Parks Commission Minutes 08-21-1991C NUTE REGULAR MEHTING - MONMITICESLLO PARRS COMMISSION Wednesday, August 21, 1991 - 7:00 p.m. Members Present: Fran Fair, Bruce Thielen, Larry Nolan, Richard Frie, Roger Carlson Others Present: Larry Kounkel and Harvey Rendall of the Lions Club, and Tom Holthaus and Steve Holker of Value Plus Homes 1. The meeting was called to order by Larry Nolan. 2. A motion was made by Fran Fair and seconded by Roger Carlson to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held July 17, 1991. Motion passed unanimously. 3. Review potential development of a Monticello "Lions Park." A discussion was held with Lions Club leader, Larry Rounkel, and Harvey Kendall about the proposed park to be located at Outlot A of Meadow Oak and possibly to include additional land between Outlot A and County Road 118. Rounkel and Kendall will meet with the Lions Club Board and get back to the Parke CCommission. At this point in the meeting, Dick Frie arrived and began to chair the meeting. 4. Discuss park design goals as they relate to the Cardinal Hills residential subdivision. Tom Holthaus and Steve Holker were in attendance to discuss park design concepts associated with development of the 109 - acre parcel south of the school site. Holthaus and Holker indicated that the area with the most trees on the site cannot be developed without eliminating all of the trees; therefore, it is their intent to turn this area into park land. The Parka Commission discussed basic design goals for Cardinal Hills subdivision and came up with the following criteria that should be followed in completing the design of the Cardinal Hills park and trail system. A motion was made by Larry Nolan and seconded by Roger Carlson to support the development of a two to three -acre park on the northwest side of the development in the area where trees are most prevalent. In addition, the park system design should be consistent with the following criteria: Page 1 C Parks Commission Minutes - 8/21/91 1. Parks designed with this development should have a neighborhood focus and not be situated to attract city-wide use. 2. Trailway system should be designed to connect park area and should connect logical points of access to school district property and to match points of access to sidewalk and trailway systems external to the development area. 3. The neighborhood parks should include development of at least two tot lots. 4. Park development should be consistent with Parks Commission Resolution 91-1 adopted by the Parks Commission at the previuos meeting. S. Walkways and trailways may extend along one side of pond areas. In general, the Parke Commission indicated that the land dedication requirement emphasized trail development at the expense of actual park development. Motion carried unanimously. 5. Review status of Chamber of Commerce office development. O'Neill informed the Parks Commission that the City may be moving forward toward refurbishment of the information center for the purpose of developing a Chamber office. He noted that the Public Works Director has been informed that the Parks Cummission desires to accept the responsibility for lands:aping the site. After discussion, a motion was made by Fran Fair and seconded by Bruce Thielen to request Council authorization to complete the landscaping of the Chamber office site at a proposed budget amount of $3,000. Said landscaping design is to Incorporate streetscape design elements. Motion carried unanimously. Roger Mack Indicated that he would prepare some design ideas for the Parks Commission to consider at an upcoming meeting this winter. It was also determined that representatives from the Chamber of Commerce should be invited to review landscaping plans. Page 2 Al. CParke Commission Minutes - 8/21/91 6. Other business. The Parks Commission discussed the potential of requesting that Council consider financing a portion of the cost to light the tennis courts. The Parks Commission reviewed recent action by the City of Elk River to finance a greater portion of the development of park facilities in the city of Elk River. It was the consensus of the Parka Commission that the City should be taking a more active role in developing and maintaining recreation facilities for the citizens of Monticello and that the school district role in providing recreation should be re-examined. Assistant Administrator O'Neill suggested that the Parks Commission, City Council, Monticello School Board, and Monticello Township conduct a workshop at which time issues relating to recreation could be discussed. After discussion, a motion was made by Larry Nolan and seconded by Roger Carlson to direct staff to investigate the cost to install lighting at the tennis courts, discuss the matter with Shelley Johnson, and prepare information for Parka Commission review at a subsequent meeting. Notion carried unanimously. Jeff O'Neill Assistant Administrator Page 3