Planning Commission Agenda Packet 06-06-1995AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMI+IISSION Tuesday, June 6, 1998 - 7 p -m - Members: Dick Frie, Rod Dragsten, Richard Carlson, Jon Bogart, Richard Martie 1. Call to order. 2. Approval of minutes of the regular meeting held May 2 and the special meeting held May 16, 1996. 3. Public Hearing --Consideration of a request for a parking stall and driveway design conditional use permit. Applicant, Ray Schmidt. 4. Public Hearing --Consideration of a request for a conditional use permit which would allow outside storage in an I-1 zone. Applicant, Ray Schmidt. 6. Public Hearing --Consideration of a conditional use permit which would allow expansion of an ambulance garage. Applicant, Montioello-Big Lake Hospital District. 8. Public Hearing--Conaideration of a request for a conditional use permit to allow three (3) business signs on one property under a comprehensive sign plan. Applicant, River Street Station. 7. Public Nearing --Consideration of a request for rezoning from PZM (performance zone mixed) to B-4 (general business). Applicant, River Street Station. 8. Public Hearing --Consideration of a request for a conditional use permit to allow open and outdoor sales from a wagon or cart. Applicant, River Street Station. 9. Public Hearing --Consideration of a variance request to allow the placing of individual tenant signs on more than one side of a building. Applicant, River Street Station. 10. Public Hearing --Consideration of a request for a variance to allow more than 100 square feet of aggregate sign area on one property. Applicant, River Street Station. 11. Public Hearing—Consideration of a request for a variance to allow a roof sign. Applicant, River Street Station. 12. Comprehensive plan update. 13. Aeournment. NMNUTE8 REGULAR MEETING - MONnCELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, May 2, 1895 - 7 pm. Members: Chairman Dirk Frie, Jon Bogart, Richard Carlson, Rod Dragsten, Richard Martie Stan'. Jeff O'Neill, Gary Anderson, Wanda Kraemer, Steve Grittman Chairman Dick Frie called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. 2. Consideration of adootine naenda. Consideration of approval of minutes of the special meeting held Aon? 18, 1995. Chairman Frio explained that items 8, 7, 8 were not published with the owed legal description therefore a Special Planning Commission meeting on May 15th at 8:00 p.m. will be held for the public hearing. Following the special meeting there will be a joint meeting of the City Council, Planning Commission, Parks Commission, HRA. School District, Chamber, and various other groups to discuss the Comprehensive Plan Update and future > . Chairman Frio also expressed concern regarding various violations of conditional use permits and zoning violations. Frio suggested staff compile a list of the violations, and develop asteria for rating and prioritizing. At the upcoming meeting the Commission would develop priorities for adionloorrection and submit a report to the City Council. Gary Anderson, Building Official/Zoning Administrator, stated that the city would need a very aggressive attorney to follow through with the legal backing needed to enforce the clean up of the violations. Jeff O'NefU, Assistant Administrator, reported the City Council in the past has taken the position of addressing violations primarily on a complaint basis. JON BOGART MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE APRIL 18, 1995 MINX TES. SECONDED BY RICHARD MARTIE. Motion passed unanimously. Public Headmu—Considemtion of adontL an ovdimce amendment mmMding fbr interim uses. Applicant. Jay Morrell. Page 1 O Planning Commission Minutes - 05IO2W Steve (Wttman, City Planner reported that recently, the City bad been approached by a landowner, Jay Morrell owner of M&P Transport, to allow the storage of trucks and trailers on an industrial parcel as a principal use of property. The Zoning Ordinance does not allow outside storage as a principal use. Outside storage as an allowable use is not necessarily inoonsistent with I.2 uses. As an option for allowing outside storage the Planning Commission might wish to coneider establishing outside storage as an interim use. The City's wring ordinance does not have any stated conditions for interim uses within specific zoning districts. The recent request by Morrell to use the land for other than the permitted or conditional uses specified brought to the attention of the City the possibility of accommodating uses of land on a temporary basis. If it can be shown that the use was not incompatible with the uses of surrounding properties, or conflict with the long term development interests specified by the City's Comprehensive Plan, an interim use approach may be appropriate. Chairman Frio opened the public hearing. Jay MorreU, owner of M&P Transport, avid he felt that the interim permit would enhance the industrial park and is a needed use. However, he was concerned about the conditions the city would require. It would be difficult to maintain landscaping because water of power available on the vacant lots in the I.2 district. arittman advised that the commission needed to address the following areas: establishing the interim use and process in the zoning ordinance, addressing if outdoor storage is an allowable use, deciding if the interim use be allowed in both the 11 and the I2 district or only in the I2, issuing or not issuing an interim use permit to Mr. Morrell. Orittman then displayed an overhead of the Morrell site for an example and explained the possible general standards that the planning commission should consider: Page 2 0 Planning Commission Minutes - 08/02/95 Lot dimensions Articulation of vehicle access, including width Minimum required setbacks Extent of surfaced area Parking surface material Fencing, including detail of type of fencing to be used, such as catalog graphic planting types identified Other features significant to the site. Morrell stated that he was concerned that the city was requiring too many conditions for the area. He thought the gravel surfaced was reasonable, but the fencing would be very costly and grass impossible to maintain because water is not available. Richard Carlson. Planning Commissioner, questioned if the process should have been a request and expense of the city not Morrell. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, explained that Morrell had made the initial request for outdoor storage and it was during this process that an interim permit was discussed. Bill 8eefeldt. Electro Industries, questioned how Morrell's request was different from the parking lots in the business district, that are not on same pares] as the business but are used for parking. Grittman explained that Morrell is requesting storage not parking. The city ordinance does not allow storage in an industrial area. The parking lots are used daily but vehicles are not kept there overnight. Marilyn 8eefeldt, IDC, thought that screening is unrealistic. The area is not a high traffic area and the storage would be hard to ase from the road. Morrell stated that each case should be handled on an individual basis. On his property it would be hard for the traders to be seen because of the setback distance from the road. This would be different, however, if the property were a cul-de-sac or in an area that had visibility from the road. Chairman Frie closed the public hearing. Page 3 0 Planning Commimon Minutes - 08/0295 After a discussion on the commission agreed that each interim permit would negotiated on an individual basis. JON BOGART MADE A MOTION ESTABLISHING AN ORDINANCE AMENDMENT PROVIDING FOR ADMINISTRATION OF DMU M USES AND ALLOWING OUTDOOR STORAGE AS A USE IN THE I-2 DISTRICT BASED ON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS:- 1. ONDITIONS:1. A SPECIFIED TERMINATION TO DATE IS DOCUMENTED. 2. THE APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS OF CHAPTER 3, SECTION 2, GENERAL BUILDING AND PERFORMANCE REQUMMEN78 ARE MET. 3. THE PERMIT PROHIBITS THE PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES. 4. THE PERMIT SPECIFIES A GRAVEL SURFACE. SUITABLE FOR THE PARKING OF TRUCK:& 5. THE PERMIT SPECIFIES THAT THE INTENM OF VISUAL SCREENING SHALL BE RELATED 70 THE LOCATION AND NATURE OF THE STORADE AND THE DURATION OF THE INTERIM USE. 8. THE PERMIT SPECIFIES THE APPROPRIATE SETBACKS OF NECESSARY FENCING ANDIOR SETBACKS OF STORAGE SHALL BE RELATED TO THE LOCATION AND NATURE OF THE STORAGE AND THE DURATION OF THE INTERIM LYSE. SECONDED BY DICK MARTIE. Motion passed unanimously. The Commission then discussed if day Morrell should be granted a interim use permit on the information that was received or did he need to work with city staff and return at a later date. It was dedded that there was enough information to prooeed. Steve Grittman, City Planner, noted that a agent with the developer should be prepared based on the decision and assodsted site plan as approved by the City Council. Page 4 0 Planning Commission Minutes - 05/02M DICK MARTIE MADE A MOTION TO GRANT JAY MORRELL THE USE OF AN INTERIM PERMIT WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: A OUTDOOR STORAGE OF TRUCKS AND TRUCKING EQUIPMENT, PROVIDED THAT: 1. A SITE PLAN IS COMPLETED BY THE APPLICANT THAT SHOWS LAYOUT OF AREA- 2. REA2. THE SETBACK DISTANCE SHOULD BE 1/2 THE DISTANCE OF THE PROPERTY, STARTING AS FAR BACK AS POSSIBLE AND FILL IN TO THE 1/2 WAY MARK 9. THE PERMIT WILL BE ISSUED FOR A TIME LIMIT OF FIVE YEARS. 4. A GRAVEL SURFACE IS REQUIRED. SECONDED BY RICHARD CARLSON. Motion passed unanimously. Mr-rMir-mv. 1=1 Item 8, 7, and 8 were postponed because of an incorrect legal description that was printed in the newspaper. The public hearing will be held at a Special Planning Commission meeting May 15th at 8:00 P.M. Page 5 ),TT77.!r. 4, Planning Commission Minutes - 06/02P85 or 15 R whichever is less. Applicant Monticello Planning Comission Steve Grittman, City Planner, reported that at the last meeting, the Planning Commission discussed the issue of the non -conforming freestanding sign at the Cedar Street Garden Center. It was suggested that the sign setback requirements in the B-4 District were inconsistent with the building setback requirements. This is related to the portion of the sign regulations which require pylon signs to be setback Brom the property line a distance of 16 feet, while buildings in the B-4 District may be constructed with a sero setback. The Planning Commission's consensus was to address the sign setback requirements in the B-4 District as a community ordinance issue, rather than an issue directly related to the Gam Center Conditional Use Permit. The sign section of the Zoning Ordinance is currently in conflict with itself in regard to its setback requirements. Grittman recommend an amendment to the Ordinaaoe which corrects the inconsistenoee, and clarifies the treatment of pylon signs in B-4 DistricL Chairman Frie opened the public hearing. There being no discussion Chairman Frie closed the hearing. ROD DRAGSfEN MADE A MOTION FOR AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 10, KNOWN AS THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, CHAPTER 3.9, GENERAL PROVISIONS RELATING TO SIGNS, BY REGULATING THE ALLOWABLE BETBACIffi FOR PYLON SIGNS AND SIGNS OVER TWO SQUARE FEET IN AREA AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 3-8 (C) SUBD. 7, IS HEREBY AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: IN ANY DISTRICT, ANY PORTION OF ANY SIGN EXCEEDING TWO (2) SQUARE FEET SHALL BE SET BACK A DISTANCE EQUAL TO FIFTY PERCENT (50%) OF THE REQUIRED BUILDING SETBACK FOR THAT DISTRICT AS DEFINED IN SECTION 3-3 (C) OF THE MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE, AS MAY BE AMENDED. SECONDED BY DICK MAMIE. Motion passed unanimously. Page 6 0 I 10. Planning Commission Minuses - 0&0219b DICK MAR.TIE MADE A MOTION TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. SECONDED BY JON BOGART. Renwediilly submitted. Wanda Kraemer Development Services, Technician 10. Adjournment. Page Minutes SPECIAL ItIK>;'MG • MONMECHLIM PIANNING COMUSSION Monday, May 15, 1998.8..00 p.m. Members: Dick Frie, Jon Bogart, Richard Carlson, Rod Dragsten, Richard Martie Start~ Jeff O'Nell, Gary Anderson, Steve Grittman, Wanda Kraemer 1. Call to order. Chairman Dick Frie called the muting to order. Steve Gnttman, City Planner, reported the applicant, Eugene Bauer, has submitted a preliminary plat to construct two three -unit townhouse buildings on four e>isting platted lots Tl3is does involve three applications but can be discussed at one time. 7be applicant has requested a subdivision approval, a conditional use permit to develop the property as a PUD, and a variance for side yard setback !br a driveway. The project is proposed for construction in a mature neighborhood of the City and where the predominant building type is single ilsmily homes. The site plan calls ibr two, three unit townhouse building sites. Each townhouse would have its own parcel of land surrounding the building, with common walls. In addition. the development would include a space surrounding all building aites vvhich would be commonly owned. The Zoning Ordinance requires a minimuzm of 8,000 square feet of lot area per unit. As proposed. the Pinehurst project would consist of over 7.200 square feet of lot area per unit. The second request to develop the property as a planned unit development is allowed in the R-2 zoning district with a conditional use permit. The requirements of Chapter OD FUN and the administrative conditions of Chapter 22 must be met The Commission should consider the following five items: Relationship to mutiCipal comprehensive plan. Pepe 1 0 Special Planning Commission Minutes - 05/15/88 2. The geographical area involved. 3. Whether such use will tend to or actually depreciate the area in which it is proposed. 4. The character of the surrounding area. 8. The demonstrated need for such use. The third request is consideration of a variance request to the side yard setback requirements for the driveways. The ordinance states that the driveways shall be a minimum of three feet from the side yard property line in residential districts. In this case, the driveways of four units are adjacent to the side yard lot lines of the individual unit lots. The zoning ordinance requires a separation between the driveways either side of the lot line in order to eliminate the visual appearance of a single, continuous mete slab driveway for both double width garages. Also, there is a non -conforming condition with the driveway and the curb cut of the Unit 1 which is the doses to the intersection. Curb cut access has to be at least forty (40) feet from the intersection of two or more street right-of-ways. In the current site plan the driveway is only twenty-five feet Som the intersection of the Grout and side yard lot line, a considerable deviation from the code requirement. The best solution would be to change the layout of the townhouses to allow more distance @om the curb cut to the intersection. Chairman Frie opened the public hearing. Gene Bauer, applicant, explained that the reason for the present design was to save as many large pines trees as possible. There was a driveway turn around planned for Unit One so the vehicles would not be backing onto the street, Bauer was open to suggestions for changing the layout to meet the forty foot setback requirement but was concerned with saving the large trees. He did take time sketch an alternate plan at the meeting and then reviewed it with the Commission. Chairman Frio closed the public hearing. Chairman Frie questioned Jim Eisele, land owner, why there had been so many trees removed fiom the property already. Eisele explained that most of the tree3 that were removed were Junk' trees and would not meet the landscape requirements. As many trees as possible were left,, including a thirty (bot tree in the common area (Lot 4). The Commission discussed how the city governs the associations. O'Neill explained that staff reviews the association bylaws and the bylaws are Pepe 2 0 Special Planning Commission Minutes - 05n5,95 then filed with the final plat. Park land dedication was also discussed. O'Neill stated that the City has only required park dedication on new plata in the past. This plat is less than an ace and park dedication would not be required. The issue of the street being torn up during installation of utilities was addressed next. Bauer was aware that he would need an excavation permit to complete the utilities. RICHARD CARLSON MADE A MOTION TO GRANT THE REQUEST TO SUBDIVIDE AN EXISTING PLAT OF RESIDENTIAL LOTS INTO TWO 3-UNTP TOWNHOME BUILDING LOTS INTO A RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION KNOWN AS PIIdEHURST. SECONDED BY JON BOGART. Motion passed unanimously. RICHARD MARTIE MADE A MOTION TO DENY THE SETBACK VARIANCE REQUEST BASED ON THE FINDING THAT A HARDSHD? HAS NOT BEEN DEMONSTRATED TO JUSTIFY THE VARIANCE. SECONDED BY ROD DRAGSTEN. Motion passed unanimously. Bauer indicated that he would make the necessary adjustments to the site plan to allow development without the need fbr the variances. JON BOGART MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT WHICH WOULD ALLOW TWO 3 -UNIT TOWNHOME BUILDINGS IN THE R-4 DISTRICT SUBJECT TO: A REVISED SITE PLAN IS SUBMITTED INDICATING THE DISTANCE BETWEEN THE INTERSECTION AND THE CURB CUT OF ANY DRIVEWAY IN EXCESS OF 40 FEET, AS WELL AS COMPLIANCE WITH THE 3 FOOT SETBACK FOR DRIVEWAYS FROM SIDE PROPERTY LINES. A GRADiNGIDRAINAGE PLAN IS SUBMITTED WHICH INDICATED DRAINAGE PATTERNS AND GRADING NECESSARY TO DIVERT SURFACE WATER RUNOFF AWAY FROM THE TOWNHOUSE PROJECT. Pape 3 0 Special Planning Commission Minutes - O8/lM 8. A LANDSCAPE PLAN IS SUBMITTED WHICH INDICATED THE TREES ON SITE BEING PRESERVED, AS WELL AS ANY ADDITIONAL LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE TOWNHOUSE PROJECT. THE CONNECTION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES IS FOUND TO BE ACCEPTABLE BY THE CITY ENGINEER AND APPROPRIATE TO THE CITY'S SERVICE CAPACITIES, THE APPLICANT ESTABLISHES A PROPERTY io.NAAs ASSOCIATION FOR THE PRIMARY PURPOSE OF MAINTAINING THE PROPERTIES COMMON SPACES. There being no Anther discussion the meeting was adjourned. Respedtiilly submitted, Wands Kraemer Development Servloea Technician Pape 4 (�9) Planning Commission Agenda - 6/8/85 Pablic Hearing—Consideration of a request for a parking stall and drivewav design conditional use permit. Applicant Rev Schmidt AND Public Hearing—Consideration of a request for a conditioned tw pe=lt Whigh wypld allow outside storage in an I-1 none. A jgjq§RL Ray Schmidt. (J.O.) I. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Ray Schmidt requests that the Planning Commission consider granting his company two conditional use permits, which would allow an expansion of his manufacturing facility. The proposed expansion calla for development of a 8,000 sq R addition to the eristing structure. The addition would be located on the north side of the existing building and would be used primarily for loading equipment onto trucks. City staff. along with the City Engineer, has reviewed the site plan in detail and found that it meets site plan requirements; however, the site plan does call for a reduction in the standard driveway and curb improvements, thus creating the need for the conditional use permit. The City's standard requirement for curbing requires that a curb line be placed along the perimeter of all parking and drive areas; however, if it can be demonstrated that curb areas are not needed for drainage purposes or needed to channel traffic, then a conditional use permit option is allowed, which allows a reduction in the standard requirements. According to the attached site plan, the areas proposed to be without curb appear to be in areas where the curb is not needed for drainage or to channel traffic; therefore, the request for the conditional use permit allowing a reduction in the driveway and parking standards appears appropriate. The site plan also calls for development of a small outside storage area. According to Ray Schmidt, he plans on screening the storage area through development of a screening fence as required by ordinance. Therefore, it also appears appropriate to grant the conditional use permit allowing outside storage. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: DECISION ONE - PARKING STALUDRIVEWAY DESIGN 1. Motion to recommend granting the request for a parking stall and driveway design conditional use permit. This alternative could be based on the finding that the granting of the oonditionnl use permit allowing a reduction in the standard design requirements ibr parking and driveway design are appropriate Planning Commission Agenda - 6/6W m this case due to the fad that the curbing proposed to be eliminated with the site plan is not needed to channel water, is not located in an area that is commonly used by the public, and is generally located in an area of possible future expansion. 2. Motion to deny granting the parking stall and driveway design conditional use permit. Planning Commission should select this alternative if it feels that the can has not been sufficiently demonstrated for allowing a reduction in the driveway design standards. Perhaps it is the view of the Planning Commission that the curbing should remain in place to properly channel vehicles away fiom the unpaved areas. This alternative would be inconsistent with approvals granted to other businesses. DECISION TWO .OU7SIDZ STORAGE 1. Motion to approve a conditional use permit allowing outside storage based on the finding that the proposed outside storage is relatively small and will be screened and maintained in accordance with the requirements outlined by ordinance. 2. Motion to deny a conditional use permit allowing outside storage. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: DECISION ONE - PARKING STALL/DRIVEWAY DESIGN Staff recommends alternative 01. Granting of the conditional use permit as proposed under alternative 01 is consistent with the conditional use permits granted for allowing similar reductions in driveway design standards. The action to approve would be consistent with what the City has done for Standard Iron, Marties Farm Service, and Suburban Machine & Manufacturing. DECISION TWO .OUTf=E 070RAGR Staff recommends that the Planning Commission select alternative 01. The proposed outside storage area is relatively small, and staff has been assured that the area will be properly screened and maintained in aoomdanoe with the city code. COPY of site plan; EZMVts fiom ardiaaaoe regarding conditional use permit allowing reduction in driveway design requirements; Excerpts fiom ordinance detailing requirements for outside storage in an 1.1 rove. S i '1 ••/•. �{ A conditional use request to allow outside storage in an I-1 zone and also parking stall and driveway design. o/ • \��� \\\ - L � � I I � ' J- MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 158-6: CONDITIONAL USES: The following are conditional uses in an "I-1" district: (Requires a conditional use permit based upon procedures set forth in and regulated by Chapter 22 of this ordinance). [A] Open and outdoor storage as an accessory use provided that: 1. The area is fenced and screened from view of neighboring residential uses or, if abutting a residential district, in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2 (G), of this ordinance. 2. Storage is screened from view from the public right-of-way in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2 [G], of this ordinance. 3. Storage area is grassed or surfaced to control dust. t •. All lighting shall be hooded and so directed that the light source shall not be visible from the public right-of-way or from neighboring residences and shall be in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2 (H), of this ordinance. 5. The provisions of Chapter 22 of this ordinance are considered and satisfactorily met. e Stall aisle and driveway design requirements as noted in (k) Surfacing, (o) Curbing and Landscaping, and (r) Curbing, may be lessened subject to the following conditions: I. Any reduction in requirements requires ���✓� completion of the conditional use permit process outlined in Chapter TT of this v� ordinance. H. Final approval of parking and driveway drainage plans associated with YA conditional use permit request shall be provided in writing by the City Engineer. Engineering expenses greater than portion of building permit fee allocated for engineer plan review shall be paid by applicant prior to occupancy of structure. iii. A surmountable "transition" curb or cement delineator must be installed as a boundary between an outside storage area and a parking or drive area. iv. Development of a curb along the boundary between a parking area and an area f� designated on site plan for future parking is not required if said curb line is not needed for drainage purposes as determined by the City Engineer. V. Exceptions to the standard curb requirements do not apply to any parking or driveway perimeter that runs roughly parallel to and within 20 feet of an adjoining parcel. vi. This conditional use permit is allowed only in I-1 and I -Z sones. vii. Drive areas that are secondary and not used by the general public and not used for routine delivery of goods or services do not require hard surfacing or curb unless hard surface and curb is needed for drainage purposes as determined by the City Engineer. Access to such drive areas may be restricted by a gate which must be closed after each use. At such time that routine use is v noted, the drive area shall be paved. (#191, 7/9/90) NONTICELLD ZONING ORDINANCE !' 1 ��T Planning Commission Agenda - 6/W5 Please see attached report from the City Planner. JU+.-01-1995 1716 NAC 612 595 9837 P.Qr?/M rNA Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc. C URBAN Pl • NNI NO - Gaal ON - MARKET BEER ABC N MEMORANDUM TO: Monticello facing Ce®mtufaa FROM: Stephen Gunman DAIS Jane 1, 1995 R& Moodoello - Hospital Dkbft Corldidoaal Use Flit FAR NO: 191.07-95. BACKGWVM Me Mondoello - Mg Lab Hospital District is repealing approval of a Conditional Use Permit which rrculd allow the expansion of the ambolaooe ganga as the Hospital Campos. 7be ptopeny is subject to a tong term develapeseat plan which L gavmz d by a Planned Unit Development. MD permit apprwala are ohm by Cooftoml Use F=ft ANALYSIS the Hospital District hu it id" a program by which these are ambulance employees on dmy 24 homes a ft. Formeep, hire ambolame employees weee am CA hod u such, required puff spate I ......, .,',,, agjaoem w the ambulate gage when they cm in to respond to a mgaest for ambulaeoe a rAm Sines the dmieg is no holler cd*d for the amhuLoos opemtiau. the Hoq ttl Dieft world Mm to mplaoe too positing spaces with enclosed ambulance garage ME. Ibe concda whim this regnest presems is the toaeaae in the demand on the main Employ" puking oma Ambulance employees will eta park In ttm main amu where pailft spoon am already in abort apply. The im teem plan for the Ho33iW Campus was designed to a000mmoeme a coordinated expanslod of the Hoeft' ' ficillda, cad at the same time, panic a phased exp radon of the paddetg aces so as to p&Wl r gee to a point at which the v1ag apply 5775 Wayzata Blvd - Suite 555 - St. Lads Park, MN 55416 - (812) 595 -9898 -Fax. 595.9837 JUN -01-1995 17'16 mx 612 595 9837 P-Oa/M Was adecru to stm all uses on rite site. 'she elimination of evea a few spaas, and the relocation of the demand to Other aless, Would be comm to the itrtsan of that plan. Al the very IOM the Hospital should camsider g the fou apaoat by expamdhog the other paddng areas to cmnfamna m with the oOOCept plan. Additional psustiimg to ufidf some of the cm.eat psrmn8 d mtip could a1w be aomaidered in comectlan With this proles While much of the campus plan Was tied titre the County's L,,,,,,, .., .... of County Highway 75, that improvemew was not made a tical of the it plan. As the an of the Howifal site c oa tato to increase, inc nemental hwn=ea in do parldu>Q vV* should be made. Conditional Use Fcmits aro to be reviewed a000r ft to the following fatxma: 1. Relaticmhip to the C—,-,- 6— ' . Plan. 2 3. ?endmcy to depreciate the area. 4. Charas of the surrounding area. S. ID .,....,.... J meed for the use. Theta is no doubt that the use of the ambulance garage 4 condamt with the Ing team use of the ptapory, and the arm. However, the paddog simadum has already been a paoI I amd relocating euisting parfimg to . 3 parting lata could add to the comm to the area. Mitigstlog the loss of paddag would be cmdatcat with the Ordhumm rem for the amddmadan of Goal Use permb! and Wdl as the HoPital oumpas plan. The Plasmas Commission must malts a finding of Hct as rheas in= as a part of its =ammmdatim. ALTERNATIVE DECISIONS Drddar A. Approval of the Conditional Use P emit to expattd the ambulance garage an the Matttiotdlo-Big laloe Soaptal p+aptetp u peopaed. Drddam B: Dedal of the Conditional Use Permit to expand the ambalamx gangs on the MOmtiodWRig Late Haetal piaperty. Drddoa C Approval of a Cotdltiooal Use Ptsrmh to cgmd the ambulamoe garage an the MamBodl*-ft lAkO HOWU;tape-), VA1act CO COMA los. RECOMMENDATTON As COW to this report. we would trot eeoommead approval of the empandon of the ambulance gangs wW*A at a -fidm—, the rep mzme t of the lost pUMM tpaor+. The Hospital campus plan was dedgmd to pemit an tatamental Increase In the paddq atv* In the Horpml arta, eventually dtimioatg the padders ddkk which now mdm. As a eeaoh. we would recommend that any approval of the ambmlamoe gatege'a c=ndm is conditioned spm a set kcrease to ovm n Hospital mvn paxldm . modgm with the approved bong term mm" plan. 0 Planing Commission Agenda - SMW Please see attached report from the City Planner. �JL"1-1995 17:15 Ht 612 595 9837 P.02i09 Ina Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc. Cj URBAN PLA NNI MO • DESIGN • MARKST N aaa A AC M 1WEMORANDIIM TO: Mond= lD planning Com niuitm FROM: Stephen Grubman DATE bw 1, 1995 RE Moaticcao - Rhw Street Sateen FIM NO: 191.07 - 95.11 BAQ[GROMM Ownm of the bWWkg at the blteaeetiOos of Bey Zi and Riva Sam have appiied Por a odes of approvals tdeft to the Oenverdom of that bltildiag to a mnblpb feasor eammmial boildin , iacluag arnirp aim some algae um and amdoor &=Is mages nam Yfte doe is =neatly mood, i .'.. , , Zane - Mbted G=. nh dieft ts stnict wed to all= ply residential and hewer buni4' aammadal uses. Four of the da appllaad= for this ptepnrty ate related to the proposed dpnit Of the bldidiog and In testa- Gas is related to ft opomdon of the outdoor sales a% and the shah is for a sea S loom PZM to B:4. Re shoal Bub=& ITS ITA�q h7 nmxbsThe re - - b hopatemt to C=dder lint, d= it Will MCI the 4itp03telon M some ahhe other apples. Bad► of the 8ve b1Oab betabem hart and Palm Stoats it split bawam PM and B4 Zwfa , will PZM as the half hlada ehdn River Storer, and 84 on the WE blorb tbelnp Broadway. It apposes that ebb zoning pattern may have been esnblitbed to tnnddm betwam the mama ianase doaumn aommeedal area to the >R-1 Dlada which pion most of the Misdttlppi River. 5776 Wayzata Blvd • Sine 555 • St. Lewis Park. MN 55416 • (612) 595.9636•Fax. J11-01-1995 17:1S PWC 612 595 9837 P.03/M On this particular block, however, the dm hump is pmk land radw than residential. In addition, the ka tam hand use a2 tbh z ID[ the dvcz mt, may be traaaitloai"g to more a regional mmme=W mare (see Compubmdve Phar materials ander a separate agenda item). Por this oma. thele ha bear diacasdem of a teuae of the downtown area as a site Lor .., .L A....:, ., and ncreatioral related had uses. A zoning which nPfl I dat motet would moat ,y,,, ,,, A „Rti bs dmk mmed B4, ntber than P2M or R-1. Bemnings am to be wosid. , . acootdeng to factors which pdmm* bsclade dke impact an the area, end the guidance of the C.,,,,,. — ?. Plan. A 8mft that a 11.4 toning amid would be most consistent with the long team fFmm land uses of the area would a gvort the leLenin$ requested here. CondWoaal Um Perm* Foa=m's 6larfss Corr. The applicant wisbe3 to operate a 'farmer's maw man armdoor saki affi 7% paepoaed location of the cart would be an the River Sam I ' ge of the property. Outdoor sales is allowed in the B-4 District (but not the P22d District) by Conditional Use Permit. The Ori requires five condaioos be met in order to consider the approval of such a permit. These are as follows: 1. Outside sales aro limited to tJ hty percent of the size of the principal use of the property (wbich may be lommed by the City). 2. Outside sales arca are fenced sad seemed frem view of od breel ossa or dioriets. 3, 14ghdng is hooded, and will not can a glare on reddeadal areas or public streets. 4. The sales area L grassed at nafitced to control dost. S. Chapter 22 provisions (Conditional Use Permit admioiwatiom section) ate ones. Bach of the first four conditions would be met order the proposed plea. The Chapter 22 movidons itwWc conddersdon of ds antouadiog neigbborbood land was, and the proposal's impact an the una. In this cane, the proposed can would be bested on the leaver Street adds of rho bWkft, wbere there is on am= to oA-meet p Mq. Trus, any adfic atop* to paw the 'm&dW would be pul ft on the tame. A mm mccepe locatim for dds use, if it were to be Wowed, would be at the northwest comer of sloe site, where it would be accessible Fmm barb the property's parking eat, and the municipal panting lot to the west. with this relocation, the cut would meet the ,. ,,. ,,.,,,.,,. of the Using Ordinance. SIVU. As noted above, tour of the appiiaAW tette to the proposed dgns on the prop". Three of donee an variance regoats, which mast be mbmct to a ' .... „„ic bmdabip' to 9W* fw ami The Ortlium Ises a ... „ ,hardship as a condldan of the land wbleh Is unique to the property. and which would dmW tato awm tasrmable use of the property. Humpf ghma it the Ordirma htehsde aanowness, d allmaess, at tmpe of a pmel; mpogaaphb or water eondidaes on the lot; or eoedidots under .vhlcb other properties, s milady dsatod, have teoel"d almnar relief. 0 JlN-01-1995 1715 14C 612 S% 9837 P.04, M goom v,.nhomm Tim first variance inquest is for the allowance of a roof mounted dam. Section 3.9 ]8I* specft e* pmt toad signs. Theta would not appear to be any special wnditiaus consduathg a hasdtMp which would suggest that a vadaace would be apptoprIs' e an this property. The propound roof sign would unci]— 'Andquea'. This sign could be located either an a pylon, the Inge wsil ihdog Highway 25, or the dwiter walla facing dtbcr lover Street or the patiniog lot. Since it would be poss361e to comply with the Ordinance in the placement of this sign, no bm ddtip is Inanely to be shown. Section 39 [Hj3(a)ii. limits teaata signs in a muftb Meant bolding to ane slam per temot lbs apA= p Womd to — iadividf W tempt signs m the fascia of both sides at the building. As with tbo proposed roof sign, there would no appear to be any Justification for a vadlraoe tetra this standard in that it is possible to Miriny comply whit the Ordinance with a varimm The Ordinance in guestian was s1atedly drafted carefully to prohibdt such taquea4 in that a dogie to the lid is for buildings on the interim of a block which have prtmny atposnre to the public to bath the Meant and the tsar. ]river Street Station is an a comer, and has primary closure to Highway 25. d gOAire V—I— 'lam Cqn the i SqUM of aQ nig= v m the properly et 100 sgmta feet The pmsposal for ):Muer Strout S�tion dg�ly asceeds that cap. As much as 300 squam feet of signage is shown an each side of the building. Again, thane would appear to be no special conditions wbfcb would justify this level of dgmV, consideritsg the sign area which has bean e t P F ' ca otber .. ..,,,,.,, in the City. h e, w r, r—r nRBe"' r r.,sw....,.t ri- sem. , m auction of the Otdlaaaoe tsgnitsa the utiliatim of the Coed - - Use F prones to eootdism the mmhipse dgm to be located m a dngle propatgr. The prey would appear to meet an of the regttfremene of this sectio, asanmiog that the sigsaae plan is reduced and teloeatod to meet the above cited smodards. These imrdtde: Detafiod Plum; One sign per imam; No temm sign greater than 2596 of this metal oma; Route cbnwa to tegtdto a prom it , Coordinates between tenant sign darn; Builft kkadiimim sign included in the total atiogvahie arms; Shared dans counted tadividttally; and Comism dealp and tmtedd usr4 . DROWN ALTEMA77M Drdmlon 1 A. Tim Ramming Flom P2M to b4 should be approved, upon a Raft that such a tsxomlog would be comststent with the psssemI and future land uses of the amu. B. Tam Romoula hem P234 to 34 shmnld not be approved, upm a flmdisg that the em:eeR woos best protects rho present and Arose Land uses. as well as the riverhont. JLlf01-1996 17 16 PAC 612 595 9837 P.WWM Deddon 2 A. The C.ondt=l Use Pbuth for Ouidde Seta daald be approved as snhm imed, upon a finding that the Use alp mea all applicable ttatdatda, and will be cendaoeat with the ,,, lead Uses is the area. B. 7be Canal Use Pc=h for Oatside Sales should be appaoved, conditlamod opus a miocation of the sales ams to a she which Is a4W= to the off-street paiking ams of toe poop uty, upon a finding that the me wM be nom bo m with the ams land utcs, and sin out ovmturdem the public arrear or paahiag in the adghborhood. C. The Ca ani Use Pemaft for Oaassde Saha sbmdd be denied, upon a finding the the use will be i000ndmus with the tang teas had no plan for the area. Dutdon 9 A. The Variance for a hood' Sign shoaid be appvvvad, upon a fading of aesige condoms, Wading the mpogophy of then mnmumft area. and ..,..,. ,:. bandskp justitft the need for such a sign. B. The Variance for a hoof Sign shoats be A -&A upon a finding that them is o0 eamditmn unique to the property which would justify the gtantiUg of a vad=. Doddon A. The Vvianoe for mm than one dgn per mom should be approved. upon a ffndisg that the location of the building oomaina m a unique condition amating a . B. Tb Variance for arum than nae dgn pa a= should be deafed, upon a finding thu Mm is no condition unique to this property which would jos* the granting d a valance. Duddon 1 A. lbs Vadmoe far over one bunOmd sgmm he of total dgs ams should be approved, qm a fbtd}og that the particular lunation and sunoundfogs of WL pared emaI a uafpm condition ereadag a .......,..... ; ti hardship, upon which a variance may be justified. B. The Vadance for over one hundred squaw feet of taint dga oma should be dented, upon a finding that them fa no condition Unique to this property which would josdiy the g>smti� of a vadsmo. Daddan 6 A. The Caaditienal Use P ooth for more don tome dgas an a muhfple teem property should be typptoved u eogoesoed, Upon a faft that the pmject will be c amdsteat with Mom Lad uses in the ams. B. The Cond d and Use Ptetmh for more than thme dges on a maWpie team Foggy ahold be approved, subject to eomtiaaoe whh all sgtpthable pufotmaooe wodude. Upas a flag flat eompM= with oath ooaftoms would be coin mot with Mae Lod us of the arta, and the City's r 01- of Gan MUI& tmam bum. C. The Coodhlotml Use Peonft fbr mote fte thane signs an a terra property should be demied. apona 8ading thm the scam t don mot meet the .. ,, .... ,,,..,, dtbe Sign section of fire Zoning Ordioamoe. JW -01-1995 17:16- NFC - - - - 612 595 9887 P. WIN RSCO�lBNDATION 7be Rhvr Street Sturm world appear to he a postOm addition to the dowao m aomammdal am% patticub* In Hatt of the ponGla IM tea® un of the oem d bnswo dhsdct as an r ,......, dMd oaioo. As s:, we wmld moomnmd s Vmval of the tamping of the p and to 8.4, amd the Cend d mal Um Fetmfc for the Farmaes Ma*K Cazt, abject to Its teloclam to a doe wdth nmft off-== . Wish regazd to the sips, we w=M pot l of say of ftdm mgammd vadmo m. dace theta is no appv= hazdimp, aaigtte oann, m patom of &tmOet gpaoval% wM* wmM jnMt throe m*mm. Vlkbmd these c tedm6 appmoval of ash vaitaaoea eonld set as anmamoU" vnmdtmt Fhmllr, with zegazd to the ■n ie otomy dp CUP, we v=M teoommmd approval, abject to NO eamppsmoewhbthe, ,,,,,..,,. , thezkv=OidWnoesoWooandl;edbmanmsmndazda. M mould bwb& the adlmb" of a nVued pfsn Mmulft this ooa>Ap ,mm Planning Commission Agenda - SIM Please, see attached report bom the City Planner. F J0949 NAC 612 595 9837 P.02i05 NA Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc. C URBAN PLANNING • n a a I O M • N A R K[ T RESEARCH MEMORANDUM TO: hf=kdlo Planning Commission FROM SoepLm Orf faun DATE: June 1, 1993 RE: hdantiOrIlo • C.,, ...... , ...,r . Phu Update' Comet Pig FRE NO: 191.09 This memorandum is imeaded to follow up on the joint mmft which was held with the City Council. MLA, EDA. Pak Commission, and [then. At that maidmg, than was a dgmgicam amwum of support for the City's pmmdt of Leal developamt, and stramg support for a fall map of houdatappoettmides in the oomnmby. 7bew was little support Our spending dQal9eam City resources on conuoucW developount ar hoadog i..,,.,,,.,.. programs. Ooming sup at do rad of June, we will have the appmtnnhy to snood a few of shwas ideaa against public oplo an by developing them a Me, than holding neighbotbood wmbbops on the imm. policies and discmaed w Aur. Toward that rad, we would ptopow to develop a few sttategiea for achieving the vara ms goals. 11m aballegge wM be to devebrp onoepta which ad a as many or ft vari ms goals a poasible, ad which at the same, don't defeat othms. In the following paragraphs, we have a end a fbw of three coacqu. It would be bdpfbl to dicuas them at the Hunting Commission moesimg Tuesday evening. These coocepta are delivered is a wugb form, dace it ls important that the aommudey hu the opportunity 'to react to them, ami eltber eodatse them, floe sumo them. or IOM them this is particulmu impmm to pream =0 coomm to the mighborboods to encourage the public's sense of active participation. U the conupa ars too polished, the community can be left with the belief that the wofc has already bora dom and the Plan beccomm Wile mars that a Hat of the ccambot's ides. Thee ph= ate mtrely lmplicommued became the City hu m owmmnhtp in the 5775 Wayzata Blvd • Suite 555 ' SL Louis Park, MN 55416 • (812) 595.9836•Fax. 885-983 /Z M+-02-1995 8959 NAC 612 5% 9837 P.83/05 Plan's development. For the con nwnity workshops, some of these canes will be promated gwphtally, and the wodmhap participants will have the opportunity to do their own sketching and brad nae planning. The commwdty has eadoaed the pursuit of a MI ratgo of housing opportunities. Probably the beast'gap' in MesmloelboIs housing apply would be the higher priced bousmg choice. At the tame time, it is important not to lose sight of the entry level m-1 - since this housing stack provides much of the shelter for the City's industrial developaneat pmgann. What strategies may be utilized to attract higher priced housing in blondoello? A few ideas are offcmd below. Rural madeatial subdivisions. Sumo buyer; in the market for Wend" single f unUy hooting have several optimal lomdons, if they as considering the areas was of the Win Chios Thos, the madset is esmtemdy competitive. lbose Wow end home buyers which are locating m the Wdght County an have typially chosen huge, teal lot; , I F tins, the am thing not ava llsble in the sabmhsa atlas. Almost all of these properties are found In ,..,,, ....+. l areas, such as bobby forms, or rural abdivisims. 1. High quality amenity padoge. While the basic City services in critical to permit any urban scala developatent, these seuvicat do little for the creation of a high end bousing madmt. Instead, it Is the 'auras' in the community which drift this market. ']boas include, typically, high levels of quality parks and trails, school systems, unique std attractive — i'............. , and other community services beyond the basica, arch as a crater. 3. r,, .%1-- aro-,-. 0C,Ijts . e-7 8easorrsie Drrsdop mat Downtown mvltalb2tim. DeraDlte the beat eifom of temilm to hundreds of smaller communities across M-mnm, and cbcwbcm, downtown commercial activities have undergone radical ehaoges over the past several yam Me tealitles of . ,,,,...,, shopping pmns have atal iog of aadidond eompariaos comm ner goods an activity am which nouns haply to mautpe ahappittg ammets. 'Ibis is eras to ay that downtowns will no WW have a commercial tale. iosomd, tet tole meat chap to reflect the activities which are that Rely to be stceesdbL Fou most stall dov mwns, that tale eonsiats largely of . , mcnatbon, ad service based eemtmerdal activity. Antique stores, *=Wry shops, theaters, nourmats ad bars, ad oozy uses are those Ind sum which have proven am moccuf ul. Even when some taditiooal retailing has survived, it has nmally been with a significant edam— of entertainment mired in. run City's investmam in this omversim can tab many forms. One would be to establish psogmms which assist ancinliog pmjem for usca whch fit the profile. Another would JW -02-1995 1000 NRC 612 595 9037 P.04/05 be to site the City's outcrtainmem or rwnm*n activities in such a way as to complement the COMIDUn3ai . in the dOwntOwn arm For instance, a Community Cerner in pm®ity to both the dow mown and the river would provide an amenity which encourages both the City's housing goals, ad the t usib matlaa of the dowmown area. Industrial development. The City has identified condsmad industrial development as a mq* cbj=dve for the Cry's , , .,, 11sers was a sense from the joint mewing that while any indaataal development was positive, hights lnvestment h>dnaay, in terms of bailB 9aality or wage levels, would be even mote welcomed. True carseat bK u uw park area is solidly —bHshed, and has some sigodfiaot pa mels 50 available for new �. .,,.,,,„..,. In addition, most of she cacent businesses have mom to expand on their current aites. However, h -T- is problemitic, in that the I-%Mwy. 25 interchange is heavily congested with casninercial Udlic, and additional sopa ad starts will rn— as the traf is levels *unease over tim bong term expansion of the indusnial park in the ann:a. location is tmlibaly. While tbm is este available along other portions of Hwy. 25, these sits would face the same paoblrms in terms of trafHe con. Another interchange with I-% would pmvide reW to the Hwy. 25 imcrchanp. Over the neat twenty yeses of growth, the City should sect additloaal access to the *}away, upon which the City's growth is so dependent rw locadn of each an huercbmp Is nidal in that there are not ntety to be available finds for more than one. if even that Investment in an additional interchange to the west of the CWM developed area would Pgmlh a new industrial past to be developed without the g I and land use conflicts facing the Current aloe. In additlm, proper plaontog would allow adequate reliever mats to open up other devdopmeru areas without ctea iq the congestion conflicts at a later dare. Investment in the dOw of the ennt iotercimp sites would only modify the cuneat capacity, and would likely pr lo& iltmre interchange development which would allow the guy's growth to fie. Comasaudty Foefta As noted In the Hou si disenasloo. community &ditties are linlood to the aMucti n of new housing growth. In the past, baa been thought of aoatly ss n , natste and iron. Cerminly dune is no doubt tent a pdmary sole of the matsicipal b the pmvisiom of mads, plpa ad sewage treatmau. 'ibis plan asgttes for a I - a IF definition d inf4amucnue. initaatrucmre should be [houghs of as any Wlity or service provided by the community as a whole which Is necessary to attract and maintaio developmam. Thus, it the community wishes to attract higher invea>mcut development, It mus think abort the , / ..... ., . necessary to do so. Fos industry, that inf aamranre inch des sDft foenfgated sheets. and adequate sewer and water capacity. For many, though, it also includes a mbar apply, wh kb Is to taddeal shattago in several employment categories. Labour supply requires boring, and Idgber and Labor regoleer higher end houalog. Higher and housing will ste k Uvfeg mhommeets which are oft merely tons the wozkplase (in some eases, this is out a cdtcdm at alp. but arAmmamts which pmvlde a itch plate of ameaWes as a part of the Lalkam mue of the community. 'hie mean look At -02-1995 Wes w 612 595 9857 P. BSA 5 / am olve. mm;6c puk said Mil Hadi. 9uft -hnnl &CWAN ind paopamt. and WpOI 1% troy to my activity wbkh the City undordin is to baow What the City cgwb to reap from In lIIvcstumect. It is tmpeteat to dAck edticallf ad realistically about afiather or o0t the City WM a000UVM a paw Pal if it heads Its esoorca to a qmft way. Clarty. the CSy mads to be ebb ro ptodde bads am" ) sewer smvtoe Ekwa er. it wM Wo moue tom the abft to l& a moat to amaa ommin hWw end" a of , Wbat kb* of tb wM b* mwmmpM all of the tfty's gWlei lbme ate the tavestmmb which d—m tecolve the !R Wppmt Plmae bte acme time to thiol about the I I s3 idea in the povioas paox=hs, and consider -bedaer Mme ate othm am poebRble camas of action for ebe City, at hoof to Baa we Dome of these idmt We wM plm to bo able to ft= dose ad other blest with the cooaaaR# at the 1. 1 is neldbodmiad mambo e