Planning Commission Agenda Packet 02-11-1986AGENDA REGULAR MERTING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION February 11, 1986 - 7:30 p.m. Members: Richard Carlson. Richard Martie, Joyce Dowling, Marren Smith, Barbara Koropchak. 7:30 p.m. 1. Call to Order. 7:32 p.m. 2. Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting Held January 7, 1986. 7:34 p.m. 3. Public Hearing - A Conditional Use Request to Allow Construction of a 24 -unit Apartment Building. A Variance Request to Allow Less than the Minimum Lot Square Footage for Construction of a 24 -unit Apartment Building. Applicant, Lionel Kull. 7:49 p.m. 4. Public Hearing - A Replatting Request to Replat an Existing Residential Lot into Three Residential Lots. A Variance Request for Lose Lot Width and Lot Square Footage than the Minimum Roquired. A Rcquoot to Allow a Lot with No Street Frontage. Applicant. John Sandberg. 8:09 p.m. S. Public Hearing - A Final Plat Request for a Proposed New Subdivision. Applicant, John Sandberg. 8:24 p.m. 6. Continuance of a Variance Request to Allow Placement of a Sign in the Railroad Right -of -May. Applicant. John Sandberg. Additional Information Items 6:29 p.m. 1. Discussion of possible adoption of a new toning map. 8:39 p.m. 2. Set the next tentative date for the Monticello Planning Cemmiseion meating for March 11, 1986, 7.30 p.m. 8:41 p.m. 3. Adjournment. a MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION January 7, 1986 - 7:30 P.M. Members Present: Richard Martie, Richard Carlson, Joyce Dowling. Members Absent: Jim Ridgeway, Ed Schaffer. Staff Present: Gary Anderson, Thomas Eidem, Richard Wolfsteller The meeting was called to order by Acting Chairperson, Richard Carlson, at 7:42 p.m. Motion by Joyce Dowling, seconded by Richard Martie, to approve the minutes of the November 12, 1985, regular Planning Commission meeting. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Public Hearing - A Replattinc`Request to Re41at an Existing Lot into Bight Townhouse Lots and One Common Area Lot - Applicant, Jay Miller. Jay Miller was present to propose the final replat of an existing lot into eight townhouse lots and one common area lot. Mr. Miller indicated he had discussed it with Zoning Administrator, Gary Anderson, and met all the requirements of the ordinance. Acting Chairperson, Richard Carlson, opened the hearing for input from the public. There being no input from the public, motion by Joyce Dowling, seconded by Richard Martio, to approve the replatting request to replat an existing lot into eight townhouse lots and one common area lot. Motion carried unanimously. 4. Public Hearin% - A Conditional Use Request to Allow an office Buainsos in a Proposed Nov Zone, PZ -M (Performance Zone Mixed) - Applicant. seestrom Company. Mr. Wayne Seaetrom was present to propose his conditional use request to allow an office business in the proposed now zone, PZ -M (Performance Zone Mixed). Zoning Administrator, Gary Anderson, explained to the public Mr. Seostrom'o proposed requoot. Acting Chairperson, Richard Carlson, opened the hearing for input from the public. Mr. Keith Kubort queationed as to why this request wao being hoard when there is a new sons that hasn't boon approved yet, and aren't we putting the cart before the horse. Zoning Administrator Anderson answered that oven though it is a proposed now zone and is subject to adoption by the Monticello City Council at their next City Council meeting, January 13, 1986, the zone has bean in place and there has been very little negative reoponso from the public? and Mr. Seestrom's request would be based solely in anticipation of the now sono being approved. Should the now zone not be approved, Mr. Seastrom's conditional use request would be null and void. Zoning Administrator Anderson indicated to Planning Commission members that there aro conditions that apply CAS Planning Commission Minutes - 1/7/86 to this conditional use request. He must meet the minimum parking requirements, landscaping requirements, and also some screening requirements because we are trying to blend a business into A predominantly single family neighborhood. Although this may not be the best design for off-street parking and should his business increase and we have more congestion or traffic around his site, he would have to install additional off-street parking to the rear of his garage with an entrance to that new lot off of East Broadway. There being no further input from the public, A:Ling Chairparran, Richard Carlson, then closed the public hearing and asked for a motion. Motion was made by Richard Martie, seconded by Joyce Dowling, to approve the conditional use request to allow an office business in a proposed new zone, PZ -M (Performance Zone Mixed), subject to the now zona being approved at the nest City Council meeting; and should the off-street parking for this site become too congested, Mr. 8eestrom must install additional off-street parking to the rear of the garage and extend the screening fence south along the east aide property line. Motion carried with Planning Commission members Richard Martie and Joyce Dowling approving, and Planning Commission member Richard Carlson abstaining. S. Public Hearing - A Reelattin8 Request to Allow Construction of a Zero Lot Line Duplex on Existing Lots - Applicant. Vic Hellman. Mr. Vic Hellman was present to propose his replotting request to allow construction of a zero lot line duplex on existing lots. Mr. Hellman indicated the minimum requirements of the ordinance have been exceeded in that it is currently zoned R-0 (single and two family residential) with the minimum lot size requirement of 10,000 sq. ft. and the proposed new zoning would be R-1 (single family residential) in which the minimum lot area is 12,000 sq. ft. Zoning Administrator, Gary Anderson, indicated to those present some background on Mr. Hallman's request. It is currently zoned R-2, which is single and two family dwelling, and is proposed to be zoned as R-1. The request has been filed before the rezoning has taken place and is subject to approval by the Planning Commission and City Council. Construction of this zero lot line duplex could take place even with a new zoning attached to it before the duplex is built. Acting Chairperson, Richard Carlson, opened the meeting for input from the public. Mr. Jack Reeves, neighbor in the area, questioned an to why we would allow duplexes if wo ars going to rezone to R-1. Currently, within the R-1 zona, he could recall three duplexes in the immediate area. Zoning Administrator Anderson countered that the applicant could build the duplex on the existing lot without going through the replotting procass. However, the applicant is proposing this raplatting request to allow a zero lot line duplex to be split to allow two single family rosidences with a common wall between them. Therefore, with a new R-1, single family, zone attached to this prior to construction completion -2- Planning Commission Minutes - 1/7/86 of this zero lot line duplex, this duplex could be sold off as two single family housing units and meet the requirements of the R-1, single family residential, zoning. Mr. Keith Kubert questioned why we should allow any duplexes at all when we have single family residential out there and we are trying to put duplexes into the single family residential neighborhood. Mr. Kubert also questioned the square footage requirements. Looking at the square footage for the proposed site, he felt that it was too small to accommodate the zero lot line duplex. Zoning Administrator, Cary Anderson, answered Mr. Kubert-s questions that the duplexes are an allowable use in the R-1 zoning and could have been constructed upon meeting the minimum requirements for the building permit application. However, the applicant has chosen to replat this to allow him another alternative if he would so choose to sell it at some point in time in the future. To sell it in the future, this would be an allowable use within the new zoning which is proposed to be attached to this property, R-1 (single family residential). The square footage requirements have been exceeded in that he has adhered to the new proposed zoning for thin area with 12,000 sq.ft. lot area required rather than the 10,000 sq. ft. of lot area. He does meet the minimum frontage, which is 80 feet. There being no further input from the public, Acting Chairperson, Richard Carlson, closed the public hearing and asked for any input from the Planning Commission members. There being no input from the Planning Commission members, motion was made by Richard Martin, seconded by Joyce Dowling, to approve the replatting request to allow construction of a sero lot line duplex on existing late. Motion carried unanimously. 6. Public Hearing - A Replotting Request to Allow Construction of a Zero Lot Line Duplex on Existing Lots.- Applicant, Jerry Barthel. Mr. Jerry Barthel, owner of the proposed replotting request, asked Zoning Administrator, Cary Anderson, to explain his roplatting request. Zoning Administrator Anderson explained to the public and Planning Commission mem re present that Mr. Barthol-a request which was published as a public hearing notice should have been changed to a simple subdivision request, as we are not changing lot lines, we aro merely adding square footage to existing lot to make it more conforming and than creating enough lot area to allow a zero lot line duplex. Mr. Barthel -a request in to take the easterly 6 feat of Lot 9 and dedicate it to Lot B to make his existing house in conformance with the minimum oideyard setback which is required in R-1 (single family residential) zoning, which is 10 fest. With the axiating lot line between Lots 9 and 10 would be created the zero lot line duplex. With the proposed conatruction of the zero lot line duplex, the minimum oideyard setbacks would be met on both halves of the duplex, with the front yard setback being half the distance between the two existing front yard setbacks of the adjoining houses to the east and wast of the proposed sero lot line duplex request. Actino Chairperson, Richard Carlson. opened the public hearing for any input from the public. Mr. Jack Reeves -3- U Planning Commission Minutes - 1/7/86 questioned as to the triangular area at the northwest corner of Lot 10. Who owns that property, what is being done with that, and why it is not included with this request. Zoning Administrator Anderson countered that this was originally platted as part of a street; and in the Certificate of Survey which was filed for it, it did not denote any ownership to Mr. Barthel even though he has been maintaining this property all these years and that the property Is still owned by the City. It is up to the City Attorney to check into it to see if this can be vacated to the adjoining property owner or owners. Mr. Reith Kubert questioned if we are going to allow duplexes south of this property, why would we allow duplexes on the south side of River Street when predominantly all of the houses east and west on River Street are single family residential houses. Zoning Administrator Anderson countered that the proposed new zone to be attached would be single family residential and that Mr. BarthelOe request for creation of a zero lot line duplex would allow him to sell off each half of the proposed zero lot line duplex for single family residential, even though there is a common wall separating these two single family units. Thus, this would be an allowable use in the R-1 zoning and would bring it more in conformance with the predominantly R-1 zoning around it. Acting Chairperson, Richard Carlson, then closed the public hearing and asked for any input from the Planning Commission members. There being no input from the Planning Commiasion members, motion wan made by Richard Martie, seconded by Joyce Dowling, to approve the simple subdivision request to allow construction of a zero lot lino duplex. Motion carried unanimously. 7. Public Hearing - A Variance Request to Allow Additional pylon Sign Square Footage than the Maximum Allowed - Applicant, Citizens Task Force. Mr. Jack Jonsineki was present to represent the Citizens Tank Porce and their variance requent. The Citizens Task Force is proposing to construct a pylon sign at the Monticello Junior/8onior High School. Tne maximum square footage allowed for a pylon sign in thin area in 90 sq. ft. The sign they are proposing would be 60 sq. ft., therefore needing a 10 -toot variance. They aro also looking into the poacibility of a seven line massage pylon sign, which would be an 8-x10%' oign (84 sq. ft.). therefore needing a 30 -foot variance. The variance request before you tonight was to go to the maximum 84 sq. ft. sign with a 30 -toot variance. Acting Chairperson, Richard Carlson, opened the meeting for input from the public. Mr. Jack Reovoo ouggeoted that this would be a very worthwhiLo variance request in that the sign would be very beneficial to the whole community, listing the numerous events that take place at the Monticello Public Schools. -a- Planning Commission Minutes - 1/7/86 L With no further input from the public. Acting Chairperson, Richard Carlson, closed the public hearing and asked for comments from Planning Commission members. There being no additional comments from Planning Commission members, motion was made by Joyce Dowling, seconded by Richard Carlson, to approve the 34 -toot variance request to allow the additional pylon sign square footage. Notion carried unanimously. 8. Public Hearing - A Simple Subdivision Request to Subdivide One Existing Residential Lot into Four Residential Lots - Applicant. Douq Pitt. Mr. Doug Pitt was present to propose subdividing an existing lot into four residential lots. With the proposed split, each of the Iota does most or exceed the minimum requirements for single family lots. which is 12,000 sq. ft. of land area and a minimus of 80 feet of frontage. Acting Chairperson, Richard Carlson, opened the meeting to any input from the public. Mr. Keith Kubart said that he was opposed to the proposed lot subdivision with the adjoining lots surrounding this being single family lots. He felt that cutting this up into four lots would greatly devalue the properties surrounding this. And creating smaller late in the front could lead to smaller, less costly homes to be built on these two front lots. Mr. Moose Sherritt was also present to question as to the residential area along side his house. It was explained to him that he is in an R-1 (single family residential) sone only. Mr. Richard Kelly expressed his concern as to Mr. Pitt's ` intention* o1 the residential character o1 these houses, that the new iota not merely be sold off just to sell the iota and allow any type of residential housing to be constructed on them. The adjoining neighbor to the went, Mr. Robert. Hemmagren, who owns the lot that fronts on River Street, was concerned that there were too many Iota on this proposed subdivision and that there should only be two lots at the most. Mr. Jack Reeves stated he was neither for nor against the proposed request, but did voice his concern that he felt Mr. Pitt would not call the Iota to anybody to put up any type of house they so chose, that being of the low quality typo house. He felt any lot that would be sold and the typo o1 house that would be built would be of the quality and architecture that would compliment the existing houses. Acting Chairman, Richard Carlson, then closed the public hearing and asked for any input from the Planning Commission members. Joyce Dowling questioned as to whether staff had any input on the title opinion. 14r. Thomas Eidam, City Administrator, addressed the Planning Commission members stating that a title opinion was issued to Mr. Doug Pitt, and the City Attorney Is inaioting that a new title opinion be done for the City of Monticello and to the City of Monticello. Motion by Dick Martie, seconded by Joyce Dowling, to approve the simple subdivision request to subdivide one asioting residential lot into four residential lots with the following conditions: 1) provide a copy o1 the utility eassmonts for Lots 2 and 3; 2) provide a list -S. Planning Commission Minutes - 1/7/86 of restrictive covenants for the proposed lot subdivision; 3) provide a title opinion naming the City of Monticello as the recipient for the property. Notion carried unanimously. 9. Public Rearini - Variance Request to Allow a Building to be Constructed in the Front Yard Setback Requirement - Applicant. Raindance Properties. Tom Godlewski, partner in the Raindance Properties, was present to propose their variance request. The variance request is to be allowed to place the aide of the proposed now Maus Foods building within 10 feet of the front property line off of Cedar Street. Acting Chairperson, Richard Carlson, opened the public hearing for any input from the public. There being no input from the public and no additional information from the Planning Commission members, motion was made by Joyce Dowling, seconded by Dick Martie, to approve the variance request to allow a building to be placed within the front setback requirement. Motion carried unanimously. 10. Public Nearing - A Rezoning Request to Rezone F:xistinc3 R-1 (Bingle Family Residential] Lots into R-2 (Single and Two Family Residential) Lots - Applicant, John Sandberg. Mr. John Sandberg was present to propose hie rezoning from R-1 (single family residential) to R-2 (single and two family residential). With .the existing zoning ordinance intact, Mr. Sandberg explained that there -Is R-3 zoning across the streets and what he is proposing is more than the zoning which is attached to the property, but leen than the zoning which is immediately across the street. With the proposed rezoning, it would allow him construction of a duplex on the lot. Acting Chairperson, Richard Carlson, opened the meeting for input from the public. Larry Mushlbauer objected to the spot zoning and the rezoning from R-1 to R-$. The character of the homes in this area is for single family housing, and he wants it to remain as that. Mr. Sandberg responded to Mr. Mushlbauer's objections that Mr. Muohlbsuer is objecting to any typo of request that he has had. Mr. Lyle Olson objected to the rezoning request stating that he just built a now single family house, and he would like the root of the area to remain single family housing. Mr. Sandberg responded to Mr. Olson's request that he was allowed to place his house within 30 feet of the front property line as was requested and not placed back to be in line with the root of the houses. Mr. Olson responded that his intent was, when he received the letter, to attend the meeting to express his opinion on Mr. Sandborg's request. Mr. Tom 6idem, City Administrator, spoke representing the City staff stating that City staff is objecting to Mr. Sandberg's rezoning request and that the proposed R-3 zoning across the street would Planning Commission Minutes - 1/7/86 y be reduced to R-1 (single family residential) zoning with the new zoning ordinance map. They definitely felt that for this size of land that he would like rezoned would be a type of spot zoning. Fran Fair questioned as to whether or not Mr. Sandberg's parcel could be simple subdivided. City Administrator, Thomas Eidem, answered that yes, it could be subdivided under the present zoning ordinance. Mr. Jack Reaves questioned as to the front setback of 30 feet which exists when the existing houses are placed farther than 30 feet back. City Administrator, Thomas Eidam, indicated that the new ordinance addresses front setbacks indicating the setbacks be more than 30 feet where appropriate to line up with existing housing. Zoning Administrator, Gary Anderson, handed to Acting Chairperson, Richard Carlson, a letter of a phone conversation he received this afternoon from Mr. David Richardson. Being an adjacent neighbor across the street from Mr. Sandberg -s request, he objected to the rezoning and felt it was spot zoning. Acting Chairperson, Richard Carlson, then closed the public hearing and asked for additional Input from the Planning Commission members. With no additional information from Planning Commission members, motion was made by Richard Martie, seconded by Joyce Dowling, to deny the rezoning request to rezone existing R-1 (single family residential) Iota into R-2 (single and two family residential) Iota. Notion carried unanimously. 11. Continuance of a variance Repast to Allow Placement of a Sign in tho Railroad Right-of-way - Aoclicant. John Sandberg. Zoning Administrator, Gary Anderson, quoationed Planning Commiasion members of their determination of the request for tabling Mr. Sandbarg-o request. Acting Chairperson, Richard Carlson, pointed out that the reason for tabling the request is that Mr. Sandberg is to got the approval or denial from the Burlington Northern Railroad. Zoning Administrator Anderson asked that Planning Commission members consider some sort of time table for Mr. Sandberg to receive written commitment from Burlington Northern Railroad for approval or denial of placement of his sign. A time period of 90 days was indicated. The general consensus of the Planning Commisoion members present was to cat a 90 -day limit for receiving approval or denial from the Burlington Northern Railroad. 12. Continuance of a Tabled Conditional Una Regueot to Allow Open and Outdoor Storage and Rental Equipment in a B-3 (Highway Business) Zone - Applicant. Suburban Gas. Inc. zoning Administrator Anderson indicated to Planning Commission members that he and City Adminietrator, Thomas Eidom, had met with the manager of the Suburban Gas facility and had tomo up with a proPcaod screening and landscaping plan for their site. Zoning Administrator Andercon -7- c�> Planning Commission Minutes - 1/7/86 Indicated to Planning Commission members on a site plan the proposed landscaping, screening, and hard surfacing requirements for this facility. Acting Chairperson, Richard Carlson, opened the meeting for any input from the public. There being no input from the public, he closed the public hearing and asked for a motion from Planning Commission members. Motion was made by Joyce Dowling, seconded by Dick Martie, to approve the conditional use request to allow open and outdoor storage and rental equipment in a B-3 (Highway Business) Zone with the following additional conditions: a) A screening fence approximately 60 feet in length be installed in the front, and a screening fence of approximately 150 feet in length be installed to the west of the existing screened -in facility. This fence is to be a minimum of 6 feet in height and no more than 8 feet in height, and to be of a solid screening wood type fence. b) Some type of tree planting or shrub planting as proposed on the enclosed site plan be implemented. c) The tree and shrub planting, the solid screening fence, and the relocation of the existing security fence be done on or before June 1, 1986. d) The hard surfacing of certain areae of the parking lot and driveway be done by September 1, 1986. Mution carried unanimously. Additional Information Items 1. Update on the Variance Reguest to Allow Additional Pylon Sign Square Footage than the Maximum Allowed and a Request to Allow a Non -conforming Sign to be Erected - Applicant, Burger King. The City Council acted at its Deoembor 9, 1985, meeting to grant the additional pylon sign square •footage and the additional pylon sign height, but denied the non -conforming message board sign. The two variances are that the pylon sign height be increaoed to 75 feet, and the pylon sign be increased to 256 sq.ft. 2. Update on the Rezoning Request to Rezone from R-1 (Single Family Residential) to R-2 (Single and Two Family Residential), and R-2 (Single and Two Family Residential) to R-3 (Medium Density Residential). A Request to Roplat Existing R-1 and R-2 Lots into R-3 Loto. Applicant, John Sandbort. At the December 9, 1985, City Council meeting, City Council members addressed Mr. Sandberg's request for rezoning of portions of thio and that the comprehanoive zoning map be amended. An approved motion by the Council was to direct the City staff to placa on the proposed new comprehensive zoning map Mr. Sandberg's rezoning request of portions of existing R-1 and R-2 into R-3 zoning. fS-In C�� Planning Commission Minutes - 1/7/86 �l 3. Update on the Proposed New Comprehensive Zoning Mel.. City Administrator, Tom Eidsm, explained to Planning Commission members the proposed changes as indicated by City Council on the new comprehensive zoning map. The two changes of significance were the rezoning back to R-2 from B-4 in the block immediately west of the Maus Foods building, and the proposed PZ -R zoning along the north half of East River Street to go back to R-1, single family residential, zoning. The other notable change was the Council agreed to look at some type of R-3 zoning in the Meadows Addition, and it was placed on the now zoning ordinance map. There are some provisions that were put in to protect the City in the new comprehensive zoning for this area. Mr. David Anderson was also present to propose some type of zoning change along Nest Broadway in the location of the and of the 400 block. The proposed use would be for retail office use of an existing residential house. The current zoning is R -Z, single and two family residential, and he is suggesting that we Look at some type of peformance zone to allow residential and commercial mix in this area. 4. Motion by Joyce Dowling, seconded by Dick Martie, to set the next tentative date for the Monticello Planning Commission meeting for February 11, 1986, 7:30 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. S. Motion by Richard Martie, seconded by Joyce Dowling, to adjourn thin meeting. The meeting adjourned at 10:10 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, GaryAid•� Zoning Administrator -g- 0 Planning Commission Agenda - 2/11/86 �.i 3. Public Hearing - A Conditional Use Request to Allow Construction of a 24 -unit Apartment Building. A Variance Request to Allow Lose than the Ninimum Lot Square Footage for Construction of a 24 -unit Apartment Buildinq. Applicant, Lionel Kull. (G.A.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Mr. Lionel Kull and his partner, Steve Upgren, are proposing to build a 24 -unit apartment building on the lot in back of the Riverroad Plata. Thin proposed multiple family dwelling residential lot consists of 58,170 sq. ft. To construct the proposed 24 -unit apartment building with 12 one -bedroom apartments and 12 two-bedroom apartments, the total square footage needed would be 59.500 sq. ft. The variance request will be for 1,330 sq. ft. short from the minimum amount of square footage required. In the variance process, you have to show a hardship. In this case, we fail to see where the hardship is. A 24 -unit building could be constructed consisting of 9 two-bedroom unite and 15 one -bedroom units. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the conditional use request to allow construction of a 24 -unit apartment building. 2. Deny the conditional use request to allow construction of a 24 -unit apartment building. 3. Approve the variance request to allow a 24 -wit apartment building to be constructed with lase than the minimum square footage required. 4. Deny the variance request to allow construction of a 24 -unit apartment building with lase than the minimum square footage required. 5. Approve the conditional use request to allow construction of a 24 -unit apartment building and deny the variance request for lose than the minimum lot square footage for the construction of a 24 -unit apartment building consisting of 9 two-bedroom unite and 15 one -bedroom unite. C. STAFF RECONMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the conditional use request to allow construction of up to 24 units consisting of 9 two-bedroom apartments and 15 ono -bedroom units. we do recommend denial of the variance request with the applicant failing to show the hardship for such variance request. D. SUPPORTINO DATA: Copy of the location of conditional use and variance requests$ Copy of the proposed site plan. ME w 7=A It �. . • .� A conditional use request to allow conetrnction of a 24 -unit apartment building - Lionel Kull. S. M v 9!5`33 Planning Commission Agenda - 2/11/86 4. Public Rearing - A Replatting Request to Replat an Existing Residential Lot into Three Residential Late. A Variance Request for Less Lot Width and Lot Square Footage than the Minimum Required. A Requ sot to Allow a Lot with No Street Frontage. Applicant, John Sandberg. (G.A.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: As you will note on the enclosed site plan for Mr. Sandberg -s request, we have. as City staff, adopted a new format for reviewing of such plate. Mr. Sandberg's initial public hearing notice should have read a preliminary plat for proposed new subdivision even though it is very small in nature consisting of only three residential lots. As you will note in your enclosed supplement, there is a copy of City staff review with Mr. John Sandberg on an item by item basic for each requirement under the preliminary plat section for proposed subdivisions. Adopting such a format allows less room for any question as to whether or not it is included on the proposed preliminary plat. Mr. Sandberg is proposing to replat an existing large residential lot into three residential lots. with two lots facing River Street and the other lot facing the Mississippi River. The Iota in which Mr. Sandberg is proposing to subdivide are lose than the minimum lot width required, which is 80 feet, and also lees than the minimum lot square footage for the front two lots which front River Street, which is leas than the 12,000 eq. ft. minimum requirement. The other variance request is that Mr. Sandberg is proposing to have a lot that would front on the Mississippi River with no street access. Mr. Sandberg Is proposing a 10 -foot easement to allow the proposed new property owner access to the rear lot. The minimum easement allowed for a proposed shared driveway is a 30 -foot easement, which MIs. Sandberg has indicated he Is willing to provide. Mr. Sandberg has also indicated on the enclosed punch lint that he will meet all of the requirements which were omitted at our initial review of his proposed subdivision by the time the Planning Commission mento, with City staff having enough time to roview this. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the preliminary plat for proposed subdivision. 2. Deny the preliminary plat request for proposed new subdivision. 3. Approve the preliminary plat for proposed subdivision with the granting of 4 variancos. The first four varioncos would bo on the two lots that front River Street on minimum lot width and minimum lot square footage, and the fifth variance would be to allow e lot with no street frontage. u' C. STAFF RECWODQIDATIOP: IL t Planning Commission Agenda - 2/11/86 The initial response from staff is subject to Mr. Sandberg meeting all of the its= on the check list as to approval of this request, but the proposed plat does have some merit in that he is proposing single family residential lot splits and not multiple family lot splits. Also, ve do see the problem vith the number of variances to be granted for this proposed small subdivision. The land, as it site by itself, is a rather expensive piece of land for somebody to develop for a single family house. Some type of variance is needed in order to subdivide this lot into residential lots to meet the minimum requirements of our ordinance. D. SUPPWTIM DATA: Copy of the proposed location of the replattiag request; Copy of the proposed site plan; Copy of the subdivision check list. -3- a CITY OF MONTICELLO PRELIMINARY PLAT REVIEW WORKSHEET FOR CITY USE Staff in olved in review process Date Filed Z 8 Date of Review/ Copies Filed i. Fee Instructions to Applicant: This review worksheet is intended to assist an applicant in preparing a preliminary plat, and the City in doing a thorough. impartial review of a proposed preliminary plat. The checklist contains all data required by City Ordinance. A preliminary plat will be considered incomplete it all required information is not submitted. NOTE: This is a worksheet, not a section of the ordinance. Applicants may request copies of the ordinance text. Please feel free to contact City staff if there are questions on the requirements. Applicant Name �oi�RJ v `1Nt l Qiek&— Phone 295- 2 2-1 - Subdivision Name PCOpOSC-� SJ Q o%%) tS iON ? For For Design Standards Applicants City Non - Use Use Conforming Conforming O 1. Abstractors certificate, properly certified, identifying owner of property, and owners of all proportion within 3:0' of boundary of subject property. O2. proposed name of subdivision. [21'3• Location of boundary lines in relation to e known section, quarter section or quarter - quarter section lines comprising a legal deacription of the property. Q0 •. Names and addressee of the record fee owner. 0 10,9. Scale of plat, not lass than one (1) inch to one hundred (100) teat. / U 6. Data and northpoint. O 7.7. Boundary line of proposed subdivision. O Q S. Existing zoning classifications for land within and abutting the subdivision. For For Design Standards Applicants City Hon - Use Use Conforming Cora:•,rming + Q Ln 9. Approximate acreage and dimensions of Iota. / Q[21,10. Location, right-of-way width, and names of y existing or platted street$, or other public ways, parks, and other public lands, perma- nent buildings and structures, easements, school districts, section and corporate lines within the plan and to a distance three hundred fifty (750) feet beyond shall also be indicated. Q 0 11. Boundary lines of adjoining unsubdivided or subdivided land, within three hundred fifty (350) feet, identified by name and ownership, Including all contiguous land owned or controlled by subdivider. Q 12. Topographic data, including contours at vertical intervals of not more than two (2) feet. Mater courses, marshea, rock outcrops, power transmission poles and linea, sire, location, and elevation of all 1 appurtenances of existing public utilities and all quasi -public utilities, including the name and operating authority of each utility, and other significant features shall be eltown. U.S.O.S. data shall be used for all topo- graphic mapping where feasible: (1929 sea level data shall be used for all topographic mapping.) The flood alevation of all lakes, rivers, and wetlands shall also be shown. aa 13. An accurate soil survey of the subdivision prepared by a Qualified parson. a Q 16. Saver and water feasibility study completed by a regieterad civil engineer. 0 0 15. A survey prepared by a qualified person identifying tree coverage in the proposed subdivision in Lerma of type, weakneoo, maturity, potential hazard. Infestation, vigor, density, and spacing. Q Q 16. A copy of all proposed privets restrictions and covenants. 0 Q 17. A proposed grading plan shoving the present and existing contours at a two (2) foot ✓ contour Interval. For For Design Standards Applicants City Mon- Use Use Conforming Conforming oa ia. Layout of proposed streets shoving the right-of-way widths, canter line gradients, _- typical crone sections, and proposed names of streets. / M IH"11*9• Locations and widths of proposed alleys and !/ pedestrian ways. aEY-20• Layout, numbers, preliminary dimensions of / v lots and blocks, and dimension of street frontage. Q O 21. Minimum front and side street building setback lines. When lots are located on a curve, the width of the lot at the building setback line. a22. Areae, other than streets, alleys, pedestrian ways and utility easements, intended to be dedicated or reserved for public use, in- cluding the size of such area or areas in acres. aZ3. A statoment of the approximate square footage and dimension of the individual lots. _v ` Q O 24. Statement of the proposed use of lots stating type of residential buildings with number of proposed dwelling units and type of business or industry, ao as to reveal the effect of the development on traffic, fire hazards, and congestion of population. Oa 25. Provision for surface water disposal, drainage, and flood control. O Q 28. If any zoning changes are contemplated, the proposed zoning plan for the areae. aO 27. A plan for soli erosion and sediment control both during construction and after develop- ment has been completed. The plan shall include gradients of waterways, design of velocity and erosion control measures, and landscaping of the erosion and sediment control system. O r7 28. A vagitation preservation and protection plan that shove those tress proposed to be removed, those to remain, the types and locations of trees and other vegetation that are to be planted. For For Design Standards Applicants City Non- ose 0'se Conforming Conforming p19. Where the subdivider owns property adjacent to that which is being proposed for the subdivision, the Planning Commission shall require that the subdivider submit a sketch plan of the remainder of the property so as to show the possible relationship between the proposed subdivision and the Q30. future subdivision. Where structures are to be placed on large lots (over thirty thousand (30,000) square feet), the preliminary plat shall indicate placement of structures so that late may be further subdivided. Where potential sub- division and use of excessively deep (over three hundred (300) feet) lots exist, the preliminary plat shell indicate placement of structures so that lots may be further subdivided. QQ 31. Other information requested by Engineer, Surveyor, Planning Consultant, Planning Commission, and/or staff. (Attach additional shoot(s) if necessary) Statement of Planning Conaultant attached? Statemeut of Engineering Consultant attachad7 yes no yea no O 0 Y� Staff recommendation to Planning Commission. (attach separate sheet(e) if necessary) Planning Commission recommendation to City Council. _g_ U r CITY OF MONTICELLO SUBDIVISION DESIGN STANDARDS The following is a general checklist for design standards for subdivisions within Monticello. In all cases, the Monticello Ordinance should be referred to for more detailed aspects of each design standard. For For Design Standards Applicants City Non - Use Use Conforming Conforming 11-5-1: BLOCKS �. BLOCK LENGTH. The maximum block length is 1� 1320 feet. Special considerations may be needed, however, in any blocks greater than 800 feet. O dB. BLACK WIDTH. A minimum of two lots shall be v provided between streets. Business and/or industrial blocks shall provide apace for parking and shipping and receiving. 11-4-2: LATS OOZ�A. The minimum lot area shall conform to the v current zoning standard. a B. Corner lot shall be slightly larger to allow for proper setbacks. Q �C. Side lot linea should be at right angles to streets. D. OoR Every lot must have a minimum frontage as currently required by the Zoning Ordinance. O Q E. Setback or building Since shall be shown on all plata and shall be as required by the Monticello Zoning Ordinance. 11-5-I: STREETS AND ALLEYS Q A. Whenever possible, streets should normally project through a subdivision to align with existing streets. Spacial consideration should be given to street alignment. The maximum number of lots should not be the only determining factor. Q1�•�{'B. ,,gy�p�(( Minor streets should not be used as Y� collector@. While dead-end streets are prohibited, cul-de-sacs may be used. A maximum length is 600 feet with a 60 -toot radius for the right-of-way. r r I For For Design Standards Applicants City Non - Use Use Conforming Conforming When only a portion of a piece of property -_ Is developed, a plan for the proposed future street system should be provided. Q �` AD. Puture street needs should be addressed in TTS subdivisions having extremely large lots. 0 E. Streets should be laid out as to intersect at TT right angles. OF. on subdivisions adjacent to state highways or main thoroughfares, service roads should be considered. Q 0.Alloys shall be provided in commercial and ✓/ industrial districts but should not be provided in residential districts. a "'���TTT OH. Dedication of half streets will only be approved under special conditions. adi. The minimum right-of-ways and paved surface for / v __ each street ahall conform to that which is outlined in the ordinance. Greater widths of right-of-way may be required in some special Instances. 0 J. 87REET GRADES. The maximum grade on all thoroughfares shall be 6%. all other streets 8%. Minimum grade on all streets is .Ss. SIC. M �+ STREET ALIGNMENT. The horizontal and vertical alignment standards shall be as those set _ forth in the ordinance. a th L. CURB RADIUS. Curb radii shall be as shown in ._ the ordinance. 11-6-4: EASEMENTS C3 GBIA. Utility and drainage easements shall be / provided on ail lots. Six (6) feet shall _v be provided along side lot lines, and twelve (12) fest shall be provided along the front and rear of each lot. Special cases in some Instance* may require greater widths. -2- CU i Design Standards Per Rox Applicants City Non use U130 Conforming Conforming y Q S. utility assamants shall connect with ease- ments established in adjoining properties. Once approved. easements shall not be changed without the consent of City Council. Q Q� 1 C. "`" Additional easements should be provided at the outside of turns for utility pole guys. 11-5-5: EROSION i SEDIMENT CONTROL Q Q A. The ordinance provides for specific construction requirements during development to control erosion and sediment. When top soil is removed, it shall be replaced after excavation. The soil shall be restored to a depth of four (8) inches. Refer to the ordinance for specific requirements in the area of erosion and sediment control. 11-5-6: DRAINAGE Q A. Where municipal storm sewer systema do not i exist, ponding facilities shall be designed and provided. Q8. No existing ditch, stream, drain, pond. or draiaags canals shall be deepened, widened, rerouted, or filled without permission from the City Council. Q If artificial channels must be constructed, they may be planned as part of a recreation system. 0 k�r►f(0. The drainage system shall be constructed and in operation during the initial phases of construction. 11-5-7: STEER SLOPES 0 Q A. maximum slope is 1St. 11-5-8: WETLAND SYSTEMS Q A. In some instances, there may be land containing _r _ (� drainage ways, water courses, floodable areas. or wetlands which ars unsuitable for development. please refer to the ordinance for specific ways in which these areas may be handled. CHAPTER 6 PARRS, OPEN SPACE, AND PUBLIC USE I w For For Design Standards Applicants City Non- ose Use Conforming Conforming 11-6-1: DEDICATION REQUIREMENT Q a A. The City requires that all developers requesting platting or replatting of land in the City of Monticello contribute 101 of the final plat gross area to be dedicated to the City for recreational purposes. The City can require a cash dedication in lieu of the land or any combination thereof. 11-6-2: CASH CONTRIBUTION 0 A. All cash contributions collected are placed in a special fund to be used for park a d recreation purposes. 11-6-3: DELAYED DEDICATION PAYMENT a 0 A. The City may approve a delayed dedication payment. However, interest in due and payable on such delayed payments. 11-6-6: PURCHASE OR CONDEMNATION OF LANDS Q Q A. This portion of the text refers to proposed parks, playgrounds, or public grounds which have been indicated on official maps or master plans. This part of the ordinance provides protection for those areas. 11-6-5: LOCATION AND CONFIGURATION OF DEDICATION a A. The City Council reserves the right to determine tho geographic location and configuration of said dedication. Al -4- 04;11� CHAPTER 7 REQUIRED BASIC IMPROVEMENTS SECTION: 11-7-2: Street Improvements .11-7-3: Sanitary Sever and Mater Distribution Improvements 11-7-4: Public Utilities 11-7-1: GENERAL+ (A) Before a final plat is approved by the City Council, the owner or subdivider of the land covered by the said plat shall execute and sub- mit to the Council an agreement, which shall be binding on his or their heirs, personal representatives and assigns, that he will cause no pri- vate construction to be made on said plat or file or cause to be filed any application for building permits for such construction until all improvements required under this Ordinance have been made or arranged for in the manner following as respects the streets to which the lots sought to be constructed have access. (8) Prior to the making of such required improvements, the City Council shall require the Owner or Subdivider to pay to the City an amount equal j to a minimum of 25• and up to 100% of the estimated total coat of such improvements, including not only construction but all indirect costs. The actual percentage to be determined by the City in each case based on its review of: 1. The financial background of the developer. 2. The normalcy of the unit charge for putting in the improvement. 3. An evaluation of the cost recovery potential through the sale of the land. 4. "he likelihood of success of the development. 5. Hao the developer defaulted on any outstanding aececomont pay - mento in the past twelve (12) months. Thio payment must be made to the City prior to the City Council adopting the resolution ordering the project. The balance of the total project cost will be assessed 100% against the benefited property, payable in not more than ton (10) annual installments with interact at a rate of at least 1.5% (rounded up to the nearest .25%) over the rate paid on bonds issuad to finance the Improvements, or, if financed internally, over the then equivalent rats the City dotermined it would have to pay on bonds issued at that timer provided, however, that the entire assessment balance out- standing against a given parcel is to be paid in full prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy permit for principal use of new conotruction on that parcel, or within 180 days after a building permit for new con- struction is issued, whichever comes first. In the event a building per- mit is applied for prior to completion of installation of the improvements, y the payment to the City shall be in an amount equal to 125% of the osti- mated total assessment. Upon completion of the project and dotermination of the actual cost to be assessed, any overcharge will be refunded and any additional cost will be due the City within 30 days of notification 11-7-1 11-7-1 of such additional cost. If, for any reason, subsequent to having made such advance payment to the City, the developer should withdraw from �- the project, the City is entitled to retain an amount equal to the City's%.. cost related to the project to that time, and the balance shall be re- funded to the developer. (Ord. Am. 3/26/79 066) (C) No final plat shall be approved by the City Council without first receiving a report from the City Engineer certifying that the improvements described herein, together with the agreements and document. required herein, meet the minimum requirements of all applicable ordinances. Draw- ings showing all improvements as built shall be filed with the City Clerk. (D) No final plat shall be approved by the City Council on land subject to flooding or containing poor drainage facilities and on land which would make adequate drainage of the streets and lots impossible. How- ever, if the subdivider agrees to make improvements which will, in the opinion of the City Engineer, make the area completely safe for residential occupancy and provide adequate street and lot drainage, and conform to applicable regulations of other agencies such as the U.S. Corps of Engineers or the Department of Natural [resources the final plat of the subdivsion may be approved. In addition, such plats may not be approved if the cost of providing municipal services to protect the flood plain area would impose an unreasonable economic burden upon the City. (E) All of the required improvements to be installed under the provisions of this Ordinance shall be inspected during the course of their construc- tion by the City Engineer. All of the inspection costs pursuant thereto,,. shall be paid by the owner or subdivider in the manner prescribed in Par: graph (B) above. (F) Water, sanitary cower and storm sewer, lateral lines shall be assessed 100% against the benefited property within the proposed subdivision. These assessments shall be made on a residential housing unit basis. (G) Water, sanitary and storm sower, trunk lines shall be assessed 100% against the benefited property, whether or not the services are made im- modiatoly available to the property, on a net platted area basic. Tho assessments will utilize a per acre unit for large undeveloped areas and a par square foot unit for platted properties. (H) The coat of constructing permanent atroctn, including curb and gutter, will be 100% acooaaod against benefited property based on front footago. Cornor lots shall be accessed for frontage only with no charge made for the long aide lot footage. Costo resulting from interouctions and aide lot footage shall be included in the total amount to be accessed and ap- portioned over the not assessable footage. In the case of off -shaped Iota, the footage shall be as measured at the building act -back linai how- ever, in no event shall the acsessablo footage be logo than the minimum lot width as required by the City. 69 11-7-3 (I) At the request of the owner or subdivider, the City may agree to spread all of the assessments against the subdivision on a per lot or i residential housing unit basis, rather than on the various methods set forth in (F), (G) and (H) above. (J) In all cases, the procedure for local improvements prescribed in Minnesota Statutes Chapter 429, shall be followed. (X) The requirements of this ordinance are intended to be compatible with the assessment policy ordinance 13-1-1 through 13-1-3. (6-12-78 157) 11-7-2: STREET IMPROVEMENTS: (A) The fuil:width of the right-of-way shall be graded, including the sub - grade of the areas to be paved, in accordance with standards and specifi- cations for street construction as required by the City Council. (B) All streets shall be improved with pavement in accordance with the standards and specifications for street construction as required by the City Council. (C) All streets to be paved shall be of an overall width in accordance with the standards and specifications for street construction as required by the City Council. (D) Curb and guttor will be constructed as required by the standards and specifications for street construction as required by the City Council. (E) Storm severe, culverts, storm water inlets, and other drainage facil- ities will be required where they are necessary to inaure adequate storm water drainage for the subdivision. Where required, such drainage facil- ities shall be constructed in accordance with the standards and spocifi- cations for street construction as required by the City Council. (F) Street troes and boulevard sodding shall be planted in conformance with the standards and specifications as required by the City Council. (G) Street signs of the standard design as may be required by the City Council shall be installed at each street intareaction. (H) Sidewalks of standard design as may be required by the City Council. 11-7-31 SANITARY SEWER AND WATER DISTRIBUTION IMPROVEMEMBI (A) Sanitary sowers shall be installed as may be required by standards and specifications approved by the City Council. (B) City water facilities, including pipe fittings, hydrants, etc., shall be installed as may be required by standards and specifications approved by the City Council. Where City water facilities are not available for extension into the proposed subdivision, the city Council may by ordinanco grant a franchise for such water facilities, to serve all properties with- in a subdivision where a complete and adequate neighborhood water distri- bution system is designed in conjunction with the subdivision, and com- plete plans for the system are submitted for approval of the City Council. (Cl Where City sewer and water facilities are not available for extension 11-7-4 into proposed subdivision, the Council may permit the use of individual i rater and sever systems in accordance with appropriate State regulations„ f 11-7-4g PUBLIC UTILITIESt O (A) Where feasible, in the opinion. of the Engineer, all utilities lines for telephone and electric service shall be placed in rear line easements when carried on overhead poles. (B) Where telephone, electric and/or gas service lines are to be placed underground entirely, conduits or cables shall be placed within easements or dedicated public ways, in such a manner so as not to conflict with other underground services. All drainage and other underground utility installations which traverse privately owned property shall be protected by easements furnished by the subdivider. (C) Each public utility company installing underground facilities must file with the City an as built drawing within one hundred eighty (180) days of installation, indicating the location of the utility in relation to the property lines, elevation of the facility, and the ground elevation at each service or at each one hundred (100) foot interval. The type, size, voltage, or pressure of this facility including location of appur- tonances along the lines for shut off control shall also be included. Planning Comaiasion Agenda - 2/11/86 V 5. Public Hearing - A Final Plat Request for a Proposed New Subdivision. Applicant. John Sandberq. (G.A.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Mr. John Sandberg will be before you with the proposed final plat for the Kealy Heights Addition in the former Meadows Addition in the City of Monticello. The early stages of his request is the last time that you had seen any indication of what Mr. Sandberg is proposing. The City Council has since heard that and approved his preliminary plat request with the following conditions: 1) Both Marvin Elwood Road extension and Kealy Circle extension are platted into the final plat; 2) Screening would be required on Lots 9 & 10 as proposed. On the enclosed map you will note that Mr. Sandberg is calling the preliminary plat the same as his final plat, even though at the writing of this supplement Mr. Sandberg has not submitted to City staff a copy of the proposed final plat for the Kealy Heights Addition. Again, the request before you is for approval or denial of Mr. Sandberg -s request for a final plat of the Kealy Heights Addition to the City of Monticello. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the final plat for the proposed new subdivision to be called Kealy Heights Addition. 2. Deny the final plat request for the proposed new subdivision to be called Kealy Heights Addition. 3. Approve the final plat for the Kealy Hoighta Subdivision with the following conditions: 1) Marvin Elwood Road be extended to West River Street and the Keely Circle extension be extended all the way to County Road 75; 2) Screening be required on Lots 9 & 10. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Having not soon the final plat as drawn for the Kealy Heighto Addition and assuming that Mr. Sandberg is proposing the same thing as he proposed in his preliminary plat, the staff is recommending approval of the final plat for the Kealy Heights Addition to the City of Monticello with the conditions that Marvin Elwood Road be extended all the way to West River Street, Kealy Circle be extended to County Road 79, and also that some type of landscaping be installed on Lots 9 & 10. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the proposed final plat for the Koaly Heights Addition; Copy of the location of the final plat) Copy of the Council Minutes i on Mr. Sandberg's preliminary plat request. `i� -4- i I' A final plat request for a proposed new subdivision. \� �\ John Sandberg. o � I - --_�--------------------- ------------- ----------- --------- �'-.-�.• �/---------------- 17 v ---- ,cv • 5,.�' I C. �1 r 9 ` r7 � z c On I THE MEADOWS City Of Monticello ' C�td� b r�Jrt �•____ Proposed R-2 Rezoning P t PnOe..d R-S R.:oninpl . Let 1 8. eb,k ILet I. BbcY I -• •4 �i,..r •. I• I �' �� `` \ \!yR \\ L.t. 12 TW 14 • La 24. Stock • L.t. I t.n 10. BbcY t ' '"'f r+•+.rt ..�wa �Q� r1 U4 1 Th 8. 8411 J La. 1 Ter. I I, Bbc4 19 1141, 0 J IL qf 10 t- r it Ioi,twb 4. K• t.d,i7sa brit. II' \ 1 1 i 91 Ip 1.911 s..•./ . Y t 7� A 1\�, w _ I I1.•{/1rJ' ' .� �, :// /C�'�^► R 2 iq ~V•`' \ \ ` to 0 �` �� Y � • `•�'•'. V � ' I tt• �/ t• �•,•,�``•i�4_�.NrLI.•`..�•��C'',L•tl�'yt=` Y}"r"r~ •.^"ii ' I I/���-! .a'pOJ��`Cr d I���'II t • . o �j'� • ~�o �,. �i I — I�'--�� (r 1 Via..,, ��� I �• i'[�� �.p.•....... c.. 4Y,1u}l..Y� / / r ruf t9t •.K f� �p•�i '•r'�a'.• F` / • 11 11 1.s,t.•�1 y.pw �I I 9 t�000 8 I.d•a4 �� / 1.911 •'1:.'�� `.�4 tae .P� — 11 . •• MT tt��is NOt Y u'ji Fuel q NOi 19 t11 :N: I I� I ISL F,'N.... . ...in.. r�Tlr a a/ -'•aaf fbu ^dl'... ���y � f,. Council Minutes - 1/13/86 12a. Consideration of a Preliminary Plat in the Meadows. Mr. John Sandberg presented for Council review a preliminary plat on the replotting of the Meadows Subdivision to create multiple family sites within the plat. Although the Planning Commission has not yet reviewed the preliminary plat, Mr. Sandberg requested Council consideration of the plat at this time. In reviewing the plat, the City staff has noted acme areae of concern mainly with how the property will be screened from the abutting single family residences already in existence and street accesses to County Road 75. The preliminary plat as presented proposes to extend Marvin Elwood Road to connect with River Street and indicates that Lot 8 would be proposed for future road extension of Kealy Circle to County Road 75. The extension of Keely Circle to County Road 75 through original Lot 8 was recommended by the City staff to help eliminate traffic problems that may occur along Prairie Road if this multiple zoning plat was to be approved. Although the plat only indicates this as a proposed future extension, it is the otaff-a recommendation that the final plat for Kealy Heights contain a platted street for both Marvin Elwood Road extension and the Kealy Circle extension Mayor Crimsmo questioned whether the two road extensions would be necoosaxy to be developed at the present time. It was noted by the City Engineer that although the Marvin Elwood Road extension to River Street may not have to be developed immediately, he would recommend that to eliminate a dead-end road, the right-of-way now be platted as part of this replatting process. Council -ember Fair questioned what screening the developer would do to protect the current residential properties abutting the proposed multiple sites, and Mr. Sandberg did agree to screening with treea, etc., the multiple lots that abut the exioting residential structures but questioned properties that are not currently developed. After further diocusoion, motion was made by Maxwell, eeconded by Bill ►air, and unanimously carried to grant approval to the preliminary plat provided both Marvin Elwood Road extension and Kealy Circle extension are platted in the final plat and that screening would be required on Lots 9 a 10 as proposed. 0 Planning Commission Agenda - 2/11/86 r 6. Continuance of a Variance Request to Allow Placement of a Sign in the Railroad Right-of-way. Applicant. John Sandberg. (G.A.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Mr. Sandberg has contacted the Burlington Northern Railroad and has sent them the pertinent information and is awaiting their reply on his request. -5-