HRA Agenda 07-03-1996AGENDA MON77CELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, July 3, 1996 - 7:00 p.m. City Hall MEMBERS: Chairperson AI Larson, Vice Chairperson Brad Barger, Tom St. Hilaire, Roger Carlson, and Steve Andrews. STAFF: 011ie Koropchak, Rick Wolfsteller, and kfi O'Neill. 1. CALL TO ORDER. 2. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE JUNE 5 AND JULY 1, 1996 HRA MINUTES. 3. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION FOR THE H -WINDOW COMPANY. 4. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE ENTERING INTO A LOAN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE HRA AND THE MCP. S. CONSIDERATION TO DISCUSS USE OF TIF FOR TWO PROPOSED 1 PROJECTS: I a) Lake Tools, Inc. b) Fay -Mar Expansion 6. CONSIDERATION OF UPDATES a) Fluth parcel b) Katrmarek parcel 7. OTHER BUSINESS: a) Monthly bills. R. ADJOURNMENT. 11 NUNUTES MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, lune 5, 1996 - 7:00 p.m. City Hall MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson AI Larson, Vice Chairperson Brad Barger, and Roger Carlson. MEMBERS ABSENT: Tom St. Hilaire. STAFF PRESENT: 011ie Koropchak and Jeff O'Neill. STAFF ABSENT: Rick Wolfsteller. GUEST: John Komerak, Redeveloper. Merrlyn Seefeldt and Steve Andrews. Chairperson Larson called the HRA meeting to order at 7:00p.m. HRA members requested St. Hilaire revisit the minutes of May I relating to his amendment request of the April 3 HRA minutes. Al Larson made a motion to approve the May 1 and May 29, 1996 HRA minutes. Seconded by Brad Barger and with no corrections or additions, the minutes were approved as written. CONSIDERATION TO INTERVIEW THE TWO CANDIDATES FOR THE VACATED HRA SEAT. The HRA members interviewed each of the two candidates independently. The candidates had submitted resumes. Both candidates would serve the HRA and community well and both acknowledged their need to learn the functions of the HRA and TIF. Seefeldt a current member of the IDC and local business owner for years described herself as a detailed person and not a visionary person. Andrews a current member of the Parks Commission and a local residents described himself as enthusiastic and ready to serve a more active role within the community. Andrews' current employment does not require business travel. Koropchak informed both candidates to the process of appointment to the HRA, stating the HRA would recommend one individual's name for City Council appointment on lune 10, 1996. The expiration date for the tens of this vacated seat is December 1997. Page 1 HRA MINUTES JUNE 5, 1996 •. r r •. t• • .K Itl : NO • ulv �.O l•rr Upon conclusion of the interviews, each HRA member verbally gave his recommendation. Koropchak informed members of St. Hilaire's recommendation for the vacated seat. With his availability to attend a majority of the HRA meetings, Roger Carlson made a motion recommending Steve Andrews to the City Council for appointment to the HRA. Brad Barger seconded the motion and with no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously. IN • n tic, y . • r.l: • ti : ; .n. rt • yr, y The parcels identified in the CMR? Plan provide the HRA the flexibility to acquire those parcels whether to be included within or outside a TIF District. The modified budget of $2.750,000 allows the HRA flexibility to use the budget dollars for payment of public costs. The public costs are subject to TIF restrictions and with certain limitations. Additionally, the modified budget prevents add-on legal and consultant expenses created each time the plan is modified. TIF District No. 1-20 established as a 25 -year Redevelopment District includes the Hanawalt and Banyai parcels and the easterly City parcel. Revenues are sufficient to cover the costs incurred by the HRA within the District. The Prairie West Analysis determined the project would not occur within the foreseeable future without the assistance of TIF and the City -owned parcel. The modified plan and budgets meet the goals and objectives of the HRA and the TIF District meets the Statutory requirements; therefore, Al Larson made a motion to adopt the resolution modifying the redevelopment plan for CMRP No. I; modifying the budgets of TIF District Nos. 1-1 through 1-1 K. establishing TIF District No. 1-20 and approving the CMRP Plan and TIF Plans relating thereto. Brad Barger seconded the motion and with no further discussion. the motion passed unanimously. Page 2 HRA MINUTES NNE 5, 1996 Redeveloper John Komarek informed HRA members that the results of the survey indicated a piece of the easterly Katzmarek pawl was buildable. It appeared to Komarek, the property to the west of Otter Crede was better suited for park land. O'Neill felt it was too low and swampy and stated the 10% park land dedication must be useable land. Additionally. O'Neill stated the on-site ponding must be outside the flood plain and any ponding within the railroad ditch must be worked out with Burlington Northern. Koropchak noted the need for the demolition and restoration costs to include the capping of the well, removal of the septic drain, and exploration of the parcel. Also, development of the Katzmare k parcel may require a sanitary gravity system. The survey indicated the KatEmarek parcel was 1.49 acres rather than the 2.6 acres described within the city assessment files. Komarek proposed the construction of one additional single -housing unit or an additional 5150,000 market value. The potential for development of elevated bridges was suggested. Koropchak informed HRA members that the assumption and assignment agreement assigns the purchase agreement between Katzmarek and Komarek to the HRA and acknowledges that all parties agree the $145.000 includes acquisition and relocation costs. Komarek preferred a no third -party sale and said the survey cost was approximately $2.700. All parties present agreed the No. 1 objective of the Kaumarelk parcel was the removal of blight. Secondly, members supported the increased tax revenue from one additional housing unit therebye supporting the Council's recommendation to maximize usage of the developable land. Next, the westerly .61 acres of the Katzmarek parcel satisfies the City's 10% park land dedication requirement for the Prairie West 2nd Addition of 4.77 acres. Lastly, development by Komarek provides for a uniform development. Brad Barger made a motion adopting the resolution approving the Assignment and Assumption Agreement with a first right of refusal to John Komarek. Komarek agues to clean-up the entire Kaumarek pawl, construct one additional housing unit, and dedicate the westerly portion to the city for park land. Roger Carlson seconded the motion and with no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously. Page 3 HRA MINUTES JUNE 5, 1996 6. CONSIDERATION TO AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF THE LOAN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE HRA AND MCP. With only three HRA members present and with the potential conflict of interest by Al Larson as a member of both the HRA and the MCP, a quorum did not exist. The item was tabled. 7 Koropcbak informed HRA members that all parties agreed to terminate the electrical, egress and 'ingress, and stairway easements. According to record, only a Common Wall Agreement exists between Lots 6 and 7, the Bloomdahls and Fluths. Brad Barger made a motion to enter into two separate Wall Maintenance Agreements with adjacent owners: the Johnsons and the Bloomdahls. Al Larson seconded the motion and with no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously. The adjacent owners have the right to enter the property for maintaining and repairing the boundary wall. All costs of maintenance and repair shall be bom by the adajcmt owners and the HRA shall have no obligation or liability. g. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE AMENDMENT TO THE PLEDGE AGREEMENT FOR TIF DISTRICT NO, 1 -5 - Upon the authorization of the HRA. Publicorp researched the economics of refinancing any HRA TIF Bonds. TIF District No. 1-5 (Construction Five) appeared to make the most economical sense to refmance. The original bond was issued in the amount of $365,000 and was used for public and site improvements. The principal outstanding is $130,000. Based on a net gain between $3,000 to $5.000. Al Larson made a motion to approve the Amendment to the Tax Increment Pledge Agreement by and between the City of Monticello and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello. Bred Barger seconded the motion and with no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously. Page 4 HRA MINUTES JUNE S, 1996 Although some construction items appeared not completed as referenced by the Chief Building Official, HRA members agreed the non -completed items were relatively minor. Additionally, members felt the Mississippi Shores project was an asset to the City of Monticello and some felt Presbyterian Horror, the owners, had been jerked around enough. Al Larson made a motion waiving the need for a Certificate of Occupancy and approving the Certification of Completion within the Private Redevelopment Contract between the HRA and Presbyterian Homes, Inc. Brad Barger seconded the motion and with no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously. ]�sir:f;a:lsl; a) HRA monthly bills - Authorized payment of bills. b) HRA members received a printed copy of the TIF Surplus Cash Fund, June balance. C) HRA members received a copy of a letter from Robert Fisher, District Manager, US Postal Service, relating to the proposed 6,500sq R carrier route facility planned for construction along East 7 Street. The HRA meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. 011ie Koropchak, Executive Director Page 3 HRA AGENGA JULY 3, 1996 3. Consideration to aoprove the Certificate of Completion for the H -Window Comnanv. A. Reference and Bad=wmd: Upon the H -Window's expansion in 1993, the HRA approved additional TIF assistance (pay-as-you-go) in the amount of $112,000 NPV. The first $10,000 payment was due in August, 1995, upon completion of the site improvements. However, the site improvements were not completed and therefore, the Certificate of Completion not issued. Upon John Babcock's awareness of the approved TIF assistance (following Steve Lemme's resignation), John came into the City Hall for information on compliance. Because of the fall/winter season, the HRA agreed to extend completion of site improvements until spring of 1996. The H -Window not to receive their reimbursement payment of August, 1995. however, if completed by spring of 1996 and the HRA having been submitted receipts or invoices of qualified TIF expenditures, the February 1996 reimbursement of $10,000would be paid. Mr. Babcock has subm�,tted the invoices or receipts. The Building Official gave final inspection approval. The City Engineer reviewed the drainage elevations with comments addressing identification of the lot lines and on-site drainage pond. The HRA should consider the following action. J B. Altentative Action. I. A motion is approve the Certificate of Completion for the Private Redevelopment Contract between the HRA and the H -Window Company. 2. A motion to deny approval of the certificate. 3. Table any action. C. Recommendation - Recommendation is Alterative No. I. D. Cu."w'ning Data, Copy of the Occupany Permit and Certificate of Completion. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION The undersigned hereby certify that H -Window Company, a subsidiary of NAWCO Minnesota. Inc.. a Minnesota corporation ("H -Window Company") has fully and completely complied with its obligations under Article IV of that certain Contract for Private Redevelopment by and between the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello. Minnesota and H -Window Company. dated , 1993, with respect to construction of the Minimum Improvements in accordance with the Construction Plans on the property described as. Lots 1I and 12. Block 2. Oakwood Irdusttial Part according to the recorded plat thereof in Wright County. Minnesota. and ane released and forever discharged from its obligations to construct under the above -referenced Article IV. Dated: 1996. HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA By: Its Chair By: Its Executive Director STATE OF MINNESOTA ) )ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) On this _ day of July 1996. before me, a Notary Public within and for said County, personally appeared Al Letsom to me personally known. who, being by me duly sworn, did say that he is the Chair of the Authority named in the foregoing instrument; that Uro seal affixed to said insanonem Is the seal of said Authority: that said instrument was signed and sealed In behalf of said Authority by authority of its governing body: and said Al Larson acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said Authority. Notary Public STATE OF MINNESOTA ) )ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) On this _ day of July 1996. before me. a Notary Public within and for said County. personally appeared olive Koropchak, to me personally known, who, being by me duly swop. did say that she Is the Executive Director of the Audwrity named in the foregoing instrument that the seal affixed to said Instrument is the seal of said Authority, that said iruwnxnt was signed and sealed in behalf of said Authority by authority of its governing body: and said Olive Koropchak acknowledged said insaumem to he the free act and dad of said Authority. THIS INSTRUMENT DRAMED BY: Kennedy & Graven, Chartered Notary Public 470 Pillsbury Center 200 South Sixth Street Minneapolis, Minnesota 53402 (612) 337-9300 W0106762 IW 190.21 Jul -01-96 12:07A MSB & ASSOC. INC. 350 Westwood Lake Office eaal Wayzata BoulevardW426 Mlnne66428 apolle, MN 612-541-4800 (ef, Amdapr jam, FAX 541.1700 June 29, 1996 Mr. John Babcock H•W hidow Company 1324 Ease Oakwood Drive Monticello. MN 55362 Re: Topographic Review H -Window 1993 Building F tpansion WSB Pmjeet No. 1010.02 rmar Mr. Babcock: dh 612 641-1700 P.02 BA Mhu6udr. P.E. Sm A mei.. P.l. Pea L V&Ariq, PJ:. OnneN W. Same. P.E. Romw 0. am. P.E. Thank you for your recent submittal of the topographic survey of your building site and adja"M lot. As was suspectet the building expansion was developed In a manna which WvAurged Roan water into a low area located on Lot 11. Block 2, Oakwood Industrial Park. The development plans du not provide fur luno -term sturm water control and as such. the grading of the site will now to be revised in the (murg to provide positive drainage for On site. For now.however, please superimpose your property boundary an the topographic maps and resubmit those to us for our files. No additional work will be necessary at this time. We will need to nddren drainage concerns as they arise or es a pan of your next building expansion. In addition, the building expansion was constructed an the existing property line betwon Lea 12 and 11. Block 2. Oakwood Industrial Park. This fact. along with H -Window Company's decision to direct the storm water runoff to this lot from the building has treated amne concerns for the City if Lot I I is ever sold. Therefore, plem contact Jeff O'Neill at the City of Monticello to discuss the possible relocation of the property line in order to comply with current zoning and building code regulations. Pieau give ine a call at 541-48M if you have any questions or comments regarding this letter. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, WSB A Assoclaaa. Inc. SA Bret A. Weiss, P.E. City Rinser c: lel►O'Neill. City of Monticello Juo Mcmhok. City of Monticello Olive Knropchek, City of Monticello I.j, .., . 0FAV6awa0Pub rr HRA AGENDA l JULY 3, 1996 MM I !1, ] ,,.11:11 A. 'Ibis agenda item has been tabled several times because of a lack of quorum. This due in part because of HRA Commissioner Larson's need to abstain. It is my understanding, the MCP approved entering into the Agreement at their June 26 meeting. Last December. 1995. the HRA approved an interest-free. unsecured loan of $10,000 to the MCP. Term of loan one year. As of June 26, 1996, loan expenditures totaled $5,541.39for a remaining balance of $4,458.61. B. Alternative Action: 1. A motion to approve entering into the Loan Agreement between the HRA and the MCP. 2. A motion to deny approval. 3. A motion to table any action. C. $: Recommendation is Alternative No. 1, this a housekeeping item. D. CIUMrLining Data' None. C HRA AGENDA JULY 3, 1996 5. Consideration to discuss use of the TIF for two pmgazd pEWects, a) and b). Two manufacturing projects are outlined and preliminary TIF numbers estimated. 1'mwaiting suggestions from Mark Ruff relating to possible assistance. Relating to the Fay -Mar expansion, previously the HRA requested the discrepancy between Schluender Construction and the General Contractor be resolved. This a discrepancy between the bid and the actual cost for work completed. The HRA said they would consider additional TIF assistance upon the issue being resolved. Marquette Bank has no further information and Mr. Musich is checking. C TIF (, LAKE TOOL, INC. 8,000 SQ FT TIP -UP PANEL MANUFACTURING/OFFICE FACILITY. CURRENT EMPLOYMENT OF 3, ADDITION OF 5 EMPLOYEES $40,000 TO $50,000 WITHOUT BENEFITS (DESIGN/T)OLMAKER/MOLDMAKER) AND I BOOKKEEPER (NO EMPLOYEE LESS THAN $10.00 PER HOUR WITHOUT BENEFITS). TOTAL OF 10 EMPLOYEES IN TWO YEARS. EXISTING INDUSTRIAL BUSINESS. ECONOMIC DISTRICT 8,000 SQ FT X $23.00 - $184,000 CAPTURED CAPACITY $8,376 TAX RATE 1996 1.10581 TAX INCREMENT $9,213.60 MARK RUFF IF THE PROJECT MEETS THE "BUT FOR" TEST, WHAT IS YOUR SUGGESTED LEVEL OF TIF ASSISTANCE, IF ANY? THE COMPANY IS LOOKING AT TWO SMALL PARCELS OWNED BY THE CITY. JLL 03 '% 03:57PM EH -ERS & ASSOCIATES isMRS MW A880CM ft It AD Eas IN PUBLIC FINANCE July 3, 1996 TO: 011ie Koropchak FR: Mark Ruff RE: New Industrial Tax Increment Project P.2/6 AttackLed are two tax inetetnent projections. The fust is for the Lake Tool project in which we assumed an now economic development district We ate assuming that the property is not in grata acres or Big pnsserva and also that we do not need to calculate the five year inflation value on the base value. Assuming no inflation and S30,000 land market value, the present value of nine year of increment would beS37,900at9.S%. In general, wa do not recommend that the HRA assist now construction project for more thea ION, to I S% of the project costs. This would amount to $20,000 to $30,000 in assistance, assuming that there is sufficient qualified costs to justify the assistance or four to six years of increment. Please also note that the HILA would need to make a 10% local contribution to avoid the LGAMACA penalty at approximately S800 per year. The Fay -Mer project is also attached and would amount to a present value of 572.700 over eight years of inerernent. Again. Fre recommend that less than 10% to 20% of project costs be derived from tax increment. We again alar ,=ommend pay-as-you-go assistance rather than up -!tont assistance. Depending upon the preview development agreement, it may be worthwhile to prepay the previous assistance level and offer little or no assistance to the expansion. This also may be worthwhile because the HNA does have, corder 1995 legitiatrve amendments, the option to change the district from a LGAMACA penalty too local contribution option. In exchange for this alternative, the district would need to be reduced by a term of 3 yeas. We can run the impact of this alternative if you decide to proceed. Please all with any questions or comments. OIt10Ea IN SAMMUPOW, MM ^NO CROOK/IELO, WI 2950 Norwest Comr. 00 gouty Seventh 6treo. Minmapelu. MN 88407-410D T40ohena 51 2.139-B79t . FAX 61 2.339 -CLU 0710196 City of Monticello - Tu Incm Estimates - Like Tod, Mc. T.I.F. CASH FLOW ASSUMPTIONS Inflation Rate: 0.0000% Pay -As -You -Go Interest Rate. 9.500% Tax Extension Rate: 110.56116 Pay 96 RASE VALUE INFORMATION Gross Percerd Net Payable Value tlsed _ VaUe _ Yew Parcel 777Ortgb W Market Value 30,000 100.00% 30.000 Pay 98 0 _ —0.00% 0 Total Original Market Value 30,000 _ _ — 30.00L. ay 96 Class Rate: C/I Property -$'00,000 4.6000% Pay 96 -$100,000 3000016 Original Tax Capacity: 900 Pay 96 rgUIECI' VALUE INFORMATION Type of Tax Increment District Type of Development: Number of Units' Number of Square Feel: New Estimated Market Value On Jan, 2, 1997. Final Market Value of land and Build! ft: Project Clan Rate CII Propwiy -$100,000 -$100.000 Economic Dsveloprrwra O6ioefivarahouse Additional Estimated Tax Caps" on Jan. 2. 1967• ToW Project Tax Capacity at Completion: Projoct Tun Per UrAlSquare Fool. Assessols Markel Value Per UNUSQuae Fool Pro(ed Total Texas for Estimate Purposes: Annual Tu Increment Expected at Fro Value: SUMMARY INFORMATION Bross T 1. CMy City Nal T.I. In Pro(ed Adh'b __ PodYg^ To Projed Future Value: 73,090 (7,309) 0 65,781 PressM Value: 42,1116 (4,212) o L " _117 mwl 0 6.000 214,000 Pay 98 214,000 Pay 98 4.6000% 3.0000% _6,2" Pay 96 6.244 Pay 96 111 14 $2675 9.116 Pay 98 7.308 Pay 98 –<– Estimate Poet F PO m w MCI00-02 RsPwa W Prakwa 1111115 LAKE 1 O710Va0 City of Monticello - Tat lr rr EsOmaln - Lake Tod• Inc Pope 2 TAX INCREMENT CASH FLOW Ooi Project Captured Semi -Annual Admin Send-Awwal City Pay -As- NPV of IPERIODBEGINNING Tax Tax Tex Grose Tax at Net Tax Poolup You -Go PAYG PERIOD ENDING Yrs Nth. Yr_.Capa oty (apadty_ Capacity_ Increment 10.00% Increment _ __ 0.001(, Note 9.50% Yra. IAh,_ Yr 0.0 08-01 199 900 _ _ 900 0 0 0 0 0 0 _ 0 Il 0S 02-01 1997 • 0.5 02-01 1987 900 BOD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 0 08.01 1997 1A 08.01 1997 900 900 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.5 02.01 19981 1.5 02-01 1998 900 8,244 0 7,344 4,081 (409) 3,854 0 3,654 3,035 20 08-01 1998 20 06-01 1998 900 8,244 0 7.344! 4,061 (408) 3,651 0 3,654 5,933 2.5 02-01 1999, 25 02-01 1999 900 8,244 0 7,344 4,061 (406) 3,654 0 3,654 8,899 3.0 08-01 1999 3008-01 1699 ODD 8,244 0 7,344 4,061 (408) 3,651 0 3.654 11,340 3.5 02-01 2000 3502-01 2000 900 8.244 0 7,344 4,061 (406) 3,851 0 3.854 13.861 40 0801 2000 40 08-01 2000 800 8,244 0 7.344 4,061 (408) 3,654 0 3.654 18.268 4.5 02-01 2001 4502-01 2001 900 8,244 0 7,344 4,061 (408) 3,654 0 3.654 18.588 5.0 0B-01 2001 5008-01 2001 90D 8,244 0 7,344 4.061 (406) 3.654 0 3,654 20.759 5.5 02-01 2002 5502-01 2002 900 8,244 0 7,344 4,061 (406) 3,651 0 3.654 22.853 8.0 08.01 2002 0 D 08-01 2002 900 8,244 0 7,344 4,061 (408) 3,654 0 3.654 24,852 6.5 02.01 2003 65 02-01 2003 900 8,244 0 7,344 4,061 (405) 3.654 0 3,654 26.761 7.0 08-01 2003 7008-01 2003 goo 8.244 0 7.344 4,081 (406) 3,654 0 3,854 28.583 75 02.01 2004 75 02-01 2004 900 8,244 0 7.344 4.061 (405) 3,654 0 3,854 30.322 8.0 08 -DI 2004 6008-01 2004 goo 8.244 0 7.344 4,061 (408) 3,654 0 3.654 31,982 65 02.01 2005 55 02-01 2005 ODD 8.244 0 7.344 4.061 (408) 3,654 0 3.654 33,587 90 0801 2005 90 08-01 2005 goo 9,244 0 7.344 4,061 (4081 3,654 0 3.654 35.081 9.5 02.01 2008 9.5 02-01 2006 900 8.244 0 7,344 4,061 (406) 3,654 0 3,654 36,525 100 08.01 2008 10,0 08-01 2008 ODD 8,244 0 7,344 4,061 (406) 3,654 0 3,654 37,904 10.5 0201 2007 lotals 73,090 (7,309) 65,761 0 65,781 _ Preawnl Vnluns 42,116 (4.212) 37,904 0 37,904_ mU) v n m 14C 100-02 Prspaw4 by Psa4oesa tic IAIal-1 EXISTING THF DISTRICT NO. 1-17 FAY -MAR. RON MUSICH PLAN APPROVAL AUGUST. 1994 REQUESTED CERTIFICATION IN MARCH, 1995. NO CONFIRMATION RECEIVED ON THE ORIGINAL PROJECT OF 15,000 SQ FT OFFICE/MANUFACTURING THE EMV IS $400,000, ESTIMATED ANNUAL INCREMENT OF $17,253. THE COMPANY NOW HAS A TOTAL OF 30 JOBS. TIF ASSISTANCE OF 550,000 UP -FRONT FOR LAND ACQUISITION. PLANNED EXPANSION IN 1996. IS ADDITIONAL TIF ASSISTANCE ADVISEABLE? WOULD BE FOR SITE IMPROVEMENTS ONLY*► CREATES AN ADDITION OF 20 MORE JOBS. 12,000 SQ FT ADDITION TO EXISTING BUILDING. 12,000 SQ FT ® S23.00 = $276,000 CAPTURED CAPACITY = $12,696 TAX RATE 1996 1.10581 TAX INCREMENT $14,039 THANKS, OLLIE NEED BY WEDNESDAY JULY 3. I 071039E Cey 0 Monbcello -Tax kx rN Esematea - Fay -liar Pope 1 . T.I.F. CASH FLAW ASSUMPTIONS Inflation Rate: Pay -As -You -Go Interest Rate Tax Extension Rate' BASF VALUE INFORMATION Gross Percent Volae Used Parcel a 177 Or4onal Market Value 0 100 00% 0 0 0D% Total Original Market Vakm 0 Class Ra'sCil Properly 4100,000 -1100.000 Original Tax Capadty FAOJFCT VALOR INFORMATION Type of Tax blcremed District' Type of Devalopmeru: Ntmber of Unae' Number of Square Feel Now Estmaled Madot Value On Jan 2. 1997: Final Market Value of Land and Building: Propd Claes Rate: CJI Properly .5100,000 Stoo,om Pdditunal Estimated Tax Capacity on Jan 2 1997: Total Propel Tax Cap" at Completion' ProAd Taxes Pat UrAlSquare Fool. Asseuoe's Markel Volae Por Unit/SQuore Foot Project Total Taxes for Estlmaae Purposes: Annual Tax Increment Expected at Ft/ Value: SUMMARY INFORMATION Gross T.I Glty City Net T.1. In Projod Adm. Pookng To Ro-.jocl RAure Value 134,715 (13,478) 0 121,306 Prosont Value 80.805 (1,087) 0 t 71,772 0 000016 9500% 110581% Pay96 Net Payable Value Year _ 0 Pei -9e 0_ 0 Petr 96 4.600016 Pay 98 3 DDD(1% 0 Pay 96 Economic Devolopmem OfflceANarehouse 0 12,000 27e,000 Pay 9e 27_6 _000 Pay 98 •.800016 3.0000% 15,236 Pay 98 15,238 Pay 98 31 40 $23 00 16,518 Pay 98 15.163 Pay 98 <-- Estanale WC 1DD-02 Pillared by PWAWAWP inc FAYMAR 07103196 (PERIOD BEGINNING Yrs. MOi_ Yr. O.D 08-01 1996 C.5 02.01 1997 1.008-01 1997 1.502-01 1998 2.0 08-01 1996 2.5 02-01 1999 3.008-01 1999 3.5 02.01 2000 4.008-01 2000 4.5 02-01 2001 5.0 DS -01 2001 55 02-01 2002 60 D8-01 2002 6.5 02-01 2003 7.0 08-01 2003 7 5 02-01 2004 8 0 0"1 2004 85 02.01 2005 9008-01 20D5 MIC100-02 Pupated by PIbtlydrp an. rAymAR City of Montioasu - Tsr Ir, sa ErtfmMs - Fay.74ar Pape 2 O TAX INCREMENT CASH FLOW Orta Proj Captured Sem Mnual Admin SemkAmwol City Pay -Ar IPV of Tax Tax Tax Gross Tax a1 NM Tax Pooling You -Go PAYG PERIOD ENDING Capadty_ Capacity _ _ _ C adty Inuement 10.00% Increment 0.00%_ Note _ 950% Yrs. _Mt Yr. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.5 02-01 1997 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.0 08-01 1997 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.5 02.01 1998 0 15236 0 15,236 6,424 (842) 7,582 0 7,582 6,297 2.0 06-01 1998 0 15,236 0 15,236' 8,424 (842) 7,582 0 7,582 12,309 2.5 02-01 1099 0 15,236 0 15,236 8,424 (842) 7,582 0 7,582 18,045 3.0 08-01 1999 0 15,236 0 15.236 6.424 (842) 7,582 0 7,582 23.527 3.5 02-01 2000 0 15.236 0 15,236 8.424 (842) 7,562 0 7,562 28,757 4.0 48-01 2000 0 15.236 0 15,236 8,424 (842) 7,582 0 7,562 33,750 4.5 02.01 2001' 0 15,236 0 15,236 8.424 (842) 7,582 0 7,582 38,517 5.0 08-01 2001 0 15,236 0 15,238' 6.424 (542) 7,552 0 7.582 43,068 5.5 02.01 2002 0 15,236 0 15,2381 6,424 (642) 7,582 0 7,582 47,412 6.0 08.01 2002' 0 15,236 0 15,2386,424 (042) 7,582 0 7,562 51,559 6.5 02-01 2003 0 15,236 0 15.236 6,424 (842) 7,562 0 7,562 55.616 7.0 08.01 2003 0 15,236 0 15,236 6.424 (842) 7,582 0 7,582 59.296 75 02 -DI 2004 0 15,236 0 15,2361 6,424 (842) 7,562 0 7,582 62.908 8.0 08-01 2004 0 15,236 0 15,236 6.424 (842) 7,582 0 7,582 66,351 05 02.01 2005 0 15,236 0 15,236 8,424 (1142) 7,592 0 7,582 69,639 90 DB -01 2005 ---0 _ 115,236 0 15_2 36 8,424 (642)_ 7,582 0 7 582 72,779 95 02-01 2008 Totals _ 134,785 (134 78) 121,308 0 121,708 _ Preserll Values ._ __ I 60,685 (6i 87) 72,779 0_ 72,779 MIC100-02 Pupated by PIbtlydrp an. rAymAR HRA AGENDA l JULY 3, 1996 6. Consideration of LaxWes a) Fluth parcel - It appears that the closing may take place July 2, 1996. The June 5 authorization by the HRA to enter into two individual wall maintenance agreements was not carried out and the agreements not exeaaed per the advise of Attorney Bubul. The HRA will take title of the parcel upon the previous ovrnm between I.ots 8 and 9 resolving who's liable for repair of the common wall and stairway. With the attorneys representing Mr. Fluth and Mr. Johnson being out -0f -town that issue took longer than expected to resolve. Only the staircase easement and sewer and water line easement will remain. Enclosed is a copy of the closing checklist. b) Katzmarek - The resolution adopted by the HRA on June 5 approvingnihe assumption and assignment agreement between the HRA. Ummarek, and Cedrus Creek was net executed.* To prevent the HRA from any liability of the Ketrmarek parcel, Komarek will purchase the parcel from Kaamarek, cleanup the entire parcel, and dedicate the westerly portion to the city for park lend. This upon platting of the 2nd Addition. The HRA will reimburse Komarek for the 3145,000upon closing of all parcels. Katzrnarek has executed the acknowledgement of satisfaction of obligation to provide relocation and related service. A couple of title issues remain relating to the Hanwalt and Banyai parcels. Closing may take place July 1. C HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO RESOLUTION NO. 96-7 APPROVING AN ASSIGNMENT AND ASSUMPTION AGREEMENT AMONG JOHN KOMAREK, THE AUTHORITY AND ROBERT J. KATZMAREK WHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello (the "Authority') is a housing and redevelopment development authority duly constituted and organized under law, with all of the powers enumerated in Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.001 to 469.047 (the "Act"); and WHEREAS, the Authority is authorized to develop and carry out redevelopment plans and redevelopment projects, as those terms are respectively defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.002, subdivision 16 and 14; and WHEREAS, the Authority adopted a redevelopment plan (the "Redevelopment Plan") in an area in the City of Monticello identified as Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. 1(the "Project Area") in November, 1982; and WHEREAS, changes in the public and private improvements proposed to be constructed within the Project Area occurred and necessitated adopting subsequent modifications to the Redevelopment Plan which were approved by the Authority and adopted by the City Council of the City of Monticello in the respective years of 1983, 1984, 1985, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995 and 1996; and WHEREAS, the Plan, as modified, contemplates the acquisition of certain real property (the "Property") which is located in the Project Area and which is more particularly described below in this resolution; and WHEREAS, by resolution approved FEBRUARY 14 , 1996, the Authority authorized acquisition of the Property by eminent domain or negotiation; and WHEREAS, subsequently the owner of such Property entered into a purchase agreement with John Komarek dated March 29, 1996 (the'Purchase Agreement*); and WHEREAS, John Komarek desires to assign his rights as buyer under the Purchase Agreement to the Authority; and WHEREAS, the Authority has reviewed a certain Assignment and Assumption Agreement among John Komarek, the Authority and the Robert J. Katzmarek ("the Assignment") providing for assignment of the Purchase Agreement by John Komarek to the Authority. HRA Resolution 96-_7 Page 2 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello as follows: It is necessary to acquire the Property as described the Assignment in order for the Authority to carry out the purposes of the Plan, as modified, and the Act. 2. The Assignment is hereby approved, and the proper Authority officials are authorized and directed to execute the Assignment on behalf of the Authority and to take all actions necessary to acquire the Property in accordance with the Assignment and the Purchase Agreement. Adopted by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello this 6th day of June, 1996. ATTEST: Executive Director ASSIGNMENT AND ASSUMPTION AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made on or as of the day of June, 1996, by and among John Komarek (the "Developer"), the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello (the "Authority"), and Robert J. Katzmarek (the "Seller"). WHEREAS, the Seller and the Developer entered into a Standard Purchase Agreement dated March 29, 1996 (the "Purchase Agreement"), providing for acquisition by the Developer from the Seller of certain property described as follows: A tract of land in Lot B of the South Half of Section 3, Township 121, Range 25, described as follows: Begin at the intersection of the southerly line of Trunk Highway No. 152 and the north line of said Lot B; thence southeasterly along the said southerly line of Trunk Highway 152 a distance of 315 feet; thence deflect right 90° for a distance of 205.7 feet to the north line Great Northern railway right- of-way; thence Northwesterly along said railway right-of-way, a distance of 534.9 feet; thence Easterly to the point of beginning, containing 2.08 acres more or less. PID 155-500-033403 Property Address: 1400 West Broadway (hereafter referred to as the "Property"); and WHEREAS, the Developer wishes to assign his rights and obligations under the Purchase Agreement to the Authority, subject to consent of the Seller. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises, the parties hereto mutually agree as follows: 1. The Developer assigns all his right, title, and intemat in the Purchase Agreement to the Authority. 2. The Authority assumes all rights and obligations of the Developer under the Purchase Agreement. 3. The Seller consents to assignment by the Developer of his rights under the Purchase Agreement as described herein, and further agrees and represents to the Authority that the purchase price to be paid to the Seller by the Authority under tho Purchase Agreement equals or exweds the fair market value of the Property together with all costs of relocation and related services payable by the KATZ%W.AGa: 6/6ft page I C Authority under Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.001 to 469.047 and Chapter 117 (the "Acta"). The Seller agrees and understands that, by payment of the purchase price, the Authority has fully satisfied its obligations with respect to relocation under the Acte. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized representatives. w T&AA2.Aca: save JOHN KOMAREK HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO By Its Chair By Its Executive Director ROBERT J. KATZMAREK Pape 2 MC100.05 Monticello HRA PO Box 1147 Monticello MN 55362-9245 June 13, 1996 CITY-WIDE PROFORMA 5/1/96 MTR Work on pro tonna 5/20/96 DO TIF budgets Total Due This Month: Prevbus Balance: 6/6/96- Payment • thank you IS ST). S o Total Balance Due: yy ° lU S�1.so V Hours Amount 0.75 78.75 1.50 157.50 2.25 $236.25 $577.50 c ($577.50) $236.25 \ ,qV`a. Sp S'l . S o �.S o n °O VV, ,-1 ^,-, ��n y.oi -'to . _0 C�x-�/ I Monticello HRA $682.50 6/8/98• Payment - thank you PO Box 1147 Total Balance Due: $2,205.00 Monticello MN 55362-9245 June 13, 1996 MC100-03 REDEVELOPMENT DISTRICT 511/96 MTR Meeting on Komarek project Hours 2.25 Amount 236.25 5/3/96 MTR Discussions on acquisition issues 0.50 52.50 5!7/96 DJF DmUV - TIF Plans and Documents - ad*" 0.25 26.25 519/96 MTR Work on Monticft documents for new distrix 1.00 105.00 DJF Drafting - TIF Pians and Documents = oD comadsh letter, ca for 1.75 183.75 hearing 5/13196 MTR Meeting with City 2.00 210.00 5/16198 MTR Work on tax Increment plan 4.00 420.00 5/17/96 DJF Drafting - TIF Plan 1.25 131.25 5120/98 DJF Drafting - TIF Plans and Documents - fiscal implication letters 2.25 236.25 5!28196 MTR Meeting at City 4.00 420.00 5/30/98 DJF Drafting - TIF Pians and Documents - resoUions and hearing 1.75 183.75 notice Total Due This Month: 21.00 $2,205.00 Previous Balance: $682.50 6/8/98• Payment - thank you (5682.50) Total Balance Due: $2,205.00 KENNEDY at GRAVEN a,erre w 200 SWA Shah Sven, Suite 470 f Mirnupok MN 55402 (612)337-9300 CLIENT SUMMARY June 12, 1996 City of Monticello PO Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362-9245 - ���Through May 31, 1996 MN 190-00041: Redevelopment -General $ 216.85 eV1;r_, cg..,& -+AJ 190-00052: Monticello Community Partners , i� Q U'.—, .-.-, $ 86.16 H lP p,,..J�uIIJ 190-00053: Master's Home Furnishings Demolition $ 780.45 MN 190-00054: Prairie West Project (Komarek) '� I c� �� l - �O $ 5,074.09 Services Rendered: s 6,026.30 Disbursements: $ 131.25 Q Balance Due: $ 6,157.55 tdIdaufmo•wwdr Got e(prw� d KENNEDY 8i GRAVEN aid 200 South Sly Sana, Sulu 470 f MW*jvok MN 55402 t (612) 337-9300 June 12, 1996 City of Monticello PO Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362-9245 MN 190-00041: Redevelopment - General Invoice li 9920 Through May 31, 1996 For All Legal Services As Follows: 05/01/96 SJB Attend HRA meeting m general matters 1.25 161.25 05/02/96 SJB Phone call with O. Koropchek re HRA meeting 0.40 51.60 follow-up matters Total Services: $ 212.85 For All Disbursements As Follows: 05/06/96 Fax - 4.00 Total Disbursements: S 4.00 Total Services And Disbursements: S 216.85 - -- - - - - -- - KENNEDY at GRAVEN Uhamed 200 Swd, Stam Sam U t 470 MN 55402 l (612) 337.9300 e�;� June 12, 1996 City of Monticello PO Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362-9245 Monticello MN 190-00052: Community Partners Invoice # 9922 Through May 31, 1996 For All Legal Services As Follows: 05/06/96 Dlt3 Revise loan agreement 0.80 80.00 Total Services: $ 80.00 For All Disbursements As Follows: 05/06/96 Photocopies 4.60 05/06/96 Postage 1.56 Total Disbursements: $ 6.16 Total Services And Disbursements: S 86.16 KENNEDY Jit GRAVEN u.uroa 20o South Shah SWM Uft 470 Mlmejpok MN SS402 (612)577.9300 June 12, 1996 �Q City of Monticello cl 1147 t11 Ov Monticello, ello, MN 55362-9245 MN190-00053: Matter's Home Furnishings Demolition Invoice k 9923 Through May 31, 1996 For All Legal Services As Follows 05/03/96 SJB Phone call with 0. Koropchak and B. Larson re 1.25 161.25 05/06/96 SJB Fluth acquisition; revise purchase agreement Draft HRA resolution re Fluth acquisition; phone 0.60 77.40 call with 0. Koropchak re agreement 05/07/96 SIB Review Purchase Agreement addendum; phone call 0.20 25.80 with R. Wollsteller re same 05/24/96 SJB Prepare for closing; phone call with 0. Koropchak 0.50 64.50 re same 05/30/96 SJB Phone call with 0. Koropchak; review title 2.50 322.50 commitment; conference with 0. Koropchak re same; draft dile letter 05/31/96 SJB Phone call with B. Larson and 0. Koropchak re 1.00 129.00 title matters Total Services: $ 780.45 Total Services And Disbursements: S 780.45 KENNEDY at GRAVEN Cbneed SJB 200 South SIxth Saes, Sub 470 1.25 Mnnewk MN 5S402 (612) 337-9300 05/13/96 SJB /�NIV 0.50 64.50 June 12,19% 1 � City of Monticello ` PO Box 1147 05/14/96 Monticello, MN 55362-9245 Phone call with 0. Koropchak and M. Ruff re MN 190-00054: Prairie West Project (Komarek) 64.50 Invoice # 9924 Through May 31, 1996 For All Legal Services As Follows: 05/01/96 SJB Attend HRA meeting re Prairie West 1.25 161.25 05/13/96 SJB Review title matters; phone call with O. Koropchak 0.50 64.50 re TIF 05/14/96 SJB Phone call with 0. Koropchak and M. Ruff re 0.50 64.50 project terms 05/15/96 SJB Review deal terms and purchase agreements; phone 0.75 96.75 call with 0. Koropchak re same 05/16/96 DJG Draft development contract 1.60 160.00 05/16/96 SJB Intraoffice conference with D. Greensweig re 0.60 77.40 contract; phone call with 0. Koropchak re same 05/17/96 DJG Draft Development Contract 4.60 460.00 05/17/96 SJB Phone call with 0. Koropchak re status; phone call 0.75 96.75 with 0. Koropchak re property issues; phone call with M. Ruff re same 05/19/96 DJG Draft Development Contract 4.30 430.00 0520/96 SJB Phone calls with M. Ruff and 0. Koropchak re 1.50 193.50 project terms; intraoffrce conference with D. Greensweig re contract 0520/96 DJG Dmfs development contract; intraoffice conference 12.00 1,200.00 with Steve Bubul re development contract 0521/96 DJG Draft development contract 5.10 510.00 0521/96 SJB Review and revise contract; draft resolution and 2.50 322.50 letter; phone call 0522/96 SJB Review contract; phone call with 0. Koropchak re 0.75 96.75 same 0523/96 SJB Phone call with 0. Koropchak and R. Wolfsteller re City 0.50 64.50 property and related issues 0524/96 SJB Conference wtih O. Koropchak re contract 0.60 77.40 0528/96 SJB Attend Council meeting 4.00 516.00 0529/96 SJB Attend HRA meeting 2.50 322.50 05/31/96 SJB Review TIF documents 0.30 39.70 Total Services: $ 4,953.00 Continued on Next Page KENNEDY at GRAVEN cthwremd 200 south Sbih SaM Sub Oro M� MN SM2 City of Monticello Page 2 MN 190-00054: Prairie West Project (Komarek) For All Disbursements As Follows: 05/21/96 Messenger Service - Federal Express 28.85 05/21/96 Photocopies 47.00 0528196 Mileage expense (SJB) 22.62 0529/96 Mileage expense (SJB) 22.62 Total Disbursements: S 121.09 Total Services And Disbursements: S 5,074.09