HRA Agenda 03-06-1996AGENDA ,L MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, March 6, 1996 - 7:W p.m. City Hall MEMBERS: Chairperson Al Larson, Vice Chairperson Brad Barger, Everette Ellison. Tom St. Hilaire, and Roger Carlson. STAFF: 011ie Koropchak, HRA Executive Director Rick Wolfsteller and Jeff O'Neill GUEST: Mark Ruff, Publicorp John Komerak, Developer MCP Boardmembers I. CALL TO ORDER. 2. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE FEBRUARY 14. 1996 HRA MINUTES. 3. CONSIDERATION "1'0 REVIEW THE FEASIBILITY ANALYSIS AND FUNDING OPTIONS TO ENCOURAGE THE DEVELOPMENT OF PRAIRIE WEST PLUS. 4. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW FOR ADOPTION A RESOLUTION FINDING CERTAIN PROPERTY OCCUPIED BY A STRUCTURALLY SUBSTANDARD BUILDING AND AUTHORIZING A PRE -DEMOLITION DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE HRA AND BARRY FLUTH. 5. CONSIDERATION OF HRA UPDATES: a) Eminent Domain proceedings b) [IRA levy. c) Appruval of monthly bills. 6. 90) P.M. - CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW THE RFPs FOR SFLECTION OF THREE PLANNER CONSULTANT FIRMS TO INTERVIEW AND MAKE PRESENTATIONS. a) General review of RFPs. h) MCP report on reference checks. c) Rating by criteria. d) Interview and presentations scheduled for Wednesday. March 20, 60) p.m., City Hall. 7. OTHER BUSINESS. R. ADJOURNMENT. S LI HRA AGENDA MARCH 6, 1996 At the February 14 HRA meeting, members approved the preliminary concept for TIF assistance for development of the Prairie West Plus. Additionally, HRA members encouraged John Komerak and City Staff' to negotiate terms for purchase of the old Gille parcels now owned by the City. Komerak met once with the City Administrator and Assistant Administrator to determine a purchase price. Since that time. Komerak has provided Mark Ruff of Publicorp with a Source in Use Statement. Ruff is preparing options to make the project financially feasible with a reasonable rate -of -return for the developer and an acceptable land price for the City/County. Enclosed is Komerak's use statement and a summary of Mark's feasibility analysis. Mark will attend the HRA meeting to explain the options. Page 1 NwimS MONTICELL0 HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, February 14, 1996 - 7:00 P.M. City Hall MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Al Larson, Vice Chairperson Brad Barger, Tom St. Hilaire, and Roger Carlson. MEMBERS ABSENT: Everette Ellison. STAFF PRESENT: Rick Wolfsteller, Jeff O'Neill, and 011ie Koropchak. GUESTS: Steve Bubul, HRA Attorney John Kometak, Developer Rich Carlson, Real Estate Agent Chairperson Larson called the HRA meeting to order at 7:10 p.m. a 1 •t7`il o7:\J7:iai9 0. 1 1 u 1►t !f • 1 �. : ►l • Iota .•�I�11• Roger Carlson made a motion to approve the January 10, 1996 HRA minutes. Brad Barger seconded the motion and with no corrections or additions, the minutes were approved as written. Al Larson made a motion to approve the January 24, 1996 HRA minutes. Roger Carlson seconded the motion and with no corrections or additions, the minutes were approved as written. The January 24,1996 Joint HRA, Planning and Parks Commission minutes were not completed nor submitted for approval. CONSIDERATION TO HEAR_ A PRESENTATION BY JOHN KOMERAK RELATING TO THE PROPOSED PRAIRIE WEST PLUS DEV .LOPMENT AND PRELIMINARY CONCEPT APPROVAL FOR TIF ASSISTANCE. John Kometak informed HRA members that Prairie West was originally platted into seven lots (single residential development) because of neighborhood opposition to multi -residential development. However, based the interest of the HRA to acquire the Katzmarek property for public purpose, the potential interest of TIF assistance for the Hanswalt and Banyai properties, and the City's willingness to negotiate a Page I HRA MINUTES FEBRUARY 14, 1996 purchase price on the Gille property; the developer presented a Planned Unit Development (PUD) of twinhomes and quadhomes. The proposed development known as Prairie West Plus included an internal road system, green space, twin and quad homes from 1,500.1,600sq ft each, valued between $115,0004160.(Mcreating a user-friendly neighborhood. Prairie West Plus development would include the parcels of Prairie West, Hanawalt, Banyai, and City/County. Komerak has purchased Praire West, conversed with Hanawalt and Banyai, and has not approached the City relating to purchase of the old Gille property. Development cost to install a sewer system and construct a private roadway was estimated at approximately $400,000 by the developer. The PUD concept has not been reviewed by the Planning Commission. Wolfsteller reported the City has approximately 530,000-$35,000 into the Gille property plus an additional $14,000 of delinquent taxes. The city recovers its cost first and the county recovers second. HRA members encouraged Komerak and city staff to negotiate purchase terms for the Gille property. Koropchak reported parcels of Hanwalt. Banyai, and the smaller City/County parcel would qualify as a Redevelopment District. Based on the construction of three quadhomes within the district, at a per unit value of $120,000 each, district life of 20 years: the available TIF assistance is projected at $160,OOONPV (pay-as-you-go). Because the preliminary development plans presented by Komerak, known as Prairie West Plus, met the objectives of the HRA: Brad Barger made o motion of preliminary concept approval for TIF assistance. Tom St. Hilaire seconded the motion and with no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously. HRA objectives: Removal of blight and development of upscale housing and green space. Komemk anticipates the first -phase development of a quadhome to be on the Hanawalt property, construction fall 1996. CONSIDERATION TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EMINENT DOMAIN PROCESSINGS TO ACQUIRE CERTAIN REAL ESTATE WITHOUT QUICK -TAKE. AND CONSIDERATION TO A rTHO tZE AN APPRAISALJ2E SAID PROPERTY. With the modification of the Central Monticello Redevelopment Plan and Project No. 1 completed, the HRA is requested to take formal action and adopt the resolution authorizing eminent domain processings to acquire the Katzmarek properly. Prior to the modification process. Katzmarek was contacted to meet with Page 2 HRA NIINUTES FEBRUARY 14, 1996 Larson and Koropcbak to discuss the HRA's interest to acquire the property; however, Katzmarek was not receptive to the idea. HRA costs associated with the eminent domain processings are estimated to be approximately $25,000 to $30,000. HRA members authorized Attorney Bubul to select a qualified appraiser and to obtain estimated costs for selection of a relocation consultant as needed to carry out the said processings. Komerak informed HRA members of his earlier conversation with Ka=narek. Komerak proposed swapping the Katzmarek property for a township property with similiar amenities such as a creek. The conversation ended as the value of Katzmarek amenities became unreal. Komerak felt perhaps if Katzmarek was approached with the idea the property would be utilized as a public park and [tamed "Katzmarek" this may result in a receptiveness of acquisition. Komerak in agreement, the HRA requested Komerak approach Katzmarek one last time for discussion to acquire the property prior to filing the petition of eminent domain. Al Larson made a motion adopting the resolution authorizing eminent domain processings to acquire certain real estate (Kammarek) without quick -take. The motion was subject to results of Komerak's discussion with Katzmarek. Tom St. Hilaire seconded the motion and with no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously. 1. • 30 • . I. t• •: Rich Carlson informed HRA members that the HRA agenda supplement information relating to the offer of the purchase option was true and correct. Additionally, Carlson reported the owners are currently without housing. Since the fire of February 6 and on February 12, the City Building Official received a request for a building permit from a contractor hired by the insurance company. The City of Monticello has five days to issue a permit. Normally, an insurance company boards up the property to allow time for appraisal of structural damage. Service Master may be appraising personal property damages. HRA members declared the January 12, 1996 HRA offer ($163,000) of the purchase option relating to Block 64 was null and void as the HRA did not receive a copy of the written response of the February 5, 1996 counter-offer. Deadline for the written Page 3 HRA MfNUTES FEBRUARY 14.1996 response to the January 12 offer was February 7. The counter-offer increased the option fee from $2,500 to $5,000. t: •� u • „r r r� .� • t. „ a.r : • With the potential of upcoming projects for the HRA to consider, Al Larson made a motion authorizing Ethers and Associates (Publicorp) to complete a City-wide Tax Increment Pro Forma at a cost of not -to -exceed $2,500 for the first -run. Brad Barger seconded the motion and with no further discussion, the motion was approved unanimously. On behalf of the Monticello HRA, Chairperson Larson welcomed individuals to the informational meeting relating to the RFPs. Ten firms or teams were in attendance along with MCP Boardmembers Bob Bowen. Linda Smith, Merrill Busch, and Dick Frie. The audience was informed of the progression steps within the community which led to the HRA's authorization to develop an RFP for submittal. The HRA will hire the planning consultant based as a result of the cooperative efforts of the HRA and MCP. The MCP has accepted a one-year proposal from Theresa Washburn, a revitalization specialist, and plans to hire a project manager. Jeff O'Neill gave a brief overview of the provided data relating to redevelopment or preservation of the downtowntriverfront area. Data included maps of the downtown and surrounding area -mixed zones, existing zoning, roadway jurisdiction, traffic volumes, and trail/pathway plans. Study area to be determined by consultant. Some comments from the HRA Commissioners and MCP Boardmemhers: • Community looking for a bold move, quality, long term, mind change, and creative. • Undetermined if redevelopment or revitalization project. • Presentation to include a not -to -exceed fee at intervals as a means of checkpoints. • Monticello, a city or bedroom community'! • Describe method for gathering community input. • Community spark and energy in place. • Merchant's position to keep going. Page 4 HRA MINUTES FEBRUARY 14, 1996 • New - raw material to become something. • Interest and energy in place - capitalize on it. • Other community projects: School bond and waste water treatment expansion. • Need big picture for success - S. 10, IS years. • Impact of Freeway, Highway 25, and river. • Sales job complete, need know how. • Give resources to fiord strong downtown. • Market analysis: What's going to make them corse? Who are we to target? • Discount market changing, third -generation clothing store closed on mainstreet. • No pre -conceived ideas. Some questions or comments from planning consultants: • What role will the City Engineer, civic engineer (structural), transportation engineer, or utility engineer play in the study? • Will the planning consultant work directly with the MCP or its project manager" Or whom? • What is Washburn's role? • The need of an indep0h study of the infrastructure? • Does City own the right-of-ways to river! Does the City own the island(s)? • Anticipated date of presentations? • Suggestion: Select only three firms or teams to give presentations. • Suggestion: Limit presentation to one hour. • Suggestion: All presentations or interviews on the same day. • Suggestion: Call references. • Suggestion: Presentation by person to work on proposed project. • Suggestion: Allow adequate time for presentation preparation. Chairperson Larson reminded firms or teams that the RFPs deadline date for submittal is March 4, 1996 and thanked everyone for attending. OTHER BUS ESS, a) HRA members accepted the monthly HRA bills as enclosed. h) HRA members acknowledged the prepared letters relating to TIF Redevelopment Contracts. c) At Larson requested a checklist of firms or teams in attendance compared to those mailed an RFP and who referred firms or teams in attendance. d) Mississippi Shores - Based on a letter from Grover C. Sayre, Attorney for Presbyterian Homes Housing and Assisted Living, Inc., the HRA is requested to review and approve the Assignment and Assumption of Contracts. Page 5 HRA MINUTES FEBRUARY 14, 1996 Wedum/PHM Affordable Housing, Inc. has recently received its 501(cx3) exemption status for the IRS. As intended and upon approval of the HRA, the Mississippi Shores Project will transfer from Presbyterian Homes Housing and Assisted Living, Inc. to Wedum/PHM Affordable Housing, Inc. Attorney Bubul suggested approval subject to the Assignment and Assumption of Contracts being prepared as a recordable document as per the Private Redevelopment Contract. Brad Barger made a motion to approve the Assignment and Assumption of Contracts subject to final approval by Attorney Bubul of the prepared recordable document. Roger Carlson seconded the motion and with no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously. e) Other - HRA members set March 6 as the date to review the returned RFPs. The review to include the MCP Board of Directors. References to be called prior to the 7:00 p.m. meeting. Wednesday, March 20, 6:00 p.m. was set as the date for interviews and presentation by the selected planning consultants. MCP Boardmembers included. The HRA meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m. 011ie Koropchak. Executive Director Page 6 MAR 04 '96 03: 44PM EKi.ERS EMVS ad ft LEADERS IN PUBLIC FINANCE Match 5,19% TO: 011ie Koropchak, City of Monticello FR Mark Ruff RE: Komarek Housing Proposal L Overview It is our understanding that John Komarek has approached the HRA with a proposal to build 30 units of housing, 12 units as twin homes and I6 units as quad homes on the former Prairie West parcels and adjacent land parcels. Due to the high cost of land acquisition and public utilities, Mr. Komarek has requested that the HRA provide tax increment financing assistance in the amount of 5160.000. provide the City owned land at no cost and extend utilities and specially assns each parcel for Its appropriate share (including the f rture park on the Katsmwck property). III. Needs Ausument Whenever we review a request for public assittanee on behalf of a City, we first attempt to measure by industry standards if a project actually needs the tulstance. Based upon very preliminary information, we have completed a review of Mr. Komarek's financial plan and determined thu the requested level of assistance docs appear to be warranted. The basis for this finding is as follows: Davaiopers of this type of housing usually expect that gross income from sales (54.230.000 in this case) kas land acquiddon, site preparation, and comuetion costs (52.640.000 as represented by Mr. Komarek) should be approxi m—ly 20%. Other costs such as project administration, selling costs, and interest carry subtracted Routs the 20% will usually result in an acceptable return on the project investor. For this project, without public assistance the return would be 14%. In order to actievc 200/6, the public assivaoee would need to be approidmately 5254000. Mr. Komarek is requesting $214,000 assistance (aawmimg that the City land is 554,000 in value). We are asnmtiag that the information which Mr. Komarek has provided for this analysis is arsurato. If we proceed with the project we will require that Mr. Komarek verify all costs. ill. Potential AnIstatn Mathoft The HRA has two basic options for providing assivaneo to this project with sorts veriatiam within each option. Thhe fins option would be to provide all of the assistance upftou. Thls would man that the City Land and the tax increment would need to be paid ford HRA reserves or a band issue. This type of up•f m assistance carries consMers It risk to the HRA because the 5160,000 of tax Increment asastamca folies upon the OFOM IN MIIM[APOW, MN AND 6110001ELG,1111 2060 trorwa st Caerau. 90 bourn 804M SM . MIANOWL MN 6640-4100 TalaRllen46123f6.6291. FAX 612.2364664 MAR 04 '96 03,44Pn E LERs a R.SSMIATES housing units being built in a timely manner. If the pmject does not manialize or if tax= are not paid on some of the units, the HRA is at risk of losing its invesnnent. We could structure some security messures to minimize some of the risk for the HRA such as a personal guarantee ftom the developer, tax liens on the property, and a minimum market value for dw pmjem The second option would be to provide the S160,000 in a pay-as-you-go format and the City land with up- front assistance. To mitigate the cash floc impact fair the devekrper, we would also recce mend in this situation that the spwW aneasm m be alWwsd to bo carr','through a sale of units instead of being pro- paid. This option offers less risk to the HRA Zhao the first option but obviously makes the ps ojetit nae difficult for the developer. To offer cane potentia' for repayment of the assistance for the City land, we would recommend that the HRA atjjtM the tax'nanown payment sehedulo to allow the HRA to capture 20% to 40% of the tax increment instead of 10% ones all of the units are completed. IV. Summary This ptgjm does require ass's to occur given the east of redevelopment As' mp,rnat as the amount of assistance is the method of delivery and how the HRA is seamed sgainst possible'onto PRAIRIE WEST PLUS Source in Use Statement • Twelve Units as 'Twin Homes Prepared by John Komarek ` 0 Eighteen Units as Quad Townhomes February 23, 1996 Prairie HRA TI Monticello Parameters Total West Zone City rratzma•ek Land Procurement 8434.000 8190,000 8190,000 854,0 N/A Survey A Platting 35.993 12.000 13,333 10,660 Demolition 15.200 N/A 10,000 N/A 5.200 Site Restoration 2,800 N/A 1,400 1.400 Landscaping 60.000 24,000 20,000 16.000 Private Utilities Engineering R Administration 10.635 1,260 4.575 4,800 Public Utility 35.450 4.200 15,250 16.000 Utility Feed 30.000 12.000 10,000 8,000 Utility Hook-up 60,000 24.000 20.000 16.000 Street 40.000 10,000 12.500 17.500 Legal. 6.000 2.000 2,000 2,000 Project Development 30.000 12.000 10,000 8,000 Permitting 36,000 14,400 12,000 9,600 Carrying/ Financing TOTAL 8790.878 8308,860 6321,088 8163,960 Number of Lots 30 - 12 1 I I Cost Per Lot 25,600 32X10.100 2008.500 Average Cost per Lot 26,100 Target Cost Per Lot 16,500 HRA Capital Contribution 160,000 City Capital Contribution 50,000 Base Adjusted Avg. Lot 19,362 Total I I 104.bS44 I 58,824 I 77,100 I 90,800 PeranQSquare Feet .32 Redevelopment Actual Value 4,230.000 1.800,000 1.350,000 1.080,000 Based on Per Unit Value 0150,000 0135,000 0135,000 �J ,-7 L 1 HRA AGENDA MARCH 6, 1996 Is 4f. I (• �. • • • • 1 l't..•ITIMMIN 11. I . .y(Vl.y( 11 J. ' .. 1. •.111 t 111. 1 1l 1'111 • I15.5r,714-i" A. Reference and Backaround: RESOLUTION As per the enclosed letter from the local Building Inspector relating to the building at I I I West Broadway, the Inspector condemned the building following the collapse of the roof on February 9. Being advised on February 26 that the building was going to be demolished by the end of the week, immediate action was taken to allow the HRA the QZim to include the parcel within a TIF -Redevelopment District in the future if the results of the HRA study/plan so suggests or indicates. If a resolution is adopted, Statutory provides the HRA up to three years atter demolition of the building for the parcel to be included within a redevelopment district. If a resolution is not adopted prior to demolish, the HRA waives its option. An example is the case of the old Gille property. PRE -DEMOLITION DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT Basically, and according to the Kennedy & Graven Attorney Dan Greensweig, the Pre -Demolition Development Agreement is a non -enforceable agreement by either the HRA or Mr. Fluth. The resolution serves as a document to meet the requirements of the Statutory and as a verification if so inquired by Auditors. Although the agreement is prepared in lawyer's talk, the agreement says the HRA and Fluth agree to sit down and negotiate an agreement. The agreement allows 45 - days for negotiation which can he extended for ar. additional wt -days if acceptable by both ponies through a written agreement. The February 27 IIRA meeting was canceled as insurance and title information relating to the property was incomplete and Mr. Fluth is out-of-town the week of March 4th. Mr. Fluth plans for demolition the week of March 11. Therefore. the HRA is now requested to consider adoption of the resolution. It. Alternative Action: A motion to adopt the resolution finding certain property occupied by a structurally substandard building and authorizing a pre -demolition development agreement hetween the HRA and Barry Fluth. Page I HRA AGENDA MARCH 6, 1996 2. A motion to deny adoption of the resolution and agreement. 3. A motion to table any action. C. Recommendation* Staff recommends Alteroative Action No. 1. subject to the agreement and execution of the pre -demolition agreement by Barry Fluth. Alternative No. 1 provides the HRA with the QR1im to include the parcel within a redevelopment district if so needed. D. Su=rtrtino Dan: Copy of the letter to Mr. Fluth, resolution, agreement, and map outlining the prey. Page 2 250 East Broadway Feb 23, 1996 P. O. Box 1147 ��' Monticello, MN 55362-9245 Phone: (612) 295.2711 Metro: (612) 333.5739 Fax: (612) 295-4404 Mr. Barry Fluth 206 West 7th Street Monticello, MN 66362 Re: Former Master's Home Furnishings building, 111 West Broadway, Monticello, MN Dear Mr. Fluth: The building roof that collapsed on your former Master's Home Furnishings building at 111 West Broadway on Friday morning, February 9, is experiencing some additional problems since the major portion of the roof has collapsed. The front portion of the building now has a bow in it. Furthermore, the back portion of the building is now experiencing some problems with additional weight being placed on the remaining intact roof portion from the recent warm weather causing the snow melt on the roof, and also the rain we've experienced the last couple of days. 1, Gary Anderson, Building Official, City of Monticello, am hereby condemning the building located at 111 West Broadway, Legal Description Lots 7 & 8, Block 62 except the southeasterly 16.6 -feet of the southwesterly 90 -feet of Lot 8, original plat addition in the City of Monticello. You are hereby ordered to respond to me no later than 10:00 a.m. on Monday, February 26, 1996. Proceed with action to have the remainder of the roof, and the rear and the front wall sections of the building torn down. Once these areas are torn down, the debris is to be immediately removed and disposed of at an approved demolition landfill. Office gtPuW worb. 90 OWCoum Rd, Moatkol" MNSWU • Am. (612) 21S3170 - Ram: (912) 295 J170, ul. 1 Mr. Barry Fluth Page 2 February 23, 1896 If you have any questions, please feel Gee to contact me. Sincerely, CITY OF MONTICELLO Gary Anderson Building Official GA1glk ca John Bombeck, Citizens Security Insurance Brad Fyle, Mayor Rick Wolfateller, City Administrator Jeff O Neill, Assistant City Administrator 011ie Koropchak, Economic Development Director John Simola, Public Works Director Steve Johnson THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION FINDING CERTAIN PROPERTY OCCUPIED BY A STRUCTURALLY SUBSTANDARD BUILDING AND AUTHORIZING A PRE -DEMOLITION DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO AND BARRY FLUTH WHEREAS, Barry Fluth (the "Developer") is the owner of certain property within the City of Monticello described as follows: Lots 7 Q 8, Block 52, except the southeasterly 16.5 feet of the southwesterly 90 feet of Lot 8, original plat addition in the City of Monticello, County of Wright, Minnesota (the "Property"); and WHEREAS, the Property is currently occupied by a structurally substandard building as defined by Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, subd. 10(b) (the "Building") , which the Developer intends to demolish; and WHEREAS, the Developer and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for tho City of Monticello (the "Authority") desire to enter into a development agreement prior to the Developer's demolition of the Building; and WHEREAS, the Developer and the Authority Irish to agree upon the type, scope, and timing of the development of the Property (the "Project") and the types and amounts of assistance to he provided by the Authority to the Developer with respect to the Project; and WHEREAS, the Developer and the City wish to memorialize their desire to agree upon the terms and conditions by which the Authority will provide assistance to the Developer in return for the Developer's undertaking and completing the Project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello, Minnesota as follows: 1. The Authority finds that the Property is currently occupied by a structurally substandard building as defined by Minnesota Statutes, section 4G9.174, subd. 10(b). 2. The Authority intends to include the Property in a redevelopment tux increment financing district within three years after demolition of the Building. 3. Upon filing the request for certification of the Property as part of a redevelopment tax ineremont financing district, the Authority will notify the county auditor that the original tax capacity of the Property must be adjusted as provided by Minnesota Statutes, son.tion 469.177, subdivision 1(h). 4. The Pre -Demolition Development Agreement attached as Exhibit A is hereby incorporated herein and approved, and the Chair end the Executive Director of the Authority aro authorized to undertala all actions necessary to execute the Pro -Demolition Dovalopmont Negotiation Agreement on behalf of the Authority. walotow —100-51 4/9 97Vd olro4CCrle n1 N"AVM7 V An SN"W'"Md CC' 11 00-4L-131.1 S. The Executive Director of the Authority is authorized to make any non- material corrections to the final pre -Demolition Development Agreement prior to its execution. Approved by the Board of Commissioners for the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello this _ day of , 1996. Dated: ATTEST: Executive Director wat010M M0290-5) 4/L 90Vd OICOLCCZ19.0I N9AWND Q A03NN911•M011d b6. 11 PRE-DEWLITION DEVELOPMENT AGREEMIDIT THIS AGREEMENT dated this day of '1996 by and between the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello, a public body corporate and politic under the laws of the State of Minnesota ( the "Authority") and Barry F luth ( the "Developer") : WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Authority desires to promote development of the property described as: Lots 7 & 8, Block 52, except the southeasterly 16.5 feet of the southwesterly 90 feet of Lot 8, original plat addition in the City of Monticello, County of Wright, Minnesota ( the "Property") ; and WHEREAS, the Property is currently occupied by a structurally substandard building (the "Building") as defined by Minnesota Statutes, section 469.174, subd. 10(b); and WHEREAS, the Developer may develop the Property (the "Project"); and WHEREAS, the Authority desires to assist the Developer in development of the Property, provided that a satisfactory agreement tan be reached between the parties to establish the type and level of public assistance to be provided by the Authority to the Developer with respect to development of the Property. NOW, THEREFORE, In consideration of the mutual covenants of the parties hereto, 1T IS AGREED between the parties as follows: 1. Pursuant to this Agreement, the Developer will demolish the Building and remove any debris in accordance with all applicable laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations. Contingent upon successful negotiation of; (a) Terms and conditions concerning the typo, scope, and timing of construction of the Project by the Developer and of any public improvements to be constructed in connection with the Project; (b) A statement of the nature and amount of any security to be furnished to the Authority to protect its financial investment in the Project before and after completion of the Project; (c) Types and amounts of assistance to be provided by the Authority to the Developer; and (d) Such other terms end conditions as may be agreed upon by the par -des, WUlOO970 largo -e+ 1 L/L 30Vd 0I1:04cce 113 -(ti N:IAVK3 V Aa9NN9N-NeMd LLIII 013-LC-q3d the Authority will provide such assistance as has been agreed upon by the parties and the Developer will undertake and complete construction of the Project, all as set forth in a definite contract to be entered into by the parties. 3. Unless otherwise extended by written agreement between the parties, negotiations hereunder shall continue for a period of 45 days following execution hereof. The Authority may extend the term of this Agreement for an additional 90 days by giving written notice of their desire to so extend the Agreement to the Developer within the initial 45 -day period. If negotiations between the parties are not successfully completed within the period of this Agreement, as the same may be extended, the obligations of all parties to one another shall terminate and neither shall incur any obligation to any other. 4. During the term of this Agreement, the Developer shall provide to the Authority the information the Authority reasonably deems necessary to evaluate whether and how to provide the assistance contemplated by this Agreement. Such information may include, without limitation: (b) a preliminary design proposal and a cost analysis projection for the design and construction of the Project. The proposal shall show the location, size, and nature of the Project, including floor plans, outline specifications, and other graphic or written explanations of the Project, shall be accompanied by a time schedule for all phases of development, and shall show and be compatible with any public improvements to be constructed adjacent to or as part of the Project; (c) other preliminary economic feasibility studies, income and expense projections, and economic information; (c) a Project financing plan that shows the Developer's ability to finance the Project and that the Authority's investment will be protected; (d) documentation identifying the legal entity constituting the Developer, the identity of the Developer's principal owners, and the legal relationship of such principal owners; and (c) information or financing statements that the Authority may reasonably request concerning each person orentity comprising the Developer end evidencing the financial responsibility of such person or entity and the nature and extent of such person's or entity's financial interest in the Developer and the Project. S. It is expressly understood that the Authority's provision of assistance and the Developer's undertaking and completion of the Project is subject to the determination by both parties, in light of oil the facts and circumstances, that such actions are in the beet interest of the parties. WGIO TO IaI90-e3 1./C anVd OICOLc CCIo-nI N:IAVM'J V An3NN311'Ne MA CC.I I L10-cC r,3d IN1MM;SWMMEF.totePisbmmsadtba I*b&11"4 _ and deltwetad as of 00 dsp and pear Brat &bows WItt- HOUMG AND BBDBPItLOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OP EdO)mcsLw Its chair Sp: Its gloacvtlwe Dtseotar STATS OF }. COUNTY OF y ` The toffs bMU2 at V" doh b1 dor& c tbts dap at IM. by I l aWan0d 41OIVna8°rap`n�l)t,'tLnA Epaunw city os, lies b&bw d ebo pttt mow. aad for the City of lsoeittaaUo. fi .onto d A/t► wavd M1AYM0 w AMtU1OMM'MO&d CO -11 08-46-031 BARRY FLUTH Barry Fluth STATE OF ) )SS. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of , 1996, by Barry Fluth, an individual. Notary Public This Instrument Was Dratted By: KENNEDY 0 GRAVEN, CHARTERED 070 Pillsbury Canter Minneapolis. blinnosoto 58402 012-337-9300 mos000+o MIG -S) Lig HDtld 01COLECEI O.OI NBAtltlD • AO8NN811•NOtfd EE.11 00-4E-O9d HRA AGENDA MARCH 6, 1996 a) Eminent Domain proceedings - On February 24, Komerak informed me to notify the HRA Attorney to proceed with eminent domain of the Katzmarek property as Katzmarek remained unreceptive to discuss or negotiate acquisition terms. Mr. Katzmarek has heard rumors that the City or the HRA was interested in his property; however, does not believe it. Komerak felt, perhaps, upon Mr. Katzmarek being served with the petition notice, he may changeWs mind. An update from Attorney Corrine 7inomson is enclosed. b) HRA levy - Upon the request of the HRA Chairperson, Publicorp estimated the annual maximum dollar amount an HRA levy would generate. See enclosed memo. C) Approval of monthly bills - See enclosed bills. Page 1 AUW.p rl U. 'Dltm A. Auer am M. QATTINS" Aomw IL DATrm a.Olml J. 111JUIL Jon a OSAR DIM J. GRLVUWDO D►mmJ. rCal[I e+ Alin L. Uft con Jon IC ULltmr6 JL Room J. Ullwu. Q06nr C. LAM JArm 6L 6T0,01421301 corltaa B. WON= February 29, 1996 Wright Title Guarantee Co. Attn: Helen 141 East Broadway Monticello. MN 55362 KENNEDY & GRAVEN CHARTERED JAIM J. Twfa 470 P@fbtwJ Centrr MbWWA6 Nftwafe 336a LAUT M. concern (612) 337 -WW Roxmm L comma Jolt V. TAM FWAMRe (612) 337.9110 DAVID L. GRAwn tion4wll 4 COUMQI O18 WRITDIRECT DIAL Qom i C. C.21" Ro6u7 L DA"am IIIWAXGTD 11. LAW 337-9217 Promo a OL" CITMA.PLa T. JAW SALWX BY FACSIMILE 441-5402 RE: Order for Owner's Policy Dear Helen: I called your office earlier today and was told to fax my order to you. Our firm represents the Monticello Housing and Redevelopment Authority, which intends to acquire certain property in Monticello by eminent domain. In order to prepare the petition in condemnation. I will require a commitment for an owner's policy of insurance. Upon completion of the proceedings, the HRA will purchase an owner's policy. 71e property is residential property located at 1400 West Broadway in Monticello, Wright County. 71te legal description is enclosed. 'Rte proposed insured is the Monticello Housing aid Redevelopment Authority, a public body corporate and politic under Minnesota law. The current owner is Robert J. Katzmarek. Please send the title commitment and any invoice for abstract searches to my attention. Your bill for the policy premium should be sent later, after the acquisition price has been determined. Sincerely, Conine H. Thomson cc: Olive Koropchak CAM 101 uo laws -e LEGAL DESCRIPTION A tract of land in Lot B of the South Half of Section 3, Township 121, Range 23 described as follows: Begin at the intersection of the southerly line of Trunk Highway No. 152 and the north litre of said Lot B; thence southeasterly along the said southerly line of Thunk Highway 152 a distance of 315 feet; thence deflect right 90° for a distance of 205.7 feet to the north line Great Northern railway right of way; thence Northwestely along said railway right of way, a distanoe of 534.9 feet; thence Easterly to the point of beginning, containing 2.08 acres more or less. PID 155-500-033403 Property Address: 1400 West Broadway e",b,t" wit �b•4 5c#t MAR 04 '% 13 01 KENNEDY & GRRVEN Ail.aA. Y Ir R1NIrar A- 4W1I aa� %L DA rrtttON RONALD H. RArrV bru"t" A 044AM JOHN R. WAN DANtat 1. GatL11 — DAvM J. Kaft9w C'NAtla L LA r'YR JOHN AL WlrmL A. ht.sm J. LLVDALL Roam C. L4 JAMP M. LTtotUlTa Coup[ a TUO1.oN March 4, 1996 KENNEDY & GRAVEN C•HARTEKLU 470 Pabbw/ Ca . Mba pull. MmOe Aa 55" 16x3) 337.DJ00 F.aftaRr 16171337.9310 WRITCJt'R DIRECT DIAL 337-9217 BY FAIT AND MAIL Olive Koropchal Bl:onomic Development Director City of Monticello P.O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362-9245 RE: Acquisition of Katzmarek Property Dear 011ie: P.2 JA1/41. TWO. M L."T AL wvinuu 1 DoraaL WaAW lot Y. YAAT1 DAVIDLGUVa1U 01) W O7oNM ROW" C CAXIA" wrLwaloN H. L.A. ctwm A. PUttol. L J.AT sA This is a status report on the acquisition of the Katxrnarek property at 1400 West Broadway in Monticello. This letter addresses both the timing and some of the estimated costs related to acquisition of the property. Title Work In order to prepare the petition in condemnation, we first need to obtain information concerning the title to the propery: f have contacted Wright Title Guarantee Co. in Monticello and have ✓ ordered an owner's policy of title insurance, as you and I previously discussed. The cost of thepremium is based on the purchase price. which we will not have until a final award is entered. However. a S100,000 purchase price would result in a $425 premium. In addition• there is the cost of the abstract search, special assessment search, and judgment search. ' 1 The judgment search is $10 per name searched; the special assessment search is $35, but you nwy be able to obtain that search directly from the City of Monticello at no cost. 1 am still Ar. awaiting an estimate regarding the abstract cost, which will vary depending upon the number of r' times the property has been sold or encumbered. I spoke with the title company representative this morning, and she indicated drat within the next day she will have an estimate of that cost. as well as an estimate of when the commitment for title insurance will he ready. After receipt of the title commitment, we should be able to prepare and file the petition in condemnation within two weeks. Relocation Costs Enclosed is a copy of a letter received from Canworth, Inc. Conworth estimates their fees at $950 to $1,200 and also estimates that the relocation benefits for the project, asswning it to be a typical residential relocation, could range from $20.000 to $33.000. We will need to engage the services of a relocation consultant within the next two weeks. Unless I hear from you. we propose to use Conworth. Inc. C"1o121L 4111$-1 MAR 04 '% 13:01 KENNEDY & GRAVEN P 3 Olive Koropchak March 4, 1996 Page 2 We will need to engage the services of a relocation consultant within the next two weeks. Unless I hear from you, we propose to use Conworth, Inc. Appraisal Costs ' - I G / --,w „, , 9, We propose to use John Farrell as the appraiser for the project. Mr. Ferrell is located in Rockford and has epyraised many properties in Wright County. I have left a telephone message for Mr. Farrell but have not yet received a return call. I will provide you with his estimate as soon as I hear from him. It is not necessary that we immediately retain an oppraiser, but I would like to do so before the petition is filed. Let me know If you have any questions concerning the matters addressed in this letter. Sincerely, Corrine H. Thomson Enclosure cc: Steve Hubul (w/enc) 9395-• 51& MRP. 04 '96 13: 01 kENNEDY & GRAVENQ 0 C'oAMOM. LNC P. a P02 J CONWORTH, INC. 4725 Enoslsior ead- surae zoo Mkv*apds. MN 55416 (612) 829-0014 FAX (812) 929-0368 Pebruary 21, 1996 Ms. Corrine Thomson Attorney at Lar Kennedy i Gravest 470 Pillabury Center ttirutcdpella, HN 75402 Subject: Proposal for Relocation Corsultirg services Housing i Redov-elopmat, Authority of Monticello Dear Ms. Thomson: 'Blank you for the opportunity to submit a proposal to you regarding relocation assistance to the Mousing a Redevelopment Authority of Monticello. 'Phis letter is in response to yeas request for proposal, are will also provide you with some information an our firm. Conworth, Inc., a woman -owned enterprise, was formed in 1989 by persons who had worked In the acquisition/relocation field ror many years. The firms statt consists of five consultants with over e5 Years of combined w(perlence in residential and business acquisition/relocation and related roal estate anivltlea. our services owmantrats on the requiramente of tae uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act and Minnesota Statute 117.52. conworth•a relocation specialist& pride themselves on their ability to listen and communicate, thus enabling both the acquiring agency and urs displacco occupants to go through a potentially dlffioult time with bettor understanding and ocoparatLon. A reference list is onclosod with this letter, for your review. Please tool tree to contact any of thew agencies, as you may wish, for references. conworth•s standard hourly charge for our relocation specialists is 660.00, and as bill on tae earls of Quarter-hours. Thin hourly tea includes all support services such as sscrottrlsl, phone charges, and mileage. however, it Is Conworth'a policy to bill our clients for only the time actually required to provide the necessary rolocation wistenco services. In this case, Conwortn, Inc. proposes to complete the relocation activities for your homeowner parcel for a too in the range of 8950.00 to 61,]00.00. 5& M42 04 '% 13:02 KENNEDY 8 GIZ3 , . CONWORM. INC P.5 Me. Corrine Thomson February 21, 1996 Page i In regards to the actual relocation costs for the project, we estivate that theca caste say tall in a range or $26,000.00 - 675,000.co, ror moving coats, replaaesent housing costa, and other eligible e>geases. This estimate is based on averages of cases we have worked with In the past. P1esM_ Cwmrto, Iao. has not viasod the subject property ar completed a maruet study to determine the cost of comparable replace nt homes. This figure could and probably will change, depending on the oubjeet some, Comparable replacement biomes, interest rates, and many other factors. it you have any Questions regarding our services or this proposal,please don't hesitate to call sin. we look rosrard to wordng with you and providing the Houaing a Redevelopment Alltbarity or Monticello with relocation aomoulting services. 1 I leen Qel 0perati Director sl Enclosures J CONWORTti, INC. POJ so MAR 04 '96 13:02 KENNEDY & GRAVEN V WNIFORM. VC Partial Client Listing 1. City of Richfield Bruce Palsenorg, RRA coordinator 6700 Portland Ave ue Richfield# M 55937 Phone: 861-9700 2. Brooklyn Park RRA Stacie Kvilvaag, Redevelopment Specialist 5200 051:11 Annus North Brooklyn Park, MM 55443 Phones 493-8089 3. County of Anoka, Right of May Dept. Attentlow Mika Kelly, Chief Right Of May Agent 2100 3rd Avenue Anoka, MN 55303-7265 Phones 323-5521 other references avilable upon request. % CONWORM INC. P.6 PO4 FEB 26 '96 05:25PM EHLERS & ASSOCIATES P•212 EMM Md ASSOCIOU, ft. lEAOEaa IN PUSIIC FINANCE '40 February 26, 1996 TO: 011ie Koropehak. City of Monticello FR: Mark Ruff RE: HRA Levy As requested, we have calculated the maximum I IRA levy potential for the Monticello HRA The maximum rate is .0131% of market value. Monticello currently has a taxable market value of 4S2,347,500. Therefore, the maximum levy would be 559,233. Even though the maximum rate is calculated on the basis of market value, the levy would be spread against tax capacity. Please call with any questions or comments. 1. yam• '����v-� :�".1,:Q. n,I_ L OFFICEW MWarEAP01.16. AIN AMO BAOOKWILD, cul 2050 Norval Center , 00 Soup Seventh Sbact . Mlnnaap IL MN 55402.4100 Telephone 612-3394291 . FAX W-339•0554 KENNEDY al: GRAVEN Chid 200 Soudt Shth Saes, Sutra 470 Khxpdf, MN 55402 (612) 3379300 February 13, 1996 City of Monticello PO Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362-9245 W90-00052: Monticello Community Partners Invoice H 8011 Through January 31,1996 For All Legal Services As Follows: 01/22/96 SJB Research 501(cx3) issues; open file; phone call 1.50 193.50 with 0, Koropchak; phone call with M. J. Brenden m nonprofit corporation issues 01/24/96 SJB Phone call with O. Koropchak re conflict and 1.00 129.00 501(cK3) isw s; research same 0125/96 SJB Draft memo re nonprofit organizations; research 1.50 193.50 same 01/31/96 SJB Phone call with O. Koropchak re corporate 0.25 32.25 orgaai7ation Total Services: $ 548.25 Attorney Summary Stephen Bubul 4.25 Qa 129.00/hr 548.25 Taal Services And Disbursements: S 548.25 O2c4O4�o�a� Wh" o► 4�rd /� �Mf MtllMlrb / � February 13, 1996 City of Monticello PO Box 1147 Monticello. MN 55362-9245 MN190-00031: Tapper Redevelopment Invoice # 8008 Through January' 31,'1996 For All Legal Services As Follows: 01/31/96 DJd Tapper amendment 0.60 60.00 01/31/96 SJB Phone call with m Koropchak re Tapper contract; 0.30 38.70 review file re same Total Services: $ 98.70 �imorl. coft dWWd 4��ewa Attorney Summary Daniel J Grcensweig 0.60Q 100.00/hr 60.00 Stephen Bubul 0.30g 129.00/hr 38.70 Total Services And Disbursements: $ 98.70 S0 KENNEDY 8t GRAVEN meed 200 South Sbdi Sw% kft 470 /i t,�MW 55402 ll� (612) 3379300 February 13, 1996 City of Monticello PO Box 1147 Monticello. MN 55362-9245 MN190-00031: Tapper Redevelopment Invoice # 8008 Through January' 31,'1996 For All Legal Services As Follows: 01/31/96 DJd Tapper amendment 0.60 60.00 01/31/96 SJB Phone call with m Koropchak re Tapper contract; 0.30 38.70 review file re same Total Services: $ 98.70 �imorl. coft dWWd 4��ewa Attorney Summary Daniel J Grcensweig 0.60Q 100.00/hr 60.00 Stephen Bubul 0.30g 129.00/hr 38.70 Total Services And Disbursements: $ 98.70 S0 HRA AGENDA C MARCH 6, 1996 L S: td A Enclosed is the copy of Runs who were mailed an RFP and those with an askerik are the ten firms or teams who attended the HRA informational meeting on Fdmuuy 14. As of 2:00p.m.,today, March 4. no RFPs have been submitted. Don't be. alarmed as City Staff anticipated delivery time approximately 4:OOp.m. Four MCP Boardmembers: Linda Smith, Lois Maus, Dick Frie, and Al Larson will begin to review the RFPs and check reference on Tuesday, March 5, 9:00 a. in. This to expedite the process. They will discuss and make recommendations at the HRA meeting. Also enclosed is a copy of the selection criteria used for rating the firms. Page I I 1. Dahlgren, Shardlow & Uban * 300 1st Ave North 0210 Mpls MN 55401 2 Sanders, Wacker, Wehrman, Bergly '� Bill Sanders 365 East Kellogg Blvd St Paul MN 56101 3. Herb Baldwin Landscape * Architects 4196 West 185th St Jordan, MN 55352 4. Close Landscape Architecture Bob Close 610 Northwestern Building 275 East 4th Street St Paul MN 56101 5. Kurt Mayer . S E ri 3535 Vadnais Center Drive SL Paul, MN 65110 6. Camiros * Joyce Levine 6647 Grand Ave S Mple MN 55419 7. Barton Ashman (Red Wing) 18. • I I 13rd Ave S 0350 Mpls MN 65401 8. SRF Consulting Group, Inc. Barry J. Warner One Carlson Parkway North Suite 150 Mple MN 66477.4443 9. Hoisington Koeghu Group, Inc. Micheal Schroeder 7300 Metro Blvd Suite 625 Edina MN 55439 10. Hyatt Palma Doyle Hyatt 1600 Prince St Suite 110 Alexandria VA 22314 DWMVRVP.US: VIAW 11. Ehlers & Assoc. Rusty Fifield 2950 Norwest Center 90 S 7th Street Mpls MN 65402 12. BRW Thresher Square 700 3rd St S 17. Mpls MN 55415 13. Ernst Associates 122 West 6th Street Chaska MN 55318 14. Northwest Associated Consultants, * Inc. 5776 Wayzata Blvd Suite 566 St Louis Park MN 55416 169t. Duane Thorbeck Thorbeck Architects 1409 Willow St Suite 0600 Mpls MN 55403 16. Schrieber Anderson 1435 E. Main St. Madison, WI 63703 17. Richard McLaughlin Town Planning Collaborative 3344 Hennepin, Ave. S. Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 65407 18. • William Zerfas LI1B Engineers & Architects 250 Third Avenue Notch, Ste 450 Minneapolis, MN 55401 + - t V - 0\ to o.V.%o,*% e h Mea, wq PLANNING GROUP SELECTION CRITERIA MCP DOWNTOWN/RIVERFRONT STUDY Name of Planner. Rater. Point. Rating / Notes Poor - Excellent Criteria 1 5 1. Demonstrated understanding and articulation of: • goals and scope of the project • assumptions underlying the project • problems anticipated in completing the proiect 2. Proposed approach to the project: • method or approach toward • MCP/ Theresa WaahbunVConsultant interaction • process for obtaining public input - format & degree MCP subcommittee input City Commissions and Council General city input 3. Level of understanding of Monticello's unique characteristics: • understanding of the organizational framework • preliminary understanding of strengths or weaknesses 4. Experience in preparing multi -disciplinary revitalization studies: • experience with communities similar to Monticello • examples of plans that have been implemented 5. Level of experience in each discipline - Reputation of subs: • traffic engineer • marker • urban desioVarchitecture • nvUWl 6. Quality of presentation --was it geared to Monticello? Or boiler plate? 7. Fees: • Is the proposal geared to hitting an artificial target fee amount? (bad) Or does the fee reflect the cost to truly accomplish planning goals? (good) G RFPCRrrEdd& 3/1/90