HRA Agenda 05-02-1990AGENDA MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, May 2, 1990 — 7:00 PM City Hall MEMBERS: Chairperson Al Larson, Ben Smith, Lovell Schrupp, Everette Ellison, and Tom St. Hilaire. STAFF: Rick Wolfsteller. Jeff O'Neill and 011ie Roropchak 1. CALL TO ORDER. 2. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE MARCH 7, 1990 HRA MINUTES AND THE APRIL 6, 1990 HRA MINUTES. 3. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW, ADJUST, AND APPROVE THE 1990 HRA GOALS. 4. CONSIDERATION OF AN ESTABLISHED DATE FOR THE ALL CITY GOVERNMENTAL UNITS MEETING. 5. CONSIDERATION OF AN UPDATE OF NEWLY ESTABLISHED TIF DISTRICTS. 6. OTHER BUSINESS. �C 7. ADJOURNMENT. MINUTES MONTICELLO ROUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY j Friday, April 6, 1990 - 11:00 AM City Hall MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Al Larson, Ben Smith, and Everette Ellison. MEMBERS ABSENT: Lowell Schrupp and Tom St. Hilaire. STAFF: 011ie Koropchak. 1. CALL TO ORDER. Chairperson Al Larson called the NRA Special meeting to order at 11:20 AM. 2. CONSIDERATION TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION MODIFYING TAX INCREMENT FINANCE PLAN RELATING TO TAX INCREMENT FINANCE DISTRICT NO. 1-10 FROM A REDEVELOPMENT DISTRICT TO AN ECONOMIC DISTRICT. Koropchak informed the HRA members that originally, this TIF district was to be established an a redevelopment district and now will be established as an economic district as recommended by Bob Deike of Holmes 6 Graven, the City's bond counsel. In Mr. Deike's opinion, the district did not meet current statutory qualifications for establishment of a redevelopment district. Current statutory qualifications to establish a redevelopment district state that 701 of the parcels in the district are occupied by buildings, streets, utilities, or other improvements, and 201 of the buildings are structurally substandard (there aro no buildings on this parcel). Nor can he justifiably determine the streets, utilities, or other improvements to be structurally substandard to a degree of requiring removal. Thirdly is his concern with legislators' intent to further tighten the qualifications for establishment of redevelopment districts. Koropchak explained the impact of the change. An economic district has a lesser impact on a community than a redevelopment district; therefore, there is no need to republicite the notice, and the taxing jurisdictions will be notified of the change upon adoption of the TIF District and Plan by the City Council. Secondly, the duration of the district is reduced from 25 years to 10 years. The upfront assistance to Rammale Engineering was basad on increment generated over eight years, however, ataff had anticipated the additional increment collected over the remaining 15 years would assist in costa to reconstruct the realigned Fallon Avenue, purchase the small triangle piece to the south of Chelsea Road, and to replenish the HRA general fund for future projects. The actual reconstruction of Fallon Avenue and/or the construction of a bridge across 1-94 is highly unlikely to occur for another several years. Financing of these public improvements may be through another NIA Minutes - 4/6/90 Page 2 t 2. CONTINUED. TIF project, through assessment, or through the increased increment generated by porject expansion within this district. Recognizing the need to meet statutory requirements of establishing a district, Everette Ellison made a motion to adopt the resolution modifying Tax Increment Finance Plan and District relating to Tax Increment District No. 1-10 from a Redevelpment District to an Economic District, as per Mr. Bob Deike's recommendations. Ben Smith seconded the motion and without further discussion the motion carried unanimously. Lowell Schrupp verbally agreed to the modification, however, was unable to be present at the meeting. 3. ADJOURNMENT. The HRA meeting adjourned at 11:45 AN. 011ie Koropchak NRA Executive Secretary MINUTES MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, March 7, 1990 - 7:00 PM City Hall MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Al Larson, Lowell Schrupp. and Ben Smith. MEMBERS ABSENT: Everette Ellison and Tom St. Hilaire. STAFF PRESENT: 011ie Koropchak, HRA Executive Director. 1. CALL TO ORDER. Chairperson Al Larson called the HRA meeting to order at 7:25 PH. 2. APPROVAL OF THE FEBRUARY 7, 1990 HRA MINUTES. Lowell Schrupp made a motion to approve the February 7, 1990 RRA minutes, seconded by Ben Smith. With no further comments the minutes were approved as written. 3. PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE DISPOSITION OF LANDS RELATING TO TAX INCREMENT FINANCE PLAN FOR TAX INCREMENT DISTRICT NO. 1-10 (REMMELE ENGINEERING). Mr. Larry Griffith, Legal Counsel for Remmele Engineering, informed the HRA that a purchase agreement has been executed between the Oakwood Industrial Partnershp and Remmele Engineering, however, the option agreement between Jim Boyle and Remmele has not been executed. The Remmele Engineering project to only doable upon the purchase of the Boyle property and to begin the project because five foot of the building in Phase I extends across the would be vacated East 33 ft of Fallon Avenue. Mr. Red Heitkamp was also present. The public hearings for the adoption of TIF Plan and District 1-10, for vacating of Fallon Avenue and utility and drainage easements, and approval of the plat request are scheduled for the March 12 City Council meeting. Soil testing have been completed and confirmed OK and the project indicates no environment impacts. Phase I include necessary parking for 50 employees (40 original employee will be from Big Lake plant), Phase II will be an additional 17,500 sq ft of warehouse only with about 60 employees of two shifts. Plane ora for complete landscaping and Rommelo Engineering sign on building facing 1-94. The HRA public hearing for the disposition of land relating to Tax Increment Finance Plan for Tax Increment District No. 1-10 was opened by Chairperson Al Larson. With proper public hearing HRA Minutes - 3/1/90 Page 2 3. CONTINUED. notice in the local newspaper and hearing no public oral or written comments, said public hearing was clos-1 . The Remmele project includes 6.5 acres of Lot 6, Block 1, Oakwood Industrial Park, 0.41 acres of vacated Fallon Avenue, 2.07 acres of Boyle's Property for a total project area of approximately 8.93 acres. Remmele will purchase an additional 1.32 and deed to the city .92 acres for realigned Fallon Avenue north of Chelsea Road and the city will purchase 0.40 acres (triangle piece south of Chelsea Road) from Remmele. The TIF Plan relating to Redevelopment TIF District No. 1-10 was included (a portion of) in your agenda. The TIF budget, Phase I, is $260,000 (land acquisition, $120,000 and on-site, utilities/grading/landscaping, $65,000). The $65,000 from the NRA excess funds. Remaining amount is for soft coats, capitalized interest, etc. Ben Smith made a motion to approve a resolution authorizing the acquisition and disposition of lands relating to TIP District No. 1-10 and to approve a resolution relating to the modification, by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello, of the Redevelopemnt Plan relating to Redevelopment Project No. 1, the modification of the Tax increment Financing Plane relating to Tax Increment Financing Districts Nos. 1-1 through 1-9 and the approval and adoption fo the Tax l,ncrment Financing Plan relating to Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-10, all located within Redevelopment Project No. 1, effective upon filing of the plot request. Lovell Schrupp seconded the motion and without further discussion the motion carried unanimously. The motion was passed because the project was consistent with HRA policy considerations: 1) The project is consistent the City's Comphonsive Plan, 2) The project demonstates long-term economic and/or housing benefits to the community. 3) The project creates employment for Monticello, 4) The project shell provide additional public funding for public improvements whihe would not otherwise be available, and 5) The project is deemed to promote additional desired "spin-off" development. The project will also increase the tax -bane and Rommel is a quality 'company which will provide skilled and semi -skilled jobs. 4. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION AND RELEASE OF FORFEITURE FOR THE BROADWAY SQUARE LIMITED PARTNERSHIP. '( Lovell Schrupp made a motion to approve the Certificate of u Completion and Release of Forefelture for the Broadway Square Limited Partnership. because the project has been completed within the guidelines of the Development Agreement and the occupancy permit has been issued by the City Building Inspector. The motion was seconded by Ben Smith and without further discussion carried unanimously. HRA Minutes - 3/7/90 Page 3 5. CONSIDERATION TO DISCUSS AND ESTABLISH A DATE FOR A JOINT MEETING BETWEEN THE HRA AND THE CITY COUNCIL REGARDING TIF POLICIES. Chairperson Al Larson didn't see a need for a joint meeting but reiterated the feelings of the HRA that they hoped in the future the Council consider tabling an agenda item which may be unclear or inconsistent with HRA policy to allow further discussion or clarification of the project outside the realms of the public and that Koropchak is to provide Council members with a copy of the HRA policies. 6. CONSIDERATION OF PROJECT UPDATES: DAVID FICEK - since the February 1, 1990 meeting with property owners. Koropchak has not been able to make contact with Mr. Ficek nor has he returned her telephone calls. TAPPER INC. - It seems unlikely at this time that the Small Small Development Loan for Tapper's will be approved by the Board so an alternative of SBA funding is being put in place. At this time, the EDA has received no GMEF Application however are expecting one as the GMEF 1s part of the financial package. MARTIE'S FARM SERVICE - Koropchak asked the [IRA members for their interpretation of proper screening. The HRA felt that was the decision of the Planning Commission and/or the Building Inspector and City Planner. Their concern is for the industrial park to develop With a consistent asethetic value. K -MART - no report as Jeff O'Neill was not present. 7. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW AND ADOPT 1990 HRA GOALS. Chairperson Larson recommended tabling this agenda item until more HRA members are present. Item was tabled. 8. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW YEAR END TIF DISTRICTS REPORT. Administrator Rick Wolfatellor presented written copies of the HRA Funds and TIP Debt Service Funds to the commissioners. The summary showed that from the eight TIP District approximately $250,621.87 was collected from tax increment with one short fall of $685.57 of which will be reimbursed in 1990. TIF bonds proceeds was $215,320.00 for the elderly housing project and $23,000.00 city loan for NSP. The HRA Fund cash surplus as of 12/31/89 is $167,190.06. Ai Larson made a motion to pay off the $23,713.00 HRA debt at the Big Lake Bank at the Administrators discretion. Ben Smith seconded the motion and without further discussion carried unanimously. This was for the purchase of lands for the first elderly project. BRA Minutes - 3/7/90 _ Page 4 8. CONTINUED. Rick further summarized the TIF DB Fund with a caab surplus as of 1/1/89 of 4138,930 plus transfer in from HRA $116.201 the ending cash surplus as of 12/31/89 is $204,673 with P 6 I payments of $169,273 due in 1990. Additionally, $65,000 will be taken from the BRA funds for Remmele Engineering, Inc. The commissioners thanked the Administrator for the report. Chairperson Al asked Koropchak to mail the reports to the HRA members who are act present at this meeting. 9. CONSIDERATION OF INFORMATION: The provided IDC 1990 Goals and Budget. Chamber of Commerce 1990 Goals and Budget, and the summary from the Star City's Annual Report were only intended as informational information. Unless there were questions, the Chairperson may room on to the next agenda item. 10. OTHER BUSINESS. None. r 11. ADJOURNMENT. Lowell Schrupp made a motion to adjourn the HRA meeting, seconded by Ben Smith, the HRA meeting adjourned at 9:00 PH. QM. KnoI.Q9,. 011ie Koropchak HRA Executive Secretary �l- 1) j SUIOIARY IIRA PUNO THROUGH 17/71/89 M -L 17 (includna Ra lntlanca Conelt. 5 Gnn9 rel 1%1 #A I%I 1/ Idar RSP .0 PBI rJ 16 IS RAUCO 17 Op, ret lona To:nl_ Caen 5urpluo Ido" c1t) 1/1/19 611,191.00 62,991.00 1160,677.00) 6(197.00) 619,518.00 6(310.01) 6(30,673.00) 61/,399.00 166,226.00 $30,791.00 REVENUE Taw Inr, r.avente ,.011 octad 0.775.7/ 11,773.81 72,115.65 0.00 /7,528.23 53,051.30 71,331.35 33,162.76 0.00 250,671.67 R.E. to roe - a3 valor.. 0.00 1-.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 16,039.19 16,079.19 Py t. by property owner N. Crodlt 195.57 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 971.59 195.57 911.59 6P• Ao.t. Inc. l0 / 1) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7,261.91 0.00 0.00 2,297.91 Saln ul land 0.00 0.00 56,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5b, 000.00 Bond pr-aoda 6 loan Ire. Con. fund 0,00 0.00 215.320.00 23,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 23P,l20.00 intoruat In- 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 O,o0 5.317,21 _',,J17.21 TOTAL REVC71U6 60.061.31 611,722.11 1393,165.65 623,000.00 617.320.77 653.051.30 673,672.29 133,162.76 627,267,99 1569,983.37 rxpERRE0 Salarla/- InrluHinq P.H. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 I/,i19,77 1/,21n, 77 Olflco oupplloe 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 O.UO 0.0o O.UO 10.95 10.95 Prot. aarvlcoo 0.00 700.00 20,270.97 1,016./0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6,265.15 35,7.12.77 Phone 0.00 0.00 0.00 O.qD 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 257.IH 2.10 Trwol 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 O.UO 0.00 0.00 0.00 205.21 20'..21 I.e9e1 pull ic/tlona 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 151.27 151.77 Otho r/.lar., 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 36.75 )6.15 Into root a,panaa 1.600.00 11,7]0.00 3,!11.70 351.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 O.on 19,196.20 Princ11,a1 peyaont 0,000.00 17.000.00 1,973.63 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 21,972.63 L-3 ecq.1*ILIan coot• 0.00 0.00 303.317.65 ]1,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 225,582.65 Tranalar put to debt aory lce 0.00 0.00 0.OQ 0,00 Oy,QQ 31770.00 60,909,00 73.511.g0 0,00 116 �i 01. 00 TOTAL C"LMOL0 99,600.00 676,920.00 6315,067.90 624,►00.90 60.00 171,778.00 160,909.00 173,516.00 121,171.53 1117,581.33 Eaceao Rwpnue Over CApantllt ora• 1176.799.01 Coon Rurplua Idaticlt) 12/31/89 113,115.31 6(9,705.16) 112,759.751 6131097.901 696.076.23 112,107.701 117,910.711 11/,337.16 161,J19.16 6167,190.01 (�dtlltlone int^n 1 Outa tandlnp Iwn bolenroo n o1 17/31/09 113,000.00 1172,000.00 123,713.00 171,000.00 Pay -to duo In 1990 62,960.00 121,000.00 11,100.00 11.610.00 Cash Surplus (deficit) 1/1/89 REVENUE: Transfer in from HRA (tax increments) Interest Income Bond Proceeds - Cap. int. TOTAL REVENUE EXPENSES: Principal pymt. Interest exp. Paying agent fees TOTAL EXPENSES Cash Surplus (deficit) 12/31/89 Additional Notes: Outstanding Bond Debt as of 12/31/89 Principal a Interest Pymts Due in 1990 SUMMARY TIF - DEBT SERVICE FUNDS 12/31/89 $ 15,000 $ 10,000 9,675 27,563 649 452 $ 25,324 $ 38,015 $ 34,010 $ 41,128 $110,000 $340,000 $ 28,338 $ 36,925 $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- 24,368 13,407 -0- 364 365 330 $ 24,732 $ 13,772 $ 330 $ 57,094 $ 28,942 $ 43,499 $365,000 $155,000 $260,000 $ 53,543 $ 27,807 $ 22,660 Totals - All Bonds $ 138,930 116,201 9,668 42,047 $ 167,916 $ 25,000 75,013 2,160 $ 102,173 $ 204,673 $1,230,000 $ 169,273 1989A 1984 1985 1987A 19876 M -L FSI Raindance Const. 5 NAWCO Elderly Hsq $ 55,920 $ 54,555 $ 19,678 $ 8,777 $ -0- -0- 21,778 60,909 33,514 -0- 3,414 2,810 1,239 423 1,782 -0- -0- -0- -0- 42,047 $ 3,414 $ 24,588 $ 62,148 $ 33,937 $ 43,829 $ 15,000 $ 10,000 9,675 27,563 649 452 $ 25,324 $ 38,015 $ 34,010 $ 41,128 $110,000 $340,000 $ 28,338 $ 36,925 $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- 24,368 13,407 -0- 364 365 330 $ 24,732 $ 13,772 $ 330 $ 57,094 $ 28,942 $ 43,499 $365,000 $155,000 $260,000 $ 53,543 $ 27,807 $ 22,660 Totals - All Bonds $ 138,930 116,201 9,668 42,047 $ 167,916 $ 25,000 75,013 2,160 $ 102,173 $ 204,673 $1,230,000 $ 169,273 ' I'FoJ < <r•..J )--V— ---v a I Cnz•� I:I.rZ•./ /.�� .�j_ ice•/•B {r •J T.../...� 4:.rf' acN'-''7/�,,t•l ,Zr�1C y�o�✓_'- 1 0 {e_ 1.L. 0. t: �� /-/-f• I mo: 4-7� z'a _ �4zgd I'9G 1 ZQg ! 1�79it_ ,,•�•i3 !' ,,:— _ I Gi. 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I• T I''I +9 ____ p � i li I I is I' i -� U I ( U 1 I' I I d I• III � Il�jl III II•I � I,'I' I li I' I II I� I' I N I' I I ::`i` _�- _ �s •a�•c_ fr/„�r... fT tip, tr3�it•� 1!_-�—fps I_jJ✓.>I ztej� 13G,u[PT. yet1 -i - I' 1• — -i >✓ f I ! r 11IV ;T -T -.' 3A lj,J - t , : 1 -4-1I7 — !-- - TIs 01 ITF 1990 MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY GOALS MEMBERS: Al Larson, Chairperson Ben Smith, Vice Chairperson Lovell Schrupp Everette Ellison Tom St. Hilaire Rick Kolfsteller, Treasurer 011ie Koropchak, Executive Director GOALS: A. To market the City of Monticello and to successfully recruit three new quality industrial businesses with approximately 50 employment each. B. To consider joint guidelines/policies for the use of Tax Increment Financing between the Housing and Kedevel- opment Authority and the City Council. 1. To review and to adjust the current HRA guidelines and policies for the use of TIF. 'l. To adopt the revised joint guidelines/pulicies for use of TIF. b 3. To adhere to the adopted joint guidelines/policies for use of TIF. 4. To annually analyze the adopted joint guldalines/policies for the use of TIF. C. To continue indorsement for a higher quality elderly housing development close to downtown with a townhouse ranrpPr, D. To continue research and indorsement of a elderly housing development with total full services available. E. To research and designate neighborhood substandard, blight, or deteriorating areas for redevelopment. F. To continue the joint meeting between the IDC, the HKA, the EUA, the Planning Commission, and the City Council. G. To adhero to the Joint Powers Agreement between the HKA. the EDA, and the City Council. It. To review and analyze the Agreamunt Between the HKA and Bunlness Development Services, Inc. 3/5/90 HRA Agenda - 5/2/90 4. CONSIDERATION OF AN ESTABLISHED DATE FOR THE ALL CITY GOVERNMENTAL UNITS MEETING. The meeting date for the all city governmental units meeting has been set for Monday, June 4, 1990. 7:00 PH at the Fire Hall. The meeting consist of members of the City Council, Planning Commission, Housing and Redevelopment Authority, Economic Development Authority, and the Industrial Development Committee plus City Administration and supporting administrative staff. At this time , the floormat and topic have not been decided. Please mark your calendar.