City Council Minutes 06-12-2017 SpecialMINUTES SPECIAL MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, June 12, 2017 — 5 p.m. Academy Room City Hall - Monticello Community Center Present: Brian Stumpf, Jim Davidson, Bill Fair, Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart Absent: None Others: City staff: Jeff O'Neill, Wayne Oberg, Angela Schumann, Shibani Bisson, Rachel Leonard, Torn Moores, Sarah Rathlisberger, Mat Stang, Tracy Ergen, Jiro Thares, and Matt Theisen Others: Chuck Keyes, Veolia Water North America Project Manager, and Margaret Becker, Veolia Water North America VP of Operations 1. Call to Order Mayor Brian Stumpf called the special meeting to order at 5 p.m. 2. WWTP Operation Management Alternative — Management Contract vs. City Staff Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator, introduced the item and gave a presentation. The presentation included: history of WWTP operations and operations comparison of private contract versus city staff. Mr. O'Neill stated that the decision of private contract versus city staff does not have to be made at the present time, however, a letter needs to be sent stating non -renewal 120 prior to expiration or the contract automatically renews. Some of the considerations discussed during the workshop were: facilities maintenance; staffing; technical support; and capital improvements. Chuck Keyes, Veolia Manager, addressed the City Council and provided information on the operations of the facility and what Veolia provides in service. He added that Monticello has a complicated system. Mat Stang, Public Works, responded that the system is complex, however, city staff would be able to operate at current level. Wayne Oberg, Finance Director, gave a brief history of expenditures. Mr. Oberg commented that implementing a change in operations to city staff would save approximately $121,000 annually. The notice of non -renewal is on the regular meeting agenda. 3. Adjournment By consensus the meeting was adjourned at 5:55 p.m. Recorder: Jennifer- Schreiber Approved: Attest: City AdininistTwZ City Council Special Meeting Minutes — June 12, 2017