Planning Commission Agenda Packet 06-10-1986AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELL40 PLNNING COMMISSION June 10, 1986 - 7:30 p.m. Members: Richard Carlson. Richard Martie, Joyce Dowling, warren Smith, Barbara Koropchak. 7:30 p.m. 1. Call to Order. 7:32 p.m. 2. Approval of Minutes o1 the Regular Meeting Held May 13, 1986. 7:34 p.m. 3. Public Hearing - A variance request to allow placement of entrance lights and sign within a street right of way - Applicant, Monticello Americ Inn. 7:49 p.m. 4. Public Hearing - A conditional use request to allow construction of two 24 -unit apartment buildings. Applicant. Construction 5, Inc. 8:04 p.m. 5. Public Hearing - A variance request to allow placement of an attached garage to within the front yard setback requirement. Applicant. Gary and Doris Miller. Additional Information Items 8:19 p.m. 1. Get the next tentative date for the Monticello Planning Commission meeting for July 8. 1986. 7:30 p.m. 8:21 p.m. 2. Adjournment. MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION May 13, 1986 - 7:30 p.m. Members Present: Richard Carlson, Joyce Dowling, Warren Smith, Barbara Koropchak. Members Absent: Richard Martie. Staff Present: Gary Anderson, Rick Wolfateller. The meeting van called to order by Chairperson Richard Carlson at 7:36 p.m. Motion by Joyce Dowling, seconded by Warren Smith, to approve the minutes of the April 6, 1986, Planning Commission meeting with the following correction. In the third paragraph on page 2, motion by Barbara Koropchak, seconded by Warren Smith, it should have been seconded by Richard Martie. Motion carried unanimously with Richard Martie and Barbara Koropchak absent. 3. Public Nearing - A variance request to use a municipal parking lot to meet the minimum off-street parking apace requiremante. Applicant, Floyd Kruse. Mr. Floyd Kruse was present to propose using the municipal parking lot to the rear of his property for off-street parking space requirements for an addition to hie existing restaurant, Dino -e Deli. Mr. Kruse indicated that he was over to the Pizza Factory building and indicated it was 29 feet from the building to the curb. Mr. Kruse is proposing to be 31 feet from the rear most portion of the addition to the center of the allay. Marron Smith questioned the parking lot assessment process. It was explained to him by Zoning Administrator Andoroon and that there are approximately 0-9 years remaining on the original 19-yoar assessment. A questioned raised by Planning Commission members was whore the apartment tonanto would part. Mr. Kruse answered that they would be parking in the public parking lot. Staff recommendation on this wao we felt those was no problem with Mr. Kruse -o request. The only thing we are concerned with is that he allow some type of off-street parking for the apartment tenants in the roar portion of his lot. The parking lot assessment formula was given for Planning Commission members information by Rick Wolfsteller, Assistant Administrator. Public hearing was closed. Motion by Warren Smith, seconded by Joyce Dowling, to approve the variance request to use the municipal parking lot to meet the minimum off-etreat parking apace roquiramente, and direct City staff to review the ordinance parking formula as established on the parking lot assessment role to come up with the number of parking opeces which Mr. Kruse Planning Commission Minutes - 5/13/66 would be short and figure out an annual assessment for Mr. Kruse. Motion carried unanimously -with Richard Hartle and Barbara Koropchak absent. t. Public Hearing - A request to allow a residential lot split with the two lots when split being less than the aainlmum lot square footage requirement. Applicant, Del Emmel. Mr. Del E -mel was present to request a residential lot subdivision and a variance for less than the minimum lot square footage required. Zoning Administrator Anderson explained Mr. Emmel-a request on the overhead projector to the Planning Commission ---bare and the public present. A question raised during the public hearing was the actual size of Mr. Emmel's lot split in relationship to the other lots surrounding and near the property in question. Mr. Emmel emphasized hie whole Intent was to improve the existing property; and upon improving the property construct a new house on the rear portion of this lot split. Chairperson Richard Carlson questioned the minimum lot square footage for Mr. E-meI's property. Zoning Administrator Anderson countered that the minimum lot site in the R-2, single and two-family zoning, in 12,000 square feet, the same as R-1, single family zoning. Barbara Koropchak arrived at the meeting at 9:09 p.m. Motion by Warren Smith, seconded by Joyce Dovling, to deny the request to allow a residential lot split with the two lots when split being less than the minimum lot square footage requirement. Motion carried unanimously with Richard Martie absent and Barbara Koropchak abstaining. 5. Public Hearing,- A request to amend a conditional use permit to allow construction of a now parking lot with the foliowinq variances: a) To allow a driveway curb cut width more than the maximum requirement. b) To allow the curb cut within the maximum between two curb cuts and an intersection. c) To allow a parking lot design with no parking circulation within the parking lot. d) To allow a pylon sign to be erected in excooe of the maximum square footage allowed. Applicant, The Socatrom Company. Mr. Wayne Seentrom was precont to propone his off-street parking lot with the variance requests as neadod to accommodate this. Mr. Seeotrom would like to amend a condition of hio conditional use permit proviounly granted to allow him to relocate two existing off-atreot parking spaces and create four off-street parking spaces. The problem with the now location of the parking lot as presented is it needs a cinlmsm of four variances to accommodate that. Planning Commission membore, as well as members of the public, questioned the actual layout of the parking lot. When backing out of the parking lot, you would back directly into the street. With the amount of traffic at this ? intorooction being very near the school, the feasibility was questioned of this parking lot design. After considerable deliberation and Planning Commission Minutes - 5/13/86 V on a comment from a citizen present, Mr. Russell Martie, it was suggested they create only two parking spaces of which the parking spaces would run north and south instead of east and west, allowing a smaller driveway curb cut and allowing parking circulation on his own property. Chairperson Richard Carlson acknowledged Mr. Martie's comment and thought it would be a good design as an alternative to the proposed design submitted. Mr. Seestrom indicated he would rather get something approved at the Planning Commission level than go on with a denial to the City Council. The pylon sign square footage was addressed and Mr. Seestrom admitted that he recalled being allowed more square footage; and after checking with Zoning Administrator Anderson found that he needed considerably less square footage than they thought for the pylon sign. The pylon sign is in excess of the minimum square footage allowed for a pylon sign. The Planning Co®ission members see no problem with this sign being very close to the minimum requirement. Motion by Joyce Dowling, seconded by warren Smith, to allow a curb cut within 40 feet of an existing curb cut and to allow a pylon sign to be arected in excess of the minimum pylon square footage requirement. Motion carried unanimously with Richard Martie absent. Additional Information Items 1. A re .guest to amend conditions attached to a conditional use pormit. �. Applicant. Martie's Peed Store. Mr. Ruse Wartio was present to propose a relocation of the existing fence posts from their proposed location on a previously approved conditional use pormit. The now location would be the currant location which he is using for visual effect near Highway 25 property right -of -ray. Mr. Martie indicated that the fence poets do amount to a certain portion of his business, and he gate more visual effect from the current location than whore he originally proposed to put them. Motion by Warren Smith, seconded by Joyce Dowling, to amend the conditional use to allow a relocation of outdoor sales of -sedan fence poets In the front part of his property line near the southwest corner. Motion carried unanimously with Richard Martin absent. ]. A re .guest to grant waiver of the public hearing for variance roquento. Applicant, Honticollo-Big Lake Community Hospital District. Zoning Administrator Anderson indicated to Planning Commission ma -baro that the intent of the Monticello -Big Lake Community Hospital was to ask for Planning Commission members' consideration of waiving the public hearing process in hopes of having signed waiver of public hearing attendance from all of the affected property owners within a 350 foot radius of the affected property. The Community Hospital District wan able to obtain all of the signed copies of the waivero with the exception of one. Zoning Administrator Anderson indicated -3- U Planning Commission Minutes - 5/13/86 j_ they needed signed copies of all the affected property owners before Planning Commission members could waive the public hearing process. Zoning Administrator Anderson did indicate to Planning Commission members the variances which would be needed that led up to the request from the Monticello -Big Lake Coemunity Hospital. Taking the above information into consideration, motion by Warren Smith, seconded by Joyce Dowling, to approve waiving of the public hearing requirement and hold the public hearing at the second regular Council meeting on May 27, 1986, 7:30 p.m. Motion carried unanimously with Richard Martie absent. 3. Sketch plan review for a conditional use request. Applicant. Construction 5. Zoning Administrator Anderson indicated to Planning Commission members this was a sketch plan for two 24 -unit apartment buildings to be built near the freeway on Lots 1-5, Block 2, Construction 5 Addition, City of Monticello. The sketch plan was strictly for their review and to offer and comments or suggestions prior to Construction 5 coming back at the next Planning Commission meeting with their conditional use request. It was the consensus of the Planning Commission members that they see no problem with the sketch plan an submitted. d. Set tentative date for a public hearing for a proposed ordinance X -L' amendment to existing sign ordinance. Zoning Administrator Anderson indicated to Planning Commission me, re the preliminary draft of a proposed amendment to the Zoning Ordinance in regard to Section 3-9 (B) 2. (a) which deals with portable signs. After further indication from Zoning Administrator Anderson, there were no additional comments or changes from Planning Commieolon members. Motion by Joyce Dowling, seconded by Barbara Koropchak, to set a public hearing data for the proposed ordinanco amendment to the Monticello Sign Ordinance for May 27, 1986, 7:30 p.m. Motion carried unanimously with Richard Martie absent. 5. Continuation of a raroningrequeet to rezone platted property from I-2 (heavy industrial) to I-1 (light Industrial). Applicant, Oakwood Industrial Park Partnership. Zoning Administrator Anderson indicated to Planning Commission members they had sent three proposed plans for rezoning of the area from the Oakwood Industrial Park to the now proposed school site to Consulting Planner John Ubsn. I did receive a phone call from Mr. Uban today on the above request, with Mr. Uban citing he saes no need for approving their raquost to rezone from I-2 (heavy Industrial) to I-1 (light Industrial). Mr. Marren Smith indicated he had a conversation the other day with Mr. George Phillipe, a partner in the Oakwood Industrial ? Park Partnership, and Indicated they were looking at dropping the proposal at this time. . CJ Planning Commission Minutes - 9/13/86 telnotion by Barbara Roropchak, seconded by Warren Smith, to table the rezoning request to rezone from I -Z (heavy industrial) to I-1 (light industrial). Motion carried unanimously with Richard Martie absent. 6. It was the general consensus of the four Planning Commission mem re present to set the next tentative date for the Monticello Planning Commission meeting for June 10, 1986, 7:30 p.m. 7. Motion by Joyce Dowling, seconded by Warren Smith, to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 11:07 p.m. Respectfully submitted, 99!�r.df� Gary Anderson Toning Administrator Planning Commission Agenda - 6/10/86 3. Public Bearing — A variance request to allow placement of entrance lights and sign within a street right of way. Apolicant. Monticello AmerLc Inn. (G.A.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Mr. M. J. Murphy, owner of the Monticello Americ Inn Motel, is proposing to be allowed to leave the newly installed entrance light poles and signs in their location. Sometime before or after the opening of the now Monticello Americ Inn, Mr. Murphy was allowed to put up a small entrance light near hie driveway entrance with a little sign noting the Amoric Inn. The location of this sign was and still is within the street right of way. This type of light and sign are not allowable uses within the street right of way. Having discussed this with City Attorney, Gary Pringle, we do have problems with obstructions located within the right of way if they are not allowed by ordinance. Even with a hold harmless agreement, we would still become a liable party if an incident were to happen. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the variance request to allow placement of entrance lights and sign within a street right of way. 2. Deny the variance request to allow placement of entrance lights b and sign within a street right of way. N C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends denial of the variance to allow placomont of the sign and lights within the atreot right of way. The liability factor with having these lights and sign within the street right of way far outweighs the advantages of approving the variance to leave the lights and sign in place. 0. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the location of the varlanco request. 10 A variance request to allow w R placement of entrance lights and sign with a street right-of-way. Monticello Americ Inn Motel. a / / ;> M. —IF -hw .7• 1 / R/N— I TT .99 .. ' .. _ �`� .' . � •( �.� I°°0.M t I o° v` _ I Planning Commission Agenda - 6/10/86 f �l 4. Public Bearing - A conditional use request to allow construction of two 24 -unit apartment buildings. Applicant, Construction 5, Inc. (G.A.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Construction 5, Inc., Is proposing to construct two 24 -unit apartment buildings on the five existing lots in Block 1, Construction 5 Addition to the City of Monticello. If allowed to construct two 24 -unit apartment buildings, they would consist of 18 two-bedroom unite and one 1-bodroom unit and 24 garages and 24 open parking spaces with each 24 -unit building. The questions yet to be answered in regard to the site plan, which has been reviewed with the applicant, are being allowed to put the screening trace or shrubs within the drainage easement adjacent to the property along I-94. They would also need vacation of easements between Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. If 24 off-street parking spaces were allowed to be placed within the 30 -foot easement along the west aide of the property, a condition of the conditional use would be the City would not be responsible for the replacement coat of the asphalt should we have to go in there to maintain or repair utilities underneath thin surface within this 30 -foot easement. Also not indicated is placement of a proposed play area for young children. Also not yet submitted are the proposed landscaping and screening plane as required by ordinance. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the conditional use request to allow construction of two 24 -unit apartment buildings. 2. Deny the conditional use request to allow construction of two 24 -unit apartment buildings. 3. Allow construction of two 24 -unit apartment buildings with the following conditions: a. An approved landscaping/screening plan be submitted prior to approval of the conditional use request. b. Relinquishing of oanoment rights between Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. c. Do not allow placement of proposed screening plantings along 1-94 within placement of an eaeoment right of way. d. Allow construction of 24 off-street parking spaces within 30 -toot utility casement right of way with the condition to not responsible for replacement of any of the parking lot within the right of way iC the City needs to got in to do soma work within the 30 -foot right of way. e. A designated play area be established and put in before a Certificate of Occupancy Is granted for the second building. C. STAPP RBCOMMMATION: Staff recommonda approval of the conditional use request to allow construction of two 24 -unit apartment buildings. The following conditions are also suggested to be added: -2- Planning Commission Agenda - 6/10/86 1. Relinquishing easement rights within Lots 1. 2. 3, 4, and 5 only if the City has no need for any easements in between these lots. 2. An established play area be noted on the site plan and put in before occupancy of the second 26 -unit apartment building. 3. The screening plantings along I-94 be placed within the property line. 4. Allow 24 off-street parking spaces within the 30 -foot west utility easement line with the condition that if the City needs to get in there to do any type of work, the applicant will be responsible for all restoration costa. 0. SUPPORTIRG DATA: Copy of the location of the proposed conditional use request; Copy of the proposed site plan. 0M r'ut i 5Ar1C atilt` fipQ rrrrr Wray st;� d'�rr� ar �tA►Q '�►_._.. llllilj/r Innnit arta �7Ui �►'�,� iiri aritd lh, .i nllX illll Ili. �litgt� !r�tA' ,� , ������ �x,!j'r ar�rr '�' arra' ,rr�� �l�t ,n,�i� ��al�n am�"r rrrrr ���0, - '►tr��. ,�,�. rr�lr yryi' I t S'U/i#�rr,►i�`�' gni �p/q �/ll/lli tri t1,R '� d'r1I� �C /nnll� •• arra �r�'Y a � it rrrtr to u� � �ql� fes. t�uu r�,�E. S • ww 1 t ✓ i ..... �i .w+i� w rr wry � r� � /rt. i/•� . Planning Commission Agenda - 6/10/86 5. Public Hearing - A variance request to allow placement of an attached farage to within the front yard setback requirement. Applicant. Gary and Doris Hiller. (G.A.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Gary and Doris Miller are proposing to construct an attached garage to within the front yard setback requirement. The rationale to the request is the applicants feel they would like to break up the sight lines of the existing houses all being within the front yard setback requirement of 30 feet. Also, they are proposing to allow an existing screened porch to stay in its current place. There is only one affected property owner directly east of the applicants property with the property immediately vest being City Park property. The problem we see with this variance request is that we fail to see the hardship being placed on this property. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the variance request to allow placement of attached garage to within the front yard setback requirement. T. Deny the variance request to allow placement of attached garage to within the front yard setback requirement. N C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends denial of the variance request. The rationale for the donial is that staff falls to see the hardship in this case. As noted on the enclosed site plan, you will see there is ample room to construct the garage attached to the screened house which is attached to the house and atilt meat the sideyard setback requirements. if you go up and down Rodman Lane, you will note the lino of these houses Is at the 30 -Loot front yard setback requirement. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the location of the proposed variance request) Copy of the site plan. A variance request to allow placement of an attached garage to within the front yard setback requirement. Gary S Doris killer. PERMIT ElA®ER rr� "�CSCRIPTION .�.LOTrI �•.:�11 '1' If•" . BLOCK ADDI TIOIJ�I�.S//��1 50, M Or 317C AREA 'I' II.50. R. Or AREA OCCtPIEO BY BUILDING jtmg�JCTIOHS TO APPLICANT THIS ►ORM NEED NOT 0[ USED WHEN PLOT ILANS DRAW* TO SCALE ARE IIKD VIM TM[ PERMIT APPI-ICATION. /OR NCV ItU1L01NOs. PROVIDE THE: Pal... I.rOlATI: LOCATION Or IROPOSto CONSTRUCTION AND [EIaTINa IM/.EIV[NL MTs. [MOV euI Lot- SITE ANO s[TD1CN OI N(MS IDMS. MOV EASNENTO. Pietism CONTOURS OR DIIAINAOE. "IRST rLOOR tl[VAT ION8.'DTRCLT LLEYATION AND SMR CL[v11t10N. SHOW LOCATION Of WATER, SEVER. GAS, %NDELECTRICAL SERVICE LINES. SNOW LOCATIONS Or sURv[T ►IMS.^u IsPcCj" THE USE Or EACH BUILDING .NO EACm NAUOR PORTIONN[ TREOr. Q7 Xq Ouse It DICATE-NORTH IN CIRCLE I EACH GRAPH SQUARE EQUALS 101.0' i)Y 101-0' 3 J I + 1 I � } s _ — TI tip --� 1/IV. CSIIHT IRti IM OroOol.d mIrUVCIIOIIwill con10.IR 10 IM OkwftLoMum d~ RODS SM that PLO CRNp.,.•11 W r dp m,t",t at — NrR *bit" llow.l.. -.. _ _ .. ....._ 951 ' H..N R.ONNSSSM..NMSSO. 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