HRA Agenda 07-06-1992AGENDA MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Monday, July 6, 1992 - 7:00 PM City Hall MEMBERS: Chairperson Al Larson, Ben Smith, Lowell Schrupp, Everette Ellison, and Tom St. Hilaire. STAFF: Rick Wolfsteller, Jeff O'Neill, and 011ie Koropchak. GUEST: Brad and Mary Barger, Suburban Machine 6 Manufacturing, Inc. 1. CALL TO ORDER. 2. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE MAY 6, MAY 13, AND JUNE 26 HRA MINUTES. 3. CONSIDERATION TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE TIB PLAN FOR TIF DISTRICT NO. 1-14, SUBURBAN MACHINE & MANUFACTURING, INC. AND TO CALL FOR A PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE DISPOSITION OF LANDS. 4. CONSIDERATION TO ADOPT A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN WRIGHT COUNTY AND THE MONTICELLO HRA REGARDING OUTLOT A. i COUNTRY CLUB MANOR. 6. CONSIDERATION OF A FOLLOW-UP TO THE JUNE 10 WORKSHOP PRESENTED BY MR. PAT PELSTRING. 6. CONSIDERATION OF PROJECT UPDATES: AROPLAX CORPORATION AND JM OIL. 7. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW BDS, INC. BILLINGS. 6. OTHER BUSINESS. 9. ADJOURNMENT. MINUTES MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY SPECIAL MEETING Friday, June 26, 1992 - 8:30 AM City Hall MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Al Larson, Ben Smith, Lowell Schrupp, and Everette Ellison. MEMBER ABSENT: Tom St. Hilaire. STAFF PRESENT: 011ie Koropchak. STAFF ABSENT: Rick Wolfsteller and Jeff O'Neill. CALL TO ORDER. Chairperson Al Larson called the special HRA meeting to order at 8:37 AM. 2. CONSIDEjWTION TO AUTHORIZE BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT SERVICES, IFC. TO PREPARE T',IF PLAN FOR TJX DISTRICT N0, 1-16, SUBURBAN MACHINE AND MANUFACTf7[tINO. INC. Koropchak outlined the background of this development, stating originally this company contacted Koropchak's office last fall and on June 8, Mr. Kendall, Mr. Hoglund, and Koropchak visited the Rogers facility upon their request. The company owners, Brad and Mary Barger, reside in Monticello and the company does general machining and has a product line. Customers include John Deere, Consolidated Freightway, etc. On June 10, Mr. Kirscht and Koropchak visited the company to further discuss financial options. The company has a buyer on their existing property and the HRA received a copy of the company's letter of commitment for a Monticello location. The proposed project would be to construct an 11,000 square foot facility (8,000 sq ft manufacturing and 3,000 eq ft office with an unfinished 9,000 sq ft mezzinine) on three acres. Property location being to the east of the Remmele Addition and Fallon Avenue easement and to the north of Chelsea Road. Form Credit and the Bargere have agreed on a purchase price and Taylor Land Surveyors have been given the go-ahead for plat preparation. Existing employment Is 18 full time personnel and with a projection of 8 additional within the next two years. Wages between 810.00 to 813.00. Mr. Kirscht and Koropchak met with the Bargers again June 23 to define the financial package. Tlme is important as occupancy promised on the Rogers building is November lot. Koropchak received a $5,000 check to be held until such time as the Development Agreement is executed. The uses of funds HRA Minutes 6-26-92 Page 2 are for land, $50,000 and building, $275,000 for a total project costs of $325,000. Sources of funds are bank, $175,000; GMEF, $50,000; CMIF, $50,000; and TIF, $50,000 for a total of $325,000. The project is estimated to generate annual taxes of $12,500. Koropchak reminded the HRA that upon authorization, the HRA commits to the BDS fee of $3,850, the flat fee for TIF Plan preparation. The TIF time frame was reviewed with a completion date of August 10 which would coincide with the plat schedule. Lowell Schrupp inquired of the amount of equity into the project, Koropchak responded that TIF is used as equity in the financial packaging and noted that the company has purchased $116,000 of equipment which is being delivered today and is not part of the financial package. It is the intent of Koropchak to visit Rainbow Enterprises as a courtesy because Suburban and Rainbow both do general machining. Chairperson Larson reported he spoke to Mr. Hoglund who said In his opinion Suburban Machine and Manufacturing meets the city's industrial objectives. Lowell Schrupp made a motion authorizing BDS, Inc. to prepare the TIF Plan for TIF District No. 1-16 for Suburban Machine & Manufacturing, Inc. The motion was seconded by Everette Ellison, and without further discussion the motion passed unanimously. 3. CONSZDERATILON TO SCUEDULE A SPEC3AL HRA MEETING TO ADOPT THE TIF PLAN FOR TIF DISTRICT NO. 1-14. Inorder to keep on the suggested time scheduel and to allow public notice of meeting, the HRA set Monday, July 6, 1992 as their next meeting date. Meeting place is the City Hall at 7:00 PM, agenda to be mailed prior to meeting. The regular Wednesday, July 1, 1992 meeting will not take place. d. ADJOURNMENT. The special HRA meeting adjourned at 9:00 AM. 011ie Koropchak, HRA Executive Director MINUTES MONTIC ELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY SPECIAL MEETING Wednesday, May 13, 1992 - 6:30 PM City Hall MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Al Larson, Ben Smith, Lowell Schrupp, and Tom St. Hilaire. MEMBERS ASSENT: Everette Ellison. STAFF PRESENT: 011ie Koropchak. STAFF ABSENT: Rick Wolfsteller and Jeff O'Neill. GUEST: Edward Kruse. 1. CALL TO ORDER. Chairperson Larson called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. 2. CONSIDERATION TO DISCUSS THE KRUSE COUNTER-OFFER FOR POTENTIAL ACQUISITION. Koropchak reviewed the enclosed agenda information with the HRA members which outlined the Kruse's counter-offer and the HRA's offer, the lot size and the county's estimated land value, necessary contingencies, comparative Briar Oaks lot sales, current tax and assessment information, estimated base valuations of seven proposed cottage homes, setback requirements, and necessary public hearings and plat requests. Koropchak also informed the HRA that one neighborhood property owner has called the City Hall asking about the city's intent for development. Tom St. Hilaire was confused to why the HRA had covened this meeting, as he understood a motion had been approved by the HRA on April 23, 1992 authorizing a firm offer of 920,000 maximum for the Kruoe property. He asked if there was a mlocommunication, as he felt it was very unfair to ask HRA members and Mr. Krume to give up additional tiine for a decision previously made. Mr. Kruse agreed with St. Hilaire. Koropchak reoponded that otaff invited Mr. Floyd Kruse to attend the regular May HRA meeting to present a counter-offer, If a party requests (or Is invited) to be on the regular ag endo, as a public body, the request should be considered. Chairperson Larson acknowledged he thought it only right to hear the request or invitation of a taxpayer. HRA MINUTES 5-13-92 At the regular May meeting, the HRA tabled the decision to purchase the Kruse property as they wanted to seek input from Mr. St. Hilaire regarding the counter-offer. Also, the HRA requested further study as to the redevelopment and cash flow feasibility. Based on the enclosed agenda information, the HRA became aware of additional obstacles in this project area, the difficulty to cash flow a project with the redevelopment of single family homes, and again mentioned other optional sites for redevelopment. Tom St. Hilaire made a motion that the HRA's offer stands firm at $20,000, if unacceptable, the project it discontinued. Ben Smith seconded the motion and without further discussion the motion passed unanimously. Mr. Kruse said the offer of $20,000 would have been acceptable in February but not today. C9Y§JQE1tATJOF TO AUTHORIZE EDS TO PREPARE A jtES0LUTIOL; AND PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE FOR ACQUISITION OF THE KRUSE PROPEP.TY. No action was necessary. 4. ADJOURNMENT. With no further business, the HRA special meeting adjourned at 6:48 PM. 011ie Koropchak, HRA Executive Director Page 2 CALL TO ORDER. Chairperson Larson called the HRA meeting to order at 7 :00 PM. 2. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE APRIL 23, 1992 NRA MINUTES. Evere tte Ellison asked for a clarification of the last parag saph, prior to Item No. 6, Page 3, of the m 3nutes. Chairperson Larson asked for a correction or amendment to the last paragraph, prior to Item No. 5, Page 2, of the m mutes: His comment was made as a general statement and was not Intended to relate directly to the proposed cotteg a home deve 1 opmen t . Ben Smith made a motion to approve the April 23, 1992 HRA minutes as so amended. Seconded by Everette Ellison and with no further corrections or additions, the minutes were approved as amended. 3. CONSIDERATION TO NEAR KRi1SE COUNTER-OFFER. Chairperson Larson welcomed property owner Edward Kruse and his father, Floyd Kruse. Mr. Kruse made a counter-offer of $24,000 )$20,000 for lot and $4,000 for demolition) for the northerly 80 ft of Lots 9 and 10, Block 54. He pointed out that in his opinion a wooded lot in Monticello was worth more than 916,000 (lose $4,000 demolition costs) based on the HRA offer of $20,000. He also noted construction of a new home would have occurred if the city had not made an error, no need for a variance. The HRA diecuaced other land caleo, the small lot ofze, and the need to make the entire project cash flow and not to Get a precedent. MINUTES tdONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, May 6, 1992 - 7:00 PM City Hall MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Al Larson, Ben Smith, Lowell Schrupp, and Everette Ellison. MEMBERS ABSENT: Tom St. Hilaire. STAFF PRESENT: 011ie Koropchak. STAFF ABSENT: Rick Wolfsteller and Jeff O'Neill. GUEST PRESENT: Edward and Floyd Kruse. CALL TO ORDER. Chairperson Larson called the HRA meeting to order at 7 :00 PM. 2. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE APRIL 23, 1992 NRA MINUTES. Evere tte Ellison asked for a clarification of the last parag saph, prior to Item No. 6, Page 3, of the m 3nutes. Chairperson Larson asked for a correction or amendment to the last paragraph, prior to Item No. 5, Page 2, of the m mutes: His comment was made as a general statement and was not Intended to relate directly to the proposed cotteg a home deve 1 opmen t . Ben Smith made a motion to approve the April 23, 1992 HRA minutes as so amended. Seconded by Everette Ellison and with no further corrections or additions, the minutes were approved as amended. 3. CONSIDERATION TO NEAR KRi1SE COUNTER-OFFER. Chairperson Larson welcomed property owner Edward Kruse and his father, Floyd Kruse. Mr. Kruse made a counter-offer of $24,000 )$20,000 for lot and $4,000 for demolition) for the northerly 80 ft of Lots 9 and 10, Block 54. He pointed out that in his opinion a wooded lot in Monticello was worth more than 916,000 (lose $4,000 demolition costs) based on the HRA offer of $20,000. He also noted construction of a new home would have occurred if the city had not made an error, no need for a variance. The HRA diecuaced other land caleo, the small lot ofze, and the need to make the entire project cash flow and not to Get a precedent. HRA MINUTES 5-6-92 Koropchak noted the lot was less than 10,560 sq ft and asked if water and sewer services were capped at the property line. Estimated cost to cap the services is approximately $1,000. As per Minnesota Statutory and Holmes and Graven, Koropchak additionally informed the authority of the need to prepare a redevelopment plan for this redevelopment project which would be reviewed by the planning agency prior to council holding a public hearing. Council would consider adoption of the redevelopment plan inclusive of the method proposed for financing the project following the public hearing. For early acquisition, the authority may acquire individual tracts of real property with approval from the City Council; however, the Council must hold a public hearing on the proposed acquisition. Early acquisition does not waive the requirement for public hearing of the redevelopment plan for the redevelopment project. Inorder to meet publication requirements, the soonest the public hearing could be held is Tuesday, May 26. Mr. Kruse said he had no problem waiting for the public hearing but did want a decision from the HRA prior to May 26. With the counter-offer of $24,000 left on the table, the }IRA tabled the item to allow further study of the feasibility to redevelop and cash flow the project, and to allow input from Mr. Tom St. Hilaire. Koropchak will follow-up with Kevin Schmidt and Gary Anderson as to the feasibility of the development size in comparison to the physical site size and will work with Schmidt and Pat Pelstring as to whether the proposed redevelopment project will cash flow. The HRA will meet as soon as possible. OTHER BUSINESS. The HRA members received a copy of the letter mailed Mr. Pudil, Remmele Engineering. 5. ADJOURNMENT. The HRA meeting adjourned at 7:45 PM. Q)—% , 1<"Nn91,1. 011ie Koropchak, HRA Executive Director Page 2 Consideration to Adoot a Resolution Aporovina the TIF Plan for TI} District No. 1-14j Suburban Machine & Manufacturing. Inc. and to Call for a Public Hearina for the Disoosition of Lands. Background and Reference: Brad and Mary Barger, owners of Suburban Machine & Manufacturing, Inc., will be present at the HRA meeting. This will give you, an HRA member, the opportunity to meet the owners and directly be informed of the company's business, operation, product -line, and proposed project. On June 26, the HRA authorized Business Development Services, Inc. to prepare a TIB Plan for TIF District No. 1-14 for Suburban Machine & Manufacturing, Inc. A $5,000 check from the Bargers is being held by the city until such time a Development Contract is prepared and executed. A copy of the plan and the resolution for adoption will be presented at the meeting as the documents were unavailable at the time of agenda mailing. When the HRA adopts the resolution, you are approving the establishment of the TIF Plan and TIF District No. 1-14 for Suburban Machine and Manufacturing, and are requesting City Council to call a public hearing for the adoption of the TIP Plan and District Establishment. Hereafter, the taxing jurisdictions of the county, the school district, and the hospital district have thirty days to make written or oral comment. The company's existing business is located in Rogers, the company has a buyer for this property with guaranteed occupancy on November 1. The proposed Monticello project is for construction of an 11,000 eq ft facility (8,000 eq ft manufacturing and 3,000 sq ft office with 3,000 eq ft unfinlohed mezzinine). An agreed upon land price between Farm Credit and the Bargers has been negotiated for a three acre lot to the east of Remmele and north of Chelsea Road (See enclosed map.) The existing employment is 15 full-time personnel with a projection of eight additional within two years. Wages range from 810.00 to 813.00. The project is estimated to generate annual taxes of 812,500 and qualifies as an Economic District with a life duration of ten years. Direct TIB assistance to the company was recommended at 850,000 (822,600 for land and 827,500 for site improvements.) Traditionally, the HRA or city has not sold bonds for projects under 8100,000. therefore, staff recommends the HRA consider an internal loan from the city at 6.5% Interest or authorize funds from the Excess TIP Fund. (See the enclosed up-to-date Excess TIF financial statement.) In the most recent past, the Development Contracts between the HRA and a developer read that funds are disbursed for the land cost upon certification from the contractor that 30% of the building construction i• complete and site improvement costa HRA Agenda T-6-92 are reimbursed upon certification from the contractor of completion and payment. Site improvement costs can be grading, landscaping, curbing, water/sewer hook-up, plat expenses, etc. Upon adoption of the resolution, the HRA should call for a public hearing (August 5) for the disposition of lands. This will allow time for publication of the public hearing notice in the local newspaper of not less than ten days but not more than thirty days. Alternative Action: 1. A motion to adopt the resolution approving the TIP Plan for TIP District No. 1-14 for Suburban Machine and Manufacturing, Inc. and requesting City Council to call a public hearing for adoption of the plan and district. Public hearing date of August 10. 15,060 A motion requesting a S" ,000 loan from the city at 6.5% interest over 10 years or authorizing an expenditure of 880,000 from Excess TIP Funds. A motion calling for a public hearing for the disposition of lands, public hearing date of August 5. 2. A motion to deny the adoption of the resolution approving the TIP Plan for TIP District No. 1-16 for Suburban Machine a Manufacturing, Inc. C. gecommendation: Staff recommends alternative No. 1, as the proposed project is consistent with the IDC's industrial standards and objectives, the TIF objectives, the comprehensive plan, and the owner's reside in Monticello. pu000rtina Data: Copy of a map outlining the proposed development area. Copy of the Excess TIF Fund Statement. To be presented at the meeting are the resolution and TIP Plan for TIP District No. 1-14. Page 2 HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY City of Monticello TAX INCREMENT FINANCING POLICY Program Purpose: The Monticello Housing and Redevelopment- Authority edevelopmentAuthority will utilize Tax Increment Financing to support the community's long-term economic and housing goals. Policy Considerations: The HRA will analyze and evaluate Tax Increment Financing proposals based upon the following policy considerations. Each project shall be measured against these considerations and the project's value shall be determined, based upon meeting these considerations. (11 The project shall be consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. :2) The project shall demonstrate long-term economic and/or housing benefits to the community. (3) The project shall create and/or retain employment for Monticello residents. (6) The project shall increase moderate priced housing options for area residents. (5) The project shall facilitate the redevelopment or elimination of "substandard" or "blighted* areas as determined by the HRA. (6) The project shall facilitate the *clean-up" of environmentally unsound property. (7) The project shall provide additional public funding for public improvements including utilities and/or park development which would not otherwise be available. (8) The project shall be deemed to promote additional desired *spin-off!" development. POLICY GUIDELINES (1) Tax Increment Financing will be considered for use Ln economic development, redevelopment and specialised housing projects. The standard level of assistance for projects shall be as follows Ci t•'y of MonticcI to d u,_ '� d `1+j i �a -vl� C,i �pQl \ _ I wrlk J pt Al Chelsea Area Land Use and Circulation Stucly Concept tial Arca P I an / i.. oil "'fes. �_ f % �, /' .+ • ..... .�... ' � ! Illlllllilt`�II���I��111. 'i',1'i'Ixl HOTSS TO FINANCIAL STATENENTs: Balance Sheet (1991) The HRA fund had cash and investment balances of $226,554 as of 12/31/91. The HR.A owed to the City (general fund) $159,000 for previous loans. The fund balance of $62,560 means that, excluding all TIP bond debts for individual projects, the HRA would have a surplus of $61,560 after paying back the $159,000 loan to the City. Revenue b Expenditures (1991) The HRA fund showed a surplus of revenue over expenditures in 1991 of $80,984. The HM fund collects all TIP revenue (approximately $267,000) but only needed to transfer $260,375 to cover bond debt obligations. This is the main reason the HRA shows excess revenue in 1991. 1992 Budqet It is estimated that the HRA will collect $348,000 in TIP revenue in 1992 and will need to transfer to debt funds $125,675 and pay principal and interest payments of an additional $43,345. This should result in a surplus revenue amount of approximately $78,000 more in 1992. I L CITY OF MONTICELLO, IMWESOTA Statement B-7 HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET (GAAP BASIS) AND ACTUAL For The Year Ended December 31, 1991 With Comparative Actual Amounts For The Year Ended December 31, 1990 Revenues Taxes Interest income Intergovernmental Sale of land Total Revenues Exaenditure9 Land acquisitions Legal and professional fees Interest Principal payments Other Total Expenditures Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures Other Financiga Sources (Uses) Bond proceeds Transfers out Total Other Financing Sources Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues and Other Sources over Expenditures and Other Uses Beginning fund balance Prior Period Adjustment ENDING FUND BALANCE 1991 1990 Budget Actual Actual $ 265,550 S 285,287 S 262,247 13,300 16,671 13,964 1,055 1 S 278.850 S 303.013 S 276.212 S 200,059 S 11,500 S 15,309 81,920 17,541 17,541 18,694 14,344 14,344 2,150 7.7§Q, 14.460 73.927 S 51.135 S 61.654 S 376.750 S 227.715 S 241.359 S (100.538) S 256,835 S (165,035) S (160.375) (134.726) S (165.035) S (160.375) S 122.109 S 62,680 $ 80,984 S 21,571 (18,424) (41,612) 1.617 S 62.560 S 118.424) •37- 0 tui tad Aneuem taeinSlu Special usesnau • deterud 1peciei auesnmu - dall"mt leeeau lett of allomee tet atluud an.ollectlilesl Oa era atter gmrnnul amu bit troll other fads Irepall crimes Ulf Dell for itself kwum mierdle TALL LUM lidll !tin Jul dllefte Icconu Flyable I cutracu forint Icrroid erpeasu he to other title he to other gmmetul euu Rtemd rivets foul LiablllUn INS 111cm Ienrnl ter amurrnt lora receivable Iturud for filed amts hill for resale Rrturved • adelipmd Ttul Pond Wttces I= L2wuIIu ub Pm UYtt61 all a wommia, mm Sutnmt 1.1 amt am rt ME= uum Lid Demo" 11, 1991 IM Despmull Tonle for kcuher 11, 11!1 Capital main and Orin Immle Nur Rett Taft Oritrly Outlay ledmleyutt Demlepamt Mrelepstat larm- Iwm- "W, Int_ Somali Imlvin Library 611W11L Netln 0mt 14writt BAS—_ "A mI 118 1 11.911 1 2.111 1 2111IS2 O 141,514 6 in,SSS 1 U.S2t 1 111.0 f 14,010 1 719,01: 1 0.1II 111 211.119 HI 251 245,772 IU,117 71 1,121 U I'm IM 211 111 901 4.654 5,971 11121 aS1 911 1,111 I 131 m 601 12,535 S,IU n'm 1N,001 I201O00 21,044 IS HS ISI Ill Iu,lffi 111,113 lu.us L n.et L --LM 3 117.m 1114 L m.111 I 170.m 1181791 1 1121i 1 H.6m 11.110.102 11,44i.m 1 1,131 1 7,197 1 113 u 1 7t5 141 7,114 711 S,tdl S,S12 if/ HIM S MAN Iti'm 19!.001 L 7.10 L111.140 I Ili 1315 111.10 211141 111111 1241.140 11.111 112!.82 1 94.114 Lill 1_314 1_115.111 1167.157 6 IU,iIS ! 114,115 I 222,2!0 1 715,711 1 111,0! 214,2:9 114,121 111.141 LI.Im 24,124 11.1421 I 8.914 19.515 111.115 1111.111 121311 714,411 40.142 1 17.111 1 1.01 1111.141 111821 1_ 12.10 118,3!4 1114.81 L11I.IH 121.211 1 1.211.7iI 1 ASS 113.111 1 1.15 15n.n1 1_121 I In.!!1 S Jim 1119.71] 1 111m t-11, 3 I t.114.7d2 11j= J SECTION XV TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN FOR TAR INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 1-14 Subsection 13.1. Statement nf0pj iv See Subsection 1.4 of the Redevelopment Platt. Subsection 13.2. The Redevelmtment Plan. See Section I, Subsections 1.1 through 1.20. Subsection 13.3. Deet-ription of the Proied. The project, located within Tax Increment Financing District No. 1- 14, consists of the construction of an 11,000 square foot office/manufacturing facility. This facility is to be constructed In the m nmer of 1992 and completed by January 2, 1993. The company currently employs IS people. It is anticipated that 8 additional full-time positions will be created as a result of this project. Subsection 13.4. Parcels to be Included in Ta: Increment Fi nacing District No_ 1-14. The following property Is located in the City of Monticello, County of Wright, State of Minnesota. 3 scree of laud located in Lot 10 of AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION NO. 1, according to the recorded map thereof, being in the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 13, Township 121, Range 23, Wright County, Minnesota lying easterly of REMMELE ADDITION according to the recorded plat thereof, lying southwest of Interstate No. 94 and lying northeasterly of the northerly right of way of Chelsea Road. Part of PID Number: 133-011.000101 Subsection 13.3. P=IA in Acii.iku. no Authority Intends to acquire the property listed In SubsectionAVA, which property is located within Tax Increment Fimocin Diet rkt No. 1-14. 6-"k Properties ulentified for acquisition will be acquired either by the City or the Authority in order to accomplish public improvements listed in Subsection 1.11 of the Redevelopment Plan hereof. XV -I Subsection 15.6. Development Activity in Tax In_reW��t Finsnrino 17igtrirt No. 1-14 for Which Contracts will be Signed. The following coatract(s) will be entered Into by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority and the person(s) named below: Prior to the certification of Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-14. a Development and Assessment Agreement will be executed between We Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Monticello and Brad and May Barger. m o. e Subsection 15.7. Othcr Sueoif►c Development FjRCUW to Occur within Redeveloome f En^ern No_ 1. (As specific development is expected to occur, it will be Inserted into this Subsection.) Subsection 15.8. Estimated Public jmptyvement Costa and SM=rtive Da a. See Subsection 1.10 of the Redevelopment Plan for estimated costs associated with Redevelopment Project No. 1. Subsection 15.9. Sources of Revenue. Public improvement cWts, and other coats outlined In Subsection 1.10 of the Redevelopment Plan will be financed through the anted collection of tax increments. Subsection 15.10. QSi&al Tax Caoarb. Pursuant to Section 469.177, Subd. I, of the Tax Increment Financing Act, We original tax capacity value for Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-14 is estimated to be $20, based on the tax capacity value of all taxable real property within Tax Increment Financing District No. 1.14. Pursuant to Section 469.177, Subds. I and 4, of the Tax lwrcrnent Financing Act, the County Auditor of Wright County (the "County Auditor") SMI certify in each year the amount by which the original tax capacity value has increased or decreased as a result in a change in tax-exempt property within Tax Increment Finaaclog District No. 1-14, reduction or enlargement of Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-14 or changes in connection with previously Issued building permits, In any year in which the current tax capacity value of Tax Increment Financing District No. 1.14 declines below the original tax capacity value, no tax capacity value will be captured and no tax Increment will be payable to the Authority. Subsection 15.11. EA1111eted raphlad Tax Canacill Valise. Pursuaritto Section 469.173, Subd. 1, and Section 469.177, SuM. 2, of the Tax Increment Financing Act, the estimated captured tax capacity value in Tax Increment Financing District No. 1.14 at find completion will approximate $12,580. This estimated annual captured capacity value is determined in the following manner: XV -2 Estimated Tax Capacity Value at Final Completion $12,600 Original Tax Capacity Captured Tax Capacity Value $12,580 Please refer to Exhibit XV -B for the year-to-year expected tax increment for Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-14. Subsection 13.12. Tyne of Tax_ Lcrgment. Financing Ifiggig. Tax Increment Financing District No. 1- 14, Is pursuant to Section 469.174, Subd. 12, an Economic Development District as described below: "Econonde Development District' means a type of tax increment financing district which consists of any project, or portions of a project not meeting the requirements found in the definition of redevelopment district or housing district, but which the authority finds to be in the public interest because: (a) It will discourage commerce, industry or manufacturing from moving Weir operations to another state; or (b) It will result in increased employment in We municipality; or (c) It will result in the preservation and enhancement of the tax base of the municipality.' Subsection 15.13. D=tion of Tax Inaement Financing DLatriet No. 1-14. Pursuant to Section 469.176, Subd. 1, of the Tax Increment Financing Act, the duration of Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-14 will be ten (10) years from the approval of the Tax Increment Financing Plan, or eight (8) years from receipt of the fiat tax increment, whichever Is less. Subsection 13.14. Prr gored Dfivelnr nnt4sln, pursuant to hM s=AQWAfrltutelt, Section 469.173, Subd. 1(7), specific findings and analysis relating to the proposed development in Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-14. Additionol relevant documentation relating to the findings and analysis will be on file and available for review in the City Administrator's office. XV -3 Subsection 15. 13. Estimated Iggns,1 an Mer Tat_in$ Iurisdictiam. Test No- t: The estimated impact on other taking jurisdic-door assumes construction would have occurred without the creation of Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-14. If the construction is a result of Tax Increment Financing, the impact is $0 to other entities. Test No- 2: Notwithstanding the fact that the fiscal impact on the other taxing jurisdictions is $0 due to the fact that the financing would not have occured without the assistance of the City, the following estimated impact of Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-14 would be as follows if Test No. 1(the 'but for" tett) was cot met: Tox Baso Sndly payable 1992 , Wright County $44,907,599 City of Monticello $13,509,233 I.S.D. No. 862 $18,171.778 Wright County City of Mondallo I.S.D. No. 882 Hospital Ohara TOTALS IMPACr ON TAX BASE Origins$ Net Futuro Net - Tax Capattity Tax Capacity Fayable 1992 ' Payable l992 $20 $12,600 $20 $12,600 $20 $12,600 IMPACT ON TAX CAPACITY MILL RATRS (boss TO Rate 1992 30.427 16.300 50.327 2.624 99.87896 .--- --• Cappued Net. Tart capacity District 96 Payable •1992 • '' of 9ndty' .:' $12,380 .028% $12,380 .081% $12.58U .069% FotlnHil'1'ltxq $ 3,628 _ 2,076 6,331 330 $12.563' Please refer to Exhibit XV -B for the year-to-year expected tax Increment for Tax Increment Financing District No. 1.14. XV -4 Subsection 15.16. Cash Flow A_ssumptogig nd AnaLyaia. A. FulTax CapaeilX. The estimated future tax capacity of Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-14 at final completion as determined by the City Assessor is $12,600, payable 1994. Please refer to Exhibit XV-B for the year- to-year expected tax increment from Tax Increment Financing District No. 1- 14. B. EMIected Tiubg. The payment of the first full tax increment from Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-14 will be received by the Authority in 1994. C. Orlain8Tax Capacity. The County Assessor's records show the original tax capacity of Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-14 to be $20 for taxes in 1991 and payable in 1992. D. Gross Tax Capacity Rate. The gross tax capacity rate is 99.878 percent. E. 't' * In = u. Total tax increment at the completion of all redevelopment activity has been calculated assuming a static gross tax capacity rate and a valuation increased by zero percent (0%) compounded annually. F. nditureq. Capital expenditures are a summary of die items associated with Ute public Improvement costs set forth in Subsection 10.8 and are to be financed from the proceeds of the Bonds and tax increment revenue. Subsection 13.17. Ea imnted Arnotint of nonded Indeblcd=. It is anticipated that $89.000 of bonded indebtedness will be incurred with respect to this portion of the Redevelopment Project. Subsection 13.18. Tax Increment Financing- Account for Tax Increment Financing Diat_rict Ne_ 1-14, The tax incrcment received with respect to Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-14 will be submitted by the Authority to the City and segregated by the Authority in a special account or accounts (rite °Tax Increment Account") on Its official books and records or as otherwise established by resolution of the City to be held by a trustee or trustees for the benefit of holders of the Bonds. Subsection 15.19. Modirleation of Tax lacre cent FinnneingDistriet No_ 1-14. As of August 10, 1992, there have been no modifications made to Tax Increment Ficanohtg District No. 1.14. XV -5 EXHIBIT XV -A BOUNDARY MAP OP TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 1.14 XV•6 EXIUBTP XV -B EXPECTED YEAR-TO-YEAR TAX INCREMENTS RELATING TO TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 1-14 AND TAX CAPACITY ANALYSIS ADJu331= FAME: A. July, 1992 Establishment Date B. January 2, 1992 Base Year Capacity Date C. $20 Base Year Capacity Value D. January 2, 1987 Fifth Preceding Year Capacity Date E. $49 Fifth Preceding Year Capacity Value F. S(29) Five Year Capacity Value Increase G. N/A Five Year Total Increase Ratio H. N/A Five Year Average Increase Ratio 1. 0 Annual Base Year Adjustment Factor .Baas Adl. Ad). Future Net Cap 'Annul, Year' , TC Factur :Base TC TC TC Rate . TI r 1991/92 $20 0 $12.600 .99878 1992/93 $20 S12,580 so 1993/94 $20 $12,580 $12.563 1994/95 $20 $12,560 $12,565 1995/96 $20 $12,580 $12,565 19%/97 $20 $12,560 S12,565 !. 11997198 $20 $12,580 $12,565 1998/99 $20 $12,580 $12,565 19998000 $20 $12,580 $12,565 2000/2001 $20 $12,580 $12,565 Annul tart Increment $12,565. XV -7 EXHIBIT XV -C DISI L -r CERTIFICATION FORM Date Prepared: July 1 199z Nese of District or Modification: Tax Inurement FhMcing District No. 1.14 Date of City Council Approval: Augtt 10, 1992 ECONOMIC 12EVELOPMP-NT DISMICT URnFTCA ON At the dme ofdLttdct creation or mWification. the fallaiving conditions 00 : -X— The project does not meet the requirements found in the definition of a redevelopment district, housing district, or a mined underground space development district. The project was created after August 1, 1979, and was designated an economic development tax increment district, as defined in MW== Sta0lsce, Section 469.174, Subd. 12, because: -1L a) It will discourage commerce, industry or manufacturing from moving their operations to another state. -2L b) It will result in increased employment in the municipality. _,jf,_ e) It will result in preservation and enhancement of the tax base of the municipality. Stl d .n+.n�siion on fie: _ Lead Use Plan Map X_ City Council Resolution "ad Objecdvcs _ Other: This Form Prepared by: 8 -1 -ma DeveiRpment S . i •a nc WSW Building Condition Data Collected by: NLA Ducumeruation in suppurt of District Certillcatiun is un file at the City offices. XV -8 0 iJ KI11i7 Chronology of Resolutions Establishing the Development Program, the Development District, the Tax Increment Financing Plans, and the Tax Increment Flnancing Districts DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NO. 1 TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 1-14 20 Add luly 6. 199► HRA approval of the Modified Redevelopment Pian. Letters sent to Wright County, Independent School District No. 882, and hospital District. Notice of Public Hearing sent to local newspaper. juin 27. 1992 Resolution of the City Council calling for a Public Hearing. July 22. 1992 Notice of Public Hearing Is publiehed in the local newspaper, calling for a Public Headq on August 1o, 1992. Anmr1, 1992 Resolution of the City Council taodifying the Redevelopment Plan for Redevelopment Project No. I and modifying the Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 1.14. XV -9 6 Tax Increment Financing Distrigt No. 1.14 (As adopted August 10, 1992) Lead Acquisition 522,300 GtadWOn-Site Improvements47.073 Subtotal $69,575 Administration 00 Subtotal $77,07$ Capitalised Interest 11,925 r TOTAL i ` (As adopted November, 1982) ' Subsection 1.11. LuWjj . All new and/or existing development on latus identified on Exhibits I-C through 1-F as 'property to be acquired" or "possible acquisition" will be subject to the following uses and requirements: 1. Una Permitted in Designated Areaa. i A. lodualrlsi--All permitted, accessory and conditional uses as specified in Chapters 15 and 16, Monticello Zoning Ordinance, relating to I. I (Light r Industry) sad 1-2 (Heavy Industry) torus. Planned Unit Developments, where applicable, will be consldered. b. H= ngC t o1dgntiaI--All permitted, accessory and conditional uses as specified in Chapters 8 and 10, Monticello Zoning Ordinance, relating to R-3 (Medium Density Residential) and R-B (Residential-Buainess) zones. Planned Unit Developments, where feasible, will be encouraged. C. MotomaZalolu ru diol,.-All perntltted, accessory. and conditional uses inaccofttmwe with the provisions governing all 'El" zones and including R-B, ptuvidiug however that any commercial development in an R-B sone shall be coordinated with the goals and objectives of the Housing Plea. Plaswal Unit Developments, especially in the B-3 zone (Highway Business). will be encouraged. I.36 1 Commissioner introduced the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent, and moved its adoption: HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY STATE OF MINNESOTA Resolution No. A RESOLUTION RELATING TO THE MODIFICATION, BY THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, OF THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN RELATING TO REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO. 1, THE MODIFICATION OF THE TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLANS RELATING TO TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICTS NOS. 1-1 THROUGH 1-13 AND THE APPROVAL AND ADOPTION OF THE TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN FOR TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 1-14, ALL LOCATED WITHIN REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO. 1. BE IT RESOLVED by the Commissioners (the 'Commissioners") of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority (the 'Authority') in and for the City of Monticello, Minnesota (the "City"), as follows: Section 1. Recitals. 1.01. It has been proposed that the Authority modify, by increased project costs, Redevelopment Project No. 1, pursuant to and in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.001 to 469.047, inclusive, as amended. It has been further proposed that the Authority modify, by increased project costs, the Tau Increment Financing Plans relating to Tax Increment Financing Districts Nos. 1-1 through 1-13 and establish Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-14 and approve and adopt the Tax Increment Financing Plans relating thereto, all located within Redevelopment Project No. 1, pursuant to and in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.174 to 469.179, inclusive, as amended. 1.02. The Authority has investigated the facts and has caused to be prepared a proposed Modified Redevelopment Plan (the "Modified Redevelopment Plan") for Redevelopment Project No. 1, defining more precisely the increased project costs to be made to Redevelopment Project No. 1, the proposed Modified Tax Increment Financing Plans for Tax Increment Financing Districts Nos. 1-1 through 1-13 and Tax Increment Financing Plan (the "Tax Increment Financing Plan") for Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-14 (collectively referred to as the "Plans"). 1.03. The Authority and the City have performed all actions required by law to be performed prior to the modification of Redevelopment Project No. 1, the modification of Tax Increment Financing Districts Nos. 1-1 through 1-13 and the establishment of Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-14 and the adoption of the Plans relating thereto. 1.04. The Authority hereby determines that it is necessary and in the best interest of the City at this time to modify Redevelopment Project No. 1, to modify Tax Increment Financing Districts Nos. 1-1 through 1-13 and to establish Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-14 and approve the Plans relating thereto, and to request that the City Council (the *Council") hold a public hearing relating to the above -stated matters. -2- Section 2. 2.01. Subject to the finding, determination, and approval of the Modified Redevelopment Plan for Redevelopment Project No. 1 by the City Council of the City, the Modified Redevelopment Plan for Redevelopment Project No. 1 is hereby approved by the Commissioners of the Authority. The increased project costs shall be described in the Modified Redevelopment Plan for Redevelopment Project No. 1, approved in Section 4 hereof. Section 3. Approval of the Tax Increment Financing Plans for Tax Increment Financinst Districts Nos. 1-1 through 1-14. 3.01. Subject to the finding, determination, and approval of the Modified Tax Increment Financing Plans for Tax Increment Financing Districts Nos. 1-1 through 1-13 and Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-14 by the Council of the City, the Tax Increment Financing Plans for Tax Increment Financing Districts Nos. 1-1 through 1-14 are hereby approved by the Commissioners of the Authority. Section 4. Approval of the Respective Plans. 4.01. The Plans presented to the Authority on this date, are hereby approved and adopted by the Authority and shall be forwarded to the Council with the request that the Council hold a public hearing relating to the adoption of the Plans for Redevelopment Project No. 1 and Tax Increment Financing Districts Nos. 1-1 through 1-14. Section S. Disposition of Public Lands. 5.01. The Authority held a public hearing, as of this date, regarding the disposition of public lands. The Authority hereby verifies that said public hearing was held and duly authorizes the City Attorney and City staff to proceed with the implementation of the necessary documentation relating to said disposition of public lands. 1�15 Section 6. Filing of Plans. 6.01. The Authority shall cause the Plans, all as approved and adopted, to be filed with the Office of Minnesota Department of Trade and Economic Development. Attest: 011ie Koropchak, Executive Director (SEAL) -4- Chairman HRA Agenda - 7/6/92 6. Consideration of authorizing memorandum of understandinq between Wriqht County and HRA. (R.W.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City Council is requesting the HRA to use its authority to enter into an agreement with Wright County for the eventual purchase of Outlot A, Country Club Manor. The City of Monticello In 1978 constructed Country Club Road and installed sewer and water improvements to Outlot A, Country Club Manor. The special assessments on this parcel have grown through delinquencies to a total of over $550,000; and as a result, the parcel has been tax forfeited to the County for nonpayment of taxes. The City Council has, for a number of years, been trying to acquire this property in lieu of the special assessments owing in an effort to promote development of the parcel to recapture some or all of our special assessment debt. Since the tax forfeited parcel would soon be coming up for public sale, the Council felt it would be in the best interest of the City to acquire the parcel directly and work with future developers for developing the property either residentially or commercially ourselves. When parcels are tax forfeited and the County wishes to turn over the property to the City in lieu of taxes and assessments, state statutes allow for this procedure to take place through a housing and redeveloped authority. By the HRA entering into this memorandum of understanding with the County, the City Council did not intend for the HRA to assume any obligation for repayment of the special assessments or any associated cost with this acquisition, only to use the HRA's authority allowing the City to acquire title to the property. It is hoped by the City Council that the City will be able to recapture more of its special assessment debt by owning the property and working with future developers than we would have by allowing the County to proceed under the tax forfeiture sale method. Basically, the memorandum of understanding will require the City to pay $0,727.26 in property taxes upon issuance of a state deed for the property. Excluding the property from the normal tax forfeiture proceedings and turning it over to the City requires the use of the HRA's authority. From the City's standpoint, the HRA is not being asked to become Involved in marketing the property in an attempt to reimburse the City for our special assessments outstanding, although if the HRA had a development proposal, I'm sure the City Council would be very interested. In the meantime, any cost associated with this transfer of ownership to the City from the County would be either picked up by the general fund or reimbursed to the HRA. At the time the City is able to find a developer interested in residential or commercial development for this parcel, the HRA will be asked to transfer their Interest in the property. Mr. Rick Wolfsteller Monticello City Administrator 250 Bast Broadway Monticello, Minnesota 55362 R8: Country Club Manor, Outlot A Dear Rick: Enclosed you will find two copies of a Memorandum of Understanding between Wright County and the Monticello BBA regarding Outlot A, Country Club Manor. These copies have already been signed by representatives of Wright County. Please obtain the necessary signatures on both copies and return one copy to me. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Ver ruly yours, Bri J. Ael s Assistant Wri County Attorney BJA/ j b Enclosure 1 WRIGHT COUNTY ' Office of County Attorney x z z 0 Wright County Government Center 6 Q 10 N. W. 2nd Street dY Buffalo, Minnesota 55313.1193 '►eee Wyman A. Nelson Phone: (612) 682.7300 Metro: (612) 3396881 C�Y Attomo ToU Free: 1$00.362.3667 Fax: (612) 6828178 Thomas N. Kelly Chic) • C.uw,no/ Q.— A— L. noh—pt Th— C. M" Brian J. Asleson ue.oJ.rotmra CAW. Lsod U,t— r m Huai. 4tA4q A Mott[ 10 June 1992 Mr. Rick Wolfsteller Monticello City Administrator 250 Bast Broadway Monticello, Minnesota 55362 R8: Country Club Manor, Outlot A Dear Rick: Enclosed you will find two copies of a Memorandum of Understanding between Wright County and the Monticello BBA regarding Outlot A, Country Club Manor. These copies have already been signed by representatives of Wright County. Please obtain the necessary signatures on both copies and return one copy to me. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Ver ruly yours, Bri J. Ael s Assistant Wri County Attorney BJA/ j b Enclosure 1 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN COUNTY OF WRIGHT MQ TU MONTJC,ELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY WHEREAS, The parcel of land known as Outlot A, Country Club Manor, Parcel No. 155-033-000010, is among those properties being prepared for public sale under the tax forfeit land sales procedures of Minnesota Statutes Chapter 282; and WHEREAS, Outstanding taxes through 1992 on this parcel total $6,402.39, with penalties and interest; and WHEREAS, Outstanding special assessments on the property total $554,494.73 with penalties and interest; and WHEREAS, This parcel is contained within an R-3 medium density residential zoning district of the City of Monticello; and WHEREAS, The Monticello Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) is interested in seeing residential development occur on this property; and WHEREAS, It appears unlikely that a private developer would acquire this property because of the magnitude of special assessments owed to the City of Monticello; NOW, THEREFORE, The County of Wright and Monticello ERA agree as follows: 1. That the above described parcel is to be conveyed to the Monticello HRA, as per Minnesota Statutes Section 282.01, Subd. 1, contingent, of course, upon the approval of a State deed by the Department of Revenue. 2. That the basic sale price for said parcel is to be waived, with the understanding that the Monticello HRA may reconvey the property to a private party in hopes of recovering the special assessments due on the property. 3. That any fees for the State deed and any other miscellaneous costs related to this conveyance shall be the responsibility of the Monticello NRA. 4. That the outstanding real estate taxes, without penalties and interest, totaling $4,327.26, shall be paid by the Monticello HRA to the County upon issuance of the State deed for the property. 5. That, in light of the close proximity of this parcel to Interstate 94, the City of Monticello may construct an earthen berm on the property for the purpose of providing visual and sound screening from the freeway. M 6. That the construction of said berm may be undertaken prior to the actual conveyance to the Monticello HRA. 7. That the fill material used to construct the berm may include such items as brick, concrete, asphalt, and other inert materials, but that any items such as appliances or tires must be removed from the source of the fill prior to placement in the berm. S. That the parties to this Memorandum of Understanding may make such modifications and amendments as will properly carry out the intent of this Agreement. Such modifications and amendments shall be in writing. Dated: June �_, 1994. COUNTY OF WRIGHT By `Y �( Wes Nittkowski Chairperson Wright County Board By '�— sic rd W. No rnn County Coordinat Dated: June , 1993. MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY By Al Larson Chairperson Monticello HRA By 011ie Roropchak Executive Secretary Monticello HRA TIE ' • --'" t' ♦,`ir ,''" ' t 1. t i �h � j. - - ___,_ . _ ,��.r�L'.' 1,t ..,,,,.. "t,'r 1= Vii» !• ,; • . � • - - - _------ ____._ •, t . f � ` tl jtr, ui• ;�t ~� r; 't t f •>^ +1• •���'lr , — ��. .t Y �" 1� .1 t .t ^ »• ,;,'f r`',rt"� :tet •: �� J! N �rl j/ •11// Iw ,It �`"�•J7rpt. "t 1'"'rr,~`�. is "" .av° . � '"'rte t J • l ! 1 "'.;�1� r l h1' '11 i. `r•-- kif f, {{ Jt ,•,� r 1 ' 1�;' '. ..t tl • • ! � ",�iJ r wt t •. 1 1 ' r t t , '] �•` � r"'j•sw •� � G� y�tti 11' t f t ., b .Lwr! ',r ^•..iT .l t l i •'e;•.:. r' r ..- "r ` + � y .•-..'�` y ` '�, . , (,:�.�/ 1 _ .: �•(� • •t. 1. y ' ;b.. rti / . f i;�(�' t l• (jj`-/�'t,,,r,,j -. `•.•,+J' t t :.+-/►9.a `� �. �?lt�jrt •Y . "",;.7 ((�'�(`r�J,.rj_ �.��3'r' J,ji : `r'�; t "i?•.. ytt t °• I. •el •' �"r i ,• ' i " t • . ! r F _",;v ' I. •.•'+.t.,•,� � .1f " �'•�►... ` �""�:; 141, TOTE i .,' ,,,_ •1' '� r1C •�.�•s �wrcc' ,� . t MtGNwar � i NO- 94 BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD June 15, 1992 J & M Oil Company, Inc. 8141 Southway Drive St. Cloud, MN 68101 Dear Sin Logistics A Property Services 4105 N. Lexington Avenue suite 200 Arden hills, MN 55128 (619) 490-6100 Subject Sale -of Burtluglon Northern property covered under leuse No.(s) 248586 located at Mounk ello, MN Burlington Northern Is considering selling the subject lease alte(s). The sale would be subject to the following general conditioner • Approval by our Operating department. a Conveyance by Quit claim deed. a sale may Include additional property outside of the current leased area to preclude the Burlington Northern from being left with any Irregular-shaped parcels. a Acquisition by purchaser of any flurlinglon Northern owned trackage located on the sale parcel and generally serving only your leased elle. Burlington Northern may elect to retain an easement Nlthln the sale area, should we need to maintain ownership of trackage. • Reservation of required roadways or other utilities as determined by Burlington Northern. e Bele consideration will tw based on fair market value. If you have an Interest In sequlring property based upon these general conditions, please Indicate by signing In the space below and returning the letter to tills office within the following JO days. I shall then begin the pmeass of securing approval by the railroad and obtaining the requlred date to present a formal onto proposal to you. Thank you for your consideration In this mattor. Should you need additional Information, please call me. We will contact you upon receipt of this letter acknowledging your Interest In acquiring your loosed parcel. Druce R. Oyp � Manager, Logletles ft Property Services Purchasers edguature and date 250 East Broadway P. O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362.9245 MEMO Phone: (612) 295.2711 Metro: (612) 333-5739 Fax. (612) 295.4404 TO: Bill Aydt, Jim Moores, Jeff Michaelis, Pat Tracy, Bruce opp, Al Larson, Rick Wolfsteller, John Simola, 011ie Roropchak, and Ren Maus FROM: Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrato�� DATE: June 2, 1992 rAL RE: Bulk fuel oil relocation plan This is a note to let you know that City staff has not been able to prepare a bulk fuel oil relocation plan because we have not received the bulk tank relocation cost estimates from Jim Moores, Bill Aydt, and Jeff Michaelis. As you recall, at the previous meeting it was indicated that the bulk fuel operators would supply City staff with cost estimates to relocate the existing bulk tanks to a site approximately a mile away. They would also develop cost estimates to relocate their facilities elsewhere on the same site. These cost estimates were to be provided to City staff as soon as possible to assist City staff in development of a relocation plan. City staff looks forward to moving forward in development of a relocation plan as soon as we receive the necessary relocation cost information from the bulk fuel tank operators. For your information, I have attached another copy of the summary of our last meeting held April 16, 1992. If you should have any questions on the status of this project, please call. 250 East Broadway P. O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362-9245 MEMO Phone: (612) 295.2711 Metro: (612) 333-5739 Fax: (612) 295-4404 C0 TOs Bill Aydt, Jim Moores, Jeff Michaelis, Pat Tracy, Bruce Opp of Burlington Northern, Rick Wolfsteller, John Simola, 011ie Roropchak, and Ren Maus FROM: Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator DATE: April 16, 1992 This memo summarizes the meeting of April 15, 1992. The meeting was attended by Bill Aydt, Jim Moores, Jeff Michaelis, Bruce Opp, John Simola, and myself. The purpose of the meeting was to follow up on the previous meeting and to establish a plan of action. Following are the items that were discussed at the meeting: 1. Bruce Opp was brought up to date on the situation in general. The group was informed that Pat Tracy was notified of the meeting by Jim Moores and through correspondence sent by City staff. 2. Jim Moores reported that J.M. tanks are registered. Jeff Michaelis reported that the Riverside oil tanks were not registered up until last week. Michaelis indicated that he does not think that the former Nelson oil tanks are registered with the MPCA. 3. Jeff O'Neill reviewed the cost estimates to determine the extent of pollution at the site submitted by American Engineering Testing. O'Neill noted that the cost of the phase I study amounts to $5,470. Information regarding the scope of the study is attached. Additional information was obtained from American Engineering Testing regarding the potential for added expense to study the site in the event pollution is found. It was noted that if the ground water is not impacted, Memo April 16, 1992 Page 2 the additional study to detect contamination could cost from $2,000 to $20,000. The actual cost to treat the soil could range from $20,000 to $100,000. If ground water is impacted, the cost rises accordingly. At least three monitoring wells would need to be installed at the site at the cost of $2,000 apiece. The cost to remedy the problem could cost tens of thousands of dollars if ground water treatment systems are required. The group reviewed the cost estimates from American Engineering and concluded that it would be premature to order the phase I soil borings until the following planning has taken place: Develop a relocation plan. It was the consensus of the group that a relocation plan should be prepared prior to testing so that the tank operators would have some options in the event pollution is found on the site. The operators did not want to be in a situation where they would be forced to move off the site by the PCA prior to having a place to relocate to. 2. Jim Moores, Bill Aydt, and Jeff Michaelis indicated that they would supply City staff with cost estimates to relocate the existing bulk tanks to a site approximately a mile away. They would also develop cost estimates to relocate their facilities elsewhere on the same site. These cost estimates would be provided to City staff as soon as possible to assist in development of a relocation plan. It was determined that the annual lease rate, including taxes and assessments, for use of the BN property, is about 31,000/year. 3. O'Neill and Simola stated that they would work with the City Administrator, HRA, and Economic Development Director to find a suitable site in the industrial park area with the goal of keeping costs down as much as possible. They reported that they would work closely with Bruce Opp of Burlington Northern throughout the process and take advantage of any opportunities to buy or trade land. Bruce Opp indicated that BN is willing to listen to proposals and would likely be interested in selling the property or trading it for other property. Another meeting of the group was scheduled tentatively for three to four weeks from April 19. The final date will be determined by City staff depending on the progress on research and plan development. If you should have any questions, or if you have anything to add, please contact me. May 22, 1992 Ms. 011ie Koropchak City of Monticello 250 East Broadway P.O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362 STATE31E VT . Business Development Services, Inc. Consulting Services—April 16, 1992 through May 14, 1992 A=Iax Hours 4/15/92 LPK-Follow-up with 011ie; Jerry Schoen .50 EO--Aroplax Business Plan generation .75 4/16/92 EO-Aroplax Business Plan generation 3.50 4/17/92 EO--Aroplax Business Pian generation 2.00 4/20/92 LPK-Follow-up with Carol Presley -Olson; Jerry .75 4/20/92 EO -Administrative 1.00 4/21/92 EO -Finished Aroplax Business Plan 2.00 4/23/92 LPK--Aroplax Business Plan 1.50 4/28/92 LPK-DTED, Jerry Schoen, Business Plan revisions .75 5/11/92 LPK-Financing activity; DTED; OMNI; Aroplax 1.25 5/12192 EO -Meeting re: Aroplax .50 5/13/92 EO.-Aroplax - Projections for 1992, 1993, and 1994 121 Total Hours 15.75 Ms. 011ie Koropchak Page 2 Eric Olson -11.00 Hours ® $55/Hour 4.75 Hem ® $75/Hour TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $605.00 356.25 $96im CURRENT OVER 30 OVER Q OVER $961.25 TERMS: NET DUE UPON RECEIPT, 1.33% PER MONTH SERVICE CHARGE ON PAST DUE ACCOUNTS I - -- - -- - - - - B.DS- Business Cevelcpmertt Services. Inc. June 23, 1992 Ms. 011ie Koropchak City of Monticello 250 Fast Broadway P.O. Box 1147 Monticello, WIN 55362 STATEMENT Consulting Services -May 15, 1992 through June 14, 1992 A=lga 5/15/92 EJZ-Revisions for Aroplax projections for Lenny 1.00 5/18/92 LPK-Application and projection information for Amplax 1.25 5/20/92 LPK-Met with Marquette Bank -New Hope re: project finaaeing; Project finance and application activity for Amplax 2.75 5/21/92 LPK-Aroplax Application Activities 2.25 5/22/92 UK -Project financing for Aroplax 1.75 5/27/92 LPK-Aroplax Projections .75 5/29/92 EO --Statement generation for Aroplax 2.50 6/1/92 EO--Aroplax projection generation and revisions 3.50 6/4/92 EO--Aroplax Central Initiative Fund Application 1.00 6/10/92 PWP--TIF/Joint Venture Presentmion and Preparation Total Hours 20.00 Ms. 011ie Koropchak Page 2 Eric Olson -7.00 Hours ® E55/Hour $ 385.00 13.00 Hours a E75/Hour 975.00 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $1,360.00 CURRENT OVER]0 OVER 60 OVER 90 $1,360.00 TERMS: NET DUE UPON RECEIPT, 1.33% PER MONTH SERVICE CHARGE ON PAST DUE ACCOUNTS