HRA Agenda 09-29-1992MINUTES MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, August 5, 1992 - 7:00 PM City Hall MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Al Larson, Ben Smith, Everette Ellison, and Tom St. Hilaire (tardy). MEMBER ABSENT: Lowell Schrupp. STAFF PRESENT: Jeff O'Neill, Gary Anderson, and 011ie Koropchak. STAFF ABSENT: Rick Wolfsteller. 1. CALL TO ORDER. Chairperson Larson called the HRA meeting to order at 7:00 PM. 2. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE JULY 6. 1992 HRA MINUTES. Ben Smith made a motion to approve the July 6, 1992 RRA minutes, seconded by Everette Ellison, and with no additions or corrections the minutes were approved as written. 3. FUEL;C HEAB;4j ON THE ACOg9Saa9ON FOR FUTURE DISPOSITION &ND REDEYELOgj4ENj 01? EAI7DS [tELATXNG ZO OUT&OT A. COUNTRY CLUB MANOR, AND ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION THEREOF. Chairperson Larson opened the public hearing on the acquisition for future disposition and redevelopment of lands relating to Outlot A, County Club Manor. The said public hearing necessary for compliance with the Minnesota Statutory, HRA Early Acquisition. Koropchak informed the public that the HRA's only interest in this property is to accommodate the City Council's request for use of the HRA's name. The property is being acquired through tax forfeiture and the City has been granted the right to construct an earthen berm on the property per the Memorandum of Understanding between the HRA and Wright County. The following public comments and concerns were raised by Willard and Barb Jensen, 32 Fairway Drive; Jack Nelson, 8 Center Circle; and William G. Schmidt, 27 Fairway Drive, Monticello. The public's preference was for a single residential development; however, Mr. O'Neill responeed that the property is zoned R-3 (Medium Density Residential) which Is for multi -family (apartments) dwellings and not homes. The City's R-3 land -controls include the density, parking, tree plantings and landscaping, off-street parking, and number of floors (limit two-story), but does not control the income level of dwellers. The public was informed that, currently, no active development proposal is before the City or the HRA. Secondly, the public was concerned about the garbage and potential contamination associated with the berm construction. Mr. O'Neill responsed that soil testing was completed by the City and the material was of clean -fill and not hazardous waste. The six foot berm w1ll serve as a freeway buffer with completion this fall through shaping, additional black dirt, and seeding; thereafter, will the HRA be responsible for property maintanence (mowing). Next, the public voiced their concern of the potential over- use of the neighborhood park if the property were developed Into multi -housing. Mr. O'Neill agreed that area's present public park plan was not good and informed the public that p*epar°_° another park could be incorporated into a future development or an area storm drainage development proposal. Lastly, the public expressed they were not opposed to the acquisition of the property; however, because of privately invested dollars into the neigborhood they supported a development which was pleasing to the neighborhood and opposed any development which might create a potential big eye sore. The said public hearing comments will be submitted to the Public Works Director and City Council. Chairperson Larson thanked the concerned citizens and with no further comments or questions, closed the public hearing. With no public opposition for acquisition of the property, Ben Smith made a motion to adopt the resolution authors zing acquisition of outlot A, Country Club Manor, which lies within Redevelopment Project No. 1 of the Modified Central Monticello Redevelopment Plan. The resolution further states that the said acquisition was through the Memorandum of Understanding and was necessary to relieve hardship, and that the RRA assumes the responsibility of the costs related to the acquisition. The motion was seconded by Al Larson and with no further discussion the motion passed unanimously. The action was necessitated by the Memorandum of Understanding and for compliance of Minnesota Statutory 469.027. A second motion was made by Al Larson requesting the City prepare an Indemnity Agreement for execution between the City and the HRA. The agreement to release the HRA of any rights HRA MINUTES AUGUST 5. 1992 of revenues and of any obligations of expenses or maintanence associated with the acquisition of the said property. Everette Ellison seconded the motion and without further discussion the motion passed unanimously. The agreement Intended as a recorded accountable follow-through of the City's request to use the HRA's name (only) for convenience, with no obligation of associated coats. Suggestion made by Pat Peletring. QUBLIC HEAPING ON THE ACOUISITION AND DISPOSITION OF LANDS (RELATING TO TIF DISTRICT NO. 1-16 AND ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION THEREOF. Chairperson Larson opened the public hearing on the acquisition and disposition of lands relating to TIF District No. 1-1/ which lie within Redevelopment Project No. 1 of the Modified Central Monticello Redevelopment Plan. Having satisfied statutory requirements, the district Is being established for the Suburban Machine 6 Manufacturing development. The development project is for the construction of an 11,000 aq ft office/manufacturing facility located on a 3.95 acre parcel to the east of the Remmele Addition and north of Chelsea Road. The total TIF assistance of 850,000 is for the land write-down (829,625) and site improvements. Koropchak pointed -out that in the future a public hearing for the acquisition or disposition of lands will not be necessary as the Redevelopment Contracts no longer deed the property to the HRA via a quick -claim deed. This reduces the HRA's recording fees and more, importantly, eliminates the HRA from any potential environmental liabilities. Therefore, this resolution authorizes to assist with the acquisition costa. With no public comments, questions, or opposition, Chairperson Larson closed the public hearing. Everette Ellison made a motion to adopt the resolution authorizing to assist with the acquisition coats of the described raw lands to Bradley D. and Mary A. Barger. The motion was seconded by Ben Smith and with no further discussion the motion passed unanimously. The motion affirms the previous negotiated land cost assistance. CCOONSIRIRA,'IOK TO REVIEW AND AC2EPTT,I4E P;F#L DRAFT OF TLK PRIVAT'$ ggDgyELSPrBNT CONTRACT BETWEEN JERALD J. AND MARY E. SCHOEN AND THE HRA. The agenda supplement provided the HRA with highlights of the Private Redevelopment Contract between the Schoens and the HRA. This the final draft, Koropchak said, 'Although the total project costs are high, she felt good about recovering Page 3 HRA MINUTES AUGUST 5, 1992 a portion of the BACA lose and the final agreement of a 30% building construction completion by the 31rd of December, 1992." The tax increment assistance of $85,000 to be disbursed at the time the building is 30% complete and other listed conditions satisfied. The land write-down is a grant of $70,000 and the remaining $15,000 is a loan at an 8% Interest rate over seven years. The annual tax increment guarantee and the letter of credit are both for an amount of $41,500. Al Larson made a motion to accept the negotiated terms and conditions of the final draft of the Private Redevelopment Contract between the HRA and Jerald J. and Mary E. Schoen as prepared by Holmes 8 Graven. The motion was seconded by Ben Smith and with no further discussion the motion passed unanimously. 8. CQNSIPBftATION TO REVIEW AND IkCCEPT THE _P,itELIMINARY DRAFT OF THE 1?RJY4T19 BED&YELOPMENT CONTRACT BETWEEN BRADLEY D. AND MARY 6. BARGER AND T4F, HRA. Again, the agenda supplement had highlighted the terms and conditions of the Private Redevelopment Contract between the HRA and the Bargers. The tax increment assistance is for a total of $50,000, land write-down of $29,625 and site Improvements not to exceed 020,375. Land write-down disbursed at the time the building is 30% complete and site improvement payment upon certification of evidence. The preliminary draft asked for an annual tax increment guarantee and letter of credit both in the amount of $12,865. Tom Racette, Barger's attorney, feels its unreasonable to request a letter of credit for such a small project, as well as, an additional expense. At this point, the only unresolved issue of the contract is the need for the letter of credit. Plane are for the contract to be negotiated and executed prior to the City Council's adoption of the TIF District No. 1-16 and its Plan on August 10. Koropchak pointed -out without the letter of credit, the HRA has no funds to draw upon in case of default; however, the HRA Is guaranteed an annual tax increment of $12,569 for the life of the district which is sufficient to retire the 075,000 NRA loan from the City. Everette Ellison made a motion to accept the negotiated terms and conditions of the preliminary draft of the Private Redevelopment Contract between the HRA and Bradley D. and Mary A. Barger as prepared by Holmes 8 Graven or to accept the elimination of the letter of credit inorder to commence the Page 4 HRA MINUTES AUGUST 5, 1992 timely project. The motion was seconded by Ben Smith and with no further discussion the motion passed unanimously. The project awaits final Central Minnesota Initiative Fund and plat approvals. Mr. St. Hilaire arrived at the HRA meeting. 7. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW THE KNOCK -DOWN RULE RELATING TO TIF DISTRICT NO. 1-7. The HRA reviewed the Knock -Down Rule as it applied to TIF District No. 1-7 for The H -Window Company. The members had no opposition to the response letter submitted to the County Auditor. S. CONSIDERATION TO ACCEPT THE JULY 25. 1992 BDS, INC. BILLING. The HRA revived and accepted the July 25, 1992 BDS, Inc. billing. OTHER BUSINESS. Gary Anderson, City Building Official, informed the HRA members that the City has filed a public nuisance notice against the Gille property to remove vehicles, junk, and other above -ground blighted materials within fifteen days. The city is working with the county and has asked Commissioner Pat Sawatske for assistance to expedite the matter. If Gills does not respond to the notice, it is the intent of the City to contract with Ruff's Auto for the labor -intense cleanup portion and to assess/levy the above -ground cleanup costs against the property. The City Mayor would like to see the property cleaned -up; however, prior to removal of materials city authorization must be obtained. A meeting has been set for August 13 between city officials and the County Assistant Attorney to determine governmental roles and liabilities. The Building Official further reported that the city has obtained two cost estimates for borings and laboratory tests and a preliminary observation determined that four underground tanks exist on the property's highway side. Also, it was reported that 80% of the costs could be recovered by the City through the PCA. Mr. Anderson requested a HRA recommendation for the Mayor and City Council. After a brief discussion, the members concluded that the Gills property, today, has a negative value. Their recommendation was to encourage and support the enforcement of City's Nuisance Ordinance for above -ground cleanup of the Dille property, to obtain the City's Attorney to represent the Page 5 HRA MINUTES AUGUST b, 1992 city regarding the Gills property tax forfeiture, and not to proceed with city borings and laboratory tests until after a redeveloper is found. Mr. O'Neill briefed the RRA on the upcoming Farm Credi! Auction to be held September lb, 1992, 8:00 PM, at the VFW Club. The preliminary, site plan highlights the storm sewer drainage routes and ponds which serve the Chelsea area. Preliminary plans indicate the need for a 10 acre parcel to serve as the overall drainage pond (to the east of Cty Rd 118 and south of I-94). Long range plans would connect the pord to the Mississippi River via drainage under the freeway. The property will be platted after the auction to allow greater flexibility to Farm Credit and potential buyers. 10. ADJOURNMENT. The HRA meeting adjourned at 8:88 PM. u A... X01 - 05-- 0llle Koropchak, HRA Executive Director Page 6 T Minnesota Association of Homes for the Aging 0 e$�dential optloo 4' for Seniors 8 in Minnesota A guide to the continuum of care for older Minnesotans Prepared and Distributed by the Minnesota Association of Homes for the Aging i Residential Options for Seniors in Mir. L iCENSURE/APPLICABILI f Restaurant license if meals are Home Care License where home provided care services such as personal can are provided LICENSING BODY MDH (Environmental Field MDH (Health Resources Division Services) or local health department POPULATION SERVED Persons age 55+ STANDARD SERVICES Building security; one daily meal (maybe mandatory) is common. Frail persons, primarily elderly Building security, social/ recreational activities; 2-3 daily , meals; emergency call; 24-hour staffing; transportation; housekeey ing; service coordination; informa- tion & referral OPTIONAL SERVICES Social/ recreational activities; 1-3 Personal laundry; linen service; daily meals, emergency call; 24- case management; health screenin! hour staffing; transportation; medication reminders & storage: housekeeping; service coordina- assistance w/dressing, grooming. Hon; Information dr referral; bathing. assisted living services ACG funds (county discretion). PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Private apartments with full kitch- Small, private apartments with ens. Common spaces for dining, kitchenettes. Considerable comma social activities, etc. space for dining, social activities, etc. Apartments may be clustered around shared parlor. AvmLABLE P LIBLIC FUNDING Federal and occasionally local rent ACG funds (county discretion). subsidies. Some assisted living/ Some home care services may be home careservices may be covered covered by MA. by Alternative Care Grant (ACG) or Medical Auistance(MA). nesota Adult Foster Care (up to 4 adults, or up to 5 adults, if all residents are 60 years or older) DHS, with county involvement Functionally impaired adults at least 18 years old Three daily meals; lodging; super- vision/protection; household services Personal care; medication assis- tance; training/assistance with liv- ing skills; social opportunities; transportation; assistance safe- guarding cash; adult day care. Private homes, usually with private resident rooms. Minnesota Supplemental Assistance/General Assistance (MSA/GA) reimbursement for up residential housing (nego- tiated rates). Personal care may be covered by MA, ACG. Lodging/Boarding License (sleep- ing accommodations/meals for 5+ persons for periods of 1 week or more) MDH Environmental Field Services Division or local health department May not serve persons needing facility help with incontinence, catheter care, injectable or paren- teral meds, wound care, dressing changes, irrigation, etc. Lodging/linens; 3 daily meals; housekeeping Lodging/ Boarding License plus registration with MDH (will be replaced by RCH). MDH or local health department, registration with MDH Environmental Field Services May not serve persons needing facility help with incontinence, catheter care, injectable or paren- teral meds, wound care, dressing changes, irrigation, etc. Lodging/linens; 3 daily meals; housekeeping None allowed. Support services (such as assistance with transportation, appointments, social activities, dressing, groom- ing, medication reminders) or health supervision services (such as assistance with medications, bath- ing, taking vital signs, therapeutic diets). Private or shared room with bath, Private or shared room with bath. common spaces for dining. Common spaces for dining, social activities, etc. MSA/GA reimbursement for MSA/GA negotiated rates. Rule 35 group residential housing (nego- and 36 facilities have special pro- tiated rates) gram funding. CH license is designed to replace & L with special services; RCH cense if 5+ beds, where adults nceive 3 daily meals, lodging and upportive or health-related services 4DH Health Resources Division Ateria may beestablished when equirements are in place. .odging/linens; 3 daily meals; ousekeeping; plus supportive ser - ices (supervision, and minimal ssistance with independent living kill g., laundry, appointments, hopping, etc.) and /or health - elated services (assistance with WLS; medication storage, remin- lers and administration). iocial/recreational activities are ommon. 'rivate or shared room with bath. :ommon spaces for dining, social ictfvities, etc. INSA/GA reimbursement for group residential housing (nego. iatc� -cites). 14 Prepared by the Minnesota Association of Homes for the Aging Boarding care home license if pro- vide only personal or custodial care and related services for 5 or more aged/infirm persons over 16 years old MDH Health Resources Division Persons older than 16 who are aged or infirm (Ml, DD, CD) Lodging/linens; 3 daily meals; housekeeping; custodial/personal care, including laundry, personal services, supervision over self- administered meds, activities pro- gram, supervision. If MA-certifted, must provide nursing services. Social/ recreational activities are common. Nursing home license where nurs- ing care is provided to 5 or more persons (excludes hospitals, clinics, etc.) MDH Health Resources Division Persons older than 16 who are aged or infirm (persons entering MA - certified home must go through pre -admission screening) Lodging/linens/laundry; 3 daily meals 6r snack and special diets; housekeeping; nursing services, including assistance with dressing, grooming, bathing, toileting, eat- ing; medication storage and admin- istration; rehabilitative nursing; special treatments; recreation/ social activities. Therapy, respite, specialized care for Alzheimers' and other special needs, hospice. Private or shared rooms with baths, Private or semi -private rooms with Common spaces for dining, social baths. Common space for dining, activities, etc social activities, etc. MA If certified. Non -certified may MA if certified. have MSA/GA reimbursement (negotiated rates). May have Rule 12 funding if facility has a DHS program license. A more and more commonly used term, Assisted Living is not defined by MAHA as either a "model" or a "place." Rather, Assisted Living is an approach to providing a coordinated program of needed support services to frail, elderly persons in a residential setting. Because Assisted Living is an approach, not a place, it could be provided in any of the settings described on MAHA's "Residential Options" chart in this publication. As older consumers have shown a clear preference for living as independently as possible, Assisted Living is one way to meet this demand. Assisted Living can often be thought of as a partnership between the resident and the facility — where the resident is the decision -maker. The Assisted Living approach will con- tinue to emerge and grow to meet the needs and preferences of older Minnesotans. so ewaat tw... ow" APPLICATION BY GOVERNMENTAL SUBDIVISION FOR CONVEYANCE OF TAX -FORFEITED LANDS Wdw IV o Staaer. Sano, ffi.Ot, Su6dhadon 1. M the Matas of On APpMnon of Monticello FHtJj_ I Oorwmrmd Subafvmoe, dor a Oonwywiw ad OwUh Leda Oxrtat raw Monticello Housinq B Redevelopment Authoritv plwr M w4e+Y1w1 ad dbpn 1�t�dt�tba) incorporated government entity established under authority oY-Minnesota *cacures. the Monticello HRA is authorized by state statutes to acduire property Lor ruture disposition and redevelopment purposes and hes held a puoLIc bearing on the acquisition of'Darcel described below. 1 Taunts bdWWrthe Cow"af Wright „tw"da4arfattd WW daarAad a 1000 a1 Id Pajcej Ida - - ou to A pun r, nor. C tv oY Monticello A Taw q hw currentlT vacant land zoned R-3 (multiple family residential) ed7eceu4. to residential subdivisions and troraerina on i -9a. 6. Tat eppder, dadtw r d6ta6t aid bad 6w Ur MOawMO Fwpawt wd eemn� b) Promote and encourage .develooment of vacant land for resideattml oippee,_ y S^ Pf :L'L 'IlLhnv wp a_ ww.t wr...�w w,.._ •,. •i,e . rna •,.w.. , 0 ou a an nq special aeeeeement debt. � tf,atlon rppdnnt piece O&W bete ba'a MY V bll tar Oa w Weed 6wah' • _ . _ _ _.-_ . -... MONTICELLO HRA In Chairman ad Ib Executive Director ITATIOF WNNESOTA I I IL OOUNfYOF Wright I Al Larson and 011ie Koropchak a bft 9hv 6Wv as - drpaw atd wf."fw Meaaff. #* 0wv an rwpedewf dr cna t rman W Executive Cirl=r of Ida Monticello HRA daa taw ran NO OW fa,0 1 applesdom wA bon IM wwteft 0aredt wd dW dr wwtwa aeae Owen we VW Mbelbtl aed e.ve r babes • ub _ div of 9� Nn m I NAM• bwaf. Y6ar OW Odeadaiea 111640 W 1bieWi drrAriiiwran w ted"" M YM bab401W dembee. M ankew ae Wooft W* er rest, a da awe eco waw, arewdaepwMaeeYdw.NaN. Meese d dtewww�al rdrAMw Y rIw W 6dlew6 le, eaww M Iwee,�al aetwwwie ewaw W aMar eeaa aw 16w wa�ewn co w Mt ewMe W 40 r cow I� �. PROJECT COSTS CITY OF MONTICELLO FOR AROPLAX CORPORATION October 14, 1992 Business Development Services, Inc. 1991 TIF Plan $ 4,700.00 1991 Packaging $ 2,705.78 1992 YTD Packaging $ 9,783.75 Legal Fees 1991 Holmes & Graven Paul Weingarden $ 808.82 1992 Holmes & Graven $ 2,292.25 Paul Weingarden TOTAL $20,290.60 Approximate Central Minnesota Initiative Fund 22.37 hours $1,677.75 Economic Recovery Grant 58.13 hours $6,359.75 SBA 17.25 hours $1,293.75 Business Plan 19 houro $1,005.00 PROJECT COSTS CITY OF MONTICELLO FOR SUBURBAN MACHINE & MANUFACTURING, INC. October 14, 1992 Business Development Services, Inc. 1992 TIP Plan 8 3,850.00 1992 Packaging (CMIF) $ 3,206.25 Legal Fees 1992 Holmes & Graven 9 1,503.15 Paul Weingarden 9 3,240.00 TOTAL 811,799.40 IVA _._ - - Business Development Services, Inc. November 2, 1992 Ms. 011ie Koropchak City of Monticello 250 East Broadway P.O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362 STATEV NT Consulting Services --September 15, 1992 through October 14, 1992 Aroplax Hours 9/15/92 LPK--Correspondence to 011ie re: Aruplax .25 9/16/92 � LPK—Follow-up with 011ie, Jerry Schoen, Bangers re: Monticello projects .50 9/25/92 LPK--Follow-up with 011ie re: Aroplax; Follow-up with Jerry Schoen .25 9/29/92 LPK--Aroplax Follow-up; Review TIF Agreement'l, .75 9/30/92 LPK--Aroplax .50 10/519'1 LPK—Follow-up with 011ie re: Aroplax Project .25 10/12/92 LPK--Aroplax Reception 7t Z.QQ Total Aroplax Hours: 4.50 Suburban Machine Hours LPK--Corresponticnce to 011ie re: Suburban Machine .25 9/17/92 LPK--Follow-up wit Jerry Sch and 011ie .50 LIs. 011ie Koropchak Page 2 9/21/92 LPK--Suburban Machine .25 9/25/92 LPK—F9h 011ie re: Suburban Machin Follow-up ith Jerry Schaen Total Suburban Machete Hours: 1.25 Marketing --Not Billed 9/18/92 LPK—Ed Barcikowski, QA Thermal re: revised project and building needs .75 9/22/92 LPK—Schedule meeting with ED Barcikowski, QA Thermal at BDS .25 9124/92 ' LPK--hItzinD with F4. Barcikowski, QA Thermal 1.00 LPK--IDC Activity 17. __z Total Marketing --Not Billed Hours: 2.25 NET CHARGEABLE HOURS: 5.75 Net Chargeable Hours Q 575/Hour 5431.25 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE 5431.21 CURREOVER 30 OVER OVER 44 f $431.25 TERMS: NET DUE UPON RECEIPT, 1.33% PER MONTH SERVICE CHARGE ON PAST DUE ACCOUNTS ON Business Development Services, Inc. September 29, 1992 Ms. 011ie Koropchak City of Monticello 250 Fast Broadway P.O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362 STATEMENT Consulting Services --August 15, 1992 through September 14, 1992 \ Amin Hours 8-18-92 LPK--Administrative; Aroplax Corporation .50 8.20-92 LPK--Aroplax follow-up with 011ie. Jerry, Harvey, Dick Nadeau 1.00 8-24-92 LPK--Aroplax DTED ERG approval and follow-up information to bank, Jerry, 011ie .75 8.25-92 LPK--Administrativc; Aroplax Corporaton Total Aroplax Hours: 2.75 \ Suburban Machine Hours 8-17-92 LPK--Suburfian Machine; CMIF .25 8-I8-92 LPK--Administrative; Suburban Machine 1.25 8-21.92 LPK--Administrative; Suburtmn Machine .75 8-24.92 LPK--Suburbar. Machine; Finance Restructuring with Dave Hardie, Bargers, 011ie 2.75 Ms. 011ie Koropchak Page 2 8-25-92 LPK—Finance; Suburban Machine 1.50 8-27-92 LPK—Suburban Machine; CMIF application and follow-up 1.50 9-8-92 LPK—Suburban Machine follow-up, CMIF .75 9-14-92 LK—Follow-up with 011ie regarding Suburban Machine approval, CMIF, QA, Dave Hardie rSQ Total Suburban Machine Hours: 9.25 makc 9-1-92 LPK--Meeting with Ed Barcikows1d; Meeting follow-up 1.75 9-2.92 LPK--QA Thermal, Information gathering for Ed Barcikowski Total Marketing—Not Billed Hours: 2.50 NET CHARGEABLE HOURS: 12.00 Net Chargeable Hours 0 575/Hour 5444.94 Pau due bill for July 15, 1992 through August 14, 1992 54,087.50 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $4,987.00 CURRENT OVER OVER 60 OVER 90 S900.00 54,087.50 TERMS: NET DUE UPON RECEIPT, 1.33% PER MONTH SERVICE CHARGE ON PAST DUE ACCOUNTS HoLmn & Ca+vEN ft h ! die Eh�t c.+.� +a..MMP a+► ineu am ✓v r+d-112 Septcem5er 1_• 1?17a CNVQ,rCE 'a -?Sic .^.r,,yr, r: c+i i. o SRA lAN1?a :y ri�i1 250 = broadwag P e a: a 832 Montx:allo. Fe Senain Redevsicpment C.•;itrnc: =or All 4.a)aL Sorvi:ss P.sn.areo Thrc jgh Au,<. +t --'i 1907, As =c! lo,us 08/0:3152 Ph9ne calls wttF : Crnien 0 r.,3rop. Rik i 9ti anc c Sha :n re vnr�,a:v�d rs:.es in sgrsoment. phone Cali pith P Polstrtng re,HACa c.elsu!-b=iono maka i'IjLtiOnal-reviilOn� CO agreemenb Phone Calls with 13 Korocch.gv and F -5 Polstring re intorest raf,.+ on HAZA nota: review memo from Ps:otr%ng Oe/M, 92 Phone c.211 Orom E Chanin ro atatua .9 06106e,9a Phone 1:e11 with c Chanin re aodit:qnol ! 00 roviiions- made and trana.,:t 'rovivtons to,E Chanin+ ro•:iew an,: phone call with 0 Koroocha;+ re Lawn schvd1�lo 08/29/94 Phone ca'l'l witn H Dun1Sa•a r: statuq •:.s4 o+ saecution o4 agr.iomora 08 27,42 PAan.a cat: with 0 Korozchok -s 41,12:r,cution of ors:ution :apiws rgtal 4.ar,.:e.i u u0 '8420.00 rur o.'1 Ctihutso:nents Ad Follows Phacccaciaa iA 30 Me+asn3ur Svr:i;oo � ;9 Poitago ) oo I COaam Lowit, Pwsxy of tide :Sal 0t03J'+na1J�tO m . r,� papaw, peas a dtmmw b ,bcnnoa.wa+mropan Total Pees and Disbursements& 8443.84 as a r HOL MES do GRAVEN CNw•T4tO QO Pa4)C-or, NNOW006 11t•rmYa! � rrP....oumas V SNV 3 T CE u CiTr �F t"t7N'TiC�_�0 F.�d'a•.3'lop.nant s,lrae�nanc — i @0i i14- nsrgiar F'*P .ail will Services Fram 0, Ii3ust '.. 199i Tht•uQug+.pt 31. 1=2 Ar, r.I1CW+ Oe/091a2 J80 Phuna _ 1ll a ❑r:tn Korc,pchal a;;.; T Pacunis.'i F1Vne Callwith Pelstring rt WiCA l9sue 08/0il: '4o •JDL Phene _411, dF -cm ;koro7'chak •a agrotemdmt, pr.,,ne Cali• Wi Karrrpthek and Fatatl4 rs -tvt-:z3ns, rov i gu loar, schedule 03/LOr4:. JUD Phano calls with r Recede ar.: O U K"oropchatk rh net• and tntp^ayt SII, charge iSIV3192 JBD Phone Call W th 0 Korcochah �o -,isatus. phone call witn T Aacotl% re remaining iisueg, p-,)pare-sv:a:an to contract OBJLi'1 JED ,Make rovtf i0n's to contract 1 CO Tota/ 5ar'WL404 >?oto Amount 125 CO 94 79 ;1+ime koitr7 John D Ga's, a y F.:r All D:shVrsemsntn As FalLoms I tdodoeo.undwpomnydtaw that ft occaul. dolt of *stand b a and corw Ids no pat IL pAN Phatocap:ao Poata,o G :0 ta: Oiaovria,•-7,ito• Tota: S0 -v:::77 Ana 1';e' .. ze '3 HOLMES & GRAVEN CN.YwTFw F.D as FiMr Cwww. M mm..Pdk. 41wr.w. mw T.Iry.Ye..r IIIc "7 tw Q2 I I Arles. MMM pry MM l W l W wnRMYt, <!Mm a Ar�rN •Yw�w,.lyd�wrl Yd M/N Onwn i CO rAomwl t o •vo � o0 V�.IS 'i I PROJECT COSTS CITY 08 MONT ICELLO FOR AROPLAX CORPORATION JULY 16, 1992 Business Development Services, Inc. 1991 YTD TIP Plan and District Development Contract Certification Hee Subtotal Business Development Services, Inc. 1991 YTD Financial Packaging 1992 YTD Financial Packaging Subtotal Holmes 8 Graven Paul Weingarden 1991 YTD Legal (Development Contract and Preliminary GMEP attorney review) Subtotal OSM 1991 YTD Topgraphy Maps Subt otal TOTAL PROJECT COSTS YTD APPROVED TIP BUDGET (1991) Admi nietration Professional Services $ 3,850.00 $ 800.00 P 50.00 $ 4,700.00 $ 2,705.78 4,n 8 3.R,g 9.465.90 $ 6,170.78 4'�, }0 .Y V,2.0 � goH.gg, 8 808.82 $ 69.75 $ 69.75 $11,749.35 •$ lQ� C1 $15,000.00 $10,000.00 `,,.so -A 4 , ,416'0 HRA MINUTES AUGUST S, 1992 of revenues and of any obligations of expenses or maintenance associated with the acquisition of the said property. Everette Ellison seconded the motion and without further discussion the motion passed unanimously. The agreement Intended as a recorded accountable follow-through of the City's request to use the HRA's name (only) for convenience, with no obligation of associated costs. Suggestion made by Pat Pelstring. QUBLIC HEARING ON THE ACgUISITION AND DISPOSITION OF LANDS RELATING TO TIF DISTRICT NO. 1-10 AND ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION THEREOF. Chairperson Larson opened the puo_'c hearing on the acquisition and disposition of lands relating to TIF District No. 1-14 which lie within Redevelopment Project No. 1 of the Modified Central Monticello Redevelopment Plan. Having satisfied statutory requirements, the district is being established for the Suburban Machine & Manufacturing development. The development project is for the construction of an 11,000 sq ft office/manufacturing facility located on a 3.95 acre parcel to the east of the Remmele Addition and north of Chelsea Road. The total TIF assistance of $50,000 is for the land write-down ($29,825) and site improvements. Koropchak pointed -out that in the future a public hearing for the acquisition or disposition of lands will not be necessary as the Redevelopment Contracts no longer deed the property to the HRA via a quick -claim deed. This reduces the HRA's recording fees and more, importantly, eliminates the HRA from any potential environmental liabilities. Therefore, this resolution authorizes to assist with the acquisition costs. With no public comments, questions, or opposition, Chairperson Larson closed the public hearing. Everette Ellison made a motion to adopt the resolution authorizing to assist with the acquisition costs of the described raw lands to Bradley D. and Mary A. Barger. The motion was seconded by Ben Smith and with no further discussion the motion passed unanimously. The motion affirms the previous negotiated land cost assistance. COYSIDERAaION TO St?Y19,4 AND ACCILPT THE JfIPAL DRAFT OF TYR ?RJVATJ; )tEDgyEL0?t4ZNT CONTRACT BETWEEN JERALD J. AND MARY E, SCHOEN AND THE HRA. The agenda supplement provided the HRA with highlights of the Private Redevelopment Contract between the Schoens and the HRA. This the final draft, Koropchak said, "Although the total project costs are high, she felt good about recovering Page 3 HRA MINUTES AUGUST 5, 1992 a portion of the HACA lose and the final agreement of a 30% building construction completion by the 31rd of December, 1992." The tax increment assistance of $85,000 to be disbursed at the time the building is 30% complete and other listed conditions satisfied. The land write-down is a grant of $70,000 and the remaining $15,000 is a loan at an 8% interest rate over seven years. The annual tax increment guarantee and the letter of credit are both for an amount of $21,500. Al Larson made a motion to accept the negotiated terms and conditions of the final draft of the Private Redevelopment Contract between the HRA and Jerald J. and Mary E. Schoen as prepared by Holmes & Graven. The motion was seconded by Ben Smith and with no further discussion the motion passed unanimously. CONSIDERATI0N 10 REVIEW AND ACCEPT THE PRELIMINARY P. FT OF THE ?gIYATE ItEDIVEL9!'MENT CONTRACT BETWEEN BRADLEY D. AND MARY A. BARGER AND THE HRA. Again, the agenda supplement had highlighted the terms and conditions of the Private Redevelopment Contract between the HRA and the Bargers. The tax increment assistance Is for a total of $80,000, land write-down of $29,825 and site improvements not to exceed $20,375. Land write-down disbursed at the time the building is 30% complete and site improvement payment upon certification of evidence. The preliminary draft asked for an annual tax increment guarantee and letter of credit both In the amount of $12.585. Tom Racette, Barger's attorney, feels its unreasonable to request a letter of credit for such a small project, as well as, an additional expense. At this point, the only unresolved issue of the contract Is the need for the letter of credit. Plane are for the contract to be negotiated and executed prior to the City Council's adoption of the TIP District No. 1-14 and Ste Plan on August 10. Koropchak pointed -out without the letter of credit, the HRA has no funds to draw upon in case of default; however, the HRA is guaranteed an annual tax increment of $12,565 for the life of the district which is sufficient to retire the $75.000 HRA loan from the City. Everette Ellison made a motion to accept the negotiated terms and conditions of the preliminary draft of the Private Redevelopment Contract between the HRA and Bradley D. and Mary A. Barger as prepared by Holmes & Graven or to accept the elimination of the letter of credit inorder to commence the Page 4 'SEP :J K L*: 1: AFC,FL=.' 2-:V ARTICLE III Tax Increment Aseistance F.: Section 3.1. Statement of Intent. The Redeveloper has represented to the Authority that it hasac ulred or entered Into purchase agreements for all of the separate tracts of lead which comprise the Redevelopment Property. The Redeveloper has fully informed the Authority of Its acquisition costa together with the costs necessary to prepare the Redevelopment Property for redevelopment. The Authority has further considered the other public costs of redevelopment and the reuse value of the Property. Based upon all such Information and consideration, the Authority determines that a land writedown of $83,000 ("Land Writedown") is the necessary level of assistance necessary to permit redevelopment to occur on the Redevelopment Property. Subject to the provisions of this Agreement, the Authority agrees to pay the Redeveloper the Land Writedown to assist the Redeveloper In the acquisition and preparation of the Redevelopment Property. It Is the further intention of the parties that title to the Redevelopment Property shall not pass to the Authority by operation of this Agreement, and that this Agreement Shall not be construed so as to vest or create In the Authority and right, title or Interest in the Redevelopment Property. The Land Writedown shall be paid to the Redeveloper when all of the following conditions have occurred, but only if at such time the Redeveloper Is not In default of any of Its obligations under this Agreement: (a) The Redeveloper and the Authority having reviewed and approved title to the Redevelopment property; (b) The Redeveloper having submitted and the Authority havhtQ approved the evidence of financing required to be provided pursuant to Section 7 1; (a) The Redeveloper having submitted and the Authority having approved Construction Plans for the Minimum Improvements pursuant to Section 6.2; (d) The Radsyslopsr having erscutod and delivered to the Authority the �( Aaaessment Agreement aM Be*sis_ss-t LMsar of Go"At; and (e) All other preconditions to payment contained in this Agreement have takon place. (f) The Minimum Improvements am at least 300 complots as doterminsd by the Redeveloper's Architect. (g) The Redeveloper has provided the Authority with a note ("Note") acceptable to the Authority,to ropay $13,000 of tho Land Writedown at 84 interest over a term which within ono month of the Maturity Date. Provided, however, that in no event shall tho Authority be required to pay the Land Writedown until the data on which the Redeveloper closes and takes title to the Redevelopment Property. Section 3.2. I'ims Sf Peeni. If, subject to UnsvWdabls Delays, the preconditions to payment nave not all occurred on or beforo December 31, 1992, olther party may declare this Agreement to be null and void. Upon such declaration, neither parry shall have any ituther liability to the other party hereunder. mtrtr4 a»a•r SEF ZJ tJ':•nn .,F+iFL:•�-:-FV F.c ARTICLE IV Construction of Minimum Improvementa and Public Improvements Section4.1. Construction of Minimum Imrrovements. The Redeveloper agrees that, in the event of payment of Land Writedown, it will. complete construction the Minimum Improvements on the Redevelopment Property in accordance with the approved Construction Plans and at all times prior to the Maturity Date will operate and maintain, preserve and keep the Minimum Improvements or cause the Minimum Improvemente to be maintained, preserved and kept with the appurtenances and every part and parcel thereof, in good repair and condition. Section 4.4. Construction Plans. (a) As of the date of this Agreement, the Radeveloper has submitted to the Authority and the Authority has approved Construction Plans providing for the construction of the Minimum Improvements. (b) If the Redeveloper desires to make any material changes in the Construction Plane after their ayprovsl by the Authority, the Redeveloper shall submit the proposed changes to the Authority. For purposes of this subsection, a "material change" shall mean any change which alters the exterior appearance of the Minimum Improvements or reduces the market value of such improvements upon completion. If the Authority approves the proposed change, it shall notify the Redeveloperim writing of its approval within ten (10) working days from the date of Its receipt of the proposed cheap. If the Authority reasonably determines that such proposed cheap is unacceptable, it shall so notify the Redeveloper In writing within ten (10) working days from the date of its receipt of such proposed change, together with an explanation of the basin for the rejection. If the Authority fails to notify the Redeveloper of Its rejection of any proposed change in the Construction Plans within said tan (10) working days from the date of its receipt of such proposed cheap, the proposed change shall be deemed approved by the Authority. Section 4.3. Commencement and Completion o: Construction. Subject to Unavoidable Delays, the itadeveloper shall commence construction of the Minimum Improvements within five (3) days after the Closing, or on such other date as the parties shell mutually agree. Subject to Unavoidable Delays, the Red4veloper shally complete the construction of the Minimum Improvements by,Jammewidea. Au .09 work with respect to the Minimum Improvements to be constructed or prodided by the d8 Redeveloper on the Redevelopment Property shall be In conformity with the Construction Plans as submitted by the Redeveloper and approved by the Authority or as revteed pursuant to Section 4.2(b). The Redeveloper agrees for itself, its successors and assigns, and every succossor In interest to the Redevelopment Property, or any part thereof, that the Rodoveloper, and such successors and assigns, shall promptly be .n and diligently prosecute to completion the redevelopment of the Redevelopment Property through the construction of the Minimum Improvements thereon, and that such construction shall in any event be commenced and completed within the period specified in this Section 4.3 of this Agreement. It is intended and agreed that such agreements and covenants shall be covenants running with the land and that they shall, In any event, and without regard to technical classification or designation, legal or otherwise, and except only as otherwise specifically provided In the Agreement itself, be , to the fullest extent permitted by law and equity, binding for the benefit of the Authority and enforceable by the Authority against the Redeveloper and its F.: successors and assigns. Subsequent to conveyance of the Redevelopment Property, or any part thereof, to the Radeveloper, and until construction of the Minimum Improvements has been completed, the Redeveloper shall make reports, in such detail and at such times as may reasonably be requested by the Authority, as to the actual progress of the Redeveloper with respect to such construction. Section 4.4. Certificate of Completion. (a) Promptly after completion of the Minimum Improvements In accordance with those provisions of the Agreement relating solely to the obligations of the Redeveloper to construct the Minimum Improvements (including the dates for beginning and completion thereof), the Authority will furnish the Redeveloper with Certificate of Completion. Such certification by the Authority shall be a conclusive determination of satisfaction and termination of the agreements and covenants In the Agreement with respect to the obligations of the Redeveloper, and its successors and assigns, to construct the Minimum Improvements and the dates for the beginning and completion thereof. Such certification and such determination shall not constitute evidence of compliance with or satisfaction of any obligation of the Redeveloper to any Holder of s Mortgage, or any insurer of a Mortgage, securing money loaned to finance the Minimum Improvements, or any part thereof. (b) The Certificate of Completion provided for in this Section 4.4 of this Agreement shall be in such form as will enable it to be recorded in the proper office for the recordation of deeds and other instruments pertaining to the Redevelopment Property. If the Authority shall refuse or fail to provide the Certificate of Completion in accordance with the provisions of this Section 4.4 of this Agreement, the Authority shall, within ten (10) days after written request by the Re eve4er, provide the Redeveloper with a written statement, indicating in adequate detail in what respects the Redeveloper has failed to complete the Minimum Improvements in accordance with the provisions of the Agreement, or is otherwise in default, and what measures or acts it will be necessary, In the resemble opinion of the Authority, for the Redeveloper to take or perform to order to obtain such certification. (o) The construction of the Minimum Improvements shall be deemed to be completed when the Redeveloper has received a final certificate of occupancy by the City. 1. ! 1ant to !be o- the dam Z111 1 Id w4�ih♦pasdod.� , , .11! 11.. 8...l... „,...,W,..,, i' ..1 Qg Ig lttat�rsad-L, ZE ll:::Xhlj h J F J� l. --I rr ! ai,.. rdeleult. 1k. cut 4.1. d.,;., e. ;r, .l+ E., .J.a.bl►i r-!Da•AWhosity► SEP 24 '92- 09:34 kWiPLPx/BSV P.� tmtfi tba Matta" J)848 meat Le to peed: ,ia -the. Rodwilsper-WWM it- - if I I c"s 4he of atme ftl nob G%beuvAu. r AllUm, Man 13 a- $1.9 , GomplefJon Illw4th'.80 In the sirew that-sheAs" n. .. L. lmj, — .— _'l— ==W. . a tr!!A Le"op-at-CmdU MUM Nnft-3 SU c-1 '4c lY: :F'OFL ESV F.e ARTICLE V Insurance and Condemnation Section 9.1. Insurance. (a) The Redeveloper will provide and maintain at all times during the process of constructing the Wnimum Improvements and, from time to time at the request of the Authority, furnish the Authority with proof of payment of premiums on: (i) Builder's risk insurance, written on the so-called "Builder's Risk -- Completed Value Basis," in an amount equal to one hundred percent (1009) of the Insurable value of the Minimum Improvements at the date of completion, and with coverage available in nonreporting form on the so-called "all risk" form of policy. The Interest of the Authority shall be protected in accordance with a clause in form and content satisfactory to the Authority; (ti) Comprehensive general liability insurance (including operations, contingent liability, operations of subcontractors, completed operations and contractual liability Insurance) together with an Owner's Contractor's Policy with limits against bodily injury and property damage of not Ins than $1,000,000 for each occurrence (to accomplish the above -required limits, an umbrella excess liability policy may be used); and Oil) Workers' compensation insurance, with statutory coverage. The policies of Insurance required pursuant to clauses (t) and (li) above shall be in form and content satisfactory to the Authority and shall be placed with financially sound and reputable insurers licensed to transact business in the State. The policy of insurance delivered pursuant to clause (I) above shall contain an egreement of the insurer to give not lose than thirty (90) days' advance written notice to the Authority in the event of cancellation of such policy or change affecting the coverage thereunder. (b) Upon completion of construction of the Minimum Improvements and prior to the Maturity Date, the Redeveloper shall maintain, or cause to be maintained, at its cost and expense, and from time to time at the request of the Authority shell furnish proof of the payment of premiums on, insurance as follows: (I) Insurance against loss and/or damage to the Minimum Improvements under a policy or policies covering such risks as ars ordinarily insured against by similar businesses, including (without limiting the generality of the foregoing) fire, extended coverage, vandalism and malicious mischief, boiler explosion, water damage, demolition cost, debris removal, collapse and flood in an amount not lose than the full insurable replacement value of the Minimum Improvements, but any such policy may have a deductible amount of not mora than 119,000. No policy of insurance shall be so written that the proceeds thereof will produce less than the minimum coverage required by the preceding sentence, by reason of cc -insurance provisions or otherwise, without the prior consent thereto in writing by the Authority. The term "full insurable replacement value" shall mean the actual replacement cost of the Minimum Improvements (excluding foundation and excavation coats and costs of underground flues, pipes, drains and other uninsurable items) and equipment, .. :.....i,.....,• �, amuse �s�u•t 12 P,' Creetuentlythan All policies evidencing insurance required by this subparagraph (I) with respect to the Minimum Improvements shall be carried in the names of the Redevelo er and the Authority as their respective Interests tnayappear n��aAa of In , nnw •�N..,. C t..'.. -- �s /. ,J� lav_:._ r.,, ., < , , 1 - _� 1 Isy..l.r . OEi;965yf...�1 deme v^ d whwna}+.-,b:L A .,7 -&ad te`the•A+rihoa{i!t. ?' .1_2.•,.l.y ,...1 waw P.cn.o � �.,,r.. .,:S...z jE�..l, :.s.aa .... (ti) Comprehensive general public liability insurance, including ppersonal injury liability (with employee exclusion deleted), and automobile insurance, including owned, non -owned and hired automobiles, against liability for injuries to persons and/or property, in the minimum amount for each occurrence and for each year of $1,000,000 , for public liability aed•eball lk 1iw- ,l... _ W ...l.. _1.. ,X �L..i:J �C=AM :_l .. - _1. (iii) Such other insurance, including workers'compensetion insurance respecting all employees of the Redeveloper, in such amount as is customarily carried by like organizations engaged in like activities of comparable sire and liability exposure; provided that the Redeveloper may be self-insured with respect to all or any part of Its liabiilty for workers' compensation. ( c ) Ail insurance required in Article V of this Agreement shall be taken out and maintained in responaible insurance companies selected by the Redeveloper which are authorised under the laws of the State to assume the risks covered thareby. T'l., f, i, ..le city pogeiae n_4A,....1.. a. al trarwa n. hindwra ^t &he otherwise provided in this Article V of this Agreement each policy shall contain a provision that the insurer shell not canq l nor modify Its coverage without giving written notice to the Redeveloper and the Authority at least thirty (30) days before the cancellation or modification becomes effective. Piet issa•sbee-EI. •- 1{. In lieu o separate policies, the Redeveloper anyai mntains Anglo policeyy, blanket or umbrella pollelee, or a combination thereof, having the covero required herein, _ , . 1:. f. ties-�}loJmum L�, d . (d) The Redovoloper a . ees to rotffy the Authority immediately In the caso of damage to, or destruction of, the Mirlmum Improvements or on7 portion thereof resulting from firs or other casualty. In such evont, the Redeveloper will either: (1) subject to Unavoidable Delays, commence within sixty (60) days to repair. reconstruct and restore the %nimum improvements to substantially tris same or an improved condition or value as it existed prior to the event causing such damage and, to the extent necessary to accomplish such repair, reconstruction and $10 restoration, the Redeveloper will ayypiy the ibt proceeds of any Insurance relatiag to such damage received by the Rodeveloper to the payment or reimbursement of the situ. asn�t SEP 24 '?c Cr -:V W.OPLAX/eSV P.8 coats thereof; or (ii) within such 60 day period make Fail Repayment of the"Iand Writedown assistance (�11 }tq d�lo� pl ttJa1 ea�aivJtes rpt / 99d o�er�e9A/E 'I ..:..F... r rr wU �i"moi . •+4. Section S.I. Subotdination. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agree nt, iae Authority's rights with respect to the receipt and application of Net Proceeds shall be subject and subordinate to the rights of way fender providing financing for the construction of the MiWm= Improvements as permitted under Article VU of this Agreement. August 13, 1992 Ms. 011ie Koropchah Housing and Redevelopment Authority City of Monticello P.O. Box 93A Monticello, MN 55362 4 17. 013TOia Business Development Services, Inc. Esiablishmeni of TIF District N6. -I-.14- (Suburban Machine) Initial project structuring with business; preparation of TIF data; determination of project future values and preliminary TIF financial analysis; review and confirmation of TIF plan; distribution of documents to County and School Districts; Preparation and presentation to Planning Commission/City Council; and certification of district. TOTAL AMOUNT DUE CURRENT OVER 30 OVER 60 QVF-R $3,850.00 TERMS: NET DUE UPON RECEIPT, 1.33% PER MOWM SERVICE CHARGE ON PAST DUE ACCOUNTS August 28, 1992 Ms. 011ie Koropchak City of Monticello 250 Fast Broadway P.O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362 STATEMENT Business Development Services, irtc. Consulting Services—July 15, 1992 through August 14, 1992 Aronlax Hours 7/15/92 LPK—Review projections to include bank and SBA changes, and also effect of market rate of CF; Submit additional information to OMNI 2.25 7/16/92 LPK--Aroplax ERG 1.75 7/17/92 LPK--Aroplax ERG Application 2.50 LPK--Follow-up with 011ie .25 7/20/92 LPK--Aroplax ERG .50 7/21/92 LPK--Aroplax ERG, Information to Harvey Batter re: SHA 504 1.25 7/22/92 LPK--Aroplax Corporation 2.75 7/23/92 LPK--Aroplax ERG 1.75 7/27/92 LPK--Aroplax ERG; Public Hearing; Follow-up re: CMIF Denial 5.25 7/29/92 LPK--Aroplax ERG; Follow-up 2.75 7/30/92 LPK—Amplax ERG; Finalize package 1.00 7/31/92 LPK—Follow-up with 011ie and Jerry; Deliver package to DTED; Package to 011ie and Jerry 2.25 Ms. 011ie Koropchak Page 2 8/4/92 LPK--Aroplax ERG Follow-up information, Follow-up with 011ie 1.25 8/7/92 LPK—Revise/update ERG information to Harvey Becker, Jerry Schoen, 011ie Koropchak, and Carol Pressley -Olson 1.50 8/10/92 LPK—Aroplax ERG; Update information 1.50 8/11/92 LPK—Aroplax ERG; Update; Deliver information to DTED 3.25 LPK—Paul Weingarten re: Monticello projects .50 8/12/92 LPK—ERG information for Aroplax; Equipment list to Carol Pressley -Olson with cost break -down; Info to Jerry 1.�4( Total Aroplax Hours: 2%4 C 1b.1 S 33.25 Suburban Machine Hours 7/15/92 LPK—Resolution and CMIF activity; Follow-up information to Dave Hardie 1.00 7/16/92 LPK--CMIF Application for Suburban Machine 1.50 7/20/92 LPK--Suburban Machine CMIF Application 1.00 7/21/92 LPK--Suburban Machine CMIF Application 1.75 7/22, d2 LPK»Suburban Machine CMIF Application 1.50 7/23/92 LPK--Suburban Machine CMIF Application 1.00 7/24/72 LPK--Suburban Machine 2.25 7/29/92 LPK--Suburban Machine CMIF Application 1.75 7/30/92 LPK--Suburban CMIF; Visit plant and pick up information 1.50 7/31/92 LPK--Complete CMIF Application and related activity 2.00 8/6/92 LPK--CMIF and Follow-up for Suburban Machine 1.50 Ms. 011ie Kompchak Page 3 8/10/92 LPK—Suburban CM1F Follow-up; Update information, etc. 1.25 8/11/92 LPK—Suburban Machine; Follow-up with 011ie and Gary Travema 1.25 8/12/92 LPK—Follow-up activity for Suburban Machine 1.25 8/14/92 LPK—Suburban Machine �ZI Total Suburban Machine Hours: 21.25 is 9�.1g Marketing—Not Billed 7/15/92 LPK—Meeting at WCSB; Follow-up for QA Thermal 3.25 7/16/92 LPK--QA ThernW 1.00 7/17/92 LAK --QA Thermal .75 7/20/92 LPK--QA Them al .75 7/23/92 LAK --QA Thermal Total Marketing Hours: 6.50 NET CHARGEABLE HOURS: 54.50 Net Chargeable Hours ® 575/Hour 54.087.50 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: $4,087.50 CURREOVER 30 OVER OVER90 $4,087.50 TERMS: NET DUE UPON RECEIPT, 1.33% PER MONTH SERVICE CHARGE ON PAST DUE ACCOUNTS HOLMES & CRAVEN CHARTERED R/ n/.s,., C-. Ilfr. p,%� %4- AME T. . sit/337-8300 - ta- i' Z= Yore. On 1: MC'Ic Or f:. . contracl. .� .r/rdl/'S/ Al .. ..y: Motsang►• 5+r }'t• '.: 'i ,r• •1 t" . 1 da:ars adm prnft allow M rvc &To, r/, fu- a lW." • f wM car wd ro yEn •fin un M f.aimaA HOLMES & GRAVEN CHASTENED Tde0 Ws/=-sm • i( Yom: U44 [ 83. :s Phona ca!_ Phona . s', _ - • ? 3 �� Mop+^ t to r•: :1 Milk , At :i ..'{ .a Y ✓• :ate; sn• , Zt • •: to L r : .. u: ■Sor salR�nsi AI �:.'..7y;1OFF _ - R •.._4 , r, Ihotacop: + HOLMES &GRAVEN Mater;• .t••�r CHARTn1CD • 4" FIW f Cw . Mid. Nbrft". • TA"6— SILWJW —'--------------_______ Services •� Lt Lim L r : .. u: ■Sor salR�nsi AI �:.'..7y;1OFF Ihotacop: + Mater;• .t••�r .. "S --------------------------------- Matter —'--------------_______ Services Disbs. Total 2 Schoen Redevelopment Contract 1,652.50 95.75 1,748.25 --------------- Totals for client 14N195:2 $1,652.50 $95.75 . $1,748.25 I r• ti, urtlr trtiM el � ►+, .ocavll, awn or dwwlmd w "AI r'd G -KI end ro PIWI II nr . of l:Iwnn11 •i `f 1Li. _I I' 1 11 _s Vr- I 250 East Broadway P. O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362.9245 Phone: (612) 295-2711 Metro: (612) 333.5739 Fax: (612) 295.4404 TO: NRA Members, Rick Wolfeteller, and Jeff O'Neill FROM: 011ie Horopchak, NRA Executive Director OPy DATE: August 31, 1992 SUBJECT: September HRA Meeting The regular scheduled NRA meeting of Wednesday, September 2, 1992, has been cancelled due to the lack of agenda action items. However, enclosed is a copy of the August NRA minutes and City Council agendas and minutes regarding the Gillis property. These to serve as an update. If you have any Questions regarding the -enclosures, please call Mr. Wolfeteller or myself at 295-2711. Have a Safe and ()rest Gabor Day Weekendl City Council Agenda - 8/10/92 15. Consideration of authorizing soil investigation of Gille property. (R.W.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: As part of our blight ordinance enforcement, the City has notified the former Gills Auto Sales property on west Broadway of blighted conditions and requested the property be cleaned up. Gills Auto Sales is now relocated to the Clearwater area, and the property has become delinquent in taxes and the county is proceeding under the tax forfeiture proceedings on this parcel. Technically, this property under tax forfeiture is either in the State of Minnesota's or Wright County's hands as the county intends to put the property up for sale as the redemption period has passed. In discussing the condition of the property with Wright County Assistant Attorney, Brian Asleson, the county attorney's office has given the City permission to eventually have all debris removed from the property and assess the cost of the removal to the property as a special assessment if Mr. Gills does not remove the items. At the request of the mayor, Gary Anderson has also obtained quotations from firms to conduct soil tests of the property to determine to what extent the area may be contaminated and to, hopefully, determine the number of underground fuel tanks, etc. Copies of these quotations are attached and range from $7,845 to $8,710. While the City is not the owner, the quotations were obtained for the purpose of getting a cost estimate as, sooner or later, some one or some agency will probably have to do this analysis if the property is ever going to be redeveloped. The real question at this time is who is the responsible party, the State? Wright County? the City of Monticello? or Fred Gills? while I think we all agree that the property should be redeveloped, the HRA has taken the position that possibly Wright County or someone else should be responsible for determining the extent of any pollution or contamination as they are the party selling the property. I think it's good that the City is taking the initiative to start the process; I am only concerned about whether it's our responsibility to incur these costs and if we do, do we have the ability to place a lien on the property for our expenditures? Assistant County Attorney, Brian Asleson, is reviewing the legality of the City being able to recapture our costs through a lien on the property and may have information for me prior to Monday night's meeting. Since it doesn't appear that other agencies or Individuals are doing anything to determine the City Council Agenda - 8/10/92 J extent of contamination, it may a good idea for the City to get involved if we are assured that we can assess the property for our costa incurred. It is my understanding that County Commissioner Pat Sawatzke along with Brian Asleson from the attorney's office and city staff would like to meet Thursday, August 13, to review the site and, hopefully, come to an agreement on how to proceed. At this point, I wanted to make the Council aware of the quotations we have received from environmental consultants to do the soil investigations and, if it is determined that we have a method of recapturing our costs, to authorize the expenditure by the City. Without a determination of the possible extent of contamination, I don't believe any individual or government agency will be willing to stick their neck out and purchase this property. If we ever hope to see this property redeveloped and cleaned up, we may have to take the initiative. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Authorize expending funds to do soil borings on the former Gills Auto site contingent upon receiving an opinion from the assistant county attorney on our ability to recapture the funds through an assessment process. 2. Do not authorize soil borings to be conducted and leave that up to the county or future owner. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Since this property has been a blighted condition for a long time and it doesn't appear that any other individual or agency is taking the initiative to do anything, staff supports the soil investigation work if we have a way of attaching a lien to the property in the future. While we may not know this answer Monday night, the meeting on Thursday with the county commissioner and assistant attorney may provide more input on how we can proceed. D. SUPPORTING DATAt Copy of soil investigation quotations. Council Minutes - 8/10/92 annexation, sewer hookup fees, and trunk charge fees, and review the current policy for providing garbage pickup service as it relates to mobile home parks. Kirk Kjellberg was present to express his view that Kjellbergs Mobile Home Park provides many of the services to its residents that would otherwise be provided by the City. He noted that the mobile home park provides its own street maintenance and internal sewer and water systems. It was Kjellberg'a view that the mobile home park should be entitled t:o the same services such as garbage pickup that other mobile home parks in the city enjoy. After discussion, it was the consensus of the Council to maintain the ex fisting policies associated with connecting new developments to City of Monticello services and that annexation would be acceptable with the requirement that the mobile home park be hooked up prior to annexation and that all fees associated with providing services to the mobile home park remain consistent with present city policies. No action was taken with regard to the current city policies D relating to garbage pickup. 15. Consideration of authoririnol soil investigation of Gills property. City staff informed Council that quotes have been received on the cost to investigate soil pollution problems at the Gille property. In addition, surface cleanup of public nuisance items on the si. to can occur at any time, as al l proper notices have been tiled. Cleanup of the site will cost approximately $8,000. Staff informed Council that it was their understanding that it appears that the cost to clean up the site can be levied against the property as a special assessment; therefore, when the property is finally sold to a developer, the City may likely be able to recover the cost of the cleanup. After discussi an, a motion was made by Brad Fyle and seconded by Ken Maus to authorize City staff to enforce the public nuisance ordinance through removal and cleanup of debris at the Gills property. Voting in favor of the motion: Brad Pylo, Ken Maus. Opposed: Shirley Anderson, Dan Blonigen, Clint Herbst. It was the majority opinion that cleanup could be delayed until after a method for recovering cleanup cost is completely secured. Page 9 Council Minutes - 8/10/92 16. Consideration of City Assessor applicants. Administrator Wolfsteller informed Council that six individuals had applied for the City Assessor position and that four appeared qualified. Council consensus was to have the Administrator conduct interviews, check references, and provide Council with a recommendation for the nest meeting. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Jeff O'Neill Assistant Administrator Page 10 n e 1 ,) Council Agenda - 8/24/92 Consideration of approving sale of tax forfeited land parcels by County Auditor. (R.W. ) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Wright County Auditor's Office is preparing for an upcoming public auction sale of tax forfeited parcels for non- payment of property taxes . The tax forfeited parcels proposed for sale in the near future are for those that have not paid property taxes between the years 1976 to 1982 . Four parcels are located within the city of Monticello; and prior to the sale, the County is asking for our approval to proceed with public auction on these parcels. One of the parcels included in the sale notice IS Outlot A of Country Club Manor, which has outstanding unpaid special assessments with penalties and interest over $554,000. As you may recall , the City had previously requested from the County Board of Commissioners that this property be conveyed to the Monticello HRA in lieu of the special assessments so that we could control and encourage development of the property. In addition, we were able to start creating a freeway berm along this property from the material removed at the maintenance building site. The City has a memorandum of understanding between the County and the HRA that we can obtain this parcel by paying the outstanding real estate taxes totaling 14,327.26. The County Auditor is now asking that we officially adopt a resolution requesting that this parcel be removed from public auction and conveyed to the municipality for public use. Two additional parcels up for public sale will be the former Gille Auto Sales site. Because this property is in a blighted condition and has been used as a storage site for auto parts, along with the possibility of unknown contamination of soils due to underground tanks and the type of business that has been operated on the property, I believe the City is Interested in seeing this property cleaned up and redeveloped. I have recently met with the County Board to request that this parcel also be removed from public sale for a period of one year and noted that the City of Monticello or its Housing and Redevelopment Authority has interest in possibly acquiring the property privately. Because of the potential for soil contamination exists, there are a number of legal technicalities we are checking Into with our City Attorney before we are proceeding with any acquisition attempt. The resolution being considered by the Council tonight merely requests that this property be taken off of the public auction and be made available for City acquisition for a period of one year. This does not commit the City or the HRA to purchase the property, only that it gives us additional time to make Council Agenda - 8/24/92 sure that we would not be inheriting any type of liability for contamination and to further research the potential cost of cleanup of the property. The County has also requested verification of the outstanding special assessments remaining unpaid against the four parcels. I have reviewed the figures provided by the Auditor's office and agree with their calculations. The resolution further states that there will be additional assessments that we anticipate levying against three of the parcels for blight and weed removal costs incurred by the City. This would notify any potential buyer that additional assessments will be placed against the property taxes if the sale proceeds are not sufficient to cover the taxes and special assessments. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Adopt a resolution requesting that Outlot A of Country Club Manor and the Gille Auto Sales property be removed from public sale, request conveyance of the Outlot A parcel to the Monticello HRA at a cost of $4,327.26, approve the tax forfeiture sale of the remaining two parcels by the County, certify that the unpaid special assessments are correct and would be re -assessed to the property if the sale proceeds are not sufficient to cover the special assessments, and certify that additional assessments will be certified in 1992 for removal of blight and weeds as indicated in the resolution. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that tho resolution be adopted as proposed. We have previously requested authorization to purchase Outlot A of Country Club Manor, and the request to eliminate the Gills property from the sale proceedings for one year would allow the City and/or the HRA additional time to investigato the site and the legalities of potential purchase for redevelopment. It is also recommended that for the remaining two parcels being proposed for sale that the City indicate any unpaid special assessments would be re -assessed to the property if the sale proceeds are not sufficient to cover our assessments. SUPPORTING DATA: Listing of parcels proposed for sale; Outline of information requested by County Auditor; Resolution for adoption. Darla M. Grosheas August 10. 1992 WRIGHT CX= T ADDIZ'0B/TREASQB@ 10 R.W. 2nd Street Buffalo MR 55313 Bequest •for Approval for Sala of Tax Forfeited Land Parcelss Enclosed is a classification list of non -conservation property located in your municipality. The described parcels forfeited to the State of Minnesota for non-payment of property taxes. The parcels on this list were included on Non -Conservation Classification List approved by the Board of Wright County Commissioners on July 28, 1992 by Basolution 192-.S4. As provided in Minnesota Statutes 282, we request that you: 1. Approve the parcal(s) for public auction, or 2. Bequest a conveys=* to your municipality for public use without monetary consideration. We also require that the form "Application by a Governmental Subdivision for Conveyance of Tar Forfeited Land" be completed and returned to our office with a copy of the City Comcil Basolution requesting conveyance, or 3. If acquisition of a parcel by a governmental subdivision is anticipated. than you may also make a written request that certain parcels be withheld from public auction for one year. Please provide City Council Certification, mbich addresses both types of special assessments listed balowt 1. Attached is a list shoving the balance of any unpaid canceled special assessments at the ties of forfeiture and that may be reassessed. Please certify that these are the correct amounts. If there is a discrepancy. please contact our office. It would also be helpful, when selling the property. if you could tall us. at this tiaa, how long any reassessmeat vould run and at what interest rate it mould be computed. We apply approximately 902 of the sale price touards paying off the special assessments. 2. Any new specials "sassed during 1992 for first year payable in 1993. We used both the sale approval and special assssamant information included in the City Council Resolution. Although stats lav deems the sale automatically approved if the City Council fails to respond within ninety (90) days of this notice, we ask that you do respond. If you have any questions. please call our office at 682-7579. 6 Monticello city Special Assessments Before 2a: Forfeited lid Sale Parcel I.D. No. Pro ect Am=t 155-014-003080 784& (76 S6i: 1mp.) ; 7,348.16 90611 (Del. loving) 94.50 91611 (Del. Services) 36.68 90411 (89-02 Impr.) 577.76 8,057.10 155-014-003100 784& (76 S6H Imp.) ; 7,348.16 90611 (Del. loving) 94.50 91611 (Del. Services) 36.68 90411 (89-02 IVY.) 577.76 8,057.10 155-033-000010 1978-1 Impr. ;280,228.28 Fwm NM MOA — lana CL&lmn Wxwwretlon - NorrCamanaa°") Page 1 of 2 POJ&& r. MAIL I� CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY BOARD OF CLASSIFICATION OF FORFEITED LANDS AS PROVIDED BY CHAPTER 386, LAWS 1935 AS AMENDED. Tothe (town • City) Board atow Citv of Monticello We. the members of the County Board of the Costly of Wright MhnesoM do hereby ear* that the parcels of WW hwekW er Owed are d of 1lte lands whfeh have been dassSW by us as servation lands, ham the Bat of lands bort'eited to the Stade of hawmota for nonpayment of taxes for the year or years 1976 - 1982 as Wovkjad by %Gnnasofa Stabrtes 1943, Section 28201 as amended. ? N SecT&uor pMe �o°�° val'n daoor ver» Bkxk I. 11Z w} M 1155-014-003080 Lot 8, Block 3. 80GLOND ADDITION. /155-014-003100 Lot 10. Block 3, HMUND ADDITION. / 155-033-000010 Outlot A. COUNM CLUB HAl'108. 0155-500-033400 A tr of land in lot B of Si of Sae. detect Beg at pt of intare of S line of Tr Bvy 152 6 N line of ad Lot B; th Silly alg S line of Hwy, 315 ft. for POB of tr to be dose; th cont SEly a1g S line of Hvy 283 ft; th def 90 degrees 260.5 ft. to N line of GH E/W; th NYly alg ad R/W line 281.6 ft; th N par to E Line of Tr 205.1 ft. to POB. See. 3. Twp. 121, Rge. 25. / 155-500-033402 Pre of SWI of SEI 6 SEI of SWI dose: Com at NE cor of SEI of SWI; th V 366.1 ft. to pt on S r/v of Hwy 1152; eh SE 598 ft, for POB; th cont SE 40 ft; th SW 90 degrees B 258.47 ft. to N r/w of B8; th NN 40.16 ft; th NE 260.50 ft. to POB, See. 3. Twp. 121. Ego. 23. (continued) f v 8 3 10 3 112.000 00 112,000 00 Outlot A f 4.328 00 3 121 25 150.000 00 3 121 25 1 3.500 00 0 I 11 Monticello City :Odor No. 44as— Lrw C+autloMm(CanwrraYm- ) page 2 of 2 1155-300-142302 Part of S1/2 of NWI/4 of Sec. 14, Twp. 14 121 25 113,200 00 121, Rge. 25, dose. as fall: Comm at NE car of ad SI/2; th alg N line of ad SI/2 on assumed brg of S 89 deg. 08 min. 38 sec. W, a dist. of 1056 ft. (64 rods); th S 00 deg. 07 min. 17 sec. W par v E line of ad $I/2 dist. of 924 ft. (56 rods) th S 89 deg. 08 min. 38 see. W par to N line of ad SI/2, dist. of 319.14 ft. to act POB; tb cont S 89 deg. 08 min. 38 see. W. a dist. of 512.47 ft. to the ctr line of Old MN 8vy. No. 25; tb B 27 deg. 42 min. 10 sac. E alg sd ctrlins dist. of 366.16 ft.; th M 89 dog. 8 min. 38 sec. E par to W Line of ad SI/2. dist. of 333.83 ft.; th S 00 deg. 9 ain. 7 set. W. 339.23 ft. to POB; cont. 3.29 acres. mol, subject to pub road easements. Section 14. Township 121. Range 25. The foregoing classification is hereby a "covet. Dated. . 19,,, By the Board/Council of the of .i 1 WHEREAS, The parcel of land known as Outlot A, Country Club Manor, Parcel No. 155-033-000010, is among those properties being prepared for public sale under the tax forfeit land sales procedures of Minnesota Statutes Chapter 282; and WHEREAS, Outstanding taxes through 1992 on this parcel total $6,402.39, with penalties and interest; and WHEREAS, Outstanding special assessments on the property total 1554,494.73 with penalties and interest; and WHEREAS, This parcel is contained within an R-3 medium density residential zoning district of the City of Monticello; and WHEREAS, The Monticello Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) is interested in seeing residential development occur on this property; and WHEREAS, It appears unlikely that a private developer would acquire this property because of the magnitude of special assessments owed to the City of Monticello; NOW, THEREFORE, The County of Wright and Monticello HRA agree as followsl 1. That the above described parcel is to be conveyed to the Monticello HRA, as per Minnesota Statutes section 282.01, Subd. 1, contingent, of course, upon the approval of a State deed by the Department of Revenue. 2. That the basic sale price for said parcel is to be waived, with the understanding that the Monticello HRA may reconvey the property to a private party in hopes of recovering the special assessments due on the property. 3. That any fees for the State deed and any other miscellaneous costs related to this conveyance shall be the responsibility of the Monticello HRA. 4. That the outstanding real estate taxes, without penalties and interest, totaling 14,327.26, shall be paid by the Monticello HRA to the County upon issuance of the State deed for the property. 5. That, in light of the close proximity of this parcel to Interstate 94, the City of Monticello may construct an earthen berm on the property for the purpose of providing visual and sound screening from the freeway. 6. That the construction of said berm may be undertaken prior to the actual conveyance to the Monticello BRA. 7. That the fill material used to construct the berm may include such items as brick, concrete, asphalt, and other inert materials, but that any items such as appliances or tires must be removed from the source of the fill prior to placement in the berm. S. That the parties to this Memorandum of Understanding may make such modifications and amendments as will properly carry out the intent of this Agreement. Such modifications and amendments shall be in writing. Dated: June _9, 1992. Dated: Jam 1992. COUNTY Of WRIGHT By M Wes Wittkowski chairperson Wright County Hoard 8Y~— Rie rd W. No County Coordinat MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Sy Al L on Chairperson Moa ^�,�, e l l`o BRA By//�'tes `'C"tcQ 's' 011ie Roropchak Executive Secretary Monticello ERA RESOLUTION 92 - SALE OF TAX FORFEITED LAND PARCELS WHEREAS, parcels of land in the city of Monticello bearing tax ID numbers 155-500-033400, 155-500-033402, 155-033-000010, 155-014- 003100, and 155-014-003080 have been forfeited to the State of Minnesota for non-payment of property taxes and are being prepared for public sale under tax forfeit land sale procedures of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 282, and WHEREAS, the City of Monticello or its Housing and Redevelopment Authority has an interest in acquiring Parcel #155-500-033400 and 155-500-033402 for the purpose of redevelopment of a non -conforming and blighted area, and WHEREAS, parcel #155-033-000010 (Outlot A, Country Club Manor) has outstanding special assessments with penalty and interest totaling $554,494.73, and it is unlikely that a private developer would acquire this property because of the magnitude of the assessments owed, and WHEREAS, the City of Monticello HAA has interest 'in acquiring parcel #155-033-000010 (Outlot A, Country Club Manor) for residential development purposes. NOW, THEREFORE, 8E IT RESOLVED: 1. The City of Monticello and its RRA requests that parcel #155- 033-000010, 155-500-033400, and 155-500-033402 be withheld from public auction for one year. 2. That parcel #155-033-000010 (Cutlot A, Country Club Manor) be conveyed to the Monticello MRA for public purposes in accordance with the conditions established in a memorandum of understanding dated June 9, 1992, between the County of Wright and the Monticello MRA. 3. That the City of Monticello approves of the sale of tax forfeited parcels #155-014-003080 and 155-014-003100 by public auction. 4. That the City of Monticello certifies that the unpaid special assessments owing against tax forfeited parcels listed below are correct and any remaining amounts remaining unpaid as a result of public sale shall be re -assessed for a period of 5 years at 81 interest. Parcel #155-014-003080 # 8,057.10 Parcel #155-014-003100 $ 8,057.10 Parcel #155-033-000010 $280,228.28 Resolution 92 - Page 2 That, as of the date of this resolution, the following tax forfeited parcels will be subject to additional special assessments for 1992 with first year payable 1993 for blight and weed removal costs. Parcel 6155-014-003100 $ 543.23 Parcel 6155-014-003080 $ 543.25 Parcel 6155-500-033400 = 660.51 Adopted this 24th day of August, 1992. Mayor City Administrator Lam.