor Advortioinq Signn - by Blocher Advertininn Co. Mr. Ray Cdlarneault, of Blocher Advertising Co., requested previously to he on the planning commission agenda to discuosion with the planning commission the possibility of changinq the present city ordinances which prohibit billboard advertising in Monticello. -3- The primary reason for the discussion was that Blocher Advertising Co. would like to put a billboard on Mr. Maurice Hoglund's property along Interstate 94 and requested that the Planning Commission consider either allowing this type of sign as a variance or possibly rewritting the city ordinances to allow billboard signs. Although Mr. Galarneault did not attend the meeting to discuss his views for the request, the Planning Commission consensus with that the ordinance should remain as is, thereby, not allowing any future billboard sign. Motion was made by Schaffer, seconded by Martie, and unanimously carried to deny any variance request to Blocher Advertising Co. or to consider amending the current ordinances to allow such a use. 9. Consideration of Proposed Ordinance Amendment to Allow a Combination of Residential and Commercial Uses in 6-3 and B-4 Districts. At the previous Planning Commission meeting hold May 15, John Uhan of Howard Dahlgren Associates, consulting planner, was asked to review and draft a proposed ordinance amendment to allow for buildings in B-3 or B-4 toning districts to contain residential uses along with commercial urea. A proposed ordinance amendment was written by Mr. Uban and presented to the Planning Commission for review. After discussion by the Planning Commission members, it was the consensus of the members that perhaps an ordinance amendment would not be appropriate as they would like to be able to review each request on a separate basis. lberofore, a motion wan made by Bauer, seconded by Martio and unanimously carried to not recommend approval of an ordinance amendment to allow a combination residential and cm morcial use as a conditional use in these coning districts. Motion by Schaffer, seconded by Martin and unanimously carried to adjourn. (Lick Wolfotoller Adm. mot. . RW/ja ITILC/r 6 7-'- L, .V T I �L l o ve. tiny � .=o�r" S •• L r 87 .t �f'/� �;. ;. * • Orr- FEST VOLT door Voia N0. 94 f i i t/ G to 7� 1 . d C 07C I t� N F, MTjOj% JOT LIO 11� 4 qa ItAl C- ci LCT tio LCT Lor tFs -V,-- (A M 0% a4t 1. (k, k tot- :,,� . -z �A fr LLT S; Pr Planning Comm. - 7/17/79 2. Consideration of a Variance Request - Glen Nelson. Mr. Glen Nelson, who is the prospective new tenant in the now existing Monticello .Heats building on Cedar Street (Parts of fA Lots 14 6 15, Block B, Upper Monticello) in requesting a (r variance from the City's off-street parking requirements. Property is currently zoned B-4. S The applicant is proposing to change the business to a `1 TV Repair and Sales business, and would like a variance to not be required to provide the ten (10) off-street parking spaces as provided by City ordinance. Presently, there is f Q only one (1) off-street parking space on the property, and accord- G�f ing to ordinance data on required parking lot sizes, there wouldn't be enough area to develop the spaces for nine more care as he would be required to provide. Presently, the bare parts of the lot aren't large enough to allow a parking lot. In either case, as a moat market or a N i Radio store, only ten (ID) parking spaces would be required. CONSIDERATIONS Recommend approval or denial of this request. REFERENCES: Enclosed plat plan and reference map. APPLICANTS Glen Nelson. - 1 - Planning Comm. - 7/17/79 3. Consideration of a Variance Request - John Prauqht. Mr. John Praught, who is presently building a naw home on Lot 29, Block 2, Rttse Manor, would like a variance to build a 26' x 10' garage in addition to the attached 24' x 30' garage being built onto the home. Mr. Praught would need a variance to allow a second garage because Monticello Ordinance Section #10-3-2-(D)-(5) states that no permit shall be issued for more than one (1) private garage structure for each dwelling. CONSIDERATION: Recommending approval or denial of this request. REFERENCES: A copy of the plat plan is enclosed, and a map depicting the area. APPLICANT: John Praught. - 2 - Planning Comm. - 7/17/79 4. Consideration of Variance Request - Vance's Service Center At their last meeting, the Planning Commission chose to table action on the following item to give themselves time to review the site from the Freeway. Vance's Service Center in the I-94 Tri -Plaza at the Intersection of I-94 and Highway 25, made application to extend his pylon sign 10'0" higher than it presently is. Under the present Ordinances, this pylon sign may he 72'0" high plus the difference between the business property elevation and the height of the road abutting it, if the road is higher. In this case, the Intersection of the 1-94 cast approach and Minnesota Highway 25 is approximately 10' higher than the property where the Standard Station is located, thus the 10' difference has been added to make the present pylon sign 42' high. Mr. Florell is asking that he be allowed to raise his sign to 52'0" in height. CONSIDERATION: Recommend approval or denial of this variance request. APPLICANT: Vance Florell 1� Planning Comm. - 7/17/79 S. Consideration of Request to Alter Lot Lines - Roy Lauring - River Terrace. Mr. Roy [curing would like to alter lot linea between Lots 1, 2, 3, 16, 17 G 18, Block 3, River Terrace, and in effect, would make four lots out of the present six lots, and would make the existing lots conform with the present lot size requirement. Presently, the Lots range in size from 9,000 sq. ft. to 10,000 sq. ft. As per the enclosed plat map, Mr. Lauring would like to create two (2) 16,000 square foot lots, end two (2) 13,000 square foot lots. if these proposed lots were allowed, no forseeable variances would be required, and the oinimum front width would be provided. Any action in the direction of approval should be contingent upon receipt of a certificate of survey and proof of recording. CONSIDERATION, Reeemmending approval or denial of request to alter lot lines. REFERENCES: Enclosed plat map showing proposed new lot lines and map depicting area. APPLICANT: Roy [during . -a-