Planning Commission Agenda Packet 09-25-1995 SpecialAGENDA SPECIAL MEETING - dA MONTiCSIVAN K AN�NpING COb3UMGN Monday, S L I'.:1 L. 25. IM - Rid Members: Dick Frio, Richard Carlson, Jon Bogart, Dick Martie, Rod Dragsten 1. Call to order. 2. Public H of a request for a variance to the Brant, side, and rear setback requirements for a planned unit development in an R-2 zone. Location is Prairie West Subdivision. Applicant, John Komarek. 9. Public Hearing—Consideration of approval of a conditional use permit that would allow a planned unit development in an R-2 sone. Location is Prairie West Subdivision. Applicant, John Komarek. 4. Public Hearing—Consideration of preliminary plat approval of a replat of the Prairie west Subdivision. Location is Prairie west Subdivision. Appplinant, John Komarek. 5. Continued Public Hearing --Consideration of a variance to the Brant yard setback requirement fbr a PUD in an R-2 zone. Location is Klein Farms, Outlet A. Applicant, Swift Construction. S. Continued Public Hearing—Consideration of approval of a conditional use permit that would allow a PUD in an R-2 zone. Location is Klein Farms, Outlot A. Applicant, Swift Construction. 7. Continued Public Hearing --Consideration of preliminary plat approval of the Klein Farms Estates Subdivision. Location is Klein Farms, Outlot A Applicant, Swift Construction. 9. Adjournment. Special Planning Commission Agenda - 9NW5 2, CAMR1910MUG12 of a VRXjw.u+n to tim ffim� aides- and res* aetbaa� raenl.w.eA. }br a FLnnad fit dove] It -S Cotte. �tml,�^ inl•n n awolr_ d. West Bttttdialalon A=UrAn .iOhn n AMIL (,1.0.) Please am the attached report from the City Planner for a complete site plan review and staff recommendation. The Planning Commission recommendation to Council will be established at a special meeting of the Planning Commission to be held immediately prior to the City Council meeting. DECISION 1: Consideration of a variance to the ftmA side, and rear setback requirements far a planned unit development in an &2 tone. Motion to approve the variances to the front, side, and rear setback requirements for a planned unit development in an &2 was. Motion is based on a finding as outlined in the Planners report. Motion to deny approval of variances to the front, side, and rear setback requirements for a planned unit development in an R•2 zone. Motion based on a finding as outlined in the Planner's report. DECISION 2: Consideradon of approval of a conditional ase permit drat would allow development of PUD in an A•9 sone, Motion to approve a conditional use permit that would allow development of a PUD in an R.2 zone uddect to conditions as noted by the City Planner. 2. Motion to deny approval of a conditional use permit. This alternative abould be selected if the developer is unable to comply with conditions as required by City Council. DECISION & Conetderad m of preliminary plat approval of a replat of the Prairie Weft Subdivision. Motion to grant preliminary plat approval of a replat of the Prairie West Subdivision subject to conditions noted under the Planned Unit Development approval. This alternative should be selected if the planned unit development is approved. 2. Motion to deny preliminary plat approval of a replat of the Prairie West Subdivision. D_ JHMMRTINa DATA Preliminary Plat; Planner's report. p VI/M 612 � occ.cs S5,22-199S C' SA ly /Vo 7s Ck cot^,, A k Q��l�^'C .08 SSW ,,q VtjA 1p 7 Z,e4 Cg. Al S64-0 Po A k Q��l�^'C .08 SSW ,,q VtjA 1p 7 Z,e4 �.;';SEP-22-1995 1129 NFC 612 595 9837 P.02/O8 rNNorthwest Associated Consultants, Inc. Cj COMMUNITY PLANNING - DESIGN • MARKET RESEARCH MEMORAMUM TO: Monticello Plamdng Cbsmainiomfleff O'Neill FROM: Soilbes Orimme DAIS: September 22, 1993 Ra 1 0 - Bomatdc/Prside west Townhonles FlU NO: 191.07 - 93.13 Bnekgmand The devekVms of the pmpmed Prairie west Townhomes project bave atbmitoed a request for p mIlminary plat appaoval. 'ibis request includes an apptkadon for a Planned Unit DeveboquItemut as well son vada>mes from the penfmaec lot linea an all sidrs of the project Ibis project has bets reviewed at acmoept level by the Fkmning Commission toward the objective of ideaBtying dmign and phy*W elemeoss which would, or mould not, No* the graming of the PUD and var taooea. Damsdion by the Planning Commission indicated that acme flezibility to dw perimeter se tbxla might beJustified by the hot that the property is subject to existing improvemma shite tlmit the use of the rsmaiciog had. 'Ibis rtpmt b handed to outline the issues and provide Analysis of the applicatim of the Zoning Ordbmm standards to rho projem Ax*+ts The proposed project cnd= of twelve dwelling Unica to be developed is ata tesla home atrnctores. They am to be pmpod around the addin cul -do -mc, 'Broadway Circle', whh a weirs of drimmys acoealog the Indy al ganages. The driveways are combtaed in const ares, but not all. The plat abows that eacb individual mit would be platted to bave iV own gloats property su rotmdhag the Dail, site the mmainft in common oanuft. The plat she shins a perimeter 12 foot Ad— and aft easennea . a moundim; the prnI. with an adddanal 12 foot eaaemeat emending ftom the end of the Cul -de -m to the Burlington Northern Railroad. 5775 Wayzata Blvd. • Suite 355 • St. LoUs Park, UN 55416 - (612) 595.9638'Fax. 595-9837 SEP -22-1995 1130 WRC 612 5% 9837 P.03i08 Planed Unit Development and Variance Planned Unit Development (PUD) is intended to provide flexibility in the City's zoning standards toward the goal that by granting the fleLbl7ity, a developer is able to achieve a eaperios pmjux to that whicti would ban resulted fiom a strict adheratoe to the Zoning Ordiaaow's performance staodestis. Thus, in order to recommend Me use of PUD, the Planning Commission needs to make a finding that the altered design achieves this objective, or PUD is ant being used y,,,••.• .:',.�.:�. PUD is not intended to be used to mealy shortcut the Zoning Ordbm=, or to avoid the finding of hardship in variance cases. As a result. ;Punct, :ethicist at typapIly applied to PUD projects, but `interior" setbacta we not. Pmmxw setbacb would be those which affect the project's eVos ue to public streets or adjoining private property. Interior setbacks would be those which affect lot Bad witbta the project botmdarid. Ilse setback tante wM be addressed first since it affects the design issues under the PUD. In summary, to recommend a vadam to the saboccs, the Planning Commission mart consider the following factors Uniqueness from otbar lands Avoidance of spacial privilege In the rue of Prairie wear, these issues are not clear ad. With regard to hardship, the Planning Commission might fled that due to the coe$gmatioa of the property, and the i,.,, .,,. -, ahrady in place, Mae would be a true hardship in cautplydog with all sabaeb. PMimlarly along the east property line, the lot depth is less thin 110 feet. once the moored sabaeiu ate taiton, there would be lea than SO fast of buildable ansa. On the abler hand, the Planning Commission could find that the adping ioopnovements and plat design were put in place by the current owners, thus any hardship was merely eeonnmic to =Um It would not be impossible to design either single family or two hmlly structarcs which would mea the setback • . ,,,,. • :....,,.. Aerbpa this would result in a reduction to the unit count of the project. However. this could be merely another trample of the economic namte of the htadahip. With regard the u u, this criterion is ams which is handed to Show Mat coy variance grimed would not impsa other property, or tlmt no nqpbe praoedem would be ser. In this case, tbo property is abutted by school and railroad lands an two sides. However, Me oween bave also mocsoed vada uoe Flom the public sweets, including bath Broadway and Broadway Circle, las well as Mo privately owned property to the weft. While the utdquamss &nor may be present on the month and east Bad, there would not sppest to be any uniqueness wide respect to the swots or the wast property Une. 2'4 SEP -22-1995 1130 NRC 612 595 9837 P.04/W The last factor, lgxc l pavn&W is an application of the uniqueness iasrte to odier lends to the district Tib b me is ioterded to consfdar whether gimriar pzWmty in dmi]ar situation have been $matted similar varies (mfcuft that the City would do so again in this situation), or whether they would be in the tbmee (infemng that the grant of this variance would be applied to other property if requested). Applying thb standard to the Piaide Weal sinrstlon, the Plarming C=misdm might find that the Railroad and School psoperty sedmb might be justified, but that setbacks from stress and other private property would sot be junifiad. in summary, the sabad vadancrs to the east and south could be defended by their unique situatimm a&= to larger, cpm, 'istiimtionalndgbboftg popery. However, the sedmim to the weal and to the public g rests would be more diff, to defend based on the appUation of any of the facmm which am to be part of the variance analysis. The PUD analysis anggeau tbat fladbility to other zoning uudards must be juadfied by L,— .....:,,.s in the overall desip. One of stab's origloal condom with this project is the amomot of inspervlans adaee created by the layout. The higher timber of uudts r ommium a dgoi8mat ammo of driveway area, as w;Il as a largo paoeabtge of the cul-de-sac frontage being coosrmmed by curb ons. Public wads ttafi' has noted In mow plowing in tib project would be a dgarifiraat puoblam due to the lack of snow amp am Engineering staff has also expressed ounce= about both graft and utility service in the project. Ab mugh the sppblcant has stated that the cul-doaac would have to remain public, orate does no believe that the project, as designed, is cons6mat with the retention of Broadway Circle u a public sleet. Stasi b unaware of any state or local requitement which would requite an escrow for flm m suet resihmm— as akmpioed by the developer. Conchuton The appllam is hlg appovals ab for dm appllostinns: (1) Variance to the fact standards on all sides; (2) Planned Unit Drmlopmmt to allow fiex%ghy in the ia>rxiar arrangement of buildings and driveways; and (3) Prellmioary Plat. With regard to the variance nquest, the Plamoiog Commission must find that the criteria mmmssimd above am met in order to recommend approval. The c =Hdoas one this property make such a flnding dlfiicvh. but posath' an the oat and south property Uses. However, sebacb to the was and to the public smxu should be adhered to due to coacems ova pteoedat and clear lack of hardsttp in complying with the mquimnicuss. Rrgmdiog PUD, Hie Plarmiag CommiWoa should atom wbat ctitalt do in this des4M at whirl must be added to this dedM to justify the rue of PUD. The appliatn hu no ab®ltted landscape plan with thin proposal, however, eomamdinary landscape atm is occasionally uteri as a hector to thea amtyds. As a put d this fiaMM. off moommends that Broadway Circle be vacated, and an easement be retained over rho public atiLdm. 2 -4 SEP -22-1995 11=30 - - NFC - 612 595 9837 P.05/08 -- Mw Pne>i>a hM Pial may be approved tm the avant that hap m that the project wID Farad wit m miner abaodm to the layout or dm&y. Mw Phmatmg Cem dsdan should be cmdolUble with the layout of iba plat, ooaaidedng my chow whWb would have to be made u a tasuh of onftoae mcbed to the Waval. V tlgoil3= cba"m watts be woo=" to ......... , the Pl miog Comminim'a ooatedemk It may be mode prod= to withhold plat appmaval until shone tames an m=owed. Special Planning Commission Agenda - 9/28/98 6. MUZOXW of wllnm a D wwnawi unit d!evelrhnme*�t Ln �n B.S sone- Appl(pgpf, 9w1 CanddmmUm of z= (J.OJ Planning Commission and City Council are requested to consider action that would allow development of nine twinhome structures at Outlot A of the Xlein Farms. Mein Farms Oudot A is located in a sensitive transition zone between an industrial area to the north and a single family housing development to the south. The homes will be owner -occupied and served by an internal private street. The development represents an improvement over the original plans for this area (May 94), which originally suggested a higher density rental townhouse development. This item was considered by the Planning Commission at the regular meeting in September and continued to a special meeting which is being held immediately prior to the Council meeting. At the regular meeting in September, the Planning Commission identified problems in meeting the requirements of the buffer yard ordinance and tabled fhrther consideration until the plan was amended accordingly. The original plan included a berm for the purpose of obtaining a 80% credit against required landscape plantings. The plan was rejected because the height of the berm was not 5 ft above the elevation of the garage floor slab. The revised site plan corrects this problem but fills a necessary drainage awale along the rear property line. Also, subsequent to Planning Commission review, City staff has reviewed the revised site plans in more detail and offer additional suggestions for improving the site plan. For the purpose of the site plan review portion of this report, please refer to the report provided by Steve Grittmam This report is the same document that was provided to the Planning Commission for the regular meeting in September. Special Planning Commission Agenda . 9/26/95 Decision 1: Consideration of a variance to the font yard setback requirement for a PUD in an 8.8 sone. Motion to approve the 10 -ft variance request based on a finding that the yard is a side yard and not a front yard, therefore, the 30 -ft setback requirement does not apply. Essentially, the Planning Commission and City Council need to determine whether or not to classify the subject yard as a side yard or a font yard. If the yard is determined to be a side yard, then the site plan meets the minimum requirements and a variance could be granted based on the finding that the fi^ont yard setback requirements do not apply. The applicant notes that the yard designation (float or side) would be a side yard if the internal street in the PUD was a public street. Motion to deny approval of the 10 -ft variance request based on a finding that the yard is a front yard and a hardship supporting the request has not been demonstrated. It could be argued that the yard in question is truly a font yard because it is in the font of the development area separating the general PUD area fom the adjoining properties. It is the interpretation of the City Planner that the yard is more akin to a font yard than a side yard. Decision & Consideration of approval of a conditional use permit that would allow a planned unit development in an 8.9. Motion to approve a conditional use permit that would allow a planned unit development in an Rr2 subject to the following conditions. The site plan must be consistent with setback requirements as determined by Planning CommissionCity Coundl. The drainage Swale along the rear lot line must not be filled, or the developer must work with the City to install a storm sewer line at this location. Special Planning Commission Agenda - 9/25M 3. Additional landscaping is required as noted in the attached report by the City Planner. 4. landscaped plantings or low maintenance ground cover must be planted in areae where berm grades exceed 3 to 1 slope. 5. Adjustments to the utility plan as required by the City Engineer. 6. A utility easement must be provided which would allow some to the internal water and sewer mains sawing the site, and the development agreement and association bylaws must state that the association is responsible for paying for repairs to any structure (sidewalks, streets, web, trees, etc.) that is damaged in the process of utility maintenance activity. 7. The City must be granted a storm sewer easement in the storm water ponding area located east of the site. To avoid long-term maintenance problems for the association and to enhance the environment, require establishment of a contract between the developer and a native grasses restoration firm for the purpose of establishing wetland characteristics in the storm water basin. (B.') Establishment of an association and bylaws as prescribed by ordinance. The developer has indicated a wMingoese to comply with all of the conditions above with the following exceptions. 1. The developer can comply with the setback requirements as long as the "bout yard" setback is established at 20 R. 2. The developer has not reviewed the ad'.ditional landscaping requirements as noted by the City Planner in the attached report. The level of support is not known. 3. The developer prefers to lower the screening tmnoe, which would help create an additional 10 R of usable back yard However, doing so would result in non-compliance with the bufflir yard ordinance. Special Planning Commission Agenda - 9/25M Motion to deny approval of a PUD in an ii -2 zone. This alternative should be based on a Ending that stele fi-om the discussion. Possible findings could include denial due to inconsistency with the setback requirements. Denial could also be based on the tbilure of the developer to agree to providing necessary site improvements as noted under conditions 1-7. Decision 8: Consideration of preliminary plat approval of the Fein Farms Estates Subdivbdom Motion to approve preliminary plat approval of the IQein Farms Estates Subdivision subject to the conditions noted under the PUD approval. This alternative should be selected if the City approves the PUD under Decision 2. Motion to deny preliminary plat approval of the IDsin Farms Estates Subdivision. This alternative should be selected if Council denies approval of the PUD under Decision 2. Q STAFF 12FCOMMENDATION; With regard to the variance request, City staff can am both sides of the argument. It is essentially a judgment call by the Planning Commission and City Council whether or not to call the yard affected a side yard or a front yard. If the variance is denied, it is likely that the entire development will be shifted 10 R closer to the industrial area, which may or may not be a better situation. With regard to the PUD and preliminary plat approval, staff supporta approval subject to the conditions noted and other conditions required by Council. This is the first test case of the buffer yard ordinance, and we feel strongly that the ordinance needs to be met to the letter. n_ tPP[f13TINd DAT Planning Commission Agenda data fiom the regular meeting in September, Landscaping suggestions by City Planner, Copy of Boat elevation of homes proposed; Landamping Nan; Preliminary plat and grading plan; Utility plan. JrN SEP 1353 NAC blL 7»jail r.0c11 Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc. C COMMUNITY PLANNING - DESIGN - MARKET NEStAACH l PLANMNG R4e uaa TO: Jeff O'Neill FROM: Dan Sjerdal / Stephen Orinman DAM 1 September 1995 RE: Mello - Mein Fasma BZmstea PUD - Cancepmal Site and ME NO: 191.07 - 95.12 Bill Romain of Swift Caosn wd m b mquestfo8 Cm=m-I Stage, Flamed Unkt Dwdoymem (BUD) appmvd of Zile and bnildiog phm for ammuctlOD of Mdn Fasma E=ML 7%; cq g p F I Lavin home . „ ..,,,,,,,,.,., it to be located =6 of Staleddge Ddve and west of FaUm Avenm and is doaibed as Ou dat A, Mein Farms. The ptgmty is named PUD. AMtdwd for refertaoe: Exhibit A - Site Location Exhibit B - UtUby Plan bcldbit C - Oraft Pim Exhibit D - I.oadaampe no k_ Y 1:O v!':, Sedoc as. The from and aide yard tssorhxlaas at the peripbay of a planDed unit &,d*om site at a miafmmm shall be the — as hnpmW in ft tespeaive dhtt I The mmxpecdro dLaiic most similar to rhe pnopoaed Wd um is the R-2 Dismim Tho msquited minimum aettmd dismt m an as follows: 5775 Wayzata Blvd. - Suite 555 • St. Louis Perk, MN 55416 - (612) 595.9838'Fax- 595-9837 SEP -01-1495 1353 NAC bll b yb�r r.0L10 R-2 n]ivmrt From Yard 30 fees Side Yard 10 feet Rear Yard 30 feet Because the Klein Farm Estates utilimt a private driveway, all of the units that tun along Stoneridge Drive ate to have a 30 foot setback Proposed Units 1 and 14 encroach upon this setback. PUD zoned areas allow for imernal variances that are acceptable to the City Council and City staff, however, it would not be appropriate to allow external variances for periphery setbacks. The side yard scftcla do not roast the tequitt.ments of an R-2 Distrij-, which requite a tem toot s;ft* Som a side lot lice. Plans have not been submitted in order to address the height and size of the units to determine the supply of light and air requirements and to derermiat wbetber a variation from the standards would be advisable. BWUM separation is shown as varying from 15 to 17 feet on the northerly units. Buffer Yard R.,, Buffer yard ..,, '.,.,, am requited to reduce the negative itmpaeta that ms& when inoesnpadh uses abut one another. In the cast of a residential use area abutting an industrial use area, the intensity of conflict is considered severe or type D. Minimum Minimum No. Plast Units Iatendq Building Landscape Required - 100 Feet of cortilus Two Sawa V„A of Pynpestirr=ns Severe D 50 feet 40 feet 160 feet the proposed Mein Farms Estates saddles the property line setback and the minimum landscape yard - 'Ile proposal includes 35 evergreen trees ad 26 deciduous trees for a total of 785 planting units. The total units is 50 peoemt less than requited because it saxpts a red== for a five foot beim. lois reduction Is not applicable because the proposed berm that is shown on the grading plan is only three feet in height as viewed from the industrial park side. In sddhlon, it is rarely any higher in elevation ftem the main Mor elevation of the units themselves. GmdWS Phm. 'Ile wdsttng berm located on the north portion of the site has been lowered and reduced in width (as shown cm BxWt Q. A 'chaomd* has been produced in order to cre= sufficient fall for the walk out Unita 5-10. As mooed In the buffer yard requirements, the proposed S�7 SEM-la1-1995 13:5.1 NFT(: ole »> x' r.ow aro berm to remain is approx mately three feet high (facing south from the industrial park) and does out qualify as a credit toward buffer yard acreeaing. However, the City Engineer has noted that the site grading will work from a drainage sondpoiat. ftm Um Oudot A has been shown to be developable for &= towobome units as requested by the City. The townhome units would be a compatible use and would rot have any buffer yard requirements. These has been discussion that this ourlot may be developed as a day care facility. If this fitmr+e use is proposed, the Zoning Ordinance requires that buffer yard requucmmts would be imposed between the Klein Farms Estates and the development of Outlot A. Although this does not affect the proposed oowWw= development, the layout may affect future davelopmert. Density. Subtracting the area of Oudot A, the holding ponding area, and the area of the private drive, there is a buildable area of approrabaately 126,127 square feet. The proposed 18 units would cmm a density within this area of 6.2 umn per acre, and would create an average tot that is appratmately 7,000 agnate feet. This meas the minimum area and building sim, and lot arra per umt requimn= of the at -2 Distrix. Landscaping. The preliminary landscape Plan (>btl" D) indicates the amoum type and lamtkm of the proposed planlogs As pmvim* noted, credit will not be given to the developer for the berm so addidanal planings will be requited. If a higher berm or fence Is Installed, the mrmber of piamiogi is adiicie t. The final planting Plan will be subject to review and approval by City staff and City Como] Roqufred Informadon. Mm developer has not provided the needed infamudon m order to review the building details, floor plan elevations. These pians are to be provided before concept PUD approval is granw. Paved Surfaces. Private Drive: The minimum width of a private driveway in a PUD development is 20 fat. The proposed devolopmeat has drives that aro 24 feta wide. DrivewaM Foch wit has a proposed 22 foot long drive that bas sufficient mom for two additional paddog spaces per unit. Addltfoual Pnsidop No visitor stats have been included within the derrobopmem. The Proposed development meets and attends all applicable off -m- paddog arpply and dirnenslon requirements. s-7 Sc? -01-1955 13:54 WAC blit Z'55 e.aziie Snow Stomile. One item of concern which relatea to the proposed private street is that of mow storage. As a condition of PUD approval, the developer should identify snow storage areas upon the submitted site plan or agree that all snow will be hauled to an off-sttea location. D . 4 ...... 6., Agtaemmt. As a oondition of final plat approval, the applicant should be requited to eater into a development agreement with the City. Homeowner Rules and Bylaws. As a condition of final plat approval, the appli= should submit a copy of all rules and bylaws to be uu7imd by the development's homeowners association for City review. The rales and bylaws should add= suds iasras as maintenance of common open space, snow removal, etc. UtiTtbm A Utility Plan has beat submitted dot add== the proposed water, sanitary sewer and storm sewer. This plan Is to be reviewed ad approved by the City Pngizu . Signage. It has not been Indicated whetiar a dnvelopmenc identification sign is to be provided on site. N such a &W*) is to be provided, plass should be snbmimed in accordance with the City Sign Ordinance. The pIzW) should We* the locationtype and dimensions of as dgotge. RdusL The loodon of tefiuse containers must be indicated on submitted plans. The containers must be fully sereenod if they ate not going to be located wltltin the individual unit. RECONMENDATION The City may wish to table ggwval of this project to allow the developer to revise the drawings in regards to this mportas well as specific comments from the City of Monticello PL=nft Commisaioa. If the Plaaaiag Commisaiou wishes to approve this prvjnct, it sham do so only with the following conditions: 1. The building local= ate revised to codarm to the requited 30 foot setback fYom Stoneridge Drive. 2. no building bcadoas should be revised to conform to the udde yard setback off an A•2 District or a variance be applied for. 3. Additional plans are provided that identify oho twildiogs' floor plans, details, and elevatloos. 4. Platt quunftles for the butt: yard mgalmm mts shall be Increased or a bene or fence that extends to an elevation five feet higher than the FPS of the affected units may be added to lesm the required plant qty requitments by 50 peaeeat. T-1 I S. The Preli CiD8ly Grading Plan is subject to the review/approval of the City Engin 6. The Prelimiouq Utility Play is subject to the review/approval of the City Fagineer. 7. The Preliminary I -dscme Plan It subject to the review of City staff and approval by the city Coundl B. Proper drainage and utility easements are provided between all beadings as required by Ordinance. 9. The applica>a submit a copy of all rules and bylaws to be unfired by the development's homeowners associsdon !br City review. Mm ndes/bylaws should address arch lames as mainteaaooe of summon open space, snow removal, etc. 10. The appincaut We db arras to be used for mow storage or spa to bawl snow os-arse. 11. If . .,, ... ids soap is to be provided at die, a sign plan in eeoordsooe with 0ndioanoe ,, . ,'!w ,.,, „ is subt4fined. 12. A lighting plank submitted for review by the City. 13. The applicant a= into a developrum agreement with the City. 1 14. Comments !from other Qty staff. 3 5.7 CL 1 u City of Monticel A Extatio$ Zoning AO • Vln•... • Aa • rf- ■1 • ol.p.r�y pdde•J pl • pnp. a 7 trip p...►.ul p 1 .►y/f•• WYI •a.0.•IJ pl-�W411u.. fn • W1 • M.4r. W.1 Muu1 W d Mn••r.d f[ N. nNw•wr [w ..L..d d u� of •perwlp.•Iwr 11 •1./nlrMNriJ {"� �aurd>.Iww.•a•1 i JA N•. GG �✓ `�' KLEIN FARMS ESTATES UnLm amm n:xaxe rasp ror � r � rwr .M am KLEIN FARMS ESTATES FFAINIUM FIAT ap¢Wa11M1Y GRN" KPA j- srn canracraw =..N u PAW Y T « .sPow 11 • �••• i �- j 1 , 1 � I•- %:.; J]'. _1 _ ..' I .-�- •rte=.. I I I • W.1.0.1 I.AM)SCAPE PIAN.... KLEIN FARMc- ESTATES e. 1 /:•1•l V MF n Yi,, •`�.Y;��r�,t, R;� aeA, ■1�"i{aY�i•��j.Y1R i�a° ►�' ®fi LANDSCAPH PLAN r... I I I ( I Y I YII Ye..r..1 .Iam.aro.. I.wq.erY.11.Y c.Yv..rr, Au16n�6Aefid� I.M..�../er1.x..J..1. w.Y• - 51 n.l � ._ _ �•F.Yrli. L•Ylri�insSpYlfuYpan —�— �..— G rrSEP-22-1995 11 NR 31 C 612 5% 9837 P-07/2B JINNorthwest Associated Consultants, Inc. C COMMUNITY PLANNINO • OE SIGN . MARKET RESEARCH N13 MORANXI M TO: Monticello Planing f'ommitsiotJeff O'Neill FROM: swphen O>imman DATEL September 22, 1995 RE: Mootice' - Klein Fa®s Twinhimm FILE NO: 191.07 -95-12 Thla memorandum is intended to provide oommeot regarding the laodicap8ng of the Klein Fa>ms twin horns Project proposed by Swift Ca MmdmL A part of the Flung Commiasim's , onoddmamon of any PUD projaa is whether the use of PUD results is a pmjed which is superior in design to a proje t developed under the shit tetras of the Zoning Otdinam standards. The Blow Farms proposal has barn designed in such a way as to 'squeeze a high number of units along a private strum Ibis concept petmm the fmats of the structures to be jest 68 feet from those across the private area due to the loan of sneer n&-cf--way ad normal setback, as well as a narrower than standard weer width. Nannal building separations would be as much as 120 feet if developed under the standard public solea arrangement. Applying the above PUD test to this layout, the Planning Commission needs to base a positive recommendation on a finding that this significant lesuniog of building separation is more than offset by some other }rant. We would suggest tint btdldioga in a tight mmogment ea proposnd could create an urban village ........ it ...,,.,�, „ ,.l by site Improvements which enhance that concept. These might ioehtde the elimination of lain anU. replacing the propow green areas with intemely Planed landscaping and patios. Met treatmeata wMch would add to this concept would be ahmative paving maoerlals In the street, driveways, or bath, and soros form of coordinated fenclog in the front. Without dm dfor , the project would not appear to be malting tho beat used the PUD concept if a more wdcss is desired, the project would have to show fewer traits. We have ioehded a sketch which attempts to Womwre these comments. 5775 Wayzata Blvd. • Suite 555 - St. Louis Park. MN 55416 • (612) 595.9636•Fax. 585.9837 6- y/o9 ti 4� �,t3zl 2Z Cp DR IV ENO F19W