Joint Meeting Agenda 06-30-1988AGENDA JOINT MEETING MONTICELLO HRA, IDC AND PLANNING COMMISSION JUNE 30, 1988 - 6:30 FIRE HALL 1. Identify members of each commission/committee, review current projects, and communicate goals of each commission/committee. Identify areas where individual groups are working at cross purposes a. Ken Maus, Chairman, Monticello Housing and Redevelpmnt Authority. b. Shelly Johnson, Chairman, Industrial Development Committee. c. Rich Carlson, Chairman, Planning Commission. 2. Discuss a variety of issues of immediate concern to all three groups represented. Work toward generating consensus and or develop plan for continued discussion of issues. Such issues may include but not be limited to: a. DEVELOPMENT OF COMMUNITY IMAGE Development of City LOGO Development of Community Information Brochure b. DISCUSS LAND USE CONTROLS AND ',5,'ONOMIC DEVELOPMENT POLIC•t Discussion of landscaping requirements for Commercial/Industrial dovolopment. Are changes needed? Are Industrial/Commercial building standards needed? Should pole buildings be regulated? Discuss City policy regarding sale of Oakwood Industrial lots. Should City target its macketing of the property? Or, should the City sell lots to any willing buyer regardless of buyer's plana? b. DISCUSS C"WNITY NEEDS SUR W Council is considering ordering a survey designed to easee8 community attitudes regarding City Services. The information will assist the City in matching resources with community needs.., Are then particular areas of public opinion that should be mmured?' 3. Establish strategy for Developing Community Improvement plan Joint group may wish to conaidnr."Oblishing a small group made up of a cross-section of all commiesiorolcommittess with the charge of establishing a plan for community improvement. Such a plan would open the interests of 'the HRA, Planning Comwicsion and Industrial Development Committee. The plan would..include an analysis of community assets and constraints and include a.corresponding plan for developing community projects and services•designed.to accentuate the assets and overcome the �� constraints. 1988 GOALS t MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 1988 HRA Officers and Members: Kenneth Maus, President Lovell Schrupp, Vice President Ben Smith Al Larson Everette Ellison 011ie Koropchak, Director and Executive Sec. 1988 HRA GOALS: A. To research the need and assist in the provision of adequate numbers and types of housing for the elderly. 1. Higher quality housing close to downtown with a townhouse concept. 2. Low to Moderate Income Housing for the Elderly. 3. Elderly housing with total full services available. (Housing prior to nursing home care.) B. To continue negotiations for acquisition of additional parcels within Redevelopment District 02 for a proposed Low to Moderate Income Elderly Housing Project, vherebye, the HRA eliminates blight, increases the local tax base, and creates pedestrian traffic for the local businesses. C. To continue modification or creation of Tax Increment Districts which support the policies of the Central Monticello Redevelopment Plan and the Monticello Comprehensive Plan. D. To maintain a current statue of Tax Increment Districts 1 and 6 (IXI Properties). E. To consider requesting the City Council to levy one mill for HRA projects when preparing the proposed 1989 City Budget. (Only if needed). city yNT��L0�536292451�0 J� April 12, 1988 Phone (612) 295-2711 Marro (612) 39.15739 Mr. Ed Tschida Professional Planning and Development 360 Pierce Avenue Suite 220 WSW: North Mankato, MN 56001 Arn Gnmenq ssy council: Dan ebngw Dear Ed: Fran Fav Wdham Fen warren S" Thank you for the time you spent with me over the phone discussing issues pertaining to tax increment financing in the city of Monticello. I, along with other City staff, look forward to discussing 4artenielratm: economic development issues with you in detail in the near future. aickwaacemer Enclosed you will find the Central Monticello Redevelopment Plan and Pubkc works: also included is a map which shows the current redevelopment plan JemnS'rA0'a districts. There are currently six tax increment financing districts P1enQ& Zon 1y. in existence within the redevelopment plan area. Following are just a Economic DerODp : few of the questions that we would like to touch upon when you visit aue Ko opchak the city. What degree of flexibility does the City have in melding tax increment districts for the purpose of sharing revenue and debt? What type of redevelopment activities are allowable in each district? The City is interested in expanding the eastern boundary of the redevelopment plan area, thereby including more industrial land in the tax increment financing district. What is the mechanism by which this expansion can take place if at all possible? If debt is expected to exceed revenue generated by a project, what techniques can be used to bridge this gap? City staff is in the process of determining its needs in terms of technical support for development and administration of tax increment financing plans, modifications, etc. We look forward to discussing these issues with you. If you should have any questions regarding this letter, please feel free to call. Sincerely, Pre 11� O'Neill Ansistant City Administrator JOAd Enclosures cc: Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator 250 Eee1 eroodwar 011ie Koropchak, Economic Development Director q Menace°°. ►unnnou File 55362.9245 'Q.�.cia.••�i• �8 QQ� . I C'LE," 0/ MonticAO -� MONTICELLO, MN 553629245 April 7, 1988 Phone (612) 295-2711 Matra (912) 3335799 Mayor. As" Grime= Cry Council: Mr. Brad Larson Dan Blonipen Fran Fav Metcalf 6 Larson William Fair Attorneys at Law Warren Bmkh 313 West Broadway Monticello, MN 55362 Adn nistrator. Rick Wanatelbr Dear Mr. Larson: PuWk Works'. John &mots Enclosed are copies of the executed option agreements Plannwq Zrq: between the Monticello Housing and Redevelopment Authority Gary Anderson and the O'Connor's and Jones'; and a copy of the executed Economic m purchase agreement between the Monticello BRA and the Stelton's, as per your request. The HRA is preparing demolition specifications for the Stelton and Jones' properties. The HRA plane to advertise for bide and mail specifications to Joe O'Connor plus the two low bidders on the Ford Garage demolition. Also, the HRA is getting construction coat estimates for the Block 51 alley and researching the history and previous funding methods used for other city alleys. The HRA will meet the evening of April 20, to review the above items. Please keep the HRA informed on the progress of Farmers Home Administration funding for this proposed project. Siege- P&J. 011ie Boropchak HRA Director Enclosures ccl Fila 250 EW BroWeny Monowwl mwwsom 66362.9246 (fitly o/ lmonn'.110 MONTICELLO, MN 88362 DATE: April 7, 1988 Phono (e12) 295-2711 TO: HRA Members and Assistant Administrator Jeff O'Neill Metro 19121333.6730 FROM: 011ie Koropchak, HRA Director SUBJECT: HRA Special Meeting Enclosed to a copy of the letter addressed to Mr. LaFromboiso setting up a joint meeting between the HRA, Mr. LaFromboiso, and his son. The meeting data is Wednesday, April 20, 1988, at the City Hall. I'm asking the HRA members to meet an hour earlier, 6:30 P.M., to 1) review demolition specifications for the Stelton's and Jones' proportion; 2) review estimated construction cost for Block 51 allay; 3) review history and prior funding of other Monticello alleys. Please contact me if the data presents a problem for you. 260 Eesl Y ROute 4. BW B3A Mwft 0o. MN 55362 Cit.- 4 Mo -ac A MONTICELLO, MN 55352.9245 April 7, 1988 Ph" (612) 2952711 Metro (612) 333.5739 Mayor. Arve Orimemo Mr. Cue LaFromboise City Councd; Dan 6loepee Construction Five, Inc. Fran Fa r P.O. Box 706 W,W m Fair Warren Bmltn Hopkins, MN 55343 Dear Mr. LaFrombolss: AdWdS21e101: Pick Wollataaar The Monticello Housing and Redevelopment Authority invites P Works: 104 Sunola you and your son, Gary, to a meeting Wednesday, April 20, Rwrarq a : 1988, 7:3OPM, at the City Hall. The HRA members erson Gary andaraon (Chairperson Ren Maus, Lovell Schrupp, Ben Smith, Al Larson, EcormocDeveiopmwa: and Everette Ellison) have set as one of their 1988 goals OfKoropclua to act as the catalyst for the site location of a potential development of high-quality townhouses for the elderly. Site ocation to be within walking distance of the downtown shopping area. The objective of the meeting is to discuss the HRA's concept, to discuss your interest in the development, and to discuss if units can be build as models or if a percentage of units need purchase committments for a developer to qualify for financing. Your professional input will be appreciated by the committee. If the date or time presents a conflict for you or if you have any questions, please contact me at (612) 295-2711 or (Metro) 333-5739, otherwise, sae you the 20th of April. Sincerely, 011ie Koropchok HRA Director cel HRA Members Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator File 256 EW Omeft Y Mamlcaeo, Mammo 66382.9245 MONTICELLO ROUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY October, 1987 Lowell Schrupp Golden Valley Furniure P.O. Box 515 Monticello, MN 55362 Kenneth Maus Maus Foods 508 Hwy 25 South Monticello, MN 55362 Ben Smith 112 East 3rd Street Monticello, MN 55362 Al Larson Coast to Coast P.O. Box 367 Monticello, MN 55362 Everette Ellison 310 Vine Street Monticello, MN 55362