Parks Commission Minutes 02-05-1992_ MINUTES C SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO PARRS COMMISSION Wednesday, February 5, 1992 - 7:00 p.m. Members Present: Dick Frio, Bruce Thielen, Roger Carlson, Larry Nolan Members Absent: Fran Fair 1. Receive staff update on process of selecting consultant to conduct feasibility study on development of water park. AND Review Council request that the Parks Commission develop a City policy outlininq City participation in development and operation of an ice arena. The Assistant Administrator informed the Parks Commission that at the most recent Council meeting, Council had received testimony from members of the Hockey Association. The Association expressed the desire that the City investigate the possibility of developing an arena. Council directed City staff to refer the matter to the Parks Commission for further study and determine to what extent the City should be applying resources toward development of an ice arena. O'Neill also noted that, at the Same meeting, some Council members expressed serious concern regarding the potential cost of the aquatic center and some members also noted that the input they received from citizens regarding the aquatic center proposal had not been positive. Members of the School District administration and Board spoke to the commission. Shelly Johnson informed the Planning Commission that at the previous School Board meeting, it was determined that the Buildings and Ground Subcommittee (Herbst, Vandell) should meet with the Parks Commission to express a willingness to meet with the City and other jurisdictions for the purpose of identifying park needs and defining opportunities for mutual benefit and cooperation. Russ Vandell stated he is excited about the aquatic center and noted there must be an opportunity to team up with the City. For instance, the aquatic center could be located near a future arena so as to allow for joint parking. Jim Herbst noted that the City and School should work hand in hand toward development of an all-purpose arena. Page 1 A CSpecial Parke Commission Minutes - 7/5/92 Dick Fria stated that it makes sense to develop a partnership and develop an ongoing relationship that will allow the City/School/Township to work together in meeting the park and recreation needs of the community in an efficient manner. Members of the Hockey Association mentioned successful cooperative efforts by other communities to develop civic centers. Gene Opatz stated if we work together as a community, we can get it done. Mark Holmes noted that the aquatic center is not as desireable because it can only be used three months per year. Bruce Thielen reminded the group that hockey arenas can be a financial drain on the community. He outlined problems with the Delano and Buffalo facilities. Joe Havel stated that many of the problems can be overcome by proper facility design and good management. When analyzing risk, we should look at the good facilities and not just the ones that have suffered losses. Ruse Vandell agreed. There are places that have done things the wrong way. We need to take a look at what is possible, identify the pitfalls, and do a first class job. Dick Frie noted that he has researched a number of facilities. The common theme of success stories is that successful ventures were cooperative ventures. A general discussion ensued. After discussion, a motion was made by Bruce Thielen and seconded by Larry Nolan to recommend that Council direct City staff to organize a meeting between the City, School, and Townships (Monticello, Big Lake, Silver Creek, Becker, Otsego) for the purpose of defining area recreation needs and for the purpose of identifying opportunities for satisfying needs in a cooperative, cost efficient manner. Notion carried unanimously. Review Council action on West Bridqe warming house. After discussion, a motion was made by Bruce Thielen and seconded by Roger Carlson to table further recommendation to Council pending preparation of additional cost figures. Motion carried unanimously. Page 2 CSpecial Parke Commission Minutes - 9/5/92 It was the consensus of the group to ultimately recommend development of a structure that will look nice and not resemble a garage. It should be attractive, particularly because of the high visibility of the structure from Highway 25. Jeff O'Neill Assistant Administrator A Page 3