City Council Agenda Packet 11-22-1999 AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COIJNCIL Monday, November 22,1999 - 7 p.m. Mayor: Roger Belsaas Council Members: Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf, Roger Carlson, Bruce Thielen 1. Call to order. 2. A. B. Approval of minutes of the special meeting held November 8, 1999. Approval of minutes of the regular meeting held November 8, 1999. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. A. B. C. 4. Citizens comments/petitions, requests, and complaints. V 11-- f; I -?e...., ,..... 5. Consent agenda. A. Consideration of approving request for charitable gambling license - Knights of Columbus - River City Lanes. B. Consideration of Change Orders #9-# lion TH 25 Project No. 96-04C C. Consideration of Change Order # 1 - SE Booster Station Project No. 98-24C D. Consideration of ordinance amendment modifying Planning Commission compensation. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. 7. Public hearing - Acquisition and construction of storm sewer improvements _ Hart Boulevard Storm Drainage District. 8. Consideration of an offer for purchase of Senior Citizen Building. 9. Consideration of request to modify terms of option contract - Lake Tool ~ Consideration of authorizing permanent 4-way stop signs at 6th Street and Walnut Avenue., ~. dil1VlL...... ~5'M+ . . -- -- 11. @ 13. 14. Consideration of approving a resolution accepting petition for extension of Chelsea Road and utilities from Sandberg Road to 90th Street. Consideration of accepting petition and waiver of public hearing requirement and authorizing feasibility report/plans for extension of water line to Community Methodist Church. {~"";:;,}'^+ 4?a.......d..::'\.., Approve payment of bills for November. Adjourn 1/ -:r F . Q\.{.tJ.-1-'''' "J . MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, November 8, 1999 - 5 p.m. Members Present: Roger Belsaas, Roger Carlson, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen Members Absent: None Mayor Belsaas called the meeting to order at 5 p.m. and declared a quorum present. 2. Discussion of Communitv Center Debt Refinancing: Options and Existing Debt Schedule _ Mark Ruff - Ehlers & Associates. . Representatives from Ehlers and Associates came before the Council to discuss options available to the City for refinancing the short term debt on the Community Center. The short tcrm debt is due in February, 2001 but the bonds can be called without penalty on February, 2000. Whcn the Council initially discussed long term financing they were looking at 20 years. The information submitted to the Council had terms of 13 or 15 ycars. Since the Community Center refinancing bond would not be a general obligation bond the interest rate would be slightly higher. Mark Ruff talked about wrapping the debt and noted the advantages and disadvantages of that option. It was noted that the bonds that have been issued over the last 5-6 years are all doing well as far as cash flows. It was the recommendation of Ehlers and Associates that if the City decides to issue a bond it should be done in the early part of the year since bond sales were generally better then. Bruce Thielen asked about the time frame for issuing the bond. Mark Ruff indicated that they would need 3-4 weeks lead time and suggested that if the Council could make the decision on whether or not to issue a bond by the end of January it would still give the them sufficient time to do so. The Council directed staff to continue to work on the debt refinancing and possible bond issue and schedule it for the first meeting in January. 3. Discussion of Year 2000 Budget and Tax Levy. . Rick W olfsteller noted that the preliminary tax levy of $4,848,611 that was approved by the Council was set at 5% more than the 1999 levy. At the time of the preliminary levy the City's property valuation was unknown. Because of depreciation of the power plant and dropped values of other property classifications, the City's valuation dropped by $38,000. The Council discussed the levy amount, mill rate and valuation and how they would be impacted by the City's proposed budget. If the Council's goal is not to increase the amount of the City's share of real estate taxes that the property owner pays, then the Council needs to give some direction as to where the City should cut back. It was anticipated that $125,000 of the proposed preliminary levy increase of $230,886 would go towards the capitalized interest and other costs associated with the bond issue that was being proposed. (jA Special Meeting Minutes - 11/8/99 . One area the Council suggested trimming was the contributions to other entities. These contributions are as follows: t> Central Minnesota Initiative Fund - $6500 t> YMCA - $7500 t> MCP - $10,000 (Reduce funding from $35,000 to $25,000) t> Community Education - $17,000~$17,500 t> Walnut Street - Elimination of the paver block for the crosswalks - $11,000 t> Senior Citizens - $3,000 (Reduce funding from $37,000 to $34,000 if the $37,000 was allocated to the seniors rather than for utilities) t> Riverfest - $2,000 In discussing these cuts, the Council noted that because funding was reduced or eliminated did not mean that the Council did not feel that these programs had merit but rather it was one of the few areas where the Council could make reductions. "fhey noted that even though funding may be eliminated or reduced for the 2000 budget, the Council could in future years restore these budget cuts. If the entities whose contributions were cut or eliminated wanted to submit something in writing to the Council documenting their need for the funding, the Council would consider that information for future City budgets. . Barb Esse from the MCP spoke to the Council on the work that MCP does and what it has achieved over the past years. She urged the Council not to reduce the MC? budget contribution. Brian Stumpf noted that the City's budget contribution to the MCP was originally for a three period which has expired. The fact the City reduced and did not eliminate the MCP contribution validates the Council's support for the work the MCP does for the community. Whether to include the paver block for the crosswalks in the Walnut Street Improvement Project was reviewed. John Simola pointed out that this was an extremely good price for the paver block and it was unlikely that the City would get that price again if they would decide at some later date to inelude the paver block. Bruce Thielen felt the block should be retained as part of the contract as it complemented the development in the area. It was argued that the paver block was an amenity and not a necessity and therefore could be cut. John Simola was directed to find out if the City eliminated the paver block from the contract how much of the $11,000 cost savings would the City realize. Rick Wolfsteller noted that $7,600 relating to the lease for the fitness equipment for the Community Center needed to be added to the budget. The direction of the Council was that levy should be set at $130,000 more than 1999's levy with reductions made as noted above and inclusion of $7,600 for the fitness equipment. 4. Discussion of Five Year CIP Bud2:ct Rick W olfstcller noted that a thorough review and discussion of the five year CIP budget would 2 ~A Special Meeting Minutes - 11/8/99 . probably rcquire more time than was available at this meeting. The clements of the five year CIP budget werc briefly reviewed and it was noted that adoption of the CIP was not required as part of year 2000 budget process. Rick WolfsteIler notcd that many of the capital outlays items that were removed li-Oln 2000 CIP budget were rolled over to the 200 I CIP budget. Rick W oltsteIler had prepared three schedules as part of the CIP budget document. Schedule A showcd the funding needed if the cost of the capital outlays were paid for in one year. Schedule B showed the funding needed if the cost of the capital outlays was spread out over 10 years and Schcdule C showed the cost spread out over 15 years. Rick W olfsteller felt that Schcdule C was more realistic but noted that evcn with spreading the cost over] 5 years the City could still expect a healthy increase over what was levied this year. It was estimated that this would be a 15%-20% increase and would not include any increase in the general fund operations. Rick WolfstelIer noted that this is a worst case scenario in that it assumed no change in the City's valuation. One of the CIP expenditures the Council discussed was the improvement to the City's core streets. John Simola explained what area made up the core streets and why the improvement was needed. ft was pointed out that the CIP budget document assumed the property owners would be assessed for 50% of the cost instead of the 20% that was assessed when the work was done in ] 977. . Rick Wolfsteller stated that the CIP budget document should reflect what the Council would actually be willing to spend lor improvements. If the CIP budget was not realistic and the Council was not comfortable with the proposed expenditures, the Council should target a number that they felt they could live with. The Council indicated that the CIP budget document merited another meeting. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 6;30 P.M. ROGER BELSAAS SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Recording Secretary 3 d.A . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, November 8, 1999 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Roger Belsaas, Roger Carlson, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen Members Absent: None Mayor Belsaas called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. 2. Approval of minutes of October 25, 1999 re1!ular Council meeting. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO ACCEPT THE MINUTES OF TIlE OCTOBER 25, 1999 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AS PRESENTED. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED lJNANIMOUSL Y. 3. Consideration of addin1! items to the a2:enda. . City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller, added to the agenda setting a date for a closed special meeting to review litigation. 4. Citizen comments/petitions, requests and complaints. Residents from the Kjellberg's Mobile Home Park were in attendance at the meeting. Jean Weisbrich acting as spokesperson for the group addressed the Council about water quality issues relating to the water supply for the mobile home park. She expressed the anxiety the residents have about possible health concerns from drinking the water and questioned whether the testing standards have been met. The residents were requesting that the mobile home park be connected to the City's municipal water system. The residents were advised that since the mobile home park was outside the City limits, the City could not provide service to the area. Even if the City annexed the property, it is questionable whether the current water distribution system at the park meets the City's design standards. The Council stated that while they are sympathetic to the plight the residents are in, the City does not have jurisdiction or authority to require improvements to be made to the water system at the mobile home park. The Council heard additional comments from residents about the water quality at the mobile home park. The Council reiterated that the City did not have the authority to take any action on this matter. The Council did support the residents efforts to bring about change at the mobile home park and encouraged them to continue their efforts. ..... 5. Consent A~enda - A. Consideration of Change Order No. 23 - Project No. 93-14C WWTP. Recommendation: db . . 8. . Council Minutes - 11/8/99 Approve change Order No. 23 to Project No. 93-14C deducting $13,733 from the wastewater treatment plant project. B. Consideration of an amendment to the Recycling Policy. Recommendation: Amend the recycling plan eliminating the paragraph regarding establishing a longevity date for containers and replacing it with a paragraph stating that the City would pay for one half the cost of the bins, stickers and logos on initial containers and replacements. c. Consideration of authorizing Monticello Country Club to be a liquor provider at the Monticello Community Center for calendar year 2000. Recommendation: Approve the request of the Monticello Country Club to be a liquor provider at the Monticello Community Center for calendar year 2000. D. Consideration of adopting a resolution extending the term of the cable franchise granted to Bresnan Telecommunications Company, LLC. Recommendation: Adopt the resolution extending the current franchise with Bresnan Cable until June 30, 2000. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA. CLINT HERBST SECONDED T1IE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. None. 7. Public Hearin!! - Proposed issuance of Multifamily Housin!! Revenue Bonds and the Related Housine Program - St. Benedict's Senior Community. This public hearing was required so that the City of Cloud and the City of Monticello could issue revenue bonds on behalf of the S1. Cloud Hospital Corporation to finance the St. Benedict's Senior Housing Project which consists of 60 units of independent living and 60 units of assisted living within the City of Monticello. A representative from the St. Cloud Hospital Corporation was present to address any questions from the Council. Mayor Belsaas opened the public hearing on the issuing of revenue bonds for the S1. Cloud Hospital Corporation. No one came forward to speak on the matter of issuance of revenue bonds. Mayor Belsaas closed the public hearing. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE ISSUANCE Of REVENUE BONDS ON BEHALF OF THE ST. CLOUD HOSPlT AL CORPORATION AND APPROVAL OF THE ASSOCIATED HOUSING PROGRAM REQUIREMENT. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. Consideration of an offer for purchase of Senior Citizen Building. The Council was requested to table this matter because the use originally proposed for this 2 db Council Minutes ~ 11/8/99 . property may no longer be economically feasible. The prospective buyer of the property is checking into other possible uses that would be suitable for this site. Thc Council directed that the advertisement for the property should be continued and the staff should research the ordinance to determine what other uses would be appropriate for the site. 9. Review of Liauor Store and Librarv space needs study. Susan Blumentals was present at the meeting to review with the Council the space needs study that was done for the library and the liquor store site. She explained that the library because of its close proximity to the Community Center did not want to relocate but would prefer to expand at its existing site. There is expansion room on the north side of the building or towards the parking lot on the south side. The proposed expansion would allow the trees on site to remain. The estimated cost of the expansion is $1,195,990. . The proposed expansion of the liquor store would take place on the 51h Street side of the property leaving a 50' strip of land on the Walnut Street side that could be developed for shops. The estimated cost of the expansion is $588,000. It was noted that funds for the expansion could come from the development of the Ferrell Gas site. There was brief discussion on what options Were available such as adding on to the existing facility, constructing a satellite facility or some combination of both. Joe Hartman, the liquor store manager, noted that there had been some damage done to the existing facility and he asked whether the Council wanted him to go ahead and have the repairs done or hold off on it. The Council directed him to make the necessary repairs. 10. Consideration of authorization to proceed with process of sale and development of Lots 11-16. Block 14. PH> 155-400-000040 (Ferrell Gas Site) The Council had earlier issued a request for proposal for development of this site. With the current infcmnation on the expansion needs for the liquor store, the staff was requesting Council direction to proceed with the development of the site and to incorporate the 50' strip of land on the Walnut Street side of the liquor store parcel. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO DIRECT TIlE STAFF TO UPDATE THE PROSPECTIVE DEVELOPERS ON THE A V AILABILITY OF ADDITIONAL LAND ON THE WEST SIDE OF THE LIQUOR STORE BUILDING FOR REDEVELOPMENT. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 10.8 Consideration of setti01! a date for a special meeting. The attorneys representing the City in Cllrrent legal action have requested an opportunity to meet with the City Council to update them on lawsuits. A closed meeting was scheduled for 6 p.m. on November 22, 1999. 3 dB Council Minutes - 11/8/99 . 11. Approve bills for November. CLINT HERBST MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF BILLS. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 8 P.M. BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Recording Secretary . . 4 ~f~ . . Council Agcnda Item - 1] /22/99 5.A Consideration of approving request for charitable gambling license - Knif!hts of Columhus-River Citv Lanes. (R. W.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Knights of Columbus, Council #6608 from Buffalo has submitted an application for a one day charitable gambling license for February 20, 2000 at the River City Lanes. In order for the State Gambling Control Board to issue this gambling license, a resolution by the City either approving or denying the application needs to be submitted with their application. In the past, the City has not opposed these exempt gambling license applications for charitablc events. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: I. Adopt a resolution authorizing the State Gambling Control Board to issue the exempt charitable gambling license to Knights of Columbus, Council #6608. 2. Adopt a resolution denying the gambling license application request. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff is not aware of any rcason why the Council would not allow the State to issue this gambling license. D. SUPPORTING DATA: · Resolution approving gambling license. · Application and letter Minnesota Lawful Gambling Application for Exempt Permit.. LG220 . /SL-1. II/9-t v Page 1 of 2 For Board Use Onl 10/98 Fee Paid Check No. Initials Received I I Previous lawful gambling exemption number )(- tz'oo~ County ~k Daytime phone numbe f CEO: ( ) /2- - q S t., - "S-J. 7 Daytime phone number of treasurer: (w/~ ) 5~ _ ~"Go L/ State/Zip Code yV r-S""r/ e. Name of teasurer of organization First name &re l Z ~tll Last name Type of Nonprofit Organization Check the box that best describes your organization: o Fraternal ~eligioUS o Veteran 0 Other nonprofit organization Check the box that indicates the type of proof your organization attached to this application; o IRS letter indicating income tax exempt status o Certificate of Good Standing from the Minnesota Secretary of State's Office o A charter showing you are an affiliate of a parent nonprofit organization ~ Proof previously submitted and on file with the Gambling Control Board . Gambling Premises Information Name of premises whlilfe gambling activity will be conducted (for raffles, list the site where the drawing will take place) . P,Vev-- t2i~ LUNe' Address (dO~ PO box) '7 City' StatelZip Code It S(A 'ONI,'~~Jio lUiV I- Date(s) of activity (for raffles, indicate the date of the drawing) '"1 Check the box or boxes that indicate the type of gambling activity your organization will be conducting: ~ .8in90 0 Raffles D.Paddlewheels O.Pull-Tabs D*TiPboards .Equipment for these activities must be obtained from a licensed distributor. This form will be made available in alternative format (i.e. large print, Braille) upon request. The information requested on this form (and any attachments) will be used by the Gambling Control Board (Board) to determine your qualifications to be involved in lawful gambling activities in Minnesota. You have the right to refuse to supply the information requested; however, if you refuse to supply this information, the Board may not be able to determine your qualifications and, as a consequence, may refuse to issue you a permit. If you supply the information requested. the Board will be able to process your application. Your name and and your organization's name and address will be public information when received by the Board. All the other information that you provide will be private data about you until the Board issues your permit. When the Board issues your permit, all of the information that you have provided to the Board in the process of applying for your permit will become public. If the Board does not issue you a permit. all the information you have provided in the process of applying for a permit remains private, with the exception of your name and your organization's name and address which will remain public. Private data about you are available only to the following: Board members, staff of the Board whose work assignment requires that they have access to the information; the Minnesota Department of Public Safety; the Minnesota Attomey General; the Minnesota Commissioners of Administration, Finance, and Revenue; the Minnesota Legislative Auditor, national and international gambling regulatory agencies; anyone pursuant to court order; other individuals and agencies that are speCifically authorized by state or federal law to have access to the information; indMduals and agencies for which law or legal order authorizes a new use or sharing of information after this Notice was given; and anyone with your consent. 5"1=l Application for Exempt Permit... LG220 Organization Name K t\ i Local Unit of Govern : Ifther;g~RlJjIi'" :c"riJdjtfj~ .... J!:Y:....,...,... .".... On behalf of the city. I acknowledge this application and three options for the city: 1. Approve the application: By taking no action. the city allows the Board to issue a permit after 30 days (60 days for a first class city). 2. Waive the above-noted waiting period: The city allows the Board to issue a permit before 30 days (60 days for a first class city). Docu- mentation attached. Page 2 of 2 1 0/98 (.1 \41\ ent Acknowledgment (Required by Statute) If;~~g~!"blig,g p-%~eS'~loc:.ltecll"in~'j~ ih~.~9gty'ant1.to.. ipmUst:~ig"!thls;~PP~~~ . ..;,,'0:'=. ...:' :o:,,''<::w'''''^'''='~' . , "",,~:::~:,^,.,>. ". ... ~',,,. _,',:~":v>..",, ,," W>.Wh<w..' .~:~:",~~:,~:,... "",: ",~",. '.: ,,'" ,^:::,~>>>,,,', .'. On behalf of the county, I acknowledge this application and three options for the county: 1. Approve the application: By taking no action, the county allows the Board to issue a permit after 30 days. 2. Waive the above-noted waiting period: The county allows the Board to issue a permit before 30 days. Documentation attached. 3. Deny the application by passing a resolution within 30 days. Print name of county: fJ:, (, '1J ct . oth O/<?-\:,r':,' 3. Deny the application by passing a resolution within 30 days (60 days for a first class city). x: Print name of city: (Signature of county personnel receiving application) Title Date (Signature of city personnel receiving application) On behalf of the township, I acknowledge that the organization is applying for exempted gambling activity within the township limits. A township has no statutory authority to approve or deny an application (Minn. Stat. sec. 349.213, subd. 2). . 'x \' Title Date / Print name of township: (Signature of township official acknowledging application) Title Date----1----1 Chief Executive Officer's Signature is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. , tI~ p~t-t Pc>. Date--1L-t~..TI- Name (please print) Mail Application and Attachment(s) At least 45 days prior to your scheduled activity date send: . the completed application; . a copy of your proof of nonprofit status, and . a $25 application fee (make check payable to "State of Minnesota"). Application fees are not prorated, refundable. or transferable. Send to: Gambling Control Board 1711 West County Road B, Suite 300 South Roseville, MN 55113 If your application has not been acknowledged by the local unit of government, do not send the application to the Gambling Control Board. ...... ,... . ~ ..--. RESOLUTION NO. 99-67 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF A CHARITABLE GAMBLING LICENSE WHEREAS, the Knights of Columbus, Council #6608 has submitted an application to the City Council of Monticello for the issuance of a charitable gambling license to conduct gambling at their fund raiser to be held February 20, 2000 in Monticello, Minnesota, and; WHEREAS, upon review of the organization's activities, the Council is not opposed to the gambling license being issued by the State Gambling Control Board, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TI-IE CITY COUNCIL that the application of the Knights of Columbus, Council #6608 for a charitable gambling license is hereby approved and the State Gambling Control Board is authorized to process the application. Adopted by the City Council this 22nd day of November, 1999. Roger Belsaas, Mayor Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator SA .-.- 'T'____ ...... I' -=----- . . .. SR. Council Meeting - 11/20/99 Consideration of Change Orders #9-11 on T.H. 25 Improvement Proiect #96-04C. (.I.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: This agenda item involves Change Orders 9, 10 and 11 for the T.H. 25 Project. Change Order No.9 involves changes to the existing water main, new water main, and sanit<.try sewer to accommodate the installation of the new storm sewer system. The cost of this change order is $12,991.04. The proposed split would be 8% MNDOT and 92% City costs. However, I have spoken to WSB that many of these changes would not have been needed if it were not for the installation of the storm sewer, so consequently the split should be more reflective of the storm sewer costs (60% state, 40% city). Change Order No.1 0 involves the removal and replacement of a private sanitary sewer line for the Glass Hut owned by 1. Morrell. WSB has been in touch with Mr. Morrell and notified him that he would have to pay these construction costs and indirect costs. The cost of the change order is $2,396.90. WSB has not determined the indirect costs. As soon as those costs are determined, Mr. Morrell will either be billed or assessed for this portion of the project. Change Order No. 11 involves additional sub grade excavation and truck hauling of materials on the T.H. 25 Project. This change totals $97,000 and is 100% MNDO'f costs. The total ofthe costs for these three changes is $112,387.94. WSB is working with MNDOT to ohtain additional funds so that we do not have to continue to up front the state's share of this project. We are currently processing Payment Request No.5 from Buffalo Bituminous for the T.H. 25 Project includes the above change orders. In addition, there are many over runs of quantities on both the city's and state's portion of the project. I have requested that WSB summarize the over runs which exceed 20% of the planning quantities and process change orders for over runs that involve significant city costs, and that we obtain funding for the over runs on the state portion so that we again do not have to up front the state's cost of this project. Because of these issues Payment Request No.5 to Buffalo Bituminous is being delayed. We must be careful that we do not vary from set procedures outlined in our agreement with MNDOT in work authorization and payment to the contractor or we could find ourselves paying for these costs. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would be to approve Change Orders 9, 10 and 11 on the T.H. 25 Project #96-04C in the amount of$112,387.94. . Council Agenda - 1 1/22/99 2. The second altemative would be not approve Change Orders 9, 10 and 11. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is a recommendation that the City Council approve Change Orders 9, 10 and 11. We do havc MNDOT's representative, Jim LaBo's signature on these change orders. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the supporting data for Change Orders 9, 10 and 11. Copy of over run summary for quantities on the project. . -. _ _n _._ _ __.. . . - November 11, 1999 Monticello City Council Dear Council Members, My name is Tony Daniels and I'm with the Knights of Columbus, Council #6608 out of Buffalo, MN. I am writing to ask for your consideration of the approval for a I-day gambling permit on February 20,2000. The event will take place at the Vintage Grill in the River City Lanes facility. As you know, the Knights of Columbus is a non profit organization and it's main goal, for this event, is to raise money for local charities. This will be done by way of a cross between keno and bingo game. I can certainly give you more details if you wish. My home phone number is 682-4293 or my work number is 475-8339. I can't thank you enough for your time and for you consideration of approval. Respz / Tony Daniels Deputy Grand Knight Buffalo Knights of Columbus 308 Division Street East Buffalo, MN 55313 td cc: File 5J'l . . . 350 Westwood Lake Office 8441 Wayzata Boulevard Minneapolis, MN 55426 BA. Mittelsteadt, P.E. Btet A. Weiss, P.E. Petet R. Willenbting, P.E. Donald W. Sterna, P.E. Ronald B. Bray, P.E. . & Associates, Inc. 612-541 ~4800 FAX 541-1700 November 15, 1999 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello PO Box 1147 Monticello MN 55362 Re: Change Orders No.9, 10, 11 TH 25 Improvements (S.P. 8605-40) City Project No. 96-04C WSB Project No. 1033.01 Dear Mayor and Council Members: Please find enclosed Change Orders 9, 10 and 11 for the above-referenced project reflecting changes to the contract as noted. . Change Order No.9 provides for payment to the contractor for additional work during construction of the East Y2 of the project. For the most part, the extra work was caused by inplace watermains interfering with the new storm sewer installation and adjustments to the utilities were required. Contract prices were used when possible and negotiated prices when required. The cost of $12,991.04 is split 8% MnlDOT ($1,039.28) and 92% City (11 ,951. 76). Change Order No.1 0 provides for the removal and replacement of a private sanitary sewer and water service at the Glass Hut (Jay Morell property) located in the MnlDOT right~of-way by permit. The total cost of said work was $2,396.90 which is to be reimbursed by the property owner to the City of Monticello, including indirect costs. Change Order No. 11 provides for the completion of the southbound lane of Trunk Highway (TH) 25 with Select Granular Borrow (Truck Haul) due to no material being available on the job site. The change order also provides for the removal of additional sub grade excavation encountered in the construction of the southbound lane. Contract and negotiated prices were used for material and approved by MnlDOT's estimating office and the District Materials Engineer. Payment of $97,000 for this change order is 100% MnlDOT. If the attached meets with your approval, would you please sign and process. Please call me at (612) 277-5787 if you have questions. i Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. /~ ~-4... Ronald B. Bray, P.E. / Project Manager c: Jim Labo, MnlDOT, St. Cloud John Simola, City of Monticello Leo Olmscheid, WSB Field Office . om Minneapolis · St. Cloud Infrastructure Engineers Planners EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER F:\WPWINlI033_0Ilcn-9.1O-)).ltr . CHANGE ORDER NO.9 T.H. 25 Improvement City of Monticello. MN S.P. 8605-40 City Project No. 96-o4C WSB Project No. 1033.01 -- ---.." '--_.'.."-'.._."'~- .._,.-"_.,~._,,~.,,-_._,.,-,,......--------.. .-..-------"-"------"""~~.,,~'~. -,--------~..'~--'-~._-" -..- Owner: ----- ---."'.--."..---.-.-----...--..-.- City of Monticello Date of Issuance: -,.....----'.~,~----"~"-'-'_.~~' " September 28.1999 Contractor: Buffalo Bituminous, Inc. Engineer: WSB & Associates, Inc. You are directed to make the following changes in the Contract Document description: Description: Various items of extra work were necessary in the construction of storm sewer for the East Y:.t of T.H. 25. Extra work was done by the Force Account Method for labor, equipment and materials, along with contract prices when possible. Payment for said work is detailed in the attached statement of cost. CHANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE CHANGE IN CONTRACT TIME Original Contract Price: $5.448,000.00 Original Contract Time: OS/24/99 -~"-------",._-,.,._.~_.,.._..,,'--"~~~.--.---------"--""---~-~ _.......--------.,~"._~,-"--~--_.-.-'-_.,.._~- Previous Change Orders: No.1 to 8: $40.837.89 Net Change from Previous Change Orders: None ._,-----.,~-,~-'.....-------.,. _._""_._-""-,---,.,-_.,~-~-"'---,.~.......-------------'""--"~-_.~- Contract Price Prior to This Change Order: $5,488.837.89 Contract Time Prior to This Change Order: OS/24/99 .-,.~.,,-,.._, -. ..-..-- ,....--..........-.--...'.-' "-""---_.~,,"-_. .-- $12,991.04 Net Increase of Change Order: None Net Increase of This Change Order: ..__ ___.._ _. .______ ...___....".__." _.,,_.___._ ... __._.. n.__n..'._ --"-~---------------""--" Contract Price With All Approved Change Orders: $5,501,828.93 Contract Time With Approved Change Orders: OS/24/99 ...-.--.' --~. -.--- _.._..~.,-_..-.,-~'__'~-- .-..-.,.-- ~ 111 ---- (Officer of Contractor) WSB & Associates Inc. Engineer Buffalo Bituminous. Inc. Approved By: Approved By: Date of Council Action: (}A.- cu.. ~ MnlDOT City Administrator . Change Order No.9 , T.H. 25 Improvement City of Monticello, MN S.P. 8605-40 City Project No. 96-Q4C WSB Project No.1 033.01 . _.,.__..__._.,..,...___,.___ n.._.".___n'-- Added Items - Contract Prices Item No. Spec. No. Description Total Units Unit Price [' Item Total Quantity I I- 124 m $ 28.00: $341.60 _____ ' 1.00 i Each $ ." 105.0_~."._ $10~:OO I 1.00 I Each I $ 700.00. $700.00 ------L--------r----~~--- +---------- ___~~9.90 -I mL!-.60.00._~-~-1,194.00 __._+__8.50 _.l--~.~. 94.00-t--_ $79~~00 ] 678.13 1 _~__~~_--5.30 ~_~,~94.09 13 2104.501 Remove Watermain ---.-.... . -------..- .-..."------'!- ,.-.--- ----.... - 23 2104.509 Remove Gate Valve ....- ------ --~_..,' -.---.- _.,~ ~'--_._' -'.. --...--. 112 2104.602 200 mm Gate Valve & Box n. .". _.___ ____.... 119 2104.603 200 mm Watermain DIP -.--- ------. 120 2104.603 250 mm Watermain DIP 125 2104.601 Ductile Iron Fittings Total Add $6,733.69 -_....-----.......------~.,-'~-~. .,"_..,.,-----,-~.--_.,_._,-_._,._-'''_._~~'--- Added Items - Force Account Method n_. __._____". ____.. .._-------,__._______.___ .__n____. --~--------;- Item Spec. No. Description I Total i.,. Units No. Quantity I _,'___~-----r_'~"--'.- 5 Unit Price i Item Total --..-+.-,--. _____, Restac~ing~! ~H 6002 .______._.. ,1.00 ~S . $ ~~1.39_+____. $931:39 i Expose H&O Main 1.00 I LS $ 1,567.43 , $1,567.43 --" ----------- -- ----'.- -.... ..--. [ Tied Existing Hyd. to Main I 1.00 i LS $ 628.55; $628.55 Broke Ho;;;~~ew CB 5047A--- -- -11~' LS $ 3~~-.$35;.29 - Tied E;isting - ~~te valve------n---+_ 1.001 LS ----r$~1.25 :. "-$931.2~ _n__._-+-.__~,_____'__~._~------l--.--.- Abandoned & Plugged San. Sewer I 1.00 I LS I $ 678.63 $678.63 d-r:: ~ ~: $ . 2 3 4 6 7. . i. Broke ~ MH 5533 ----. ---:- '-..~"~-----t--'''''.-.'' --~-'~-' 8 ! Prime . Allowance _..,--_.~._----~,~._,' ~.~--,.,,- Total Add $ 678.63 , I I 484.18 1 $484.18 .------1-..____ $678.63 $6,257.35 .,,"--~"'_._,-----"-,_..,-~..~'~~~ __. _n_"__ ,.,~__,_,,'__ Total Deleted Items $0.00 ----.--'. Total Added Items $12,991.04 ____n___._..___._'_" Net Increase $12,991.04 DISTRIBUTION: = 8% 92% ($ 1.039.28) ($11,951.76) S.P. 8605-40 GRP 005 CP 96-04C GRP 003 = . . CHANGE ORDER NO. 10 T.H. 25 Improvement City of Monticello, MN S.P.8605-40 City Project No. 96-Q4C WSB Project No. 1033.01 ..-- ,-,~..,._~-_.,--"...,--~_.....__.~_.._"._'_._--,..._-- - -- Owner: City of Monticello : Date of Issuance: September 28,1999 --1.------------- --------------.------..- Contractor: Buffalo Bituminous, Inc. i Engineer: WSB & Associates, Inc. You are directed to make the following changes in the Contract Document description: Description: Remove inplace sanitary sewer and water service from ditch left of Sta. 404+400 to Sta. 404+460. Relocate and F&I new sanitary sewer and water service as staked by the Engineer. Payment for said materials, complete in place, will be at the negotiated prices shown in the estimate of cost. CHANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE CHANGE IN CONTRACT TIME Original Contract Price: $5,448.000.00 Original Contract Time: OS/24/99 .___., .__..__'''' ~J""'---'--~'-'-~-'~."'--"-""'-"---~"'--""---' Previous Change Orders: No.1 to 9: $53,828.93 Net Change from Previous Change Orders: None ___._._. ..__ .__,.,__."~_"___~.,_,,,.._~~_.,,_._,,.~~~J"_'_'''''-------'''''-- OS/24/99 Contract Price Prior to This Change Order: $5,501,828.93 Contract Time Prior to This Change Order: ~~,_._,~--"_._~"---"',.,~_.,-~~"'._.-_. Net Increase of This Change Order: ....-.--..- ,.-.---,..-.,,-- --.. ._-,. --_.,._~'- ..--,'_."-,._'-------.-~ .....---_...,,~...-..............--'~--',~- $2,396.90 Net Increase of Change Order: None --- ,.....-.-. .--..--.--..." ------ -""-,-"--,....,...------.------",....--------"~.. Contract Price With All Approved Change Orders: $5,504,225.83 Contract Time With Approved Change Orders: OS/24/99 Recommen~ .& Ii... Ronald B. Bray, P ~~~~~~~,.,~,~.....-------.,.~-'~-_. WSB & Associates Inc. Engineer Buffalo Bituminous, Inc. Approved By: Approved By: Date of Council Action: Mn/DOT City Administrator . . Change Order No. 10 T.H. 25 Improvement City of Monticello, MN S.P. 8605-40 City Project No. 96-04C WSB Project No. 1033.01 Added Items Item No. Spec. No. Description Total Quantity 2.00 46.00 3.00 2.00 46.00 Connect to Existing 4" PVC ..__ ~_,_____ __no __~.. _______. ._._,._._,..__u ,.--."-" Total Add DISTRIBUTION: 4" PVC SDR 26 -- ".__._.,.._-"'~-,.,'-_...,._--_."~~~.,~--"- -.P-"-" CP 96.04C = 100% . 4" Cleanouts ------- ,.--.. ..-+--. ".__._,---,~._..,_.,~---~_.,._.,_. : Connect to Existing 1" Copper _________ -- ---- -----r-----"----- - ----- Copper Water Pipe .,..-... "'.---. ,'~--' -,,"- _.,~.'-' -,-"._~.-.~' _....------'-~--,~.~.-._' ---..,.-.-". Units \ ~nlt Price Each m Each Each m Item Total $ 150.00 $300.00 . $ 10.00 $460.00 .--------+--.---- $ 130.00! $390.00 --------l.,~__,~'- $~50.~~_~500.~ $ 11.50 t--_$529~ Subtotal i $2.179.00 >T.' .:t<+\ 10% Prime Contract Allowance I- __ __~_ n_________ ___~__ _____ ____ . --- ____...L- '> 1.00 L......' I LS : $217 .90 ~------~------- $2,396.90 . CHANGE ORDER NO. 11 T.H. 25 Improvement City of Monticello, MN S.P. 8605-40 City Project No. 96-o4C WSB Project No. 1033.01 Owner: City of Monticello Date of Issuance: October 5, 1999 Contractor: Buffalo Bituminous, Inc. Engineer: WSB & Associates, Inc. You are directed to make the following changes in the Contract Document description: Description: Due to the large amount of unsuitable material encountered in the roadway of southbound lane, there is a need for additional select granular borrow for use as backfill. There is no suitable material on the project for use as backfill, so material will be trucked in from a source off the project. Payment for the material, complete in place, will be at the negotiated price of $6.50 per m 3. The negotiated price has been approved by the Mn/DOT Central Office Estimating Section. HANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE CHANGE IN CONTRACT TIME $5,448,000.00 Original Contract Time: OS/24/99 $56,225.83 Net Change from Previous Change Orders: None $5,504,225.83 Contract Time Prior to This Change Order: OS/24/99 $97,000.00 Net Increase of Change Order: None $5,601,225.83 Contract Time With Approved Change Orders: OS/24/99 Original Contract Price: Previous Change Orders: NO.1 to 10: Contract Price Prior to This Change Order: Net Increase of This Change Order: Contract Price With All Approved Change Orders: WSB & Associates Inc. Engineer Approved By: Approved By: Buffalo Bituminous, Inc. Date of Council Action: ~~.~ Mn/DOT City Administrator . . Change Order No..11 . T.H.25 Improvement City of Monticello, MN " S.P.8605-40 City Project No. 96-D4C WSB Project No.1 033.01 Added Items - Negotiated Price Item Total No. Spec. No. Description Quantity Units Unit Price Item Total 2105.522 Select Granular Borrow (LV) 10,000.00 m3 $ 6.50 $65,000.00 Total Add $65.000.00 ChangeOrderNo.11 . ..... . .. .. .. .. ... ....... . ... .. .. .... .. T.H. 25 Improvement City of Monticello, MN S.P.8605-40 City Project No. 96-D4C WSB Project No. 1033.01 Added Items - Contract Price Item Total No. Spec. No. Description Quantity Units Unit Price Item Total 2105.507 Subgrade Excavation 8,000.00 m3 $ 4.00 $32,000.00 Total Add $32,000.00 Added Item - Negotiated Price $65,000.00 $32,000.00 $97.000.00 I Added Item - Contract Price I Total DISTRIBUTION: S.P. 8605-40 GRP 001 = 100% . . ~~U-19-1999 11:0G . WS-' ~ & Associates, IHc. November 18. 1999 PUBLI C WORKS WSB & ASSOCIATES INC, FAX NO. 1 61 22 71 3272 P. 2/ 1 0 6125411?8B P.02/03 BoA. Mh"lA-dl. U. Bret A.. WcLu. P.f.,. relet R. Wulc:nbril1g, P.E. DonUd \'1. Sm1la. p.E. Rollakl B. Bny. RE. NOV-19-99 FRI 2:29 PM 350 WestWood Lake Office 8441 WayJatJJ Boulevard MinneapolIS, MN 55426 812a541-4800 f'AX 541-1700 Mr. Jame& Labo Resident Engineer MN Department otTranspO.-ution 3725 12lh StteetNorth St, Cloud, MN j6303 !'te: S.P. 8605-40. m 25 City Project No. 96-04C Monticello. MJ'ol . Encumbrance of FIJI1ds (Agreement No. 79100) Dear Mr. Labo: The City of Monticello bas used cbanae ordCl1 Eot aU contn.<< rovi&ions in lieu of Npplemenlal ag~eemenls, ElcvC\l (11) change orders have been processed to date and. a breakdown of the change orders 15 as follows: CbIQg. Ordlc:r l'lo- DestriprloD AII,louat .., Wet Tips (100% Cil)') $0.00 . :1. Ddel': Concreto Pavement, Add CL. SA Aggrcgalo@ Pili;. an4 Rida S 18,'60,S.1 J 5uberade & Select Oflllular Borrow n6,700.0I.l .a lED Danl &/; A:trcwJ. S IO,7I9.J4 5 J::J\trBJlee p~ &. ApftlDI 11,4&3,00 (i Value Snainee:rlDg (S11,4J1.0$) 7 Chll.lI~e fllQlJf\lnous M!xNrc: (S:\ 1,402. , 6) 8 Dill1dlLS RQlld (100% Cily) SO.OO 9 El.trl Work 51,OJ9.2il 10 SlIDltW)' Sewor &\ Wattrml.in (100% CilY) 50.00 11 Select Ormulllf Bono.... (Truek l{1II1) A Su~lflIde Ellcavation '97,000.00 Tot.' $} 81,(i6J.9' ZI05.501 310,.501 2105.51:1 :2350.607 Elfil1l.ted Qu..dcY o,.tmUI. ~ CoatnrlltmIJ QIII.tler V.II A_IIPt Common EI.CAy@n, G'P 001 3,439 ml $17,000.00 Subgrada EIIUVlIIJoD, Orp 00 I 16.500 m' $66.000.00 S.I.,.:t GtlU\ulu Borrow, GI'p 001 l:U~4 In) $71.247.00 LV:! NOll" Wwlng COIlrse MIxture 2.9S1 Ton 559.474.00 Toeal $113.'711.00 -. . M;'Jn~(llI11il · SI. CloMJ If&jr#Bl1#ttm &giTLHl'l P/l.rlnerI EQUAL OPPOllTUNrr'l EMPLOYER f,I""WII'^'''j,Ol'....I..4;oo....,d 5B NOV-19-99 FRI 2:29 PM PUBLIC WORKS I.(lU-19-1'339 11 ;07 \AlSB g, ASSOCIATES INC. FAX NO. . Mr. Ja.rne~ 1.ab() Residcn( Eng.1.D.ecr MnlDOt, St. QQud, MN Novet\"lbCf 18, 1999 paSe 2 Su.m"Q oIf:n_b"'nu Change Order. O...elVlllli In Cootr.~t 1\CIT1S era'" Toul 16122713272 612S411700 5183.662.93 U\J.7:L\.OO 539&,383.93 P. 3/1 0 p.e3/03 lhe following major eontraCC item. have not been completed at this rim- and aro anticipated to 'be fl.Ili.shed ill the months of May BOd June of 2000. . Vllfilll,bed ContrNt IWIlI Mobiliwion. Or. 001. 002,004.005 CMnlDDT Portion) MV" WariJ\J ~\,d: MUltuH 1.V" Ww'nSCollrceMlxnn SP lZ.5 Wearin8 Ca1HH Milo;ture 10<l m1'l\ CollctCtc Wille (MedillA) Final Suipini " Tra./Tk: Con\rolll;rn$ SiiXlats T~rf E..tblishmen~ lten\S totAl 512.100.00 5 I 2,4SO. 00 $19,980.00 $~,OOO.OO SI4~.169.DO $60,02\.00 592.750.00 $56.10].00 S663,3IUO The Ciry of Monticello respectfully teqUisa that fundi bo oncumbtrid at this time to cover the change orders for this project and 10 cover ovcmms in the completed work to date for cOntract items in the amoWlt of S'396,3&3.93. Please taU me at (612) 277-S787 if you have questions. S.n~rely. ~ 04...._, lac Ron~f.p1 ~ Vic::e President c: L, P. Ohnscheid, WSB & ^"~i.tcs John Sinlola, City of Montir;eUo nm . F:\WPWIN\I QJJ.O I Il1O-",401."'" TOn:.'~ P.03 58 . NOV-19-99 FRI 2:30 PM I..(JU- H1~ 1999 10 : 59 ,. ~ & A$.fDcfatt$. Inc. PUBLI C WORKS wss & ASSOCIAT~5 INC. FAX NO, 16122713272 p, 4/10 6125411~0 P.02/08 BA MinelsUlldt" P.E, BItt A. Wcw. Po&. I'e[el' R. Willenbring. r.E. Donlld 11. SlC{'Ila, ~E. Ro.,..J1i a Br.l~ P-E. S60 WestwOOd Lake Office 8441 Wayzata Boulward Minneapolis. MN 55426 612.541-4800 FAX 541.1700 November IS, 1999 Mr. Rick Wolfsteller City Administrator City of Monticello 250 East Broadway Monticello. MN 55362 Re: S.P. 8605.40 (Trunk llighway 25) City of Monticello C.P. 96-04C Pay Estimatl No. S Dear Mr. Wolfsteller. . It has come to my attention that the City will not proteSSconmuction pay estimate numb.cr S. SUbUlitte.d on November 8, 1999, until explanations on the overruns on city participating qUl!11tities are justified. The attached sheets outline city participatina Cluantitics that are ourrently 20% OT mOti: over estinlated quantities. Please note that there will be one additiOM.l pay estimate berore the: year's end. 1b.equantitics in this estimate are anticipared to be agreed upon by the contractor. This may include additional ovmuns that are Dot included at this timo. The final pay estimate will not be completed until the Summer of 2000. The explanations (or these overruns are listed below. The attached list outlines the items along with the dollar aJ)'lQUXlt of the overrun. Chait&e orders 9. 10 and 11 havo been submitted for approval by City Council fat the November 22Dll mceq. Change Order No.9 includes Var1QUS waterrnain, saIDtal)' and city 6torms;wer work tor a total of5\21991. Change order No. 10 includes the sanitary and watcnnain service! from Sandberg Road to the Glass Hut property fOT a total amount ofS2,396. Change Order No. 11 consists of select yanular borrow and lubgJ'ildo excavation to be paid UIlder the State item and is equal to $97.000. It is requested that (be City process pay estimate nwnber five prior to City Council approval based on the amount of the City participating change orders. 111,"$ J .& z; (Clearing & Gr"bblllg) TIne trees at the SubwaylUltn1l.lbe Road and onO tite at the Cedar Street West extension were not included in the eachnated quantities. Itelll3: (RiUIIDve Metal C"'l1ert) . The culvert removed at Cedar Street and Oakwood Drive was paid for under Group 003. this 5hould have been paid for undu Group 001. After this eorrectiol'l, the quantity (0 date will be Minn6apolls · Sr. Cloud ~H BngI"...., Pt._", EQUAl OPPORTUNrrYEMPLOYEll r:,IVt'J'Wlj\/\1G.13.0l\11 UW.r....'"l"'I SB NOV-19-99 FRI 2:30 PM PUBLIC WORKS t.,jQV-19-1999 10: 59 WSB &. resoc I ~TES INC. FAX NO, 16122713272 P. 5/10 6125411700 ~.03/08 . under the e6timated quantity. Itel11 4: (RerllDve Biluminous Pavente"t) A portion of the Oakwood Drive pavement removal will be moved from Group 003 to 001. The pavement removals of Chelsea Road at Sandberg Road, Subway Road at Cedar Street, Hoglund's ;&cecsI at Ceda: Street West Uld SA, and the Fronrage Road along TH 25 at Ultra Lube Wf%C not included in estimated quamities. 118m 5: (Sawing Bitll.minous PlJ1Ie"""t - PIIU De,th) Referencing Item 4 abovo. the same pavement removals did not include saw cuts ill estimated quantities. It'". 6; (Common uCllWllWn) Quantities were not included for the following: Chelsea Road. at Sandberg Road. Park and Ride n,odifications, McDonald's access north of Oakwood, Subway Road. drainage ditch to st.)ml sewer outlet It 1.94, and the widening QfOakwDOd Drive. . Item 7: (JOO mm RC Pipe Sew,,) Modifications at the park and Ride Lot, Oakwood Drive, and Sandberg Road at Chelsea Road included additional pipe lengths paid under (hgup 003. Item 8: (31$ mIll RC Pip. SilWer) A 6.7m pipe was upsized 10 375 IIllD. on Dundas Road, and IS.33m of pipe at &tnlCNrc no. 5504/5506 will be moved from Group 00610 Group 003. Item 9: (450""" RC Pipe Sewer) This item was addresied in Change Order No.8 (Dtmdu Road Extension). Irem 10: (600 "'''' RC Pill Sew,,) This item was addressed in Change Order No.8 (Dundas Road Extension). Ittm 11: (750 III". RC PipeSlwer) This item was addressed in Change Order No.8 (Dundas Road BJ:lension). Ilem 12: (900 ",,,, RC Pip, Sewer) A quantity of S3.38 m on Dundas Road was estimate<! in Group 007 and paid under Groap 003. . 58 NOV-19-99 FRI 2:31 PM PUBLIC WORKS FAX NO. 16122713272 P, 6/1 0 t~V-l~-1999 10:59 WSB & ASSOCIATES iNC. 6125411700 P.B4/OB . Item 13: (Colin'" to Existing SIlP4lLtJ"Y Smer) The C()lUleCnOn to an exiating sanitary manhole at School Blvd was not includ.ed in lhe estimated quantities. lrem 1": (200 111m Drop Out,i4e) Sanitary manhole No. 6001 at the intersection of School Boulevard and the Frontase Roed was modifiQd and requi:r:td an additiona11.0mbuild. Item 1 S: (JOO m", PJlC Pip. Sewer) The Frontage Road liiervices wete extended northerly, wbich required an additional 30m pipe, along with the upsiz$ of an additiona130m or 2SOmm pipe., Item 161 (A.djust Gllt~ Va/I'e) The estimated q\a.anttties did not include 4 gate valves in the SUbway Road. lie", 17: (J()(J mm GlUe V.lve and Box) The gate valve on.lhe Frontage Road at Station 60+200 was not iucluded in the estimated q"antities. . 116m J 8: (1 SO 111m. Wllte,.,"" Ductile Iro1l CISJ) Dundas Road required an additional quantity of 32m to lower watermain and avoid utility conflicts. The Frontage Road/School Blvd estimated. quantities were low by 6m. Item 19: (250",m WllIerm";,, Duaile Iron a 51) l'be Oakwood Drive quantity of $2m was Dot included in the eiltimated qUBJltities, the D'undas extension'required adciitional quantity ouam to avoid utility GOtl,tliCIS, along with the 20m extension across Sandberg Road a1 Chelsea Road as requested hy the City. ' ll~m 20: (300 n"tI WIIt"",,,iII DIlt:lJlelron Cl SO) 'the Frontage Road seIVices were extended noI1herly. which required an additional quantity of SSm. Item 21: (l00 mm Polystyrene 1",ultlllDIt) Insulation was added on Oakwood Drive between watermain and storm sewer, at Oakwllod Drive and Cedar Street between the watennain and ground and at Dundas Road. . s (3 . . - - NOV-19-99 FRI 2:31 PM PUBLIC WORKS NQU-19-1999 11:00 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC. FAX NO. 16122713272 P. 7/10 6125411?00 P.05/08 lte", 22: (DuctUlll1't1lJ Fitting$) Ductile iron fittings were paid under their standard weights, addendum number two addresses payment under compact weight. Tho Iovlsed weight to date is 3107 k,. The additional quantity is due to the: lowering of watennain at various locations not included in the plan: Dundas Road. Chelsea Road at Cedar Street, and Oakwood Drive at Cedar Street. .ltem 23: (COli" DraInage SUUCl Des 1 SSO "",,) This item was addressed in Changt Order No.8 (Dundas Road Extension). Tte", 24: (ColI" DrtdHq. SI'IIc1 D.sl SOO ",*J Structure 5520 on Dundas Road was upsized to a 1 sOOmrn stJUCture. Item 2S: (Cons( D'8mage SlrUd Des 1800 "'",) Struclure No. 5515 was paid undcrGtoup 006, this will be removed and paid under Group 005. Aftet this eOJncdon, the quantity will be under thc,.e,tiJ'llated quantity. J"m 26.. (COllsl nralltllge SI'Mct Dn J1S0 ",m) Str\1cture No. SS06. located a' the intersection of School Blvd and the Frontage Road was not included. in the estimated qUlUlhties. Item 27: (Caltiltg Au~,.b") The casting assemblies along the Frontage Road, which was extended southerly in Addendwn No.1. were not included in &.ho estimated quantitica. A cuting assembly was added on Sandberg Road. with the extension of Chelsea Road across Sandberg Road. Four casting assemblies will be moved from Group 003 to Group 006. Its". 28: (Ad}llst F"fllfte & Ring elUting) The existing ltructures along Dundas Road and C" Street were Dot included in the estimated quantities. Item 29: (Conc,ete CIl,b & Gutter D5 B618) The estimated quantitieli included the curb and JUlter on Chelsea Road being paid for under Group 001, this was since moditied to Group 003. Although this item is less than estimated quantities to date, the cutb and gutter on School Boulevard west ofTH 25 and the Frontage Road will be paid in pay estimate Dumber 6. Item 30: (200 11Im COlICnd_ DrilleWllJ1 PIIHIII."t) 58 NOV-19-99 FRI 2:31 PM PUBLIC WORKS NOU-19-1999 11:00 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC. FAX NO, 16122713272 6125411'7\210 P. 8/10 PI eG/08 This item was addre$$od in Change Order No.8 (Dundas Road ~iOD). The quantity to date will be under estimated quantities. Item 31: (53 mm Ri~id Sue' CPlfdult) . A quantity of 100m was included as an item if the Ci'Y chose to pursue lightine conduits. Cl"oss1n.gs were installed along TH Z5 in the amount of 146m. Th~ additional sum will be removed from the pay estimate. Ittm 31: (Instllll $;g" 1". C) Addjtioual signs were removed and installed to widen OakYrood Drive. If you. ha....e any Questions or need any additional informatiOll. please do not hesitate to 8l\'e me a caU at (612) 277-"87. Sincerely, WSB & Associllles, Inc. . ~~~ Ronald B. Bray, P.E. ViciJ President Enclosures c: lohn Simola. City ofMootioollo JeCfO' Neill. City or Monticello Bre[ Weiss, WSB "Associates, Inc. Leo Olm.scheidJ WSB &. Associates, Inc. . 5.13 NOV-19-99 FRI 2:32 PM PUBLIC WORKS FAX NO. 16122713272 P. 9/10 ICV-19-1999 11:01 WSB & ~S5OCIATES INC. 6125411700 P.0?/08 . . . -,~.- , Item No. Item Planned Quantit)' Add'l $ Qllaatlty To Dati To Date Ifem 1 CLEARING 2.00 6.00 560.00 Item 2 GRUBBING 2.00 6.00 $60.00 Hem 3 REMOVE METAL CULVERT 60.00 51.00 .$105.75 -- .-- Item 4 REMOVE BITUMINOUS PA VBMENT 2876.00 3909.00 Sl.549.50 ~- Item 5 SAWING BIT PAVEMENT (PULL 52.00 197.30 5392.00 DEPTIl) !tenl 6 COMMON EXCAVATION 5247.00 5881.00 $3.170.00 Item 7 300 mm RC PIPE SEWER. 270.22 336.09 54.380.36 ..-. . Item g 375 111m RC PIPE SBWER 149.70 164.07 $1.020.27 Item 9 450 DUn RC PIPE SEWER CL m 197.70 19'.61 - $161.20 hem 10 600 nun RC PIPE SEWER CL In 31.70 32.30 SS4.60 hem 11 750 nun RC PIPE SEWER CL ill 144.90 144.73 520.'7 --~.-....--- - 1lem 12 900 mm RC PIPE SBWER 56.70 102.53 $8,478.55 Item 13 CONNBCT TO EXIST SANITARY 1.00 2.00 S 1l300.00 SEW!R '----. Itcm 14 200 (D.l11 DROP OUTSIDE 5.36 6.47 $316.35 Herd 1 S 300 nun PVC PIPE SEWER 140,50 203.56 $6,306.00 ltem 16 ADJUST GATB V AI.. VE 9.00 13.00 5500.00 [tem 1 7 300 rom GATE VALVE AND BOX 2.00 3.00 $1,185.00 --- Item 18 1 SO rom W A TERMAlN DUCI1LE IRON 79.50 117.90 $2,304.00 CLS2 hem 1 9 250 mm W ATBRMAIN DUCTILE IRON 54.00 15 1. 77 59.190.38 CLS2 -..... Item 20 300 mm WATERMAlN DUCTILE IRON 139.40 192.50 53.929.40 CLSO Item 21 100 rom POLYSTYRENE. INSULATION 8.00 36.50 SSSS.OO Item 22 DUCTILE IRON FllTINGS 2698.60 3107.00 $2~164.52 58 . . "VV-IJ-J~ r<<l l:32 PM PUBLIC WORKS I.JOU-19-1999 11:01 WSB & ~SSOCIATES INC. FAX NO. 16122713272 P.10/10 6125411?Be P.0S/eG -- '- ltcul 23 CONST DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DES 18.06 17.27 - 551.35 1350 ~ ltenl 24 CONST DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DES 6.49 13.31 $4,623.96 1500 f---~ Item 2S CONST DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DES S.30 4.10 ~ S949.20 1800 It~m 26 CONST DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DES 1.37 3.02 S4~14.10 2250 Item 27 CASTING ASSBMBL Y 6.00 8.00 $550.00 Item 28 ADJUST FRAME AND RING CASTING s.oo 10.00 $1,2S0.oo ILem29 CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER DBS 3307.00 2133.60 - $25,814.80 8618 Item 30 200 mrn CONCDRlVEWA Y PAVEMENT 233.00 87.70 - $6,175.25 Item 31 5:3 mm RIGID STBEL CONDlilT 100.00 146.00 S920.oo Ilem 32 Install Sign Type C 3.00 6.00 $285.00 F:\ WPWIN\l 033.0 1\) J J S99.rw.wpd TOTAL P. 00 58 . sc. Consideration of Chan e Order No.1 for the Southeast Booster Station Cit Proiect No. 98-24C. (.J.S.) Council Meeting - 11122/99 A. REFERENCE AN]) BACKGROUND: Our new booster station is under construction on CR 18 near the entrance to the Oak Ridge Development. The building is located on the north side of CR 18. Power for the new booster station will come from an overhead 3-phase line on the south side of CR 18. The original design anticipated placing a pad mounted transformer between the building and the bituminous surface for CR 18. In conversations with NSP, we recently learned that the minimum size transformer for 3-phase power is approximately 7' long, 5' high and 3 W deep; and the cost of the transformer to the city minus a credit for the power consumption, would be $12,500. We also learned that the Wright County Highway Department is concerned about the visibility in front of the booster station for cars approaching CR 18 on Oak Ridge Drive. The transformer could block the view. In addition, according to Wright County, the transformer would need to be set back 20' from the edge of the bituminous surface and NSP's requirements are no more than 15' from a bituminous surface for access. . To solve this problem we looked at the possibility of using smaller overhead transfonners on the 3-phase power line located on the south side ofCR 18 adjacent to the booster station. We were informed by NSP that the overhead transformers would be a more reliable source of energy, easier to maintain, and would cost $5,100 after the credit for power is applied. A savings of $7,400. We then asked the contractor, Moorhead Construction, and their electrical subcontractor, Granite City Electric, what it would cost to extend the pOwer to the location of the overhead transformer. The cost would be $4,814, which would result in an overall savings of$2,586, give us a more reliable source of power, and satisfy the county's visibility concerns. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would be to approve Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $4,814 with Moorhead Construction Co., Inc., to extend the service cable to the overhead transformer location on the south side of CR 18. 2. The second alternative would be to stay with the pad mounted transformer but relocate it to a location to the north of the booster station or to the cast of the booster station. This would also not only result in higher costs from NSP but additional costs for also extending the power cables from the building to a different location than originally proposed. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator, Public Works Director and Water . Superintendent that the City Council approve Change Order No. 1 to Moorhead Construction in the amount of$4,814 as outlined in alternative #1. Council Agenda - I J /22/99 D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of change order and copy of site map. . NUV-19-99 FRI 2:20 PM PUBLIC WORKS . . NQ')":I.S-1Sl99 10:50 FROM:~HE~ CONSTR CO M ~18+236-SaJ3 FAX NO. 16122713272 p, 2/ 6 TO'1.12Z7~"'" MOORHEAD CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. Municipal-Industrial..structural-Mechanical Moorhead, MN. 56561-0878 PO Box 878 Telephone (218) 236~"'8 F.x (218) 236..9033 Date: 11/15/99 Fax Cover Sheet/Message Fonn To~ City of Monticello Attn. JOhn Simols From; Mike Payson Moorhead Construction Co., Inc. (Meet) Number of pagos Including Cover Shoat: 5 RE: S.E. Booster Station, Monticello MN. Message: The following is the change order for the pOle mounted versus pad mounted electrical service. It you have any questions. PleNe give me a call in our office at your convenIence. Thanks. Mike R. Payson PI6ject Manager NOV-19-99 FRI 2:20 PM PUBLIC WORKS NOV-iS-1999 10:51 FROM:MDORHEAD CONSTR CO M ~16+236-9033 FAX NQ 16122713272 P. 3/ 6 TO!1612271~7~ P.002/1i305 . ttl..'W..._., MOORHEAD CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. MI.IMCIPAL ~ STAUCTVl'AL - MECHANICAL COHTflACTOAS MOORI1EAO. MIP.lNf,SOT^ SGSGI-all1. "_0, SOX 1I1j1 rill EPHONf ll,111 ~ll6llt F 4.)( tn81 ~JIl 9ll:Ll CHANGE PRO'POSALREQUEST NO_ 3 Re: S.E. Booster Station Monticello MN. - w~ propose fO make the following changes: Change electrical service from pad mounted [0 pole moun[c=d. - ... ..... Cost of the change: Material: . Other: Sub Contractor 4,186.00 .. ... .. Tax: - Subtotal: . - L... 1lW.. 4{t86.00 _ 628_00 ._ Overhead & Profit: 15% TOTAL: $4.814.00. The c:ontract time will be (increased) (unchanQ'ed) by ( ) days. ~~Orl ~UClion~., Inc. ( ,~/7; ~A ~ ~. _Mi~~. P son Ptllject Milnt\get Date: NOVf!mb~r 15.1.999 fiVV-l~-~~ 'Hl 2:20 PM PUBLIC WORKS 16122713272 P. 4/ 6 FAX NO. N:!V' 15 -,1 S99 113: 51 FROM: MlJORHE,:() CONSTR CO M 218+23E;-9QJJ '. , f' . ,..011 :u '99 lU35A'1 ~ITE CITY o...e:C. TO: 1612271J272 P.OO3"~0S P.l/4 . SO 10th Avenue South Wtiu Park, Ml.nnesora 56381 Tetephon~ (320) ,151-4034 Fax (.32.0) Z~1..41J7 , . NOV~BER 11. 1999 MR. MIKE PAYSON MOORHEAD CONSTRUCTION'CO., INC.. PO BOX 878 MOORHEAD, MN 56S61.()878 Re: SE BOOSTER ST ArlON, MONTICELLO DeAR MIKE. I HAD A CALL FROM JEFF;VOUR JOB SUltERINTENOeNf ON THE SOUTHEAST BOOSTER STATION PROJECT, ReQUWING A PRICE to CHANGE lliE EI..ECTR/CAl Sl;RVICE FROM A PAD MOUNT'TRANSFORMER NEAR THE 8U1LCING TO A POLE' MOUNT TRANSFORMER ON.THE OTHER SIDE OF THE ROAD. THE COST FOR THI-S CHANGE IS AS OUTUNED BeLOW~ '-, . MATeRIAL & TAX LABOR.. 48 @ $37.50 1~ OH & PROFIT BOND $ 1.800.00 1.&,10.00 540.00 ' ..~.t)Q $'4.1 fJ6.o0~ THIS PROPOSAL INCLUDES: · eXTEND 3-1/2" .CONDUIT FROM SITe, UNDER ROAD AND UP unUTY POLE ON OTHER SIDE OP ROAD, eXTEND FOUR SClOMCM SERVice CONOUcrORS IN CONDUIT. CONDUIT TO ae SCHEOULE 40 PVC UNDERGROUND ANO RIGID GALVANIZED STEEL ON POLE. I.HA ~ SPOKEN TO MR. PAUL lCA.EDING. PROJECT ELECTRICAL ENGINEER. AND HE HAS APPROVEO TH/S METHOO.. · ALllA80R AND MISCelLANEOUS MATER/AU. PLEASE NOTE THAT NSP HAS PREVIOUSLY INSTALlED A 5" PVC, CON,DUIT U'Nt;)ER THE ROAD AT lHIS LOCATION. IT~ASSUMEO THAT WE WILL SE A8L.E TO SLIDE THE 3-1 /2" CONDUIT INSIDe THIS SLe&v!. IFJJiIS CANNOT BE DONE FOR ANY R9.S0~. WE WILL I'fA VE TO OIREcnONAL BORE THE CONDUIT UNDER THE R.OADWA Y. THJS WIU cosr A.PPROXIMATELY flFl'UN TO TWENTY DOLLARS PER FOOT IFNEEOED AND WilL HA VE.TO BE AOQEO TO THe ABove COST. IT IS ALSO ASSUMED THAT THE . . UNQfRG~OUNO WORK IN QUESTION CAN BE PERFORMED aeFORE FROST IS IN THE' Gr(OlJNO. IF ~GGING NEEDS TO IE DON! IN FROZEt:J GROUND, ADOIl/ONAI. , CHARGES WilL se INCURRED.. ' --.- ElBCTRlCAL CONTllACTORS '. SOPPU'ES'AND SERVIC.e::::=.:-z . ---~',' " ~~ ~~~ , . /IO)'~i1-1m l1:29AM TEUS1a 251 4137 IO)l"IlX:A'\EAO CONSTR co M PAGE: 001 R=lEl0:< NVV-l~-~~ ERr 2:21 PM PUBLIC WORKS NO)-15M1S99 113:51 FROM:MO::F1HEI=V CON5TR CO M 218+236-9033 NOVl1 '99 l1:35QM ~NITECpV El.e:c. FAX NO, 16122713272 p, 5/ 6 TO: 16122713a7;: r'.OO4/13BS P.2/4 - , .. 2 , , . I HAv.e ATTACHeD A COpy Of MY MATEklAL ANC LABOR TAKEOFF FOR YOUR REFi~eNCE~ THE QUANTifies. SHOWN REFLECT'THE FACNHAT THE ORIGINAL SERVIce LATERAL WAS UNOeRGROUNO WITH ElBOW'S, ATflNGS. ETC. IF you 1-11\ \IE ANY QUESTIONS, PLEASE CALl. '. '. SINCEReLY., . t., . ~ECKfM.' . . " ENCL: TAKEOFF SHEeT ,. ...-......., " , , " " , . , " " . , ~ : . ~. ,.\ . " ". . II.. NOU~11-1999 11:29AM ~)61e e51 ql37 'IO)t1XRHIA) CONSTR CO M J<lAGE:e0e ~=100:k ,-- -,.----:-~..~ -".,-- --- ,... ---~,,'- Council Agenda - 11/22/99 . 50. Consideration of ordinance amendment modifying Planning Commission compensation. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Currently City Ordinance 2-1-1 specifies that Planning Commission members shall be paid $50 per month for those who attend at least one monthly meeting. Our ordinance docs not currently specify that additional compensation would be paid for special meetings that may be required of the Planning Commission. It has been our past practice that when an applicant requests that the Planning Commission hold a special meeting to consider their specific request, the applicant is charged an additional fee of $250 for the special meeting costs. The assumption has been that the $250 would cover the cost of providing each Planning Commission member an additional $50 for the special meeting attendance. The way the ordinance currently reads, Planning Commission members should only receive $50 per month and if the Council is comf()rtable with allowing for additional compensation for special meetings, the ordinance should be amended to state under what conditions additional compensation is paid. . While it can be certainly argued that there may be additional costs to the City in holding a special meeting other than the compensation due a Planning Commission member, there may be justification for increasing the special meeting fee above the present $250 amount to cover other staff time and public hearing notices that may be required. Tfthe $250 fee is all that the City wants to charge, the Council could establish that a certain portion of this fee is meant to offset additional City costs other than f()r providing direct compensation to Planning Commission members. Tffor example $100 was established for City cost, $150 could be earmarked for additional compensation. If the Council is comfortable with the additional $50 going to each member who attends a special meeting, the City may want to look at raising the special meeting fee to $350 or $400 to cover our other costs in the future. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. The Council could modify the ordinance to specify that Planning Commission members who attend special meetings requested by applicants who pay a special fee will be compensated at the rate of $50/month and that the fee schedule for special meetings shall be increased to $350 to cover the additional cost plus City expenditures of $1 00. 2. The Council could amend the ordinance to allow for payment of an additional $30/meeting for special meetings attended based on the assumption that $150 of the $250 fee would be specified for compensation to Planning Commission members. 3. Do not make any changes to the ordinance at this time. ( Members would only be eligible fiJr monthly compensation of $50 if they attend at least one meeting.) . C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: A number of years ago the fee policy was established that set a special meeting fee of $250 to cover additional cost of holding special Planning Commission meetings. It is my recollection as administrator that this fee was initially charged to be used as a basis for providing additional compensation to Planning . . . Council Agenda - 11/22/99 Commission members. As long as the City is able to collect a fee for a special meeting, it seems to appropriate to amend the ordinance to allow for additional compensation to be paid to Planning Commission members who attend special meetings. It is also my recommendation that the City Council approve establishing a special meeting fee of at least $350 with $250 being set aside for additional Planning Commission compensation and the other $100 to be used to cover additional staff time and legal notice publication costs that we would incur for a special meeting. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of proposed ordinance amendment. . . . City Council Agenda -11122/99 7. Public Hearin - Ac uisition and construction of storm sewer im rovements _ Hart Boulevard Storm Draina2:c District. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Council is asked to conduct a public hearing and consider authorizing acquisition and construction of storm sewer improvements in the I-Iart Blvd. storm drainage district. City Council called for this public hearing for the purpose of taking comments from property owners that will benefit from developmentofa storm sewer pond adjacent to CSAH 75 and the high school property. The pond that is being proposed for acquisition and construction provides storm water retention for areas identified in the Hart Blvd. study that was completed some time ago. As some you may know, this particular project is the third public improvement in this watershed. The two previous improvements included the extension of storm sewer from CSAH 75 through the clinic property to the Mississippi River. The second improvement included storm sewer facilities installed with the CSAH 75 project that has been recently completed. This third improvement includes acquisition ofthe cost to acquire the pond area now currently owned by the School and to actually complete the excavation work for the pond. As you may know, the City Engineer has been working with the School District to develop a design for the pond that matches the School District's goal of creating an aesthetically pleasing wetland environment that can also be utilized as a laboratory by science students. The School Board has given Mr. Chip Bauer the authority to approve the design of the pond. Mr. Bauer has approved the pond design with one minor modification. Under the proposal to acquire the pond, the City will be providing the School District $4700 per acre, which is thc amount that the City has incorporated in its calculation for establishing trunk storm sewer charges. Funds necessary to recover this cost will be drawn from trunk fees charged to developing properties upstream and will be drawn from the future assessment against the parcels that are already developed. Now that the three major Hart Blvd. watershed storm sewer projects have been completed, it is appropriate for the City to consider conducting an assessment hearing for the purpose of distributing the cost of the three projects against the benefitting properties. It is likely that the assessment hearing will be conducted at some point in the near future, at which time the City will compile the cost of the three projects together and then distribute these eosts to the benefitting properties accordingly. Mike Nielsen ofWSB & Associates indicated that a decision has not been made whether to include the pond construction by change order to the CSAH 75 project or to bid asa separate project. .. The cost of the project is $132,600 which includes 10% contingency and 28% legal engineering, administrative and finance fees. The cost of the land is 3.74 acres @ $4700 per acre = $17,578. .. . City Council Agenda -11/22/99 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to authorize acquisition of pond area and approve plans for construction of storm sewer improvements for Hart Boulevard storm drainage district. Motion contingent on approval of the pond grading plan by the School District. City StaffwiU proceed to obtain necessary storm sewer casements from the School District and the project wiU be allowed to commence. 2. Motion to deny authorization for acquisition of pond area and deny approval of plans for construction of storm sewer improvements for Hart Boulevard drainage district. City Council should select this alternative if it feels that it is not appropriate at this time to acquire the land for ponding. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION . It is the recommendation of City Staff that City Council proceed to acquire the land as necessary at the rate of$4700 per acre. It is our view that with the increasing value ofland, we are fortunate to be able to actually acquire ponding area at an amount equal to the amount used in the formula for calculating our per acre cost for acquiring land in conjunction with development of our storm sewer system. D. SUPPORTING DATA A presentation will be made by Bret Weiss at the council meeting. - Council Agenda - 11/22/99 . 8. Consideration of an offer for the purchase of Senior Citizens Buildill!! _ Dennis Anderson (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: As you will recall, the Council had received an offer from Mr. Dennis Anderson for the purchase of the Senior Citizens Building at a price 01'$120,000. Mr. Anderson had originally proposed to use the facility for a laundromat, but the plans have since changed to convert it to an office building. The cost of remodeling t()f a laundromat became prohibitive and Mr. Anderson now feels that the building could be remodeled into seven individual office suites for rent. Basically, the offer remains about the same in that the proposed purchase price is $120,000 with a $20,000 down payment and the balance on a contract for deed for 12 years at 7% interest. Mr. Anderson had originally proposed a contract for deed with a $25,000 down payment, but the interest rate to be 7% over ten years. If the Council is not comfortable with the terms proposed but is agreeable to the total price, a counter oHer could be presented with different terms or conditions. . The property has been advertised for sale f()r the past month but I have not received any additional inquiries or proposals yet at this time. As you may recall, the City had obtained appraisals on this building that ranged from between $160,000 and $190,000 as the estimated value. Because the property has limited space available for on site parking, the type of use proposed by Mr. Anderson may be the most suitable for this area by converting it to office space rather than some type of retail establishment which could generate more traffIc. The proposed use as an office complex should not create a demand for parking that would have been higher than that required of a senior citizen facility. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The Council could accept the offer as proposed at $120,000 with a $20,000 down payment and the balance on a 12 year contract for deed at 7%. 2. The Council could reject the proposal and make a counter offer with different terms and/or conditions. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator that conversion of this facility to small office suites seems to be an appropriate use for the property in this area. I feel offIce use would create parking demand that was no greater than created by the senior citizen facility. As to the offering price, it is substantially lower than our appraised value, but as you will note, Mr. Anderson is proposing extensive remodeling to increase the value of the property. As far as the specifIc down payment proposed or the rate of interest on the contract for deed, this should be a Council decision as to whether sufficient down payment is provided by the $20,000 amount proposed. . D. SUPPORTING DATA: . . A copy of purchase agreement . Remodeling Proposal . . - - City of Monticello Monticello, MN 11-18-99 Enclosed is an offer to purchase the Senior Center in Monticello located at 107 Cedar St. Plans for the Building Executive Office Suites ). Remodel the building inside to accommodate approximately seven (7) individual office suites ). Our intention is to offer luxurious executive space including: A) Indirect lighting 8) Built-ins including planters, seating pods, etc. C) Executive conference room. D) Snack room - small kitchenette E) Piped-in music. ). To design and install an all-new exterior to the outside of the building (minimum-3 sides) that coordinates with the executive theme of the interior. ). New large picture windows wiJ/ be installed on a minimum of 2 sides of the building. Our estimate to remodel is approximately $65,000 and all work will be completed within 12 months of the closing date. Respectfully, Dennis Anderson c;5 . . WHITt;. Offkf' COi)Y 'iELLQW-BuvlI!r':s COPY rINk-.'S~11@r'5 Copy PURCHASE AGREEMENT ~ IJ 'A~ .M'nn. II-IX 19-~ R~CEIVEDOF_ 1EjjlJ!.J;i -iJ!lLH?L50N-r___~ "::JW 'ha .umof__ .k,.:t/!Qu~ri --A!ld --.N4.L/ffl)-_________,~Jt7Jd ~DOLLARS -~-t. ..,.,~~~-"'-'--,.-..-"'-------.,~. ~~-----.~- as earnest money. and in part paymenl for tl'le purchase O. f prOPEl. tty al 'fJ?';;,. Cf'" "~S;;;;;;~~'J3Lo/- ,,1 JJ2L {'Prhr Sf, JlL",,!trd~._" ~ ~'"--;;. ~lflJrr0d~M -~,~."~...-.,.,_.._..,. rn~"., ."~ ~ '1,. """. ,",," '"' ,,_. "'""~ ,.." ~~~" """",~ .._. _._ ..""" ._~ '".~"~ ""'" _... _, ~". ,od., 'raverse 'Od.. ~a,y rOd.. "ghllng "'fu,O. and bUlb.. plumh'ng ',,'u,O.. hol wale, Ian.. and healing plant (w"h any bUrnars. fan... ,'o'ars and o'ha, eqU'pman' u'Od in connocllon Iherewifh). w.,., .oflen., ."'.' "gu'd gas Ian. and COnflOl. ("'h. P,opOily 01 '.11.'1. ,ump pump. lel.vi.io" .nl.nn.. inc'ne,alo,. buill-in dlShwash.r. g.rb.g. di.po..,. Oven, C7~0~~prr.;~i~)1Ji~;;i~~PhF-;;Z~:-;:;P.;'~"'"'i:;";;; "f ijp:.;,,,,," OOf~h,c~rope"y ad.rs~dha'f~" ay,oTdIO"'O'tiuY.'de,umo!' Nt) / ~ -J!!.---I:ff< -rct'-J..iLI.m -7fttw5Ltt--J1JtJ:C___LLdl1~_.__ . _(sfl..tJ,(J(J{) ) DOLLARS which Ih. buyer .g'ees 10 pay in Ih. lollmv,o.. ~nne' qL I-: ;;tiA:"~-:''";;:':;-b~.oocJ:$::1TZ;; l t:Zm. 'j,:;:;;" I( s-l/pr ~f /In ,;,ifPSf i>>k of 1% 1I11c1 -lOr A .h", <11' I<J 'tRllrs. bUiffJr: mAy f('e.~[>~ ~+ f-Wly-hrXe UH-(11().d p:tlALkk or CD -shM L hALl.ooh, @ /'1-1 mos, fJ1tJJ,fI,~ flkt/JH?t/1 S)lnl/ 6~' '-'9t16 /J1[ {kln,c.-!- tn-!{!ff>-rT-. 'SeLLer shr\Ll f\-~ J:;,'f(!(' --b rPwodeL pn-./,rf' b2J1 IrlS/dop ~ ol{k,~ 'f/tnJ Cdn.fJrlHf> -fa O~ coc!.. !'eJ<^l..{';"" SubJeCf 10 p.'formance by Ih. buy., Ih. Mile, agree, fo .'ecule and delive, a ---.-~,,&L_______~___ W.rranly D.ed Cto be 10lned 'n by .pou... ,f anYI COnveyong "'.,kel.ble tille fo .aid p'.m".s 'Ublact only fO fh. follow'ng e'c.ptlons' (a) Bl)Ildlng and zoning law!;:. ordlllances, Slale annl=el1eral regulations (b) Restrictions rela1mg to use or irnprovemanl 01 premises wrthOul effective forreilure provision (c) Reservation Of any minerals Of mineral tight:!> 10 the Slate of MirlneSf)!a (d) Utility an(:! dralnagp. ea:semenls whIch do riOt lnlerf!:!re With present Improvement5 (., Rlghfs of f.".,nts a, 101l0w,' rt;~P.Cifi.d. nof .ublecf 10 I.nonc'e.) . ""'000 r AA OJ Se/tp.r agrees 10 pay ---l --.~1" of Ihe r..' ....,. I.... due .nd pay.bl. 'n Ih. y.a/'f!l_.__. Buy., r5Dst p'y _~.__ ollh. '..'0...,. lttN~. pJ1f P.Y'bl. ,n fh. ya", '....:ul!L S.I'., w.".nts Ih., 'e.' .".,. f.'.. due .no pay.ble In Ihe y..'C" ,..;}, w;U be ____....... ~ _ ('0\4\ -------.(~l":"'~ u~16&d CIf.ls:srliC.!llon (CheCk one.) Neltho, Ihe ..IIOr no, ..II.r', .ge~;~J'/ 'Op'..enl'lion of w."anfy wh.',o."", concarn;ng Ih. .mount of r.al....,.,.... which .haii be ."e".d .g.'nsr the properfV .ubsequOnf 10 !h. d.f. 01 pu,cha.. ......:.}..:! .Q1::_._ ar:s.opt --t~. of alll.v'ed 'pec'.""...m.nt'.nd spaci.,...O..ments c.rtifiod 10 fhe faxes due .nd pavah'. ,n Ih. vear of ClOSing .nd 10 Pl.c. in a.crow S . Iha .pprO"''''.'e .moun, of aii pandlng 'peclal Msessmenl:s approved by the govern,nq body as of fhe drile 01 clOSing S.lIe, Oov.n.nts Ih.. bu"d,ng.. ,f .ny. are enl"eiy wiih,n fhe bounda,y II"e. of Ih. property and 'g'oe, fo r.mov. .11 p.rsonal P'op."y not inclUded h.'aln and all deb,i, 'ro", Ih. or.m,.... P"o, In pO'e"'on dal.. SELLER WARRANTS AI_L APPLIANCES. HEATING. A/R CONDITIONING. WIRING AND PLUMBING USED AND LOCATED ON SAID PREMISES ARE IN PROPER WORKING ORDER AT DATE 0" CLOSING Th. SOlie, f"'fh., aq'e.s 10 d.'"., pOssesSion "of lafe, Ih."._ ~. fL.~~ ~:.,,~~_~.__ provid.d that.1I condit,on, ollhi. agroam.nl have be.n COmpiled w,lh Unl... ofhe'wlSe specll'.d Ih" .al. sh.11 h. clo..;;o;;-O,tefo,. 60 days "010 Ih. d.fa h.f.of In the .VOnt!h" P'OP.'fy '. d.st'oyed 0' ,ub"a,,,,.IIV damaged by Ii,. 0' any olh., C'U'e balor.'h. Ofo"ng d.,.. IhlS agr.emenl.h.1I become nul/.nd VO,d. ., tho purOh.'a". option, a.nd aU mOM~s paid hereunder Shall be r~'unded 10 him '""':'.:'~:~"''':~~~~L:''".",":'''::=:''-'''='"'.'''-~''''='~ The ,.1/., 'hall. w"h'n · ,ea'onabl.lim. ofl., 'pp'ova' ollhi. ag,o.m.nt furni.h .n ab."oc' 01 lille. 01 . R.glSf.red Ab''''Cf O.'lilied 10 date to inclUdo propa' ...,cha. covering bank'upfc'.,. and SI.t. .nd F.d".'ludgm."I. and loon, Th. buy., .holl bo .IIOW.d 10 day. .fI., '.C.,pllh.,eol fo, a,.min.llon 0' ,oid lille .nd Ihe ma<lng of any ob).clion. Ihe'.'o. 'o'd Ob/.Cfions fo be m.de in w""ng 01 d.om.d fo he waivad. II any Obl.Clion, .,. .0 m.d. tho ..lIe, .hall be allow.d 120 day. 10 lOa.. such 1111. m.rkef.bl.. Pending CO"ecllOn 01 Iltle fhe paym.nl. he'.und., '.qu"M ,h.1I b. pOslponed. but upon OO"eclion ollill. and wilhin 10 d.y. .fle, w"tt.n nOI,C. 10 fha buyo,. Ihe pa"i.s shall p.r'orm this agrep.rnenl ac:cordtllg II) ,I:'; terl'T1~ If '''d IIlIe IS nol ma,..f.bl. ond " nol made .0 w'fhln 120 day, "om Iho dale 01 w,ltfen objecllon, Ih..oto o. .bov. P'OVld.d. Ih" ag'a.mant ,holl be null.nd vO'd. .' oplion of Ihe b"y.r. ana n.,lh., p"nC'Pal .hall be habl. lor O.mage, he'.unda' 10 Ih. olh., p"nc'pal All "'onay Ihe'.'Olo,o p.'d by Ih. buye' shall bo '.funded. II 'h. "II. 10 .aid prOP."Y b. lound markelabl. 0' be so mad. w'fh'n 'aid f,"'.. ano ..,d buye, ,h.11 Oelault In any Of Iho .g'..ments. 'hen. and in Ih" cas. Ih. .ell.r "'.y te'''''n.'a IhlS con'f.ct and On such f.'minatlo" .11 fh. paym""f. m.d. upon II,,, cOn".cl 'Mil he r.'.,ned by .a'd '."er and said ag.nt.., Ih." '.'pecf,ve inte'e". may appe.,. a'liqU,d.'ed damag.,. tima be'ng 01 Ih. o"anc. he'eof. Th" p'ov,"ion Shall nol d.pllv. eltho, pa'fY of Iho light 01 .nfo,cing Ihe speCiI,c p.rlo'manca of Ihi. COn"ac' prov'ded such Con,,"cl 'h. II nof be lerminal.d .. "0'0'.'0. and P'oVld.d .chon 10 .n'o,co such 'pecll,c po"o'm.nce 'h. II be commonc.d wlth'n ,i, monlh. .ffe, 'uch IIghl of .Ohon .h.1I ."'a. II " unoe,sroM and .g'.M fhallh" 'ale '. m'de ,ubJ.cl fo Ih. app'oval by Ih. Own., 01 S.'d pr.mi.., in w'iling .nd Ih., the Unde'Slgned ag.nl ;. ,n no m.nn., liabfa or r..pon'ible On aceo"nt of IhlS .g'eemenl. .'cepllo 'olurn 0' accounllo' Ih. .arnesr money paid und., fhlS cont'.ct Thi, Conl'.cl cool.,n. Iho .nf". og'.em.n, betw.en fh. po",o. and nelth.r pa"y has '.".d upon .ny v.'b.1 0' writt.n '.p'e,enl.llon, agr..meOf 0' underslanding. not 'at forth herell1, wt'lelner made by any agent or parry hp.relO BuyO' .cknOwl.Og., no ".'em.nl, Oave b..n m.d. hy 'Olio, Oi raal ."af. .ale'p.'.on, '.ga'dlng 'eep.ge or wate, through Ihe foundalion. b.'ement or roof of fhe .00110 d.'cllbed p'omi... .'C.PI., it ofhe,w". ProVld.d ,n an .ddendum a11.ched her.,O Buy., fU'fha' .Cknowl.dg., th.f. on Signing thIS pu'chase ag'.."'enl. buy.r 'e".. solaly upon perSOnal in~P6'Clion ot It'le ptemises and upon Ihp. statements eOnl~lned In the allached addendum. II any .----HQ-.-A~~_r::: --"-,,- - '"pu'e'."ho' h."ho i. ropre..nllng 'hO__~---=__---,--.__ .-.----..-._In Ihi. "onooctlon. (.geotJl.>roker, (buyer 0' .."or) Lilting .genl or broker Itlpul.tes Ih.. h.lsh. 18 represel1t1ng the seller In this t,an..ctlon, The delivery Of aI/ papers and monies Shall be made Allhe olllce of' By --._--.~_________.___. Agan' I Ihe UOd.r5lgn.o Owne, Ollhe .bo"" I.nd do h.,eby app,ov. Ih. 'bove .g'.. I h.,oby .gro. 10 purch.s. Ihe, d prop. lor fhe PllCO and upon the lorms =:": =------__ '''''' ~;""O .~ -~...~ .--~-,f.f, S@lIer ----.-------,,-------- ------ .---... - --..._.. ISEAL, SelJ(!'r ._, ~~_..~'--~--~~---.,,---_._~~_.._-.~.~--, rSEAL) THIS IS A LEGALLY BINDING CONTRACT IF NOT UNDERSTOOD, SEEK COMPETENT ADVICE. BUy~r {S . Council Agenda - I ] /22/99 9. Consideration of a reauest to renew an expired option ae:reement for the sale of Lot 3. Block I.Oakwood Industrial Park Second Addition - Lake Tool (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: In September 1996, the City approved the sale of Lots 1 and 2 of the Oakwood Industrial Park Second Addition to Lake Tool as part of their plans to construct a new facility in Monticello. Lake Tool also received financial assistance from the HRA through the establishment of a tax increment financing district. The initial phase of the project was to build a facility on Lot] and Lot 2 was purchased by Eric and Carl Bondhus for expansion in the future as their tool and die business grew. . In addition to the outright purchase of Lots I and 2, the Council had agreed to give Lake Tool an option agreement on the purchase of Lot 3, Block] for up to three additional years at the then City asking price of $27,232, with Lake Tool paying an annual option fee of 3% of the asking price. The first years option fee was paid at the time the agreement was entered into and the second payment to continue it for one more year required a separate notice to see if they were still interested in continuing. The agreement is dated September 30, 1996 and when the option was not exercised and payment not received last fall (September, ] 998) the City was looking at this property as an option to rclocate the bulk oil tanks as part of the community center project. The initial thought was that this might be a perfect location for the bulk oil dealers and it would be on property that the City technically owned yet. When Eric Bondhus of Lake Tool was notified of this potential use, he was invited to a meeting to see ifhe still had interest in continuing with their option since they were technically late in renewing it. Of course, Mr. Bondhus desired to keep the option .for the full three year term and ottered to make the payment of $8] 0 for the final year. Mayor Belsaas at that time felt the City should attempt to keep the option agreement in effect and recommended that the late payment be accepted giving Lake Tool another year per the original agreement. The final expiration of the three year option contract was September 30, ] 999 which has come and gone without any word from Eric or Carl Bondhus or Lake Tool in exercising their option until the other day when Eric Bondhus questioned whether they could be allowed to extend it another year or so. I informed Eric that it was my understanding that the option agreement had technically expired and that they were given opportunities throughout the three years to exercise their option anytime they wanted but the Council would now have to revisit this issue as to whether we would even allow the property to be sold at the original price or whether terms and conditions would have to be renegotiated. . At this time the City is not aware of any expansion plans being proposed by Lake Tool that would require the use of even the next lot that they own (Lot 2) nor any of the lot in question, Lot 3. I believe the original intent of this Council in granting Lake Tool an option on the third lot was to allow them up to three years to get the appropriate financing and to get established and to further allow them the knowledge that they would have additional land to expand onto during those three years. As is usually the case after property is taken off the market, the City has had a number of inquiries as to available industrial sites that were one or two acres in size which would have fallen into this category. Since Lake Tool had the option, the City was not able to offer these properties to other start up companies that could have created additional tax base and/or employment opportunities. I believe if the City is going to allow this option contract to be exercised late or renewed for additional terms at a minimum the asking price needs to be adjusted to reflect current market values and possibly other Council Agenda - 11/22/99 . conditions need to be established that allow Lake Tool to only exercise the option if the property is going to be utilized to expand market base value and/or employment. If the property is being acquired by Lake Tool simply for investment purposes, what is the rationale for allowing the sale to occur at below market prices? While I recognize that a certain date can be missed in a contract such as this, this particular agreement has had most of the dates missed as far payments are concerned and/or Lake Tool's opportunity for completing the purchase. Even after they missed the renewal date last fall and were notified of the deficiency, you would think that if they were interested in protecting their rights they would have made sure this year that they would have purchased the property by the contract termination date or at least have sought an extension of the contract prior to now. As you know, industrial park properties are somewhat limited especially in the smaller acreages and are currently in the $35,OOO/acre range. This lot consi sts of approximately 1. 9 acres but does have a gas line that di ssects the property and makes it less desirable as a two acre building site. Even so, I believe the value of the property has increased substantially over the years and if the Council still feels obligated to give Lake Tool the opportunity to purchase the property, the market value should be adjusted to today's levels. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. Council could allow Lake Tool the opportunity to exercise their option even though the agreement expired September 30th at the contract price of $27,232 plus interest at 8% from September 30th to date of closing. . Under this alternative, the Council would be allowing Lake Tool to exercise their agreement late without any commitment for building on the parcel at this time at the price agreed to three years ago. 2. The Council could agree to renew or extend the option contract or allow Lake Tool to exercise their option today but at a revised price for the property to reflect current market conditions. Under this option, if there were no immediate expansion plans that needed this property, the Council would at least be receiving fair value for the property today and would be giving Lake Tool the option to still purchase it. 3. The Council could decide to put the property back on the market with the intent of selling at current market value for immediate development. Under this alternative, the Council would be attempting to realize a higher value for the property and encourage development of tax base and employment opportunities immediately. . c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator that if the Council is going to allow Lake Tool to purchase Lot 3, Block 1, the terms and conditions should be renegotiated. Lake Tool has had three . - - . Council Agenda - 11/22/99 years opportunity to purchase the property at a very reasonablc price, and failed to do so, The City has had to Continually remind Lake Tool officials that the option payment was due or had expired and Lake Too I has also had deficiencies in mceti ng obligations of the tax increment financing district by being late in payment of property taxes in accordance with the development agreement for the TlF District and also has had late payments on their GMEF loan, In checking with the County Treasurer, the second half 0 f the I 999 real estate taxes for their faci! i ty have not yet been paid as of Wednesday, November] 7'", Since Lake Tool has not presented any proposals for expansion onto this property, I would recommend that if the Council allows this agreement to be extended or exercised yet by Lake Tool, the price be adjusted to reflect current market values since it is unlikely that the property will be utilized in the near future for any additional building expansion needs. D. SU]']'ORTING DATA: Copy of original option contract. OPTION CONTRACT . LAKE TOOL (T. MARTIN INC.) This agreement is dated September '30 , 1996. For and in consideration of the sum of Eight Hundred Ten and 00/100 Dollars ($810.00), in hand paid to the CITY OF MONTICELLO, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, said CITY OF MONTICELLO does hereby grant unto T. MARTIN INC., a Minnesota Corporation, an exclusive option for a period of one (1) year from and after the date hereof, to purchase for the sum of Twenty-seven Thousand Two Hundred Thirty-two and 00/100 Dollars ($27,232.00) the following- described lands situated in the city of Monticello, county of Wright, state of Minnesota, to wit: Lot 3, Block 1, Oakwood Industrial Park 2nd Addition, City of Monticello . Upon the following terms and conditions: That if this option is exercised, the said City shall convey said premises free and clear of any liens and encumbrances and shall furnish an Abstract of Title continued to date, showing the same. T. MARTIN INC. may exercise its option at any time during the time specified above by providing written notice to said CITY OF MONTICELLO, provided all terms and conditions of this option agreement have been complied with. . In case such notice shall be provided within said time, then thirty (30) days shall be given in which to examine the abstract, make deeds, and close the sale. If this option is exercised before the end of option time period specified, the price paid for this option shall not be applied to the purchase price except that $68.00 per month for each full month remaining on the option term shall be applied against the purchase price. q LAKETOOL.AGA: 9/19/96 Page 1 . T. MARTIN INC. shall have the option of continuing this agreement for an additional two (2) years by remitting annually the option fee of $810.00 prior to the expiration of the first option year. T. MARTIN INC. B~r ~BY: Its: -rre Q.s.v..r e r y: Rick W olfst er City Administrator STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) . "') Lith- J. The foregOing instrument was acknowledged before me this ~ day of .. 4h;v,'~UA.) , 1996, by Rick WOlfsteller, City Administrator, and Brad Fyle~ Mayor, on behaIfofthe CITY OF MONTICELLO. KAREN DOTY NOTARY PUSUc.MINNESOTA , WRIGHT COUNTY ," My Commission Expires Jan. 31, 2000;" }' ~~Ait-- Notary Public () STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) --6 . ~gOing instrument was aclO;lOCedg!d before ~e this 30 day of ~ . ce,1. , 1996, by ~ . ar 13ol1tl S on behalf of T. ~TIN INC., a Minnesota Corporation. . ~< ' e.... " NOTARY~EIt. DfJ..Ty ., ~~NESOTA !l:. . - "'''I,J", COUNTy .. .. My Commission Expires Jan. 31, 2000 q LAKETOOL.AGA: 9/19196 Page 2 , I :' :----183.00-- --: :- --- -22200- - _un; ,'-- - - 22500 __ - --" : I ~ ri I II 'I " r- ~ I I I 'v, ~I ' "\J / f\,)/ '~ ~I I 0 ~ :' ki' :.: ~I ' (') ~~: !~ ~: !~- ': ..--..,,; , ~ 7'. ~ .'" I I '" '" , I "'. ~ c )________ '.. " i!>' ,'t ..., f'" _,-.....o__! 0 _ '" I '" v>, '------000 _ _, ~ ,'" , I '______ __.' _' 1------ I I _ ~ oZ 5 /--- dON _ ...- I ~ I I ----:::"ONI 00" __ 1d3H.L ~ _ I I ll. I I '---';;1tf1tl).Jj.j.::>S,3 ,,o,tr!-..:.; N..~,'.....I ~ I 9 - <:J I, n.LV':"------- ' ~ I I ~ I O"<~J , __ . ",- _' t.., ~I\l' I I ! ~,(jZf16'C;"<6B -=J ::- 5~!J ____ _ ~~,: I I k"....- ______ ....C): I )! ~/ " ,~ <: C) , :- - 0!-3, 00 -- - --' .?"~: -:.. (~':~e.6C ~~/' ------.."~q'B '\<;. "1 ~ : "- ---<.:.J ---- S'..=:! ,\Vl ':: ~ """ i /.... 00 ---'" ".". ot' / ." ,,, ______ ~ ~,,;'~ p~, \ '-- ,.. ~ '" ~ ,.. - ~M r!, "",."-': --()Ic~_- 2"'" ----38... 5 9 ~.. . "",--': i.,. ~ ,e ~ ,; h I ,~111.11Y..114$~:'CIRCLEi':,Jif;o.st' ~. L,.s- "__: ~ --- , ~- ,-- -- ~ '-1,. , ~~.. b --- , - - ~ ;J., " '..... ... 'r- "~i." --;83.00- -. -i i -. /3iCii6- -} "-''''q'''44'4' /;," ';- :'<:"-:,o'~ ~ ' t:: I 'V" C' -s- ",," , .......:-' tV 'J <J .9 ~ "- "- ____ "- -- :::! I Cj;." <"'''''09'--l r--9'.J.-~t-I9< -20 "'__,1 - I t: '. {:, ~:.S,l.... " t~J.- vl'J.- ...... I ~ i \,:: ~"-, : ,.0' . : I , : ......",. ~ I I I I -:::::':... t: It: ",I I _ I, "'~;__ , ,0. ~I I~ I I I ' <. 0\ ~, : "i "', 1-.-- co, i I.t:. \0 I I 1.1) '" I I ~ '...' '. I C) I ! "1 Vt ~/ '0; ......\ I I IlJ I.. Cb I , 'i ............. I I · 1 I : '~_"... I I ~ : : : -t.::;:-.._ Iii I 1 ~ 1 , , ',<. ~ I 1 , I , '" I -- , j' I !'1 I r --- , '...... I h ' " '. ------ I' '" I \ ~ ',' D-94/-t< ----..., , ~ I \ "4Gc -.. -- '>.I /8.?0 --___ ' I IlJ I .:.? -- I' ~ -- --... ~ : I -... S <05 -- ___ <....1 //0 It:" , ,00 c 4sclt.1. '--.... ___ : ('p v3 59"/~.i :C/llr, _____ I 'l.4r.. 'Y - v. ~ S / /0 s/ '<.3" Ui <5/.82 () ry 5<1$ 6,?'r >-:.8<1_... ~ I ..! :'\ -, .; . -.\'....... . .- ._~.~:~;.:,. ~'. .,..:~;;.~:.. ....::-.-- .... ....~~ "............ .............. ""'" ..u......... ._............ ...... .... -::'-"'--'~ \......... o 40 .....-- -- NORTH 630.00 -. -~...... ~ V) 'i ;\) ,.... . I \ ". .....,.: ~ ~ ~ C) I I .......... .. -... -.. . ... -.. ... . ... .. . .. . ~ . ~ . ., ""., Cf , I . . . 10. Council Meeting - I 1/22/99 Review of 4-wa sto at the intersection of 6th Street West and Walnut Street. (1.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: During the construction project for the Community Center, the Public Works Department placed stop signs on Walnut Street at 6th Street West to make the intersection a 4-way stop. Due to the continued congestion in the area, the much narrower Walnut Street, and the diagonal parking, the Public Works Department is recommending that the stop signs on Walnut stay and be replaced with larger permanent signs. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. The first alternative would be to leave the stop signs on Walnut Street at 6th Street, replacing them with larger permanent stop signs. 2. The second alternative would be to remove the stop signs on Walnut Street. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator, Public Works Director and Street Superintendent that the City Council authorize the installation of the larger permanent stop signs on Walnut Street at 6th Street as outlined in alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of accident reports for the last four years from the intersection of 6th and Walnut from the Wright County Sheriffs Department. . NOV-19-99 FRI 1:07 PM NDV-19-99 FRl 11:32 AN PUBLI C WORKS WRIGHT OOUNTV SHERIFF . 'i(i: ~;'r:~ :~.~C:V'-'?O; <.~: t~.:l FAX NO, 16122713272 FAX NO. 612 682 7610 p, 2/ 5 P.02 ?;;;,t &~~C:ii:euRSri! Ce;LLS r:l]l k7J~CE Li.~lLY S!k~Y ,flt-pr'"i'it(.Or{'j~ ter?! 7! b ~ORi $5:i.;;:M~: {~:; ...:iEli:';, ..C';:;;$ t: IioS ACT.,!jY ACTI'.; TnE iinE '!I~ ~!l1E i r~~D rJ!tli;se~ / DSC ilEC!;:~ t-ISP,"i;;':'; ,;,rllr"~ C'"u!1P'..lE DiP j"R~va Zt$~:: ,."'ltE ..~~.. t..!/,,r,:' "Y"~ ~rl:!~ "T~.l!" rt,l';;~t I fi.':. ~~'oI.i:. ~ .....-----!...!:.:""~l~ l~~C2 ~4.03;~ 14~041UO 14;09(00 l;~~i~j 1~~ 5:~C $C::OO ~-X'~ ......, _10..,01" .""111011- "'\l.....\l . ~.:4_ .~.1'L.' w~..c:r I"; .. n7 -i)i R?Tjj; 01l0i/W OO(..y - 1 i.!~Mr, 23-'5~" 4~rr: 00-; 'JUiHS::n lOCr!\lnr: uyw2 'f<.l ~:~C ~~ ~gt; (n~~ !7Ar, I/.:cr~s.r tQC,mt.,.; ~t'8 ~7 ..1ri ~?:1ft~ ~.H c:?lOfUr:i' ~~~ ~iL~~ .oR;.,": :~Ig:.ClS:7!:3:J .___;.;.r~:~ ~;l w~'''2 _.---__ Ij:il ~I~'j;'b'; C~ ~..O~-w:~ 6 ..t ;,: I tf~lj'L~t it ~.tiLl11lCi 3.1 1~.;../~~iS? !..;: o:J::Zf ",;:,. : -ELc~~(:J..:~l;r C 162 \.?27'i :;::M.::r:KS1 ~l~ a:;c.~di:ljt.:! ,"\1II1.ff. ~s ~'tiyi;y ui4D~ T~ta~= i 1;:dli!i;1 t ..1.1<:; Jl T~ttit: 1 il,.:i.tli!l\~ . :.rJ&''':" 001 joh!: ~fIC~~.l1t Rli'il'::'ro!. 7ot..~ % i. !:ld~tnt iaee<dd J..jt, / qCfq ;1 EIi.riahh', dM'l~ilii :!;lr-iCl't :ot.i j{yurS: ii.v ~.1 ~) .~ ~virage t'l'iollb..: . ~ 9.- /" ZC",V ~ ,\,I ..),.} il'rCidEl!tS CH~ ,I , . TQlel How"'..: D.C e.l "..';\ ~;,.er-"g~ .hnl!tes~ !..G 5.0 ~Clla Inridsn.'t. C~l,,; . ;. io~..~ Hou~..": ~,O v.l O.il ~r~ Min~t,.: . . 5.,:; 3-~)l ..11 incldeflb ClIlj(... Totd Ht'l<<'~S ; G,O v.~ " e; v... MVilf'ilQI! ll.illu.t!'!i; 1.v ... ... .v.;.O "';'\"1 ir,d.tiiiltS eli;;:.. - NUV-19-99 FRI 1:08 PM ND~-}9.99 FRI 11:32 AN PUBLIC WORKS WRIGHT COUNTY SHERIFF FAX NO. 16122713272 FAX NO. 612 682 7810 P, 03 P. 3/ 5 . ~~~ t~i~: 1~-N:~~9~ ~r; t~o :~:~'i ,.t:~: : :,;~ ll';;;t;i\lil'uRSi-it- C?~La Fan ro:v:CC ~;L T !i>>1AAt ~""''''' .!'\....~ iU'~liF I; ~ n,i"7~j ~,no; O:';OI/':'a C~~ . !Z/~ln~"ns9 :'~'l'; {'.~.1 . ";~~!Sf.: ~";rv:rT: a~~2B ;'i.r~ :;~:; ;.~ ~Sri ~;z~ :~i. !;;:XtrEH7 i.Lt~Ti~~ .;i::;j5 D';"-'r" ~1~TED AAEP: W1r.a~tA~ i<A;'lf p9~': ~j~~8~1 iIC~_ Ll~!; OrFI~ C;(i-2 ~('il ye~':J~;'t~:;1 e~Y.\:s: 6 st .; ! ..e~mli ~t ;;l a~"tl'5193 ni;:iir=n J:; ;: .::i.(.::~l i'JIl..l:iy C" 160 002SCc ~F;~~:.:S. iC-:i;.:4,' i~Ulr .i.~n. (: ~:-.~f'ir:t,Ol {l;~; (;.,~;:7 1.' 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"VV-l~-~~ ~Kl 1:08 PM NOV-19-99 FRI 11:33 AM PUBLIC WORKS WRIGHT COUNTY SHERIFF . 1=4:;'; i;l4r,; 19-~\H~ 3Y. 1;"110 Hill 7!i':f: li:01 ~GI\i t: j ij;-'TI'; ~;r.i: CI/(jl~7 00.:.0 - ~1.!S!;""7. Z~ ~~1:: v;J: LI~r3;:;1 ~IlJliY; ~*C~1 F!O~ !:C ~ ;St~ lili;LI PAL 1tlCrWJ7 ~O'C,m~ ~:;;::g iJr-;r; i\E?!]{rEIJ h?E4 C;~CE ~"lE ~,... 11:"'I~r "~:~':"!'!'Tr'~; '-~., """~.! ;o:-t,..... .~.!.:....!!U:::.~ll.i~_~_ !!C !. ...~ ...( vu~ ~.T~I'H!21 \-~ :X;\.;:;.:;~ t. it li i Jili:":'.lt st 3l .~l/~S/?7 15.Li6:22 . .hi: '. -h.::~tjU<l!i',i; ~6: ~;;2~,c. rn;~'v.s: lO-50~ ~" Jet- j.~7~Ci~Z11o f'n FAX NQ 16122713272 fAX NO. 612 682 7610 t f ~ ~ N FOR S _ . ~ ~u.s rD.!! :;~iMCE ~:lj ~/t>1p.y P.04 P. 4/ 5 ?AGE :: c r.-print'2I,}o'C<Ztl t~25 SO?,! S2"~1 i9H ~}~~. .If-IS,. lJ:'S ~cnVIii ACT!V TIi'!a i'I~ ri~ Tr/'f i El.Af'8E~ mii:ac:: ,. IEat ~cmt"5!i D;~HTCi7 t..~I~ c:~nr~ rUfF mwa se!:~ ~Jp.raE n'PE ~ _~_ jjii:__.!~ v:~ I~IQ6;OO 16.:a1:ov 1~:\o9;vj !b:342~ ! H'" 2=00 'Z~:oo -- ~bc!:le c ~f~'>i'; d ngf~ejt, di~~~! !~:~, ,:".:.'. -;'~r;V.s:3~~ C'Z i).:>OO~l t. 'i: <!! I .~el.rliit ~Gl1tii:t!: 10 , i/,4Oi !Z:S3:Y:) li'~S6;()o. 1,:S1:t}j 1=1=3.5:00 3:00 ~ ~"o 3S:C-j ;l (;~;O~;;; ::.:-3:1v '1r';"~'N ,.m ;;. -~~'t;k:.;~a~~y C IbC c.~ d .'(e~'SOlli, ~'ie! 1eso 2SW;<:5: ....:d!liO'r.t M iI1j"r~1iS t~/Jer>'~s i~;n~&b; ::0 .i:':~. cltiOliOcli3 :" iaVol1t!.i. ~el: !:!..tf$Oie ~3~:<;';) ~i5 ~~tlV:ty C7~2 TataZ: 2 I,'I(i(lQ1,t. . ~df j!t 31 '~:)t~:;. 2 jn..::cl~!'~li. ~~er.c) C~: iOCi:l 1. ;,,~~.j==i!.t5 i\t!"..r.:rt i ut~i: ! 1f:\;'io!<"tt5 o(~~ ;qq1 Total "c:JJ'I.: 1~.1 ~. j ! .1 AI/2:r.as, HinuttfJ: 2.0 ,. Si.S . ../ in~1dent! ~~lc.: 2 ., .... .. Totll! ~!~Jr~ : ~ , c. ~ ~ .1 iJ. 1 ~~~g~ ~i~~te~~ .. .. . I. :11.,5 ".~; "- !~id~t~ ~1c.: ::2 ,". 2 " i'lJtal nt.\fJrs. .. . " . !.l ""111. v.... KYfr~g~ Minut'll 2:.03 I " Sl.S .. ~., I~~ia~ntj Ctlt.: .. 7: :2 Total Iob.U'!\1 y,l O.i ' . , , ..- ~V=~8~~ ~~nu~C5' =-.~ . ~ ~1.~ ..,J In,ider!ts ell!;:.: '2 :2 2 .w, l;r;j;j t'J'U 1:08 PM NOV-19~99 FRI 11:33 AM PUBLIC WORKS WRIGHT COUNTY SHERIFF . ititl~ P~:e.: ::; "'::;";"'~"'; oY: ~~"do ~.;: "'ri.~: l;.v: FAX NO, 16122713272 FAX NO. 612 682 7610 ~f.*E:NfGRa~t! ~LLS pUS S&."'ViCi DAILY S/A'I'lM'f Y~"t. y ~l:JG~ ~; J':"~'1; ~"jr.: er! l,,:J% c.:OO - 12/3t"1' ~ .;;,g.c,': nG~ Jltns; =-~ ~n"m: Cl9r,~2 ~3':' ;:JC r.;;. I~N ~) ~ "'..,. 1i\:Cr:zr. LO;;A:W~ ~U;~i 3 :;7.~ ~;;: ~uRiEU ;e.~~ ~P.~ n::.~ '5<1: 0(,:;;,:;,; Z'!'il:=-iJSll!VN L?J:r ;F.~;i1 r;;r.2 ....... ~: ~';~S"3~1~ ~: .;,: b. at ; ~i~~~t iV !lGlticel.~;: 31 l2/;).3/;.6 i5::)3;w pl:~ ~ -EIL.;pt.i.Ql1!l;i.... C 002.;.:, F.fr.~i3; 16-50. ~I' slate. diOtc.r' ~lic:il? clce.l~~l\t no ir.j..:r-.ies. :,/~:;,,:; ~~;iJ'\g~!iOjl ~1(iOI~nt'. 9S tt::',f ~st::u~\; .i.ll 1<:i1l0l\ ;:;"':n~.' "~que)'\:v .:it :!:tcrlli6r..J. 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G.! .;.v 1.0 .,~. . ..,." := f;.,t ...t- Z . . .:..." ,9.0 Z . 11. Consideration of a rovin a resolution acce tin etition for extension of Chelsea Road and utilities from Sandber Road to 9W" Street. Petitioner: Ton Emmerich. City Council Agenda -11/22/99 A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Council is asked to consider authorizing the City Engineer to complete the feasibility study which will detennine preliminary design and cost estimates for cxtension of utilities and the extension of Chelsea Rd from Sandberg Rd to 90lh Street. As you know, a study of the alignment of this road has been underway for some time with all of the property OWners working together toward development of an alignmcnt that can be supported by the group. At the present time there appears to be across-the-board support for the proposed alignment. The next step in the process is to reconfirm the support and move forward in the development offinance of design documents that wi/J lead us toward solid cost estimates. Once the solid cost estimates are pulled together, the next step toward finance plan approval and plan development can be made. . Due to the fact that the land necessary for this roadway will be provided by various parties and because not all of the parcels benefitting from the roadway will be providing land for the road, it will likely be proposed that the value of the land that needs to be taken for the roadway wi/J be incorporated into the assessment roll, then charged back against the benefitting property OWners. For instance, the land toward the west end of the road extension owned by Stuart Hoglund wi/J be purchased from Hoglund with this cost then spread against all the properties through the Chelsea Road assessment. Stuart Hoglund wi/J either receive a check for the value of the roadway or he will receive a credit against his assessment. This project includes Chelsea Road and the utility systems underneath the roadway only. Improvements relating to the first and second phase of the Groveland residential subdivision are likely to be constructed privately via a separate project. It should be noted that completion of the roadway is dependent on annexation which is not a forgone conclusion at this point. The developer understands that the deposit that he will be providing is to fund the cost of this study and is not refundable in the event annexation does not proceed or if there is some hold up with the Groveland plat approval. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to accept petition and authorize preparation of feasibility study as proposed. This motion should be contingent upon the developer providing a deposit in the amount equal to the estimated cost of the feasibility study. . . 2. Motion to deny or table the petiti on and not authorize preparation of feasi bili ty study as proposed. City Council Agenda -11/22/99 C. STAFF RECOMMENDA nON Staff recommends tbat Ci ty Council authorize preparation of this feasi bi Ii ty study. It is our view that the proposed alignment has enough support to justify completi on 0 fthe preliminary planning. The information provided with this plan wi II allow development of a finance plan supporting construction of the proposed improvements. D. SUPPORTING DATA Exhibit A - Copy of Grove land prel imi nary plat showing proposed Chelsea Road alignment . . t ! I J, [ 1:1, J S III :ill ab I /" ~1I1i :fJ: J 'I I"'. ~ ~E fit: ~ill II I III f~il sll I II I -'- ft I ~ Iii I I~'~l "'I "i~ " , . I " / - -'~~':''''7{' IJI cr-.:~~~~~~........', J' i'! - '~-----",- , "-J __, ' ._ - ._-~ "~"'->-<- ' , . ""'''', " - / /;"" 'l' ........]-,,- ----_ !loo ....:..J I,....... ~.:-,.... r: I ~ " /'( L? ' r-:J .~' -~~"-'>,. -----, . ....... """~'.,~-J,1'''' 1:/' r.r I 1JJ rF-~~,-: _,__ "", '"",_ // 0 A I':' ___~',.-,-,-___ . , '//;""", '. -----, " · ~ 0 ..... .......Jc~~ -__~_ ......~~ /, ------ '----- ---- - ~ '.-........ -'-- "" --'"---- -----, 'I ~ -.. ~~"~"'J _ _.... , ~ ----- "" .----- ----. - '-" ...' '-~-, /OlOii '!)8RSQJ : 0 "'-::'''''::,""." ""'n- . ....~..~..... ....--...;::l O [;) <:J , " " ;._-:-.... _ ......_ '" _..~~~,>_ -~." ',""""" .. '< "- I ....==~. ! , -::::-:... IJ ,I 11i11l11UIIIIlt.1l w fg : ~ ~ u a ~ f! ~i ~ f 1111 ~I · IIIIU ~ fiJlIIII. ! "fflll : MllfIIlfff ~ ............. ~ ~! ~ i 1'-' .....' ....... -- -...... -. ""~-. .'....~. '.01, . . r '\'''1-.-1 " ,. "- In/ . . . City Council Agenda -11/22/99 12. Consideration of accenting petition and waiver of public hearing requirement and authoriziD!! completion ofthe proiect - Extension of waterline to Communitv Methodist Church. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Methodist Church has petitioned the City for installation ofthe watermain necessary to serve the Church facility. Originally, it was anticipated that Methodist Church would connect to the watermain that is located on the County 18 ROW. I Iowever, after installation of the booster station it became apparent that the property can better be served through installation of a watermain extending from the top of the hill at the booster station reliever station. Serving the site in this manner results in better water pressure for the Methodist Church facility. It also results in additional cost. By having the City complete the project as a public improvement, the Methodist Church can have this expense assessed against the property to be paid back over a period of years. It is suggested that the City work with the Methodist Church to complete this project as a public improvement and assess the cost as it would with any other public improvement project. In addition, serving this parcel with the booster system will allow the City to capture this parcel's pro-rated share of the cost to install the booster station which is estimated at $5,500. This expense along with the assessment fix extension of the watermain will be placed as an assessment against the property. This alternative also results in extension of the watermain through the parcel and into a position that would allow the adjoining Shu]z property to use the boosted water pressure at some point in the future. Additional funds to help defray the cost of this booster station will then be derived from the future development as it occurs at the Shulz parcel. B. AL TERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to approve acceptance of petition, approve plans and specifications and authorize completion of the extension of the watermainas proposed. The work to be completed by the lowest quote to be obtained by City Staff. City Staff will submit the plans to various contractors. Due to the fact that the total cost of this project is expected to be less than $25,000, the City merely needs to obtain quotes on this project. Under the motion above, City Council would be authorizing staff to proceed with authorizing this project assuming that the low quote is equal to or less than $25,000. 2. Motion to deny acceptance of petition and plans and specifications, and not authorize completion of the extension of the watermain as proposed. . City Council Agenda -11/22/99 c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The City Administrator recommends alternative number 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA Exhibit A - Reduced copy of the plans for extension of the watermain. Exhibit B - Copy of Petition. . . 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"*"".. _ n:.t.": - ...,----- - -...- go., ou. _ JIl....,~ ,.... ... ,.. ~QIIM .... - ~dgl:Zl::666l '6l'AON . \ ''= / fi '"I' .... 1m- ni log! f.- HI"' ~ J · II !fOIl '9 ur; HI t ~ 5 II B f'lll'4~ i~ filII 13'1 ::: .a ~ ~ i~ I~ ~GlJJ IS J Iii<< ~ ~ ii ~ JU~ m J::iz it I 'Ih I" ! r 9H ~ n'~t" ~ ~ n J i if i J 'Qf i I~m ij Ii' I ,. !J ! iJif · fflffif If ! :'; J i " & nIl J 'i ! ~ I ~ j II ( p f ~ I .... a CCIIUITY III1ID 1 a ~,,~ 8/8 'd UTIZ981'oN E'I-~ibrf- It . . . NOV 16 '99 02: 02PM CITY OF MONTICELLO P.2/3 ~',-:==;II' EXHIBIT H PETITION FOR PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS Petition made this 17th day of r-.lo'-'-l~~.""-; 1"1'" "I by c)......."..,v.....) u",.t-".._tJ 1'f\,.Jt...v.J,~r ("Petitioner"), owner of the property described in Exhibit A attached hereto (lithe Property"), to C I.-Vvt.-l..., the City Council of the City of Monticello (lithe City"). WHEREAS, Petitioner wishes to have certain public improvements ("the Improvements"), made to serve the Property; and WHEREAS, Petitioner acknowledges that the Improvements will benefit the Property in at least the amount of the assessment contemplated by this Petition; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual ptomises hereafter contained, the sufficiency of which is hereby ackno"Yledged, the parties hereby agree as follows: 1. Petitioner does hereby petition the City to install the following Improvements to serve the Property, to-wit: Lv t. \"( ..- .-.e~ \ '-' f- ~ t-.,t "'5'''"" a. b. c. d. e. 2. Petitioner hereby waives its right to notice and public hearing to be held on the Improvements pursuant to Minn. Stat. ~429.031 and S429.061, and consent to the construction of the Improvements and assessment of the costs of the public improvements against the Property in accordance with City special assessment policies as currently in effect. 3. Petitioner acknowledges that its share of the total estimated cost of the public im rovements, which the Cit shall assess against the Pro crt is $7P, r:JIJv for 1!Mti, W (1-it'. e Me\ ill \'01 Cl. total estimate cost of $ ,~ 5 Ct:O . Petitioner understands that this is an estimate only as determined by the City's engineer arid the actual figure may be higher or lower, depending on various factors. Upon completion of construction, the City's engineer shall determine the Petitioner's share of the Improvements attributable to the Property. Petitioner agrees that the City may assess such amO\U1t against that r;x\t\'o,~ ~ '::1'::1 k:l2: lJC::P/1 Cll Y OF I'IONllCLLLO 1-'.3<=1 . Property as provided he{ein, and furthe{ agree that the amount of the assessments under this agreement is equal to or less than the benefit to the Property. Petitioner acknowledges that the total amount of the costs of the Public Improvement, which are the responsibility of the Petitioner as provided in this agreement, shall be levied as a special assessment against the Property, 4. Petitioner hereby waives all rights of appeal that it has by virtue of Minn. Stat. ~429.081, or otherwise, to challenge the amoWlt or validity ofamoWlts, or the procedure used by the City in levying the assessment, the benefit to the Property or lack thereof by virtue of the Improvements, or any other defense available to Petitioner, either at law Or equity, to the assessment of the Property as contemplated. f'- S. Nothing contained herein shall prevent the City from assessing the Property for public improvements other than those specifically described within this Petition, all as provided by law. 6. If Petitioner is other than a natural person, it shall provide the City with a certified copy of a resolution adopted by its board.of directors 'or governing body authorizing the Petitioner to enter into this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Petitioner has hereunto set their hands the day and year first above written. . NAME By: , / ". '1 ~). ,',.( rt. t.t.!./ ~..a-.., I ,';..p-z..~ V Its: ~f..0 cV.4<~<-~ <!- (( III C. And By: Its: :t. . t;j \" , ~ I -t- \j 3RC FINANCIAL SYSTEM ~12/1999 13:51 :46 Schedule of Bills CITY OF MONTICELLO GL050S-V06.00 COVERPAGE GL540R Reoort Selection: RUN GROUP... 01112 COMMENT... 11/12 CKS OATA-JE-lD OATA COMMENT 0-11121999-167 11/12 CKS Run Instructions: jobo Banner Coo;es Form Printer Hold Space LPI Lines CPI J 01 Y S 6 066 10 . . aRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO ~11ll999 lULl1 Schedule ot Bills GL540R-V06.00 PAGE 1 NDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE POll F/P 10 LINE AGGRESSIVE INDUSTRIES. I REFUSE 11.462.00 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43230.2199 35734 167 00049 ANCOM TECHNICAL CENTER FIRE 122.61 EOUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS 101.42201.2210 6507 167 00050 AOUA LOGIC. INC CC-AOUATIC CERTIFICATION 220.00 CONFERENCE & SCHOOLS 226.45122.3320 OPERATOR COURS 167 00051 ARMA INTERNATIONAL ADM-RECORDS MGMT GUIDE 64.00 BOOKS & PAMPHLETS 101.41301.4350 167 00052 BELLBOY CORPORATION BAR LIOUOR STORE 1.561.68 MISC TAXABLE 509.49750.2540 2342900 167 00048 BERNICK'S PEPSI COLA COM LIOUOR STORE 176.40 BEER 609.49750.2520 83735 167 00046 CULLIGAN RENTAL HOUSE 24.92 RENTAL HOUSE EXPENSES 240.49201.4381 167 00058 ~LHEIMER DISTRIBUTING IOUOR STORE 1.165.00 BEER 609.49750.2520 55679 167 00027 LIOUOR STORE 2.173.42 BEER 609.49750.2520 55708 167 00028 LIOUOR STORE 47.90 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 55709 167 00026 LIOUOR STORE 38.80 BEER 609.49750.2520 56057 167 00029 3.425.12 *VENDOR TOTAL DAY DISTRIBUTING COMPANY LIQUOR STORE 1.276.10 BEER 609.49750.2520 76169 167 00042 DENHAM & REHKAMP DEPOSIT DUE W/ORDER 4.412.22 OTHER EQUIPMENT 461.49201.5801 167 00059 ELECTION SYSTEMS & SOFTW FINANCE 221.61 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 101.41520.2099 410162 167 00061 FINANCE 157.18 PRINTED FORMS & PAPER 101.41520.2030 411228 161 00060 378.79 *VENDOR TOTAL EMERGENCY APPARATUS MAIN FIRE 2.816.82 REPAIR & MTC - VEHICLES 101.42201.4050 167 00062 FIRE 262.28 REPAIR & MTC - VEHICLES 101.42201.4050 2781 167 00063 3.079.10 *VENDOR TOTAL ENGLE/GREG REIMB 4.34 TRAVEL EXPENSE 225.45201.3310 167 00064 ~NTLINE PLUS FIRE & RE 85.00 CLOTHING SUPPLIES 101.42201.2111 6713 167 00065 FIRE BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO 4111{12/1999 13:51:47 Schedule of Bills GL540R-V06.00 PAGE 2 VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE POll F/P 10 LINE GRIGGS. COOPER & COMPANY LIOUOR STORE 597.50 LIOUOR 509.49750.2510 167 00013 LIOUOR STORE 117.00 LIOUOR 609.49750.2510 167 00015 LI OUOR STORE 2,503.63 LIOUOR 609.49750.2510 167 00017 LIOUOR STORE 94.15 WINE 609.49750.2530 167 00019 LIOUOR STORE 128.40 WINE 609.49750.2530 167 00021 LIOUOR STORE 213.07 WINE 609.49750.2530 167 00023 LI OUOR STORE 147.88 WINE 509.49750.2530 167 00025 LIOUOR STORE 3.00 FRE IGHT 609.49750.3330 130472 167 00020 LIOUOR STORE 3.75 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 130473 167 00022 LIOUOR STORE 3.75 FREIGHT 609.49150.3330 130414 161 00012 LIOUOR STORE 18.15 FREIGHT 609.49150.3330 130475 161 00016 LIOUOR STORE 1. 50 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 130416 167 00014 LIOUOR STORE 2.25 FREIGHT 609.49150.3330 130411 161 00024 LIOUOR STORE 2.25 FREIGHT 609.49150.3330 130418 167 00018 ~IOUOR STORE 16.00CR WINE 609.49150.2530 522849 161 00010 LIOUOR STORE 8.82CR WINE 609.49150.2530 523112 167 00011 3.812.06 *VENDOR TOTAL GROSSLEIN BEVERAGE INC. LIOUOR STORE 2,119.85 BEER 609.49150.2520 111066 161 00041 4IIIlSSNICKLE/THOMAS P REIM8 10.08 TRAVEL EXPENSE 225.45201.3310 167 00066 HIGH TECH ROOFING LIBRARY - REROOF 28,800.00 REPAIR & MTC - BUILDINGS 211.45501.4010 161 00061 IKON OFFICE SOLUTIONS LI BRARY -MI A 52.21 MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS 211.45501.3190 23492644 167 00068 JOHNSON BROS WHOLESALE L LIOUOR STORE 4.394.41 WINE 609.49150.2530 167 00003 LI OUOR STORE 3.41CR WINE 609.49150.2530 161 00005 LIOUOR STORE 81.16 LIOUOR 609.49150.2510 161 00001 LIOUOR STORE 1,893.94 LIOUOR 609.49150.2510 161 00009 LIOUOR STORE 11.00 FREIGHT 609.49150.3330 1041994 161 00008 LIOUOR STORE 113.19 FREIGHT 609.49150.3330 1041995 161 00002 LIOUOR STORE 0.28 FREIGHT 609.49150.3330 1043001 161 00006 LIOUOR STORE 0.01CR FREIGHT 609.49150.3330 104929 161 00004 6,491.04 *VENDOR TOTAL KING/JAMES W CEMETARY-FLOWER REMOVAL 106.50 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 651.49010.3199 167 00056 CEMETARY-LEAF PU 2,169.00 PROF SRV - LAWN SERVICE 651.49010.3105 161 00057 FIRE HALL 26.63 PROF SRV - LAWN SERVICE 101.42201.3105 MAINT 161 00053 .IBRARY 19.88 PROF SRV - LAWN SERVICE 211.45501.3105 MAINT 161 00054 roUOR 14.55 PROF SRV - LAWN SERVICE 609.49754.3105 MAINT 161 00055 3,056.56 'VENDOR TOTAL BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO ./1211999 13:51 :47 Schedule of Bills GL540R-V06.00 PAGE 3 . VENDOR NAME DESCRI PTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE PO# F/P 10 LINE KRAEMER. LORI FRAME REIMB 9.41 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 250.46501.4399 167 00069 MARCO FINANCING CH 617.27 MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS 101.41301.3190 103490876 167 00070 MARKS SHEDS & GAZEBOS GAZEBO 3.447.62 OTHER CELEBRATIONS 225.45215.4429 167 00071 MARTIE'S FARM SERVICE FIRE 101. 71 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.42201.3199 167 00073 FIRE 51.97 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.42201.3199 386900 167 00072 153.68 *VENDOR TOTAL MAUS FOODS PLANNING 14.42 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.41910.2199 167 00074 LIBRARY 63.20 CLEANING SUPPLIES 211.45501.2110 167 00075 DEP REG 12.13 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.41990.2199 167 00076 LIBRARY 6.29 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 211.45501.2199 167 00077 96.04 *VENDOR TOTAL ~~WALL COMPANY 251. 06 REPAIR & MTC - MACH & EO 101.41940.4044 006191 167 00078 MEDTOX LABORATORIES STREETS 46.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.43120.3199 79141 167 00079 MINNESOTA'S BOOKSTORES BLDG CODE BOOKS 430.20 BOOKS & PAMPHLETS 101.42401.4350 167 00080 MN DEPART OF NATURAL RES DEP REG 1.608.00 DNR PAYABLE 101.20811 167 00081 ONE CALL CONCEPTS. INC. LOCATES 112.00 MISe PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 601.49440.3199 9100508 167 00082 PETERS BILLIARDS COMM CENTER 765.74 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 226.45122.5601 61870 167 00084 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS LIOUOR STORE 2.832.93 LIOUOR 609.49750.2510 167 00031 LIOUOR STORE 3,121.50 WINE 609.49750.2530 167 00033 LIOUOR STORE 218.00 MISC TAXABLE 609.49150.2540 167 00034 LIOUOR STORE 559.90 LIOUOR 609.49150.2510 167 00036 LIOUOR STORE 28.98 FREIGHT 609.49150.3330 548944 161 00030 LI QUOR STORE 51.80 FREIGHT 609.49150.3330 548945 161 00032 ~IOUOR STORE 8.50 FREIGHT 609.49150.3330 549825 167 00035 6.881.61 *VENDOR TOTAL BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO ./12/1999 13: 51:47 Schedule of 8il1s GL540R-V06.00 PAGE 4 VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE PO# F/P 10 LINE PINNACLE DISTRI8UTING LIOUOR STORE 237.00 MISC TAXA8LE 609.49750.2540 590296 167 00041 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES GR WWTP - DECEM8ER 37.095.42 PROF SRV - PSG. LNC 602.49480.3080 60262 167 00083 RELIA8LE CORPORATION/THE DEP REG 87.40 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 101.41990.2099 OHC70500 167 00086 RELIANCE DATA CORPORATIO CASH REG 2.559.20 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 226.45122.2199 25249 167 00087 RELIANT ENERGY AN SHELTER 34.03 GAS 101.42701.3830 167 00088 RL LARSON EXCAVATING. IN WATER 316.60 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 601.49440.2199 MANUAL 167 00085 RON'S GOURMET ICE LIOllOR STORE 204.11 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 51625 167 00001 4IIIlZWEDEL/PATRICIA A. N SHELTER 245.59 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.42701.2199 167 00090 SCHARBER & SONS. INC. PARKS 11. 72 REPAIR & MTC - VEHICLES 225.45201.4050 216149 167 00091 ST CROIX RECREATION CO, RIVERMILL PARK 1,482.09 RIVER MILL PARK IMPR 225.45202.5324 11498 167 00092 FROM 1997 BUDGET-FREEWAY 11.996.00 I MPROVEMEN TS 225.45201.5301 11499 167 00093 13.478.09 *VENDOR TOTAL STAR TRIBUNE WATER 216.00 GENERAL PUBLIC INFORMATI 601.49440.3520 AR4C0360 167 00094 STEPHENS-PECK, INC DEP REG 47.00 BOOKS & PAMPHLETS 101.41990.4350 167 00095 TALBERG LAWN & LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION SYS FOR CC 7.000.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 461.49201.3199 024592 167 00096 IRRIGATION SYS FOR CC 325.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 461.49201.3199 024593 167 00097 7.325.00 *VENDOR TOTAL THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMP LIOUOR STORE 2,066.20 BEER 509.49750.2520 176682 167 00043 LIOUOR STORE 2.775.95 BEER 609.49750.2520 176789 167 00044 ~IOUOR STORE 52.50 MISC TAXA8LE 609.49750.2540 176790 167 00045 4.894.65 *VENDOR TOTAL -----...-- SRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO ~/12/1999 13:51:47 Schedule of Bills GL540R-V06.00 PAGE 5 VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE PO# F/P ID LINE U S POSTMASTER 1ST CLASS PRESORT FEE 100.00 POSTAGE 101.41301.3220 11/99 TO 11/00 161 00098 VIKING COCA COLA LIOUOR STORE 166.50 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 2232941 167 00038 CH 15.44 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 101.41940.4399 2233140 161 00037 181.94 "VENDOR TOTAL WARD/DEBRA MILEAGE REIMB 60.76 TRAVEL EXPENSE 101.42401.3310 167 00099 WATER LABORATORIES. INC WATER TESTS 20.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 601.49440.3199 99K-004 167 00100 WATSON COMPANY, INC/THE LI OllOR STORE 64.13 MISC TAXABLE 509.49750.2540 553963 167 00039 LIOUOR STORE 71.46 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 554503 167 00040 135.59 "VENDOR TOTAL WRIGHT HENNEPIN SECURITY FIRE 106.50 MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS 101.42201.3190 167 00102 .EP REG 19.12 MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS 101.41990.3190 167 00103 ARKS 15.48 MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS 225.45201.3190 167 00104 WATER TOWER 20.10 MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS 601.49440.3190 167 00105 161. 20 "VENDOR TOTAL WRIGHT-HENNEPIN COOP ELE 13.59 BIOSOLIDS FARM IMPROVEME 602.49480.4385 167 00101 . -. -,-- -- .._--' - 8RC FINANCIAL SYSTEM ~/12/1999 13:51:41 VENDOR NAME DEseRI PTlON REPORT TOTALS: . . AMOUNT 153.089.66 ACCOUNT NAME RECORDS PRINTED - 000104 Schedule of Bills ;UND & ACCOUNT CITY OF MONTICELLO GL540R-V06.00 PAGE 6 CLAIM INVOICE PO# F/P 10 LINE - -- --...-. .---. - - BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM ~/12/1999 13:51:49 FUND RECAP: Schedule of Bills CITY OF MONTICELLO GL060S-V06.00 RECAPPAGE GL540R FUND DESCRIPTION ------------------~--------- DISBURSEMENTS 101 GENERAL FUND 211 LIBRARY FUND 225 PARK FUND 226 COMMUNITY CENTER 240 CAPITAL PROJECT REVOLVING FD 250 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTH FD 461 98-03C COMMUNITY CENTER 601 WATER FUND 602 SEWER FUND 609 MUNICIPAL LIOUOR FUND 651 RIVERSIDE CEMETERY 19.066.13 29.001.6t. 16,961. 33 3,544.94 24.92 9.41 11,131.22 684.10 37,109.01 32,068.26 2.875.50 TOTAL ALL FUNDS 153.089.66 BANK RECAP: eK NAME ---------------------------- DISBURSEMENTS GENL GENERAL CHECKING LIOR LIOUOR CHECKING 121,021.40 32,068.26 TOTAL ALL BANKS 153,089.66 THE PRECEDING LIST OF BILLS PAYABLE WAS REVIEWED AND APPROVED FOR PAYMENT. DATE ............ APPROVED BY -.. ........ .... ... ........ .... +.. . ...... ... ".......0+.. ........... . ~ ~ . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . aRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 11/18/1999 12:02:59 . Schedule of Bills CITY OF MONTICELLO GL050S-V06.00 COVERPAGE GL540R Reoort Selection: RUN GROUP.,. 01118 COMMENT... 11/18 CKS OA T A-J E- I 0 DATA COMMENT -------------- ------------------------ 0-11181999-180 11/18 CKS Run Instructions: Joba Banner COPies Form Printer Hold Space LPI Lines CPI J 01 Y S 6 066 10 . . - - . BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICElJ 11/18/1999 12:03:00 Schedule of Bills GL540R-Y06.00 PAGE VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME fUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE PO# F/P 10 LINE ADOLFSON & PETERSON, INC 27 10.463.00 PROF SRY - CONSTRUCTION 436.49201.3025 08124-004-164 180 0015 ANKENY KELL ARCHITECTS, 00097093.06 262.50 PROF SRY - ARCHITECTS' F 461.49201.3020 3 180 00159 00097093.06 909.50 PROF SRY - ARCHITECTS' F 461.49201.3020 4 180 00158 00097093.03 1.834.50 PROF SRV - ARCHITECTS' F 461.49201.3020 5 180 00156 00097093.03 1,834.50 PROF SRV - ARCHITECTS' F 461.49201.3020 5 180 00157 00097093.03 1.863.10 PROF SRV - ARCHITECTS' F 461.49201.3020 6 180 00155 00097093.03 1,856.98 PROF SRV - ARCHITECTS' F 461.49201.3020 7 180 00154 00097093.03 1.973.53 PROF SRY - ARCHITECTS' F 461.49201.3020 8 180 00153 00097093.00 14,263.80 PROF SRV - ARCHITECTS' F 461.49201.3020 8999 180 00152 24,798.41 *VENDOR TOTAL ANOKA-HENNEPIN TECHNICAL FIRE 550.00 CONFERENCE & SCHOOLS 101.42201.3320 30142 180 00048 eRAMARK CH 165.64 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.41940.2199 6013-923637 180 00049 BANYAI MASONRY SHOP 1.953.00 OTHER EQUIPMENT "101.43127.5801 WO 11/12/99 180 00050 BARNES/TODD MICHAEL BOOTS REIMB 89.99 CLOTHING SUPPLIES 101.43120.2111 180 00051 BARRETT/JOHN C OVERPAY REFUND 5.00 EXCAYATION CHG - CREMATI 651.34944 180 00150 BELLBOY CORPORATION BAR LIOUOR STORE 227.25 LIQUOR 509.49750.2510 17676300 180 00042 LIOUOR STORE 1,496.91 LIOUOR 609.49750.2510 17688000 180 00043 LI OUOR STORE 24.23 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 30834300 180 00041 1. 748.39 *YENDOR TOTAL BERLIN TIRE CENTERS, INC SHOP 846.00 EOUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS 101.43127.2210 1255856 180 00052 BERNICK'S PEPSI COLA COM LIOUOR STORE 310.35 BEER 609.49750.2520 86855 180 00047 LIQUOR STORE 88.10 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 86856 180 00046 398.45 *VENDOR TOTAL ..... -oJORKLUND CO., INC. eOMM CENTER 210.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERYIC 461.49201.3199 1982 180 00053 BRAND NEW REFUSE 910.95 MISe OTHER EXPENSE 101.43230.4399 P 0 3216 180 00054 - - -- . ~~91S;~t~~IA~2tO~I5M Schedule of Bills GL540Rl~06?60M~WGECELL2 VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE POll F/P 10 LINE BRAUN INTERTEC CORPORATI CSAH 75 1.992.50 PROF SRV - CONSTRUCTION 467.49201.3025 182537 180 00055 CAREFREE LAWN SERVICE 155-086-001040 CLEANING 170.00 PROF SRV - LAWN SERVICE 101.42401.3105 4136 180 00058 155-086-007080 CLEANING 225.00 PROF SRV - LAWN SERVICE 101.42401.3105 4137 180 00056 155-082-002101 CLEANING 105.00 PROF SRV - LAWN SERVICE 101.42401.3105 4138 180 00057 500.00 "VENDOR TOTAL CHADER BUSINESS EOUIPMEN CH MA DICTAPHONES 9/00 169.00 MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS 101.41301.3190 035035 P 180 00059 DAHLHEIMER DISTRIBUTING LIOUOR STORE 1. 784. 70 BEER 609.49750.2520 56072 180 00030 LIOUOR STORE 82.10 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 56013 180 00032 LIQUOR STORE 377.20 BEER 609.49150.2520 56328 180 00031 2,244.60 "VENDOR TOTAL .AVIES WATER EQUIPMENT C 2.575.36 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 464.49201.2199 M247271 180 00142 DAY DISTRIBUTING COMPANY LIOUOR STORE 12.95 MISC TAXABLE 609.49150.2540 180 00040 LIOUOR STORE 310.70 BEER 609.49750.2520 76807 180 00039 323.65 "VENDOR TOTAL DESIGN FOR PRINT STUDIO CERTIFICATES 35.00 ADOPT-A-PARK MAINT/EXP 225.45202.4090 INV 11/1/99 180 00060 DON GALLUS & SONS, INC 7TH STREET EXT 800.00 TREE REPLACEMENT 224.46102.4391 88 180 00061 EHLERS & ASSOC,INC PUBLI GENERAL 105.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 213.46301.3199 16112 180 00062 TIF 1-26 120.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 213.46526.3199 16713 180 00063 225.00 "VENDOR TOTAL EISELE/JIM BOOT REIMB 79.99 CLOTHING SUPPLIES 101.43120.2111 180 00064 FLESCH'S PAPER SERVICES, LIOUOR STORE 258.45 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 609.49754.2199 1364220 180 00035 .RANCO'S COCKTAIL MIXES 2-901 HURRICANE MIX 34.40 MISC TAXABLE 609.49150.2540 180 OOW FRONTLINE PLUS FIRE & RE FIRE 90.00 CLOTHING SUPPLIES 101.42201.2111 6121 180 OOW . BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLC 11/1811999 12:03:00 Schedule of Bills GL540R-V06.00 PAGE 3 VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME fUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE PO# F/P 10 LINE GATEWAY SPOTSHOP DATA PROC 128.81 DATA PROCESSING SUPPLIES 101.41920.2025 FOH7LD 180 00067 COMM CENTER WRKCENTRE 532.45 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 226.45122.5701 F9H8V6 180 00066 661. 26 *VENDQR TOTAL GRIGGS, CQOPER & CQMPANY LIOUOR STORE 206.60 WINE 609.49750.2530 180 00011 LIQUOR STORE 31. 24 WINE 609.49150.2530 180 00013 LI QUOR STORE 928.25 LIQUOR 609.49150.2510 180 00015 LIQUOR STORE 9.00 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 133848 180 00014 LIQUOR STORE 0.15 FREIGHT 609.49150.3330 133849 180 00012 LIQUOR STORE 3.15 FREIGHT 609.49150.3330 133850 180 00010 LIQUOR STORE 3.90CR LIQUOR 609.49750.2510 523674 180 00016 1,175.69 *VENDOR TOTAL GROSSLEIN BEVERAGE INC. LI OUOR STORE 38.10 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 177407 180 00018 LIOUOR STORE 5,120.90 BEER 609.49750.2520 177408 180 00017 . 5.759.00 *VENDOR TOTAL GULLINGS, WAYNE COMM CENTER 3.770.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 461.49201.3199 5619 180 00069 HERMES/GERALD T LIBRARY CLEANING 227.50 PROF SRV - CUSTODIAL 211.45501.3110 11/30/99 180 00068 HIGHWAY 25 LIQUOR WWTP OPEN HOUSE 26.60 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 602.49480.4399 ROOT BEER 180 00145 HOME JUICE LIOUOR STORE 52.65 MISC TAXABLE 509.49750.2540 46617 180 00044 JOHNSON BROS WHOLESALE L LIOUOR STORE 5,772.33 LIQUOR 609.49150.2510 180 00020 LIQUOR STORE 811. 75 LIQUOR 609.49750.2510 180 00022 LIOUOR STORE 400.15 WINE 509.49750.2530 180 00024 LIQUOR STORE 29.10 MISC TAXABLE 609.49150.2540 180 00025 LIQUOR STORE 51. 90CR WINE 609.49150.2530 180 00021 LIQUOR STORE 53.45 WINE 609.49750.2530 180 00029 LIOUOR STORE 90.95 FREIGHT 609.49150.3330 1044625 180 00019 LIQUOR STORE 6.80 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 1044626 180 00023 LIQUOR STORE 10.20 FREIGHT 609.49150.3330 1045125 180 00021 LIQUOR STORE 0.85 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 1045726 180 00028 . LIQUQR STORE 0.S5CR FREIGHT 509.49150.3330 105601 180 00026 1,117 . 43 "VENDOR TOTAL JP PRINTING COMM CENTER-PAPER 55.38 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 226.45122.2099 10919 180 00070 - .-- - ,.- - -- ~- . BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO 11/18/1999 12:03:00 Schedule of Bills GL540R-V06.00 PAGE 4 VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE PO# F/P 10 LINE KENNEDY & GRAVEN. CHARTE TIF 1-21 41.70 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 213.46521.3199 MN190-00058 180 00072 1998 COMM CENTER BONDS 192.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 362.47001.3199 MN190-00070 180 00073 TIF 1-26 596.45 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 213.46526.3199 MN190-00079 180 00074 TIF 1-23 661. 91 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 213.46523.3199 MN190-00080 180 00075 GEN LEGAL 133.05 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 101.41601.3040 MN190-00081 180 00076 EDA 112.70 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 250.46501.3040 4061 180 00149 HRA GENERAL 112.70 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.41910.3199 5191 180 00071 1.850.51 *VENDOR TOTAL KIRBY COMPANY OF MONT ICE REFUND 25.00 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 601.11501 180 00143 KOLLES SAND & GRAVEL ICE & SNOW 644.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.43125.3199 INVOICE 11/01 180 00077 KOVICH/PATRICIA KAY CH-CLEANING 450.00 SALARIES. FULL TIME - RE 101.41940.1010 NOV BILLING 180 00078 ~ASER SHARP. INC. CH 47.93 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 101.41940.2099 29262 180 00079 LOCH JEWELERS CREDIT 74.66CR MISC OTHER EXPENSE 101.41910.4399 180 00146 IDC PLAQUE 88.46 IOC CONTRI BUTION 101.46501.3135 61134 180 00148 IDC PLAOUE 67.19 IDe CONTRIBUTION 101.46501.3135 703705 180 00147 80.99 *VENDOR TOTAL MAJIRS! ADVERTISING & DE COMM CENTER 1.088.03 PRINTED FORMS & PAPER 226.45122.2030 180 00081 COMM CENTER 13.85 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 226.45122.2099 BILL 11/26 180 00080 1.101.88 *VENDOR TOTAL MN DEPART OF NATURAL RES DEP REG 1.265.00 DNR PAYABLE 101.20811 180 00160 MONTICELLO SENIOR CITIZE NOVEMBER CONTRACT 2.833.33 SENIOR CENTER CONTRIBUTI 101.45175.3136 180 00082 MONTICELLO TIMES DISC 35.92CR DISCOUNT 101. 36298 180 00083 LEGAL 3.889.04 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION 101.41601.3510 180 00084 130.00 GENERAL PUBLIC INFORMATI 101.42401.3520 180 00085 . 285.40 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION 101.41910.3510 180 00086 144.75 GENERAL PUBLIC INFORMATI 101.42201.3520 180 00087 237.80 GENERAL PUBLIC INFORMATI 601.49440.3520 180 00088 266.00 GENERAL PUBLIC INFORMATI 226.45122.3520 180 00089 350.00 PROF SVC - WEBSITE/EMAIL 101.41920.3092 180 00090 LIOUOR STORE 134.00 GENERAL PUBLIC INFORMATI 609.49754.3520 180 00091 5,401.07 *VENDOR TOTAL . BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO 11/18/1999 12:03:00 Schedule of Bills GL540R-V06.00 PAGE 5 VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE PO# F/P 10 LINE NEENAH FOUNDRY COMPANY STREETS 156.45 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43120.2199 180 00140 COMM CENTER 156.45 OTHER EOUIPMENT 461.49201.5801 703912 180 00139 312.90 *VENDOR TOTAL NICROS, INC CLIMBING WALL 69,499.00 PROF SRV - CONSTRUCTION 461.49201.3025 #01 180 00144 NORTH AMERICAN WETLAND E SUNNY FRESH RATE STUDY 2,263.80 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 602.49480.3199 712 180 00092 NORTHERN TOOL & EQUIPMEN 110.12 BUILDING REPAIR SUPPLIES 225.45201.2230 19336116 180 00093 NORTHWEST ASSOC CONSULTA 144.50 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.41910.3199 180 00095 42.50 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.41910.3199 180 00098 613.40 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.41910.3199 180 00099 . 195.01 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.41910.3199 9005 180 00094 459.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.41910.3199 9006 180 00091 OCT MEETINGS 450.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.41910.3199 9007 180 00096 1,904.41 *VENDOR TOTAL O'NEILL/JEFF CELL PHONE REIMB 98.28 TELEPHONE 101.41910.3210 JUNE & JULY 180 00100 OHNSTAO/ELMER TRAVEL EXPENSE 51.40 TRAVEL EXPENSE 101.43115.3310 180 00161 OLSON & SONS ELECTRIC, I 213.62 REPAIR & MTC - MACH & EO 101.43160.4044 18291 180 00105 1,262.68 REPAIR & MTC - MACH & EO 101.43160.4044 18312 180 00104 55.81 REPAIR & MTC - MACH & EO 101.41940.4044 18315 180 00103 93.51 REPAIR & MTC - MACH & EO 602.49490.4044 18387 180 00102 1,625.68 *VENDOR TOTAL OLSON, USSET & WEINGARDE 25.50 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 101.41601. 3040 180 00101 140.25 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 101.41601.3040 180 00108 6EN 121.50 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 101.41601.3040 7975-0000W-l06 180 00106 531. 25 PROF SRY - LEGAL FEES 466.49201.3040 1975-00091W-6 180 00109 548.25 PROF SRY - LEGAL FEES 450.49201.3040 1915-001101'1-19 180 00111 361.25 PROF SRY - LEGAL FEES 101.41601.3040 1915-001381'1-3 180 00110 ~HILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 1. 734.00 *YENDOR TOTAL LIOUOR STORE 218.00CR MISC TAXABLE 609.49150.2540 180 00002 LIQUOR STORE 2,333.17 LI OUOR 609.49150.2510 180 00004 LI QUOR STORE 560.46 LIQUOR 609.49750.2510 180 00006 LIOUOR STORE 33.45 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 180 00008 LIOUOR STORE 259.10 WINE 609.49150.2530 180 00009 ----- --.- -~-~- -- -,,- - ~--- --- . BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICE 11/18/1999 12:03:00 Schedule of Bills GL540R-V06.00 PAGE VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE POll F/P 10 LIN PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS LIOUOR STORE 8.50CR FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 3204353 180 000 LIOUOR STORE 5.17 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 551086 180 000 LIOUOR STORE 10.20 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 551087 180 0001 LIOUOR STORE 14.45 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 552029 180 0001 2.929.50 *VENOOR TOTAL PIRTEK PLYMOUTH SEWER 115.04 EOUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS 602.49490.2210 PL5894. PL6303 180 0014 PREUSSE/JAMES L PUBLIC WORKS 150.00 PROF SRV - CUSTODIAL 101.43110.3110 180 0011: DEP REG 120.00 PROF SRV - CUSTODIAL 101.41990.3110 NOV BILLING 180 0011; 270.00 *VENDOR TOTAL RELIABLE CORPORATIONITHE CH 55.19 MISe OFFICE SUPPLIES 101.41940.2099 00Z50300 180 00115 CH 121.13 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 101.41940.2099 OSR07600 180 00114 . 176.32 *VENDOR TOTAL RELIANT ENERGY CH 41. 67 GAS 101.41940.3830 180 00116 OEP REG 16.36 GAS 101.41990.3830 180 00117 PARKS 8.32 GAS 225.45201.3830 180 00118 WA TER 21. 11 GAS 601.49440.3830 180 00119 FIRE 11. 12 GAS 101.42201. 3830 180 00120 SHOP/GARAGE/MAINT 360.18 GAS 101.43127.3830 180 00121 LI BRARY 6.65 GAS 211.45501. 3830 180 00122 WWTP 14.57 GAS 602.49480.3830 180 00123 479.98 *VENDOR TOTAL SALZWEDEL/PATRICIA A. AN CONTROL CONTRACT 1.227.43 PROF SRV - ANIMAL CTRL 0 101.42701.3120 11/30/99 180 00124 SIMOLA/ JOHN E. 'DANGER' TAPE REIMB 60.00 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43111.2199 180 00164 ST. CLOUO TIMES WATER AD 267.84 GENERAL PUBLIC INFORMATI 601.49440.3520 134047 180 00162 STAR TRIBUNE WATER AD 440.00 GENERAL PUBLIC INFORMATI 601.49440.3520 AT4C0670 180 00163 .OS TELECOM PARKS 125.86 TELEPHONE 225.45201.3210 180 00125 CH 1.819.70 TELEPHONE 101.41301.3210 180 00126 FIRE 66.58 TELEPHONE 101.42201.3210 180 00127 AN SHELTER 78.26 TELEPHONE 101.42701.3210 180 00128 WATER 31.06 TELEPHONE 601.49440.3210 180 00129 PUBLIC WORKS 543.53 TELEPHONE 101.43110.3210 180 00130 OEP REG 157.09 TELEPHONE 101.41990.3210 180 00131 . BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICEllC 11/18/1999 12:03:00 Schedule of Bills Gl540R-V06.00 PAGE 7 VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE PO# FIP 10 LINE TDS TELECOM LIOUOR 140.10 TELEPHONE 609.49754.3210 180 00132 102.57 TELEPHONE 461.49201.3210 180 00133 3.064.75 'VENDOR TOTAL THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMP LIOUOR STORE 2.283.65 BEER 609.49750.2520 177270 180 00034 LIQUOR STORE 4.067.75 BEER 609.49750.2520 177323 180 00033 6.351.40 'VENDOR TOTAL UNICA LlC BAl DUE 896.00 OTHER EOUIPMENT 461.49201.5801 180 00134 VIKING COCA COLA LIOUOR STORE 183.95 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 2233883 180 00045 WASTE MANAGEMENT. INC 10/4 TO 10/28 7.495.54 PROF SRV - REFUSE COlLEC 101.43230.3100 812 180 00136 ~ATER LABORATORIES. INC WATER TESTS 20.00 MISe PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 601.49440.3199 99K-185 180 00135 WATSON COMPANY. INC/THE LIOUOR STORE 121.95 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 180 00037 LIOUOR STORE 38.36 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 609.49754.2199 180 00038 LI QUOR STORE 0.35 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 554910 180 00036 166.66 'VENDOR TOTAL WOOD GOODS INDUSTRIES, BAL DUE 1.576.19 OTHER EOUIPMENT 461.49201.5801 043625 180 00137 Y M C A - NW CONTRACT NOV 625.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.45177.3199 180 00138 . -. - -.- -.-- . BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 11/18/1999 12:03:00 VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION REPORT TOTALS: . . Schedule of 8ills AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT 187,963.85 RECORDS PRINTED - 000164 CLAIM INVOICE CITY OF MONTICELU GL540R-V06.00 PAGE PO# FIP ID LINE . BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 11/18/1999 12:03:03 101 211 213 224 225 226 250 362 436 450 461 464 466 467 601 ..02 09 651 . Schedule of Bills CITY OF MONTlCELU GL060S-V06.00 RECAPPAG: GL540R FUND RECAP: ~UND DESCRIPTION DISBURSEMENTS ---------------------------- GENERAL FUND LI BRARY FUND HRA FUND SHADE TREE FUND PARK FUND COMMUNITY CENTER ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTH FD 1998 TEMP REV BD/COMM CENTER 93-14C WHTP EXPANSION PRJ 96-04C HWY25/MNDOT IMPR 98-03C COMMUNITY CENTER 98-24C BOOSTER PUMP/WW RIDGE 99-01C KJELLBERG WEST SAN S 98-17C CSAH 75/E BROW IMPR HATER FUND SEWER FUND MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND RIVERSIDE CEMETERY 33.165.64 234.15 1.525.06 800.00 279.90 1. 955 . 71 112.70 192 .00 10.463.00 548.25 101.008.62 2.575.36 531.25 1.992.50 1.042.81 2.513.58 29.018.32 5.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS 187.963.85 BANK RECAP: BANK NAME DISBURSEMENTS ---------------------------- GENL GENERAL CHECKING LIOR LIOUOR CHECKING 158.945,53 29.018.32 TOTAL ALL BANKS 187.963.85 THE PRECEDING LIST OF BILLS PAYABLE WAS REVIEWED AND APPROVED FOR PAYMENT. DATE ............ APPROVED BY 4t*.. .....t..... ........... ..... ........ .. ...... ..... ........ ............... . . ~ .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ~ (' . J ~ ) , ~ J . . -- MONTICELLO MEMO TO: Mayor and City Council Members Kitty Baltos, Community Center ~ FROM: DATE: November 19, 1999 RE: Community Center Update Through our discussions with Donlar Construction, we have established a date of January 21, 2000 as the day that the City of Monticello will take full ownership ofthe Monticello Community Center. I anticipate opening the recreation areas on Saturday, January 22,2000 to the general public. We can now begin to make plans for a February Grand Opening celebration. The City Hall offices and the banquet/meeting rooms of the community center will be completed earlier and ready for use by City Hall and the general public. We are anticipating moving City Hall either the week of December 20th or the week of December 27th. The Public Works department has agreed to assist us with our move, so we are coordinating with them as to which week will be the best for both department's schedules. After a firm date is set for moving, we will publish our moving information. We have a moving committee at City Hall who is handling the moving schedule and will ensure that the City Hall phones and walk-in business is handled smootWy. The Senior Center had already anticipated moving after the holidays, so I will be working to confirm a date for their move with Pam Loidolt and their moving committee. Their move will be handled by the United Way as a part oftheir "Day of Caring" program. We are also talking to the Monticello High School for assistance in the City Hall move and the Senior Center move. Donlar Construction has assured us that we will be able to meet the rental obligations we've made for January 2000. These obligations include Barbara Lee's Studio of Dance, Weight Watchers, Chamber of Commerce Banquet and a Rotary lunch meeting. We will also be able to hold all January city meetings at the Community Center. Please feel free to contact Jeff O'Neill at 271-3215, Fred Patch at 271-3214 or myself at 271- 3268, if you have any questions or concerns. Monticello City Hall, 250 E. Broadway, PO Box 1147, Monticello, MN 55362-9245 . (612) 295-2711 · Fax: (612) 295-4404 Office of Public Works, 909 Golf Course Rd., Monticello, MN 55362 · (612) 295-3170 . Fax: (612) 271-3272