Planning Commission Agenda Packet 08-01-1995AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMIBBION Tuesday. August 1, IM - 7 p.m. Members: Dick Frio, Richard Carlson, Jon Bogart, Richard Martie, Rod Dragaten 1. Call to order. 2. Approval of minutes of the regular meeting held dune 6,1886; the special meeting held June 12,1896; and the special meeting held June 26,1895 3. Public Hearing --Consideration of a request for a conditional use permit allowing development of a church facility in an R-1 zone. Applicant, A Glorious Church. 4. Public Hearing—Consideration of a request for preliminary plat approval of the Monticello Business Center commercial subdivision. Applicant, Ocello LLC. S. Review zoning enforcement issues (Jeff report at meeting). S. Comprehensive plan update or dtsmadon. 7. Adjournment. M!N TCES SPECIAL MEETING • MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMffiSION Tuesday, July 25,1995 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Dick Frio, Richard Carlson, Jon Bogart, Richard Martie Members Absent: Rod Dragsten Staff Present: Jeff O'Neill, Gary Anderson, Steve Griuman, Wanda Kraemer Chairman Dick Frie called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, reported to the Commission that this subdivision was platted and developed in 1989.1990 for single family residential development This subdivision has not progressed as planned. Mr. Komarek is considering purchasing the site and developing it under a twinhome concept. Komarek would like the Commissioner's input on twinhomes being developed at the site. The site would be excellent for twinhomes, but there will be variances needed on front or rear setbacks. John Komarek, Developer, explained that he was interested in the views of the Commissioners on twinhomes in this area Each unit would have their own water and sewer line, the association would remove the snow, the units would be from $120,000 to $160,000, and Broadway Circle would remain a city street. There are options on how the twinhomes could be placed on the site which will affect the variances needed. Komarek asked which option would be the beat for the variance request. Jon Bogart was concerned that a front yard setback variance would result in cars being parked partially in the street right -of --way when in the driveway. O'Neill stated that perhaps it would be beneficial for Komarek to meet with Steve Grittman, City Planner, and review the placement of the town homes. The Commission agreed and directed the City Planner to work with the developer on preparation of an acceptable design. Steve Grittman, City Planner, reviewed the status of the Comprehensive Plan. The following activities have been completed: Page 1 9 Special Planning Commission Meeting - 7/25M 1. Staff Discussion - to refine approach and identify issues. 2. Tactic Interviews - identify issues from a broad spectrum of the community including: business owners, industry representatives, staff, commission members, chamber, and others. 3. Issues Categorization - to combine comprehensive plan topics into common areas. 4. Complete Inventory Report /Analysis - including sections specific to the tactics categories, and appendix of inventory data in tabular form. 3. Fiscal Impact Report - for Planning Commission presentation on July 28 in the draft form. S. City Workshop - conducted to identify priority goals in housing and economic development. 7. Concept Land Use Sketch - prepared to illustrate land use concepts based on City -identified priorities. 8. Neighborhood Workshops - conducted to identify community improvement ideas and needs. 9. Synthesis - workshops prepared for Planning Commission workshop. 10. Downtown Redevelopment Concepts - prepared for Planning Commission and HRA workshops. Next the issues of the neighborhood meetings were discussed. Land Use Management and Rate of Growth - Monticello is currently expanding to the east. Grittman suggested the City look at encouraging development to the south and west. He suggested encouraging large lot development that would encourage bigger homes or keep residents that are looking for the one- to two -acre parcels. Monticello should be trying to attract a share of the higher -end housing, which can be done by allowing larger, unsewered lots. The City should consider expanding the industrial development to the west along the interstate. It was noted that annexation might be difficult for annexation of land for unsevered, scattered development that can be supported under township jurisdiction. Quality of New Development, Page 2 Special Planning Commission Meeting - 7NZM 3. Cost/`Benefit of New Development - Grittman is in the process of completing a fiscal impact analysis that will indicate the value level of a house that must be achieved in order for tax revenue from the home to match the cost of providing city services. 4. Community Facilities - Which facilities are priorities? 5. Economic Development - Where to focus? 6. Downtown Redevelopment - What is the City's role? 7. Industrial Development - Where should it expand? During the neighborhood meetings the following issues were discussed as priorities: I. Higher valued housing development. 2. Continuation of current economic development programs. 3. Expansion area for additional industrial development. � 4. Redevelopment planning for the downtown area. 6. Intensification of city recreation facilities and amenities. 6. Focus on entertainmenthmcmation/civic activities in the downtown 7. Greater utilization of the river @rant. S. Attention to trnific concerns (esp. Highway 28/Broadway). 9. Better access across I-94 (both pedestrian and automobile). 10. More attention to aesthetics in new and existing development. The Commissioners discussed at length the next step in the process for updating the Comprehensive Plan. Grittman commented that the main emphasis at the neighborhood meetings was a community center in coWuncd n with the redevelopment of the downtown area. 7be next step would be to prioritize what facilities would be located in the community center. Page 3 O Special Planning Commission Meeting - 7/25/95 Also, Dan Sjordal, firom Northwest Associated Consultants, displayed four sketch ideas of various redevelopment ideas in the downtown area. He stressed that the sketches were only preliminary and were done to give the Commissioners a visual idea of the concepts being discussed. During the review of the sketches there were a number of ideas discussed that would be involved in the process: 1. Reinvent downtown verses revitalise. 2. Vacate a portion of River Street that would be along the West Bridge Park area 3. The view of the river firm Highway 25 was a priority. This might involve opening areas fium Broadway to the river. 4. Locate the community center along the river or within the view of the river. 5. Realignment of Broadway to promote improvement of park/riverhretail setting. S. Walkways or trails through the park and along the river. 7. Using Walnut as a pedestrian only area with small shops. 8. Extending 7th Street to help by reducing traffic on Broadway. 9. River boat for dinner tours/entertainment. 10. Commercial component important. Chairman Frie announced that the Parks Commission Tour would be August 9 at 4:30. He encouraged the commission members to attend. 4. AWe .*reran - DICK MARTIE MADE A MOTION TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 10:00 P.M. SECONDED BY JON BOGART. Motion passes unanimously. Respectfally submitted, Wanda Kraemer. DST Page 4 MIIwTIS SPECIAL NUMUNG - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMUSION Monday, June 18,1996 - 6 pun. Members: Dick Frie, Jon Bogart, Richard Carlson, Dick Martie, Rad Drageten Staff Members: Jeff O'Neill, Gary Anderson, Wanda Kraemer 1. Call to order. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Frie 2. (7nnaid ration or ndmpnt. to a conditinnRl use rarmit which would allow outdoor galea in a R-2 zone. Apnli ant- Dave Peterson Jeff O'Neill reported that Dave Peterson was requesting the City consider approval of a request to expand the outside sales area of the car dealership. The amendment to the CUP is needed because the existing CUP allowed an outside sales area that is 7.8 time the area of the principal structure(s) on site. According to the measurements provided by Peterson, the sales area afar the expansion will be approximately 169,000 sq R (3.8 acres), which is 9.6 times the area of the principal building. The expansion of the site as proposed appears to be consistent with the land uses in the area and does not appear to present land use related problems. Storm water management is not a problem due to the fact that Peterson recently funded a City -installed storm water prgject ($43,000) that enabled full development of his land as proposed under the CUP request. The most significant issue relating to this request pertains to the landscaping requirements. According to the ordinance, the site area results in the need the 38 over story trees. This requirement can be reduced by up to 60% in exchange for planing of shrubs an other low-level landscaping. Peterson is supportive of meeting city landscaping requirements; however, he is concerned about the potential of trees blocking the view of his vehicles. He has also noted that in the near future he plana on completing a major improvement to his show room and existing outside sales area. He is concerned about city requirements to complete the landscaping requirements today when its likely that within a year he will be making additional landscaping improvements in conjunction with the planned expansion. Chairman Frio inquired if this expansion will be the full use of the land or will there be additional changes. Page 1 Special Meeting Planning Commission Minutes - 6/12J95 Chairman Frie opens the public hearing. Dave Peterson, applicant and owner Monticello Ford, states that after the next expansion he will be out Bland at this site. He was concerned about the landscape requirements and the trees blocking the view of his vehicles. Also, there are many trees that could cause damage to the new vehicles. After his lot is blacktopped, Peterson has plans of adding lighting around the lot. The trees would be distnxbed if planted before the lighting was installed. He did state that he would meet the requirements next year after the expansion was completed. Chairman Frie closed the public hearing. Chairman Frie stated that even requiring Peterson to put in 30% of the tepees would not be a reasonable request before the lighting was installed. JON BOOART MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE AN AMENDMENT TO THE CUP WHICH WOULD ALLOW AN EXPANSION OF AN OUTSIDE SALES AREA SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: ALL CONDITIONS AS IDENTIFIED BY ORDINANCE. COMPLETION OF LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS WITHIN 24 MONTHS OR UPON COMPLETION OF BULDING EXPANSION WHICHEVER IS SOONER. APPROVAL OF THE CUP IS BASED ON THE FINDING THAT THE USE IS CONSISTENT WITH THE CHARACTER OF THE AREA AND COSND3TENT WITH THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. SECONDED BY RICHARD CARLSON. Motion passed unanimously. 3. A$ia==mA. There being no Aulher discu"on, the meeting was adjourned. Respect" submitted, Wanda Kraemer Development Services Technidan Page 9 0 BEDIUTES REGULAR B EE ING - MONTICELLO PLANNING CO1fDUSSION Tuesday, June 6, IM - 7 p.m. Members: Dick Frie, Rod Dragaten, Richard Carlson, Jon Bogart, Richard Martie Members Absent: Staff Present: Jeff O'Neill, Gary Anderson, Steve Grittmam, Wanda Kraemer rall to Order- Meefing was called to order by Chairman Frie. RICHARD CARLSON MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE hf[NU PES OF THE MAY 15, 1995 MEETING. SECONDED BY JON BOGART. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Added!W= Chairman Dick Frie added John LeeresonlCardinal Ponds to the agenda John Leersson had applied for the subdivision of the plat Cardinal Ponds. The application was not processed because of the stady being done with the waste water treatment plant. Jeff ONeill, Assistant Administrator, explained that city staff is set to ask council if it wants to accept any applications for annexation during this period when the waste water treatment plant capacity is limited. ONeill noted that perhaps council will accept applications for processing only and delay implementation until sufficient wastewaster treatment plant capacity has been demonstrated. ASA i HA ring ..GefLaidarAtien of a raauaat far a pgr-king .tell And driveway d�ai� m d_ 'h�'ea�_1�a. eermit_ A i nt RAS ti�.i R,61ic Haaring..Cenaidaratian of A epnnaat lhr n me itis al ,m ar=t arkir6 Allow autoida storax in sin 1.1 rasa_ ApeHmmt Rev BdUag Jeff ONeill, Assistant Administrator, explained that Ray Schmidt requests that the Planning Commission conaider granting his company two condition Page 1 Planning Commission Minutes - 06.06.96 use permits, which would allow an expansion of his manufacturing facility. The proposed expansion calls for development of a 9,000 square foot addition to the existing structure. The addition would be located on the north side of the existing building and would be used primarily for loading equipment on to trucks. City staff, along with the City Engineer, has reviewed the site plan in detail and found that it meets site plan requirements; however, site plan does call for a reduction in standard driveway and curb improvements, thus creating need for conditional use permit. According to the site plan the area proposed to be without curb appear to be in areas where the curb is not needed for drainage or to channel traffic; therefore, a request for conditional use permit allowing a reduction in driveway and parking standards appears appropriate. Also, the site plan calls for development of a small outside storage area that will be screed by a fence. Chairman Frio opened public hearing. Ray Schmidt, applicant, stated that he was half of Ray -Wes partnership and his company manufactures recycling and automotive equipment. The company is growing and needs expansion. Chairman Frie dosed public hearing. Frio asked Jeff ONeill, about concerns of violations regarding conditional use permits. Are there any violations in at this site? O'Neill stated that Brom time to time outside storage has been witnessed with the a new conditional use permit the outside storage will need to be screened as required by ordinance. DICK MARTIE MADE A NOTION TO GRANT THE REQUEST FOR A PARKING STALL AND DRIVEWAY DESIGN CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT DUE TO FACT THAT THE CURBING PROPOSED TO BE ELIMINATED WILL NOT AFFECT THE DRAINAGE AND BECAUSE THE NO CURB AREA IS IN THE AREA OF FUTURE EXPANSION TD THE PARKING LOT. SECONDED BY ROD DRAGSTON. Notion passed unanimously. DICK MARTIE MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE OUTSIDE STORAGE BASED ON FINDING THAT PROPOSED OUTSIDE STORAGE IS RELATIVELY SMALL AND WILL BE SCREENED AND MAINTAINED ACCORDING TO THE REQUIREMENTS OUTLINED BY ORDINANCE. SECONDED BY RICHARD CARLSON. Motion passed unanimously. Page 2 Planning Commission Minutes - 06.06.95 P+m61ir Hearing--Cenaideration of a conditional use permit whi h would allow ^�anaien fan aimbiAnnee garage eAAnli not Monti llo.Hyg J oke Hnapital Ibairict. Steve Grittman reported on the ambulance garage at the Hospital Campus. The property is subject to a long term development plan which is governed by a Planned Unit Development. PUD permit approvals are given by Conditional Use Permits. The Hospital District has initiated a program by which there are ambulance employees there 24 hours a day. Formerly, aEakdance employees were on call and required parking space immediately adjacent to ambulance garage when they came in to respond to a request for ambulance service. Since timing is no longer critical for the ambulance operations, the Hospital District would like to replace two parking spaces with enclosed ambulance garage area The concern is the increased demand om the main employee parking area and that the Hospital should consider replacing the lost parking spaces. Clhairman Frie opened public hearing. Be:b Schwientek, Hospital Administrator, reported that there would be two parking spots eliminated but the expansion is necessary for ambulance and storage. The storage capacity is at a maximum and even outside storage is now being used. parking next to the garage is not a usetiil place for the public to park because of the ambulances going back and forth. We want to be a good neighbor and with the expansion of a 26 x 30 addition it should help. Frio asked if there would be more parking spaces when Mississippi Shores is built non to hospital? Schweintsk thought there would be a few spaces but not very many. The hospital administration has encouraged staff to park at the end of access road until the lot can be expanded or such time when Hart Blvd. is vacated. Helen Wulf, a neighbor, stated she was in favor of the expansion because there is an immediate need for inside storage and also a tree, along the property line will be taken down by hospital. Wulf stated that there are three spaces to park on the street that could be used. S 6weintek explained that second floor is being renovated but parking lot will have to wait until Wright County widens County Road 75. It would be very costly to redesign the parking lot twice. Page 3 0 Planning Commission Minutes - 06-096 Jeff ONeill showed a diagram of hospital concept plan and inquired about parking stalls. He noted that the last time the parking needs were anaHzed the complex was 16 parking stalls short. The new Commission needs to be aware of the parking shortage before they allow two more spaces to be removed at this time. When Hart Blvd is vacated there will be the required parking. There was a study done in this area in 1993 and recommended that traffic was not increased on River Street. Schweintek, stated that contractors on site for renovation are also contributing to the parking shortage. When the hospital is completed there will be more spaces available. Chairman Frie dosed public hearing. JON BOGART MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO EXPAND AMBULANCE GARAGE ON MONTICELLO•BIG LAKE HOSPITAL PROPERTY SUBJECT TO THE CONDITION OF EXPANDING THE EXISTING PARKING WHEN COUNTY HIGHWAY 76 IMPROVEMENTS ARE MADE. SECONDED BY DICK MARTIE. Motion passed unanimously. 9. M ma"Ast to AUM wdng of ind:vid ,a) tenant Aiga on mma 1`9n see Aida of A dldin—AMQG5pL R:= code requires only sign for tenant and Ending of hardship and special condition to Justify -recommend deny - one sign per tenant 10 be HAAd--ConaidamNno of A nou"t far A vlLdAnne to Inm mera n inn A012gra feat etas m�a_+a_A enone y Appi ataRive3 Page 4 G Planning Commission Minutes - 06-06.98 11. Publie_ Hearinsr—Vonaiderr_atien of a =quest for a v rinnce to allow a reef coign Awliean +v r Ctreat. Q etien Steve Grittman, City Planner, explained the owners of the building at the intersection of Highway 28 and River Street have applied for a series of approvals relating to the conversion of that building , including antique sales, some office uses, and an outdoor farmer's market cart. The site is currently zoned Performance Zone - Mixed (PEM). This district is structured to allow primarily residential and lower intensity commercial uses. Four of the six applications for this property are related to the proposed signing of building and its tenants, one is related to the operation of outdoor sales cart, and one is for a rezoning ftun PZM to B4, Regional Business. The rezoning request is important to consider first, of m it will affect the disposition of some of the other applications. The five blocks between Linn Street and Palm Street is split between PZM and B-4 Zoning, with PZM on half blocks facing River Street, and B-4 on the half blocks facing Broadway. It appears that this zoning pattern may have been established for a transition between the more intense downtown commercial area and the R'1 District which faces most of Mississippi River. On this block the river frontage is park land rather than residential and the long term land use of this area may be transitioning to more of a regional commardal nab=. The applicant also wishes to operate a farmer's market on an outdoor sales cart along the River Street footage of this property. A more acceptable location ibr this use would be at the northwest corner of the site because traffic stopping on River Street. The tour other requests relate to signage. Three of these are variance requests, which must be subject to anon -economic haedehie to quality for consideration. Chairman Frie opened public hearing. Tom Brion, River Street Station owner, inquired about sign ordinance. He had received two information packets with different wording on the square ibotage of signage that is allowed. Also, there was concern that the Commission had not received all of examples and diagrams of proposal. Page 5 Planning Commission Minutes - 06-06-95 Grittman tried to explain to applicant that the sign ordinance had been changed and there was a section that was deleted that should not have been. At this time, Chairman Frie called a recess for the Commission to discuss confusion of the ordinance and to copy additional information. The meeting was called to order and public hearing was continued. Tracy Mikkelson, antique dealer at River street Station, stated that antiques are a very visible impulse type of busines that need a large sign for attention. Tom Brion used overhead to show how the proposed signage would look and explained that a sign is needed that can be seen by can traveling by. Carla Dose, antique dealer, thought it was very important to keep process going because the eigns are needed for people to know they are open. Chairman Frie dosed public hearing. Richard Carlson recommended that the Commission address the rezoning and the farmer's market items fist and then discuss the signage. DICK MARTIE MADE A MOTION TO REZONE THE RIVER STREET STATION PROPERTY FROM PZM TO B-4 BASED ON THE FINDING THAT THE SUBJECTS PROPERTY IS CONSISTENT WITH STRICTLY COMMERCIAL USES. SECONDED BY ROD DRAGSTON. Motion passed unanimously. Next, the commission discussed open and outdoor sales i}om a wagon or cart. The thrme:'s market was a favorable idea but the location was not ideal. There were questions from the Commission that if the cart was located on River Street would care be stopping and parking along River Street causing traffic problems. Also, the proximity to the intersection of River Street and Highway 28 would need to be considered The southwest side of property next to parking lots would be a better location. Mike Olson, River Street Station owner, thought the retaining wall and boulevard would prevent the outdoor merchants from moving forward. O'Neill stated that city does have a transient merchant license that each vendor will be required to apply lbr. Page 6 12. Planning Commission Minutes - 06-0695 RICHARD DRAGSTON MADE A MOTION TO ALLOW A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR OPEN AND OUTDOOR SALES FROM A WAGON OR CART IN SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE LOT. THE SPECIFIC LOCATION IS TO BE IDENTIFIED BY CITY STAFF ON THE OFFICIAL SITE PLAN. THE SITE FOR SALES SHALL NOT TAKE UP EXISTING PARKING SPACES. SECONDED BY DICK MARTIE. Motion passed unanimously. The signs were discussed next. Jeff O'Neill stated that River Street Station is a unique building because there is a minimum amount of wall space with a very low roof line. River Street Station is requesting a roof sign but it needs to be defined as to where a roof line starts. Mike Olson explained that business would like to use manors to hang the roof sign on. DICK MARTIE MADE A MOTION TO ALLOW A VARIANCE FOR A ROOF SIGN BECAUSE OF UNIQUE DESIGN OF BUILDING. NO SECOND. The motion died due to lark of a second. Jon Bogart stated that the item should not proceed further without better information on the zoning requirements and its impact on sign development options. Richard Carlson stated that he did not want to send the wrong waves to applicant but he also needed more information. JON BOGART MADE A MOTION TO CONTINUE THE PUBLIC HEARINGS ON ITEMS, 6,9, 10, AND 11 ON THE AGENDA AT A RESCHEDULE SPECIAL MEETING AS SOON AS POSSIBLE TO RESOLVE ISSUES BEFORE US. INFORMATION SHOULD INCLUDE ACCURATE MEASURE FOR THE FRONTAGE AND THE NORTH SIDE; EXAMPLES OF PROPOSED SIGNAGE; EXPLANATION OF MANSOR SYSTEM OR ROOF BRACKET SYSTEM, ALSO AT THAT TIME AN HOUSE KEEPING ORDINANCE FOR THE SIGN FOOTAGE ALLOWED. A TENTATIVE DATE FOR NEXT MEETING WOULD BE MONDAY, JUNE 26, AT 5:30. SECONDED BY RICHARD CARLSON. Motion passed unanimously. Page 7 Planning Commission Minutes - 06-09-95 Steve Grittman, City Planner, updated the Commission on the joint meeting results that were held with City Council, HRA, EDA, and the Parka Commission in May. These concepts are delivered in a rough form, since it is important that the community has the opportunity to react to them, fine tune them, or reject them. Grittman separated the information into the following categories: Housing: One idea the city might want to consider is large rural lot subdivisions. There is a high demand for two to five acre lots. Grittman then demonstrated on a map that the area in the southwest part of the city that might be looked toward to develop the large residential lots. This would be one way to attract upscale housing. Another way would be to improve parks, trail systems, and recreational opportunities. Economic Development: The downtown area is going through radical changes. This is happening all over Minnesota. The realities of contemporary shopping patterns have retailing of traditional comparison consumer goods an activity which occurs largely in S-type shopping centore This is not to say that downtowns will no longer have a commercial role. Instead, that role must change to reflect the activities which are most likely to be successful. For most small downtowns, that role consists largely of entertainment recreation, and service base commercial activity. Antique stores, specialty shops, theaters, restaurants, and bars. The City's investment in this conversion can take many forms. One would be to establish programs which assist in remodeling projects. Another would be a community center in the prorimity to both the downtown and the river which would provide an amenity which encourages both the City's housing goals, and the transformation of the downtown area. Industrial Development The City has identified continued industrial development as a major objective for the City's involvement Thera was a sense firom the joint meeting that any industrial development was positive, higher investment industry, in terms of building quality or wage levels, would be even more weloomed. Traffic is a problem and another interchange with I-94 will be needed. The location for this interchange is critical because there are not likely to be fhnds fbr more than one. In addition, proper planning would allow adequate routes for another industrial park and other development areae without creating the congestion conflict at a later date. The location of additional industrial land is an area that will need to be decided. If housing Page 8 arL. Planning Commission Minutes - 0846-96 is extended to the west, past Olson's Electric, that could be a link to an industrial park located on west end of town. This will depend on the interchange off of I-94. Community Facilities As noted in the housing discussion, community facility are finked to the attraction of new housing growth. In the past, infisstnuture hes been thought of mostly as concrete and iron. There is a primary role of the municipal government to provides roads, pipes, and sewage. la&wtructare should be thought of as any fadlity or service provided by the community as a whole which is necessary to attract and maintain development For industry, that infimstiructure includes solid not congested streets, and adequate sewer and water capacity. For many though, it also includes a labor supply, which is in critical shortage in several employment Wegories. W r supply requires housing. and higher end labor requires higher end housing. This means attractive, ample park and trail lands6 quality school ficilities, and programs, and superior community recreation 11cilities and programs. "jM=ment ROD DRAGSTEN MADE A NOTION TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. SECONDED BY JON BOGART. Respeetffilly Submitted, Wanda Kraemer Development Services Technician M[NUTES SPECIAL MEE`MG - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Monday, Jane 26, 1995 - T PjL Members: Chairman Dick Frie, John Bogart, Rod Drageten, Dick Martie Members Absent: Richard Carlson Staff : Jeff O'Neill, Gary Anderson, Wanda Kraemer Call to order. Chairman Frie called the meeting to order. Frie brought to the attention of the Commission that Items 4, 5, and 6 had been withdrawn by the applicant. R�hli Hw ring�`nnaidwratinn of a cmmt to �nwnd Aer2inn 4-9 .2 of the ai��a fer nrnewrden lemteei in the P7bL B.1.13-2 B-3_ S-4_ I-1_ and T -2- t Mnntinelln Planning f`nmeninainn Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, thanked the applicant for their patience during the process of developing the sign system for Riverstmet Station. O'Neill reported that a recent series of amendments to the sign ordinance inadvertently resulted in the removal of an important section of the sign ordinance which needs to be reinstated in order for the River Street Station request to proceed. Essentially, this is a housekeeping matter with the Planning Commission being asked to reinstate language removed 6rom the ordinance by mistake. Chairman Frie opened the public hearing. There was no discussion W the hearing was closed. JON BOGART MADE A MOTION TO REINSTATE OPTION A AND OPTION B LANGUAGE TO RETURN THE SIGN ORDINANCE TO CONDITIONS PRIOR TO INADVERTENTLY REMOVAL OF OPTIONS A AND B. SECONDED BY ROD DRAGSTEN. Motion passed unanimously. O'Neill explained that Riverstreet Station is seeking a conditional uee permit Page 1 (2) Special Planning Commission Minutes - 06/26/95 which would allow establishment of a sign system for a building that contains three or more business uses. Presently, Riverstreet Station contains eight business uses, which includes an antique mall and seven office uses. There were a number of variances that were requested associated with the original sign plan proposed by Riverstreet Station. After further review of the sign ordinance and site conditions, the applicant has decided to modify the original application by utilizin6 primarily a pylon sign versus wall signs as originally contemplated. This decision has a positive effect of allowing the development of the sign system that needs no variances. Under the original proposal, at least two variances were needed in order for the conditional use permit to be approved Riverstreet has 181 lineal feet of Frontage, which per city code, will allow 58 square feet of signage on a two-sided pylon sign. In addition there will be a wall sign on the south side of the structure. Chairman Fria opened the public hearing. Tom Brion, owner Riverstreet Station, wanted to clarify that the CUP would allow three or more signs on one property. O'Neill stated that three or more signs would be correct. It is time that the Commission looked at the entire sign ordinance to make sure it is up to date. There have been many changes in the last 15 years, especially in the downtown area, and time should be taken to review our sign ordinance during the comprehensive planning procedure. There was an agreement among the commissioners to study the sign ordinance at the nma comprehensive plan meeting in July. Chairman Me closed the public hearing. JON BOGART MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT ALLOWING A SIGN SYSTEM WITH THREE OR MORE BUSINESS USES BASED ON THE FINDING THAT THE SIGN SYSTEM PROPOSED IS CONSISTENT WITH CITY CODE IN ALL RESPECTS AND IS CONSISTENT WITH THE CHARACTER OF THE BUSINESS IN WHICH IT IS LOCATED. SECONDED BY DICK MARTIE. Motion passed unanimously. j�`endnLad PubLir He mqufmt to allnw thn Page' 2 0 Special Planning Commission Minutes - 06/28195 6. ('n*+finuad ■hHe Annring..Lonaidwmfien of a rwm,oat fnr a varianew to Ilom a reef ffig��mliranL i L:W:u.,:x` l� The Planning Commission agreed that the July meeting should be on Wedoesdsy. July 6th. at T.p.m. becw of the 4th dJuly holiday. There being no further discussion the meeting was adjourned RespecdWly submitted, Wanda Kraemer Development Services Te&ni ian Page 3 6i) Planning Commission Agenda • 8/1/95 A RF.FF.RF.NCI? AND SAC [3ROTJbM: A Glorious Church requests a renewal of their conditional use permit allowing development of a church facility. This is an item that the two new Planning Commission mombera are not familiar with. For the three longstanding members of the Planning Commission, this is a familiar request, as A Glorious Church received their original approval for a conditional use permit in 1980 and received a renewal of the conditional use permit in May of 1994. Due to the fact that it has been over a year since A Glorious Church received their moat -recent approval, it is necessary for the organization to come before the Planning Commission and City Council again to request an update or renewal of the conditional use permit. Acom*ng to Dan Gassier, there have been no major changes to the plan as proposed; therefore, the application material provided with the previous approval is submitted with the current request. There is one change from the previous request. As you may recall, A Glorious Church requested that the paving portion of the project be delayed until a year after the building of the facility is completed. Gassler has indicated that the church has funds available to complete the entire project; therefore, he is not asking to be allowed to delay construction of the paved surface. B. LLTL.RNATIVF. ACTIONS: Motion to approve conditional use permit based on the conditions and findings noted in the approval granted on May 3, 1994, which are as follows: A. City approval of a parking lot, landscaping, and screening plan. Adequate screening of the parking lot area from abutting residential use and landscaping must be provided. The screen must be at least 6 ft high and achieve 90% opacity. The screen must consist of either a berm, solid fence, or landscape plantings. Installation of the parking lot screen shall ooear at such time that the adjoining residential property is platted (now). B. City approval of drainage plan must be obtained prior to issuance of a building permit, Planning Commission Agenda - 8/1/98 C. City approval of landscaping plan must be obtained prior to issuance of a building permit. The landscaping plan should include 30 overstory trees to be planted along the perimeter of the developed portion of the property and spaced approximately 38 R apart. Additional development will precipitate additional plantings. D. City approval of exterior treatment of structure moat be obtained to ensure compatibility with the neighborhood. Steel exterior materials shall be limited to % of the available wall surface. This alternative could be approved based on the finding that the church facility as proposed with conditions as attached is consistent with the comprehensive plan and is compatible with the existing and fhture ehameter of the adjoining &1 zone. 2. Motion to deny the conditional use permit. (_ STAFF F[!O NDATfON: Staff recommends alternative 01. D_ Si7PPORTINO DATA Application materials; Meeting minutes from previous approvals. C E Noww ~ •t. /� .-0 ewA- IL%,46:q- e ...-NeT HoI.)TICFLLAO EXIT TO rwirj avrjr-t) 9 O '� LOTLI00b CIA OV -C- VA '?v-opcg." LAoc-t&.r%0P3 Ll►IfOUT SGA -LIE C• Fkm 1 i ✓ •1rQ,66b - � �,,,, •/ , .gt i r � Pa„ppob� p�t�va�!►a WM� cow UO ua"N V�Ng ti comcE,,-, r - viEw FROM LAsr END OF RROPERrY, Lobj<jt44 wE5r ON i4vVY. V 39 -....,, 1'�_1!`" .. a r'��'.�.,.�,� . �..,,�"'.-�L.. � •�-... w 2 t d' wA %7-% RG.�zv�v sec-'r. tO AGi.O .IOVS. . GIJVRGt-Z W 3 P. ti.o ► Ptd.t�t , . PC-2 S{.fsLfi �� c 100' . � uCNTItS4A ¢ta.41N�WL tCMH15�oV 4 c I I � � / `, �i✓, { �C rn IOL 1% 0 coAl, Council Minutes - 5/23/94 f.onside;-ation pf a conditional use Hermit aIIowmr a Fhurch f wility to operate in an &1 zone. Ammlicant. A Glorious Church.. Assistant Administrator ONeill informed City Council that A Glorious Church requests that Council grant a conditional use permit allowing a church facility to develop in an A-1 zone. The request is nearly identical to the request approved by the City Council on November 13, 1890. O'Neill noted that the only aspect of the site plan proposal for the fu ity that has changed since the previous approval is a request that installation of parking and landscaping be deferred one construction season subsequent to the season in which the church facility is built. ONeill noted that the Planning Commission recommended approval of the conditional use permit request as requested. It was their view that this precedent allowing deferral of parking and landscaping is acceptable because it is limited to church facilities in R-1 zones and does not apply to other institutional and commercial developments in other zoning districts. Warren Smith noted that the City loses its leverage to require parking lot and landscaping improvements on an occupancy permit is granted. Dan Gasaler recognized Smith's concern but noted that his congregation has had success with its find raising relating to development of the church. It has paid off the cost of the property and associated assessments and is now in position to develop the facility. Gassler expressed his confidence that finds will be available to complete the parking lot and landscaping within the requirements of the conditional use permit as proposed by the Planning Commission. After discussion. a motion was made by Shirley Anderson and seconded by Clint Herbst to approve the conditional use permit request as recommended by the Planning Commission with the additional requirement that an easement be provided to convey storm water from the south edge of the property to the County Road 38 ditch system. The precise location of the easement is to be defined jointly by City staff and church representatives. Motion carried unanimously. ��:-'� Planning Commission Agenda - 5/3/94 S. Public Hepriiny—Consideration of p conditional ase uermit p Rogzng a church facility to operate in an R-1 zone. Anulicant A Glorious Church. Q.O.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Planning Commission is asked to consider granting a conditional use permit allowing A Glorious Church to develop a church facility at a location along East 39. The request is nearly identical to the request approved by the City Council on November 13, 1990. Those of you that were on the Planning Commission at that time recall that the request was reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission on November 7, 1990. The only aspect of the site plan and proposal for the facility that has changed is the request by the church that they be allowed to install the parking and landscaping during the construction season su�� end to the season in which the church facility is built. Due to limitations m obtaining bank finandrLg for church facilities, it is difficult for the church organisation to gather the fiords necessary to do the church construction and the completion of the site improvements simultaneously. Allowing the development to occur without developing parking immediately would be precedent -setting; however, according to the Planner, the precedent would be limited to church facilities in the R-1 zone. The precedent could not be applied to justify deferral of parting and landscaping improvements for a business in a B-3 zone. Nonetheless, allowing deferral of parking acid landscaping does set a precedent for other churches developing is R zones, and perhaps the Planning Commission does not want to open up this door. I do not have a complete recollection of what the City has done with other churches; however, I do recall that the Baptist Church an 4th Street was allowed to defer completion of their parking facility for a number of yeare; however, they were not allowed to operate without installation of a screening fence, which they did construct. B. ALTERNATM ACTIONS: Q I ` VrI Motioa to approve the conditional use request with the following 0'% conditions (same as 11/7/90 except for "E"): 40, / A. City approval of a parking lot, landscaping, and screening plan. N11166 Adequate screening of the parking lot area from abutting residential uses and landscaping must be provided. The screen must be at least 6 ft high and achieve 90% opacity. The screen Planning Commission Agenda - 5/3/94 must consist of either a berm, solid fence, or landscape plantings. Installation of the parking lot screen shall occur at such time that the adjoining residential property is platted B. City approval of drainage plan must be obtained prior to issuance of a building permit. C. City approval of landscaping plan must be obtained prior to issuance of a building permit. The landscaping plan should include 30 overstory trees to be planted along the perimeter of the developed portion of the property and spaced approximately 35 ft apart. Additional development will precipitate additional plantings. D. City approval of exterior treatment of structure must be obtained to ensure compatibility with the neighborhood. Steel / exterior materials shall be limited to 1/2 of the available wall / surface. / E. IQatall ion of -parking lot facilities and landscaping may be defer f ed �o the construction season following occupancy of the church faMty. \. This alternative could be approved based on the finding that the church facility as proposed with conditions as attached is consistent with the comprehensive plan and is compatible with the existing and future character of the adjoining R-1 zone. Motion to deny the conditional use request. Planning Commission should select this alternative if it does not agree with the finding as noted under alternative 01. Planning Commission could take the strict view that the landscaping and parking should be installed simultaneous to development of the church. Since the City cannot obtain a financial guarantee that these improvements will be put in place, there is no way except for the word of the church that the City can force installation of improvements required under the ordinance. By allowing the development to occur without assurance that these items will be completed and by allowing occupancy of the structure before these items are completed, the City loses much of the power it has to assure completion of improvements without needing to take legal action. (03 Planning Commission Agenda - 5/3/94 C. STAFF RECOb11MENDATION: Staff recommends alternative #1 with regard to the deferral of the installation of parking and landscaping, etc. It is our view that the precedent set by allowing the deferral of these improvements has been set by previous action and that the risk of setting a city-wide precedent that could be applied to industrial/commercial uses is not significant. Finally, this alternative is sensitive to the financial constraints of churches and may represent a reasonable compromise allowing a church to develop within its finandal constraints without eliminating important City landscaping and parking requirements. Copy of meeting minutes—previous application. (2 co4b�, Council Minutes - 11/13/90 outlines the formula and method for use of the sale proceeds to finance payment of assessment debt against the original parcel. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Consideration of a conditional use mermit which would allow operation of a church facility in an R-1 (sinale family residential) zone. Amolicant, A Glorious Church. Assistant Administrator O'Neill informed Council that the Planning Commission has recommended approval of the conditional use permit subject to the following conditions: 1. Planning Commission review and approval of parking lot, landscaping, and screening plan; adequate screening of parking lot area from abutting residential uses; and landscaping must be provided. The screen must be at least six feet high and achieve 90% opacity. The screen may consist of either berm, solid fence, or landscape planting. installation of the parking lot screen shall occur at such time that the adjoining residential property is eligible for issuance of a building permit. 3. City approval of drainage plan. 3. Planning Commission review and approval of landscaping plan. 4. Planning Commission review and approval of exterior _ treatment of structure to ensure compatibility with neighborhood. Steel exterior material shall be limited to one-half of the available wall surface unless otherwise approved by the Planning Commission. After discussion, motion was made by Fran Fair, seconded by Shirley Anderson, to approve the conditional use permit along with conditions noted based on the finding that church development as proposed with the conditions as attached is consistent with the comprehensive plan and is compatible with the existing and future character of the adjoining R-1 zone. Kotion carried unanimously. Page 5 ✓. Planning Commission Minutes - 11/7190 Public Hearinq--A conditional use request to allow a church facility in an R-1 (single family residential) zone. Applicant, A Glorious Church. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, explained to the Planning Commission members and the public A Glorious Church's request to allow a church facility in an R-1 (single family residential) zone. Mr. O'Neill explained through a video presentation how a church facility located on a portion of this subdivided unplatted tract of land would be reflected with the surrounding residential properties and residential zoning around it. He went on to explain how the landscaping requirements and parking lot screening requirements would affect this property with the proposed use of a church facility on the property. Acting Chairperson, Cindy Lemm, opened the meeting for input from the public. A Glorious Church representatives were present to answer any questions that the Planning Commission members may have on their proposed project. With no further input from the public, Acting Chairperson, Cindy Lemm, then closed the public hearing and opened the meeting for input from the Planning Commission members. Planning Commission members discussed how the property would be screened and how the proposed landscaping would remain as is or subject to their approval at tonight's meeting. Commission members felt this would be a good use for the property and had no, problem with the church being located at this property. With no further input from Planning Commission, a motion was made by Richard Carlson, seconded by Richard Martie, to_ approve the conditional use request with the following conditions: City approval of the parking lot landscaping and screening plan. Adequate screening of the parking lot area from abutting residential uses and landscaping must be provided. The screen must be at least 6 feet high and achieve 90% opacity. The screen may consist of either a berm, solid fence, or landscape plantings. Installation of the parking lot screen shall occur at such time that the adjoining residential property is platted. City approval of drainage plan must be obtained prior to Issuance of a building permit. C. City approval of landscaping plan must be obtained prior to issuance of a building permit. The landscaping plan should include 30 overstory trees to be planted along the perimeter of the developed portion of the property and ` spaced approximately ]S feet apart. Additional development will precipitate additional plantings. D. City approval of exterior treatment of structure must be obtained to insure compatibility with the neighborhood. Steel exterior materials shall be limited to one-half of the available wall surface. r Planning Commission Minutes - 11/7/90 The above conditions were subject to the conditions that prior to a building permit application, the applicant must come back to the Planning Commission members for review of the following conditions: a. City approval of a parking lot landscaping and screening plan. Adequate screening of parking lot area from abutting residential uses and landscaping must be provided. The screen must be at least 6 feet high and achieve 90% opacity. The screen may consist of either a berm, solid fence, or landscape planting. Installation of the parking lot screen shall occur at such time that the adjoining residential property is platted. b. City approval of drainage plan prior to issuance of building permit. C. City approval of the landscaping plan prior to issuance of building permit. The landscaping plan shall include 30 overstory trees to be planted along the perimeter of the developed portion of the property and spaced approximately 35 feet apart. Additional development to precipitate additional plantings. d. City approval of exterior treatment of structure to insure compatibility with neighborhood. Steel exterior materials shall be limited to one-half of the available - wall surface. Motion carried unanimously, with Dan McConnon absent. Reason for approval: I. Church development at this site is consistent with the comprehensive plan. 2. Church development at this site is consistent with the geographical area involved. 3. Church development will not tend to or actually depreciate the area. 4. Church development is consistent with the character of the surrounding area. 30 a. Planning Commission Agenda - 8/IM . (J.O.) Tony Emmerich, representing Ocello, LLC, requests preliminary plat approval of the plat entitled Monticello Business Center. Following is a brief description of the plat as proposed followed by alternatives for action. LAND USE ilK The lot configuration identified on the plat is identical to all conceptual plans presented to the City on which previous zoning map amendments have been based. The plat encompasses an area of 110 acres and is split into O lots. Each of the individual lots will be platted as outlots in this phase of development. Subsequent to this initial platting of the area into outlots, each individual outlot is likely to be platted as a single lot or subdivided into smaller lots at the time of development. The plat consists of a lots, Outlets A -F. Outlots A and F are located between Cedar Street and State Highway 25 and encompass approximately 15 acres. Tbeee lots will be toned for BM*rhway business uses. Outlots B and E are located east of Cedar Street and internal to the overall site. Outlots B and E encompass about 44 acres and are designated for B4 uses. The B4 district is the regional commercial zoning designation, which allows a wide variety of commercial uses. Oudot C is located in the northeast corner of the property and encompasses 91.4 acres. This lot is designated for business campus uses, which is an area for light manufacturing. Outlot D is located in the southeast corner of the plat and encompasses 21.2 aces and is designated for PZM uses, which allows a combination of commercial and residential uses. A design of the plat is aftted by the presence of three major utility easements extending diagonally across the site. Along the southern boundary of the site is an NSP easement on which a power line is located. Diagonally through the center of the site is an Amoco gas line easement, a portion of which is utilised as the alignment for School Boulevard. The third Planning Commission Agenda - 8/1/96 easement is a UPA power line easement cutting across the northwestern corner of the property. This line separates the business campus from regional commercial uses. ADJACENT LAND USSR To the south of the site is the Kjellberg East Trailer Park. The preliminary plat as proposed calls for ending Cedar Street at a location that is slightly offset firom the Kjellberg Trailer Park fiontage road. It is suggested that the plat may need to be modified to allow the Kjellberg Trailer Park and the Cedar Street frontage road to be connected, thus allowing residents of the trailer park to use the Cedar Street fiontage road, thus reducing unnecessary traffic on Highway 25. County Road 117 is the boundary on the east side between the Monticello Business Center and the Klein Farms development area. Directly south of School Boulevard and east of 117 across fiom the PZM portion of the Ocello plat is the proposed location of a 16 -acre park. North of School Boulevard, County Road 117 becomes the boundary between the light industrial business campus area and an area designated on the Klein Farms plan as an R -PUD, which is a medium density housing development. To the northwest of the Ocello plat is land zoned for heavy industrial uses. To the northeast is land zoned for regional business uses. Both types of zoning districts do not appear to create significant conflicts in land use. State Highway 28 makes up the western boundary of the plat. Currently, there is no specific land use designation for the agricultural land directly across Highway 28. It has been speculated that this land should be used for industrial or commercial uses. As you may know, the City owns approximately 60 acres across f1om the plat. One of the goals of the comprehensive plan will be to identity proper land uses in the area directly across Brom the Ocello plat. Ul UJff SYMMS A portion of the utility system supporting the plat are being installed with the School Boulevard project. The School Boulevard project, which is currently underway, consists of construction of the entire segment of School Boulevard Brom County Road 117 to State Highway 25. In addition to construction of the roadway, sanitary sewer and water trunk systems are being installed underneath School Boulevard along its dill length and are Planning Commission Agenda - 8/1/95 being extended underneath State Highway 25 for future access by ifjellberg West Mobile Home Park. Finally, a sanitary sewer line is being extended to within 300 R of the Kjellberg East Mobile Home Park along the lot line between Outlot E and Outlot D. Development of Ceder Street and subsequent development of internal utility systems serving each outlot will be designed and installed separately with the development of each oudot. The grading plan that has been submitted with the preliminary plat application has been updated by the comprehensive storm sewer plan prepared by the City Engineer. When the preliminary plat was submitted in early 1995, it was determined at that time that there was insufficient data on which to base a grading plan. At that time, the City was not sure as to which direction the storm water should flow from this site. In order to gain a better handle on proper design of the storm sewer system for this area, the City Council authorized preparation of a comprehensive atom sewer study for the area, which the developer fueled in ita entirety. The storm sewer study revealed that the most efficient way to manage the storm water i}vm this area is to create a system of ponds and trunk storm sewer facilities to convey water in a northwesterly direction toward the low land north and west of the site. Under the storm water plan as proposed, storm water from the Ocello site would end up in the large wetland area east of Highway 26. The overall plan calls for extending trunk storm sewer underneath the freeway, thus providing an outlet for the wetland area. In summary, the grading plan information as identified in the preliminary plat has been superseded by the comprehensive storm sewer done by the City Engineer. All grading of individual parcels done in conjunction with subsequent development of the site must be done incrementally and in a manner that would allow discharge of water 6om the site to the north end west. PROPOSED KODWICATIONS TO THE PLAT The preliminary plat fails to show easements necessary along the perimeter of each outlot. This aspect needs to be corrected. It is also suggested that the Cedar Street right-of-way be increased in width i}om 60 ft to 80 ft along the area south of School Boulevard. Planning Commission Agenda - 8/1/95 Finally, School Boulevard road right-of-way should be widened to 100 R between Cedar street and Highway 25. B_ LTERNATM ACTIONS: I. Motion to approve the preliminary plat of the Monticello Business Center subject to completion of the following modifications: I. Provide all necessary easements along lot perimeters as required by ordinance. 2. Widen Cedar Street from 6o R to 8o R. and widen School Boulevard to 100 R between Highway 25 and Cedar Street. S. Adjust Cedar Street alignment to enable connection to the KJellberg Trailer Park frontage road. 2. Motion to deny approval of the preliminary plat. Staff recommends alternative 01. It is our view that the plat as prepared provides a basic template from which future subdivision can occur. Roadway alignment and easements are consistent with the design of the utilities that are now being installed. It is our view that the preliminary plat should, therefore, be approved subject to the changes as noted. n_ SUPPORTING DATA, Copy of preliminary plat; Zoning map. 4 ?o..&: '� 0 — 5. �c — ] %',u1, o, 6 NO E-. INK MMT I Btlstmcbs CE"FM SIC Pz=