City Council Agenda Packet 10-25-1999 . . 6. 7. 8. . 9. 10. AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, October 25,1999- 7 P.M. Mayor: Roger Belsaas Council Members: Roger Carlson, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen 1. Call to order. 2. ~ October 11, 1999 BS G/1 i1h1 o ilL A-k~r> Approval of minutes of the regular meeting held on 3. ~o~~4,"~n U ~:~;!;; pthe;j~ B. f J-IDuS f~ v-r d4.:f c. J{ ,blL __ t./Q.5T-J.luJ-y 4. Citizens comments/petitions, requests and complaints. 5. .(' c 15.,-...rvtC Consent agenda. A. Consideration to approve the Business Subsidy Agreement between the EDA and Twin City Die Castings Company. B. Consideration of accepting bids and awarding contract for installation of indoor play equipment at the Community Center. C. Consideration of approving Community Center related job descriptions ~ Custodian, Guest Associate. D. Consideration of adopting Community Center Corporate Membership Policy. E. Consideration of amending internal office policy regarding maintenance and destruction of City general records per previously adopted retention schedule. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. Senator Ourada - Discussion session with City Council. Public Hearing - Consideration of a resolution adopting proposed assessment roll for delinquent utility bills and certification of assessment roll to County Auditor. 0 S c\\ .... Public Hearing - Consideration of a resolution vacating a sanitary sewer easement not needed due to realignment of Kjellberg West Sanitary Sewer Extension - Ocello. Public l-learing - Consideration to approve the resolution adopting the modified Redevelopment Plan for Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No.1, establishing TIP District No. 1-26 therein; and adopting the related TIF Plan therefor. . . . Agenda Monticcllo City Counci I Octobcr 25, 1999 Page Two II. Public Hearing - Consideration of a resolution adopting proposed assessment roll for & S - B--r delinquent account rcccivahlcs and certification of assessment roll to County Auditor. 12. Consideration to approve the Business Subsidy Agreement (Contract for Private Redevelopment) between the HRA, City and Twin City Die Castings Company. 13. Considcration to review a counter-offer for approval to fund the acquisition of the property located at 1 Locust Street. 14. Consideration of an ofler for purchase of Senior Citizen Building - Dennis Anderson. 15. Consideration of obtaining pemlancnt easement from the Monticello School District for th~ purpose of constructing a detention pond on the ~~cel east of the middle school and adjacent to CSAH 75. fIr - ~IU"I to (L if/U/'7 16. Consideration of bills for the month of October, 1999. 17. Adjourn 11(1;/11 Jf. {4:,'..-" ~ lw>Xrk.f r; f '^ . . 4. . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, October 11, 1999 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Roger Carlson, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen Members Absent: Roger Belsaas Acting Mayor Herbst called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and declared a quorum present. 2.A. Approval of minutes of the re2:ular mcetine held Seotcmber 27. 1999. ROGER CARLSON MOVED 1'0 APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 27,1999 AS PRESENTED. BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of adding items to the a2:enda. Bruce Thielen asked that an update on the Community Center construction and the construction at the existing City Hall site be added to the agenda. Jeff 0' Neill added that a change order to the Community Center project was also being submitted for Council consideration and should be included as part of the update discussion. Citizens comments/petitions. requests. and complaints. Daryl Cardinal, 9187 TH 25 came before the Council regarding driveway access to his property which abuts the south side of the City owned RemmIe property. John SimoIa noted that this property is outside the City limits and cautioned against providing improvements to the property because the City would not be able to assess it. The Council directed Bret Weiss and John SimoIa to check out the driveway access, providing utilities to the property and possible annexation and report back at the next Council meeting. 5. Consent A2:enda. A. Consideration review GMEF Loan No. 017 (Twin City Die Castings Company) for compliance with EDA-GMEF Business Subsidy Criteria. Recommendation: The City Council move that the EDA approval of GMEF Loan No. 017 for Twin City Die Castings Company was approved without violation of the EDA-GMEF Business subsidy Criteria and the Council supports the decision by the EDA for loan approval. B. Consideration to approve a proclamation proclaiming the week of October 25-29, 1999 to be City of Monticello Minnesota Manufacturers Week. Recommendation: Motion to proclaim the week of October 25~29, 1999 as City of Monticello Minnesota Manufacturer Week. J . . . Council Minutes - 1 0/11/99 c. Consideration of adoption of a resolution establishing a negative declaration of impact relating to the Groveland Subdivision Environmental Assessment Worksheet. Rccommcndation: Adopt a resolution establishing a negative declaration of impact relating to the Groveland Subdivision based on the findings in the report submitted by WSB & Associates, Inc. (RES. #99-57) D. Item pulled from Council agenda. E. Consideration of a request for a Conditional Use Permit to allow three or more business signs on a commercial building at 106 & 106 Y2 West Broadway. Applicant: Gregory W. Dunn, DDS. Recommendation: Approve the issuance of a conditional use permit for 106 & 106 Y2 West Broadway to allow for erection of a 4' x 6' sign subject to the following conditions: 1. All signs for tenants shall be consistent in design, material, shape, and method of illumination. 2. Prior to making any alteration of signs, sign location, sign size, or number of signs, the building owner shall submit an application and revised sign plan to the City and receive an amendment to this conditional use permit. 3. There shall be no other sign other than directional and address placed on the south wall. 4. Prior to installation, the sign will be approved by City Building Official. F. Consideration of a request for a Conditional Use Permit within the I-I Zoning District to allow outdoor storage of equipment and materials. Applicant: Mainline Distribution Properties. Recommendation: Approve Conditional Use Permit for outdoor storage for Mainline Distribution based on a finding that the proposed CUP complies with all of the standards for outdoor storage in the I-I, Light Industrial District. G. Consideration of approval of applicants who currently hold retail on-sale liquor licenses to become liquor providers at the Monticello Community Center for calendar year 2000. Recommendation: Approve the seven businesses requesting authorization to become liquor providers at the Monticello Community Center for calendar year 2000. H. Consideration of approval of Preliminary Plat of "Monticello Commerce Center Fourth Addition." Applicant: Monticello Industrial Park, (nc., Pfeffer Co. Inc. Recommendation: Approve the Monticello Commerce Center Fourth Addition preliminary plat based on the finding that development of the industrial plat at this location is consistent with the comprehensive plan and zoning ordinance. (RES. #99-59) Bret Weiss noted that on Item #5C the City had received additional comments on the EA W for Groveland. Although the comments were received after the comment period deadline, the comments were submitted to the Council. Jeff O'Neill requested that Item #5H cover both the preliminary and final plat of Monticello Commerce Center Fourth Addition. 2 d Council Minutes - 10/11/99 . BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS AMENDED. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MCrrrON CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent a2enda for discussion. None 7. Presentation bv Heidi Peper, Executive Director of the Wri2ht County Economic Development Partnership on the Partnership's Two Year Work Plan. Heidi Peper introduced herself as the new Executive Director of the Wright County Economic Development Partnership and briefly summarized the two year work plan recently adopted by the partnership and addressed other concerns and questions raised by the Council. 8. Consideration to approve fundine for acquisition of the property located at 1 Locust Street. . Economic Development Director, Ollie Koropchak, presented this item to the Council. At the Council direction the HRA had an appraisal done on the property. The HRA recommended purchase of the property for the purpose of demolition and was requesting Council funding of the acquisition. Clint Herbst asked what the assessed valuation of the property was and Ollie Koropchak indicated that the assessed value for land and buildings was $61,400. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller, indicated that funding for the property acquisition, if the Council decided to pursue acquiring the property, could come from reserves or the capital outlay fund. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO MAKE AN OFFER ON THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1 LOCUST STREET FOR THE ASSESSED VALUE. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 9. Review of bids for City Proiect #98-1SC. Bridee Park Lift Station Replacement and consideration of award of contract. The Council reviewed the bid tabulation on the project. The bids came in approximately $50,000 higher than the engineer's estimate. The bid work docs not include the alarm system, the backup generator for the lift station, the parking improvements, replacing the trees removed during construction and bringing in three-phase power for the lift station. The bid work as well as the other improvements would be funded from the sanitary sewer access fund. John Simola, the Public Works Director explained that $900 of the $2500 collected for the sanitary sewer connection fee is put to sanitary sewer access fund. The balance of the $2500 goes to offset the cost of the wastewater treatment plant. John Simola pointed out that existing lift station was built in 1960 and is in need of replacement. It is anticipated that new lift station will be operational by April of2000. ~ 3 d- . . , 11. Council Minutes - 10/11/99 BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO AWARD THE CONTRACT TO BARBAROSSA & SONS, INC. OF OSSEO, MINNESOTA FOR $273,322.20. BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. (RES. #99-58) 10. Consideration of Chane:e Order No.1 for the Kjellberg's West Sanitary Sewer Extension, City Project No. 99-01C. The proposed change order in the amount of $2,592 covers two connections for a 68 acre parcel owned by the City. It was noted that although contract for this project was awarded, construction has not yet begun. There are some problems that have surfaced as far as the proposed connection of the mobile home park which could delay start of construction. It appears that expansion work has been done without the appropriate permits. It was the recommendation of the City Attorney that the City not proceed with the contract until this issue was resolved. The Council discussed the expansion of the mobile home park and the material being hauled to the Kjellberg site. The County has issued a stop work order and the MOAA has also requested the County Attorney to take action on this. Clint Herbst expressed concern about the work that was done and whether the City would have an opportunity to inspect it. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO STOP PROJECT NO. 99-01C UNTIL SUCH TIME AS THE ISSUE OF THE EXPANSION WORK WAS RESOLVED AND TO APPROVE CHANGE ORDER NO.1 IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,592 CONTINGENT UPON THE CITY MOVING AHEAD WITH PROJECT. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. Discussion of soeed limit on County Road 75 from the Middle School to freeway. Clint Herbst indicated that he had been contacted about the speed limit on County Road 75. He indicated that while the portion of the roadway was under the jurisdiction of the County, the City could request the County look at a speed limit designation. Jolm Simola was directed to look into this. The Council also briefly discussed the movement of traffic in this area during the construction project. l1A. Update on Community Center and City Hall Construction. Jeff O'Neill updated the Council on the construction of the Community Center. The tentative move date for the city offices is December 15th. Kitty Baltos updated the Council the membership drive and marketing issues. Rick Wolfsteller explained that under the terms of the purchase agreement for the existing city hall site the buyer was allowed to start construction after June 1999. During the construction on the existing city hall facility the contractor is responsible for the signing and would liable for any injury or damage that occurs as a result of the construction work. 4 d Council Minutes - 10/11/99 . The Council considered Change Order No. 20 to the Community Center which covered the kitchen hood exhaust ductwork. The net increase to the contract as a result of this change order would be $17,098.00. Bruce 'r'hielen asked where the project stood as far as change orders. Jeff 0' Neill indicated that a report on that is being compiled. However, the City is still above its contingency amount. lIe also noted that it has not been determined what portion of this cost would be picked up by the contractor as that is something yet to be negotiated. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO APPROVE CHANGE ORDER NO. 20 IN THE AMOUNT OF $17,098. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. 12. Approve bills for October. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE BILLS FOR OCTOBER. BRUCE "rHIELEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 13. Adjourn BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 8:05 P.M. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOI'ION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. . Recording Secretary , 5 ~ . . . .- 5A. Council Agenda - 10/25/99 Consideration to approve the Business Subsidy Ae:reement between the EDA and Twin City Die Castine:s Company for GMEF Loan No. 017. (O.K.) A. Reference and Background: The City Council is asked to consider approval of the Business Subsidy Agreement between the EDA and Twin City Die Castings Company for GMEF Loan No. 017. As you recall to meet the new requirements of Minnesota Statutes 116J.993 through 116J. 994, the local elected governing body must approve the subsidy agreement of an HRA, EDA, or other governmental unit. On October 11, 1999, the City Council ratified the action of the EDA stating GMEF Loan No. 017 was not in violation of the EDA-GMEF Business Subsidy Criteria. The subsidy agreement for approval outlines wage and job goals, remedies, reporting requirements by the recipient and the grantor, and other criteria as defined by the new statute. The agreement was prepared by EDA Attorney Dan Greensweig, Kennedy & Graven, along with the other loan closing documents. Since the amount of the subsidy did not exceed $100,000, the EDA was not required to hold a public hearing. A copy of the agreement or excerpts from the agreement are attached. This is a housekeeping item for the consent agenda unless Council has questions. B. Alternative Action: 1. A motion to approve the Business Subsidy Agreement between the EDA and Twin City Die Castings Company for GMEF Loan No. 017. 2. A motion to deny approval ofthe Business Subsidy Agreement between the EDA and Twin City Die Castings Company for GMEF Loan No. 017. 3. A motion to table any action. C. Recommendation. Recommendation is Alternative No.1. D. Supporting Data: Copy or excerpt of Business Subsidy Agreement. 1 10~21~99 15:09 From~~ENNEOY i GRAVEN +6123379310 T~195 P.03/05 F~943 . td) The execution and. delivery of this Agreement have been duly approved by aU necesliar)' action of Borrower, and this Agreement has in fact been duly ex.ecuted and delivered by Borrower and consti~teS its lawful and binding obligation, legally enforceable a.gainst it. (e) aorrow~r wammtS that it shall keep and maintain books, records, and other documents relating directly to the receipt and disbursements of Loan proceeds and that any duly authonzed representative of Lender shall, at. all reasonable times, have acceSS to and the right to inspect, cop)'. audit, and examine all such books. records, all" other documents of Borrower respecting the Loan until the completion of all closeout procedures and the fmal senlemem and conclusion of all issues arising out of this Loan. ('0 Borrower WlU'Ii:1I1tS tbat it has fully complied with aU applicable state and federal laws pertaining to its business and \\fill continue said compliance throughout the: terms of this Agreement. If at any time Borrowc:r receives notice of noncompli~ from ;;I,ny goveII1.IIU:ntal entit)', Borrower BSree.. to t~ In)' necessary action to comply with the State or Federalla\\! in queStion. (g) BOlTOwer watrants that it will use the proceeds of the !.Dan made by Lender solely for th~ purchase of me Ptopeny. (h) Borrowe:r wanants that it will not creide. permit to be creattd, or allow (0 exist any hens. charges, or encumbrances prior to the lien of the Mortgage,. except as expressl)' pennitted by the Mongage. (i) Borrower shall create within twO years of the date of this Agreement (!iuch da.t~ [WO years hence is referred to herein as me .'Compliance Date") at l~ast 85 new full.time equivalent jobs on the Propeny (excluding an)' jobs previously existing in the State as oflhe date ofmis At,'Ieement and relocated to the Propeny) and shall cause the wages for such employ"S on the PropeIt)' to be as follows: at least 14 jobs pay nO less tban $12.00 per hour. exclusive of bc~filS, and. at least 71 jobs pay nO less than $8.50 per hour. ~x.cl~'iive of benefits. Borrower shall satisfy this reql1irement by submitting to Lender on or before the Compliance Date a written repon in a form reasonably satisfactory to Lender showing that. at any time before the Compliance Da.re, Borrower has caused cr~ation of the jobs and attainment of the wage levels specified in (his Section, and that such jobs and wage lc:vels have been maintained for at least 30 days. (j) Borrower shall continue its operations on me PropeItY for at least five (5) years following the date at" this Agrc:ement. .- 5. Event ofDdalllt bv Borrower. The following shall be Events of Default under this Agr~ement: (a) failure to pay when due any principal or interest on the Loan; , (b) any breach or failure of BOIIower to perform any amer tenn or condition of tbis A~ement (othc:r than .a default specifie:d in paragraph 5ta)) and such failure shall DJG. I 10577 M.N325-8 SA 10-ZI-99 15:09 From-KENNEDY' GRAVEN +61Z3379310 T-195 P.04/05 F-943 . continue for tbiny days after Lender baS given wrillCl1 notiC< 10 Borrower specifying sucb defaull or breacll "ru.ss Under sbilll agn:e in wriling 10 an extension of sucb rime prior 10 ils expiration; provided. bowe"",. lbat if rile failure S!:ll<d in rile notice cannot be corr<cr<d within tbe applicable period. Lender will not unn:asonably wi~hhold its conSc:nt to an eXlen>ion of sucb time if corrective ""lion is inslioued by aonower wirbin rile applicable period and is being diligently pursued unlil rile defau\1 is COITCcred. but no sucb ""rension sball be giv.n for a def.wl rbat Call be c:urecI by rile paylllOlll of money (i.... paymenl of taxeS. insuranc~ premiums. or other amountS required to be;: paid hereunder)~ (c) any representation or warranty made by Borrower herein or in any document, instrument. or catificate given in conru:ction with this Agreement. the Nme, or the Mongage shall be: fal~ when made; (d) Borrower shall fail to pay its debts as they become due, shall make an as..gnmenl for "'" benelil of ilS cn=dirors. sbilll adrnil in wriling ils inabiliry 10 pay ilS deblS as (heY become d"". sboIl file a petiliM under ,;ny chapter of the fcderolliankruplC}' COlle 0< any similar law. state or feder.u. now or bo=reafter cxisling. sboIl beeo,,", "insol..nt" as rbat teml is genetally definod uncIer rbe federa\ BankruptcY Cocle. shall in any involntllary bankruP"'Y c.... comtllOl\Ced "i"iDSI it tile an answer adrnilling insoLvellCY 0< inabilitY 10 pay its debrs as riley becolIlO li.... or sbail fail 10 obtain. diSllUSsol of sucb case within rbiny (30) days aftel lis co_emetll or conven "'" case fiom one chapter of"'" federal Bankruprcy Code 10 anOlber cbaprer. or be "'" snbjecr of an order fot relief in <1ICb banlauplCY c~, or be adjudged a bankrupt or insolvent, or shall have a custodian. trU::uee or receiver appointed for. or bave any coun take jurisclicDOn of its properly. or any pilIllbereof. to any p1"occeding for rbe purpose of reorganization. anangement. <lissalnDon or liquidation. and such custodian. trUstee or recei'ler shall not be discharged. or such jurisdiction shall nOt be relinquished, vaclUCd or stayed witlun thirt}I (30) days of the appoinunent; (e) Borrower shall be dissolved, liquidated. or wound up. or shall fail to maintain lb e::ustence as a going conc~rn in good standing (excepting reorganizatiotti, consolidations and/or mergers intO or with affiliat~i owned by, owning or uncia conunon control of or wirb sucb enliry or imo the parent of sucb etlliry. provided the S\JCCaeding organization a."isumcs. and accepts such entity's obligations hereunder); or (0 . gamislunent sutrllllOllS or writ of anacbrneJtl is issued agllinM or served upon \.=der for "'" anacbrneJtl of any ptupeny of Borrower in LeodeI's possession or any indebtedness owing to BOlTOwer, unless appropriate papers are filed by BOlTower contelOting the same wilmn 30 days after "'" <!au: of sllCb sesvicc or sucb sboner period of time as may be rea...onable in the circumstances. . . ./ 6. 1&Jld<r's Remedies "Il"" Borrower's Defatlll. Upon an Event of Defaull by BonOwer and after receipt ofwriIren llOlice from Lender. \.encler shall have "'" right to exercise any or all of the following remedies (and any other rights and reme~s available to it): ta) d.ec:lare the principal amount of the. LOan and any acclUed interest thereon to be ilJICtll'dialely do< and payable npon provicling wrineD notice 10 Borrower; provided. bowever, rhat if rile icnplicil price defIalor as defined in MinneSOl> Schedules, Section DJG.I7Q~i77 Mtd15.8 5~ . . . '~ Council Agenda - 10/25/99 58. Consideration of accepting: bids and awarding contract for installation of indoor play equioment at the Community Center. (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: On Octobcr 12, 1999 the City received two bids on installation of the indoor play area in the Community Center. The bids submitted came trom Earl F. Andersen, Inc. and Minnesota Wisconsin Playground, Inc. both of which are reputable play equipment providers. The low bid was submitted by Earl F. Andersen in the amount $46,925.00. Thc Minnesota Wisconsin Playground, Inc. bid came in at $50,000.00. As you may recall, the Community Center budget included $50,000.00 for this feature. Please note that Earl F. Andersen, Inc. submitted two playground plans. Plan A did not include a ball pit and includes a slightly modified list of play features from the bid specifications. Plan A came in at a cost of $48,975.00. Plan B does include the ball pit and more closely follows the bid specifications. Both Plans A & B submitted by Earl F. Andersen, Inc. cost less than the plan submitted by the other bidder and both are under the budget amount. Earl F. Andersen, Inc. is a reputable firm that works in Minnesota and the upper Midwest. City staff is very comfortable with this company and believes that the company will be able to deliver the product as defined in the bid specifications. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Motion to accept bids and award indoor child play area installation contract to Earl F. Andersen, Inc. in the amount 01'$46,925.00 (Plan B) and allow the Community Center Director to add features as needed not to exceed the budget amount of $50,000. 2. Motion to not accept bids or award the contract. C. ST AFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator recommends Alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: . Child Play Diagram submitted by Earl F. Andersen, Plan B ~~~ l'5 i~ ~ ~~ffi ~ . 1- J~ -.> ., g~~ \Q". ~ I- .' "ljl ~ 1= l.. ...' T -( I- 0' ~ - in > ifi !il;;;~"~if ~~~~~m 5 ~~~~~~8 z \~l1"'1:--....' .,. q ~ ~$'; .- Q ~ . ~ '1 '-~--:~~~ t~:s~i ~t f"-~'?T B ~:'-~_:\ ;. ~ I;"} ~ .: 'S;l' ; !!8C1;: = -, ~..-~ j-~ i: <,,~~ I "r:' ~<>i:'i"""'" ~) "'II ,.u'wwe,........ ~_ ~ I." .'...... ~ ffi~';:;:;,,~ ...~ u., 1:.11;. ~) .....1.":"OI,.LI..~ ~~ ~ IN ~ i g;:; - I- lJ ::! ~ ~ i ~ I '" Uo:)' -...... _...... L'''; U) "t --.~ .....: ..--; ,~ '--' ~ II. =_J lljo5 ~ ....... 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Id ',-' .;~mllJ ,'.. :tttt~' d~l: t,"v.l I ~~ t:; 1.(1 g ~ ~~ 0 d ~"'m;"~~(J::;,:~~,~~';",ffi$~~~ ~ (/) Cd z :.-; t= ("'-I Q.. no' ....J ,"': ~ "i ... ,,, i cH",_I.":!j,, r;J"! ~~l!I"'15~g "" c c. W tI, t,.. 12 :~ ~ ~~ ';~:fl~~2SI'~~~ ~~. ~ ()) .,. ~ '" u_ \'-! 0 "'- """ ~'~~~~~~~~ib&~~~~~~~~ Ol sB Council Agenda - 10/25/99 5. C. Consideration of approvine: Community Center related job descriptions - Custodian and Guest Services (KB) . A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: With the anticipated January 1,2000 opening, we need to begin to hire the required staff to operate the Community Center. Based on the figures projected in our preliminary budget, we have identified four (4) full- time staff, two (2) custodians and two (2) guest services persOImel. We would like to initially advertise for two (2) full-time custodians and one (1) full-time Lead Guest Services. The hope is that the second full-time Guest Services position can be accomplished with two (2) part-time workers. The custodians would be put on staff as of December 15, 1999 and Lead Custodian would begin training approximately December 15, 1999. The anticipated hours ofthe Lead Building Custodian would be five (5) days per week to include a Saturday 5:00 or 5:30 a.m. to 1 :30 to 2:00 p.m., the regular Building Custodian hours would include evenings and weekends and the Lead Guest Services Associate would be four (4) weekdays 2:00 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. and one weekend day, opposite of the Community Center Director. All three (3) job descriptions and their coinciding point totals have been reviewed and approved by the City Administrator for be fair in comparison to comparable city positions. Upon approval of the job descriptions, they will be posted internally immediately and advertised publicly approximately one week later. To ensure an efficient process for hiring future positions for the Community Center, it would be the . recommendation that the rest of the job descriptions, which will be primarily part-time or seasonal, be approved by the City Administrator without securing final approval from the City Council. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would be to approved the job descriptions for Lead Building Custodian, Lead Guest Services Associate and Building Custodian as written and also approved the City Administrator approving future job descriptions for the Community Center. 2. The second alternative would be to approve the job descriptions for Lead Building Custodian, Lead Guest Services Associate and Building Custodian as written and to have final approval of the future job descriptions approved by the City Council with the City Administrator's recorrunendation. 3. The third alternative would be to not approve the job descriptions and have final job descriptions approved by the City Council with the recommendation of the City Administrator. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: The City Administrator recommends alternative # 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: , Job descriptions for Lead Building Custodian, Lead Guest Services Associate and Building Custodian and their coinciding point totals. . . . Lead Building Custodian Lead Guest Services Associate Building Custodian Job Points and Pay Level Monticello Community Center 93 Points 52 Points 32 Points Level 6 Level 3 Levell Range - $12.51 to $15.63 Range - $10.55 to $13.19 Range - $9.39 to $11.74 5C . . . Lead Building Custodian City of Monticello, Community Center Title of Class: Effective .Date: Lead Building Custodian December 15, 1999 .DESCRIPTION OF WORK: General Statement of Duties: To clean and maintain all areas of the Monticello Community Center to ensure a safe and clean environment for patrons and visitors. Supervision Received: Works under the general supervision of the Community Center Director Supervision Exercised: Exercises general and technical supervision over part-time custodial staff at the community center TYPICAL .DUTIES PERFORMED: The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Duties may vary somewhat from position to position within a class. Responsible for all cleaning duties in and around the Monticello Community Center. Establish schedule for custodial staff to follow. This includes: Main hallways Bathrooms Locker Rooms Gymnasium Walk / Jog Track Fitness Gallery Aerobic Room Stairways & elevator Pool, pool deck, hot tubs and slide Indoor play area Drop- in child care area Climbing wall The Warehouse The Mississippi Room All meeting rooms and the Fireplace room Establish and maintain maintenance schedules for MCC equipment and machinery including: Boilers, air conditioner units, security system, video/audio visual systems Management of custodial staff. Setting schedules and involved in hiring and evaluating Filing all necessary reports and paperwork with the city, state or federal agencies or other organizations and agencies. On-call for building emergencies and establish an on-call system and schedule Rental space set-up and tear-down. Working with MCC Director to make room rental go smoothly Pool operations, maintenance and cleaning. Includes poo~ hot tubs, slide, play structure and furniture Grounds maintenance with the cooperation of Street and Parks department Snow removal of immediate sidewalks and doorways in winter and sidewalk maintenance all seasons Customer service and assistance as call upon Managing cleaning supply and pool chemical inventory and restocking and use as necessary Knowledge of and enforcement of all MCC Policies by patrons and staff Lifting and moving equipment, furniture and boxes as required Safety checks on equipment including, belay equipment, pool equipment, fitness equipment, play equipment, fire equipment, etc Ensuring all small equipment is in working order. Replacement as necessary Other duties as assigned or apparent 5C . . . KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, AND ABILITIES: Considerable knowledge of pool equipment, cleaning and maintenance. Considerable knowledge ofHV AC equipment, cleaning and general maintenance. Considerable ability to perform thorough disinfecting and cleaning tasks on a multitude of surfaces and finishes. Working knowledge of equipment, materials and supplies used in building and grounds maintenance. Working knowledge of equipment and supplies to do minor repair. Considerable ability to perform quality accurate work, able to detect and correct errors. Considerable ability to complete daily activities according to work schedule. Must be able to work independently. Considerable ability in meeting customer needs with a positive attitude and in a manner that reflects good customer service. Ability to frequently lift up to 50 pounds from floor to shoulder height. Must be able to frequently stand, walk, bend, twist, crawl, and kneel in order to complete the essential functions of the position. Must be able to frequently reach with hands and arms and use hands to finger, handle, feel or operate objects, tools or controls. Ability to work at high heights. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: High School Diploma or equivalent. One (1) year of custodial or similar experience required. Supervisory experience required. Position Description Approved: By City Administrator Date approved By Department Director Date approved 5C Building Custodian City of Monticello, Community Center . Title of Class: Effective Date: Building Custodian December 15, 1999 DESCRIPTION OF WORK: General Statement of Duties: To clean and maintain all areas of the Monticello Community Center to ensure a safe and clean environment for patrons and visitors. Supervision Received: Works under the general supervision ofthe Community Center Director Supervision Exercised: None . TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED: The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Duties may vary somewhat from position to position within a class. Responsible for all cleaning duties in and around the Monticello Community Center. This includes: Main hallways Pool, pool deck, hot tubs and slide Bathrooms Indoor play area Locker Rooms Drop-in child care area Gymnasium Climbing wall Walk / Jog Track The Warehouse Fitness Gallery The Mississippi Room Aerobic Room All meeting rooms and the Fireplace room Stairways & elevator Routine maintenance as schedules for MCC equipment and machinery including: Boilers, air conditioner units, security system, video/audio visual systems On-call for building emergencies and establish an on-call system and schedule Rental space set-up and tear-down. Working with MCC Director to make room rental go smoothly Pool operations, maintenance and cleaning. Includes pool, hot tubs, slide, play structure and furniture Grounds maintenance with the cooperation of Street and Parks department Snow removal of immediate sidewalks and doorways in winter and sidewalk maintenance all seasons Customer service and assistance as call upon Knowledge of and enforcement of all MCC Policies by patrons and staff Lifting and moving equipment, furniture and boxes as required Safety checks on equipment including, belay equipment, pool equipment, fitness equipment, play equipment, fire equipment, etc Ensuring all small equipment is in working order. Replacement as necessary Other duties as assigned or apparent . KNOWLEDGE.. SKILLS.. AND ABILITIES: General knowledge of pool equipment, cleaning and maintenance. General knowledge ofHV AC equipment, cleaning and general maintenance. Considerable ability to perform thorough disinfecting and cleaning tasks on a multitude of surfaces and finishes. 5C. . Working knowledge of equipment, materials and supplies used in building and grounds maintenance. Working knowledge of equipment and supplies to do minor repair. Considerable ability to perform quality accurate work, able to detect and correct errors. Considerable ability to complete daily activities according to work schedule. Must be able to work independently. Considerable ability in meeting customer needs with a positive attitude and in a manner that reflects good customer service. Ability to frequently lift up to 50 pounds from floor to shoulder height. Must be able to frequently stand, walk, bend, twist, crawl, and kneel in order to complete the essential functions of the position. Must be able to frequently reach with hands and arms and use hands to finger, handle, feel or operate objects, tools or controls. Ability to work at high heights. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: High School Diploma or equivalent. Previous custodial experience preferred. Position Description Approved: By Date approved City Administrator . By Date approved Department Director . 5C . . Lead Guest Services Associate City of Monticello, Community Center Title of Class: Effective Date: Lead - Guest Services Associate Approximately December 15, 1999 DESCRIPTION OF WORK: General Statement of Duties: To perform a variety of customer service, supervision, receptionists, and office support tasks at the front desk. Supervision Required: Works under the general supervision ofthe Community Center Director. Supervision Exercised: Exercises general and technical supervision over part-time Guest Service Associates and part-time Childcare staff Job Hours Required: One (1) weekend day, opposite from the Community Center Director, and four (4) week days from 2:00 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED: The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Duties may vary somewhat from position to position within a class. Provide quality customer service to all those visiting or using the services of the community center, including member or guest check-in, membership sales, reservation assistance, and general information and assistance as assigned or apparent. Concession preparation, selling, clean up, inventory and ordering of additional supplies. Accurate operation of cash registers for all financial transactions, balancing register at the end of shift, balancing daily transactions ( all shifts) and running financial reports as needed. Supervision, scheduling, training and evaluating of part time Guest Services Specialists and ChildCare staff Answer telephones according to organizational policy, take messages and relay correct information to various departments and staff Continually be aware of Community Center programs and activities and provide communication means to other community staff members. Reservation services, relaying information, touring potential renters, updating reservation schedule, and assisting in all other areas of reservation services. Thorough knowledge of community center software, light typing, word processing and filing as assigned. Cleaning and supervision of cleaning offront desk area including concessions and adjacent hallway. Equipment rental, cleaning, storage and inventory. Other duties as assigned or apparent. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES t Considerable knowledge of Community Center computer and software. Able to provide accurate reports to MCC Director. Considerable ability to provide the highest quality of customer service at all times, including interaction with staff. 5C- . . By . Considerable ability to assist Community Center Director in the management of part-time staff to promote a positive, efficient and clean work environment. Working knowledge of cleaning practices for the concession and front counter area. Considerable ability to exercise above average judgment in making decisions and dealing with a variety of situations at the Community Center Considerable knowledge in the operation of cash registers including daily balancing of receipts. Considerable ability to manage concession inventories and maintains restocking program. Ability to frequently lift up to 50 pounds from floor to shoulder height. Must be able to frequently stand, walk, bend, twist, crawl and kneel in order to complete the essential functions of the position. Must be able to frequently reach with hands and arms and use hands to finger, handle, feel or operate objects, tools or controls. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: High School Diploma or equivalent. Previous customer service experience with experience as a supervisor. Position Description Approved: By City Administrator Date Approved Department Director Date Approved 5L Council Agenda - 10/25/99 5. D. Consideration of adoptin2 a Communitv Center Corporate Membership Pro2ram. (KB) . A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: There have been numerous inquires from Monticello businesses asking how their businesses and the employees of their business will be charged to use the Community Center. The Community Center Small Group has reviewed a Corporate Membership Program and felt that the program, as presented, would appeal to businesses and their employees. The program gives a increased discount rate as the business's employee participation increases. The discount is factored on our resident's annual payment amount and then divided into quarterly payments. The program would be an annual membership billed quarterly. The participating business would be responsible for the quarterly payment. To ensure that the program is manageable, adjustments to their program could only be done when their payment is due. The community center would provide company, not individual, attendance records to help them determine the success of their participation. Businesses would be able to establish a program of their own for individual reimbursement ofthe membership fee. For example, a business may decide, as an employee benefit, to pay for a percentage oftheir employee's membership. This would allow them to offer another benefit as they strive to recruit and retain employees, and on our part, the center would see increased participation. It was recommend by the Small Group that this program be for tax paying corporations or businesses operating in a commercial or industrial zoning district within the city limits of Monticello. It is not intended to apply to individuals operating businesses out of their home. . B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would be to approve the Corporate Membership Program as written. 2. The second alternative would be to not approve the Corporate Membership Program. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: The City Administrator would recommend alternative # 1 D. SuPPORTING DATA: A copy of the Corporate Membership Program, prices and policies. . . Monticello Community Center Corporate Membership Program 4. This program is available for businesses within the city limits of Monticello The rate reflects a per person rate, bases on the number of employees enrolled in the program Payment will be made quarterly by the company - individuals will reimburse their company if required This will be an annual program that can only be adjusted quarterly. MCC will provide company attendance numbers, not individual attendance, for the previous quarter l. 2. 3. City Limit 1 to 5 6 to 20 21 to 50 51 to 100 101 + Businesses Employees Employees Employees Employees Employees JR/SR 176.40/yr 172.80/yr 169.20/yr I 65.60/year I 62.00/yr 44.1O/qtr 43.20/qtr 42.30/qtr 4l.40/qtr 40.50/qtr ADULT 235.20/yr 23 0 AO/yr 225.60/yr 220.80/yr 216.00/yr 58.80/qtr 57.60/qtr 56 AO/qtr 55.20/qtr 54.00/qtr F AMIL Y 294.00/yr 288.00/yr 282.00/yr 276.00/yr 270.00/yr 73.50/qtr 72.00/qtr 70.50/qtr 69.00/qtr 67.50/qtr . Discount rate: I to 5 employees 6 to 20 employees 21 to 50 employees 51 to 100 employees 101 plus employees 2% off ofthe annual amount 4% off of annual amount 6% off of annual amount 8% off of annual amount 10% off of annual amount . 50 . . . Council Agenda - 10/25/99 S.IL Consideration of amending internal office policy ree:ardine: maintenance and destruction of City e:eneral records per previously adopted retention schedule. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: r n September and October of 1990, the Council adopted six sections of the retention schedule authorized by the State Historical Society for destruction of public records. This was our first otlicial action regarding development of a retention schedule allowing for various records to be destroyed over time. An internal office policy was established at that time by the administrator that identified specific records that may be kept longer than the State required. In 1995, the City Council approved a resolution authorizing the balance of the record retention schedule to be adopted covering all areas of City records. Again, as administrator, I had made some exceptions to the allowed records that could be destroyed through the expansion of an internal office policy. As more and more records are accumulated, it is becoming quite burdensome to continue keeping specific records outside the records retention schedule and it is now recommended that the City simply follows the retention schedule as developed by the Minnesota Historical Society. With staff currently in the process of microfilming records that are required to be kept and in preparation for our move to the new city hall, many of our records that are allowed to be destroyed have been kept in the past and if the Council agrees with simply following the state guidelines, many documents can now be destroyed. As I noted earlier, I believe when we first started to reduce our records, there was some concern that records should be kept longer than allowed by the State but even in 1990, our City Auditor, Rick Borden, had recommended that the City may not want to make exceptions to the recommended retention guidelines as it places the burden on the city staff to supPOli and justify why an exception was made for a particular document. As a result, it is recommended that we simply follow state record retention guidelines in the future. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. This alternative reaffirms previous action of the Council in 1995 and adopts the entire records retention schedule as recommended by the Minnesota Historical Society and allows for the destruction of records according to that schedule. This alternative would replace our internal office policy procedure of only destroying certain records and allows us to follow the state guidelines in its entirely. 2. Do not eliminate the internal office policy at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: As noted above, storage space is becoming a premium and with the move to the new community center faci I ity, staff is trying to eliminate as much of the unneeded records as possible. It is the recommendation of the City Administrator and City Clerk that the City stafT be allowed to follow . . . Council Agenda - 10/25/99 the destruction of records according to the general records retention of the state. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Recommendation of City Auditor. 9ruys, Johnson . and .7Issociaies, Bid. 611 Walnut Street, Suite No.1 P.O. Box 417 Monticello, Minnesota 55362-0417 Telephone: (612) 295-5871 CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS Arnold D. Gruys Principals: Robert E. Carlson Rick C. Borden October 18, 1990 Mr. Rick Wolfsteller City Administrator City of Monticello 250 East Broadway Monticello, MN. 55362 Dear Rick: I have reviewed the PRecords Retention SchedulesP that you sent me and offer the following comments and observations. The Schedules appear to be appropriate and reasonable and my opinion is that you should not make any exceptions to the recommended retention guidelines. The reason for not making exceptions is that if you do, you then have to be prepared to justify why an exception was made. . There are times when the guidelines don't fit. For instance you can destroy cancelled checks after six years, but I certainly wouldn't destroy a cancelled check for the purchase of real estate. That check should be filed with the other documents regarding that purchase and be kept permanently. This exception can be justified rather easily and a common sense approach should be used when following the retention guidelines. Provided the City Attorney finds no problems with the "Records Retention Schedules" my recommendation is that the City Council adopt the Schedules as presented. If you have any questions please call me. Sw Rick C. Borden, CPA Gruys, Johnson and Associates, Ltd. Certified Public Accountants RCB/bw . MEMBERS OF: MINNESOTA SOCIETY OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS AND AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS . . . Council Agenda -10/25/99 8. Public Hcaring--Consideration of a resolution adopting proposed assessment roll for delinquent utilitv bills and certification of assessment roll to County Auditor. (R.W.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City Council is again asked to adopt an assessment roll for utility billing accounts which are delinquent more than 60 days and to certify the assessment roll to the County Auditor for collection on next year's real estate taxes if not paid by November 30, 1999. The delinquent utility accounts that are included with the agenda are accounts that are at least 60 days past due and include all new delinquents from the last time we certified them. In addition to the delinquent amount, the Council also previously approved the establishment of an administrative fee of $50 per account that is added to eaeh delinquent assessment. The amounts shown on the enclosed delinquent utilities list include the additional $50 administration fee for the preparation of the assessment roll. It is recommended that the delinquent accounts be put on an assessment roll for certification at an interest rate of 8% as allowed by state statute. As in the past, if any accounts are paid within 30 days after the adoption of the assessment roll, they can be paid without the additional interest. After 30 days, payments will be charged interest and can be accepted up to November 30, 1999. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. Adopt the assessment roll for the delinquent charges as presented. 2. Based on public hearing input, adjust the assessment roll as required. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is staff recommendation that the Council adopt the assessment roll as presented. All of the accounts are at least 60 days past due and have been given proper notice of this assessment hearing and ample opportunity to pay the accounts in full. All utility accounts were notified that there would be an additional $50 administrative fee attached to each outstanding balance if the account was not paid by 4:30 p.m. on October 18,1999. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of resolution adopting assessment roll; Complete listing of delinquent accounts to be certified. . . . RESOLtJTION NO. 99-60 RESOLlJTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR DELINQtJENT UTILITY ACCOUNTS WHEREAS, pursuant to proper notice duly given as required by law, the Council has met and heard and passed upon all objections to the proposed assessment for delinquent utility account charges, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA: 1. Such proposed assessment, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, is hereby accepted and shall constitute the special assessments against the parcels named herein, and each tract of land therein included is hereby found to be benefitted by the assessment levied against it. 2. Such assessment shall be payable in one (1) annual installment payable on or before the first Monday in January 2000 and shall bear interest at the rate of 8 percent per annum from the date ofthe adoption of this assessment resolution. To the first installment shall be added interest on the entire assessment from the date of this resolution until December 31, 1999. 3. The owner of thc property so assessed may, at any time prior to certification of the assessment to the county auditor, pay the whole of the assessment on such property with interest accrued to the date of payment, to the City Treasurer, except that no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid within 30 days from the adoption of this resolution. 4. The City Administrator shall forthwith transmit a certified duplicate of this assessment roll to the COlUlty auditor to be extended on the proper tax list of the county, and such assessment shall be collected and paid over in the same manner as other municipal taxes. Adopted by the City Council this 2yh day of October, 1999. 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I- ~ ~ <- g Q ~ '" c:> c:> c:> c:> oN oN <D ... .., .... oN c:> ~ o .... -' w <..> ;:: is "" .... o ~ <..> .. .. .. I- "" Q <>.- W "" .... .... <:> CI Z w .. .. .. . . , Council Agenda - 10/25/99 9. Public Hearing - Consideration of a resolution vacating a sanitary sewer easement not needed due to realignment of Kiellberg West Sanitary Sewer Extension (10) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Tony Emmerich, owner of a 20 acre parcel, located between the City's 60 acre parcel ffi1d the Kjellberg West wastewater ponds has requested the vacation of the sanitary sewer easement which was acquired by the City in anticipation of extension of the sanitary sewer system to the connection point near the treatment ponds at Kjellberg's West trailer park. 'I'he request to vacate this easement is reasonable because this casement is no longer needed due to a slight realignment of the sanitary sewer line. Emmerich has provided a new easement for the realigned sanitary sewer system. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve vacation of a sanitary sewer easement across the Emmerich parcel as requested. Vacation approved because the sanitary sewer casement is no longer needed. 2. Motion to deny vacation of a sanitary sewer easement. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator recommends Alternate #1. Tony Emmerich provided this casement to the City in anticipation of the sewer line being extended along this proposed route. Due to the fact the sanitary sewer line was extended through a different area it would seem fair to vacate the original easement area. D. SUPPORTING DATA: . Graphic showing easement location. Easement Exhibit A Sketch of location of Easement to be Vacated ~ NW(."OIlOF . I ,..- Tllli So QUARruR , 0l'stC1H.U1R.1' LNORTH LINE OF THE " SOUTHEAST OUARTER ---.-------------------------.- ------------------I----~~------- I I i j , l- I . 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City Council Agenda - 10/25/99 Public Dearine - Consideration to approve a resolution adoptine the modified Redevelopment Plan for Central Monticello Redevelopment Proiect No.1: and establishim! within Central Monticello Redevelopment Proiect No.1 TIF District No. 1-26 and adoptine the related TIF Plan therefor. (O.K.) A. Reference and Background: OPEN PUBLIC HEARING The City Council is requested to hold a public hearing and approve a resolution modifying Project No. 1 Plan and establishing TIF District No. 1-26 for Twin City Die Castings Company. The taxing jurisdictions received a copy of the proposed TIF Plan on September 22, 1999, thirty days prior to the public hearing, and a public hearing notice appeared in the local newspaper on October 14 and 21, 1999, at least 10 days prior to the public hearing, for compliance with Minnesota Statutes. Please open the public hearing for comments and questions. Jay Eller, General Manager, of the Monticello Twin City Die Castings facility will attend the Council meeting. RESOLUTION FOR ADOPTION Enclosed you will find an overview of the TIF Plan for TIF District No. 1-26 as prepared by Ehlers & Associates. You will note the overview outlines the project description and required findings of the Council. The district is located at 520 Chelsea Road or west of the high school entrance along Chelsea Road. The City has elected to make the 10% local match estimated at approximately $40,000, this applied through the reduction of utility trunk fees thereby eliminating the HACA Penalty. The tax increment cash flow projects a net tax increment total of $245,081 NPV (net present value) over the life of the district. The project expected to increase the local tax base by $42,000 annually and create 87 new jobs for the City of Monticello. The project is consistent with the City Comprehensive Plan and the objectives of Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. 1 Plan. A copy of the entire TIF District No. 1-26 Plan and modified Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No.1 Plan are available at City Hall for your review. It is anticipated, the building and site plans will be submitted to the City on October 22 with construction to commence mid to late November. An attached letter from Twin City National Bank is evidence for the "but for" test finding. The Contract for Private Redevelopment between the HRA, the City, and Twin City Die Castings Company describes the TIF assistance and the terms and conditions of the contract. Approval of the contract appears as a separate agenda item. 1 . City Council Agenda - 10/25/99 CLOSE PUBLIC HEARING After closing the public hearing, please consider the following alternative actions relating to the establishment ofTIF District No. 1-26. B. Alternative Action: 1. A motion to approve a resolution adopting the modified Redevelopment Plan for Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No.1 and establishing within Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No.1 TIF District No. 1-26 and adopting the related TIP Plan therefor. 2. A motion to deny approval of a resolution adopting the modified Redevelopment Plan for Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No.1 and establishing within Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No.1 TIF District No. 1-26 and adopting the related TIF Plan therefor. 3. A motion to table approval of the resolution until November 8. C. Recommendation: . As the proposed project meets the requirements of the local TIF policies and Minnesota Statutes, the City Administrator and Economic Development Director recommend alternative no. 1. D. Supporting Data: Overview ofTIF District No. 1-26, public hearing notice, "but for" test finding, and copy of the resolution for approval. , 2 . . . OCT 19 '99 10:11AM EHLERS & ASSOCIATES CiTY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY STATE OF MINNESOTA P.2/6 Council member introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE MODIFIED REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR CENTRAL MONTICELLO REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO.1; AND ESTABLISHING WITHIN CENTRAL MONTICELLO REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO. 1 TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 1..16 AND ADOPTING THE RELATED TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN THEREFOR. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council (the "Council") of the City of Monticello, MiMesota (the "City"), as follows: Section 1. Recitals. 1.01. The liRA has heretofore established Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. 1 and adopted the Redevelopment Plan therefor. It ha.~ been proposed that the City adopt the Modified Redevelopment Plan for the Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. 1. and establish Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-26 ("District No. }-26") therein and adopt the Tax Increment Financing Plan therefor (collectively, the "Plans"); all pursuant to and in conformity with applicable law, including Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.001 through 469.047 and 469.174 through 469.179, all inclusive, as amended, (the "Act") all as reflected in the Plans, and presented for the Council's consideration. 1.02. The Council has investigated the facts relating to the Plans and has caused the Plans to be prepared.. 1.03. The City has performed all actions required by Jaw to be pertbrmed priortotheestablishment of District No. 1-26 and tile adoption and approval of the proposed Plans, i.ncluding, but not limited to, notification of Wright County and School District No. 882 having taxing jurisdiction over the property to be included in District No. }-26, a review of and written comment on the Plans by the City Plann,iog Commission, and the holding of a public hearing upon published notice as required by law. Section 2. Findin2s for the Adoption and Approval ofthe Plans.. 1. 2.01. The City is not modifying the boundaries of Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. 2.02. The Council hereby finds that the Plans, are intended and, in the judgment of this Council, the effect of such actions will be, to provide an impetus for development in the public purpose and accomplish certain objectives as specified in the Plans, which are hereby incorporated herein. jO . . . OCT 19 '99 10: 12AM EHLERS & ASSOCIATES P.3/5 Section 3. Findings for the Establishment of Tax Increment Financing Disuict No. 1-26. 3.01. The Council hereby finds that Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-26 is in the public interest and is an "economic development district" under Minnesota Statutcs~ Section 469.174, subd. 12. 3.02. The Council further finds that the proposed development would not occur solely through private investment within the reasonably foreseeable future and that the increased market value of the site thatcould reasonably be expec:ted to occur without the use of tax increment financing would be less than the increase in the market value estimated to result from the proposed development after subtracting the present value of the projected tax increments for the maximum duration of District No. ]-26 permitted by the Tax Increment Financing Plan, that the Plans conform to the general plan for the development or redevelopment of the City as a whole; and that the Plans will afford maximum opportunity consistent with the sound needs of the City as a whole, for the redevelopment or development of District No. 1-26 by private enterprise. 3.03. The City elects to make a qualifying local contribution in accordance with Minnesota Statutes. Section 273.1399, subd. 6(d), in order to qualify District No. 1-26 for. exemption from state aid losses set forth in Section 273.1399. . 3.04. The Council further fmds, declares and detennines that the City made the above findings stated in this Section and has set forth the reasons and supporting facts for each determination in writing~ attached hereto as Exhibit A. Section 4. Public PUfDose 4.01. The adoption of the Plans conforms in all respects to the requirements of the Act and will help fulfill a need to develop an area of the City which is already built up, to provide employment opportunities, to improve the tax base and to improve the general economy of the State and thereby serves .apublic purpose. Section 5. Al'loroval and Adoption of the Plans. 5.0 I. The Plans, as presented to the Council on this date, including without limitation the findings and statements of objcctives contained thorein. are hereby approved, ratified, established, and adopted and shall be placed on file in the office of the Executive Director of the HRA. 5.02. The staff of the City, the City's advisors and legal counsel are authorized and directed to proceed with the implementation of the Plans and to negotiate, draft~ prepare and present to this Council for its consideration all further plans, resolutions, documents and contracts necessary for this purpose. 5.03 The Auditor of Wright County is requested to certify the original net tax capacity of District No. 1-26, as described in the Plans, and to certify in each year thereafter the amount by which the original net taX capacity has increased or decreased; and the City ofMonticelJo is authorized and directed to forthwith transmit this request to the County Auditor in such form and content as the Auditor may specify, together with a list ofall properties within District No..l-26, for which building pennits have been issued during the 18 months immediately preceding the adoption of this resolution. 5.04. The is further authorized and directed to file a copy of the Plans with the Commissioner of Revenue. 10 . . . OCT 19 '99 10: 12AM EHLERS & ASSOCIATES P.4/6 The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Council member , and upon a vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: and the following voted against the same: Dated: October 25, 1999 ATTEST: Mayor City Administrator (Seal) )0 . . . OCT 19 '99 10: 12AM EHLERS & ASSOCIATES P.5/6 EXHIBIT A RESOLUTION # The reasons and facts supporting the findings for the adoption of the Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-26. ("District No. 1 ~2611) as required pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469. I 75. Subdivision 3 are as foHows: J. Finding that the DiSlricrNo. J -26 is an economic development district as defined in MS., Section 469. J 74, Subd. 12. Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-26 is a contiguous geographic area within the City's Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No.1, delineated in the Plan. for the purpose of financing economic development in the City through the use of tax increment. District No. 1 ~26 consists of a portion of Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. I not meeting roquirflments for other types of tax increment financins districts, which is in tbe public interest because it wiU facilitate construction of an approximately 53,000 sf. manufacturing facility to be constructed in two phases which will discourage commerce, industry, or manufacturing from moving their operations to another state or municipality; it will increase employment in the state, and preserve and enhance the tax base of the State. 2. Finding that the proposed development, in the opinion of the City Council, would not reasonably be expected to occur solely through private invfstment within the reasonably foreseeable future and that the increased mQl'ket value of the sile that could reasonably be expected to occur without the use of tax incremem financing would be luss than the increase in the market value estimated to result from the proposed dew/opment after subtracting the present value of the p70jected tax inC7ements for the maximum dura/ion of District No. 1-26 permitted by the Plan. The proposed development, in the opinion of the City, would not reasonably be expected to occur solely through private investment within the reasonably foreseeable fUlure; This finding is supported by the fact that the development proposed in this plan is a manufacturing that meets the City'S objectives for economic development. The cost of land acquisition, site improvements and utilities makes development of the facility infeasible without City assistance. The developer was asked tor and provided a letter and a proforma as justification that the developer would not have gone forward without tax increment assistance ( see attachment in Appendix F). The increased market value of the site that could reasonable be expecced 10 occur wichollt che use of tax incrementjinancing would be l'!;$ than the increase in market value ,slimmed to resultfrom thl proposed development after .fubtracting the present value ofth' projected tax increment:ijor the mw:imum duralion of the l1F Di.ftl'ict permilled by che Plan: The City supported this finding on the grounds that the cost of land acquisition, site improvements and utilities add to tbe total development cost. Historically, site development costs in this area have made development infeasible without tax increment assistance. Therefore, the City reasonably determines that no other development of any kind is anticipated on this site without substantiaHy similar assistance being provided to the development. Accordingly, the increased market value anticipated without tax increment assistance is $0. A comparative analysis of estimated market values both with and without establishment of Tax increment Financing District No. 1-26 and the use of tax increments has been performed as described above. If all development which is proposed to be assisted with tax increment were to occur in District No. 1-26, the total increase in market value would be up to $971,003. The present value of tax increments from District No. 1-26 is estimated to be $201,992. It is the Council's finding that no development with a market value ot" greater than $769,010 would occur witbout tax increment assistance in this district within 9 years. This Ib . . . OCT 19 '99 10: 13RM EHLERS & RSSOCIRTES P.6/6 fioding is based upon evidence from general past experience with dle high cost of acquisition . site improvements and public utilities in the general area of District No.1 a26 (see Cashtlow in Appendix 0). 3. Finding that the Tax Increment Financing Planfor District No. 1-26 conforms to the general plan/or the development or redevelopment of the municipaiiry as a whole. The Plan was reviewed by the Planning Commission on October S. 1999. The Planning Comm ission found that the Plan conforms to the general development plan of the City. 4. Finding that the Tux Increment Financing Plan/or District No. Ja26 will afford maximum opportunity, consistent with the sound need.. of the City as a whole, for the development of Central Monticello Redevelopment Pl'ojecI No. J by pl'ivate enterprise. The project to bc assisted by District No. 1-26 will result in increased employment in the City and the State of Minnesota, increased tax base of the State, and add a high quality development to the City. /0 . . . .....,~:_ -_-=- Ii.._ A Ehlers and Associates W Tax Increment Financing District Overview .. . ". City of Monticello - Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-26 The following summary contains an overview ofthe basic elements of the Tax Increment Financing Plan for TIF District No. 1-26. More detailed information on each of these topics can be found in the complete TIF Plan. Proposed action: Establishment of Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-26 and adoption of a Tax Increment Financing Plan. Development District: Adoption of the Modified Redevelopment Plan for the Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No.1. Type of TIF District: An Economic Development District Parcel Numbers A portion of 115-011-000-171 Proposed Development and Agreement: Facilitate the construction of an approximately 53,000 sf. manufacturing facility to be constructed in two phases in the City of Monticello. The project is to be occupied by Twin City Die Castings. The duration of District No. 1-26 will be 9 years from the date of receipt of the first increment or 11 years from the date of approval of the Plan, whichever is less. The date of receipt of the first tax increment will be approximately 2002. Thus, it is estimated that District No. 1-26, including any modifications of the Plan for subsequent phases or other changes, would terminate after 2010, or when the Plan is satisfied. If increment is received in 2001 due to inflation, the term of the District will be 2009. Maximum duration: Estimated annual tax increment: $42,126 (upon completion ofthe second phase) Proposed uses: The TIF Plan contains the following budget: Land Acquisition ...................... $210,000 Site Improvements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 15,000 Public Utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 40,000 Interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 190,000 Administrative Costs (up to 10%) . . . . . . . . . .. 45,000 TOTAL ............................. $500,000 Form of financing: Pay-as-you-go note, for all except utilities, which may be an interfund loan. Administrative fee: Up to 10% of annual increment, if costs are justified. .. - '\ \\ "I ,I' 10 . TIF District Overview LGA/HACA penalty Local contribution: The City and HRA elect to make a qualifying local contribution. The local contribution for a economic development district is equivalent to 10% of the tax increment revenue. This is expected to be paid through a state grant/loan or city waiver of utility fees. Wage and Job Goals: 50 jobs at $10 per hour or more. 3 Year Activity Rule ($469.176 Subd. lay 4 Year Activity Rule ($ 469.176 Subd 6) . At least one of the following activities must take place in the District within 3 years from the date of certification: o bonds have been issued o the authority has acquired property within the district o the authority has constructed or caused to be constructed public improvements within the district The estimated date whereby this activity must take place is October, 2002. After four years from the date of certification of the District one of the following activities must have been commenced on each parcel in the District: o demolition o rehabilitation o renovation o other site preparation (not including utility services such as sewer and water) If the activity has not been started by the approximately October, 2003, no additional tax increment may be taken from that parcel until the commencement of a qualifying activity. Within 5 years of certification revenues derived from tax increments must be expended or obligated to be expended. Tax increments are considered to have been expended on an activity within the District if one ofthe following occurs: o the revenues are actually paid to a third party with respect to the activity o bonds, the proceeds of which must be used to finance the activity, are issued and sold to a third party, the revenues are spent to repay the bonds, and the proceeds of the bonds either are reasonably expected to be spent before the end of the later of (i) the five year period, or (ii) a reasonable temporary period within the meaning of the use of that term under 9. 148( c)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code, or are deposited in a reasonably required reserve or replacement fund o binding contracts with a third party are entered into for performance of the activity and the revenues are spent under the contractual obligation o costs with respect to the activity are paid and the revenues are spent to reimburse a pay for payment of the costs, including interest on unreimbursed costs. Any obligations in the Tax Increment District made after approximately October, 2004, will not be eligible for repayment from tax increments. The previous summary contains an overview of the basic elements of the proposed Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 1.26. More detailed information on each of these topics can be found in the complete TlF Plan. 5 Year Rule ($ 469.1763 Subd 3) . Page 2 )0 . . . TIF District Overview The reasons and facts supporting the findings for the adoption of the Tax Increment Financing Plan for District No. 1-26 as required pursuant to MS., Section 469.175, Subd. 3 are as follows: 1. Finding that the District No. 1-26 is an economic development district as defined in MS., Section 469.174, Subd. 12. Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-26 is a contiguous geographic area within the City's Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No.1, delineated in the Plan, for the purpose of financing economic development in the City through the use of tax increment. District No. 1.26 consists ofa portion of Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No.1 not meeting requirements for other types of tax increment financing districts, which is in the public interest because it will facilitate construction of an approximately 53,000 sf. manufacturing facility to be constructed in two phases which will discourage commerce, industry, or manufacturing from moving their operations to another state or municipality; it will increase employment in the state, and preserve and enhance the tax base of the state. 2. Finding that the proposed development, in the opinion of the City Council, would not reasonably be expected to occur solely through private investment within the reasonably foreseeablefuture and that the increased market value of the site that could reasonably be expected to occur without the use of tax incrementfinancing would be less than the increase in the market value estimated to resultfrom the proposed development after subtracting the present value of the projected tax increments for the maximum duration of District No. 1-26 permitted by the Plan. The proposed development, in the opinion of the City, would not reasonably be expected to occur solely through private investment within the reasonably foreseeable future: This finding is supported by the fact that the development proposed in this plan is a manufacturing that meets the City's objectives for economic development. The cost ofland acquisition, site improvements and utilities makes development of the facility infeasible without City assistance. The developer was asked for and provided a letter and a proforma as justification that the developer would not have gone forward without tax increment assistance ( see attachment in Appendix F). The increased market value of the site that could reasonable be expected to occur without the use of tax increment financing would be less than the increase in market value estimated to result from the proposed development after subtracting the present value of the projected tax incrementsfor the maximum duration of the TIF District permitted by the Plan: The City supported this finding on the grounds that the cost of land acquisition, site improvements and utilities add to the total development cost. Historically, site development costs in this area have made development infeasible without tax increment assistance. Therefore, the City reasonably determines that no other development of any kind is anticipated on this site without substantially similar assistance being provided to the development. Accordingly, the increased market value anticipated without tax increment assistance is $0. A comparative analysis of estimated market values both with and without establishment of Tax Increment Financing District No. 1.26 and the use of tax increments has been performed as described above. If all development which is proposed to be assisted with tax increment were to occur in District No. 1-26, the total increase in market value would be up to $971,003. The present value of tax increments from District No. Page 3 }o . . . TIF District Overview 1-26 is estimated to be $201,992. It is the Council's finding that no development with a market value of greater than $769,010 would occur without tax increment assistance in this district within 9 years. This finding is based upon evidence from general past experience with the high cost of acquisition , site improvements and public utilities in the general area of District No. 1~26 (see Cashflow in Appendix D). 3. Finding that the Tax Increment Financing Plan for District No. 1 ~26 conforms to the general plan for the development or redevelopment of the municipality as a whole. The Plan was reviewed by the Planning Commission on October 5, 1999. The Planning Commission found that the Plan conforms to the general development plan of the City. 4. Finding that the Tax Increment Financing Plan for District No. 1-26 will afford maximum opportunity, consistent with the sound needs of the City as a whole, for the development of Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. 1 by private enterprise. The project to be assisted by District No. 1-26 will result in increased employment in the City and the State of Minnesota, increased tax base of the State, and add a high quality development to the City. Page 4 }o . . . TIF District Overview BOUNDARY MAPS OF CENTRAL MONTICELLO REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO.1 AND TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 1-26 Page 5 )0 ~.. ~. . - .~; -.. "" !\: "i!i1i"'r . .. -.; ~ :.. . lilt. ...-. .. :.;. . .-. ..... ,h." ~..:, .J.~ ..1:-- ...... .. ,.~ .,. I , . .-r. .' CD'I"" ~. .....0 z .O! e U) ~ i ._ ell 0 ell oe:;2 _ a. u .- .... 0 .- :E cQ;1: ~ .- > 0 Z. ~eII:E1: "'~....:s cello Q .- 0:: Z. U LL 0 ._ _ _=(JoC C ~ .2' E~ i ~:E u- c l! -1: >< 41 ~u , , ,J- ! ..1' ./' ..... (D c ~ C1I tll...... E c . f! '(j ~ gfijt; - c ,_ ~U:tl ~ c f~~"',~, .. ' , . .r..... .. . .'\\ '!.-. '. t. .\ '.r" -.- J .., i .'. ,. \ .=- '.~ .,' ~. . :~\- -.. v .". ..... roo . , . . '. 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NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF MONTICELLO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA :Notice is hereby given that the City Council of the City of Monticello, County of Wright, State of Minnesota, will hold a public hearing on Mond~y, Oct. 25,1999, .at a~proximately 7 p.m. at the Monticello City Council Chambers In the Monticello City Hall 250 East Broadway, Monticello, Minnesota, relating to the proposal of the HRA to' adopt the Modified Redevelopment Plan for Central Monticello Redevelopment Pf,oject No.1; the proposal to establish Tax Increment Financing District No.1-26 (811 economic development district), therein and adopt a Tax Increment.Flnancinll Plan (collectively, the .Plan~") then~fore; and the proposal to. adopt a bUSIness su(j:. sidies agreement, pursuant to Minnesota St!ltutes, Sections 469.001 through 469:047; Sections 469.174 to 469.179 and Sections 116J.993 .through 116J.995, all inclusive, as amended. Copies of the plans and business subsIdy agreement are on fil~ and available for public inspection at the office of the City Admlnlstrator at City Hall. . N 1 26 I ,The property to be included in the Tax Increment Financing Olstrlct o. - s Ideated within Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. 1 and the City of Monticello and encompasses all property and adjacent and Interior roads and rlghts- ot-way as indicated by the parcel identification number listed below: .. . . Parcel Number : A portion of 115-011-000171 . ; A map of Central Monticello Redevelopment Project N? 1, and Tax Il!cr~ment Financing District. No.1-26 therein is set forth below. Subject to certain limitations, tax increment from'Tax hii::reineht Financing OistrlctN6: 1<26 may bEj spent on eligi- ble-uses within the boundaries of Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No.1. . ; City Ql Monlk:elo . 'i;hll"'b~. i..Il3' ,I T.. ....__~DIoI........1.. -.-......--.... ......- --..- 11t1l--.at lit,t&:t:".:... _.en. ~ '!lEIIIJ.I ::.r*:'.f" ~... .. . '. ~ I ' ~ . .. . : ~ .-.'- .,.... .' ~__'.__'...J.___Jft.'" '_**.__. _. ~....- . M . Ail interested persons may appear at the hearing and present their views orally prior t6 the meeting in writing. ! BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA ~ick Wolfstellar, City Admlnlstrator (Oct. 14 & 21,1999). , I ~-.'''--. ......-.,..:"'~-----:-............-. ,--------..-------- ----...-.. : . . .~...... . ~ kEATTe.N"'ON, : I . '. . . ..,... ~...-, I .... "t:11 n ....Lt:IVIt:I~ I o SCOTT HILL o CARRIE MICHAUD o KIM SAWATZKE o STEVE SHURTS o DENNIS SUEDBECK o RICHARD WAGNER o PAUL A. ZEMKE o wnte~ln, lfany o wnte~ln,1T any o wnte~tn, IT any.' . The combined precincts and the polling pieces for It The entire school district, which lies partially In Wright be one combined. precinct with the polling place bel Entry 'On the east end of the Monticello Middle School. Any eligible voter residing In the school district me' polling place designated above. The polls for said el a.m. and will close at 8 o'clock p.m. on the date of said A voter mustregisterEid to vote to be eligible to votr tered IndMdual may reglsterm vote at the polllD9plac( BY .ORDER .oFl"l;{E SCHOOL SOARD , Nancy Spivak, ' . . School District Clerk (Oct. 14 & 21,1999) SAMPLE BALLOT r ,,- Monticello (Minn.) TImes ..- Weekly . ......--..-..... ,..-....-- -. 116 E. River St., P.O. Box 548 Monllcello, MN 55382.Q548 .........--..-.--.......-,.- Same .. FIII........~.......-..- It........... __........... -- --- ------ Donald a. Smith (Same) -~---~ sam. ..........------ None ,O==:::.~==""':"'-=,~...=:-.:'= ___....._..=1_..........__ --- ....---",....",........--....-.. .. ....- Donald a. Smith TImes, .:~ ~ ...__._------ :t:..::.~.:..-:..-.---.. ....- ~ Lynn R. Smith TImes ........."""-"'----.-.--- .,..-.----.....--...--...-. c _..._......."'-..- . c-___..-~.---.._- ,.._O'...C>>I 13, ~,.. Monticello Minn.' TImes II. -... ... .....- 3300 507 1654 _..J_.._ .. __.0.-.___ III ==:-_oao:=::.~~':: ------ II ~~ (2) "'~""'J TCFBANK . Minnesota October 4, 1999 Ollie Koropchak Monticello Housing and Redevelopment Authority City of Monticello 250 E. Broadway P. O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362-9245 Dear Ms. Koropchak: I am writing in reference to Twin City Die Castings Company. It is my understanding that Twin City Die Castings Company has applied for tax increment financing from the City of Monticello to assist in the establishment of a new business endeavor in your city. This is a start-up operation as Twin City Die Castings has never engaged in magnesium die casting before. The purchase of land, construction of a new plant, and purchase of . equipment for the facility represent a significant investment for Twin City Die Castings and becomes feasible only with financial assistance such as tax increment financing. I am the Relationship Manager for Twin City Die Castings at TCF National Bank Minnesota. Please let me know if I can be of further assistance. Enclosed is my business card. Yours truly, )~7/~~-~ Sally AnayaHBoyer Vice President encl cc: Doug Harmon . J: \Ie nders \sab \ word\letters \ tcdctif 801 MARQUETTE AVENUE. MINNEAPOLIS MN 55402-3475 . (612) 661-6500 }o @ mull. ~~11I(j LENDER Member FDIC SEP 17 '99 10:29AM EHLERS & ASSOCIATES 09117/99 Mcntiw.llo 11M Twin Cily Oi. caslings - PI'Ia86 I & II P.5/6 CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA . T.I.F. CASH FLOW "SSUMYfJONS 7.500"10 1.31670 Pay ii 0.0000% Interest Rate Tax Extension Rate: 'nnatlon Aate: ",tt " ' ' , ~al'l ot 1".011.000011; (e.-.) .:r~1 BASI. V ALOE I~FORMA TION Pay II lilY DOCl... V"WI Val"", ",.,a, ' 21,"11 47,a" 2,04\\/:a.4t. .47.18.,. , Ttx ft...W!~..., , ",.2 IlI\lININ. iIIl~ o , ," ',:~ _2 'l1tdnlat. Pay oO"p Cap,olty 17- Q';gir\lll TB.c Capacity InflaliOn F.ClOr: 116,51% PROJECT VALUE INFORMA.TION Type of Tax Incremen\ Dlsl/iQl: Economic: De\lClOpment Tyl>' ot Dev.lopmtnt: M.nuf.ctl.lrln; NloImbet of aullclln; Squ.nt F..I; 3UI, Ph'" I .11.I.H "tI... II 1203'" - Eslimaltd Market Val~ of New Project: ',01i,OOO Pay 02 ~ Pay 04 1,487.810 CIII' Aata on fi,,1 $160,000 (It Marktt Vllue CI,.. IIttte M,rl<tIV,IU' l' '1.0.000 I.ttml* Till e,,,lGIty: 2.40% 3.1II0'~ 1l_,1.6 'flY (l2 .1.UtQ "'V 04 I'll... II 11I..0'. 'rOlll .1,'411 '~...1 :aQJJj ,h.., II ,...a' "1'0.' $28.55 PI\a&8 I $28.10 Phase II $1.22 ...il'rlllll flllll: . AsseS$Ol's Marx.etValue/S.t, Taxes/s.t. Assumes di.triQI il .pproved in Ql:tob... 1eee. PleI.e verlfr' mlrkel value tor 94/86 and 9t/OO for fivI year Infl"liOn valul. Aa.um" 11% partial "....m.nl 01 Increm,nt .. of J,n. 2. 2000. . )0 P.ge 1 1In...lill, 1 ~ ~nlll" i1nd A~. Inc, . . . SEP 17 '99 10:29RM EHLERS & RSSOCIRTES 0911 7199 MonllC/l11O I-lRA; Twin Ci.y DO. C80tinga - Pnlli8 I & II P.6/6 I ' ; PERIOD BEGINNING Tell' I., '!r:!!" ...' M\h." ....yL_.~~Pi1City. i 0.0 11.01 1 ell; 1.1e2 I 0.25 02-01 2000 1,152 0.15 0..01 <1000 1.2(1 02.01 aOOl 1,3.64 : 1.75 01-01 iOOl U' Ot.01 2002 2,7' 0'.01 2001 a,1I ow, JO(l;l a,'7', 0,.01 :a001 ",It 01001 2004 4,75 0"01 2004 0,211 02.01 2005 5.15 Oe.Ol 2005 '6,25 02.01 2006 6.75 08.01 2006 : 7.25 02.01 2007 I 7.75 08-01 <1007 I. 8.26 02.01 2008 8.76 08-01 2008 US O:z-ol 2008 :. H' , .0'.01 2009 , I""..... EIIl8r. and AuooialN, Ine. Base Project Tax ,_ capacity 1,152 1,152 1.1" 1.13' 1,1*' ....0.. 2,"'80 "".08$ 2,905 3,390 3,065 411.086 4,614 ..872 H,1'" 't,1'" 49.088 49.088 411.0Ie , Captured Tax Capacity o o :U2. 11.171 11,1'1 ....9.1 4(1.:180 46.180 45.6116 "'5,131 <<,472 roilif . ............,....... , , ~r.~"t V,I\l'~ ' CITY OF MONTICELI..O. MINNESOTA TAX INCREMiNl' CASH FLOW Semi-Annual Admin ".. 'HRA- -. . -s'emi::An'nual 'I L.oeai ,.. '1' Year; . . '-l Gross Tax at .. Net Tal< M.lGh It Of Pl!RIOP ENDING Incr~1T18nl,,, ~0.2S'~ 0.0% In,"r",m~t. ,.1.9..QO% Incremtn\ Yrs. Wh. Yr. o 0 0 I 0 0.0 'ci.2502-Q1'Zooij"' o 0 0 0 0,0 0,16 08001 2000 o 0 0; 0; 0.0 1.ZlS 02.01 a001 :U88 (2;lS) 0 2,144 U91 0.5 1.n 0,"01 2001 2.3.. (:i4') 0 <1.1<< 1 :is', 1.0 2.25 02.01 200a 20,'111 (2.Un 0 11,11' Z.O'" 1,11 a.1' 01001 ~002 20,r.. (_,m) 0 1"'" 2,01' 2.0 U' o~.o, 11001 10,'1'1 (1,11') 0 1','14 a.o" ... t.1' 0..01 '001 aM'" (3,'1') 0 1e,~ 2.od 1,0 ",.J' 0...0' 10011 .O,~'O (','.1) 0 17,1.a a,a'1 U It," 01001 iQo,i 30,910 I', '$lS) 0 21.142 ",0" 4,0 1.21 0100' Ielo' '0,&15 (3.1+4) 0 a?',O':Z' *.08/1' H 1,16 aa.o, 200' 30,&76 (3,144) 0 27.532 M681 5.0 lUll 02.01 2000 30,.!03 (3,118) 0 27,286 3,040 5.5 8.75 08.01 200& 30.403 (3.116) c 27,286 3,040 6.0 7_25 02-01 2007 30.084 (3,084) 0 27.000, 3,008 - a.5 7.75 08.01 2007 30.084 (3,084) 0 27,000 3.008 7,0 6.25 OZ-o, Z008 29.71<1 (3.045) 0 26.6116: U71 : 7.5 8.7S 08.01 2008 21,712 (3,045) 0 26.688 I 2,9711 8.0 0.215 02.01 200" 2U?S (3.001) 0 26,277 2.11281 . 8.5 HIS 08.01 200' 2'.27.(~,OQ'}...... .. .., '1 ....."" ,20,,277 , ?,~~e ...".."......~.,9 10.25 03.01 ,9:19-: ,"':4,1. N. ~" ." . (~".Otl)...., 0 .oa,II~9. ... i~\!Z~~,," "' ..' ,.~""" """"'" I 273.7:&t (2'.O$l~ 0 ".......,,~'~.Ol' "........_..__.." "''' " " . }o Pill' 2 pI'UCI.&U,12J . . . 11. Council Agenda - 10/25/99 Public hearing--Adootion of proposed assessment roll for delinauent accounts receivable bills and certification of assessment roll to County Auditor. (C.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City Council is asked to adopt an assessment roll for accounts receivable bills which arc delinquent more than 60 days and to certify the assessment roll to the County Auditor as of November 30, 1999, for collection on next year's real estate taxes if not paid within 30 days of this public hearing. It is recommended that the delinquent accounts be put on an assessment roll for certification in 2000 at an interest rate of 8% as allowed by state statute. As in the past, if any accounts arc paid within 30 days after the adoption of the assessment roll, they can be paid without any additional interest. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Adopt the assessment roll for the delinquent charges as presented. 2. Based on public hearing input, adjust the assessment roll as required. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is staff recommendation that the Council adopt the assessment roll as presented. All of the accounts are at least 60 days past due and have been given proper notice of this assessment hearing and ample opportunity to pay the accounts in full. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy ofresolution adopting assessment roll; Complete listing of delinquent accounts to be certified. . . . RESOLUTION NO. 99 -62 RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR DELINQl.JENT ACC01.JNTS RECEIVABLE WHEREAS, pursuant to proper notice duly given as required by law, the Council has met and heard and passed upon all objections to the proposed assessment for delinquent accounts receivable charges. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOT A: 1. Such proposed assessment, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, is hereby accepted and shall constitute the special assessments against the parcels named herein, and each tract of land therein included is hereby found to be benefitted by the assessment levied against it. 2. Such assessment shall be payable in one (1) annual installment payable on or before the first Monday in January 2001 and shall bear interest at the rate of 8 percent per annum from the date of the adoption of this assessment resolution. To the first installment shall be added interest on the entire assessment from the date ofthis resolution until December 31,2000. 3. The owner of the property so assessed may, at any time prior to certification of the assessment to the county auditor, pay the whole of the assessment on such property with interest accrued to the date of payment, to the City Treasurer, except that no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid within 30 days from the adoption of this resolution. 4. The City Administrator shall forthwith transmit a certified duplicate ofthis assessment roll to the county auditor to be extended on the proper tax list of the county, and such assessment shall be collected and paid over in the same manner as other municipal taxes. Adopted by the City Council this 25th day of October, 1999. Mayor City Administrator " A . -. '" 2 ~' QJ Q.,. E :v :;: "~ 0.. "' :::: 'E ~ ... - :v .!:;. a. ... QJ ~ U "' ..Q ~ ;j E ~ Cl :v Cii "~ ~ rn :> c: 3: 0 0 ~ <II E <0 D QJ ~ o.n c: C>- QJ . ,.,. ..21 0 ..Q 0 :::J C>- ~ ,!a <D E ." -'" "' 0> .c :> '~ .!!! 0 S \,J c: QJ -= Cii 0 'c: "0 i.O ..c: c: ~ c: c: 3: -~ 0 .!!! 06 0 QJ ,~ D ~ ':; 3: C>- O> i.O ~ 06 .5 c: .... ..Q '3: ~ '" 2 "' ~ E QJ c: c: c: "~ 0 ~ C\l 0) QJ 0 E a. "(j) E () ::: :::: . ~ ... \,J "" '0 c: :::: c: <ll \,J X. .2 E "' '" ~ C c ~ QJ QJ <ll 'E 'E e- QJ 0 QJ QJ ~ E a. C>- ... i.O -'" 0 0 ,!!! () ::: "" QJ QJ 0: 0: (u c: ~ :> .!:::l QJ ~ E c: 0 c: c: :2: "' ct 'w 0 0 -0) :::: c: "' "' "' -n; :v 0 --' :::J c: c: C\l ~ "(j) ~ -0 0 0 ..c: ,Q "' <ll QJ E E () -n; ::: ~ :2: 0 U) U) ~ ~ :.:: ~ ~ N l"- N o.n N 0 N o.n '" I"- <:t <:t 0 N C"i <6 N <D C"i N N 0\ <0 N o.n <:t ~ o.n (") 0"> ,.... N N .... 0\ C"i .... VI- VI- .... '" - .... 0\ S """"I ~ =: ~ ~ S N N 0 06 0 0 '" ? 0 <0 N 0 0 N n 0 -' <:t ~ 0 Ui N "' N <:t 0"> 0 0 0 UJ 0 o.n 0"> ~ 0 0 ~ 0 -'" 9 ,.... 0"> . ..;. r-!.. C\l 0 -. ct C; C; QJ 0"> 0 ,.... 0 0 '!;; 9 ,.... o.n N J, J, C\l o.n "~ J, J, 25 to o.n 0: o.n cO to o.n ,.... ,.... fiB . . . 12. City Council Agenda - 10/25/99 Consideration to adopt a resolution approvint! the Contract for Private Redevelopment amont! the Housint! and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello. the City of Monticello and Twin City Die Castin~s Company. (O.K.) A. Reference and Background: BUSINESS SUBSIDY OF THE lIRA First, the Council is requested to consider approval of the Business Subsidy Agreement of the HRA (Contract for Private Development) for compliance of the new business subsidy requirement: City Council must approve business subsidies awarded by an HRA or EDA. Because the TIF assistance exceeds $100,000, the HRA held a public hearing on the related business subsidy at their regular meeting of October 6, 1999. The lIRA found the proposed Contract for Private Development between the HRA, City and TWDC to comply with the Business Subsidy Criteria of the lIRA. The lIRA and the developer have agreed to the terms and conditions ofthe Contract. The Contract was prepared by lIRA Attorney Steve Bubul and reviewed by the attorney ofthe developer. You will note the lIRA agrees to reimburse the developer with TIF assistance in the amount not-to-exceed $225,000 with a simple interest of7.50% per annum: $210,000 for land acquisition and $15,000 for site improvements. The semi-annual payments scheduled to commence August 1,2001, from the available tax increment. The developer agrees to construct a 52,000 square foot facility in two phases with construction of Phase II completed by June 2002. The developer commits to create at least 85 new jobs for the City of Monticello by June 2002. At least 71 jobs pay no less than $8.50 per hour excluding benefits and at least 14 jobs pay no less than $12.00 per hour excluding benefits. It is the belief ofthe developer, the wages will be higher. However, for the sake of the contract and enforcement reasons, the developer prefers to be conservative. Also, please note Page 9, Section 3.6 Business Subsidy Agreement. This section is new to Private Development Contracts and again, the inclusion of the Business Subsidy Section is for compliance with the new State requirements. BUSINESS SUBSIDY OF THE CITY Secondly, the Council is requested to consider approving the Contract for Private Redevelopment because the City became a party to this contract as the City elected to make the 10% local match estimated at approximately $40,000. The up to $40,000 is a business subsidy; however, the subsidy is less than $100,000; therefore, no public hearing is required of the Council. It is suggested the City pay the storm sewer, sanitary sewer, and water trunk fees through a transfer from the General Fund into the appropriate trunk reserve funds in order to ensure funding for future infrastructure development. Assuming 1 . City Council Agenda - 10/25/99 the State awards the City of Monticello the $460,000 Minnesota Investment Fund Grant, the HRA can by Law and agrees to reimburse the City from 5% ofthe Tax Increment for all or a portion of the local match as described on Page 12, Section 3.8. Fee Waiver: Local Contribution. An HRA can reimburse a City for the local match from tax increment by Law, only, when State or Federal dollars are received for a project. The amount eligible for reimbursement is determined by a designated formula. B. Alternative Actions: 1. A motion to adopt a resolution approving the Contract for Private Redevelopment among the HRA, the City, and Twin City Die Castings Company. 2. A motion to deny adoption of the resolution approving the Business Subsidy Agreement and the Contract for Private Redevelopment between the lIRA, the City, and Twin City Die Castings Company. 3. A motion to table any action. C. Recommendation: . The City Administrator and Economic Development Director recommend Alternative No. 1. D. Supporting Data: Excerpts from the Contract, resolution for adoption, and defined job and wage goals. . 2 . . . Development Property, or increases or decreases the costs of any individual item of the Minimum Improvements by more than $100,000. "Minimum Improvements" means the construction on the Development Property of a machining and die casting facility, including office space related to and necessary for such manufacturing uses, consisting of an initial facility containing approximately 36,000 square feet ("Phase f') and an addition containing approximately 16,000 square feet ("Phase IT'). "Mortgage" means any mortgage made by the Developer which is secured, in whole or in part, with the Development Property and which is a permitted encumbrance pursuant to the provisions of Article VITI of this Agreement. "Phase" means a phase of the Minimum Improvements, as described in the definition of Minimum Improvements. "Project" means Redevelopment Project No.1. "Project Area" means the real property located within the boundaries of the Project. "Redevelopment Plan" means the Authority's Redevelopment Plan for Redevelopment Project No.1, as it may be modified. "State" means the State of Minnesota. "Tax Increment" means that portion of the real property taxes which is paid with respect to the Development Property and which is remitted to the Authority as tax: increment pursuant to the Tax Increment Act. "Tax Increment Act" or "TIF Act" means the Tax Increment Financing Act, Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.174 to 469.179, as amended. ''Tax Increment District" or ''TIP District" means Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-23. "Tax Increment Plan" or ''TIP Plan" means the tax: increment financing plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-26, as approved October 25, 1999, and as it may be amended. ''Tax Official" means any County assessor; County auditor; County or State board of equalization, the commissioner of revenue of the State, or any State or federal district court, the tax: court of the State, or the State Supreme Court. ''Termination Date" means the earlier of August 1, 2010, or the date on which the Developer has been fully reimbursed for the Land Acquisition and Site Improvement Costs (as defined in Section 3.4 of this Agreement) and the City has been fully reimbursed for the City Reimbursement Amount (as defmed in Section 3.8 of this Agreement), all in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 51B-169036 MNI90-79 3 J;J, - . . . ARTICLE m ACQuisition of Pronertv: Site ImDrovements: Financial Assistance Section 3.1. Status of the Development ProDertv. As of the date of this Agreement, the Developer has entered into a purchase agreement with a third party for the Development Property. The Authority shall have no obligation to purchase the property or any portion thereof. Section 3.2. Soil Conditions. The Developer acknowledges that the Authority makes no representations or warranties as to the condition of the soils on the Development Property or its fitness for construction of the Minimum Improvements or any other purpose for which the Developer may make use of such property. The Developer further agrees that it will indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the Authority and its governing body members, officers, and employees, from any claims or actions arising out of the presence, if any, of hazardous wastes or pollutants on the Development Property. The Developer's obligations under this Section 3.2 shall survive tennination of this Agreement. Section 3.3. Payment of Administrative Costs. The Developer agrees that it will pay upon demand by the Authority, Administrative Costs (as hereafter defmed). For the purposes of this Agreement, the tenn "Administrative Costs" means out-of-pocket costs incurred by the Authority and attributable to or incurred in connection with the negotiation and preparation of this Agreement and other documents and agreements in connection with the development contemplated hereunder. Out-of-pocket Administrative Costs shall be evidenced by invoices, statements, or other reasonable written evidence of the costs incurred by the Authority. As of the date of this Agreement, the Developer has deposited $5,000 with the Authority to be applied toward Administrative Costs. The amount by which this deposit exceeds the Authority's actual Administrative Costs, if any, shall, upon demand by the Developer, be returned to the Developer, but no earlier than the date on which the Developer receives a Certificate of Completion pursuant to Section 4.4 of this Agreement Section 3.4. Land Acquisition and Site Improvement. (a) In order to make development of the Minimum Improvements economically feasible, the Authority will reimburse the Developer, in the manner and amounts set forth herein, for: (i) up to $210,000 of the Land Acquisition Costs, hereby defined as the Developer's cost of acquiring the Development Property; and (ii) up to $15,000 of the Site Improvement Costs, hereby defined as the costs of landscaping, soil correction, eligible exterior lighting, curb construction, and paving (the "Site Improvements") designed to serve the Minimum Improvements. Any costs in excess of these respective amounts shall be the responsibility of the Developer. The Authority shall have no obligation to the Developer or to any third party with respect to any defects in the construction of the Site Improvements or the Minimum Improvements. (b) The Authority is authorized to acquire real property and convey such property to private entities at a price detennined by the Authority in order to facilitate development or redevelopment of the Development Property. The Authority has determined that in order to make development of the Minimum Improvements financially feasible, it is necessary to reduce the cost of acquisition of the Development Property. The Authority has also determined that, in light of SJB-169036 MN190-79 7 I~ -.. . . . potential environmental contamination of the Development Property and potential liability that could be incurred by the Authority if the Authority takes title to the Development Property, it is in the best interest of the Authority for the Developer to acquire the Development Property directly from its current owner. Section 3.5. Financing of Land Acauisition and Site Imorovement Costs. In order to make development of the Minimum Improvements economically feasible, the Authority will reimburse the Developer for the Land Acquisition Costs and Site Improvement Costs in accordance with the following terms and conditions: (a) Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Land Acquisition Costs and Site Improvement Costs will be paid with simple interest thereon at 7.50% per annum, interest commencing to accrue on the date that the Developer complies with the cost certification requirement described in paragraph (1) of this Section. The Land Acquisition Costs and Site Improvement Costs will be paid by the Authority to the Developer in semi-annual installments payable on each February 1 and August 1 ("Payment Dates") commencing August 1, 2001 and concluding no later than the Termination Date. These payments will be made from Available Tax mcrement as defined in this Section 3.3 and from no other source. (b) The term "Available Tax Increment" means 89.75% of the Tax Increment with respect to the Development Property as calculated by the County and paid to the Authority during the six months preceding any Payment Date. (c) If on any Payment Date there is available to the Authority insufficient Available Tax Increment to pay the amounts due on such date, the amount of such deficiency shall be deferred and shall be paid, without interest thereon, on the next Payment Date on which the Authority has available to it Available Tax Increment in excess of the amount necessary to pay the amount due on such Payment Date. (d) The Authority shall have no obligation to pay any portion of the Land Acquisition Costs or the Site Improvement Costs that remains unpaid after the Termination Date. The Authority may prepay all or party of the Land Acquisition Costs or the Site Improvement Costs at any time. (e) The Authority shall not be obligated to make any payment under this Section if: (i) there is an Event of Default on the Developer's part under this Agreement that has not been cured; or (ii) the Developer has failed to comply with the payment procedures described herein. (1) At least 30 days before becoming entitled to receive any payment hereunder, the Developer must submit to the Authority a payment request certificate signed by its duly authorized representative stating: (i) that the Developer has paid Land Acquisition Costs in at least the amount of $210,000 and Site hnprovement Costs in at least the amount of $15,000; (ii) that no Event of Default has occurred and is continuing under this Agreement; and (iii) that the Developer has received a Certificate of Completion pursuant to Section 4.4 of this Agreement. The payment request certificate must be accompanied by evidence satisfactory to the Authority that the Land Acquisition Costs and Site Improvement Costs have been incurred and paid by the Developer. 51B-169036 MN19o-79 8 Jd. j . . (g) The Authority makes no warranties or representations that Available Tax Increment will be sufficient to pay the Land Acquisition Costs or the Site Improvement Costs. The Developer agrees and understands that Available Tax Increment is subject to calculation by the County and change in State law. and that a significant portion of Land Acquisition Costs and Site Improvement Costs may remain unpaid after the Termination Date. The Developer further agrees and understands that estimates of Available Tax Increment provided by the Authority and its agents. officers. or employees are estimates only and not intended for the Developer's reliance. Section 3.6. Business Subsidv Al!reement. The provisions of this Section constitute the "business subsidy agreement" between the Developer and the Authority and between the Developer and the City. for the purposes of the Business Subsidy Act. (a) General Terms. The parties agree and represent to each other as follows: (1) The subsidy provided to the Developer by the Authority consists of payments to the Developer for Land Acquisition Costs and Site Improvement Costs under Section 3.5 hereof. which payments represents a forgivable loan that is repayable by the Developer in accordance with this Section. The payments under Section 3.5 are payable from a portion of the Tax Increments from the TIF District. an economic development tax increment financing district. The subsidy provided to the Developer by the City consists of waiver of certain fees as described in Section 3.8. which waiver represents a forgivable loan that is repayable by the Developer in accordance with this Section. Those payments may be indirectly financed by tax increments from the TIF District, as described in Section 3.8. \ (2) The public purposes of the subsidy are to promote development of a manufacturing facility in the City. increase net jobs in the City and the State. and increase the tax base of the City and the State. (3) The goals for the subsidy are: to secure development of the Minimum Improvements on the Development Property; to maintain such improvements as a manufacturing facility for at least five years as described in clause (6) below; and to create the jobs and wage levels in accordance with Section 3.6(b) hereof. (4) If the goals described in clause (3) are not met. the Developer must make the payments to the Authority and City described in Section 3.6(c). (5) The subsidy is needed because land acquisition costs and site development costs make development of the Minimum Improvements infeasible without public assistance. all as determined by the City upon approval of the TIF Plan. (6) The Developer must continue operation of the Minimum Improvements as a manufacturing facility for at least five years after the date of issuance of the certificate of completion. (7) The Developer does not have a parent corporation [or name the parent corp.] SJB-169036 MN190-79 9 J), . . . (8) In addition to the assistance provided under this Agreement, the Developer expects to receive the following assistance in connection with the Minimum Improvements: (a) a loan from the Monticello Economic Development Authority ("EDN') in the amount of $100,000; and (b) a loan from the City (through the State Department of Trade and Economic Development) in the amount of $400,000 to $500,000. However, nothing in this paragraph constitutes a contractual obligation by the Authority, the City or the EDA with respect to such assistance. The parties anticipate that the Developer will enter into separate business subsidy agreements with the City and EDA in connection with such additional assistance. (b) Job and Wage Goals. Within two years after the date of issuance of the certificate of completion of Phase I (the "Compliance Date"), the Developer shall cause to be created at least 85 new full-time equivalent jobs on the Development Property (excluding any jobs previously existing in the State as of the date of this Agreement and relocated to this site) and shall cause the wages for such employees on the Development Property to be as follows: at least 14 jobs pay no less than $12.00 per hour, exclusive of benefits, and at least 71 jobs pay no less than $8.50 per hour, exclusive of benefits. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, if the wage and job goals described in this paragraph are met by the Compliance Date, those goals are deemed satisfied despite the Developer's continuing obligations under Sections 3.6(a)(6) and 3.6(d). The Authority may, after a public hearing, extend the Compliance Date by up to one year, provided that nothing in this section will be construed to limit the Authority's legislative discretion regarding this matter. (c) Remedies. If the Developer fails to meet the goals described in Section 3.6(a)(3), the Developer shall repay (1) to the Authority upon written demand from the Authority a "pro rata share" of the amount of any payments made to the Developer under Section 3.5 hereof, (2) to the City upon written demand from the City a pro rata share of the amount of any fee waivers granted under Section 3.8, and (3) to the Authority and City, respectively, interest on the amounts in clauses (1) and (2) at the implicit price deflator as defmed in Minnesota Statutes, Section 275.50, subd. 2, accrued from the date of issuance of the certificate of completion to the date of payment. The term "pro rata share" means percentages calculated as follows: (i) if the failure relates to the number of jobs, the jobs required less the jobs created, divided by the jobs required; (ii) if the failure relates to wages, the number of jobs required less the number of jobs that meet the required wages, divided by the number of jobs required; (iii) if the failure relates to maintenance of the Minimum Improvements in accordance with Section 3.6(a)(6), 60 less the number of months of operation as a manufacturing facility (where any month in which the facility is in operation for at least 15 days constitutes a month of operation), commencing on the date of the certificate of completion and ending with the date the facility ceases operation as determined by the Authority Representative, divided by 60; and (iv) if more than one of clauses (i) through (iti) apply, the sum of the applicable percentages, not to exceed 100%. SJB-169036 MN190-79 10 (;) j . . Nothing in this Section shall be construed to limit the Authority's or City's remedies under Article IX hereof. In addition to the remedy described in this Section and any other remedy available to the Authority or City for failure to meet the goals stated in Section 3.6(a)(3), the Developer agrees and understands that it may not a receive a business subsidy from the Authority, the City or any grantor (as defined in the Business Subsidy Act) for a period of five years from the date of the failure or until the Developer satisfies its repayment obligation under this Section, whichever occurs first. (d) Reports. The Developer must submit to the Authority a written report regarding business subsidy goals and results by no later than March I of each year, commencing March 1, 2000 and continuing until the later of (i) the date the goals stated Section 3.6(a)(3) are met; (ii) 30 days after expiration of the five-year period described in Section 3.6(a)(6); or (iii) if the goals are not met, the date the subsidy is repaid in accordance with Section 3.6(c). The report must comply with Section 116J.994, subdivision 7 of the Business Subsidy Act. The Authority will provide information to the Developer regarding the required forms. If the Developer fails to timely file any report required under this Section, the Authority will mail the Developer a warning within one week after the required filing date. If, after 14 days of the postmarked date of the warning, the Developer fails to provide a report, the Developer must pay to the Authority a penalty of $100 for each subsequent day until the report is filed. The maximum aggregate penalty payable under this Section $1,000. (e) Audits. Upon written request of the Authority or City in any year, the Developer shall retain at its expense an independent, third party accountant to audit any job and wage report submitted by the Developer under paragraphs (d) or (f) of this Section. The Developer must deliver to the Authority a written report from the accountant promptly upon completion of such audit. (f) Green Acres Wage Requirements. The Developer acknowledges that the Development Property qualified for "green acres" status under Minnesota Statutes, Section 273.111 within five years prior to the request for certification of the District, and Developer is therefore subject to the requirements of Section 469.176, subd. 7 of the TIF Act, in addition to the wage goals described in paragraph (b) of this Section. The Developer shall cause at least 90% of the jobs located on the Development Property to pay a rate equal to or greater than 160% of the federal minimum wage for individuals over the age of 20. This requirement commences upon occupancy of the Minimum Improvements (before the Compliance Date for the job and wage goals described in paragraph (b) of this Section), and continues through the Termination Date (after the goals under paragraph (b) of this Section have been satisfied). If the Developer fails to comply with the terms of this paragraph at any time during the period before or after the requirements of paragraph (b) of this Section apply, the Authority may exercise any remedy available under Article IX of this Agreement, including without limitation termination of this Agreement or withholding of payments under Section 3.5 hereof. However, the parties agree and understand that the requirements of this paragraph do not constitute wage goals for the purposes of the Business Subsidy Act, and are not subject to the remedies described in paragraph (c) of this Section. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in paragraph (d) of this Section, the Developer shall submit a written report to the Authority upon initial occupancy of Phase I and on each March 1 thereafter through the Termination Date, describing compliance with the wage requirements of this paragraph. Failure to complete such report will constitute an Event of Default under this Agreement, but will not be subject to the $JB-169036 MN19Q..79 11 Jrd, j penalties described in paragraph (d) of this Section. Section 3.7. Use of Tax Increment Except as set forth herein, the Authority shall have no obligation to the Developer with regard to its use of Tax Increment and may use Tax Increment for any lawful purposes, whether set forth herein or otherwise. Section 3.8. Fee Waivers: Local Contribution. (a) The City will payor forgive up to $40,000 of the storm sewer trunk and sanitary sewer and water trunk fees (the "Fees") that would otherwise be due to the City and borne by the Developer in connection with development of the Development Property, subject to the terms and conditions of Section 3.6 hereof. (b) The parties anticipate that all or a portion of the local contribution requirement for the TIP District under Minnesota Statutes, Section 273.1399, Section 6(d) will be met through the Minnesota Department of Trade and Economic Development grant and loan as described in Section 3.6(a)(8). The Authority will reimburse the City for the amount of the Fees waived under Section 3.8(a), less any amount needed to meet the local contribution required for the TIP District after taking into account the allowable local contribution attributable to the City's Department of Trade and Economic Development loan, as determined by the Authority (the "City Reimbursement Amount"), subject to the following terms and conditions: . (i) The Authority will pay the City the City Reimbursement Amount in installments, without interest, on each August 1 and February 1, commencing August 1, 2001 ("City Payment Dates") through the Termination Date, which payments will be made solely from and in the amount of 5% of the Tax Increment with respect to the Development Property as calculated by the County and paid to the Authority during the six months preceding any City Payment Date. (ii) From and after the date that the Developer has been paid in full under Section 3.5, the percentage of Tax Increment payable to the City hereunder is increased to 90%. (iii) The Authority will have no obligation to pay the City any portion of the City Reimbursement Amount that remains unpaid after the Termination Date. (iv) If the Developer repays any portion of the Fees to the City under Section 3.6, such amount will be deducted from the amount payable by the Authority under this Section, and the City will promptly reimburse the Authority for any amount previously paid to the City from and to the extend of such Developer repayment . 518-169036 MN190-79 12 Jd . . . ARTICLE IV Construction of Minimum Imorovements Section 4.1. Construction of Imorovements. The Developer agrees that it will construct the Minimum Improvements on the Development Property in accordance with the approved Construction Plans and at all times during the term of this Agreement, will operate and maintain, preserve and keep the Minimum Improvements or cause such improvements to be maintained, preserved and kept with the appurtenances and every part and parcel thereof, in good repair and condition. The Authority shall not have any obligation to operate or maintain the Minimum Improvements. Section 4.2. Construction Plans. (a) Before commencement of construction of the Minimum Improvements, the Developer shall submit to the Authority Construction Plans. The Construction Plans shall provide for the construction of the Minimum Improvements and shall be in conformity with the Redevelopment Plan, this Agreement, and all applicable State and local laws and regulations. The Authority will approve the Construction Plans in writing if: (i) the Construction Plans conform to the terms and conditions of this Agreement; (ii) the Construction Plans conform to the goals and objectives of the Redevelopment Plan; (iii) the Construction Plans conform to all applicable federal, state and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations; (iv) the Construction Plans are adequate to provide for construction of the Minimum Improvements; (v) the Construction Plans do not provide for expenditures in excess of the funds available to the Developer from all sources for construction of the Minimum Improvements; and (vi) no Event of Default has occurred. Approval may be based upon a review by the City's Building Official of the Construction Plans. No approval by the Authority shall relieve the Developer of the obligation to comply with the terms of this Agreement or of the Redevelopment Plan, applicable federal, state and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations, or to construct the Minimum Improvements in accordance therewith. No approval by the Authority shall constitute a waiver of an Event of Default If approval of the Construction Plans is requested by the Developer in writing at the time of submission, such Construction Plans shall be deemed approved unless rejected in writing by the Authority, in whole or in part. Such rejections shall set forth in detail the reasons therefore, and shall be made within 10 days after the date of their receipt by the Authority. If the Authority rejects any Construction Plans in whole or in part, the Developer shall submit new or corrected Construction Plans within 10 days after written notification to the Developer of the rejection. The provisions of this Section relating to approval, rejection and resubmission of corrected Construction Plans shall continue to apply until the Construction Plans have been approved by the Authority. The Authority's approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. Said approval shall constitute a . conclusive determination that the Construction Plans (and the Minimum Improvements constructed in accordance with said plans) comply to the Authority's satisfaction with the provisions of this Agreement relating thereto. (b) If the Developer desires to make any material change in the Construction Plans after their approval by the Authority, the Developer shall submit the proposed change to the Authority for its approval. If the Construction Plans, as modified by the proposed change, conform to the requirements of this Section 4.2 of this Agreement with respect to such previously approved Construction Plans, the Authority shall approve the proposed change and notify the Developer in 8JB-169036 MN19().79 13 J~ . . . writing of its approval. Such change in the Construction Plans shall. in any event, be deemed approved by the Authority unless rejected. in whole or in part. by written notice by the Authority to the Developer. setting forth in detail the reasons therefor. Such rejection shall be made within ten (10) days after receipt of the notice of such change. The Authority's approval of any such change in the Construction Plans will not be unreasonably withheld. Section 4.3. Commencement and Comoletion of Construction. Subject to Unavoidable Delays. the Developer shall commence construction of the Phase I of Minimum Improvements by December 1. 1999. Subject to Unavoidable Delays. the Developer shall complete the construction of Phase I by June 1.2000. and shall complete construction of Phase II by June 1.2002. All work with respect to the Minimum Improvements to be constructed or provided by the Developer on the Development Property shall be in conformity with the Construction Plans as submitted by the Developer and approved by the Authority. The Developer agrees for itself, its successors and assigns. and every successor in interest to the Development Property. or any part thereof. that the Developer. and such successors and assigns. shall promptly begin and diligently prosecute to completion the development of the Development Property through the construction of the Minimum Improvements thereon, and that such construction shall in any event be commenced and completed within the period specified in this Section 4.3 of this Agreement The obligation to construct the Minimum Improvements in accordance with this Section touches and concerns the land. and shall run with the property and be binding upon all successors and assigns to the Development Property. After the date of this Agreement and until construction of the Minimum Improvements has been completed. the Developer shall make reports. in such detail and at such times as may reasonably be requested by the Authority. as to the actual progress of the Developer with respect to such construction. Section 4.4. Certificate of Comoletion. (a) Promptly after completion of the Minimum Improvements in accordance with those provisions of the Agreement relating solely to the obligations of the Developer to construct the Minimum Improvements (including the dates for beginning and completion thereof). the Authority will furnish the Developer with a Certificate shown as Exhibit B. At the Developer's request. the Authority will provide separate certificates for Phase I and Phase II. Such certification and such determination shall not constitute evidence of compliance with or satisfaction of any obligation of the Developer to any Holder of a Mortgage. or any insurer of a Mortgage, securing money loaned to finance the Minimum Improvements, or any part thereof. (b) If the Authority shall refuse or fail to provide any certification in accordance with the provisions of this Section 4.4 of this Agreement, the Authority shall. within thirty (30) days . after written request by the Developer. provide the Developer with a written statement. indicating in adequate detail in what respects the Developer has failed to complete the Minimum Improvements in accordance with the provisions of the Agreement. or is otherwise in default, and what measures or acts it will be necessary. in the opinion of the Authority. for the Developer to take or perform in order to obtain such certification. (c) The construction of the Minimum Improvements shall be deemed to be complete upon issuance of a certificate of occupancy by the City for. and the opening for business of. the Minimum Improvements. SJB-169036 MNl90-79 14 Jd . . . CITY OF MONTICELLO RESOLUTION NO . RESOLUTION APPROVING CONTRACT FOR PRIVATE REDEVELOPMENT AMONG THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, THE CITY OF MONTICELLO AND TWIN CITY DIE CASTING COMPANY WHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello ("Authority") is administering its Redevelopment Project No.1 ("Project"); and WHEREAS, within the Project the Authority has proposed to create Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-26 (the "TIP District") in order to facilitate the development of a manufacturing facility by Twin City Die Casing Company (the "Developer"); and WHEREAS, the City has on this date approved the tax increment fmancing plan for the TIP District after a duly noticed public hearing; and WHEREAS, the City has reviewed a Contract for Private Redevelopment among the Authority, the City of Monticello ("City") and the Developer (the "Contract") specifying the respective obligations of the parties regarding the TIF District and the development to be undertaken by the Developer; and WHEREAS, Section 3.6 of the Contract contains provisions that constitute a "business subsidy agreement" between the Authority and the Developer and between the City and the Developer, as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 1161. 993 to 1161.994 (the "Business Subsidy Act"); and WHEREAS, the business subsidy provided by the City under the business subsidy agreement is less than $100,000; and WHEREAS, under the Business Subsidy Act, the City Council is required to approve any business subsidy agreement entered into by either the Authority or the City; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that it is in the best interests of the City to enter into the Contract and approve the business subsidy agreement as defined in Section 3.6 of the Contract; NOW, TIlEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Monticello as follows: 1. The Contract, including the business subsidy agreement described in Section 3.6, is hereby approved in substantially the form presented to the City on this date, S18-170533 MNl9Q.-79 1 J~ . . . subject to modifications that do not materially alter the nature of the transaction, which are approved by the Mayor and City Administrator; provided that execution of the documents by such officials shall be conclusive evidence of such approval. 2. The Mayor and City Administrator are authorized and directed to execute the Contract on behalf of the City and to carry out on behalf of the City the City's obligations thereunder. 1999_ Approved by the City Council of the City of Monticello this 25th day of October, Mayor ArrEST: City Administrator SIB-l70S33 MNl90-79 2 Jd- <<T. -19' 99(TUE) 14:43 .~ . . TWIN CITY DIE CASTINGS TEL:651 644 5280 . . ,.1 Twin Citu Die C.sting!; Ccmpan!.l 1070 $. e, 33rd avenue minneapolis, minnesota 55414 (661) 645-3611 October 19, 1999 Ollie Koropchak, Econontic Development Moticel1o 250 E. Broadway Monticello, MN 55362-2945 Dear Ollie: The following are the jobs We are committing at our expansion in Monticello by summer of2002. 24 Die Cast Machine Operators 20 Trim Operators 5 Tool Room 5 Maint- Mechanic 5 Maint- General 1 Truck Driver 2 Shipping 18 Machining 2 Reception 2 Quality Engineers 1 Technical Engineer $11.001hr $ 8.S01hr $15.001hr $ 14.001br $ 9.001hr S12.001br $10.001hr $11. OOIhr $1 LOO/hr $2 L OOIhr S28.001hr I have. left offmy position as General Manager and the'Die Cast Supervisor as these arc transfers to the new plant. 'I1cerely, ~ I=, ~ J Y E. Eller CC: Leonard Kirscht, SBA Lending Officer . Paul Mae, Trade and Economic Development ,j n P. 001 Jd, . . . 13. City Council Agenda - 10/25/99 Consideration to review a counter-otTer for approval to fund the aCQuisition of the property located at 1 Locust Street. O.K. A. Reference and Background: At the Council meeting of October 11, 1999, the Council approved funding the acquisition ofthe property located at 1 Locust Street in the amount ofthe 1999 assessed value, $61,400. HRA Commissioner Dan Frie volunteered to prepare a Purchase Agreement on behalf of the HRA/City. The purchase offer was submitted to the owners, Timothy and Nancy Holm, on October 13, 1999. On October 15, 1999, the owners, Timothy and Nancy Holm, counter-offered at a price of $85,900. Status of the property: The previous tenants have vacated the property and per the owners, their son plans to complete some repairs and occupy the house. Whether this is permanent or temporary, I'm not sure. The following are options for the Council to consider. B. Alternative Action: 1. A motion to approve funding the acquisition of the vacated property located at 1 Locust Street at the appraised value or less. 2. A motion to approve funding the acquisition ofthe vacated property located at 1 Locust Street at the counter-offer price of $85,900. 3. A motion of no interest to fund the acquisition of the property located at 1 Locust Street. 4. A motion to table any action. C. Recommendation. lfthe City Council is interested in the funding the acquisition, the dollars are available through the General Fund or Capital Improvement Fund. The City Administrator; however, recommends a counter-offer of not- to-exceed the appraised value or Alternative No.1. D. Supportin€! Data: Copy of Page 1 of the Purchase Agreement noting counter-offer and copy of the October 11, 1999 Council agenda supplement. 1 . . " ~ ()ff"d. ~7~ /r~ ---P:;-C ~. PURCHASE AGREEMENT Thlslonn approved by the Mlnnesote AS!lQClatlon 01 REALTORS<<!, which disclaims any liability arising out of use Or misuse 01 this lonn. e 1998, Minnesota Association 01 REAL TORS4ll, Edina, MN 1. Date CJr-ot-"'"-r 1 'I. 1 QQQ 2. Page 1 01 5 Pages 3. RECEIVED OF Fl.....a i"'J ..nA Dad."9] QpIIlORt AlitA"!'! ty for' the 4. City of Monticello 5. the sum 01 ""9 th.....9..R~ Dollars ($ 1 /XlO IYI ) 6. b~CASH I NOTE as earnest money to be deposited upon acceptance of Purchase Agreement by all parties, on or ..-..-----~-----{cifcle one) .......~-- 7. bldore the third business dey after acceptance, In the trust account of listing broker but to be returned to Buyer If Purcha.e 8. Agreement Is not accepted by Seller. Said earnest money Is part payment lor the purchase 01 the property located at: 9. Street Address: 1 l.l"X"!Il",t- !';tr_t- 10. City of HeAticdle ,County 01 Wriaht State of Minnesota. 11. Legally desCribed as: Northerly 99 feet of Lots 6 and 7, Block 55 12. Oriainal Plat of Monticello 13. including the following property, if any, owned by Seller and used and located on said property: garden bulbs. plants, shrub~, and 14. trees; storm sash, storm doors, screens and awnings; window llhades, blinds, traverse and curtain end drapery rods; attached lighting 15. fhdures and bulbs; plumbing fixtures, water heater, heating plants (with any bumers, tanks, stokers and other equ~' nt used in 16. connection therewith), bullHn aIr conditioning equipment, electronic air lilter, water softener OWNED I AENTED ON, built-In ---\clrdeone) . 17. humidifier and dehumidifier, liquid gas tank and controls (II the property of Seller), sump pump; attached telev sian antenna, cable TV 18. jacks and wiring; BUlLT.lNS: dishwashers, garbage disposals, trash compactors, ovens, cook top stoves, microwave ovens, hood fans, 19. Intercoms; ATTACHED: carpeting; mirrors; garage door openers and all controls; smoke detectors; fireplace screens, doors and 20. heatilators; ANO: the following personal property: 21. None 22. 23. all of which property Seller has this day agreed to sell to Buyer for sum of: ($ 61,400 00 24. lilixt.y OR9 'nI0'1.."'''' GOO.... ll..nA..At'! Dollars, 25. which Buyer agrees to pay In the following manner: Eamest money of $ 1,000.00 26. and $ M.4lOn 00 cash on November 15, 1999 ,the date of closing, and 27. the balance of $ by financing In accordance with the attached addendum: 28. Conventional FHA VA AlI8umptlon Contract for Deed Purch.se Money Mortgage Other: .-----.----.--.............---......................--...----. ......-..~----------.........._---~--.(c1..I. 811 th.t .pply) ..-...--__......_.._..______~.........._.__~__.....____...__~.... 29. This Purchase Agreement IS IS NOT ubjeclto a Contingency Addendum for sale of Buyer's property. (If answer Is IS, see attached addendum.) "'(circ 30. This Purchase Agreement IS IS NOT ubject to cancellation of a previously written Purchase Agreement dated . 31. Buyer has been made awa;~l'the avail~blllly 01 property inspections. Buyer ~l~~c~~~~o have a property inspection performed at 32. Buyer's expense. This Purchase Agreement ~~ (~_ ~,!)~Ubject to an Inspection Addendum. (If answer Is IS, see attached addendum.) 33. DEEDIMARKETABLE TITLE: Upon performance by Buyer, Seller shall deliver a Warranty Deed 34. joined in by spouse, If any, conveying marketable title, subject to: 35. (A) Building and zoning laws, ordinances, state and federal regulations; (B) Restrictions relating to use or Improvement of the property 36. without effective forfeiture provisions; (e) Reservation of any mineral rights by the State of Minnesota; (D) Utility and drainage 37. easements which do not interfere with existing Improvements; (E) Rlghr. of tenants .s follows (unless specified, not subject to 38. tenancies): 39. (F) Others (Must be s 40. BUYER SHALL PAY SELLER SHALL PA n date of closing any deferred real estate taxes (i.e. Green Acres, etc.) or special ....-........-.-..-----...-.........-...(c1rcl.o .... 41. Assessments. payment 0 which is required as a resuit of the closing of this sale. 42. BUYER AND SELLER SHALL PRORATE AS OF THE DATE OF CLOSING I ELLER SHALL PAY ON DATE OF CL II installments ---------..-...........------------..-...........------.-...........----..........-.....-----..........-------.- (clrcl. on'l -----.............- 43. of special assessments certified lor payment with the real estate taxes due and paya e In t e yea 44. BUYER SHALL ASSUME SELLEA SHALL PAY n date of closing all other special assessments levied as of the date of this Agreement. ........~~______.__~_.n...~~______ (clrele one 45. BUYER SHALL ASSUME I ial assessments pending as of the date of this Agreement ~--------~............-..---------.--~.-......-..--------.....- C:I lor improvements that have been ordere by the City Council or other assessing authorities. (Seller's provision for payment Shall be by payment into escrow 01 two (2) times the estimated amount of the assessments, or less as required by Buyer's lender.) Buyer shall pay any unpaid special assessments payable In the year following closing and thereafter, the payment of which Is not otherwise herein provided. As 01 the date 01 this Agreement, Seller represents that Seller HAS~!,!.~eived a notice of hearing for a new public Improvement project from any governmental assessing aUfhority, the co-;;i'; ~f whic project may be assessed against the property. Any such notice received by Seller aller the date of this Agreement and before closing will be provided to Buyer Immediately. If notice of a pending special assessment Is Issued alter the date of this Agreement and on or belore the date of closing, Buyer shall assume payment of ~~L ~ OTHER: of any such special assessments, and Seller shall provide for payment on date of closing ~':.'=-~~~~~ of any such special assessments. If such special assessments or escrow amounts for said special assessments as required by Buyer's lender shall exceed $ -0- ,then either party may egree In writing on or belore the date of closing to assume, payor provide for tt>e payment of such excess. In thll absence of such agreement, either party may declare this Purchase Agreement null and void; the parties shall Immediately sign a cancellation of Purchase Agreement and all eamest money paid hereunder shall be refunded to Buyer. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. . 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. MN:PA.I (9198) 13 A . . , City Council Agenda - 10/11/99 8. Consideration to approve fundine for acauisition of the property located at 1 Locust Street. O.K. A. Reference and Background: On August 23, 1999, the City Council members received an information item relating to the owner's interest to sell the property located at 1 Locust Street and the HRA's request for direction. It appeared, Council members agreed and recognized the area encompasses the following: substandard parcels, safety concerns, and an unattractive image. In response to the HRA's request for direction on how or ifto proceed with acquisition, the Council suggested the HRA authorize an appraisal of the property. The completed appraisal is attached for your review; however, please keep in mind an appraisal of the HRA bv Law is not public information for all intent purposes unless a) there is an agreed exchange of appraisals, b) a purchase agreement has been executed, or c) submitted as part of a court hearing process. On September 24, 1999, lIRA Commissioner Dan Frie and Koropchak met the property owner and viewed at the exterior and interior of the property. Commissioner Frie reported to the Commissioners and estimated a minimum cost range of $12,000 to $15,000 to rehabilitate the property for purpose of rental and up to $25,000 for a complete rehabilitation. Based on that information and the completed appraisal, the lIRA approved a motion recommending the purchase of the property located at 1 Locust Street at the appraised value for purpose of demolition and requested the City Council consider funding the acquisition. The HRA commissioners recognized the recommendation to acquire this property is inconsistent with the recommendation of the North Anchor. However, the commissioner's observation noted the vast deterioration of this one property compared to the remaining properties on Block 55. Also, the lIRA commissioners recalled the concerns voiced at the North Anchor public information meeting. For sake of consistency and future redevelopment of the North Anchor area, it is recommended the HRA purchase the parcel (have title) and the City fund the acquisition. If purchased, the HRA would have title to the Hawkins, Reed, Schlief, and Holm properties. The current owners are interested in selling and are anticipating a reply or offer from the lIRA or City. At this point, they are unaware of the appraised value or potential offer. The current tenants were given a thirty-day notice to vacate by the owners, effective sometime in September. However, as of October 8, they still occupied the property. 1 } 3B . City Council Agenda - 10/11/99 B. Alternative Action: 1. A motion to approve funding the acquisition ofthe vacated property located at 1 Locust Street as the appraised value and directing the lIRA to proceed with acquisition. 2. A motion of no interest to fund the acquisition ofthe property located at 1 Locust Street. 3. A motion to table any action. C. Recommendation. If the City Council is interested in the funding the acquisition, the City Administrator recommends the acquisition expenditure be taken the General Fund or the Capital Outlay Fund. D. Supportinl! Data: Copy of the appraisal. . , 2 13 g . . . Council Agenda - 10/25/99 14. Consideration of an offer for purchase of Senior Citizens Buildine - Dennis Anderson (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: A few weeks ago, the Council rcviewed the appraisals we had obtained on thc Senior Citizens building and agreed to ofTer the property for sale with an asking price of $190,000. It is expccted that the Senior Citizcns building will be vacated in early January upon thcir move to the ncw community center. An ad has been recently placed in the Monticello Times offering thc propcrty for sale. Mr. Dennis Anderson, owner of the May tag Laundromat currently locatcd next to Ace Hardware has prepared an offcr for the purchase of the Senior Citizens building in ordcr to relocate his laundromat to a larger facility. Mr. Anderson is interested in creating a May tag Laundry Super Store by increasing the size of thc operation from 1,800 square feet to 4,800 square fcet. The new laundromat would include a drop off laundry service in addition to the self-service format and also may provide alterations and sewing services in addition to an on-site attcndm1t for personal service. Mr. Anderson's proposal is offering $120,000 for the building under a contract for deed format with a total down payment of$25,000 and the balance at 7% interest for a period often years. As you may note, the purchase agreement indicates the offcr is contingent upon an approved bid to run a 2" water line, which would be required for a laundromat facility, from the street to the building,. While the purchase agreement does not specify the water line to be paid by the City it is an item that Mr. Anderson was questioning whether the City would consider providing as part of the sale. It would be my recommendation that the building should be sold as is and that all remodeling or utility costs would simply be the responsibility of a buyer. In addition to Mr. Anderson's proposal, Mr. Don Smith of the Monticello Times has inquired about the property but has not made any proposals for acquisition. It is not known at this time whether there is any interest by Mr. Smith in acquiring the property, or whether his concerns relate to the eventual use of the property since he is an adjacent property owner. As you know, the property has limited parking available on site and is currently providing approximately 10-12 spaces along the south side of the building. This has been the arrangement for as long as the City has owned the property which has been over 22 years. It is Mr. Anderson's opinion that 10-12 spaces would be adequate for a laundromat facility as he has not experienced this type usage at other facilities hc owns. Another issue related to the use as a laundromat is in regards to our sewer hookup fees. When Mr. Anderson established the present May tag laundry facility in the Harry's Auto building next to Ace Hardware, he had paid for sanitary sewer hookup charges for the 27-30 washing machines. Mr. Anderson would likc his sewer hookup fees to be transferred to this new location since he will be eliminating the other laundromat and therefore there will be no increase in the sewer demand on the City's system. While this appears to be a reasonable request, we have not technically transferred sewer credits throughout the community in the past from one location to another. Incidences where property owners have been given credit is when it relates to a specific parcel, for example, Monticello Ford was given credit for a new carwash based on the f~lct that their old carwash will be abandoncd on their same site. The only difference in this case would be that the laundromat . . , Council Agenda - 10/25/99 would not be on the same property but the same principle could apply in that the use is not increased, hut simply being relocated. Mr. Anderson has noted that ifhe would be required to repay a new sewer hookup charge, this cost of $20,000-$24,000 may make the project unfeasible. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would be to accept the offer as proposed subjcct to a clarification on the contingcncy regarding the 2" water line and an understanding on the sanitary sewer hookup fees that would apply to this property. 2. If the purchase price or contingencies are not acceptable to the Council, a counteroffer could be proposed. 3. Since the ad has just been placed advertising the property for sale, thc Council could table any action for two weeks to allow other interested parties an opportunity to present purchase proposals. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator that if the purchase offer is acceptahle to the Council, a clarification needs to be arrived at first on who is responsible for the installation of a 2" water line and whether the sewer hookup fees can be transferred from the previous location to the new one. In addition, it is also recommended that the City not be responsible for real estate taxes due and payable in the year 2001. Initially, Mr. Anderson understood that the property would be tax exempt even in the year 2001 and that is why he proposed it in the purchase agreement. In my conversations with the County Assessor, it appears that this property would be taxable in 200 I and therefore the City should not agree to pay real estate taxes. If the Council feels it is important to allow additional time for other offers to be made, the Council could discuss the issue of allowing the transfer of sewer credits in this particular case and table any action for two weeks. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of letter and purchase agreement proposal. . . , 1 0-18-99 City of Monticello Monticello, MN Enclosed is an offer to purchase the Senior Center in Monticello located at 107 Cedar St. Plans for the Building To build a "Maytag Laundry Superstore" );. Increase total square footage from 1800 sq ft. (current store located by NAPA Auto) to 4800 sq ft. );. Self-service laundry );. Drop-off laundry service. We'll do your laundry for you! ).0. Alterations and sewing services );> On-site attendants for personal service Our estimate to remodel the building including mechanical systems is $80-$90,000. This does not include cost of washers and dryers. Because of our large start up costs, could the city help us in the following areas? 1. Provide a 2" water line from street to building (Approx. 60 ft). 2. Wave any sewer access charges. 3. Is there any low interest money available for downtown buildings? 4. Are there any grants available for interior or exterior remodeling? My final thoughts are: 1. Other sites are opening along Hwy. 25 S, however, we believe a Laundromat belongs downtown. 2. We have never been late with a rent or CD payment in our life and don't plan to be now. 3. If the city needs to cash out, we are willing to obtain a bank loan, however, we would prefer to save closing costs and work direct with the city. 4. We would appreciate any help or advice you can give us to successfully bring this new Laundromat downtown. C;;;"JJI~ Dennis Anderson, owner May tag Laundry J'-IA . PURCHASE AGREEMENT ~ fY/6."C,LLd RECEIVED OF (j)et1l/l~de:;.SCrrL- d VI m%~A: htWNOe, .n..u",ol ~ IJE ~ d 1111 NO WHlTE-ottiC't' CopY YELLOW-aUYlI!r'!1 Copy PINK-$tellef's Copy ).Minn.. 10-/% 19~ ~.aI. !P- 1$ ~ I '0 ) DOLLARS as earnest monl!tv and in part psymen1 for Ihll!ll purchase of property at M ItJ7 CedAr Sf, , r?1P1ftce/b; situated in the Coun.y 01 IJJ ~h r ,ncludln~~~ulb~lan.~ar:.~b' :~es all 510<'" .a.n .10<'" doors. dalacnabla ""."bules. ,ween.. awn,ngs. ...n<low snad.s blonds I,neludlng vene',an blonds) cur'aln rodS. traverse rOdS. IJrapery fOds. hgnhng IIlItlures ancl bulbs. plumbing fi~ures, hot water lanks and hearing plant (with any burnef9. tanks. stokers and othttf equipment used In connecllon th@reWlln), waler !iotte-ner and liquId gas lank and controls (It tl'le propetty of seller), sump pump, television antenna, incinerator, bUilt-I" dishwastter, gartJage disposal. ovens, coole; lop stoves and cenfrBI air conditionilig equipment, if any, used and locared on said premises and Including also the following personal property: . Slate ot Minnesota. and legally described as foltows. to wit . (7l1 (s/,..?t1,Ol1lJ ~LLARS Earnes.",oneyh.r.,npa'ds-5;"mzJ an"~fdJD..e- ea.non jJ1/11?C/-/ go., eJd1Jz:J ,.nedaloolclosmg. IInd i/t? b!lt4-*ce 0+ Sq3:>O{)(} .by Ctld If'/JCI- -Jar'D!3EfJ .be/tu"e.--r. f:wr6Z... ~ 5eLJer ,4-+ Ifn inftNd r~ , 7~ I/r1 d .Mr ~ #r", ( 10 i!'./1f'r. 8~ m~ ~ll1J n+ /h1rfr,tnl JVrll()(1 p!N~, 01 CD shl1tl MI/(I()1@ /r5tJ 111dS, m(h1!1t~ ft1r/l11?Y1T shAll 6e 49t1O~ IIJL, fM~ +'"d(,(~sr, 5Mk sh"d ~ 'bult IlL -10 relrld cfq.l el1ht2L- hI. ~. IllS', ck if Oils, t.k -/hI1/- CUt fj,.",,s. -10. tit., ~ck ., (('~/t~. 1/115 tff'.kA- is ~ tKf~ ~ /'JYf I1ff'dVPcf b,d su:l!ro p~'~~nc. ~Ih.:::rln~~/:.o. ~.:. .~t. 5r48i -I -Ie BU;uJ i ' tJl!I1M KL (to be jOined in by spouse, if aliy) conveYing markeu~bte tllle 10 said premj~es subjecl only 10 tt'te following excePtions; (a) Building and zoning tawlS, ordinances. Slale and Federal regulallons (b) Restric:tion$ retallng 10 use or improvem@nl 01 premiSl!s wntlouf effective forfeiture ptovision Ie) Reservalion of any minerals or mineral rigMts 10 the Slate of Mllinesota (d) Utility and drainage easements wtm:h do nollntedere w.11'I pruenllmprOVll!tmenlS (e) RighlS of lenants as follows: (unle ~peeified, nol ~ubi8C110 tenancies) -1.N)O ~ :J.tJO t q, Seller agrees 10 pay of lI1e feAI 8s1ale lal(8S due and p:aya8fe "'l;:;'1ne year llf--=----, BlJye~.:l.o pay ,()( J 4J or Il'Ie real estate ^' .. _ JIlXII!t\!,U!,,_ a!,~C:lI!1yable In 11'18 ye>ar 44 ell@r warrants tl'lat rll!tal 8slali! fal(~s due """0 payable in the year(sl '8 will be 'fUtt."'. .,.,...... lJ)I"f~1~~:!~:~.\M~Yf-I~;lIn..1I classificAtion lc:heck one). Neith8r the seller nor sellor's 8g~'2ny represenlation of warranty Wh,SJPo~c:onc:ernlng the amovnt ot real estate taxes whleh Ithall be assessed against Ihe property 9ubseQUenl to Ihe dale of pl,lrCl'la!ill!t. ~ -!tr A~S)ll PAY .,!ot of all levied speciAl assessments and !lPtCialu9s8Ssments cer1i'ied to tt1e UIliU!lS due and pAvabl@ in I,",e year of closing and 10 place in eSCrOw S / ~ ~ , the apprOlcimBle amounl 0' all pending special assessments approved by the governing body as at Il1e dale of clOSIng Seller cO'v9nanls Il'1al bUildings, I' any. are entttBly wIth." Il'Ie boundary IIne!l of tl'1l1!t property and agrees 10 remove all personal properly not included l'1erein a.nd all dll!lbris from .no pre"',.es p"0' 10 pos....on da... SELLER WARRANTS ALL APPLIANCES. HEATING. AIR CONDITIONiNG. W.RING AND PLUMBING USED AND LOCATED ON SAID PREMISES ARE IN PROPER WORI\ING ORDER AT DATE OF CLOSING The seller furtl1er 81grees 10 deh'v'er po~se~:!iion not tatll!tr thi!I'''I _---'l!M.CII 1l.l"J J dJt!l:JC) agreemen. have been complied Wit" UnlesS otM'rwiSe specIfied tt'llS sale shall be closed on or befo'e 60 days from tl'le date herecf, Warranty Deed provided that all conditions of this In 'he event thiS properly IS d8stroY8d Of substantially damaged by fire or any of her cause befOre the ClOSing date. this agreemenl shall beCome null and VOid. at the purchaHr'a option. and all monies paid heteunder shall be refunded 10 him The buyer and seller 81s0 mutu lIy aqree fhal pro r la a jUSlmenlS of r8nls, interest. Insurance And city waler. and. in the case of Income properly, c:urrenr operating lI!!I:(penlles, sh,11 be made as of The seller snail. within a tessonable 'une aft approval Of IhiS agreement. furnish an abstract of lille, or a Registered Abstract certified to date 10 include proper se,rches covering bankruptcies. and Slate and Fedetsl judgmelits and lien!; The buyer snail be allOwed 10 days after receIpt th8r80' 'Or examination ot said tille and the making olsny objeclions thel'eto. said objections 10 be made in wrlUng or deem&(t 10 be w",ived. II any objeetlons ate so made the seller snail be allowed 120 day' to make suetl litle marketable, ~nding correclion of hUe tne payments hereunder reqUired sl1Bll be pos1poned. but UpOn correction of fi"e and within '0 days aftttf written notice 10 rhe buyer. the parties sh,11 perform this &gt8ement according 10 Its lerm'5 If saId title is nol markelable and 1$ not rnade SO wlthili 120 days lrom th~ ~ate of written obieetionSlhereto ilS abo'Ye provided. t"is agreement shin be null and void. at opllon 01 Il'1e buyet. and neitr,er priocfpal shall be liable lOt damages neteunder to Il'Ie olner prinCipal. All money II'1Melo'ore paid by the buyer shall be refunded. If Il'1e rille 10 !laid property be found marl(elable Or be 90 made wifhin !;ald lime, and said buyer shall default in any of Ihe I!Igreemttnts. then. and in thai Case the s8ller may terminate 1his contract and on such termination aU the payments made upon Ihls (:O"lrACI $haU be relAlned by said seller and said ag.nt, as tt18ir respeetivw interests may appear, as liquidl!lted damages. time being 0' th. essence hereof. Tl'1is provisiOIi sl1all J'K)t deprlVt!l eitl'1er paf1y of tl'le right of enforcing the SpeCifiC pedormlnce of tt'tis COntract provided such c:ontract shall not be term;n8ttd I' aforesaid. and provided action to enfotCe SuCh speCifiC: performance shall be commenced within si. monr"s afler such rlghl 01 acllon sl'lall arise. It is understood a"d agreed I"ai II'IIS sale IS made Subject to tl'le approval by Ine ow"er ot said premiSll!t!i in writing and Inat the underSigned agent is in no manne' liable or I't!IsponSlble on ~coulil of ttllS agreemer'lf. I!!xc:ept 10 refun" or accounf lor Ihlll earnest money patd under this cO"trllct. This conlra.cl r:onlalns Il'Ie entire agreement between tne parl1es. and lieltl'ler party nas relted IJpon af"tV verbal or written representations agr..ment or understandings not HI tcwth l1erein. whelher ma.de by any agenl ot' party netetc, Buyer a:c:knowledges no !lta'ements have been made by Seller or real estate sales~ersons regar~lng seepege of water through .tle IOurtd8tlon. basemen~ 01' tOOl of the abOVe de!ltribed premises e)(cll!!lpt as il otherwise ~tOY!ded in an addendum anaCl'led hMelo. Buyer fun"'er aeknowledges thai. In Signing Ihls purchase agreemenl. buyer relies solely upon personal inspectio~ of the premises a.nd upon t"'e ,talemel"lIs eonlsln8d In Ihe attached addendum. if any NO 11:!f-.et't-1 sllpu_.""."-'_IO__I",,.,. In "'10_. (.v-nllb,ok.., (buYO' 0' Milo,) L11,lng ~enl or broker IUpUI,," th.t h"sh, II repre..ntlng th. ..1I.t I" 'hl, tr.nsactlon. The delivery 01 all papers and monIes shall be mad" at the office 01: By - .___._.__ (SEALI Agen. I herlllby agrM 10 purchase the satd prOQer,y for the priee and upon Ihe termS SOOv8 meotiOf"led. and subject Ie) 1111 condllions "eretn expressed. ~b~~,~, . w BU;:. ~:C!Ljf V or . I, the under~~ugned. OWniltf of Ihe above la"d. do hereby approl,lt!' Ihe abOve agree. menl and the sale tp'l9:teby made Selle' .___. ISEALI Sellsr THIS IS A LEGALLY BINDING CONTRACT. IF NOT UNDERSlDOD, SEEK COMPETENT ADVICE. )L-fB . . . 15. Council Meeting - 10/25/99 Consideration of obtaining permanent easement from the Monticello School District for the purpose of constructing a detention pond on the parcel east of the middle school adiacent to CSAH 75. (Mike Nielson, Project Engineer, WSB) (J.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: As part of our overall plan for the Hart Boulevard storm sewer which drainage area reaches far south of the freeway, a storm water detention pond is to be constructed on the Monticello Middle School property just east of the running track adjacent to CSAH 75. The size of the permanent easement requested is approximately 3.74 acres and lies on part of Lot 6, Auditor's Subdivision 1, Parcel No. R-155-011-000061. The Monticello School Board has verbally agreed to the permanent easement with the consideration that the pond be designed in an aesthetically pleasing manner, and that it is a permanent pool of water and has a varying depth of water to promote biological diversity. In other words, a nature center. In addition to these considerations, the school board would expect payment for the easement at the normal rate for purchasing detention pond properties ($4,700 per acre), for a total of$17,578 for the permanent easement. Since the cost of purchasing and constructing this storm detention pond is assessable to properties down stream, the city must hold a public hearing on this improvement prior to the purchase. The project could be started late this year and completed in the spring 01'2000. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would be to approve the purchase of the permanent easement from the Monticello School District in the amount of $17,578, contingent upon the successful completion of a public hearing which would be ordered now and held in November. ~ Ii ..- ~ U 2. The second alternative would be not to purchase the ponding easement from the school district. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator, Public Works Director and Project Engineer from WSB, Mike Nielson, that the City Council authorize the purchase of the property contingent upon a successful public hearing as outlined in alternative # 1. The detention pond is a necessary part of our overall Hart Boulevard storm sewer system. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of map showing location. " " " , '. ~U' .~~ . )6. 0.,. SCH(>OL 00 f)..~ ,'1,; / lENT ,- ", "]0 1 tB- 0' 00 .(, ~.. '" ,. - --~'3_ "'" ~o. 3 " -, -.... :"~ ....:; .... " "-,;.'; {< .~ ,.. ,--- (:P () /-" .-'- lltt. ~-- , 7 =N R 'v 000\\0 ~--- ---- ---- ( --- to,'..i " . \..~~ ') ------ ~ " 2 U f<C !::,' U\1 AN C I A L :3 YS l flY: 0/21/1999 15:29:53 Recort Select1on: -'\DorOVdl Date < . < < P,avments Tnr~ou9n DatE). be Usea.. < : D/21 1-' q9S :uto+t Amount to f<Ui\ C;ROUP... D'I02' DATI\., CO[\lii\l][::NT )A,"'/\,-J E- I D )-"02'1999-139 10/21 CKS Run Instructlons' ,Obd Banner Cooies "~I o -'! PaymenTS ~o~ ~LD ~caT~on O/2S/!999 COtvlM f:j\i -: _ : () /2, C K:;:!, Form ~rlnter ~olo Seace v :~~ c. P X b CITY OF MONTICELLO GL050S-V06.UD COVERPAGE UL335k L_ '1 n e s C P ): Cl6G 'I C 3r,:C tiNA,NCI.I\L ~-:)v~)TEr>ll 10/21/1999 15:29:54 Pavmen~s ~o~ ouc1icatior CITY OF MONTICELLO GL335R-VD6 00 PAG~ VeflaO!~ Name /A n D i" 0 V e cJ on : 0 /2 5 /1 9 S q ;.. 0 ". ,;} is \j men t s r h r 0 u a III 0/2 ~I / ~I 9 9 9 ABM EOUIPMENT & SUPPLY INC ,h.. ~~:. :";) i\L,PHA, VIDEO AbJD li,UDI0, INC I\NDERSON/RICf< 3ELLBOY CORPORA'fION BAR SUPPLY BERNICK'S PEPSI COLA COMOANY JLUMENTA,i_S ,(),f~CHITECTUF<:E. lNC CEDAR Sf. GARDEN CENTER ,:;HA!V\PI()t\! AIVIEI<ICA INC. CU L. L I GAi\l .;i\Hl.HEliV1Ef\ Dl~3i'h:IUUTJ:NG CO DAY DISTRIBUTING COMPANY JON GALLUS & SONS, INC EARL F ANDERSON & ASSOCIATES ~RONrLINE PLUS FIRE & RESCUE GRIGGS. COOPER & COMPANY 3ROSSLEIN BEVERAGE INC. :-if:Rl\ilEEj/Ci::f<:AU) T uj 0 L i,u .fI,!1.! l) ~3 T U IVI P f~ E M () V A L. JIM HATCH SALES CO .j OH r\j~)ol\! 8RO~3 WHOt. ESALL L I au m< i\ IV1Af<:T ~:3TORE <UVICH/D/\Tf:':ICI/\ K/\Y LA8 SAFETY SUPPLY INC, ..,,l\,!\!DMAR!', LEAGU~ OF MINNES01'A CITIES vlA.RCO FIN,lI.NCIN(;; MARTIE'S FARM SERVICE ~E~~OSE NORTH PYROTECHNICS iNC i'il EN A i:<: 0 . LNC wINNESOfA BUILDING PERMIT MMC LAND OEVELOPMEN \"r'J F' i.../\ Yb f~OU l\j O. IN C MONTICELLO PRINTING wONrICELLO SENIOR CITIZENS C~R MOON MOTOR SALES. INC. ,) !. ~j U I\J & S QtlJ ~3 E LEe T h: Ie. I N C , OLSON. USSET & WEINCARDEN PLLP ONE CALL CONCEP'rs. INC. PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS CO PINNACLE DISTRIBU'fING PI PELINE SUPPLY. Ii\JC. DF<EU~'3~)E/ JAMES L RELIABLE CORPORATION/THE ~ELIANCE DATA CORPORATION f\t:LIANT ENERGY "~ESL~F<VE ACCOUN"r ROGERS/MICHAEL J. I)esc "'1 Dt -, 0: <:lUl,:i:) 'NA,t3TE i\CC D,LI, 1/\ PRU~ 23 HR~:) ((i $2':<..50 ._, i CUOf;; ~:;TUi<E i_ I () U () R ~3r ()"<~~ i,) P l\C E ~)TU UY (2) i\SHTREt::~;; j!:',I,<KS II'! lifT D ,tt,[) fV! H L, U C, c. :i () U () f-< :-3 ';- 01'< E i... IOUOR STOR..... (5) ASH AND (3) MAPLE VISORS AND GLOVES '., IOU 0 R ~-3 TOR ::'. .w " U U 0 i;;: ~3 -r 0 F~ E L~ .'~ dR/\RY (~20) STUMP F<EMUVA.L, ,_,'Cl;OI<: ~3TOf;;:E 3H i\ U ;:; 'r" i-< t~ ': ,; H C; :" l'~ ,^, i\! :;: il.! c; GLOV~S & OVER800~ 'i<EE: CUTTINU & I<EMOVAL REIMB ~OR LAdE~S (; 0 PI C F< :1/1 / l\ RIVER !V\IU_ (,:'ARh .....:.< I:::\NO 1< I\S Dr 3 P LA. Y PIONEER PARK J[t::,,:vlEf~;T I [\!(" REI NI8 S /\, C f~ t: ;:; S ,)( () [\1 E E l~ p (\ 1< i< fNVELoui:<,; C; 0 ['Ii T 1< ACT ARM ADJ. DRIVESHAF" !1 AW 1\3 HWY ?S 2/13 CA.LL',;) l_ I CUOK.> ~:)TORC ',~ ': () lr: () f~ :.3 '( () f\ E 1:>[,:13l..IC i,NCJf~!\S.,. (;L[l\i\iI~J(-) SHOP/Gi\RAGE/~AIN~ ~~ H -- ;:> (Y) T A. (0) I:: SAFETy B001'S REIM~ Amount '174> 66 ?,'15'/,OC 2.'144.62 668.65 SfJ3.90 3 Ll.i 0 2.6t'.6.00 264.0; if 0 . 75 1.06b.48 .746,60 413.85 ~;.3()0.OO 254..83 325.50 3.526.'/3 (1.672.55 227 5C e4'1+3~) 63~). 92 !O.87L6G 'iC.liC ((50.00 '] 00 ,99 2.324,00 20.00 '104.21 71 . 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Uese r-"1' Dt -~ Qr'"'\ /\i\! l;Ui\!Ti'<OI.. COI\!Tf'<ACT NOT ,I\, h~ v 2) T A IV) f..;. U/\i<U!\Ul:: /\,UGUS'f (~H c"IOUOf\ ~:)T()!-\E RIVt:l< f\i1Ii_~I. Pi\R~< .~l()U()k ~,.)'rOf~L EL!Vl ER 'S PH 01\1 (.)/20 TO 9/30 ',_ I OlJ U f\ ~:.; T U F< E HWV ;:S OC [L. LU Ell,~;Ef'Ill:::N'r M f,': 1 H 0 U ; ':) '1 (; H U ;:~ C 1"-' C U flJ T :<11, C T ,_ :: ()~) 0 i~ (') TOR E ;:;'ind 1 -iota !"3,., -"\mount '.227.43 27.80 ::00.00 26.88 ::~C,,42;3+()3 3,369.1'/ 5.939.,55 600.00 .: 45.45 195.80 3.667.60 20,00 -I D '{" ~ '1 f::; 3.067,05 ;~ 9 . 5 0 1.706.5/1 b25.00 330.6'1 28.27 'i53,490,.3G 3h:C~';:NA,i\lCI/\l. ~:3YSTE!V1 10;21/1999 15:29:54 Payments +0" Puo1lcat10n ,- or A, I.. N U fV1 U E F< () F' f\ E C () f\ D S P f\ r NT [: CJ '..' '1 ,J --- - - --,-~-- --~._,- --. ,.-- --- ---"- -~,._- -'~---- CITY OF MONTICELLO GL335R-VUb.OO PAG~ 8RC FINANCIAL SYSTE~ iO/2~/1999 15:29:55 0avments tor Pubiicatlon ;; U i\j U R ~','. 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L [J A N i\~) ';53.490.30 ~ ) 8RC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 10/'3/1999 11:01:01 Payments tor Publication Recort Selection: A 0 0 r 0 v al 0 ate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: 0 /2 5 /1 9 9 9 P,51vments Tht~ouqh Date.............. 10/14/1999 Cutoff Amount to be Used....... .... RUN GROUP... 01014 COMMENT. . . 10/14 CKS DATA-JE-ID DATA COMMENT 0-10141999-105 10/14 CKS Run Instructions: Joba Banner Copies Form Printer Hold Soace LPI J 01 N S 6 CITY OF MONTICELLO GL050S-V06.00 COVERPAGE GL335R Lines CPI 066 10 8RC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 10/13/199911 :01 :02 Pavments for Publication CITY OF MONTICELLO GL335R-V06.00 PAGE Vendor Name Aooroved on 10/25/1999 for Pavments Throuqh 10/14/1999 ,t.. E MICHAELS AFFORDABLE SANITATION AUDIO COMMUNICATIONS BARTON SAND & GRAVEL CO. BELLBOY CORPORATION BAR SUPPLY BERLIN TIRE CENTERS, INC. BRAUN INTERTEC CORPORATION CENT COM CENTRAL MINN INITIATIVE FUND COMMERCIAL ASPHALT COMPANY CONSOLIDATED PLASTICS CONSTRUCTION BULLETIN MAGAZINE CSI SOFTWARE CU LLI GAN DAHLHEIMER DISTRIBUTING CO DAY DISTRIBUTING COMPANY DUERR'S WATER CARE SERVICE EARL F ANDERSON & ASSOCIATES EDDY BROTHERS CO.. LLC ELK RIVER BITUMINOUS INC. FARM & HOME PUBLISHERS, LTD FRANCIS L DEAN & ASSOCIATES GARTNER'S OFFICE PRODUCTS GLEN'S TRUCK CENTER GREEN/EL IZABETH GRIGGS, COOPER & COMPANY GROSSLEIN BEVERAGE INC. HARRY'S AUTO SUPPLY HAWKINS WATER TREATMENT GROUP HEARTLAND APPRAISAL HENRY & ASSOCIATES HOGLUND TRANSPORTATION IKON OFFICE SOLUTIONS JME OF MONTICELLO JOHNSON BROS WHOLESALE LIOUOR KEN ANDERSON TRUCKING KEN'S 66 SERVICE KING/JAMES W KOVICH/PATRICIA KAY LARSON'S ACE HARDWARE I...,EECO, INC MAUS FOODS MN DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH MN STATE TREASURER MONTICELLO PRINTING MONTICELLO TIMES MOON MOTOR SALES. INC. NATIONAL BUSHING PARTS & CO. Descriotion STREETS PARKS CIVIL DEFENSE PIONEER PARK lIOUOR STORE STREETS KLEIN FARMS 4TH ADDT BLDG INSP CMIF GRANT REIMB STREETS RECYCLING BINS BRIDGE PARK LIFT STATION COMM C-SOFTWARE- 75% OWN RENTAL HOUSE LIOUOR STORE SHOP SIGNS FIRE DEPT-DUOPASS STREETS WRIGHT CO BOOK FIRE-DISABILITY INS CH SHOP TRAVEL_ EXPENSE LIOUOR STORE LIOUOR STORE STREETS WATER TIF 1-22 WATER BUS CONTRACT LIBRARY CONTRACT FIRE-VEHICLE REPAIR SHOP RIVERSIDE CEMETARY TRAVEL REIM8 PARKS COMM CENTER-TOPSOIL AN SHELTER 3RD OTR CONNECTION FEE BlDG SURCHARGE BLDG INSP T.A.TTOO PARLOR itllATER SHOP Amount 40.48 436.73 167.83 423.85 4,335.01 106.71 919.50 17.00 1,100.21 91 .27 205.47 220.40 11.343.00 24.92 5.278.80 824.90 17.25 854.30 7,821.00 221.52 28.60 729.17 683.32 176.03 18.90 7..754.73 1,622.40 197.87 5.00 315.00 1 , 178 . 7 8 5,490.27 47.52 1,397.40 5.269.71 66.00 61 .45 985.13 154.23 643.21 600.00 179.83 3,205.80 4,160.70 26.63 3,036.03 207.82 29. 10 8RC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 10/13/1999 11 :01 :02 Payments tor Publication CITY OF MONTICELLO GL335R-V06.00 PAGE Approved on 10/25/1999 for Payments Throuqh 10/14/1999 Vendor~ Name NATIONAL FIRE AND RESCUE NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY NORTHERN TOOL & EQUIPMENT CO NORTHWEST ASSOC CONSULTANTS NORTHWEST CARPET & UPHOLSTERY OHNSTAD/ELMER OLSON & SONS ELECTRIC, INC. OLSON, USSET & WEINGARDEN PLLP P.A.USTIS & SONS PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS CO PHOTO I PIRTEK HOSES & ASSEMBLIES PITNEY BOWES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES GROUP PURCELL'S PLUMBERY PWR SERVICE QUALITY WINE & SPIRITS CO REO'S MOBIL F:ELIANT ENERGY RON'S GOURMET ICE SALZWEDEL/PATRICIA A. SENTRY SYSTEMS, INC. ~::)HUMAN/CATHY SIMONSON LUMBER COMPANY SOFTWARE SPECTRUM ST. CLOUD RESTAURANT SUPPLY SUPERIOf\ FCR LANDFILL, INC. THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMPANY UNITED LABORATORIES VIKING COCA COLA WATER LABORATORIES, INC WATSON COMPANY, INC/THE WINE MERCHANTS, INC WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR-TREAS WRIGHT HENNEPIN SECURITY SYSTM WRIGHT-HENNEPIN COOP ELEC ASSO WS8 & ASSOCIATES, INC. WW GRAINGER INC .*'* Descriotlon Amount FIRE STREET LIGHTS STREET LIGHTING SEPT MEETINGS 20.00 5,702.76 432.05 4,389.75 319.50 52.36 93.20 1,194.25 419.00 36,268.78 69.83 76.00 115.82 37,095.42 76.95 20.50 2,329,93 62.37 8.15 70.56 75.60 10.61 18.04 121.47 572.32 144.15 542.24 5,940.80 214.16 610.39 20.00 124.48 449.80 35.900.84 149.49 9.79 21.229.44 269.12 TRAVEL REIMB CH HWY 25 LT OUOR STORE PLANNING SEWER PW-POSTAGE MACHINE RENT WWTP CONTRACT F I RE-(3,A.S AN SHELTER fRAVEL EXP REIMB SERVICE AGREE FIRE DATA PROC COMM CENTER LIOUOR STORE GARAGE LIOUOR STORE WATER TESTS LIOUOR STORE SHERIFF PATROL FIRE WAREHOUSE L I BR,ARY ~ina'l Tota-Is... 227,940.70 8RC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 10/13/1999 11 :01 :02 Payments tor Publication CITY OF MONTICELLO GL335R-V06.00 PAGE TOTAL NUMBER OF RECORDS PRINTED 218 O1.."OV6'1..?'Z S>lN\1'8 ll\1' lVIO,L ~O.GOO'?1.. 69.8SS'SS~ 8NI>l~3HJ ~OnOIl ~OIl 8NI>l~3HJ l\1'~3N38 lN38 SlN3W3s~n8SIO 3W\1'N >IN'V8 :d\1J3d '>IN\1'U O1...OVS'1..?? 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