Planning Commission Agenda Packet 09-18-1979Cy z'zy AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, September 18, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. Members: James Ridgeway, Fred Topel, Dick Martie, Dave Bauer, Ed Schaffer. Loren Klein (ex -officio). 'y '..0- 1. Approval of Minutes - Special Meeting of September 4, 1979. 9Q 2. Conditional Use Permit for a 24 -Unit Apartment Building - 5 Construction 5, Inc. 3. Public Hearing on Ordinance Amendment to Adopt Recently Revised Federal Regulations regarding the National Flood Insurance Program. 01 MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - MO MCELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday. September 4, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. Members Present: James Ridgeway, Dave Hauer, Ed Schaffer, Loren Klein (ex -officio) Members Absent: Pred Topel, Dick Martie. The special meeting of the Monticello Planning commission was called to order at 7:45 P.M. on September 4, 1979, by Jim Ridgeway, Chairman. 1. Approval of Minutes. The Minutes of the July 17, 1979 Regular Meeting were unanimously approved as presented. Please note - there was no Planning Cbmmiesion meeting in the month of August 1979. 2. Consideration of Subdivision Application - Rick tonglev. Kr.- Rick Longley has made application for subdivision of his lot on South Highway 25. Presently, he has one large lot. but would like to make six (6) smaller lots of approximately 14.000 to 15.000 square feet each, each lot meeting the 100' frontage requirement. Since the park dedication fee was previously paid, another would not be necessary. Rick Longley was present to outline his subdivision proposal, and agreed to the reccsrmndations of the Planning Commission to recommend approval of his request contingent upon the (allowing# A. Providing an agreement shoring who will be responsible for the maintenance of the frontage road, which to to be provided by a permanent casement by the property. owners on whose last it crosses to service tongley•o late 1. 2 a ] and the Vaughn Veit property, for maintenance and snow removal, etc.$ and B. To provide a permanent 15 foot easement along the north property line of Lot 6: and C. To provide a permanent 15 foot easement along the south property line of Lot 5. The building setback on these respective easements would be the edge of the easements on its= B and C above. Notion was mads by Dave Bauer, seconded by Ed Schaffer and unanimously carried to recommend approval of this subdivision request basad upon the above-mantioned contingencies. PLANNING COMM. MINUTES - 9/4/79 3. Consideration of Application for Subdivision of Lots - Harold Ruff. Mr. Harold Ruff has made application for a simple subdivision of Lots 4 s 5, Block S. Presently, Lots 4 i 5 are 66' x 165' each and run in a north -south direction. Mr. Ruff would like to make two lots 82.5' x 132' each which would run in an east -vest direction. Based on a letter from Hr. Ruff's attorney, Ren Holker, it was suggested a clarification about assessments be made. Specifically, that if improvements are ever furnished to the southerly lot created, that lot would be assessed regardless of any petition received. Motion was made by Dave Bauer, seconded by Pd Schaffer and unanimously carried to reconaaend approval of the request contingent upon providing a Certificate of Survey for each new lot and include a specific legal description to be recorded at the time of recording at the County Leval. Ea ting was adjo rn d at 8,00 P.M. ran sin Building Official LDR/na AGENDA SUPPLEMENT 2. Conditional Use Permit for a 24 -Unit Apartment Building - Construction 5 Construction 5, Inc. has applied for a Conditional Use Permit to con- struct a 24 -unit apartment building on a portion of Block 43, Lower Monticello_ Constructicn 5 recently purchased Blocks 43, 42, 41, 46, 47, 46, 49 53, 52, 51 s 50, etc. from Earl Malone. This property is located south of the railroad tracks near the Nursing Home. Current zoning of Block 43 is R-3. During the first phase of the development, Con ,truction 5 is planning to build a 24 -unit apartment building consisting of seven 1 -bedroom units, eleven 2 -bedroom units and six 3 -bedroom units. The plat plan submitted indicates three additional buildings proposed in the future consisting of 52 units. (See plat plan enclosed). In addition to the Conditional Use Permit, Construction 5 is requesting that the one -block portion of Hennepin Street between lauring Lane and the railroad tracks be vacated. This vacated street is not actually necessary for the development of the first apartment building, but would be used when buildings (B) and (C) are constructed. There is a Public Hearing scineduled at the Council level on this street vacation at the Council's September 24, 1979 meeting. In exchange for vacating this part of Hennepin Street, Construction 5 has indicated their willingness to give the City enough land to extend Lauring lane easterly to coincide with the collector road planned for this area. One alternative for extending Lauring lane would he to angle the road southerly towards the Freeway from Washington Street and the developers have been agreeable to working out a suitable alignment in exchange for vacating Hennepin Street. In addition to the exchange of land, Construct ion 5 would also be willing to give the City a small triangle portion of land they own across the Freeway next to the City-ownod Reservoir property. This small tract in actually landlocked and worthless to Conatruction 5, but does abutt the City Resorvoir property. A copy of tho Plat Plan has been submitted to the City Engineer for review In regards to a suwtablo road alignment fui in w my Inns. Although the Engineer is concerned about the curvoc that would result by ohifting the road south to the Freeway, they felt some type of alignment could be worked out. In regards to vacating of Ilannopin Street, the Engineer did not think the City would need utility rightn an none are planned for this portion of Hennepin Street. - 1 - PLANNING COMM. AGENDA - 9/18/79 As far as the 24 -unit apartment building is concerned, the development appears to meet all City Ordinances in regards to parking requirements, square footage, etc. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of approving or denying conditional use permit request for a 24 -unit apartment building and the request for vacating a portion of Hennepin Street in exchange for land to extend Inuring Lane Q and the triangle portion of land next to the City Reservoir property. (Note: although the public hear- t/ V ing for vacating Hennepin Street will be held at the City Council, the Planning Commission recommendations ] Q should be referred to the Council in regards to the vacation and exchange of land for Lauring Lane (collec- tor road). The exact location and angles of the road could be worked out later by the Council \ >, J REFERENCES: Enclosed copy of plat map. N 7' ( ? \y �V ) h i A ti 3. Public Hearinq on Ordinance Amendment to Adopt Recently Revised Federal Regulations regarding the National Flood Insurance Program. Enclosed, please find the following: A. Letter fron HUD dated May 1, 1979 informing the City of Monticello of the necessity to establish revised flood plain regulations. B. Copy of proposed Flood Plain Management Ordinance. C. Letter of August 14, 1979 from the DNR certifying that the proposed ordinance is in compliance with the State Flood Plain Management Standards. As the letter of May 1, 1979 from HUD indicates, it is necessary for the City of Honticello, in order to continue its eligibility in the National Flood Insurance Program, to adopt Flood Plain Regulations which have to be revised to contain criteria set out in a separate attachment, which is also enclosed, that was sent with the May 1, 1979 letter. By continuing its eligibility in the National Flood Plain Insurance program, residents of Monticello have the opportunity to obtain flood insurance for their homes and businesses. For a more complete explanation of the National Flood Insurance program, I am sending out copies of a brochure - which is entitled "Questions and Answers - National Flood Insurance Program". It should bo noted that our current ordinance on Flood Plain Districts is being proposed to be completely deleted since the new regulat ion covers the same area along with the revisions promulgated by the Rational Flood Insurance Program. As with all zoning ordinance amendments, a public hearing is necessary before the Planning Commission. POSSIBLE ACTION: After termination of the hearing, consideration of recommendation to the Council of the adoption of the proposed Flood Plain Management ordinance, along with the delotion of the City'a present ordinance. REFERENCES: May 1, 1979 Letter from IND along with an attachment explain- ing the criteria necoaaory to Include in the flood insurance programs proposed ordinance amendment relative to tho flood plain management programs and Lettor of August 14, 1919 from the DNR and a copy of the brochure issued by IND entitled "Queations and Answers - National Flood Insurance Program'. (It should also be pointed out that the City of Monticello does have copien of the flood plain map and flood insurance study available for review at City Ball). - 3 -