Planning Commission Agenda Packet 04-18-1995 SpecialAGENDA SPECIAL NWATMG - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, April 18, 1998 - 7 p.m - Members: Dick Frie, Jon Bogart, Richard Carlson, Rod Dragsten, Richard Martie 1. Call to order. 2. Approval of minutes of the regular meeting held March 7, 1996. 3. Public Hearing --Consideration of a variance request to the setback minimums that would allow construction of a double -car garage. Location is Lot 7, Block 36, Lower Monticello. Applicant, Dennis Anderson. 4. Public Hearing --Consideration of a variance request to the side yard setback requirement for a driveway. Location is Lot 1, Block 2, Creekside Terrace. (Subsequent to filing of application, the applicant withdrew this request.) 6. Public Hearing --Consideration of an amendment to a conditional use permit cl allowing a garden center in a B-4 zoning district. Location is Block B, Lots ' 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6, Original Plat. Applicant. Cedar Street Garden Center. 6. Public Hearing --Consideration of adopting an ordinance amendment providing for interim uses. Applicant, Jay Morrell. 7. Public Hearing --Consideration of adopting an ordinance amendment establishing outside storage as an interim use in an 1.2 zone. Applicant, Jay Morrell. B. Public Hearing --Consideration of granting an interim use permit to allow outside storage as an interim use at Lot 2, Block 3, Oakwood Industrial Park Second Addition. Applicant, Jay Morrell. (The 3 items listed above were not published by the Monticello Times: therefore, the public hearings cannot be held at this time on these three items and must be continued to the next meeting.) 9. Review comprehensive plan progress. �� Mf'1A% ✓ A. General report - Steve Grittman. Agenda Monticello Planning Commission April 18, 1995 Page 2 B. Receive an update on the status of the ordinance amendment regulating pole buildings in the business campus and business district (Jeff verbal report). C. Review Shadow Pines development proposal. D. Discuss Planning Commission involvement in preparation of an updated capital improvement plan and consider providing input on HRA/City Council use of pooled TIF funds (Jeff report). E. Update: City/School District efforts to coordinate facilities y/a,, l r� development. 10. Review conditional use permit enforcement issues (Jeff report). 11. Consideration of establishing date for tour of Orrin Tbompson development. 12. Review Monticello Chamber of Commerce proposal to display a permanent Z_ reader board at the intersection of State Highway 25 and Broadway. Consideration of calling for a public hearing on ordinance amendments necessary to accommodate request (Steve Grittman report). 13. Adjournment. 13 MINUTES REGULAR MEl&T[ NG - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, March 7, 1996 Members Present: Dick Frie, Rod Dragsten, Jon Bogart, Richard Martie, Richard Carlson Staff Present: Jeff O'Neill, Gary Anderson, Wanda Kraemer, Steve Grittman, City Planner At 7:00 p.m. the meeting was called to order by Chairman Dick Frie. a. Dido Frie suggested the Commission select a vice chairman in case the chairman is absent. Everyone agreed. JON BOGART MADE A MOTION TO NOMINATE DICK MARTIE FOR VICE CHAIRMAN. SECONDED BY ROD DRAGSTEN. Motion passed unanimously. b. Dick Frie also informed the Commission that he would like the date of the April meeting changed to April 18th because of a conflict. It was discussed by the members and agreed that the April meeting could be changed. Jeff ONeill, Assistant Administrator, did state that it is important to keep to the scheduled meetings, if possible, because of the information prepared for applicants that states the Planning Commission meetings are the first Tuesday of each month. DICK FRIE MADE A MOTION TO CHANGE THE APRIL MEETING TO THE 18TH OF APRIL. SECONDED BY JON BOGART. Motion passed unanimously. C. Dick Frie added the following two items to the agenda: 1. Discuss scheduling quarterly meetings with all commissions. 2. Discuss the misuse of conditional use permits. d. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, stated that Planning Commission was invited to attend the Ta: Increment Financing (TIF) meeting that was scheduled for March 18th. This meeting will be a workshop for the City Council, HRA, and Planning Commission to develop a better understanding of TIF. Page 1 O Planning Commission Minutes - 3/07/86 e. Jeff 0' Neill, Assistant Administrator, also informed the Commission that Orin Thompson is interested in developing in Monticello and would like to take the Planning Commission on a tour of one of their developments. Cpnsideration of ammmdog minutes of the regular meeting held February 7. 1886. RICHARD CARLSON MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE FEBRUARY 7TH MINUTES. SECONDED BY DICK MARTIE. Motion passed unanimously. Discuss "Off -Site outside storage in I-1 and I-2 zones. At the previous meeting, the commission tabled action providing specific direction to Jay Morrell with regard to designing an ordinance amendment that would allow off-site outside storage in an industrial zone. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, explained the different approaches for the commission to review. 1. Adopt an ordinance that allows outside storage to occur as a conditional use in an I-2 zone (currently it is allowed only as an accessory use). 2. Adopt an ordinance amendment that allows outside storage as an accessory use on a parcel other than the parcel on which the principal use is occurring. 3. Adopt an ordinance that allows outside storage as an interim use. 4. Other alternatives the Commission may decide upon. 6. The Planning Commission may decide that the ordinance is fine the way it is an rgject the notion of providing any guidance to Morrell to assist him in designing an amendment to the code. Under this alternative, Morrell would prepare a zoning ordinance amendment for review at the next meeting of the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission would review and make recommendations to Council for review at the first meeting of the City Council in March. Enforeoment action would be initiated at such time that the Council Page 2 9 Planning Commission Minutes - 3/07/95 acts to deny the ordinance amendment necessary to legally support Morrell's use of the land. Enforcement action has been delayed based on the advice of the City Attorney. It is his view that the City should first determine whether or not to change the ordinance to allow the use before tatting legal action. He has noted that the culmination of the legal action will occur atter the decision on the zoning ordinance amendment is made; therefore, it would be premature to take legal steps at this time. Steve Grittman, City Planner, explained that it is possible to change the ordinance in just one district The Commission could allow interim use in the industrial areas only. The city ordinance does not handle this as parking because trailers are storage - they cannot be driven away. Jay Morrell, owner of M & P Transport, stated he did not know if storage of trailers would be storage or parking. Morrell thought a conditional use permit with stipulations such as screening, would be acceptable. The problem with an interim permit would be the time limit The time the storage will be needed is not known because the economy will dictate the expansion of the business. The commission discussed the advantages and disadvantages of using conditional use permits verses interim permits. The interim permits could work well because a time limit could be used to end the use. This type of permit has been legal for four years and are typically used for non- conforming uses. There was some concern that the permit would be hard to revoke. With the conditional use permits, conditions can be attached but these conditions would need to be enforced by the city. If violated the ordinance states that violations of conditional use permits are treated as misdemeanors and would need to be handled by the sheriffs office. RICHARD CARLSON MADE A MOTION TO DIRECT STAFF TO ASSIST JAY MORRELL IN PREPARING HIS APPLICATION FOR AN AMENDMENT THAT WOULD ALLOW OFF SITE STORAGE IN AN I-2 ZONE. SECONDED BY DICK MARTIE. Motion passed unanimously. 4. Update on Council action on ordinance nm4atine steel and pole buildinsm jn oomglgrcial and busineF; c=aua zones. JefO'Neill, Assistant Administrator, reported that the Planning Commission is asked not to take any formal action on this matter pending Page 3 d Planning Commission Minutes - 3/07/85 additional input from business owners that attended the previous Council meeting on February 27. The following is provided as an update in anticipation of the item being placed on the agenda for formal consideration at the regular Planning Commission meeting in April. At the Council meeting on February 27, 1885, the City Council reviewed the Planning Commission recommendation which celled for prohibiting pole and steel buildings in commercial districts and prohibiting pole buildings in business campus district. Council acted to refer the matter back to the Planning Commission for farther review. At the meeting, a number of business owners were in attendance voicing concerns related to the costs associated with contraction and associated higher taxation resulting from conventional construction. The city will be putting together different alternatives for another public hearing. The business owners that attended the council meeting will be notified of the next public hearing. No action was taken on pole buildings at this meeting. At the previous meeting, the Planning Commission reviewed the proposed ordinance amendment that would regulated placement of accessory structures in rear yards. In response to the draft ordinance, the Planning Commission indicated that this measure would not likely solve the problem. It was suggested that perhaps additional landscaping or berming could be employed to create a visible separation between the boulevard and the back- yard ackyard areas. Under this alternative, the developer of the private lots would be required to build a low berm and plant at least two trees along the rear yard lot line on each private lot. This planting would be in addition to the two trees that are already required by ordinance in the front yard area. The City could match the tree planting done by the developer by planting at least two trees along the boulevard as part of the construction project. The cost of the trees could be incorporated into the public improvements costa which are paid by the developer as well. For existing boulevards, the City could establish plants along such boulevards as a priority area for tree planting. Page d 0 Planning Commission Minutes - 3/07/95 The Planning Commission discussed the options and had questions on how the double fronting lots had become a problem. The Commission could not remember double Emnting lots as a problem in the past because cul-de-sacs were built instead. JON BOGART MADE A MOTION TO REVIEW THE SUBDIVISION DESIGN STANDARDS IN CONJUNCTION WITH UPDATING THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. THE REVIEW SHOULD EXAMINE THE POTENTIAL OF ENCOURAGING CUL-DE-SAC DESIGN OVER DOUBLE FRONTING LOT DESIGN. THE MOTION ALSO INCLUDED THE RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE AN ORDINANCE AMENDMENT REQUIRING ADDITIONAL TREE PLANTING ON DOUBLE FRONTING LOTS AND COLLECTOR ROADS BE ADDED TO THE SUBDIVISION REQUIREMENTS. SECONDED BY RICHARD CARLSON. Motion passed unanimously. Jeff' O'Neill reported that no action is requested at this time. The following is a brief update on an item that the Planning Commission may be formally addressing at an upcoming meeting. The problem is according to preliminary review of the ordinance, it is not possible to develop a parking lot at a location apart from the business that it serves. To do so would be to allow parking lot as a principal use of a parcel. The ordinance is designed to assure practical use of the parking lot by the business that is expanding, and it assures the City that the two uses (business and parking) remain connected. In other works, if the parking lot and business are located on the same parcel, it is not possible to sell off the parking area once the building has been constructed. An exception to this rule is the case of a joint parking arrangement between two businesses that operate at differentlopposing hours. An example of this situation is the arrangement between the Muller Theater and Marquette Bank. In this situation, the Muller Theater parking is provided by joint agreement by the bank. This situation was allowed as a conditional use permit process. DICK MARTIE MADE A MOTION TO DIRECT STAFF TO REVIEW OFF SITE PARKING IN THE B-3 AND B-4 ZONES. SECONDED BY ROD DRAGSTEN. Motion passed unanimously. Page 5 0 Planning Commission Minutes - 3/07/95 7. Egport from commissioners on recent training. Rod Dragsten and Dick Frie attended the annual planning institutes seminar on the basics of planning and zoning. Both commissioners thought it was worth the time and would use the information that was presented. 8. f,pmvrehensive Plan update. Steve Grittman gave an update on the interviews that were done for the comprehensive plan. A wide variety of people were interviewed but this is only the beginning stages. The next report will give a draft of the issues and the goals the city will be looking at. fa I'1_.= !1.V-i7.c Jeff O'Neill was going to do an update on all the projects currently in process, but because of the time this was delayed until the next meeting. 10. Parks Commission activity update. The Meadow Oak Park will be built this eummer. This five acre park, located directly south of the I-94 railroad overpass, will include two youth baseball fields and a socoer/football field. The Parks Commission is requesting City Council to complete a detailed facilities study in coWunction with the comprehensive plan update. Dick Frio decided to wait until the next meeting for the items he requested to discuss at this meeting. 11. DICK MARTIE MADE A MOTION TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 9:45. SECONDED BY JON BOGART. Motion passed unanimously. RespectEWly submitted, Wanda Kraemer Development Services Technician Page 6 9 Special Planning Commission Agenda - 4/18/95 Pubtic Hea4aa—Cpnsiderp#9n of $ ¢-til variance reauest to thq side yard setback minimum yrhich would allow gonstruction of a double. car aaraae. Anolicant Dennis Anderson (GA-) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: When the public hearing notice was prepared and sent for publication, an encroachment into the front yard setback should have also been included in the public hearing notice in addition to the rear yard setback. However, the intent of the public hearing notification has been demonstrated, and the additional variance will be considered for an encroachment into the front yard setback also at the Planning Commission meeting. The applicant is proposing to build an attached garage onto the front of his existing garage, with its proposed location to be within 4 R of the required 10 -ft side yard setback requirement and 7 R 6 in from the required 30 -ft front yard setback. Mr. Anderson's situation is somewhat unique in similarity to other structures in the inner city in the Lower Monticello and the Original Plat additions where the house and/or garage were pretty much placed where they wanted to place them on the lots. In Mr. Anderson's situation, the existing house and garage were pretty much centered on the lot with no consideration for future expansion of the garage. By today's standards, a single -car garage with a 12 -ft width is very inadequate. In looking at Mr. Anderson's request in relationship to the other houses in the 400 block of East Third Street, Mr. Anderson's house pretty much lines up with the front yard setback of the two adjoining houses to the east of him, with the exception of the house on the west of his lot, which races New Street, which is set back farther. Typically, when considering a variance request within a setback requirement, especially the front yard setback, the closest one can come forward with an addition in the front yard is up to being equal with the existing houses on either side if they were the same or half the difference between the setback of his residence and an adjoining residence on either side of him. However, in Mr. Anderson's case, he's proposing to come f wther forward than any of the houses in the 400 block either on the east or west side of him. The encroachment into the minimum 10 -ft side yard has been considered many times before by the Monticello Planning Commission. To allow the construction of the garage as proposed would allow a placement of the proposed garage addition up to within 4 R of the side property line. Mr. Anderson has demonstrated no hardship for his request for construction of an attached garage within a side yard or front yard setback requirement. Anderson could construct a dowJtW accessory garage in the rear of his property and be within the minimum setback requirements: however, to gain access to the back of his property from the west lido, which is also the Special Planning Commission Agenda - 4/18/96 garage aide of his house, would encounter only a 7 R driving surface, as they have to maintain a minimum 3 -ft green area separation from a side property line to a driveway. Approve a 6 -ft variance request to the side yard minimum setback, which would allow construction of a double -car garage. Deny the 6 -ft variance request to the side yard minimum setback, which would allow construction of a double -car garage. Decision B: Approve a 22 ft 6 in variance request to the front yard setback minimum, which would allow construction of a double -car garage. Deny a 22 ft 6 in variance request to the fiont yard setback minimum, which would allow construction of a double -car garage. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: In terms of Decision A, City staff would consider approval of his 4 -ft side yard variance request to the minimum 10 -ft side yard setback requirement if a 6 -ft addition was constructed onto his existing garage. This would allow the existing garage to be expanded to 16 R wide by 20 ft deep. Even though this is smaller than the minimum two -car garage size as required by ordinance, it still would be consistent with Planning Commission's consideration and approval of a somewhat similar variance request this past fall on a property at the west end of Monticello on West Broadway. In terms of Decision B, staff recommend denial of Mr. Anderson's variance request to allow a 22 ft 6 in encroachment into the front yard setback requirement. Mr. Anderson has clearly not demonstrated a rationale for a hardship in his request fbr a variance from the minimum front yard setback requirement. Copy of location of variance request; Copy of site plan. 'CEConsideration of a 6'variance request to thesideyard setback minimum wWch wouldallow construction of a double car garage.Location: Lot 7, Block 35, Lower Monticello. s.Applicant: Dennis Anderson. 8 m l qtr le;r; Special Planning Commission Agenda - 4(18/85 ggblic HqarinL Cons(deration of an Amendment �o a Qoa¢itional permits wd_gAZar&q cenkLin p 84 wnina dietrlct lamthggis Beck L. L9" �. 2. & ¢. and & Original Plat Ama gmt. Cedar street Garden Center. (J -O.) Please see attached report from City Planner Steve Grittman. JrNAM 13-1995 1601 NAC 612 5% 9837 P.02/12 Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc. Cj URBAN PL ANNI NO. Of SIGN • OANaaT a ESS A aC M MEMORANDUM TO: Maodcello planning Cammlassrbe FROM Stwhan t3dtiman DAM 13 Apol 19M i18: Montioe0o - Cedar Street oa:dm Center (Pomedy 'Fair's') FMZ NO: 191.07 - 95.05 BQCkromd and AefePf ere Cedar Sam Oardm Curter ins appllad far m —dm— to a C=ditional Use Pbrndt adsla dly issued m tb* ptedeoaser •Fair's Qndm Cmtd' 10 198. lie purpose of the uomdmeot is to relocate rock bias from the Broadway itontsge to the northeast nowt r of the aha, currealy devooed to cmtWmmt goraga Abe tock Ma wa" be rmbmd with additional paMq. No other changes are proposed at this time. Amaodmaxe to conditional Use Pemits are psooessed as it they wan acw application. An*sfs of Abamdva The Condbiasid Use Peewit granmd in 1989 iocLthd a terms of totnmm eoaditi ms which contoWled use of the rim. Por the pepma of stilt mvlew, it is nand thu the pnvlou* eamblished coo tlau were properly cam lied wit, however as isspectioe should be mdo to vmiiy this umwdm luded in than amWkk t wsa an agmemem that a portion of the paddog area along Broadway Head not be anted as ttnoire+d is the 7dnlog ordinance, ponding Ram eMnalm of tho paddng WL Aho gprosed to the ort&d permit was rdW Sem► paving the drive area usviog the tai him. 'ILir reW vu gmasM via a vadaace Som the paving standards, with the ocndkim that no cum mer throo tm t were to be allawod. 5775 Wayzata Blvd • Suite 555 • St. Lewis Park, MiN 55418 • (612) 595.906 -Fax. 595-9 S RPR -13-1995 1601 PAC 612 595 9837 P.03i12 This application would fulfill the expeetaticn of the 1989 approval. At this time, paving of the new parking area and complexion of the curbing ehonld be a .,., ,;.....,.,., of the CUP amendment. The traM patten for wsomm, as "&and on the site plan, will be to — from Cedar Street, and travel either north or east through the patkdng let liaftic which travels east would then exit at a utrb cut adjacent to the former location of the tuck bins. As with the previous permit, a coition should be attached restricting mama tragic from the unpaved areas, presuming that the City is willing to allow the conth ance of the gravel surfacing in such areas. With regard to the relocation of the nock bins, the previous site plan indicates a six foot high cedar fence or Landscape screen from the nddgx=g properties. The City should review the existing screening and detczm its adequacy to butffef the proposed rock bin use from the adjoining properties. SWUM The aereo. Garden Center ftaertandmg sign is abated in a non -conforming ktdation adjacent to the Broadway Street right of way. Mw Monticello Untog Ordinance requires a setback for such signs of fift 1 feet ftom the property line. Modification of the sign will likely be ;,,pored by the new operators to ceders the name change. Aooanfing to staff informatics. the dgn was sot gzaoted any special permission to be located within the rewired sign setback. As such, the location of this dge would need to be addressed in order to be able to make a finding that the proposed ConGitioaal Use Permit will meet she standards of the Toning Ordinance, a typical factor in the City's consideration of such Permits. Tbeae are throe possibilities which the Planning Commission may wish to consider. First would be a requirement that rim sign be reloated to meet the required fiikeen fact setback. It is act chat from the silo Am but such a relocation may require the elimination of one of the parking spaces. A second alternative would be consideration of a variaaoe from the sign saback .,,r. Variances t,quis: a finding of special condition ttbft to a non -economic physical hardship which would othervin prec compliance with the xdo== sandatds In our quick review of this sibAtioa, such a special condition may be dbMcuk to show. A third afternative would be consideration of ammdmeats to the sign regulations relating to haesmodtog sight stnbaeb. There may be some juMication to this alternative in that while freestanding signs are requited to be net back fifteen feet from rho dght of way, buildings an be constructed with a sero setback in this mating dlstdct. Tying the sign setbacks to building setbacks may be a reasonable approach which the Planning Commission should discuss. Resgardlesr of the solhuion chorea, the appliant should be given some direction as the Plamlog Com miW n's wishes fn this regard. Any epphc&tioas necessary could be made by the appllcom and considered by the Planning Commission at its am mewing. O APR -13-1995 1601 NAC 612 595 985? P. 04/12 The Pkmtmg Commim m is tbaged with ooaridering the following hums in in ohm of a Conditional Uae Pa antcatim • Rclaticm to the C....,,.. J, . Plan. • ibe �,..,;r,;,,i.:...1 area tavolved. • Whether such um wlll tend to of ach a ly dupndate the area in which it is propmW • lbe chauetcerr of the sumourAng area. • The demonstrated sued for such um Tbia assn is a part of the encoded Ce ml llaahteaa District, and is nomd 134, ReglMd Budnm District. Simco the use e:Ws on the preoea location little fmpac t is apeted an the mn=m Dog mighborbood. As noted above, ffie dmqw to the aperatim shaald be reviewed as ritzy relate to the immediately adjoining property mm % puftulady in tht ad *aq of the sneering m the sins. it would be eWected that a reduction. in the amour of gravel sudme, and mole a8-drad cu paddy g, a clea= Ou" for mch parking ah—ld impetus the BWB operation is nbdm to the migltboubood. CORChAdtioss The amendment to the garden oeeter CaaditioW Use Pmmb is an oppormm4 to remove an htoompatible un fttml the Broadway Strad fi,amfage. In addhim the atpamaion of the off-aaeet gad . g ahoold serve to to&= oongmd m m the area during peat seasaus of um, and reduce the pamatlal for adveae humca ftnm otpsved ansa In and mar the Cemtal Bustma District For thm masms, approval of ffie Canal and Ute Prrusit ameadmaa is . J 'his ...,....,.,,.; tin is based up= the followlmg candmans: 1. The garden cc= demamatzata compH= with aII paevlously impoaad ooadldoa of the o fthW CM isatmd In 1989. 2. The am from which the rock him am bdag removed b to be paved and a rbed, per Ordinance nulairements for eamm=W padding lots, and per the of the 1989 Pmmlt appmvaL 3. 'he arra the new rock blm lmcatiaa is deeesmimed to be ably screened a pnaemt, or addidortal aaeealag a bra are ngahed. 4. The ftemadiog aigm is made to to amdarmin , altber through an am—eat to the Osdoaam or mlomd m of the dgn to meet conuollhcg nftm*L pc: Jeff O'NeW d J 1( Special Planning Commission Agenda - 4/18/95 7. PaUc Aearina-C.onsideratlon of adopting an ordinance amendment establisbing outside storage as an interim use in an I;g sone. Applicant. Jav Mom$. 8. Public Hearing-Coaeideratlgn of grantlng pn interim use nevi ,fig pllQw optMe gtorage ae an interim gee at I.ot 8. Black; Oakwood Industrial Park Beoond Addition. Applicant. Jav Mone (J.O.) These three items were not published by the Monticello Times: therefore, the public hearings cannot be held at this time on these three items and must be continued to the next meeting. Steve Grittman's report is attached for your review. FAC PPR 1602 NRC 612 595 9851 P.05/12 Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc. URBAN PLANNING - DESIGN - MARKET RESEARCH rilli WRAMUM . TO: Jeff O'Neill FROM: Richard )WA--gblintste-phm Gslttman DATE 13 Aprfl 1995 R8 Monticello - Inuit Use OrdmaDco = NO: 191.06 -95.03 BACKGROUND AND REFERENCE Recently, the Chy has bpm approached by a hadmear (WSW MormW to allow the ato:age of tucks and trailers on an indostzial pucel as a pducipal rue of property. 7be Toning Ordinance does not amemly havo huh a use, and the high>eat and treat use of this pamd is clady a more ioemse lodasedal out. However, a spectfie use may be appropti a far a limited time until the o16— use Can be realized. 7bfs memorandum Will outline the canal factors which control imedm ash and allow for thetr effective implementation. ANALYSIS OF ALTERNATIM Current Coodittoos. The City of Monticello Zodng Ordinance does not have any stated 0=11dons for interim uses WitMO tpedfic wofag dimicts. A repeat segag by a landowner of an lodtuodal paten to ore the land for other dw the 1ae 1 or conditional uses gmclAed brought to the anc tion of the City the possibility of accommodadng aha of lu d on a temporary basis. If it an be shown that the an was not f000ntpatiDle with the um of wrog coding I P; p pea, or conflict with the long term derelopmertt fntet 1 spealflod by the City's Comprehensive Plan, an h—ofm un approach may be appropriaoe. In light of rho moeat tequnae, the City could choose to deny the sppllatfoe, permit the use through an ordinance amcndmcm, or inuoduce Interim use. This repot recommends an addition to the Zoning Ordinance, specifically the Admfnistradw aeaion, had the Bnslnesa District Provisions section, Subd. 16, I-2, Heat' Industrial, to include pcd maaoe criteria regarding the impl—don of inedm tea. 5775 Wayzata Blvd - Suite 555 - St. LOtAS Park, MN 55416 - (612) 5959836 -Fax. 595.9837 �o -0 APR -13-1995 1602 WC 612 595 9837 P.06i12 Purpose and Indent. The underlying pugKM of allowing a specific use within a designated zoning district is to ensure the owner of a specific parcel, neighboring property owners, and the City, a predicable level of activity and impact expected from use of that spedffc pared. For this tramp, no uses an allowed other than those tpecif3ed by the Zoning Ordinance as per, may, or conditional. On ooh, however, the City may disxaver certain uses for a property which an temporary in names, serve a specific function in a designated location, and offer little, if any, d-rimemal et%ca to adabbosiog landowma. In the case of a podcular use an a spedfle property unnd a pennanmt location for that use can be found, or a use which will be splamd with amkipated development or redevelopment comfarming to the permitted, acoesaary, or conditional ares of the zoning district, or a use rive of the long mage dralopmemt goals of the area, allowing that ore on a temporary basis tuy be a bbl gmtegy. In such canes. all parties recognize the temporary nature of such a use, and that at ten-fnatism of the interim use permit, the specified use will terminate, unless otherwise reinstated by the City. Procedure and CAna 1 Standards. With roped to processing of irttaim use permits, there are two conditions which apply. The first is a 'in * condition, to which an —8 legal as legal no . , 3, �... ' fated- use is considered allowable and treated acoording to the existing standards and as an iateam use in a specified zoning district. lbs second condition is where a new Interim use, allowable In the zoning district u a rA is applied for. Under such a An -fl— the application is prooesaed similar to the procedures ad standards usodated with a condtdoml use permit to etuure the fntegfty of the use is the speci9ed zoning dismdct and that the we will not impose any addjtioml burden on the City or neighboring properties. Termination. perhaps the most significant component of an uteri- use is hs specified tet-imation. Witbout a oermtuadon dace, a sped fled land use is understood to be permanent„ wbcdmr It is a permitted or conditional use in the district. It may be that a vfolati m of the use ptnmh Vis, a change in the City's Zoning Ordinance, or radevekpment of the use property reads the Imerim use permit terminated before the specified termination data. However. barring such conditions. the property owner can expect the interim use permit to coWhe on a specified data. At that time. oartlmtad activity on such a property would be considered non-oonfonmfag and poatibly Hiegel. anku otherwise spedtied by the City. Interim Ura In an >adustrlal Tmtoa Dist. Tho Chy of Monticello is currently considering a tegmest by a ludowaes to pawlde outdoor Mmp of tencb and t -cling agdpmeat on a parcel zoned far industrial developmeat. To address We request, u well u ray other which may be applied to the I-2 Toning Dlmiat, the A -&-mal purpose of the toning district most be preserved. Tho Amdaammal purpose of the I-2 District is to provide baQdltg SMS for heavy industrial activity removed hom the less imensive activity of eaideatid and comm=W land use. Outdoor storage of vehicles and egttlpmmt does not cottathrte the highest and beet use of this property. However, because a versant induatdal lot may be the most appropriate pbm to store 0 FPR -13-1995 1602 PWC 612 595 9837 P.07/12 vehicles and equipment until a more 6OWft rite is located. an intnim 460 pumit fior this purpose may be considered a desirable alternative to leaving the lead vacant UCW as mduadal building and use is I q - P I for the she. Aa interim use permit for outdoor storage of trucks and clucking egnipmmt ahwld totbude the following conditions: 1. The permit. would be mmended to the ptopetty owner for a mazimnm comber of years agreed upon by the landowner and the City under a development cow At tarrWniLlon, the taodowoer may apply for another iurtedm rase permit. Eowevesr. both the hndowmr and the City will be mgdnd to asseaa the .....A...1, ., . .,,I contem of th0 sppltution and ductmim whaher gmtiag auraher I--,- use permh is in the bent Interest of the City and neighboring property owe m. 2. The interim use puma would require the applicant to meet the applies regain+mean of 3, Section 2, General liui>dmg and PwIc®ance RoaWnsamts, similar m the requirements necessary to receive a omditi nal use permit to this dismkt. 3. The mtefm use permit would include as a condition of approval pohibldag enacting of automobiles 4. The tntetim use permit would require a gravel sus&ce, sainble for oatdoor stone, and reinforcing the tempmoy nature of the use on thin site. S. The imndm no permit would require vimal sereecag to compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2.0 of the zoning Ordiaame regarding fencing, landscaping, and scteso3q. Of particular dgaifieaooe is the saeenmg's opacity and use of natural planting es a compooust of the sneering. The rearm of the sceoeatag and aecassaty mvpt>o 1 - by the hadowoer should be at the diraadon of the City. EWwever, the conditions: speed upon ahould be documented as a componem of tie tamed permit. 6. Tie Im use pemit would require any de=fog and map of trucb sod agnfpmcm to comply with the setback conditions of Chapter 3, Section 3 of the City's Zeaft Ordinance. Far the '1•2' Zardng Distdet, W fencing and dwU have a SO foot mink— hent and tear yard setback sod 30 foot minimum side yard setbacks. The conditions mentioned above apply to the opeciRc use of outdoor stmage for herb and uueldng equipment. u the City finds three are other types of amp am to be WlWed is Ws section, spodflc conditions may be required of them as well. However, the general iotas of imerpt,tg visually attractive. ono -obtrusive land usua wUhin the lodutatial district shrould be (0 RPR -13-1945 1603 NRC 612 595 9837 P.08i12 In ngxmse to the City of Memticdla's inane t to estabtiad og an int-im ase component to their Taming Ordinance, our mice bee drafted such an oudhmm. Tbia aaditmnoe rorb to anticipate .. ,,. of the City to special condidoos which want an boafm use permit. while at the tame time anticWft pmaW adverse eRem of inch oras on the district is which they are allowed. The City should ermblish the A.....;' l...., . camp1 Of the interim aa0 pert ptnO0dm1B, inch that interim ass may be fnchtded in individual zoning distdm when the treed or desire Is war anted. Under the City's Zoning Order, the planning Commisdon is to consider five ibctoss in its aomddeeation of an amembmemt. The Plandag Commidon is to then maim a fmdmg of fact and I—. to the City C000W regarding the propoaed amendama Tho five fiscooaa am aSyfaliawe: L BelatiomeWp to the C ....... d......�,, . Phm. The h taftrt rue of outdoor atomge for tmrb and vac" egaipmaot. ff It adhetm to the oomdidout d MMW fn the ardimace, will apport the Isteadw of the Camp sive Pias to mainmie an attractive, Sundamal Bial pads in Monticello. L Geographic area law" In the regnant. The aatdmr storage of ttucb and aracldng cqufp— is cmapa ible with the ordinary activities of the iadu&W pariu In which the hand- an is proposed. g. Tendmw of the proposal to depredate the area. It is blghty anlilo.>yr that the proposed use tbllatvlttg requited eoodhiams for approval will depredate the value of ad pmpada to the 4.2'. Heavy industrial Zoning Distft. d. C huneter Of the taureuadhtg area. The laetiam for the proposed intafm rue hes the trust activity and aoomsory outdoor aotage typical of Indamzial pub. The ttsclutom ad an amdoor stotago an is tYpital of fadateW part. The htelaslm of an outdoor storage Willy dedicated to nncb and mtcldog equtpmem is W&MY ampadhle with the chamaet d the ata. S. II ....... — , , � I m atd foram me. The landowner hes detttaamoted as ima fkim oma on the adsdng lot being used for uue]dog busloess activity. Therdbm, additional lord for storage of tmcb sod nuddng equipmteat would allow grater udlity of the laodowaa's to whb a pmvdaed use. 6 -8 RPR -13-1995 1683 NAC 612 5% 9837 P.09i12 In reviewing the request by Mr. Moaell, the City has three Options for response: Fant, the City ,stay choose to deny the rogoo:- issuing a findings of fact which States the proposed use is not in the best i of the City or adjacent lanr moan. The City may ds=mizm that it is in their best bi0mest to ptnmae a pemmment use ad baildi n I.i �...... .. program for the property, and to leave the land vacant until such time a pemitoed or conditional lead use is proposed. Second, the City may choose m d-1- the proposed use as a permitted or eondhicmal tae is the 1-2' Zoning Dist do t, lemiog a 8odtogs of &a which stases the proposed on is deshable and nom-obausive is this district on a pemtmeat basis. The City may datmmim do the storage of trucks cad trucking egoipment is comrpuft with the ft -h,-61 chamicter of the dLMot and therefore in the beat intareom of the City, this we may be classified as pertained or conditional. Finally, the City may choose to define the as an h -m- use to the 11-21, lmh=ial Dlmdct. In this case, the toning claoUlcallon would aeoommodats a special . of temporary nature. 11ds action would have the egea of pmiimft a use on a property which would ordinarily remain vacant until a peace no could be as mishod Mase specifically. the potentia to no a site in an esdWshed iodostdal disodet for the amp of UwJm and bucking eager, would .the temporary needs of the landowner without providing adverse impacts to rho City or adjaoeat landowners. It is the , d'ti„ of our Office to adopt an ordinance which pesmin inoedm Ores to mining districts, provided tbey am developed and maiamioodl for eon-abousivo activities. In addition, our office .... „ .,,., ,. i the inchaion of outba atotege for trncto and trudd IS equipamaat as an h-shn on In the '1-2', Heavy Industrial 2wing Db uicc. To this end, we have provided a Dm8 Onhuanoe in three and= lir the City's mvim. the first section amends the tide of C*W 22 of the Mantiemo Zoning MOtaaoe to hschtde Intahn Um. MW moomd section attnmds Chapter 22 to hshsde the adoministration of iatmtn, uses a000sding to the Mamtioollo Zoning Ordiomoe. The third Section amends Chaptm 16,-1- 2-, Heavy Industrial District waft* to include aatdoor amp of backs and trucking equipment, and the conditions Lander which it umy be approved it is our lateatlan by providing the pmvims isaro dim ulon and the Draft Ordinance user the City of Monticello will have the necessary lafeaansdon by which an effective response, may be delivered to Mr. Marten's merit FPR -13-1995 1604 NAC 612 595 9837 P.10i12 - OW]NANCE NO. CM OF MONTiMAD AN ORMANCE AM8NIMG, 7IM AMUMTRATIME SEC IM OF TEM MONTICEIAD ZONING ORMiANCE TO INCLUDE AN ADM1NIMATIVE PROCESS PBOMING, FOR DMMW UM PI KWM MM Crff COUNCIL OF THE C11Y OF MONTICELLO DOES >fOMEBY ORDAIN: NKUMLL The Tide of Chapter 22 of the MoodW Zoning Ordlmm be amended to md: Admhdsuzdoa - AmendlooM, ConditlmW Use Pesmiro, and Iatedm Use Permits. edhmy Section 33-4, Iote:lm Use Permit, be added to Chapter 22, AdmiWsmdon - Amndmcats, Caadidonal Use Pesmlu, sod Iatedm Use Permits of dw Momlallo Zoning Ordh mce to td a, follm: 22.4 ]NTERD,4 USE PEBBUT A. PURPOSE AND IN71INTs The purpose and bunt of showing fotefm uses is: 1. To allow a ase for a brief pedod of dom undl a permuenn loadon is obtained or while the pumneut London is under constmxxim. 2. To avow a use thu is presently judged acmuble by the City Council, but that with anticipated „ :.,,,, or mdevelopmmt, will no be eooepmblo in the bum or will be mPlamd in the Anme by a penaitted or coal use allowed within the trspecdve &NdCL 3. To allow a use which b a Heave of sudelpmed long tinge ehango to an arra and which b in compliance with the C. „ .,,,. „ °, . Plan provided that acid rue maiaaiat h- a 3 and aoopodbUtty with smaoaodtag ase ad b is lmeping with the at sal chaactm and dull smdatds of exb ft uses and development. (a- WR -13-1995 16:04 NFC 612 595 9837 P.11i12 1. Uses: Used defined as iotazim ries which prtaeady eda a a legd use or a legal non-confarming use widdu a respective dosing district shad be cooddered approved and shall be treated as allowable uses. 2. New Use: Uses defined as ioadm use which do sot psmady asla wbhin a rtapealve zmdog district shad be prooeaae - according to the standards and prooedur 5 for a Cot%MimW we permit as esmbHdwd by Section 22 of thio Ordinance. C. GEMMAL gTANDARM: An iaterim use shall nom* with the Mowing: 1. ung Uu3: Shan be in—tf%.......... . with zoning and building aandards in effect st the thus of iahial consmwd m and development dad da caminue to be governed by such reg puma in the fisbae. 2. Now Uses: a. Made the standards of a mxHdoml use permit tet fbob in Sad= 22-3 Of this Cbaptat. b. Camfamas to the applicable ,, .,. stsmdards an forth In Chapter 3, Sec iom 2. of d& ZcnWS Ordinance. C. 7be use is allowed as an iatarim ase In the mqective >7emiog dlstriet. d. 2be date or ev®t that wiH tmmdnatD the um Can be identified wbb cmtd . C. lbe use wM mt impose adds iwW Coax an the pdit if it is tmoesssry for the p ift to ttlm the prepetty In the Arturo C The user apm to any comdhiom met the City Camra deems sppteprhue for petmiseicm of the ase. D. '1ZDlMNATION: An Interim use W tennirte0e on the heppealm of say of the fsDmwiag eva n. whiebma Ara ooatn: 1. The date rated to the permit. 2. Upon viobd= of condidams under whip the permit wad !sated 2 J 9* -13-1995 1604 NAC 612 595 9837 P.12/12 3. Upon chop in the City's =nWg regulations which senders the use non - 4. The —. . m of the use and property upon which It Is located to a permitted or condWlattal use as aVowed within the =Vecdve waft district. &CftA. Secdcu 16-5, Immim Uses, be added to Chspar 16, -1-2-, Heavy ln&t=W District, to toad a foDows: 16-5 V?rZRD4 USE& IU foUowbg are horlm uses In an 01-21 Dhukt Obqmlms an hued- um pcmk based on the ptnoedmea set ftft in sad fqpboad by Chapter 22 of this Oho): A. Outdoor s- g of truths and g equipment, provided that 1. A modfled tombothm date Is dommeriltxL 2. no . 6 p of Chat9ter 3, Section 2. Goomal banding &W Pp Fm,rngn, P In Ifft 3. Mm p=lt the pa*ft Of Somobnes. 4. 7be pmk spedfia a pLvd xmhm sdtW* for the paddng of trucks. S. 7bo permit Modfies visual mmeoiog in a with Chtpter 3, Se 2.0. of this Ordlosom 6. 7be, Permit modfies the setbacks af fait and amp in W=Hmme With 3. Section 3 of this Ordham, and that do= softft am clearly designated an the site plan to be approved. 3 912 PPR-13-1995 16:22 WC 612 5% 9W? P.01 rNNorthwest Associated Consultants, Inc. C UROAN PLANNING • O K a 1 O N • MARKET a 5 a t A a C M r PAIMRANDM 70, moodo ih) plandma FROM Richard 1 DAZE: 13 RE. ldandedb - Iaxamp)a Site Plan FILE NO; 191.06 - 95.03 Atted ed please find an example of a site plan for the property being aooddaW for use m an outdoor amp area for uncia and budding aqu19mumt Among the fealm expected an a dw plan ale: 1. Lag dlmeadoma 2. Anitub tion of vehicle aooeaa. iw1a iag width 3. b iniamm NQW=d aeftdm 4. Btmemt of aotllaced area S. Parldeg au11110 material 6. FandM, b cbWft detail of type of Laodog to be used, web as caalog graphic 7. Scteeahfg/iodoc401pg. pbaft typa iced B. pattem 9. Other b mtea *few= to tae tire. We hope WE aadm the appU= In pnwidWS the Chy tho meoenaq ...... , t. , for eft evwwd m of sire peopoaed pl�I*L Should you bave my aaatim pJmm aaD. 5775 Wayzata Blvd • Sufte SSS • St. Lama Park, MN 55418 • (812) 595 -9838 -Fax. $95.9837 �v PPR -13-1995 1622 NAC ` C7rarta. C 612 5% 9937 P-02 �%ONjiRS ,Coop 1114y'= CAM ,r=.L rb4enal I 'SAWPLE Sire -amu to. too' -Do Special Planning Commission Agenda - 4/18/95 The sketch plan attached is provided for the purpose of identifying the Shadow Pines area for residential uses. The developer requests that the comprehensive plan specifically address the concept of development of single family residential uses at the proposed location. Planning Commission is pA asked to review the sketch plan design at this time. Special Planning Commission Agenda - 4/18/95 18. Review Monticello Cbamb gr at Commerrp umpgsal to dImAw a permanent reader board at the interwAdlon of State Mgbway 86 and Broadway. Consideration of calling for a wblle bmaring on Qrdinance amendmonja necessary to accommodate rearrest (Steve arittman report). (J.o.) Please see attached proposal from the Monticello Chamber of Commerce. Steve Gridman will report on strategy for amending the ordinance to accommodate the request. k H1 f t�t�tdt 1►�'��t�tY Chamber of Commerce CHANGEABLE COPY 16 TOP VIEW