HRA Agenda 05-13-1996 Special JointAGENDA SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND HRA Monday, May 13, 1996 - 5:30 P.M. City Counci Chambers MEMBERS: Mayor Brad Fyle and Councilmembers Shirley Anderson, Clint Herbst, Tom Perrault, and Brian Stumpf. HRA MEMBERS: Chairperson Al Larson, Vice Chairperson Brad Barger, Tom St. Hilaire, and Roger Carlson. GUESTS: Mark Ruff, Publicorp, Inc. John Komemk, Developer. I. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW FOR APPROVAL THE OVERALL CONCEPT PLAN FOR THE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT KNOWN AS PRAIRIE WEST. A. ESTABLISHMENT OF TIF DISTRICT NO. 1-20, A REDEVELOPMENT DISTRICT. B. COMMITMENT OF A LOCAL CONTRIBUTION RELATING TO THE CITY PARCEL. C. ACCEPTANCE OF THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 14(H) WEST BROADWAY FOR USE AS GREEN SPACE. C CITY COUNCIL AND HRA AGENDA � MAY 13, 1996 1 l' '. :.L1. 1. 1 . - r: .Ill t I . .1 i.. y .P 11 91 A. Reference and Back8mund: At the HRA meeting of May I. 1996, the commissioners approved entering into a Preliminary Agreement with the developer. Cednss Creek Craftsman. Inc. (John Komemk). The agreement authorizes Publicorp. Inc. to begin preparation for establishment of the TIF District and Kennedy & Graven to begin preparation of the Private Redevelopment Contract. A Preliminary Agreement has been executed by both parties and the developer has delivered a cashier's check in the amount of $5AX)in order to secure payment of costs incurred by the HRA. Prior to incurring any costs, the commissioners requested a special meeting with Councilmembers to review for approval the overall concept plan of the redevelopment project area. It is important to remember and focus on the overall goals of this redevelopment project: Removal of blight, increase property values, and create a public green space. For the purpose of identifying the overall concept plan, the project area is divided into four additions: 1st Addition, original Prairie West. 2nd Addition, proposed TIF District; 3rd Addition, City parcel: and 4th Addition, 14(q) West Broadway. Council perviously approved the final plat for Prairie West, I st Addition. The I st Addition is a pan of the overall concept plan; however, the I st Addition is financed strictly through private dollars. Mark Ruff, a development consultant/Financial advisor with Publicorp, Inc., (an association of Ehlers and Associates. Inc.) will be present at the meeting to provide additional insight. Additionally, John Komemk, the developer, will be present. ESTABLISHMENT OF TIF DISTRICT NO. 1-20. A REDEVEIAPMENT DISTRICT. The proposed TIF District No. 1-20 boundary, o Redevelopment District, includes the Ilanowalt and Banyai properties and the easterly small parcel of the City lot and is identified as the 2nd Addition. The maximum life duration of a Redevelopment District is 25 years; however, the proposed $1300X) (NPV) TIF assistance is amortized over 2() years. The projected tax increment is sufficient to retire the HRA debt service based on the proposed construction of 6 units valued at $I3()AX)each and 4 units valued at $1SOAH)each. Filly percent of the traits will he constructed in 7 Page I CITY COUNCIL AND HRA AGENDA MAY 13. 1996 1997 and the remaining 50% constructed in 1998. The developer has purchase agreements on both the Hanawalt and Banyai properties. The existing buildings will either be moved or demolished by the developer. It has been determined through a Prairie West Feasibility Analysis completed by Publicorp. Inc. that the project requires HRA assistance in the amount of $130.(99) plus the city property in order for the developer to receive a total sales return of 6.5`16. Typical development returns are 9.5%. Without HRA assistance and the city property, the return is 2.1 %. The proposed TIF District satisfies the "but for" test. Consideration: To approve the concept plan for establishment of TIF District No. 1-20, a Redevelopment District, as presented. At a later date, the Council will call and hold a public hearing for adoption of a resolution establishing the TIF District. COMMITMENT OF A LOCAL CONTRIBUTION RELATING TO THE CITY PARCEL. This parcel is the westerly larger parcel owned by the City (previous Gille property) and is identified as the 3rd Addition. This parcel is not included in the TIF District because a resolution was not adopted prior to demolition of the structure and clean- up of the underground tanks finding the property was occupied by a structurally substandard building and providing a three-year window for inclusion in a TIF District. As stated above, the redevelopment project requires HRA assistance plus the city property. A City can avoid a HACA loss if it commits to a local contribution of at least 5 % of the expected tax increment. The City of Monticello used S35.188) of general fund dollars to clean up this city owned parcel. If the City gifted S20,INH)of the value of its property and received a payment of $15,1981, the HACA penalty would be avoided and the city would receive some compensation for HACA losses in other districts in addition to tax revenues from the 19 units of housing not included in the TIF District. Mr. Ruff is available to the Council for questions relating to the IIACA Penalty. Considerations 1'o commit a local contribution gifting $20,(8H1 of the value of the City owned property. 4 Page 2 CITY COUNCIL AND HRA AGENDA MAY 13. 1996 Although the city owned parcel is not within the boundary of proposed TIF District No. 1-20, the local contribution is anticipated to be a provision of the Private Redevelopment Contract. ACCEPTANCE OF THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1400 WEST BROADWAY FOR USE AS GREEN SPACE. This property located at 1400 West Broadway (Katzmarek parcel) is the last piece of the redevelopment puzzle and is identified as the 4th Addition. This parcel is not included in the proposed TIF District because the parcel does not abutt the identified District No. 1-20 boundary. A separate TIF District is not proposed, as a portion of the 1400 West Broadway parcel is non -buildable, therebye, generating little or no tax increment. Lastly, the 1400 West Broadway parcel was not included in the Prairie West Feasibility Analysis and is a priority project of the HRA. At the May meeting, the NRA commissioners approved acquisition of the 10) West Broadway property with the intent to deed the property to the City for use as green space. It is my understanding, the Parks Commission is aware of the proposed green space and has a preliminary concept plan for development of the park in its natural habitat (prairie gross.) This a carry -through of the prairie grass and natural habitat along the pedestrian/bike trail running westerly towards NSP and the Montissippi Park. It is anticipated the public park would be accessible to trail users only. Mr. Ruff will suggest the HRA clean-up the parcel prior to the HRA transfer of the deed to the City. The amount of the purchase price including estimated relocation costs; attorney, relocation consultant, and appraisal fees associated with the eminent domain process; and the public goodwill created by eliminating the eminent domain process is $145,(X)0. The acquisition and clean-up costs are proposed as compensation for previous or future HACA losses. Consideration- To accept the property located at 14M West Broadway for use as green space. Again, it is important to remember and focus on the overall goals of this redevelopment project: Removal of blight, increase property values, and create a public green space. Prior to moving ahead on the overall concept plan for redevelopment of Prairie West, the HRA requested a meeting with the City Council to discuss the project for conceptual approval. Page 3 CITY COUNCIL AND NRA AGENDA MAY 13. 1996 B. Alternative Action: Approve the overall concept plan for the redevelopment project known as Prairie West. a) Establishment of TIF District No. 1-20.a Redevelopment District. b) Commitment of a local contribution relating to the City parcel. c) Acceptance of the property located at 14110 West Broadway for use as green space. 2. Approve the overall concept plan for the redevelopment project known as Prairie West with certain modifications. 3. Deny the overall concept plan for the redevelopment project known as Prairie West. 4. Table any action. C. Recommendatoon. The Assistant Administrator and the HRA Members and Executive Director recommend Alternative No. I as the overall concept plan meets the goals of a redevelopment project. Additionally, the project is a win/win for the city and a local developer. Lastly, a local lending institution has agreed, conceptually, to participate. D. Su=rtina Data: Copy of a map outlining the four additions of the redevelopment project and copies of the information submitted to the HRA as prepared by Mark Ruff. C Page 4 14k� .JEST BROAIYWAX -CITY, PAkEb,,, 3RD ADDITION EASTERLY_ CITY PARCEL BANYAI. I - PROPOSED �ND I ANA�ALT PROPERTIES TIF DISTRICT NO. 1-20, 2ND ADDITION Total U', -I1 r IST ADDITION ou IPA,. PRAIRIE WEST aft 016111LOT A RPR 29 '96 12:16PM EA.ERS & RSSOCIRTES P.2/6 INMEWML 10 LE not Rt IN PUBLIC IF 11 AMCI April 27, 1996 TO: 011ie Koropehak, City of Monticello FR: Mark Ruff RE: Revised Prairie West Analysis Attached is a revised analysis of the Prairie West redevelopment project. The fust change is that the number of units in the tax increment district is less than previously projected. Instead of 12 units, the units in the district boundaries will be 10 out of the 29 total units. Attached is a projection which shows that the tax increment over 15 years would be S 116,000 at a 8.5% into" rate and S13S,000 over 20 years. We have also reviewed Mr. Kornarek's pro forma and have fotmd that a total of S 135,000 in assistance with $65,000 of initial assisnocc and 565.000 of pay-as-you-go plus the value of the City land would be justifiable for a reasonable maim on the project based upon inform on coats and revenues provided by Mr. Komarek. Without HRA assistance the reams an total sake to the developer would be 2.1 %. With HRA assistance, the $130,000 plus the City property would provide a 6.5% development fee to Mr. Komarek, not including any fees he may pay to hbnsdf for construction management or broker, if any. This amount is lower than a typical town house development fee of 9.5% for this type of product. The method of delivery of the usisronce and the timing of the up -front payments are yet to be f aWizcd. Mr. Komarek has requested that 50% of the $63,000 in up-fralt assistance be paid at the time of closing on the pruparties in the proposed tax increment districts (die Hanawan and Bmyai propertin) and SO% at the time ofconsuirctionofmadimprovements for the fust phase oftheproject. Weamrecommending that theup•front assistance be paid ac three increments. A portion would be paid at closing, approximately 1110,000 per unit be paid at the compladon of construction on each twlnhome or quad until the 565,000 limit is reached. The remaining $65,000 of auistace would be paid over 10 years to Mr. Komarek. The attached cash Flows on the total project have assumed a general payout schedule which will nced to be rolled. The HRA would also be repaid its 1165,000 out oftu ineremeat over 20 years. The priority of payments to the City or the pay-as-you-go note will also be finalized. We recommend that the split be 60/40 (HRA/devcloper) with HRA receiving at least enough to amortize its debt over 20 yearn. As you arc aware, the City can avoid a HACA lou if it commits to a local contribution of at least 5% of the expected tax Increment. It is our understanding that the City has used $35,000 of general Rind dollars to ekan up the City owned property involved with this project. If tho City were to giR 520,000 of the value of the City awed property mad receive a payment of approximately $15.000. the HACA penalty would be avoided and the City would receive some compensation for HACA losses in other districts to addition tow revenues fiom the 19 units of housing not included in a tax increment district. We expect that a public hearing on tM establishment of the tax Increment district will not behold prior to the signing of a development agnxment. We recommend that the issues of sablishing a tax increment district and the City trensfn of the City owned land be discussed at the May 13th City Council meating to ensure that the City Council will approve a tax increment district if the HRA signs a developmem agreement: with Mr. Komarek prior to the end of June. Please call with any questions or comments. OFFIe[9 IN YDiNEAPOLIS. a1M AND BROOKFIELD, col 2950 Norwnt linter. 90 $outs 8avent11Street . Minn"Dolls. MN 5aap2•4100 reloWwonD 612.339.8291. FAX 612.339415& P761rrW40 F4 bW._.;:w YN01a16 N91A As4b1�o J 1410196 7rtlO109 bWII00 "096 Iw0197 2r.KMI 3.dOt97 404297 I4 M V.MM 3.0!90 thOM 1ROM 2.00199 TOT. 1.A d Ud1 a Two SNW Q04d N4r.gm d Urdb Edd S" d 8460-d (W*w b - SIM) Sd4 d Apar (Oo4d4 - $132%) MRA R44e ~ncn% T0il1L6AlEs --- D19PER616ENTS lrrd P- . PnYY Wod laid Pm - IIF 201ra L1wd Prot. - C1q SWM S. -Y are TM40n0 01126.464 611. R.Ow b 1 U40wwap9p rw� U16W 4 .taro 4q • AbiiJ4Y/bn i 11rr1 3aa41 Con44uctbn 4p.1 Fop ?.*n aayn 6 D-bm-d DWldap W Ea BuMd/ D4411-dC-i Cop Aran Canty : - TOTILLbILWIERLYOUMV_ _ _ OUARIERLV GROSS 4C04E GROSS RETURN ON LOST Y4watl oa4l(10%) a Bu*- p%) OUARIERLY NET DKIDUE NET RE TURN OM COSI ,LOAM SUA/ME m N 48!'96 PO4- TV P16a,-WEMaw P.D. 1 2 2 2 J O J J 2 , 2 ] 71 0 4 e J 2 t J 4 2 J 7 t ] ] 29 312,000 312.000 ]12,000 ]12.000 0 ]12,000 312.000 0 ]12.000 312.000 3121 466,000 3.27e,00D 0 0 0 0 526.000 0 0 920.000 0 0 0 0 1,056.000 0 tl 0]3!.400 717,000 312.000 3-120OD-sae0006211000 _�LI2,000 j__IZOm _312 000 _ 1n 4,j)2,. 0, 70.1137 30.913 70.6]] 30.033 30.637 30.673 - - -161.M 190.000 196aoD 34.500 34.500 3000 13.000 16.000 10.000 10.000. 2,a00 7,ODD i 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.OW 6.000 4.000 4.000 4,0D0 4.000 4,o90 4.000 6400 54.00o, 1 280 9,325 30,5361 13, tao 414100 30,000 91.250, 17.700 16.600 30.500 6000 6.000 t5A00 15.000 30000 240.000 740.000 346000 240.000 14D,000 24D,0110 MA00 240.000 240000 70D.000 2.570,000 _ _ 246,560__2_03 716003 24,706 430,000 339,2]3 406033 34,633 244,004 430000 43" = _ 34.000 _ 21.000 744,000 690,000 IB5000 4,046W (20.500) (30,463) 34.907 26.7/2 p7.r33) 60.167 ►,161 66,000 66000 Up00 .,000 "ADD 102.000 297.317 661% 0 6.213 1.370 6.096 4,14 3.24 SAW 2,09 SAW 4,131 7.114 1,3640 67,446 0 4.60D SAW 4.60o 6400 17.700 SAW 9.000 31.200 9.600 SAW SAW 14.400 135.200 (246,600) (46.3M 19,937 11,24 (43.241) 31,2D4 (9,209) .,311 66.94 54,260 55,626 67,014 67,600 U.272 705% 70,500 74,196 112654 _ 24,663 706,610 274,VS !ea 545 137,T34 WS )40 110,471 _ 115 344 0 _ o 48!'96 PO4- TV P16a,-WEMaw P.D. 1 a NC06E 110o.0 Ul h IT.o ISOM Quad ,N.m.r a 17110. sad ;S,..d Bomhwmd 4=kWb - 6156k) 'S.1. of Aspm (Quad. - 6132W NM R.irbur menl- TOTALSALES ]ISPEReMEMS L.Roc-T w"I -_-_ 1250 P,- - TT Z - LOVA P1..- - C./ P.owty Damdoon Sb Rwor.9.n l.Od..&V Pd..R UIYa.. Englomming 1 Adnr 40ian Jr... 1.9.1 cava P,Wo D"W & O.wbyrrlal t1..6ap.d l.1 Sbk" B..rw.. Jd Caw Cap .A.Pm C- 1 C.4 fOTAI OUARTERtYOUTt AY QUARTERLYOROSS INCOME GROSS RETURN ON COSI ..n.m Cal 17D%) 5140..1.(1x) QUART L RLY NET MCOMF 4E RETURN ON COOT LOAN BALANCE 01011" Pam* W..1 Fem"ity y.nWT HRA Aad.b1106 1.10198 2rd0196 &00t96 MOM 1s112197 211601/7 3rd=7 1160197 1.10,91 2.dw" 3110)190 WKIM 1.10610 71M/0199 TOT -- 2 2 2 i 2 0 2 2 2 2 2 -- 1 21 01 1 1 2 J 2 2 1 J 2 1 2 2 2 ]12.000 312.000 311,000 ]12.000 0 312.000 312.000 0 312.0m 212,000 312.000 166,000 7]76.000 0 0 0 0 63.000 0 0 529.000 0 0 0 0 1,056.000 71.600 10 Gm _ _ 20.000 77,500 7,500 6169,59q _0 34 712,000 712`00 712.000 - 312000_ 526,000 712,000 339.500 676,000 _ 712,_000 _ _ _ 717.000 _ ]12,000_ 535.500 4SO1,6o0 0 70.67.1 76,43 36 833 30 SM _ 30.!33 10.016 184.m 190,000 190,000 31.600 31,600 7,000 ISAW 10.000 10.1 10,0 0,00028m 2.8m 2.800 1.000 4,001) 4.O00 I,om 6.000 4,000 4.0m 6,000 1.000 .000 4,000 (1,000 66,000 1,260 9,375 W630 17.160 Ie,1m 30,Dm 91,200 13.700 lepra 30.6uo 6.000 6. ODD is ow IBSDD 30.0001 240000 210,om 20.000 240.000 240.001) 240,000 210400 240.000 240.ODD 300,Om 2,520.0001 . YI,ODD 430,000 _ J�600 317,4]_276,09] 0A 701 21 779,737 460813 701.67] 2" Om 130,0110 2 4 WO 7744,000 _ 14,020 __"DOW 366,1100 (14,667 (24,000) (10,183) SSADI 27,792 (7,733) 50,161 7,167 9600 90,000 16,000 66,000 88.000 160.900 166,117 1055% 0 6,750 6,918 6.171 6,180 6.127 1,616 1,997 2.915 1,279 0 0 0 11.113 0 Slow 9,em 9.600 9.600 17.200 0.600 Spm 17.200 9.000 9.000 9,600 4,100 I»2W (24.000) (26.437) 20.321 12.74 (31,127) J6,210 0,116) 60.903 60.178 17.111 ".100 54.100 106.100 711,901 016% 71� OOO ]36,133 210,10 706 3W 776.891 192,015 106,695 118,191 19,161 0 0 0- _0_ A.P/ad by PLEhapl:Nha P.D. 1 PPR 29 '96 12:17PM DIE% & PSSOCIATES P.5/6 Ou26raa r.auae NIA 10 D.aI Ur* n a Pr yya.Iaaawom w Dano Pp. r T.I.F. CASH FLOW ASSUMPTIONS lrlRat m Ram, 0.0000% Irumt Rete: 6.500% Tu E.tarsiol Ran: 1.117890 Pray 96 Focal Otapalltlea Rab: 0.00% BASE VALUE INFORMATION Pay 96 Value Parcel 0n55AM434305 105.000 Parcel 0155600-033401 54600 P- 015560G433402 Total Ottp7W Mortal Vaara Class Rab: Nonrataac > 972.000 2.0000% Py M f1or1MIS 1a00 < 3M2 M 1.0000% Py 96 Otlprul Tax Q4'W 1.671 Py 96 PROJECT VALUE INFORMATION Type of Tex aroraaeme D.u1ct RoOwabpnMra Typo of OaaalopabnC tlorrresaaa0 Total lata Type d Tory Tatmy Tam Ma" YOkat .—yN Tama... D^_rl Caetft.._. Valva .Valyp PayaOM 1.5 - Famplmt BIOpa (0 Urab) 12.610 2,102 11180 M0.000 130,000 2 - T—MoMn (4 1JIIb) 10,196 2.619 9.120 600A00 160,000 0 0 0 0 0 71.11M 20,400 1.360.000 260,000 199610 2000 Aaaultaa SM% tKM b 1997 ono 50% aua n 199(1 wntloar Aaa..a A Eaeopwwww — am PPR 29 '96 12:17PM EHLERS 8 PGSOCIATES P. 6/6 M.W.. Mu 100.v" UMf •0784.93.47 a.aNloaw+ OWM P.P 2 Y,100.01 M." w - 277 TAX LNCREMENT CASH FLOW 049. pmi- Capm9a SSMI A." AdmhOW a Ottw 6m►MnW NPV Pate I E0100 Ta T T" Ta Gnas Ta F49 Re -e" No Tu Ta. 147)4271447 Dara I Y.. cap" C4Dru,y C4pacaty .-. jrKf-1L .10.00% 01va I :.SO% MOt. i ( 0.0 1,673 1- $73 0 0 0 0 0 0 _ ._Yr, 02-01 1097 0.0 t.:73 1,873 0 0 0 0 0 0 0841 1997 0.0 1,613 1,473 0 0 0 0 0 0 02-0, 1098 05 1.613 1.673 0 0 0 0 0 0 08-01 1996 1.0 1.673 1,673 0 0 0 0 0 0 02-0, 1999 1.5 1.673 ,o,200527 ..766 (4771 0 ..290 3.3.2 03-01 1999 20 1,673 10,200 :,527 1.766 (4 77) 0 4.290 6.547 02-01 2000 2.5 1,673 20.400 16.727 10.667 (1,017) O 9.421 13.300 09-01 2000 3 0 1.673 20.400 18.727 10.467 (1,047) 0 9,421 19.777 02-01 2001 3,6 1,673 2,.00 ,6.727 10.481 (1.047) 0 9.421 25.990 0"1 2001 4,0 1.673 20.400 16.727 10.467 (1.047) 0 4.04, 31.950 02-M 2002 1.5 1,673 20 400 13.727 10,487 (1.047) 0 9.421 37.667 08-01 2002 So 1.813 2,400 ,8,227 10,461 (1,047) 0 9.421 43.151 02-01 2003 9.5 1,673 20.400 13,727 10,467 (1.047) 0 9421 43.111 0841 2003 6.0 1,673 20.400 18.727 10.467 (,,047) 0 9.421 53,457 02-01 2004 65 1,673 20,400 ,6.721 10.467 (1,047) 0 9.421 58,297 08-01 2004 7.0 1,673 20.400 13.727 10,467 (1.04T 0 0,121 62.960 02-01 2005 7.5 1,673 20,400 ta.727 10,4a7 171047) 0 9,421 67,394 06-01 2006 00 1,673 20,400 18,727 10.167 (1,967, 0 9,421 71.aaa 02-01 2005 04.5 1,673 20.400 18,727 10.467 (1,047) 0 9421 75.764 060, 2008 9.0 1,673 20,400 ,x,727 10.497 (044 0 9,42 179.608 02-01 2007 9s 1,672 20.400 18.727 10.457 0,0.7) 0 9.421 03.4" 08.01 2007 10.0 1,473 20,480 18.127 10.467 (,,047) 0 9,41 87.082 02-01 2008 10.5 1,673 20.400 78.727 10.467 (,.047) 0 9.421 90.551 08-01 2008 11,0 1,673 20.400 +6.277 10.467 (1.047) 0 9.421 93.879 02-01 2009 „ s 1.073 20.400 19.727 10.467 (1.047) 0 9. 21 97,072 08-01 2009 12.0 1.673 20,400 18.72 10,487 (1047) 0 9.421 +00034 02-01 2010 t 2,6 ,,273 20..00 18.727 10.487 (1,047) 0 9,42, ,03,07, 08-01 2010 1].0 ,.673 20.400 78,727 10.487 (,.047) 0 9121 105.869 02-01 201, 13.5 1.613 20,400 18.727 10.487 (1,967) 0 942, +08.591 08-01 20„ 46.0 1.673 20.400 16,12 10.-7 (,.047) 0 942, ,27.164 02.01 2012 +..5 1.673 20.400 10,72 ,0. 467 11.047) 0 942, 1, 3.67, 03.61 20,2 15.0 1.873 30.400 16.777 ,0.667 (1,047) 0 0.421 116.056 02-0, mU 1 15,5 ,,673 20.400 18,777 10.467 (1.047) 0 9421 118.344 08-0, 2013 160 1.673 20.400 18.727 +0,167 (1,0427 0 9.41 120,339 02-01 2014 165 1.673 20.400 ,6,127 10.467 (1,87) 0 9.421 ,21.645 0041 20,4 170 1.173 20,400 16,727 10,467 (1.047) 0 9421 124. W4 02-0/ 20.5 17 3 1,873 20.480 18.727 10.467 0,047) 0 9.421 126.602 08-01 2015 ,1.0 ,.613 20,400 18.727 10.467 (,,04 7) 0 9,41 12B,4W 02-01 2016 1810 1.673 20.400 18.72 10,467 (1,047) 0 941 130.242 06-01 20+6 19.0 1.073 28.00 14721 10,467 27.00) 0 0,421 131.962 02-01 20,7 ,9 s ,.873 20.400 18,277 ,0,461 27,047) 0 9.42, 133,112 Oa.01 20,1 20.0 1.673 20.4. 18,11 10,4 (1,047) 0 9121 13.1 02-0, 2011 20.5 1.873 20,400 1a.727 ,0.467 (1,047) 0 9.. 21 136.675 0841 2018 21.0 1,673 20.400 1a, 777 10,-7 (1.047) 0 9421 138.123 02-01 2019 21.5 1,173 20.400 16.727 10,-7 (1,0.7) 0 9.41 139.51, o9-01 2019 72 0 1 673 ".400 1:,727 10.44 (,,047) 0 9,41 +40.843 02-01 tom 22.5 1,673 20,400 13.127 10.467 1, ,0471 0 9,4, ,42.121 06.81 2020 23.0 1.673 20.400 18.rn 10.467 0,047) 0 912, +43.346 02-0, 2021 23.5 1,673 2.400 19,3 10.467 (1,047) 0 9,.21 ,41,x22 0"1 2021 24.0 ,.873 20.400 U.n7 10.467 (1,041) 0 9,41 ,4Q9S0 0241 2072 24.6 1,673 20.400 18,721 10,-7 11,9671 0 9,4146.732 00-01 2022 25 0 1.673 70.00 18.777 10.467 ... ---, 0.9671 0 9,421 ,47 769 02.01 7073 Tom -91,031 - - - - (49,193) 0 "Axl --- i P --K Vxy" 164.146 ,09.4191 0_--- Y,100.01 M." w - 277