City Council Minutes 01-13-2003MINUTES_, REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, January 13, 2003 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Roger Carlson, Glen Posusta, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen. Members Absent: None. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller, gave the oath of office to the new Mayor, Bruce Thielen, and to Councilmember Glen Posusta. 1. Call to Orden and Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Thielen called the meeting to order and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. 2. Considerations of options for filling vacancy on Council. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller, reviewed the options for filling the balance of the council term that was held by Bruce Thielen. The Council could make an appointment from the other candidates Q who ran for office in the 2002 election. They could conduct a special election to fill the position or they could solicit interested individuals, conduct interviews and appoint someone from the list of applicants. Brian Stumpf felt that a selection should be made from the candidates who ran for office since they had shown their interest by running for the position. Roger Carlson stated that many people who had interest the position did not run because of the large number of candidates that were already in the race and by restricting the appointment to only those people who had run for office the City would be eliminating a group who were interested in serving but did not run. Glen Posusta concurred with Brian Stumpf that one of the candidates who had run for office should be considered. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPOINT THE THIRD HIGHEST VOTE GETTER IN THE 2002 ELECTION, TOM PERRAULT, TO FILL THE BALANCE OF THE COUNCIL TERM OF BRUCE THIELEN. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. UPON VOTE BEING TAKEN, POSUSTA AND STUMPF VOTED IN FAVOR THEREOF AND CARLSON AND THIELEN VOTED AGAINST. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller advised that in the case of a tie vote, the Mayor could appoint an individual at his discretion to fill the vacant seat. Bruce Thielen stated that he wants to do the application process and not make an appointment at this meeting. He suggested that the City take applications to fill the vacant council position until 4:30 p.m. on January 31, 2003. The Council will t y then rank the applicants and a special meeting will be set for Monday, February 10, 2003 at 5 p.m. �J for the Council to interview the top ranking applicants. Council Minutes - 1/13/03 3. Approve minutes of the December 9, 2002 regular Council meeting. ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE DECEMBER 9, 2002 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 4. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. Mayor Thielen added to the agenda: 1) Acknowledgment of the investigative report on Glen Posusta's residency requirement; 2) Scheduling of a meeting of local government units to discuss the budget deficit and its impact on the various units; 3) Set a workshop for the Council to identify goals and establish priorities for what the Council wants to accomplish; 4) Announce office hours for the Mayor and 5) Update on the status of the library building. 5. Citizen comments/petitions, requests and complaints. Mayor Thielen stated that the purpose of the citizen comments portion of the meeting was to allow residents an opportunity to comment on items that were not on the agenda. He stated that there would be a follow up staff report relating to any questions and issues brought up in this portion of the meeting. A. Rick Borden, city auditor, and Tom Koop, a representative from Larson Allen came before the Council to discuss recent changes that have occurred in the firm that had done the City's auditing for many years. Rick Borden stated that as of January 1, 2003 Gruys Borden and Carlson had merged with Larson Allen. Although the firm name has changed, the staff remains essentially intact and they will be keeping their office location in Monticello. Rick Borden noted that with the changes taking place in auditing requirements such as GASB 34, there was a need for more specialized help. The merger with Larson Allen brings in this specialized help. B. Dick Frie, Planning Commission Chair, informed the Council that because of the large number of public hearings and lengthy agendas, the Planning Commission has changed the starting time for their meetings, which is normally the first Tuesday of the month from 7 p.m. to 6 p.m. in an effort to adequately address all issues that come before the Planning Commission. C. Joan Larson, 11 Sandtrap Circle, questioned the Council's giving the land for the proposed ice facility. She stated that with the economy as it is, the City should look at generating some revenue from this property rather than giving it away. Ms. Larson stated that revenue from the land could be used for infrastructure improvements such as the extension of 7`' Street. She specifically questioned whether the Council had voted to do so. Bruce Thielen stated that the Council had not voted on it but it was the consensus of the Council to provide 2 Council Minutes - 1 / 13/03 the land for the facility. D. Christina Johnson Koshiol from the Briar Oakes area stated her interest in getting more involved in the community. She felt there was a need to get more information out to the public including agendas, minutes, etc. It was noted that the City's website was not current and Jeff O'Neill explained that the person who had maintained the City's website had left his position and the City had not yet filled the vacancy. 6. Consent Agenda. A. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for Community Center and Parks. Recommendation: Ratify the new hires as identified. B. Consideration of resolution authorizing mutual aid assistance. Recommendation: Adopt the resolution granting the City Administrator authority to provide emergency equipment and personnel to other jurisdictions as warranted. Res. No. 2003-1. C. Consideration of adopting increases to the development fee structure. Recommendation: Adopt the 2003 fee structure. D. Consideration of a request to amend the preliminary plat of Groveland Fourth Addition and rezone from A -O (agriculture) to R-1 (single family residential) and B-2 (Business) Recommendation: 1) Rezoning - Approve the rezoning for Groveland 4"' Addition from A -O to R1 and B-2 based on the finding that the rezoning is consistent with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan and will accommodate orderly land use and transportation patterns in the area. 2) Approve preliminary plat for Groveland 4"' Addition based on a finding that the plat layout appears to reflect the appropriate zoning standards with the condition that Lots 11-13, Block 6 and Lot 6, Block 5 are redesigned to avoid the sharply pointed rear yard design, the applicant supply a landscape plan in compliance with the bufferyard standards and the revised R-1 plat regulations, and agreements/easements are in place allowing connection to the future alignment of School Boulevard. Ord Amd 4384. E. Consideration of resolution authorizing feasibility study for Marvin Road sanitary sewer lift station and trunk improvements serving the Groveland Subdivision. Recommendation: Authorize completion of a feasibility study on trunk sanitary sewer improvements serving the Groveland subdivision. Res. No. 2003-5. F. Consideration of a conditional use permit PUD for development of a Home Depot located on Cedar Street between Dundas Road and Chelsea Road. Applicant: Birchland j Development Co., John Lundsten, Jerry Mathwig, Lee Parks and The Home Depot. �.J Recommendation: Approve the PUD concept plan based on the finding that the PUD concept plan, with conditions is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan and is in 9 C, Council Minutes - 1 / 13/03 compliance with the City's Zoning Ordinance. Conditions of approval: I. A landscape plan is submitted that includes screening of the loading area and mechanical equipment from Cedar Street. 2. The outdoor seasonal sales area is acceptable but must meet landscaping and performance standards identified at development stage PUD. 3. Landscaped islands are added in front of the entry vestibule and along the drive aisle adjacent to the neighboring retail site. 4. The entire parking and drive area is surrounded with curbing. 5. Incorrect property lines are eliminated from the site plan to add clarity. 6. If phasing of the storm water detention pond is proposed, this is incorporated as part of the planning and would be subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. 7. The developer submit a complete PUD development stage application in accordance with Chapter 20. Section 20-4[13]5 of the Zoning Ordinance requires that the development stage application be submitted within nine (9) months of the date of concept plan approval. 8. Comments from other City staff. G. Consideration of authorization to submit an Environmental Assessment Worksheet to the Environmental Quality Board for the Home Depot/Retail B development. Recommendation: Move to accept the Home Depot/Retail B Environmental Assessment Worksheet and authorize publication in the EQB Monitor. H. Consideration of approving joint resolution supporting annexation of 2 acre Richard Davidson parcel. Recommendation: Adopt the joint resolution supporting annexation of the Davidson parcel as proposed. Res. No. 2003-2 I. Consideration of approving joint resolution supporting annexation of 55 acre Chadwick parcel. Recommendation: Adopt the joint resolution supporting annexation of the Chadwick parcel. Res. No. 2003-3. J. Consideration of a resolution authorizing preparation of a feasibility study on construction of the Meadow Oaks Sanitary Sewer Bypass. Recommendation: Authorize City Engineer to complete a feasibility study as proposed in the City Engineer's letter of January 10, 2003. Res. No. 2003-6. K. Consideration to amend the Contract for Private Development by and among Front Porch j LTD., the HRA and the City. Recommendation: Move to amend the Contract for Private Development by and among Front Porch Ltd., the HRA and the City consistent with the HRA motion of January 8, 2003. 11 C' Council Minutes - 1/13/03 Brian Stumpf requested that item #6C be removed from the consent agenda for discussion. ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA WITH ITEM 46C BEING REMOVED. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. Item #6C relates to an increase in the various fees the City charges and Rick Wolfsteller clarified that the fees were increased about 4% which was in keeping with what was done in the past. The only item that had a significant increase over 4% was the water meter fee. The City is requiring radio read meters for all new construction and will eventually retrofit all existing meters to be radio read. The cost for this type of meter is higher. Brian Stumpf felt the staff should survey other communities as to what they charge in fees to make sure the City is not out of line. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE DEVELOPMENT FEES FOR 2003 AS RECOMMENDED WITH THE STAFF TO CONDUCT A SURVEY OF FEES CHARGED BY OTHER COMMUNITIES. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 8. Consideration of annual appointments for 2003. The Council reviewed the appointments for 2003. It was noted that the depository should be corrected. to read Wells Fargo instead of Marquette Bank. Bruce Thielen reviewed the appointment of Council representatives to various boards and noted that when an individual is appointed to fill the vacant Council position, he/she will also be assigned to serve as liaison to a board. ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO APPROVE THE FOLLOWING APPOINTMENTS: Official Depositories: Newspaper: Health Officer: (1 year) 2003 ANNUAL APPOINTMENTS Wells Fargo - Monticello Chief Financial Officer - authorized to designate other depositories for investment purposes only. Monticello Times River Place Phvsician Clinic 5 0 Council Minutes - 1/13/03 Acting Mayor: Brian Stumpf (1 year) Joint Commissions: Community Education To be announced Fire Board Rick Wolfsteller and Brian Stumpf Attorney: Matt Brokl Campbell Knutson Planner: Northwest Associated Consultants (Steve Grittman) Auditor: Larson Allen & Associates Recycling Committee: Glen Posusta Engineer: WSB & Associates NAME TERM EXPIRES Housing & Redevelopment Authority: 1. Steve Andrews 12/2008 (5 -year staggered terms) Planning Commission: 1. Dick Frie 12/2005 (Assuming 3 -year staggered terms) 2. Rod Dragsten 12/2005 Library Board: 1. Tom Parker 12/2005 (3 -year staggered) 2. Dawn Grossinger 12/2005 Economic Development Authority: 1. 12/2008 (6 -year staggered terms) 2. 12/2008 Council representative to be announced Police Advisory Commission: 1. Brian Stumpf: Council 12/2005 0 -year staggered terms) 2. Liz DeMarais 12/2005 Parks Commission: 1. Nancy McCaffrey 12/2005 (�- year staggered terms) 2. Larry Nolan 12/2005 0 Council Minutes - 1 / 13/03 DAT (Design Advisory Team) 1. Ron Ho _l n 12/2004 (2 -year staggered terms) 2. Roberta Gerads 12/2004 MCC Advisory Board 1. Richard Quick 12/2005 (3 -year staggered terms) 2. Bruce Thielen 12/2005 MCC established 9/11/00 and members appointed 10/9/00. Council liaison (ex -officio) annointments to Citv committees: BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 9. Consideration of approving joint resolution with Monticello Township for annexation of Kjellberg's West Mobile Home Park. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller, updated the Council on the status of the sewer connection for Kjellberg's West Mobile Home Park noting that service connection has been made. Monticello Township has approved the proposed annexation resolution. The only question was the number of units to be serviced. The development agreement of 1998 specified 200 units but it appears there may be one or two more units. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE JOINT RESOLUTION FOR THE ANNEXATION OF THE KJELLBERG'S WEST MOBILE HOME PARK CONTINGENT ON THE PAYMENT OF FEES FOR 200 OR 201 UNITS AT THE 1998 RATE. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Other Items: Mayor Thielen acknowledged receipt of the investigative report from Levander, Gillen and Miller regarding the residency requirements for office and that Glen Posusta met these requirements. Mayor Thielen then discussed setting a special meeting for the Council to discuss goals and priorities. Mayor Thielen stated that time and resources are limited so it is important do this type of planning. The 7 2003 Liaison HRA Roger Carlson Planning Commission: Brian Stumpf Parks Commission: Bruce Thielen Police Commission: Brian Stumpf Library Board: Glen Posusta MCC Advisory Board Bruce Thielen BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 9. Consideration of approving joint resolution with Monticello Township for annexation of Kjellberg's West Mobile Home Park. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller, updated the Council on the status of the sewer connection for Kjellberg's West Mobile Home Park noting that service connection has been made. Monticello Township has approved the proposed annexation resolution. The only question was the number of units to be serviced. The development agreement of 1998 specified 200 units but it appears there may be one or two more units. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE JOINT RESOLUTION FOR THE ANNEXATION OF THE KJELLBERG'S WEST MOBILE HOME PARK CONTINGENT ON THE PAYMENT OF FEES FOR 200 OR 201 UNITS AT THE 1998 RATE. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Other Items: Mayor Thielen acknowledged receipt of the investigative report from Levander, Gillen and Miller regarding the residency requirements for office and that Glen Posusta met these requirements. Mayor Thielen then discussed setting a special meeting for the Council to discuss goals and priorities. Mayor Thielen stated that time and resources are limited so it is important do this type of planning. The 7 C-. Council Minutes - 1/13/03 meeting was set for January 27, 2003 at 5 p.m. Mayor Thielen announced that he will have office hours at the City Hall on the 2" d and 4"' Mondays from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. He can also be reached via e-mail at: brute.thielenL(t>ci.m.onticello.mn.us City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller, updated the Council on the status of the library. The library is normally closed for some period over the holidays. Because of the proposed relocation to the new building, it was determined that the library would remain closed until they could move. The purchase documents have been sent to Wells Fargo but have not yet been returned. Once these documents have been received, the City will then work on the lease back arrangements. 10. Approve payment of bills for January. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF THE BILLS FOR JANUARY. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 11. Adjourn. ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 7:55 P.M. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 0 0_kj_r4_\ ._ws Recording Secretary p