HRA Agenda 01-06-1988• AGENDA MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MEETING Wednesday, January 6, 1988 - 7:OOAM Members: Chairperson Ken Maus, Vice Chairperson Lovell Schrupp, Ben Smith, Al Larson, and Everette Ellison. 1. Call To Order. 2. Approval of the December 2, 1987 HRA Minutes. 3. Continuation of the Elderly Housing Concept. 4. Consideration of the Status of the IXI Properties. 5. Other Business. 6. Adjournment. 0 MINUTES MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ANNUAL MEETING Wednesday, December 2, 1987 - 7:30 P.M. City Hall Members Present: Lowell Schrupp, Ken Maus, Ben Smith, Al Larson, and Everette Ellison. 1. CALL TO ORDER. Acting Chairperson Lowell Schrupp called the HRA Annual meeting to order at 7:35 pm. 2. APPROVAL OF THE NOVEMBER 4 AND NOVEMBER 24, 1987 HRA MINUTES. Ken Maus made a motion to approve the November 4th HRA minutes, seconded by Ben Smith. Al Larson made a motion to approve the November 24, 1987 HRA minutes, seconded by Ken Maus, with no further discussion on either motion, the motions passed 5-0. CONSIDERATION TO ELECT HRA OFFICERS: CHAIRPERSON. VICE - CHAIRPERSON, AND SECRETARY/TREASURER. Ben Smith nominated Everette Ellison for chairmanship of the HRA; however, Mr. Ellison declined. Ken Maus asked Lowell Schrupp to continue as chairperson but Mr. Schrupp said not this year. Al Larson nominated Ken Maus for chairmanship stating Ken's experience of serving on the HRA and the City Council a valuable plus. Mr. Maus accepted the nomination with the understanding he may step down from the office before his term expires in 1991. Ben Smith seconded the motion, with no further discussion the motion passed 4-1. Ken Maus abstained. Mr. Maus then presiding over the HRA meeting expressed that the City staff was good to work with. Nominations were opened for Vice Chairperson, Ben Smith made a motion to to nominate Lowell Schrupp, seconded by Everette Ellison. Mr. Schrupp accepted the nomination for Vice Chairperson and with no further discussion the motion passed 4-1, Lowell Schrupp abstained. A motion was made by Everette Ellison to waive the office of eacretary/treasurer, seconded by Al Larson, the motion passed 5-0 without further discussion. 4. CONSIDERATION TO SET HRA GOALS FOR 1988 and HRA LONG-RANGE GOALS. Chairperson Maus summarized 1987 by stating the long term goal of acquisition and demolition of the Old Ford Garage Building was completed by the HRA, consideration of the Clifford Olson properties was addressed and the establishment of Tax Increment Finance District 07 was completed. The HRA members agreed the number one goal for 1988 was to establish available higher quality of housing for the elderly. The consensus by the HRA members was that throe typos of elderly housing needs exist in Monticello. HRA Minutes - 12/2/87 4. continued. One, higher quality housing, townhouse concept owned by individuals. Two, additional low to moderate income housing. Third, total full service housing (before nursing home.) The committee agreed the higher quality housing should be located close to the downtown area, they should consider optional locations (one being the eastern lots of Block 33), they should check with other communities on what has been successful, they should check with developers and the HRA should serve as the catalyst to finding a site. The HRA's second goal was to continue researching the feasibility to acquire and possible demolition of the Jones', O'Connor, and Stelton's properties. The HRA has approved St. Cloud Appraisal to appraise these parcels for future development. Third, the HRA would like the status of the property known as Block 3, Lot 5, Oakwood Industrial Park which the HRA held an option agreement with IRI or the Johnson's and the agreement made regarding the berm around the IXI complex. Ben Smith will contact Alvin Sheldon of Johnson. Sheldon and Sorensen Architects, Inc. to meet with the HRA members on Tuesday, December 8, 1987, either AM or PM. The HRA members inquired about the possibility of the City acquiring the Clifford Olson property by condemnation, Chairperson Maus responded that condemnation procedures are quite difficult. Koropchak inquired about the HRA requesting the City Council to levy one mill for HRA projects since the Authority has no extra monies. Chairperson Maus answered he believed the City Council would only respond favorably if we could justify the need for the monies. A request of such would need to be prepared for the 1989 Proposed City Budget. 5. OTHER BUSINESS. The committee inquired about the beginning demolition date for the Old Ford Garage Building. Koropchak reported that Mr. Spinler indicated that demolition would begin that afternoon. All required paperwork had boon completed. The Monticello Times and Larry Flake were both notified of the planned demolition data. 6. ADJOURNMENT. Everette Ellison made a motion to adjourn the HRA Annual meeting, seconded by Al Larson with no further discussion the motion passed 5-0. Meeting adjourned. 011ie Koropchak HRA Executive Secretary HRA Agenda - 1/6/88 3. CONTINUATION OF THE ELDERLY HOUSING CONCEPT. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND. A brief summary of the informational meeting held December B. 1987 between the HRA and Mr. Al Sheldon is enclosed as supporting data. Last week Mr. Sheldon stopped by my office with copies of a design plan which was prepared as a result of that meeting. Also, Mr. Dan Carlson of Foster, Franzen, and Carlson Agency, dropped off some information he had received from a Mr. Bill Haldy of Monticello. The information was on Realife Cooperative of Mankota. Mr. Sheldon and myself are both in the process of contacting Mr. Haldy. The HRA needs to do some homework; I will work with Gary Anderson, Zoning Administrator, and present additional site options for the HRA meeting. I called 011ie Krahl, Monticello - Big Lake Nursing Home, for her opinion of the HRA goal of three types of elderly housing needs in Monticello. She is in complete agreement with the HRA and would be happy to work with us at any time. Also, the HRA needs to address questions C, D, and E as summarized from the meeting notes. Further information will be presented at the HRA meeting. 4. CONSIDERATION OF THE STATUS OF THE IRI PROPERTIES. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND. Tax Increment Finance District 01 was created in 1982 for Ron and Dee Johnson or IXI and included the acquisition of Lot 7, Block 3, Oakwood Industrial Park by the HRA with conveyance in two transactions: a) The East 180 feet of Lot 7 in 1982 and b) the remainder of said lot 1983-84. TIP District O1 was modified in April, 1984 to include only portion a) of the above. TIP District /4 was created in 1984 for the HRA to acquire the Westerly one/half of Lot 7 and the North 175 feet of the East one half of Lot 7. HRA loan from the City for Lot 7 was $73,501.67 ({58,600.00 plus $14,910.67 to pay off the current assessments against the property. According to City Council minutes of 8/22/83 a loan to the NRA for $154,800.00 was approved for the purchase of Lots 5 and 6. (See Supporting Data). Lot 6 sold to Ron and Dao Johnson on October 1984 for 115,500.00. As for the written agreement to begin landscaping and borming around lots 5 6 6 between the HRA and the Johnson's. I cannot locate at this time. I have found HRA minutes and City Council minutes which address the issue. The appraisal done for the Johnson's was appraised at $1,000,000.00 for Lots 6 and 7 (land and buildings); however, Mr. Bob Smith informed ma the mortgage they hold HRA Agenda — 1/6/88 on the property is for the building and Lot 7 only. Therefore, need to do more research about Lot 6. Rick Wolfsteller provided these figures on Lot 5 which was held in option. Initial investment was $77,400.00 plus total interest paid to date (12/31/87) of $26.345.70 for total of $103,745.70. Approximate lot size of 650 x 430 or 6.416 acres. This computes out for the HRA to fully recover investment coat we Would have to ask for $16,169.84 per acre. This total coat of $103.745.70 does not include the additional interest the HRA could have collected on the interest the BRA has paid out. Asking price by the Oakwood Industrial Park through December 1987 was $13,000.00 per acre. It is in the opinion of Rick Wolfateller and myself that the matter should be reviewed by an attorney. SUMMARY MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY INFORMATIONAL MEETING WITH JOHNSON, SHELDON, AND SORENSEN ARCHITECTS, INC. Tuesday, December 8, 1987 - 7:00 A.M. City Hall Members Present: Vice Chairperson Lowell Schrupp, Ben Smith, Al Larson, and Everette Ellison. Members Absent: Chairperson Ren Maus. Guest: Mr. Alvin Sheldon of Johnson, Sheldon, and Sorensen Architects, Inc. Mr. Sheldon met with HRA members to hear the HRA's concept to higher quality housing for the elderly (individually owned, townhouse concept: close to downtown; 1, 2, and 3 bedroom options with attached garage and garden space available.) SUMMARY: A. Site Options Available. 1. One site option - Lots 4,5,6, and 7, Block 33, City of Monticello, total of 43,560 sq ft or 1 acre, could accommodate an 8 unit townhouse concept. 2. HRA needs to research other site options. a. East of Cedarcrest. b. West of Highway 25 along Walnut Street. c. Others. B. Design Concept. 1. One, two, or three bedroom (option of two floors) with single/double garage. 2. Design to be prepared by Johnson. Sheldon, and Sorensen, Architects, Inc. 3. One bedroon plus den, 1,000 to 1,300 aq ft, estimated coat $72,000 per unit. C. Do we need a dPvPlnper? Cost effective. D. Is the HRA envolved in presale? Do we need a sell out? How to contact interested parties? E. Are local contractors interested? May have better network with local banks. Mr. Sheldon will have his firm prepare a design concept based on the discussions and the HRA will moot with Mr. Sheldon the middle of January in the evening. Summary by 011ie Koropchak, HRA Executive Secretary. i ,BED XOOM z�ii-Ai 1 BATH 0 BATH FBTE 1SX 12 SQUARE FOOTAGB END UNITS LIVING AREA ....... 1204 60. PT. GARAGE AREA ............ 440 SO. FT. TOTAL . .......... 1644 60. FT. CENTER UNIT'S LIVING AREA ... 1040 SO. FT. GARAGE AREA............ 440 SO. FT. T0TAL............148 6O. FT. STANDARD FEATURES DOUBLE GARAGE • ENCLOSED AND INSULATED DOUBLE INSULATED STEEL ENTRY DOORS WOOD FRAME DOUBLE GLAZED WINDOWS ENERGY EFFICENT INSULATION SOUND DROOP EXTERROR WALLS OAK CASWTS SHEET VINYL 01 KITCHEN AND BATHS GARAGE 22)(20 _ GARAGE 22X20 = i I MONTICELLO TOWNHOUSES CERAMIC TILE TUB SURROUND DELUXE CARPETING ELECTRIC RANCE•0ISHIMSNIEP- DSP0SAL van 40 GALLON WATER HEATER LAUNDRY TIB • YVASHER CONNECTIONS � io•iwwd�lf�lwew • AUTOMATIC GARAGE DOOR OPENER :W ARCN1TZcTs 1". EXTENSIVE LANDSCAPED OPEN E .w. �n �n•�w•irii 'AIA.OAVtS W Eam Man 0Mce !Carlson Rm 3864462ociates, Inc. REALiFWCOOPERATiVE OF MANKATO ' • ,Yl6 Boum &ae 8t wnato ra seoot .: MN saes 8oenwiu er edoe a 6oaw 1MWry 2930 � ..:.8;.•r//1�/�y - aAs-mss 7 iJ colli � `j�.R�a�df'1 !•sCdU (ten �� w it �....,.., San- ,•. OUNDIh ROAD I I I I I I I I I I H This agreement, executed this �� — day of December, 1982, by and between the Monticello Housing and Redevelopment Authority (hereinafter referred to as "the HAA") and IXI laboratories, Inc., (hereinafter re- ferred to as "the developer') seta out provisions for the disposition of lands and the orderly development thereof in accordance with the Central Monticello Redevelopment Plan. The HRA and the Developer do hereby agree as follows: THE DEVELOPER AGREES: 1) That development of land and all buildings shall be in accordance with this agreement and with the Central Monticello Redevelopment Plan. 2) That for the purposes of establishing valuations for taxes payable, the building to be first constructed on the East 180 feet of Lot 7 - Block 3, Oakwood Industrial Park, shall be deemed to be totally complete and assessed as such as of December 31, 1982. 3) That for the purposes of establishing valuations for taxes payable, the building to be second constructed on the East 180 feet of Lot 7 - Block 3, Oakwood Industrial Park shall be deemed to be totally com- plete and assessed as such as of August 1, 1983. 6) That in the event the County Auditor will not record evaluations for a complete building prior to its actually being complete, IXI will pay to the City the difference between the tax increment based upon the partial building and the tax incroment for the completed structure. 5) That they shall purchase from the HAA, the East 180 feat of Lot 7 - Block 3, Oakwood Industrial Park, on or before December 10, 1982, and they they shall remit payment in the sum of $8,000.00 to the HAA on the date of purchase. 6) That they shall purchase from the HAA the remainder of Lot 7 - Block 3, Oakwood Industrial Park on or before December 31, 1980, and that they shall remit payment in the aum of $5,500.00 to the NAA on the data of said purchase. 7) That development of building, on said remainder of Lot 7 - Block 3, Oakwood Industrial Park, shall commence within 12 months after the data of conveyance and that said buildings ahall be, for tax asa000- mont purposes, of a value equal to or greater than those buildings orocted on the East 180 foot of lot 7 - Block 3, Oakwood Induatrial Park. 8) That no "project lad" acquired by the developer from the HRA may be resold prior to improvemonts boing made without the prior written consent of the HRA, except that project land may be conveyed to a separate entity of IXI, which for their own reasons, is established as separate from IXI Laboratories, Inc., this shall include the owners of III, Inc., as individuals. 9) That there shall be no discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, creed or national origin in the sale, lease, transfer or oc- cupancy of the property covered by this agreement. 10). That the property stall be devoted only to the uses that fall with- in the scope of the Central Monticello Redevelopment Plan for a period of twenty (20) years from the date of this agreement. 11) That, except where physically impossible, all public and private utilities serving the parcels within this agreement shall be underground. 12)-- That during the period that the HRA holds an option on Lots 5 and 6 - Block 3, Oakwood Industrial Park, the developer shall pay to the HILA an amount equal to that year's tax plus the interest com- puted against that years' required special assessment payment. THE HRA AGREES: 1) That the HAA will convey to the developer title to the East 180 feet of Lot 7 - Block 3, Oakwood Industrial Park, on or before December 10, 1982, for the am of $8,000.00. 2) That they will provide a deed to the East 180 feet of Lot 7 - Block 3, Oakwood Industrial Park. 3) That the HRA will hold for exclusive sale to the developer the remainder of Lot 7 - Block 3, Oakwood Industrial Park, until December 31, 1984. 4) That on or before December 31, 1984, upon a reasonable request from the developer, the HRA will convey to the developer the remainder of Lot 7 - Block 3, Oakwood Industrial Park, for the herein agreed upon price of $5,500.00. =S)- That they will execute an option on and hold the option for the developer on all of Lots 5 and 6 - Block 3, Oakwood Industrial Park, for a period of five years commencing with the data of this agreement. 6) That where economically feasible, the IDA will create additional Tax Increment Financing Districts to facilitate the sale and de- velopment of all other parcels referred to herein. •f!� That, so long as Tax Increment Financing Districts can be estab- lished, the HRA will purchase, either in part or in whole, Lots 5 end/or 6 - Block 7, Oakwood Industrial Park, and shall convey such parcel to the developer with the coat to be negotiated at that time, but that in no case will the coat exceed the sum of $3,500.00 per acre. 8) That for all sales of land referred to herein, the cost is the total cost. No existing special assessments shall be transferred to the developer, unless the developer requests such transfer. The BILA further agrees that when the price agreed upon herein is paid by the developer to the HILA, the title to the parcel will be trans- ferred free of all encumbrances. 9) That the developer may encroach upon that part of Lot 7 - Block 3, Oakwood Industrial Park, which has not yet been conveyed when in- stalling utility lines to serve the Fast 180 feet of Lot 7 - Block 3, Oakwood Indusltrial Park, if the design standard so dictates. DATED: /0 /)t P.ta('t A7 , 1982 'aA�44VL - WITNESS 10 PLMUD-AMNEWA COUNTY MY COMM. OW. JUNE H, lose WITNESS �}W NOTA � DOMMA "- WOMOM Mtl COMM. EV. SUMS 11.1M FOR IRI LABORATORIES, INC. Ro Id R. Johnson*, President i Dee L. Johnson, Vice President FOR THE MONTICELLO ROUSING AND MMEVELOPRENP AUTHORITY Dr.P lip White, Chairman Thomas A. Eidem, City Administrator ' ' ',art;=�• ..' ,,. �,7�4•. b. :, Atjanda -�8/2i/3? • . Council' .. ;��•• S. Gonsidcr6tion of e'R0Qu09t from the' Hous ing'and:Redevalopment Authority for a Loan to Acquire land. '• (T.E.)'��.-, _: ,`,; �,Y 1=�•j,: ••-��" �,; Last fall when we' beEered negotiations and, )i ided S.ixr�n'rfgment ;gtti;�• Financing for IXI; ve concentrated:all of RE—'efforfq;on'_Lo,17, •.--•:.u.^p Block 3, in Oakwood Industrial• Park.= During-tYo'original,:_t." • f. negotiations and the preeentation of the conatruciiet'pl$ri '•rt 'T for IXI, it was apparent that Lots 5 and 6 wers�intbr4dd toi; be purchased and it: was'aleo intended that anpoptift ba:tekbn ''r: �"�i•r;` on that land. Because of the time limits that vn'{`acedi last : i fall, we purchased only Lo: 7 and established our district on only part of that lot. Upon ccrtification'of'the first tax increment district, we began negotiatinns for an optica on Lots 5 and 6 with the express intent of holding that land for IXI. IXI's main concern was that once bujing. Lot 7, Lot 5 would be offered to another party at a higher;price. and because IXI would have to have the land, they, would be !oared to go. with the higher rate.--- We I said wb would holp`plpte�d�k'that by doing the option. Howcver,� iT' Vnio unable' C arTto at• an .. •. ;';• ., = option agreement with the bakwood lnduru1rta1 &V, urtnurohili•„ They took, the poeitlon .that the option rrrllj)iiy6I'd �oiudo•'tgl` •' 'j '_ �'^: t,T .,penalty and interest and'taxod:t 48 ac, -rues not only for the current period ead'iar any. future. pcvintic' that might have to be held, but they .ilu, felt toot ;ae ntiwld pay penalty and interest un dr lingnenci^n troo thn;'d,iy ' for�watd. It was our contention that we sho,,lq nyll•hacd to,.- o,;pay paythe ongoing delinquoncy,•penelt and interootgl:jnee't;hu," Y T problem of delinquoncieu we-; cyno'tliat wan floated by,tha.,.a r y.-• t partnership and not by tis: That point wao lover rasol:�d`•. - 4: and ultimately an option was not agreed upon. r'envot,,ations� did, however, remain Open. IX: recontly aprroached tho Ctkvooi ParG.t•tnhip'to re•;a,t perm,nuicn to begin constrcctior, of thair berm aroun,3 all of Levi 5, 6 au.i 1, even tnuu,,h the; d.i nut have avtirr:b-ip of luta, 5 and 6, ao yr L. Fran a financt,.l t,tandpeint, Iyl's }plan it; to hent; in the heavy dirt. nivinq cqutpa.cnt and have them dig for all of the foundaticnc, and mm. all of the fill and do all of tho grading at one time, raLher•than having to hire machinery to Como in on coveral other oeeanionc to do party of tho )ob. no Oakwood Partncrohrp ia• uncomfortablo with alluvinq land that they still own to be graded and h,•tTned. I talked to Doo Johnoon and oxl,re,,sod that if the city had ownership, we would connidor it but we would roquire a written nuarnnten that uhnild IXI, for whatebor ruacan, - 7 - Council Agenda - 8/22/83 elect not to utilize the land, they would require to restore it to its original condition. Dee Johnson indicated that they would be happy to provide such a guarantee. I wish to now address the financial considerations in making this purchase. The HBA, as you are well aware, has,at this time,very limited resources. Their only source of revenue is anticipated through the various surplus of tax increments. They do have available by law, the right to levy a special tax, but by their own resolution they will not utilize a tax levy for their purposes. The HRA is unanimous in that position. Because they have limited resources, their only recourse is to borrow money in order to purchase lend. The peculiar thing about borrowing money is that the lender usually expects you to pay it back. The only way the HM can repay debt is by using the tax increment that they collect annually and which is dedicated to the repayment of debt. where a particular project may not be scheduled for con- struction for a year or two, then the tax increment would not come to the BRA for three to four years. 'flus, the problem. If the HRA borrows money from a public lender now to buy the land, tho first payment would probably be due within 18 months, but the HRA would not,at that time, have collected its first increment to make that payment, nor do they have the surplus funds in their account to make that payment. Thus, the request to the City council to provide them with a loan that would be of a demand type, and allowing the first payment to be post- poned to the time of the collection of the first increment. This in precisely the same arrangement that was made with the City Council last fall when we initiated the IXI project. The total acquisition price for free and clear title to Iota 5 and 6, Block 3, of Oakwood Industrial Park is 6156,800.00. This in computed at the price of 610,000 par acro plus all assessments or a price of 613,030.00 per acre. I asked Rick how our cash flow statue appeared with respect to making that loan in anticipation of certain paybacko. The Oakwood Partner- ship intends to do the following upon receipt of purchase price. Approximately 628,500 would be paid directly to the City for those assessments for future years an lots 5 and 6. Approxi- mately 625,200 will be paid to the County for delinquencies and 1983 taxes and assessments on toots 5 and 6. 906 or more of that 625,200 would come back to the City within three months with the rant of the County distribution. The Oakwood Partnership would retain approximately 610,000 to 612,000 to cover their income tax liability for the sale of the land. The balance of the money will be used to pay delinquencies and - 8 - WE - Council Agenda - 8/22/63 futures on other lots in Oakwood Park in an attempt to clear a few lots of assessments. The end result is as follows: Of the $154,600, approximately $12,000 will be hold by the Oakwood Partnership, approximately $76,000 will be paid directly to the City, and approximately $67,000 will be paid to the County (90% of which shall be returned to the City within 3 months). Rick has indicated that this does not present a cash flow problem as long as we are expecting return of the money in this fashion. Thus, of the $154,800 that is loaned to the HRA, about $142,000 will came back to the City either directly or within 3 monthu with the County distribution. At the same time, the HFA would have a debt to the City Council of S.^I,PGJ. That duLL will tj repaid on demand through tax :n.roments. 2a:vi �n the City's most current band is.w is rill ae :•t.:,r cumrmt issues, it is my cpiuioll tha•_ L . intm.r •t 1c,41-2 l:,• qn to- priate. REFERENCES: Financial data uhaet, maE of the site. - 4 - Council Minutes - 8/22/83 7. Consideration of Municipal Liquor Store Financial Statements for the First Six Months of 1983. Mark Irmiter, Liquor Store Manager, was present at the Council Meeting to review the financial statement for the first six months of operation for the off -sale Liquor Store. Mr. Irmiter noted that sales were down approximately 4% from last year's figures which has been the trend in other communities during the past six months also. The resulting net income was only $400 lower than last year's income for the same period. It was noted that some possible improvements to the Liquor Store in the future could be parking lot expansion and the addition of new cash registers which will be budgeted for in 1984. No other action was taken other than the review of the state- ments as presented. S. Consideration of a Request from the Housinq and Redevelopment Authoritv for a Loan to Acquire Land. Last fall, the Monticello NRA provided tax increment financing for IXI Corporation on Lots 7, Black 3, Oakwood Industrial Park. During the original negotiations, it was apparent that Lots 5 and 6 were also intended to be purchased for future enlargo- went of the IXI Corporation's building complex. The City's HRA originally only purchased Lot 7, but it wan the intent of the HRA to obtain an option on the two additional loto so that this land would be available once IXI started to expand their complex. IXI Corporation recently approached the Oakwood Industrial Park Partnership to roquoot permission to begin construction of their borm around all of Loto 5, 6 and 7, even though they do not have ownership of Loto 5 and 6 yet. From the financial standpoint, IXI's plan is to bring in the heavy dirt moving equipment and have them dig all of the foundations, move all of the fill, and do all of the grading at one time rather than have to hire machinery to come in on oeveral other occaniono to do porta of the job. Tho Oakwood Partnarohip in uncomfortable with allowing land that they still own to be graded and bormod and would like to ace the HRA acquire the land firot. The total purchaoo price of the remaining two loco would require a loan from the City in the amount of $154,800.00. Once the land wan acquired by the HRA, portions of the lot would be ronold to IXI Corporation in pha000 with the loan being ropaid to the City from the tax incremento generated on future building projecto. A motion wan made by Maua, accondod by Fair, and unanimoualy carried to authorize the HRA to borrow $154,800.00 from the City to be repaid with the tax incremonto goneratod from IXI'o expansion projocto with an annual interoot rate of 8% per year. 3- 0 HAA Minutes - 9/7/87 amount of $32,000.00. A brief discussion followed concerning a letter of credit from the developers. Mr. Larson indicated that he understood why the HAA would request such a letter, but felt that placed an additional financial strain on the developer since letters of credit from a lending institution require an annual fee to reserve the funds. Schrupp indicated that he understood the Authority had taken action that would require a letter of Credit from all tax increment finance projects. Eidem explained that action taken at the June 22, 1983 meeting of the HAA was that a letter of credit was deemed essential for the James Power -s proposal, and that by consensus the Authority felt that a letter of credit should be a necessary requirement for future projects. He noted that the letter of credit requirement was not made a formal requirement by adoption of a resolution. This issue was left unresolved with the intent to resume discussion on this matter at a future meeting. S. Eidem reported to the members that at the August 22, 1983, meeting of the City Council the HRA's request for a loan of $154,000.00 was approved. Motion by Schrupp, seconded by peeve, and carried unanimously to purchase Lots 5 6 6, Block 3, in Oakwood Industrial Park. Eidem went on to explain that IXI, Inc., had requested permission to begin landscaping and be cooing around Lots 5 L 6, Block 3, Oakwood Industrial Park, prior to their assuming ownership. They explained that for economic �~ reasons it was mc:s cost effective to have all of the landscaping done at a single time rather than hiring a contractor to come in after each parcel acquisition. Eidem explained that Dee Johnson, vice President of IXI, had agreed to enter into a written agreement stipulating that, should IXI not fulfill their obligation to purchase all of the land, they would return the Lots to their original condition at their own expense. Motion by Cochran, seconded by Vokaty, and carried unanimously to prepare and enter into an agreement with IXI, Inc., which would allow IXI to landscape and berm around the perimeter of Lots 5 a 6 in Block 3, Oakwood Industrial Park, prior to their, IXI's, assuming ownership of that land. 6. Eidem introduced to the Authority a proposal from the City of Delano that would entail a joint powers agreement between four cities who would then issue 10 million dollars in mortgage revenue bonds. He explained that the idea had just been proposed to him and that he had very limited informa- tion available at this time. Basically, he explained that the program was to address a housing need. Eidem stated that, based on the limited informa- tion he had, he understood the program to work as followsa The bond proceeds would be handled directly by a lending institution. Developers/ contractors, on a first come, first serve basis, could reserve a certain amount of dollars in mortgage money. First time home buyers meeting certain income guidelines would then be eligible for application for the mortgage - 2 - City o/ Montice[[O MONTICELLO, MN 65382.9245 December 4, 1987 Plane (612) 05.2711 Maas (612) 375872 250 Fin 8100". ManeOaeo, MYwa001 es50bs24e Mr. Al Sheldon Amine p�ynp Johnson. Sheldon, and Sorenson Architects, Inc. pry C"Wt. 10249 Yellow Circle Drive Dan 6lonfpsn Minnetonka, MN 55343 Fran Fair Wmhrn Fair VAVWSmnn Dear Mr. Sheldon: This is a letter of confirmation from the Monticello AoeYMsvelor: Housing and Redevelopment Authority. Rich WattatWw John SWOe It is my understanding from HRA Member Ben Smith P1Zon{nw that arrangements have been made with you to represent G" Anftneon your company, Johnson, Sheldon, and Sorenson Architects, Inc., at an BRA informational meeting scheduled for Oft Kwopchek Tuesday, December 8, 1987, 7:00 A.M. at the Monticello City Hall, 250 East Broadway, Monticello, Minnesota. The five HRA members have been notified by mail of the y informational meeting on elderly housing concept - options. Please call me at (Metro) 333-5739 or (612) 295-2711, if my understanding is incorrect. I look forward to meeting you early Tuesday morning. Sincerely, / 011ie Roropchak Director and Executive Secretary Monticello Housing and Redevelopment Authority cc: File 250 Fin 8100". ManeOaeo, MYwa001 es50bs24e Cri�t� of l �ontic-t o y., MONTICELLO, MN 56382.8245 December 4, 1987 Phar (612) 295-2711 Ma (612) 333.6798 A=. a... Cfty Council: Dan r� Fair 14Fak Smith Dear HRA Member: The Monticello Housing and Redevelopment Authority AdmiNstr a. will hold an informational meeting on Tuesday, arch Wa:htwr December 8, 1987, 7:00 A.M. , at the City Hall. Public worwfi John &oqh HRA Member Ben Smith has made arrangements with ��"a Mr. Al Sheldon of Johnson. Sheldon, and Sorenson Economic DwybpewuL Architects, Inc., Minnetonka, Minnesota to present 011ie Kalaimhok elderly housing concept options to the HRA. See you at 7:00 A.M., Tuesday. �. Sincerely, \/ Q,_ . `C�dk o t 011ie Koropchak HRA Executive Secretary cc: Chairperson Ken Maus Vice -Chairperson Lowell Schrupp Ben Smith Al Larson Everette Ellison Administrator Rick Wolfstallor 2 9'www 6636 -924455 oL Mo (612) 295-2711 Mhfio (612) 3334779 ,Krvs Onmuno Oen Fran Fak Wmkmu Fab Wanan &Nm Ad"MUNUMor: Rbk Wo11Wtla Public Wort John Siv ols p�Oery Z"—* 1 Ecomm, Droolopmau: Obs Kompchak 250 Ean Brokmiwy Mormoamo, hurraou CLtfy 4 In a.- t. MONTICELLO. MN 65382.9246 November 25, 1987 Dear HRA Member: Hereby is given written notice of the Monticello Housing and Redevelopment Authority's Annual Meeting scheduled for Wednesday, December 2, 1987, 7:30 P.M., City Hall. Enclosed is the agenda. Sincerely, CSA. Kd. 011ie Koropchak HRA Director cc: Lowell Schrupp Kenneth Maus Sen Smith Al Larson Everette Ellison Rick Wolfateller, City Administrator