Planning Commission Agenda Packet 05-15-1995 SpecialAGENDA SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Monday, May 14 1998 - 9 pin. Members Dick Frie, Jon Bogart, Richard Carlson, Rod Dragsten, Richard Martie 1. Call to order. 2 Public Hearing -Consideration of a preliminary plat request to subdivide an existing plat of residential lots into two 3 -unit townhome building lots into a residential subdivision known as Pinehurst. Applicant, Eugene Bauer. 3. Public Hearing -Consideration of a variance request to the side yard setback requirement for driveway. Applicant, Eugene Bauer. 4. Public Hearing -Consideration of a conditional use permit which would allow two 3 -unit townhome buildings in an R-2 district. Applicant, Eugene Bauer. 6. Adjournment. Special Planning Commission Agenda - 6/16/96 4. Pablic Hearing-Considferadon of a oonditioml nRLagrmit Thick would allow two &unit townhome (J.O.) See Planner Steve Grittman's report attached. MAY -11-1995 15:19 IAC 612 5% 9837 P.02/0'7 INA Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc. C URBAN PLANNING • DESIGN • MARKET SEAR A AC N PLANNING FLMRT TO: Monticello Planning Comm Jeff O'Neilf FROM: Stephen Orimman DAM 11 May 1993 R& Montle" - Phmhurst Townhomea FILE NO: 191.07 - 95.07 Background: The applicant, Mr. Bugene Bauer, has submitted a paetlmWm plat to ocnsttaa two three -anis townhouse bnOdiags an four eaiadng pinned Iota. The appllmm has isgaeded a aabdivW= appaovaL a aaodidmal use pem b to draiap me propmty at a PUD and a vadanoo for a side yard utbacic Dor a drlvawgy. 'lbs p vjm b proposed Por coesaaction in a miners ndghbmhood of the City and where the predominant buildieg typo b Single Smay homes. Attached for retbreao I B,1<Mbh A • ftliminuy Plan ISSUES ANALYSIS ftdbmioary PhL 'lbs proposed Plat of Finehamit condor of two, these udt townhouse bnddlog ekes. Ewh townhouse would have tta own parcel of had , . , "„ , J. i, the bur'Wtta, wDh common waW. In addation. the f would Wch de a space mmunditag an batlft Sita which would be omn mmb owned. m1m Zottmg Ordim m requires a adrA-- of 5,000 apm Dee of hat acct per =IL As pr , v , I IDs PttM pn*d woM cmW4 of over 7.200 sgaate Deet of lot area per udt AD hdbft and other pedb maaoe ClIa of the Zoathtg Ordtu ee would be met by the developaaeat. whh the eaxx+palm of dke lava dtswaed speclBaUy in the followfnS PUBPWhL 5775 Wayzata Bird • Suite 555 • St Louis Park. WAV 55416 • (612) 595•NW-Fax. 595.9837 a fl MAY -11-1995 1526 NAC 612 595 9837 P.03/V? CandMis W Use Ptetzolt. ibe pmjact sine is cmmudy meed R•2 and b proposed to remain R-2. Within this zoning district, oownbusen are albwrod as a conditional use provided the requirements of Chapter 20, PUDa, are met, as well as the aftiaistrative coma of Chapter 22. As a compomer of the conditional use pcmh procedure, the Planning Commission shall consider the pmstbk adverse effects of the proposed Condone use, based on the fclluwieg faction: 1. RdasanddptoMunicipal C�....... ... ..,4 ,Pbm. The Comprehensive Guide Pian mcommands that residential areas closer to the Central R Ddstrict be encouraged for multiple i:mily dwellings. This policy enablea move people to live eJcsar to the nein sbapping and seivioa of%sed by the badidoml downtown area. 1be policy of enco rift Wow deositia in nearby naighbovbcode also assim in itis maims of a strong retail base in the Downtown District 2. The geogzaphiesl area involved. The project sine Is located in an established neighborhood rhood area of older angle family horses, with a few mul8-hmfly dwellings coesaucted more recently. lbae is a variety of ha>ilding types and an architequtal dmzu er throughout the odghbovhood. For this reason, the geographical area is condadve to this type of housing developmetu. 3. Whether aarh user wM tend to or aduagy depreeiate the ares♦ to which it b proposed. Tbam b lhtb mum dot the project would be to depredate the area. Provided the townhouaa an contracted with high quality materials and maintained in good condition, the towabooaes any indeed lmpwve property values In the m4bborhood. 4. The character of the surrounding arm AS Mentioned previously, the , ,,, , neighborhood consists of older housing. telxing the mftnd cnftmm ip of construction in the original oommuWq. The design of the proposed townhoaaa should be aesthetically and flmetluaally campadble with the muounding raidmtjai aorta. S. no ............ , I tsmad W sub use. I% CI -11,,1... i— Guide Pim tes as hre em In residential dmsitia ummnd the Ceumal DWacma Dimriet. Too mud b psmide market ate housing to accommodate these wbo do to desire a single Emily home is an import iiok In the local housing market. Many may petits to lftro to itis mecum mighborboods of Monticello, iodiadog m e:ialm l� J MRY-11-1995 1520 NAC 612 595 9837 P.04i07 and lanae need for this type of housing in this aces. With regazz! to the General D . „ ;'. and Standsods of a Planned Unit Devebopmem OUD), the paaposed townhouse I. a.Y...", appears o be wnsiaeat whh the C... ......... Plan and Sanitary Serer Plan for the nee. Common open apace would be providedprimuily by the eking public streets and open spaces of the City, but also by the 24,810 square feet (.57 ace) of land owned in common surrounding the individual townhouse Ica. Common open space and service f acilina requite mmagemcin and mahuonaaoe by a property ownces association as approved by the City Council. it will be the n Vons dlity of the property owner's association to adbete to the operating and mainteom mquhemmn stated in Section 20-2 [l3] 3 of the Zoning Ordimace. With regard to rho epoof3c ..,,, ,,.,., of ownbmm in a PUD, Section 20-2 [M], the proposed project mew the .: ,,,,', . of leu than eight (tar dwelling units per single strxt ue, and a anis lot frontage gteaer than 20 abet in width. Also, the miaimam setback sad bm7diog height criteria and ided by Section 20.2 [M are also saddacmdily met. lbia Una section antes the minims® binding ,, . ,,. i., for the R-2 district apply to a PUD within that district. VWbuce: Driveway S Sharp A=mdmg to the Genc al Previsions for Ott Street Paddog, Section 3-5 [D] 9.g., oarb par openings and driveways shall boat a minimum Wee (3) feet ft= the alde yard ptopoty line to :aldemiab districts and five (5) feet tom the side yard kit line to buduss or htdustdal districts. In this ase, the driveways of four units are a4wetit to the side yard lot linea of the individual unit tots. A variance has been tequeaed by the applieaet to accommodate this condition Vulanoees must be evaluated as to the pmposes'a non in complying with the hteral terms of the Ordinance. The Zoning Ordinum deactibm ach conditions as being those cmditions which —Ivr pmaon developing In the am zoning district would net encounter. Adbeteaa to the ddveway setback mgaiteme= for Nein bonen was required of the hover MM project, and no apparrat anditions preuat themsehm which would cortnitm a unique condid on this property. The primary distinction between these projects would be the eristaroe of common arcs an the Bauer project under consideration. The Zoning Ordinance mini= a separation between the driveways eit a tido of the: lot lice in otdes to ellmbmte the viral sppeatance of a single, eoudguotu eonam stab driveway for both double width ganger A landscaping treatment, or chop in pavhtg pattern or materials, would visually improve the from yard appearance of the units. In addition to rho hardship finding discussed above, approval of a vada= regmita the Pbatming Commisalon to make a fbdit rho the Proposal will rot: MAY-11-1995 1528 WC 612 595 9837 P. MAP [A] Imps as ad supply of light and air to adjacent property. [B] Unreasonably increase the n in the public street. [C] Incase the dmger of fire or endanger the public ufay. (D] Urtasonably diminish or impair estsblisbed property values trichia the neigh- bo]cod or to any other way be contrary to the tnuot of this ordinance. A wood axv=aarmiag condition exists with the driveway and nub cat of Unit 1. According to the Cstonl Rovisba for Off-UM 1?arldng, Section 3-3 0)] 9A, no curb cut access shall be located leas than forty (40) feet Ecom the immsecdon of two (2) or name area rights-of-way. 'lois distance is typically measured from the intersection of lot H ma. In this cane, the ddveway for Unit I is twenty-five QM Ext from the intersection of the f our: and side yard lot Nae, a <zs>siderable deviation flom the code regnieentent. 73ere are throe altemattvea to resolve this isstm. The City may simply deny the proposed pioject. consider a vadmoe, or approve the project conditional upon an appropriate driveway pJaammt for Unit 1. N the City dwoses to deny the project based on this mm-watam>img ceoditioa, a potentially positive redevelopmont taitistive would be discamagad. At the same time, it is not in the best finest of the Coy to approve projects which generate uaafe —ffk conditions a the intersection of neighborhood streets. U the City chooses to grant the applicant a variance, Mowing for the nub ant to be within 40 fest of the intersection, a trmmbldorne preoodem would be established. Purim development in the mstnre neighborhoods may auticfpste vadmes for this type of condition, as well as other non-coafotmiog conditions. The oImom solution would be to approve the proposal conditional upon the driveway being moved or the writ roa8goudem designed such tbat now of the pmjea's cmb ata are within 40 feet of ibe 4th Seat and Em Street lotersectiom. Tb aecommotLu this eamdid— the applicant will be required to revise the preliminary pin showing an appropriate configuration of the townhouse tmim and tlxir drinways. Because the Qty's 7mtsg Ordlosaw allows for townhouses to be grouped to rep to eight contiguous units, all six units may be aaaeged to form a single townhouse sutxtue. An even those dealuble option, given the misting chaeaeoet of the neighborbood, would be to phos the driveway of Unit 1 an the ea— tdtb of the individual lot and acquire another be feet by moving all iodividval lots to the soutbesm lois tronflgun ion would allow the units to remain essentially unchnoged in tbeir toward the suet and within the necessary ddo yard setbacb raptired by the azdioaaoe. 7%e necessary plan changes to accommodate this solution an rmlatively minor. Tbadom, the City could allow the project to proceed with the condition that the final plat hrdkase a curb at condition greater than 40 fea horn the ®m Sues and 4th Shea intersection. EMWes. The proposed site plan should be =viewed by the Cly 8oginteer for evaluation of the existing water delivery, sewer system cgachy and conneaiom of new units to these systems. D MAY -11-1993 16:21 NAC 612 595 9837 P.06i07 Pfmal plat approval slraald be comdWonal upon the City >loBt 's approval of the project's connec d= to exi:dag public utfty delivery sysoems. C The gVHcam will be mgolmd to p mvkb a gmdWdnd=p Plan. 'this Plan should dewfbe an appropmiaoe grading of the site m d-f—ge gaftrus away from ft buil and toward the mmWdpal am ddm®e tymem provided wWBn afsed d&& -of way. Find plat approval A&H be camdidand upon ft Cty En approval of ft Iondsce . Mw submlimd Plan locams adsft um an site and their present um& caliper. Many of thele ttexa out proposed bWdiog fouquiats should be preserved through the site's development to —trim the --16 - -I of ft neighbotbood. A Landscape pian should be submitted wbich indicates the eattmt to w" ibex aeon will be presrtved, u wait u new htndscapdog acamat Dwam the p mjM will be dovdaped as a POD, Section 20-2 M, G meal Requireman an and Standards of the Zan Otdinaena, states that a Landscapb Plan be approved by the City Comil as a ooadidon of preHmimry plat appnvvaL As stand In the amdimanw, In addmuitg the Iandsciptog Phm, the City Council shah cm the natural features of the pud9cular site, the ,.:.::,.., ,. 1 chataamisda of the proposed mnuctmms, the ovemll scheme of ft POD Plan, sad the general findprovisions of this ord m c P ' Find plat approval shall be comdWoml upon mbmiuicn of a Iamds Pian and its approval by the City Council. Pld Dad add Thi tmft of land un bu Band from four dwelling units to six an ]bur eradWortally plumed naldmdd IOh. Bo me of dds increased itmcusby, the City may choose to eandit a cash dnmtian mavareb parfc land ,,,,„. .....,,. lm Hoa of land QediemtJam, ar other ancb „ appropriate to the developmu�'s impar on pudrlk park um8e An -gm= betwP aha appllcur and the City should boa d000mesSed aompaiman of the preHmimry plat approval. AL723M7M ACTDf M- n...ta.,� s• �. 1. Approve • Ptelimtmry Plat for two, three unit .. „' . . , haoam u Pi. 2. DmW a PmHmtmry Plat for two, three salt townbous . ]mown as Pioelamat. ANum a Vadm a to the 3 foot aabaclf , , ,,,,,,,,, , , for dzhcways Am dde properly linea. Dray a Varhm to the 3 Pool Setback .. , I ....... .. fbr ddvesims i}tm aide pmpemy Um. 6 MAY -11-1995 15:21 NX 612 595 937 P.07i07 1. Approve a Caul Use Pewit for the cangntarm of two, three unit .. , .... the plat of Phu. 2. Deny a Caadhfnnal Use Permit for the coasttadat of two, three mit Wwriboussa in the Plat of Pim. Buell an the preoedigg review, our afiice finds the proposed project gmerally aonsirtem wilh the goals of the CoWebm&e Guide No smd 1, � I mcommtods approval of the Ply Townhame Prdimioary Mad Caodldooal Uwe Pmmit. A vuiarroe to the setbadt .. , , ., for drivearays is , , ,,,,,,,,, ,, l for daaW. 7be Phi wad Caodbio®l Ub Permit am —.1 ...... ..,..1 provided the following conditions ars met: 1. A revised sloe plan is mbmbed lodlcatiog the distaum between the Wma mcdon and the cwt art of any daveway in a cells of 40 feet, u sell u coa llaox with the 3 foot usbaci for driveways fiom aide proputy Ham. 2. A gmdiWdmhtage plan is arbmitted which indicocs deaioags panem and grading mousary to divert s dhw water n=ff away ham the townhouse suucm Ks). 3. A Lod anpe plan is aftaNad which bcdittdea rho boa on site bebS prssaved. as well u any additinal laodsacpe hapmvenneats umclind with the wwnhoaae project 4. The eoaaadm of public atHldu is !bard to be acccoble by the City Boginees sad apptoprlsm to the City's service Capadtla. S. The mWicam esablishes a PrWesty Owners Astodatkm for the primaey purpose of maioafatag the pmpaty's aommoa spaces. 6. The spplkam dediatw an amount dbttaod appropdate to rise City towards paddand 6 TOTAL P.07 A preliminary plat request to subdivide existing platted residential lots into two three -unit townhouse buildings. conditional use permit which would allow two three- �_,it townhouse buildings in the R-2 district (single and /• �•" /'e two family dwelling zone). • Consideration of a Valiance request to the Bide yard �) setback requirements for a driveway. .,y i�rFAs �, l4 rF