Planning Commission Agenda Packet 02-04-1992AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, February 4, 1992 - 7:00 p.m. Members: Dan McConnon, Cindy L.emm, Richard Martie, Richard Carlson, Jon Bogart 7:00 pm 1. Call to order. 7:02 pm 2. Approval of minutes of the regular meeting held December 3, 1991. 7:05 pm 3. Public Hearing --Consideration of a resolution adopting amendments to the City of Monticello Comprehensive Land Use Plan in conjunction with the Chelsea Area Land Use Study. 7:25 pm 4. Public Hearing --Consideration of approving amendments to the zoning map of Monticello proposed in conjunction with the Chelsea Area Planning Study. Applicant, City of Monticello. 7:40 pm 5. Public Hearing --Consideration of establishing a Business Campus zoning district which provides for establishment of limited light industrial business offices, limited light manufacturing, wholesale showrooms, retail uses in an environment which provides a high level of amenities, including landscaping, preservation of natural features, architectural controls, and other features. 8:00 pm 6. Public Hearing --Consideration of a request to rezone a 12 -aero portion of Auditor's Subdivision, Lot 17, from B-3 (highway business) to a combination of PZM (performance zone mixed - 5 acres) and B-2 (limited business - 7 acres). Applicant, Evangelical Covenant Church. 8:15 pm 7. Public Hearing --Consideration of a variance request to allow construction of a building addition within the roar and side yard setback requirements. Applicant, Michael and Kathleen Froslie. 8:25 pm 8. Public Hearing --Consideration of adopting an ordinance amendment to Section 12-2 of the City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance which would allow a convenience store to operate as a permitted use in a B-2 zone. Applicant, City of Monticello. 8:35 pm 9. Review Cardinal Hills development sketch plan. 8:50 pm 10. Adjournment.