HRA Agenda 04-02-1992` AGENDA MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Thursday, April 2, 1992 - 7:OOPM City Hall MEMBERS: Chairperson Al Larson, Ben Smith, Lowell Schrupp, Everette Ellison, and Tom St. Hilaire. STAFF: Rick WolPsteller, Jeff O'Neill, and 011ie Koropchak. 1. CALL TO ORDER. 2. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE MARCH 11, 1992 HRA MINUTES. 3. CONSIDERATION TO ACKNOWLEDGE HRA RESOLUTION AND MR. SHERER'S LETTER, AND TO HEAR PRELIMINARY RECOMMENDATION FOR TIF DISTRICT FOR POST OFFICE EXPANSION. d. CONSIDERATION TO HEAR RECOMMENDATIONS AND DISCUSS PLANS FOR DEVELOPMENT OF THE COTTEGE HOME HOUSING CONCEPT. 5. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW AND DISCUSS THE J 6 M OIL VARIANCE REQUEST AS IT RELATES TO RELOCATION OR SOIL CORRECTION COSTS. S. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW AND DISCUSS THE TANK K REMOVAL AND C EAf.__ N UP REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL BIDS. @*.a%►- ""w- 7. CONSIDERATION TO ELECT 1992 HRA OFFICERS. 9. OTHER BUSINESS. a) Copy of the monthly BDS billing. 9. ADJOURNMENT. Q r6q9-4„- Nne MINUTES MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, March 11, 1992 - 7:OOPM City Hall MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Al Larson, Ben Smith, and Everette Ellison. MEMBERS ABSENT: Lowell Schrupp and Tom St. Hilaire. STAFF PRESENT: 011ie Koropchak. STAFF ABSENT: Rick Wolfsteller and Jeff O'Neill. GUESTS PRESENT: Dr. Charles Ehlen and Mr. Tom Sherer. 1. CALL TO ORDER. Chairperson Larson called the HRA meeting to order at 7:OOPM. 2. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE FEBRUARY 12, 1992 HRA MINUTES. Ben Smith made a motion to approve the February 12, 1992 HRA minutes, seconded by Everette Ellison. With no additions or corrections the minutes were approved as written. 3. CONSIDERATION TO HEAR OF THE POST OFFICE RELOCATION OPTIONS AND CONSIDERATION TO RECOMMEND SUPPORT. Chairperson Larson welcomed Dr. Ehlen and Mr. Sharer to the HRA meeting. On Monday evening, Dr. Ehlen and Mr. Sherer appeared before the City Council and received support to retain the local post office facility at its present downtown location or at another downtown location. The gentlemen requested the came endorsement of the HRA. In 1987 the US Poet Office purchased approximately 8 acres along East 7 Street which was felt to have been purchased in haste with the anticipation of an overly projected population growth rate. Speculation is for construction of a new owner - occupied facility of approximately 7,000 eq ft, however, no plane have been released by the government. Dr. Ehlen, owner of the current facility, expressed at one time construction at the new site was a done deal, however, the US Government has requested a lease extension on the current facility (lease expires September 30, 1992) which gives the owner some bargaining power for expanslun at the current site. Dr. Ehlen thinks the US Poet Office Is open to working with the community particular in light of recent political issues. It the US Poet Office has Monti cello's HRA MINUTES 3-11-92 relocation expansion as a lesser priority, it seems unlikely that a construction of a new facility could be completed in six months. Dr. Ehlen encouraged contacting local Federal representatives. Dr. Ehlen, his father, and brothers have approximately 40 building lease contracts with the US Post Office. Koropchak presented the HRA with a map outlining the TIF Redevelopment District ?2 boundaries of which excludes the current post office. The current building consists of 4,549 sq ft on 25,080 sq ft with a 1991 EMV of $193,900 and taxes of $6,888.98. With the addition of the Culp and City property to the west of the current site the new site could be expanded to a total of 41,415 eq ft and with the addition of the Hollenbeck property the new site could be expanded to a total of 52,305 sq ft. The District's life has approximately 15 years remaining and would need to be modified to expand the boundaries. With the assumption the building and site plans complied with City Ordinance, each HRA member present endorsed support to retaining the post office at its current downtown location. Everette Ellison made a motion directing Koropchak to draft a resolution noting that the HRA recognizes the importance of the post office to the downtown area as it provides convenience to both residents and businesses, supports expansion of the post office at its current facility or at another downtown location and will consider the use of TIF assistance. The HRA further suggests that the developer and the US Post Office work together to explore the possibility of expanding the downtown facility. The motion was seconded by Ben Smith and passed unanimously. Said resolution to be drafted and executed by noon tomorrow. ¢ONSIDERATIIO)i TO REVIEW ADDITIONAL, SITES FOR THE COTTEGE HOME HOUSING CONCEPT. After a second tour of potential sites for consideration of the cottege home housing concepts, the HRA members agreed on the first site option: the northerly lots of Block 54 consisting of the Scheif, O'Connor, Kruse (fire), and Bostic properties. Chairperson Larson informed the HRA that the Mayor and Mr. O'Neill indirectly supported this area because of the recent fire and permit request. The second site option: the southerly lots of Block 55 consisting of the Andorson, Hollenbeck, Lundborg, and Pratt properties. And the third option: the soutRagby2and easterly lots of Block 9 consisting of the Solberg, Oates, Florell, and Decker HRA MINUTES i 3-11-92 properties; the southwesterly lots of Block 10 consisting of Straw and Munson properties; and the southerly lots of Block 11 consisting of the Bialke, Schultz, Huseby, and Allen properties. Unlike the HRA's previous attempt to contact property owners as with the David Ficek development, the HRA suggested hiring a third party (real estate agent) to contact and negotiate with property owners. Secondly, the HRA considered local contractors for development of the cottege home housing concept. The HRA is interested in quality construction. Developers considered were J. Miller, Michael Bregenzer, Blonigen Builders, contractor for McCarlund Plaza, Schlief, Don Lynch, and Bob Peterson, Buffalo. The HRA requested Koropchak contact Winkelman Builders to first: Ask of their Interest in housing development and second: If not, ask if Prestige Builders is recognized as quality developer. Also. Koropchak was to find out the contractor of McCarlund Plaza development. The HRA noted the importance of confidentiality regarding the suggested development areas. 8. CONSIDERATION TO ELECT 1992 HRA OFFICERS. Tabled for a full HRA representation. 6. CONSIDERATION OF AN UPDkTE ON THE REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL TO CERTIFIED TANK REMOVAL CONTRACTORS. The HRA acknowledged the enclosed letter drafted and mailed to six certified tank removal contractors as authorized by Chairperson Larson and Everette Ellison on March 6. Request for proposal estimates are due the 27th of March. 7. OTHER BUSINESS, a. Copy of the BDS February billing - the HRA accepted the monthly BDS billing. The HRA requested not to meet on Wednesday during Lent and suggested March 31 or April 2 as the next HRA meeting date. Page 3 HRA MINUTES 3-11-92 8. ADJOURNMENT. Chairperson Larson made a motion to adjourn the HRA meeting, seconded by Everette Ellison, the HRA meeting adjourned at 8:00 PM. 011ie Koropchak, HRA Executive Director Page 4 HRA AGENDA 0-2-92 3. CONSIDERATION TO ACKNOWLEDGE HRA RESOLUTION AND MR. SH ERER'S LETTER, AND TO HEAR PRELIMINARY RECOMMENDATION FOR TIF DISTRICT FOR POST OFFICE EXPANSION. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND. At the direction of the HRA a resolution was drafted in support of retaining the post office at its downtown location and the potential of TIP assistance. Enclosed is a copy of the resolution drafted, executed, and submitted to Dr. Ehlen, owner of the post office facility. Also enclosed is a copy of a letter received from Mr. Scherer. As of a telephone conversation today with Mr. Scherer, Cinco Corporation has talked with Mr. Carl Larson at the Bloomington Regional Office and a new contract is under consideration for a downtown poet office expansion. A couple weeks ago Mr. Pat Peletring visited Monticello and we toured the post office area and the housing concept areae. Upon reviewing the TIF Redevelopment District Y2 boundaries which exclude the current poet office area, it was Mr. Pelstring's suggestion that a new district be established rather than modify District 02 boundaries. This would occur only if the HRA saw it necessary to provide assistance for the post office expansion. The district established would probably be a Renovation District of 18 years. According to Mr. John Dean of Holmes a Graven, TIB can be used as the building is privately owned versus public owned (governmental - tax exempt). If upfront financing is used the Development Agreement should include a Tax Increment Guarantee provision to cover the length of the district. At this time no further action Is necessary by the HRA as no building and site plans are available and no formal TIF request has been made. As you know building and site plans must comply with the City Ordinance and meet the needs of both the Post Office and the owner. The design and size of the expanded facility may warrant a new downtown location. No action necessary. RESOLUTION 92-1 HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA WHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA), in and for the City of Monticello, Minnesota, Se aware of the U.S. Postal Services' need for an enlarged postal facility to service the Monticello area; and WHEREAS, the Monticello Housing and Redevelopment Authority Is aware of the U.S. Postal Services' current consideration to construct a new facility near I-94 and Highway 25; and WHEREAS, the Monticello Housing and Redevelopment Authority recognizes the importance of the post office to the downtown area as it provides convenience to both residents and businesses; and WHEREAS, the Monticello Housing and Redevelopment Authority recognizes that land parcels adjoining the currently leased postal facility lie within the boundaries of an established Tax Increment Finance Redevelopment District; and WHEREAS, the Monticello Housing and Redevelopment Authority will Investigate the feasibility to assist a developer with land acquisition which may be necessary and appropriate to encourage expansion of a leased postal facility at the present site or at another suitable site near the downtown area. NOW, THEREFORE, HE IT RESOLVED: The Housing and Redevelopment Authority, in and for the City of Monticello, Minnesota, requests the U.S. Postal Service and the developer investigate and re- evaluate the possibility for expansion of the present post office facility in the downtown area of Monticello. Adopted this 11th day of March, 1992. ��7i,�u-aa✓t NRA Chperson `,,n HRA Executive Director SEAL CIMCO CORPORATION PA aea its a0Y 1RM R. IL tail! C a. t7Au4 UNINa ma low TVAD* t 1934M March 26, 1992 H.R.A. 250 East Broadway Monticello, MN 55362-9245 Dear H.R.A., On March 11, 1992 we met with the Monticello R.R.A. regarding the relocation of the Post Office and reeived much support to keep the Post Office where it is at the present time. Cinco Corporation hes pleaded the case to the United States Postal Service and Realestato Specialist, Carl Larson, and have left the matter in their hands for a decision. We would like to thank you for supporting us in keeping the Monticello Post Office downtown, Cinco Corporation will Keep you informed of any progress made. We Thank YOu Again Sincerely, Thomas A. Scherer Cinco Corporation HRA AGENDA 4-2-92 CONSIDPRATJON TO HEAR RECOMMENDATIONS AND DISCUSS PLANS FOR DEVELOPMENT OF THE COTTEGE HOME HOUSING CONCEPT. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND. At the direction of the HRA, Koropchak contacted Winkelman Builders of St. Cloud for their interest as a contractor for development of the cottege home housing concept. Mr. Duane Schultz appreciated and thanked the NRA for the interest in his company, however, Winkelman's marketing area is not in home construction. Thereafter, Koropchak inquired of Mr. Schultz to a recommendation or reference of Prestige Builders as a quality contactor/builder. Not familiar with Prestiage Builders, Mr. Schultz did some research and reports the following: Prestige Builders - Simonson Lumber, biggest account, 28-30 homes per year, good builder. Art Herren Construction (St. Cloud builder of high ended housing), good builder, under capitalized. D&B, million and one-half work completed, negative net worth. Duane Schultz, doesn't no personally but seems to be a good builder. Secondly, Koropchak checked on who the contractors were on the McCarlund Plaza development. It was Ron White and Don Heikes. Next, Mr. Pelotring and Koropchak viewed the three earmarked sites for potential development of the cottege homes. Mr. Peletring suggested the establishment of a Renovation District (IS years) for the northerly lots of Block 84. Mr. Peletring further suggested that the negotiations/property purchase involve the current owners and the determined contractor, this to keep the HRA out of the process and to eliminate the legal requirement that a public entity must pay relocation costs if a party must relocate due a public purpose project. Mr. Polstring is completing preliminary TIF dollars available to assist a developer. Lastly, the HRA needs to develop a plan of action. A. Determine redevelopment site. B. Determine contractor(s). C. Invite contractor to view suggested site. D. Approve preliminary concept plans. E. Determine preliminary maximum level of TIB assistance and budget based on concept plan and site location. F. Authorize contractor or third party to negotiate purchase price and obtain purchase agreements. RRA AGENDA 6-2-92 G. Determine feasibility of the project. H. Authorize B D9 to prepare the establishment of a TIF District. 2. Review final building and site plana. HRA AGENDA t� 4-2-92 CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW AND DISCUSS THE J & M OIL VARIANCE REQUEST AS IT RELATES TO RELOCATION OR SOIL CORRECTION COSTS. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND. It is my understanding that the J & M Variance Request was on the Planning Commission Agenda in February and was tabled for additional information. Enclosed you will find a copy of a memo to Mr. O'Neill from the City Planner regarding the variance request. On page two, you will note the planner refers to the use of TIF revenues or surplus funds for relocation or soil correction if necessary. This property is owned by Burlington Northern and leased to J & M Oil. A meeting is planned between City staff personnel this afternoon regarding this memo. More information will be preseni'at the HRA meeting. NA Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc. C U R B A N PLANNING - DESIGN -MARKET RESEARCH MGWRAIM M TO: Jeff O'Neill FROM: Stephen Grittman DATE: 27 March 1992 RE: Monticello - J & M Oil Variance Request FILE NO: 191.07 - 92.03 We have reviewed the area surrounding the J & M Oil site with respect to the appropriateness of industrial uses, long-term land use possibilities, and the oil tank storage use in particular. Our initial co=nent is that the use is not technically a principal use of property, nor are any of the buildings principal buildings. The Zoning Ordinance requires that accessory buildings and uses are only allowed as they relate to principal buildings and uses. As a result, the use is interpreted to be a legal, non -conforming use, and further intensification is not permitted by the Ordinance, except that which brings the use into (or at least closer to) conformance. Construction of an additional accessory building, particularly one which doesn't meet setbacks, would appear to fall short of the objective of the Ordinance in this regard. In reviewing the possible alternate land uses for this site, we have examined surrounding uses and quality of development, as well as infraEatructure and street use in the area. Adjoining the rail line to the north is a mix of industrial and institutional/ quasi -public uses with single family residential beyond. Commercial uses dominate to the east along the Highway 25 (Pine Street). 'So the south is a combination of commercial, substantial multiple family, the fire station, a storage yard and substandard single family housing. In addition, one vacant half block adjoins the site. The site itself lies along side the rail line on a half -block wide, four block long strip of land. The propane dealer abuts Highway 25 with two groups of tanks and sheds near the west end of the property. The property is owned by the railroad and leased to the fuel dealers. Fifth Street is the result of an apparent 5775 Wayzata Blvd,- SUlte 555 -St. Louis Park, MN 55416 •(612) 595.9636 -Fax. 595-9837 replat which overlaid a 40 foot right-of-way through the middle of the block between Pine and Maple. This street has water and sanitary sewer lines in the right-of-way. We believe that a change in land use is appropriate in this area south of the rail line. Two options appear to be the most appropriate. Due to the relatively low use of the rail line, multiple family residential is the recommended active reuse. This use is compatible with uses to the south and near to a wide variety of commercial services. It is also possible to design a multiple family project, including senior housing, around the constraints of the site. With this type of project, Fifth Street would no longer be needed for access, assuming the utility access easement is retained, and it provides a vehicle for redevelopment funds, including that necessary for acquisition and relocation, and abatement of the substandard single family structures in the area. The rail line provides a convenient break in land use as it forms somewhat of a barrier which can allow the uses on the north to remain intact. The second alternative use would be open space. If the City is looking at the rail line as a future trail route if the tracks are abandoned, the J & M area, together with any other available land would provide a prime area for a trail node, with passive and active recreational uses. In addition, if extended all the way to Highway 25, this area could be a unique gateway park facility at a major entrance to the community. The surrounding area is relatively intensively developed and park facilities are not convenient to most users in the area. If the City is looking at redevelopment as its preferred option, there are possible steps the City can assist with to facilitate the process. These include use of TIF revenues or surplus funds for relocation or soil correction if necessary. Assistance with identification and/or acquisition of alternative sites is also possible. The City can also provide technical assistance where necessary. Any of these types of assistance are possible depending on City policy and objectives. A final consideration must be made for allowing the continued fuel storage use of the site. As noted, the accessory buildings are in violation of the Ordinance. The City may choose to utilize variance approval as a method to pursue improvement of the site. The City may apply conditions to variance approval. The following items may be considered as conditions in this case: o Addition of the principal building including office and employee or vehicle parking. Compliance with Ordinance requirements for paving, curbing, landscaping and other general site improvements not present on the site. Evidence of environmental rehabilitation, that is, soil contamination or other problems being cleaned up. Appropriate screeniag of outdoor storage areas from residential areas or public right-of-way. With these improvements, the site would be an appropriately developed industrial prope zty and the variance issue could be dealt with more evenly. However, further investment in the site which is not in compliance with City development objectives only sezves to delay, or make more expensive, the eventual compliance with those objectives. _ EXISTING ZONING R2SINGLE & TWO- FAMILY RES|DENT|AL R3MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL PZ'MPERR]RMANCE ZONE -MIXED B-3 HIGHWAY BUSINESS B-4 REGIONAL BUSINESS |2HEAVY INDUSTRIAL w^nC^ 1992 =THWEST ASSOCIATL"COKSW"N1^WC. HRA AGENDA 6-2-92 CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW AND DISCUSS THE TANK REMOVAL AND CLEAN UP REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL BIDS. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND. At this time the ERA has received two responses to the letter of March 6th, these are from Germundsen Companies, Inc. (932,500 plus Number IV) and Schluender Construction (810,800). HRS Construction, Inc. will be submitting a late response. A few weeks ago, representatives from Service West Contracting and Determan Welding & Tank Service, and Koropchak viewed the G1lle site. It was their viewpoint that the above -ground cleanup costa would exceed the under -ground cleanup coats as they estimated approximately 200 tires, several barrels containing unknown substance, visual black oil spate (possible contamination), unknown amount of scrap metal, vehicles, and radios on the property. Additionally it was their viewpoint that establishment of ownership should be determined as it appears at least one party lives in the facility or possibly two individual parties. If the County has forfeited the property to the State, whole the occupants, who's collecting the rent and who grants permission to enter the grounds. Thio company saw this property as a real mess and have not submitted any estimates. LL GERMUNDSEN COMPANIES, INC. March 24, 1991 Mr. 011ie Koropchak Monticello Housing and Redevelopment Authority 250 East Broadway P.O. Box 1147 Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Dear lir. Koropchak: COMPLETE TANK & PETROLEUM MAINTENANCE SALES • SERVICE • DESIGN I wish to thank you for the opportunity to give you an estimate on the tank removals for your redevelopment project. I have forwarded our Quote to NOVA Environmental who will be submitting a complete environmental assessment and proposal to you. While we are engaged primarily in tank removal and Installation, and any necessary clean up of these sites. I feel it would be of benefit to you to use NOVA for their expertise in assessment, design, site remediation and any assistance that might be necessary In the Petro Fund reimbursement process. We have worked extensively with NOVA and have found them to be both professional and experienced. However, please call if you can use Oermundsen companies, Inc. for any future municipal projects that would require tank removals, design Installations or site remediation. Heating oil, waste oil, gasoline and diesel dispensing, airport refueling, emergency generator work and municipal garage installations are just a few of the many phases of petroleum site work we excel in. Please feel free to give me a call if you have any further Questions or concerns. Thank you again for your consideration. Slncer Brian m dean President, C.E.O. BDO/mb ' AHOW ANI) HH ( )t t' (:h 0( INO N I 'Rf Al tt'A 1 S AHo )t'f A PI AAGI ' 20142 156th Street N. • Elk River, MN 55330 • Metro Phone 612/422.1696 FAX 612/422.1644 o° Nxa4 Envinmmental Sen•im Inc. March 25, 1992 Mr. 011ie Koropchak Monticello Housing and Redevelopment Authority 250 Fast Broadway P.O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362 Dear Mr. Koropchak: Sh Cum "W' Rei dm J E Fun n Ch,A F—w— Ofr- RE: COST ESTIMATE FOR PLANNING AID Nova Environmental Services, Inc. (Nova) is submitting this Cost Estimate for underground storage tank removal and investigation services at a former gas station located along Highway 152 in Monticello, Minnesota. This Cost Estimate includes estimated costs provided by Germundsen Companies, Inc. (GCI) for tank removal, excavation of contaminated soil, and site restoration. M- an equal opportunity rmployer Sulu 430 HAVIlkw Gan 1107 Haad4x Boulnard Chnks. MN 14118 6111448.9193 FAX 448.9577 TASK COST I. Review historical land use and MPCA files to determine $1,500.00 potential environmental liabilities associated with this site. II. Perform a site reconnaissance to locate all underground storage $1,000.00 tanks, dispenser islands, and water supply wells. Determine contents of the tanks. Ill. Excavate, remove and dispose of tanks, backfill with sand and 57,500.00 compact, restore site. IV. Excavate, stockpile, transport and disposal of contaminated soil. $75.001YD' V. Monitoring and sampling of excavated soil and soil remaining $2,500.00 in-place, documenting soil and tank conditions, and preparing a report for the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPGA). VI. Perform a remedial investigation including drilling soil borings, $15,000 to installing and sampling monitoring wells, sampling nearby water $:0,000 supply wells, and preparing a report for the MPCA. M- an equal opportunity rmployer Sulu 430 HAVIlkw Gan 1107 Haad4x Boulnard Chnks. MN 14118 6111448.9193 FAX 448.9577 bG=*enn troy and RVft1tbF— A.601ty PMp 4 M w� r. rstu The estimated cost for Task III assumes the following USTs are present at this site: (1) 10,000 gallon diesel (1) 6,000 gallon gasoline (1) 4,000 gallon gasoline (1) 1,000 gallon heating oil (1) 500 gallon waste oil Task VI may not be neccessary if all contaminated soil is removed during the excavation process. Costs for performing a remedial investigation vary depending on the extent of soil and ground water contamination, depth to ground water, and the presence of potential receptors of petroleum vapors or contaminated ground water. This Cost Estimate does not include any corrective action costs other than excavation and disposal of contaminated soil. Other corrective actions that may be required to remediate contaminated soil and ground water include soil venting, ground water pump and treat, or aquifer aging. If you have any questions regarding this Cost Estimate, or if you would like a proposal to perform these tasks, please contact us at (612) 448-9393. Sincerely, Robert J. Ry n, P.E. Geological Engineer Project Manager RJR:cah ft S& in SCHLUENDER Construction Co. Excavating • Sewer • Water • Trucking • Septic Rt. 4, Box 303 • Monticello, MN 55362.295-5784 March 26. 1992 Monticello Housing b Redevelopment Attn: 011ie Koropchak P.O. Box 1 147 Monticello , HN 55362 Project: Former Truck Stop (best on Highway 75) Enclosed you will find cost estimates for a Phase II type Property Inventory Study which would include but not limited to the following: A. Locate and show location of all underground tanks and state number of underground tanks. B. Verify if the underground tanks were pumped dry and filled with sand. C. Locate gas dispenser islands and state number of i slands . D. Estimate costs for tank(s) removal including permits and disposal, concrete removal. and site restoration. E. Determine if soil and water contamination and its extent, approximately 10 borings. F. Locate existing water wells on the property. G. Estimate the costs fur completiun of nn Environmental Tank Closure Report. H. Complete a property history. The above work would be done by a certified soils lab working with Schlu ender Construction Company. The cost estimate is $10,800.00. Res ctfu� Gary Schluender March 27, 1992 Ms. 011ie Koropchah City of Monticello 250 Fast Broadway P.O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362 F M 1 I-5 Business Development Services, Inc. Consulting Services—February 17, 1992 through March 15, 1992 A=lax Houn 2/21/92 3/9/92 LPK—Follow-up on Aroplax .25 LPK—Follow-up with Jerry Schoen; 011ie .50 3/11/92 LPK—Follow-up with 011ie; Proposal outline of financing for Jerry Schoen 1.50 3/12/92 LPK—Follow-up with 011ie; Fax informationQ Total Hours 2.75 PWP—Modem Molding proposal 1.75 2/25/92 PWP—Work-up on Modem Molding 1.50 3/2/92 PWP—Review post offrcelhousing projects LN Total Hours 4.75 Ms. 011ie Kompchak Page 2 Net Chargeable Hours 0 $75/Hour $206.25 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $206.23 CURRErQ OVER 34 OVER OVER 2E $206.23 TERMS: NET DUE UPON RECEIPT, 1.33% PER MONTH SERVICE CHARGE ON PAST DUE ACCOUNTS SVIIED 01 PEI'[' VISIPIC?. C101ACI)Y-TOTALS FILE LIGTINO ?00 1 "C0,17 PaOC .2_ -----,A, CAPACITY RATES—- EXCESS TIF BASE TAX CURA I.. CAP, I. 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A;0:42q,- III? 20e19 2!pQ?_59613 2, 173._.-12.]75 07990.1 10,60.1 4 TDIAL MTAIL DISTRICT 110-001-00-00-00-00 5.093 7..427 City of Kontrnooe a- -11:277-00-00.00.00-1.34 12F .31 Od X000- It. 24-3- City Of-p"Utor 11 2!997 41..0•.44 9"4, .391007 City of St. Michotelli 33 114-005-00-00-00-00 07 1.360 40.511• % 6401 39.226 10 10669 -52.077 Too 3045, 4: 01 5 -ITU - 150 I -00-00-W 0. 2.721 55, 602 " 1063 "6 .2 at City of Mone 106110 17 4 211 ,:CC2-01 -00:00.00 04 135.007-01-00.00.00 5 002-0 1 _00 00.00 as 701 2. 230 22:790 % "52 7.1 V42 qe 9021 22.097 . 70 0, 3 1 »•002 -OI -00.00.00 US 207 42:113 67,1.0 A'.: DO, 0 0 .. '..0 0, 0- O� -D,:M -00 I " .1;0* 1 1^1 - 100�-, •_ -, �coa, 'a, 9. . .3 a 1 4. V..2 97 3:. 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SI -I. .�, 111•.IIU•'J 1)n l:/w11'IU4'ICE F54I'Ic➢Styli 17 5,99 ♦, 19 r -__117•Ulu-LlaU 4V/LLI:rrN:.L6-"OVIEltr, 1•-- --11--4. 1f1-Ulu-YI)IVO/RL 1'IOFYIE FFRI9FNtl -- __.__ 5,9999 -_ _.,. 49 ♦. v9 111-010-01W 10/CIII Oi NO9I IC ELl()O IV �,�--{It-ulu-011011/GULP. FREYIICR 1.&V&MC1L 6 -10 - --1 "4 II,-UI'J- u1 1/:•6 Il3LF t L4 in11 I0o1J 161 .1V I+I.da I I 111•u IU-UfUOR 1/ 46 IL At t L&a 571 10 "1 1. &I at,RS -10 6196. C Iit. U I U-USOIYI/CIII OF 110'111 C EL Ia 10 ��111-OIU-O5U111 /MOLL C.1lCR, OU INE RCGLOFIL M IU /II.Ye ril•pe 151-019-Of 1010/1R06YY61-19YLR/-L Illi EEO -SISI -10 -If SfS.Ji If111.ti- ,J j� I11-Ulu-Ufllll/G115I if SUN• CL IFFORa N 10 )t1 .50 119, b.1 151-UIU-U11I IYE6 I.P. YIEY 10 16111.91 1411 ). Ia 173_Ula_OOW+O/.1♦Pf.C►._a1CLIUL NYJ1_fi 11191.1• ZI '"'S•a! INI: :is -old- NINKS01/. INC t( 19J(.e7 1911.!1 111-Ole-OOt IlO/R611C0 RI IIIF SOIL. INC ti 7/969. t• )59n9.19 pppppp-If1.Ola-001011/lull {1._1U31(lL-Y_[._(IulpR_P-W 11-Ula-UO 1 O.1/•1U61NEE. SILIFI WE to [0 59 1199. I' 8111. ue _ __- _-I59S.,11 elll. on IN•VIa-Uu 1011/RURRELI, IFI C It tt010.U5 tt0IJ.05 !L•y 19. YlJY.O/061:IW.(L16■INSRSN I! 11 IN-OI9-OIf0r0/6LINDLMI/ F6l INER Sty 1P 11 9.99 5.99 111•Ul9•Y070 e0//'UIFltL" NI SISTERS• INC 11 !161.10 Ilei.♦J 111•U19-00!010/POLI ILLR(RI-SISI Ems :-IYL 11-6!1111.0• 5W1.02 111-n!'F-UpinnO/FULFILLNENt SF SI Eli• INC 11 Itt6.ne It t6.0e ' 111•p/0-0"1 t I ILIA OF NUM I ICEIL. le ISL•USO-UOYUlO/1J11010U1S1•JOSifNJl.Llllnifi-.ls •t1.9' _--_ 011.'11 11f-OSU-00 IMmI.LrRU100I Se. J05E►w R (MINIQ 16 001010/L LrlOR1013[. JOtEPw R tRLRI! 16 tte.05 11117.18 /le. a+ tr1l 1..11 �- 111-UlU-OOLYlo/unORWn1._J07(rw_R.u6RIe1-u-1u 76. or 1tJ r+.er _ 111 -Ulu -Un 1010/L 31311N11115E, 105EIw N1RL11! le IH-uSJ-UOIu tJ/L LI3UR0DISF, JOSFFw R tM6M1! le (11.91 Flt.l l Ir I, 91 111.11 .11 -111-USU-�OtU 10/LI 1J.I1L0_ESI6t L1_LlIS Ie _10191.99 to Ili. 95 r' I". oee-001010//ER9EL1 lNU IMEEIIFIG INC 61 IN 11.90 Ill/f. 1U IH• Ibd-OOua10/I)VI6I lMl, LINOF 1 61 16.91 -111.060-WIIYIU/aU III ESt1E._ L100R It 01 �- 1110.91 _ IJ 7D.1t u6J-UOIUtU/"I IEULU L 4 LIRt IED PRt%P e1 179901.55 +41111.01 _'+� .' 4 I G N I C J J `I t V LICNENE.41_01.S IRLCT _eO._._J/1D/9L. eoe _y AX INCRENC_vL fA■ES .L I ST.100_e9e_ L'H.l WV5-J1/16 PAUL _5J_____ PARCEL/REL . Nl:1E GROSS IAA OSIR-CR NSt0-CP AG-CR NE 1-1 ■■ ' I1�-JIF-JJJOI I/1-ART IE. RUSSELL V C SNIa,)N F ____-119S. r1 —�— -- -- --- --•11•+x,1! _ •IIaL-1:JCREMEN I_DI SIRILI-bC J19S. I-3 Ir'/3..fJ �f CII=rR 1 G w I C 0 U N f t l 1LRLKEUL.DLSLIU L-39 440%97 at1_LAA_ IMLXEMF'ILI AXES-LIS I INC •RA UW U/-YS-DI/26_PJGfi.el I�� T PARCEL/AEC 0• NAME GROSS tax OSTR-CR NSTO-Ca AG-CR NET -f A I:I 155-0111-001010/CAPPER. WILLIAM A COARDARA A J1453.01 11151.01 Fni(Al INFaFNFNLDLjIHIf• �'■ •145].0! � GI'J.L�i. ■I Y A I G n t C O U r/ I Y I I E NLOIS IILL41_ws . 67 V• fAj INr AFwF Nt fA.FI IlatlwG AAA INCLJ2/YS:OL/Le_PAiF 1U­T PARCEL/REC 0 NAME GROSS tax OSIR-La NSTO-Ca AG-Ca NET-FA. ;I I. ISS-Jeo•WIVIJ/AENNELE ENGINEERING INC 17915.50 11975.10 . I�1J,LL„y9Ca NFNI D S(H 1._(i A) AI ■59.(1.4^ _ _ ,1 IJ.9.1�.JJ ' C Y 9 1 G N 1 C U U N I Y LOISIA1Ll_DJ—J/10/91 -to_CALtAKA.EMENIJJCES.L"ILItGJu ItICl 11/Y!•OL/te—PAGE __IL .q +_lUCYE1IEN .+ PARCk I/REL 0- NA Nk GROSS IRR Oi/a-CA NSIO-Ca rlE t-IA■ i -- - —_ —__ ;I 151-060-U0JU 10/DUFR E INC:LINDA A 10.9♦ A -tG-[a -- 16.'11 111-007-UOIOl0 IOU FA El 'I 11 NOA A 1110.17 131O.Jt L55eDe0:00 L020/NJNLICELLA_L21-►IMl1ED PRISP r LL9001.4% 949401.44--. TUTAL INCAENENt OISfRICT e1 131101. 15 111101.15 � n w h I A M I L J J . I Y PAMCeL/NEL 0 NAME '+ Ihi•UI U-UIfUI V//: I:IDA!ILS PAR TViP $NIP � l5s-Jl�-UI i)f ilia/710a NCE PAPi VER SvtP — tls-Ot U-1)110 XUAAI:.OA:I[E_PAP-INERSH:P. ._ 151•UI U-01 sltl,l/RAI r1uA NIS PART IIERSHIP Is5-UtY-O0O�r)/AAV#OANCE PAPTYERS«IP _ _I ss•U19.O1 110 JJ/AA ItIDdNCE-OAP T-VE+i SM (P __. i II.. TOTAL 1'iCREM£41 9ISTP ECT 23 Icy t COua I Y , L9Lj EAj UjlLR.tlt ie 11!7/9+ ' PARCEL/PEC O NAME �• ISS-USU-Uuuutu/CITY OF MONTICELLO I ISS •USU-ODU02O/UPaa.DDISE. JO SIP" M CHAR IE �,I S_.US0-U011lCO/U P.AC""SE.JOSEM-ff-GMAd•o 1 SS•J5U-Otli02UJteiROMO0I SE, JOSEPH M GMAMIE 117-USO•p01Ul O/IAPROMO01SEr JOSEPH M GMAMIE 4_;.,..._.Lss=Ps�ootorwut:aarGTwGSE..JDs£m_»_cPaEl, ISS-USU-ODi0s0/l1PROMMOISE. JOSEPH M GMAMIE I SS•OsU-00X0 AO/tfr/LOLN ESTATES APTS ��• T014L IMREMEYI DISTRICT 16 nnn_TAX t KkEMEfiT_t AXES -L I Sit rAG Ten.__J.__. _ GROSS N3 OSIR-CR HSru-CR 6.YI 1.94 5.49 --. ).9^ 626)1.41 e6LTAa rN 0.E �0..,Nt rLIf LLtiil"CL +1• GROSS TAX OSta-ca 69919.60 Tf R E b t, i t 0 u if i Y hI�11.S.1.a1Cf�ltl '/tD/.9t tlrP�tAi_11KlHaS.fl1�S.AlI,S,.US3.1tYG-6f- PagEilPiC a NAME GLOSS TAR DSTR-CR ISS•Uta-UDtt tO/hA�CD «t%MESOTA♦ TYC 1934.63 A ss•UI P-001 eO14AWCO NI fmI SOf A. INC 36709.19 TOTAL INCREMENT OiSTR (C s- j8 36903.9] x R I c« T c u u .(PC MG4LI1(SIALCI •R )!LO/9t 6L9J.U_CIELIIL.«T TAIuy,S,j,(j;{y 6iT + PARCEL/REL 0 NAMe GROSS TU - OStP-C• •�- �1 ISs- -4-UU11)11/f.3)IMAN STATES PIIYIR CO 9.0a ,� T WCAt..l,it/IC£Ttt_OISNiGt 14 ..—.00tl.oa_.. ' 1 THC Lit/.YSe0tL24__.P.AGE_XO �. NSTO-Ca AG -CR NtiT-t AA al a - tTSXI.)R 4 � X2)1+. 61 rTt.0 Ierr1.51 �� ) 69919.60 n j M n n "IfCIIJlvf•01/26.---.PAT.6--X I NSIO•C a AG•LR HET -TAR • 11449.X7 .II _,T NS10•CM AG•UI 4ET•TA1 ._..Sit---� u •. I G. f L ') U:, t r 1 -- iO`C0- Ocl-TA• �_._-1;1C.L1471L0 IS 1.71 C L_ L J _3/20/71__—_ 000-tAA_lt.CILE PE'/ f_TAAE S. LIS tl:tG_009___.__ PA.CeL/0,L 0 'lay_ GROSS TAX OST. -CR MS TU -CP ' .-_1SO-OIU-U5Ju1J/CI Tf OFPC';? ICELLU 6796.♦S ISS-JIU-VSJ4 l/GULP• Fa EJ*I(% J LVA" IC1A R 1561.'11 ._ __LSS-JLLL-U1Jad I/METCALF I61.9U .,:1•DJ- ISS-O1O-OSUUd I/METCALF C LARSON 1195. l0 n 1 ISS-OIU-USUlJO/BROAOWAI PART -if AS 6996.1.5 —45a•OLO+JSJ1Ul/G LC"E-NOt1LICELLO ISS-1)IU-0 11 ll/MULL EMOEEt• OUANE RGGLURIA S /71.'16 ISS-UIJ-1111010/Uw OAUVAT SJUAR£ LI-ITEU Pf SP 15117.27 _�SSiJLJ_J1 LL1 L/LUS TAF.SON.ILIF.FA*" " 1[7.00 I" ISS-010-01111)0/a1V£R PARR VIE+ 11.755.90 I. TUTAL-LMGILEHEIIf_OISTRICC_LO I�•I 6L1.0a.1.! �. N R I G" T C U U.4 I T ••NAME LliTl�l: 'II PARCEL/REG 0 GROSS tat 0)TR-LP "SIO -CR IS5-029-OU10.0/FULFILLMENT SISTEMS• IMC 3161.1.0 ;I ISS-029-UU(UI,j PULE ILLYENT STS TENS. INC 65021.02 `it►J" �I I�1lS.02)1.O010nOLF1ILF1►0111X1-LV.i14Mt.-)Y' TOTAL INCREMENT DISTRICT It 52016.60 C U U N 1 V —AMGIf+14:rLOLi [A ICL—'a •1.20/9 t.A ra. tfi6 aMeuu3iES_LLSLl71GJ.1� Irtt� PARCEL/REG 0 YA NE GROSS TAR OSTA•Ca 'I ISS-010-001011/MJP.ELL, JAI C — _ --!_ 22110.1♦ w7.1L.U1LYtltENt-U IS 14IfI IP 20 ta.0! I.� INCL12/Vi-.OL/26 L1 1 -- iO`C0- Ocl-TA• l oh1.97 !� el-aO 6796.♦S '.i nl.ue 15175.2 1 .'i .,:1•DJ- it 16775. 9d n 1 1.34 T AG -CP MEI - TAA TI a5d1/.J2 ' (2"OO n li :1 L2LVL-01/20—P.AGF_-2.2 T NSTO-Ca AG -CR NEt-f A■ - — _--- 11010.0• — - r.